软件设计规格书模板(A Software Design Specification Template)


软件需求规格说明书(Software Requirement Specification)模板

软件需求规格说明书(Software Requirement Specification)模板

XXX系统软件需求规格说明书文件状态:[√] 草稿[ ] 正式发布[ ] 正在修改文件标识:Team当前版本:V1.0作者:Maxwell C. Dong完成日期:2011-02-14 拓胜(广州)计算机技术服务有限公司TOcean Training &. Consultation Inc.2011~2012版本编号说明:如形成文件、变更内容和变更范围变更日期变更人批准日期批准人目录XXX系统 (1)软件需求规格说明书 (1)目录 (3)1.软件产品描述 (4)1.文档编写目的 (4)2.产品名称 (4)3.产品背景 (4)4.名词解释 (4)2.产品需求概述 (5)1.功能简介 (5)2.运行环境 (5)3.条件与限制(可选) (5)3.功能用例描述 (6)1.产品参与者 (6)2.功能需求 (6)3.功能需求列表 (6)4.详细功能需求 (7)1.功能1 (7)5.非功能性需求 (8)1.性能 (8)2.安全 (8)3.备份与恢复 (8)4.移植 (8)5.健壮性 (8)6.重用 (8)7.维护 (8)8.软件质量需求 (8)6.附录 (9)1.附录一——术语表 (9)2.附录二——参考引用 (9)1.软件产品描述1.文档编写目的【说明编写本软件需求规格说明书的目的,指出预期的读者。









软件设计说明书英文五百字Software Design Specification1. IntroductionThis document serves as a specification for the design of the software system. It outlines the functional and non-functional requirements of the software and describes the overall design structure.2. ObjectivesThe main objective of the software is to provide a user-friendly interface for managing and organizing tasks. The software should be able to handle multiple users and allow them to create, edit, and track their tasks efficiently.3. Functional Requirements3.1 User Registration and Authentication- The software should allow users to register and create an account with a unique username and password.- Users should be able to log in to the system securely using their credentials.3.2 Task Management- Users should be able to create tasks, set deadlines, and assign priority levels.- The software should provide options for categorizing tasks and adding additional notes.- Users should be able to view, edit, and delete tasks.3.3 Task Tracking- The software should display an overview of all tasks, including their current status and progress.- Users should be able to filter tasks based on criteria such as priority, deadline, or category.- The software should notify users of impending deadlines or overdue tasks.4. Non-Functional Requirements4.1 User Interface- The software should have an intuitive and user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate.- The design should prioritize simplicity and efficiency to enhance user experience.4.2 Security- The software should implement security measures to protect user data and prevent unauthorized access.- Users' passwords should be encrypted and stored securely.4.3 Performance- It should be able to handle multiple users simultaneously without significant performance degradation.5. Design StructureThe software will be developed following the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. This structure separates the presentation and user interaction from the application logic and data management.- The Model represents the data and business logic, including tasks and user information.- The View handles the presentation layer, providing an interface for users to interact with the software.- The Controller acts as an intermediary between the Model and the View, coordinating data flow and user actions.6. ConclusionThis software design specification outlines the functional and non-functional requirements of the software system. It describes the desired features, user interface design, and overall architectural structure. This document will serve as a guide for the development team during the implementation phase.。



文件编号:受控状态:保密级别:记录编号:分发编号:XXXX项目需求规格说明书Version 1.0日期需求规格说明书模板目录1前言 (4)1.1 编写目的 (4)1.2 文档约定 (4)1.3 读者对象 (4)1.4 术语和缩略词 (4)1.5 参考文档 (5)2项目概述 (5)2.1 项目背景 (5)2.2 项目目标 (5)2.3 需求范围 (5)2.4 总体框架 (5)2.5 组织机构 (5)2.6 用户特点 (6)2.7 设计约束 (6)3功能性需求 (6)3.1 总体流程 (6)3.2 角色定义 (6)3.3 系统功能 (6)3.4 功能描述 (7)4非功能性需求 (10)4.1 软件需求 (10)4.2 硬件需求 (11)5外围系统和接口 (12)5.1 系统A (12)5.2 系统B (12)6其他需求 (13)7数据字典 (13)8附件 (13)1前言1.1编写目的[说明编写这份需求规格说明书的目的,指出预期的读者(一般包括评审人员、软件设计人员、软件开发人员,针对具体情况,还可能包括客户),它是软件开发的基础。








《软件需求规格说明书》模板模板修订记录:XXXX系统(名称等在文件属性中设置) 软件需求规格说明书xxxxx科技有限责任公司2013年7月9日07A001XXXX系统(名称等在文件属性中设置) 文档修订记录07A001XXXX系统(名称等在文件属性中设置)目录1 引言 (1)1.1 目标 (1)1.2 文档约定 (1)1.3 读者对象和阅读建议 (1)1.4 项目范围 (1)1.5 参考资料 (1)2 总体描述 (2)2.1 产品前景 (2)2.2 产品特性 (2)2.3 用户类及其特征 (2)2.4 运行环境 (2)2.5 设计和实现上的约束 (2)2.6 假设和依赖 (3)3 功能需求 (3)3.1 功能需求1(优先级) (3)3.1.1 功能描述 (3)3.1.2 用例(编号,UC_<模块缩写><流水号>) (3)3.1.3 用户界面描述 (4)4 外部接口需求 (4)4.1 硬件接口 (4)4.2 软件接口 (4)4.3 通信接口 (4)5 其它非功能性需求 (4)5.1 性能需求 (5)5.2 防护性需求 (5)5.3 安全性需求 (5)5.4 软件质量属性 (5)6 其它需求 (5)附录A 术语表 (6)附录B 待确定问题的清单 (6)1引言[引言提供一个概述,帮助读者理解软件需求规格说明的组织方式和使用方式。








[项目名称]设计阐明书[V1.0(版本号)]拟制人______________________ 审核人______________________ 批准人______________________[年月日]设计阐明书1.引言1.1编写目[阐明编写这份设计阐明书目,指出预期读者。



] 1.4参照资料[列出关于参照资料。


涉及] 2.1.1系统功能2.1.2系统性能2.1.2.1精度2.1.2.2时间特性规定2.1.2.4可靠性2.1.2.5灵活性2.1.3输入输出规定2.1.4数据管理能力规定2.1.5故障解决规定2.1.6其她专门规定2.2运营环境[简要地阐明对本系统运营环境规定。




