



Goddess Forms
The statue of liberty is in the style of the clothes in ancient Greece ,wearing the crown(王冠[kraun]) of rays and seven sharp mans symbolize(象征) the seven continents of the world.Statue of liberty‟s waist is 10.6 meters wide, mouth 91 centimeters wide.The right hand exalts torch 12.8 meters the symbol of freedomcan . The edge of it can stand 12 people. The left hand holds a law books and its cover engravs(雕刻[ɪn‘grev]) “on July 4, 1776”,which symbolize the day of the signing of the“ Declaration of independence“.The broken handcuffs, fetters and chains,are the symbols of freedom from the constraints(限 制[kən’strent]) of tyranny(暴政专制[‘tɪrənɪ]). Her expression is peaceful and warm nature.
Creation Background In 1930, Grant Wood, an American painter with European training, noticed a small white house built in the Carpenter Gothicarchitectural style(哥特式建筑) in Eldon(艾尔登 ), Iowa(爱荷华州,美国中西部之一州). Wood decided to paint the house along with “the kind of people I fancied(fancy的过去 式和过去分词, 想象 ) should live in that house”. Then, It becomes the symbol of USA as you see.



American Gothic 美国哥特式
It is the only one which has
been cultural label in many
American paintings. The he peasant man
and wife's expression strongly
Five famous symbols of American culture
1503班 田繁
Statue of Liberty
Liberty Enlightening the World 自由照耀世界
The statue of Liberty which is also called Liberty Enlightening the World, is a gift given to the United States by France in honored of 100 anniversary of American independence, standing on Liberty Island in New York.
Barbie 芭比
Barbie dolls are the most famous and
best-selling dolls in 20th century, which
were first on display at American
International Toy Fair in 1959. And now
自由女神像,又称自由照耀世界, 是法国赠送给美国独立100周年礼 物,位于美国纽约市自由岛上。
Statue of Liberty‘s right hand holds a torch which up to 12 meters. The left hand holds" The Declaration of Independence". Under her feet were broken handcuffs, leg irons and chains. Statue of Liberty symbolizes freedom, break the constraints of

美国五大文化标志 ppt

美国五大文化标志 ppt

不似希腊伟岸铜塑雕像 拥有征服疆域的臂膀 红霞落波之门你巍然屹立 高举灯盏喷薄光芒 您凝聚流光的名字 —— 放逐者之母 把广袤大地照亮 凝视中宽柔撒满长桥 海港 “扼守你们旷古虚华的土地与功勋吧!”她呼喊 颤栗着缄默双唇: 把你, 那劳瘁贫贱的流民 那向往自由呼吸,又被无情抛弃 那拥挤于彼岸悲惨哀吟 那骤雨暴风中翻覆的惊魂 全都给我! 我高举灯盏伫立金门!
Barbie say hello to you
To most people, impression of Barbie comes from the United States. So, they will think creators of Barbie dolls are American. In fact, Barbie's predecessor is Germany's Bild Lilli. During a trip to Europe in 1956 with her children Barbara and Kenneth, Ruth Handler came across a German toy doll called Bild Lilli. The adult-figured (成人形象) doll was exactly what Handler had in mind, so she purchased three of them.
Gohic Architecture
Goddess Forms
The statue of liberty is in the style of the clothes in ancient Greece ,wearing the crown(王冠[kraun]) of rays and seven sharp mans symbolize(象征) the seven continents of the world.Statue of liberty‟s waist is 10.6 meters wide, mouth 91 centimeters wide.The right hand exalts torch 12.8 meters the symbol of freedomcan . The edge of it can stand 12 people. The left hand holds a law books and its cover engravs(雕刻[ɪn‘grev]) “on July 4, 1776”,which symbolize the day of the signing of the“ Declaration of independence“.The broken handcuffs, fetters and chains,are the symbols of freedom from the constraints(限 制[kən’strent]) of tyranny(暴政专制[‘tɪrənɪ]). Her expression is peaceful and warm nature.



