



通过 国 际权 威 的检 索 系统 E S V E 以“ L E IR 题 目、 摘要 、 关键 词 ” 索 “ 产 旅 游 ” 得 到 17 检 遗 , 9 3— 20 0 7年 8月 的 期 刊 论 文 、 籍 、 议 论 文 共 1 6 书 会 8 篇 。其 中 2 0 0 0年 至 2 0 0 7年 8年 期 间 的期 刊 论
第 2 卷 第 2期 7
河 南 科 技 大 学 学 报 ( 会 科 学 版) 社
V1 7 N . o 2 o2 .
! ! 旦
性 和 深度 。具 体 研 究 方 法 有 案 例研 究 法 、 市 场
第一梯 队是 英 国和美 国 , 占总文 献数 近 4 % ; 9 第二
梯 队是 澳 大利亚 、 拿大 、 加 中国 、 印度 、 意大 利 和西
调查 和访 问法 、 统计 和数 学方 法 、 理学 和 地理 信 地
了一 个较 为繁荣 的阶段 。 遗 产旅 游研 究 者 的 国 度 可 以 划 分 三 个 梯 队 :
时, 热点 内容分 布广 , 究总 量 占总 研究 主 题 内容 研 的 5 % 。第 三 , 究方 法 既有定性 研究 , 有定量 5 研 又 研究 , 二者 紧 密结合 运用 , 加 了案 例研 究 的实用 增
市场 营销 和 旅 游 业行 业研 究 的特 色 , 国 内 的研 究 突 出 了遗 产 旅 游 立 法 与 管 理 研 究 的 特 色 。这 不 仅 表 而



“遗产旅游”研究动态综述—基于国外、国内两条线索作者:张超西南财经大学【摘要】为对当今国内外学术界对遗产旅游研究的历史和现状有清晰的了解,作者根据国外、国内两条线索,分别主要检索当代英语国家旅游学术界最具学术影响力的学术刊物《Annals of Tourism Research》和中国旅游学术界最具权威性的学术刊物《旅游学刊》,并补充检索其他相关国内外知名学术期刊和杂志,对与遗产旅游相关的文献进行分类和综述,最后对该领域下一步研究做出展望。

【关键词】遗产旅游 Annals of Tourism Research 旅游学刊近年来,中国掀起了一股“申遗”热,作为旅游重要分支的遗产旅游也越来越受到人们的重视,遗产旅游的研究随之也成为旅游研究的一个重要分支。



一、国外学者对遗产旅游研究的综述(一)资料来源作者检索到当代英语国家旅游学术界最具学术影响力的学术刊物《Annals of Tourism Research》从1974年创刊到现在关于遗产旅游的主要相关研究文献54篇,同时作为补充,又检索了另外一本知名的学术刊物《Tourism Management》近五年来的主要相关研究文献13篇,以求能更深入的了解国外学术界研究的过去和现状。



英国的Brian Garrod和Alan Fyall(2000)1和Yaniv Poria,Richard Butler和David Airey(2001)2的批驳最具有代表性。



R js【6 用 C oa 3 源自 】 4 VM评 估 使用 者对 墨 西哥 两处 建 筑
管理 。
第 6期
陈金 华 : 内外遗产 保护 与利 用研 究进 展 国
. 3. 2
法 , 用消 费 者意愿 调查法 来 实施 。[11 et n和 并 24a l a 1 -r r 1 B

国 外 遗 产 保 护 与 利 用 研 究 进 展
用和社 区参 与 , 并采 取分 区理 论与 先进 的计 算机技 术 来保 护遗 产资 源。而我 国遗 产研 究仍 处于 资源 的普 查 、
开发利 用阶段 , 重视 遗产 的经 济价值 , 忽视 民间遗 产的保 护及 遗产 保护 的社 区参 与作 用。借鉴 国外的研 究经
验, 结合构 建 和谐 社 会 的理 念 , 国遗产保 护 与 利 用研 究要 重 视 遗 产的 非物 质 价 值 ; 间非 物 质 遗 产 的保 我 民
陈金 华
( 华侨 大 学 旅 游 学 院 , 福建 泉州 32 2 ;河 南 大 学 环 境 规 划 学院 , 南 开 封 4 5 0 ) 601 河 7 00

要: 国外 遗产 保护 与利 用的研 究较 早 , 产保 护概 念 的 内涵与 外延 不 断拓展 , 遗 重视 遗产 的非 物质 利
护 与利 用文献的基础上 , 总结其研究 的趋势 , 并为
我 国遗产 保护 与利用研 究提 出 一些建 议 。
们 的认 同 ,遗 产 是和 谐人 地关 系 的典范 ,06年 我 20
国确 立 的文化遗 产 日( 2 0 从 0 6年 起每 年 6月 的第 2
收 稿 日期 :0 7 o 一l 2o- 3 3



26 月 0 年3 0
Ma , 0 6 L 2 0
国 外 近 年 来 遗 产 旅 游 研 究 评 述 .
夏必琴 ,陆林 ,路幸福 ,王莉
(.安徽师范大学 旅游学院,安徽 芜湖 210 ;2 1 400 .安徽师范大学 社会学院t 安徽 芜湖 210 ) 400
关键词 : 遗产 ;旅 游 ;A NN

要: 通过 对 《 旅游研究纪事》相关文献的整理 ,从 遗产与旅 游的 关 系研 究、遗产旅 游 管理 、部分 国
家或城市遗产旅游 的发展现状和 经验研 究等三方面分类和综述 ,并对 国 内遗产旅 游的发展进 行 了 讨。 探
中圈分类号: 12 B 5
区域的差异性来研究 。在保护城市遗产方面,殖 民国家面临着很多的困难,如何处理这些殖民遗
产与旅 游发展 的关系是其 中困难之一 。有人 提
出: 更改名称 ,或是迁移,或是干脆 完全 抛弃 ,
置之不理 。为 了否定这些提议 ,文章举出大量事 例证明殖民遗产保护的重要性,并且认为这些资
Hed r n Ja (02 1 《 n es , o nC 20 )[ 的 有形 遗 o ]
“ 新殖 民化”的媒介 。 在讨论旅游的角色问题时 ,殖民遗产被作为
研究随之也 日益受到重视 。笔者通过近年来 《 旅 游研究纪事》( n as f o r m R sac )等 A n l o T ui eerh s 相关文献的分析 ,发现遗产与旅游的关系、遗产 旅游管理、部分国家或城市遗产旅游的发展现状
d v lp e to o si h rtg i i.