] 2.2.3接口[阐明该系统同其她系统之间接口、数据通信合同等]2.2.4控制[阐明控制该系统运营办法和控制信号,并阐明这些控制信号来源。







Software Design Specification:软件设计规范

Software Design Specification:软件设计规范

Software Design Specification:软件设计规范Software Design SpecificationElectronic Inspection SchedulerJim CoanJoe WolfordChris LesnieskiCIS 495 – Senior DesignDr. MaximNovember 10, 2005- 1 -1.0 IntroductionThis software is being created to replace the paper version of the buildinginspection schedule for the Building and Safety department at the City ofDearborn. The program is going to store past inspections, and future inspections.In addition to the storage of information for the scheduling it will also have someadded functionality. The additional criterion for the program is the following: , Each inspector will have limited inspections during a specific day, willbe flexible each day and controlled by the application., Each inspector will have inspections in the East and /or west end ineach day, Program will identify and skip holidays, days off and inactive inspector., Data entry clerks will have the ability to enter vacation, sick, trainingtime or other reasons for blocking dates and times, Program must allow complete audit trail of all transaction dates, time,users, and workstation ID, Program will print inspection reports by one day, multiple dates, specific inspector, and specific inspector by date range, A calendar on the forms screen to allow user the pick a date, if available, text range on screen is acceptable also, Allow the user to schedule an inspection for the first available date, Allow the user to schedule an inspection for the first available dateafter a specific date, Allow the user to schedule an inspection for the first available date byspecific inspector, All tables will allow adding, searching, modifying and deleting recordsfrom the same screen, Drop down menu for selection of records, All drop down menus must allow data entry to add more itemswithoutexiting the screen1.1 Goals and ObjectivesThe goals of this project is to replace the current antiquated system that is being used to schedule building inspections. Ourobjective is to allow scheduling to be done in a more orderly, and simple fashion with future scheduling being a simple thing to do. The current system that is in place does not allow for inspections to be scheduled to far in advance. We hope to make finding available dates for inspections and specific inspectors an easy thing to do.1.2 Statement of ScopeOur software is a scheduling tool that will allow the clerks in the - 2 -department to schedule appointments for the building inspectors. The major inputs for the software will be the date for the inspection if requested on a specific date, otherwise first available will be used. The inspector requested if any, or the first available inspector will be used. An additional input will be for when reports are being generated. The software will ask for the day, or inspector, for which to generateand inspection report. The clerk will also be able to enter when the inspectors will have holidays, sick days, or other sorts of time off so that when the scheduling is done it will automatically block those dates from being scheduled. The inspectors will also be able to access their schedules via the internet/intranet where ever they are.The outputs that will be available from the software will be reports. They will be able to choose from a daily report to a report by inspector. There will be many different reports that will be available for many different situations that the clerk would need reports for.1.3 Software ContextThis software is intended to be used for scheduling building inspections by the clerks in the Building and Safety department at the City of Dearborn. The inspectors will also use it to view their schedules. Depending on what the customer wants to do schedules willalso be available for the people receiving the inspections.1.4 Major Constraints, Anyone using the software must have their PC connected to theinternal network. Since it runs off of a server the computer must be able to connect to it., The people doing the data entry will have to be trained beforeusingthe software. Throwing them into using it without any training would leave them wondering how things work., Audit Trails may become large if there is a single record that is editedfrequently. This should not happen as once it is entered it should beleft alone. The most that should happen is a reschedule being done on it once or twice., Holidays will have to be checked for validity. Since some of them fluctuate every year the program may be incorrect. Also since some holidays may fall on a weekend, the preceding Friday, or following Monday may be given off as compensation so they will need to be added in as holidays., When an inspector retires from the City the people monitoring the database will have to go into the system and manually set his/her status toinactive so that they are not scheduled on any more inspections.- 3 -, Only one data entry person may be working on a specific file at a time.If two people are trying to enter the same inspection at the same timeit will cause errors to occur., The software will only be available for use on the internal network forthe time being. This can be remedied by the City should they decide to open it up to the public, but as of now it will only be available internally., Communication of ideas between the Technical contact and the group. , Time is a major constraint that we have on this project. , Arranging times to meet up with the business.- 4 -2.0 Data DesignA description of all data structures including internal, global, and temporary datastructures.2.1 Internal Software Data StructureThis section describes data structures that are passed among components the software.2.1.1 ClassesEach form in the interface has a backend class file, which storesallof the interface functions, stored procedure calls, and variables.2.1.2 Form ObjectsWithin each of the forms there are form objects. There consist of data grids, dropdown menus, text boxes, labels, list boxes,calendar controls and several other form objects.2.1.3 Stored ProceduresAll functionalities in the system are performed using a storedprocedure. These stored procedures contain transact SQL thatmanipulate the data in the database. The procedures are called in the classes.2.2 Global Data StructureThis section describes data structures that are available to major portions of the architecture are described.2.2.1 FormsThe interface consists of three different forms. Each of these forms has an html backend, form objects, along with a class. There is a schedule (main) form, user form, and administration form. Inaddition there is a menu control that is similar to a form and has the same information incorporated.2.3 Temporary Data Structure- 5 -This section describes data structures in the system that are for temporaryuse.2.3.1 Temporary VariablesThere will be many places in the system where we will need to use temporary variables. This exists in most programs for many different uses such as counters, global variables, temporary strings, etc.2.3.2 Temporary Form ObjectsThere will also be many places in the system in which we will needto use form objects temporarily.For example, in the case of working with data grids and template columns, in order to make changes to the objects in the column, we must create a temporary form object and set it equal to the object on the form. You then use the temporary object to make your changes.Temporary form objects will also be used within functions to simply store information for the duration of the function call.2.3.3 Session objects and variablesIn the system we will be using sessions to temporarily store information. This information includes login information, form objects, and variables.For example, to prevent having to go back to the database repeatedly every time a grid is loaded, we can store the grid containing the information into a session object. Once we load the grid again, we can simply take the grid out of the session instead of re-querying the database.2.4 Database DescriptionThis section describes each data object, relationships between objects, acomplete data model, as well as a data dictionary.2.4.1 Data Objects2.4.1.1 Action Type- 6 -The action_type table stores information about the types of actions that are performed in the audit trail. These actions may include “update” and “delete”. Audit TrailThe audit_trail table stores information for an action involving an “update” or “delete”. This information involvesth e user’s id that performed the action, the user’s workstation id, the action performed, the date, the time, and a constructed string ofthe previous record before action was performed. HolidayThe holiday table stores dates and names for holidays. It is when scheduling inspections so that the system ignores any holidays. Home Type- 7 -The home_type table stores information about the different hometypes used in the system. This table is used specifically for theinspections table. The current home types are “single”, “duplex”, and “multi”. Each home type has a weight, which is used in determining how many homes an inspector is inspecting in a day. Inspection Date DefaultThe inspection_date_default table is used to store the default number of homes an inspector may expect on any given day. If thereisn’t a specific amount for the current date in theinspection_date_specific table, then the num_allowed_per_day value in the inspection_date_default table is used as a maximum amount before an admin is prompted. Inspection Date SpecificThe inspection_date_specific table is used to store the number of homes an inspector may expect on a specific date. Thenum_allowed_per_day value is used as a maximum amount before an admin is prompted. Inspection Time- 8 -The inspection_time table is used to store the different times ofthe day that inspections can take place. Currently the only times are “AM” and “PM”. However, in the future they may change to havingthree or four times a day in which inspections will take place. This gives them flexibility. Inspection LocationThe inspection location table is used to store the different locations in which sections can take place. Currently the only locations are “East” and “West”. However, in the future theymay divide the city into a more defined breakdown of city locations. This would allow them extra flexibility. Inspection ScheduleThe inspection schedule table is used to store information about inspections. It acts as the primary table in the system in terms of scheduling and each record in the table represents an appointment. Allinformation pertaining to an appointment is recorded in or related to this table. Inspection Status- 9 -The inspection_status table stores information for the different inspection statuses. Currently the only statuses are “Open” and “Closed”. Inspection TypeThe inspection_type table stores information for the different types of inspections. Currently the inspection types in the system are “first”, “second”, and “final”. InspectorThe inspector table is used to store information about inspectors. It saves their id, name, and status. Inspector Days OffThe inspector_days_off table is used to store the days off for each inspector. Each record stores the id of the inspector, the date that they will have off, and the reason for the day off of work. Inspector Status- 10 -The inspector_status table stores information for each of the types of inspector statuses. The current status types in the system are “active” and “inactive”. UserThe user table stores information about the users of the system. The user id, user name, password, name, and role are stored in the user table. User RoleThe user_role table stores information for the different roles in the system. Currently the only roles in the system are “viewer”, “administrator”, and “super administrator”.