



语言学概论试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 语言学是研究什么的科学?A. 语言的物理特性B. 语言的社会功能C. 语言的结构和功能D. 语言的起源和发展2. 语音学研究的主要内容是什么?A. 语言的语法结构B. 语言的词汇构成C. 语言的发音机制D. 语言的书写形式3. 下列哪个不是语言学的分支?A. 语音学B. 语法学C. 词汇学D. 化学4. 语言的最小意义单位是什么?A. 音素M. 词汇C. 语素D. 句子5. 语义学研究的是语言的哪一方面?A. 语言的发音B. 语言的意义C. 语言的书写D. 语言的语法6. 语言的词汇量是如何增长的?A. 通过新词的创造B. 通过旧词的淘汰C. 通过语言的混合D. 通过语言的简化7. 什么是语言的方言?A. 一种语言的书面形式B. 一种语言的口头形式C. 一种语言的地区变体D. 一种语言的官方标准8. 语言的同化现象是指什么?A. 语言的统一B. 语言的分化C. 语言的借用D. 语言的变异9. 语言的转换是指什么?A. 语言的翻译B. 语言的转写C. 语言的转述D. 语言的转换10. 什么是语言的语境?A. 语言的使用环境B. 语言的书写环境C. 语言的发音环境D. 语言的语法环境二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)11. 语言学的两大分支是________和________。

12. 语言的音位系统是由________构成的。

13. 语言的语法规则包括词法规则和________。

14. 语言的词汇化是指________转化为词汇的过程。

15. 语言的语用学研究的是语言在________中的使用。

三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)16. 简述语言的交际功能。

17. 简述语言的规范性与变异性。

四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)18. 论述语言与文化的关系。

19. 论述语言的演变过程及其影响因素。

五、案例分析题(每题20分,共20分)20. 请分析一种方言的形成过程,并讨论其对标准语的影响。



语言学理论试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 语言学的主要研究对象是什么?A. 语言的起源B. 语言的结构C. 语言的使用D. 语言的演变答案:B2. 下列哪项不是索绪尔提出的语言学基本概念?A. 语言符号B. 语言系统C. 语言功能D. 语言的任意性答案:C3. 乔姆斯基的生成语法理论主张语言能力是:A. 后天习得的B. 先天存在的C. 社会约定的D. 个人创造的答案:B4. 语言的“深层结构”和“表层结构”的概念是由谁提出的?A. 索绪尔B. 乔姆斯基C. 布隆菲尔德D. 哈里斯答案:B5. 语言的“同义异构”现象是指:A. 同一意义的不同表达方式B. 不同意义的相同表达方式C. 同一表达方式的不同意义D. 不同表达方式的相同意义答案:A6. 语言的“语境”指的是:A. 语言的内部结构B. 语言的外部环境C. 语言的使用者D. 语言的规则答案:B7. 语言的“语域”通常指的是:A. 语言的地域分布B. 语言的交际场合C. 语言的历史发展D. 语言的语法规则答案:B8. 语言的“语用学”研究的是:A. 语言的发音B. 语言的意义C. 语言的用法D. 语言的演变答案:C9. 语言的“语料库”是指:A. 语言的数据库B. 语言的规则集C. 语言的样本集D. 语言的词汇表答案:C10. 语言的“方言”是指:A. 同一语言的不同变体B. 不同语言的相似形式C. 同一语言的相同形式D. 不同语言的相同变体答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 语言学的四大分支包括语音学、语法学、语义学和______。