遗产旅游是一种新兴的旅游形式 ,遗产旅游 是被侵 占及与英帝 国之间不平等关 系的标志。经 过调查 ,文章提出 “ 旅游是否是评论家所说 的新 殖民化的媒介”这个问题。对于这些有形遗产而 言,如果作为旅 游资源来服务于旅游业,人们有 理由担心 “ 旅游”成为这些曾经的殖 民城市进入



国内外工业遗产保护比较研究目录1. 内容概括 (2)1.1 研究背景与意义 (2)1.2 文献综述 (3)1.3 研究方法和目的 (5)2. 国内外工业遗产保护的概况 (6)2.1 国外工业遗产保护概述 (7)2.1.1 国外工业遗产定义与意义 (8)2.1.2 典型国家的工业遗产保护经验 (10)2.2 国内工业遗产保护概述 (11)2.2.1 国内工业遗产的定义与重要性 (12)2.2.2 中国工业遗产保护的现状和特点 (13)3. 国外工业遗产保护的模式和策略 (15)3.1 由政府主导的保护模式 (16)3.2 社区参与的保护策略 (17)3.3 公私合作模式的应用 (18)3.4 法律和政策支持下的保护 (20)4. 国内工业遗产保护的模式和策略 (21)4.1 地方政府与企业共同参与的保护模式 (22)4.2 采用历史文化街区保护的经济模式 (24)4.3 借助数字化技术进行遗产保护的策略 (25)4.4 宣传教育和公众参与的作用 (26)5. 国内外工业遗产保护的比较 (28)5.1 保护理念和方法的对比 (29)5.2 政策支持与法律框架的比较 (30)5.3 技术和资金支持方面的差异 (31)5.4 保护实践中的挑战与策略的适用性 (33)6. 工业遗产保护的展望 (34)6.1 未来保护趋势和挑战 (35)6.2 创新性保护方法和技术的开发 (37)6.3 国际合作与交流的重要性 (38)1. 内容概括本文档旨在深入探讨工业遗产在国内外保护观念、实际措施和政策层面的异同,通过历史背景、国际保护标准如《下塔吉尔公约》与国内法律框架的对比,进一步分析影响工业遗产保护深入程度的社会经济因素。






20 08年 的“ .2 大地 震 和 2 0 20 5 1” 0 8— 0 9年 全 球 金融 危机 , 致 四川 省 的游客 锐减 , 导 九寨 沟 的旅 游 业也 遭受 了史 无 前例 地 重创 。为 帮助九 寨 沟尽 快 走 出阴霾 , 研 究 运 用 微 观 经 济学 分 析 方 法 和 本 旅 游开 发理 论 , 出创 新 型的旅 游开发 策 划 。 提
寨沟” 综合绩效进行 了定量计算分析 , 构建 了综 合绩效评价体系 J 。
2 开 发方 面 。刘 婕运 用 GS和 S S 件 , . I P S软 在 旅 游开发 对景 观生 态体 系和 民族文 化多样 性 的影
响方 面进 行 了定 量 和 定 性 分 析 。蒋 淑娟 结 合 资源 类型 和分 布 特征 , 九寨 沟 旅游 文 化 的开发 对 进行 了现 状 分 析 和 问 题 诊 断 J 。于 立 新 和孙 根
旅游商品 的深度 开发等进行 了探讨 , 出了相应 的对策建议 , 提 旨在为 九寨 沟及沿线 区域做优做强进言献计 。
关 键 词: 世界遗产 ; 九寨沟 ; 旅游开发 ; 策划 中国分类 号 :17 8 F 2 . 文献标 志码 : A 文章编 号:0 44 2 { 00 0 -0 30 10 -9 2 2 1 )305 -5

工具定 量 探 讨 九 寨 沟 旅 游 流 的 时 间 特 性 J 。陈 菲指 出 , 九寨沟 开创 并 实 践 了居 民参 与 景 区保 护 的新模 式 , 实现 了环境保 护 主体 的多元 化 , 调实 强 施“ 六精 五 细 ” 管理 举 措 , 可实 现 景 区生 态 旅游 管 理 的精 细化 _ 。冯 刚 等用 管 理熵 函数 对 “ 5 J 数字 九




















工业建筑遗产 CONSERVATION OF INDUSTRIAL BUILDING HERITAGE从1750年左右英国工业革命爆发到现在,已经过去了260个年头。




1986年联合国教科文组织开始把这些工业遗迹以及充分表现了当时工程技术水平的运河、铁路、桥梁、交通和动力设施,收入“世界遗产名录”(World Heritage List)。


1 从工业考古到工业遗产——国际工业遗产保护的发展1.1 英国的工业考古(Industrial Archaeology)1.1.1 源起在欧洲,工业遗产保护是从对工业历史进行深入研究的工业考古开始的,最早由1955年英国伯明翰大学迈克尔·里克斯(Michael Rix)提出。


英国工业考古就是从铁桥峡谷(Ironbridge Gorge)开始的,英国也成为世界上开展工业考古最早的国家;正因为铁桥峡谷具有的象征意义,它也成了工业考古的肇始之地,被尊为工业遗产保护与研究的“圣地”(图1)。

