心理学效应英文 ppt




心 理
十 八 定 律 03
Eighteen laws
1 蘑菇定律
刚踏入社会的人常感不受重视,需要打杂 跑腿,或者面对批评指责。 有人将之与蘑菇的生长相比拟,认为大多 数人都有一段“蘑菇”的经历,尤其是当切都刚刚开始的时候。
当几天"蘑菇”, 能消除很多不切实 际的幻想,让我们 更加接近现实。
Eighteen laws
10 凡 勃 仑 效 应
美国经济学家凡勃伦注意到商品价格 定得越高,越能受到消费者的青睐。 商品价格越高消费者反而越愿意购买 的消费倾向。
人也是一样的,要想得 到“好价钱”, 就要把自 己琢磨成器,放在对的地 方待价而沽。职场如人 生,都是如此。
十 八 定 律 03
Eighteen laws
15 南 风 效 应
也叫“温暖"法则,源于则法国寓言:北风和南风比威力,看谁可以把行 人身上的大衣脱掉。北风刮得寒冷刺骨,行人把大衣裹得更紧。南风徐 徐吹动,行人越来越热,继而脱掉大衣。
在处理人与人之间关系时,"温暧胜于严寒”。要特别注意讲究方法,平 心静气地好好谈谈,往往能化干戈为玉帛。
十 八 定 律 03
Eighteen laws
3 破窗效应
一个房子如果窗户破了,没有人去修补,隔不久,其它的窗户也可 能莫名其妙地被人打破。环境可以对一一个人产生强烈的暗示性 和诱导性。
十 八 定 律 03
Eighteen laws
4 木桶定律
• 心理学研究涉及人的知觉、认知、情绪、人格、行为、人际关系、社会关系等许多领域, 也与日常生活的许多领域——家庭、教育、健康、社会等发生关联。



所有心理学上的效应心理学上的效应众多,它们涉及认知、情绪、行为等多个方面,以下是一些常见的心理学效应:1. 锚定效应(Anchoring Effect):个体在做出估计或决策时,会受到第一个接收到的信息(锚点)的影响。

