
Guidance for IndustryContent and Format of Investigational New Drug Applications (INDs) for Phase 1 Studies of Drugs, IncludingWell-Characterized, Therapeutic, Biotechnology-derived ProductsCenter for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)November 1995CLIN 2TABLE OF CONTENTSI.INTRODUCTION (1)II.CURRENT REQUIREMENTS AND PRACTICES (2)III.CLARIFICATIONS OF PRESENT IND REGULATIONS (2)A.Cover Sheet (3)B.Table of Contents (3)C.Introductory Statement and General Investigational Plan (3)D.Investigator's Brochure (3)E.Protocols (3)F.Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Control Information (4)G.Pharmacology and Toxicology Information (10)H.Previous Human Experience with the Investigational Drug (14)I.21 CFR 312.23(a)(10), (11) and (b), (c), (d), and (e) (14)IV.REFERENCES (14)iThis guidance has been prepared by the Center for Drug Evaluation and 1Research (CDER) and the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) at the Food and Drug Administration. Although this guidance does not create or confer any rights for or on any person and does not operate to bind FDA or the industry, it does represent the agency’s current thinking on data requirement issues related to the initial entry of an unapproved drug into human studies in the United States. Foradditional copies of this guidance, contact the Consumer Affairs Branch (formerly the Executive Secretariat Staff), HFD-210, CDER, FDA, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857 (Phone: 301-594-1012) or the Congressional and Consumer Affairs Branch (HFM-12), CBER, FDA, 1401 Rockville Pike (STE 200N), Rockville, MD 20852-1448(Phone: 301-594-1800 or 800-835-4709). An electronic version of this guidance is also available via Internet by connecting to the CDER file transfer protocol (FTP)server ().As used throughout this guidance, the term "drugs" includes well-characterized,2therapeutic, biotechnology-derived products.GUIDANCE FOR INDUSTRY 1CONTENT AND FORMATOF INVESTIGATIONAL NEW DRUG APPLICATIONS (INDs) FOR PHASE 1 STUDIES OF DRUGS, INCLUDING WELL-CHARACTERIZED, THERAPEUTIC, BIOTECHNOLOGY-DERIVEDPRODUCTSI.INTRODUCTIONWith FDA's recent successes in meeting the Prescription Drug User Fee Act of 1992 (PDUFA) review action performance goals, and the resulting significant declines in mean and median time from submission of a marketing application to approval for marketing, attention has turned to increasing the efficiency of other components of the drug development process without sacrificing the long-standing safety and efficacy standards Americans expect their drug products to meet. One part of IND regulation of particular interest - under active discussion for more than two years and the subject of various degrees of attention since the McMahon Committee - is the regulation of the initial testing of drugs in humans (i.e., Phase 1 trials).This guidance clarifies requirements for data and data presentation in 21 CFR 312.22 and 312.23 related to the initial entry into human studies in the United States of an investigational drug, including well-characterized, therapeutic,biotechnology-derived products . Present regulations allow a great deal of 2flexibility in the amount and depth of various data to be submitted in an INDdepending in large part on the phase of investigation and the specific humantesting being proposed. In some cases, the extent of that flexibility has not been appreciated. FDA believes clarifications of many of these requirements will help expedite entry of new drugs into clinical testing by increasing transparency and reducing ambiguity and inconsistencies, and by reducing the amount ofinformation submitted, while providing FDA with the data it needs to assess the safety of the proposed Phase 1 study. If the guidance specified in thisdocument is followed, IND submissions for Phase 1 studies should usually notbe larger than two to three, three inch, 3-ring binders ("jackets").The most significant clarifications are: 1) the explicit willingness to accept anintegrated summary report of toxicology findings based upon the unaudited draft toxicologic reports of completed animal studies as initial support for humanstudies, and 2) specific manufacturing data appropriate for a Phase 1investigation. For products not covered by this Guidance, other FDA guidance documents should be consulted. In addition, the Center responsible for theproduct may be contacted for