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It was you who always gave Old Orlick a bad name to her. 你总是让老奥里克给她带来不好的名声。

It was my teacher who helped me out when I was in trouble. 在我困难的时候,是我的老师帮我走出了困境。

Who was it that called him “comrade”?是谁把他叫做“同志”的?

It was the old man who found the boy in the woods.是那位老人在树林里找到了男孩。

It wasn’t what he says that makes us laugh.并不是他说的话让我们发笑。

It’s my aunt that worries me.让我担心的是我姑妈。

It was Johnson, who studied very hard, that often offered us help. 经常帮我们的是约翰逊,他学习非常努力。

And this time it was he who would answer her questions.这次要由他来回答她的问题。

It wasn’t the slashed throat that really bothered him. It was the two minutes. 令他烦恼的不是割伤的咽喉,而是那两分钟。

Really, it was love of children more than anything else that made him want a pack of his own. 真的,是由于爱孩子而不是别的什么,才使得他想要一群自己的孩子。

Was it the sun shining into his window or his grandmother’s voice that woke him the next morning? 是不是从他窗口射进的阳光或者祖母的声音第二天把他惊醒的?

It’s other things I have to watch for…footsteps, Mary, that come in the night and go again , and a hand that would strike me down. 玛丽,是我不得不注意的其它事情,比如说脚步声在夜里来了又去,还有一只手可能将我击倒。

---Is it to get rid of the bad habit that is difficult? ---Of course. ――去掉坏习惯很难吗?――当然啦!

It was bronchitis that finished her, helped by a week of November fog and Cressley’s industrial dirt and smoke.谁知老伴得了支气管炎,再加上那一周十一月的雾气浓重,克列瑟莱城的工业烟尘弥漫,不到十天,她就去世了。

It is sleeping late in the morning that leads to being late for work. 是因为早上起得晚才导致上班迟到。

It was that treatment and not the fact that she was a woman which brought patients to her. 不是因为她是女的,而是她的医术让病人找她治疗。

It’s the food which people eat in the workhouse that helps to make the coffins so narrow and small.


It was this amazing combination of abilities that made Cleopatra the most famous woman in history. It wasn’t her beauty.正是这种种才华的惊人集合而并非她的美貌,才使得克莉奥帕卓成为了历史上最负盛名的女性。

I just don’t understand what it is that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect.我只是弄不懂到底是什么让如此多的美国人不象人们想象的那样高兴。

It was the way he said it more than what he said that made her displeased.


It was his courage rather than his skill that really struck me most.真正打动我的是他的勇气而不是技巧。

It is her sharp mind and debating skills that make Portia the heroine of the play.


It was Joseph Banks who made Kew a centre of scientific and economic research.


It’s the rising costs and falling demand that have forced the famous planes into early retirement.


It was his passion for sports that led him to take up competitive horse riding as one of his hobbies. 正是他对体育运动的热爱使得他把赛马比赛作为自己的爱好之一。

More important, it teaches us that it isn’t always what you have, but more often what you give that matters most in life. 更重要的是,它教给我们,并不总是你所拥有的,而常常是你的付出才使得人生举足轻重。


It was some of the blood from that arm that I heard dripping from your roofs. 我听见从你房顶滴下来的正是从他手臂上流下的血。

It is this kind of exclusion of women that our society no longer accepts. 我们这个社会不再接受的就是这种对女性的排斥。

It is the teacher who taught me when I was a child that I am going to visit. 我打算去拜访的是我小时候教过我的那个老师。

Won’t you tell me what it is that you are bringing into the country so successfully? 请你告诉我你如此成功地带进这个国家的是什么好不好?

She had entered the school on a scholarship that term, and it was her he turned to next. 那个学期她进入这个学校获得了奖学金,下一个轮到问她了。
