商务英语精读 unit-3

4. Phonetic Review (语音复习): Back Vowels
Reading I
• Pre-reading
Unit 3 Career
• Text • Background Information • New Words and Expressions • Exercises • Post-reading
Pre-reading II
Unit 3 Career
II. Pairwork: Discuss the following questions with your partner.
1. What do your parents do? How do you like their occupationsyour future career?
The Most Interesting ———————————— ———————————— ———————————— ———————————— The Most Boring ———————————— ———————————— ———————————— ———————————— The Most Promising ———————————— ———————————— ———————————— ———————————— The Most Stressful ———————————— ———————————— ———————————— ————————————
Teaching Aim
Reading I Reading II
Extended Activities
Teaching Aim
2. Language Focus (内容重点)

acclamation 英[,æklə'meɪʃən] 美[,æklə'meʃən]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------n. 1.<正>喝彩;欢呼;欢迎2.(口头表决)拥护,赞成3.(常用复数)欢呼声;喝彩声automaton英[ɔ:'tɔmətən] 美[ɔ'tɑmətən, -,tɑn]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------n.自动机, 机器人barrel 英['bærəl] 美['bærəl]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------n. 1.桶2.枪[炮]管3.一桶(的量);桶(石油计量单位,相当于120 到159 升)vi.(无法控制地)高速行进,飞驰cask 英[kæsk] 美[kæsk]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------n. 1.(尤指盛酒精饮料的)桶2.一桶的量chivalrous 英['ʃɪvəlrəs] 美['ʃɪvəlrəs]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------adj.(尤指对女人)有骑士风度的,彬彬有礼的cloak 英[kləuk] 美[klok]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------n. 1.(尤指旧时的)披风,斗篷2.外衣, 伪装vt.遮盖;掩盖commander 英[kə'mɑ:ndə,kə'mɑːndə(r)] 美[kə'mændɚ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------n. 1.指挥官,司令官,负责人2.海军中校3.(英国)伦敦高级警官commander 英[kə'mɑ:ndə,kə'mɑːndə(r)] 美[kə'mændɚ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------n. 1.指挥官,司令官,负责人2.海军中校3.(英国)伦敦高级警官contented 英[kən'tentid] 美[kən'tɛntɪd]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------adj.满意的, 满足的; 知足的convert 英[kən'və:t] 美[kən'vɚt]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------vt. & vi. 1.(使)转变, (使)转化2.皈依, 改变(信仰); 使)改变(宗教或信仰);(使)皈依, 归附n.改变宗教(或信仰、观点)的人;皈依者vi.可转变为;可变换成vt. 1.改变(观点、习惯等)2.(把球踢过球门而)获得附加分corps 英[kɔ:] 美[kɔr, kor]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------n. 1.军团, 特种部队2.一组corrupt 英[kə'rʌpt] 美[kə'rʌpt]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------adj. 1.堕落的, 腐败的, 贪赃舞弊的2.不道德的3. 已变换的;有缺陷的;有错误的vt. & vi. 1.(使)败坏, (使)腐化2.引起(计算机文件等的)错误;破坏vt.破坏;损坏creed 英[kri:d] 美[krid]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------n.(尤指宗教)信条, 教条creed 英[kri:d] 美[krid] n.(尤指宗教)信条, 教条diplomat 英['dipləmæt] 美['dɪplə,mæt]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------n. 1.外交官2.有手腕的人, 善于交际的人discard 英[dis'kɑ:d] 美[dɪ'skɑrd]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------vt. 1.丢弃, 抛弃2.不再使用n. 1.打出的牌2.废弃的东西discard 英[dis'kɑ:d] 美[dɪ'skɑrd]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------vt. 1.丢弃, 抛弃2.不再使用n. 1.打出的牌2.废弃的东西earthenware 英['ɜ:θən,weə, -ðən-] 美['əθən,wɛr, -ðən-]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------n.陶器elaborately--------------------------------------------------------------------------------adv.苦心经营地,精巧地elbow 英['elbəu] 美['ɛl,bo]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------vt. & vi.用肘推, 用肘挤n. 1.肘, (衣服的)肘部2.(衣服的)肘部3.(管子、烟囱等的)弯处,弯头elbow英['elbəu] 美['ɛl,bo]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------vt. & vi.用肘推, 用肘挤n. 1.肘, (衣服的)肘部2.(衣服的)肘部3.(管子、烟囱等的)弯处,弯头emulate 英['emjuleit] 美['ɛmjə,let]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------vt. 1.与…竞争, 努力赶上2.计算机程序等仿真;模仿erase 英[i'reiz] 美[ɪ'res]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------vt. 1.擦掉, 抹去, 清除2. 抹去,清洗(磁带上的录音或存贮器中的信息)3. 擦掉,抹掉(笔迹等) 4. 清除;消除;消灭expedition 英[,ekspi'diʃən] 美[,ɛkspɪ'dɪʃən]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------n. 1.远征; 探险; 考察2.迅速, 动作敏捷3.远征队;探险队;考察队 4.(短途的)旅行,出行extravagance 英[ɪk'strævəgəns] 美[ɪk'strævəɡəns]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------n. 1.奢侈;挥霍2.奢侈品;放纵的言行等fiery 英['faiəri] 美['faɪri, 'faɪəri]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------adj. 1.燃烧的; 火似的; 火热的2.激烈的, 易怒的, 暴躁的flatter 英['flætə] 美['flætɚ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------vt. 1.向…奉承; 阿谀2.给以愉快的感觉3.使显得更漂亮;使胜过本人fortifications--------------------------------------------------------------------------------防御工事garment 英['ɡɑ:mənt] 美['ɡɑrmənt]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------n.(一件)衣服Garment n.[英格兰人姓氏] 加门特。
商务英语精读第三册unit 2 Men and Women

Part II
endure: v. suffer or undergo (sth painful or uncomfortable) patiently; (esp in negative sentence) bear; tolerate eg: unendurable toothache. He endured three years in prison for his religious belief. I can’t endure that woman. I can’t endure to see/seeing children suffer. endurance: n. state or power of enduring eg: He showed remarkable endurance throughout his illness. His treatment of her was beyond endurance. Jane’s party was more of an endurance test than anything else.
Part II
put up with: to suffer or bear patiently eg: I won’t put up with your rudeness any longer. I don’t know how to put up with their constant quarrelling.
Part II
If 引导的虚拟语气的倒装
在If引导的虚拟条件句中,如果包含一个助动词、情态 动词、动词be或have,可以把if省略掉,但上述动词要 前置至主语之前。 If there should be a flood, what should we do?
大学英语精读第三册Unit 10 the fantastic spurt in technology

Symbols of technology in the 21st century • Flying cars are now a reality – set to launch in 2015. These cars will go on sale in 2015.
…and more.
1. What does technology mean to us? 2. What changes have taken place in our life with the advancement of technology?
Word Web
Directions: What will occur to you whenever we mention the word “technologe.
genetically modified food (转基因产品)
3. What will life be like in 50 years?
Watch the video clip “ the world in 50 years”
Group Discussion
Is the advancement of technology always a good thing? advantages
rocket planes
advanced medical equipments
Smart phones Computer and internet
Symbols of technology
• About less than a century ago/in the early twentieth century, what is the classic symbol of technology?