1.1.2 发展英国是工业革命的源头,从产业衰败到工业遗产保护,经历了漫长的过程。









[参 考 文 献][1] 桥纳森・特纳,邱泽奇译.社会学理论的结构[M].北京:华夏出版社,2001.2-5.[2] 李文亮,翁瑾,杨开忠.旅游系统模型比较研究[J].旅游学刊,2005,(20)2:20-24.[3] 肖洪根.对旅游社会学理论体系研究的认识(上)[J].旅游学刊,2001,(16)6:16-26.[4] 马尔科姆・沃特斯;杨善华译.现代社会学理论[M],北京:华夏出版社,2000.4-10.[5] 乔治・瑞泽尔;杨淑娇译.当代社会学理论及古典渊源[M].北京:北京大学出版社,2005,7-9.[6] 谢彦君.旅游体验研究———一种现象学的视角[M].天津:南开大学出版社,2005.6-11.[7] 申葆嘉.国外旅游研究进展[J],旅游学刊,1996,(11)2:48-52.[8] 申葆嘉.旅游学原理[M].上海:学林出版社,1999.93-100.A Study on the System of R esearch Methodologyof Tourism Science———From the Perspective of S ociologyCHE N Cai(College o f History&Tourism,Liaoning Normal Univer sity, Dalian116029,China)Abstract:This paper inv olves four aspects in terms of methodology of tourism study:1.the meaning of tourism research methodology;2.why should tourism methodology be studied on the basis of s ociological perspective;3.the s ociological theories and their application in the tourism domain;4.the basic structure of tourism research methodology.K ey w ords:tourism science;s ociology methodology[责任编辑:廉月娟;责任校对:王玉洁]国外旅游景点研究综述刘春济1,高 静2(1.上海师范大学金融学院,上海200234;2.上海对外贸易学院商务外语学院,上海201620)[基金项目]上海高校选拔培养优秀青年教师科研专项基金资助课题(RE552)[收稿日期]2006-07-05;[修订日期]2006-11-02[作者简介]刘春济(1976-),男,河北人,硕士,上海师范大学金融学院旅游管理专业讲师;高静(1978-),女,河北人,硕士,上海对外贸易学院商务外语学院旅游管理系讲师。



国内外非物质文化遗产研究与保护现状联合国教料文组织対非物质文化遗产的关注和保护经历了一个渐进的过程+ 在自燃遗产和文化遗产的保护过程中,逐渐认识到非物质文化遗产在整个遗产保护中的特殊性和龍要性,进而将其提到了议事日程.并柱世界范围内广泛开展非物质文化遗产的保护JS动。

菲物痕文化遗产的保护既是牡界遗产保护工作的深入, 也是社会发理摄出的新课黒。

为了有效保护各民族的传统文化,维护世界文化的多样性,联舍国鞍科文组织于19貯年11月通过了f人类门头和非物质遗产代表作宣言h并于2000年4 月开始实施即人类口头和非物质遗产代我作”项目。

2C03 10月17 0;联合国教科文组织第32届大会通过了《保护非物歳文化遗产公约汕使世界各民族的非物质文化遗产获得国际公约的保护・中国政府意识到现代化进程中抢敕与保护民旗民间传统文化的巫要性,积靱参与国际间的苗物质文化遗产保护工作,天浊和加强国际间在1E物质立化遗产保护方面的交流与合作.充分借鉴眩界吝国的成功经验"近年来"我国政府和社会各方曲对抢救与保护非物质文化還产宥成效的工作,投入大绘的人力、物力和財力,并采取许參积极有效的保护措施” 便得非物质文化遗产保护工作不断得對加强和改进』中国政府討度重视非物质文化遗产的保护工作.止在加快非物质文化遗产的立法进程.加强国际间的交流与合作,逐步建立有中国特色的非物质文化遗产保护制度,取得了许多可喜的成果。







