
外贸英语函电课后习题参考答案(For Reference Only)Chapter 1 Business Letter I. Answer the following questions.1. How many principal parts is a business letter composed of? What are they?Generally speaking, there are seven principal parts of a standard business letter. They are theletter head; the date; inside name and address; saluation; the body of a letter(message); thecomplimentary close and signature. 2. What are the three main formats of a business letter used today? Which format do you like best?There are three main formats of a business letter in use at present: the conventionalindented style; the modern block style and the modified block style.I like the modern blockstyle, since it is simple and we can save much time.3. What is P.S.?It is postscript, refers to one or more remarks the writer may add to the core or body of theletter,usually hand-written side by side with or below the signature and enclosure parts, wherethere is often a large patch of blank space. A postscript can be a sentence or a brief paragraph.II. Choose the best answer1-5 A C A B D 6-10 B D C B A 11-15 B C C D D 16-20 D A C B BIII. Write a letter with the given particulars below, using necessary capitals and punctuation( in modern block style)CZ Import & Export Corp. Ltd66 Minghuang, Wujin Discrict, Changzhou213164, P.R. ChinaJuly 3, 2007Mr. John MartinSales ManagerLake Circles Inc.56 York Road, ChicagoIllinois, USADear Sir,Yours sincerely,IV. Arrange the following both in a blocked form and indented form as they should be setout in a letter. (ommitted)Chapter 2 Establishment of Business RelationsI. Answer the following questions.1. If you want to open up a market to maintain or expand business actiities what should youdo first?If we want to open up a market to maintian or expand business activities, what we should dofirst is to conduct a market research, from which we shall know thoroughly about yourproduct(s), your present and potential market(s) .2. Before you write letters with some new established firms what had you better do?We had better try to collect as much information as possible about the new establishedfirms, especially about their credit information.3. Through what channels can one obtain the desired names and addresses of the companiesto be dealt with?We can get the desired names and addresses of the companies through the following channels:Some b2b websites, such as ; some governmental or oganizational websites, such as; some news papers or magazines; some yellowpages; some friends or your present customers; or you can get the imformation by using some serach engines such as google oryahoo.4. How to begin with the “First Letter” or circulars to the other party?It should be consisted of the three parts: first, you should say where you have got theinformation of your potential customer; second you should provide necessary information aboutyourself; third you should express your wish of writing the letter.5. How can one create goodwill and leave a good impression on the readers?We should consider the eight “C”s in writing a business letter: clearness; conciseness; correctness; concreteness; cheerfulness; courtesy; consideration and completeness.II. multiple choices.1-5 D C A B A 6-10 C A C B CIII. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. 2. 3. 4.5.6. 1007. 8. 9. 10.IV Translate the following sentences into English.1. Here we introduce ourselves as an Export Company of Imitation Jewelry, with manyyears of experience in this line.2. The letter you wrote to the headquarter last week has been transferred to us, since wedeal in the products.3. We have a wide range of light industrial products available for export.4. We are very glad to receive your letter with illustrated catalogue.5. We are looking forward to your specific requirements for our products.6. We are a well-established private company, and we look forward to establish businessrelations with you.7. The manager briefly introduced the Johnson company, which is most probably to be ourprospective customer.8. To give you a general idea about our products in the chart, here we enclose a copy ofbooklet and the latest price list.9. When the value of export exceeds that of the import, we call it the favorable balance oftrade.10. Our products are of high quality and favorable prices.V. Translate the following letter into English.Dear Sirs,We got you are interested in the silk garments from lastweek’s China Daily. Here weintroduce ourselves as the largest dealer of garments in this area. We would like to eatablishbusiness relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefits.Our silk garments are made of high standard silk and traditional technique. We are sendingyou a copy of illustrated catalogue and the latest price list for your reference. If you areinterested in any item of them, please let us now. Once we receive your enquiry, we will sendyou the qutation and sample by aimail.We are looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,VI. Write an English letter in a proper form based on the following information. (Ommitted)Chapter 3 Inquiry and ReplyI. Multiple Choices.1-5 D A A D B 6-10 B B A B BIIGive the Chinese equivalents to the following terms. 9. 10. IIIGive the English equivalents to the following terms.1. large scale2. a wide range (variety) of3. irrevocable letter of credit4. 3% rebate5. illustrated catalogue6. the biggest dealer7. first-rate technology 8. favorable CIFHongKong 9. terms of payment10. portable electric water heaterIV. Translate the following into English.1. We are in the market for the leather shoes, please quote us the most favorable prices.2. Please quote us the lowerest price for the captioned goods. When quoting, please statethe packing and the earliest time of shipment and send us the booklet of the products.3. We want to know what dicount you can offerfor an order exceeding 1000 dozen?4. We are now interested in the the table cloth and napkin. We are very appriciative if youcan send us he catalouge,sample and the price list.5. The enclosed price list and illustrated catalouge will provide you with detailedinformation on the article you are most interested in.V. Translate the following letter into English.Dear Sirs,We are interested in your canvas bag on page 4 of your December’s catalogue, would youplease send us a sample and quote us the lowerest price of CIF Honolulu?If your product proves to be satisfactory, we will order at least 2500 dozen.Please reply as soon as possible.Yours,VI. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.2.3. 4. 5. CIF3%6. 7. 8. 2005714 9. 60CIFVIITranslate the following into Chinese.6151002%Chapter 4 Offer and Counter-offerI. Give the English equivalents to the following terms.1. offer2. under/on the usual terms3. accept counter offer4. favorable price(s)5. on/under offer6. terms of payment7. to promote the transaction 8. firm offer 9. non-firm offer10. strengthening marketII. Give the Chinese equivalents to the following terms.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.III. Multiple choices.1—5 A D A A C 6-10 C B B C BIV. Translate the following letter into English.1. As requested, we offer you as follows, subject to our final confirmation.2. The offer is firm, to be valid(effective) till your reply reaches us before the end ofthis month.3. To our regret, the price gap between your countered one and ours is too big.4. It’s regret that our buyer from Shanghai thought your price was much higher.5. If you cannot accept our offer, please bid us your most probable counter offer.V. Translate the following letter into English.Dear sirs,Here we confirm having received your letter of October 20th concerning the sample of “Grace” brand blouses and thank you very much.Although your blouses are of high quality, your price is on the high side.Meanwhile Iwant to point out that the prices of the similar blouses of European origin are about15% lower than yours.Such being the case, we hope you can reduce your price at least by 15%, for the value ofour order is about USD 40, 000.It is worthwhile for you to make some concessions.We look forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,VI. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. 6152.3.4.5. 6. 20% 7. 3%8. 9. 10. 10%11.12. uidandakaiVIITranslate the following letter into Chinese.810FOBIBMCPU80586200800FOB20039/1085Chapter 5 Acceptance and OrderI. Answer the following questions.1. When should the buyer write an order?When both the buyer and the seller reach an agreement on the terms of sales, then thebuyer can write an order.2. What should he pay attention to when the buyer writes an order?He should pay attention to the terms and conditions of the sales, especially about thefigures and the date.3. What should be included in an order?It should contain the “main conditions(合同要件)or conditional clausese” of a contr act,which includes the name(s) of the commodity(commodities), the specification, the price, thequantity, the packing, the shipment, the payment and the insurance.4. Sometimes if you cannot accept an order what should you do? Why?You should write a letter to your customer to explain why you cannot accept the orderand show your regret, and hope to do business with him next time. Because you do not wantto lose a potential customer.II. Translate the following terms and expressionsA. into Chinese1. 为---扫清障碍2. 一笔交易3. 友好合作4. 草拟合同5. 愉快的工作关系6. 汇票7. 草拟8. 草拟9. 第一笔交易 10. 达成协议B. Into English1. the first available steamership2. put forward3. contract draft4. wide acceptance5. confirm an order6. the first order7. each makes a half concession8. supply 9. customer(client) 10. reach(conclude) an agreementIII. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.1-5 A C D C A 6-10 B D A A CIV. Translate the following sentences into English.1. We confirm having supplied you ten metric tons of green soybeans at E3000 per m/t CFRRotterdam, shipment in September.2. Here we confirm your order of August 1 on 1000 dozen folding chairs.3. We confirm having sold you 1000 sets of “Fuji” brand digital camera.4. The captioned goods are out of stock, we are sorry that we cannot entertain your order.5. Once we receive your confirmation, we will send you the contract draft for your approval.6. There is a heavy demand for our toy pandas,we recommend you to place your order as earlyas possible.7. We hope the conclusion of the first deal will bring more(further) business in the future.8. We are glad that we have concluded the transaction of 10,000 “Double Happiness” brand bats.9. We hope the conclusion of the first deal will pave the way for our freidnly cooperation in thefuture.10. We are glad to inform you that our users are very satisfied with your first lot of goods.V. Translate the following letter into English.Dear Sirs,We have received your order of August 1 and thanks.We confirm having sold you 1000 snooker tables at US$400CIF Los Angles, delivery in October. Terms of payment are by confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable by sigh draft.We are sure that you will be satisfied with the high quality of our products.If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to let us know.Yours faithfully,VI. Write an English letter based on the following information.Dear Sirs,Thank you very much for your order of 5000 women’s bags.We assure you of our timely and qulified execution of the order. Would you please open the related L/C without fail to avoid the delay of the shipment.Besides the model of the commodities you have ordered, we are dealin a wide varieties of fashion bags, enclosed please find theillustrated catalogue. If you are interested in any of them, please do not hesitate to let us know.We look forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Chapter 6 ContractI. Answer the following questions in English.1. What are the basic clauses of a contract?The basic clauses of a contract include the commodity, the price,the quantity, thespecification, the shipment, the packing, the payment and the insurance.2. How can you understand the importance of a contract in international business?It is the evidence of the business. It is the evdience of executing the contract; it is alsothe evidence of disputes and complaints.3. What are the conditional clauses in a contract?The conditional clauses of a contract should include the name(s) of thecommodity(commodities), the specification, the price, the quantity, the packing, theshipment, the payment and the insurance4. Why should you pay great attention to conditional clauses?Because they are the main clauses of a contract.5. What are the different results you will have when your partner breaches different kinds of clauses of the contract?If your partner breaches the conditional clauses of a contract, you can ask him tocompensate your loss. If your partner breaches the clauses of force majeure, you can ask him todelay fulfillment of the contract, partial fulfillment or cancel the contract without anycompensation.6. What are warranty clause in a contract?7. What will you do if you want to become a successful international businessman?First youshould master at least a foreign language; second you should have a good command of international business; third you should know your products and your customers well; fourth,youshould know the genenral practice and regulations ofinternational trade.II. Translate the following terms and expressionsA. Into Chinese1. 