答案:语用学2. 语言的“能指”指的是语言符号的______部分,而“所指”指的是语言符号的______部分。

答案:形式;意义3. 语言的“同音词”是指发音相同但______不同的词。

答案:意义4. 语言的“词缀”是指可以附加在词根上的______或______。

答案:前缀;后缀5. 语言的“句法”研究的是词、短语和句子的______。



英语语言学测试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The term "phoneme" refers to:A. A single soundB. A unit of soundC. A letter of the alphabetD. A combination of sounds答案:B2. The study of language change over time is known as:A. PhoneticsB. PhonologyC. Historical LinguisticsD. Syntax答案:C3. Which of the following is a branch of linguistics that deals with the meaning of words?A. SemanticsB. PragmaticsC. MorphologyD. Syntax答案:A4. The smallest unit of meaning in a language is called:A. A wordB. A morphemeC. A syllableD. A phoneme答案:B5. The process of forming words by combining smaller units is known as:A. SyntaxB. MorphologyC. SemanticsD. Phonology答案:B6. The study of the rules governing the structure of sentences is called:A. SyntaxB. SemanticsC. PragmaticsD. Morphology答案:A7. The branch of linguistics that deals with the social context in which language is used is:A. SociolinguisticsB. PsycholinguisticsC. NeurolinguisticsD. Computational Linguistics答案:A8. The study of how language is processed in the brain is known as:A. PsycholinguisticsB. NeurolinguisticsC. SociolinguisticsD. Computational Linguistics答案:B9. The process of acquiring a first language is called:A. Second language acquisitionB. Foreign language learningC. Language learningD. First language acquisition答案:D10. The concept that language is arbitrary means that:A. It is randomB. It is meaninglessC. There is no necessary connection between the form of a word and its meaningD. It is always logical答案:C二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The study of speech sounds is called ____________.答案:Phonetics2. The branch of linguistics that examines how language is used in social contexts is ____________.答案:Sociolinguistics3. The smallest meaningful unit of language is known as the ____________.答案:Morpheme4. The process of combining morphemes to form words is known as ____________.答案:Morphology5. The study of the way language is structured and organized is called ____________.答案:Linguistics6. The branch of linguistics that deals with the rules governing the formation of words is ____________.答案:Morphology7. The study of the way meaning is conveyed in language is known as ____________.答案:Semantics8. The branch of linguistics that deals with the rules governing the formation of sentences is ____________.答案:Syntax9. The study of the way language is used in everyday life is called ____________.答案:Pragmatics10. The study of the way language is processed in the brain is known as ____________.答案:Neurolinguistics三、简答题(每题10分,共40分)1. Explain the difference between phonetics and phonology.答案:Phonetics is the study of speech sounds and theirproduction, while phonology is the study of the sound system of a language, including the rules governing the use of these sounds.2. What is the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?答案:The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis suggests that the language a person speaks influences the way they perceive the world and think.3. Describe the role of sociolinguistics in understanding language.答案:Sociolinguistics helps us understand how language varies with different social contexts, such as class, gender, ethnicity, and age, and how these variations influence language use.4. How does first language acquisition differ from second language acquisition?答案:First language acquisition is the process of learning a native language during early childhood, while second language acquisition is the process of learning a new language after the age of language development. The process of second language acquisition is influenced by the learner's first language and cognitive abilities.。



语言学考试题一、选择题1. 下列哪个是语言学的基本研究对象?A. 数字B. 文字C. 语言D. 音乐2. 哪位学者提出了语言功能理论?A. #德维特B. 萨普尔斯C. 赫尔德D. #哈尔德格尔3. 语言学的分类方法通常可以分为几大类?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 24. “语言符号”中包括哪些要素?A. 声音B. 符号C. 拼写D. A、B5. 在语法范畴中,“动宾关系”是指什么?A. 主语和谓语之间的语法关系B. 主语和宾语之间的语法关系C. 宾语和谓语之间的语法关系D. 主语和动词之间的语法关系二、填空题6. 语言学中研究音素的学科是---。

7. 没有逻辑意义的音节称为---。

8. 语音学的基本单位是---。

9. 下列哪个不是语言学的分支学科?10. 一种语言中声母、韵母和声调三者综合的组合称为---。

三、简答题11. 请简要说明音韵学和语音学的区别。

12. 什么是“方言”,方言和语言的关系是什么?13. 什么是语法,语法的作用是什么?14. “文字和语言的关系”是语言学中一个重要问题,请简述你对这个问题的理解。

15. 请简要介绍语言学的研究方法有哪些?四、论述题16. 语言是人类最重要的交流工具之一,请说明语言对个体和社会的重要性。

17. 语言学的发展历程是怎样的?过去、现在和未来的语言学会有怎样的发展趋势?18. 请解释语言与文化之间的关系,并谈谈语言多样性对世界文化的重要影响。




语言学考试试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪项不是语言学的主要分支?A. 语音学B. 语法学C. 词汇学D. 数学2. 索绪尔将语言符号分为哪两个部分?A. 语音和语义B. 语形和语义C. 语形和语用D. 能指和所指3. 在语言学中,“深层结构”和“表层结构”是由哪位学者提出的?A. 乔姆斯基B. 索绪尔C. 布隆菲尔德D. 萨丕尔4. 下列哪个术语是描述语言随时间变化的现象?A. 语言变异B. 语言演化C. 语言转换D. 语言借用5. 社会语言学研究的是语言与哪种因素之间的关系?A. 社会结构B. 文化传统C. 个人心理D. 经济发展6. 哪种语言现象是指在特定情境下,说话者选择不同语言或语言变体的能力?A. 语码转换B. 语码混用C. 语用学D. 语言礼貌7. 下列哪项不是语用学的研究内容?A. 言语行为B. 隐喻理解C. 语言礼貌D. 语言的生物学基础8. 什么是“双重否定”?A. 使用两个否定词来表达否定意义B. 使用两个否定词来表达肯定意义C. 使用一个否定词来表达否定意义D. 使用一个否定词来表达肯定意义9. 在语言学中,“同音词”是指什么?A. 意义相同但拼写不同的词B. 拼写相同但意义不同的词C. 发音相同但意义不同的词D. 发音和意义都相同的词10. 下列哪项是“语言接触”的一个例子?A. 语言的地理分布B. 语言的独立发展C. 语言的借用和融合D. 语言的孤立使用二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 语言学中的“_______”是指研究语言的结构特征,不涉及语言的社会功能。