- 11 -3.0 Architectural and Component-Level Design3.1 Program StructureArchitecture is not the operation software. Rather, it is a representation that enables a software engineer to 1) analyze the effectiveness of the design in meeting its stated requirements, 2) consider architectural alternatives at a stage when making design changes is still relatively easy, and 3) reduce the risks associated with the construction of the software. Architectural design focuses on the representation of the structure of the software components, their properties, and interactions.3.1.1 Architectural DiagramPlease see the appendix for the architectural diagram of the overall system.3.1.2 AlternativesThe main architecture for this project is a data-centered architecture. Ourrequirements stated we need to develop a program that will not only storedata but also allow multiple users to retrieve and modify that data. As theintegrity of that data is very important, some sort of data store would beideal. This way, different users from all over the department could haveaccess to the same data at the same time compared to the old paper system, in which there was only one clipboard which held the data.Two other minor architectures exist within this system. A data-flow architecture is present, despite that data may not pass through more anymore than two filters before reaching it’s destination. This is mostlyautomated by the suite of programs we are using ( and MSSQL).Most of the data manipulation happens with and formatting it tothe next component’s expected form.The other minor, and last, design architecture was a layered architecture.There are components which handles interactions with the user.Components within the next inner level () handle transform datafrom the user interface to the database interface or from the databaseinterface to the user interface. Lastly, at the core we have the databaseitself and it’s components in the form of stored procedures.The two other main architectures – call and return and object-oriented –we have decided not to implement as they don’t quite fit our needs. In acall and return architecture, one main program or function is ableto callother program components which can either finish their processing andreturn to the main program or call other components creating a vertical- 12 -hierarchy of control within one larger overall component. In our system data is more or less passed along a horizontal route between larger components – a user interface, , and MSSQL.In looking at our data model, choosing to implement our system in an object-oriented architecture would mean that objects (and the available behavior of objects) are the primary components within the system. For our system, tables appeared to be better geared for describing, storing, and organizing the data.3.2 Description for Component View Audit Trail3.2.1 Component View Audit Trail PSPECThe Audit Trail is a separate table within the database which holds all of the edited and deleted inspection schedules for the past six months. No inspectors or administrators are allowed access to this listing, only super administrators.3.2.2 Component View Audit Trail Processing Detail3.2.2.1 Interface DescriptionThis component has no input. As the user has already been validated earlier, no username or password needs to be checked. Also, there is no range of dates specified.The output will be sent to the page to be displayed in alistformat. Algorithmic Modelcomponent View Audit Trail;call generic query in a stored procedure from ;receive data from database;if dataReceived > spaceAvailableOnScreenpartition up dataReceiveddisplay dataReceived;end View Audit Trail; Restrictions/LimitationsNone at this time. Local Data StructuresA set of strings which hold enqueued entries from the Audit Trail whenthere is too much information to display on screen at one time.- 13 - Performance IssuesDe to the large amount of entries, retrieving and displaying all of them, which may number into the thousands for the past six months, may take a bit longer than a normal query on the database.The format of the data will not be displayed in a polished manner as it normally would if an administrator or inspector were looking at a current schedule. This may present a problem for the page if the data is not broken into easily displayable chunks. Design ConstraintsNone at this time.3.3 Description for Component Create New Inspection3.3.1 Component Create New Inspection PSPECWhen a person requests a new inspection, where an inspection is one inspector inspecting one building, this should be the component that allows the administrator to add an inspection to the database.3.3.2 Component Create New Inspection Processing Detail3.3.2.1 Interface DescriptionFor the input of this component, data will be received from the user by way of the Read In Data component. The inputs the user should give are: inspector’s name, the address of the building, contact phone number, which side of the city it resides in, the time of the inspection, the status, the type of inspection to be conducted, and a memo if necessary.This component should take the data and pass it to the Validity Check component of the system. After the data has been submitted to thedatabase, a message stating either a success or failure will be displayed using the Display Messages component. Algorithmic Modelcomponent CreateNewInspection;get formData from frontend;validate formData;pass formData in query to database;pass successFailFlag to DisplayMessages;end CreateNewInspection;- 14 - Restrictions/LimitationsNone at this time. Local Data StructuresData will be taken from local form objects and stored in temporary variables before they are committed to a stored procedure. Performance IssuesA potential performance issue would be related to the time it takes anadministrator to input the data. There may be upwards of 15schedules requested per day. If the administrator cannot input data into the system, and receive confirmation that it was stored properly,faster than they could using their paper system, we may have aproblem with the interface which should then be analyzed again. Design ConstraintsNone at this time.3.4 Description for Component Delete Inspection3.4.1 Component Delete Inspection PSPECWithin a day’s schedule, there are many different inspectionslisted for many different addresses. Suppose someone who already has an inspection needs to cancel it. The administrator can then scroll to find the date specified, look for the address, and delete it’s entry. The rest of the schedules for that day will be left untouched.3.4.2 Component Delete Inspection Processing Detail3.4.2.1 Interface DescriptionThe input to this component should come from the Read In Datacomponent. The information passed here should include whichaddress needs to be deleted along with the date that the inspection was scheduled on.The output of this component will be the data specified above which ispassed to the Format Data component. After the database has been modified, a message passed back denoting either success or failure willbe displayed using the Display Messages component. Algorithmic Model- 15 -component DeleteInspection;get deleteData from ReadInData;confirm deletion with a warning from DisplayMessages;query database for deleteData;delete entry in database using standard query;send message of success or failure to DisplayMessages;end DeleteInspection; Restrictions/LimitationsNone at this time. Local Data StructuresA temporary variable which holds the piece of data that is searched forin the database. Performance IssuesThe data needs to be deleted from the database and a messagepassed back to the user within a relatively short amount of time –about one second or less. This will keep both the administrator and the person cancelling their inspection from waiting too long for verification and also prevent the administrator from hitting the Deletebutton more than once if they think they did not hit it the first time. Design ConstraintsNone at this time.3.5 Description for Component Modify Inspection3.5.1 Component Modify Inspection PSPECAfter someone schedules an inspection, information may change or may not have been entered in the first time. This component will allow the administrator to go back to that person’s scheduled inspection andeither change information or add new information to the inspection.3.5.2 Component Modify Inspection Processing Detail3.5.2.1 Interface DescriptionThe input will be data that is taken from the Read In Data component.This data can be one or more of the following items: inspector’s name,the address of the building, contact phone number, which side of the city it resides in, the time of the inspection, the status, the typeofinspection to be conducted, and a memo.- 16 -The output of the system will be data that is handed to the Validity Check component. Algorithmic ModelComponent ModifyInspection;set modData to whatever is passed from ReadInData;send modData to be validated;send modData to a stored procedure which will allow the databaseto change entries;end ModifyInspection; Restrictions/LimitationsThe component should not allow two entries to exist within thedatabase that have exactly the same traits. While their IDs given to them by the database may be different, searches and modifications are performed by searching strings. If more than one entry pops up, the administrator may not know which one to edit. Local Data StructuresTemporary variables, which will be stored from the form data, will holdthe data that needs to be stored into the database. Performance IssuesNone at this time. Design ConstraintsNone at this time.3.6 Description for Component View Schedules3.6.1 Component View Schedules PSPECThis component is responsible for the main functionality of the system. Here both the read-only users and administrators are able to see inspection schedules for any given day. If the user is read-only, they should be able to view just their inspection schedule, not anyoneelse’s, and should not be able to edit it in anyway.3.6.2 Component View Schedules Processing Detail3.6.2.1 Interface DescriptionOne input needed here will be the user’s privileges, decided by theUser Verification component. As of deployment of this system, there - 17 -should only be read-only, administrator, and super administrator defined as privilege levels.Another will be the date which to view inspection schedules. Theuser may do this by navigating through a small calendar on their screen. Clicking an appropriate day will submit that day, as an output, to the database to query. Algorithmic ModelComponent ViewSchedules;call generic query in a stored procedure from ;receive data from database;if dataReceived > spaceAvailableOnScreenpartition up dataReceiveddisplay dataReceived;end ViewSchedules; Restrictions/LimitationsAs stated above, this component will rely on what privileges theuser has. If an administrator is using the system, not only can they view all inspector’s schedules but they also have the ability to edit, delete, and create inspections. If a read-only user is logged into the system, they should only be able to view their schedules and not anyone else’s. Local Data StructuresA set of strings which hold enqueued entries from the schedule when there is too much information to display on screen at one time. Performance IssuesQuerying the database for the information and having it display in a timely matter (less than five seconds) would be helpful to the user. If an inspector calls from the field and asks where the next place they need to go is, the quicker the data is displayed the quicker the inspector can do their job. Design ConstraintsThis is one of the components which depends on the security being strong enough to keep out people who shouldn’t be viewing others’ schedules and data. One thing that we cannot prevent, however, is having an administrator log into the system and allowing a read-only user to look at the screen.3.7 Description for Component Search Schedule- 18 -3.7.1 Component Search Schedule PSPECThe inspection schedule will probably become very populated with data. In order to quickly look up an inspection while only knowing pieces of data that are in the inspection, a search function will be implemented. This component will allow the user to search through the schedules by such things as inspectors names, phone numbers, date scheduled, addresses, times, parts of the city, what type of inspection it is, and how large of a building is to be inspected.This function can also allow administrators or super administrators to do some back of the envelope analysis. By searching by just one field and one term, the results shown may bring up certain patterns, such as Wednesday is the busiest day for inspections, or that multi-family homes are more likely to be built on the west side of the city than the east.3.7.2 Component Search Schedule Processing Detail3.7.2.1 Interface DescriptionThis component will take data from the Read In Data component. This data can be any one or more of the following: inspector’s name, the address of the building, the date to be conducted, contact phone number, which side of the city it resides in, the time of the inspection,the status, the type of inspection to be conducted, and a memo.The output of the system will be a query sent to the database afteritis passed through a Validation Check to make sure the data is of the correct type. Algorithmic Modelcomponent SearchSchedule;store ReadInData returned into searchData;send searchData to ValidityCheck;use searchData in stored procedure;end SearchSchedule; Restrictions/LimitationsThere will be a ceiling put into place on the number of results whichcan be returned. If the search is too intensive or has too broad of ascope, the user might not be able to get the information they need quickly. Not to mention the CPU cycles wasted searching through all the tables for that data. Local Data Structures- 19 -Temporary variables which hold the data from the form objects while they are validated and then converted for use in appropriate stored procedures. Performance IssuesSearching through potentially tens of thousands of fields in a databasecan not only be problematic for the user – who has to wait for the results – but also for the machine itself that hosts the database. Themachine has other processes and daemons running on it so the search on the database needs to take care not to hog all the available CPU cycles. Design ConstraintsNone at this time.3.8 Description for Component Display Results。