guidance.Because of the manufacturing and toxicologic differences between well-characterized, therapeutic, biotechnology-derived products and other biologicproducts, this Guidance only applies to drugs and well-characterized,therapeutic, biotechnology-derived products. For products not covered by thisGuidance, the Center responsible for the product should be contacted forguidance.This guidance applies equally to both commercial and individual investigatorsponsored INDs.II.CURRENT REQUIREMENTS AND PRACTICESUnder current regulations, any use in the United States of a drug product notpreviously authorized for marketing in the United States first requiressubmission of an IND to the FDA. Current regulations at 21 CFR 312.22 and312.23 contain the general principles underlying the IND submission and thegeneral requirements for an IND's content and format.III.CLARIFICATIONS OF PRESENT IND REGULATIONSAn IND submission for Phase 1 studies is required by regulation to contain thesections enumerated below. Clarifications are described when appropriatebeneath each section heading.2A.Cover Sheet (FDA Form-1571) [21 CFR 312.23(a)(1)]:No clarifications.B.Table of Contents [21 CFR 312.23(a)(2)]:No clarifications.C.Introductory Statement and General Investigational Plan [21 CFR312.23(a)(3)]:Regulations repeatedly describe this section as brief. Ordinarily, two tothree pages should suffice. The information requested here is intendedto place the developmental plan for the drug into perspective and to help FDA anticipate sponsor needs. Often a sponsor in the first humanstudies is simply attempting to determine early pharmacokinetic andperhaps early pharmacodynamic properties of the drug. Detaileddevelopmental plans are contingent on the outcomes of such studies. In that case, sponsors should simply state this in this section and notattempt to develop and write detailed developmental plans that will, in all likelihood, change considerably should the product proceed to furtherdevelopment.D.Investigator's Brochure [21 CFR 312.23(a)(5)]:Under the auspices of the International Conference on Harmonization(ICH), a document that provides general guidance on the Investigator'sBrochure has been developed and will soon be published in the FederalRegister (Good Clinical Practice: Guideline for the Investigator'sBrochure). Sponsors are referred to this document for further information on recommended elements of an Investigator's Brochure.E.Protocols [21 CFR 312.23(a)(6)]:The regulation requires submission of a copy of the protocol for theconduct of each proposed clinical trial. Sponsors are reminded that theregulations were changed in 1987 specifically to allow Phase 1 studyprotocols to be less detailed and more flexible than protocols for Phase 2 or 3 studies. This change recognized that these protocols are part of an early learning process and should be adaptable as information isobtained, and that the principal concern at this stage of development isthat the study be conducted safely. The regulations state that Phase 1protocols should be directed primarily at providing an outline of the3investigation: an estimate of the number of subjects to be included; adescription of safety exclusions; and a description of the dosing plan,including duration, dose, or method to be used in determining dose. Inaddition, such protocols should specify in detail only those elements ofthe study that are critical to subject safety, such as: 1) necessarymonitoring of vital signs and blood chemistries and 2) toxicity-basedstopping or dose adjustment rules. In addition, the regulations state that modifications of the experimental design of Phase 1 studies that do notaffect critical safety assessments are required to be reported to FDAonly in the IND annual report.F.Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Control Information [21 CFR312.23(a)(7)]:The regulations at 312.23(a)(7)(i) emphasize the graded nature ofmanufacturing and controls information. Although in each phase of theinvestigation sufficient information should be submitted to assure theproper identification, quality, purity, and strength of the investigationaldrug, the amount of information needed to make that assurance will vary with the phase of the investigation, the proposed duration of theinvestigation, the dosage form, and the amount of information otherwiseavailable. For example, although stability data are required in all phases of the IND to demonstrate that the new drug substance and drug product are within acceptable chemical and physical limits for the plannedduration of the proposed clinical investigation, if very short-term tests are proposed, the supporting stability data can be correspondingly verylimited.It is recognized that modifications to the method of preparation of the new drug substance and dosage form, and even changes in the dosage form itself, are likely as the investigation progresses. The emphasis in an initial Phase 1 CMC submission should, therefore, generally be placed onproviding information that will allow evaluation of the safety of subjects in the proposed study. The identification of a safety concern or insufficientdata to make an evaluation of safety is the only basis for a clinical holdbased on the CMC section.Reasons for concern may include, for example: 1) a product made withunknown or impure components; 2) a product possessing chemicalstructures of known or highly likely toxicity; 3) a product that cannotremain chemically stable throughout the testing program proposed; or 4)a product with an impurity profile indicative of a potential health hazard oran impurity profile insufficiently defined to assess a potential health4hazard; or 5) a poorly characterized master or working cell bank.In addition, for pre-clinical studies to be useful in assuring the safety of human studies, sponsors should be able to relate the drug product being proposed for use in a clinical study to the drug product used in the animal toxicology studies that support the safety of the proposed human study. The information discussed in the following numbered paragraphs should usually suffice for a meaningful review of the manufacturing procedures for drug products used in Phase 1 clinical studies. Additional information should ordinarily be submitted for review of the larger-scale manufacturing procedures used to produce drug products for Phase 2 or Phase 3 clinical trials or as part of the manufacturing section of a marketing application. Any questions sponsors have about potential large scale IND clinical trials or potential marketing application manufacturing requirements or specifications should be directed to the appropriate division in the CDER Office of New Drug Chemistry, or the appropriate CBER division with responsibility for the product, for clarification and discussion. As clinical development of a drug product proceeds, sponsors should discuss the manufacturing data that will be needed to support the safe use of their products in Phase 2 and 3 trials with the appropriate division in the CDER Office of New Drug Chemistry, or the appropriate CBER division with responsibility for the product.1.Chemistry and Manufacturing Introduction:At the beginning of this section, the sponsor should state whetherit believes: 1) the chemistry of either the drug substance or thedrug product, or 2) the manufacturing of either the drug substance or the drug product, presents any signals of potential human risk.If so, these signals of potential risks should be discussed, and thesteps proposed to monitor for such risk(s) should be described, orthe reason(s) why the signal(s) should be dismissed should bediscussed.In addition, sponsors should describe any chemistry andmanufacturing differences between the drug product proposed forclinical use and the drug product used in the animal toxicologytrials that formed the basis for the sponsor's conclusion that it was safe to proceed with the proposed clinical study. How thesedifferences might affect the safety profile of the drug productshould be discussed. If there are no differences in the products,that should be stated.52.Drug Substance [312.23 (a)(7)(iv)(a)]:Sponsors are reminded that, under present regulations, references to the current edition of the USP-NF may be used to satisfy someof the requirements, when applicable.Information on the drug substance should be submitted in asummary report containing the following items.a. A description of the drug substance, including itsphysical, chemical, or biological characteristics:A brief description of the drug substance and someevidence to support its proposed chemical structure shouldbe submitted. It is understood that the amount of structureinformation will be limited in the early stage of drugdevelopment.b.The name and address of its manufacturer:The full street address of the