barbie 的男友:ken 朋友: christie ,stancy,whitney, steven.... 宠物:马,猫,狗,小北 极熊.... 家族:skipper(1964) franci(1966-71)双胞弟妹: tutti&todd表妹: jazzi(1989)小妹妹: stacie(1992)小小妹妹: kelly(1995)
common coins:
Honor prominent figures (mostly famous former US presidents)
Buffalo Nickels:
Honored a pair of connected tragedies (buffalo herds and American Indians)
American Declaration of Independence
通体高度(脚跟至火炬) 46米 总成高度(含基座) 94 米 雕像身高(脚跟至头顶) 34米 手的长度 5.5米 雕像的厚度 8米 雕像头部可容纳的人 40 人数 雕像总重(80吨铜 + 120吨钢) 200吨 铜板的厚度 2.37毫米 从法国搬运到美国时所 用的集装箱数 210个 建造支出 343,000欧元 修理支出 70,000,000美 元
Norway Ukraine
United Kingdom Israel
A Brief Introduction
姓名:Barbie Millicient Robert 年龄:永远的16岁 原创作者:Ruth Handler 身高:168厘米 BWH胸围(bust)、腰围 (waist)、臀围(hips) :39-1833 inch 本人体重:47-54公斤(这么瘦还 能活着真不可思议) 性格:开朗,充满好奇心,富有想 象力,喜爱创作 衣服:10亿件 职业:明星,教师,工程 师,,,,,,(80多种,居然身 兼数职却从未劳累过)

Five famous symbols of American culture美国文化的五大象征

Five famous symbols of American culture美国文化的五大象征
• It was officially admmited by American congress as American national symbol ter Uncle Sam was used to be on half of America or American gorvernment,it was widely used in press
野牛镍币 Buffalo Nickel
Buffalo Nickel
• 1911年,由美国著名艺术家詹姆斯 弗雷泽(James Fraser)设 计,1913-1938年间成产的一种硬币。 美国传统硬币上刻 画的主要是历届总统。 但是野牛镍币,没有循规蹈矩,而 是将在美国西进运动中遭破坏几近灭绝的两种形象----美国 野牛以及土著印第安人的形象印为纪念。
Five famous symbols of American culture
Statue of Liberty
自由女神像,又称“自由照耀 世界,是法国赠送给美国独立 100周年礼物,位於美国纽约 市自由岛上。 .
• 女神右手高举长达12米的火炬, 左手捧着《独立宣言》,脚下是 打碎的手铐、脚镣和锁链。她象 征着自由、挣脱暴政的约束。
American Gothic
• 无论我们见过与否,毫无疑问地,它 是美国众多画作中唯一的一个成为文 化标签的。其主要原因是,画中农民 夫妻二人的表情深刻的体现了美国人 民的民族精神----勇于探索,坚强不 屈!
• Whether we see it or not, there is no doubt that it is the only one which has been cultural label in many American paintings.The major reason is that the peasant man and wife’expression strongly reflect the American national spirits ---dare to explore and stand buffer!


闻名世界的自由女神像,被誉为美国的象征。它高高地耸立在纽约港口的自由岛上, 象征着美国人民争取自由的崇高理想。创作这一艺术杰作的是19 世纪后期的一位才华横 溢的雕塑家,他的名字叫弗雷德里克·奥古斯特·巴托尔迪。1865 年,巴托尔迪在别人 的提议下,决定塑造一座象征自由的塑像。1876年由法国人民捐款,作为法国政府送给 美国政府用来庆祝美国独立100 周年的礼物。1984年,它被列入世界遗产名录。自由女 神手持火炬,矗立在纽约港入口处,日夜守望着这座大都会,迎来了自19世纪末以来到 美国定居的千百万移民。
课文翻译பைடு நூலகம்
美国独立战争时期,14岁的山姆?威尔逊离家出走,加入父亲和哥哥们的行, 为美国殖民地独立于英国而战。23岁时,他开始从事肉类加工业,并因为人诚实、 工作勤奋而赢得声誉。此后在1812年的战争中,威尔逊获得了一个职位,为美国军 队检验肉食。他的合伙人和美国政府签订了一份合同,给军队提供肉食。送到军队 的肉桶上面都印有EA-US,EA代表公司名,US代表原产国。 传说有一回,有个政府官员来参观加工厂,问及这些字母的含义,一个想象力 丰富的雇员告诉他,“US”是“山姆大叔”威尔逊的缩写。很快,士兵们都说所有 的军需品都来自“山姆大叔”。 战后,政治漫画里开始出现一个名叫“山姆大叔”的人物。他的原型是一个早 期漫画人物,名叫乔纳森大哥,此人在美国独立战争时期非常出名。很快,山姆大 叔就取代了乔纳森大哥,成了最受美国人欢迎的象征。最令人难忘的山姆大叔的画 像是由画家詹姆斯·蒙哥马利·弗拉格创作的,用在两次世界大战期间他画的很多 著名的征兵招贴画上。山姆大叔的形象是:高个子,白头发,下巴上有一小撮白胡 子,身着深蓝色外套,头戴一顶高帽,上有星星点缀。这模样其实就是弗拉格的自 画像。
课文翻译 1930年,格兰特·伍德因其画作《美国哥特人》一举成名。 此画体现了美国农民庄严的自豪,常常被人复制。画面展示了 一位神色严肃的男子和一位女子站立在农舍之前。 伍德深受中世纪艺术家的影响,他的灵感来自于一所古老农舍 的哥特式窗户,但最令世界注目的是画中人物的脸。 伍德喜欢画他熟悉的脸。为画神色严肃的农夫,他选择了 他那表情木讷的牙医,至于站在他身边的农妇,他选择了自己 的姐姐南。他把模特的脖子稍稍画长了一些,但无疑能看出谁 是画像的原型。 南后来说道,《美国哥特人》带给她的名誉使她摆脱了一 种非常乏味的生活。



