The Essential 55(By Ron Clark)《热血教师》

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The Essential 55(By Ron Clark)




Ron Clark has been a teacher since 1995. Originally from

North Carolina, he has taught in some of the most difficult

schools in the country, most recently in Harlem, New York.

Since winning the 2001 Disney Teacher of the Year Award,

Clark has spoken to teachers, PTAs, and school boards across

the country. He lives in Atlanta.

An Award-Winning Educator's Rules for Discovering the

Successful Student

The runaway bestseller that's a must-have for every parent and


Rule 1: Responding to adults

When responding to any adult, you must answer by saying “Yes ma’am” or “No sir.” Just nodding your head or saying any other form of yes or no is not acceptable.

Rule 2: Making eye contact

Make eye contact. When someone is speaking, keep your eyes on him or her at all times. If someone makes a comment, turn and face that person.

Rule 3: Congratulating a classmate

If someone in the class wins a game or does something well, we will congratulate that person. Claps should be of at least three seconds in length.

Rule 4: Respect other students’ comments, opinions, and ideas

During discussions, respect other student’s comments, opini ons, and ideas. When possible, make statements like, “I agree with John, . . .” or “I disagree with Sara. She made a good point, but…”

Rule 5: If you win, do not brag; if you lose, do not show anger.

Instead, say something like, “I really enjoyed the competition,” or “Good game,” or don’t say anything at all.

Rule 6: If you are asked a question in conversation, ask a question in return.

It is only polite to show others that you are just as interested in them as they are in you.

Rule 7: Cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough and say excuse me.

Rule 8: Do not show disrespect with gestures.

Do not smack your lips, tsk, roll your eyes, or show disrespect with gestures.

Rule 9: Always say thank you when given something.

There is no excuse for not showing appreciation.

Rule 10: When you receive something, do not insult the gift or the giver.

never insult that person by making negative comments about the gift.

Rule 11: Surprise others by performing random acts of kindness.

Go out of your way to do something surprisingly kind and generous for someone at times. Rule 12: When grading other students’ papers, give only the correct grade.

Rule 13: When we read together in class, you must follow along. If I call on you to read, you must know exactly where we are and begin reading immediately.

Rule 14: Answer all written and oral questions with a complete answer.
