
1. 申请人applicant2. 实盘firm offer3. 装运日期Time of shipment/delivery(date of shipment/delivery)4. 航空货运单air waybill5. 即期汇票sight draft6. 合法持有人bona fide holder7. 通知银行advising bank8. 检验报告survey report9. 到岸价CIF/cost, insurance and freight10. 信用证修改书amendment to letter of credit11. 中国对外贸易运输公司China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation12. 代收银行,汇付行collecting bank13. 订舱book shipping space14. 运费率Freight rate15.钩损险Hook Damage Risk16.包装不良Improper packing17. 支付条款Payment terms/terms of payment18. 汇票draft19. 装运港port of loading20. 品质检验证书Inspection Certificate of Quality21. 资信状况credit standing22 信用证letter of credit23. 销售确认书sales confirmation24. 电汇telegraphic transfer25. 仲裁Arbitration26. 付款交单document(s) against payment27. 水渍险With particular average/WPA28. 提单bill of lading29. 离岸价FOB/free on board30. 贸易条款terms and conditions31. 装箱单packing list32. 原产地证明certificate of origin33. 开证行Issuing/opening bank34. 装运单据shipping documents35. 综合险All Risks36. 有关信用证the relevant letter of credit37. 销售合同Sales Contract38. 保险单Insurance Policy39. 租船契约Charter Party40. 索赔Lodge a claim (againt)…/claim41.商业发票Commercial Invoice42. 中国商检局China Commodity Inspection Bureau43. 装船通知shipping advice/notice44.目的港port of destination1.实盘firm offer2.还盘counter-offer3.船期/交货期time/date of shipment/delivery4.装运通知shipping advice/notice5.离岸价Free on Board/FOB6.到岸价Cost, Insurance and Freight/CIF7.在工厂交货ex-work8.提单Bill of Lading9.起订量minimum quantity10.销售确认书Sales Confirmation11.支付条款payment terms/terms of payment12.资金情况financial standing/finances13.原产地证明certificate of origin14. 折扣率discount rate15.转船transhipment16.信誉情况credit standing17. 佣金commission18.目的港port of destination19. 清洁已装船海运提单clean on board ocean Bill of Lading 19.受益人beneficiary21.开证行opening bank22.通知行advising bank23.索赔lodge a claim against/claim/claim against24. 运费付至Carriage paid to/CPT25. 唛头shipping marks26.破损险Breakage Risks/Risks of Breakage27.中国保险条款CIC/China Insurance Clauses28. 综合险/一切险All Risks29. 信用证Letter of Credit30.跟单信用证documentary letter of credit31.付款交单documents against payment32.保兑信用证confirmed letter of credit33.战争险War Risks34.商业发票Commercial Invoice35.租船契约Charter-party1.Without recourse 无追索权2.China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation 中国对外贸易运输公司3.Packing list 装箱单4.Beneficiary受益人5.Shipping documents装运单据6.Freight prepaid 运费已付7.Freight to/to be collect运费到付8.(made out) to order空白抬头9.Blank endorsed/blank endorsement空白背书10.Accountee/applicant申请人11.Bona fide holder 合法持有人12.The Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits统一跟单信用证惯例13.ICC/International Chamber of Commerce国际商会14.Stand-by letter of credit备用信用证15.Performance bond履约保证金16.Issuing/opening bank开证银行17.Advising bank通知银行18.Negotiating bank议付银行19.Collecting bank代收银行,汇付行20.Remitting bank托收银行21.Partial shipments分批装运22.Amendment to the L/C信用证修改书23.Consignment note 托运单24.Air Way Bill空运提单/航空货运单25.Bill of Lading提单26.Charter Party租船契约27.Shipping Instructions装船指示/装运须知28.T ariff compact关税协定29.Shipping Advice 装船通知mercial Invoice商业发票31.Insurance Policy/Certificate保险单/凭证32.to take out/cover/effect insurance 投保33.保险险别P. 175Theft, pilferage & non-delivery risks偷窃、提货不着险All risksFree from Particular Average/FPA平安险With Particular Average/WPA水渍险,基本险Shortage Risk /Risk of Shortage短量险Clash & Breakage Risks碰撞、破损险Hook Damage Risk钩损险War Risk34.Special rate of insurance特惠保率35.Lodge a claim (againt)…/claim索赔36.Settle a claim理赔37.Entertain a claim受理索赔38.Improper packing包装不良39.Sole Agency Agreement 独家代理协议书40.Letter of Intent 意向书THANKS !!!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考。

Unit 21. 我公司现在有各种地毯及其他纺织材料的铺地制品可供出口。
Our company has various kinds of carpets and other textile floor coverings available for export.2. 我们接受客户来样,来图及按客户规格和包装要求供货的订单。
We accept orders against customers’samples ,specified designs, specifications and packaging requirements.3. 请你方速报最新型号产品的CIF马尼拉最低价格。
Please immediately quote us your lowest price of your newest type products, CIF Manila.4. 我们借此机会告诉你方我们希望把业务扩展到非洲市场。
We avail ourselves of this opportunity to inform you that we wish to expand our business into African market.5. 我们希望早日收到你方的具体询价。
We hope to receive your specific enquiry at an early date.6. 一俟收到你方的具体询价,我们马上寄送样品并报最优惠的价格。
Samples and quotations at favorable prices will be sent to you upon receipt of your specific enquiry.7. 随函寄上我公司新产品的价目单和商品小册子各一份。
Enclosed please find our price-list and brochure for our new products.8. 我们接受以客户的商标或品牌供货的订单。

外贸函电句子翻译(中→英)1.兹介绍,本公司是一家人造珠宝(imitation jewelry)的出口公司,在这一行已有多年经验。
2.你们上周写给总部(the headquarter)的信已转交给我们公司,因该产品属我们经营。
3.我们可供出口的轻工产品(light industrial products)种类繁多。
6.我们是一家信誉良好的私人公司(private company),非常希望与你们建立贸易关系。
15.寄来的茶杯样品上,都装饰有卡通人物(cartoon figures)。
19.为避免耽误时间,请将信直接寄给我们在新泽西(New Jersey)的分公司。
21. 如能在规定的时间内履行订单,不胜感激。
22. 请随时告诉我们你处花生市场的变化情况。
23. 我们向你方保证,所有关于该公司资信情况的资料都将严格保密,并且你们不承担任何责任。
24. 这家咖啡零售商举出贵方名字作为资信征询人。
25. 有位东南亚的客户(customer)正与我们联系购买冰箱(refrigerator)一事。
26. 兹收到你方29日来信,要我们调查该公司背景。