Revision History 修订历史软件需求规格说明书目录1. 简介 (3)1.1 编写目的 (3)1.2 文档约定 (3)1.3 预期的读者和阅读建议 (3)1.4 项目背景 (3)1.5参考资料 (4)[1]现代软件工程应用技术P74 (4)2.总体说明(系统内每个功能模块的作用介绍) (4)2.1 产品概述 (4)2.1.1系统结构(画图) (4)2.1产品前景 (4)2.2产品功能 (4)2.3用户类和特征 (5)2.3.1虚拟植物基因研究人员 (5)2.3.2有数据可视化需要的任何人 (5)2.3.3企业管理人员 (5)3.具体要求 (5)图3.1.1-1 (6)3.1.2功能划分 (6)3.2性能需求 (6)3.3可行性分析 (7)3.3.1经济可行性 (7)3.3.2技术可行性 (7)3.3.3操作可行性 (7)3.3.4社会环境的可行性 (8)3.3.5法律可行性 (8)3.3.6使用性可行性分析 (8)3.4可靠性 (9)3.5运行需求 (9)3.5.6故障处理 (9)3.6保障性 (9)3.7设计约束 (9)3.8在线用户文档和帮助系统要求 (9)3.9外购件 (9)3.10接口 (10)3.11许可要求 (10)3.12法律、版权和其他通知 (10)3.13支持信息 (10)4. 附录一:应用场景 (10)4.1上传数据文件 (10)4.2分享保存数据文件 (10)6.附录2:更改日志 (10)7.附录3:要求检查 (10)8.附录4:知识点归纳整理 (10)附录4: (11)A、怎么使用D3 (11)(1)解压d3.zip之后,在HTML文件中包含相关的js文件即可 (11)(2)直接包含网络的链接,这种方法较为简单 (11)B、学习D3的预备知识 (11)1.简介1.1编写目的确定散点图网页功能的有效性需求;以供本系统的开发人员参考1.2文档约定描述编写文章时所采用的标准或排版约定,包括正文风格、提示区或重要符号,例如,说明高层需求的优先级是否可以被其所有细节的需求所继承,或者每个需求陈述时候有优先级。