2. 确认偏误(Confirmation Bias):个体倾向于寻找、解释、记忆和信任那些能够支持或确认自己预先想法和假设的信息。

3. 代表性启发(Representativeness Heuristic):个体在面对需要判断概率或做出选择时,会依据对象与某个类别的典型性。

4. 可用性启发(Availability Heuristic):个体根据能够多快多容易地从记忆中某个信息或例子。

5. 失真效应(Distortion Effect):个体在回忆过去事件时,可能会因为各种原因而记住错误的信息。

6. 近因效应(Recency Effect):个体更容易记住最近发生的事件,而忘记较早发生的事件。

7. 曝光效应(Exposure Effect):个体对频繁接触的信息或对象更容易产生喜欢的感觉。

8. 哈罗效应(Halo Effect):个体对某个人的整体评价会受到对其某一特质的评价的影响。

9. 皮格马利翁效应(Pygmalion Effect):期望或信念的影响可以改变个体的表现。

10. 自我实现预言(Self-fulfilling Prophecy):个体的预期会影响其行为,从而使预期的结果得以实现。

11. 社会认同效应(Social Identification Effect):个体通过将自己归入某个群体来建立自我认同。

12. 群体极化(Group Polarization):群体讨论会导致成员的观点朝向极端化。

13. 旁观者效应(Bystander Effect):在群体中,个体对紧急情况的责任感会降低,因此不太可能采取行动。

14. 影响力模型(Influence Model):包括说服、权威、社会认同等因素,它们影响个体的态度和行为。



26个常见心理学效应(26 common psychological effects)1, broken window effect"The United States Stanford University Jabaron conducted a test, he found two cars to the car as like as two peas, a parrot placed in Artaud's middle-class community, while another car parked in the relatively messy Bronx block. Parked in Bronx, he took off the license plate and opened the ceiling. As a result, the car was stolen within a day, and the one in Palo Arto for a week was left alone. Later, Zhan Ba fights with a hammer the car knocked a big hole. And the result? It was only a few hours before it was gone.2, the "Diderot effect", also known as the "matching effect"In eighteenth Century, France had a philosopher named Dennis Diderot. One day, a friend sent him a fine in texture, exquisite workmanship, elegant design wine red robe. Diderot very love, but he wore luxurious robe for me at home, always feel the color of furniture is wrong, the carpet also has a terrible pin. So in order to and matching robe, the old stuff has updated, the study finally caught up with the robe of the grade, he can still feel very uncomfortable, because he was a nightgown stress ", then put this feeling into an article" and the old robe parting trouble ". Two hundred years later, Juliet Schroer, an economist at the Harvard University, called this phenomenon the "Diderot effect" in the book "over consuming Americans", also known as the "matching effect"".3 Butterfly EffectWhat is the butterfly effect? In December 1979, Lorenz said in a speech at the American Association for the advancement of Science in Washington that a butterfly flaps its wings in Brazil and might cause a tornado in Texas, the United states. His speech and conclusion left a deep impression on the people. Since then, the so-called "Butterfly Effect" that fame was spread like wildfire.4. Catfish effect"The Norwegians eat sardines, but when the fishermen fishing to fishing sardine, found that most of the sardine is dead, dead fish do not sell on price, how to do? The fishermen came up with a clever way, that is the natural predator of the sardines catfish and sardines together. When the fishermen fishing, always first prepare a few active catfish, once captured sardines into the tank, the catfish also put into the water tank, because of its vitality and catfish swimming around, occasionally hunt sardines, sardines, was found dissidents and natural tension, run, the whole fish tank disturbed floating up and down, also make the water fluctuates constantly, thus oxygen is abundant, so that can guarantee the land into fishing sardine alive and kicking. This phenomenon is known as the catfish effect". "5, Matthew effect (Matthew Effect)In the twenty-fifth chapter of the gospel of Matthew in the Bible, there is such a saying: "if there is anything, add it to him, make him superfluous; he who does not have, even what he has will be taken away.". In 1968, U.S. researchers RobertMorton (Robert K. Merton) proposed the term to summarize a social psychological phenomenon: "research relative to those not well-known, famous scientists usually get more prestige even if their achievements are similar, similarly, in the same project, reputation is usually given to those who are already famous research results, research results, more people are often more aka, more people more famous achievements, finally produced the academic authority.." The term for economics borrowed, reflecting the poor poorer, the rich richer, the economic phenomenon of winner take all. Matthew Effect (Matthew effect), that is, in society, especially in the economic sphere, there is a widespread phenomenon: the strong Heng Qiang, the weak weak, or the winner takes all. In 1968, Robert Morton (Robert K. Merton), a researcher in the history of American science, used the Matthew effect to describe this social psychological phenomenon for the first time.6 frog phenomenonPut a frog into a hot pot directly, because it is very sensitive to the adverse environment, it will quickly jump out of the pot. If you put a frog into a pot of cold water and slowly heated, the frog will not immediately jumped out of the pot, water temperature gradually increased in the end is the frog was boiled to death, because of the high temperature to the frog is unbearable, it was too late, or can not jump out of the pot.7, crocodile lawThe original idea is to assume that a crocodile is biting your feet. If you try to break free of your hands with your hands,the crocodile will bite your feet and hands at the same time. The more you struggle, the more you bite. So, in case the alligator bites you, the only way you can do it is to sacrifice one foot. For example, in the stock market, the law of the crocodile is: when you find that your trading deviates from the direction of the market, you must stop immediately, there must be no delay, you can not have any luck.8, herd effectSheep go back, the sheep will follow where to go. Herding is the first investment in shares of a term, mainly refers to the investor's learning and imitation phenomenon in the transaction process, "suit", blindly follow others, leading them to buy and sell the same stock in a certain period of time.9, hedgehog lawTwo sleepy hedgehogs gathered together because of the cold. But because they had thorns, so they left a distance, but they were too cold to bear, so they came together. After several agonizing attempts, the two hedgehogs finally found the right distance: they could get each other's warmth without getting caught. The hedgehog rule mainly refers to the psychological distance effect in interpersonal communication".10. Law of watchesThe law of watches refers to the fact that when a person has a watch, he knows what time it is, and when he has two at the same time, he can not be sure. Two tables do not tell a personmore accurate time, but will make watch people lose confidence in accurate time. Watch law gives us a very intuitive inspiration in the aspect of enterprise management, is not the same person or the same organization at the same time using two different methods, can also set two different objectives, and even every man cannot by two people at the same time command, otherwise it will make a loss this enterprise or individual.11 and 28 law (Pareto's law)In the late twentieth Century and early nineteenth Century, Baledo, an economist in Italy, thought that in any group of things, the most important only accounted for a small part, about 20%, while the other 80%, though the majority, were secondary. About 80% of society's wealth is concentrated in the hands of 20% people, while 80% of people only have 20% of the social wealth. This statistical imbalance exists everywhere in society, economy and life, and this is the 28 law.12, barrel theory (also known as short board effect)If the wooden board is not uniform, the amount of water in the cask does not depend on the longest piece of wood, but on the shortest piece of wood.13, threshold effectPsychologist Friedman (J.L.Freedman) and Ferreze (S.C.Fraser) a study shows that allowing people to accept smaller requirements, to make them gradually accept larger requirements, which is the "threshold effect."". PsychologistR.B.Cialdini also found that when people refused to accept a larger requirement, cognitive incongruity drove them to create a new balance and thus accepted a smaller requirement. It is easier to accept this little request when small requests are clearly linked to big demands and are followed by big demands.14, hurlocks effectPsychologist Glock (E.B.Hunlock) had an experiment, he divided the subjects into four groups, four different incentives in the completion of the task. The first group is the praise group,Every time after work to be commended and encouraged; the second group training group, after every working group was severely reprimanded; third neglected group, not only for the evaluation of other two groups by listening to praise and criticism; the fourth group as the control group, and let them in three groups before isolation, without any evaluation. Results the work scores of the first three groups were better than the control group, and the praised group and the trained rejection group were better than the neglect group, while the scores of the praise group were rising. The experiment shows that the timely evaluation of the work results can strengthen the motivation and promote the work. The effect of proper praise is better than criticism, and the effect of criticism is better than that of none.15, southerly effectLa Fontaine, a French writer, wrote a fable about the north wind and the south wind than might. That is to see who uses the methodto make pedestrians take off their coats. The north wind without thinking first came to a cold, bitter cold. So, in order to resist the pedestrian, put a coat wrapped up, and no meaning. The south wind is not so. It moves slowly and warms people. Unconsciously, the man undid his button and then took off his coat. The south wind won.16, Hobson choice effectIn 1631, British businessman Hobson horse, the horse put out for the customers to choose from, but there is a condition that can only choose the horse most close to the door. Obviously, plus this condition is virtually no choice. The choice of "no choice" was later ridiculed as "Hobson's choice effect"". Social psychologists point out that it is impossible for creative learning, life and work if someone falls into the dilemma of the Hobson choice effect.17, Hawthorne effectThe Hawthorne plant on the outskirts of Chicago is a factory that makes telephone switches. It has better entertainment facilities, medical system and pension system, but the mood of workers is still resentful and the production situation is very unsatisfactory. To solve the problem, the factory has been trying hard to find out why. In November 1924, the national researchers organized a team of psychologists and other experts to conduct a series of research trials at the plant. The central task of this series of experiments is the relationship between production efficiency and working material conditions. There is a "talk experiment" in this series of experiments, with morethan two years, by the experts to find workers individual talk of more than 20000 times. Stipulated in the conversation process, must patiently listen to the worker to the factory each kind of opinion, and makes the detailed record; to the worker's disaffection, all is not allowed to refute and rebuke. The talk experiment has had an unexpected effect: the output of Hawthorne's factory has increased substantially. Why? This is because the workers have long been dissatisfied with the various management systems and methods of the factory and have never been able to vent their views. The "talk experiment" has given them a sense of relief and a drive to boost their discontent. Social psychologists call this wonderful phenomenon the Hawthorne effect".18, the psychological effect of gossip"The Warring States, Qin policy two" records: "one fee Hu and namesake had accused of murder, Zeng Zi said:" mother had participated in the murder "was of slight muyue:" my son not to kill. " Hard fabric. One moment, you Yue: "Zeng Shen has killed a person.." The mother is still herself. Ares, who also told said: "Zeng Shen has killed a person.." The mother of fear, cast over the wall and go shuttle."General ginseng is a famous ancient Chinese sage, he attaches great importance to moral cultivation, to reflect on their own again and again every day. The mother know very much about him, that his son will not dry out the murder, but can not afford to take "all in one story again and again, then