Through the NBA, the world just know, basketball can play this way
Phelps surprised the world with the strength of American sports culture
Football makes the president go crazy.
There are amazing technology
At the same time, science and technology in the United States also formed a kind of magical culture
The United States is the Nobel prize winning number of the absolute leader, which is sufficient to prove that the leading science and technology culture
A statuette is a reflection of the status quo of film culture
Imagination is the feature of American film culture.
The miracle of the Silicon Valley in the birth of Microsoft
The Empire State Building is the pride of New York
The Statue of Liberty represents “American dream”
Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, which is a representative of the American architectural culture.



entertainment cuБайду номын сангаасture
A statuette is a reflection of the status quo of film culture
Imagination is the feature of American film culture.
The miracle of the Silicon Valley in the birth of Microsoft
MJ to undertake the past and future of American entertainment culture
MJ opens international music and American music.
Yao Ming is undoubtedly a bridge between Chinese and American cultural communication
Through the NBA, the world just know, basketball can play this way
Phelps surprised the world with the strength of American sports culture
Football makes the president go crazy.
High rise buildings reflect the contemporary American urban culture



Time:18-19s West cowboy:在西部广袤的土地,一群热情 无畏的开拓者。在美国历史上,他们是开发西 部的先锋,他们富有冒险和吃苦耐劳精神,因 此被美国人称为“马背上的英雄”。
American way of cooking

Emphasis on convenience and rapid consumption Hamburgers French fries hot dog pizza soft drink American consumers are more concerned with wholesome (健康)of their diet than its subtlety(微妙,精明)
The guiding principles and goal :pursuit of
freedom and equality
Characteristic: :宽容性(tolerance) 、“do-ityourself” (自己动手)、attach more importance to privacy …
Social system
Component: social insurance (社会保险) public welfare(社会福利) Social relief (社会救济 ) 特点: 适时建立和逐步完善社会保障体系 严格控制失业救济金发放标准和发放时间,以利 于失业者积极再就业 采取措施,增收节支,迎接老龄化的严重挑战。
Mode of production (生产模式)
Agriculture: mechanization (机械化) collectivization (集体化)
Industry:advanced technique

Five major American cultural symbols(美国文化五大象征)

Five major  American cultural symbols(美国文化五大象征)

Buffalo Nickel
Buffalo Nickel
Abraham Li
Franlin D. Roosevelt
George Washington
John F.Kennedy
Buffalo Nickel
The Buffalo is a unique part of the landscape in America. It is a 5000year- species , which once covered the Great Plains from Canada to Mexico with great quantity. So early explorers described the country as" one black robe"(黑袍 者). Buffaloes’ migrating and feeding can diversify animals and plants on the North American prairie.
Although Mattel had been hesitant to risk producing the Barbie doll,Barbie set a new sales record for Mattel after the first year on the market. At a cost of three dollars each,Mattel sold 351000 dolls during the first year of prodution, and within ten years, the public had purchased $500 million worth of Barbie products.