C. Not Known
Warming up Check-on Preview
The Confederacy 1. Jefferson Davis
2. Robert Lee 3. Mary Lee 4. Joe Johnston
Who’s who and for what?
a. Commanding General, Moral Conscience of the South
Warming up
Warming up Questions/Activities
1. How did civil wars usually end? Any examples? What about the Liberation War in China?
2. In what ways was the ending of the American Civil War unique?
A. Lee’s decision to surrender (paras. 3-5) B. Lincoln’s vision (paras. 6-8) C. The Appomattox Surrender (paras. 9-15) III. The final surrender (paras. 16-22) A. Volatile situation after the surrender (paras. 16-19) B. The Bennett House Surrender (paras. 20-22)
Good citizens with honor and dignity
Rebels with rage in a continued civil war
商务英语阅读 Unit 3

I. Read the news on P.30 and discuss the questions. 1. What’s the source of the news? 2. What’s wrong with Starbucks according to the news? 3. What factors are considered in pricing according to Starbucks? 4. What do you think of the price of Starbucks? 5. What would you consider in the buying of one product?
( D ) 10. current price
J. 利润最大化
Comprehensive Reading
Text A
Comprehension I. Answer the following questions according to Text A.
1. What should a company consider in fixing the price of the product? 2. What methods are traditionally used in assessing pricing policies? 3. Is the low price strategy always effective? Why or why not? 4. Which objective of pricing would be the best approach for the medium-size or small business? 5. What factors should be considered in
商务英语精读第三册Unit 1 plant

She has a cascade of black hair.
Description of the tree
poise: v. to keep sth balanced eg: The performer tried hard to poise herself in
the wire rope. n. graceful and balanced bodily position or
movement; quiet dignified self-confidence and self-control eg: The audience applauded for the dancer’s graceful poise.
Lucy is a young woman of great poise.
itches. n.
Description of the tree
shed: v. pt, pp shed to cause (leaves) to fall
eg: When autumn comes, many trees will shed their leaves. Hearing his death, she couldn’t help shedding tears for a whole day. ◆ shed crocodile tears eg: She shed crocodile tears when she dismissed him from his job.

现代大学英语精读3(第二版)Unit10课文翻译及课文知识重点Book 3 Unit 101.do one’s business (委婉)= empty one’s bowels 排便2.out of one’s hands 不再有sb 掌管3.squat down 蹲下squat on 蹲坐在;责难;制止4.at dawn 黎明5.a few handfuls of water 一把/一捧水6.fill up with 用……充满7.know of 听说过8.a shower of 一阵9.dress oneself 给自己穿衣服10.by choice 自愿地11.by design 故意地12.put on his shoes for him 为他穿鞋带13.show one’s teeth 龇牙咧嘴14.bark at 咆哮的说出15.look over 检查;查看16.man of his age 与他同龄17.in particular 尤其18.take command of 挂帅;负责指挥19.seek sth with sb 求sb给予sth seek Talent with Eagerness 求贤若渴seek out 搜出;挑出20.call upon 拜访21.greet him with 与……打招呼/doc/ed9346090.html,bor to do 努力去做23.possess v. 拥有;控制possession n. be in possession of sth= have sth in one’s possession 拥有possessive a. 占有的24.roll v.滚动;卷;roll down (泪珠)滚落n. 卷形物25.form n..形式;表格;(艺术;文学)结构v. 形成;制造;建立;呈某种状态26.appoint v.委任;任命;安排(时间地点);约定appoint sb as sth 决定sb 为appoint sb to a certain position 任命sb为appoint sb to do sth 委派sb做27.account v. 认为…如何;说明account for 对…做解释;占(百分比,数量);共计account n. 账户;解释;账单give an account 描述take sth into account 考虑on one’s account 为了sb的利益on this/that account 由于这个缘故on no account 绝对不可以28.show off 卖弄;陈列;使显眼show up 露面;揭露show sb around 带sb参观show sb in 领sb进入swhfor show 为了给sb看(而不是为了实际用处)29.hand over 移交;交出(权力)fall into the hand of 落入…的手中by hand 用手的,手工的;in hand 在手头;在进行中;get out of hand 失去控制near at hand 在手边,在附近;迫近,即将到来30.wash away 冲洗;冲刷;忘却Translation1.你对他的这种古怪行为怎么解释?How do you account for his strange behavior?2.我们来围成一个圈吧,这样大家说话时互相就能看得见了。

