附件:纺织服装技术法规及检测标准(资料性附件)一、中国国家强制性标准《国家纺织产品基本安全技术规范》GB18401-2003《消费品使用说明纺织品和服装使用说明》GB5296.4-1998二、美国纺织服装技术法规及检测标准1. 儿童服装绳带要求CPSC(美国消费品安全委员会)《儿童上衣的抽紧带指南》检测标准:ASTM F1816-97(2009)儿童外套上绳带的安全性要求。
2. 儿童服装小部件要求危险物品管理和实施规定(16C.F.R.Part 1500:§1500.50-§1500.53,Hazardous substances and articles administration and enforcement regulations—Table of contents.)3. 纺织品燃烧16C.F.R.Part 1609:易燃织物法(Flammable fabrics act)16C.F.R.Part 1610:服用纺织品的燃烧性标准(Standard for the flammability of clothing textiles)16C.F.R.Part 1615:儿童睡衣的燃烧性标准(0-6岁) (Standard for the flammability of children's sleep wear-size from 0-6X16C.F.R.Part 1616:儿童睡衣的燃烧性标准(7-14岁)(Standard for the flammability of children's sleep wear-size from 7-14X4. 纺织品中重金属含量CPSIA消费品安全改进法第101条含铅的儿童产品;铅涂料规定FHSA:联邦危险物品法案(1500.83—1500.85)16C.F.R.Part 1303:含铅油漆及某些含油漆的消费品的铅禁令检测标准:CPSC-CH-E1001-08、CPSC-CH-E1002-08、CPSC-CH-E1003-085. 纺织品中邻苯二甲酸盐含量CPSIA消费品安全改进法第108条禁止销售某些含有邻苯二甲酸酯的产品检测标准:CPSC-CH-C1001-09.36. 纤维成分纺织品标签法规:16 CFR part 303羊毛产品标签法规:16 CFR part 300三、欧盟及成员国纺织服装技术法规及检测标准1. 儿童服装绳带要求EN 14682—2004:童装安全—童装上的绳索和下摆束带要求(Safety of children's clothing—Cordsand draw-strings on children's clothing—Specifications)(欧盟)。
EPA3540C:1996、EPA8207D:2007、EN71 part 9,10,11
挪威PoHS;EN71 part 9
化审法(关于化学物质审查与制造等限制的法律),76/769/EEC(+85/469/EECM89/678/EEC), 91/173/EEC关于推进聚氯乙烯废物适当处理的特别措施法施行规则,巴赛尔公约等
EPA3052:1996、EPA3050B:1996、IEC62321、SJ/T11365、AOAC Байду номын сангаас74.02、(BS)EN 13346:2000、ISO 11885-2007、CPSC CH E1001-08、2/3/2005
CPSIA, CPSC,CHPA, 76/769/EEC(+89/677/EEC),91/157/EEC(+93/86/EEC),94/157/EEC,2002/95/EC,丹麦禁铅令,巴赛尔公约等
EN71 part 9,10,11;LFGB§64 BVL B 82.02.8 - 2001;DIN 53704:1988
欧盟现行管控的有害化学物质的测试方法及法规要求2010-05-28 10:21 2003年初颁布的2002/95/ECRoHS指令将这些环保管制要求推向了一个高潮对产品中环境危害物质的使用管制责任人开始转变为生产企业这虽然加大了企业的运行成本但是也切实有效的在几年内降低了这些物质的使用。
序号物质名称检测方法相关法律/法规1 Cadmium Cd 镉EPA3052:1996、EN1122:2000、IEC62321、SJ/T11365、BSEN 13346:2000、ISO 11885-2007 76/769/EEC91/338/EEC91/157/EEC93/86/EEC94/62/EEC包装指令2002/95/ECRoHS 指令荷兰镉法令丹麦禁镉令等2 Lead Pb 铅EPA3052:1996、EPA3050B:1996、IEC62321、SJ/T11365、AOAC 974.02、BSEN 13346:2000、ISO 11885-2007、CPSC CH E1001-08、2/3/2005 CPSIA CPSCCHPA76/769/EEC89/677/EEC91/157/EEC93/86/EEC94/157/EEC2002/95/EC丹麦禁铅令巴赛尔公约等 3 Mercury Hg 汞EPA3052:1996 IEC62321SJ/T1136576/769/EEC89/677/EEC91/157/EEC93/86/EEC98/101/EEC94/62/EEC包装指令2002/95/EECRoHS 指令巴赛尔公约等4 Hexavalent-Chromium Cr6 六价铬EPA3060A1996 amp EPA7196:1996 ISO3613IEC62321SJ/T1136594/62/EEC2002/95/EC巴赛尔公约等5 PBBs多溴联苯EPA3540C:1996EPA8207D:2007 IEC62321ST/T1136576/769/EEC83/246/EEC2002/95/ECRoHS 指令巴赛尔公约等6 PBDEs多溴联苯醚EPA3540C:1996、EPA8207D:2007、IEC62321、ST/T1136576/769/EEC83/246/EEC2002/95/ECRoHS 指令巴赛尔公约等7 Azo偶氮化合物EN14362-1/2 GB/T17592-2006 76/769/EEC2002/61/EC德国日用品规则等Oeko-Tex standard 100Eco-labelGB/T188852002 8 PAHs16PAK多环芳烃EPA3540C:1996EPA8207D:2007、ZEK 01-08 76/769/EEC2005/69/EC日本劳动安全卫生法德国GS认证要求ZEK01-08德国食品法等9 邻苯二甲酸酯EPA3540:1996、GB/T 76/69/EEC2005/84/ECCPSIA20388-2006、US EPA 8061-1996、ASTM D 3421:1975、EN14372-2004、CPSC-CH-C1001-09 CP65、REACH SVHC等10 REACH-SVHC测试EPA3540C:1996EPA8207D:2007、EPA3052:1996、EPA3050B:1996、EPA3060A1996 amp EPA7196:1996 REACH 11 musk xylene 二甲苯麝香EPA3540:1996、EPA8207D:2007 挪威PoHS、REACH SVHC 12 六溴环十二烷HBCDD EPA3540:1996、EPA8207D:2007 挪威PoHS、REACH SVHC 13 苯酚测试含四氯酚TeCP、五氯酚PCP、苯基苯酚OPP EN71 part 91011LFGB § 64 BVL B 82.02.8 - 2001DIN 53704:1988 德国化学品法法国政府官方公报Oeko-Tex standard 100Eco-label、76/769/EEC限制上市使用指令91/173/EEC、荷兰环境有害物质令德国化学品禁止规则14 有机锡测试含二三丁基锡氧化物TBTO、三丁基锡类TBT、三苯基锡类TPT DIN38407-13、ISO 17353-2004、DIN EN ISO 17353-200576/769/EEC2002/62/EC挪威PoHS 15 镀层中铅、镉、汞、六价铬EPA3052:1996、IEC62321、SJ/T11365 欧盟2002/95/EC指令16 电池检测2006/66/EC 电池指令2006/66/EC 17 氯化石蜡测试EPA3540:1996、EPA8207D:200776/769/EEC2002/45/EC斯德哥尔摩公约REACH SVHC、挪威PoHS 18 全氟化合物PFOS、PFOA EPA3550B 76/69/EEC2002/122/EC加州65法案挪威PoHS 19 BisphenolABPA双酚A 即二酚基丙烷EPA3540C:1996、EPA8207D:2007、EN71 part 91011 挪威PoHSEN71 part 9 20 含卤素物质TBBP-A-Bis四溴双酚-A-双-2.2-三溴丙醚EPA3540:1996、EPA8207D:2007 荷兰TBBP-A-bis规定TBBPA四溴双酚-AEPA3540:1996、EPA8207D:2007 2002/95/EC 卤素测试含氟F、EN14582 EN 61249221:2003 氯Cl、溴Br、碘I 21 烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚APE0测试ASTM D2357 76/769/EEC2003/53/EC 22 Triclosan三氯生即三氯羟基二苯醚EPA3540:1996、EPA8207D:2007 挪威PoHS 23 musk ketone酮麝香EPA3540:1996、EPA8207D:2007 挪威PoHS 24 abestos/石棉76/769/EC1999/77/EC 25 Polychlorinated BiphenylPCB 多氯联苯EPA3540C:1996、EPA8207D:2007 化工法关天化学物质审查与制造等限的法律76/769/EEC 85/467/EEC89/677/EEC 关于推进聚氯乙烯废物适当处理的特别措施法施行规则巴赛尔公约等26 Polychlorinated NaphthalenePCN多氯化萘EPA3540C:1996、EPA8207D:2007 日本化审法第一种特定巴赛尔公约27 PCTs多氯三联苯EPA3540:1996、EPA8207D:2007 化审法关于化学物质审查与制造等限制的法律EEC85/469/EECM89/678/EEC 91/173/EEC关于推进聚氯乙烯废物适当处理的特别措施法施行规则巴赛尔公约等28 Hexachlove benzene六氯苯EPA3540:1996、EPA8207D:2007 -- 欧盟美国加拿大等世界主要国家玩具测试要求对照2010-05-28 10:22 1.ASTM F963 a Physicalamp mechanical test bFlammability test - Doll’s clothing / Textile material 16 CFR 1610 -Finished product/Whole toy 16 CFR 1500.44 Heavy metal test -Total lead content -Soluble metals content 2.CPSC a Physicalamp mechanical test bFlammability test - Doll’s clothing / Textile material 16 CFR 1610 -Finished product/Whole toy 16 CFR 1500.44 cLead in paint coating 16CFR 1303 dLead in children’s jewelry -Soluble Lead content FHSA 15USC clause 1261q 1A -Total Lead content FHSA 15USC clause 1261f 1A Toxic Elements in Packaging