
SAFS实现超过95%的TOC去除率,平均为99.8%的SS 去除效率,氨氮去除率100%,即使在受到冲击载荷。

城市规划滨水景观设计中英文对照外文翻译文献中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译) Riverfront Landscape Design for London 2012 Olympic ParkHow do you plant along a river's edge, knowing that millions of people could be passing through thesite in the near future? How do you design, create and maintain the surrounding wetlands, knowing that man-made wet woodland is very rare and transitionalby nature? How do you ensurethat the habitat being created remains viable and sustainable in the long-term? Atkins’engineers of the wetlands and river edges on the London 2012 Olympic Park were tasked with fi nding answers to all of these questions.Covering more than 246 hectares of formerly derelict industrial land, London’s new Olympic Park for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games is one ofEurope’s biggest-ever urban greening projects. Rivers and wetlands are at the heart of the vision for the new park, which lies in east London’s Lower Lee Valley. Th e landscape that’s now emerging will provide a backdrop for the main action of theLondon 2012 Games.As river edge and wetland engineers for the project, Atkins has played a critical role in turning the vision into reality. Atkins’remit includes design of the soft river edges and wetlands, including riverbank restoration and bioengineering.The transformation is unprecedented. More than 8km of riverbanks have been restored as part of the project; in tandem with this, 2 hectares of reed beds and ponds have been created, along with 9,000 square meters of rare wet woodland(Fig.01).The challenge was about getting people both visual and physical access down to the river-to actually make the rivers more accessible and more open, and therefore the centerpiece of the Park.Mike Vaughan heads up Atkins' multidisciplinary design team, which includes river engineers, geomorphologists and ecologists. “The idea was to open up the river corridor by making the steep sl opes that line the river fl att er,”explains Mike. “By dropping the slopes, we’ve brought the river into the park and made it much more accessible-people can get close to the river and see what’s going on there.”Gett ing the riverbank geometry just right was a delicate balancing act. Too steep, and the banks would need costly artifi cial reinforcement; too shallow, and they would start to eat into valuable space on the site. An optimum slope of 1 in 2.5-about 22 degrees- was chosen. The space occupied by river bank was restricted by the need to convey fl oodwater and the location of terrestrial landscape and infrastructure. As such, the banks were over-steepened using two approaches. Firstly, where possible, the riverbanks were terraced using coir rolls and timber stakes. In other locations, where only a 70 degree bank was possible, a reinforced detail was used, providing layers of geo-grid and steel mesh cages, faced with a riverside turf.Today, with the new landscape rapidly taking shape, it’s easy to forget how the Lee Valley used to look. Until the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) took possession of the site in 2006, many of the river channels that criss-cross the site were clogged with invasive weeds, along with the predictable detritus of urban decay: abandoned shopping trolleys and car tires.Th e Lee Valley’s neglected river network wasn’t only an eyesore, but also an obstacle-a gulf separating Hackney and Tower Hamlets in the west from Waltham Forest and Newham in the east.Now, the revitalized waterways-and the new crossings spanning them-will be vital not only during the Games, but also aft er 2012. Th ey are an integral part of the legacy solution, stitching the new Park and its waterways into the wider fabric of east London.1 Bringing Habitats back to LifeMaking the most of the site’s rivers and natural features to create sustainable habitats is a key part of the Olympic Delivery Authority’s vision for the Olympic Park. But the process of transforming the park’s rivers from weed and rubbish-infested gulches into pristine watercourses has been long and tough.For Atkins, that process started with developing an intimate understanding of the labyrinth of waterways and channels that wind their way through the site. Flows and velocities were measured at diff erent points over a period of time, with data used to construct a detailed hydraulic model to predict flood risk. That’s of critical importance, because Atkins had responsibility for everything up to a contour of 4 meters above ordnance datum (sea level) on the site.A full flood risk assessment was undertaken at environmental impact assessment stage. Atkins undertook analyses of the risk of fl ooding caused by frequent rainfall, taking into account the automated regulation of water levels in the impounded reaches and the impact of tidal lockout. The modeling exercise was made considerably more complicated by the impoundment of the river system during the course of 2008; in effect, this eliminated thedirect tidal infl uence of the Th ames. But its indirect infl uence is still felt. “When the tide comes in on the Th ames, it stops water fl owing out of the River Lee,”explains Mike Vaughan. “So the river levels fl uctuate by an average of 400mm a day.”Atkins’modeling calculations correctly predicted th is phenomenon, and also the increased risk of flooding. “These discoveries led to some changes in the landscaping profile,”says Mike. “The riverside paths have been raised by up to a meter and the profile of the wetlands was also raised, as maintaining cor rect water levels is critical to their survival.”Sustainable drainage techniques have also been used across the Park. In the landscape areas, porous strips have been used in the concourse, feeding into bioswales which drain down into the riverside ponds. Surface conveyance, underground pipes and storage features have also been utilized(Fig.02).The first step in the river restoration process was to “lay back”the banks, many of which were precipitously steep. This re-profiling was necessary because much of the surrounding land was “made”ground, the result of centuries of tipping that had raised the ground level by as much as 10 meters in places. The cocktail of materials on the banks included rubble, glass, animal bones and, more recently, wartime demolition materials from London’s east end.Another challenge facing the Atkins team was the prevalence of invasive weeds. These included Himalayan balsam, Japanese knotweed and giant hogweed. All are fast-growing non-native plants introduced to Britain in the 19th century as gardencuriosities; all have prospered on the wrong side of the garden wall.Invasive species are bad news for riverbanks. They reproduceand grow with prodigious speed, driving out native plant species. And they’re highly resilient. Knotweed ca n force its way through solid concrete, while giant hogweed contains furocoumarins, sun-activated toxins that can cause skin ulceration. Elimination was a priority –soil was treated throughout the site and the banks stripped of all remaining vegetation.In addition, Atkins was responsible for ensuring the protection of the existing fl ora and fauna on the site. Phase one habitat surveys were undertaken as part of the environmental impact assessment in 2006, including bird and fi sh surveys. A major translocation of species was undertaken to suitable receptor sites including a specially-created 1 hectare site just outside the Park. Atkins translocated 330 commonlizards, 100 toads and 4,000 smooth newts. In order to protect the flora on the site, Atkins maint ained a ‘permit to clear’system for contractors, and specifi ed safeguarded habitat areas that were not to be touched including areas of sycamore trees.2 Choosing Plants to PlantAtkins is responsible for the final look of the riverbanks and wetlands-and deciding what to re- plant presented a challenge. With banks now bare, new planting would have to fulfi ll not only ecological and aesthetic demands-they’d be expected to be in bloom for the Olympic Games-but engineering imperatives too.The Atkins design team chose bioengineering techniques, rather than culverting and hard engineering, for the project. That means protecting and consolidating riverbanks by using vegetation and natural products instead of concrete. Choosing the right species with the right root systems would be critical to protect the banks from erosion.An added challenge was that the river network is semi-tidal. The twice-daily rise and fall of around 400mm had the potential to play havoc with new planting, and the river’s high sediment loads threatened to smother anything planted from seed or plugs. “We don’t actually have a natural river system,”notes Mike. “Plants don’t cop well in those conditions.”To fi nd out which plants would fare best-and to establish the most eff ective planting methods -Atkins conducted a unique riverbank planting trial along a 50-metre stretch of the Lee in the Olympic Park.“We trialled plants of different elevations and different installation techniques. These were monitored over a year,”says Ian Morrissey, senior environmental scientist with Atkins. “That’s really helped to inform exactly what species we should plant and where.”The trial revealed that plug plants would be just too vulnerable. But plants pre-grown in coir -coconut fibre matting-resisted being washed away or swamped. Coir has other benefi ts too-it’s easy and quick to install in rolls and pallets two meters long and a meter wide(Fig.03).