PennsylvaniaHeritage Tourism StudyPrepared for:The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources in Partnership with the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development, thePennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Preservation Pennsylvania, and the Federation of Museums& Historical OrganizationsD.K. Shifflet & Associates, Ltd.McLean, VirginiaMay 1999Table of ContentsIntroduction (1)Executive Summary (2)Summary of Report Findings (Listed by Order of Objectives)1. Defining Heritage Tourism in Pennsylvania (4)1.1Key Terms that Best Describe Heritage Tourism in Pennsylvania (4)1.2Analysis (6)2. Market Sizing and Economic Impact (7)2.1Volume of Heritage Tourism in Pennsylvania (8)2.2Economic Impact of Heritage Tourism (10)2.1.2 Travel Expenditures of Pennsylvania Heritage Travelers (10)2.1.3 Economic Impact of Core Heritage Travelers’Spending (13)2.3Analysis (15)3. Competitive Assessment (16)3.1 Heritage Tourism Participation (16)3.2 Heritage Tourism Importance (17)3.3 Heritage Tourism Satisfaction (18)3.4 Analysis (19)4. Other Highlights (20)4.1 Motivations and Barriers to Travel (20)4.2 Information Sources Used (22)4.3 Images of Pennsylvania (24)4.4 Analysis (25)5. Visitor Profiles (26)5.1Demographic Highlights (26)5.2Travel Behavior Highlights (29)5.3Analysis (33)6. Heritage vs. Outdoor Recreation Travelers (34)6.1Crossover Visitation (34)6.2Demographic Comparisons (35)6.3Travel Behavior Comparisons (38)6.4 Analysis (41)7. Heritage Attractions, Activities and Site Assessment (42)7.1 Attraction/Activity Awareness (42)7.2 Attraction/Activity Participation and Interest (43)7.3 Attraction/Activity Satisfaction (45)7.4 Attraction/Activity Importance (46)7.5 Analysis (47)8. Historic Sites Assessment (48)8.1 Awareness (48)8.2 Visitation (49)8.3 Importance (49)8.4 Satisfaction (50)8.5 Interest (51)8.6 Analysis (52)9. Heritage Travel Amenities Assessment (53)9.1 Usage (53)9.2 Importance and Satisfaction (54)9.3 Analysis (55)10. Pennsylvania Heritage Travel by Region (56)10.1 Awareness (58)10.2 Visitation (59)10.3 Satisfaction (60)10.4 Activity Participation (60)10.5 Analysis (62)11. General Conclusions (63)12. Appendices (64)A. Study MethodologyB. Glossary of TermsC. Survey Responses to Open-Ended QuestionD. Overview of Pennsylvania’s Heritage Travel Volume and Economic ImpactsE. Copy of Heritage Tourism Study QuestionnairePennsylvania Heritage Tourism StudyThe Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DNCR) is dedicated to advancing and promoting Pennsylvania’s Heritage Regions. As part of this ongoing commitment, DCNR, in conjunction with the State Heritage Park Interagency Task Force (comprised of the departments of Transportation, Community and Economic Development, and Education; the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission; and the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts) established the Pennsylvania Heritage Parks Program to protect and promote the state’s special Heritage areas in the interests of supporting long-term economic development and spurring regional visitation.To help assess marketing needs, DCNR retained D.K. Shifflet and Associates (DKS&A) to provide the Department with market intelligence on Pennsylvania’s Heritage Tourism industry. To this end, DKS&A conducted a study of over 1,700 U.S. Leisure travelers. The objectives of this quantitative study were to:1)Define Heritage Tourism for Pennsylvania2)Estimate the Size and Impact of Heritage Tourism in Pennsylvania and compare tostatewide travel estimates3)Assess how Pennsylvania’s Heritage Tourism marketplace compares to other regionalstates4)Identify the top motivations and barriers to Heritage travel in Pennsylvania among bothVisitors and Non-Visitors5)Identify the top information resources used by Pennsylvania Heritage travelers forplanning their trip and assess the helpfulness of each6)Measure travelers’perceptions of Pennsylvania’s Heritage Tourism product7)Profile Pennsylvania’s Heritage Travelers focusing particularly on the state’s CoreHeritage traveler and provide comparisons to key market segments8)Measure Pennsylvania’s Heritage Travelers‘participation in Outdoor activities andhighlight comparisons of the two types of niche travel markets9)Measure and understand respondents’awareness, participation, and interest inPennsylvania’s Heritage attractions and activities and determine satisfaction levels with each10)Determine the awareness, interest, visitation, and relative importance of Pennsylvania’snational, state and local historic sites among the state’s Heritage travelers11)Identify the relative importance, use, and satisfaction of various amenities amongHeritage travelers12)Determine the awareness, visitation and satisfaction of Pennsylvania’s Heritage TourismRegions and highlight the top activities of each regionPennsylvania Heritage Tourism StudyExecutive Summary•Heritage Tourism for Pennsylvania is a broadly defined travel market that encapsulates a wide variety of historic, cultural and outdoor activities. The most popular attractions listed by travelers that best describe this market are the state’s historic towns/districts, Philadelphia’s Liberty Bell, Gettysburg’s battlefields, Amish country, and various attractions and museums found throughout the state.•For Pennsylvania, Heritage Tourism represents a sizable portion of the state’s total Leisure visitors and dollars generated. In 1997, Heritage Tourism by dedicated or Core Heritage travelers (i.e. visitors whose primary purpose for traveling to Pennsylvania was for Heritage Tourism), accounted for 12% of all Pennsylvania Leisure Person-Trips or10.3 million Visitors and noteworthy 25% of all tourism spending by U.S. Leisure travelersor $2.99 billion. In addition, this market segment helped support over 55,000 jobs, was responsible for generating $1.0 billion in earnings for Pennsylvania residents, and generated $497.1 million in tax collections for Pennsylvania (direct and indirect impacts).•Heritage Tourism is becoming an increasingly important component of Pennsylvania’s tourism. From 1996 to 1997, Heritage Tourism visitation by Core Heritage travelers grew an impressive 23% and spending rose 15%. In comparison, the total domestic Leisure visitation grew 8% and travelers’direct spending increased 6% from 1996 to 1997.•On a regional scale, Pennsylvania’s top competitors for Heritage Tourism includeWashington DC, Virginia, New York and Maryland. Among these states, Pennsylvania is well positioned in the Heritage Tourism marketplace, as the state received the highest Heritage Tourism visitation percentages and scored the second highest satisfaction ratings among travelers.•Among Visitors and Non-Visitors, Pennsylvania’s Heritage product is best described by travelers as “educational”, “scenic”, and “fun”. Combining these attributes with Pennsylvania’s competitive strengths (e.g. wide variety of activities available, more beautiful landscape/scenery and family activities available) should provide Pennsylvania marketers with a strong positioning campaign for marketing Heritage Tourism.•Lack of awareness was the major barrier for Non-Visitors who had not traveled to Pennsylvania for Heritage Tourism in the last several years. In addition, “no family connections to area,”and “have already seen everything”were also key obstacles to travel.•The top information resource used by Pennsylvania’s Core Heritage Travelers to help plan their heritage trips was brochures. In addition, travelers were also likely to consult with friends/relatives, AAA, local Visitors Bureaus, and the State Tourism Office. The most helpful of these top resources according to travelers were AAA, and brochures.•On average, Pennsylvania’s Core Heritage travelers are married, middle aged, middle-income, white-collar professionals who travel with their children or in groups of multiple adults. They typically travel in the fall, stay about 3.3 days, spend $102 per person per day, and come from surrounding states (if not Pennsylvania residents). Compared to the average Pennsylvania Leisure visitor, they usually are slightly older and more affluent, and travel more often as families or in groups. In addition, they tend to stay more than a day longer in the state and spend 40% more money per person per day than the average Pennsylvania Leisure visitor.•There is considerable crossover between Core Heritage and Outdoor Recreation travelers in Pennsylvania -- two key market segments DCNR is responsible for overseeing. While there were many similar characteristics among these two traveler groups, there were some notable differences, which may warrant marketers to create separate marketing campaigns. Key differences were that Core Heritage travelers tended to be slightly older than visitors who traveled to the state for the purposes of Outdoor Recreation, they more often traveled as families or in groups of multiple adults and frequented the state mostly in the fall rather than the summer. Each campaign, however, should cross-promote activities in the other market segment to capitalize on the high crossover.•The attractions in Pennsylvania that Core Heritage travelers were most aware of, participated most often in, and had the highest interest in for future travel included historic towns/districts, battlefields/forts, zoos/gardens/arboreta, art galleries/museums, and house museums. For the most part, travelers were also very satisfied with these activities. In comparison, Non-Visitors expressed the most interest in the state’s festivals, zoos/gardens/arboreta, and excursion railroads, which could present growth opportunities for Pennsylvania’s Heritage travel market.•In general, awareness levels of Pennsylvania’s national, state, and locally run historic sites was high. This was especially true among the state’s Core Heritage travelers. Of the three types of historic sites, the more renowned national historic sites received the highest ratings (participation, satisfaction and interest in future participation).•Of all the amenities examined, maps and guides were found to be the most critical to Pennsylvania’s Core Heritage Tourists: they had the highest usage and were rated the most important to travelers in trip planning. In addition, directional signs, bathrooms, parking, and food/ drink facilities were also fundamentally important amenities. Two other value-added amenities that were important to Core Heritage Tourists were family activities and educational classes, which if marketed effectively, could increase Pennsylvania’s competitive positioning in the Heritage Tourism industry.•For all but the Lancaster/Dutch Region, awareness of Pennsylvania’s newly instituted Heritage Regions was low. This in turn, translated into low “known”visitation to each of the Regions. However, for those who had visited at least one of the Regions, satisfaction ratings were extremely high, which suggests that travelers like the product/activities offered and the experience they have at each. With this mind, marketers should consider developing effective advertising campaigns designed to boost awareness of the Heritage Regions and to communicate to travelers the breadth of the product available in each. Special emphasis should be placed on travelers’most popular activities for each Region.Historic Communties of Amer Homes 1.1 Key Terms that Best Describe Heritage Tourism for PennsylvaniaWhile there have been numerous studies on Heritage Tourism by major research companies in recent years, none have been able to conclusively develop an acceptable definition of the term “Heritage Tourism.” Some studies, for example,have shown that this type of travel only includes travel to visit historic sites,whereas others have found it to encompass a wide variety of activities such as antiquing, visiting older theme parks, or going to industrial museums. Thus, with the term meaning so many different things to different people in various areas of the country, we believed the first logical step for conducting an analysis of Heritage Tourism in Pennsylvania would be to find out from travelers what they think Heritage Tourism is in Pennsylvania. To this end, we posed the question:“When you think of Heritage Tourism in Pennsylvania, what comes to mind?”The results of this analysis 1 are illustrated below. Note, all responses were grouped into categories based on theme similarities.Definitions of Heritage Tourism in Pennsylvania(Categorized Survey Responses 2)1Percentages sum to greater than 100% due to multiple responses.2 Appendix C contains the complete listing of all survey responses.1Mem.Gardens MuseumsOf all the individual responses provided, the most prevalent ones are listed below: Key Terms that Best Describe Heritage Tourism in PennsylvaniaIndividual Responses% of Total RespondentsGettysburg37% Philadelphia31% Liberty Bell17% Valley Forge11% Amish9% Amish Area/Country9% Lancaster8% Independence Hall6% Hershey3% Pittsburgh3% Harrisburg3% Pennsylvania Dutch Country3% Civil War2% History2% Poconos/Pocono mountains2% Pennsylvania Dutch2% Battlefields2% Lancaster Co./Area2% Frank Lloyd Wright/Falling Water2% Railroads2% Scenery1% Museums1% Coal Mines1% Gettysburg Battlefield1% Historic Places/Sites1%1.2 AnalysisØHeritage Tourism in Pennsylvania is a broadly defined travel market segment that encapsulates a wide-variety of activities.The most popular responses listed by respondents when askedto describe Heritage Tourism in Pennsylvania were the state’shistoric towns/districts, Philadelphia’s Liberty Bell,Gettysburg’s battlefields, Amish country, and variousattractions and museums located throughout the state.