浙江大学宁波理工学院结构力学2011-2012(C) 答案
院(系) 学号 姓名 .密封线内不要答题 密封……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………结构力学试题答案汇总结构力学课程试题 ( B )卷考 试 成 绩题号 一二三四成绩得分一、选择题(每小题3分,共18分)1. 图 示 体 系 的 几 何 组 成 为 : ( ) A. 几 何 不 变 , 无 多 余 联 系 ; B. 几 何 不 变 , 有 多 余 联 系 ; C. 瞬变 ; D. 常 变 。
2. 静 定 结 构 在 支 座 移 动 时 , 会 产 生 : ( )A. 内 力 ;B. 应 力 ;C. 刚 体 位 移 ;D. 变 形 。
3. 在 径 向 均 布 荷 载 作 用 下 , 三 铰 拱 的 合 理 轴 线 为: ( )A .圆 弧 线 ;B .抛 物 线 ;C .悬 链 线 ;D .正 弦 曲 线 。
4. 图 示 桁 架 的 零 杆 数 目 为 : ( )A. 6;B. 7;C. 8;D. 9。
5. 图 a 结构的最后弯矩图为:()A.图 b; B.图 c ; C.图 d ; D.都不对。
6. 力法方程是沿基本未知量方向的:()A.力的平衡方程;B.位移为零方程;C.位移协调方程; D.力的平衡及位移为零方程。
2. 图 b 是图 a 结构 ________ 截面的 _______ 影响线。
3. 图示结构 AB 杆 B 端的转动刚度为 ________, 分配系数为________, 传递系数为 _____。
M A = 350 × 3+300 × 1 = 1350kN.m (4)综上, M A,max = 1475kN.m ,下侧受拉。
《结构力学(2) 》试卷 A 卷
第 2 页 共 6 页
题 4 解:
1) 自由度 (如图) : (5 分) 2)δ11 计算(5 分)
δ 11 = 1 1 a3 5a 3 2 × × (0.5a ) × a + = EI 3 48 EI 48 EI
题 7 解: 1)2 个自由度如图: (5 分) m1 = 2m 2)建立运动方程: (5 分)
δ 11 = 1 1 1 a 2 3 (a ) 2a + (a ) = 3 EI 3 EI a3 4 EI
m2 = m
P(t ) = P0 sinθt
M A 影响线
tan α1 = -1 , tan α 2 = 1 , tan α 3 = -1 (2)将各个集中荷载依次移动到 B 点,求解最大负弯矩 ----------(5 分) P4 作用在 B 点时,P P2 不在结构上: 左移, 右移, ∑ Pi tan α i <0 ; ∑ Pi tan α i = -50<0 , 1、 不是临界位置。 P3 作 用 在 B 点 时 , P 1 不 在 结 构 上 : 左 移,
( 32 − λ ) A3 +8 A4 = 0 16 A3 + ( 5 − λ ) A4 = 0
特征方程为 32 − λ 8 =0 16 5−λ 解得: λ1 = 36.11 , λ2 = 0.886 ,即 ω1 = 24 EI EI 24 EI EI = 0.815 , ω2 = = 5.20 。代入振型方 3 3 3 λ1ma ma λ2 ma ma3
结构⼒学课后习题答案附录B 部分习题答案2 平⾯体系的⼏何组成分析2-1 (1)× (2)× (3)√ (4)× (5)× (6)×。
2-2 (1)⽆多余约束⼏何不变体系;(2)⽆多余约束⼏何不变体系;(3)6个;(4)9个;(5)⼏何不变体系,0个;(6)⼏何不变体系,2个。
2-3 ⼏何不变,有1个多余约束。
2-4 ⼏何不变,⽆多余约束。
2-5 ⼏何可变。
2-6 ⼏何瞬变。
2-7 ⼏何可变。
2-8 ⼏何不变,⽆多余约束。
3 静定梁和静定刚架3-1 (1) √;(2) ×;(3) ×;(4) √;(5) ×;(6) √;(7) √;(8) √。
3-2 (1) 2,下;(2) CDE ,CDE ,CDEF ;(3) 15,上,45,上;(4) 53,-67,105,下; (5) 16,右,128,右;(6) 27,下,93,左。
3-3 (a) 298AC M ql =-,Q 32AC F ql =;(b) M C = 50kN·m ,F Q C = 25kN ,M D = 35kN·m ,F Q D = -35kN ;(c) M CA = 8kN·m ,M CB = 18kN·m ,M B = -4kN·m ,F Q BC = -20kN ,F Q BD = 13kN ; (d) M A = 2F P a ,M C = F P a ,M B = -F P a ,F Q A = -F P ,F Q B 左 = -2F P ,F Q C 左 = -F P 。
l= a66.图示梁A点的竖向位移为(向下为正)()。
A.)24/(3EIPl; B.)16/(3EIPl; C.)96/(53EIPl; D.)48/(53EIPl。
P7. 静定结构的内力计算与( )。
A.EI 无关;B.EI 相对值有关;C.EI 绝对值有关;D.E 无关,I 有关。
8. 图示桁架,零杆的数目为:()。
9. 图示结构的零杆数目为( )。
10. 图示两结构及其受力状态,它们的内力符合( )。
P P P P2l l11. 刚结点在结构发生变形时的主要特征是( )。
12. 若荷载作用在静定多跨梁的基本部分上,附属部分上无荷载作用,则()。
13.图示桁架C 杆的内力是()。
结构力学答案(Structural mechanics answer)"The test of structural mechanics" chapter 01 OnlineThe first question, multiple-choice questions (1 points for each question 5 questions, a total of 5 points)The object of study, 1 structural mechanics BThe structure of A, B, single pole rodC, shell D, entity structure2, the structure strength calculation purpose is to ensure that the structure of AA, B, economical and safe without excessive deformationC D, beautiful and practical and non rigid motion3, the structure stiffness calculation, is to ensure that the structure of CA, no rigid motion B, beautiful and practicalC, without excessive deformation of D, economical and safe4, there are several fixed hinge support constrained force component? BA, a B, twoC, three D, four5, there are several movable hinge support constrained force component AA, a B, twoC, three D, fourSecond questions, multiple choice questions (2 points for each question 5 questions, a total of 10 points)1, the stability of structure is DEA, structure of resistance failureThe ability of B and non rigid motionC, the structure of the ability to resist deformationD, the resistance ability of instabilityThe structure of E, the ability to keep the original balance formWhat kind of situation is not 2, the following BCDE plane structureA, all of the axis of the rod are positioned in the same plane, the load also function in the planeB, all of the axis of the rod are positioned in the same plane, and the plane vertical loadC, all of the axis of the rod are positioned in the same plane, and the plane parallel loadD, all of the axis of the rod are not located in the same planeEffect of E and load is not in the structure planeWhich of the following conditions should be 3, according to the spatial structure of ABDEA, all of the axis of the rod are positioned in the same plane, and the plane vertical loadB, all of the axis of the rod are not located in the same planeC, all of the axis of the rod are positioned in the same plane, the load also function in the planeD, all of the axis of the rod are positioned in the same plane, and the plane parallel loadEffect of E and load is not in the structure plane4, in order to ensure that the structure is economical and safe, to calculate the structure of BA, strengthB, stiffnessC, stabilityD, forceE, displacement5, the constraints of rigid node is ABA, the rod end cannot move relative to constraintB, binding the rod end can not rotateThe rod end C, constraints can be relatively moved along one directionD, the relative rotation rod end constraintsE, the relatively movable rod end constraintsThird questions to determine the problem (1 points for each question 5 questions, a total of 5 points)1, shell thickness is far less than the other two dimensions.Correct2, the entity structure and thickness of the other two dimensions are of the same order of magnitude.Correct3, in order to ensure that the structure is economical and safe, to carry out stiffness calculation