幼儿园社交礼仪教案《小小绅士、淑女都如何做》教案名称:小小绅士、淑女都如何做教学内容:幼儿园社交礼仪教学目标:1. 了解社交礼仪的基本概念和重要性。
2. 掌握小小绅士、淑女的基本礼仪和行为规范。
3. 培养幼儿的自信、自律和良好的品德素养。
教学重点:1. 了解社交礼仪的基本概念和重要性。
2. 掌握小小绅士、淑女的基本礼仪和行为规范。
教学难点:1. 培养幼儿的自信、自律和良好的品德素养。
2. 教育幼儿树立正确的价值观和行为规范。
教学过程:一、引入(10分钟)1. 让幼儿活动几分钟,保持放松的心情。
2. 通过听音乐,舒缓气氛。
3. 引导幼儿分享自己的想法和猜想。
二、讲授(20分钟)1. 导入社交礼仪的基本概念和重要性。
2. 把社交礼仪化繁为简,了解一些基本礼仪和行为规范,并用幼儿喜欢的方式展示。
3. 培养幼儿的自信、自律和良好的品德素养,并激发幼儿对正直、友善和敬意等品质的认识。
三、互动(20分钟)1. 用小游戏和模拟情境,帮助幼儿体验正确的礼仪和行为规范。
2. 互动式练习中,鼓励幼儿多加思考和表达,促进幼儿语言的发展和增强自信心。
四、巩固(20分钟)1. 让幼儿通过拼图、卡片认知等游戏,加深对社交礼仪的理解和记忆。
2. 教育幼儿树立正确的价值观和行为规范,以及如何维护良好的人际关系。
3. 结合实际生活情境,引导幼儿学习如何在校园和社会中做一名小小绅士或淑女。
五、总结(10分钟)1. 帮助幼儿回顾本节课的主要内容和感受。
2. 结合小练习和互动,巩固幼儿的知识和技能。
教学方法:1. 课堂互动:充分发挥幼儿的主动性和探究兴趣,通过游戏和小组讨论等方式互动。
2. 线上线下结合:利用多媒体技术和实物等资源,让课程更加生动活泼。
3. 个性化教学:根据幼儿的成长和发展水平,采取不同的教学策略和方法,让每个幼儿都得到有效的教育。
教学评价:1. 通过观察、记录和反馈等方式,了解幼儿在社交礼仪方面的表现和进步。
2. 及时反馈和评估,调整教学策略和方法,让教育更加精准和有效。
English Club手抄报内容一、标题:English Club——开启语言之门的钥匙二、导语:语言,是连接世界的桥梁。
English Club正是这样一把钥匙,为我们打开通往英语世界的大门。
English Club特色活动●日常交流角:模拟真实场景,如机场、超市、餐厅,进行角色扮演练习。
成功案例分享●介绍几位通过English Club成功提高英语水平的学员,分享他们的学习经验和成果。
English Club不仅是一个学习平台,更是一个与志同道合的朋友共同成长的社区。
6.个性化设计:结合English Club的特色和活动内容,创作独特的图案或标志,展示品牌形象。
englishclub手抄报内容Englishclub Hand-copying Report Content。
Englishclub is a popular and well-established platform for English learners and enthusiasts. It provides a wide range of resources, including articles, videos, quizzes, and forums, to help people improve their English language skills. In this hand-copying report, we will explore the key features and benefits of Englishclub, as well as provide some tips for making the most of this valuable resource.First and foremost, Englishclub offers a wealth of learning materials for English learners of all levels. From grammar and vocabulary lessons to pronunciation and listening practice, there is something for everyone on this platform. The content is carefully curated and designed to be engaging and effective, making it easier for users to stay motivated and focused on their learning journey.Another great feature of Englishclub is its interactive nature. Users can participate in discussions, ask questions, and seek help from other members of the community. This not only helps to foster a sense of belonging and support, but also provides an opportunity for real-life languagepractice and communication. The platform also offers live chat sessions and virtual events, allowing users tointeract with native speakers and fellow learners from around the world.In addition to the learning materials and interactive features, Englishclub also provides various tools and resources to help users track their progress and set goals. From personalized study plans to self-assessment quizzes, the platform empowers users to take control of theirlearning and stay organized. This level of customizationand flexibility is invaluable for learners who havespecific needs or preferences when it comes to theirEnglish language studies.Furthermore, Englishclub offers a range of supplementary resources, such as language games, culturalinsights, and career development tips. These additional materials not only make the learning experience more enjoyable, but also help users gain a deeper understanding of the English language and its global significance. By