一、英译中1.specialize in 专营,专门从事2.upon receipt of 一俟收到....即刻....3.be in the market for 需要4.acquaint sb with with 使某人熟悉某物5.the commercial counselor's office 商务参赞处6.Under separate cover 另封邮寄7.On the basis of equality and mutual benefit 在平等互利的基础上8.art and craft goods 手工艺品9.supply from stock 现货供应10.We enjoy an excellent reputation in this field and we supply best quality products.我们在这一领域享有很高的信誉,并能提供优质产品。
11.As you are in the line of cotton price goods,we are writing to enquire whether you are willing to enter into business relations with us.由于贵方经营棉纺织类产品,我方特写信询问贵方是否愿与我方建立业务关系。
12.In reply to your letter dated March 28.We enclose our latest illustrated catalogue for your reference.兹复你方3月28日信函,我们附上最新的带有插图的目录单,供你方参考。
13.We have been importers of cotton piece goods for many years. Now we are interested in extending our range and would appreciate your quotations.我们从事棉纺织类产品进口多年,现有意扩大我们的业务范围,如能收到贵方报价将不甚感谢。

外贸函电句子翻译中→英1.兹介绍;本公司是一家人造珠宝imitation jewelry的出口公司;在这一行已有多年经验..2.你们上周写给总部the headquarter的信已转交给我们公司;因该产品属我们经营..3.我们可供出口的轻工产品light industrial products种类繁多..4.很高兴收到你方内附插图目录的来信..5.我们盼望收到你们对于我们产品的具体要求..6.我们是一家信誉良好的私人公司private company;非常希望与你们建立贸易关系..7.经理简单地给我介绍了一下Johnson公司的情况;他们有可能成为我们的客户..8.为了让你们对表格中的产品有个大体了解;特随附小册子及最新的价格单各一份..9.当出口值超过进口值;被称为贸易顺差..10.我们的产品质量quality上乘;价格优惠..11.贵公司已由中国国际贸易促进委员会推荐给我们..12.供过于求时;价格就会走低..13.经当地商会推荐;特致函贵方;希望建立贸易关系..14.从你方寄来的最新目录中;我们注意到你们能大量供应玉米..15.寄来的茶杯样品上;都装饰有卡通人物cartoon figures..16.目前可供出口的商品在目录中都有插图说明..17.一俟收到你方答复;即航寄样品及小册子..18.请注意目录中第A-228和A-315两种货;目前供应短缺..19.为避免耽误时间;请将信直接寄给我们在新泽西New Jersey的分公司..20.我们等待着你们的样品..21. 如能在规定的时间内履行订单;不胜感激..22. 请随时告诉我们你处花生市场的变化情况..23. 我们向你方保证;所有关于该公司资信情况的资料都将严格保密;并且你们不承担任何责任..24. 这家咖啡零售商举出贵方名字作为资信征询人..25. 有位东南亚的客户customer正与我们联系购买冰箱refrigerator一事..26. 兹收到你方29日来信;要我们调查该公司背景..27. 兹通知你方;该公司主营农产品进出口;资信情况良好..28. 客户来信询问订单执行情况..29. 如能将我们的产品推荐给这家北美的进口商;非常感激..30. 该公司资信情况不明;建议与其交易时采取谨慎态度..31.我方已接到你方8月1日对我方奥林巴斯数码照相机Olympus digital cameras的询价单..32. 你方所需的1000台冰箱目前都有现货可供..33. 我们备货充足;现寄上所需各花色型样..34. 感谢贵方10月1日对我方Philips吸尘器vacuum cleaner的询盘;现附寄一套在产产品的插图目录本..35. 如果能报优质绿茶的成本加运费保险费到墨尔本最低价;我们将不胜感激..36. 我们向你方保证我公司的良好信誉..37. 你方询购的5000台传真机fax machine目前无货..38. 请向我方报1000箱口红lipsticks成本加运费青岛最优惠价..39. 我们期待在今年的中国出口商品交易会上再次见到你方代表..40. 请放心;我们回正常提供丝绸睡衣silk pajamas..41.按照你方8月10日来信要求;我们向你方报盘400台IBM笔记本电脑laptop computers; notebook computers.42. 现报500台空调;每台250美元;成本加运费旧金山价;5月装运.43. 请报我方2000台29英寸高清晰度彩色电视机最低价;FOB青岛含佣2%;8月装运.44. 如全自动洗衣机现在有货;请按CFR大阪Osaka基础上报价.45. 我们有这两种洗发精现货;数量分别是;1000瓶和2000瓶.46. 如果你方同意我方对山地自行车mountain bike的报价;请即告知.47. 我们现向你方报盘;以本月20日以前复到为条件.48. 你们的丝绸服装工艺精湛;设计新颖;请给我方最好盘.49. 按照要求;现另邮寄给你方茶具一套.50我们希望在平等互利的基础上与你方建立业务关系.51. 兹确认你方6月18日电子邮件收悉..52. 兹复你方3月18日询;我们现向你方报盘;以4月1日复到为条件..53. 兹确认已售你方2000个电动剃须刀..54. 我们打算向你方订购2000打弹性尼龙袜stretch nylon socks;详情见附表..55. 你方3月10日函悉;从信中我们获悉你方希望得到我方罐头食品的报盘..56. 现告知;我方所报价格合理;欧洲许多客户均已接受该价格..57. 请放心;我们肯定会在一个月内完成你方向我方订购标题货物的交货..58. 此报盘有效期仅三天;请尽快作出决定..59. 由于接近夏天;空调需求量上升;我们抱歉不能满足你方如此大的需求..60. 我们现寄上价格表和详细的促销说明书;供你方参考..61. 我方从互联网上得知贵公司是中国地区各种轿车的主要进口商..62. 目前我们正在中国地区寻找医药保健品的新供货商..63. 我们从事抽纱行业已有20年;有许多固定的客户..64. 你方所需的家用电器属于我们的经营范围..65. 我想借此机会通知你方;我们能供应你方所要的电脑软盘..66. 有关这款轿车的详细信息请与我们当地的经销商联系..67. 我们与你方联系是为了推介我们最新设计的地毯..68. 按照要求;现另封航寄最新纯棉床单的样品本..69. 同时;我方高兴向你报盘喷墨打印机ink-jet printer最有竞争力价格如下..70. 兹函复;报不锈刚餐具stainless steel dinnerware如下..71. 这批两万吨水泥的船货是相当令人满意的..72. 由于价格合理;质地优良;我们的棉布销售很快..73. 我们的客户对你方产品的质量很感兴趣;但对价格不满意..74. 由于该货已停止生产;目前我们暂时不能供应现货;一个月之后再与你方联系..75. 如对我方报价感兴趣;请告知..76. 我们对你方的自行车很感兴趣;愿知每辆价格是多少..77. 我们向你方保证;我方肯定会在这里为你方的太阳镜找到很好的销路..78. 按照要求;我方已通过快递寄出目前可供出口的产品的最新样品和商品目录..79. 由于我方不能现货供应红色尼龙套;能否用绿色尼龙套代替..80.这是一种很理想的羊毛替代品替代羊毛的产品..81. 按照你方要求;我们已修改了样品的颜色..82. 一旦有新货;我们一定与你联系..83. 由于原材料短缺;生产已停止..一旦恢复生产即与你方联系..84. 请告知目前你们可供的数量是多少85. 这一货号已售完;所以暂时无法报价..86. 作为这一行业多年的经销商;我们肯定能为你们获得最优惠的价位..87. 我方期望的是你方能报丝绸女衬衫的最低价..88. 现寄去我们全部瓷器的综合目录一份;估计你们会对价格、质量和图案样式均感满意..89.如果你方可以供应我们所要的货;请报我方最低价实盘..90.现告知;由于行市有变;5月4日的报价更改为每公吨2800美元..91. 虽然你们的质量令人满意;但价格偏高..92. 因为竞争激烈;你方只有降价5%才有可能成交..93. 价格不是唯一的要素;你还必须考虑质量..94. 这是我们最低价;我们不能再降了..95. 市场疲软;这一点我想你们肯定很清楚..96. 如果您坚持原来的价格;做成这笔交易的可能性很小..97. 其他供应商的报价都比你们低10%左右..在这种情况下;你们只有降价才能赢得这笔生意..98. 你方报价每公吨3000英镑;但这与现行市价不一致..99. 因为原材料成本上涨;我们已经将价格提高了2%..100. 日本供货商以比你方低3%的价格出售同一产品;我们很难推销你方产品..101. 一级大豆存货正在减少..102. 如果你公司能将8月5日报价降低2%;我们将乐意接受..103. 我们给你报了最低价;按此价我们已经与其他客户作了许多交易.. 104. 兹报实盘;以自本日起10日内你方复到为准..105. 考虑到我们之间长期友好的关系;我们接受你们的还盘..106. 由于市场正在下跌;希望你们重新考虑我方报盘;并尽快来电接受.. 107. 请提醒你们客户注意;由于行市上涨;我们的价格已作调整..108. 谢谢你方所排长的减价;不过我们认为它仍然高于我们可接受的价格..109. 有消息说;几批法国货已在此地售出;价格低得多..110.经过友好协商;双方最终按照60欧元每打的价格成交..111. 坦白地讲;如果你公司能提高订购的数量到1万;我公司便能提供每人人民币50元的价格..112. 我们将十分乐于以日元Japanese yen为基础向你方报盘..113. 该电子邮件目的是探求与你方发展贸易的可能性..114. 如果你方能提高出价2%;我们则准备与你方签订合同..115. 考虑到市场疲软;我们必须尽力使价格保持在60美元以下;否则我们无法销售..116. 自10月份以来;市场对电热器的需求呈上升趋势..117. 你方的要求是难以接受的;因为考虑到商品质量;这是我们的最低价..118. 请寄给我们有关你方自来水笔的资料;以便我们更好地推销你们的产品..119. CD随身听Discman商品竞争非常激烈;我方还盘是以现行市场价格为基础的..120.考虑到下跌的市场;我方无法再在价格上让步..121. 为了弥合双方的差距;我们已经修改了部分条款..122. 仅HN41型有货;HN56型无货..123. 我们认为你方至少要购买10吨才能享受到价格优惠..124. 我们可以在其他条件上作些让步;但我们必须坚持我们提出的价格..125. 我们必须维持每公吨人民币5000元的原价;因为这已经是我们的最低价..126. 因为你是我们的老客户;我们接受你们的还盘:500台空调;每台450美元;黄浦船上交货价..127. 如果你同意上述条件;我们就成交并准备销售合同..128. 我们认为;如果打九五折;我方客户会同意立即订购..129. 我们听说你方推销化妆品很有经验;非常荣幸能与你们作交易;但你们提出的广告费用太高;我们负担不起..130.我们双方坚持自己的价格都是不是不明智的..我们能否折中一下;以便达成协议131. 我们可以保证5月1日以前装运..132. 如果你方能修改地毯的报价;我们将能向你方大量订购..133. 我们希望货物分两批等量装运;每批3万台..134. 很遗憾我们无法将装运期提前到8月初..135. 现通知;9月份没有开往你方港口的直达轮;需要在香港转船.. 136. 你方最早什么时候可以装运137. 目前看我们最早能在3月份交货..不过我向你保证;如有可能;我们将尽最大努力提前交货..138. 