ØOverwhelmingly, the dominant response for what best described Heritage Tourism in Pennsylvania was the city ofPhiladelphia or its top historical attraction, the Liberty Bell. Infact, over half (55%) of the respondents listed a response ofthis nature as the first words to come to mind when thinking ofHeritage Tourism in Pennsylvania.ØThe second most popular response was Gettysburg’s battlefields and parks. While respondents listed a multitude ofseparate battlefields, forts, and civil war sites foundthroughout the commonwealth, the mention of Gettysburg wasso prevalent (accounting for 38% of all respondents), that itwarranted its own category.ØHistoric towns/districts (e.g. Lancaster, Pittsburgh, Harrisburg), Amish/Religious Communities, and items related tothe Colonial/Founding of America (e.g. Valley Forge,Declaration of Independence) were also popular themes.ØInterestingly, only 6% of all respondents cited they didn’t know or weren’t sure what Heritage Tourism was. This highawareness of the term is extremely encouraging news toPennsylvania marketers as future marketing or advertisingcampaigns developed to promote this type of travel should notwarrant further explanation of the term. Thus, more time canbe allocated to promoting individual attractions or HeritageRegions.2As illustrated in the previous chapter, Heritage Tourism for Pennsylvaniaencompasses a vast array of different activities such as visiting the battlefields inGettysburg to touring the industrial regions in Pittsburgh to visiting the Liberty Bellin Philadelphia. Thus, with the definition of Heritage Tourism being so inclusivefor the commonwealth, the challenge for Pennsylvania marketers and stateofficials who want to determine the size and impact of this segment onPennsylvania’s travel industry and economy is to determine the appropriateparameters by which to measure the market.To this end, we posed the following question to survey respondents whoindicated that they had visited in Pennsylvania in the last several years and hadengaged in Heritage Tourism activities:“On your most recent Heritage Tourism trip to Pennsylvania, rate how importantHeritage Tourism was in your choice to visit Pennsylvania as a vacationdestination?”Importance ratings were based on a seven-point scale where “1”was not at allimportant and “7”was very important. The distribution of the responses to this“importance measure”enabled us to distinguish the core Heritage Tourists fromthe travelers who presumably visited the state for other primary reasons (e.g.visited friends and relatives, attended special event). Listed below are the threedifferent levels of Pennsylvania Heritage Tourists that were identified.1. Core Heritage travelers: Represent Pennsylvania's most dedicated Heritagetraveler group. These travelers marked a “6”or a “7”on the importancemeasure (i.e. Heritage Tourism was a very important factor in their decision tovisit Pennsylvania on their most recent trip).2. Moderate Heritage travelers: Represent Pennsylvania’s next most viabletraveler segment to become “true”Heritage travelers. These travelersmarked a “3”, “4”, or “5”on the importance measure (i.e. Heritage Tourismwas a moderately important factor in their decision to visit Pennsylvania).Unlike the Core Heritage travelers who presumably traveled to the statechiefly to engage in Heritage Tourism activities, Moderate Heritage travelersmay have come for other reasons but still considered Heritage Tourism animportant factor in their decision to visit.3. Low Heritage travelers: Represent visitors who most likely traveled toPennsylvania for other purposes such as visiting friends and relatives, generalvacation, etc. These travelers marked a “1”or “2”on the importance measure(i.e. Heritage Tourism was not an important factor in their decision to visitPennsylvania). Results of the analysis revealed the characteristics of thesetravelers most closely resembled Non-Pennsylvania Heritage visitors.Understanding these different levels of Heritage Tourists is an essential andfundamental first step for marketers who want to assess the size and impact ofthis travel market segment on Pennsylvania’s total tourism industry. Whilevolume and economic impact measures are provided for all travelers who visitedPennsylvania and participated in Heritage activities, the most accurate estimatesof Heritage Tourism impacts are based on the spending of those travelers whoseprimary motivation for visiting Pennsylvania was to participate in HeritageTourism. In addition, we realize that it is also important to take into accountModerate and Low Heritage Visitors’impact on the state as these travelers didparticipate in Heritage activities on their trip. However, because these groupsconsidered Heritage Tourism a secondary influence or motivating factor fortraveling to Pennsylvania, we segmented these visitors from the Core Heritagetravelers. Consequently, the size and impact of Heritage Tourism in this report isbased on the state’s Core Heritage travelers and, thus, can be consideredconservative estimates.2.1 Volume of Heritage Tourism in PennsylvaniaBased on Pennsylvania’s 1997 Domestic Travel Report it is estimated that thecommonwealth hosted 112.4 million domestic visitors3 in 1997 of which 83.4million were Leisure travelers. Of all the Leisure travelers who visitedPennsylvania, approximately one in four participated in Heritage Tourismactivities at some point on their trip, or 21.9 million visitors or Person-Trips.3 Volume figures are measured in Person-Trips, which is a standard measure in the industry that accounts for one person on one trip irrespective of trip length. For the most part, Person-Trips equates to Visitors. Pennsylvania’s 112.4 million total visitors include both Business and Leisure travelers, and Pennsylvania resident and non-resident travelers. Appendix D provides an Overview ofThis total volume figure of 21.9 million Person-Trips, however, accounts for all travelers who participated in Heritage activities, including those travelers whose primary purpose was not Heritage Tourism or those who stated it was of little influence in their decision to visit the state. Thus, using the Importance parameters previously noted, we estimate the actual number of Core Heritage Tourists to be 10.3 million Person-Trips or 12% of all of Pennsylvania’s 1997 total Leisure travelers. Among all Pennsylvania Visitors who participated in some form of Heritage activities on their trip, dedicated Heritage travelers represented close to half (47%) of the segment.In addition to examining travel to Pennsylvania for 1997, we also examined prior years travel in order to identify market changes. As the graph below illustrates,there was a significant increase (up 23%) from 1996 to 1997 in the number of Core Heritage Travelers who traveled to or within Pennsylvania. Specifically, the market grew from 8.3 million Person-Trips to 10.3 million paratively, this increase was more than three times the growth rate of total Pennsylvania Leisure tourists, which increased 8%.Volume of Heritage Tourism(Millions of Person-Trips)PA Leisure All Heritage travelers Core Heritage Moderate Heritage Low Heritage199783.421.910.38.4 3.2199677.518.78.38.0 2.4199580.419.79.27.7 2.8Moderate Heritage travelers (Pennsylvania’s best potential growth market for Heritage Tourists) accounted for the next largest Heritage travel group with 8.4million Person-Trips, followed distantly by Low Heritage Travelers which accounted for 3.2 million visitors.2.2 Economic Impact of Heritage Tourism2.2.1 Travel Expenditures of Pennsylvania Heritage TravelersAn economic analysis revealed that while thetotal number of Core Heritage PennsylvaniaVisitors accounted for 12% of all LeisurePennsylvania Visitors in 1997, theydisproportionately accounted for 25% of alltourism expenditures of Leisure travelers.The total amount attributable to CoreHeritage travelers in 1997 was $2.99 billion.This figure includes spending on travel-related goods and services includingtransportation, lodging, food & beverages,recreation & entertainment, shopping andother spending.On a larger scale, the total amount of domestic Leisure traveler spending in Pennsylvania that was attributable to visitors who at some point on their trip engaged in Heritage Tourism activities was $4.87 billion or 40% of all 1997Pennsylvania Leisure travelers direct tourism expenditures ($12.09 billion) 4.If we also take into account travelers who stated Heritage Tourism was a Moderately Important factor in their decision to visit Pennsylvania, the total spending figure of Heritage Tourists increases to $4.59 billion. Adding this group’s expenditures to the Core Heritage traveler’s expenditures, however, may overstate the impact of these travelers since some of the Moderate Importance Heritage travelers may have traveled to the state for other reasons besides Heritage Tourism.Compared to the spending estimates of Pennsylvania’s Core Heritage travelers in 1996, Heritage travelers’ spending in 1997 soared 15%, growing from $2.60billion to $2.99 billion. This increase was more than two times the growth rate of total Pennsylvania Leisure tourism spending, which increased 6%. The charts below illustrate Pennsylvania’s growth in traveler spending for Pennsylvania’s Leisure and Heritage Tourism markets from years 1995 to 1997.Expenditures of Pennsylvania Travelers(Billions)PA Total 5PA Leisure All Heritage travelers Core Heritage Moderate Heritage1997$17.88$12.09$4.87$2.99$1.601996$17.88$11.36$4.45$2.60$1.631995$15.84$10.76$4.34$2.65$1.44Further analysis into Pennsylvania’s Core Heritage travelers spending habits revealed that the greatest percentages of their expenditures were for food/beverage (26%) and shopping (24%). In 1997, these travelers spent a total of $768 million on meals and beverages in restaurants and bars as well as food and beverages in grocery, liquor and other retail food outlets and another $712 million on retail purchases. Spending on lodging in hotels, motels, inns, campgrounds and other lodging facilities was the third largest expense accounting for $545million, followed by entertainment and recreation spending ($295 million) and transportation spending ($295 million). An additional $281 million was also spent by Heritage travelers on other miscellaneous items.1997 Expenditures of Pennsylvania Travelers(Millions)Spending Categories PA Total 6All Heritage travelers Core Heritage Moderate Heritage Food/drink$3,821$1,249$768$419Retail$3,684$1,179$712$401Lodging$3,127$870$545$267Entrnmt & Rec$2,006$608$384$199Transportation$4,317$502$295$167Other$927$466$281$151Total $17,883$4,873$2,986$1,604Allocation of Core Heritage Travelers' 1997Tourism ExpendituresEntrnmt12%Shop24%10%18%Food/Bev2.2.2 Economic Impact of Core Heritage Travelers’Spending in PennsylvaniaDirect and Indirect Impacts of Core Heritage travelersBeyond the front-line impacts of tourism spending, there are also a certain level of spin-off benefits attributable to spending that result from all intermediate rounds of production in the supply of goods and services to industry sectors (e.g. the supply and production of bed sheets for a hotel). These additional impacts are called indirect impacts and are typically recommended by economists to be the best measure of resulting economic activity. For Pennsylvania in 1997, the total direct and indirect impact on economic activity of Core Heritage Travelers direct expenditures was $3.90 billion.Thus, with the addition of the dollars generated by the indirect impacts, a better measure of Pennsylvania residents’earnings (wages & salaries) and jobs supported by Pennsylvania tourism expenditures was $1.00 billion and employment totaled 55,092 jobs. Also, a major by-product of this increased spending was tax collections, which totaled $497.1 million.Direct and Indirect Economic Effects of Core Heritage Travelers’Expendituresin Pennsylvania (1997)Impact Direct Travel Expenditures$2.99 billion Direct & Indirect Economic Activity$3.90 billion Total Jobs for Pennsylvania Residents55,092 Earnings for Pennsylvania Residents (wages & salaries)$1.00 billion Total Tax Revenues Generated$497.1 millionDirect, Indirect, and Induced Impacts of Core Heritage travelersIn addition to the direct and indirect spending impacts, there are induced economic impacts. These are generated as a result of spending by employees (in the form of consumer spending) who benefit either directly or indirectly from the initial expenditures under analysis (e.g. impacts generated by hotel employees on typical consumer items such as groceries, shoes, cameras, etc.). In 1997, the total (direct, indirect and induced) impact of tourism spending by Core Heritage travelers in Pennsylvania was $5.35 billion. The corresponding impact on Pennsylvania residents’earnings was $1.34 billion, which supported a total of 69,752 jobs. An additional $617.0 million was also generated by total tax collections.Direct, Indirect & Induced Economic Effects of Core Heritage Travelers’Expenditures in Pennsylvania (1997)Impact Direct Travel Expenditures$2.99 billion Direct, Indirect & Induced Economic Activity$5.35 billion Total Jobs for Pennsylvania Residents69,752 Earnings for Pennsylvania Residents (wages & salaries)$1.34 billion Total Tax Revenues Generated$617.0 millionIn addition to the information provided in the report, Appendix D provides a breakdown of the Economic Impact of Heritage Travel by year for 1995, 1996, and 1997 and the accompanying Detailed Report Economic Impacts provides a comprehensive review of the impacts.。