of structure.error4, structural mechanics is a subject of bar structure strength, stiffness and stability.Correct5, the hinge node constraint cannot move relative to the rod end, but the relative rotation.Correct"The test of structural mechanics" chapter 02 OnlineThe first question, multiple-choice questions (1 points for each question 5 questions, a total of 5 points)1, the three rigid geometric composition without redundant constraint invariant system, the number of constraints is necessary for DA, 3 B, 4C, 5 D, 62, what is the hinge to connect four rigid plates node? CA, B, single hinge node incomplete hinge nodeC, D, combined hinge node node3, connecting two rigid plates hinge has several constraints? AA, 2 B, 3C, 4 D, 54, there are several fixed hinge support constraints? BA, a B, twoC, three D, four5, a link system can reduce several degrees of freedom? AA, 1 B, 2C, 3 D, 4Second questions, multiple choice questions (2 points for each question 5 questions, a total of 10 points)Calculate the degrees of freedom ABC 1 geometry systemA, may be greater than zeroB, may be equal to zeroC, may be less than zeroD, must be greater than zeroE, must be equal to zero2, if the system is not a geometric system, then the BCD A, calculate the degrees of freedom may be greater than zero B, calculate the degrees of freedom may be equal to zero C, calculate the degrees of freedom may be less than zero D, degree of freedom must be equal to zeroE, calculate the degrees of freedom must be equal to zero3, from two yuan to remove a non redundant constraint geometric invariant system after the new system ACEA, is free of unnecessary restrictions of geometric invariant systemB, geometry variable systemC, the same degree of freedomD, is a redundant constraint geometric invariant systemE, is a geometric transient system4, the plane system in a link BCEA, can reduce the system of two degrees of freedomB, can reduce the system of one degree of freedomC, there is a constraintD, which has two degrees of freedomE, which has three degrees of freedom5, the following discussion is correctA, transient system in small load will produce great force ABCEB, the only geometric invariant system can be used as a building structureC, building structure degree of freedom is equal to zeroD, building structure calculation of degrees of freedom is equal to zeroE, degree of freedom equal to zero system that can be used as building structureThird questions to determine the problem (1 points for eachquestion 5 questions, a total of 5 points)1, the connection of two restriction effect two link rigid body is equivalent to a single hinge.Correct2 degrees of freedom, equal to zero system that can be used as building structure.Correct3, a link is equivalent to a constraint.Correct4, a single hinge can reduce the system of two degrees of freedom.Correct5, a single hinge is equivalent to two constraints.Correct"The test of structural mechanics" chapter 03 OnlineThe first question, multiple-choice questions (1 points for each question 5 questions, a total of 5 points)1, if a beam axis is parallel to the shear diagram and bendingmoment diagram for CA, B, parallel to the axis of zeroC, D, two parabolic oblique line2, if the shear diagram of a beam is zero line, then the moment diagram for BA, B, zero line parallel axisC, D, two parabolic oblique line3, if a beam axis is parallel to the shear diagram, the load on the beam is AA, B, no load uniform loadC, D, a couple of concentrated forceIn 4, the mutation at the moment of beam is what force? CA, axial force B, transverse concentrated forceC, D, a couple of forcesThrust 5, three hinge arch has nothing to do with the following factors? DA, high B, load vectorC, D, the span of arch axis shapeSecond questions, multiple choice questions (2 points for each question 5 questions, a total of 10 points)1, change the following factors that will not change the internal force of statically determinate beam? BCEA, loadB, section sizeC, material propertiesD, the span of the beamE, the stiffness of the beam2, which of the following factors on static beam internal force does not produce BCDEA, loadB, temperature changeC, mobile supportD, manufacturing errorE, material shrinkage3, if the shear diagram of a simply supported beam is a parallel axis, then the load on the beam may be ABCA, a left support action of a coupleB, have the right support action of a coupleC, a cross between a concentrated momentD, a cross between the uniform load.E, a cross between a concentrated forceThe characteristics of internal force diagram 4, beam without loading section is BA, the shear diagram parallel axisB, linear oblique shear diagramC, two parabolic shear diagramD, the bending moment diagram of parallel axisE, the bending moment diagram of oblique line5, static beam section size change, which of the following factors do not change? The displacement of ABCDA, axial forceB, shearC, momentD, bearing forceE, displacementThird questions to determine the problem (1 points for each question 5 questions, a total of 5 points)1, the external force in the basic part, internal force, deformation and displacement of accessory parts are zero.error2, static structure only by the equilibrium conditions we can find all the internal force and reacting force.Correct3, static structure in the movement of the