“Th e mat itself acts like a mulch, so you prevent any weeds growing up through it that might already be within the bank material. But more importantly, when the banks become inundated, you get fine sediment trapped within the coir. Th at helps to bind the roots and feed the plants,”says Ian.3 Banking on Tomorrow’s SeedlingsCreating a sustainable riverbank ecosystem means using native species. So before the banks were scraped back, seed was collected from suitable native aquatic species-a process managed by Atkins -and stored in a seed bank. Some of this seedwas then used by bioengineering and nursery specialists, Salix, who were appointed by the Olympic Delivery Authority to cultivate plants off site in what’s believed to be one of Britain’s biggest-ever nursery contracts.The offsite growing operation was huge and sowing for the project commenced in June 2009, as plants must be a year old and well established in their coir pallets before encountering the tough riverbank environment.Plants for the wet woodlands, including sedges, were raised in more than 7,000 pots at Salix’s nursery on the Gower peninsula, near Swansea. And in Norfolk, the company created a new 16-acre nursery dedicated to the 2012 project(Fig.04). Here, more than 300,000 plants representing some 28 different species, including sedges, common reed, marsh marigolds and yellow fl ag irises, were grown on more than a thousand coir pallets, ready to be transported to London in the following months.During the summer of 2010, the 18,000 square metres of planting were then pieced together like a giant jigsaw. This was a massive logistical challenge. To make it easier, each of the pallets and rolls was tagged. It was vitally important that each one went in exactly the right space so as to avoid cutting and trimming the roots and rhizomes of the plants. The team laid them out in blocks, to a plan, to make sure this didn’t happen.4 Ponds and Wet Woodlands from ScratchWhile the riverbanks of the “Old River Lee”occupied much of the attention ofthe Atkins team, there were also entirely new bodies of water to consider. A fundamental part of the biodiversity of the river edges in the north of the Park lies in three new triangular ponds, off the east bank. Two of these were designed to dry up in thesummer, forming moist grassy hollows. Th e third pond was created to retain water, enabling species such as water lilies and marsh marigold to thrive(Fig.05).Preventing that third pond from drying out -while also ensuring that it did not fl ood along with the River Lee-was a conundrum. Atkins responded by designing a connection between the pond and the river to act as both overfl ow and feed. Flows could be regulated: when the pond level rose too high, water could be drained back into the river; when it started to dry out, a valve could be opened to release river water back into the pond. It sounds simple, but it is believed to be the fi rst of its kind for a habitat feature of this scale.As well as the improved waterways and riverbanks, new wet woodlands will be a notable feature of the Olympic Park. They’re now a rare habitat in the UK, and the ones in the Park are being created from scratch.“It was quite a novel thing to be asked to do,”recalls Atkins’Ian Morrissey. “The challenge was to make sure we had the right water levels within the wetwoodland areas. Atkins was responsible for working out the topographies and the channels, and how they would interact with the river.”Wetlands have a tendency to become dry land eventually, a process that can be slowed down through selecting the right vegetation, careful water level management and maintenance.“The sedge spec ies we selected were chosen because they are quite vigorous so are able to compete well with terrestrial species,”says Ian.Tree species for the wet woodland include willow, alder, birch and the now rare black poplar, points out Atkins’Mike Vaughan: “It’s fantastic for wildlife. You get a lot of invertebrates in there,as well as nesting birds.”Birds, though, can present a challenge, particularly on the freshly planted riverbanks.“There’s a risk of wildfowl grazing our plants when they get on site,”says M ike. To prevent that happening, hundreds of meters of deterrent fencing were erected around new vegetation. That stayed there until spring 2012(Fig.06).5 Beyond the Finishing LineThe transformation of the lower Lee Valley and the creation of the new park, now nearing completion, is remarkable by any standards. Visitors to the Olympic Park –up to 250,000 every day at the peak of the Games –will encounter one of the greenest and most environmentally friendly parks ever to be created for the Olympics.And th e benefits will be felt long after 2012. “We’re pulling that really difficult trick of putting in infrastructure that’s good for the Games, but will work in legacy,”said the ODA's John Hopkins. “This will be a great place to live and work, with rivers and parklands at the heart. Socially, economically and environmentally, there will be a terrifi c legacy-it’s a new landscape powering a new piece of city.”伦敦2012奥林匹克公园滨水景观设计与营造如果在不久的未来,将有数百万人途经这块滨水区域,沿河该如何种植?如果了解到自然界中人造湿林地已十分罕见,该如何设计、创造并维护周边这种湿地环境?该如何长期保持栖息地的活力和可持续性?在伦敦2012奥林匹克公园项目中,来自阿特金斯的工程师们受托负责湿地和河滨地区设计及建设,将会找到所有这些问题的答案。

Content目录-Design Explanation设计说明-Master Plan总平面-Space Sequence Analysis景观空间分析-Function Analysis功能分析-Landscape Theme Analysis景观景点主题分析图-Traffic Analysis交通分析-Vertical Plan竖向平面布置图-Lighting Furniture Layout灯光平面布置示意图-Marker/Background Music/Garbage Bin标识牌/背景音乐/垃圾桶布置图-Plan平面图-Hand Drawing手绘效果图-Section剖面图-Detail详图-Central Axis中心公共主轴-Reference Picture参考图片-Planting Reference Picture植物选样-材料类:-aluminum铝-asphalt沥青-alpine rock轻质岗石-boasted ashlars粗凿-ceramic陶瓷、陶瓷制品-cobble小圆石、小鹅卵石-clay粘土-crushed gravel碎砾石-crushed stone concrete碎石混凝土-crushed stone碎石-cement石灰-enamel陶瓷、瓷釉-frosted glass磨砂玻璃-grit stone/sand stone砂岩-glazed colored glass/colored glazed glass彩釉玻璃-granite花岗石、花岗岩-gravel卵石-galleting碎石片-ground pavement material墙面地砖材料-light-gauge steel section/hollow steel section薄壁型钢-light slates轻质板岩-lime earth灰土-masonry砝石结构-membrane张拉膜、膜结构-membrane waterproofing薄膜防水-mosaic马赛克-quarry stone masonry/quarrystone bond粗石体-plaster灰浆-polished plate glass/polished plate磨光平板玻璃-panel面板、嵌板-rusticated ashlars粗琢方石-rough rubble粗毛石-reinforcement钢筋-设施设备类:-accessory channel辅助通道-atrium门廊-aisle走道、过道-avenue道路-access通道、入口-art wall艺术墙-academy科学院-art gallery画廊-arch拱顶-archway拱门-arcade拱廊、有拱廊的街道-axes轴线-air condition空调-aqueduct沟渠、导水管-alleyway小巷-billiard table台球台-bed地基-bedding cushion垫层-balustrade/railing栏杆-byland/peninsula半岛-bench座椅-balcony阳台-bar-stool酒吧高脚凳-beam梁-plate beam板梁-bearing wall承重墙-retaining wall挡土墙-basement parking地下车库-berm小平台-block楼房-broken-marble patterned flooring碎拼大理石地面-broken stone hardcore碎石垫层-curtain wall幕墙-cascade小瀑布、叠水-corridor走廊-couryard内院、院子-canopy张拉膜、天篷、遮篷-coast海岸-children playground儿童活动区-court法院-calculator计算器-clipboard纤维板-cantilever悬臂梁-ceiling天花板-carpark停车场-carpet地毯-cafeteria自助餐厅-clearage开垦地、荒地-cavern大洞穴-dry fountain旱喷泉-driveway车道-vehicular road机动车道-depot仓库、车场-dry fountain for children儿童溪水广场-dome圆顶-drain排水沟-drainage下水道-drainage system排水系统-discharge lamp放电管-entrance plaza入口广场-elevator/lift电梯-escalator自动扶梯-flat roof/roof garden平台-fence wall围墙、围栏-fountain喷泉-fountain and irrigation system喷泉系统-footbridge人行天桥-fire truck消防车-furniture家具、设备-firepot/chafing dish火锅-gutter明沟-ditch暗沟-gully峡谷、冲沟-valley山谷-garage车库-foyer门厅、休息室-hall门厅-lobby门厅、休息室-industry zone工业区-island岛-inn小旅馆-jet喷头-kindergarten幼儿园-kiosk小亭子(报刊、小卖部)-lamps and lanterns灯具-lighting furniture照明设置-mezzanine包厢-main stadium主体育场-outdoor terrace室外平台-oil painting油画-outdoor steps/exterior steps室外台阶-pillar/pole/column柱、栋梁-pebble/plinth柱基-pond/pool池、池塘-pavilion亭、阁-pipe/tube管子-plumbing管道-port港口-pillow枕头-pavement硬地铺装-path of gravel卵石路-public plaza公共休闲广场-communal plaza公共广场-pedestrian street步行街-printer打印机-resting plaza休闲广场区-rooftop/housetop屋顶-pile桩-piling打桩-pump泵-ramp斜坡道、残疾人坡道-riverway河道-sunbraking element遮阳构件-sanitation卫生设施-skylight天窗-skyline地平线-scanner扫描仪-shore岸、海滨-sash窗框-slab楼板、地下室顶板-stairhall楼梯厅-staircase楼梯间-secondary structure/minor structure次要结构-secondary building/accessory building次要建筑-street furniture小品(椅凳标志)-solarium日光浴室-terrace平台-chip/fragment/sliver/splinter碎片-safety belt/safety strap/life belt安全带-safety passageway安全通道-shelf/stand架子-sunshade天棚-small mountain stream山塘小溪-subway地铁-safety glass安全玻璃-streetscape街景画-sinking down plaza下沉广场-sidewalk人行道-footpath步行道-设计阶段:-existing condition analysis现状分析-analyses of existings城市现状分析-construction site service施工现场服务-conceptual design概念设计-circulation analysis交通体系分析-construction drawing施工图-complete level完成面标高-details细部设计、细部大样示意图-diagram示意图、表-elevation上升、高地、海拔、正面图-development design扩初设计-faade/elevation正面、立面-general development analysis城市总体发展分析-general situation survey概况-general layout plan/master plan总平面-general nature environment总体自然分析-grid and landmark analysis城市网格系统及地标性建筑物分析-general urban and landscape concept总体城市及景观设计概念-general level design总平面竖向设计-general section总体剖面图-layout plan布置图-legend图例-lighting plan灯光布置图-plan drawing平面图-plot plan基地图-presentation drawing示意图-perspective/render效果图-pavement plan铺装示意图-reference pictures/imaged picture参考图片-reference level参考标高图片-site overall arrangement场地布局-space sequence relation空间序列-specification指定、指明、详细说明书-scheme design方案设计-sketch手绘草图-sectorization功能分区-section剖面-site planning场地设计-reference picture of planting植物配置意向图-reference picture of street furniture街道家具布置意向图-设计描述:-a thick green area密集绿化-administration/administrative行政-administration zone行政区位-function analysis功能分析-arc/camber弧形-askew歪的、斜的-aesthetics美学-height高度-abstract art抽象派-artist艺术家、大师-art nouveau新艺术主义-acre英亩-architect建筑师-be integrated with与……结合起来-bisect切成两份、对开-bend弯曲-boundary/border边界-operfloor架空层-budget预算-estimate评估-beach海滩-building code建筑规范-。

