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Section 1:tea culture中国茶文化

Tea serving performances 茶艺表演

Welcome ceremony 迎客上座

W orshiping the God of tea 敬茶神

Tea ceremony 茶道

Morning tea 早茶

Afternoon tea 午茶

Evening tea 晚茶

Tea table 茶几

Tea break 喝茶休息

Tea and pastries茶点

Tea aroma茶香

Tea tasting品茶

Infusion of tea 泡茶

Tea serving 上茶

Straining tea 绿茶

Sipping tea 呷茶

First infusion of tea 头道茶

Tea set 茶具

Tea tray 茶盘

Tea saucer茶碟

Ceramic tea pot 紫砂壶

Tea container 茶缸

Tea caddy 茶叶罐

Coaster 茶叶垫

Tea strainer 滤茶器

Tea spoon 茶匙

Section 2:Chinese traditional festival中国传统节日

Folkway 社会习俗

Firecracker 鞭炮

Red couplets 红对联

Latern displays 灯盏

Dumplings made of sweat rice 汤圆

Eight treasure made of sweat rice 八宝饭

Sweeping the grave 扫墓

Lunar January 正月

A portable light 灯笼

Lion dance 舞狮

Riddle written on latterns 灯谜

Give new year’s greatings and visits 拜年

Offer sacrifice to ancestors 祭祖

Bid farewell to the old year 辞旧岁

Family reunion dinner 团圆饭

Dinner on New Year’s Eve 午夜饭

W orship the moon god 祭月神

Bless 祝福

Demon 恶魔

Lunar calendar农历

Section 3 :Chinese ways of preserving health强身健体

Barehanded boxing 徒手长拳

The wielding of weapons 器械

Kicking 踢

Hitting 打

Throwing 摔

Controlling 拿

Punching 击

Thrusting 刺

Fisting 拳打

Twisting 扭身

Horse stance 马步

Bow stance 弓步

Self defence 自我防卫

External and internal work 内功和外功

Self adjustment自我调整

Self treatment自我治疗

Palm pushing 推掌

Requiredt toutine 规定的套路

Sword play 剑术

Spear play 枪术

Reliving rigidity of muscle and joints活动筋骨Promoting the channel 舒经活络

Regulating the flow of qi and blood 疏通气血

Section 4:Chinese legacies 中国文化遗产Longmen grottoes 河南洛阳龙门石窟

Imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties 明清皇陵The Mogao carves 敦煌莫高窟

Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor 秦始皇陵

Terracotta Warriors and Horses 兵马俑

Beijing Forbidden City 北京紫禁城

The temple of heaven in beijing 北京天坛

Zhoukoudian site of peking man 周口店北京人遗址

Dujiang weirs and qingchengshan mountain in sichuan province 四川都江堰和青城山

Jiuzhaigou senic spot in sichuan province 四川九寨沟风景名胜区

Wulingyuan tourist site in hunan 湖南武陵源风景名胜区Chengde summer resort and temples 承德避暑山庄

Potala palace 西藏布达拉宫