答案:形式语言学12. 转换生成语法是由_______提出的,它强调语言的生成能力。

答案:诺姆·乔姆斯基13. “Hello”一词在不同的语境中可以有不同的功能,这属于_______的研究范畴。

答案:语用学14. 社会语言学中的“_______”是指语言随社会因素(如年龄、性别、社会阶层等)而变化的现象。



语言学概论试题及答案一、选择题1. 语言学的定义是:A. 研究语言与社会的关系的学科B. 研究语言结构与语言演化的学科C. 研究语言的起源和发展的学科D. 研究语言的本质和特性的学科答案:D2. 下列属于语音学研究范畴的是:A. 词法学B. 句法学C. 语言变异与语言变体D. 语言习得与语言教育答案:C3. 句法学主要研究的是:A. 语音形态的变化规律B. 词性和句子结构C. 语音的音位和音位组合D. 语义和语用规则答案:B4. 下列关于语言习得的描述,错误的是:A. 语言习得是指儿童在自然环境中习得母语的过程B. 成年人可以通过学习掌握一门新的语言C. 语言习得是通过语言输入和输出实现的D. 语言习得是一个渐进的、自然而然的过程答案:C5. 下列属于语用学研究范畴的是:A. 语音学B. 句法学C. 话语分析D. 语言变异与语言变体答案:C二、简答题1. 什么是语音学?答:语音学是研究语言中的语音系统和语音形态的学科,主要关注语音的音位和音位组合规律,以及语音变体和语音变异等现象。

2. 什么是语法?答:语法是研究语言结构和语法规则的学科,包括词法学和句法学。


3. 什么是语义学?答:语义学是研究语言意义的学科,主要关注词义、句义和上下文语境对语言意义的影响。


4. 什么是语用学?答:语用学是研究语言使用和交际的学科,主要关注语言在实际交际中的运用和语用规则。













语言学概论试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 语言学研究的核心对象是什么?A. 语言B. 文字C. 文学D. 语音答案:A2. 下列哪一项不是语言学的分支学科?A. 语音学B. 语法学C. 修辞学D. 社会语言学答案:C3. 语言学的发展历程中,结构主义语言学的代表人物是?A. 索绪尔B. 乔姆斯基C. 布隆菲尔德D. 萨丕尔答案:A4. 语言的最小意义单位是什么?A. 音素B. 词汇C. 语素D. 句子答案:C5. 以下哪个选项是语言的任意性特点?A. 语言的音义结合是任意的B. 语言的音义结合是固定的C. 语言的音义结合是可预测的D. 语言的音义结合是无规律的答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 语言学的研究方法主要包括________和________。

答案:描述性方法;比较方法2. 语言的两种基本功能是__________和__________。

答案:表达思想;交流信息3. 语言的变异性主要表现在__________、__________和__________。

答案:地域、社会和时间4. 语音学中,元音和辅音的区别在于__________。

答案:声带振动与否5. 语言的系统性表现在__________和__________。

答案:结构的层次性;功能的多样性三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述语言的交际功能。


2. 描述语言的创造性特点。


3. 举例说明语言的规范性。



四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)1. 论述语言和文化的关系。




语言学的考试试题一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪项不是语言学的分支学科?A. 语音学B. 语法学C. 心理学D. 语义学2. 语言学中的“音素”是指:A. 语言中最小的意义单位B. 语言中最小的音位单位C. 语言中的词汇D. 语言中的语法规则3. 在语言学中,“词汇-功能语法”是由哪位学者提出的?A. Noam ChomskyB. Ronald LangackerC. HallidayD. Edward Sapir4. 下列哪个选项是“双语现象”的正确描述?A. 一个人能够使用两种语言B. 一个地区存在两种官方语言C. 一个人同时学习两种语言D. 一个国家有两种语言的使用者5. “转换生成语法”是由哪位语言学家提出的?A. Ferdinand de SaussureB. Noam ChomskyC. Leonard BloomfieldD. Wilhelm Wundt6. 语言学中的“同音异义词”指的是:A. 发音相同但意义不同的词B. 意义相同但发音不同的词C. 发音和意义都相同的词D. 发音和意义都不同的词7. 下列哪项不是社会语言学研究的内容?A. 语言与社会的关系B. 语言的变迁C. 语言在不同社会群体中的使用D. 语言的生物学基础8. “语言习得”通常指的是:A. 学习第二语言B. 儿童学习母语的过程C. 成人学习外语D. 语言的演变过程9. 下列哪个选项不是语用学的研究范畴?A. 语境对语言使用的影响B. 语言的交际功能C. 语言的内部结构D. 语言的理解和解释10. “语言的任意性”这一概念是由哪位语言学家提出的?A. Charles OgdenB. Thomas HobbesC. Ferdinand de SaussureD. William of Ockham二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 语言学中的“_______”指的是语言的声音和书写形式之间的关系。

