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1.In modern times, people have to learn to _______ all kinds of pressure although they are leading a comfortable life.

A. look up to

B. live with

C. lock up

D. live up to


【解析】look up to尊重,尊敬;live with忍受;lock up关禁闭;live up to不辜负,履行。句意:在现代社会,人们虽然过着舒适的生活,却不得不学会承受各种压力。

2.Billy Crystal hosted the Academy Awards again this year, and his performances always _______ the expectations of most audience.

A. look up to

B. be linked to

C. keep up with

D. live up to


【解析】look up to尊敬;be linked to涉及;keep up with跟上;live up to不辜负。句意:Billy Crystal今年再次主持奥斯卡颁奖典礼,他的表演总是不负众望。

3.Mangkhut, the strongest typhoon so far, made landfall on the coastal city early on Monday, _______ electricity supplies.

A. knocking over

B. knocking down

C. knocking out

D. knocking on


【解析】knocking over撞倒;knocking down撞倒;knocking out破坏;knocking on敲击。句意:截至目前为止,最强的台风山竹周一早在沿海城市登陆,导致电力被破坏。

4.The boss didn’t accept the reason for her being absent for the meeting that she didn’t know there was a meeting and _______ 100 yuan from her salary this month.

A. kept up

B. kept back

C. kept out

D. kept off


【解析】keep back“扣留”,符合语境。句意:老板不接受她不知道要开会而缺席会议的理由,所以从她的工资里扣了100元。

5.He remains _______ despite the high price put on his head by the authorities.

A. at a loss

B. at large

C. at intervals

D. at length


【解析】at large“逍遥法外,(囚犯)在逃”,符合语境。句意:尽管当局悬赏重金缉拿他,他仍旧逍遥法外。

6.Don’t _______ a person simply because the question he or she has asked seems like something obvious.

A. look out

B. look up

C. look down upon

D. look forward to


【解析】look out当心;look up仰望,查阅;look down upon瞧不起,蔑视;look forward to期望。句意:不要仅仅因为一个人问的问题看起来很明显就瞧不起他/她。

7.Just _______ the pa st 100 years and you’ll discover that a mistake can sometimes be a good thing.

A. look up to

B. look forward to

C. look back on

D. look down upon


【解析】look up to尊敬;look forward to期盼;look back on回忆,回顾;look down upon看不起。句意:回顾过去的100年,你就会发现有时犯错是一件好事。

8.Paul _______ Rose at first sight at his friend’s party, But after his offer of love was turned down for several times, he _______.

A. lost heart to, lost heart

B. lost his heart, lost his heart

C. lost his heart to, lost heart

D. lost heart to, lost his heart


【解析】lose one’s heart to为固定短语,表示“爱上某人,倾心”,lose heart为固定短语,表示“灰心”。句意:当Paul第一次在朋友聚会上见到萝丝时就爱上她了,但在数次表白无果之后,他失去了信心。

9.When reading _______ the lines, readers can connect the literature to their own experience.

A. with

B. for

C. beyond

D. on


【解析】reading beyond the lines“言外之意”,符合语境。句意:当读者读出言外之意时,他们可以将文学与他们自己的经历联系起来。

10.—Do you think Jack will lend us a hand?

—He is the _______ one to help others. He might lend his hand, though.

A. latter

B. first

C. last

D. least



11.Every time you enter the subway station, you must have the contents of your bag checked to make sure you aren’t carrying any _______ illegal things.

A. legal

B. lame

C. illegal

D. later




12.Only those people who use a kitchen frequently understand the best way to _______.

A. let it out

B. pick it out

C. left it out

D. lay it out


【解析】let it out 泄露;pick it out挑选;left it out遗漏,删除;lay it out布置, 安排。句意:只有那些经常做饭的人才知道布置厨房的最佳方法。

13.—It’s said that your boss will give you a fat raise soon.