incorporating diverse and relevant content, Englishclub ensures that users are exposed to a well-rounded and enriching language learning experience.To make the most of Englishclub, users can follow some simple tips and strategies. Firstly, it is important to set realistic and achievable goals, and to regularly review and adjust them as needed. Consistency and perseverance are key to language learning success, so it is important to establish a regular study routine and stick to it. Additionally, taking advantage of the interactive features, such as forums and live chat sessions, can greatly enhance the learning experience and provide valuable opportunities for language practice.In conclusion, Englishclub is a comprehensive and dynamic platform that offers a wide range of resources and features for English learners. From its carefully curatedlearning materials to its interactive community and supplementary resources, Englishclub provides everything a learner needs to succeed in their English language studies. By following some simple tips and strategies, users can make the most of this valuable resource and achieve their language learning goals. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, Englishclub has something to offer for everyone.。
跳舞之际,突然在对方的女性耳边说:Do you……?相当于……部分的话是“非常猥亵的话”,也就怯⒂锏膄our-letter word.这个Do you……?当然会有危险。
如果是个性强的女人,会当面斥责你“没礼貌!”“无聊!”可是说这句话的人却说:“But then, I get an awful lot of ……,too.”(可是而后还能得到……很好的东西哪。
可是,实际上完全是看个人,美丽的金发女郎,自己几乎到了淫荡的程度,却不准男人使用breast(胸部)的话,也有人只听到Do you……?型的谈话,就跟着上床的实例。
对于做不到这种程度的人,建议使用英国绅士们喜欢用的How about……?这个…… 的部分和前面介绍的不同,是什么也没有说,确实是……。
一般的用法是: How about dinner?(吃晚饭如何?)How about drinking?(来一杯怎么样?)How about staying with me?(和我一起住如何?)是用在说“做……如何?”时使用的句子。
但据英国绅士喜欢用的How about……?是说服女性“一起去旅馆?”时使用的话。
1. 礼貌问候在幼儿园里,孩子们应该学会用礼貌的方式向老师和同学问候。
2. 与他人共享与他人共享是培养孩子们乐于助人的品质的重要途径。
3. 尊重他人在幼儿园社交礼仪小绅士小淑女教案中,尊重他人是一个非常重要的教育内容。
4. 互助友爱互助友爱是培养孩子们团结合作的重要方式。
5. 总结回顾通过幼儿园社交礼仪小绅士小淑女教案的设计和实施,孩子们能够在微笑中成长,具备良好的社交礼仪和绅士淑女的品质。
英语日常口语交流100句儿童版1.Hello! 你好!2.My name is Tom. 我叫汤姆。
3.How are you? 你好吗?4.I’m fine, thank you. 我很好,谢谢你。
5.What’s your favorite color? 你最喜欢的颜色是什么?6.My favorite color is blue. 我最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。
7.Can I play with you? 我可以和你一起玩吗?8.Sure! 当然可以!9.Let’s go to the park. 我们去公园吧。
10.Do you like ice cream? 你喜欢冰淇淋吗?11.Yes, I love ice cream! 是的,我喜欢冰淇淋!12.What do you want to be when you grow up? 你长大后想成为什么?13.I want to be a doctor. 我想成为一名医生。
14.Let’s play tag! 我们来玩捉迷藏吧!15.I’m hungry. 我饿了。
16.Would you like to have lunch together? 你想一起吃午饭吗?17.What’s your favo rite animal? 你最喜欢的动物是什么?18.I like dogs. 我喜欢狗。
19.Can you help me with my homework? 你可以帮我做作业吗?20.Of course! 当然可以!21.Let’s build a sandcastle. 我们一起堆沙堡吧。
22.It’s raining. 下雨了。
23.I like to dance in the rain. 我喜欢在雨中跳舞。
24.Do you want to go on a bike ride? 你想骑自行车吗?25.Yes, let’s go biking! 是的,一起去骑自行车吧!26.What’s your favorite subject in school? 你在学校最喜欢的科目是什么?27.I love art class. 我喜欢美术课。
针对学校的一系列读 书活动 , 我班把 每一项读书活 动落到实处 ,认真 组织学
现, 把每一 张课桌椅 都摆放得 整整齐齐 ; 课 堂上积极主动参 与学习 ;文 明礼仪 三 句话 、 三件事更是 牢记在心 , 主动和别人
也陶冶了身心 ,文化 素养和思维 品质在
潜 移 默 化 中得 到 了 有 效 的提 升 ,这 在 无
习著名 青少 年教育 问题研究 专家孙云 晓 总结 出的现代小学生要具备 的十个好 习
惯: 热爱祖 国, 升 国旗奏国歌时 自觉肃立 ; 文 明礼貌 , 微笑待人 ; 学会 尊重 , 耐心听他