12. “_______”是指语言中最小的、有意义的音段,是构成词汇的基本单位。



有答案的第一部分选择题I. Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decidewhich one of the four choices best completes the statement and put theletter A, B, C or D in the brackets. (2%×10=20%)1、As modern linguistics aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use, and not to lay down rules for "correct" linguistic behavior,it is said to be ___.A、prescriptiveB、sociolinguisticC、descriptiveD、psycholinguistic2、Of all the speech organs, the ___ is/are the most flexible.A、mouthB、lipsC、tongueD、vocal cords3、The morpheme "vision" in the common word "television" is a(n) ___.A、bound morphemeB、bound formC、inflectional morphemeD、free morpheme4、A ___ in the embedded clause refers to the introductory word thatintroduces the embedded clause.A、coordinatorB、particleC、prepositionD、subordinator主从连词5、"Can I borrow your bike?" ___ "You have a bike."A、is synonymous withB、is inconsistent withC、entailsD、presupposes6、The branch of linguistics that studies how context influences the way speakers interpret sentences is called ___.A、semanticsB、pragmaticsC、sociolinguisticsD、psycholinguistics7、Grammatical changes may be explained, in part, as analogic changes, which are ___ or generalization泛化.A、elaborationB、simplification精简C、external borrowingD、internal borrowing8、___ refers to a marginal language of few lexical items and straightforward grammatical rules, used as a medium of communication.A、Lingua franca通用语B、CreoleC、PidginD、Standard language标准语言9、Psychologists, neurologists and linguists have concluded that, in addition to the motor area which is responsible for physical articulation of utterances, three areas of the left brain are vital to language, namely, ___ .A、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and the angular gyrus 角回B、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and cerebral cortexC、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and neuronsD、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and Exner's area10、According to Krashen, ___ refers to the gradual and subconcious development of ability in the first language by using it naturally in daily communicative situations.A、learningB、competenceC、performanceD、acquisition第二部分非选择题II. Directions: Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in One word only, and you are not allowed to change theletter given. (1%×10=10%)11、Chomsky defines "competence" as the ideal user'sk of the rules of his language.12、The four sounds /p/,/b/,/m/ and /w/have one feature in common, i.e, they are all b .13、M is a branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed.14、A s is a structurally independent unit that usually comprises a number of words to form a completestatement, question or command.15、Synonyms that are mutually substitutable under allcircumstances are called c synonyms.16、The illocutionary point of r is to commit the speaker tosomething's being the case, to the truth of what has been said.17、Words are created outright to fit some purpose. Such a method of enlarging the vocabulary is known as word c .18、Wherever the standard language can use a contraction (he+is→he's), Black English can d the form of "be".19、The basic essentials of the first language are acquired in the short period from about age two to puberty, which is called the c period for first language acquisition.20、As a type of linguistic system in 12 learning, i is a product of L2 training, mother tongue intereference, overgeneralization of the target language rules, and learning and communicative strategies of the learner.III. Directions: Judge whether each of the following statements is true orfalse. Put a T for true or F for false in the brackets in front of eachstatement. If you think a statement is false, you must explain why youthink so and give the correct version. (2%×10=20%)()21、In modern linguistic studies, the written form of language is given more emphasis than the spoken form for a number of reasons.()22、Voicing is a phonological feature that distinguishes meaning in bothChinese and English.()23、The compound word "bookstore" is the place where books are sold. Thisindicates that the meaning of a compound is the sum total of the meaningsof its components.()24、Syntactic categories refer to sentences (S) and clauses (C) only.()25、Dialectal synonyms can often be found in differentregional dialectssuch as British English and American English but cannot be found withinthe variety itself, for example, within British English or AmericanEnglish.()26、Only when a maxim under Cooperative Principle is blatantly violatedand the hearer knows that it is being violated do conversationalimplicatures arise.()27、The territory in which the Indo-European languages are mainly spokentoday also includes languages that are not Indo-European.()28、In most bilingual communities, two languages have the same in speechsituations known as domains.()29、According to the strong version of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis,speakers' perceptions determine language and pattern their way of life.()30、All normal children have equal ability to acquire their firstlanguage.IV. Directions: Explain the following terms, using one or two examples forillustration. (3%×10=30%)31、duality32、diachronic linguistics33、broad transcription34、morphological rules35、phrase structure rule36、relational opposites37、componential analysis38、context39、euphemism40、brain lateralizationV. Answer the following questions. (10%×2=20%)41、Explain how the inventory of sounds can change, giving some examples inEnglish for illustration.42、Briefly discuss the individual factors which affect the acquisition ofa second language.英语语言学试题(2)一、单项选择题(在每小题的四个备选答案中,选出一个正确答案,并将正确答案的序号填在题干的括号内。