again also Zeng Shen has killed a person." sit down, weaving shuttle over the wall to escape. In a word the terrible rumors Zeng Shen haskilled a person. yu.The rumor spread into a tattle and prate often. Some people deliberately invent rumors for some purpose, and they can become a spiritual contagion when they are transmitted",A mass ten, ten hundred, if someone from waves, it will affect more people.A saying by a Western aspirant called "a lie repeated one thousand times will become truth", which is the usual practice of all liars. By extension, "* * *" like cult leader is such a ridiculous idea to all believers, let them pay homage to sacrifice.There is also a more absurd delusion of transmission in psychiatry, called inductive psychosis". In a close group, an influential member of mental illness is delusional, the delusional ideas came to normal people around, so everyone on his reality distortion even followed him with ideas for gospel truth, "". Such cases are very common in psychiatry. A housewife, suspected neighbor in her food poisoning, after her husband and children a total of eight people have appeared poisoning symptoms, and insist the neighbors to resort to legal poison. After investigation, the housewife is suffering from paranoid psychosis, her "delusion of poisoning" infects the whole family. Delusion is a perverse and illogical idea. According to common sense, the family should be able to identify but be infected by people who are close to themselves. That is the great role of telepathy. Some cult leader put their delusion to believers, when a large number of believers can see "flying angels", "MaryEmmanuel", "Buddha dharmakaya"...... The psychological effect of gossip is big, can not be underestimated, therefore, to the days of rumors, should think seriously, can not believe, not SUIDA Liu, with people, communication.19, conformity effectA joke said: "wandering the streets every day, and suddenly see a long line of stretching, and quickly stand in line after the team, for fear of missing what the opportunity to buy scarce necessities.". Wait until the team turned the corner, we found that the original is the line up on the toilet, not only can't help laughing. This is a joke from the crowd. Conformity refers to the change in the direction of a person's idea and behavior, as a result of group guidance or pressure. In popular terms, conformity is "following the crowd"". It can be expressed as the adoption of dominant behavior in a temporary and specific situation, or a long-term acceptance of dominant ideas and behavior20, opposite sex effectPsychologists have in a test found that men in men and women at the same table meal than men eating a lot of civilization, this is because most people in front of the opposite sex pay more attention to their words and deeds.21, expectation effect (Piga Marley Weng effect, Rosenthal effect)Piga Marion was a well carved king of ancient Cyprus, whobrought all his enthusiasm and hope into his carved young statue and later made the statue live. Psychologist Rosenthal (R. Rosenthal) and Jacobsen L. F. Jacobson) called "Marley Dion beeger".Rosenthal and his colleagues asked the teachers to take an intelligence test on the pupils they taught. They tell the teachers, some students in the class are late bloomers (lateblooming), and the names of students to read for the teacher. Rosenthal believes that these students' academic performance is expected to be improved. Since Rosenthal announced late bloomer list, Rosenthal had no contact with the students, teachers also no mention of the matter. In fact all of a person's list is randomly selected from a class of students in their class, and other students are not significantly different. But at the end of the semester, the students were given an intelligence test again, and their performance was significantly better than the first one. This ending is what caused it? Rosenthal believes that this may be because the teachers think that these late for a student, began to emerge, give special care and care, so that their performance can be improved.Piga Marley Weng effect and Rosenthal effect all reflect the function of expectation, so they are also called expectancy effect22 halo effectAlso known as the halo effect, which in interpersonal communication, it is often a feature from each other has thegeneralization to other related a series of characteristics, from the local information to form a complete impression, that is according to the amount ofThe situation draws a full conclusion to others. The so-called "beauty in the eyes of the beholder" is the halo effect.Halo effect is actually the result of generalization and expansion of individual subjective inference. In a halo effect, a person's merits or faults once turned into aperture are expanded, and their merits or demerits are retreated to the back of the light, which is ignored by others.23, projective effectIn interpersonal relationships, a cognitive person makes an impression of others by assuming that he or she has the same tendency to project his characteristics onto others. Theso-called "to the hearts of small people, the degree of gentleman's belly", reflecting this projection is a side effect.24, primacy effectA person's first impression often has the following psychological function: premise, function (first impressions); generalization function (spread to other people or other aspects). Falling in love at first sight is the first cause effect. In large-scale concerts, singers often compete for the first appearance, because of the first effect.25, stereotype effectMental set, also called the heart, mainly refers to the impact of past experience, psychology in a ready state, thus with a certain tendency, focus and tendency in terms of the way of getting along with people. Psychological set has positive and negative, positive and negative points. Stereotype effects can help us understand people in a general way, but tend to produce cognitive biases.26, marginal effectThe marginal effect is the concept of economics, the meaning is the same thing with the value of it is proportional to the need to meet, why this is touched is more exciting than on timely assistance.。