“ 这里是梦开始的地方 ……每个孩子 都有一个属 于 自己的梦 ,我们 的责任 是 帮助孩子架起 实现梦的桥梁 ,让孩子 们 的梦扬帆 、 起 航… …” 来到南宁市滨 湖路 小学的大 门口 ,你就 会被镶嵌在学校 门 口的这两行字所 吸引。我校把培养现 代
齐地摆放着 学生喜欢看 的书 ,使 学生能
的 内涵 , 既继 承了传统 的中华文 明礼仪 ,
又具备有现代 的气息 。联系学校 培养现 代 小绅士和小淑女 的做法 , 笔者 以“ 德育 为本” “ 育人 为先 ” 为育人 理念 , 从 以下三 点着手培养现代小绅士和小 淑女。
活 动 的 开 展 ,极 大 地 促 进 了 学 生 良好
在每一 天的“ 静心悦读 ” 时 间坐在 书架前 认真地 阅读 ……这得益于学校 多年 以来 一直都开展丰富多彩 的读书活动 ,如 : 1 . 捐一本书 , 读一百本好书 。学校走廊开放 式书架上的书,都是学生从家里带来的 ,
幼儿园日常用语英语口语100句1.Go wash your hands before lunch.2.Let’s wash our dishes.3.Don’t forget to wash your face.4.Can you help me wash the table?5.It’s time to wash our clothes.6.Make sure to wash your fruits before eating.7.She loves to wash her toys.8.Did you remember to wash behind your ears?9.The teacher washes the whiteboard every day.10.I will wash the windows tomorrow.11.Can you wash the vegetables for me?12.The children wash their hands after playing outside.13.Let’s wash our paintbrushes after art class.14.Do you need help washing your hair?15.The cat doesn’t like to be washed.16.We wash our hands with soap and water.17.She washes her socks by hand.18.The water is cold, but we need to wash the car.19.Let’s wash our hands and sing the ABCs.20.The baby needs to be washed and dressed.21.Don’t forget to wash your school bag today.22.Can you wash the dishes while I dry them?23.The dog jumps around when he sees the water for a bath.24.We need to wash our hands before and after using the bathroom.25.The rain will wash away the dirt on the sidewalk.26.Do you help your mom wash the vegetables before cooking?27.The children wash their hands after playing in the sandpit.28.Let’s wash our hands together and count to twenty.29.She washes her hair twice a week.30.The cat doesn’t like to get wet, so she rarely needs to be washed.31.He washes his car every Sunday.32.Please wash your hands before touching the baby.33.The rain will wash the pollen off the flowers.34.Let’s wash our hands and get ready for snack time.35.Can you wash the dishes while I set the table?36.The children wash their hands before and after eating.37.Remember to wash your hands after petting the animals.38.She washes her face with warm water and a gentle cleanser.39.The puppy is dirty; we need to wash him today.40.Can you wash the vegetables while I peel the potatoes?41.Let’s wash our hands and get ready for circle time.42.Do you wash your hands with soap or just water?43.The rain will wash away the footprints in the mud.44.Let’s wash our hands and start our project.45.After playing with the clay, the children wash their hands.46.Can you wash the clothes while I iron them?47.I wash my hair every other day.48.She washes the dishes while singing her favorite song.49.The puppy needs to be washed after rolling in the mud.50.Let’s wash our hands and line up for the restroom.51.Did you remember to wash your hands after touching the animals?52.The rain will wash the sandcastle away.53.Can you wash the windows while I vacuum the carpet?54.Let’s wash our hands and get ready for outdoor play.55.We need to wash the car after the road trip.56.The children wash their hands before starting an experiment.57.After gardening, it’s important to wash your hands.58.She washes her hair with a special shampoo for curly hair.59.Do you wash your hands before handling the baby’s toys?60.Let’s wash our hands and