软件设计说明范文(中英文实用版)Title: Software Design Specification Example中文标题:软件设计说明范文1.IntroductionThis document outlines the software design specification for a mobile application that provides a virtual tour of historical landmarks.The application aims to enhance user experience through an interactive and informative interface.中文简介:本文档概述了一款移动应用程序的设计规格,该程序提供历史地标虚拟导览。


2.Application ScopeThe application will allow users to explore historical landmarks from around the world through a user-friendly interface.Key features include: - An interactive map that displays landmark locations- Detailed information about each landmark"s history and significance- Virtual tour functionality, allowing users to navigate through the landmark"s key areas- A search function to filter landmarks based on user interests中文应用范围:该应用程序将使用户能够通过用户友好的界面探索世界各地的历史地标。



X X X X X X单位X X X X X X X项目软件需求规格说明书龙子湖网络科技目录第一章引言 (5)1编写目的 (5)2软件需求分析理论 (5)3软件需求分析目标 (5)4参考文献 (6)第二章需求概述 (7)1.项目背景 (7)2.需求概述 (7)3.条件与限制(可选) (8)4.移动办公系统结构 (8)5.移动办公网络拓扑图 (9)第三章系统功能需求 (10)1.移动办公系统升级改造需求 (10)✓界面显示要求 (11)✓待办公文列表 (11)✓待办公文列表排序 (11)✓公文详细信息界面元素 (11)✓网站信息审批 (12)✓会议申请 (12)✓意见录入 (12)✓移动邮件 (12)✓会议管理 (13)✓通知通告 (13)✓通讯录管理 (14)2.车辆管理模块升级改造需求 (14)✓系统功能架构 (14)✓网络拓扑结构 (15)3.电子公文预览需求 (15)✓电子公文交换网络 (16)✓电子公文交换流程 (18)4.政务信息管理系统平台功能需求 (19)第四章软硬件或其他外部系统接口需求 (21)1.用户界面 (21)2.硬件需求 (22)3.网络需求 (22)4.接口需求 (22)5.通信需求 (23)6.运行环境 (23)第五章其他非功能需求 (24)1.性能需求 (24)2.安全设施需求 (25)3.安全性需求 (25)4.扩展性需求 (26)5.可移植性需求 (26)第一章引言1编写目的为明确软件需求、安排项目规划与进度、组织软件开发与测试,撰写本文档。

2软件需求分析理论软件需求分析(Software Reguirement Analysis)是研究用户需求得到的东西,完全理解用户对软件需求的完整功能,确认用户软件功能需求,建立可确认的、可验证的一个基本依据。





XXX项目软件设计规格说明书版本<1.0>1概述............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

1.1编写目的........................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.2编写依据........................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.3术语和缩略词................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2软件概要.................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.1软件总体描述................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.2软件设计约束及有关说明............................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.3使用者特点....................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

3开发和运行环境 ....................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

3.1硬件环境........................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

3.2支持软件环境................................................... 错误!未定义书签。



详细设计说明书1 引言1.1编写目的说明编写这份详细设计说明书的目的,指出预期的读者。



1.4 参考资料列出有关的参考资料,如:a、本项目的计划任务书或合同、上级机关的批文;b、属于本项目的其他已发表的文件;c、本文件中各处引用到的文件资料,包括的要和到的软件开发标准。


2 程序系统的结构用一系列图表列出本程序系统内的每个程序(包括每个模块和子程序)的名称、标识符和它们之间的层次结构关系。

3 程序1(标识符)设计说明从本章开始,逐个地给出各个层次中的每个程序的设计考虑。



3.1 程序描述给出对该程序的简要描述,主要说明安排设计本程序的目的意义,并且,说明本程序的特点(如是常驻内存还是非常驻是否子程序是可重入的还是不可重入的有无复盖要求是顺序处理还是并发处理?……等)3.2功能说明该程序应具有的功能,可采用IPO图(即输入一处理一输出图)的形式。