综合英语精读3ⅠBASIC KNOWLEDGE TESTPART ONE: Match the words with their explanations.( )1 embrace A offering a price( )2 edge B central( )3 scratch C extremely eager( )4 barrier D to show a preference for somebody way ( )5 fatigue E to make one’s mind off something( )6 distract F great tiredness( )7 favor G something placed in the( )8 desperate H to rub a surface with something pointed ( )9 focal I to move little by little( )10 bidding J to hold something in armsⅡREADINGPART ONE (Questions 1-7)• Read these sentences and the currency report.• Which paragraph does each Sentence (1~7) come from?• For each sentence mark one letter (A, B, C or D)ExampleToshuku had the astonishing large debts.Answer B( )1. The IMF mentioned that it would update its prediction.( )2. Nikkei-225 index dropped by than 2 per cent yesterday.( )3. Japanese government is going to take action to stop the Asian currency slide.( )4. Daiwa Securities and Nikko Securities were to be punished.( )5. Japan was to have massive income tax cuts.( )6. Lending money to countries suffering great difficulties has quickened its pace.( )7. Nikko Securities received a three-month ban.Japan acts on currency slideAThe Bank of Japan’s move, yet to be officially confirmed, indicates that the Japanese government is determined to play a role in stopping the Asian currency slide which has taken a heavy toll elsewhere in the region and could have accelerated if it was felt that Japan would allow the Yen to decline in value to make local goods **petitive.Support for the Yen may prove to be more effective than the massive income tax cuts announced on Tuesday. These have been judged an inadequate response to the gravity of Japan's economic problems.BThis disappointment was reflected in the Japanese stock market yesterday, withthe blue chipNikkei-225 index dripping by more than 2 per cent. Market sentimentwas also depressed by news of the fourth largest post-war bankruptcy taking downthe foodstuff trader Toshuku with debts totaling an astonishing $4bn. **pany blamed the bursting of the "bubble" economy for its woes. Toshuku is the ninth**pany to go under this year.CMeanwhile the long running' scandal; of leading stockbrokers involvement with racketeers came to a head yesterday with news that Daiwa Securities and Nikko;Securities, two of Japan's biggest stockbrokers, were to be severely punished for I paying off racketeer who had threatened to disrupt shareholder meetings if they were not paid off. The Ministry of Finance ordered Daiwa to cease its own account business in stock, futures and options trading for four months, while Nikko received a three month ban.DMeanwhile, it has sped up its procedures for lending money to countries suffering "exceptional" difficulties. Only two months after it published its latest forecasts for the world economy, the IMF has said it will update its predictions. The fund has made it clear that the document, to be released on Sunday afternoon will trim its growth forecast. In October, the fund’s economists put world growth in 1998 at 4. 3 per cent, a faction higher than this years likely figure. It foresaw a slowdown in the US, UK and Japan, but itsprediction of 2. 6 per cent Japanese GDP growth now looks "Very optimistic. So does its 7. 4 per cent figure for likely Asian growth.PART TWO (Questions 8-13)• Look at the article below about the poll and the questions over the page.• Each' question has four suggested answers or ways of finishing the sentence, A, B, C and D. • Mark one letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet, for the answer you choose.Gallup pollWith prospects of an end to an end to the hallowed old British measures of inches and feet and pounds, the Galiup .polL people wandered how well-known its metric alternative might be. They asked in the usual way, and learned that even among men and women who had been to a university 33 per cent had never heard of the metric system.Then a Sunday newspaper conduced a poll of its own and announced that 98 per cent of its readers knew about the metric system. This, the newspaper boasted, showed "how much more knowledgeable" its readers were than people generally.How can two polls differ so remarkably?Galiup interviewers had chosen, and talked to a carefully Selected cross-Section-of the public. The newspaper had naively, and economically, relied upon coupons clipped,filled in, and mailed in by readers. It isn’t hard to guess that most of those readers who were unaware of the metric system had little interest in it or the coupon; and they selected themselves out of the poll by not bothering to clip and participate. Thisself-selection produced, in statistical terms, a biased or unrepresentative sample of just the sort that has led, over the years, to an enormous number of misleading conclusions.A few winters ago a dozen investigators independently reported figures on antihistamine pills. Each showed that a considerable percentage of colds cleared up after treatment. A great fuss ensued, at least in the advertisements, and 'a medical-product boom was on. It was-based on an eternally springing hope and also on a curious refusal to look past the statistics to a fact that has been known for a long time. As Henry G. Felsen, a humorist and no medical authority, pointed out quite a while ago, proper treatment willcure a cold in seven days, but left to itself a cold will hang on for a week. So it is with much that you read and hear. Averages and relationships arid trends arid graphs are not always what they seem. There may be bore in them than meets the eye, and there may be a good deal less.The secret, language of statistics, so appealing in a face-minded culture, is employed to sensationalize, inflate, confuse, and oversimplify. Statistical methods and statistical terms are necessary in reporting the mass data of social arid economic trends, business conditions, "opinion" polls, the census. But without writers who use the words with honesty and understanding and readers who know what they mean, the .result can only, be semantic nonsense.In popular writing on scientific matters the abused statistic is almost crowding out the picture of the white-jacketed hero laboring overtime without time-and-a-half in an ill-lit laboratory. Like the "little dash of powder, little pot of paint", statistics are making many an important fact "look like what she ain't", A well-wrapped statistic is better than Hitler’s "big lie"; it misleads, yet cannot be pinned on.( )8. The passageA. is about the Gallup pollB. is about a poll conducted by a Sunday newspaperC. suggests that statistics can be misleadingD. generalizes that all polls are prejudiced( )9. Judging from the one single ease described in the passage, it can be inferred that-----A. the Galiup poll is more objective than the one conducted by the Sunday newspaperB. the Gallup poll is less objective than the one conducted by the Sunday newspaperC. the Galiup poll is as objective , as , the one conducted by the .Sunday newspaperD. the Galiup poll is as prejudiced as the one conducted by the Sunday newspaper ( )10. "ensue" in the passage perhaps meansA. make sureB. followC. ask for helpD. bring a legal help( )11. By "cross-section" the author most probably refers to ______.A. people in different neighborhoodB. people of different social groupsC. the middle classD. people of different age groups( )12. In a fact-minded culture the public believe that statistical data are ___ in making judgements.A. importantB. misleadingC. unimportantD. unnecessary( )13. The last sentence in this passage can be paraphrased as_____.A. "Hitler is a great liar. "B, "Statistics are misleading."C. "A well-disguised statistic is misleading yet you: cannot find out why it is so. "D. "A well-disguised statistic is more misleading than .Hitler’s big lie. "PART THREE (Questions 14-28)• Read this reference about an employee.• Choose the best word to fill each gap.• For each Question (14~ 28) write one letter (A, B, C or D).I am Very happy to be invited to write this reference on behalf of Mr. John Smith. Mr. Smith has worked in my company for ten years and I have much example in recommending him highly for the 14 of Sales Manager in **pany. He is 15 qualified and he has a great deal of experience which should be very 16 £or the post for which he has applied. Generally 17 , I have long been impressed by Mr. Smith general attitude to his work. Whenever a problem 18 , he always seeks a positive solution. Furthermore, his 19 to find such a 'solution 20 is success as he simply refuses to recognize the 21 that there is no answer.Mr. Smith is also able to 22 what appears to be a disadvantage into a chance to benefit himself and **pany. For instance, if he receives a letter of 23 from a customer, he seems able to reply in such a way that not only 24 the customer buy increases his 25 in **pany. Three years ago, when we met some difficulties in 26 a new product,Mr. Smith took the 27 o use his creativity to produce a nice model. As a 28 , the new product soon became popular in the market.ExampleA. joyB. pleasureC. delightD. enjoymentAnswer A( )14. A. duty B. task C. work D. post( )15. A. very B. highly C. greatly D. remarkably ( )16. A. desirable B. fitting C. relevant D. convenient ( )17. A. talking B. speaking C, saying D. mentioning ( )18. A. arrives B. arises C. comes D. springs ( )19. A. determination B. resolution C. endurance D. will power ( )20. A. conducts B. brings C. results D. ensures ( )21. A. possibility B. chance C. certainty D. assurance ( )22. A. make , ; B. turn C. get D. bring( )23. A. accusation B. charge C. complaint D. injury( )24. A. fulfills B. satisfies C. contents D. settles( )25. A. hope B. credit C. face D. desire( )26. A. designing B. producing C. making D. manufacturing ( )27. A; chance B. opportunity C. possibility D. means( )28. A. consequence B. result C. effect D. factⅢWRITINGYou are going to spend holidays in Italy in July. Suddenly you received a letter from an important customer, Mr. Adam Jones who will arrive on 17th July and discuss the claim. You have to delay the trip till August.• Write a short letter of 80 words to Ms. Mary Lane, your secretary.• Explaining why you postpone your trip.• Mentioning the date when Mr. Adam Jones will arrive.• Asking her to arrange your meeting.• Asking her to rearrange your holiday issues such as flights and hotel• write on your answer sheet. ,。
商务英语精读 翻译答案

1.I regard that commercial as one of the worst I’ve ever seen.我认为那是我看过的最糟糕的电视广告之一2.In a commercial negotiation the negotiators must ensure the fundamental benefitof their company from being injured.在商务谈判中,谈判人员应确保公司的根本利益不受损害3.In order to meet the needs of the international market, the factory is aimingat a 50% increase in production this year.为了满足国际市场的需求,今年工厂要增产50%4.In Britain, advertising on television is subject to various rules and regulations.在英国,通过电视做广告受许多法规的制约5.These small businesses have benefited greatly from the fall in interest rates.小企业因利率下降而得到了很大的好处6.The cassette tape is broken. Can you splice the ends together?这盘录音带断了,你能把它接起来吗?7.Due to the massive absorption of foreign capital and advanced technology, thecountry has been transformed into a powerful industrial nation in only 20 years.由于大量吸收外资,引进先进技术,这个国家只用了20年就变成了一个工业强国8.After his painstaking management, the company ended up as one of the 500 bestin the world.经过苦心的经营,他的公司最后进入了世界五百强之列9.All the arrangements of the company were turned upside down by the suddendevaluation of U.S dollars.公司所有的安排都被美元的突然贬值打乱了10.The new international agreement opens up the possibility of much greaterco-operation against terrorism.新的国际协定使更大规模的反恐合作成为可11.From my point of view, the best way for the company to shake off the crisis isto upgrade its products.依我看,产品升级是公司摆脱危机的最好出路12 Parcels of this kind, more often than not, should be sent by EMS (Express Message Service).像这样的包裹通常应采用快递13 The issue in question is how to develop international market for the product.现在谈论的问题是如何为该产品开拓国际市场14 Have you given any more thought to setting up in business / going into business?你是否仔细考虑过开业做生意15 Don’t expect me to make the elevator work immediately. I’ve just had the job sprung on me.别指望我马上能把这电梯修好,我也是突然奉命来修理的16 I really don’t know why he is always fin ding fault with the way I do things.我不明白为什么他对我的工作方式总是百般挑剔17 If you consider yourself qualified for the job, please mail us two photos in attachment to your application form.如果你认为你能胜任这份工作,请随申请表格附上两张照片寄给我们18 I can’t attend the meeting in person, but I’ll s end my deputy to speak for me.我不能亲自出席会议,但我将派我的副手代我发言19 Acting on the accusation letter from the local people, the police immediately banned the illegal organization.在接到当地群众举报信后,警方立即取缔了该非法组织20 Germany saved face by getting a goal in the last minute to draw the match.德国队在比赛的最后一分钟攻入一球,将比分扳平,终于挽回了面子。
现代大学英语精读3 unit10 课文翻译以及课后答案