草图draft drawing / sketch平面plan总平面master plan/site plan剖面section立面elevation正立面facede透视图perspective轴测图axonometric view示意图/分析图axonometric view地图分析/制图Mapping/mapping diagram图表chart/table容积率floor area ratio覆盖率coverage城市设计urban design/civic design区域规划regional planning总体规划comprehensive planning/master planning/overall planning 分区规划district planning/zoning act修建性详细规划site planning/constructive-detailed planning场地规划site planning近期建设规划immediate planning步行轴walking axis概念设计conceptual design方案设计schematic design扩初设计design development详细设计、细部设计detail design城市化urbanization城市生态urban ecology城市农业urban farming/urban agriculture经济能量来源economy energy sources可持续发展sustainable development历史性城市的保护规划preservation plan of historic cities旧城更新、改造urban regeneration/urban revitalization/retrofitting plan城市再开发urban redevelopment开发区development area城市化水平urbanization level城市群urban agglomeration/metropolitan area/metropolitan coordinating region/mega region城市系统urban system卫星城市satellite town/affiliate township城市基础设施urban infrastructure市政基础设施municipal infrastructure绿色基础设施green infrastructure生态基础设施ecological infrastructure居民点settlement城市city市municipality/city城镇town城市管理区域administrative region of a city商业区commercial district民政区域civil district居住区规划residential area planning护林区ranger district绿化覆盖率percentage of greenery coverage绿地率ratio of green space工厂绿化landscaping within factory广场绿化landscaping of square居住区绿化landscaping of residential area公共建筑绿化landscaping around public building 室外绿化indoor garden城市绿化urban green城市绿化系统urban green space system公共绿地public green space公园park绿地green belt专用绿地specified green space防护绿地green buffer客厅parlor卫生间washroom/toilet阳台、包厢balcony浴室bathroom橱柜cabinet庭院建筑courtyard building 餐厅dining-room/dining hall 入口entrance厨房kitchen屋顶roof儿童房kid room儿童游乐室dollhouse起居室living room亭、阁pavilion私家花园private garden住宅resident共享空间shared zone洗手间toilet用人房servants hall比例scale要素.自然环境element会议中心conference center 零售商店retail shop剧院theatre园林景观乔木arbor灌木shrub铺石band stone地下车库car park below曲线形铺地carved paving bands 庭园cartilage garth标志牌courtyard identification sign 庭院courtyard瀑布fall景色feature步道footpath园桥garden bridge园林garden and park草本植物herbage藤本植物liana砌石natural cut stone铺地pave亭、阁pavilion榭pavilion on terrace植被planting花坛planting beds大广场plaza台platform栈道deck promenade灯柱pole lights小水池pool雕塑sculpture主入口大门main entrance gate次入口2ND entrance gate商业中心入口entrance to shopping CTR.水景water feature小型露天剧场mini amphitheatre迎宾景观welcoming feature观景木台timber deck viewing竹园bamboo garden漫步广场walkway plaza露天咖啡廊outdoor café巨大迎宾水景grand welcoming feature木桥timber brige石景、水瀑、洞穴、观景台rock’s cape/waterfall’s/grotto/viewing terrace 吊桥hanging brige休憩台地(低处)lounging terrace(lower)休憩台地(高出)lounging terrace(upper)特色踏步feature stepping stone野趣小溪river wild儿童乐园children’s playground旱冰道slide羽毛球场badminton court网球场tennis court旱景dry landscape日艺园Japanese garen旱喷泉dry fountain景观台viewing deck游泳池swimming pool嬉水池wading pool儿童泳池children’s pool蜿蜒水墙winding wall石景雕塑rock sculpture中心广场central plaza健身广场exercise plaza桥brige交流广场meditating plaza趣味树阵tree battle formation停车场parking area特色花架trellis雕塑小道sculpture trail高尔夫球会所golf clubhouse每栋建筑入口entrance paving to unit 篮球场basketball court广场main plaza森林、瀑布forest garden waterfall拉膜结构tensile structure台阶stair车道/人行道driveway/sidewalk漫步道promenade。

可持续城市景观设计外文翻译2019英文Sustainable Urban Landscape Practices: A New Concept to ReduceEcological Degradation.Manjari RaiAbstract - Urbanization is an inevitable process of development of human society and an outcome of economic development and scientific and technological progress. While urbanization process in promoting the development of human civilization, also no doubt, urban landscape has been a corresponding impact. Urban environment has suffered unprecedented damage majorly due to the increase in urban population density and heavy migration rate, traffic congestion and environmental pollution. All this have however led to a major ecological degradation and imbalance. As lands are used for the rapid and unplanned urbanization, the green lands are diminished and severe pollution is created by waste products. Plastic, the most alarming waste at landfill sites, is yet uncontrolled. Therefore, initiatives must be taken to reduce plastic mediated pollution and increase green application. However, increasing green land is not possible due to the landfill by urban structures. In order to create a harmonious environment, sustainable development in the urban landscape becomes a matter of prime focus. This paper thus discusses the concept of ecological design combined with the urbanlandscape design, green landscape design on urban structures and sustainable development through the use of recyclable waste materials which is also a low costing approach of urban landscape design.Index Terms— sustainable, urban, landscape, ecological balance.1INTRODUCTIONLandscape embodies human outlook, values, ethics and moral and reflects peoples love and hate, desire and dreams in the land. Today, landscape has become an indispensable part of contemporary urban life. From the perspective of modern people, we are supposed to protect environment in accordance with the laws of ecology in order to ensure sustainable development. With the rapid development of mankind and urbanization, landscape structures of cities have been affected accordingly. City environment suffers unprecedented hazards, such as air pollution, shortage of water resources, high population density, urban traffic congestion, shortage of resources and so on. Architecture is always in a dilemma when it tries to achieve the double objectives of creating its own value and manifesting the harmonious with the city as well. Nowadays, in the face of problems caused by the process of urbanism, such as destruction of ecology, loss of cultural characteristics, fragmentation of urban tissue, contemporary architecture has been strongly influenced by the concepts and methods of landscape, which give another possibility beyond the dualism2.1 Sustainability and environmentSustainable planning and design focus on promoting recycling and achieving an ecological balance. It majorly talks about designing nature in a very natural way. Sim Vander Ryn and Stuart Cown first proposed the definition of ecological design: any coordination with the ecological processes, as far as possible damage to the environment of their reach minimal design in the form, is referred to as eco-design.This coordination means that the design respects species diversity, reduce the deprivation of resources, maintaining nutrition and water circulation to maintain plant and animal habitats, habitat quality, and help improve the living environment and the health of ecosystems. Ecological planning and design follow the 4R principle - reduction (reduction), re-use (reuse), recycling (recycle), renewable (renewable).2.2 Ecology and environmentSustainable development aims at meeting current needs without compromising the ability of future generations meeting their development needs. Sustainable development also means the maintenance, rational use and improvement of the natural resource base which supports the pressure resistance of ecological basis and economic growth. The sustainable design is essentially a regenerated design based on a self-renewal capacity of natural systems, including how to interfere and destroy the self-regenerative capacity of natural systems as little as possible, how toenhance the regeneration capacity of damaged landscape as much as possible, and how to minimize a design by means of maximizing the natural regeneration capacity. These lead to a sustainable landscape.2.3 Eco-city: an integrated conceptRoseland argues that the eco-city is a particular structure consisted by numerous seemingly unrelated elements, including urban design, lifestyle, economic improvement, physical environment, popularity, and social system [xi]. It is an important argument of Yu that an eco-city should be a process of delivering integrated social, economic and environmental development [xiii].More specifically, Song describes six fundamental principles of establishing ecological city, including sustainability concept; individuals as priority; being harmony with economy, society and environment; emphasizing healthy economic environment; stimulating innovation and overall planning [xii]. These views show that the eco-city concept integrates culture, natural and social economy into a whole development approach.Currently, climate change is the major challenge to an ecofriendly environmental establishment. Because of the extreme weather, the energy shortage and overutilization of raw materials, the price of natural resources is rising sharply. Additionally, water shortage is a considerable challenge to the eco-city development. This situation is mainly caused by excessive use, low efficiency, pollution and destruction of vegetation.Due to the significantly important role of clean water in the city, water scarcity can be a great challenge of the ecological construction. Moreover, pollution of air, water, soil and other areas brings enormous challenge of ecological urban environment. Not only destroys the biological balance, the pollution may also cause negative effects on human beings. There is a tendency that pollution is a severe damage to individuals, leading to physical diseases and mental illness.3 IDEAS TO REDUCE ECOLOGICAL DEGRADATION IN URBAN LANDSCAPE DESIGNEcological landscape design is basically to maximize the use of nature and to improve regeneration capacity of nature system. To optimize ecosystem as much as possible in landscape design is the ultimate goal of landscape designers in the present times.Based on the methods of ecological design, designers should pursue to maximize the combination of design and environment rather than only one of them. In the actual urban landscape designs, landscape ecology and construction optimize landscape pattern and process, reducing Urban heat island effect, water resources consumption, water environmental deterioration and global warming and so on. As excellent contemporary landscape architects, we should avoid designing only for design and try to make full use of the original elements of nature. But we cannot be shackled by the natural elements. In our design, we do our best to userenewable raw materials and reuse the materials on the site, maximizing the potential of materials to reduce production, processing and transport of materials and reduce construction waste, and retain some characteristics of local traditional culture.Certain suggestive methods for Eco-sensitive landscape Design:1) The retention and re-use of the site: Fully respecting original appearance of the site, retaining its original elements and reusing the original material not only save handling materials and avoid producing, processing and transporting those materials but also reduce the destruction of the ecological environment.2) Priority to recycling materials and Eco-efficiency Based on local materials, promote the use of green materials. Strive to find a durable, locally produced, low-maintenance, and lowconsumed materials. The approach of using recyclable material and green landscaping can give a lot of beneficial effect in perspective of today’s scenario. It can be started easily from the waste without investment and application of technical sense can convert the polluted places to a green city, thereby reducing the load in landfill sites. Create a virtuous cycle of terrestrial ecosystems. Transform the "waste" mold into a new landscape through the recycling of materials and resource and thereby minimize the demand to new materials as well as reduce the demand of energy required for production of material obtaine3) Conservation and preservation of non renewable resource: We can reduce the consumption of non-renewable energy sources as much as possible through science and technology, and widely use renewable energy