汉英句子翻译 Translation of Sentence
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词不定式、动名词、名词性从句>一般 指主语从句等)来充当。例如: To solve this problem needs patience. Working ingeniously may help you learn English well. It is not known yet whether they will return today.)
(3) English: noun indicating time or place as subject ( see, find, witness --- predicate ) [例1] 在南京城发生过许多重大的历史事件。 [ 例 2] 中国在 1980 年成功地发射了第一颗洲际 导弹。 [例3] 世纪之交,中国外交空前活跃。
[例2]这以后的路,卢勇走得特别快。天黑的 时候,他追上了后卫部队,《朝花夕拾 中国 文学 现代小说卷》 [译文] Lu finished the rest of the journey quickly. He caught up with the rear-guard before the dark.
Approaches to Dealing with the Main Sentence Elements in C-E Translation (第二节:汉译英中句子主要 成分的处理方法)
2.1.Subject in Chinese and English (汉英中 的主语) (1) Chinese: multi-language unit English: language unit with nominal property 刘宓庆:《当代翻译理论》: “汉语的主语不限 于名词性,不限于施事与受事,不限于与句 中动词具有形式的、逻辑的关系,不限于一 个,也并不是不可或缺的成分。”
Contrast between Chinese and English in Syntax and Corresponding Translation Approaches (第一节:汉英句法特征对比及 翻译对策)
1. Hypotaxis & Parataxis
2. Being Abstract & Being Concrete 3.Impersonal subject& personal subject 4.Stative&Dynamic 5.Subject&Topic
Translation of Sentence
Sentence is the basic unit of a language in which people communicate with each other in the social activities. Translation Unit: sentence (the most frequently used)
English: 主语显著 ( subject-prominent ) Chinese:主题显著 ( topic- prominent ) E: SVC, SV, SVO, SVO1O2, SVOC “主语——谓语” C: “话题——说明” 主题 ( topic ) 与述题 ( comment )
Establishment of the subject (主语的确立) 主语的确立:英语主语的严格性, 只能由名词(或)代词担当,例如 We can solve the problem. This problem can be solved in many ways.)
l Nominal Subj (名词主语): 电很有用。( Electricity is useful.) l Adjectival Subj (形容词主语): 过 谦 并 不 好 。 ( It’s not good being too modest.) l Verb Subj (动词主语): 学习是第一步。( The first step is to learn.)
1)家里的事情,你不用管,你干你的正经事去 2)这个人,我听说过。 3)饭,他一口没吃。 4)鸡我吃了 5)淮河我们一定要修好
[例1] 一口水,他都不喝。 [译文 ] He didn’t take even a mouthful of water.
3)Topic Subj (表时间的话题主语): 明天再谈吧。( Let us talk about it tomorrow.) 4) Place Subj (表处所的话题主语): 河 畔 草 青 青 。 ( Green grass grows along the riverbanks.) 5)Instrument Subj (表工具的话题主语): 保鲜膜有时也并不保鲜。( Film wrap sometimes can’t keep food fresh.)
l Numeral Subj (数词主语): “八八”是个吉利数字。( “88” is a lucky number.) l Phrase Subj (词组主语): 你不管就是你的不对了。(It’s your fault not to take care of it.)
1).Agentive Subj (施事主语): 我很讨厌长篇发言。( I hate long speech.) 2). Recipient Subj (受事主语): 五个汉堡包够吃吗?(Five hamburgers -- is it enough?)
(2) Chinese: “人称主语”( personal subject) 主动语态 (active voice) 无主句 (zero-subject)
English: “非人称主语”( non- personal subject) 被动语态 (passive voice) 主语不可或缺 (subject --- indispensable)