Pre-class Work1 ) Give the nouns of the following.(1) conquest (5) block/blockage (9) conversion(2) guffaw (6) restraint (10) inhabitation(3) satire (7) flattery (11) complexity(4) emulation (8) procurement (12) generosity2) Give the verbs of the following.(1) to inquire (4) to store (7) to acclaim(2) to squat (5) to perish (8) to elaborate(3) to sweat (6) to fortifyMore Work on the Text II V ocabulary1.7)From Chinese into English.(1)to scratch each other’S backs (9)to inhabit that island(2)to do business with that country (10)tO admire thei_r courage(3)Publish or perish.(11)to neglect one’S duty(4)to found a new religion (12)to escape the consequences(5)to convert RMB into foreign currency (13)to erase it from one’S memory(6)to seek the truth .(14)tO take command(7)to discard the old traditions (15)to block one’S way(8)to satirize human vanity(16)to ruin one’S reputation2)From English into Chinese.(1)年久失修的防御工事(8>当前的风云人物(2)(美国历史上的)擅自占用土地的人(9)英雄人物所搭的I艋时简陋房子,(10)一种带有历史使命感的神态(3)储物缸。
商务时文贯通BEC必考词-Unit 3【声音字幕同步PPT】

The European insurance market is an important
part in the process of integration. warehouse
If necessary, please warehouse the goods. The company owns 3450 square meters standard three-dimensional logistics warehouse.
letters of credit or negotiable instruments. unconditional
News freedom, as a political right, is relative and conditional instead of
being absolute or unconditional.
definite Any investment project must have very
definite and short payback periods. revocable
A revocable letter of credit is subject to
amendment or cancellation at any moment
It took us three days to accomplish this tough task. substitute
You would substitute when the manager is away.
facilitate You could facilitate the process
商务英语精读 (剑桥商务英语)Module 3.3

2. Listen again and Read the script from exercise 1 on page 30.
Take notes and write brief and clear messages.
CCCaaaaalllllll4321:5::::Hi, Vanessa. It’s Ralph
month’s seminars and computer course at r.hensher@henckel.de.
2. Maria Monblot wants to attend next month’s business breakfast meeting not this month’s. Confirm this with her on 07786 678 8890 3. Please call Jochen Anderson about the
a talk but I’m giving a workshop. Please get back to me about this as soon as
possible. I’ll be in my office between two and five o’clock.
Call 4: Hi, Vanessa. It’s Kirsten, just to let you know that Jochen Anderson is trying to get hold of you. He left a message on my home number to say he isn’t happy about the schedule for the 25th. I haven’t got the details with me so I can’t help really. I’m sorry, but can you call him back? He only needs the time changing and something about the title. I’m sure one of the other speakers won’t mind changing. You know what he’s like. See you tomorrow. Call 5: Hello. This is Bryan in security. I’m returning your call about having the building open on Sunday. I’m just calling to say that’s fine. I’ll be here at midday anyway so it’ll be OK for three o’clock. If there’s anything else, you can call me any time on my mobile. It’s 07786 678 8890.