为了满足你方迫切需求;我们希望允许分批装运..139. 货物的一切运输费用应该由你方负担..140. 对所有产品我们都规定了必须满足的最低质量要求..141. 我们没有把握说服用户接受这种新设计..142. 我们期望你方纺织品的质量会令我方买主满意..143. 11月是这种产品在我们市场上的销售季节..144. 提高价格会使得客户从别处购货..145. 如你能考虑客户需求改进鞋子的款式将不胜感激..146. 关于价格我方愿意调低两美元以向市场看齐..147. 你方必须保证你方产品满足客户各方面的需求..148. 订单源源不断;工人正在加班以赶上交货期限..149. 希望目的港的改动得到你方的许可..150. 很抱歉我们不能满足你方要求;问题是下月的舱位已没有了..151. 因瓷器易碎;因此我们务请你方注意包装..152. 请注意我方123号订单项下的一千套茶具应装在垫有泡沫塑料的纸盒中..153. 因货物须经长途海洋运输;因此我们要求适合海运的包装..154. 我们指明货物应装在木箱中并包装得足够坚固;以经得起码头上的粗鲁搬运..155. 我们要求内包装小巧而精美以有助于销售;外包装轻便而坚固以易于搬运..156. 青岛啤酒300毫升1瓶;10瓶装一纸盒;2盒装一纸箱..157. 我们的咖啡用具要每套装一纸盒中;纸盒应设计精美;足以吸引最挑剔selective的买主..158. 绿茶100克装一听;50听装一纸箱;2纸箱一板条箱..159. 我们希望货物抵达时状况完好并令你方完全满意..160.因水晶花瓶是贵重物品;请严格按照我方指令包装以免运输途中受损..161. 我们已收到你方关于10000打纯棉床单的包装要求;现正照此办理.. 162. 女鞋每双装一纸盒;12盒装一纸箱;大中小号平均搭配..163. 男式T恤每件装一塑料袋;一打装一纸盒;每打小号2件;中号6件;大号2件;特大号2件..164. 蓝带Blue Ribbon啤酒10瓶装一纸箱;10箱装一托盘..165. 非常可乐一打装一纸盒;10盒装一纸箱;外用两根打包带捆扎.. 166. 我们希望你们的最终用户会对我们的包装安排感到满意..167. 请放心我们的纸板箱以达到中国出口标准..168. 真丝绣花女裙每条装一塑料袋;10条装一纸盒;10盒装一内衬防潮纸的纸箱..169. 我们要求纸板箱内衬防水纸;外用铁箍加固..170. 木箱坚固;适合海运;装运时箱子须钉牢并通体用金属带加固.. 171. 兹回复你方6月1日来信;我们通常用坚固的适合海运的纸箱来包装衬衣..172. 纸箱的尺寸是60cm长;38cm宽;10cm高;体积是0.018立方米.. 173. 每箱毛重18公斤;净重17公斤;皮重1公斤..174. 请在外包装上标明毛重、净重、皮重和原产地..175. 请在长方形内标明我公司名称缩写;长方形下注明数量和目的港..176. 我方指定的运输标志和警告标志诸如“此端向上”、“小心轻放”等应刷在大外箱master carton上..177. 关于包装和装船唛头;我们将严格按照你方指令办理..178. 我们将尽力满足你方的任何特殊要求..179. 因货物是易碎品;请在外包装上刷上“小心轻放”等警告性标志.. 180. 我们要求采用中性包装;外包装仅刷上装船唛头和一些警告性标志..181. 我们的付款方式一般是不可撤销的凭即期汇票支付的信用证.. 182. 客户来函询问我们是否接受承兑交单付款方式..183. 请注意我方信用证凭装运单据支付..184. 我们不知你方可否考虑接受我们提出的延期付款的支付方式.. 185. 对于这批购货;我们建议以欧元付款..186. 我们相信你们在见票时即照付..187. 如你方同意按即期信用证付款;我们即能达成交易..188. 销售这些电器你方不会承担风险;你们会在你地为这些产品找到好销路..189. 关于第101合同;我们同意采用D/P的付款方式..190.我方已通过渣打银行the Chartered Bank向你方开出这笔金额的即期汇票;并指示该行在你方承兑汇票时交出单据..191. 我们希望重申一下;我们破例接受D/P方式付款仅仅是表明我们与你方发展今后业务的良好愿望.192. 在平等互利、互通有无的基础上进行贸易在任何情况下都保持不变..193. 请注意;宽松的付款条件不但有助于本次交易的顺利进行;而且将会带给双方长久满意..194. 我们相信你方会在本周内及时支付汇票..195. 我们完全可以同意D/P付款方式;但目前国际金融市场financial market很不稳定;故我们认为还是采用信用证方式比较稳妥..196. 感谢你们对我方的再次信任;我们将敦促厂家加快生产;以赶上旺销季节..197. 我们必须写信告诉你们;我们特别感谢在过去的一年里你们的支持..我们能立足市场靠的就是你们这样的顾客..198. 因业务额小;买方坚持托收付款方式..199. 我们理解你们的需求..为弥补损失我们决定给你们4%的特别折扣;以示照顾accommodation..200.我们的品牌众所周知;价格具有竞争性;我们认为你们不会有销售困难..201. 我们同意接受分三批装运的货物;并且你方可以向我们出具在每批货物发出之日后60天的远期汇票..202. 由于双方共同努力和密切合作;我们之间的业务进展顺利..203. 被认为有经济实力的顾客可能会得到更多优惠的条件..204. 对像你这样的老客户;我们的付款条件是远期付款交单..205. 为了扩大公司的业务;我们不得不修改原来的计划了..206. 感谢你方全力推销我方产品;你们的尝试会有所收获..207. 恐怕你不能指望我们给你们的商品促销提供资金..208. 我们不允许无限期拖欠款项;期望这几天内收到你方上述金额的支票..209. 前期的preliminary市场调查将有助于业务的成功..210. 我们一贯以信用证方式做业务;希望你方理解我们的处境..211. 该盘从10月20日起已失效;我们不承担责任..212. 一旦装运完毕并办妥手续;我们立即汇付你方佣金..213. 关于你方6月25日订单;因为在获取所需原料方面出现困难;因此不得不拒绝此订单..214. 虽然我们渴望满足你方的需要;但很遗憾不能答应你方所提的支付条件..215. 希望这批船样有助于你方获得大量订货..216. 我们都退让一步吧;货价的50%用信用证;其余的用付款交单;你看怎样217. 如果你放不能充分地满足我方用户的要求;他们将从别处购买.. 218. 感谢你方的努力和合作;希望这笔交易标志着我们之间合作的开始..219. 我们已收到你方15000欧元的支票;用以支付你方5月25日函购的地毯..220. 考虑到我们之间长期令人愉快的业务关系;我们同意远期30天的信用证支付..相信这将满足你方的愿望..参考答案1. We are introducing ourselves as an exporter of imitation jewelry with years of experiences in this line.2. Your letter addressed to our head office last week has been given to us because the article you mentioned falls within our business scope.3. We have various kinds of light industrial products available for export.4. We have are glad to receive your letter enclosing an illustrated catalogue.5. We look forward to receiving your specific requirements for our products.6. We are a well established private company and desire to establish trade relations with you.7. The manager gave me a brief introduction to Messrs Johnson; which is a prospective customer.8. In order to give you a general idea of the items in the sheet; we are enclosing a brochure and a latest price list.9. We consider it as a favorable balance of trade when exports exceed imports.10. Our products are good in quality and favorable in price.11. Your company has been recommended to us by CCPIT.12. Prices tend to be low when supply exceeds demand.13. On the recommendation of local Chamber of Commerce; we are writing to you in the hope of establishing trade relations with you.14. From your latest catalogue; we note that you are able to supply corm in large quantities.15. All the sample cups sent to us are decorated with cartoon figures.16. The goods available for export at present are all illustrated in the catalogue.17. We will airmail you the samples and brochures upon receipt of your reply.18. Please note that items No.A-228 and No.A-315 in the catalogue are in short supply at present.19. Please forward your letter to our branch office in New Jersey direct to avoid any delay.20. We await your samples.21. It would be appreciated if you could execute our order within the stipulated time.22. Please keep us informed of the development in your peanuts market.23. We assure you that all the information about the financial and business standing of the company will be kept in strict confidence and without any responsibility on your part.24. The coffee retailer has given your name as a reference.25. A customer in Southeast Asia in approaching us for the purchase of refrigerators.26. We have received your letter of 29th asking us to inquire into the background of the company.27. Please be informed that the company in question; mainly dealing in import and export of agricultural products; has a good credit standing.28. The customers are writing