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B. h k B. a k
C. f h C. j g
五、选与所给单词画线部分有相同读音的单词。 A. face B. move C. shoe D. life E. love F. ship G. choose H. teacher 1. leaf ___A__D_______ 2. visit_____B__E_____ 3. fish ___C__F_______ 4. watch ___G__H______
4. There weren't any meat in the fridge yesterday. _w__as_n_'_t _
5. There is no boys in the lake. ___b_o_y_____ A BC
五、连词成句。【穿针引线法】 1. are,many,on,there,the,grass,goats (. )
—No, but I have an aunt. 4. The boy likes c_a_n_d_ie_s___, because they are sweet. 5. There are five p_eo_p_l_e____ in Tom's family.
There be句型专项
Pቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱP 六年级下册
PEP 六年级下册
一、读单词,将下列词语分类,并将其标号填写 在相 应的横线上。 A. pumpkin B. potato C. storybook D. postcard E. girl F. magazine G. peach H. onion I. friend J. kid K. queen L. notebook
A. A; A
B. The; a
C. The; the
( A )6. They are not in the same________.
A. class B. classes C. families
( A )7. The books are the________. A. teachers' B. teachers C. teacher
PEP 六年级下册
一、默写26个英文字母中的元音字母和辅音字母。 1. 元音字母大小写:
Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu 2. 辅音字母大小写:
Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Pp Qq
Rr Ss Tt Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
二、读单词,写出与之发音相同的字母的大写形式。 eye___I_____ see____C____ tea_____T___ you___U_____ why___Y_____ are____R____ bee___B_____
—___N__o___ /nəʊ/, he doesn't.
4. We often _m__e_e_t ___ /miːt/ in the restaurant. Because we all like eating __m_e_a_t___ /miːt/.
5. —Who is the woman over ___th_e_r_e__ /ðeə(r)/? —She's ___th_e_i_r__ /ðeə(r)/ English teacher.
一、用is或are填空。 1. There___a_re____ three cups of coffee on the table. 2. There___a_r_e___some pencils in the pencil box. 3. There____is____nothing in the bag.
1. There is a orange on the desk. ___a_n____ ABC
2. There are many shirts. It's mine.__T_h_e_y_'r_e___
3. There was no libraries in my old school. ___li_b_ra_r_y___ AB C
八、根据音标写出单词。 1. —Let's __w__ri_te___ /raɪt/ on the blackboard.
—All _r_i_g_h_t ___ /raɪt/. 2. His __s_o_n___ /sʌn/ is sitting under the ___s_u_n__ /sʌn/. 3. —Does he ___k_n_o_w__ /nəʊ/ your sister?
2. There is a mouse in the room. (改为复数句) __T_h_er_e__ ___ar_e___ __so_m__e__ __m__ic_e__ in the room.
3. There are some beautiful flowers in the garden. (改为否定句) There__a_re_n_'t_ __a_n_y__ beautiful flowers in the garden.
( B )8. ________coats are very pretty. A. Jim's and Tim B. Jim's and Tim's C. Jim and Tim
( A )9. There is ________ “f” and ________ “u” in the word “four”. A. an; a B. a; a C. an; an
三、按要求改写句子。 1. There was a wallet on the seat just now.
(改为否定句和一般疑问句) (1)There__w_a_s____ ___no_t____ a wallet on the seat
just now. (2)_W__a_s__ __t_h_er_e__ a wallet on the seat just now?
六、找出画线部分读音不同的单词。 ( B )1. A. second B. cinema C. February ( C )2. A. month B. sixth C. that ( C )3. A. food B. school C. look ( B )4. A. house B. young C. out ( A )5. A. wanted B. jumped C. kicked
1.字母、语音专项练习复习 2.人教版英语小升初陈述句、祈使句专项复习 3.人教版英语小升初代词、数词、介词、连词专项复习 4.人教版英语小升初名词、冠词专项复习 5.人教版英语小升初时态专项复习复习 6.人教版英语小升初形容词、副词专项复习 7.人教版英语小升初疑问句专项复习 8.人教版英语小升初字母、语音专项
1. 肯德基___K_F_C___ 2. 不明飞行物 __U__F_O___
3. 美国 ___U_S_A___ 4. 中国中央电视台__C__C_T_V__
5. 身份证___I_D____ 6. 求救信号
7. 早上 __a_._m__.__ 8. 千克
七、写出与所给单词画线部分读音相同的字母或字母 组合,补全单词。 1. table p _a_ i__ nt pl _a_ y__ gr _e_ a__ t 2. fine tr _y_ n_i_ ght wh _i _ te 3. flower br_o_w__n m _o_u__ se h _o_ w__ 4. word g_i_ _r_l n_u_r__se t_u_r__key
( B )10. Many farmers have got lots of _____and got much money by selling the________. A. cow; beef B. cows; beef C. cows; beefs
四、根据句意和首字母把句子补充完整。 1. Eating more vegetables is good for your h_ea_l_th_____. 2. There are four s_e_as_o_n_s___ in a year. 3. —Do you have an u_n_cl_e_____?
1.newspaper__C__D_F__L_______________________ 2. man:_E_I_J__K____________________________ 3. carrot:_A_B__G__H__________________________
二、用所给词汇的适当形式填空。 1. Please take two __p_h_o_t_o_s_ (photo) of me. 2. I like the two red __k_n_iv_e_s__(knife). 3. Please clean your __te_e_t_h___ (tooth) now. 4. Do you want any__m__il_k___(milk) ? 5. There are ten _w__o_m_e_n__ _t_ea_c_h_e_r_s_ (woman teacher) in our school.
4. There are many eggs in the basket. (改为单数形式) __T__h_er_e__ ___i_s____ ____a_n___ ___e_g_g___in the basket.
5. There are no pens in the pencil box. (同义句转换) There__a_r_e_n_'t __ __a_n_y____pens in the pencil box.
9. 光盘 ___C_D____ 10. 中华人民共和国___P__R_C_
( B )1. A. L N
B. D Q
C. T V
( A )2. A. O Q
B. A K
C. B D
( A )3. A. K G
B. H K
C. I Y
( C )4. A. u w ( C )5. A. l s
4. There___a_re____no monkeys in the mountain. 5. There___is_____a teacher and many students in our
二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. There is some _b_r_ea_d____(bread) on it. 2. There are 5 basketball__p_la_y_e_r_s_(play) in every team. 3. There aren't___an_y____(some) knives in the room. 4. There _w_i_ll_b_e_ (be) an English evening(晚会) next Tuesday. 5. There___i_s____(be) not a bird in the sky.
( B )1. There is ______“A” on his paper.
A. a
B. an
C. the
( A )2. At that time Tom was ______ one-year-old baby.
A. a
B. an
C. /
( A )3. There is ________ old bike. ________old bike
is Mr. Zhao's.
A. an; The B. the; An
C. a; The
( B )4. It took me ________hour to get home.
A. a
B. an
C. two
( B )5. ________ woman over there is ________
teacher in our school.