get rea dy for storytime.61.Can you wash the clothes while I fold them?62.The rain will wash the chalk drawings off the sidewalk.63.Let’s wash our hands and get ready for nap time.64.After painting, the children wash their hands with soap and water.65.I wash my car every Saturday morning.66.She washes the vegetables for the salad.67.The cat got dirty and needs to be washed.68.Let’s wash our hands and get ready for gym class.69.We need to wash the dog after his walk in the park.70.After crafting, it’s important to wash your hands.71.Can you wash the dishes while I dry them and put them away?72.Let’s wash our hands and get ready for science class.73.The children wash their hands before going to the playground.74.After playing in the sandbox, it’s time to wash your hands.75.She washes her hands with antibacterial soap.76.Do you wash your hands after using the computer?77.Let’s wash our hands and get ready for music class.78.Can you wash the vegetables while I prepare the soup?79.The rain will wash the leaves on the trees.80.Let’s wash our hands and get ready for art class.81.She washes her hands thoroughly before cooking.82.The cat doesn’t like to get wet, so she rarely needs to be washed.83.The puppy needs to be washed after playing in the mud.84.Let’s wash our hands and get ready for snack time.85.Can you wash the dishes while I set the table?86.The children wash their hands before and after eating.87.Remember to wash your hands after playing outside.88.She washes her face with warm water and a gentle cleanser.89.The puppy is dirty; we need to wash him today.90.Can you wash the vegetables while I peel the potatoes?91.Let’s wash our hands and get ready for circle time.92.Do you wash your hands with soap or just water?93.The rain will wash away the footprints in the mud.94.Let’s wash our hands and start our project.95.After playing with the clay, the children wash their hands.96.Can you wash the clothes while I iron them?97.I wash my hair every other day.98.She washes the dishes while singing her favoritesong.99.The puppy needs to be washed after rolling in themud.100.Let’s wash our hands and line up for the restroom.以上即为幼儿园日常用语英语口语100句,希望对您有所帮助。
在制作主题内容上, English可以表现出多种风格及画风,有经典漫画系列、卡通涂鸦系列、时尚动漫系列等。
下面我们就一起来学习一下 EnGlish手抄报内容吧~一、绘制内容首先,我们先绘制出报头内容,包含文字内容(包含报头文字内容的区域)、图片内容(包含图片内容的区域)和报头文字(包含图片内容的区域)三个部分。
3.家庭不幸。像亲属死亡、夫妻离异等。如果不是当事 人主动提及,不宜唐突说起。
4.人事的短处。在为人处事方面的短处、不体面的经历 和现状,这些都是不希望他人触及的敏感点。
5.入乡随俗。“入境而问禁,入国而问俗,入门而问 讳。”这对于社交成败至关重要。
淑女最要讲 究内外一致, 内外不一致 的人,最后 结果是遭人 唾弃。
天天把“我是 淑女”挂在嘴 边,然后被别 人不小心踩了 一下,便大发 雷霆。
真正的淑女是 不会把“淑女” 一词天天挂在 嘴边的,别人 看你的行动就 能判断你是否 是淑女。
和同学一起时, 向灾区募捐钱 物,以突出自 己有爱心;自 己单独时,连 看都不看一眼。
请大家判断下列行为 是否有绅士风度
某班的全宿生 小军请半宿的 同学小明帮忙 买点急用的学 习用具,小明 应该怎样做? 同学说了句 “要买自己去 买”,这让小 军心里很不舒 服,张口就大 骂。
若想有绅士风度, 文明的语言很重 要,无礼总是讨 人嫌的。 这时应该忍一忍 自己的不快,耐 心向你的同学说 清自己的需要。 如果小明同学还 是执意不买的话, 说明他没有绅士 风度,不急人之 所急。这时就自 己买,不需要这 种人的帮助。
有爱心、有同 情心是淑女应 有的品质,不 会因为别人的 关注与否而改 变。
诗经 郑风 野有蔓草 野有蔓草,零露漙兮。 有美一人,清扬婉兮。 邂逅相遇,适我愿兮。 野有蔓草,零露瀼瀼。 有美一人,婉如清扬。 邂逅相遇,与子偕臧。
