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Comrades, friends, ladies and gentlemen, Greetings to you all! Time flies and we will soon welcome 2018. Here, I would like to extend my New Year greetings to the people of all ethnic groups in China, to our compatriots in the Hong Kong SAR and the Macao SAR, to our compatriots in Taiwan and to overseas Chinese. I would also like to wish our friends in other countries and regions all the very best.


Fortune favors the diligent and times are changing fast. In 2017, we held the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and embarked on a new journey to fully build a modern socialist China. Our GDP rose to the level of 80 trillion yuan (12.3 trillion US dollars). Over 13 million urban and rural jobs were created. Our old-age insurance system now covers more than 900 million people, and 1.35 billion people are covered by basic medical insurance. More than 10 million rural residents were lifted out of poverty. How I wish I could have ten thousand houses to provide shelter for all who need it. 3.4 million people were relocated from poor areas and now live in new warm housing. The construction of 6 million apartments in shant y areas has begun ahead of schedule. Various initiatives to improve people's livelihoods have been accelerated and the environment has steadily improved. People have enjoyed a stronger sense of gain, of happiness and of security. We have

marched one significant step closer to completing the process of building a moderately well-off society in all aspects.


There has been a steady flow of technological innovation and major engineering feats in China. The X-ray satellite Insight is probing deep space. The C919 large airliner took off into the blue sky. A quantum computer was built and became operational. A trial was conducted for rice production in saline soil. We launched the first Chinese-built aircraft carrier. The "Sea Wings" underwater glider completed its first deep-sea exploration. The first extraction of combustible ice was a success. Phase IV of the Shanghai Yangshan Automated Deep Water Port began operations. The main structure of the cross-sea bridge linking Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao was finished. Fuxing bullet trains now

criss-cross China's vast landscape. I applaud and cheer the creative pow ers of the Chinese people.


We held a military parade at the Zhurihe training base in commemoration of the 90th annivers ary of the founding of the People's Liberation Army. During the 20th anniversary of the Hong Kong SAR's return to the motherland, I visited Hong Kong and saw in person that, with the strong support of the motherland, Hong Kong has retained its long-term prosperity and stability. It will undoubtedly have an even better future. We also held a ceremony in commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and a state memorial ceremony for the victims of the Nanjing Massacre, to remember history and to pray for peace