新编商务英语精读3参考答案Unit 1Reading IReading IPre-readingExercises2.1) b 2) c 3) c 4) d 5) d3.1) scratch 2) simmer 3) whirl 4) embrace 5) fiery 6) jog7) shed 8) edge 9) messy 10) blaze 11) majesty 12) marvel 4. 1) as yet 2) Edging 3) to awaken 4) to have embraced 5) Marveled at6) felt like 7) poised 8) blazed 9) for an instant 10) is swimming with11) are encompassed 12) was right about5. 1) his head was swimming 2) there is nothing interesting about this movie.3) as yet 4) awakened me 5) was simmering to6.1. a. The police have launched a massive operation to catch the murderer.b. This story will catch the attention of every child.c. The catch is that you can't enter the competition unless you've spent $100 in the store.2. a. He got a scratch on his nose when he was teasing a cat.b. I scratched the side of my new car as I was driving through the gate.c. He now has a very successful business but he started from scratch.3. a. I noticed that the student was so nervous that he couldn‘t find proper wordsto answer my question.b. Nowadays you can always get a taxi at a moment‘s notice.c. It was Susan who brought the problem to our notice.d. I hope the heads of the company will take notice of my comments.4. a. We marveled at his tremendous achievements in the field of mathematics.b.I marveled that the city could have changed so much in a couple of years.c. The project, an engineering marvel, turned out to be a slow-motion natural disaster.d. I warmly congratulate him on the marvelous discovery in medical science.5. a. The suspects were observed to come into and go out of the bank between 10 and 10:03.b. Too many accidents are occurring at work because employers are not observing safety regulations.c. She observed that his presentation was interesting but it took up too much time.d. She made some interesting observations on the current world trend.Reading IIDictationPeople like flowers for their attractive shapes, wonderful colors, and delightful fragrance. People use flowers to express their deepest feeling. For more than 50,000 years people have placed flowers on the graves of loved ones as a sign of remembrance and respect. Flowers are also used at weddings to symbolize love, faithfulness, and long life. Certain flowers also have a religious meaning. Among Christians, for example, the white Easter lily stands for purity. Buddhists regard the lotus, which is a type of water lily, as a sacred flower.Comprehension1. F2. F3. T4. F5. NM6. T7. T8. T9. F 10. FVocabulary1. c2. a3. b4. d5. b6. d7. a8. d9. b 10. bSpecial use: Subject and Verb Agreement (3)I.1. oppose2. are3. is4. offers5. speaks6. Are7. are8. goes9. is 10. has11. are 12. is 13. am 14. has 15. are16. have 17. are 18. are 19. is 20. are21. is 22. makes 23. was 24. was 25. wasII.1. have → has2. are → is3. are → is4. /5. /6. are → is7. were → was8. /9. are → is 10. are → isTranslation1.She was so sad that her eyes were swimming with tears.2.I greatly marveled at the maturity and experience of this young CEO.3.With the decrease of orders, the luck of the manager was played out.4.He was going to thank me, but I told him to forget about it.5.After walking for ten miles on such a cold winter day, they felt like (having) a cup of hot tea.6.The company should keep a running tab of its general expenses.7.This grocery store hasn‘t made any profit as yet.8.He was right about the repairs that the small house needed.9.His promise counted for little.10.The impact of the new trade agreement will take time to play out.Cloze1. a2. d3. b4. c5. d6. c7. b8. d9. b 10. a11. d 12. d 13. b 14. a 15. cExtended ActivitiesA. Lexical knowledgeI. 1. self-confident 2. self-esteem 3. self-image 4. self-centered5. self-education6. self-important7. self-evident8. self-serviceII. 1. a job interview 8. transatlantic travel2. international trade 9. transplant the organ3. interpersonal relationships 10.transracial marriage4. interchange ideas (views, opinions) 11.transport goods5. intercultural contact 12.transcultural communication6. an intercity train 13.transnational corporation (company)7. commercial intercourse 14.a transoceanic telephoneIII. subconscious: concerning the thoughts, instincts, fears, etc. in the mind, of which one is not fully aware but which influence one‘s actionssubdivide: (cause sth. to) be divided again into smaller divisionssubmerge: go under the surface of a liquid, the sea, etc.substandard: below the usual or required standardsubtitle: secondary title of a book, etc.subway: underground railway in a citysupermarket: large, self-service store selling food, household goods, etc.supernatural: sth. that cannot be explained by natural or physical lawssuperpower: any of the most powerful nations in the world, esp. the USA or former USSRsuperstar: very famous and widely admired entertainersuperstructure: structure built on top of sth. else, e. g. the part of a building above the groundsuperimpose: put sth. on top of sth. else, esp. so that what is underneath can still be seen, heard, etc.B. Function and Structure1)Jessica : I‘m really upset about2)Monica : It‘s annoyingBetty : I won‘t put up with him3) Sophia : I find … most offensiveMary : really unhappy about4)Jack : I find it rather boring5) Daddy : I can‘t say how delighted I am6) Teddy : I‘m bored can‘t standTeddy : Terrific7) Mr. Green : It gives me great pleasure to8) George : I don‘t take great interest in footballC. Practical ReadingI. (1) Baker (2) same (3) all (4) except(5) different (6) highest (7) lowest (8) 700(9) October (10) December (11) lowest (12) third(13) claim (14) 10,300 (15) 6,900 (16) half(17) same (18) ago (19) 2,280 (20) thatII. 1. d 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. bD. Additional V ocabularyI. 1—i 2—d 3—n 4—p 5—j 6—b 7—k8—m 9—g 10—a 11—c 12—o 13—l 14—e 15—h 16—fII. 1. white 2. red 3. pink 4. brown 5. yellow6. black7. green8. blue9. grey 10. greenUnit 2Reading IPre-reading:Exercise2. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.1. a2. c3. b4. d5. b3. Give the English words according to the meaning provided.1. barrier2.instinct3.fatigue4.capacity5. endurance6.unfit7.contact 8. build 9. favor 10.distract 11.stimulus12.bruise1.Put the following expressions from the text in the blanks1. has an edge2. exertions3. buoyancy4. instinct5. has taken on6. attain7. keep your eye on8. have a lot to do with9. to catch up with 10. even, out 11. was, suited to 12. tolerance 13. in order 14. vital 15. on the part of2.Rewrite the following sentences and replace the italicized words with the phrases in the text.1. pick Bob‘s father out of the crowd2.evened out his payments3.draw the line4.in top form5.has a lot to put up with6.resulted from6. Word study1. a. He has formed a computer firm large enough to compete with any other oneof the same business at home and abroad.b. Banks in our country are not allowed to compete over interest rate.b c. The two world-famous companies have been in constant direct competition inc the world market.d e. They are really direct competitors in any significant markets.2. a. The movie is fine but the background music destroys the whole effect.b. All the media exercise a profound effect on the popular mind.c. It will be a while before the government's new economic policy takes effect.d. Many parents lack confidence in their ability to effect change in their children's behaviour.3. a. The people of the UK hold that tax cuts which favor the rich should be put toan end.e b. It is wrong for a teacher to favor one student over the other.f c. The majority of the MPs are in favor of reforming tax laws.g e. Indications are favorable for an upsurge in information trade in China today.4. a. A plan has been put forward for improving the rate of production.a.If you go on at that rate, you‘ll ruin your health.b.I rate that movie one of the best I‘ve ever seen.c.The ancient house was rated as worth at least 6 million dollars.5. a. We want to even the workload out a little, so that no one has more than they can handle.b. Make sure the floor is even before you lay the carpet.c. The two rivals were even in intelligence and competence.d. Most companies have suffered a drop in their profits, even very large companies. Post-reading (key for reference)Reading IIDictationA recent study of American public schools showed there is a cultural bias in education that favors boys over girls. The bias is unintentional and unconscious, but it is there nevertheless, and it is influencing the lives of millions of schoolchildren every year. From nursery school to postgraduate courses, teachers were shown to call on males in class far more than on female students. This behavior has a great impact on the learning process, for in general, those students who become active classroom participants develop more positive attitudes and go on to higher achievement.Comprehension1.F2. F3. F4. F5. T6. NM7. T8. F9. T 10. FVocabulary1. a2. b3. a4. d5. c6. a7. c8. b9. d 10. cSpecial useI. 1. c 2. d 3. b 4. c 5. a6. b7. c8. d9. b 10. a11. b 12. c 13. d 14. b 15. aII.1.He could speak three languages by the age of six, but at that time he was not even able to count to thirty.2.First-year students needn't choose optional courses, because all the courses have already been set for them.3.The general manager said that he would telephone me after lunch.4.She shall get her money as soon as she finishes the work.5. The floor should often be washed, but you don't have to wash it daily.Translation1.No matter how badly the company performed, its staff should face the challenges from the market in top form.2.These measures tend to improve working conditions.3.Her friends try to divert her thoughts from her sad loss.4.The successful marketing of our new product results from the wisdom and courage on the part of our CEO.5.In market economy, the government needs to gradually even out the distance between the poor and the rich by means of taxation.6.Unable to put up with his headache any longer, he had to see a doctor.7.It is not easy to draw the line between carefulness and anxiety.8.The achievements in learning have a lot to do with students‘ learning methods.9.Since I‘ll do the job on my own/independently, it makes no difference to me whether he is experienced or not.10.While doing a market research, we need to use some data as points of reference. Cloze1. c2. c3. d4. a5. b6. c7. d8. b9. b 10. c11. a 12. d 13. b 14. c 15. bExtended activitiesA. Lexical KnowledgeI. 1. semicommercial products 8. a multichannel television set2. a semidetached house 9. a multicultural society3. a semiofficial report 10.multilateral trade4. a semiprofessional tennis player 11.a multimedia effect5. a semiskilled labourer 12.multipurpose furniture6. a semipublic meeting 13.a multinational organization7. a semiformal dinner party 14.a multivolume history of ChinaII. 1. uniform 5. unicorn2. uniparental 6. unicycle3. unisex 7. unidirectional4. uniflow 8. unipolarIII. 1. biannual 2. bicentenary3. bilateral4. bilingual5. bimonthlyIV. 1. triangle: geometric figure with three straight sides and three angles2. trilogy: group of three related works, esp. three novels or operas3. triple: having three parts or involving three people, groups, etc.4. tripod: support with three legs for a camera, telescope, etc.5. trisect: divide (a line, an angle, etc.) into three equal partsB. Function and Structure1. Make the following into statements of comparison or generalization1) The Times between Chinese food and Japanese food is that Chinesefood is richer.3) Jean has an advantage over Joan in that she can speak three languages.4) A public school comes off better than a state school because it has moremoney and a better teaching staff.5) Travelling by car is not so good to your health as travelling by bike becauseyou can get more exercise riding a bike.6) There is no comparison between fresh fruit and tinned fruit because fresh fruitis far more delicious.7) There is a tendency for people to come to work by car.8) Children tend/ seem/ appear to like chocolate and ice-cream.9) In the vast majority of cases, historic buildings have been preserved by thelocal government.10) Very intelligent children are inclined to get/ be bored at school.11) Most people tend/ seem to choose holidays which differ from their daily routine.12) Generally (speaking), women are more careful than men.C. Practical readingI. 1. d 2. a 3. d 4. b 5. cII. 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b 5. bD. Additional vocabulary1. hair 头发13. elbow 肘2. brow 眉毛14. waist 腰3. temple 太阳穴15. navel 肚脐4. cheek 颊16. buttocks 臀部5. chin 颏,下巴17. wrist 腕6. neck 颈18. thigh 股,大腿7. shoulder 肩19. leg 腿8. back 背20. knee 膝9. arm 臂21. calf 小腿肚10. armpit 腋窝22. shin 胫,小腿11. chest 胸部23. ankle 踝12. stomach 腹部24. heel 脚后跟F. Humor TimeAnswer: bUnit 3Reading IPre-reading:1. Brainstorming: (key for reference)auctioneer bid bidding blockbidder tender auction blocktenderer bid up auctioneer hammer tenderee bid/ tender for a Dutch auctionagent bid in auction hall/ center participant auction off base priceExercise2. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.1. b2. c3. c4. d5. A3.Give the English words according to the meaning provided.1. slap2.host3. desperate4. lot5. propel6. anniversary7.facilities8.exotic9. focal 10.inspection 11. bidding4. Put the proper forms of the following words or expressions from the text in the blanks1. in, need of2. dates back to3. for one thing4. rely on5. in the course of6. is, limited, to7. popped up8. perish9. from afar 10. equivalent 11. ended up 12. was rushed to5. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the italicized words with the phrases in the text.1. for one thing, for another2. relies heavily on3. am in need of4. pop up5. 