销售合同2. 更多的订单3. 一式两份4. 合作5. 供某人存档6. 向某人下订单7. 上述提到的货物8. 供某人存档9. 规定(条款) 10. 尽可能早的B. Into English1. sales confirmation2. for one’sinformation3. place an orderwith sb4. subsequent amendment5. in triplicate6. in quaduplicate7. in quintuplicate 8. be in confimity with 9. stipulations10 for one’s referenceIII. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.1-5. C C A D C 6-10 B D A A CIV. Translate the following sentences into English.1. We have accepted your order No. 111 for 10000 sets of CD players.2. We would like to place an order with you for 1000 Christmas trees for the coming Christmas.3. Here we enclose our purchase contract No.Q12 in duplicate, please sign and return one copyfor our file.4. To avoid subsequent amendment, the stipulations of the L/C should be in exact conformitywith those of the S/C.5. It is self-evident that your packing should be firm and sea-worthy.6. We hope the purchase contract No. 482 on 1000 sets of V998 Motorola mobile phones hasarrived you on time.7. What we want to point out is that although the qualify of your shampoo is good, the price ison the high side.8. We are glad to send you our purchase contract No. 333 on 500 cases of men skin-carecosmetics in triplicate.9. Your yarn closh is very popular in our market because of its high quality and low price. Nowwe are placing a repeat order about 20000 pieces.10. Now we are sending you contract draft No. 666 on jeans by separate post for your reference. V. Translate the following letter into English.Dear Sirs,We are glad to confirm having concluded with you on 1000 Aucma freezers. We draw up S/C No.A-12 in duplicate. Please sign and return one copy for our file.Since the strengthing market for freezers is coming, if you want to place a repeat order, please infrom us as early as possible.We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours faithfully,VI. (ommitted)VII. Fill in the contract forms in English with the following particulars.(1)Sales ContractContract No.:07-336Sellers: Jiangsu Native Produce and Animal BY-products Import and Export CorporationBuyers: London Foodstuffs Import and Export CompanyThis contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms andconditions stipulated below:Commodity: Groundnut KernelsSpecifications: FAQ2007 CropQuantity: 50 M/TUnit Price: At RMB$ 3550 per m/t CIF LondonTotal Value: RMB$177500(Say Renminbi Dollars One hundred and Seventy-seven Thousand andFive Hundred Only)Packing: In double gunny bagsInsurance: To be covered by the Sellers for 110% of the invoice value against All Risks and WarRiskTime of Shipment: During November 2007Port of Shipment: Nantong of ChinaPost of Destination: LondonShipping Mark: At the Sellers’ optionTerms of Payment: By irrevocable L/C available by draft at sight st day of May, 2007.Done and signed in Nanjing of Jiangsu on this 31(2)Sales ContractContract No.: AV006Sellers: Beijing Light Industrial Products Import and Export CorporationBuyers: General Trading Company, New YorkThis contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the buyers agree to buyand the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms andconditions stipulated below:Commodity: “Forever” brand BicyclesSpecifications: Model MB26Quantity: 1000 bicyclesUnit Price: At US$ 70 each CIF New YorkTotal Value: US$70000(Say U.S. Dollars Seventy Thousand Only)Packing: In wooden casesInsurance: To be covered by the Sellers for 110% of the invoice value against All Risks and WarRisk as per CIC dated 1st January, 1981.Time of Shipment: To be effected not later than 30th June, 2007, allowing partial shipment andtransshipmentPort of Shipment: China PortPost of Destination: New YorkShipping Mark: At the Sellers’ optionTerms of Payment: By irrevocable L/C at sight to reach the Sellers a month prior ro the time ofshipment and remain valid for negotiation in China until the 15th day after the final date ofshipment.stDone and signed inBeijing on this 31 day of May, 2007. Contract No.: AC 4789VIII. Fill in the contract forms in English with the particulars in the orders accepted by the sellers.(1)Sales Contract Contract No.:AV678 Date: June 21, 2007 5Signed at : BeijingSellers: China National Garments Import and Export CorporationBuyers:J.B Simpson & Co., LtdThis contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the buyers agree to buyand the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms andconditions stipulated below:Name of commodity Quantity (pieces) Unit Price CIFsydney Total AmountSpecifications netBed sheets Length: 1500 f2.50 per piece f3750106cm, color blueBedsheets Length: 1500 f3.00 per piece f4500120cm; Color:yellowPillow cases Color: 3000 f1.80 per pair f5400bluePillow cases Color: 3000 f1.80 f5400yellowTotal Value F19050Packing: To be paked in balesShipping Mark:At the sellers optionInsurance: To be covered by the SellersPort of Shipment: SydneyPort Destination: SingaporeTime of Shipment: During August 2007Terms of Payment: By irrevocable L/C payable at sight(2)Sales ContractContract No.:07897Date: May 3, 2007Signed at : Qingdao Sellers: China National Import and Export CorporationBuyers: Yokohama Import and Export Co., LtdThis contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the buyers agree to buyand the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodityaccording to the terms andconditions stipulated below:Commodity: Canned AsparagusSpecifications: 500 grams per tinQuantity: 300 cartonsUnit Price: At US$500 per carton FOBQingdaoTotal Value:US$150000(Say US Dollars One Hundred Fifty Thousand Only) Packing: In cartons of 50 tins eachShipping Mark: At the Seller’s OptionInsurance: To be covered by the BuyersTime of Shipment: In May 2002Port of Shipment: QingdaoPost of Destination: YokohamaTerms of Payment: By irrevocable L/C payable by sigh draft and showing shipping documentsIX. Fill in contract forms in English with the particulars from the following messages.(1)Sales ContractContract No.: 2828Sellers: Beijing Light Industrial Products Import and Export CorporationBuyers: Boston Trading Co., LtdThis contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:Commodity: Fountain PensSpecifications: Model LC001Quantity: 1000 dozenUnit Price: At US$ 19 per dozen CFR BostonTotal Value: US$19000(Say U.S. Dollars Nineteen Thousand Only)Packing: In boxes of one dozen each, and 20 boxes to a cartonShipping Mark: At Sellers’ optionInsurance: To be covered by the BuyersTime of Shipment: During March/April 2002Port of Shipment: China PortPost of Destination: BostonTerms of Payment: By confirmed, irrevocable L/C available by draft at sight Done and signed in Beijing on this2nd day of January, 2007(2)Sales ContractContract No.: 3265Sellers: Hebei Imp/Exp Corp.Buyers: Vancouver Foodstuffs CompanyThis contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:Commodity: Walnut MeatSpecifications: First GradeQuantity: 60 M/TUnit Price: At US$2000 per m/t CIF VancouverTotal Value: RMB120000(Say US Dollars One Hundred and Twenty Thousand Only) Packing: In sacks of 100 kgs eachInsurance: To be covered by the Sellers against All Risks and War Risk for 110% of the invoice value as per CIC of January 1, 1981 Time of Shipment: In three shipments of 20 tons each, commencing from October Port of Shipment: China PortPost of Destination: VancouverShipping Mark: At Sellers’ optionTerms of Payment: By irrevocable L/C at sightDone and signed in Shijiazhuangon this 31st day of March, 2007Quiz(期中测试题)(供参考)Put the following English into Chinese and Chinese into English: 1.5 101.premium 6.平安险.2.quotation sheet 7.承担交单3.latest catalogue 8.来样加工4.WPA 9.中国贸促会5.Sales Confirmation 10.价格单Multiple Choice: 1 251. c2. b3. c4. b5. d6. b7. a8. c9. a10. b11. c12. b13. c14.a15. b16.b17. b18.a19. d20.d21. a22. b23.a24. d25. aComplete the sentences with the patterns given below:2.5 251. our entrusting you with exclusive agency2. We take the opportunity to introduce3. will be executed within this month4. to establish (open, issue) an L/C in our favor through an American bank5. are very popular with the buyers here.6. be ready for shipment within the next two or three weeks.7. are in the market for8. quote us best price for9. insure for 110% of the invoice value10. we are willing to enter into direct business relations with you.Supply the missing words in blanks : 1 111. enquiry2. agency3. premature4. business5. way6. satisfied7. however8.transaction 9. postpone 10. warrant 11. cooperationTranslate the following sentences into English using the words or phrases in brackets:4 241. Now we are offering firm 50 M/T Almond Kernel at USDxx per M/T FOB for promptshipment, subject to our final confirmation by fax.2. Please see to it that each carton is lined with polythene sheet and the outer package is marked请with “keep dry”3. In consideration of our long friendly relations, we accept payment by L/C at 60 days’ sight forthis transaction.4. We have booked shipp ing space on S.S.“Eastwind” which is due to arrive in Hamburger on about July 9.5. On examination, we found the quality of the goods is too inferior to be suitable for the need of经the local market.6. As you are not satisfied with our proposal, we suggest you submit this matter and settle byarbitration.Chapter 7 Terms of PaymentI. Answer the following questions in English.1. How many modes of payment are there in international trade?Generally speaking, there are three major modes of payment used in inernaional trade,they are remittance(which include M/T, T/T and D/D), collection (which includes D/P andD/A) and L/C. There are also some other modes of payment used in international trade, suchas O/A(open account), payment by installment, L/G (letter of Gaurantee), factoring andSWIFT.2. What is the main difference between D/P, D/A, and L/C?Among them, on the security(safety) L/C>D/P>D/A;L/C and D/P can be divided into at sight or after sight, while D/Ais usually after sight;By L/C and D/P, you will not transfer the B/L until you get the payment; while the D/A youwill transfer the goods to the buyer without get any payment but promise only.3. If the exporter and the importer do not know each other well and are located in countriesthousands of miles apart, what payment mode do you suggest? And why?I would like to suggest payment by L/C. Because it can protect both the buyer and the seller. Itcan ensure the buyer will not pay until he gets the goods and the seller will not transfer thegoods until he gets the payment.4. Why do we think L/C is not so safe as our imagination?Because there are some fake L/C in the real world; and if the credit of opening bank is not sogood, it is risky to adopt L/C; it will be affected by the politics.II. Choose the best answer to complete the following statements.1-5 C A A D B 6-10 A A A B CIII. Write out the full forms of the abbreviated payment methods and give the equivalent terms inChinese. Abbreviation Full form Chinese M/T Mail transfer 信汇 T/T Telegraphic transfer 电汇 D/D Demand draft 票汇 D/A Documents agaisnt acceptance 承兑交单 D/P 付款交单 Documents against payment O/A Opent Account 赊购(销)L/G Letter of Guarantee 银行保函 IV. Write a reply to the following letter.(omitted).V. Letter writing Practice (omitted).Chapter 8 Letter of CreditI. Answer the following questions.1. What kinds of L/C do you know?There are different kinds of L/C in international trade. Generally speaking, it can be divided into the following different categories: clean credt and documentary credit; sight L/C and time or usuance L/C; revocable and irrevocable L/C; confirmed and inconfirmed L/C; transferable andnon-transferable L/C; divisible L/C and non-divisible L/C; revolving and non-revolving L/C;standby L/C and red clause L/C.2. What is the structure of the letter for amending L/C?First it should has the format of a business letter. Second, it can be divided into three parts: the The first, to tell your customer you have received the L/C and the L/C No,and tell him there are some discrepancies need amending; the second you should point out the discrepancies and how toamend; third, you should urge your customer to amend as soon as possible.3. What is documentary credit?Documentary credit is the product of international business and the creation of merchants and bankers. It is commercial letter of credit provided for payment by a bank to the named beneficiary, usually the seller of merchandise, against delivery of documents specified in the credit.。