The stage of experiments
• • • • 1. Workshop lighting experiment 2. The welfare of experimental 3. Interview experiment 4. Group experiment
The experimental conclusion


The Origiห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ of “ Hawthorne Effect”
Hawthorne ——a factory of the United States western electric company Hawthorne Effect ——the conclusion of a series of experiments which made by George Elton Mayo ’s team
• 2. Hawthorne confirmed the experimental efficiency mainly depends on the worker's enthusiasm, depends on the worker's family and social life and organization of the relationship between man and man.
• 4. All needs of workers, money is just one part of it, most of the need for emotional comfort, security, harmonious, sense of belonging.



1. 皮格马利翁效应(Pygmalion Effect),又称“毕马龙效应”、“比马龙效应”或“期待效应”“罗森塔尔效应”,人们会不自觉地接受自己喜欢、钦佩、信任和崇拜的人的影响和暗示。



(罗森塔尔和雅格布森)2. 巴纳姆效应(Barnum effect)认为每个人都会很容易相信一个笼统的、一般性的人格描述特别适合他。


(伯特伦·福勒)3. 霍桑效应(Hawthorne Effect)或称霍索恩效应,是指那些意识到自己正在被别人观察的个人具有改变自己行为的倾向。

(乔治·埃尔顿·梅奥)4. 南风效应(South Wind Law)也叫做“南风法则”或“温暖法则”,温暖胜于严寒。


5. 蔡格尼克记忆效应(Zeigarnik effect)或称为“蔡戈尼效应”、“契可尼效应”,是指人们天生有一种办事有始有终的驱动力,人们之所以会忘记已完成的工作,是因为欲完成的动机已经得到满足;如果工作尚未完成,这同一动机便使他对此留下深刻印象。



6. 出丑效应意指精明的人无意中犯点小错误,不仅是瑕不掩瑜,反而更使人觉得他具有和别人一样会犯错的缺点,反而成为其优点,让人更加喜爱他。





Rosenthal experiment
Rosenthal Effect
●Core concepts: expectations and praise can work wonders.
●Application tips: Maintaining self-esteem and self-confidence, more encouragement and praise. ●Application areas: social life, education, organization and management.
Encouragement and praise can make the idiot genius
Pygmalion effect tells us that a transfer of positive expectations for a person, it will make him progress faster and better development.Conversely, the negative expectations of a person to pass,it will make people give up on themselves.
Enhance adaptive capacity Accelerate the dissemination of knowledge Conducive to team building Seek recognition and support ●Disadvantages
of conformity
Stifle scientific
Buried the truth
Stifle creativity and enthusiasm



避免“循环证实” 一个人对他人的偏见,常会得到自动的“证实”。
比如,你对某人存有怀疑之心,时间一长,自然会为人 所察觉,对方必然会产生离心和戒心。而对方这种情绪 的流露,又反过来会使你深信自己当初对他的看法是正 确的。这就是心理学中的角色互动和双向反馈。由于一 方感情的偏失,导致对方的偏失,反过来又加强了一方 偏失的程度。如此循环证实,势必陷入越来越深的偏见 中去,走进晕轮效应的迷宫迷而忘返。这就提醒我们, 当你看不惯某个人,对某个人怀有成见的时候,应当首 先理智地检讨一下自己的态度和行为是否受到晕轮效应 影响,自觉走出晕轮效应的迷宫。
进门坎效应”是指个体一旦接受了他人的较小要求以 后,为避免认识上的不协调,或想给他人前后一致的印象, 就有可能进而接受他人较大的要求。运用这种方法让人接 受要求,叫做进门坎技术。
这个效应是美国社会心理学家弗里德曼与弗雷瑟于 1966年做的“无压力的屈从:进门坎技术”的现场实验中 提出的。
俄国著名的大文豪普希金曾因晕 轮效应的作用吃了大苦头。他狂热地 爱上了被称为“莫斯科第一美人”的 娜坦丽,并且和她结了婚。娜坦丽容 貌惊人,但与普希金志不同道不合。 当普希金每次把写好的诗读给她听时。 她总是捂着耳朵说:“不要听!不要 听!”相反,她总是要普希金陪她游 乐,出席一些豪华的晚会、舞会,普 希金为此丢下创作,弄得债台高筑, 最后还为她决斗而死,使一颗文学巨 星过早地陨落。在普希金看来,一个 漂亮的女人也必然有非凡的智慧和高 贵的品格,然而事实并非如此,这种 现象被称为晕轮效应。
【实验】 1975年,另一个美国心理学家做了一个 实验。他让助手对部分居民开展募捐请求,第一组 直接提出请求,第二组附加一句:哪怕一美分也 行。”结果第二组的募捐人数比第 一组多2倍。许 多人会以“我不是富翁”、我没有多少钱”、“我 的捐献不会有多大帮助”为由,拒绝募捐,但对于 一美分的请求却难以拒绝。而人一旦手伸进腰包, 只拿一美分会跟“人应善良 、慷慨”的自我印象 产生不协调,于是就会多拿一点。