bearing under the action of internal force, do not produce.Correct4, static structure only by the equilibrium conditions we can find all the internal force and reacting force.Correct5, zero rod force, so it is not needed in the truss rod can be removed.error"The test of structural mechanics" chapter 04 OnlineThe first question, multiple-choice questions (1 points for each question 5 questions, a total of 5 points)1, the parallel chord truss beam (upper and lower internodes, when the upper bearing alignment) and lower load influence line is different is that? DInfluence of A, B, axial force of upper chord line oblique axial force lineThe influence line of effect of C and the bottom chord axial force, axial force vertical line D2, overhanging beam a line shape feature is AA B, a straight line, two lines lineC, the two parallel lines D, parabola3, support the extended beam shear influence line shape feature is CA B, a straight line, two lines lineC, the two parallel lines D, parabolaSection 4, overhanging beam bending moment influence line between supports is BA B, a straight line, two lines lineC, the two parallel lines D, parabola5, by the master-slave structure stress characteristics show that the internal force influence line affiliated part in the basic part of AA, B, all is zeroC andD are all negative, positive or negativeSecond questions, multiple choice questions (2 points for each question 5 questions, a total of 10 points)Shear effect of 1 section C, beam line, vertical scale C is left a, right C vertical scale is B, the following discussion is correctABA, a P = C 1 C in the left section shear generatedB, B P = C 1 C shear in the right when theC, a P = C C 1 in the left section shear point generatedD, B for P = 1 at C C during right shearE, a P = C 1 C shear in the right when the2, the bearing section overhanging beam bending moment influence line shape is ABCDIn A, the bearing vertical scale is zeroExcept B, the bearing is a straight line.C, the bearing is in the zero lineD, the other at the bearing vertical scale is zeroE, a straight line3, with the static part of the statically indeterminate beam, statically indeterminate part of the internal force influence line is characteristic of ABA, in the static part is on the lineB, in the indeterminate part is curveC, in the static part is curveD, in the indeterminate part is linearIn E, the entire structure is curve4, drawing method of influence line ABA, static methodB, mobile methodC, force methodD, displacement methodE, moment distribution methodEffect of line 5, which of the following is the dimensionless value? ABEA, bearing forceB, shearC, momentD, the restriction momentE, axial forceThird questions to determine the problem (1 points for each question 5 questions, a total of 5 points)K effect of line 1, C beam section bending moment in Shubiao said the moment P = K section 1 in the K point of the.error2, if there is a concentrated force on the influence line of vertex, will load the critical position.errorThe maximum vertical bending moment influence line 3 and the fixed end of the cantilever beam section of standard section at the free end.Correct4, beam bending moment influence line is broken.Correct5, the static truss influence line in a straight line between adjacent nodes will.Correct"The test of structural mechanics" chapter 05 OnlineThe first question, multiple-choice questions (1 points for each question 5 questions, a total of 5 points)1, static frame displacement in the movement of the bearing under the action by what is produced? DA B, the bending deformation and axial deformationC, D, shear deformation and rigid body motion2, using the principle of virtual work, the state should meet what conditions? DA, B, continuous constraintsC, D, physical balance3, the plane frame displacement under load deformation is mainly caused by what? BA B, the bending deformation and axial deformationC D, shear deformation and torsion deformation4, support for mobile indeterminate structure will produce CA B, the internal force and support reaction forceC, D displacement and deformationIn 5, the reciprocal theorem in delta = delta 12, 21, AA, 12 B, 11 sigma deltaC, 22 D, 31 sigma deltaSecond questions, multiple choice questions (2 points for eachquestion 5 questions, a total of 10 points)1, when the force acting on the part ofA, a subsidiary of the internal force is not zero.B, a subsidiary of the displacement is not zeroC, a subsidiary of the deformation is not zero.D, part of the basic force is zeroE, the basic part of the deformation is zero2, the static properties will change the structure of the material, which of the following factors do not change?A, displacementB, deformationC, axial force and shear forceD, momentE, bearing force3, two static frame geometry and size, load, the same material but different section size, the two factors are the sameA, forceB, forceC, stressD, displacementE, deformation4, two static two static frame geometry and the same size, load and section size but with different materials, the two factors are the sameA, forceB, forceC, stressD, displacementE, deformation5, the master-slave structure, only part of temperature rise, the following discussion is correct ACDEA, the internal force of structureB, the whole structure deformationC, part of the deformationD, part of the