manufacturer of the clinicaltrial drug substance should be submitted.c.The general method of preparation of the drugsubstance:A brief description of the manufacturing process, including alist of the reagents, solvents, and catalysts used, should besubmitted. A detailed flow diagram is suggested as theusual, most effective, presentation of this information.More information may be needed to assess the safety ofbiotechnology-derived drugs or drugs extracted from humanor animal sources.d.The acceptable limits and analytical methods used toassure the identity, strength, quality, and purity ofthe drug substance:A brief description of the test methods used should besubmitted. Proposed acceptable limits supported by simpleanalytical data, (e.g., IR spectrum to prove the identity, andHPLC chromatograms to support the purity level andimpurities profile) of the clinical trials material should be6provided. Submission of a copy of the certificate of analysisis also suggested. The specific methods will depend on thesource and type of drug substance (e.g., animal source,plant extract, radiopharmaceutic, other biotechnology-derived products). Validation data and establishedspecifications ordinarily need not be submitted at the initialstage of drug development. However, for some well-characterized, therapeutic biotechnology-derived products,preliminary specifications and additional validation data maybe needed in certain circumstances to ensure safety inPhase 1.rmation to support the stability of the drugsubstance during the toxicologic studies and theproposed clinical study(ies):A brief description of the stability study and the test methodsused to monitor the stability of the drug substance should besubmitted. Preliminary tabular data based onrepresentative material may be submitted. Neither detailedstability data nor the stability protocol should be submitted.3.Drug Product [21 CFR 312.23 (a)(7)(iv)(b)]:Sponsors are reminded that, under present regulations, references to the current edition of the USP-NF may be used to satisfy someof these requirements, when applicable.Information on the drug product should be submitted in a summary report containing the following items:a. A list of all components, which may includereasonable alternatives for inactive compounds, usedin the manufacture of the investigational drugproduct, including both those components intendedto appear in the drug product and those which maynot appear, but which are used in the manufacturingprocess:A list of usually no more than one or two pages of writteninformation should be submitted. The quality (e.g., NF,ACS) of the inactive ingredients should be cited. For novelexcipients, additional manufacturing information may be7necessary.b.Where applicable, the quantitative composition of theinvestigational new drug product, including anyreasonable variations that may be expected duringthe investigational stage:A brief summary of the composition of the investigationalnew drug product should be submitted. In most cases,information on component ranges is not necessary.c.The name and address of the drug productmanufacturer:The full street address(es) of the manufacturer(s) of theclinical trial drug product should be submitted.d. A brief, general description of the method ofmanufacturing and packaging procedures asappropriate for the product:A diagrammatic presentation and a brief written descriptionof the manufacturing process should be submitted, includingsterilization process for sterile products. Flow diagrams aresuggested as the usual, most effective, presentations of thisinformation.e.The acceptable limits and analytical methods used toassure the identity, strength, quality, and purity ofthe drug product:A brief description of the proposed acceptable limits and thetest methods used should be submitted. Tests that shouldbe submitted will vary according to the dosage form. Forexample, for sterile products, sterility and non-pyrogenicitytests should be submitted. Submission of a copy of thecertificate of analysis of the clinical batch is also suggested.Validation data and established specifications need not besubmitted at the initial stage of drug development. For well-characterized, therapeutic, biotechnology-derived products,adeaute assessment of bioactivity and preliminaryspecifications should be available.8rmation to support the stability of the drugsubstance during the toxicologic studies and