背景故事 在伊索寓言中有个《狐狸与葡萄》的故
事,说的是那狐狸本来是很想得到已经熟 透了的葡萄的,它跳起来,未够高,又跳 起来,再跳起来……想吃葡萄而又跳得不 够高于是,那狐狸说:"反正这葡萄是酸的 。"言外之意是反正那葡萄也不能吃,即使 跳得够高,摘得到也还是"不能吃",这样, 狐狸也就"心安理得"地走开,去寻找其他好 吃的食物去了。
生活应用 心灵鸡汤…… 以小人之心度君子之腹 五十步笑百步 人们总是相信:“物以类聚,人以群分”,认为 同一个群体的人总是具有某些共同的特征,因此 ,在认识和评价与自己同属一个群体的人的时候 ,人们往往不是实事求是地根据自己的观察所得 到的信息来判断,而是想当然地把自己的特性投 射到别人身上;我觉得……
近因效应指在总体印象形成过程中,新近获得的 信息比原来获得的信息影响更大的现象。研究发 现, 近因效应一般不如首因效应明显。在印象形成 过程中,当不断有足够引人注意的新信息,或者原来 的印象已经淡忘时,新近获得的信息的作用就会较 大,就会发生近因效应。
近因效应强烈作用的结果是,两个“天生是仇 家”的人,竟然一下子就成为“天下最好的朋友 ”。
在个体间关系中,异性接触会产生一种特殊的相互吸 引力和激发力,并能从中体验到难以言传的感情追求,对 动物的活动和学习通常起积极的影响,这种现象称为异性 效应,也叫“磁铁效应”,即“同性相斥,异性相吸”, 俗话说:“雌雄搭配,干活不累”正是如此。
生活中的应用 心理学发现,在一个只有男性或女性的工作环
从前有个乡下人,丢了一把斧子。他怀疑是邻居家的 儿子偷去了,观察那人走路的样子,像是偷斧子的;看那人 的脸色表情,也像是偷斧子的;听他的言谈话语,更像是偷 斧子的,那人的一言一行,一举一动,无不像偷斧子的。


注: undesirablen. 不良分子;不受欢迎的人,adj. 不良的;不受欢迎的;不合需要 的 hint( [hint] n. 暗示;线索)

The broken windows theory is a criminological theory of the norm setting and signaling effect of urban disorder and vandalism on additional crime and anti-social behavior. The theory states that monitoring and maintaining urban environments in a well-ordered condition may stop further vandalism and escalation into more serious crime.
If someone smashes the glass windows of the building , and these windows didn’t get repared in time, as time passes, what phenomenon would arise ?It would convey a message to others :connive to break more windows. In fact,broken windows theory is a phycological hint. The exist of these any undesirable phenomenon is conveying a message , and this message will lead to an undesireble phynomenon.



The Importance of the Psychological Effect of English Pre
Enhancing Cross cultural Understanding: Recognizing and understanding the psychological effects of English pre can help individuals improve their cross cultural communication skills, avoid misunderstandings, and promote better understanding between people with different cultural backgrounds
This effect often occurs when people attend to understand or communicate in English without sufficient knowledge or experience in the language or culture It can lead to misunderstandings, communication breakdowns, or even negative emotional responses
Research purpose and significance

The purpose of this study is to explore the mechanism of how English psychological effect images and text impact consumer behavior and decision making, as well as to provide practical guidance for markets to better promote products and brands