《外贸英语函电》(第二版)习题答案详细版第2部分目录Chapter 9 key to exercises (1)Chapter 10 key to exercises (5)Chapter 11 key to exercises (9)Chapter 12 key to exercises (14)Chapter 13 key to exercises (18)Chapter 14 key to exercises (23)Chapter 15 key to exercises (27)Chapter 16 Cross-border E-commerce (30)Chapter 9key to exercises1. Translate the following terms.(1)售货确认书(2)售货合同(3)会签(4)一式两份(5)支付条款(6)船唛(7)溢短装(8)存档2. Choose the best answer to complete each of the followingsentences.(1)B(2)D(3)C(4)B(5)A(6)B(7)C(8)A(9)C (10)B(11)B(12)A(13)B(14)C(15)A(16)C(17)B(18)C (19)B(20)C3. Take the correct order on the following sentences.(1)The shipment remains valid until the 10th day after shipment. (2)We will fulfill all the contract stipulations.(3)We will give you a 3% discount as an exception to our usual practice.(4)Commission is usually given as a percentage of the total value of a transaction.(5)To open an L/C will add to the cost of our imports.(6)The time draft will be sent to you for your acceptance within a couple of days.(7)We want the goods on our market at the earliest possible date. (8)The difference is calculated according to the contracted price at a later time.(9)We think all the terms should meet with comment agreement. (10)It is very difficult for us to get the goods in large quantity as well as make prompt shipment4. Fill in the blanks of the letter.Captioned, ready, approaching, covering, within, subsequent, to, attention, basis, due5.Fill in the Sales Confirmation for the transaction stated in the following letter.6.Situational writing:Chapter 10 key to exercises1. Translate the following terms.(6)信汇电汇票汇(7)不可撤销的信用证(8)付款交单承兑交单(9)即期汇票(10)冻结资金(占压资金)(11)支付条件(12)开具汇票(13)原来的支付条件2. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.C A A B B AD A B A C D A D B B B C B A3. Translate the following sentences.1.As for terms of payment, we require irrevocable L/C payment by draftat sight.2.We have opened an L/C in your favor with Bank of China for theamount of USD326, 000.3.As agreed, the terms of payment for the above orders are letter ofcredit of 60 days’ sight or D/P sight draft.4.Your irrevocable L/C has been duly received, the shipment can bearranged next Tuesdays.5.Today we informed our bank to send you all the amount by Y/T.6.We accept your proposition of changing the terms of payment, and afax has been sent for the confirmation.7.A letter of credit would increase the cost of my import.8.When I open a letter of credit, I have to pay a deposit. That will tie upmy money and increase my cost.9.In order to avoid any amendment, please make sure that the L/C is inaccordance with contract terms.10.Please arrange shipment on receipt of the covering L/C.4. Translate the following sentences.(1)装船日期临近,请及时开立相关信用证。

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15. 由于轮船公司对货物的损坏有责任,你方应将索赔提交他们处理。

外贸英语函电课后练习参考答案(中英文对照版)课后翻译(汉译英):Module Two1.我们从中国驻东京大使馆商务参赞处得知贵公司的行名和地址,并了解贵公司是经营家用电器产品有经验的出口商We obtained your name and address from commercial counsellor’s office of the Chinese embassy in Tokyo. They have informed us that you are experienced exporter in the market for home electrical appliances.2.我们的一个客户对你们的新产品感兴趣One of our customers is interested in your new production.3.我们的一个日本客户想要购买中国红茶One of our customers in Japan wants to be in the market for black tea.4.如你所知,我们的外贸政策是在平等互利的基础上与各国人民做生意As you know, our policy is to trade with merchants of various countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.5.我们希望你方尽最大努力促进业务又增进友谊。
We hope you can try your best to promote both trade and friendship.6.谢谢你方来函表示提供服务,我方愿与你方就扩大贸易的可能性进行讨论。
Thanks for your letter about service supply, we are willing to talk about the possibility of promoting trade.7.我们了解到你公司是中国手工艺品的出口商,因此冒昧的写信给你We have acknowledged that your company is the exporter of Chinese handicraft.8.我们相信,贵我双方的业务将随着时间的推移而得到发展。
徐美荣外贸英语函电Chapter2 所有知识点及课后答案

Notes1. owe…to… 将…归功于承蒙…告知你方名称和地址We owe your name and address to the Chamber of Commerce in your city.to be indebted to … for your name and addressto come to know the name and address of your firm throughthrough the courtesy of … we come to know your name and addressto have obtained your name and address from…to have noted your name and addressto be recommended to sb. by …on the recommendation of …2. inform sb. that 通知某人某事inform sb of sth. 通知某人某事be informed that 兹通知你方You are informed that …3. be in the market for 欲购;想买4. in the hope of doing 希望(后接动名词)5. ①a government-owned corporation(enterprise)国有公司/企业= a state-operated corporation / a public-owned corporation②a private corporation 私有公司/ 企业6. handle v. 经营(某种或某类商品)=to trade in / be dealing in /be in the (chemical )line(n. 行业)7. acquaint v. 熟悉了解to acquaint sb. with sth. 使某人了解某事be/get well acquainted with sth. 熟悉(了如指掌)8.on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods在平等互利,互通有无的基础上9.avail oneself to =make use of 利用10.enclose v. 随函附上11.through mutual efforts 通过共同努力= by joint efforts12.Export List 出口清单13.trade v.to trade in sth . 买卖Eg : trade in goods 货物交易to trade with sb. 与……交易;做生意trade policy 贸易政策foreign trade policy 外贸政策14.sole agent 独家代理敬启者:得知贵公司行名和地址我们要感激英国驻北京大使馆商务参赞处,他们告知我们你公司拟购买丝绸女衫。

we are one of the leading importers dealing in electronic products in the area and take this opportunity to approach you in the hope of establishing business relations.2. 我公司经营机械设备的进出口业务已多年,我们的产品在许多国家享有盛誉。
we have been engaged in handling importing and exporting of machinery and equipment for many years, and our products have enjoyed great popularity in many countries.3. 承我国驻北京大使馆商务参赞处介绍,得知你公司的名称、地址。
we owe your nam e and address to the commercial counselor’s office of our embassy in beijing.4. 我们了解到你们是日用化学品制造商。
we are given to understand that you are a manufacturer ofdaily chemicals. one of our clients intends to buy cosmetics from your country. we will appreciate it highly if you airmail the catalogue and price list of the goods available at present.5. 有关我们的资信情况,请向中国银行上海分行查询。

一、单选Unit8 P1301.我们另由航空寄上新品种的样品供你参考。
Under separate cover, we have airmailed samples of our new articles for your reference. These new articles are moderate in price and excellent in quality. We think it will be to your advantage to push sales of them at an early date.2. 由于所需的品种目前无货供应,我们想推荐下列库存产品,可以即装,我们这一推荐是照顾到双方利益的。
Since the required articles are not available, we would like to recommend the undermentioned products which can be supplied from stock for prompt shipment. This recommendation is made in the interest of both parties.3. 你11月15日来信收到,谢谢。
While thank you for your letter of Nov. 15 concerning electric fan Art. 2112, we regret being unable to promote sales as your price is too high to interest buyers to make a counter-off.4.关于申请参加广州交易会一事,我们正与有关当局联系。

外贸英语函电课后习题参考答案(For Reference Only)Chapter 1 Business Letter I. Answer the following questions.1. How many principal parts is a business letter composed of? What are they?Generally speaking, there are seven principal parts of a standard business letter. They are theletter head; the date; inside name and address; saluation; the body of a letter(message); thecomplimentary close and signature. 2. What are the three main formats of a business letter used today? Which format do you like best?There are three main formats of a business letter in use at present: the conventionalindented style; the modern block style and the modified block style.I like the modern blockstyle, since it is simple and we can save much time.3. What is P.S.?It is postscript, refers to one or more remarks the writer may add to the core or body of theletter,usually hand-written side by side with or below the signature and enclosure parts, wherethere is often a large patch of blank space. A postscript can be a sentence or a brief paragraph.II. Choose the best answer1-5 A C A B D 6-10 B D C B A 11-15 B C C D D 16-20 D A C B BIII. Write a letter with the given particulars below, using necessary capitals and punctuation( in modern block style)CZ Import & Export Corp. Ltd66 Minghuang, Wujin Discrict, Changzhou213164, P.R. ChinaJuly 3, 2007Mr. John MartinSales ManagerLake Circles Inc.56 York Road, ChicagoIllinois, USADear Sir,Yours sincerely,IV. Arrange the following both in a blocked form and indented form as they should be setout in a letter. (ommitted)Chapter 2 Establishment of Business RelationsI. Answer the following questions.1. If you want to open up a market to maintain or expand business actiities what should youdo first?If we want to open up a market to maintian or expand business activities, what we should dofirst is to conduct a market research, from which we shall know thoroughly about yourproduct(s), your present and potential market(s) .2. Before you write letters with some new established firms what had you better do?We had better try to collect as much information as possible about the new establishedfirms, especially about their credit information.3. Through what channels can one obtain the desired names and addresses of the companiesto be dealt with?We can get the desired names and addresses of the companies through the following channels:Some b2b websites, such as ; some governmental or oganizational websites, such as; some news papers or magazines; some yellowpages; some friends or your present customers; or you can get the imformation by using some serach engines such as google oryahoo.4. How to begin with the “First Letter” or circulars to the other party?It should be consisted of the three parts: first, you should say where you have got theinformation of your potential customer; second you should provide necessary information aboutyourself; third you should express your wish of writing the letter.5. How can one create goodwill and leave a good impression on the readers?We should consider the eight “C”s in writing a business letter: clearness; conciseness; correctness; concreteness; cheerfulness; courtesy; consideration and completeness.II. multiple choices.1-5 D C A B A 6-10 C A C B CIII. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. 2. 3. 4.5.6. 1007. 8. 9. 10.IV Translate the following sentences into English.1. Here we introduce ourselves as an Export Company of Imitation Jewelry, with manyyears of experience in this line.2. The letter you wrote to the headquarter last week has been transferred to us, since wedeal in the products.3. We have a wide range of light industrial products available for export.4. We are very glad to receive your letter with illustrated catalogue.5. We are looking forward to your specific requirements for our products.6. We are a well-established private company, and we look forward to establish businessrelations with you.7. The manager briefly introduced the Johnson company, which is most probably to be ourprospective customer.8. To give you a general idea about our products in the chart, here we enclose a copy ofbooklet and the latest price list.9. When the value of export exceeds that of the import, we call it the favorable balance oftrade.10. Our products are of high quality and favorable prices.V. Translate the following letter into English.Dear Sirs,We got you are interested in the silk garments from lastweek’s China Daily. Here weintroduce ourselves as the largest dealer of garments in this area. We would like to eatablishbusiness relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefits.Our silk garments are made of high standard silk and traditional technique. We are sendingyou a copy of illustrated catalogue and the latest price list for your reference. If you areinterested in any item of them, please let us now. Once we receive your enquiry, we will sendyou the qutation and sample by aimail.We are looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,VI. Write an English letter in a proper form based on the following information. (Ommitted)Chapter 3 Inquiry and ReplyI. Multiple Choices.1-5 D A A D B 6-10 B B A B BIIGive the Chinese equivalents to the following terms. 