关于文明礼貌的英语小报Hey there, folks! Let's dive into a topic that's as sunny as a summer day and as warm as a cozy blanket –being civilized and polite in English! You know, those little acts of kindness and courtesy that can brighten someone's day and make the world a tad more colorful. Ready to roll up your sleeves and spread some good vibes? Let's get crackin'!First things first, let's talk about greetings. They're like the morning coffee –essential to start your day right. When you meet someone new or bump into an old friend, don't be afraid to break the ice with a "Hey, what's up?" or a classic "How are you doing?" It's like planting a seed of friendship. And if you're feeling extra cheerful, go ahead and add a "Fancy seeing you here!" It's a fun way to make someone feel special.Now, let's dish out some tips on the art of thanking. Saying "thank you" isn't just polite; it's a superpower! When someone holds the door open for you or offers you a helping hand, make sure to shoot back with a heartfelt "Thanks a million!" or "I really appreciate it!" It's like giving them a virtual hug, minus the awkwardness. Trust me, it'll make their day and yours too.But wait, there's more! How about we talk about sorries? Yeah, we all make mistakes, it's part of being human. But what sets us apart is how we handle those oopsie-daisies. When you accidentally bump into someoneor forget their name (again!), don't just brush it off. A sincere "Oh, I'm so sorry about that!" or "My bad, I totally forgot!" can turn a potentially awkward moment into a laugh-out-loud situation. It's like magic, but with words.Let's not forget about the magic of small talk. You know, thoselight-hearted conversations that can turn strangers into friends? When you're at a party or in a queue, don't shy away from asking "How's your day been so far?" or commenting on the weather with a "Isn't it a bit chilly today?" It's like opening a door to endless possibilities. Who knows, you might just make a lifelong friend over a shared love for rainy days or a good book.And hey, let's get real for a sec. Being polite isn't just about what you say; it's also about how you say it. Your tone of voice, body language, and that little spark in your eyes can make all the difference. When you're talking to someone, make sure to give them your full attention. Look them in the eye, nod occasionally, and smile. It's like telling them, "You're important to me, and I'm genuinely interested in what you're saying."Lastly, let's talk about manners in public spaces. Whether you're in a crowded bus or a quiet library, respecting others' space and time is crucial. Keep your voice down, offer your seat to someone who needs it more, and always remember to clean up after yourself. It's like leaving a place betterthan you found it –a small act of kindness that can inspire others to do the same.So there you have it, folks! Being civilized and polite in English isn't rocket science. It's about showing empathy, being considerate, and spreading love wherever you go. Remember, a simple act of kindness can spark a chain reaction of positivity. So go ahead, be the change you wish to see in the world, one "thank you," one "sorry," and one smile at a time. Happy spreading the love!。
1. He is a muscle man.
有些⼥孩⼦很欣赏那些肌⾁很多的男⼈,⽼外们称之为 muscular type,也可以叫做 a muscle man。
还有⼀个形容法就是He is beefy.
有⼀个说法叫 semi-muscular。
Semi-muscular 就是指有点肌⾁⼜不会太多(通常爱运动的男⽣都是这种类型),⽐如 I am semi-muscular with 6-pack ab. 6-pack ab 是指six piece of muscle on the abdomen,就是有六块腹肌的意思,也可以说成washboard ab. (像洗⾐板⼀样的腹肌)。