in nature such as solar, wind, etc., to adapt to modern ecology environment. Take Tilonia village, Rajasthan, India as an example. A well laid out village which plans and preserves the natural resources through the use of alternate energy resources in the buildings. Also termed as barefoot college.4) Reuse of certain specific building elements from dilapidated and dungeon site: Reusing certain specific building elements from old and dilapidated sites can be a great approach towards sustainable development. Apart from reducing the load on construction debris and landfill sites, it can be a great way to restore and revive our past glory. Certain specific cities from Rajasthan (India), which had a glorious past, are now into ruins. They had beautiful havelis and landscaped gardens, which now are in a dilapidated condition due to ill maintenance. However, 5) Revival and restoration: water bodies, natural woodlands, landscaped gardens, Kunds, baories, inland public spaces, which were acting as major active and recreation zones for local communities in the yesteryears, have come under major stress these days due to massive urbanization. Especially some of the Indian cities (jaipur, Varanasi etc) which, are now facing some critical challenges. These invaluable assets are now into a state ofmajor dilapidation and a big waste as far as land recourse is concerned. The stepped wells of Rajasthan and the Ghats of Varanasi, which had once been the outcome of a magnificent blend of natural phenomena, cultural belief and manmade intervention, presently, face the threat of extinction. It is therefore an important issue ecologically, to formulate a comprehensive vision for Repair, Renovation and Restoration of these bygone classics.6. Eco-Design for an overall sustainable development.Ecodesign methods are diverse, but every method in practice has different characteristics. We can make our design more ecological by these eco-design methods. We may maximize the use of the original elements on the site, respecting the original buildings and facilities and give some new features to them. Efficient use of water to reduce water consumption is common in ecological planning and design. In some urban landscape design, gathering rainwater or dew to supply most of the landscape water, add water to the surrounding waterscape and supply buildings with clean water, etc., so that the city achieve zero water consumption. Or we can adopt various natural purification mechanisms like artificial wetlands. Water flow and the growth of aquatic plants are associated with water purification, so that the landscape is ecologically rational integration of the principles. The rich plant resources are also an important element that cannot be ignored. In urban eco-landscape design,when designers choose plant material, shapes are very important. You can attract people's attention by designing a variety of forms of plants and let people benefit from nature. In plant design, grass plot and ground cover plants lie low and stretch without a break making our space full of vitality and endless green.4. CONCLUSIONEco design principles and its elements have been a part of our lifestyle since the beginning. It is closely linked with our daily lives and culture. In the present times, protecting the natural ecological environment and promoting sustainable development of the human environment has become our urgent task. The concept of sustainable development into urban landscape design to expand the area of landscape design is the need of the day. Design should apply more native plants; respect the field on the original natural regeneration vegetation. Nature will have its evolution and update the rule, from ecological perspective. Ecologically, sustainability is taken seriously in order to balance natural resources and its development thereby protecting an strengthening the production and updates of environmental systems. the urban designers and planners need to adhere to the view of ecology and culture, in the least damage to the site of the original ecological environment based on local conditions construction, inheritance historical context, regional development to push forward, through the mining of ecology and culture,to create a harmonious coexistence of cultural memory and the trend of the times of the urban space. Any landscape, especially the urban landscape system, with the most closely related is human itself. Concept of sustainable development requires caring for people first, respecting for nature and thus the blindness of artificial modification of the natural environment is reduced, which precisely embodies the concept of ecological planning; at the same time, we should pay attention to specific regional characteristics of the environment. When we create landscape design, we should avoid damaging original ecological environment and respect biological and ecological needs in the environment after fully understanding the ecosystem characteristics of the landscape. Secondly, in process of urban landscape design, we protect and make use of natural resources. We maximize the use of natural green energy, reduce the use of pollution energy, and reduce environmental pollution. Overall, the concept of sustainable development of landscape design requires us to take eco-development as basis and respect for the ecological environment, strengthening recycling of the material and energy.Strengthen using self-sustaining and sustainable environment processing technology. In fact, the process of urban landscape ecological design is also the process of sustainable development of urban landscape. They integrate with each other. Their design intents are same. The sustainable development of urban landscape design represents a designmethod of respecting objective environment and using green techniques. When creating a green environment, we should express original beauty, namely, a deep harmony of human, biology and nature. Sustainable urban landscape design emphasizes on harmony and unity of nature and society. As art works, urban landscape design respects nature and matches the requirements of ecological development. In addition, it also improves the visual environment of a region, thereby enhancing the value of entire region and closely link with the social economy. In short , urban landscaping design concept of sustainable development requires us to seek a balance between these factors, with both the rational use of landscape features of its own, but also good ecological and economic benefits of landscape, that is, the harmony and unity of nature and society.中文可持续城市景观设计实践:减少生态退化的新概念。

环境艺术设计常用的术语中英文对照(2)Cover封面-Content目录-Design Explanation设计说明-Master Plan总平面-Space Sequence Analysis景观空间分析-Function Analysis功能分析-Landscape Theme Analysis景观景点主题分析图-Traffic Analysis交通分析-Vertical Plan竖向平面布置图-Lighting Furniture Layout灯光平面布置示意图-Marker/Background Music/Garbage Bin标识牌/背景音乐/垃圾桶布置图-Plan平面图-Hand Drawing手绘效果图-Section剖面图-Detail详图-Central Axis中心公共主轴- Reference Picture参考图片- Planting Reference Picture植物选样- 材料类:-aluminum铝-asphalt沥青-alpine rock轻质岗石-boasted ashlars粗凿-ceramic陶瓷、陶瓷制品-cobble小圆石、小鹅卵石-clay粘土-crushed gravel碎砾石-crushed stone concrete碎石混凝土- crushed stone碎石-cement石灰-enamel陶瓷、瓷釉-frosted glass磨砂玻璃-grit stone/sand stone砂岩-glazed colored glass/colored glazed glass彩釉玻璃- granite花岗石、花岗岩-gravel卵石-galleting碎石片-ground pavement material墙面地砖材料-light-gauge steel section/hollow steel section薄壁型钢- light slates轻质板岩-lime earth灰土-masonry砝石结构-membrane张拉膜、膜结构-membrane waterproofing薄膜防水-mosaic马赛克-quarry stone masonry/quarrystone bond粗石体- plaster灰浆-polished plate glass/polished plate磨光平板玻璃- panel面板、嵌板-rusticated ashlars粗琢方石-rough rubble粗毛石-reinforcement钢筋-设施设备类:-accessory channel辅助通道-atrium门廊-aisle走道、过道-avenue道路-access通道、入口-art wall艺术墙-academy科学院-art gallery画廊-arch拱顶-archway拱门-arcade拱廊、有拱廊的街道- axes轴线-air condition空调- aqueduct沟渠、导水管- alleyway小巷-billiard table台球台-bed地基-bedding cushion垫层- balustrade/railing栏杆- byland/peninsula半岛- bench座椅-balcony阳台-bar-stool酒吧高脚凳-beam梁-plate beam板梁-bearing wall承重墙-retaining wall挡土墙-basement parking地下车库-berm小平台-block楼房-broken-marble patterned flooring碎拼大理石地面- broken stone hardcore碎石垫层-curtain wall幕墙-cascade小瀑布、叠水-corridor走廊-couryard内院、院子-canopy张拉膜、天篷、遮篷- coast海岸-children playground儿童活动区- court法院-calculator计算器-clipboard纤维板-cantilever悬臂梁-ceiling天花板-carpark停车场-carpet地毯-cafeteria自助餐厅-clearage开垦地、荒地-cavern大洞穴-dry fountain旱喷泉- driveway车道-vehicular road机动车道- depot仓库、车场-dry fountain for children儿童溪水广场- dome圆顶-drain排水沟-drainage下水道-drainage system排水系统- discharge lamp放电管- entrance plaza入口广场- elevator/lift电梯-escalator自动扶梯-flat roof/roof garden平台- fence wall围墙、围栏- fountain喷泉-fountain and irrigation system喷泉系统- footbridge人行天桥-fire truck消防车-furniture家具、设备-firepot/chafing dish火锅-gutter明沟-ditch暗沟-gully峡谷、冲沟-valley山谷-garage车库-foyer门厅、休息室-hall门厅-lobby门厅、休息室-industry zone工业区-island岛-inn小旅馆-jet喷头-kindergarten幼儿园-kiosk小亭子(报刊、小卖部)-lamps and lanterns灯具-lighting furniture照明设置- mezzanine包厢-main stadium主体育场-outdoor terrace室外平台-oil painting油画-outdoor steps/exterior steps室外台阶- pillar/pole/column柱、栋梁-pebble/plinth柱基-pond/pool池、池塘-pavilion亭、阁-pipe/tube管子- plumbing管道-port港口-pillow枕头-pavement硬地铺装-path of gravel卵石路- public plaza公共休闲广场- communal plaza公共广场- pedestrian street步行街- printer打印机-resting plaza休闲广场区- rooftop/housetop屋顶- pile桩-piling打桩-pump泵-ramp斜坡道、残疾人坡道-riverway河道-sunbraking element遮阳构件-sanitation卫生设施-skylight天窗-skyline地平线-scanner扫描仪-shore岸、海滨-sash窗框-slab楼板、地下室顶板-stairhall楼梯厅-staircase楼梯间-secondary structure/minor structure次要结构- secondary building/accessory building次要建筑- street furniture小品(椅凳标志)-solarium日光浴室-terrace平台-chip/fragment/sliver/splinter碎片- safety belt/safety strap/life belt安全带- safety passageway安全通道-shelf/stand架子-sunshade天棚-small mountain stream山塘小溪- subway地铁-safety glass安全玻璃-streetscape街景画-sinking down plaza下沉广场- sidewalk人行道-footpath步行道-设计阶段:-existing condition analysis现状分析- analyses of existings城市现状分析- construction site service施工现场服务- conceptual design概念设计-circulation analysis交通体系分析- construction drawing施工图-complete level完成面标高-details细部设计、细部大样示意图-diagram示意图、表-elevation上升、高地、海拔、正面图- development design扩初设计-fa?ade/elevation正面、立面-general development analysis城市总体发展分析- general situation survey概况-general layout plan/master plan总平面-general nature environment总体自然分析-grid and landmark analysis城市网格系统及地标性建筑物分析-general urban and landscape concept总体城市及景观设计概念-general level design总平面竖向设计-general section总体剖面图-layout plan布置图-legend图例-lighting plan灯光布置图-plan drawing平面图-plot plan基地图-presentation drawing示意图-perspective/render效果图-pavement plan铺装示意图-reference pictures/imaged picture参考图片-reference level参考标高图片-site overall arrangement场地布局-space sequence relation空间序列-specification指定、指明、详细说明书-scheme design方案设计-sketch手绘草图-sectorization功能分区-section剖面-site planning场地设计-reference picture of planting植物配置意向图- reference picture of street furniture街道家具布置意向图- 设计描述:-a thick green area密集绿化-administration/administrative行政-administration zone行政区位-function analysis功能分析-arc/camber弧形-askew歪的、斜的-aesthetics美学-height高度-abstract art抽象派-artist艺术家、大师-art nouveau新艺术主义-acre英亩-architect建筑师-be integrated with与……结合起来- bisect切成两份、对开-bend弯曲-boundary/border边界- operfloor架空层-budget预算- estimate评估-beach海滩-building code建筑规范-。