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农业文化遗产旅游目的地形象感知探究——以广西龙脊梯田景区为例陈素平;梅雨晴【摘要】以农业文化遗产旅游目的地广西龙脊梯田景区为例,以“龙脊梯田”为关键词在用户覆盖数排名靠前的携程旅行网、蚂蜂窝和驴妈妈旅游网这三个在线旅游网站上搜索到有效的游记和评论共320条作为网络文本,分析龙脊梯田景区客源市场,并将网络文本导入Rost ContentMining软件分析游客对龙脊梯田景区的形象感知构成以及游客的情感分布,由此提出优化农业文化遗产旅游目的地景观感知,针对性地进行景区宣传、提升景区的人性化设计,重视景区所在区域形象等建议.【期刊名称】《创新》【年(卷),期】2017(011)004【总页数】12页(P78-89)【关键词】农业文化遗产;旅游目的地;形象感知;龙脊梯田【作者】陈素平;梅雨晴【作者单位】湘潭大学商学院湖南湘潭,411105;湘潭大学商学院湖南湘潭,411105【正文语种】中文【中图分类】F590.7农业文化遗产的概念由联合国粮农组织于2002年在“全球重要农业文化遗产”项目中提出,其定义为“农村与其所处环境长期协同进化和动态适应下所形成的独特的土地利用系统和农业景观,这种系统与景观具有丰富的生物多样性,而且可以满足当地社会经济与文化发展的需要,有利于促进区域可持续发展”。