Materials CONEG Legislation Federal Communications Commission FCC Part 15 Verification a AC Operated handheld games bBattery-operated handheld games cDigital devices e. g. Video game etc dGame controller for console e.g.PlaystationDreamcastN64etc eRadio frequency devices 3.EUROP/ ISO8124 NEW ZEALAND/AUSTRALIA EN71-1 Part 1:Physical and Mechanical Test EN71-2 Part 2:Flammability Test EN71-3 Part 3:Heavy Metals Test a Paints and similar coatings printing inks modeling materials bPolymeric paper textiles glass ceramic metallic materials EN71-6 Part 6:Graphical Symbol for Age Warning Labeling Azodyes Commission Directive 2002/61/EC DIN 53160 4.Directive 2005/84/EC Up to 3 Phthalates DEHPDBPampBBP or DINPDIDPampDNOP Up to 6 Phthalates DEHPDBPBBPDINPDIDPampDNOP DEHP Content 91/338/EC Cadmium Content/EN1122 94/62/EC EMC DC without motor EN 62115 18005 5.CHINA 1.GB 6675-2003 Physical and Mechanical Test 2.GB 6675-2003 Flammability Test 3.GB 6675-2003 Chemical Properties a Paint and similar surface coatings b Polymeric paper textiles glass ceramic metallic materials 4.GB 6675-2003 Battery Operated Toy Safety Test GB 5296.6 6.CANADA 1.Canadian Hazardous Products Toys RegulationsC .R.C.c.931 Part 1:Physical and Mechanical Test Part 2:Flammability Test -Doll’s clothing/Textile material -Finished product/Whole toy 2.Canadian Hazardous products ActR.S.Chap.H-3 a Heavy metal tests b Total bacterial count for liquid filled mouth toys 3.Canadian Hazardous Products Act Children’s Jewelry Regulations a Soluble lead content b Total lead content 欧盟针对LED光生物安全出新标准2010-10-19 15:40 专门针对LED光生物安全的新标准EN62471从2010年9月1日正式生效并取代原标准EN60825。
U NITED S TATESC ONSUMER P RODUCT S AFETY C OMMISSIOND IRECTORATE FOR L ABORATORY S CIENCESD IVISION OF C HEMISTRY5R ESEARCH P LACER OCKVILLE,MD20850Test Method: CPSC-CH-E1002-08.2Standard Operating Procedure for Determining Total Lead (Pb) in NonmetalChildren’s Products, RevisionApril 10, 2012*This document provides detailed information on the test method that will be used by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s testing laboratory (LSC) in the analysis of nonmetal children’s products for lead (Pb) content. This method is divided into three sections. The first section describes how to digest samples to determine the total lead content in crystal, ceramic, and other siliceous materials and contains a subsection on the use of X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) for determination of lead in such siliceous materials. The second section describes how to digest samples to determine the total lead content in polymeric (including natural and synthetic polymers), or plastic materials, and it contains a subsection on the use of X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) for determination of lead in such polymeric materials. The third section describes how to analyze the digested samples from the first two sections. This revision recognizes use of X-ray fluorescent spectroscopy measurement techniques in additional materials with certain limitations and acceptable ranges and replaces the previously issued Test Method CPSC-CH-E1002-08.1.The method applies to most nonmetal components other than paint, but it is not recommended by CPSC staff for materials, that when combined with the specified acid(s), results in an inappropriate combination of materials that would be inconsistent with safe laboratory practices. In such cases, the chemist should make a knowledge-based decision on the proper modifications of the method to maintain laboratory safety, while following the general approach described here.The general approach is to grind or cut any accessible component part of a sample into small pieces or a powder; digest an aliquot completely in nitric acid or for siliceous products in a combination of hot, concentrated nitric and hydrofluoric acids; and analyze by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES). Other analytical methods, such as Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS), Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (FLAA), and Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (GFAA), may be used under appropriate conditions as an alternative to ICP-OES, using applicable,* This is a revision of Test Method CPSC-CH-E1002-08.1. This document was prepared by CPSC staff, has notbeen reviewed or approved by, and may not necessarily reflect the views of, the Commission.recognized analytical techniques for the alternative analytical method. Nonmetal materials may also be analyzed, using XRF, following the standard test method of ASTM F2617-081 or ASTM F2853-10e1,2 with limitations described below. The general approach in that case is to consider any XRF result to be indeterminate and in need of digestion and ICP analysis if that result falls within 30 percent of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) limit.CPSC staff has concluded that the test methodologies provided in detail below are sufficient to determine lead content in most products. Knowledge-based adjustments on a case-by-case basis may be necessary for products made from certain materials.Definitions1.Sample–An individual consumer