Grecian Goddess
Hollywood Movie Star Collection
地理坐标: 36.10°N, 115.17°W
美国关岛的自 由女神像( The Statue of Liberty)
地理坐标: 13.48°N, 144.75°E。
日本东京的自 由女神像( The Statue of Liberty )
地理坐标: 35.63°N, 139.77°E
中国北京的自由 女神像(The Statue of Liberty) 地理坐标: 39.81°N, 116.28°E。
Five Great Symbols Of the American Culture
Five Symbols
自由女神像自从 1886年屹立于纽约 湾起,它一直是对新 到达的移民美国梦 的许诺。
女神右手高举长达12米的火炬,左手捧着 《独立宣言》,脚下是打碎的手铐、脚镣 和锁链。她象征着自由、挣脱暴政的约束。 Statue of Liberty's right hand hold a torch,the torch up to 12 meters.The left hand hold "The Declaration of Independence". Under her feet were broken handcuffs, leg irons and chained. Statue of Liberty symbolizes freedom, break the constraints of tyranny 1984年,自由女神像被列为世界文化遗产 In 1984, the Statue of Liberty was named as a World Heritage



• 19世纪30年代,一位美国漫画家特 地作了一幅画,将“山姆大叔”画 成一个长着
• 白头发、蓄着山羊胡子、头戴星条 高帽,身穿红、白、蓝三色燕尾服 和条纹长裤(美国星条旗图案)的瘦 弱高个子老人。“山姆大叔”的这 一形象逐渐被很多美国人接受。 1961年,美国国会正式通过一项决 议,确认“山姆大叔”为美国的象 征。后来,UNCLE SAM(山姆大 叔)这一形象又在漫画中出现,他 被描绘成一个具有超级力量与超级 速度的老头,成为美国漫画中的一 位超级英雄!
1.自由女神像(The Statue of Liberty) 2.芭比娃娃(Barbie) 3.美国哥特式(American Gothic) 4野牛镍币(The Buffalo Nickel) 5山姆大叔(Uncle Sam)
右图为硬币的一面, 另一面刻有三个印 第安人头像。 野牛镍币是当今很 多钱币爱好者最想 要收集的硬币之一。
• 弗雷泽在创作野牛画像的过程中,由于当时大 草原上已不再有四出现散漫步的野牛,只好到 纽约中央公园的动物园里素描一只年迈的野牛 ,两年后,这只野牛以仅100美元出售,然后 被宰杀取肉制皮,牛角也被制成了墙饰品。
• 美国传统硬币上刻画的主要是美国政府的杰出 人物,其中大多数是著名的历届总统。
• 美国的报纸杂志、文学作品和漫画中,经常可以看到“山姆 大叔”(uncle sam)的名字及其生动的形象。在不同画家的笔 下,“山姆大叔”神态各异,有的凶狠可憎,有的和蔼可亲 。但最常见的形象还是高高的个子,瘦削的面庞,头戴饰星 高顶帽,身穿燕尾服和条纹裤,虽白发苍髯,却精神矍铄, 一派威仪,这一形象深受美国人民的喜爱。

美国五大文化标志(英文版) - -副本

美国五大文化标志(英文版) - -副本
❖ The New Colossus Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, ❖ With conquering limbs astride from land to land; ❖ Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand ❖ A mighty woman with a torch whose flame ❖ Is imprisoned lightning, and her name ❖ Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand ❖ Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command ❖ The air-bridged harbor that twin cities . ❖ "Keep ancient lands your storied pomp!" cries she with silent
A man who has never been to the Great Wall is not a hero.
The Eiffel Tower France
The Pyramids Egypt
The Opera House Australia
Big Ben England
❖Could you tell some other symbols of American?
❖在现今销售的各式各样的芭比娃娃之前,原本部门只有 一种芭比娃娃。
❖实际上,她的名字叫芭芭拉。芭芭拉·汉德勒是马特尔 玩具公司的联合创始人艾略特和鲁思·汉德勒夫妇的女儿 。鲁思是在见到女儿玩纸娃娃之后才想到做芭比娃娃的。
❖The threedimensional (三维的) model for Barbie was a German doll— a joke gift for adults de scribed as having the a ppearance of “a woman who sold sex”. Mattel r efashioned (重新制作) the doll into a decent, a


MJ to undertake the past and future of American entertainment culture
MJ opens international music and American music.
Yao Ming is undoubtedly a bridge between Chinese and American cultural communication
entertainment culture
A statuette is a reflection of the status quo of film culture
Imagination is the feature of American film culture.
The miracle of the Silicon Valley in the birth of Microsoft
Gates is a commercial culture of the United States
American food culture swept the world
Behind the vigorous development of all kinds of culture is the support of a strong military force
The Empire State Building is the pride of New York
The Statue of Liberty represents “American dream”