letters inquiring about the execution of the order.29. We will appreciate it if you can recommend our products to the importer from North America.30. We are not sure about the financial standing of this company and therefore recommend a cautious approach when dealing with them.31. We have received your enquiry of August 1 for our Olympus Digital Cameras.32. The1; 000 sets of refrigerators you require can all be supplied from stock.33. We have a large stock and are pleased to send you samples of various patterns and colors you require.34. Tank you for your enquiry of October 1 for Philips Vacuum Cleaners and we now enclose a full range of illustrated cataloguesfor goods that are in production.35. We will appreciate it very much if you can quote us the lowest price for high quality green tea CIF Melbourne.36. We can assure you of our good credit standing.37. Fax machines; of which you have enquired for 5;000 sets; are out of stock at present.38. Please quote us the most favorable price for 1;000 cases of lipsticks CFR Qingdao.39. We look forward to meeting your representatives at this year’s China Export Commodities Fair.40. Please be assured that we supply silk pajamas regularly.41. As requested in your letter of August 10; we are making you an offer for 400 sets of IBM Notebook Computers.42. We are offering you 500 sets of air-conditioners at USD 250 per set CFR San Francisco for May shipment.43. Please quote us the best price for 2;000 high-definition color TV sets of 29 inches FOB Qingdao including 2% commission for August shipment.44. If you have automatic washing machines in stock; please quote us a price on CFR Osaka basis.45. The respective quantities of these two shampoos that we have in stock are 1;000 and 2;000 bottles.46. If you agree to our quotation for mountain bicycles; please let us know without any delay.47. We are making you an offer subject to your reply reaching us before 20th of this month.48. As your silk garments are of exquisite workmanship and moved designs; please let us have your best offer.49. As requested; we are sending you under separate cover a tea set.50. We wish to establish business relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.51. We acknowledge receipt of your E-mail of June 18.52. In reply to your enquiry of March 18;we making you an offer subject ot your reply reaching here before April 1.53. We confirm having sold to you 2;000 electric shavers.54. We are prepared to place an order with you for 2;000 dozen stretch nylon socks; details as per the attached sheet.55. We acknowledge receipt of your letter of March 10; form which we have learned that you hope to receive our offer for canned food.56. For your information; our quotations are very reasonable and have been accepted by many clients in Europe.57. Pleased rest assured that we can effect delivery within one month of the captioned goods you have ordered.58. The offer is valid for 3 days only; and please make up your mindas soon as possible.59. Because summer is approaching and demand for air-conditioners are increasing; we are sorry we not in a position to meet your requirements in such a large quantity.60. We are sending a price-list and full sales promotion literature for your reference.61. We learn from the Internet that you are a leading importer of cars of various brands.62. We are looking for a new supplier of medicines and healthcare products in China.63. We have been in drawn woks business for 20 years with many regular customers.64. The electric appliances you require fall within our business scope.65. We would like to take this opportunity to inform you that we can supply floppy disks you require.66. For detailed information regarding this car model please contract our local dealers.67. We approach you to introduce our carpets of the latest design.68. As requested; we are airmailing you separately the latest sample hook for 100% cotton bed sheets.69. In the meantime; we are glad to make you a most competitive offerfor ink-jet printers as follows.70.In reply; we are now offering you stainless steel dinnerware as follows.71. The shipment of 20;000 metric tons cement has proved quite satisfactory.72. Our cotton piece gooks are enjoying fast sales because of their reasonable prices and quality.73. Our customers are very interested in the quality but not satisfied with the price of your products.74. As the production of this article has been discontinued we are unable to supply it from stock for time being; but we will contact you again in a mouth.75. If you are interested in our quotation; please let us know.76. If you are interested in your bicycles; and would like to know what the price for each set is.77. We assure you that we will certainly find a ready sale for your sunglasses.78. As requested; we have sent you by express mail the latest sample and catalogue regarding the products available for export at present.79. As we cannot supply nylon covers in red from stock; can we substitute nylon covers in green80. This is an ideal substitute for wool.81. We have modified the color of the sample as requested.82. As soon as fresh suppliers are available; we shall contract you immediately.83. Because of material shortage; production has been discontinued. But once we resume production; we shall contract you without