%Taking Chinese ancient cultural relics tourism as the research point , the paper selects and ar-ranges the significant documents from 1999 to 2013 about Chinese ancient cultural sites systematically by the means of document retrieval and analysis .It finds that most achievements in the field focused on cul-tural use , resource evaluation , regional planning , site development , exhibition comments , site protection and so on .And the researchers take regional planning and site development as the main point of the re -search, at the same time their study areas were affected by local research strength greatly and the feature of interaction between studies obviously increased , but the quality of the documents and theoretical inno-vation should be strengthened .At last, in terms of ancient heritage activation mode , site management mechanism , target market of ancient human sites research , the paper puts forward the main direction and tendencies of this field researchers should pay attention to .【期刊名称】《兰州商学院学报》【年(卷),期】2015(000)002【总页数】6页(P106-110,118)【关键词】古人类遗址;旅游研究;遗址开发;研究进展;中国【作者】刘敬华;王辉【作者单位】渤海大学旅游学院,辽宁锦州 121013;渤海大学旅游学院,辽宁锦州 121013【正文语种】中文【中图分类】F592中国作为世界四大文明古国之一,具有深厚的文化积淀。



















































Van Den Berghe[6]将旅游看作是一种特殊的民族关系形式,认为对那些以文化的独特性为主要旅游吸引物的地区尤为如此2.国内文化旅游研究现状国内对于文化旅游的研究主要集中在以下几个方面①关于文化旅游类型。











早在1985年11 月,第六届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十三次会议就批准了世界遗产公约,成为该公约的第89个缔约国,并于1992年、1993年和1994年进入世界遗产委员会主席团,在保护世界遗产中发挥着重要的作用。