XX Software Design Specification XX 软件设计说明书XX 软件设计说明书Catalog 目录1Introduction 简介71.1Purpose 目的71.2Scope 范围71.2.1Name 软件名称71.2.2Functions 软件功能71.2.3Applications软件应用72High Level Design概要设计82.1Level 0 Design Description第0层设计描述82.1.1Software System Context Definition 软件系统上下文定义:82.1.2Design Considerations (Optional)设计思路(可选) Methodology 设计方法82.1.2.2Design Alternatives 设计可选方案82.1.2.3Design Constraints 设计约束82.1.2.4Other Design Considerations 其他82.2Level 1 Design Description第一层设计描述92.2.1Decomposition Description分解描述92.2.1.1Module/Subsystem Decomposition模块/子系统分解92.2.1.2Concurrent Process Decomposition并发进程处理分解92.2.1.3Data Decomposition数据分解92.2.2Dependency Description依赖性描述102.2.2.1Module/subsystem Dependencies模块/子系统间的依赖关系102.2.2.2Process Dependencies 进程间依赖关系102.2.2.3Data Dependencies数据依赖关系102.2.3Interface Description接口描述102.2.3.1Module/Subsystem Interfaces模块/子系统接口102.2.3.2Process Interfaces进程接口112.3Level 2 Design Description第二层设计描述(Optional)122.3.1Module name (1) 模块1名称122.3.1.1Decomposition Description 分解描述122.3.1.2Dependency Description 依赖性描述122.3.1.3Interface Description 接口描述122.4Database (Optional)数据库(可选)132.4.1Entity, Attributes and their relationships 实体、属性及它们之间的关系132.4.2E-R diagram 实体关系图133Detailed Design详细设计143.1 Module 1 Detail Design模块一详细设计143.1.1Data Description 数据描述143.1.1.1Simple Data Description 简单数据描述; 1 or Class 1 结构1或类1 2 or Class 2 结构2或类2 143.1.2Function Description 函数描述153.1.2.1Function 1 函数1 2 函数2 162012-09-14 第3页,共16页Table of contents for the table表目录Table 1 XX 表1 XX 6 Table of contents for the figure图目录Figure 1 XX 图1 XX 7XX 软件设计说明书XX Software Design SpecificationXX 软件设计说明书Keywords 关键词:Abstract 摘要:List of abbreviations 缩略语清单:.2012-09-14 第5页,共16页1Introduction 简介.1Purpose 目的This section should state the purpose of the document. It could also specify the intendedaudience.这部分要描述文档的目的,并指明适用的读者。



归属部门密级版本共页V1.00[名称]软件需求规格说明书拟制:日期:yyyy-mm-dd 审核:日期:yyyy-mm-dd 批准:日期:yyyy-mm-dd文件修改记录修改日期版本修改页码、章节、条修改描述作者款yyyy-mm-dd目录1范围 (5)2 总体概述 (5)2.1 产品描述 (5)2.2 软件功能 (5)2.3 一般约束 (5)2.4 假设和依赖 (6)3 具体需求 (6)3.1 功能需求 (6)3.1.1 功能需求 1 (6)3.1.2 功能需求 2 (7)3.1.n 功能需求n (7)3.2 外部接口需求 (7)3.2.1 用户接口 (7)3.2.2 硬件接口 (7)3.2.3 软件接口 (8)3.2.4 通讯接口 (8)3.3 性能需求 (8)4 设计约束 (8)4.1 标准的约束 (9)4.2 硬件的限制 (9)4.3 技术的限制 (9)5 软件质量属性 (9)5.1 安全性 (9)5.2 可维护性 (9)5.3 可移植性 (10)6 其他需求 (10)6.1 数据库 (10)6.2 本地化 (10)7待确定问题 (10)模板使用说明:[1]注明可选的部分,可以根据实际情况选择是否填写;如果不必说明,请保留相关的章节标题,同时在该可选章节的内容中填入“无”;未注名可选的,则必须描述;如果有些设计此模版中没有合适的地方填写,则补充在最后的其他栏目中[2]模版中斜体字相当于撰写指南,最后文稿请将本模板中所有的斜体字部分全部删除。