zero displacementE, the basic part of the deformation is zeroThird questions to determine the problem (1 points for each question 5 questions, a total of 5 points)1, the structure deformation, will cause displacement, in turn, will have deformed structure displacement.error2, static structure temperature changes caused by the displacement calculation formula is only applicable to the static set structure, is not suitable for statically indeterminate structure.Correct3, the virtual work is a fictional work, is actually not possible.error4, static structure in non load under the action of external factors, but does not produce force, displacement.Correct5, can not use the displacement diagram multiplication forthree hinge arch.Correct"The test of structural mechanics" chapter 06 OnlineThe first question, multiple-choice questions (1 points for each question 5 questions, a total of 5 points)1, the typical force equations, pay coefficient DA, B, constant constant greater than zero is less than zeroC, D, equal to zero can be positive or negative to zero2, get rid of a movable hinge support, equivalent to remove several constraints? AA, 1 B, 2C, 3 D, 43, get rid of a directional support, equivalent to remove several constraints? BA, 1 B, 2C, 3 D, 44, get rid of a fixed hinge bearing, equivalent to remove several constraints? AA, 2 B, 3C, 4 D, 55, the essence of force equation is DA, B, physical condition of equilibrium conditionsC, theorem D and displacement conditionsSecond questions, multiple choice questions (2 points for each question 5 questions, a total of 10 points)1, single span symmetric structure in antisymmetric loads, section ACD on the symmetry axisA, displacement along a symmetry axis direction is zeroThe displacement of B, vertical symmetry axis direction is zeroC, the bending moment is zeroD, the axial force is zeroE, the angular displacement is zero2, two span symmetric structure under symmetrical load, the following discussion is correctRigid node line displacement A, the symmetric axis is zeroB, on the axis of symmetry of the rigid joint angular displacement is zeroC, in the column no momentD, no shear columnE, in the column without axial force3, in the typical force equations in coefficient is ABCDA, can be positiveB, may be negativeC, may be zeroD, there is reciprocal relationE, and the external cause4, the typical force equations can be positive or negative zero isA, 11.B, 12.C, 21.D, 22.E, Delta 1PThe basic system of computing 5, force method can be ABDA, static structureB, no extra bound geometric invariant systemC, geometric transient systemD, a statically indeterminate structureE, geometric constant variable systemThird questions to determine the problem (1 points for each question 5 questions, a total of 5 points)1, open a single hinge, equivalent to removing two constraints.Correct2, get rid of a fixed hinge bearing, equivalent to removing two constraints.CorrectThe basic unknown quantity 3, force method is redundant force.Correct4, the main factor in the typical force equations of constant greater than zero.Correct5, the internal force calculation of statically indeterminate structure should consider the equilibrium condition and deformation continuity condition.Correct"The test of structural mechanics" chapter 07 OnlineThe first question, multiple-choice questions (1 points for each question 5 questions, a total of 5 points)1, fixed at both ends with statically indeterminate beam angle, the known A terminal of the 0 A bar is internal force error is CA MB, A B, MA 2I = theta theta A = 4IC QAB, 3I A/l D, theta = - QBA = - 6I A/l.In 2, the typical displacement method equation R11 * Z1+r12 * Z2+R1P * Z1+r22 * R21 = 0, Z2+R2P = 0, the following formula is correct BA, R11 B, R12 = R21 = R22C, R12 * Z2 = R21 * Z1 D, R1P = R2P3, one end is fixed with one end hinged with the statically indeterminate beam angle, known fixed end A theta is A, shear force of bar terminal for AA, 3I A/l B, 6I - theta theta A/lC, 12I A/l D, 0.4, A end fixed B end hinged with statically indeterminate beam, fixed end known angle theta A, the following conclusion is wrong CA, MB = 0, MA = B 3I A.C, QBA = 0, QAB = D 3I 9 A/l5, the beam stiffness of single span single infinite non hinged rectangular frame, the following discussion about the basic unknown displacement method, the right is CA, three B, two basic unknown basic unknown quantityC, just two node angle is zero, only one unknown quantity D, just two node angle is not zero, only an unknown quantity.Second questions, multiple choice questions (2 points for each question 5 questions, a total of 10 points)1, if the additional constraint in the basic system ofdisplacement force (torque) is equal to zero, then AEA, the basic system is consistent with the original structural stress, deformation.B, the basic system and the original structure of the force is not consistent, inconsistent deformation.C, the basic system is consistent with the original structure of the force, but the deformation is not consistent.D, the basic system and the original structure of the force is not the same, but the same deformation.E, the basic system of the original structure and equivalent.2, single span symmetric structure in antisymmetric loads, section ADE on the symmetry axisA, displacement along a symmetry axis direction is zeroThe