绿色基础设施景观规划Green Infrastructure for Landscape Planning外文原文:Physical infrastructure for promotion of healthParksNaturalistic open space provides the urban dweller with a broad range of services, including scenic, psychological, social, educational and scientific, as well as the opportunity to experience nature. Private development rarely provides public open spaces unless compelled by government. This is because the services listed above are health and quality of life interests that are often beyond the economic calculation of development products and profits. This is to say that developers are not held accountable for the costs of dangerous or unhealthy neighborhoods. Nevertheless, the impacts of these disservices are borne by individuals and the community. Since the free market fails to provide public open space, the public sector acts in the citizens’ interest. When we consider that healthy ecosystems are also in the citizens’ interest, then the preservation of biodiversity, flood protection and other services, such as open space, are justifiable planning and government concerns. Nevertheless, open space generally follows an urban to rural gradient in respect to size and degree of human modification. This reflects land cost and the absence of systematic planning.Although poorly distributed, open space is provided by public agencies including municipalities, counties, park districts and state parks. These agencies maintain over 20 million acres of land in the US. The majority of this is managed as state parks, but over six million acres is provided by municipal agencies. Two million acres of the municipal land is managed as informal open space (51.8 percent), habitat (34.3 percent) or preservation (4.9 percent).It is clear that there is a substantial commitment to both formal recreation space and more naturalistic open space. Of course, the amount of formal parkland should not be reduced, but the acreage and thus the proportion of natural parkland within municipalities will need togrow in the future if urban biodiversity is valued.Although open space is usually unplanned or an opportunistic provision, there are notable examples of deliberate open space systems that contain urban, as well as ecologically valuable, open space. These examples provide us with some of the most important demonstrations of the range and value of ecosystem services provided to urban residents.Open space standardsOften open space in a city accumulates due to unplanned opportunities rather than deliberate physical planning that factors minimum size, location, residential density, connectivity or type of space. More often there is a piecemeal approach with a focus on meeting standards. Although very simple, the disadvantages of this approach are that it doesn’t respond to t he characteristics of the community or the unique qualities of the undeveloped landscape. Standards fail to account for opportunities for place making, multiple use or creating economic and other benefits for citizens. Many of these faults are due to an incremental rather than strategic approach.Open-space standards reflect park acreage compared to city population. This simple formula has evolved to include access or service areas, in addition to acreage. This begins to address the unequal provision of open space by cities. In the UK, the first accessibility standard for open space was introduced in the late 1500s and specified that residents should be within three miles of open space. Several more recent standards have been promoted, including the ANGSt recommendations adopted by English Nature, a UK government agency. English Nature is promoting the adoption of these standards (Table 7.1) by all cities and towns. The standards specify at least five acres (2 ha) of green space within 1,000 feet (300 m) of each residence and a 50-acre (20-ha) space within 1.25 miles.Table 7.1 American and British open space recommendations.National Recreation and Park Association Standards - United StatedPark Type Service Radius(miles) Size(acres)Mini-Park Less than 1/4 0.06-1Neighborhood Park 1/4-1/2 5-10Community Park 1/2-3 30-50Large Urban Park One per city 50 minimum, 75+ acres preferredNature Preserve No recommendation No recommendationSports Complex One per city 25 minimum, 40-80 preferredANGSt Standards- United KingdomPark type Service Radius(miles) Size(acres)Neighborhood 1000 (300 meters) 5(2 ha)Community 5/4miles (2 km) 50 (20 ha)Large Urban Park 3 miles (5 km) 250 (100 ha)Regional 6 miles (10 km) 1236 (500 ha)Nature Preserve 2.5 (1 ha) for each 1000 population increment In the US there are no national government requirements or guidelines for parks, open space, natural areas or trails, but the National Recreation and Park Association published guidelines in the early 1980s that set a standard of 6.25–10.5 acres per 1,000 population for urban areas and 15–20 acres for regional parks. The basis of this recommendation was subjective but widely adopted. These guidelines were revised in 1995 (Table 7.1). They suggest park types, sizes and service radii recommendations that many communities have adopted. The recommendations are clearly urban in orientation and there is no consideration of a networked system of parks. Park trails are classified by the association as single purpose, multipurpose or nature trails, but miles per 1,000 people or network density or other supply recommendations are not provided. Similarly, connector trails that are multipurpose but with a transportation focus are an identified trail type but, again, supply recommendations are not provided. Neither the British nor the American standards recognize the opportunity to structure urban growth or the green infrastructure network potentials.Cities meet the recommended standards to varying degrees. Seattle, for example, provides 4.8 acres per 1,000 population of developed parkland and 5.6 acres of natural parkland per 1,000 residents. Philadelphia provides almost seven acres of parkland per 1,000 people. Often,smaller cities provide more park space per resident than large cities. For example, Boulder, Colorado, with a population of 103,600, provides 19 acres of urban parkland per 1,000 residents and 15 miles of greenway trails. Just beyond the city limit, the city provides 146 miles of trails and owns an additional 45,000 acres of natural open space and habitat.The Trust for Public Lands, a national non-profit organization in the US, developed a method to assess the 40 largest American cities according to the provision of parks. The organization combined several measures, which can serve as a guide for cities and towns that are planning park systems within their jurisdictions. As in the British method, both park acreage and access to it are important considerations. The study measured total acres of parkland within the city, but also determined the acreage as a percentage of the total city area. For the 40 cities, the range was 2.1 percent (Fresno) to 22.8 percent (San Diego) of the city area, with a median of 9.1 percent. The median park size ranged from 0.6 acres to 19.9, with a median size of 4.9 acres. Even the best-performing city achieves less than the 30 percent open-space recommendation of this book for healthy human and ecosystem attainment. None of the largest US cities approach the 40 percent land area dedicated to parks achieved by Stockholm. This data suggest that American cities fail to provide the recommended park acreage and that the percentage of land area dedicated to open space is well below the amount necessary to provide for both recreation and habitat needs.The Trust for Public Land also assessed the subject cities according to the public access to the parklands. They also distributed access according to economic stratification of the population. Access was defined as a ten-minute walk (0.5 miles) from the residence to the park entrance. The route needed to be free of obstacles, such as interstate highways, rivers, etc. The percentage of the urban population with this access ranged from 26 percent (Charlotte) to 98 percent (San Francisco), with a median of 57 percent. This data shows that more that 40 percent of Americans do not have the recommended access to parkland.The last measure considered by the Trust for Public Land is the level of service and investment in parks provided by the cities. The service component used playgrounds as a proxy since they reliably predict the provision of other park facilities. Playgrounds per 10,000residents ranged between 1 and 5, with a median of 1.89. Public investment ranged from $31 (El Paso) to $303 (Washington, DC), with a median of $85 per resident.The cities ranked in the top ten for a combination of acreage, access and service and investment were San Francisco, Sacramento, Boston, New York, Washington, Portland, Virginia Beach, San Diego, Seattle and Philadelphia. Cities with higher population density generally scored better on access but not necessarily on the service and investment issue. Total population was also not a predictor of park score rank. Several cities with low population density provided very l arge total park acreage but didn’t qualify for top ranking due to access, service and investment problems. The top ranked, San Francisco, received an outstanding score for access and scored very high for investment ($291.66 per resident) and well above the median for percentage of land area dedicated to parks (17.9 percent), even though total park acreage isn’t the highest. Unfortunately, the Trust for Public Land doesn’t distinguish undeveloped open space