2. You should have chivalry.
这种Lady First和其他照顾⼥⼠的⾏为在中⽂⾥叫绅⼠风度,在英⽂中则叫骑⼠精神 (chivalry)。
3. I am the one-woman kinda man.
“从⼀⽽终”这个词⽤来形容⼥性⽐较多,在英⽂中就是one-man woman,那相应的,男⼈的“从⼀⽽终”就是 one-woman man 了。
kinda 在⼝语中常⽤,它是 kind of 的简写。
还有⼀种说法是 We are exclusive. 这个 exclusive 指的是排他的意思,所以当⼀对情侣说We are exclusive 时,就是说他们⼼中只有对⽅⼀⼈,都不会再去喜欢上别⼈。
介绍自己的英语手抄报内容Title: All About MeHello, everyone! Welcome to my "All About Me"hand-copied newspaper. My name is [Your Name], and I'm excited to share some interesting facts about myself. Let's dive in!1. Basic Information:- Name: [Your Name]- Age: [Your Age]- Hometown: [Your Hometown]- Nationality: [Your Nationality]2. Education:- School: [Name of Your School]- Grade: [Your Grade]- Favorite Subject: [Your Favorite Subject]3. Hobbies and Interests:- Hobbies: I enjoy [hobby 1], [hobby 2], and [hobby 3]. These activities help me relax and have fun.- Interests: I am passionate about [interest 1], [interest 2], and [interest 3]. They inspire me to learn and grow.4. Family:- Family Members: I live with my [parents], [siblings], and[pets (if any)].- Favorite Family Activity: Our favorite activity is [activity], where we spend quality time together and create wonderful memories.5. Goals and Dreams:- Short-term Goal: My short-term goal is to [achieve something specific, e.g., improve my grades, learn a new skill].- Long-term Goal: In the future, I aspire to [your dream career or ambition].6. Favorite Books and Movies:- Book: One of my favorite books is [book title] by [author]. It's a [briefly describe the genre and why you like it].- Movie: I love the movie [movie title] because [explain why you enjoy it].7. Travel Experiences:- Favorite Destination: So far, my favorite place I've visited is [destination]. The [describe what you liked about it, e.g., scenery, culture, food].- Dream Vacation: My dream vacation would be to [describe where you'd like to go and what you'd like to do].8. Strengths and Weaknesses:- Strength: I believe one of my strengths is [describe apositive trait, e.g., being organized, empathetic, or creative].- Weakness: I'm working on improving my [describe an area you're trying to improve, e.g., public speaking, time management].9. Role Model:- My role model is [name of your role model] because [explain what you admire about them and how they inspire you].10. Message to Readers:- I hope you've enjoyed learning a little bit about me. Remember to always be true to yourself and chase your dreams!Thank you for reading my "All About Me" hand-copied newspaper. Feel free to share your own stories and experiences with me too!Best regards,[Your Name]。
英语手抄报我的家规My Family Rules: A Reflection on Values and Discipline.In the heart of every home, there are invisible threads that bind us together, guiding our actions and shaping our character. These are not just rules but rather extensions of our family's values, beliefs, and aspirations. My homeis no exception, and the family rules that guide my daily life are as much a part of me as the air I breathe.First and foremost, respect is at the core of our household. We respect each other's opinions, feelings, and personal space. This respect extends to our neighbors, friends, teachers, and everyone we encounter. We understand that every individual has their own unique story and perspective, and it is our duty to listen and understand, rather than judge or criticize.Honesty is another cornerstone of our family. We believe that being truthful in all matters, big or small,is crucial to building trust and maintaining healthy relationships. Lying, even for the smallest of reasons, can erode this trust and破坏 the foundation of our family structure.Responsibility is also instilled in us from a young age. Each member of the family is expected to fulfill their duties, whether it's doing chores, completing homework, or contributing to household activities. We learn that taking ownership of our actions and tasks not only benefits the family but also helps us grow and develop as individuals.Kindness is another value that is deeply ingrained in us. We are taught to be compassionate towards others, to empathize with their situations, and to offer help whenever possible. Kindness, we are told, is not just a nice thingto do but also a powerful tool that can transform lives and communities.Lastly, perseverance is a quality that is constantly encouraged in our home. We understand that life will throw curveballs, and challenges are inevitable. However, it isour perseverance, our determination to keep going despite the obstacles, that will help us overcome these challenges and achieve our goals.These family rules, while seemingly simple, are the guiding principles that shape my character and my understanding of the world. They have taught me the importance of respecting others, being honest and truthful, fulfilling my responsibilities, being kind and compassionate, and persevering in the face of challenges.In conclusion, my family rules are not just a set of dos and don'ts; they are a reflection of our values and the foundation of our family's discipline. They have instilled in me a sense of purpose and direction, guiding me towards becoming a responsible, honest, kind, and persevering individual. As I grow and move forward in life, these family rules will continue to be my compass, guiding me towards a bright and fulfilling future.。
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IwasdeeplymovedbythefilmandIcriedandcried.Ijustcouldn’t helpit.
Tom:Idon’tknowfors ure.Maybeyoucouldaskthepolicemanovert here.