any delay.84. Can you tell us how much you have in supply at the moment85. This article is sold out; so we are not in a position to make offers right now.86. As an established dealer in this line; we are sure we can obtain the best prices for you.87. We expect you to make your best quotation for silk blouses.88. We are sending you a general catalogue regarding our complete line of chinaware. We expect you will find the prices; quality and patterns all satisfactory.89. If you can supply the goods as required; please make us a best firm offer.90. This is to inform you that owing to the changes in the market; our quotation of May 4 is received to USD2;800 per metric ton. 91.Although the quality of your goods is satisfactory; their prices are rather on the high side.92.Because competition is fierce; you will not be able to come to terms with us unless you reduce your price by 5%.93.Price is not the only factor; you have to take quality into account.94.That is our lowest price and we refuse to lower it any further.95.You must be fully aware that the market is weak.96.Should you insist on your original price; we will have little chance to conclude the business97.Quotations from other suppliers are about 10% lower than yours. In this case; you can win this deal only if you cut your prices.98.You have offered the goods at £3;000 per metric ton; but it is out of line with the prevailing market.99.Since costs of raw material have gone up; we have raised our price by 2%.100.Japanese dealers are selling the same item at a price 3% lower than yours; so it will be very difficult to push the sales of your products.101. The stock of first grade soybean is running low at present. 102. We will accept your quotation of August 5 if you can reduce it by 2%.103. We have quoted you our lowest price at which we have done many deals with other clients.104. We make you this firm offer; subject to your reply reaching here within 10 days from today.105. In view of the longstanding friendly relationship between us; we accept your counter-offer.106. A the market is declining; we hope you will reconsider our counter-offer and send us your acceptance by fax as soon as posible. 107. Please draw your customers’attention to the readjustment of our prices caused by the rising market.108. We appreciate your reduction in price; but we feel it is still more than we can take.109. Information indicates that some parcels of French makes have been sold here at a much lower price.110. The two sides finally struck a deal at 60 euros per dozen after friendly negotiations.111. Honestly speaking; if you raise your order to 10;000; we can offer RMB ¥ 50 per piece then.112. We would be only too pleased to make offers on Japanese yen basis.113. The purpose of this e-mail is to explore the possibilities of developing trade with you.114. If you can increase your price by 2%; we shall be prepared to sign the contract with you.115. Given the weak market; we must keep the price under US $ 60. Otherwise it will be difficult for us to push sales.116. There is an increasing demand for elctric heaters since October.117. It is difficult to accept your request because it is our best price if you take the quality into consideration.118. Please send us all the data concerning your fountain pens; so that we can push the sales more effectively.119. Competition in Discman market ids fierce. The price we have counter-offered is based on the present market price.120. Given the declining market; we cannot make any further concessions in our price.121. We have revised some terms and conditions in order to bridge the wide gap between the two sides.122. Only Type HN41 is in stock. Type HN56 is out stock.123. In our opinion; ten tos is thn minimum quantity you have to take in order to get a favourable piece.124. We can make some concession in other term; but we have to stick to the prices we have offered.125. We have to maintain our original price of RMB 5;000 per metric ton since it is already our rock bottom price.126. As you are our old client; we accept your counter-offer for500sets of air conditioners at US $450 per set; FOB Huangpu. 127. If you agree to the above conditions; we will call it a deal and prepare the sales contract.128. In our opinion; our customers will agree to place orders right away if you allow them a discount of 5%.129. We have learned that you are well experienced in selling cosmetics and have pleasure in dealing with you. However; we cannot afford the high advertising expense you have proposed.130. It is unwise for either of us to insist on their own prices. Shall we meet each other half way so as to reach an agreement 131. We can guarantee to ship the goods before May 1.132. If you can modify the quotation of the carpers; we shall be able to place substantial orders with you.133. We hope that goods canbe shipped in two euql monthly installments of 30;000 sets each.134. We regret being unable to advance the shipment to early August. 135. We advise you that there are no direct steamers sailing for your port in September; so the goods must be transshipped at Hong Kong.136. What is the earliest possible date you can ship the goods 137. The earliest delivery we can guarantee now is in March; but we can assure you that we will do our best to advance the shipment。