product or a group of identical consumer productsfrom a batch to be tested.ponent Part–An individual subunit within the total sample. An item, such as abracelet, may be broken into component parts, such as a bead, crystal, a hook, and apendant, with those component parts individually analyzed.3.Instrument Detection Limit (IDL)–3 times the standard deviation of 10 replicatemeasurements of reagent blank.4.Method Detection Limit (MDL)–Reagent blank fortified with 2–3 times the IDL.Seven replicate measurements are made. Calculate the MDL as follows: MDL = t X S, t= 3.14 (99 percent confidence level for 7 replicates), S= standard deviation.boratory Reagent Blank (LRB)–An aliquot of the digestion reagents that is treatedexactly as a sample, including exposure to glassware, digestion media, apparatus, and conditions used for a particular Pb test but with no added sample. LRB data are used to assess contamination from the laboratory environment.6.Calibration Blank–Deionized water acidified with nitric acid (3 ml concentrated nitricacid diluted to 100 ml with deionized water).7.Stock Standard Solution–1,000 ppm solution of Pb purchased from a reputablecommercial source, used to prepare calibration standards. Replace before expirationdate.8.Calibration Standards–Solutions containing 0 to 25 ppm of Pb in 3 percent nitric acidmatrix are used. A minimum of 4 calibration standards are used. Calibrationstandards should be prepared on a biweekly basis at minimum.9.Quality Control Sample (QCS)–A solution containing Pb that is used to evaluate theperformance of the instrument system. QCS is obtained from a source external to the laboratory and Stock Standard Solution.10.Certified Reference Material (CRM)–CRMs are materials with a similar matrix as testsamples with known lead levels. CRMs are used to verify digestion and analysismethods. For example, standard reference materials (SRMs) are CRMs that are1 Standard Test Method for Identification of Chromium, Bromine, Cadmium, Mercury, and Lead in Polymeric Material Using Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry.2Standard Test Method for Determination of Lead in Paint Layers and Similar Coatings or in Substrates and Homogenous Materials by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry Using Multiple Monochromatic Excitation Beams.available from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), such asthose listed in the Equipment and Supplies section below. Appropriate CRMs fromother sources are also acceptable.Equipment and Supplies: The materials used for sampling and analyses are as follows:1.Nitric Acid, Trace Metal Grade2.Hydrofluoric Acid, Trace Metal Grade3.Distilled Water4.Microwave Digestion Apparatus5.Cryogenic Mill6.Liquid Nitrogen7.CRMs such as ERM®-EC680k3 and EC681k, low-density polyethylene materials thatcontain lead and NIST SRM 89 and 610, leaded glass.8.Internal Standard (such as yttrium, from a stock standard solution of that elementappropriate to the instrument parameters of the ICP used for the analysis)I.Total Lead in Ceramics, Glass and Crystal, and other Siliceous MaterialsA.Acid DigestionWhen preparing a sample, the laboratory should make every effort to ensure that thealiquot removed from a component part of a sample is representative of the component to be tested and is free of contamination. Each unique component type from a subsample is analyzed for total Pb content. CPSC staff uses a method based on EPA 30524(/epawaste/hazard/testmethods/sw846/pdfs/3052.pdf) for determining lead content in ceramic or crystal materials. Certified reference materials, such as NIST SRM 89 and 610, which closely match the material of the tested product, should be used to verify accuracy of digestion and analysis methods. After digesting the sampleaccording to this procedure, it should be tested by ICP, as described below in Section III.1.Weigh out a 30–100 mg piece of crystal, glass, or ceramic item into an appropriatemicrowave vessel equipped with a controlled pressure-relief mechanism. Ceramicitems generally weigh several grams or more, and consist of the base ceramic with aglaze and decoration fired on. The lead in ceramics is generally in the glaze ordecoration. When analyzing ceramics or glass, the entire item, including the glaze,decoration, and ceramic base material should be ground in a cryogenic mill and 30–100 mg of the ground ceramic/glass powder weighed in an appropriate microwavevessel. If used, the grinding apparatus must be cleaned thoroughly to prevent cross-contamination. Record actual weight to the nearest 0.1 mg.2.At room temperature, add 3 ml of concentrated nitric acid and 1 ml of concentratedhydrofluoric acid to each vessel. Wait for completion of the initial reaction of theacid and the sample before sealing vessels. Seal vessels in accordance with themanufacturer’s directions.3 European Reference Material, produced and certified under Institute for Reference Material and Measurements (IRMM).4 Microwave Assisted Acid Digestion of Siliceous and Organically Based Matrices.3.The microwave method should involve increasing the temperature of each sample toat least 180°C in approximately 5.5 minutes, and