23 minutes or so6. In the course of6. Word study1. a. The valuable vase will go to the person who bid the highest price for it.b. We offered 200 pounds at the auction for that painting, but another man bid againstus.c. Our firm is bidding for the contract for the construction of the new expressway.d. A number of companies have submitted bids to buy the supermarket chain.2. a. Both companies have signaled their willingness to establish a long-term partnership.b. The policeman signaled that the traffic should move forward slowly.c. The opinion poll is a clear signal to the President that the voters do not support hisforeign policy.3.a. We decided to implement the committee‘s suggestions in full.b. If one party fails to implement the contract, he is obliged to compensate for the otherparty‘s losses in accordance with the agreement.c. The implementation of the new freeway regulations is the necessity of theimprovement of road transportation.4.a. Has the telephone been connected (=joined to the main supply) in your new place yet?b. The government is planning a new railway connecting Tibet with Beijing.c. I'd probably know Paul by sight, but I just can't connect the face and the name.d. The company has connection with a number of Japanese firms.5.a. Completing the project on time and under budget generated a feeling of pride and accomplishment among the team.b. France generates a large part of its electricity from nuclear power.c. The great force of falling water can be used for the generation of electricity.d. Friction is common when three generations live together.Post-readingGroupwork: Discussion & Role-playReading IIDictationAuction is a sale at which people bid for articles being sold. An auctioneer conducts the sale and receives the bids. In conducting the sale, the auctioneer usually acts as an agent for the seller, although he or she may also have an interest in the goods offered. The auctioneer divides the property to be sold into "lots". Either through a spoken announcement or printed catalog, the auctioneer describes the lots and outlines the legal and financial conditions for the auction. In the English system of auction, the auctioneer begins at a low price and participants keep raising their bids until the highest bid has been reached.ComprehensionTrue / False / Not Mentioned1. T2. F3. F4. T5. F6. NM7. T8. T9. T 10. FVocabulary1. d2. a3. b4. d5. c6. a7. b8. c9. d 10. a 11.b 12. dSpecial UseI. Notes:Modal verbs can be used to indicate possibility or certainty. They can be arrangedaccording to the degrees of certainty or uncertainty that the speaker feels in the following scale.Uncertainty mightmaycouldcanought towouldwillcertainty mustMight can be considered as the most uncertain, must as the most certain. The negative form of must is can’t.1. b2. d3. c4. a5. c6. b7. d 8. c 9. b 10. c 11. a 12. dII.1.Have you noticed the traffic jam? There must be an accident on the highway.2.You are her good friend, so you ought to know her address.3.She will stay in the laboratory for days and nights until the experiment is finished.4.Sometimes it can be very cold in winter in Shanghai.5.According to the opinion polls, we will win quite easily.Translation1.With the rapid development of the information technology, many a dot com companypops up in China.2.After a fierce competition in bidding, the auction ended up at a record high price.3.They have to rely on the river for drinking water.4.This Multinational Corporation purposefully pushed up the price of the commodity.5.The sales manager should be acquainted with the major buyers of the company assoon as possible.6.It is on the advice of the consultants that the company directed the product to meetthe needs of the middle class.7.When the currency is greatly depreciated, it will be in urgent need of the interventionof the central bank.8.When the financial crisis came off, the central bank of Thailand tried its best tostabilize the market price of its currency.9.The grand temple dates back to the tenth century.10.We came to the isolated island in the hope of finding a simpler way of life.Cloze1. b2. c3. d4. d5. a6. c7. b8. c9. b 10. a11. d 12. b 13. c 14. a 15. cExtended activitiesA. Lexical knowledgeI.a. microphoneb. macrophysicsc. microscopicd. microcosme. macroclimatef. macroeconomicsg. microbiologisth. macrobiotici. macroworld j. microwave1. microbiologists2. Macroeconomics3. microphone4. microwave5. microcosm6. macroworld7. microscopic8.macrobioticII.1. monopoly2. Synchronous3. extracurricular4. monolingual5. Extraneous6. monotony7. synonyms8. monologues9. synthetic 10.extraordinaryB. Function and StructureComplete the following dialogues.1) Mary: What do you think of that picture?Jason: I‘m not really sure what to say about the picture. I can never understand modern art.Mary: There‘s no doubt that it is horrid. I think a child of 5 years old can do better than that.Jason: Maybe you are right. The painter might well dump layers of paint onto the canvas.2) Sue: Well, what‘s wrong with the TV?Emily: I can‘t say for certain. I just can‘t get a clear picture.Sue: Do you think it is possible there‘s somethi ng wrong with the antenna?Emily: Probably. The exterior antenna must have been moved by yesterday‘s snowstorm.3) Jessica: Fred, are you going to the party tonight?Fred: Definitely! To tell you the truth, I‘m one of the organizers of the party. What about you?Jessica: Perhaps.Fred: Only perhaps?Jessica: Yeah, I am in two minds about it.Fred: Why? You are quite a party lover, I know.Jessica: I think there is a possibility Prof. Smith will give us a quiz on Chapter V tomorrow.Fred: Relax. It is impossible that we will have a quiz tomorrow. Prof. Smith will attend our party too.4) Christine: Who‘s the woman talking with our dean? She looks rather familiar.Fanny: She‘s Miss Mason, a new foreign teacher in the Department of Foreign Languages.Christine: Are you sure who she is?Fanny: Yes, I‘m absolutely sure who she is. I attended her lecture this morning. She is terrific.5) Bob: I‘m told that Christians believe in life after death. Do you believe it?Billy: Yes, I‘m quite convinced about it. The Bible says so and the church says so too.Bob: Is there any doubt in your mind about this being true? No one can prove there is life after death yet. I‘m rather doubtful about it.Billy: No one can prove there is no life after death, either.6) Jack: In your prediction, who will be elected monitor?Jim: There‘s no question that Joseph will win.Jack: Positively? There is still some doubt in my mind about who will be elected monitor.Jim: I have no doubt about it. Joseph is bound to win the election. He is generous and always ready to help others. Almost everyone in the class likes him very much. Jack: But he doesn‘t study very hard. He often hands in his homework behind schedule and is always late for classes. I think the likelihood of his being elected is slim.Jim: Nonsense! Who do you think will be elected except Joseph?Jack: Maybe Carol.Jim: Carol? That bashful little girl? Not a chance!Jack: I think there is a good chance she will win. She is the top student in the class and every teacher likes her.Jim: I bet there is no chance that Carol will be elected. She is only a bookworm. She doesn‘t even know how to organize a class meeting.7) Police officer: Are you absolutely sure that it was around 11:00 when the accident occurred?Eyewitness A: Yes, absolutely sure!Eyewitness B: There‘s no question about it. We left work at 10:50 and haddriven for only about 10 minutes when we saw the accident.Police officer: Did you see what kind of car hit the old lady?Eyewitness A: Certainly. It was a yellow taxi.Eyewitness B: I can't say for certain it was a taxi or not because of the dim streetlight. What I‘m sure is it was going very fast, er, without headlights.Police officer: The car didn‘t stop or slow down after it hit the woman? Eyewitness A: Definitely not! In fact, it sped up and flew away.Police officer: Did you happen to get a look at the driver?Eyewitness A: As far as I can recall, the driver was a young white man with long hair.Eyewitness B: He also had a beard.Police officer: Sure?Eyewitness A: Sure! I‘m quite positive about it. The car came towards us and we happened to see his face clearly.Police officer: Could you tell me anything about his body frame?Eyewitness A: It‘s hard to tell. He wore a big loose T-shirt. He appeared thin. I‘m not really sure about it.Eyewitness B: No, he was rather heavy.Police officer: Did you by any chance notice the license plate number of the car? Eyewitness A & B: It‘s dark and the car rushed by fast, so it is impossible that wecan see the plate number.C. Practical readingI. (1)1979; (2)35,000; (3)more; (4)5,000; (5)25,000;(6)increased; (7)1985; (8)increase; (9)low; (10)Gladiator;(11)Sprite; (12)1981; (13)30,000; (14)25,000; (15)1982;(16)1989; (17)1984; (18)1987; (19)ceased; (20)two II. 1. a 2. b 3. c 4. b 5. dD. Additional vocabulary1. tender d. 投标2. tenderer, bidder g. 投标人,招标人3. sealed bid, closed bidding j. 非公开招标,内部招标4. competitive bidding o. 竞争招标5. international bid a. 国际招标6. advertised bidding t. 公开招标7. win a tender f. 中标,承包中选s. 招标,征求承包8. invite tenders/bids for, call fortenders, announce tenders for9. participate in a tender n. 参加招标10. alternative bid c. 选择性报价11. sham bid, straw bid i. 虚伪的报价,虚报12. competitive bid p. 竞争力强的报价13. noncompetitive bid e. 无竞争力的报价14. highest bid, best bid m. 最高报价15. lowest bid b. 最低报价16. first bid h. 首次报价17. last bid q. 最后报价18. highest tender l. 买方最高报价19. lowest tender r. 买方最低报价20. make a bid k. 出价,讨价还价Unit 4Reading IPre-reading:1. Brainstorming: (key for reference)cash salary dollar/spendbuck/greenbackchange dividend franc earnforeign currency capital lira savecoin interest peso make banknote fund pound lend check subsidy mark borrow exchange rate allowance yen owe savings account pocket money rupee paycredit card tip shrilling pay back checking account commission cent withdraw interest ( rate) bonus dime deposit bank draft premium penny exchange paper currency wages sterling loan2. The meaning of the proverbs:Money isn‘t everything.In many cases, there are more important considerations than howmuch money somebody has or can earn.Money is a good lever..Money helps one a great deal.Money talks.Money or wealth can influence events to the advantage of its owner.Money is the root of all evil.The desire to have riches is the cause of all crimes and evilsituations.Time is money.To waste time is as expensive as to waste money.Money doesn‘t grow on trees.You can‘t earn money without effort.Money is a good servant but a bad master.Money makes the mare go.You can do anything if only you have the money.Where there‘s muck there‘s money.You can earn good money if you don‘t mind dirt ying your hands.A fool and his money are soon parted.While a wise man spends his money prudently, a foolish manspends his without thought and is soon penniless, so he is ‗parted‘from his money.Exercise2. Choose the right answer to complete the following sentences.1. b2. d3. b4. a5. c 3.Give the English word according to the meaning provided.1. stuff2. mall3.switch4.fixture5. slot6. automatic7. account8.relish9. punch 10.imbed11. teller 12. insert 13.spit 14. microchip1.Put the proper forms of the following words or expressions from the text in the blanks1. to communicate with2. will ring up3. punching in4. will be, transferred into5. springs from6. is hooked up to7. outlets 8. to dole out 9. rolling in10.relished 11. spitting, out 12. kept track of13. be embedded in 14. on occasions 15. get access to5.Rewrite the following sentences and replace the italicized words with the phrases in the text.1.spring from2. communicating3. keep track of4.hooked up to5. punch, spit out6.Word study1.a.Owing to /Because of the economic depression, Mary‘s meager salary could notcover the family needs.b.The eruption of the volcano covered local areas in a fine layer of ash.c.Many well-off families cover themselves against fire and theft.d.Radio stations and newspapers gave the event an extensive coverage during the fewhours after it took place.2. a. Though her coat is made of silk and other expensive stuffs, it is not of good taste.b.Before setting out to work, the man checked if he had got all the stuff necessaryfor the job.c.He gathered up the bills and stuffed them carelessly into his huge pocket, then wentout of the room.d.The rooms in the castle are stuffed with antiques and priceless treasures.3. a. The references and diagrams were attached to the document.b. Regular babysitters can become deeply attached to the children they take care of.c. This key secondary school provides quality education because it is attached to afamous university.d. The old Frenchman has lived in the US for over 50 years, yet his ardentattachment to his native country is still profound.4. a. As the sunbathers on the beach saw the mountainous waves suddenlyapproaching, a great panic seized them.b. A bomb exploded on the subway, causing panic among rush-hour commuters.c. Millions of shareholders panicked at the horrible fluctuation of the stock market.5. a. Without experience in teaching, they only imitated their teacher‘s way ofconducting lessons.b.He has a unique ability to imitate any sound he has heard.c.Children before this stage of development may use words in an imitative way.d.The recently-built house was constructed in imitation of a Roman villa.Post-reading (for reference)2. Students can be advised to focus on the issues such as convenience, ease of use, security concerns, online payment solutions, etc. For example,。