我公司正准备办理在卡拉奇的J。A Hussain公司的一批大额订货,如贵方能以保密的方式向我们提供这家公司的财政状况各业务经营方式,我公司将不胜感激。

• 1.如果可行的话,麻烦您通知我。 • 2.这个时候没有必要先看样品,更重要的是 产品价格! • 3.在此给您推荐我们最新款的电吹风。 • 4.请注意,EMC认证会在12月底到期。 • 5.请问您有没有打算下个小单来测试一下市 场情况?
• 1.If it works for you, please let me know. • 2.It is not necessary for the sample at the moment, but the price counts for much more! • 3.Now announcing our newest model of hair dryer. • 4.Kindly note that the EMC certificate will be about to expire at the end of Dec. • 5.Would you like to try a small order to test the market?
• 1.We could provide you a better price if the quantity up to 10000 pcs. • 2.Our subsidiary in UK will handle the business with your company. • 3.The biggest problem for unit price is namely about package. • 4.Would you mind giving me some more photos about your inquired item? • 5.I know our price is far exceeds your target, but I still would like to evaluate the sample. I'm sure the quality is 15 different!

英译汉(二)1、To familiarize ourselves with your products we need some technical details .Please send us literatures(宣传资料), brochures, or leaflets(传单)dealing with your products.为使我们熟悉你们的产品,我们需要一些技术细节。
2、We are enclosing(附带)a catalog(目录)showing a brand new(全新的)addition to (除……之外)our line, Model E331.除ModelE331外,我们还附带了一份全新的目录。
3、We hope the enclosed brochures will be helpful to you.希望附带的小册能对你们有所帮助。
4、We send you a brochure on(关于)various kinds of bicycle now available for export.我们已发了一份现在能出口的各式自行车的小册子。
5、Will you please let us have a list of items that are imported by you?能否出具一份你方进口的项目清单6、Will you please send me a copy of your catalogue and pricelist of desktop computer and copies of any descriptive leaflets that Icould pass to prospective customers? 请寄给我们台式机目录、价目表的复印件以及几份描述性的传单,以供意向顾客传看。

外贸函电句子翻译中英 IMB standardization office【IMB 5AB- IMBK 08- IMB 2C】外贸函电句子翻译(中→英)1.兹介绍,本公司是一家人造珠宝(imitation jewelry)的出口公司,在这一行已有多年经验。
2.你们上周写给总部(the headquarter)的信已转交给我们公司,因该产品属我们经营。
3.我们可供出口的轻工产品(light industrial products)种类繁多。
6.我们是一家信誉良好的私人公司(private company),非常希望与你们建立贸易关系。
15.寄来的茶杯样品上,都装饰有卡通人物(cartoon figures)。
19.为避免耽误时间,请将信直接寄给我们在新泽西(New Jersey)的分公司。
21. 如能在规定的时间内履行订单,不胜感激。
22. 请随时告诉我们你处花生市场的变化情况。
23. 我们向你方保证,所有关于该公司资信情况的资料都将严格保密,并且你们不承担任何责任。
24. 这家咖啡零售商举出贵方名字作为资信征询人。

翻译第二单元(一)英译中1.The commodities we are handling consist of the manufactures of the first tractor plants of this country,and so we are in good position to serve your customers with the most reliable quality of the line you suggest.我们经营的商品包括本国一流拖拉机厂的产品,所以我们能为你们提供质量最可靠的产品。
2.We invite you to send us details and prices,possibly samples,of such goods as you would be interested in selling.We shall gladly study the sales possibilities in our market.我们希望贵公司能给我们寄一些你们有意出售的商品的细节,价格,样品。
3.As a state-operated corporation we specialize in light industrial goods and are willing to establish business relationship with you.作为一个国营企业,我们专营轻工业产品,并且我们很乐意与你方建立贸易关系。
4.We are very well connected with all the major dealers here of furniture,and feel sure we can sell large quantities of Chinese goods if we get your offers at competitive prices.我们与本地的主要家具经销商有着广泛的联系,如果你方的报价具有竞争性,相信我们能销售相当多的中国产品。

Unit 4 P49 Ⅴ Translation 2. 我们另邮寄样品一批,深信一旦你们有机会查看样品之后,定会承认该货品质优良,价格合理。Under separate cover, we are sending you a range of samples and when you have a chance to examine them, we feel confident that you will agree that the goods are both excellent in quality and reasonable in price. 3. 收到你公司5月14日询价,得悉你对我们手工制人造革手套感兴趣。现将你所需的详细资料,具有插图的 目录和价格单附寄给你。We have received your enquiry of May 14 and learn of your interest in our handmade artificial leather gloves. We are enclosing our illustrated catalogue and price list giving the details you ask for. 4. .所附价格单和图解将给你提供有关你方最感兴趣的型号的具体情况。The enclosed price list and illustrated catalogue will give you details of the model in which you are especially interestedUnit 5 P60 Ⅲ
2. 你地中国银行函告,你们是纺织品的进口商。我们专营纺织品出口业务,愿与贵公司建立业 务关系。The Bank of China in your city has informed us that you are importers of textiles. We specialize in the export of textiles and are willing to enter into business relations with you. 5. 按照你方要求,我们附上一套小册子(说明书)连同价格单,供考虑。若你对所列商品感兴 趣,请告具体需要。一俟收到询价,我们立即寄送报价单。As requested, we enclose a range of pamphlets together with our price lists for your reference. If any of them meet your interest, please inform us o your specific requirements. On receipt of your enquiry, we shall forward you quotations without delay. 6. .贵国驻中国大使馆已把贵行作为中国罐头食品的买户介绍给我们。我们专营这一业务。 希望 在平等互利的基础上与你建立业务关系。Your firm has been recommended to us by your Embassy in China as a buyer of Chinese canned goods. We wish to inform you that we specialize in this line and hope to enter into trade relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit 7. 为了让你对我们经营的产品有一个概念,兹附上一整头著有规格和包装的活页说明书。To give you a general idea of the products we handle, we enclose a complete set of leaflets showing specifications and means of packing. 8. .货物在装运前将有上海商品检验局检验。所装货物的品质,数量将有该局提供必要的证明。 Prior to shipment, our goods will be tested and inspected by the Shanghai Commodity Inspection Bureau, who will provide the necessary certificates in regard to the quality and quantity of the shipment unit 3 2. 你若能对上述公司的财务状况和可靠性提出意见,我们当不胜感激We should be most grateful if you would furnish us with your opinion on the financial status and reliability of the above company.