and habitat areas from developed parklands. Therefore, judging biodiversity capacity of the cities isn’t possible. Larger expenditures per resident probably result in parklands that are better maintained and more highly programmed with activities.Programming increases the value of existing park acreage, as demonstrated by the following research results. An analysis of 20 studies investigating the value of open space defined a forested land situation (forest size = 24,500 acres; population density = 87 people per square mile) and found that the open space value was $620 (2003) per acre per year. However, when the forest area increased above 24,500 acres, then the open space value per acre decreased, but total value did not decrease. If recreational opportunities are provided, then the open space value increases by 322 percent. This means that programmed urban parkland has higher open-space value and the municipality is maximizing the benefit of its investment in parkland.Systematic open spaceA reasoned approach to open-space planning balances open-space standards with an assessment of local and regional demand for various outdoor recreation pursuits, the presenceof outstanding visual character and local habitat. Comparison of existing supply with demand and existing service levels in the municipality or county would focus attention on where parks of various types are needed. Park and recreation standards, as suggested in Table 7.1, are a starting point for public participatory planning events to tailor an open-space system to local desires and conditions.Provision of open space at StapletonLarge subdivision projects and planned unit developments in the US are often required to provide a percentage of the site as public open space. The amount is determined through direct negotiation of housing density, commercial space and public amenities. This requirement often arises from a public participatory planning process that is absent from the consideration of small-parcel development. As the result of an extensive public planning process, the developer of Stapleton in Denver was required to dedicate 25 percent of the land area to parks, recreation and habitat restoration.The citizen planning effort at Stapleton established a range of open-space types. The eight types are: (1) formal urban parks (about 175 acres); (2) nature parks (in this case Sandhills Prairie park at about 365 acres and the Sand Bluff Nature Area); (3) community parks (20–40 acres each); (4) neighborhood parks (up to ten acres each); (5) parkways or greenways (planted medians, vegetated street edges or landscape corridors with multiple functions, including stormwater management); (6) sports complexes (107 acres); (7) golf courses; and (8) community vegetable gardens. All of the open space shown in the master plan developed by the citizen planning group comprised about 35 percent (1,680 acres) of the land area, but has been reduced to about 25 percent or 1,200 acres. This reduction had the greatest impact on habitat and biodiversity. However, compared to the 6 percent that is dedicated to parks for Denver as a whole, the case of Stapleton is a great improvement and exceeds the best performance of the 40 largest US cities. Similarly, the provision of a continuous green infrastructure that is multifunctional more efficiently delivers the variety of ecosystem services, including wildlife habitat (Figure 7.9). Residents have great access to spaces ranging from plazas, boulevards, greenways, active recreation and nature areas. Uponcompletion of all development at Stapleton there will be 40 acres of open space for every 1,000 people, exceeding the recommended standards by 400 percent. This also greatly exceeds the acreage provided by Seattle and Philadelphia to their citizens, but is far less than the combined park and habitat area provided by Boulder, Colorado.Density and proximityFigure 7.9 This newly restored stream corridor at Stapleton once flowed through box culverts below airport runways. Today the corridor is valuable habitat connected to a regional preserve and other corridors. Note the new public recreation center building at the upper right. People value public open space more highly as population density increases. When the population density increases by 10 percent, the value of open space increases by 5 percent. Poorly used neighborhood parks (Figure 7.10) are often located in single-family residential areas where ample private open space reduces the demand for public space except for neighborhood celebrations or events. Small urban lots within single family, row house or townhouse neighborhoods are more acceptable to residents if parks are nearby. When planning higher-density neighborhoods where multistory apartment, condominium or mixed-use buildings increase population density to above 20 people per gross acre, adjacent public open space should be prioritized to compensate for the absence of private open space and because these residents are most likely to use the provided amenities.When the open space is close to residences it increases their value. Studies demonstrate that when considering properties an average distance (190 feet) from open space, compared to those 30 feet closer to open space, there is about 0.1 percent increase in price for the closerproperty. The price increase effect grows with each increment closer to the open space.Figure 7.10 This neighborhood park in a single-family residential neighborhood provides lawn, ornamental planting and a shade structure. All of these features are available in most of the private open space, which reduces park use except for neighborhood events. Recreation facilitiesIn the US the National Recreation and Park Association recommends recreation facility standards just as they do for types of park acreage. From the green infrastructure point of view these facilities need to be located where they can be linked to other network resources and the residential and employment centers that might contribute users. Again the proximity of the recreation opportunities will encourage public use.Land-use mix and destinationsGreater use of public open space results when development types are varied. When retail, employment and civic opportunities and residential areas are adjacent to each other and connected by pedestrian-friendly streets, then people are encouraged to walk between use areas (Figure 7.11). Some destinations are anchors within a network of pedestrian and bicycle routes and other uses. Schools, libraries, city administration, shopping districts, civic plazas, waterfronts and many other elements can function as anchors, drawing people along circulation routes. In Figure 7.12 restaurants, shops and offices surround an urban park and plaza. These attract pedestrians from apartments, condominiums, row houses and townhouses,and even regional shopping and auto services that are all visible in this small section of Stapleton. The beautiful promenade shown on the right side of the image and in Figure 7.13 inspire evening strolls and daily commuting on foot. The resulting concentration of people arriving for different purposes encourages other people to come to see the activity (Figure 7.3).Figure 7.11 As residential and employment density increase, so does use of public plazas,promenades and formal parks.Figure 7.12 This image shows the 29th Avenue promenade (right) leading to the Founders Park and urban plaza. The mixed-density neighborhood includes apartments, row houses,townhouses and multistory mixed-use buildings.Figure 7.13 This wide median is a wonderful place to walk and is anchored by a destination –the mixed-use neig hborhood center and plaza on 29th Avenue. It is Stapleton’s version of thepasseggiata.Residential densityLow residential density results in lower pedestrian and bicycle activity and use of public open space. Conversely, as residential density increases, privately owned open space shrinks and the demand for public space and facilities increases. This is also true for the size of the residential living area. In Italy, for example, the evening stroll (passeggiata) is the opportunity to meet with friends, bump into playmates or eat an ice cream or a meal. There is no reason not to window shop, discuss a bit of business or study the latest fashion trends. There is no reason not to relax, get some exercise and enjoy the beauty of the city. This is all possible when the civic realm is nearby and well designed. It is possible even if the home or apartment is too small to accommodate a crowd of friends. Visitors from the US are astounded at the numbers of citizens of all ages who engage in the gregarious passeggiata, even in chilly winter months. It requires more effort, but even in the US we can find inviting urban spaces teeming with our neighbors and visitors (see Figure 7.16). Unfortunately, in the US there arefewer of these settings because the residential density is so low that the walk from the home to the public plaza is too far to become incorporated into our daily lives, unless we drive and park, which are often inconvenient.Neighborhood civility and safetyThere are often neighborhood disincentives for walking, bicycling or making other use of the public landscape. Planning and design can make public places safer, but other efforts must be brought to bear when fear of becoming a victim of crime or prejudice prevents people from using the streets, parks and trails. Tackling the problems of poverty, limited education, racism, gangs or other examples of failing community health is as important as it is difficult. Walkability facilities and street connectivityPeople walk or bicycle when the infrastructure encourages it. There is really a fundamental level of service and a more robust infrastructure that is necessary as the numbers of people walking and bicycling increase. Fundamental planning and design measures include supportive street widths, street patterns and environmental measures to reduce heat, glare and accidents, and to increase access. Streets need to connect to other streets in a legible pattern that allows direct routes to community destinations like civic buildings, open space, employment centers, schools, etc. Dead ends and cul-de-sacs should be limited or have non-vehicular routes through them. The system of roads must incorporate the needs of all users, not