2 总体概述2.1 产品描述叙述该项软件开发的意图、应用目标、作用范围以及其他应向读者说明的有关该软件开发的背景材料。

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A Software Design Specification Templateby Brad Appleton<brad@> Copyright © 1994-1997 by Bradford D. AppletonPermission is hereby granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this documentprovided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Table of Contents●Introduction●Document Outline●Document Descriptionr Introductionr System Overviewr Design Considerations■Assumptions and Dependencies■General Constraints■Goals and Guidelines■Development Methodsr Architectural Strategiesr System Architecture■Subsystem Architecturer Policies and Tacticsr Detailed System Design■Detailed Subsystem Designr Glossaryr BibliographyIntroductionThe following is an attempt to put together a complete, yet reasonably flexible template forthe specification of software designs. Wherever possible, I have tried to provide guidelines (instead of prescribing requirements) for the contents of various sections and subsections of the document. Some may prefer to require more detailed subsections of a particular section, choosing one or more of the subsection topics from the list of guidelines provided. In this sense, this document is really a template for a template.In devising this template, I have gleaned information from many sources, including various texts on Software Engineering (Pressman, Sommerville, and Van Vliet), Object-Oriented Development (Booch, Rumbaugh, Berard, and Wirfs-Brock), various SEI reports, DoD-Std and Mil-Std documentation requirements (2167/2167A), and IEEE documentation standards (particularly IEEE-1016 for software designs, and IEEE-830 for software requirements). I have made every effort not to assume or impose a particular software development methodology or paradigm, and to place more emphasis on content than on format.It is my desire that a completed software design specification meet the following criteria:●It should be able to adequately serve as training material for new project members,imparting to them enough information and understanding about the projectimplementation, so that they are able to understand what is being said in designmeetings, and won't feel as if they are drowning when they are first asked to create or modify source code.●It should serve as "objective evidence" that the designers and/or implementors arefollowing through on their commitment to implement the functionality described in the requirements specification.●It needs to be as detailed as possible, while at the same time not imposing too much ofa burden on the designers and/or implementors that it becomes overly difficult to createor maintain.Please note that there are no sections in this document for describing administrative or business duties, or for proposing plans or schedules for testing or development. The sections in this document are concerned solely with the design of the software. While there are places in this document where it is appropriate to discuss the effects of such plans on the software design, it is this author's opinion that most of the details concerning such plans belong in one or more separate documents.Document OutlineHere is the outline of the proposed template for software design specifications. Please note that many parts of the document may be extracted automatically from other sources and/or may be contained in other, smaller documents. What follows is just one suggested outline format to use when attempting to present the architecture and design of the entire system as one single document. This by no means implies that it literally is a single document (that would not be my personal preference):●Introduction●System Overview●Design Considerationsr Assumptions and Dependenciesr General Constraintsr Goals and Guidelinesr Development Methods●Architectural Strategiesr strategy-1 name ordescriptionr strategy-2 name ordescriptionr...●System Architecturer component-1 name ordescriptionr component-2 name ordescriptionr...●Policies and Tacticsr policy/tactic-1 nameor descriptionr policy/tactic-2 nameor descriptionr...●Detailed System Designr module-1 name ordescriptionr module-2 name ordescriptionr...●Glossary●BibliographyThe above outline is by no means exclusive. A particular numbering scheme is not necessarily required and you are more than welcome to add your own sections or subsectionswhere you feel they are appropriate. In particular you may wish to move the bibliography and glossary to the beginning of the document instead of placing them at the end.The same template is intended to be used for both high-level design and low-level design. The design document used for high-level design is a "living document" in that it gradually evolves to include low-level design details (although perhaps the "Detailed Design" section may not yet be appropriate at the high-level design phase).The ordering of the sections in this document attempts to correspond to the order in which issues are addressed and in which decisions are made during the actual design process. Of course it is understood that software designs frequently (and often fortunately) don't always proceed in this order (or in any linear, or even predictable order). However, it is useful for the purpose of comprehending the design of the system to present them as if they did. Frequently, one of the best ways to document a project's design is to keep a detailed project journal, log, or diary of issues as they are mulled over and bandied about and to record the decisions made (and the reasons why) in the journal. Unfortunately, the journal format is not usually organized the way most people would like it for a formal review. In such cases, for the purpose of review, the journal can be condensed and/or portions of it extracted and reorganized according to this outline. However, if this is done then you need to choose whether to update and maintain the design document in the journal format, or the formal review format. It is not advisable to try and maintain the design document in both formats. (If you have an automated method of converting the journal into a formal document, then this problem is solved.)Document DescriptionHere is the description of the contents (by section and subsection) of the proposed template for software design specifications:IntroductionProvide an overview of the entire document:●Describe the purpose of this document●Describe the scope of this document●Describe this document's intended audience●Identify the system/product using any applicable names and/or version numbers.●Provide references for any other pertinent documents such as:r Related and/or companion documentsr Prerequisite documentsr Documents which provide background and/or context for this documentr Documents that result from this document (e.g. a test plan or a developmentplan)●Define any important terms, acronyms, or abbreviations●Summarize (or give an abstract for) the contents of this document.Note:For the remaining sections of this document, it is conceivable (and perhaps evendesirable) that one or more of the section topics are discussed in a separate designdocument within the project. For each section where such a document exists, areference to the appropriate design document is all that is necessary. All such external (or fragmented) design documents should probably be provided with this document at any design reviews.System OverviewProvide a general description of the software system including its functionality and matters related to the overall system and its design (perhaps including a discussion of the basic design approach or organization). Feel free to split this discussion up into subsections (and subsubsections, etc ...).Design ConsiderationsThis section describes many of the issues which need to be addressed or resolved before attempting to devise a complete design solution.Assumptions and DependenciesDescribe any assumptions or dependencies regarding the software and its use. These may concern such issues as:●Related software or hardware●Operating systems●End-user characteristics●Possible and/or probable changes in functionalityGeneral ConstraintsDescribe any global limitations or constraints that have a significant impact on the design of the system's software (and describe the associated impact). Such constraints may be imposed by any of the following (the list is not exhaustive):●Hardware or software environment●End-user environment●Availability or volatility of resources●Standards compliance●Interoperability requirements●Interface/protocol requirements●Data repository and distribution requirements●Security requirements (or other such regulations)●Memory and other capacity limitations●Performance requirements●Network communications●Verification and validation requirements (testing)●Other means of addressing quality goals●Other requirements described in the requirements specificationGoals and GuidelinesDescribe any goals, guidelines, principles, or priorities which dominate or embody the design of the system's software. Such goals might be:●The KISS principle ("Keep it simple stupid!")●Emphasis on speed versus memory use●working, looking, or "feeling" like an existing productFor each such goal or guideline, unless it is implicitly obvious, describe the reason for its desirability. Feel free to state and describe each goal in its own subsubsection if you wish.Development MethodsBriefly describe the method or approach used for this software design. If one or more formal/ published methods were adopted or adapted, then include a reference to a more detailed description of these methods. If several methods were seriously considered, then each such method should be mentioned, along with a brief explanation of why all or part of it was used or not used.Architectural StrategiesDescribe any design decisions and/or strategies that affect the overall organization of the system and its higher-level structures. These strategies should provide insight into the key abstractions and mechanisms used in the system architecture. Describe the reasoning employed for each decision and/or strategy (possibly referring to previously stated design goals and principles) and how any design goals or priorities were balanced or traded-off. Such decisions might concern (but are not limited to) things like the following:●Use of a particular type of product (programming language, database, library, etc. ...)