theproposed clinical study(ies):A brief description of the stability study and the test methodsused to monitor the stability of the drug product packaged inthe proposed container/closure system and storageconditions should be submitted. Preliminary tabular databased on representative material may be submitted.Neither detailed stability data nor the stability protocolshould be submitted.4. A brief general description of the composition,manufacture, and control of any placebo to be used in theproposed clinical trial(s) [21 CFR 312.23(a)(7)(iv)(c)]:Diagrammatic, tabular, and brief written information should besubmitted.5. A copy of all labels and labeling to be provided to eachinvestigator [21 CFR 312.23(a)(7)(iv)(d)]:A mock-up or printed representation of the proposed labeling thatwill be provided to investigator(s) in the proposed clinical trialshould be submitted. Investigational labels must carry a "caution"statement as required by 21 CFR 312.6(a). That statement reads:"Caution: New Drug - Limited by Federal (or United States) law toinvestigational use."6. A claim for categorical exclusion from or submission of anenvironmental assessment [21 CFR 312.23(a)(7)(iv)(e)]:FDA believes the great majority of products should qualify for acategorical exclusion. Sponsors who believe their investigationalproduct meets the exclusion categories under 21 CFR 25.24should submit a statement certifying that their product meets theexclusion requirements and requesting a categorical exclusion onthat basis. (For INDs submitted to CDER, see Guidance forIndustry for the Submission of Environmental Assessments forHuman Drug Applications and Supplements, November, 1995.)9G.Pharmacology and Toxicology Information [21 CFR 312.23(a)(8)]:[The following pharmacology and toxicology guidance is applicable to allphases of IND development of products covered by this guidance.]1.Pharmacology and Drug Distribution [21 CFR312.23(a)(8)(i)]:This section should contain, if known: 1) a description of thepharmacologic effects and mechanism(s) of actions of the drug inanimals, and 2) information on the absorption, distribution,metabolism, and excretions of the drug. The regulations do notfurther describe the presentation of these data, in contrast to themore detailed description of how to submit toxicologic data. Asummary report, without individual animal records or individualstudy results, usually suffices. In most circumstances, five pagesor less should suffice for this summary. If this information is notknown, it should simply be so stated.To the extent that such studies may be important to address safetyissues, or to assist in evaluation of toxicology data, they may benecessary; however, lack of this potential effectiveness informationshould not generally be a reason for a Phase 1 IND to be placedon clinical hold.2.Toxicology: Integrated Summary [21 CFR312.23(a)(8)(ii)(a)]Present regulations require an integrated summary of thetoxicologic effects of the drug in animals and in vitro. Theparticular studies needed depend on the nature of the drug and thephase of human investigation. When species specificity,immunogenicity, or other considerations appear to make many orall toxicological models irrelevant, sponsors are encouraged tocontact the agency to discuss toxicological testing.The regulations are not specific as to the nature of the report oftoxicology data needed in an IND submission and the nature of thestudy reports upon which the report submitted to the IND is based.The regulations are silent on whether the submitted materialshould be based on: 1) "final fully quality-assured" individual studyreports, or 2) earlier, unaudited draft toxicologic reports of thecompleted study(ies). Most sponsors have concluded that a10submission based on final fully quality-assured individual study reports is required, and a substantial delay in submission of an IND for several months is often encountered to complete such final fully quality-assured individual reports from the time the unaudited draft toxicologic reports of the completed studies are prepared.Moreover, although the regulation does not specifically require individual toxicology study reports to be submitted, referring only to an integrated summary of the toxicologic findings, the requirement at 21 CFR 312.23(a)(8)(ii)(b) for a full tabulation of data from each study suitable for detailed review has led most sponsors to provide detailed