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1. 他坐在窗口看书。

2. 天坛首建于1420年,是中国传统建筑的一个典范。First built in 1420, the Temple of Heaven is a masterpiece in the history of traditional Chinese architectures.

3. 要加快经济增长,成为国际化大都市,上海必须关注全球发展动态。Shanghai must focus on the global development to accelerate its economy and become an international metropolis.

4. 贸易自由化和便利化是我们缩小差距,实现共同繁荣的另一个关键。

Trade liberalization / freedom and facilitation is another key to narrow the gap and ahieve common prosperity.

5. 泛舟河上,你能感受到水乡的风俗民情。Boating on the river, you can experience the custom of the waterside town.

6. 每年一度由政府主办的艺术嘉年华为当地艺术家展示其独创性提供了一个广阔的平台。

The Art Carnival annually sponsored by the government has provided an extensive platform. for the local artists to show their novelty / originality.

7. 上海出台了一项为外地人才办理户口的新政策,宗旨是加快经济建设和社会发展的速度。

Shanghai has issued a new policy on the registered permanent residence for non-shanghai talent aimed at the acceleration of economic and social development.

8. 著名物理学家杨振宁教授曾说:“高科技战场是中国超越发达国家的主战场,也是最后的战场。

“High-tech battlefield is a major and last one where China can surpass the developed countries,” said by the celebrated physicist professor YZN.

9. 承蒙各方大力支持,华东出口商品交易会一届比一届成功,引起越来越多中外客商的瞩目。

Thanks to people from all walks of life, the East China Export Commodity Trade Fair is more than

a success one after another, attracting the increasing attention of guests from home and abroad.

10. 离上海仅有几个小时路程的苏州和杭州,是中国园林艺术的代表,被世人称为“人间天堂”。

SZ & HZ, representing the Chinese gardening architectures, only several hours away from SH by vehicles, are named as “Paradise on Earth”.


1. 游行队伍唱着歌,喊着口号,浩浩荡荡穿过广场。

Singing and Shouting the slogan, the parade stride across the square like a flood.

2. 到2005年,我国老年人口将达到四亿,约占世界老年人口的五分之一。

The aging population in our country will reach 400,000,000 by 2005, accounting for 1/5 that of

the world.

3. 世界各国人民应携手合作,继续推进人类和平与发展的崇高事业。People throughout the world should continue to promote the lofy course of peaceful development for mankind by joint efforts.

4. 作为亚太地区最重要的经济合作论坛,APEC应发挥领导作用,帮助各成员抓住机遇,迎接挑战。

Being the most significant economic cooperative forum of the Asian-Pacific Region, APEC should take the leading part in helping all the members embrace both the opportunities and challenges. 5. 美国两家国际性通信公司合并,对处于霸主地位的AT&T公司构成威胁。

The merger of the two international communication companies in US has threatened the dominant AT&T Corp.

6. 网络和无线通讯的结合进一步改变我们的生活,形成所谓的“无线信息社会”。The integration of the Internet and Wireless communication has further improved our life, forming

a so called “wireless information society”.

7. 由于国内外经济快速增长以及鼓励出口等一系列政策的推动,对外贸易持续高速增长。Thanks to the domestic and international rapid economic growth and the promotion of a series of policies such as enlarging the export, foreign trade has a sustained remarkable growth.

8. 美丽如画的西双版纳位于平坦的澜沧江河谷地带,四周是亚热带的深山密林。Surrounded by the mountains covered with a lot of trees from the sub-tropical region, the picturesque Xishua Banna is located in the flat valley to the Lantsang River.

9. 世界各种文明和社会制度,应取长补短,共同发展。

Various civilization and social systems of the world should draw upon the strengths of each other and make up for the weakness for a common development.

10. 实施科教兴贸,并运用市场多元化战略,努力扩大外贸进出口。

We should rejuvenatie the trade by science, technology and education as well as the strategy of diversifying market, enlarging the import and export of the foreign trade by great efforts.