●Reuse of existing software components to implement various parts/features of thesystem●Future plans for extending or enhancing the software●User interface paradigms (or system input and output models)●Hardware and/or software interface paradigms●Error detection and recovery●Memory management policies●External databases and/or data storage management and persistence●Distributed data or control over a network●Generalized approaches to control●Concurrency and synchronization●Communication mechanisms●Management of other resourcesEach significant strategy employed should probably be discussed in its own subsection, or (if it is complex enough) in a separate design document (with an appropriate reference here of course). Make sure that when describing a design decision that you also discuss any other significant alternatives that were considered, and your reasons for rejecting them (as well as your reasons for accepting the alternative you finally chose). Sometimes it may be most effective to employ the "pattern format" for describing a strategy.System ArchitectureThis section should provide a high-level overview of how the functionality and responsibilities of the system were partitioned and then assigned to subsystems or components. Don't go into too much detail about the individual components themselves (there is a subsequent section for detailed component descriptions). The main purpose here is to gain a general understandingof how and why the system was decomposed, and how the individual parts work together to provide the desired functionality.At the top-most level, describe the major responsibilities that the software must undertake and the various roles that the system (or portions of the system) must play. Describe how the system was broken down into its components/subsystems (identifying each top-level component/subsystem and the roles/responsibilities assigned to it). Describe how the higher-level components collaborate with each other in order to achieve the required results. Don't forget to provide some sort of rationale for choosing this particular decomposition of the system (perhaps discussing other proposed decompositions and why they were rejected). Feel free to make use of design patterns, either in describing parts of the architecture (in pattern format), or for referring to elements of the architecture that employ them.If there are any diagrams, models, flowcharts, documented scenarios or use-cases of the system behavior and/or structure, they may be included here (unless you feel they are complex enough to merit being placed in the DetailedSystem Design section). Diagrams that describe a particular component or subsystem should be included within the particular subsection that describes that component or subsystem.Note:This section (and its subsections) really applies only to newly developed (or yet-to-bedeveloped) portions of the system. If there are parts of the system that already existed before this development effort began, then you only need to describe the pre-existing parts that the new parts of the system depend upon, and only in enough detailsufficient to describe the relationships and interactions between the old parts and the new parts. Pre-existing parts that are modified or enhanced need to be described only to the extent that is necessary for the reader to gain a sufficient understanding of the nature of the changes that were made.Subsystem ArchitectureIf a particular component is one which merits a more detailed discussion than what was presented in the System Architecturesection, provide that more detailed discussion in a subsection of the SystemArchitecture section (or it may even be more appropriate to describe the component in its own design document). If necessary, describe how the component was further divided into subcomponents, and the relationships and interactions between the subcomponents (similar to what was done for top-level components in the System Architecture section).If any subcomponents are also deemed to merit further discussion, then describe them in aseparate subsection of this section (and in a similar fashion). Proceed to go into as many levels/subsections of discussion as needed in order for the reader to gain a high-level understanding of the entire system or subsystem (but remember to leave the gory details for the Detailed System Design section).If this component is very large and/or complex, you may want to consider documenting its design in a separate document and simply including a reference to it in this section. If this is the option you choose, the design document for this component should have an organizational format that is very similar (if not identical to) this document.Policies and TacticsDescribe any design policies and/or tactics that do not have sweeping architectural implications (meaning they would not significantly affect the overall organization of the system and its high-level structures), but which nonetheless affect the details of the interface and/or implementation of various aspects of the system. Such decisions might concern (but are not limited to) things like the following:●Choice of which specific product to use (compiler, interpreter, database, library, etc. ...)●Engineering trade-offs●Coding guidelines and conventions●The protocol of one or more subsystems, modules, or subroutines●The choice of a particular algorithm or programming idiom (or design pattern) toimplement portions of the system's functionality●Plans for ensuring requirements traceability●Plans for testing the software●Plans for maintaining the software●Interfaces for end-users, software, hardware, and communications●Hierarchical organization of the source code into its physical components (files anddirectories).●How to build and/or generate the system's deliverables (how to compile, link, load,etc. ...)Each particular policy or set of tactics employed should probably be discussed in its own subsection, or (if it is large or complex enough) in a separate design document (with an appropriate reference here of course). Make sure that when describing a design decision that you also discuss any other significant alternatives that were considered, and your reasons for rejecting them (as well as your reasons for accepting the alternative you finally chose). For this reason, it may frequently be convenient to use one of the more popular "pattern formats" to describe a given tactic.For this particular section, it may become difficult to decide whether a particular policy or set of tactics should be discussed in this section, or in the SystemArchitecture section, or in theDetailed System Design section for the appropriate component. You will have to use your own "best" judgement to decide this. There will usually be some global policies and tactics that should be discussed here, but decisions about interfaces, algorithms, and/or data structures might be more appropriately discussed in the same (sub)section as its corresponding software component in one of these other sections.Detailed System DesignMost components described in the SystemArchitecture section will require a more detailed discussion. Other lower-level components and subcomponents may need to be described as well. Each subsection of this section will refer to or contain a detailed description of a system software component. The discussion provided should cover the following software component attributes:ClassificationThe kind of component, such as a subsystem, module, class, package, function, file, etc. ....DefinitionThe specific purpose and semantic meaning of the component. This may need to refer back to the requirements specification.ResponsibilitiesThe primary responsibilities and/or behavior of this component. What does thiscomponent accomplish? What roles does it play? What kinds of services does it provide to its clients? For some components, this may need to refer back to the requirements specification.ConstraintsAny relevant assumptions, limitations, or constraints for this component. This should include constraints on timing, storage, or component state, and might include rules for interacting with this component (encompassing preconditions, postconditions,invariants, other constraints on input or output values and local or global values, data formats and data access, synchronization, exceptions, etc.)CompositionA description of the use and meaning of the subcomponents that are a part of thiscomponent.Uses/InteractionsA description of this components collaborations with other components. What othercomponents is this entity used by? What other components does this entity use (thiswould include any side-effects this entity might have on other parts of the system)? This concerns the method of interaction as well as the interaction itself. Object-orienteddesigns should include a description of any known or anticipated subclasses,superclasses, and metaclasses.ResourcesA description of any and all resources that are managed, affected, or needed by thisentity. Resources are entities external to the design such as memory, processors,printers, databases, or a software library. This should include a discussion of anypossible race conditions and/or deadlock situations, and how they might be resolved.ProcessingA description of precisely how this components goes about performing the dutiesnecessary to fulfill its responsibilities. This should encompass a description of anyalgorithms used; changes of state; relevant time or space complexity; concurrency;methods of creation, initialization, and cleanup; and handling of exceptional conditions.Interface/ExportsThe set of services (resources, data, types, constants, subroutines, and exceptions) that are provided by this component. The precise definition or declaration of each suchelement should be present, along with comments or annotations describing themeanings of values, parameters, etc. .... For each service element described, include (or provide a reference) in its discussion a description of its important software component attributes (Classification, Definition, Responsibilities, Constraints, Composition, Uses,Resources, Processing, and Interface).Much of the information that appears in this section is not necessarily expected to be kept separate from the source code. In fact, much of the information can be gleaned from the source itself (especially if it is adequately commented). This section should not copy or reproduce information that can be easily obtained from reading the source code (this would be an unwanted and unnecessary duplication of effort and would be very difficult to keep up-to-date). It is recommended that most of this information be contained in the source (with appropriate comments for each component, subsystem, module, and subroutine). Hence, it is expected that this section will largely consist of references to or excerpts of annotated diagrams and source code. Any referenced diagrams or source codeexcerpts should be provided at any design reviews.Detailed Subsystem DesignProvide a detailed description of this software component (or a reference to such a description). Complex diagrams showing the details of component structure, behavior, or information/control flow may be included in the subsection devoted to that particular component (although, unless they are very large or complex, some of these diagrams might be more appropriately included in the SystemArchitecture section. The description should cover any applicable software component attributes (some of which may be adequately described solely by a source code declaration or excerpt).GlossaryAn ordered list of defined terms and concepts used throughout the document.BibliographyA list of referenced and/or related publications.Brad Appleton<brad@>。