9. 10. IIIGive the English equivalents to the following terms.1. large scale2. a wide range (variety) of3. irrevocable letter of credit4. 3% rebate5. illustrated catalogue6. the biggest dealer7. first-rate technology 8. favorable CIFHongKong 9. terms of payment10. portable electric water heaterIV. Translate the following into English.1. We are in the market for the leather shoes, please quote us the most favorable prices.2. Please quote us the lowerest price for the captioned goods. When quoting, please statethe packing and the earliest time of shipment and send us the booklet of the products.3. We want to know what dicount you can offerfor an order exceeding 1000 dozen?4. We are now interested in the the table cloth and napkin. We are very appriciative if youcan send us he catalouge,sample and the price list.5. The enclosed price list and illustrated catalouge will provide you with detailedinformation on the article you are most interested in.V. Translate the following letter into English.Dear Sirs,We are interested in your canvas bag on page 4 of your December’s catalogue, would youplease send us a sample and quote us the lowerest price of CIF Honolulu?If your product proves to be satisfactory, we will order at least 2500 dozen.Please reply as soon as possible.Yours,VI. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.2.3. 4. 5. CIF3%6. 7. 8. 2005714 9. 60CIFVIITranslate the following into Chinese.6151002%Chapter 4 Offer and Counter-offerI. Give the English equivalents to the following terms.1. offer2. under/on the usual terms3. accept counter offer4. favorable price(s)5. on/under offer6. terms of payment7. to promote the transaction 8. firm offer 9. non-firm offer10. strengthening marketII. Give the Chinese equivalents to the following terms.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.III. Multiple choices.1—5 A D A A C 6-10 C B B C BIV. Translate the following letter into English.1. As requested, we offer you as follows, subject to our final confirmation.2. The offer is firm, to be valid(effective) till your reply reaches us before the end ofthis month.3. To our regret, the price gap between your countered one and ours is too big.4. It’s regret that our buyer from Shanghai thought your price was much higher.5. If you cannot accept our offer, please bid us your most probable counter offer.V. Translate the following letter into English.Dear sirs,Here we confirm having received your letter of October 20th concerning the sample of “Grace” brand blouses and thank you very much.Although your blouses are of high quality, your price is on the high side.Meanwhile Iwant to point out that the prices of the similar blouses of European origin are about15% lower than yours.Such being the case, we hope you can reduce your price at least by 15%, for the value ofour order is about USD 40, 000.It is worthwhile for you to make some concessions.We look forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,VI. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. 6152.3.4.5. 6. 20% 7. 3%8. 9. 10. 10%11.12. uidandakaiVIITranslate the following letter into Chinese.810FOBIBMCPU80586200800FOB20039/1085Chapter 5 Acceptance and OrderI. Answer the following questions.1. When should the buyer write an order?When both the buyer and the seller reach an agreement on the terms of sales, then thebuyer can write an order.2. What should he pay attention to when the buyer writes an order?He should pay attention to the terms and conditions of the sales, especially about thefigures and the date.3. What should be included in an order?It should contain the “main conditions(合同要件)or conditional clausese” of a contr act,which includes the name(s) of the commodity(commodities), the specification, the price, thequantity, the packing, the shipment, the payment and the insurance.4. Sometimes if you cannot accept an order what should you do? Why?You should write a letter to your customer to explain why you cannot accept the orderand show your regret, and hope to do business with him next time. Because you do not wantto lose a potential customer.II. Translate the following terms and expressionsA. into Chinese1. 为---扫清障碍2. 一笔交易3. 友好合作4. 草拟合同5. 愉快的工作关系6. 汇票7. 草拟8. 草拟9. 第一笔交易 10. 达成协议B. Into English1. the first available steamership2. put forward3. contract draft4. wide acceptance5. confirm an order6. the first order7. each makes a half concession8. supply 9. customer(client) 10. reach(conclude) an agreementIII. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.1-5 A C D C A 6-10 B D A A CIV. Translate the following sentences into English.1. We confirm having supplied you ten metric tons of green soybeans at E3000 per m/t CFRRotterdam, shipment in September.2. Here we confirm your order of August 1 on 1000 dozen folding chairs.3. We confirm having sold you 1000 sets of “Fuji” brand digital camera.4. The captioned goods are out of stock, we are sorry that we cannot entertain your order.5. Once we receive your confirmation, we will send you the contract draft for your approval.6. There is a heavy demand for our toy pandas,we recommend you to place your order as earlyas possible.7. We hope the conclusion of the first deal will bring more(further) business in the future.8. We are glad that we have concluded the transaction of 10,000 “Double Happiness” brand bats.9. We hope the conclusion of the first deal will pave the way for our freidnly cooperation in thefuture.10. We are glad to inform you that our users are very satisfied with your first lot of goods.V. Translate the following letter into English.Dear Sirs,We have received your order of August 1 and thanks.We confirm having sold you 1000 snooker tables at US$400CIF Los Angles, delivery in October. Terms of payment are by confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable by sigh draft.We are sure that you will be satisfied with the high quality of our products.If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to let us know.Yours faithfully,VI. Write an English letter based on the following information.Dear Sirs,Thank you very much for your order of 5000 women’s bags.We assure you of our timely and qulified execution of the order. Would you please open the related L/C without fail to avoid the delay of the shipment.Besides the model of the commodities you have ordered, we are dealin a wide varieties of fashion bags, enclosed please find theillustrated catalogue. If you are interested in any of them, please do not hesitate to let us know.We look forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Chapter 6 ContractI. Answer the following questions in English.1. What are the basic clauses of a contract?The basic clauses of a contract include the commodity, the price,the quantity, thespecification, the shipment, the packing, the payment and the insurance.2. How can you understand the importance of a contract in international business?It is the evidence of the business. It is the evdience of executing the contract; it is alsothe evidence of disputes and complaints.3. What are the conditional clauses in a contract?The conditional clauses of a contract should include the name(s) of thecommodity(commodities), the specification, the price, the quantity, the packing, theshipment, the payment and the insurance4. Why should you pay great attention to conditional clauses?Because they are the main clauses of a contract.5. What are the different results you will have when your partner breaches different kinds of clauses of the contract?If your partner breaches the conditional clauses of a contract, you can ask him tocompensate your loss. If your partner breaches the clauses of force majeure, you can ask him todelay fulfillment of the contract, partial fulfillment or cancel the contract without anycompensation.6. What are warranty clause in a contract?7. What will you do if you want to become a successful international businessman?First youshould master at least a foreign language; second you should have a good command of international business; third you should know your products and your customers well; fourth,youshould know the genenral practice and regulations ofinternational trade.II. Translate the following terms and expressionsA. Into Chinese1. 销售合同2. 更多的订单3. 一式两份4. 合作5. 供某人存档6. 向某人下订单7. 上述提到的货物8. 供某人存档9. 规定(条款) 10. 尽可能早的B. Into English1. sales confirmation2. for one’sinformation3. place an orderwith sb4. subsequent amendment5. in triplicate6. in quaduplicate7. in quintuplicate 8. be in confimity with 9. stipulations10 for one’s referenceIII. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.1-5. C C A D C 6-10 B D A A CIV. Translate the following sentences into English.1. We have accepted your order No. 111 for 10000 sets of CD players.2. We would like to place an order with you for 1000 Christmas trees for the coming Christmas.3. Here we enclose our purchase contract No.Q12 in duplicate, please sign and return one copyfor our file.4. To avoid subsequent amendment, the stipulations of the L/C should be in exact conformitywith those of the S/C.5. It is self-evident that your packing should be firm and sea-worthy.6. We hope the purchase contract No. 482 on 1000 sets of V998 Motorola mobile phones hasarrived you on time.7. What we want to point out is that although the qualify of your shampoo is good, the price ison the high side.8. We are glad to send you our purchase contract No. 333 on 500 cases of men skin-carecosmetics in triplicate.9. Your yarn closh is very popular in our market because of its high quality and low price. Nowwe are placing a repeat order about 20000 pieces.10. Now we are sending you contract draft No. 666 on jeans by separate post for your reference. V. Translate the following letter into English.Dear Sirs,We are glad to confirm having concluded with you on 1000 Aucma freezers. We draw up S/C No.A-12 in duplicate. Please sign and return one copy for our file.Since the strengthing market for freezers is coming, if you want to place a repeat order, please infrom us as early as possible.We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours faithfully,VI. (ommitted)VII. Fill in the contract forms in English with the following particulars.(1)Sales ContractContract No.:07-336Sellers: Jiangsu Native Produce and Animal BY-products Import and Export CorporationBuyers: London Foodstuffs Import and Export CompanyThis contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms andconditions stipulated below:Commodity: Groundnut KernelsSpecifications: FAQ2007 CropQuantity: 50 M/TUnit Price: At RMB$ 3550 per m/t CIF LondonTotal Value: RMB$177500(Say Renminbi Dollars One hundred and Seventy-seven Thousand andFive Hundred Only)Packing: In double gunny bagsInsurance: To be covered by the Sellers for 110% of the invoice value against All Risks and WarRiskTime of Shipment: During November 2007Port of Shipment: Nantong of ChinaPost of Destination: LondonShipping Mark: At the Sellers’ optionTerms of Payment: By irrevocable L/C available by draft at sight st day of May, 2007.Done and signed in Nanjing of Jiangsu on this 31(2)Sales ContractContract No.: AV006Sellers: Beijing Light Industrial Products Import and Export CorporationBuyers: General Trading Company, New YorkThis contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the buyers agree to buyand the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms andconditions stipulated below:Commodity: “Forever” brand BicyclesSpecifications: Model MB26Quantity: 1000 bicyclesUnit Price: At US$ 70 each CIF New YorkTotal Value: US$70000(Say U.S. Dollars Seventy Thousand Only)Packing: In wooden casesInsurance: To be covered by the Sellers for 110% of the invoice value against All Risks and WarRisk as per CIC dated 1st January, 1981.Time of Shipment: To be effected not later than 30th June, 2007, allowing partial shipment andtransshipmentPort of Shipment: China PortPost of Destination: New YorkShipping Mark: At the Sellers’ optionTerms of Payment: By irrevocable L/C at sight to reach the Sellers a month prior ro the time ofshipment and remain valid for negotiation in China until the 15th day after the final date ofshipment.stDone and signed inBeijing on this 31 day of May, 2007. Contract No.: AC 4789VIII. Fill in the contract forms in English with the particulars in the orders accepted by the sellers.