only those of vehicle operators. For example, short blocks (200–300 feet) encourage pedestrians, while long ones (600 feet) discourage walking because routes become too indirect. Bicycle paths need a minimum network density to allow reasonable routes through the city. Walking requires smooth surfaces and separation from cars and trucks, as well as ramps for wheelchair users and others.When a fundamental and functional set of routes and surfaces have been provided then planning and design should concentrate on quality improvements, as well as system expansion (Figure 7.14). Walkability is as much about the satisfaction of walking as the engineering aspects of routes and surfaces. What will make walking a satisfying experience? There are facilities and amenities that will better support a journey. Frequent places to stopfor water, shade and seating improve the experience. Separation between motorized vehicles, bicycles and walkers is necessary as the density of each increase. The separation improves the experience and reduces conflicts and accidents. For bicyclists, more frequent facilities to lock and store bicycles, and frequent stations where there is air or supplies for bicycle tire maintenance and repair lead to ever more participation in non-motorized transportation. An expanded range of bicycle rental (Figure 7.15) and bicycle storage options, like covered shelters or lockers, serves an expanded group of users. Public or workplace facilities to shower or change clothes are beneficial.Another group of pedestrian and bicycling amenities are less tangible or functional. Walking and bicycle routes should be choreographed. They are, after all, spatial-temporal environments where the experience can be punctuated, focused and enriched by a variety of design elements. Bringing the concepts of nodes, districts and thresholds to the recreation or transportation experiences of walking and bicycling offer many opportunities for creative design. Changes in color and texture of the paving and the character of the plantings or building types can enliven and structure the experience. Manipulating the character of the enclosing edges and overhead plane also changes the spatial experience and increases the variety and sense of place in sections of the journey.Figure 7.14 Special infrastructure is needed to support high levels of bicycle ridership. Thisapplies to increased pedestrian density as well.Cultural, educational or interpretive signage, sculpture and other site art add meaning and place attachment. These elements distinguish one route, city or region from another and increase the satisfaction of moving through the landscape. Cultural and natural history interpretation can be combined with local building and plant materials to create unique settings.TrafficHigh traffic speed and volume discourage use of urban sidewalks. Reducing these factors within central business districts improves the pedestrian experience and willingness to frequent local businesses. Increasing public transportation ridership and creating disincentives for driving a private vehicle has been successful in many US cities. Portland capped the number of parking lots and spaces within the city center. In fact, since this regulation was enacted the number of parking spaces has steadily declined as parking lots are converted to more profitable commercial or residential uses. This has caused the price of daily parking to increase in private and public lots and structures. Light rail and bus ridership for travel to and from the city has increased steadily. Short-term rental of automobiles within the city is growing rapidly to serve the needs of commuters who have to make short trips within the city during the workday. Rentals of publicly or privately provided bicycles satisfy the same needs.Figure 7.15 As bicycle and pedestrian use increases, cities need to respond with additional support facilities, such as bike storage, signage, rest areas, dedicated routes and bicycle rental programs. Additional facilities foster greater citizen participation.Figure 7.16 An autumn afternoon in Boulder, Colorado. This civic and commercial mall is a closed street refurbished with new paving, seating, play areas, trees and outdoor cafes. Slowing the speed of traffic on streets intended to serve pedestrians can be accomplished by narrowing travel lanes slightly, by providing on-street parallel or angled parking and by including planted medians and parkway tree plantings.Pedestrian and bicycle safety structuresOf course, crosswalks and traffic signals need to be provided wherever pedestrian or bicycle safety is a concern, but as pedestrians and bicyclists become a greater pro portion of the users of urban streets, additional safety measures can be implemented. Mid-block crosswalks are safer crossing locations for pedestrians than busy inter sections, since many accidents involve turning vehicles. When the street is wide, curb extensions and a median reduce the expanse of roadway the pedestrian must cross. The median provides a refuge spot if the pedestrian can’t cross the street in a single traffic cycle.Figure 7.17 Bicycle signaling to reduce conflicts with turning automobiles. Copenhagen and other European cities have implemented traffic signals that allow bicycles to cross intersections before autos begin moving or turning operations (Figure 7.17). This practice and the provision of an extensive network of bicycle lanes and other amenities have dramatically increased commuting by bicycle. In addition to increased safety, bicycle traffic signals increase the speed of travel for cyclists, making them more competitive with private and public transit modes. Incidentally, preferential traffic signals and other rules for public transit also increase ridership by making it more time-competitive with the privateautomobile.Figure 7.18 This comfortable park in Stapleton is the focus of enclosing office and retail buildings. Its appealing vegetation offers many benefits.VegetationVegetation is an open-space element that can have many benefits. Elsewhere street tree amelioration of the urban heat island effect was noted, but street trees, hedges and flowers are part of an enjoyable urban environment that encourages walking and bicycling. The beauty, shade and rain protection all contribute to the pedestrian environment (Figure 7.18), as does the real and suggested protection from nearby motorized vehicles. Capture of particulate air pollution is a more direct health benefit of urban vegetation. The presence of street trees and nearby green spaces has been shown to improve physical activity as discussed in the chapter on human health.译文:绿色基础设施的景观规划基础设施促进身体健康公园自然的开放空间为城市居民提供广泛的服务,包括景区,心理,社会,教育和科学等服务,以及体验大自然的机会。


毕业设计外文资料翻译外文出处:Ana Kleibe Pessoa Borges,Sâmia Maria Tauk-Tornisieloe,Performance of theConstructed Wetland System for the Treatment of Water from the CorumbataíRiver.BRAZILIAN ARCHIVES OF BIOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 51, n.附件:1.外文资料翻译译文2.外文原文题目2000m3d温泉旅游度假区污水处理工程的初步设计院(系)化工与环境工程学院专业环境工程班级环境08-1学号学生陈灿辉指导教师陈梅芹(讲师)2012 年 6 月15 日附件1:外文资料翻译译文人工湿地系统处理科伦巴塔伊河水的效果Ana Kleiber Pessoa Borges1, Sâmia Maria Tauk-Tornisielo1*,Roberto Naves Domingos1 and Dejanira de Franceschi de Angelis2摘要这次实验目的是通过科伦巴塔伊河水处理的模拟实验研究人工湿地系统对水的处理。

美术系毕业论文外文文献翻译译文题目:The City And View Space Environment Design学生姓名:专业:指导教师:20 年 5 月 10 日The city and view space environment design[Abstract]:Need not to doubt, the view design is an art, it has inevitable contact with of other art forms.The modern view designs from the first, absorbing abundant formlanguage from the modern art.For look for the designer of the form glossary whocan express current science,technique and mankind to realize an activity to say, theart lifts doubtless。
Provide the most directly the most abundant source. [Keywords]:The ecosystem building / the view constructThe view design and artNeed not to doubt, the view design is an art, it has inevitable contact with of other art forms.The modern view designs from the first, absorbing abundant form language from the modern art.For look for the designer of the form glossary who can express currentscience,technique and mankind to realize an activity to say, the art provided the most directly the most abundant source doubtless. From the stereoscopic doctrine,surrealism,the style parties,the composing doctrine of modern art earlier period, to later pole Chien's art,wave art, each kind of art current of thought and the art forms all provide and can draw lessons from for the view designer of the art thought and the form language. Today, the concept of[with] art has already taken place very big variety, "beautiful" no longer is the purpose of[with] art and adjudicate an art of standard.The art form pile up one after another, the pure art is gradually misty with the boundary of of the other art door, the artists absorbed the creations skill ofmovie,television,drama,music,building,view...etc., creating such as the media arts,behaviorart,radiation in response to a series of new art form, such as, art, and the earth art etc., but these turn over and give other art professions of from the operator with inspire very greatly.The painting is because of lines,piece the noodles and color of the oneself seem to be is converted into very easily to design some main factors in the plane chart, as a result has been influence the development of[with] the view design, pursue a creative view the designers already to acquire the inspiration of the sub- everlasting from the modern painting.The twenty At the beginning of century, the the stereoscopic parties painter added (the the Pablo Picasso 1881~1973) fully with cloth to the pull to the appear to the change much the in the the appearance of the the gram(the the Georges Braque l 882-1963 yearses) the of several bodies, the appeared what the several standpoints the in the the space see the to fold the to add, Be expressing in two even the result of the fore basic virtues.Their idea has deep but direct influence to the art field.Ex-The from two wars a the down to date, the stereoscopic send the the work the that sends the with super the reality to the the influence the that the the designer has the to keep the on. The set up in 1998 of the the Holland the Amsterdam card the pulls the the sectionsquare(Carraseoplein, the the Adriaan Geuze design), the