Words & Expressions
sophisticated adj. a sophisticated machine, system, method etc is very cleverly designed and very advanced and often works in a complicated way (机器、系统、方法等)精密的;高级的,尖端的;复杂的 It includes a sophisticated plug-in solution that turns it into a true development platform. 它包含成熟的插件解决ybees use one of the most sophisticated communication systems of any insect. 蜜蜂所使用的交流系统是昆虫中最复杂的之一。
Words & Expressions
surpass vt. to be better or greater than someone or something 超过;胜过 The unemployment rate will probably surpass 10 percent this year and remain above 9 percent well into next year. 失业率将有可能在今年超过10%,并在明年保持在9%以上。 There the people-made pollutants increasingly surpass the ability of air and water to dilute the contaminants to safe levels. 在那里,人为的污染物质日益超越了空气和水将污染物分解稀释到安全水平的能力。
商务英语精读(第3册)Unit 4 What Is Marketing

. . .
C. Detailed Explanation
Para 3 What’s the general idea of Para 3? . . .
C Detailed Explanation
Language Points Business Knowledge Knowledge Extension
D Main Points & Difficulties E Homework
A. The Learning Objectives
To learn about the communicative skills of presenting a product; To illustrate the definition, role and operation of marketing; To master the usage of key special terms, words and phrases in this chapter; To grasp the main idea and the structure of the text; To conduct a series of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating activities concerned with the theme of the chapter.
. .
C. Detailed Explanation
Section 1: Business Communications
James Wilson is a businessman specializing in textiles in Atlanta. He comes to trade with ABC Foreign Trade Co. Ltd.. Mr. Huang Sijie, an export salesman of ABC Co. Ltd. is authorized to show him around the sample room.
商务英语精读 (剑桥商务英语)Module 3.1

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of business organizations
Advantage Disadvantage
Sole trader Partnership Franchise
3.1 Starting a business
Type of business
❖ solo trader ❖ 独立法人,独立经销店
❖ means that you own the business, and any profits from the business belongs to you.
2. entrepreneurial [.ɔntrəprə'njuriəl] adj. 企业家的, 企业性质的 entrepreneurial spirit 企业家精神,进取精神 3. franchise ['fræntʃaɪz] n. 连锁店,特许经销权,特许经营 franchisor [fræntʃaɪ‘zɔː(r)] n.授予特许者; 授权 人,授权商 franchisee [ˌfræntʃaɪ'ziː] n. (公司的分店,零售店或联号商店的)特许经营者,加盟 者
Language focus in Reading 2
4. voila [vi'əʊlə ] int. ❖ (法)那就是,瞧(表示事情成功或满意之感叹词) ❖ Mix the ingredient, chill, and voila a light, tasty
dessert. ▪ 把材料拌在一起,冰凉,瞧!那就是一道清淡可口的甜点。

Warming up Questions/Activities
1. Please make a list of the names of people and places in the essay and put them into historical context.
2. Was Lee’s decision to surrender easy? Why or why not? 3. What was Lincoln’s vision for the end of the Civil War? 4. How do you interpret Lee’s and Grant’s different ways of
2. In what ways was the ending of the American Civil War unique?
3. According to the author, what made this special ending possible?
4. In what ways was such an ending significant to the US?
3. The North and the South quarreled in the Congress over whether the newly-acquired states in the west should be admitted into the union as free states or slave states.
The End of the Civil War Unit 10
大学英语精读3第二版Unit10Book3 ppt