reports of each study.Although the GLP and quality assurance processes and principles are critical for the maintenance of a toxicology study system that is valid and credible, it is unusual, as far as FDA is aware, for findings in the unaudited draft toxicologic report of the completed studies to change during the production of the "final," quality-assured individual study reports in ways important to determining whether use in humans is safe.Therefore, if final, fully quality-assured individual study reports are not available at the time of IND submission, an integrated summary report of toxicologic findings based on the unaudited draft toxicologic reports of the completed animal studies may be submitted. This integrated summary report should represent the sponsor's evaluation of the animal studies that formed the basis for the sponsor's decision that the proposed human studies are safe. It is expected that the unaudited draft reports that formed the basis of this decision might undergo minor modifications during final review and quality assurance auditing. Full toxicology department individual study reports should be available to FDA, upon request, and individual study reports should be available to FDA, upon request, as final, fully quality-assured documents within 120 days of the start of the human study for which the animal study formed part of the safety conclusion basis. These final reports should contain in the introduction any changes from those reported in the integrated summary. If there are no changes, that should be so stated clearly at the beginning of the final, fully quality-assured report.If the integrated summary is based upon unaudited draft reports,11sponsors should submit an update to their integrated summary by120 days after the start of the human study(ies) identifying anydifferences found in the preparation of the final fully quality-assured study reports and the information submitted in the initialintegrated summary. If there were no differences found, thatshould be stated in the integrated summary update..In addition, any new finding discovered during the preparation ofthe final, fully quality-assured individual study reports that couldaffect subject safety must be reported to FDA under 21 CFR312.32.Usually, 10 to 15 pages of text with additional tables (as needed)should suffice for the integrated summary. It should represent thesponsor's perspective on the completed animal studies at the timethe sponsor decided human trials were appropriate. Use of visualdata displays (e.g., box plots, stem and leaf displays, histogramsor distributions of lab results over time) will facilitate description ofthe findings of these trials.The summary document should be accurate contemporaneouslywith the IND submission (i.e., it should be updated so that if newinformation or findings from the completed animal studies havebecome known since the sponsor's decision that the proposedhuman study is safe, such new information should also be includedin the submitted summary).The integrated summary of the toxicologic findings of thecompleted animal studies to support the safety of the proposedhuman investigation should ordinarily contain the followinginformation:a. A brief description of the design of the trials and anydeviations from the design in the conduct of the trials. Inaddition, the dates of the performance of the trials should beincluded. Reference to the study protocol and protocolamendments may suffice for some of this information.b. A systematic presentation of the findings from the animaltoxicology and toxicokinetic studies. Those findings that aninformed and experienced expert would reasonablyconsider as possible signals of human risk should behighlighted. The format of this part of the summary may be12approached from a "systems review" perspective: (e.g.,CNS, cardiovascular, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, renal,hepatic, genitourinary, hematopoietic and immunologic, anddermal). If a product's effects on a particular body systemhave not been assessed, that should be so noted. If anywell-documented toxicological "signal" is not consideredevidence of human risk, the reason should be given. Inaddition, the sponsor should note whether these findingsare discussed in the investigator's brochure.c.Identification and qualifications of the individual(s) whoevaluated the animal safety data and concluded that it isreasonably