语言学考试试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 语言学是研究语言的科学,它包括以下哪些分支学科?A. 语音学B. 语法学C. 语义学D. 所有选项答案:D2. 下列哪个术语不是语言学的分支?A. 社会语言学B. 心理语言学C. 神经语言学D. 化学语言学答案:D3. 语言的最小意义单位是什么?A. 音素B. 词素C. 词D. 句子答案:B4. 以下哪个选项是语言的语音属性?A. 音高B. 音长C. 音色D. 所有选项答案:D5. 语言的语法规则可以是:A. 显性的B. 隐性的C. 两者都是D. 两者都不是答案:C6. 以下哪种语言现象不属于语言变异?A. 方言B. 社会方言C. 语言接触D. 语言消亡答案:D7. 语言的演变通常被认为是:A. 随机的B. 有目的的C. 无意识的D. 有意识的答案:C8. 语言接触可能导致:A. 语言融合B. 语言分离C. 语言借用D. 所有选项答案:D9. 语言的语用学研究的是:A. 语言的语境B. 语言的功能C. 语言的意义D. 所有选项答案:D10. 以下哪个术语不属于语义学研究的范围?A. 语义场B. 语义角色C. 语义关系D. 音位学答案:D二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 语言的______属性包括音高、音长和音色。

答案:语音2. 语言的______属性包括语法、词汇和语义。

答案:结构3. 语言的______属性涉及语言的社会和文化方面。

答案:社会4. 语言学中的______理论认为语言是一系列规则的集合。

答案:形式主义5. 语言的______是语言学研究的基础单位。

答案:句子6. 语言的______是指语言在不同社会群体中的变体。

答案:变异7. 语言的______是指语言在不同地理区域的变体。

答案:方言8. 语言的______是指语言在不同时间的演变。

答案:历史9. 语言的______是指语言在不同语境中的使用。

答案:语用10. 语言的______是指语言的抽象意义。



语言学概要试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 语言学研究的主要对象是什么?A. 语言B. 文学C. 历史D. 哲学答案:A2. 以下哪一项不是语言学的分支?A. 语音学B. 句法学C. 心理学D. 社会语言学答案:C3. 语言的最小意义单位是什么?A. 音素B. 词C. 语素D. 句子答案:C4. 以下哪种语言是孤立语言?A. 英语B. 汉语C. 法语D. 德语5. 语言的三大功能是什么?A. 表达、交流、记录B. 描述、命令、询问C. 表达、交流、思考D. 描述、命令、表达答案:C6. 以下哪个概念不属于语用学研究范畴?A. 语境B. 隐喻C. 语调D. 语言礼貌答案:B7. 语言的共时性研究主要关注什么?A. 语言的历史发展B. 语言的地理分布C. 语言的内部结构D. 语言的社会功能答案:C8. 以下哪个术语是描述语言的语音特征?A. 语义B. 语用C. 音位D. 语法答案:C9. 以下哪种语言属于印欧语系?B. 英语C. 日语D. 韩语答案:B10. 语言的演变过程称为什么?A. 语言发展B. 语言变化C. 语言进化D. 语言革新答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 语言学的创始人是______。

答案:费迪南·德·索绪尔2. 语言的词汇、语法和语音三个部分构成了语言的______。

答案:形式结构3. 语言的______性指的是语言能够表达思想和情感。

答案:表达4. 语言的______性指的是语言能够传达信息。

答案:交流5. 语言的______性指的是语言能够影响思维。

答案:思考6. 语言学研究的一个主要方法是______。

答案:观察7. 语言的______指的是语言的规则性。

答案:系统8. 语言的______指的是语言的多样性。

答案:变异9. 语言的______指的是语言的稳定性。

答案:连续10. 语言的______指的是语言的可变性。

答案:变化三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 请简述语言学的主要研究方法。



语言学全部习题1. 简答题(每题10分,共30分)1) 什么是语言学?语言学是研究语言的科学,包括语音学、词法学、句法学、语义学、语用学等不同的分支。


2) 语言的基本要素包括哪些?语言的基本要素包括语音、词汇、句法、语义和语用。


3) 语音学和音系学有何区别?语音学研究语言中的语音现象,包括语音的产生、传播和感知等方面。


2. 选择题(每题10分,共40分)1) 下列哪个不属于语言的基本要素?A. 语音B. 词汇C. 句法D. 语文答案:D2) 以下哪个学科不是语言学的分支?A. 语音学B. 语用学C. 数学D. 词法学答案:C3) 语音学主要研究哪方面的内容?A. 词义B. 词形C. 词语的使用D. 语音的产生和感知答案:D4) 以下哪个不是语言学的研究对象?A. 词汇表B. 句子结构C. 语言和思维的关系D. 社会语言规范答案:A3. 简答题(每题10分,共30分)1) 什么是语言的演变?语言的演变是指语言在使用过程中,由于多种因素的影响,其语音、词汇、句法等方面发生变化和发展。