The great upheaval
• It is an era that redefined history. As the 1790s began, a fragile America teetered on the brink of oblivion, Russia towered as a vast imperial power, and France plunged into revolution. But in contrast to the way conventional histories tell it, none of these remarkable events occurred in isolation.
April 1865
was chosen by the New York Public Library for its prestigious “Books to Remember 2001,” • awarded to the year’s most “exceptional fiction and nonfiction titles.” • It was also the recipient of the first Walt Whitman Civil War Roundtable Award in 2002.
The End of the Civil War
The author
The civil war Literature
The author
Jay winik
• Jay Winik is the author of the New York Times bestseller April 1865. • He is a senior scholar of history and public policy at the University of Maryland(马里兰大学 ) and a regular contributor to The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times. • He lives in Chevy Chase.
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one that is closest in meaning to the1. Living on an isolated farm, they do not see anybody for weeks on end.D. endlesslyD. announcedD. become excitedD. refusedI’ll not stand inwhy you didn’t try for a universityD. I feel pity8. Jack came to the party with a young woman, whom I assumed to be his girl friend.D. grantedD. frightenedD. went away from meD. particular about“Yes” or “No”.A. to continueB. to startC. to hold upD. to stir up14. Our time is running out and I think we ought to say something about the ending of the novel.A. We have enough timeB. We have almost used up our timeC. We haven’t enough timeD. Our time is limited15. These courses, if properly conducted, will stimulate the minds of the students.A. refreshB. renewC. exciteD. encourageⅡ. Complete each of the following sentences with a word or phrase chosen from the list below. Change the form if necessary: 10’prescribed, communicative, stand in the way of, catch his breath,complain, turn…against, risk, variety, present, once in a while1. For my own part, everything is O.K. I have nothing to ________ of.2. It was very clever of her to _______ his argument ________ himself.3. The tired traveler stopped to _________ and make sure of his directions.4. Yunnan Province, in southwest China, has a ________ of ethnic minority groups(少数民族).5. Most of the evenings we watch TV at home, but _________ we go to a concert.6. For a time she looked sad and talked little, but recently has become cheerful and ________.7. “Your ________ at the meeting will be a great support to our cause,” says the cable.8. Mr. Price ________ defeat in running against Mr. Johnson in the last election.9. Nothing can _________ the Chinese people in their resolve to modernize their country.10. After a careful examination, the doctor ________ a new medicine and a three-day rest for her.Ⅲ. Reading comprehension: 20’(A)Baths and bathing have long been considered of medical importance to man. In Greece there are the ruins (遗迹) of a bathtub (浴缸) and water system built over 3,000 years ago. The Romans had warm public baths. In some as many as 3,000 persons could bathe at the same time.Treating disease by bathing has been popular for centuries. Modern medical bathing or hydrotherapy (水治疗法) , first became popular in Europe and by the late 1700’s also became popular in the United States.For many years frequent bathing was believed to be bad for one’s health. Ordinary bathing just to be clean was avoided and perfume was often used to cover up body smells!By the 1770’s doctors began to say that soap and water were good for health. They believed that it was good for people to be cleaned. Slowly people began to bathe more frequently. During the Victorian Age of the late 19th century, taking a bath on Saturday nightbecame common.In the United States ordinary bathing was slow to become popular. During the 18th and early 19th centuries, many Americans were known as “The Great Unwashed!”in one American city, for example, a person could only take a bath every thirty days! That was a law!Frequency of bathing today is partly a matter of habit. People know that bathing for cleanness is important to health. Doctors know that dirty bodies increase the chance of diseases. Consequently (因此), in the United States, people generally bathe often. Some people bathe once a day at least. They consider a daily bath essential to good health.1. A water system for baths was built by ________ over 3,000 years ago.A. the RomansB. the GreeksC. the AmericansD. the Europeans2. Dirty bodies can ________.A. ruin one’s businessB. cause diseaseC. drive customers awayD. cause good health3. In the 18th century doctors believed that being clean was _________.A. unimportantB. good for healthC. harmfulD. important4. The underlined word “perfume” probably means ________.A. a sweet smelling substanceB. good healthC. a strange smelling substanceD. large health5. Which of the following gives the main idea of the passage?A. Everybody in America takes a daily bath.B. A bath a day keeps the doctor away.C. Taking baths has become popular in the world.D. Bathing has become easier and cheaper.(B)If you are like most people, your intelligence varies from season to season. You are probably a lot sharper in the spring than you are at any other time of year. A noted scientist, Ellsworth Huntington (1876-1947), concluded from other men’s work and his own among peoples in different climates that climate and temperature have a definite effect on our mental abilities.He found that cool weather is much more favorable for creative thinking than is summer heat. This does not mean that all people are less intelligent in summer than they are during the rest of the year. It does mean, however, that the mental abilities of large numbers of people tend to be lowest in summer.Spring appears to be the best period of the year for thinking. One reason may be that in the spring man’s mental abilities are affected by the same factors that bring about great changes in all nature.Fall is the next-best season, then winter. As for summer, it seems to be a good time to take a long vacation from thinking. 6. According to the passage, man’s intelligence ________.A. stays the same throughout the yearB. varies from day to dayC. changes with the seasonsD. changes from year to year7. Ellsworth Hunting decided that climate and temperature have ________.A. a great effect on everyone’s intelligenceB. some effect on most people’s intelligenceC. some effect on a few people’s intelligenceD. no effect on most peopl e’s intelligence8. Ellsworth Huntington’s conclusion was based on ________.A. variations of his own mental abilities from season to seasonB. the results of research done by him and other scientists among peoples in different climatesC. detailed records of temperature changes in different placesD. detailed records of different ways of thinking among peoples in different climates9. Why does the author say summer is a good time to take a long vacation from thinking?A. Because a long vacation in summer helps to improve people’s mental power.B. Because people tend to be less creative during summer.C. Because summer is a good time for outdoor activities.D. Because mental exertion in the summer heat taxes too much of people’s energy.10. The central idea of this passage is _______.A. man’s mental abilities change from season to seasonB. man’s intelligence varies from place to placeC. man should take a long vacation in summerD. if you want to do creative thinking, go to a cool placeⅣ. Cloze: 15’Some years ago two American boys dreamed of flying as birds do. Today 1______ their hard work, you can fly much faster and farther than any bird —in a machine 2_______ heavier than air. This machine is called an aeroplane.Wilbur and Orville Wright had 3 _______ wanted to fly. 4_______ children they loved the old story about a Greek boy, Icarus, who flew with wings that were held to his arms by wax (蜡). But, so the story 5_______, he flew so high that the wax melted (融化) in the heat of the sun. his wings fell off and he 6 ________ into the sea. “What we need to fly are wings with machines,”said Wilbur. And so the young Wright brothers began to 7_______ about how they could build an aeroplane. They owned a bicycle shop. 8 ________ the money they made from selling and mending bicycles was 9 _______ in trying to build aeroplanes.In 1896 a German named Otto Lilienthal was 10 ________ while gliding (滑翔) in the air. He 11_______ hand-made wings tied to his body. The wind lifted him off the 12 _______ all right. Then it 13 _______ stronger and suddenly caught his light wings, turning them over, and he felt to his death.When the Wright brothers heard of this, they made a glider (滑翔机), too. But instead of using their own bodies to 14 ________ it straight, they thought of a way to make the wings move from side to side when they turned. Next they added a small engine. In 1903 Orville flew their first aeroplane at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. He stayed up in the air 15 ________ almost a minute!1. A. through B. for C. because D. because of2. A. much B. very C. rather D. quite3. A. almost B. always C. usually D. nearly4. A. When B. While C. As D. Be5. A. goes B. comes C. tells D. says6. A. dived B. dropped C. landed D. came7. A. consider B. plan C. dream D. think8. A. All B. Whole C. Every D. Entire9. A. cost B. spent C. wasted D. paid10. A. died B. dead C. wounded D. killed11. A. made B. ordered C. had D. let12. A. floor B. ground C. earth D. land13. A. was B. blew C. became D. started14. A. get B. make C. have D. keep15. A. in B. within C. for D. duringⅣ. Translate the following sentences from English into Chinese: 10’1. If anyone had given me a million dollars, it couldn’t have made me more proud.2. At the end of the semester, we sold the house, repaid our loan, paid our taxes, and distributed the profits among the group.3. Once a shopping-bag lady becomes a figure of your neighbourhood, it is as hard to pass her by without giving her some money as it is to ignore the collection box in church.4. Some of the covey lit in trees, but most of them scattered into brush piles and it was necessary to jump on the ice-coated mounds of bush serveral times before they would flush.5. As it was a fine day and I was in no hurry, I was taking my time, looking in shop windows, strolling in the park, and sometimes just stopping and looking around me.Ⅴ. Translate the following sentences from Chinese into English: 10’1. 我宁可到外面去散步也不愿在这房间呆上两个小时什么事也不做。