holding at 180°C for 9.5 minutes.4.Allow the samples to cool for a minimum of 5 minutes before removal frommicrowave. Vent the microwave vessels in fume hood before uncapping.5.Add 30 ml of 4 percent (w/w) boric acid to each vessel to permit the complexation offluoride to protect the ICP quartz plasma torch. Quantitatively transfer the sample toa 50 ml plastic volumetric flask or disposable volumetric digestion cup. Dilute to 50ml with deionized water.Caution: The analyst should wear protective gloves and face protection and must n ot at any time permit solution containing hydrofluoric acid to come in contact with skin orlungs. This document does not address all safety concerns; additional safety precautions are necessary for all steps, particularly when using hydrofluoric acid. This method is not to be used except by qualified, properly trained workers.B.Identification and Quantification of Pb in Siliceous Materials Using EnergyDispersive XRF Spectrometry Using Multiple Monochromatic Excitation Beams Alternately, Energy Dispersive XRF Spectrometry Using Multiple MonochromaticExcitation Beams (HDXRF) can be used with limitations to determine quantitatively the amount of Pb in siliceous materials by following ASTM F 2853-10e1. This standard isapplicable only for homogeneous siliceous materials and for XRF instruments meetingthe requirements given in the ASTM method. The following limitations apply:1.Applicable only for analysis of homogeneous materials. It is not suitable for testingglazed ceramics.2.Multiple measurements on different locations of the sample component part should beperformed to ensure some degree of spatial homogeneity. If the relative standarddeviation on 3 or more XRF measurements of a sample componen t part exceeds 30percent, analysis using wet chemical procedures (after preparing a homogenized aliquot by grinding sufficient sample) should be done before determining that the items meetCPSIA requirements for lead.3.Any XRF measurement of lead concentration, where the interval comprised of thereported result, plus or minus the instrument’s reported 95 percent uncertainty, includes the range with 30 percent above or below the CPSIA limit, shall be considered“inconclusive.” An average of at least 3 measurements, none of which is“inconclusive,” as defined in this paragraph, should be obtained in order to have a“conclusive” result.55 For example, if the XRF instrument reports a result of 65 ppm lead with an uncertainty of 10 ppm lead for a material subject to the CPSIA limit of 100 ppm lead content, this measurement would be consideredinconclusive because 65 ppm +10 ppm = 75 ppm, which is less than 30 percent below the applicable limit of 100 ppm. A reported result of 60 ppm with a reported uncertainty of 8 ppm would be a conclusive measurement of a material subject to the CPSIA limit of 100 ppm as 68 ppm is more than 30 percent below the applicable limit of 100 ppm.4.For “inconclusive” results, additional testing is necessary in order to make adetermination, such as by digestion and ICP analysis, per sections IA and III.C. Identification and Quantification of Pb in Siliceous Materials Using Other Formsof XRF SpectrometryOther types of XRF spectrometers that do not meet the requirements of ASTM F2853-10 can be used to determine quantitatively the amount of Pb in siliceous materials, withlimitations. The following limitations, in addition to those outlined in Section I-B forHDXRF, apply:1.Follow sampling, testing, calibration, quality control guidelines described in section 6of International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Method 62321 ED 1.0 B.2. A set of at least 4 glass calibration standards should be used to validate that theinstrument is suitable for testing for Pb in siliceous materials. The calibrationstandards should cover the applicable range to certify that the sample meets CPSIAlead content requirements (0-2000 mg/kg). At least 1 standard in each calibration setshould have lead concentration less than 100 mg/kg.3.Verify the instrument performance daily, by analyzing one or more reference materialsof the same matrix or metal type as the materials on which analyses will be performed.The lead concentration of the reference material should be in the range of 50–300mg/kg, and the determined concentration from the measurement must be in agreementwith the known or certified value. The measured result with the given uncertainty (at95 percent confidence) should overlap with the reported certified values and givenuncertainty of the reference materials.4.The limit of detection (LOD) for lead in glass should be determined followingguidelines in section 6 of IEC 62321. The lead LOD shall be equal to or less than 30mg/kg for the specific material or metal type tested. Some types of XRFspectrometers may not have sensitivity to obtain sufficient LOD for certifying to leadrequirements.II. Total Lead in Plastics, Polymers, and Other Non-Siliceous MaterialsA.Acid DigestionWhen preparing a sample, the laboratory should make every effort to ensure that thealiquot removed from a component part of a sample is representative of the component to be tested and