2) 语言和思维之间有何关系?语言和思维之间有密切的关系。




3) 什么是语言交际?语言交际指的是人们通过语言进行沟通和交流的过程。













•10.我国宪法 1982年第19条明确规定“国家推广全国通用的普通话”。

二、选择题(每题1分,共10分)••••••1. 中国的传统语文学研究的薄弱环节是( D )••A.文字学B.语音学• •C.词汇学D.语法学•2. 汉语属于( B )•A.屈折语B.孤立语 •C.多式综合语D.粘着语•3. 一种语言中数量最少的是( B )••A.音素B.音位 ••C.语素D.音节•4. 文字的前身是( C )••A.结绳记事B.手势 ••C.图画记事D.实物记事•5. 派生词中包含( B )••A.词尾B.词根 ••C.虚词D.根词•6. 语音和语义结合的最小的语言单位是( C )••A.音素B.义素 ••C.语素D.音位7. 汉语单词“忽然”出现的位置是( C )••A.主语位置B.谓语位置 ••C.状语位置D.定语位置8. 以下各种语言变体中,属于社会方言的是( D )•••A.土话B.客家话 •••C.客套话D.黑话9. 下列语素中属于自由语素的是( C )•••A.初B.视 •••C.人D.民10. 在语言结构的某一环节上能够互相替换,•具有某种相同作用的各个单位之间所形成的关系叫( D )••A.转换关系B.组合关系 ••C.层级关系D.聚合关系三、名词解释(每题4分,共20分)•1.专语语言学以具体语言作为研究对象的语言学。



1. 语言学是研究什么的学科?
A. 语言的起源
B. 语言的结构
C. 语言的使用
D. 语言的演变
2. 下列哪项不是语言学的分支?
A. 语音学
B. 句法学
C. 语义学
D. 心理学
3. 请解释“语言”和“方言”的区别。


4. 什么是“音位”?

5. 请列举三种语言的书写系统。


6. 以下哪个术语用于描述语言的演变?
A. 语言变化
B. 语言发展
C. 语言演化
D. 语言进化
7. 什么是“词汇语义学”?

8. 请解释“语法”。


9. 什么是“社会语言学”?

10. 请列举两种语言的方言。




语言学概论试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共30分)1. 语言学的主要研究对象是()。

a) 计算机语言b) 外语学习c) 人类语言d) 口头表达技巧答案:c) 人类语言2. 下列哪个学科与语言学关系最为密切?a) 心理学b) 数学c) 化学d) 历史学答案:a) 心理学3. 下列哪个学者被誉为现代语言学之父?a) 爱因斯坦b) 柴可夫斯基c) 萨普尔d) 弗洛伊德答案:c) 萨普尔4. 语言学的研究方法主要包括()。

a) 实证研究和理论研究b) 文字分析和数学模型c) 外语学习和内语运用d) 思辨和推理答案:a) 实证研究和理论研究5. 语言学的研究层次包括()层次。

a) 语音、语法、语义b) 单词、短语、句子c) 声音、词汇、语境d) 语法、词汇、语义答案:d) 语法、词汇、语义二、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. 什么是语音学?答案:语音学是研究语音的科学,主要研究语音的产生、传播、感知和结构等方面的问题。


2. 试述语言的本质特征。














语言学试题及答案一、选择题1. 语言学是一门研究语言的科学,它主要关注语言的哪些方面?A. 语音和语法B. 词汇和语义C. 语音、语法、词汇和语义D. 语法和语用答案:C2. 下列哪个选项不属于语言学的分支学科?A. 语音学B. 语法学C. 心理学D. 语用学答案:C3. 语言的最小意义单位是什么?A. 音素B. 词C. 语素D. 句子答案:C二、填空题4. 语言学中的“_______”是指语言的物理表现形式。

答案:语音5. 语言学中的“_______”是指语言的抽象系统,包括语法规则和词汇。

答案:语法6. 语言学中的“_______”是指语言的最小意义单位。

答案:语素三、简答题7. 简述语言学的主要研究方法。



8. 描述语言学和历史语言学的区别。


四、论述题9. 论述语言与文化之间的关系。






10. 分析语言的多样性对全球化的影响。
















二、单项选择题(本大题共26小题,每题1分)1、下列关于“语言”和“言语”的表述中,不正确的一项是【】A.语言是社会的,言语是个人的B.语言是主要的,言语是从属的C.语言是抽象的,言语是具体的D.语言是书面的,言语是口头的答案:D2、下列关于一般语汇总体特点的表述中,正确的一项是【】A.构词能力强B.使用范围窄C.产生历史长D. 大多很稳定答案:B 解析:根据词在语汇系统中的重要程度,可以分为基本语汇和非基本语汇(一般语汇)两大类。


3、区分“单纯词”和“合成词”所依据的是【】A.词的音节数量B.词的语素数量C.词的音形关系D.词的地位用途4、语法规则的“系统性”是指【】A.对语言的结构和成分进行类的概括B.相同规则可在一个结构里重复使用C.语法规则之间可以相互推导和解释D.语法规则的发展变化过程十分缓慢答案:C 解析:ABD三项分别对应的是语法规则的“抽象性”、“递归性”、“稳定性”。