We have the pleasure to introduce ourselves to you with a view to building up business relations with you.2-我们打算给英国的制造商寄送一份自行车的询价单。
We intend that an enquiry for bicycles shall be sent to the manufactures in Britain.3-如你所知,我方的外贸政策是在平等互利的基础上与各国人民做贸易。
As you know, it is our foreign trade policy to trade with people of other countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.4-如蒙立即对我方关于核桃仁的2346号询价单作出答复,我方将十分感激。
It will highly appreciated if you will reply to our enquiry Note No.2346 regarding Walnutmeat immediately.5-我方专门出口“飞鸽”牌自行车,愿与对方进行交易。
Specializing in the export of “Fly Pigeon” Brand Bicycles, we express our desire to trade with you in the line.6-我方已收到你方3月10日的来函,现按你方要求报盘如下。
We are in receipt of your letter of March 10th, and as requested, are making you an offer as follows.7-若你方接受我方报盘,请电报告知我方以便确认。

外贸英语函电翻译1 承XX方6月24日来函,询问有关BH 公司的情况。
In reply to your inquiry of the 24th June concerning BH Co., we would recommend policy of cution.Cution n. v. 小心, 慎重,警告, 告诫for cution's ske为慎重起见give sb. cution给某人警告I cutioned him not to be lte.我警告他不要迟到。
2 对你提供的任何资料,我们都予以保密。
ny informtion provided by you will be treted in confidence.3. 我们从XX国驻XX使馆商务参赞处得悉XX公司姓名及地址,现特致函与XX公司建立业务关系。
We hve your nme nd ddress from the Commercil Counselor’s Office of your embssy in Beijing nd re now writing to you for the estblishment of business reltions.4 .我们专门经营ZG工艺美术品出口,愿与XX方进行交易。
Specilizing in the export of Chinese rts & crfts goods,we express our desire to trde with you in this line.5 We’re in the mrket for lrm clocks nd should be gld if you will let us hve your ctlogue together with price list.我方欲购闹钟,如你方能提供目录和价格单,我方将不胜感激6.我们一位XX的客户对XX方的产品很感兴趣, 并盼按下列项目报价。

Unit 21. 我公司现在有各种地毯及其他纺织材料的铺地制品可供出口。
Our company has various kinds of carpets and other textile floor coverings available for export.2. 我们接受客户来样,来图及按客户规格和包装要求供货的订单。
We accept orders against customers’samples ,specified designs, specifications and packaging requirements.3. 请你方速报最新型号产品的CIF马尼拉最低价格。
Please immediately quote us your lowest price of your newest type products, CIF Manila.4. 我们借此机会告诉你方我们希望把业务扩展到非洲市场。
We avail ourselves of this opportunity to inform you that we wish to expand our business into African market.5. 我们希望早日收到你方的具体询价。
We hope to receive your specific enquiry at an early date.6. 一俟收到你方的具体询价,我们马上寄送样品并报最优惠的价格。
Samples and quotations at favorable prices will be sent to you upon receipt of your specific enquiry.7. 随函寄上我公司新产品的价目单和商品小册子各一份。
Enclosed please find our price-list and brochure for our new products.8. 我们接受以客户的商标或品牌供货的订单。

外贸函电(第二版)翻译Unit71. Our mutual understanding and cooperation will certainly result in important business。
我们之间的相互了解与合作必将促成今后重要的生意2. We are willing to enter into business relations with your company on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.我们希望在平等互利的基础之上与你们建立业务关系。
3. We specialize in the export of Japanese Industrial Products and would like to trade with you in this line我方专营日本轻工业产品出口业务,愿与贵方在这方面开展贸易。
4. It would be very helpful if you could send us statistics on your sales.如果你们能将你们的销售统计资料寄给我们,那可就太有帮助了。
5. We have a lot of colors and sizes to meet different needs.我们有多种颜色和尺码,可以满足不同的需要。
6. If your corporation does not import the goods mentioned above, please give this letter to a firm who may be concerned.如果贵公司不进口上述产品,请将该信函转给相关公司。
7. In combines many functions in one, it is a high-grade product.它集多种功能于一体,是个高级产品。

In terms of quality, other makes can hardly match ours.2.由于我方急需此货,故请在收到订单后40天内交货。
The goods must be shipped on board before August, or we will not catch the selling season.5.你方的报价比我们能接受的价格高出15%。
Your offer is 15% higher than the price we can accept.6.请告知详细的广州成本,保险加运费价、折扣及付款方式。
We regret to say that the goods required by you are unavailable.9.对于给贵方造成的不便之处,再次表示歉意。
This credit expires on July 15.11.打开这个箱子,发现里面的货物完全不对。
When we opened this case we found it contained completely different articles.12.经详阅,我们对第276号信用证按贵方要求作了必要的修改。
On perusal,we made necessary amendments to the L/C No.276 according to your request.13.感谢你方4月16日报盘,我方向你方下订单如下。
Thank you for your offer of April 16. We place with you an order as follows.14.降价是有限度的,我们不能再降价了。

1.We are given to understand thatA.你公司是经营化工产品的国有公司。
You are a state-owned corporation handing chemical product.B.你公司有意在平等互利的基础上与我公司建立业务关系。
You intend to establish relations with us on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.2.We are desirous ofA.B.introducing your new products to our customer.3.Please do not hesitate to write usA.关于推销中国水果和干果的任何建议。
Any recommendations regarding the promotion of Chinese fruits and dried fruits. B.你方需要订购手机的时候。
When you are prepared to order for cell phones.4.As you knowA.许多外国商人渴望和我们进行贸易。
Many foreign merchants are desirous of trading with us.B.我们已经和世界上100多家商号建立了贸易关系。
We have already established business relations with more than 100 firms in the world.5.We are appreciative ofA.你方有和我公司建立贸易关系的意向。
You intention to establish business relations with us.B.你方愿意到广交会来洽谈业务。
You willingness to approach us for business at Canton Fair.6.Please send us your shipping instructions.A.以便我们备货装船。