is free of contamination. Each unique component type from a subsample is analyzed for total Pb content. CPSC staff uses a method based on methodology found in Canada Product Safety Bureau Method C-02.36 (http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/cps-spc/prod-test-essai/_method-chem-chim/c-02_3-eng.php) for determining lead content in plasticmaterials, such as polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride (PVC). EPA Method 3051A7(/epawaste/hazard/testmethods/sw846/pdfs/3051a.pdf), with6 Determination of Total Lead in Polyvinyl Chloride Products by Closed Vessel Microwave Digestion.7 Microwave Assisted Acid Digestion of Sediments, Sludges, Soil, and Oils.modifications in sample weight, temperature, time, and acid volumes to match those given below, is also acceptable. Certified reference materials that closely match the material of the tested product, such as ERM®-EC680k and EC681k (described above), should be used to verify the accuracy of digestion and analysis methods. After digesting the sample according to this procedure, it should be tested by ICP, as described below in Section III.1.Cut the test specimen into small pieces. Hard to digest plasti cs may need to becryomilled to get finer powder. Weigh out 150 mg of the milled or cut plastic into an appropriate microwave vessel equipped with a controlled-pressure relief mechanism.Ensure that the milling apparatus is thoroughly clean between test specimens to avoid cross-contamination. Record actual weight to the nearest 0.1 mg.2.At room temperature, add 5 ml of concentrated nitric acid to each vessel. Wait forcompletion of the initial reaction of the acid and the sample before sealing vessels.Seal vessels in accordance with manufacturer’s directions.3.The microwave method should involve increasing temperature of each sample to atleast 200°C in approximately 20 minutes, and holding for 10 minutes.4.Allow the samples to cool for a minimum of 5 minutes before removal frommicrowave. Vent the microwave vessels in a fume hood before uncapping.5.Quantitatively transfer the sample to a 50 ml volumetric flask or disposable volumetricdigestion cup. Dilute to 50 ml with deionized water.B.Identification and Quantification of Pb in Polymeric and Other NonmetalMaterials Using XRFAlternately, Energy Dispersive XRF can be used with limitations to determine quantitatively the amount of Pb in polymeric materials by following ASTM F 2617-08 or ASTM F2853-10e1. These standards are applicable only for homogeneous polymeric materials and for XRF instruments meeting the requirements given in the ASTM methods. Components could be analyzed intact, without any modification, if they have suitable surface characteristics, geometry, and homogeneity. Destructive sample preparation techniques may be required for certain components to create a uniform sample for testing. Excessive curvature, rough surface texture, or specimen thickness less than 2 millimeters, may require sample preparation techniques, such as compression molding, as outlined in ASTM F 2617-08. Based on the interlaboratory study of reference materials reported in this standard and the fact that actual consumer products to be tested are likely to be less homogeneous than the reference materials, CSPC staff has concluded that analysis using wet chemical procedures outlined in Sections II-A and III should be done on any samples with Pb results determined using XRF to be greater than 70 percent of the Pb requirements of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) before certifying that the item meets the CPSIA.Other homogeneous nonmetal materials such as wood and fabric can be analyzed by XRF following ASTM F2853-10e1 subject to the same limitations given in Section I-B aboveor using other types of XRF spectrometers that do not meet the requirements of ASTMF2853-10e1 subject to same limitions given in Section I-C above.III.Total Pb in Acid Digests of Polymeric or Siliceous Materials - Analysis of Sample Using ICP MethodAnalyze diluted samples for Pb concentration using an ICP spectrometer (or AtomicAbsorption spectrometer). Analysis procedures for ICP-OES and FLAA and GFAA are based on the methodology in ASTM E1613-04.8 ICP-MS may also be employed with appropriate procedures, such as EPA 6020A.9 Calculate total lead concentration in the component part from that of the diluted sample, accounting for all dilution. Report as percent by weight of the component part itself.ICP Operating Procedures and Quality Control MeasuresAnalysis1.Ignite plasma. Perform wavelength calibration or torch alignments per instrumentmanufacturer recommendations.2.Allow the instrument to become thermally stable before beginning.3.Ensure the following element and wavelength are selected in analytical method:a.Pb 220.353.One other Pb line, such as Pb 217.00, should be used to ensure spectral interferences are not occurring during analysis.4.An internal standard, such as 2 µg/ml yttrium, is used.5.Perform calibration using calibration blank and at least 3 standards. Calibrationshould be performed a minimum of once a day when used for analysis, or each timethe instrument is set up. Results