5、语音的四个物理要素中,区别不同的意义起着最为重要的作用的是【】A、音高B、音强C、音长D、音色6、元音和辅音本质区别是【】A、元音的发音可以延长,辅音不可以B、元音发音响亮,辅音不响亮C、元音发音时气流不受阻,辅音一定受阻D、发元音时,发音器官的各个部分均衡紧张;辅音则不然7、[ε]的发音特征是【】A、舌面前高不圆唇B、舌面后高不圆唇C、舌面前半高不圆唇D、舌面前半低不圆唇8、下列关于语义民族性的表述中,正确的一项是【】A.词义上的民族特点并不明显B.词的多义化不受民族特点的制约C.不同的民族语言在词的理性意义上并无差异D.不同的民族语言在词的非理性意义上会有所不同答案:D解析:不同民族对客观事物的认识不同,因而语义的民族特点也不同,词的多义化也会受制约,非理性意义也会有所不同,比如汉语中“狗”字常含贬义,像“走狗”;可在英语里,“dog”常含褒义,像“a lucky dog”(幸运儿)。



语言学题型试题及答案1. 语言学的主要研究对象是什么?答案:语言学的主要研究对象是人类语言。

2. 请列举三种不同的语言类型。


3. 什么是语音学?答案:语音学是研究人类语音产生、传播和感知的科学。

4. 请解释“语素”的概念。


5. 什么是形态学?答案:形态学是研究词的内部结构和词与词之间关系的语言学分支。

6. 请描述句法学的主要研究内容。


7. 语言的演变过程通常包括哪些阶段?答案:语言的演变过程通常包括语音变化、词汇变化、语法变化和语义变化。

8. 什么是社会语言学?答案:社会语言学是研究语言与社会因素之间关系的语言学分支。

9. 请解释“方言”的概念。


10. 什么是第二语言习得?答案:第二语言习得是指在母语习得之后,通过学习获得另一种语言的过程。

11. 请列举两种不同的语言教学法。


12. 什么是语言接触?答案:语言接触是指不同语言或方言之间的相互影响和交流。

13. 请解释“语用学”的概念。


14. 什么是语言规划?答案:语言规划是指政府或组织为了特定目的而对语言的使用和发展进行规划和指导。

15. 请描述“语言死亡”的现象。


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I. Decide whether each of the following statements is True or False:1. Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language.2. Linguistics studies particular language, not languages in general.3. A scientific study of language is based on what the linguist thinks.4. In the study of linguistics, hypotheses formed should be based on language factsand checked against the observed facts.5. General linguistics is generally the study of language as a whole.6. General linguistics, which relates itself to the research of other areas, studies thebasic concepts, theories, descriptions, models and methods applicable in any linguistic study.7. Phonetics is different from phonology in that the latter studies the combinations of the sounds to convey meaning in communication.8. Morphology studies how words can be formed to produce meaningful sentences.9. The study of the ways in which morphemes can be combined to form words is called morphology.10. Syntax is different from morphology in that the former not only studies themorphemes, but also the combination of morphemes into words and words into sentences.11. The study of meaning in language is known as semantics.12. Both semantics and pragmatics study meanings.13. Pragmatics is different from semantics in that pragmatics studies meaning not inisolation, but in context.14. Social changes can often bring about language changes.15. Sociolinguistics is the study of language in relation to society.16. Modern linguistics is mostly prescriptive, but sometimes descriptive.17. Modern linguistics is different from traditional grammar.18. A diachronic study of language is the description of language at some point intime.19. Modern linguistics regards the written language as primary, not the spokenlanguage.20. The distinction between competence and performance was proposed by F. deSaussure.21. Chomsky studies language more from the functional point of view.22. Communicative Competence was proposed by Dell Hymes, based on Chomsky’sCompetence.23. According to F. de Saussure, parole is more or less accidental and accessory.24. Synchronic linguistics studies language through the course of its history.25. Noam Chomsky is the father of modern linguistics.26. F. de Saussure wrote Course in General Linguistics when he was lecturing in theUniversity of Geneva.27. According to Saussure, the sound-image is the sound representation of a linguisticsign.28. The linear nature of the signifier is represented by the spatial line of graphic marksin writing.29. Verbal dueling represents the recreational function of language.30. Different cultures have different topics of phatic communication.II. Fill in each of the following blanks with one word which begins with the letter given:31.Chomsky defines “competence” as the ideal user’s k__________ of the rules ofhis language.32. Langue refers to the a__________ linguistic system shared by all the members ofa speech community while the parole is the concrete use of the conventions andapplication of the rules.33. D_________ is one of the design features of human language which refers to thephenomenon that language consists of two levels: a lower level of meaningless individual sounds and a higher level of meaningful units.34. Language is a system of a_________ vocal symbols used for humancommunication.35. The discipline that studies the rules governing the formation of words intopermissible sentences in languages is called s________.36. Human capacity for language has a g ____ basis, but the details of language haveto be taught and learned.37. P ____ refers to the realization of langue in actual use.38. Findings in linguistic studies can often be applied to the settlement of somepractical problems. The study of such applications is generally known as a________ linguistics.39. Language is p___________ in that it makes possible the construction andinterpretation of new signals by its users. In other words, they can produce and understand an infinitely large number of sentences which they have never heard before.40. Linguistics is generally defined as the s ____ study of language.41. Halliday proposes macrofunctions of language include I_______, Interpersonaland Textual functions.42. Language is resourceful because of its duality and r_________.43. The whole of a person’s language is termed