displacement of B, vertical symmetry axis direction is zeroC, the angular displacement is zeroD, the bending moment is zeroE, the axial force is zero3, two cross symmetric structure under antisymmetric loads, the following discussion is correct AEThe vertical displacement of rigid node A, the symmetric axis is zeroB, on the axis of symmetry of the rigid joint angular displacement is zeroC, in the column no momentD, no shear columnE, in the column without axial force4, using the displacement method to calculate the loads of statically indeterminate structure, the rod relative stiffness is calculated by ABThe real displacement A, node displacement is not structureB, the internal force is correctC, node displacement is the real displacement of structureD, the internal force is not correctE, node displacement and internal force are correct5, the following discussion about the basic system of displacement method is correct ACThe basic system of A, the displacement method is a group ofsingle span statically indeterminate beamThe basic system of B, the displacement method is static structureThe basic system of displacement method C, a structure is uniqueD, a method of structure displacement basic system has many choicesThe basic system of E, the displacement method is geometry variable systemThird questions to determine the problem (1 points for each question 5 questions, a total of 5 points)1, one end is fixed with one end hinged with the statically indeterminate beam, fixed end angle theta A is known as B, angle hinged = - 0 A (CCW).error2, the displacement method can calculate the statically indeterminate structure can also calculate the static structure.Correct3, hyperstatic structure calculation of total principle is the desire of statically indeterminate structure to take a basic system, and then make the basic system in terms of stress anddeformation of the original structure and the same.Correct4, one end is fixed with one end hinged with the statically indeterminate beam, fixed end angle theta A is known as MA, bending moment of the fixed end theta = 3I A.Correct5, one end is fixed with one end hinged with the statically indeterminate beam, fixed end angle theta A is known as the QAB, bar shear -3i theta = A/l.Correct"The test of structural mechanics" chapter 08 OnlineThe first question, multiple-choice questions (1 points for each question 5 questions, a total of 5 points)1, what kind of structure can not be calculated by the method of moment distribution? DThe structure of A, B, non continuous beam node linear displacementC, frame D, node displacement of structure2, member AB A end is a fixed end, no load span, known B end moment is m, then A = AB rod end bending momentC, m/23, the multi node structure, obtained the moment distribution method is CA B, the approximate solution and exact solutionC, D, analytic solution asymptotic solution4, A rod end is fixed and the B end of the sliding line stiffness I, rotational stiffness of C A terminalA, 4I, B, 3IC, I, D, 05, when the distal end is a fixed end, the transfer coefficient is equal to BA, 1 B, 0.5C, -1, D, 0Second questions, multiple choice questions (2 points for each question 5 questions, a total of 10 points)1, only what moment to the distal transfer? BDA, fixed end momentB, the distribution of bending momentFinally, the bending moment CThe proximal bending moment D, the rotation of the rod endThe distal end of the rotating bending moment E, the2, A rod end is fixed and the B end of the sliding line stiffness is I, the following formula is correctA, SBA = IB, SAB = 3IC, SAB = ID, SBA = 3IE, CAB = 13, the moment distribution method can be used to calculate the structure of what kind of? ABCA, continuous beamB, a non sway frameThe structure of C, no node displacementThe structure of D, no node displacementE, the beam stiffness is infinite structure4, continuous beam in a bearing of two adjacent span live load, to both sides of every span live load is the most unfavorable load on what the layoutA, the support section of negative momentB, the force of supportC, the positive moment spanD, the seat on the right side of the maximum shear forceE, the left side of the smallest section shear bearing5, the following discussion about the moment distribution method is correct?A, moment distribution method to obtain exact solutionsB, get the asymptotic solution of moment distribution methodC, from the first node unbalanced torque larger absolute value of node to startD, you want to change the unbalanced joint torque distributionAt the same time, E can relax the adjacent nodesThird questions to determine the problem (1 points for each question 5 questions, a total of 5 points)1, AB A said the moment distribution coefficient of node function unit couple, AB lever A is sharing the rod end moment.Correct2, the moment distribution method are derived based on the displacement method, so the structure can be calculated using displacement method can be calculated by the method of moment distribution.error3, in the moment distribution method, non adjacent nodes can also relax.CorrectScope 4, moment distribution method is continuous beam and non sway frame.CorrectThe end of 5, at a bar of the nodal moment distribution coefficient equals 1.Correct"The test of structural mechanics" chapter 09 OnlineThe first question, multiple-choice