(1)Sales Contract Contract No.:AV678 Date: June 21, 2007 5Signed at : BeijingSellers: China National Garments Import and Export CorporationBuyers:J.B Simpson & Co., LtdThis contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the buyers agree to buyand the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms andconditions stipulated below:Name of commodity Quantity (pieces) Unit Price CIFsydney Total AmountSpecifications netBed sheets Length: 1500 f2.50 per piece f3750106cm, color blueBedsheets Length: 1500 f3.00 per piece f4500120cm; Color:yellowPillow cases Color: 3000 f1.80 per pair f5400bluePillow cases Color: 3000 f1.80 f5400yellowTotal Value F19050Packing: To be paked in balesShipping Mark:At the sellers optionInsurance: To be covered by the SellersPort of Shipment: SydneyPort Destination: SingaporeTime of Shipment: During August 2007Terms of Payment: By irrevocable L/C payable at sight(2)Sales ContractContract No.:07897Date: May 3, 2007Signed at : Qingdao Sellers: China National Import and Export CorporationBuyers: Yokohama Import and Export Co., LtdThis contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the buyers agree to buyand the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodityaccording to the terms andconditions stipulated below:Commodity: Canned AsparagusSpecifications: 500 grams per tinQuantity: 300 cartonsUnit Price: At US$500 per carton FOBQingdaoTotal Value:US$150000(Say US Dollars One Hundred Fifty Thousand Only) Packing: In cartons of 50 tins eachShipping Mark: At the Seller’s OptionInsurance: To be covered by the BuyersTime of Shipment: In May 2002Port of Shipment: QingdaoPost of Destination: YokohamaTerms of Payment: By irrevocable L/C payable by sigh draft and showing shipping documentsIX. Fill in contract forms in English with the particulars from the following messages.(1)Sales ContractContract No.: 2828Sellers: Beijing Light Industrial Products Import and Export CorporationBuyers: Boston Trading Co., LtdThis contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:Commodity: Fountain PensSpecifications: Model LC001Quantity: 1000 dozenUnit Price: At US$ 19 per dozen CFR BostonTotal Value: US$19000(Say U.S. Dollars Nineteen Thousand Only)Packing: In boxes of one dozen each, and 20 boxes to a cartonShipping Mark: At Sellers’ optionInsurance: To be covered by the BuyersTime of Shipment: During March/April 2002Port of Shipment: China PortPost of Destination: BostonTerms of Payment: By confirmed, irrevocable L/C available by draft at sight Done and signed in Beijing on this2nd day of January, 2007(2)Sales ContractContract No.: 3265Sellers: Hebei Imp/Exp Corp.Buyers: Vancouver Foodstuffs CompanyThis contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:Commodity: Walnut MeatSpecifications: First GradeQuantity: 60 M/TUnit Price: At US$2000 per m/t CIF VancouverTotal Value: RMB120000(Say US Dollars One Hundred and Twenty Thousand Only) Packing: In sacks of 100 kgs eachInsurance: To be covered by the Sellers against All Risks and War Risk for 110% of the invoice value as per CIC of January 1, 1981 Time of Shipment: In three shipments of 20 tons each, commencing from October Port of Shipment: China PortPost of Destination: VancouverShipping Mark: At Sellers’ optionTerms of Payment: By irrevocable L/C at sightDone and signed in Shijiazhuangon this 31st day of March, 2007Quiz(期中测试题)(供参考)Put the following English into Chinese and Chinese into English: 1.5 101.premium 6.平安险.2.quotation sheet 7.承担交单3.latest catalogue 8.来样加工4.WPA 9.中国贸促会5.Sales Confirmation 10.价格单Multiple Choice: 1 251. c2. b3. c4. b5. d6. b7. a8. c9. a10. b11. c12. b13. c14.a15. b16.b17. b18.a19. d20.d21. a22. b23.a24. d25. aComplete the sentences with the patterns given below:2.5 251. our entrusting you with exclusive agency2. We take the opportunity to introduce3. will be executed within this month4. to establish (open, issue) an L/C in our favor through an American bank5. are very popular with the buyers here.6. be ready for shipment within the next two or three weeks.7. are in the market for8. quote us best price for9. insure for 110% of the invoice value10. we are willing to enter into direct business relations with you.Supply the missing words in blanks : 1 111. enquiry2. agency3. premature4. business5. way6. satisfied7. however8.transaction 9. postpone 10. warrant 11. cooperationTranslate the following sentences into English using the words or phrases in brackets:4 241. Now we are offering firm 50 M/T Almond Kernel at USDxx per M/T FOB for promptshipment, subject to our final confirmation by fax.2. Please see to it that each carton is lined with polythene sheet and the outer package is marked请with “keep dry”3. In consideration of our long friendly relations, we accept payment by L/C at 60 days’ sight forthis transaction.4. We have booked shipp ing space on S.S.“Eastwind” which is due to arrive in Hamburger on about July 9.5. On examination, we found the quality of the goods is too inferior to be suitable for the need of经the local market.6. As you are not satisfied with our proposal, we suggest you submit this matter and settle byarbitration.Chapter 7 Terms of PaymentI. Answer the following questions in English.1. How many modes of payment are there in international trade?Generally speaking, there are three major modes of payment used in inernaional trade,they are remittance(which include M/T, T/T and D/D), collection (which includes D/P andD/A) and L/C. There are also some other modes of payment used in international trade, suchas O/A(open account), payment by installment, L/G (letter of Gaurantee), factoring andSWIFT.2. What is the main difference between D/P, D/A, and L/C?Among them, on the security(safety) L/C>D/P>D/A;L/C and D/P can be divided into at sight or after sight, while D/Ais usually after sight;By L/C and D/P, you will not transfer the B/L until you get the payment; while the D/A youwill transfer the goods to the buyer without get any payment but promise only.3. If the exporter and the importer do not know each other well and are located in countriesthousands of miles apart, what payment mode do you suggest? And why?I would like to suggest payment by L/C. Because it can protect both the buyer and the seller. Itcan ensure the buyer will not pay until he gets the goods and the seller will not transfer thegoods until he gets the payment.4. Why do we think L/C is not so safe as our imagination?Because there are some fake L/C in the real world; and if the credit of opening bank is not sogood, it is risky to adopt L/C; it will be affected by the politics.II. Choose the best answer to complete the following statements.1-5 C A A D B 6-10 A A A B CIII. Write out the full forms of the abbreviated payment methods and give the equivalent terms inChinese. Abbreviation Full form Chinese M/T Mail transfer 信汇 T/T Telegraphic transfer 电汇 D/D Demand draft 票汇 D/A Documents agaisnt acceptance 承兑交单 D/P 付款交单 Documents against payment O/A Opent Account 赊购(销)L/G Letter of Guarantee 银行保函 IV. Write a reply to the following letter.(omitted).V. Letter writing Practice (omitted).Chapter 8 Letter of CreditI. Answer the following questions.1. What kinds of L/C do you know?There are different kinds of L/C in international trade. Generally speaking, it can be divided into the following different categories: clean credt and documentary credit; sight L/C and time or usuance L/C; revocable and irrevocable L/C; confirmed and inconfirmed L/C; transferable andnon-transferable L/C; divisible L/C and non-divisible L/C; revolving and non-revolving L/C;standby L/C and red clause L/C.2. What is the structure of the letter for amending L/C?First it should has the format of a business letter. Second, it can be divided into three parts: the The first, to tell your customer you have received the L/C and the L/C No,and tell him there are some discrepancies need amending; the second you should point out the discrepancies and how toamend; third, you should urge your customer to amend as soon as possible.3. What is documentary credit?Documentary credit is the product of international business and the creation of merchants and bankers. It is commercial letter of credit provided for payment by a bank to the named beneficiary, usually the seller of merchandise, against delivery of documents specified in the credit.。
实用外贸英语函电教程第二版 课后答案

实用外贸英语函电教程第二版课后答案1、--Whose _______ are these?? ? ? --I think they are John·s. [单选题] *A. keyB. keyesC. keys(正确答案)D. keies2、There is a bank ______ the street. [单选题] *A. on the end ofB. in the end ofC. at the end of(正确答案)D. by the end of3、There _______ some milk in the glass. [单选题] *A. is(正确答案)B. areC. haveD. has4、Once you get on the road, here are some traffic _______ to remember. [单选题] *A. problemsB. positionsC. rules(正确答案)D. points5、4.—Alice’s never late for school.—________. [单选题] *A.So am I.B.So was I.C.Neither am I. (正确答案)D.Neither have I.6、Li Jing often helps me ______ my geography.()[单选题] *A. atB. inC. ofD. with(正确答案)7、Jim is a(n) _______. He is very careful and likes to work with numbers. [单选题] *A. secretaryB. tour guideC. accountant(正确答案)D. English teacher8、He was proud of what he had done. [单选题] *A. 对…感到自豪(正确答案)B. 对…感到满足C. 对…表示不满D. 对…表示后悔9、I will _______ at the school gate. [单选题] *A. pick you up(正确答案)B. pick up youC. pick you outD. pick out you10、Nowadays schools should care for the full _______ of a student’s talents. [单选题] *A. satisfactionB. development(正确答案)C. communicationD. preparation11、I could ______ control my feelings and cried loudly when I heard the bad news. [单选题] *A. hardly(正确答案)B. ?reallyC. clearlyD. nearly12、56.Sam is in a hurry. Maybe he has got ________ important to do. [单选题] * A.everythingB.nothingC.anythingD.something(正确答案)13、While studying abroad, he financially depended()his wife. [单选题] *A. on(正确答案)B. ofC. toD. from14、The manager isn’t in at the moment. May I _______ a message? [单选题] *A. take(正确答案)B. makeC. haveD. keep15、Sam is going to have the party ______ Saturday evening. ()[单选题] *A. inB. on(正确答案)C. atD. to16、Three ______ died of water pollution last winter. [单选题] *A. hundreds of villagersB. hundred villagers(正确答案)C. hundreds villagersD. hundred of villagers17、I knocked on the door but _______ answered. [单选题] *A. somebodyB. anybodyC. nobody(正确答案)D. everybody18、It is an online platform _____ people can buy and sell many kinds of things. [单选题] * A.whenB. where(正确答案)C.thatD.which19、The boy’s mother always _______ him a story before he goes to bed. [单选题] *A. saysB. speaksC. tells(正确答案)D. talks20、Ordinary books, _________ correctly, can give you much knowledge. [单选题] *A. used(正确答案)B. to useC. usingD. use21、They lost their way in the forest, and _____ made matters worse was night began to fall. [单选题] *A. thatB. itC. what(正确答案)D. which22、--Jenny, what’s your favorite _______?--I like potatoes best. [单选题] *A. fruitB. vegetable(正确答案)C. drinkD. meat23、We need two ______ and two bags of ______ for the banana milk shake.()[单选题]*A. banana; yogurtB. banana; yogurtsC. bananas; yogurt(正确答案)D. bananas; yogurts24、If the manager had to choose between the two, he would say John was _____ choice. [单选题] *A. goodB. the bestC. betterD. the better(正确答案)25、The book is _______. You’d better buy it. [单选题] *A. useful(正确答案)B. uselessC. useD. careful26、The car _______ after forty minutes driving, so he didn’t have the interview on time. [单选题] *A. broke down(正确答案)B. broke inC. broke outD. broke up27、I will _______ from Hunan University next year. [单选题] *A. learnB. studyC. graduate(正确答案)D. come28、Boys and girls, please _______ your favorite book here and show it to us next class. [单选题] *A. bring(正确答案)B. sellC. buyD. take29、Mary _______ a small gift yesterday, but she didn’t _______ it. [单选题] *A. accepted; receiveB. received; accept(正确答案)C. receives; acceptedD. accepts; received30、There _____ wrong with my radio. [单选题] *A. are somethingB. are anythingC. is anythingD. is something(正确答案)。