美国文化的五大标志 英语课件

美国文化的五大标志 英语课件
拉什莫尔山国家纪念公园 (Mount Rushmore National Memorial),俗称美国总统山、美 国总统公园,是一座坐落于南达科 他州基斯通附近的美利坚合众国总 统纪念公园(United States Presidential Memorial)。
Due to the Mount Rushmore Hill, with its spectacular presidential portrait sculpture is known, often in the popular media mashups will exchange four Presidents for the other characters, or role. In the movie Superman 2, (Superman II), the number one villain General Christian Petzold (General Zod) and their associates use their superpowers to head into a three of the four Presidents face. Similarly, in Tim Burton's famous science-fiction movie spoof of the Martian DESTINATION, Mars people also use their flying saucer launching laser carved into Mount Rushmore Presidents on the Hill as head of Mars. Rock band Deep Purple (Deep Purple) have inspired out of Mount Rushmore – on the cover of their album Deep Purple in Rock, their Presidents on Mount Rushmore Hill statues replaced the head of the five members of the band. Coincidentally, the same used on the album cover Mount Rushmore Hill article also has a virtual character band composed of Jin Huashu (The Chipmunks). On the cover of their album Chipmunk Rock, statues of the four Presidents on Mount Rushmore Hill became Styx band members James young (James Young), animated characters Alvin Chipmunk (Alvin Chipmunk) and two other singers qiaoyi·lamonei (Joey Ramone) and Frank Zappa (Frank Zappa) head. In a series of red dwarf novel Better Than Life, when the main character Dave Lister (Dave Lister) found most to be garbage buried when Mount Rushmore, he didn't realize his was back to Earth. In addition, Mount Rushmore in the story also added a fictional United States Presidents Elaine Salinger (Elaine Salinger) head.



The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

• • • •
In 1876 In 1876
Batholdi married his love in spite of his mother’s disagreement.
Batholdi had assembled the statue’s right arms and torch
In 1886
It was dedicated on an island in Upper New YorkBay

The air-bridged harbor that twin cities .

"Keep ancient lands your storied pomp!" cries she with silent


"Give me your tired your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
Five famous symbols of American culture
Statue of LibertyGothic
Uncle Sam
Buffalo Nickel



6. How many states are there in the USA?
A. 45
B. 52 C. 34 D. 50
7. Which state is the largest one in the
USA? A. New York B. Texas C. California D. Florida 8. ____ has the largest population in the USA. A. California B. Alaska C. Washington D. Texas
• • • • •
再富裕,都要有自己的一份工作。 对工作很敬业,工作效率很高。 认为浪费时间、闲着不干事是有罪的。 工作时间和娱乐时间泾渭分明。 喜欢谈论“工作尊严”,工作是人的能力、 人的 价值观念的体现。 • 公司的老总等一类的领导随时都可能参加体 力劳动,会得到别人的尊重而不是看轻。
Statue of Liberty
Golden Gate Bridge
旧金山的金门大桥其跨度令人赞叹,它是美国建筑文 化的代表
New York Times Square
The White House monument
World Trade Center
美国大选反映了美国的民主 文化
The United States is a democratic country
NBA League is composed of American" National Basketball Association (NBA )" founder of the game, the fierce competition. Degree and level of high is recognized as the most in the world