questions (1 points for each question 5 questions, a total of 5 points)1, when the harmonic loads for the single degree of freedom system with the particle damping, if the load frequency is far greater than the natural frequency of the system, and then the dynamic load balance is mainlyD, inertial force2, when the harmonic loads for the single degree of freedom system without damping on the particle, if the load frequency is far less than the natural frequency of the system, and then the dynamic load balance is mainly AA, the elastic restoring force3, a single degree of freedom vibration system, the damping ratio zeta, dynamic coefficient, resonance when the following results are correctA, f = 0.05, P = 104, a single degree of freedom system, the initial displacement of 0.685cm, the initial velocity is zero free vibration, vibration of a cycle after the maximum displacement is 0.50cm, the damping ratio for the systemA, 0.05In 5, low damping system can not be ignored the influence of damping on what?C, the free vibration amplitudeSecond questions, multiple choice questions (2 points for each question 5 questions, a total of 10 points)1, a simple point motor, in order to improve the vibration frequency of the beam, the following measures are correctA, shorten the spanB, increasing sectionC, the end of the beam to the fixed endD, reduced qualityE, the motor speed increases2, the free vibration of multi degree of freedom system of the main calculation ABCA, frequencyB, cycleC, modeD, dynamic force。
浙江大学2012年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试结构力学试题参考答案一、选择题(共10小题,每题3分,共计30分) 【答案】1.A; 2.C; 3.A; 4.D; 5.B; 6.D; 7.C; 8.A;【提示】1.先去掉支座,判断主体结构,将水平的三根链杆作为I 、II 、III 刚片,然后进行判断可知是无多余约束的几何不变体系。
3.将结构分成正对称和反对称两个结构来反对,在Δ/2正对称位移作用下,弯矩图为0.在Δ/2反对称位移作用下,弯矩图为反对称,所以可以排除B ,又因无荷载作用,可排除C 、D 。
4.取受P 作用的节点分析,将力往斜杆方向和与斜杆垂直的方向分解进行求解。
先作出轴力图,根据轴力图求得0001t Nds t a t a ααα∆==⨯⨯=⎰,故选B 。
6.改变支座B 的方向只影响轴力,弯矩和剪力都不变。
8.可根据各自的弯矩图判断,知极限荷载值最大的是A 。
9.可根据各自的弯矩图判断,知极限荷载值最小的是C 。
二、填空题(共7小题,每空2分,共计26分)【答案】11A.-4q; 11B.12A. 2596Pl EI ; 12B. 532P-;13A.34EI l ; 13B.34EIl; 14A.0; 14B.0; 15A.224ql -; 15B.22ql -;16A.212236112EI EI ql l l θ-∆-; 16B. 212226112EI EI ql l l θ-∆+; 17A. 25-.【提示】11.先算出支座反力,再根据曲线方程求出曲线在D 点的斜率,取D 得有半部分受力分析,易得出D M 和QD F 。
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题2-1图题2-2图题2-3图题2-4图题2-5图题2-6图题2-7图题2-8图题2-9图题2-10图题2-11图题2-12图 题2-13图 题2-14图习题33-1 试作图示多跨静定梁的M 及Q 图。
(b)(a)20kN40kN20kN/m40kN题3-1图3-2 试不计算反力而绘出梁的M 图。
(b)5kN/m40kN(a)题3-2图习题44-1 作图示刚架的M 、Q 、N 图。
(c)(b)(a)20kN /m2kN /m题4-1图4-2 作图示刚架的M 图。
P(e)(d)(a)(b)(c)20k N /m4kN题4-2图4-3 作图示三铰刚架的M 图。
(b)(a)题4-3图4-4 作图示刚架的M 图。
(a)题4-4图4-5 已知结构的M 图,试绘出荷载。
(b)(a)题4-5图4-6 检查下列刚架的M 图,并予以改正。
(e)(g)(h)P(d)(c)(a)(b)(f)题4-6图习题55-1 图示抛物线三铰拱轴线方程x x l lfy )(42-=,试求D 截面的内力。
题5-1图5-2 带拉杆拱,拱轴线方程x x l lfy )(42-=,求截面K 的弯矩。
C题5-2图 题5-3图5-3 试求图示带拉杆的半圆三铰拱截面K 的内力。
习题66-1 判定图示桁架中的零杆。
(c)(b)题6-1图6-2 用结点法计算图示桁架中各杆内力。
(b)题6-2 图6-3 用截面法计算图示桁架中指定各杆的内力。
(b)题6-3图6-4 试求图示组合结构中各链杆的轴力并作受弯杆件的M 、Q 图。
(a)题6-4图6-5 用适宜方法求桁架中指定杆内力。
(c)(b)(a)题6-6图习题88-1 试作图示悬臂梁的反力V B 、M B 及内力Q C 、M C 的影响线。
We will continue to impr ove the com pany's i nternal control sy stem, and steady improveme nt in a bility to ma nage a nd control, optimize business pr oce sses, to e nsure smooth proce sse s, responsi bilities i n pl ace ; to furt her strengt hen internal control s, play a control post i ndepe nde nt over sight role of evaluati on complyi ng wit h third-party re sponsibility ; to a ctively make use of inter nal a udit t ools dete ct pote ntial management, streamli ne, sta ndar dize relate d transactions, strengtheni ng operations in accordance with law. Dee pening the information manag ement to e nsure full communica tion "zero re sistance". o consta ntly perfect ER , a nd BFS++, a nd PI, a nd MIS, a nd S CM, i nformation system based construction, full integrati on i nformation system, achieved information resources shared; to expa nd Portal system applicati on of breadt h and depth, play i nformation system on e nterprise of Assistant r ole; to perfect daily r un m ai ntena nce operation of re cords, pr omote pr obl em reasons a nalysis and system ha ndover; to strengtheni ng BFS++, and ERP , a nd S CM, te chnol ogy applicati on of training, im prove em ployee s applicati on i nformation system of ca pacity a nd lev el. Humanisti c care t o ensur e "zer o." To strengthe ning Hum anities care, conti nue s to foster compa ny wind clear, a nd ga s are, a nd heart Shun of cult ure atmosphere; stre ngthe ning l ove he lpe d trappe d, care difficult empl oyees; carried out style activitie s, rich empl oyees l ife; strengt heni ng healt h and la bour prote ction, orga nization career he alth medi cal, control career agai nst; conti nue s to implementation psychologi cal war ning preventi on system, trai ning em ployee s healt h of characte r, a nd sta ble of mood and enter prisi ng of attit ude , create d friendly fraternity of Huma nities e nvironment. o stre ngthe n risk management, e nsure that the business of "zero risk". To stre ngthened busi ness pla ns ma nagement, w ill busi ness busine ss plans cov er to all level , ensure t he busi ness can control i n control; t o cl ose concer n fina ncial, and coal ele ctric li nkage, and e nergy-savi ng sche duli ng, nati onal pol icy trends, strengthening tra ck, a ctive shoul d; to implementati on State-ow