症状—— 永远不能填满的欲望黑洞,
因为“人往高处走”,到达一 个阶段,各方面都要求配套上 升。街道要搭配建筑,豪宅要 搭配名车,鞋子要搭配礼服, 礼服要搭配名钻……搭配的顶 端永远是自己力所不能及。
做的一次实验。他将受试者分成 两组,分别去完成20项工作。其 间,他对其中一组进行干预,使 他们的工作不能顺利完成,而让 另一组毫无阻碍,顺利完成全部 工作。尽管所有受试者接受任务 时都非常紧张,但顺利完成任务 者紧张状态随之消失,而未能完 成任务者,思绪总是被那些任务 困扰,紧张状态持续存在。
在接受一项工作时,人会 产生一定的紧张心理,只有 当任务完成时紧张才会解除。 而工作中的人往往不停地受 到叠加任务,因此,紧张状 态无时无刻存在并叠加累积, 在周末假期休息时甚至都无 法放松,长期疲惫不堪,最 终导致神经衰弱和亚健康的 出现。
古希腊塞浦路斯岛一因效应在招聘过程中主要表现有 两个方面:
一是以貌取人,仪表堂堂、风度 翩翩的应聘者容易赢得好感,
二是以言取人,那些口若悬河、 对答如流者往往给人留下好印象。
近因效应指的是某人或某事的近 期表现在头脑中占据优势,从 而 改变了对该人或该事的一贯看 法。近因效应与首因效应是相对 应的两 种效应。首因效应一般在 较陌生的情况下产生影响,而近 因效应一般 在较熟悉的情况下产 生影响。两者都是对人或事的片 面了解而主观臆 断,使得决策信 息失真。(先入为主)
实验结果:2 / 3 的孩子选择宁愿等 20 分钟得2 块糖。当然, 他们很难控 制自己的欲望,不少孩子只好;把眼 睛闭起来傻等,以防以防 受糖的诱惑, 或者用双臂抱头,不看糖或唱歌、跳 舞。还有的孩子干 脆躺下睡觉 —— 为了熬过20 分钟!1 / 3 的孩子选择 现在就吃一块糖。实验者一走,1 秒 钟内他们就把那块糖塞到嘴里了。


曝光效应(Exposure Effect)
确认偏误(Confirmation Bias)
霍桑效应(Hawthorne Effect)
情绪调节(Emotional Modulation)
记忆偏差(Memory Biases)
Part 1
曝光效应(Exposure Effect)
曝光效应(Exposure Effect)
Part 4
情绪调节(Emotional Modulation)
情绪调节(Emotional Modulation)
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The type of conformity
●True conformity ●Expedient conformity ●Non conformity
●A person as timid as a mouse
●Two fierce as a bull
●Three audacious in the extreme
-mity Phenomenon
Psychological conformity
Most people how to think, he would like to follow them.
Behavior conformity
Most people how to do, he would like to follow them.
●Disadvantages of conformity
Enhance adaptive capacity
Stifle scientific
Accelerate the dissemination of knowledge Buried the truth
Conducive to team building
Do not just stare at other people's mistakes
●Praise is like pouring water on the roses;Words of praise are not laborious, but it can become a major event.
Stifle creativity and enthusiasm
Seek recognition and support
Buried outstanding works
For each new things, a person does, that is called" fool"; two or three people, known as the" herd"; a dozen individuals and hundreds of people to do, may be called " popular".
Rosenthal experiment
Rosenthal Effect
●Core concepts: expectations and praise can work wonders.
●Application tips: Maintaining self-esteem and self-confidence, more encouragement and praise.
Psychological characteristics of individuals
Consistency groups
Specialty groups
Group size
Factors affecting conformity
Correct view of conformity
●Advantages of conformity
●Application areas: social life, education, organization and management.
Encouragement and praise can make the idiot genius
Pygmalion effect tells us that a transfer of positive expectations for a person, it will make him progress faster and better development.Conversely, the negative expectations of a person to pass,it will make people give up on themselves.
Classical psychology effect
Liu Huijuan
• Conformity Effect • Rosenthal Effect
Conformity Effect
Conformity effect refers to the individual in a real or imagined group pressure, in cognitive or action by the majority or the behavior of authority figures as the criterion, then work with the convergence behavior of the phenomenon.
●To tell the good things easy and only takes a few seconds, but its effect is enormous, and some even allow a person gains life.
●Praise and encouragement are the best way that cause the potential of the human body.