我国非物质文化遗产研究现状与展望徐伟;韦为;姚意旗【摘要】通过查阅中国学术期刊网络出版总库回顾我国20多年来非物质文化遗产研究的进展,从论文数量、论文作者单位和学科专业、论文研究涉及领域等角度进行量化分析显示,我国非物质文化遗产研究具有研究成果丰富、研究主体多元化、研究领域广泛、研究群体专业背景丰富、论文研究成果呈阶段性等特征;同时存在质量参差不齐、不同领域内的研究论文不平衡、研究缺乏深入.在此基础上,对今后非物质文化遗产的研究提出一些思考和展望.【期刊名称】《大众科技》【年(卷),期】2019(021)007【总页数】5页(P140-144)【关键词】非物质文化遗产;中国;论文;量化分析【作者】徐伟;韦为;姚意旗【作者单位】桂林旅游学院文化与传播学院, 广西桂林 541006;广西航天信息技术有限公司,广西南宁 530021;广西师范大学美术学院, 广西桂林 541004【正文语种】中文【中图分类】G1121 引言2001年5月,联合国教科文组织宣布第一批“人类口头和非物质遗产代表作”,包括中国昆曲在内的19项代表作获得通过。






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国外遗产旅游研究17年作者:陶伟;岑倩华提交日期:2006-11-21 18:36:35 提交者:文章来源:/Article/ShowArticle.asp?ArticleID=1838如转载本文,请注明转自:Plansky规划空间站()国外遗产旅游研究17年――Annals of Tourism Research反映的学术态势陶伟;岑倩华17-Year-Study of Heritage Tourism in Oversea:The academic trend of Annals of Tourism ResearchTAO Wei,CEN QianhuaAbstract:The paper sums up the researches on heritage tourism in Annals of Tourism Research,all the publishions are summarized and classified into papers,notes of conferences and research summaries,trying to make a clear picture of international heritage tourism research by these jobs.Keyword:heritage,tourism,Annals of Tourism Research提要为对国外遗产旅游研究的进程和现状有清晰的了解,检索在当代英语国家旅游学术界中最具有学术影响力的学术刊物,Annals of Tourism Research,自1974年创刊以来至2003年第一季刊,共检索到与遗产旅游相关文献52篇,对此分别从论文、会议报告和文献综述进行分类和综述,总结为国外遗产旅游起步相对较晚,文献集中在1990年代以后,但研究分支迅速细化,数量快速增长,理论基础和案例分析具有相当深度,形成多学科综合的局面,但直接指导遗产地可持续分支的针对性研究还在深入。

关键词遗产旅游ANNALS OF TOURISM RESEARCH中图分类号文献标识码文章编号1000-3363(2004)01-0066-07遗产旅游是旅游研究的一个重要分支。


1974年创刊的《旅游研究纪事》(Annals of Tourism Research/后简称ANNALS),是“当代英语国家旅游学术界中最具影响力的学术刊物,长期以来在相当大的范围内起着导向作用。


通过检索(以题目和关键词进行检索),自1974~2003年第一季刊(V ol.30,lssue 1),共有主要的相关文献52篇。


















加拿大的Anne Drost(1996)①通过综述的形式对世界遗产地的可持续发展及管理作了总结和分析。



意大利Jan Van der Borg;Paolo Costa;Giuseppe Gotti(1996)②三人的论文以世界遗产中的城市为例对遗产旅游的影响进行了研究。



他们分析了七座艺术城市观光事业的市场和政策:Aix-en-Provence,阿姆斯特丹,布鲁日(Historic Centreof Brugge 2000 C(分别表示:世界遗产项目名/列入世界遗产名录的年份/世界遗产的类型,C 代表文化遗产,N代表自然遗产,M代表文化自然双遗产),佛罗伦斯(Historic Centre of Florence 1982 C),牛津城,萨尔斯堡(Historic Centre of the City of Salzburg 1996 C)和威尼斯(Venice and its Lagoon 1987 C)。



英国的Jonathan R.Edwards(1987)③就旅游业和娱乐业对英国遗产海岸(Giant′s Causeway and Causeway Coast 1986 N)的生态影响做了调查,评估了可能造成的生态冲击、冲击的性质和范围,提出在现有管理技术的范围内如何抑制冲击的方法,探讨了未来可能开发的遗产海岸项目。

Maurizio Peleggi(澳大利亚)(1996)④调查了泰国的世界遗产(Historic Town of Sukhothai and Associated Historic Towns 1991 C);(Historic City of Ayutthaya and Associated Historic Towns 1991 C);(Thungyai-Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife sanctuaries 1991N);(Ban Chiang Archaeological Site 1992 C)与国际、国内旅游业的关系;认为遗产旅游是国际旅游的重点之一,另外还是发展中的国内旅游的主要吸引地;同时分析了政府旅游机构对遗产及遗产地开发的措施情况。

玻利维亚高地中的一座殖民城市Potosí(City of Potosí 1987 C),1545年建立的城市银矿是非常有特色的旅游目的地。

Michael Pretes(澳大利亚)(2002)⑤通过实地调查分析了该地开展遗产旅游的价值所在,认为旅游为盖丘亚族矿工提供了一个展现他们故事、回顾西班牙占据时期悲剧历史的机会,成为讲述本地故事的载体。


荷兰的Antonio Paolo Russo(2002)⑥研究了遗产城市中旅游发展的“恶性循环”(vicious circle)现象(根据旅游目的地的生命周期理论,旅游地随着旅游产业的发展,不可控制地会衰落的现象,文中描述了在旅游地生命周期较迟阶段的探险旅游者的初期阶段,和城市旅游吸引点的衰微,两者之间的自主的结合)。

作者依据威尼斯(Venice and its Lagoon 1987 C)这一个案,探讨了旅游业空间组织中的多种关系、遗产城市中旅游产品的质量、地方的经济动力等问题,认为可持续旅游发展的有效政策应针对“恶性循环”中的关键点,例如文化资源的质量和目的地的可达性而开展。





美国的Rita-Jean Browne和Mary Lee Nolan(1989)⑦探讨了美国西部文化遗产的预定旅游业(reservation tourism)的发展情况。



J.Arwel Edwards(英国)和Joan Carles Llurdés i Coit(西班牙)(1996)⑧对工业遗产的旅游发展潜力进行了研究,提出工业遗产旅游吸引地应被列入更广泛的遗产旅游的框架中。