for each standard should be within 5 percent of thetrue value, and the calibration blank should be < 5 times MDL. If the values do notfall within this range, recalibration is necessary.6.Analyze the QCS after the calibration and before any samples. The analyzed value ofPb should be within ±10 percent of the expected value. If Pb value is outside the ±10 percent limit, recalibration is required.a.At least one LRB must be analyzed with each sample set. If the Pb valueexceeds 10 times the MDL, laboratory or reagent contamination should beexpected. The source of the contamination should be identified and resolvedbefore continuing analyses. The LRBs should be the same acid concentrationsas added to the sample and should be taken through the same digestionprocedure.7.At least one certified reference material (CRM) should be analyzed with each batch ofsamples. The CRM should be a similar material as the test specimen with a knownamount of Pb. Analyte recoveries should be within ±20 percent of expected values. If recoveries are outside this limit, the source of the problem should be identified andresolved before continuing analyses.8.Dilute any samples that have Pb values exceeding 1.5 times the high calibrationstandard, and reanalyze.8 Standard Test Method for Determination of Lead by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES), Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (FAAS), or Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (GFAAS) Techniques.9 Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry.Calculations and Results ReportedResults for the Pb test methods are calculated and reported as follows:1.Total Pb - % Pb (wt/wt) = 0.10cd/wa.c= concentration of Pb detected (in units of ppm)b.d= dilution factor (in ml units)c.w= weight of aliquot digested (in mg units)Examples:Table 1: Total Pb Analysis(c) (d) (w)Item ppmPb DilutionfactorTotalPb(µg)Samplewt(mg)% PbCrystal 20 1,000 20,000 50 40Summary of changes in Revision CPSC-CH-E1002-08.11.Page 1, revised test method # and date.2.Page 1, last paragraph first sentence, allowed for polymeric materials to be cut intosmall pieces.3.Page 2, removed IDL and MDL CPSC lab values; not relevant to method and newinstruments will have different values.4.Page 2, definition 10, last sentence revised to include other sources for CRMs.5.Page 3, removed reference to NIST SRM 1412 and added 610. 1412 no longeravailable.6.Page 3, step 3, changed temperature requirements from “180±5°C” to “at least180°C”7.Page 4, step 1, removed requirement for cryomilling.8.Page 4, step 3, changed temperature requirements from “210±5°C” to “at least200°C.”9.Page 5, first paragraph, changed “>200mg/kg” to “greater than 70% of CPSIA Pblimit” to generalize for future changes to limit.Summary of Changes in Revision CPSC-CH-E-1002-8.21.Page 1, revised test method # and date, added statement that SOP contains asubsection on the use of X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) for determination oflead in such siliceous materials.2.Page 2, change to biweekly from weekly minimum time between calibration standardpreparation.3. Page 7, Analysis step 5, added statement that calibration blank should be < 5 timesMDL.4. Page 7, Analysis step 6, removed “immediately” after QCS and added” and beforeany sample” after calibration.5. Page 7, Analysis step 6a, changed “the LRB shall not exceed 3 times MDL” to“the LRB shall not exceed 10 times MDL.” This change reflects lower MDLsachieved on some instruments in particular ICP-MS and difficulty in LRB meeting3 times MDL.6. Page 4, added subsections B and C to section I that outline XRF testing proceduresfor determining Pb in glass or siliceous materials.。
关于控制有害物质质量保证协议书合同编号:20171016001 甲方:罗瑞运动用品(昆山)有限公司(以下简称甲方)乙方:(以下简称乙方)公司保证并公开声明:一、乙方保证提供给甲方的产品(包括但不限于乙方受托定牌生产加工的产品,以下简称:产品),产品含有的可迁移元素(重金属)的限定值必须满足:“ASTMF963-084.3.5美国玩具安全技术规范”的要求为三种物质累加总量)。
具体限量如下:Pb、Cd、Hg、Cr6+总和不超过100 ppm。
I CS 61.060 Y78备案号:Q331081.Y78. -201xT/WLXG鞋类及原辅料 有害物质限量及检测要求温岭市鞋革业商会 发布前言本标准规定了有害物质限量的要求与欧盟禁用有害物质限量要求保持一致。
本标准按照GB/T 1.1-2009《标准化工作导则第1部分:标准的结构和编写》的规定编写。
本标准由联盟标准Q/ 331081LM 05-2014《鞋类及原辅料有害物质限量及检测要求》变更为团体标准,本标准与Q/ 331081LM 05-2014的主要差异:--调整了一些规范性引用文件;--修改有害物质项目“涂层铅”为“总铅(涂层)”,增加了4个项目,修改了某些指标;--规范了检验方法描述;--调整了附录A的检测项目对应材料表。
本标准所代替标准的历次版本发布情况:―――Q/331081LM 05-2011,Q/331081LM 05-2014。
鞋类及原辅料有害物质限量及检测要求1 范围本标准规定了鞋类及原辅材料中涂层铅、总铅、镉、偶氮染料、镍释放量、五氯苯酚、四氯苯酚、三氯苯酚、邻苯基苯酚、六价铬、邻苯二甲酸盐、致癌染料、致敏分散染料、甲醛含量、富马酸二甲酯、多环芳烃、二甲基甲酰胺、烷基酚、烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚、短链氯化石蜡、全氟辛烷磺酸盐和全氟辛酸及其盐、有机锡等有害物质的限量要求、检验方法、判定规则。
EN71-1玩具的安全——机械和物理性能(Safety of toys—Part 1:Mechanical and physical properties)(欧盟)。
BS 7901-1997:儿童服装机械安全性的设计与生产(The design and manufacture of children's clothing to promote mechanical safety)(英国)。
———————————————————————————————— 作者:
———————————————————————————————— 日期:
《消费品使用说明 纺织品和服装使用说明》GB5296.4-1998
16C.F.R.Part 1616:儿童睡衣的燃烧性标准 (7-14岁)(Standard for the flammability of children's sleep wear-size from 7-14X
4. 纺织品中重金属含量
CPSIA消费品安全改进法第101条 含铅的儿童产品;铅涂料规定
睡衣(安全性)条பைடு நூலகம்(The nightwear(safety)regulations1985)
睡衣(安全性)(修订本)条例(The nightwear (safety) (amendment) regulations 1987)
(2) 荷兰纺织品服装的燃烧性标准:
睡衣防火法规(Covenant on the fire safety of nightwear)