ned a ssets met hod, further spe cification busi ness financial management; to perfect ri sk tube control sy stem, achieved ri sk recognition, a nd mea sure, a nd a ssessment, a nd re port, a nd control fee dba ck of cl ose d ring management, impr ove risk preventi on capa city. o further standardize tra ding, a nd strive to a chieve "accor ding t o l aw , standardize and fair." Innovati on of performance manageme nt, to e nsure that potential employe es "zero fly". To strengt hen per formance manag ement, pr oce ss contr ol, enha nce em ployee evaluati on a nd level s of effective communi cation to impr ove performa nce ma nagement. o f urther quantify and refine empl oyee standards ... Work, full play part y, a nd branch, and members i n "five type Enterpri se" construction in the of core r ole, and fighting fortress r ole and pi one er model r ole; to continues to stre ngthe ning "four good" leadershi p constr uction, full play levels ca dres in enterpri se deve lopme nt in the f back bone ba ckbone r ole; to full strengthe ning mem bers youth w ork, full play youth em ployee s in compa ny devel opment i n the of force role ; to improve i nde pe nde nt Commission against corr uption work lev el, strengt heni ng o n enter prise busi ness key link of effectivene ss monitored. , And maintain stability. To further strengthen publ icity and educati on, im prove the overall legal system. We must stre ngthen safety management, esta blish and improve t he educati on, supervision, a nd eval uation as one of the traffic safety manageme nt mecha nism. o conscie ntiously sum up the Ol ympic se curity controls, pr omoting i ntegrated manageme nt to a hig her level, higher sta ndar ds, a higher level of devel opment. Employee s, today is lunar cal endar on Decem ber 24, t he ox Bell is a bout to ring, at this time of year, w e clearly feel the pul se of the XX power generati on compa ny to flourish, to more clearly hear XX power generation compa nies mat ure and symmetry breathi ng. Recalli ng past one a not her acr oss a raili ng, we are e nthusiasti c and full of confide nce. Future development opportunities, we m ore exciting fight more spirited. Employees, let us toget her acr oss 2013 full of challe nges a nd opportunities, to create a green, l ow -cost operation, full of huma ne care of a world-cl ass power ge neration com pany and work hard! The occasi on of the Spring Festival, my si ncere wi sh that y ou a nd the families of the staff in the ne w year, good health, happy, happy院(系) 建筑工程系 学号 三明学院 姓名 .密封线内不要答题 密封……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………结构力学试题答案汇总一、选择题(每小题3分,共18分)1. 图 示 体 系 的 几 何 组 成 为 : ( A ) A. 几 何 不 变 , 无 多 余 联 系 ; B. 几 何 不 变 , 有 多 余 联 系 ; C. 瞬 变 ; D. 常 变 。
解:(1)ACE ∆为刚片1,DFB ∆为刚片2,大地为刚片3,刚片1与刚片2通过链杆CD 、EF 形成无穷远铰,刚片1与刚片3通过铰A 相连,刚片2与刚片3通过铰B 相连,A 、B 的连线与链杆EF 、CD 不平行,故整个体系为无多余约束的几何不变体系。
2、求图示钢架内力并作内力图(M 、Q F 、N F )。
(1) (2)E F解:取F 点左边那部分为隔离体:0FM =∑,6204040A R -⨯++⨯=,可得30A R kN =。
整体分析:0BM=∑,23082044061/22020D R -⨯+-⨯+⨯+⨯⨯=,可得15D R kN =。
由0X =∑,15HB R kN =。
由0Y =∑,50VB R kN =。
据此可作出结构的内力图如下图所示:1540kN3、求图示桁架指定杆件a 、b 杆的内力。
解:首先求支座反力可得/6A P R F =,5/6B P R F =。
取截面I -I 的左边部分,去斜杆方向为X 轴,由0Y =∑,可得PFPF I1/622P a F N ⨯⨯=⨯/6a P N F =(压)。
同理:5/6NO P N F =(压),/6CD P N F =(拉)。
取截面II-II 截面的左边部分,取斜杆为X 轴,由0Y =∑,可得5/6/6/60P b P P F N F F -+++=,可得/2b P N F =(拉)。
4、绘出图示结构结构QC F 、NDH F 、K M 的影响线,单位荷载1P F =在EF 上移动。
解:(1)1p F =在C 点左边移动时,QC F 左=-1;F P 在C 点右边移动时,QC F 左=0。
QCF 左的影响线:(2)1p F =在E 点时,则QC F 右=1;1p F =在C 点时,=0QC F 右;1p F =在D 点时,=0QC F 右;1p F =在F 点时,=-1QC F 右。
浙江大学宁波理工学院 工程材料考试 试题与答案
工程材料 思考题参考答案第一章 金属的晶体结构与结晶1.解释下列名词点缺陷,线缺陷,面缺陷,亚晶粒,亚晶界,刃型位错,单晶体,多晶体,过冷度,自发形核,非自发形核,变质处理,变质剂。
2.常见的金属晶体结构有哪几种?α-Fe 、γ- Fe 、Al 、Cu 、Ni 、 Pb 、 Cr 、 V 、Mg 、Zn 各属何种晶体结构?答:常见金属晶体结构:体心立方晶格、面心立方晶格、密排六方晶格;α-Fe 、Cr 、V 属于体心立方晶格;γ-Fe 、Al 、Cu 、Ni 、Pb 属于面心立方晶格;Mg 、Zn 属于密排六方晶格;3.配位数和致密度可以用来说明哪些问题?答:用来说明晶体中原子排列的紧密程度。
结构力学专升本作业题参考答案一、选择题1、图示结构中,A 支座的反力矩A M 为( )。
A. 0B. 1kN.m (右侧受拉)C. 2kN.m (右侧受拉)D. 1kN.m (左侧受拉)答案:C2、图示组合结构中,杆1的轴力1N F 为( )。
A. 0B. 2ql-C. ql -D. q 2-q答案:B3、图示结构的超静定次数为( )。
A. 1B. 5C. 6D. 7答案:D4、图示对称结构的半边结构应为()。
A. aFP2 B. aFPC. aFP3 D. aFP3-答案:C6、图示桁架中,B支座的反力HBF等于()。
A. 0B.PF3- C.PF5.3 D.PF5答案:D7、图示结构的超静定次数为()。
A. 1B. 3C. 4D. 5答案:B8、图示对称结构的半边结构应为()。
答案:相对水平位移3、超静定刚架结构在荷载作用下采用力法求解时,当各杆EI 值增加到原来的n 倍时,则力法方程中的系数和自由项变为原来的 倍;各杆的内力变为原来的 倍。
答案:n1;1 4、写出下列条件下,等截面直杆传递系数的数值:远端固定=C ,远端铰支=C ,远端滑动=C 。
答案:2/1;0;1-5、图示桁架中,有 根零杆。
答案:66、图示为虚设的力状态,用于求A 、C 两截面间的 。
答案:相对角位移7、在温度变化时,力法方程为01212111=∆++t X X δδ,等号左边各项之和表示 。
答案:基本结构在多余未知力1X 、2X 和温度变化作用下,在1X 位置处沿1X 方向的位移之和。
8、单跨超静定杆在荷载作用下而产生的杆端弯矩称为 ,力矩分配法中在附加刚臂上产生的不平衡力矩又称为 。
两者的关系为 。
院(系) 学号 姓名 .密封线内不要答题 密封……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………结构力学试题答案汇总结构力学课程试题 ( B )卷考 试 成 绩题号 一二三四成绩得分一、选择题(每小题3分,共18分)1. 图 示 体 系 的 几 何 组 成 为 : ( ) A. 几 何 不 变 , 无 多 余 联 系 ; B. 几 何 不 变 , 有 多 余 联 系 ; C. 瞬变 ; D. 常 变 。
2. 静 定 结 构 在 支 座 移 动 时 , 会 产 生 : ( )A. 力 ;B. 应 力 ;C. 刚 体 位 移 ;D. 变 形 。
3. 在 径 向 均 布 荷 载 作 用 下 , 三 铰 拱 的 合 理 轴 线 为: ( )A .圆 弧 线 ;B .抛 物 线 ;C .悬 链 线 ;D .正 弦 曲 线 。
4. 图 示 桁 架 的 零 杆 数 目 为 : ( )A. 6;B. 7;C. 8;D. 9。
5. 图a 结构的最后弯矩图为:()A.图b;B.图c ;C.图d ;D.都不对。
6. 力法方程是沿基本未知量方向的:()A.力的平衡方程;B.位移为零方程;C.位移协调方程;D.力的平衡及位移为零方程。
2. 图b 是图a 结构________ 截面的_______ 影响线。
3. 图示结构AB 杆B 端的转动刚度为________, 分配系数为________, 传递系数为_____。
浙江大学2012年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题考试科目结构力学(A卷)编号 847 注意:答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试卷或草稿纸上均无效。