外贸英语函电课后习题参考答案(For Reference Only)Chapter 1 Business Letter I. Answer the following questions.1. How many principal parts is a business letter composed of? What are they?Generally speaking, there are seven principal parts of a standard business letter. They are theletter head; the date; inside name and address; saluation; the body of a letter(message); thecomplimentary close and signature. 2. What are the three main formats of a business letter used today? Which format do you like best?There are three main formats of a business letter in use at present: the conventionalindented style; the modern block style and the modified block style.I like the modern blockstyle, since it is simple and we can save much time.3. What is P.S.?It is postscript, refers to one or more remarks the writer may add to the core or body of theletter,usually hand-written side by side with or below the signature and enclosure parts, wherethere is often a large patch of blank space. A postscript can be a sentence or a brief paragraph.II. Choose the best answer1-5 A C A B D 6-10 B D C B A 11-15 B C C D D 16-20 D A C B BIII. Write a letter with the given particulars below, using necessary capitals and punctuation( in modern block style)CZ Import & Export Corp. Ltd66 Minghuang, Wujin Discrict, Changzhou213164, P.R. ChinaJuly 3, 2007Mr. John MartinSales ManagerLake Circles Inc.56 York Road, ChicagoIllinois, USADear Sir,Yours sincerely,IV. Arrange the following both in a blocked form and indented form as they should be setout in a letter. (ommitted)Chapter 2 Establishment of Business RelationsI. Answer the following questions.1. If you want to open up a market to maintain or expand business actiities what should youdo first?If we want to open up a market to maintian or expand business activities, what we should dofirst is to conduct a market research, from which we shall know thoroughly about yourproduct(s), your present and potential market(s) .2. Before you write letters with some new established firms what had you better do?We had better try to collect as much information as possible about the new establishedfirms, especially about their credit information.3. Through what channels can one obtain the desired names and addresses of the companiesto be dealt with?We can get the desired names and addresses of the companies through the following channels:Some b2b websites, such as ; some governmental or oganizational websites, such as; some news papers or magazines; some yellowpages; some friends or your present customers; or you can get the imformation by using some serach engines such as google oryahoo.4. How to begin with the “First Letter” or circulars to the other party?It should be consisted of the three parts: first, you should say where you have got theinformation of your potential customer; second you should provide necessary information aboutyourself; third you should express your wish of writing the letter.5. How can one create goodwill and leave a good impression on the readers?We should consider the eight “C”s in writing a business letter: clearness; conciseness; correctness; concreteness; cheerfulness; courtesy; consideration and completeness.II. multiple choices.1-5 D C A B A 6-10 C A C B CIII. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. 2. 3. 4.5.6. 1007. 8. 9. 10.IV Translate the following sentences into English.1. Here we introduce ourselves as an Export Company of Imitation Jewelry, with manyyears of experience in this line.2. The letter you wrote to the headquarter last week has been transferred to us, since wedeal in the products.3. We have a wide range of light industrial products available for export.4. We are very glad to receive your letter with illustrated catalogue.5. We are looking forward to your specific requirements for our products.6. We are a well-established private company, and we look forward to establish businessrelations with you.7. The manager briefly introduced the Johnson company, which is most probably to be ourprospective customer.8. To give you a general idea about our products in the chart, here we enclose a copy ofbooklet and the latest price list.9. When the value of export exceeds that of the import, we call it the favorable balance oftrade.10. Our products are of high quality and favorable prices.V. Translate the following letter into English.Dear Sirs,We got you are interested in the silk garments from lastweek’s China Daily. Here weintroduce ourselves as the largest dealer of garments in this area. We would like to eatablishbusiness relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefits.Our silk garments are made of high standard silk and traditional technique. We are sendingyou a copy of illustrated catalogue and the latest price list for your reference. If you areinterested in any item of them, please let us now. Once we receive your enquiry, we will sendyou the qutation and sample by aimail.We are looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,VI. Write an English letter in a proper form based on the following information. (Ommitted)Chapter 3 Inquiry and ReplyI. Multiple Choices.1-5 D A A D B 6-10 B B A B BIIGive the Chinese equivalents to the following terms. 9. 10. IIIGive the English equivalents to the following terms.1. large scale2. a wide range (variety) of3. irrevocable letter of credit4. 3% rebate5. illustrated catalogue6. the biggest dealer7. first-rate technology 8. favorable CIFHongKong 9. terms of payment10. portable electric water heaterIV. Translate the following into English.1. We are in the market for the leather shoes, please quote us the most favorable prices.2. Please quote us the lowerest price for the captioned goods. When quoting, please statethe packing and the earliest time of shipment and send us the booklet of the products.3. We want to know what dicount you can offerfor an order exceeding 1000 dozen?4. We are now interested in the the table cloth and napkin. We are very appriciative if youcan send us he catalouge,sample and the price list.5. The enclosed price list and illustrated catalouge will provide you with detailedinformation on the article you are most interested in.V. Translate the following letter into English.Dear Sirs,We are interested in your canvas bag on page 4 of your December’s catalogue, would youplease send us a sample and quote us the lowerest price of CIF Honolulu?If your product proves to be satisfactory, we will order at least 2500 dozen.Please reply as soon as possible.Yours,VI. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.2.3. 4. 5. CIF3%6. 7. 8. 2005714 9. 60CIFVIITranslate the following into Chinese.6151002%Chapter 4 Offer and Counter-offerI. Give the English equivalents to the following terms.1. offer2. under/on the usual terms3. accept counter offer4. favorable price(s)5. on/under offer6. terms of payment7. to promote the transaction 8. firm offer 9. non-firm offer10. strengthening marketII. Give the Chinese equivalents to the following terms.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.III. Multiple choices.1—5 A D A A C 6-10 C B B C BIV. Translate the following letter into English.1. As requested, we offer you as follows, subject to our final confirmation.2. The offer is firm, to be valid(effective) till your reply reaches us before the end ofthis month.3. To our regret, the price gap between your countered one and ours is too big.4. It’s regret that our buyer from Shanghai thought your price was much higher.5. If you cannot accept our offer, please bid us your most probable counter offer.V. Translate the following letter into English.Dear sirs,Here we confirm having received your letter of October 20th concerning the sample of “Grace” brand blouses and thank you very much.Although your blouses are of high quality, your price is on the high side.Meanwhile Iwant to point out that the prices of the similar blouses of European origin are about15% lower than yours.Such being the case, we hope you can reduce your price at least by 15%, for the value ofour order is about USD 40, 000.It is worthwhile for you to make some concessions.We look forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,VI. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. 6152.3.4.5. 6. 20% 7. 3%8. 9. 10. 10%11.12. uidandakaiVIITranslate the following letter into Chinese.810FOBIBMCPU80586200800FOB20039/1085Chapter 5 Acceptance and OrderI. Answer the following questions.1. When should the buyer write an order?When both the buyer and the seller reach an agreement on the terms of sales, then thebuyer can write an order.2. What should he pay attention to when the buyer writes an order?He should pay attention to the terms and conditions of the sales, especially about thefigures and the date.3. What should be included in an order?It should contain the “main conditions(合同要件)or conditional clausese” of a contr act,which includes the name(s) of the commodity(commodities), the specification, the price, thequantity, the packing, the shipment, the payment and the insurance.4. Sometimes if you cannot accept an order what should you do? Why?You should write a letter to your customer to explain why you cannot accept the orderand show your regret, and hope to do business with him next time. Because you do not wantto lose a potential customer.II. Translate the following terms and expressionsA. into Chinese1. 为---扫清障碍2. 一笔交易3. 友好合作4. 草拟合同5. 愉快的工作关系6. 汇票7. 草拟8. 草拟9. 第一笔交易 10. 达成协议B. Into English1. the first available steamership2. put forward3. contract draft4. wide acceptance5. confirm an order6. the first order7. each makes a half concession8. supply 9. customer(client) 10. reach(conclude) an agreementIII. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.1-5 A C D C A 6-10 B D A A CIV. Translate the following sentences into English.1. We confirm having supplied you ten metric tons of green soybeans at E3000 per m/t CFRRotterdam, shipment in September.2. Here we confirm your order of August 1 on 1000 dozen folding chairs.3. We confirm having sold you 1000 sets of “Fuji” brand digital camera.4. The captioned goods are out of stock, we are sorry that we cannot entertain your order.5. Once we receive your confirmation, we will send you the contract draft for your approval.6. There is a heavy demand for our toy pandas,we recommend you to place your order as earlyas possible.7. We hope the conclusion of the first deal will bring more(further) business in the future.8. We are glad that we have concluded the transaction of 10,000 “Double Happiness” brand bats.9. We hope the conclusion of the first deal will pave the way for our freidnly cooperation in thefuture.10. We are glad to inform you that our users are very satisfied with your first lot of goods.V. Translate the following letter into English.Dear Sirs,We have received your order of August 1 and thanks.We confirm having sold you 1000 snooker tables at US$400CIF Los Angles, delivery in October. Terms of payment are by confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable by sigh draft.We are sure that you will be satisfied with the high quality of our products.If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to let us know.Yours faithfully,VI. Write an English letter based on the following information.Dear Sirs,Thank you very much for your order of 5000 women’s bags.We assure you of our timely and qulified execution of the order. Would you please open the related L/C without fail to avoid the delay of the shipment.Besides the model of the commodities you have ordered, we are dealin a wide varieties of fashion bags, enclosed please find theillustrated catalogue. If you are interested in any of them, please do not hesitate to let us know.We look forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Chapter 6 ContractI. Answer the following questions in English.1. What are the basic clauses of a contract?The basic clauses of a contract include the commodity, the price,the quantity, thespecification, the shipment, the packing, the payment and the insurance.2. How can you understand the importance of a contract in international business?It is the evidence of the business. It is the evdience of executing the contract; it is alsothe evidence of disputes and complaints.3. What are the conditional clauses in a contract?The conditional clauses of a contract should include the name(s) of thecommodity(commodities), the specification, the price, the quantity, the packing, theshipment, the payment and the insurance4. Why should you pay great attention to conditional clauses?Because they are the main clauses of a contract.5. What are the different results you will have when your partner breaches different kinds of clauses of the contract?If your partner breaches the conditional clauses of a contract, you can ask him tocompensate your loss. If your partner breaches the clauses of force majeure, you can ask him todelay fulfillment of the contract, partial fulfillment or cancel the contract without anycompensation.6. What are warranty clause in a contract?7. What will you do if you want to become a successful international businessman?First youshould master at least a foreign language; second you should have a good command of international business; third you should know your products and your customers well; fourth,youshould know the genenral practice and regulations ofinternational trade.II. Translate the following terms and expressionsA. Into Chinese1. 