I________.44. Language is symbolic mainly because words are associated with e_________.45. Language can perform the M________ function since it is used to talk about itself.46. E___________ means the linguist should gather all the materials relevant to hisinvestigation and give them an adequate explanation.47. Macrolingusitics is the i_____________ study of the interrelationships betweenlanguage and other fields.48. N_________ studies the neurological basis of language development and use inhuman beings.49. For Saussure the linguist’s object of investigation is the langue of each c______.50. According to Saussure, the l_____nature of the signifier includes: (1) it occupies acertain temporal space; (2) this space is measured in just one dimension: it is a line.III. There are four choices following each statement. Mark the choice that can best complete the statement.51.If a linguistic study describes and analyzes the language people actually use, it issaid to be ______________.A. prescriptiveB. analyticC. descriptiveD. linguistic52. Which of the following is not a design feature of human language?A. ArbitrarinessB. DisplacementC. DualityD. Meaningfulness53. Modern linguistics regards the written language as ____________.A. primaryB. correctC. secondaryD. stable54. In modern linguistics, speech is regarded as more basic than writing, because ___________.A. in linguistic evolution, speech is prior to writingB. speech plays a greater role than writing in terms of the amount of informationconveyed.C. speech is always the way in which every native speaker acquires his mothertongueD.All of the above55. A historical study of language is a ____ study of language.A. synchronicB. diachronicC. prescriptiveD. comparative56. Saussure took a (n) __________ view of language, while Chomsky looks atlanguage from a ________ point of view.A. sociological…psychologicalB. psychological…sociologicalC. applied… pragmaticD. functional... sociological57. According to F. de Saussure, ____ refers to the abstract linguistic system sharedby all the members of a speech community.A. paroleB. performanceC. langueD. Language58. Language is said to be arbitrary because there is no logical connection between_________ and meanings.A. senseB. soundsC. objectsD. ideas59. Language can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situationsof the speaker. This feature is called_________,A. displacementB. dualityC. productivityD. cultural transmission60. ________ is also called ideational function in the framework of functionalgrammar.A. PerformativeB. EmotiveC. InformativeD. both A and CIV. Define the following terms:61. Linguistics62. Phonology63. Syntax64. Pragmatics.65. Psycholinguistics66. Language67. Phonetics68. Morphology69. Semantics70. Sociolinguistics71. Applied Linguistics72. Arbitrariness73. Productivity 74. Displacement75. Duality76. Design Features77. Competence78 Performances79. Langue80 Paroles81. Textual function82. Emotive/expressive function83. Economy84. Macrolingusitics85. Linguistic potentialV. Answer the following questions as comprehensively as possible. Give examples for illustration if necessary:86. Language is generally defined as a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used forhuman communication. Explain it in detail.87. What are the design features of human language? Illustrate them with examples.88. How is modern linguistics different from traditional grammar?89. How do you understand the distinction between a synchronic study and adiachronic study?90. Why does modern linguistics regard the spoken form of language as primary, notthe written?91. What are the major distinctions between langue and parole?92. How do you understand competence and performance?93. Saussure’s distinction between langue and parole seems similar to Chomsky’sdistinction between competence and performance. What do you think are their major differences?94. Do you think human language is entirely arbitrary? Why?95. What are the major contributions F. de Saussure made to the development ofmodern linguistics?96. How can a linguist make his analysis scientific?97. Bertrand Russell once observed: “No matter how eloquently a dog may bark, hecan not tell you that his parents were poor but honest.” What did he mean? E 98. Each of the following sentences is ambiguous. Provides paraphrases for the two(or more) interpretations in each case.1. John bought some antique books and socks in town.2. They are hunting dogs.3. Who would you like to visit?4. Can you give me some more convincing evidence?5. John loves his wife and so do I.6. I saw her duck.7. The bear can not bear bears.8. Go and ask the dean who will teach the first year students English literature.9. The lamb is too hot to eat.99. What does “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” mean?100. Compare the definitions of language by at least 3 linguists, discuss which one is most feasible and explain the significance of the similarities and differences among the definitions.101. Which distinction do you think is the most reasonable or useful, langue and parole, competence and performance, linguistic potential and actual linguistic behavior?102. Discuss the significance of the property of duality. What would happen if language had only one system of structure?。