Unit 1一、英译汉1.It was a pleasure to receive your letter of 2nd and to learn that you are making plans for your Mr.Chadwik to visit our country in October.有幸收到阁下5月2日来函,得悉阁下正计划安排维克先生于10月访问我国。
2.If Mr.Mike so wishes we can also introduce him to some of our sister corporations with whom you may like to do business.要是迈克先生想同我们兄弟公司洽谈业务,我们也可为他引见。
3.Please let us know the time of your arrival. We will then arrange to meet you at the airport and drive you to your hotel.请告诉我们你到达的时间,届时安排去机场迎接并驾车送你到宾馆。
4.We used to import machines from England but now we wish to establish business relations with you.我们过去通常从英国进口机器,但现在想同你们建立业务关系。
5.I am making for Mr.Brown to have a discussion with Director Wang.我即将安排布朗先生和我公司的王经理会谈。
6.It gives us a great pleasure to introduce to you by this letter Mr.Ma,a manager of HongKong Huarun company.我们十分高兴地通过刺心向你介绍香港华润公司的马经理。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
• 4.Consumers could only pay for USD 9.99 as maximum for this item.
• 5.10% discount will be provided if you double the quantity.
place another 1*40'FCL.
• 1.你们能接受信用证吗?我们公司不会给供 应商付任何订金。
• 2.如果你们坚持做信用证,恐怕我们得额外 增加百分之三的操作费用。
• 3.很遗憾你们不能接受我们的付款方式。我 只能转单给另外一家贸易公司。
• 4.你们的价格尽管合理,但是产品质量仍然 有问题。
• 1.如果数量达到1万件,我们能给一个更好 的价格。
• 2.我们在英国的分公司会处理您的订单要求。 • 3.(影响产品价格的)最大问题就是包装。 • 4.更否提供多一些关于您找的产品的图片? • 5.我明白我们的报价远远超过您的目标价,
但我还是希望您能看一下样品。我保证, (我们产品的)品质是完全不同的!
9.99美元以下购买。5.如果您把数量加倍, 我们可以给您10个点的折扣。
• 1.Price is important, but quality counts for much more.
• 2.It is not workable for us to place such a big quantity first time.
• 5.As per our discussion yesterday, please send me the revised PO soon.
• 1.几天没您的消息了。 • 2.我们想得到您的进一步确认来把订单进展
• 3.我明白我们私底下是朋友,但是生意终归 是生意。
• 4.好吧,我们同意接受60天远期信用证。 • 5.180天远期信用证?干脆杀了我吧。
payment terms. • 3.Please arrange the sampling in our
selected Pantone No. ASAP. • 4.Only a trial order will be place this time. • 5.If 5% discount provided, we'll decide to
to reduce the cost. • 5.Rest assured, it is absolutely our best
• 1.如果可行的话,麻烦您通知我。 • 2.这个时候没有必要先看样品,更重要的是
产品价格! • 3.在此给您推荐我们最新款的电吹风。 • 4.请注意,EMC认证会在12月底到期。 • 5.请问您有没有打算下个小单来测试一下市
• 4.ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ have to recheck the price and see if we could meet your target.
• 5.We are desperate to get your price confirmation to proceed.
• 1.价格很重要,但质量更重要。 • 2.第一次下单我们无法达到这么大的数量。 • 3.我们可以下个试单来测试下市场行情。 • 4.对于这个产品,消费者最多只会愿意在
• 1.如果你需要任何进一步的帮助,请随时通 知我。
• 2.您可以放心,我们的价格是绝对有竞争力 的。
• 3.感谢您抽出宝贵的时间来向我询价。 • 4.我们做信用证如何? • 5.若您能尽快回复,我们非常感激!
• 1.Kindly let me know if you need any further assistance.
the sample. I'm sure the quality is
• 1.请跟买家确定价格,并尽快给我回复。 • 2.您能接受每件3.5欧元的最终价格吗? • 3.如果数量可以达到一个40尺高柜,我们
可以给您一个10%的特别折扣。 • 4.我需要重新核算一下价格,看看能否达到
• 5.Would you like to receive our catalogues?
• 1.关于您询价的行李包,请看附件的报价单。 • 2.关于我公司的化妆箱,请看附件更新过的
报价单。 • 3.样品会在本周内完成。 • 4.我们所有的产品都是通过澳大利亚SAA
认证的。 • 5.您想先看看我们的样品吗?
• 2.You can be certain that our price is really competitive.
• 3.Thank you for taking time to send me the inquiry.
• 4.How does L/C sound? • 5.Your prompt reply would be greatly
• 4.Would you mind giving me some more photos about your inquired item?
• 5.I know our price is far exceeds your
target, but I still would like to evaluate
• 3.It's a pity that you won't accept our payment terms. I have to transfer this order to another trading.
• 4.Your price is reasonable, but the quality problem still existed.
Order Follow-up
• 1.请看附件杯子的订单。 • 2.我们只能接受远期60天信用证这种付款方
• 3.请尽快根据我们选定的潘通色号打样。 • 4.这次我们仅仅会下一个试单给你。 • 5.如果能降价5%,我们会考虑再追加一个
• 1.Attached you can find the order for mugs. • 2.We could only accept L/C 60 days as
• 2.I have to check with my vendor about the updated price.
• 3.The quotation sheet will be provided no later than this Friday.
• 4.Please advise your contact info for receiving the hard copy of price list.
• 5.根据我们昨晚讨论的,麻烦你尽快把修订 好的订单发给我。
• 1.Is it possible for you to accept L/C? We won't settle any deposit to suppliers.
• 2.If you insist on doing L/C, we have no choice but charge you 3%as handling fee.
• 3.Samples will be finished within this week.
• 4.All of our products are SAA certified. • 5.Would you like to evaluate our
samples in advance?
• 1.我们主要供应纺织类产品到海外市场。 • 2.抱歉,我们不是供应商。 • 3.暂时不需要报价。 • 4.附件是我们木制品的图片,供您选择。 • 5.你们主要做那些产品?
• 1.Concerning your inquired luggage bag, please help to find our offer sheet in attachment.
• 2.Please find our updated price list for our beauty cases in attachment.
• 1.No news from you for several days. • 2.We have to receive your further approval
to go ahead. • 3.Actually we're friends in private, but
• 1.We mainly supply home textile products to overseas market.
• 2.Sorry, we're not a manufacturer. • 3.No need for quotation at the moment. • 4.Attached the photos for our wooden
• 1.This is out of our target price. • 2.Perhaps we could work something
out. • 3.We would like to offer up a
compromise to get this order. • 4.I think we have to do some changes
Doing business
• 1.很高兴通过香港贸发局网站收到您的询盘。 • 2.我需要跟我的供应商确认一下新的价格。 • 3.报价单会在本周五之前发给您。 • 4.请提供一下您的联系方式,我们会把报价