销售合同2. 更多的订单3. 一式两份4. 合作5. 供某人存档6. 向某人下订单7. 上述提到的货物8. 供某人存档9. 规定(条款) 10. 尽可能早的B. Into English1. sales confirmation2. for one’sinformation3. place an orderwith sb4. subsequent amendment5. in triplicate6. in quaduplicate7. in quintuplicate 8. be in confimity with 9. stipulations10 for one’s referenceIII. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.1-5. C C A D C 6-10 B D A A CIV. Translate the following sentences into English.1. We have accepted your order No. 111 for 10000 sets of CD players.2. We would like to place an order with you for 1000 Christmas trees for the coming Christmas.3. Here we enclose our purchase contract No.Q12 in duplicate, please sign and return one copyfor our file.4. To avoid subsequent amendment, the stipulations of the L/C should be in exact conformitywith those of the S/C.5. It is self-evident that your packing should be firm and sea-worthy.6. We hope the purchase contract No. 482 on 1000 sets of V998 Motorola mobile phones hasarrived you on time.7. What we want to point out is that although the qualify of your shampoo is good, the price ison the high side.8. We are glad to send you our purchase contract No. 333 on 500 cases of men skin-carecosmetics in triplicate.9. Your yarn closh is very popular in our market because of its high quality and low price. Nowwe are placing a repeat order about 20000 pieces.10. Now we are sending you contract draft No. 666 on jeans by separate post for your reference. V. Translate the following letter into English.Dear Sirs,We are glad to confirm having concluded with you on 1000 Aucma freezers. We draw up S/C No.A-12 in duplicate. Please sign and return one copy for our file.Since the strengthing market for freezers is coming, if you want to place a repeat order, please infrom us as early as possible.We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours faithfully,VI. (ommitted)VII. Fill in the contract forms in English with the following particulars.(1)Sales ContractContract No.:07-336Sellers: Jiangsu Native Produce and Animal BY-products Import and Export CorporationBuyers: London Foodstuffs Import and Export CompanyThis contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms andconditions stipulated below:Commodity: Groundnut KernelsSpecifications: FAQ2007 CropQuantity: 50 M/TUnit Price: At RMB$ 3550 per m/t CIF LondonTotal Value: RMB$177500(Say Renminbi Dollars One hundred and Seventy-seven Thousand andFive Hundred Only)Packing: In double gunny bagsInsurance: To be covered by the Sellers for 110% of the invoice value against All Risks and WarRiskTime of Shipment: During November 2007Port of Shipment: Nantong of ChinaPost of Destination: LondonShipping Mark: At the Sellers’ optionTerms of Payment: By irrevocable L/C available by draft at sight st day of May, 2007.Done and signed in Nanjing of Jiangsu on this 31(2)Sales ContractContract No.: AV006Sellers: Beijing Light Industrial Products Import and Export CorporationBuyers: General Trading Company, New YorkThis contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the buyers agree to buyand the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms andconditions stipulated below:Commodity: “Forever” brand BicyclesSpecifications: Model MB26Quantity: 1000 bicyclesUnit Price: At US$ 70 each CIF New YorkTotal Value: US$70000(Say U.S. Dollars Seventy Thousand Only)Packing: In wooden casesInsurance: To be covered by the Sellers for 110% of the invoice value against All Risks and WarRisk as per CIC dated 1st January, 1981.Time of Shipment: To be effected not later than 30th June, 2007, allowing partial shipment andtransshipmentPort of Shipment: China PortPost of Destination: New YorkShipping Mark: At the Sellers’ optionTerms of Payment: By irrevocable L/C at sight to reach the Sellers a month prior ro the time ofshipment and remain valid for negotiation in China until the 15th day after the final date ofshipment.stDone and signed inBeijing on this 31 day of May, 2007. Contract No.: AC 4789VIII. Fill in the contract forms in English with the particulars in the orders accepted by the sellers.(1)Sales Contract Contract No.:AV678 Date: June 21, 2007 5Signed at : BeijingSellers: China National Garments Import and Export CorporationBuyers:J.B Simpson & Co., LtdThis contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the buyers agree to buyand the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms andconditions stipulated below:Name of commodity Quantity (pieces) Unit Price CIFsydney Total AmountSpecifications netBed sheets Length: 1500 f2.50 per piece f3750106cm, color blueBedsheets Length: 1500 f3.00 per piece f4500120cm; Color:yellowPillow cases Color: 3000 f1.80 per pair f5400bluePillow cases Color: 3000 f1.80 f5400yellowTotal Value F19050Packing: To be paked in balesShipping Mark:At the sellers optionInsurance: To be covered by the SellersPort of Shipment: SydneyPort Destination: SingaporeTime of Shipment: During August 2007Terms of Payment: By irrevocable L/C payable at sight(2)Sales ContractContract No.:07897Date: May 3, 2007Signed at : Qingdao Sellers: China National Import and Export CorporationBuyers: Yokohama Import and Export Co., LtdThis contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the buyers agree to buyand the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodityaccording to the terms andconditions stipulated below:Commodity: Canned AsparagusSpecifications: 500 grams per tinQuantity: 300 cartonsUnit Price: At US$500 per carton FOBQingdaoTotal Value:US$150000(Say US Dollars One Hundred Fifty Thousand Only) Packing: In cartons of 50 tins eachShipping Mark: At the Seller’s OptionInsurance: To be covered by the BuyersTime of Shipment: In May 2002Port of Shipment: QingdaoPost of Destination: YokohamaTerms of Payment: By irrevocable L/C payable by sigh draft and showing shipping documentsIX. Fill in contract forms in English with the particulars from the following messages.(1)Sales ContractContract No.: 2828Sellers: Beijing Light Industrial Products Import and Export CorporationBuyers: Boston Trading Co., LtdThis contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:Commodity: Fountain PensSpecifications: Model LC001Quantity: 1000 dozenUnit Price: At US$ 19 per dozen CFR BostonTotal Value: US$19000(Say U.S. Dollars Nineteen Thousand Only)Packing: In boxes of one dozen each, and 20 boxes to a cartonShipping Mark: At Sellers’ optionInsurance: To be covered by the BuyersTime of Shipment: During March/April 2002Port of Shipment: China PortPost of Destination: BostonTerms of Payment: By confirmed, irrevocable L/C available by draft at sight Done and signed in Beijing on this2nd day of January, 2007(2)Sales ContractContract No.: 3265Sellers: Hebei Imp/Exp Corp.Buyers: Vancouver Foodstuffs CompanyThis contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:Commodity: Walnut MeatSpecifications: First GradeQuantity: 60 M/TUnit Price: At US$2000 per m/t CIF VancouverTotal Value: RMB120000(Say US Dollars One Hundred and Twenty Thousand Only) Packing: In sacks of 100 kgs eachInsurance: To be covered by the Sellers against All Risks and War Risk for 110% of the invoice value as per CIC of January 1, 1981 Time of Shipment: In three shipments of 20 tons each, commencing from October Port of Shipment: China PortPost of Destination: VancouverShipping Mark: At Sellers’ optionTerms of Payment: By irrevocable L/C at sightDone and signed in Shijiazhuangon this 31st day of March, 2007Quiz(期中测试题)(供参考)Put the following English into Chinese and Chinese into English: 1.5 101.premium 6.平安险.2.quotation sheet 7.承担交单3.latest catalogue 8.来样加工4.WPA 9.中国贸促会5.Sales Confirmation 10.价格单Multiple Choice: 1 251. c2. b3. c4. b5. d6. b7. a8. c9. a10. b11. c12. b13. c14.a15. b16.b17. b18.a19. d20.d21. a22. b23.a24. d25. aComplete the sentences with the patterns given below:2.5 251. our entrusting you with exclusive agency2. We take the opportunity to introduce3. will be executed within this month4. to establish (open, issue) an L/C in our favor through an American bank5. are very popular with the buyers here.6. be ready for shipment within the next two or three weeks.7. are in the market for8. quote us best price for9. insure for 110% of the invoice value10. we are willing to enter into direct business relations with you.Supply the missing words in blanks : 1 111. enquiry2. agency3. premature4. business5. way6. satisfied7. however8.transaction 9. postpone 10. warrant 11. cooperationTranslate the following sentences into English using the words or phrases in brackets:4 241. Now we are offering firm 50 M/T Almond Kernel at USDxx per M/T FOB for promptshipment, subject to our final confirmation by fax.2. Please see to it that each carton is lined with polythene sheet and the outer package is marked请with “keep dry”3. In consideration of our long friendly relations, we accept payment by L/C at 60 days’ sight forthis transaction.4. We have booked shipp ing space on S.S.“Eastwind” which is due to arrive in Hamburger on about July 9.5. On examination, we found the quality of the goods is too inferior to be suitable for the need of经the local market.6. As you are not satisfied with our proposal, we suggest you submit this matter and settle byarbitration.Chapter 7 Terms of PaymentI. Answer the following questions in English.1. How many modes of payment are there in international trade?Generally speaking, there are three major modes of payment used in inernaional trade,they are remittance(which include M/T, T/T and D/D), collection (which includes D/P andD/A) and L/C. There are also some other modes of payment used in international trade, suchas O/A(open account), payment by installment, L/G (letter of Gaurantee), factoring andSWIFT.2. What is the main difference between D/P, D/A, and L/C?Among them, on the security(safety) L/C>D/P>D/A;L/C and D/P can be divided into at sight or after sight, while D/Ais usually after sight;By L/C and D/P, you will not transfer the B/L until you get the payment; while the D/A youwill transfer the goods to the buyer without get any payment but promise only.3. If the exporter and the importer do not know each other well and are located in countriesthousands of miles apart, what payment mode do you suggest? And why?I would like to suggest payment by L/C. Because it can protect both the buyer and the seller. Itcan ensure the buyer will not pay until he gets the goods and the seller will not transfer thegoods until he gets the payment.4. Why do we think L/C is not so safe as our imagination?Because there are some fake L/C in the real world; and if the credit of opening bank is not sogood, it is risky to adopt L/C; it will be affected by the politics.II. Choose the best answer to complete the following statements.1-5 C A A D B 6-10 A A A B CIII. Write out the full forms of the abbreviated payment methods and give the equivalent terms inChinese. Abbreviation Full form Chinese M/T Mail transfer 信汇 T/T Telegraphic transfer 电汇 D/D Demand draft 票汇 D/A Documents agaisnt acceptance 承兑交单 D/P 付款交单 Documents against payment O/A Opent Account 赊购(销)L/G Letter of Guarantee 银行保函 IV. Write a reply to the following letter.(omitted).V. Letter writing Practice (omitted).Chapter 8 Letter of CreditI. Answer the following questions.1. What kinds of L/C do you know?There are different kinds of L/C in international trade. Generally speaking, it can be divided into the following different categories: clean credt and documentary credit; sight L/C and time or usuance L/C; revocable and irrevocable L/C; confirmed and inconfirmed L/C; transferable andnon-transferable L/C; divisible L/C and non-divisible L/C; revolving and non-revolving L/C;standby L/C and red clause L/C.2. What is the structure of the letter for amending L/C?First it should has the format of a business letter. Second, it can be divided into three parts: the The first, to tell your customer you have received the L/C and the L/C No,and tell him there are some discrepancies need amending; the second you should point out the discrepancies and how toamend; third, you should urge your customer to amend as soon as possible.3. What is documentary credit?Documentary credit is the product of international business and the creation of merchants and bankers. It is commercial letter of credit provided for payment by a bank to the named beneficiary, usually the seller of merchandise, against delivery of documents specified in the credit.。