safe to begin the proposed human study. Thisperson(s) should sign the summary attesting that thesummary accurately reflects the animal toxicology data fromthe completed studies.d. A statement of where the animal studies were conductedand where the records of the studies are available forinspection, should an inspection occur.e.As required under 21 CFR 312.23(a)(8)(iii), a declarationthat each study subject to good laboratory practices (GLP)regulations was performed in full compliance with GLPs or,if the study was not conducted in compliance with thoseregulations, a brief statement of the reason for thenoncompliance and the sponsor's view on how such non-compliance might affect the interpretations of the findings.NOTE: The information described in paragraphs "c", "d", and "e"may be supplied as part of the integrated summary or as part ofthe full data tabulations described below.3.Toxicology - Full Data Tabulation [21 CFR312.23(a)(8)(ii)(b)]:The sponsor should submit, for each animal toxicology study thatis intended to support the safety of the proposed clinicalinvestigation, a full tabulation of data suitable for detailed review.This should consist of line listings of the individual data points,including laboratory data points, for each animal in these trialsalong with summary tabulations of these data points. To allowinterpretation of the line listings, accompanying the line listings13。


新药Ⅰ期临床试验申报资料的内容及格式要求1995年11月美国FDA发布2009年6月药审中心组织翻译诺华制药有限公司翻译北核协会审核药审中心最终核准目录I. II. III. 引言 (1)现行要求与操作规范 (2)现行新药临床申请法规的解释 (2)A. 封面(FDA格式-1571)[21 CFR 312.23(a)(1)]: (2)B. 目录[21 CFR 312.23(a)(2)]: (2)C. 介绍性声明与整体研究方案[21 CFR 312.23(a)(3)]: (2)D. 研究者手册[21 CFR 312.23(a)(5)]: (2)E. 方案[21 CFR 312.23(a)(6)]: (2)F. 化学、生产和控制信息[21 CFR 312.23(a)(7)]: (3)G. 药理学和毒理学信息[21 CFR 312.23(a)(8)]: (6)H. 研究药物既往在人体中使用的经验[21 CFR 312.23(a)(9)]: (9)I. 21 CFR 312.23(a)(10)、(11)(b)、(c)、(d)(e): (10)新药Ⅰ期临床试验申报资料的内容及格式要求I. 引言随着近期FDA成功实现《1992年处方药付费法》(PDUFA)审评行动的目标,使得从递交上市注册申请至批准上市的平均时间和中位时间均显著缩短。
其中有一个IND法规特别值得关注,即关于在人体中开始进行药物试验的法规(即Ⅰ期试验),自McMahon 行动会议以来,对此课题已经进行了两年多的积极讨论,并且吸纳了各方不同层次的意见。
本指导原则阐述了在美国将研究药品(包括已进行结构确证的治疗性生物工程类产品)开始用于人体研究时,所需要提供的数据和在21 CFR 312.22和312.23中需要报告的数据1。

二、中药新药的研发及申报流程中药新药的研发申报一般按以下程序进行:选题立项——临床前研究——临床研究——申报审批——正式生产,其中,新药临床前及临床研究的主要内容及注意事项分别列举如下:2.1 新药的临床前研究(一)主要内容:新药的临床前研究主要包括制备工艺(中药制剂包括原药材的来源、加工及炮制)、理化性质、纯度、检验方法、处方筛选、剂型、稳定性、质量标准、药理、毒理、动物药代动力学等研究。
2.2 新药的临床研究(一)主要内容:新药的临床研究包括临床试验和生物等效性试验。
新药注册申报资料 引用资料-概述说明以及解释

新药注册申报资料引用资料-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述本文旨在探讨新药注册申报资料的引用资料,着重介绍了新药注册申报流程以及资料的要点。
1.2 文章结构文章结构部分将对整篇长文的组织和布局进行介绍。

1. 申请表格,通常需要填写申请表格,包括申请人的基本信息、兽药的名称、成分、适应症、用法用量等详细信息。
2. 药物成分和制备方法,需要提供兽药的成分及其含量,以及
3. 质量控制,需要提供兽药的质量控制标准,包括物理性质、
4. 药理学和毒理学研究,需要提供兽药的药理学和毒理学研究
5. 安全性评价,需要提供兽药的安全性评价结果,包括急性毒性、亚慢性毒性、致癌性、致畸性等方面的研究数据。
6. 临床试验,需要提供兽药的临床试验结果,包括药效学、安
7. 包装和标签,需要提供兽药的包装和标签设计,包括药物的名称、成分、规格、生产日期、有效期、用法用量、适应症、禁忌症、注意事项等信息。
8. 生产工艺和质量管理,需要提供兽药的生产工艺流程和质量管理体系,确保兽药的生产过程符合相关法规和标准。


新药I期临床试验申请技术指南(草案)新药I期临床试验申请技术指南(草案)国家食品药品监督管理总局(CFDA)2016年9月1目录一、前言.................................................................................................. 1二、背景.................................................................................................. 2三、与药审中心沟通交流 (3)四、IND提交所需的特定信息?4(一)规定的表格......................................................................................... 4(二)?文件目录 (5)(三)介绍性说明和总体研究计划?5(四)?研究者手册 (6)(五)方案?8(六)化学、生产和控制信息?9(七)药理毒理信息?14(八)研究药物既往在人体使用的经验?1617(九)其他重要信息?(十)相关信息.................................................................................................... 1717五、提交信息?六、IND过程和审评过程 (18)19(一)临床试验暂停要求?(二)?IND修订............................................................................................... 21 122七、申请人的其他责任?22(一)?遵守法规伦理要求?(二)监测正在进行的研究.................................................................................. 22(三)研究药物的推销或付费?23(四)记录和报告 ............................................................................................. 23(五)IND安全性报告.......................................................................................... 23(六)IND年度报告.............................................................................................. 24八、撤回、终止、暂停或者重新启动IND?25附件 (27)附件1:药品注册临床试验申报资料信息表 .................................................... 2730附件2:研究者声明表?附件3:化药Ⅰ期临床研究CMC资料表?332新药I期临床试验申请技术指南一、前言国家食品药品监督管理总局(CFDA)发布本技术指南旨在帮助新药研发申请人提交足够的临床试验研究申请(Investigational newdrug,IND)材料,以提高新药研发与审评效率,并同时能保证药品的安全性、有效性和质量可控性。