ASTM F2999-13
ASTM F2999-13
ASTM F2999-13
EN 1811: 2011
EN 12472: 2009
CR 12471: 2002
表1 ASTM F2999-13化学要求列表
EPA 3050B
EPA 3051A
EPA 3052
ASTM F2853-10
Sb: 60mg/kg As: 25mg/kg
Ba: 1000mg/kg Cd: 75 mg/kg
91.1, 105, 194, 212 149, 167, 205, 223
91.1, 149, 206 149, 167, 279
149, 167, 261, 279 149, 167, 293 149, 167, 307
分析 1. 六种目标邻苯二甲酸酯每种至少配制浓度不同(浓度范围为 0.5~10μg/ml)的四个校正标准溶液和一个校正空 白(环己烷)。每个校正标准溶液含 1 μg/ml 的内标。 2. 用 GC-MS 分析标准溶液和空白。定量分析出结果,确保合适的保留时间和不受到污染。 3. 对每种标准溶液在两个波谷之间(时间范围见表 2)进行积分。在第一通道和第二通道扫描的化合物可以通过 总离子流图(TIC)或离子色谱图(字体加粗的为建议定量离子)进行积分。SIM 第三通道扫描的邻苯二甲酸酯会 重叠且必须使用它们的定量离子(仍然为字体加粗)积分。 4. 根椐规一化的邻苯二甲酸酯信号制作校正曲线。规一化是以邻苯二甲酸酯信号积分面积除以内标信号积分面积 来实现的。 5. 分析一个认证参考材料(CRM),确保校正是正确无误的。分析结果与标称值相差不超过±10%。如果不是, 请配制新的标准溶液重新进行校准。 6. 分析实验室方法空白和所有的样品。每隔一段时间分析一个认证参考材料(CRM)进行校准查核。 7. 量化结果。如果结果处于校正范围外,重新回到邻苯二甲酸酯萃取第 5 步(进行另一次稀释使结果处于校正范 围内)。 0
测定邻苯二甲酸酯的浓度 这些方法需要使用到有危险性的材料。接触所有危险性材料均应在通风橱内进行,并作好充分的个人防护,这是最 重要的。
邻苯二甲酸酯是一种常见的污染物。即便是低浓度的污染都可能会影响定量分析结果。应避免与塑胶材料接触,并 且只使用仔细清洗过的玻璃器皿和仪器设备。所有试剂均应测试邻苯二甲酸酯含量。定期使用 GC-MS 分析试剂空 白监控可能的污染。当可行时,建议使用一次性玻璃器皿。
AAS 测定金属中铅元素(CPSC-CH-E1001-08)的不确定度分析不确定度的应用在我国各行各业分析测试中逐渐备受重视。
AAS 作为一种灵敏度高、快速、高效的检测手段在食品、环保及其它领域得到了广泛的应用。
现以火焰原子吸收分 光光度法测定金属中铅元素含量的实验为代表来讨论影响原子吸收分光光度法测定金属中重金属含量不确定度的主要分量 。
1 测量方法(CPSC-CH-E1001-08)称取 0.2~0.5g 金属样品,将金属样品按 CPSC-CH-E1001-08规定的步骤采用盐酸—硝酸全分解的方法消解后定容到50mL ,直接吸入火焰,形成的原子蒸气对光源发射的特征电磁辐射产生吸收。
测得的样品吸光度,根据标准溶液的回归曲线,计算出消解液中的铅含量,最后根据所称取的金属样品的质量确定样品中的铅含量 。
2 数学模型W=W —金属样品中铅的含量,c 。
—金属样品消解液中铅元素的浓度 , V —金属样品消解后的定容体积 , m 一称取金属样品的质量。
3 方差由数学模型中影响金属样品中铅含量的三个分量(C 。
、V 、m )来求出铅含量的合成相对不确定度。
Urel(Pb)=式中:Urel(Pb)一金属中铅含量的合成相对不确定度;Urel(C 。
)一消解液中铅的浓度引入的相对不确定度 ; Urel(V)一消解液定容体积引入的相对不确定度; Urel(m)一金属样品称量引入的相对不确定度;4 相对标准不确定度各分量的评定4.1 消解液中铅的浓度引入的相对不确定度分量Urel(Co)=Urel(1)一标准使用液配制引入的相对不确定度; Urel(2)一回归曲线引入的相对不确定度;Urel(3)一仪器读数最小示值引入的相对不确定度 ; Urel(4)一仪器精度引入的相对不确定度 ; Urel(5)一重复测量引入的相对不确定度 。
4.1.1 标准使用液的配制方法取浓度为1000mg /L 的铅元素标准溶液(国家钢铁材料测试中心)1.0mL , 用5%硝酸稀释定容至 100 mL ,得到含铅元素浓度为10mg/L 的标准贮备液 ;再取该标准贮备液1.0mL ,5.0mL ,10.0mL ,20.0mL 用5%硝酸稀释定容至100mL 得到浓度分别为0.1mg /L ,0.5mg /L ,1.0mg /L ,2.0mg /L 的标准使用液 ,标准系列曲线时使用。
ASTM F2999-13
600 mg/kg
600 mg/kg
15000 mg/kg
当总镉含量超过15000 mg/kg时,需加测可萃取镉确认合格与否。详情见表2。
EN 1811: 2011
EN 12472: 2009
CR 12471: 2002
ASTM F2999-13
近日,美国材料与试验协会(ASTM)颁布了首部针对成人饰品的新标准—ASTM F2999-13。该标准适用于12岁以上成人饰品,管控项目包括铅、镉、可溶性重金属、镍释放等化学项目及磁铁、电池、吸入舌钉等特殊部件的物理项目。(要求详情请见以下各表。)
该标准从项目和限值方面引用了加州含铅珠宝法(AB1681及其修正AB2901法案)和饰品标准ASTM F2923-11的相关要求,是目前美国首部针对成人饰品的自愿性标准。
重金属检测限值要求 有毒有害物质测试 环保检测
重金属检测:1、 ROHS 四项:铅、镉、汞、六价铬铅≦1000PPM 镉≦100PPM 汞≦1000PPM 六价铬≦1000PPM2、 EN1122、91/338/EEC ,镉含量测试镉≦100PPM=0.01%3、 美国CPSIA (H.R.4040),总铅含量测试基材≦300ppm ,表面涂层或喷漆≦90ppm CPSC-CH-E1001-08儿童金属产品总铅含量测试 CPSC-CH-E1003-09涂层铅含量测试CPSC-CH-E1002-08 测试非金属儿童产品的铅含量之标准 CPSC 16 CFR 1303总铅测试(ASTM F963-3中总铅含量测试) 4、 包装材料测试,94/62/EC 或CONEG 铅+镉+汞+六价铬≦100PPM5、 金属件无镍,镍含量,镍释放94/27/EC 指令,测试标准EN 1811,EN 124726、 欧盟玩具EN71-3(EN71 part 3)8大重金属检测:7、 美国玩具指令ASTM F963中重金属检测总铅含量≦600ppm ,根据最新法规CPSIA ,铅含量限值为90PPM 。
8、 澳洲/新西兰玩具安全测试AS/NZS ISO 8124-3特定元素迁移9、荷兰,镉含量(危害环境物质条例)Cadmium Decree 1999,No.149 and amendment in Sept 2000 No.186-Chemical substandard Act) 10、 加拿大CHPA 认证/玩具安全测试条例(C.R.C.,C.931 )11、GB6675中国玩具安全测试,GB 6675 part 3:特定元素迁移12、加州65测试(铅、镉)玻璃器皿所有儿童产品:外部装饰,包括边缘区,只能使用含有少于0.06的铅和 0.48镉的装饰材料。
食品/饮料产品(边缘装饰过的)外部装饰,包括边缘区,只能使用含有少于0.06的铅和 0.48镉的装饰材料。
2010 年1 月12日 最终规则
铅含量测试方法(testing method)
CPSC-CH-E1003-09.1油漆和类似涂层中的铅 Lead (Pb) in Paint and Other Similar Surface Coatings,Feb.25, 2011 CPSC-CH-E1002-08 非金属儿童用品中的铅 Lead (Pb) in Non-Metal Children’s Products, Jun.21, 2010 CPSC-CH-E1001-08 金属儿童用品中的铅(包括儿童金属珠宝) Lead (Pb) in Children’s Metal Products (Including Children’s Metal Jewelry) , Dec.04, 2008
Lead in surface coating 表面涂层中的铅
16 CFR 1303 2009-08-14 16 CFR 1303 90ppm(0.009%)
Lead in substrate 基材中的铅
2009-02-10 600ppm(0.06%) 2009-08-14 300ppm(0.03%) 2011-08-14 100ppm(0.01%)
Tracking Labels for Children's Products
Standards and Consumer Registration of Durable Nursery Products
中国合格评定国家认可委员会实验室认可证书附件(AS L3430)名称:联合厂商会检定中心(上海)有限公司地址:上海市宝庆路8号科技大厦6楼签发日期:2009年06月11日有效期至:2011年04月13日附件1-1 认可的检测能力范围CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT APPENDIX OF LABORATORY ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE(No. CNAS L3430)NAME:CMA Testing and Certification Laboratories(Shanghai) Co., Ltd.ADDRESS:6/F, Keji Building, No.8, Baoqing Road, Shanghai,ChinaDate of issue: 2009-06-11 Date of expiry: 2011-04-13 APPENDIX1-1 LIST OF ACCREDITED TESTING SCOPE中国合格评定国家认可委员会实验室认可证书附件(AS L3430)名称:联合厂商会检定中心(上海)有限公司地址:上海市宝庆路8号科技大厦6楼签发日期:2009年06月11日有效期至:2011年04月13日附件2 认可的授权签字人及其授权签字领域CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT APPENDIX OF LABORATORY ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE(No. CNAS L3430)NAME:CMA Testing and Certification Laboratories(Shanghai) Co., Ltd.ADDRESS:6/F, Keji Building, No.8, Baoqing Road, Shanghai,ChinaDate of issue: 2009-06-11 Date of expiry: 2011-04-13 APPENDIX2 LIST OF ACCREDITED SIGNATORY AND SCOPE。
测试项目 五金功能测试 负重外观测试 负重功能测试 碰撞测试 五金链条拉力测试 氧化测试 24小时 1%浓度盐雾 测试方法 根据其功能测试100次 重量17磅,测试时间10秒 重量25磅,测试时间10秒 高度:3尺 自由降落3次 标准 功能没有减退,外观没有损坏 外观没有严重变形 没有出现列痕或断开 没有部件脱落或功能损坏 可承受50磅拉力1分钟 没有明显腐蚀或视觉上的变化 锌合金:黄铜色 10-15微米 其他电镀颜色:15-20微米 铜材: 黄铜色:8-10 微米 其他电镀颜色:15-20微米 结果达到5B标准:划线边缘光滑,划线边 缘以及交叉点均无油漆脱落。 4级以上
≦90ppm ≦140ppm 不可含镍 0.5ug/c㎡/week ≦75ppm (2007)标准