徐美荣外贸英语函电(第二版) 课后练习参考答案完整版.外贸英语函电课后练习参考答案(中英文对照版)名词解释Purchase contract购买合同二、建立商务关Establish business relationsSales confirmation销售确认书Purchase confirmation系供货确认书Sign签名Import进口Signature签名Export出口Counter-signature会签 Importer进口商Exporter出口商七、Payment terms支付条款 s office商务参赞处Commercial counsellor'Modes of payment支付方式Chamber of commerce商会Remittance汇付Credit standing资讯状况Telegraphic transfer (T/T)电汇三询价Inquiries、Mail transfer (M/T)信汇Demand draft (D/D)票汇First inquiry初次询价Collection General inquiry一般询价托收Documents against payment (D/P)付款交单Specific inquiry具体询价Documents against acceptance (D/A)Commission佣金承兑交单交货DeliveryEffect delivery装运八、Kinds of L/C信用证种类 All necessary information所有必要的信息Sight L/C即期信用证 Delivery date装运期Term L/C远期信用证四、 Quote报价Establish L/C开立信用证Amendment to the L/C修改信用证报盘OfferExtension of the L/C 主动报盘展延信用证 Voluntary offerCheck the L/CFree offer虚盘(自由报盘)检查信用证With the terms of contract Firm offer实盘按合同Pro forma invoice形式发票九、Pack包装 Import licence进口许可证Packing requirements目录Catalogue 包装要求Shipping instructions装运指示 Under cover随函附上Shipping marks唛头供现货Supply from stockShipping advice装运通知五、还盘CounterofferModes of transportation运输方式Time of shipment 偏高装运期 Be on the high sideDestination目的地遗憾RegretPartial shipment分批装运。

《外贸英语函电》(第⼆版)习题答案《外贸英语函电》(第⼆版)习题答案Chapter 1 key to exercises1. Translate the following terms.(1)inside address 封内地址(2)salutation 称呼(3)complimentary close 结尾敬语(4)Ref. No. 参考编号(5)enclosure 附件(6)P.O.Box 邮箱(7)postscript 附⾔(8)full block style 齐头式2. Answer the following questions.(1)How many formats of business letters do we use today? What are they?Three formats are used in writing business letter. They are full block style, modified block style and indented style.(2)What are the standard parts of a business letter?There are seven standard parts which includes letterhead, date, inside address, salutation, body of the letter, complimentary close and signature.(3)What kinds of information should be written on an envelop? And what are their positions?The information of the sender and the receiver should be written on an envelop. The information of the sender is at the top-left corner, while the information of the receiver is almost in the middle of the envelop.3. Complete the structure of the following business letter which is with full block style and write down the names of the missing parts in the boxes.Date Body of the letter Complimentary closeChapter 2key to exercises1.Translate the following terms.(1) 传真信号; (2) 传真机储存器已满; (3) 电⼦邮件; (4) 通信错误,传输信号不好;(5) 接收⽅传真机忙,传真机重拨2.Translate the following sentences into English.(1)We have to apologize to you for not answering your letter in time.(2)Please confirm the order and e-mail a shipping schedule.(3)As soon as the goods are available, we’ll inform you by fax.(4)If you find our offer acceptable, please fax us for confirmation.(5)We are e-mailing you to enquire whether you’d be willing to establish business relation s with us.3.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(1)如果存取⽂件有任何问题请和我联系。

Establishing Business Relations第二章建立业务关系Part Five Practical TrainingTranslate the following English into Chinese.P38mercial Counselor’s Office商务参赞处2.Industrial Chambers行会3.business line业务范围4.with a view to do sth本着做…的意愿;以…为目的5.enclosed is(are)our..随函附寄6a wide/full range of.一系列7.at your end在你处/地8.please let us know/inform us务请告知9.We look forward to your favourable and prompt reply我们期待收到贵方即时的好消息。
10.On the recommendation of Chambers of Commerce in Tokyo.we have learned with pleasure the name of your company.承蒙东京商会的推荐,我们高兴地得知贵公司的名称。
11.Through the courtesy of Mr Bush.we are given to understand that you are one of the leading importers of electric goods in your area and wish to enter into business relations with us.承蒙布什先生介绍,我们得知贵公司是当地主要的电子产品进口商之一,且希望与我们建立业务关系。
12.We now avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you with a view to enteringinto business relations with you.我们借此机会致函贵公司,希望建立业务关系。

外贸英语函电课后习题的参考答案外贸英语函电课后习题参考答案(For Reference Only)Chapter 1 Business LetterI.Answer the following questions.1.How many principal parts is a business letter composed of? What are they?Generally speaking, there are seven principal parts of a standard business letter. They are the letter head; the date; inside name and address; saluation; the body of a letter(message); the complimentary close and signature.2. What are the three main formats of a business letter used today? Which format do you like best?There are three main formats of a business letter in use at present: the conventional indented style; the modern block style and the modified block style. I like the modern block style, since it is simple and we can save much time.3. What is P.S.?It is postscript, refers to one or more remarks the writer may add to the core or body of the letter,usually hand-written side by side with or below the signature and enclosure parts, where there is often a large patch of blank space. A postscript can be a sentence or a brief paragraph.II.Choose the best answer1-5 A C A B D 6-10 B D C B A 11-15 B C C D D 16-20 D A C B BIII. Write a letter with the given particulars below, using necessary capitals and punctuation ( in modern block style) CZ Import & Export Corp. Ltd66 Minghuang, Wujin Discrict, Changzhou213164, P.R. ChinaJuly 3, 2007Mr. John MartinSales ManagerLake Circles Inc.56 Y ork Road, ChicagoIllinois, USADear Sir,Y ours sincerely,IV. Arrange the following both in a blocked form and indented form as they should be set out in a letter. (ommitted) Chapter 2 Establishment of Business RelationsI.Answer the following questions.1. If you want to open up a market to maintain or expand business actiities what should you do first?If we want to open up a market to maintian or expand business activities, what we should do first is to conduct a market research,from which we shall know thoroughly about your product(s), your present and potential market(s) .2.Before you write letters with some new established firms what had you better do?We had better try to collect as much information as possible about the new established firms, especially about their credit information.3. Through what channels can one obtain the desired names and addresses of the companies to be dealt with?We can get the desired names and addresses of the companies through the following channels: Some b2b websites, such as ; some governmental or oganizationalwebsites, such as ; some news papers or magazines; some yellowpages; some friends or your present customers; or you can get the imformation by using some serach engines such as google or yahoo.4. How to begin with the “First Letter” or circulars to the other party?It should be consisted of the three parts: first, you should say where you have got the information of your potential customer; second you should provide necessary information about yourself; third you should express your wish of writing the letter.5. How can one create goodwill and leave a good impression on the readers?We should consider the eight “C”s in writing a business letter: clearness; conciseness; correctness; concreteness; cheerfulness; courtesy; consideration and completeness.II.multiple choices.1-5 D C A B A6-10 C A C B CIII. T ranslate the following sentences into Chinese.1.我们愿意在平等互利的基础上和贵公司建立业务关系。
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外贸英语函电课后练习参考答案(中英文对照版)名词解释二、Establish business relations建立商务关系Import进口Export出口Importer进口商Exporter出口商Commercial counsellor’s office商务参赞处Chamber of commerce商会Credit standing资讯状况三、Inquiries询价First inquiry初次询价General inquiry一般询价Specific inquiry具体询价Commission佣金Delivery交货Effect delivery装运All necessary information所有必要的信息Delivery date装运期四、Quote报价Offer报盘Voluntary offer主动报盘Free offer虚盘(自由报盘)Firm offer实盘Pro forma invoice形式发票Import licence进口许可证Catalogue目录Under cover随函附上Supply from stock供现货五、Counteroffer还盘Be on the high side偏高Regret遗憾Be in line with与。
相符Reduce减少、降低Make a reduction ofThe prevailing market行市六、Accept接受Acceptance接受Confirmation of order订单的确认Sales contract销售合同Purchase contract购买合同Sales confirmation销售确认书Purchase confirmation供货确认书Sign签名Signature签名Counter-signature会签七、Payment terms支付条款Modes of payment支付方式Remittance汇付Telegraphic transfer (T/T)电汇Mail transfer (M/T)信汇Demand draft (D/D)票汇Collection托收Documents against payment (D/P)付款交单Documents against acceptance (D/A)承兑交单八、Kinds of L/C信用证种类Sight L/C即期信用证Term L/C远期信用证Establish L/C开立信用证Amendment to the L/C修改信用证Extension of the L/C展延信用证Check the L/C检查信用证With the terms of contract按合同九、Pack包装Packing requirements包装要求Shipping instructions装运指示Shipping marks唛头Shipping advice装运通知Modes of transportation运输方式Time of shipment装运期Destination目的地Partial shipment分批装运Transshipment转运十、Insurance保险Risk风险Average海损Cover投保Coverage承保范围Open policy预约保单Premium保险费翻译:Chapter Two1.我们从中国驻东京大使馆商务参赞处得知贵公司的行名和地址,并了解贵公司是经营家用电器产品有经验的出口商We obtained your name and address from commercial counsellor’s office of the Chinese embassy in Tokyo. They have informed us that you are experienced exporter in the market for home electrical appliances.2.我们的一个客户对你们的新产品感兴趣One of our customers is interested in your new production.3.我们的一个日本客户想要购买中国红茶One of our customers in Japan wants to be in the market for black tea.4.如你所知,我们的外贸政策是在平等互利的基础上与各国人民做生意As you know, our policy is to trade with merchants of various countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.5.我们希望你方尽最大努力促进业务又增进友谊。
We hope you can try your best to promote both trade and friendship.6.谢谢你方来函表示提供服务,我方愿与你方就扩大贸易的可能性进行讨论。
Thanks for your letter about service supply, we are willing to talk about the possibility of promoting trade.7.我们了解到你公司是中国手工艺品的出口商,因此冒昧的写信给你We have acknowledged that your company is the exporter of Chinese handicraft.8.我们相信,贵我双方的业务将随着时间的推移而得到发展。
We are sure that business between us will be promoted as time passing.9.你方2月15日函悉,并已转交给了上海分公司办理答复,因为你所询购的商品属于他们经营范围Your letter of Feb 15th addressed to us has been passed on to our Shanghai Branch Office for attention and reply, as the goods you inquired is within the range of their business activities.10.我们是一家在全世界范围内进行进出口业务的贸易公司We are a trading company handling the import and export business around world.Chapter Three1.如果你方报价具有竞争性,交货期可接受的话,我们愿向你订货If your quotation is competitive and the delivery date is acceptable, we are willing to place an order with you.2.一经收到你方具体询价,我们将传真报价On receipt of your detail inquiry, we will fax our quotation.3.如果你方有兴趣,请通过电子邮件通知我方,并说明所需数量If you are interested in our goods, please mail me and indicate the quantity.4.我们对贵方发盘颇感兴趣,不日内将给予明确答复。
We are interested in your offer, and we will reply definitely soon. 5.此报盘为实盘,以你方在本月底前复到有效。
This offer is firm, subject to your reply reaching us before the end of this month.6.这是我方最新的价格表,你会发现我方价格具有竞争性的This is our latest pricelist and you will find our price is competitive.7.鉴于我们长期的贸易关系,特此报盘In view of our long term business-ship, we hereby offer you as follows.8.如果你方订货数量大,价格还可以进一步考虑If the quantity of your order is substantial, the price can be considered further.9.一收到你方具体询盘,我们立即报最优惠的拉各斯到岸价On receipt of your specific inquiry, we will offer at our most favorable price based on CIF Lagos.10.因为我们所报价格是很合理的,我们相信这将是你们所能接受的As our price quoted is very reasonable, we believe it should be acceptableto you.Chapter Four1.按照要求,我们现报盘500辆飞鸽牌自行车如下As your request, we are making you an offer for500 Feige Brand bicycles as follows.2.此报盘为实盘,以你方在本月底前复到有效This offer is firm, subject to your reply reaching us before the end of this month.3.如果你方认为这一报盘可接受,请即传真以便我方确认。
If you find our offer is acceptable, please fax us for confirmation.4.我们高兴地给你方报永久牌自行车拉各斯成本保险加运费的实盘We are glad to make you a firm offer for Forever Brand Bicycles CIF Lagos.5.关于标题项下的货物,随函寄去形式发票88号一式两份。
As to the captioned goods, we enclose P/I No.88 in duplicate. Please notice that the validity of our offer is till June 10th.6.本报盘将保留至月底有效We will keep our offer firm to the end of this month.7.我们能以具有吸引力的价格向你方报各式各样的中国水果罐头We can offer you variety of Chinese canned fruits at attractive price.8.我们的钢笔价格是每打6美元温哥华到岸Our price of the pen is at USD per dozen CIF Vancouver.9.现按你方请求报盘如下,以我方最后确认为准At your request, we make you following offer, subject to our final confirmation.10.上述报盘无约束力。