新药Ⅰ期临床试验申报资料的容及格式要求1995年11月美国FDA发布2009年6月药审中心组织翻译诺华制药有限公司翻译北核协会审核药审中心最终核准目 录I.II. III. 引言 .........................................................................................................................1 现行要求与操作规 ............................................................................. (2)现行新药临床申请法规的解释 (2)A. 封面(FDA 格式-1571)[21 CFR 312.23(a )(1)]: (2)B. 目录[21 CFR 312.23(a )(2)]: (2)C. 介绍性声明与整体研究方案 [21 CFR 312.23(a )(3)]: (2)D. 研究者手册 [21 CFR 312.23(a )(5)]: (2)E. 方案 [21 CFR 312.23(a )(6)]: (2)F. 化学、生产和控制信息 [21 CFR 312.23(a )(7)]: (3)G. 药理学和毒理学信息 [21 CFR 312.23(a )(8)]: (6)H. 研究药物既往在人体中使用的经验 [21 CFR 312.23(a )(9)]: (9)I. 21 CFR 312.23(a )(10)、(11)(b )、(c )、(d )(e ): (10)新药Ⅰ期临床试验申报资料的容及格式要求I. 引言随着近期FDA成功实现《1992年处方药付费法》(PDUFA)审评行动的目标,使得从递交上市注册申请至批准上市的平均时间和中位时间均显著缩短。

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新药I期临床试验申请技术指南(草案)国家食品药品监督管理总局(CFDA)2016年9月1目录一、前言.................................................................................................. 1二、背景.................................................................................................. 2三、与药审中心沟通交流 (3)四、IND提交所需的特定信息ﻩ4(一)规定的表格......................................................................................... 4(二)ﻩ文件目录 (5)(三)介绍性说明和总体研究计划ﻩ5(四)ﻩ研究者手册 (6)(五)方案ﻩ8(六)化学、生产和控制信息ﻩ9(七)药理毒理信息ﻩ14(八)研究药物既往在人体使用的经验ﻩ1617(九)其他重要信息ﻩ(十)相关信息.................................................................................................... 1717五、提交信息ﻩ六、IND过程和审评过程 (18)19(一)临床试验暂停要求ﻩ(二)ﻩIND修订............................................................................................... 21122七、申请人的其他责任ﻩ22(一)ﻩ遵守法规伦理要求ﻩ(二)监测正在进行的研究.................................................................................. 22(三)研究药物的推销或付费ﻩ23(四)记录和报告 ............................................................................................. 23(五)IND安全性报告.......................................................................................... 23(六)IND年度报告.............................................................................................. 24八、撤回、终止、暂停或者重新启动INDﻩ25附件 (27)附件1:药品注册临床试验申报资料信息表 .................................................... 2730附件2:研究者声明表ﻩ附件3:化药Ⅰ期临床研究CMC资料表ﻩ332新药I期临床试验申请技术指南一、前言国家食品药品监督管理总局(CFDA)发布本技术指南旨在帮助新药研发申请人提交足够的临床试验研究申请(Investigational newdrug,IND)材料,以提高新药研发与审评效率,并同时能保证药品的安全性、有效性和质量可控性。


新药I期临床试验申请技术指南食品药品监督管理总局(CFDA)2016年9月一、前言..................................................... 1……二、背景..................................................... 2••…三、与药审中心沟通交流...................................... 3…四、I ND提交所需的特定信息................................... 4…(一)规定的表格................................................ 4 ..............(二)文件目录.................................................. 4 ..............(三)介绍性说明和总体研究计划.................................. 5. .........(四)研究者手册............................................... 6 ..............(五)方案...................................................... .8. ............(六)化学、生产和控制信息..................................... 9 ..........(七)药理毒理信息 (13)(八)研究药物既往在人体使用的经验 (16)(九)其他重要信息 (16)(十)相关信息 (17)五、提交信息 (17)六、IND 过程和审评过程 (17)(一)临床试验暂停要求 (19)(二)IND 修订 (20)七、申请人的其他责任 (21)(一) ..................................................... 遵守法规伦理要求21(二) ................................................... 监测正在进行的研究22(三) .................................................... 研究药物的推销或付费22(四) ............................................................ 记录和报告22(五) ......................................................... I ND安全性报告23(六) ........................................................... I ND年度报告23八、撤回、终止、暂停或者重新启动IND (24)附件 (26)附件1:药品注册临床试验申报资料信息表 (26)附件2:研究者声明表 (29)附件3:化药I期临床研究CMC资料表 (32)新药I期临床试验申请技术指南一、前言食品药品监督管理总局(CFDA )发布本技术指南旨在帮助新药研发申请人提交足够的临床试验研究申请(Investigational new drug ,IND)材料,以提高新药研发与审评效率,并同时能保证药品的安全性、有效性和质量可控性。

FDA NDA新药Ⅰ期临床试验申报资料

新药Ⅰ期临床试验申报资料的内容及格式要求1995年11月美国FDA发布2009年6月药审中心组织翻译诺华制药有限公司翻译北核协会审核药审中心最终核准目录I. 引言 (1)II. 资料内容和格式 (1)A. 封面 (1)B. 目录 (1)C. 介绍性声明与整体研究计划 (1)D. 研究者手册 (2)E. 研究方案 (2)F. 化学、生产和控制信息 (2)G. 药理毒理信息 (5)H. 研究药物既往在人体中使用的经验 (6)I. 其他相关说明 (6)新药Ⅰ期临床试验申报资料的内容及格式要求I. 引言美国FDA于1995年11月颁布了《GUIDANCE FOR INDUSTRY:CONTNET AND FORMAT OF INVESTIGATIONAL NEW DRUG APPLICATIONS(IND)FOR PHASE 1 STUDIES OF DRUGS,INCLUDING WELL-CHARACTERIZED,THERAPEUTIC,BIOTECHNOLOGY-DERIVED PRODUCTS》,为进一步促进我国新药研发和审评能力的提高,本指导原则系在参考FDA上述指导原则的基础上,结合我国《药品注册管理办法》的相关要求,经翻译转化,以指导、规范我国新药I期临床试验申报资料的内容及格式要求。
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