D. 几何常变。
D. 瞬变体系必定存在瞬铰。
B. /2-。
D. P。
P5. 图示结构,各杆EI EA 、均为常数,线膨胀系数为α。
若各杆温度均匀升高t 度,则D 点的竖向位移(向下为正)为:A .ta α。
B. ta α- 。
C .2ta α。
D. 0。
6. 图示结构,若改变B 点链杆的方向(不通过A 铰),下列叙述正确的是:A .全部内力没有变化。
B.弯矩有变化 。
C .剪力有变化。
D.轴力有变化 。
7. 图示结构,分别采用力法、位移法计算,其中力法取静定的基本结构,位移法忽略轴向变形,则基本未知量数目分别为:A .3、4。
B.4、4 。
C .4、5。
8. 图示四种单跨梁,其材料、截面均相同,则极限荷载值最大的是:9. 题8中,极限荷载值最小的是:10.以下关于杆件结构极限荷载的论述,错误的是:A .极限状态可能不唯一,但极限荷载时唯一的。
B. 极限荷载的计算不仅要考虑结构的最终平衡状态,还需要考虑其变形状态。
C .极限荷载既是可破坏荷载,又是可接受荷载。
D. 极限荷载的大小与结构的温度改变、支座移动、制造误差无关。
二、填空题(共7小题,每空2分,共计26分)11.图示三铰拱,拱轴线方程为2y=4()/fx l x l -,其中4,16f m l m ==,则D 截面弯矩 D M = 11A (下侧受拉为正),D 截面剪力QD F = 11B 。
第六章 杆类构件的内力分析习 题6.1 试求图示结构1-1和2-2截面上的内力,指出AB 和CD 两杆的变形属于哪类基本变形,并说明依据。
解:(a )应用截面法:对题的图取截面2-2以下部分为研究对象,受力图如图一所示:BM图一 图二 由平衡条件得:0,AM=∑ 6320N F ⨯-⨯= 解得: N F =9KNCD 杆的变形属于拉伸变形。
应用截面法,取题所示截面1-1以右及2-2以下部分作为研究对象,其受力图如图二所示,由平衡条件有:0,OM=∑ 6210N F M ⨯-⨯-= (1)0,yF=∑ 60N S F F --= (2)将N F =9KN 代入(1)-(2)式,得:M =3 kN·m S F =3 KN AB 杆属于弯曲变形。
(b )应用截面法 ,取1-1以上部分作为研究对象,受力图如图三所示,由平衡条件有:0,Fx =∑20NF -= N F =2KN0,DM=∑ 210M -⨯= M =2KNAB 杆属于弯曲变形6.2 求图示结构中拉杆AB 的轴力。
设由AB 连接的1和2两部分均为刚体。
解:首先根据刚体系的平衡条件,求出AB 杆的内力。
刚体1的受力图如图一所示D图一图二平衡条件为:0,CM=∑104840D NF F⨯-⨯-⨯=(1)刚体2受力图如图二所示,平衡条件为:0,EM=∑240N DF F⨯-⨯=(2)解以上两式有AB杆内的轴力为:NF=5KN6.3试求图示各杆件1-1、2-2和3-3截面上的轴力,并做轴力图。
利用静力平衡条件,确定约束反力的大小和方向,并标示在图1a中,作杆左端面的外法线n,将受力图中各力标以正负号,轴力图是平行于杆轴线的直线,轴力图线在有轴向力作用处要发生突变,突变量等于该处总用力的数值,对于正的外力,轴力图向上突变,对于负的外力,轴力图向下突变,轴力图如2a所示,截面1和截面2上的轴力分别为1NF=-2KN2NF=-8KN,(a)nkN(a1)(2)C(b)CB4kNb1)(b2)((b)解题步骤和(a)相同,杆的受力图和轴力图如(1b)(2b)所示,截面1和截面2上的轴力分别为1N F =4KN 2N F =6KN(c )解题步骤和(a )相同,杆的受力图和轴力图如(1c )(2c )所示,截面1,截面2和截面3上的轴力分别为1N F =3F 2N F =4F ,3N F =4FB C(c )4F(c 1)(c 2)(d)A D(d 1)(d 2)(d )解题步骤和(a )相同,杆的受力图和轴力图如(1d )(2d )所示,截面1和截面2 上的轴力分别为1N F =2KN 2N F =2KN6.4 求图示各轴1-1、2-2截面上的扭矩,并做各轴的扭矩图。
结构力学考试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 结构力学中,以下哪一项不是结构分析的基本任务?A. 确定结构的内力B. 确定结构的位移C. 确定结构的稳定性D. 确定结构的美观性答案:D2. 在结构力学中,以下哪一项是静定结构的特点?A. 有多余约束B. 无多余约束C. 有多余支座D. 无多余支座答案:B3. 梁在弯曲时,以下哪一项是正确的弯矩图形状?A. 直线B. 抛物线C. 正弦曲线D. 余弦曲线答案:B4. 以下哪一项不是影响结构稳定性的因素?A. 材料性质B. 几何尺寸C. 载荷大小D. 环境温度答案:D5. 在结构力学中,以下哪一项是超静定结构的特点?A. 内力可以通过平衡方程确定B. 内力不能通过平衡方程确定C. 位移可以通过平衡方程确定D. 位移不能通过平衡方程确定答案:B6. 以下哪一项是结构力学中的动力分析?A. 确定结构在静载荷作用下的内力和位移B. 确定结构在动载荷作用下的内力和位移C. 确定结构在热载荷作用下的内力和位移D. 确定结构在风载荷作用下的内力和位移答案:B7. 以下哪一项是结构力学中的塑性分析?A. 确定结构在弹性范围内的内力和位移B. 确定结构在塑性变形范围内的内力和位移C. 确定结构在断裂时的内力和位移D. 确定结构在疲劳破坏时的内力和位移答案:B8. 在结构力学中,以下哪一项是结构的几何不变性?A. 结构在任何外力作用下形状不变B. 结构在任何外力作用下形状可以改变C. 结构在任何外力作用下形状保持不变D. 结构在任何外力作用下形状可以保持不变答案:C9. 以下哪一项是结构力学中的虚功原理?A. 通过平衡方程确定结构的内力B. 通过虚设位移确定结构的内力C. 通过虚设载荷确定结构的内力D. 通过虚设速度确定结构的内力答案:B10. 在结构力学中,以下哪一项是结构的自由度?A. 结构在空间中的运动方向数B. 结构在平面中的运动方向数C. 结构在空间中的约束数D. 结构在平面中的约束数答案:B二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)11. 结构力学中,以下哪些因素会影响结构的内力分布?A. 材料性质B. 几何尺寸C. 载荷分布D. 支撑条件答案:ABCD12. 在结构力学中,以下哪些是静定结构?A. 单跨梁B. 双跨连续梁C. 三铰拱D. 悬索桥答案:AC13. 以下哪些是结构力学中常用的分析方法?A. 弯矩分配法B. 力矩分配法C. 虚功原理D. 能量法答案:ABCD14. 以下哪些是结构力学中的动力分析类型?A. 自由振动B. 强迫振动C. 随机振动D. 瞬态振动答案:ABCD15. 在结构力学中,以下哪些是结构的稳定性问题?A. 屈曲B. 失稳C. 振动D. 疲劳答案:AB三、填空题(每题2分,共20分)16. 结构力学中,结构的内力包括______、______和______。
结构力学练习题及答案1结构力学习题及答案一. 是非题(将判断结果填入括弧:以O 表示正确,X 表示错误)(本大题分4小题,共11分) 1 . (本小题 3分)图示结构中DE 杆的轴力F NDE =F P /3。
( ).2 . (本小题 4分)用力法解超静定结构时,只能采用多余约束力作为基本未知量。
( )3 . (本小题 2分)力矩分配中的传递系数等于传递弯矩与分配弯矩之比,它与外因无关。
( )4 . (本小题 2分)用位移法解超静定结构时,基本结构超静定次数一定比原结构高。
( )二. 选择题(将选中答案的字母填入括弧内)(本大题分5小题,共21分) 1 (本小题6分)图示结构EI=常数,截面A 右侧的弯矩为:( ) A .2/M ; B .M ; C .0; D. )2/(EI M 。
2. (本小题4分)图示桁架下弦承载,下面画出的杆件内力影响线,此杆件是:( ) A.ch; B.ci; C.dj; D.cj.3. (本小题 4分)图a 结构的最后弯矩图为:2=1A. 图b;B. 图c;C. 图d;D.都不对。
( ) ( a) (b) (c) (d)4. (本小题 4分)用图乘法求位移的必要条件之一是: A.单位荷载下的弯矩图为一直线; B.结构可分为等截面直杆段; C.所有杆件EI 为常数且相同; D.结构必须是静定的。
( ) 5. (本小题3分)图示梁A 点的竖向位移为(向下为正):( )A.F P l 3/(24EI); B. F P l 3/(!6EI); C. 5F P l 3/(96EI); D. 5F P l 3/(48EI).三(本大题 5分)对图示体系进行几何组成分析。
F P四(本大题 9分)图示结构B 支座下沉4 mm ,各杆EI=2.0×105 kN·m 2,用力法计算并作M 图。
五(本大题 11分) 用力矩分配法计算图示结构,并作M 图。
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考试日期:__ 2012 ___年____月____日,考试所需时间: 90 分钟
考生姓名学号考生所在分院:土建分院专业班级: .
1、单元刚度矩阵是表示一个单元的下列两组量值之间的相互关系( A )。
A:杆端力与杆端位移 B:杆端力与结点外力
C:杆端位移与结点位移 D:结点外力与结点位移
2、关于自振周期与结构质量的关系,以下叙述正确的是( C )
A:自振周期与质量成正比 B:自振周期与质量成反比
C:自振周期与质量的平方根成正比 D:自振周期与质量的平方根成反比
3、关于可破坏荷载和可接受荷载,以下叙述正确的是( B )
A:可破坏荷载恒小于可接受荷载 B:可破坏荷载恒不小于可接受荷载
C:可破坏荷载恒等于可接受荷载 D:都可能
4、能量法的势能驻值条件等价于用位移表示的平衡方程,当荷载等于临界荷载时,该平衡方程是( D )
A:位移有零解的齐次方程 B:位移有零解的非齐次方程
C:位移有非零解的非齐次方程 D:位移有非零解的齐次方程
5、在动力计算中,集中质量的数目与体系自由度数( B )
A 总是相等
B 不一定相等
C 质点数目总是多于自由度数目
D 质点数目总是少于自由度数目
4、用矩阵位移法对下图所示桁架进行分析计算,整体刚度矩阵的阶数为( 5 )
5、下图所示体系有2个质点,如忽略轴向变形,只考虑弯曲变形,对该体系进行结构动力计算分析,其自由度数为( 2 )
(1)单元(两端结点1,2):(1)42[]24i i K i i ⎡⎤=⎢⎥⎣⎦ (2)单元(两端结点2,3):
]8[844i i i i K ⎡⎤=⎢⎥
将上述2个单元刚度矩阵组装成如下原始整体刚度矩阵[K ]I
由于结点3为固端,去掉第3行与列得整体刚度矩阵[K ]
原结构结点3为固端,故不需考虑M 3。
等效结点荷载M 1,M 2为:
F F p ql M M M M M ql F l ⎧⎫
ql i i i i ql F l θθ⎧⎫
ql ql M
p p F F
AB BA F l M M =-
四、试求图示单自由度体系的自振圆频率ω 和自振周期T 。
(杆件质量忽略不计,EI =常数) (15分)
解:(1)作M 图利用图乘法求得柔度系数
2T π
12*22243448l l l M l ds EI EI EI δ⋅⋅⋅===
五、试求下图所示单自由度体系的临界荷载F pcr (20分)
解:设B 点的位移为y 能量法:
εV ky =
32*224p p p p
y y y V F F F l l l λ⎛⎫=-⋅=-+=- ⎪⎝⎭
21324p p p y E V V ky F l
0p E y
302p y
ky F l
y 有非0解条件的荷载为临界荷载:
cr p F kl =
弹簧反力:()RB F ky =← A 、 C 支座反力:2
RA RC F ky F ky =
取结点B 的上部作为隔离体,由0B M =∑得
RC p p F l F y kyl F y ⋅-=⇒
-= 上式平衡方程中y 有非0解条件的荷载为临界荷载:
cr p F kl =
六、试求图示连续梁的极限荷载q u 。
u q l M θθ⋅∆=+
将 1
2l θ∆= 代入得 128u M q l
22u u q l M M θθ⋅∆=+⋅
将 1
2l θ∆= 代入得 2210u M q l
q 1<q 2
所以极限荷载为:28u u M
q l
命题(组)老师签名:____________________ 年 月 日
年 月 日。