泳漆/叻架层附着力 (百格测试) 耐光色牢度 老化测试 恒温恒湿测试 镀层铅含量测试 总铅含量 镍含量测试 镍释放量测试 镉含量测试 酸太盐含量
按ASTM D3359 标准测试
按AATCC16 第三条 测试20小时 57℃ 95%相对湿度
CPSC-CH-E1003-09 CPSC-CH-E1001-08 CR12471 EN1881+EN12472 EN1122 CPSC-CH-C1001-09.3
有毒有害物质检测欧盟RoHS检测rosh测试适用产品:大型家用器具●大型制冷器具:冰箱、冷柜、其他大型制冷、保存和食物贮存器具●烹调设备:电炉、电热盘、微波炉、其他大型烹调和食物加工器具●电热器具:电暖气、其他大型房间、床、供坐家具的加热器具●电扇、空调装置、其他扇风、通风换气和空调设备●洗衣机、衣服甩干机、洗盘机小型家用器具●缝纫、编织、纺织和织物加工器具●真空吸尘器、地毯打扫器、其它清扫器具●熨斗和其他熨衣、轧平以及其他衣物护理器具●电刀、理发、吹发、刷牙、剃须、按摩和其他身体护理器具●面包机、煎锅、研磨机、咖啡机、开启或封上容器或包裹设备●钟表、手表、和其他专用于测量、指示或记录时间的器具、磅秤玩具、休闲和运动设备●电子火车或者赛车、手动图象游戏控制台、图象游戏、用于自行车、跳水、跑步或者划船等的计算机、带有电子或者电气组件的运动设备、硬币投掷机等自动分配机●热饮料自动售货机、冷热瓶或者罐头自动售货机、固体产品自动售货机、自动取款机、自动销各种产品的所有器具等照明设备●荧光灯,不包括家用灯、直线式荧光灯、简洁型荧光灯、高强度发射灯,包括高压钠灯和金属卤化灯、低压钠灯、其他照明和专用于灯光发射或者控制的设备,不包括灯丝灯泡、家用电灯泡和照明设施等用户设备●收音机、电视机、图像摄影机、摄像机、高保真录音机、声音扩大机、音乐设备、其他专用于声音或者图象的录制或复制的产品或设备,包括除了远程通讯之外的声音和图象分配信号或者技术等IT和远程通讯设备●集中数据处理:大型机、小型机、打印机单元等●个人计算:个人电脑(包括CPU、鼠标、屏幕、键盘)、膝上型电脑(包括CPU、鼠标、屏幕和键盘)、笔记本电脑、记事本电脑等●传真机、电报机、电话机、付费电话机、无绳电话机、便携式电话、应答系统、其他声音传送、图像传输或者其他经由远程通讯传送信息的产品或者设备等●打印机、复印设备、电子和电气打字机、口袋式和桌式计算器、其他通过电子方式进行信息收集、贮存、处理、演示、和通讯的产品和设备、用户终端和系统等电气和电子工具●钻孔机、电锯、缝纫机等●用于焊接或者其他类似用途的工具●用于铆钉、钉子或者螺旋钉紧固或者松开以及其他类似用途的工具●用于液体或者气体物质喷雾、喷涂、驱散或者其他处理的设备●对木材、金属和其他材料进行旋转、研磨、磨光、磨碎、锯开、切割、修剪、钻孔、打洞、打孔、折叠、弯曲或者类似加工的设备等rohs检测项目:(rohs2.0十项)RoHS认证检测项目及法规要求各均质材料中的含量不得超过以下限值:1)铅(Pb):<1000ppm2)汞(Hg):<1000ppm3)镉(Cd):<100ppm4)六价铬(Cr VI)<1000ppm5)多溴联苯(PBB):1000ppm6)多溴联苯醚(PBDE):<1000ppm7)邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯(DEHP):<1000ppm8)邻苯二甲酸苄基酯(BBP):<1000ppm9)邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP):<1000ppm10)邻苯二甲酸二异丁酯(DIBP):<1000ppmrohs测试适用国家欧盟27个成员国:法国、德国、意大利、荷兰、比利时、卢森堡、英国、丹麦、爱尔兰、希腊、西班牙、葡萄牙、奥地利、瑞典、芬兰、塞浦路斯、匈牙利、捷克、爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、马耳他、波兰、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、保加利亚、罗马尼亚。
400 8807 882
2. REACH法规
3. CPSIA法规
常老化的情况下,产品或材料中所含的铅不会被人体吸收。 (B)产品或材料不会对公共健康与安全造成其它方面的影响。如钻石、黄金(10K以上)
某些无效的保护 油漆、涂层或电镀层不能被视为使儿童接触不到底层铅的屏障
H.R.=House of Representatives (该法案由众议院提出)
400 8807 882
3. CPSIA法规
US CPSIA(H.R. 4040) 要求Section 1: Title Ⅰ儿童产品安全
Sec.101 Sec.102
Children’s Products Containing Lead; Lead Paint Rule
法规规定的电子电气设备及家 用灯泡和照明设施等
2006-7-1/ 2011-7-21
在中国境内生产、销售或是进 口的电子和信息产品
SB20/SB50:美国加利福尼亚RoHS强制法案 H.R. 2420:电气设备环保设计法案
2007-1-1 2010-7-1
4. 包装指令
在欧洲和美国都有对于废弃物包装的回收和有害物质限制要求。欧洲的 94/62/EC,美国的CONEG要求,都有化学物质限制指标: 铅+镉+汞+六价铬 < 100mg/kg. 随着RoHS的深入开展,废弃包装将越来越被重视;当然,风险明显要少 很多。 检测范围: 包装产品所用纸盒 用以, 纸张等等) 测试方法同RoHS检测方法
CPSC CH C1001 09.3邻苯二甲酸酯类测试作业指导书
CPSC CH C1001 09.3邻苯二甲酸酯类测试作业指导书cpsc-ch-c1001-09.3邻苯二甲酸酯类测试作业指导书cpsc-ch-c1001-09.3邻苯二甲酸酯类测试作业指导书文件编号:tg-版本:a修改:0编写:审核:批准:公布日期:2021年xx月xx日实行日期:2021年xx月xx日版本号章/条号a/0/修订页修正内容首次公布修正人核准人/核准日期1.目的建立儿童玩具及儿童护理用品中邻苯二甲酸酯含量测试的作业指导书。
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美国·消费品安全委员会·实验室科学理事会·化学分部马里兰州Gaithersburg城Darnestown路10901号,邮编:20878测试方法:CPSC-CH-E1001-08[技术翻译:piery2006 校对:林雪霞]测定儿童金属产品(包括金属首饰)中总铅(Pb)含量的标准作业程序2008年12月4日本文件提供了美国消费品安全委员会(CPSC)测试实验室(LSC)分析儿童金属制品中的铅(Pb)含量所使用的测试方法的相关信息。
定义:1. 样品―待测试的单个消费品或同一批次中一组相同的消费品。
2. 零部件―整个样品上的一个单独的次级单元。
3. 仪器检出限(IDL)―试剂空白10次重复测量的3倍标准差。
4. 方法检测限(MDL)―试剂空白加上2~3倍IDL。
MDL = t × S,t =3.14(7次重复测量的置信区间为99%),S = 标准差。
计算出Pb的MDL为0.01 μg/ml。
5. 实验室试剂空白(LRB)―一份消解试剂按照样品相同的方法进行处理,包括置于玻璃器皿、消解媒质、设备及某种测定铅所设定的条件,但不加入样品。
6. 校正空白―去离子水加入硝酸酸化(3 ml浓硝酸加入去离子水稀释到100 ml)。
7. 储备标准溶液―1000 μg/ml的Pb标液,从知名公司购买,用来配制校正标准溶液。
8. 校正标准溶液―3%的硝酸溶液中,含有浓度为0~25 μg/ml铅。
9. 质控样品(QCS)―用来评估仪器系统性能的一种含铅溶液。
10. 认证参考物质(CRM)―认证参考物质与测试样品基质相似,含已知的浓度铅。
仪器设备及供应品:制样和分析所使用的材料如下―1. 硝酸,痕量金属级2. 盐酸,痕量金属级3. 50 ml的消解器皿(消解条件下适合的玻璃或塑胶)4. 电热消解仪(例如:Environmental Express HotBlock TM)5. 金属剪切工具6. 蒸馏水7. 微波消解设备8. 旋转研磨设备(例如:Dremel®Tool,带碳化物刀片)9. 定轨振荡器10. 含铅金属的认证参考物质(CRM),如NIST SRM 53e,54d,1129等11. 内标(如钇溶液,由储备标准溶液配制,适合ICP分析所使用的仪器参数)I. 金属中的总铅―样品消解当制备样品时,实验室应尽最大努力确保从零部件上所取的试样具有代表性,并没有被污染。
此程序在2005年2月3日CPSC测定儿童金属首饰中的铅及其萃取率中给出(/businfo/pbjeweltest.pdf )。
本方法以3051A (/epawaste/hazard/testmethods/sw846/pdfs/3051a.pdf )为基础。
A. 电热消解法1. 如果物体上涂有油漆或其它类似表面涂层,涂层应当从基材上刮掉,并单独分析铅含量,方法见CPSC测定油漆中的铅的标准作业程序(/businfo/leadsop.pdf )。
2. 称取一份30~100 mg的零部件试样,放入50 ml烧杯中。
记录研磨碎的试样的实际重量,准确至0.1 mg。
3. 在化学通风橱中,向每个烧杯中加入8 ml浓硝酸,并在电热消解仪105±3℃下挥到至约3 ml。
4. 冷却到50℃后,加入2 ml浓盐酸并搅拌。
5. 用蒸馏水稀释到20 ml,清洗烧杯内壁。
6. 加热溶液到至少60℃,不让它沸腾,并放在定轨振荡器、搅拌器或振荡水浴中轻振至少4小时。
7. 定量转移到50 ml容量瓶或一次性烧杯中,用蒸馏水稀释到50 ml。
8. 稀释样品,使铅的结果处于仪器的校正范围内。
B. 微波消解法1. 如果物体上涂有油漆或其它类似表面涂层,涂层应当从基材上刮掉,并单独分析铅含量,方法见CPSC测定油漆中铅的标准作业程序(/businfo/leadsop.pdf )。
2. 称取30~100 mg金属颗粒放入合适的消解罐中,消解罐压力可控。
记录研磨碎的试样的实际重量,准确至0.1 mg。
3. 在化学通风橱中,向每个烧杯中加入4.5 ml浓硝酸和1.5 ml浓盐酸,待样品在室温下与酸的初始反应结束后(直到不再产生明显的烟或气泡)。
4. 在约5.5分钟内,将样品升温到175±5℃,然后保留4.5分钟。
5. 让样品冷却至少5分钟,然后将消解罐从微波设备中取出来,放入通风橱中通风,最后才将消解罐打开。
6. 将样品定量转移到50 ml容量瓶或一次性烧杯中。
加入去离子水稀释到50 ml。
ICP操作程序和质量控制措施分析1. 点亮等离子体。
2. 分析之前使仪器达到热稳定。
3. 在分析方法中选择下列元素和波长:a. Pb220.353b. 另一条谱线Pb 217.00用来确定分析中不会发生光谱干扰。
4. 使用浓度为2 μg/ml的钇溶液作为内标。
5. 使用校正空白和至少三种浓度不同的校正标准溶液进行校正,如浓度为0.25,0.5,1.0和5.0μg/ml。
6. 校正之后立即分析质控样品,铅分析值与期望值相差不超过±10%。
7. 每批样品至少分析一个认证参考物质(CRM)。
8. 如果铅分析值超过高浓度校正标准溶液浓度的1.5倍,需将样品溶液稀释之后重新分析。
计算和报告结果铅测试结果按照下列方法进行计算并报告:总铅浓度: %Pb(wt/wt)= [(C × D)/(W × 1000 μg/ml)] × 100%C为检测到的Pb浓度(单位μg/ml)D为稀释因子(单位ml)W为消解的试样重量(单位mg)举例:将一份50 mg的试样消解,并稀释到最终体积1000ml,以便于ICP分析。
ICP分析溶液中的铅浓度为20 μg/ml,由此计算最初的零部件中含铅量为40%。
(C) (D) (W)零部件 ICP检测到的Pb浓度(μg/ml) 稀释因子(ml)总Pb重量(μg)样品重量(mg)Pb(%)悬饰1 20 100020,000 50 40。