Five famous symbols of American culture美国文化的五大象征

Five famous symbols of American culture美国文化的五大象征
American Gothic
• 无论我们见过与否,毫无疑问地,它 是美国众多画作中唯一的一个成为文 化标签的。其主要原因是,画中农民 夫妻二人的表情深刻的体现了美国人 民的民族精神----勇于探索,坚强不 屈!
• Whether we see it or not, there is no doubt that it is the only one which has been cultural label in many American paintings.The major reason is that the peasant man and wife’expression strongly reflect the American national spirits ---dare to explore and stand buffer!
白色正方形代 表加拿大辽阔的国 土;两个红色竖长 方形分别代表太平 洋和大西洋;
中间的红枫叶代表 全体加拿大人民,11个 角代表加拿大的七个省 和四个自治洲。
盾面下部为一枝三 片枫叶;上部的四组图 案分别为:三头金色的 狮子,一头直立的红狮, 一把竖琴和三朵百合花, 分别象征加拿大在历史 上与英格兰、苏格兰、 爱尔兰和法国之间的联 系。
威斯敏斯特大教堂坐落在伦敦泰晤士河北岸,原是一座本笃 会隐修院,始建于公元960 年,1045年进行了扩建,1065年 建成,1220年至1517年进行了重建。斯敏斯特教堂在1540年 英国国教与罗马教廷决裂前,它一直是天主教本笃会即天主 教的隐修院修会之一的教堂,1540年之后,一直是伦敦的国 家级圣公会教堂。
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• Grant Wood instantly rose to fame in 1930 with his painting American Gothic, an often-copied interpretation of the solemn pride of American farmers. The painting shows a seriouslooking man and a woman standing in front of a farmhouse. He was strongly influenced by medieval artists and inspired by the Gothic window of an old farmhouse, but the faces in his composition were what captured the world's attention.
Nan后来说道Leabharlann 她获得的名声来自美国哥特式救了她从 一个非常枯燥的生活。
Buffalo Nickel
While you would be hard pressed to find a Buffalo nickel in your pocket change nowadays, there is a history to this
Barbie collect the most: Germany woman Bettina ·Hoffmann since 1993 collection barbie dolls, it is reported, she total collection
of 15000 different barbie.
当你将很难找到一个水牛镍在你的口袋改变现在,有一个历史上这镍。水牛镍把美国从战 前,通过大萧条和第二次世界大战的开始。任何硬币发现从循环是罕见的,因为设计缺陷,最 难以日期没有出来破坏完整性的硬币。
The Liberty Head Nickel also
known as The V Nickel was
• Nan later remarked that the fame she gained from American Gothic saved her from a very boring life.
对于拥有170多年,山姆大 叔的名字已被用来唤起美国 人的身份,忠诚和爱国精神。 没有其他图像已被复制更经 常地摇摆朝着一个共同的事
In 1961 the U.S. Congress acknowledged what political cartoonists had known for years, that Uncle Sam was a national symbol. Congress passed a resolution saluting "Uncle Sam Wilson of Troy, New York, as the progenitor of America's National
Five Famous Symbols of American Culture
the Statue of Liberty
自由女神像是一 个巨大的新古典主义雕 塑在自由岛在纽约港, 设计了由弗雷德里 克·巴尔托迪和专用的 1886年10月28日。这 座雕像,赠予美国法国 人民赠送的,是一个女 性形象的长袍,谁料代 表罗马女神的自由。一 个破碎的链谎言在她的 脚下。这座雕像已经成 为标志性的象征自由和 美国。
minted from 1883 to 1912 It is 自由头镍也被称为V镍
called the V Nickel, because 铸造从1883年到1912年,
the original reverse design 它被称为V镍,因为原来
features a Roman numeral V to signify the denomination.
的反向设计特性罗马数 字V来表示教派。
Uncle Sum
For more than 170 years, Uncle Sam's name has been used to evoke American identity, loyalty, and patriotism. No other image has been reproduced more often to sway us towards a common cause or belief.
nickel. The Buffalo nickel took the United States from preWorld War I, through the Great Depression and to the
beginning of World War II. Any coins found from circulation are rare, and because of design flaws, most are hard to date without out destroying the integrity of the coin.
The Statue of Liberty is a colossal neoclassical sculpture on Liberty Island in New York Harbor, designed by Frédéric Bartholdi and dedicated on October 28, 1886. The statue, a gift to the United States from the people of France, is of a robed female figure representing Libertas, the Roman goddess of freedom. A broken chain lies at her feet. The statue has become an iconic symbol of freedom and of the United States.
The New Colossus Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame With conquering limbs astride from land to land Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch whose flame Is imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities "Keep ancient lands your storied pomp!" cries she with silent lips "Give me your tired your poor Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free
芭比是一个最畅销的时尚玩偶在1959年推 出。这个娃娃是由美泰公司,和是一个主要
的收入来源的公司。美国女商人Ruth Handler(1916 - 2002)被认为是芭比娃娃的 创造者,娃娃的设 计灵感来自一个德国娃
• Barbie is a best-selling fashion doll launched in 1959. The doll is produced by Mattel, Inc., and is a major source of revenue for the company. The American businesswoman Ruth Handler (1916-2002) is regarded as the creator of Barbie, and the doll's design was inspired by a German doll called Bild Lilli.
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me I lift my lamp beside the golden door
Barbie doll
个神色严肃的男子和一名女子站在一座农舍前面。他深受 中世纪艺术家和灵感来自于哥特式窗口的一个旧农舍,但面 临着在他的作文是什么引起了全世界的关注。
的牙医,一个酸寻找的人。站在他的女人,这位艺术家选择他 的妹妹,奶奶。他把模特脖子有点,但毫无疑问模特肖像。
• Wood liked to paint faces he knew well. For the grave farmer he used his dentist, a sour-looking man. For the woman standing alongside him, the artist chose his sister, Nan. He stretched the models' necks a bit, but there was no doubt who posed for the portrait.