with lawn, the the asphalt the road noodles the and the the road noodles the top the the dot array the of the the white was the a chemical element, the designing on the the ground the a two the the surrealism the appearance ofthe the ,the plus the the oddity in the a view the of light, voice and the train of the ambulation, make this space had surrealism of mysterious atmosphere.The design thought of the style parties has ever influenced to numerous design realms, its form language has already arrived an important function to the modern building sport.The building imitates the ancients the gram, Anne(the GaBriel Guevrekan l 900-1970 years) completed in 1927 of locate design in the villa courtyard of the French south Hyeres, break the restriction of the narrow and small base to spread the base of the square piece of a ground of brick and the tulip flower terrace demarcation triangle, absorbed the style parties to receive the spirit of Anne in Delhi's painting especially in the design, is made use of a ground well and enter a 3D composition design.Carve to have a close relation with park on the western history, carve to have been the adornment thing in the park but exist, even arrived a modern a society, this tradition reserves still.But the modern carve the substance influence to the view, is along with its oneself some developments just produce.Because a part carve steadily alignment abstraction, the alignment outdoors, extend dimensions and use various natural material, add to near to with the view work more, these two kinds of fusions of arts also naturally the real estate born.The pole Chien's doctrine(Minimalism) is a kind of art that takes simple and direct and several bodies as basic art language to exercise.Most pole Chien's art works make use of several of or organic form, use new comprehensive material, have a strong industrial color.The thought and work of[with] the pole Chien's doctrine not only promoted the earth art produce, but also influenced the two post-war views design.20Half after century leaf, to the variety and the development influence of the view form the biggest art form BE"the earth art" perhaps.The earth art inheritted the abstract simple shape form of[with] the pole Chien's art, and then blended the thought of[with] process art,the concept art, becoming a bridge that the artist sets foot in the view design.The earth art because of it the natural environment is to create place, as a result become the form language that many view designers draw lessons from, in the meantime, the artist also sets foot in the realm of[with] the view design in succession, many works usually are what the views teacher and artist cooperate complete, this also promoted more view with carve two kinds of fusion and the development of artses. An important influence of the earth art to the view design is the idea that brought an art to turn the geography design. The building critic ZHAN KE4 SI(the Charles Jencks i 939~) whom the year construct locates a Scotch southwest department a Dumfriesshire private garden, being turn with the abstruse and exquisite design thought and the art of the geography processing but call.The thought and manifestation of the modern art have profound influence to the view design, making the view design of the thought and means is more abundant.Different from pure art BE, the view design faces the challenge of[with] more complicated social problem and usage problem, view the designer can't take no cognizance these but sink to immerse in own art world.But since we can comprehend"beautiful" Be not the standard that adjudicates an art any more, we should can also comprehend a view no longer is mean"such as painting", the view can become a certain art to thought of carry a body, it can express a diverse form, so we can also have another a to tolerate for some views works that we don't comprehend very.The view design and ecosystemThe ecosystem of the view isn't a fresh concept.Have no 沦to construct in how of the environment, the views are all and abiogenesis close contact, this relation problem that involves to the view and the mankind and the nature by all means, just the environment problem of today is more outstanding, being subjected to a concern more, so the ecosystem becomes one of the most fashionable topics apparently.The ecosystem doctrine the wave tide that rolls up a world urges the top of the angle of view that people stand on science to re- examine the view profession, view the designers also start getting up own mission and the whole Earth ecosystem system contact.Now, at the view profession a little bit flourishing nations, the design of[with] the ecosystem doctrine already is not stay around the 沦text and the diagram paper up of empty talk also Be not the experiment of a handful of designers any more, the ecosystem doctrine has already become a view a designer internality of with hypostatic consideration.Respect the nature development process, initiate energy and material of circulating make use of and place of the ego maintain, developping the processing technique that can keep on etc. the thought pierce through to design and construct in the view with management of always.In the design pursue ecosystem already with pursue the function and the form the equal importance, after sometimes even surmounting both, occupied initial position.The ecology thought of lead to go into, make the view design of the thought and method took place a graveness a change, also influencing to even change the image of the view consumedly.The view design no longer stays around the narrow and small world of[with] the garden design, it starts get involved the more extensive environment design realm.Maintain by one's own to the respect of the place ecosystem development process,to the circulating exploitation of the material energy and to the place with can keep on a processing to initiate technically, the body is now strong ecosystem principle.Though see from the outside idea, most views or many or littlely body now green, green of not necessarily is an ecosystem of, cost a great deal of manpower material resources and financial power then can become and keep the view of[with] result, isn't a "green" of the ecosystem meaning. Design medium should make use of the plant of the hometown more, the natural rebirth that respects a place plants a quilt.The nature has it to turn into with the more recent regulation, seeing from the angle of the ecosystem, the natural cluster falls to fall to have vitality more healthily and more than the artificials. Some designers know this, they make use of the address a top original nature to plant a quilt well perhaps in the design, or build up a frame, providing a condition for the natural reborn process, this is also a kind of body that the exertive natural system can move sex now.Society,art,ecosystem balanceThe art,function and science are three targets that the modern view design pursue.After pass by the baptism of the modernism, the function doctrine has become the widespread standardof[with] the view design.However lay particular emphasis on function excessively, the feature of the view sinks unavoidably in mild.The view wants to develop continuously, the art and science became the direction of the breakthrough.The thought and skill of the modern art for promotes the art that the modern view design to have very your work to use, also make the view design is more abundant.The ecosystem doctrine thought and principle that represent science seep through the view design medium, and become the instruction thought of[with] design, expressing a view adesigner to have already been aware of an own technique should bring into the whole Earth ecosystem system.The development of the view is and develop of society close contact.The progressthat the society development,social culture of the economy realize, promote the development of the view business and design realm to expand continuously.The view of today involves to people the square aspect noodles of the life, modern view is for the sake of the person's usage.Turn over, the view has already exceeded historical and any period perhaps tothe positive effect of the society.城市与景观空间环境设计勒·可布西埃著摘要毋庸置疑,景观设计是一门艺术,它与其他艺术形式之间有着必然的联系。

城市化进程中的城市绿化与景观设计(英文中文双语版优质文档)With the continuous advancement of the urbanization process, urban construction has become an important symbol of the development of human society. Urbanization has brought convenience and comfort to people, but it has also brought many problems to cities, such as environmental pollution, traffic congestion, and urban heat island effect. These problems pose a great threat to the sustainable development of cities. In order to solve these problems, urban greening and landscape design are particularly important.Urban greening refers to increasing the area and quantity of green vegetation in the city, including parks, green spaces, street trees, and green roofs. Urban greening can improve the environmental quality of the city, improve people's quality of life, and at the same time promote the sustainable development of the city. Urban landscape design refers to the combination of artistic design and natural landscape to create a beautiful urban environment. Urban landscape design can improve the image and quality of the city, and it can also attract tourists and promote economic development.1. The impact of urban greening on the urban environment1. Improve air qualityUrban greening can absorb harmful gases such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides, release oxygen, and purify the air. Trees also absorb particulate matter and other pollutants, reducing smog and improving urban air quality.2. Reduce the heat island effectUrban greening can reduce urban temperature and reduce heat island effect through evapotranspiration and shade effect. At the same time, greening can also alleviate the climate change of the city and improve the suitability of the city.3. Improve the quality of water environmentUrban greenery absorbs and filters stormwater, reduces runoff, and relieves urban waterlogging. At the same time, greening can also purify water quality and improve the quality of urban water environment.4. Maintain ecological balanceUrban greening can provide ecosystem services, such as soil conservation, hydrological regulation, biodiversity protection, etc., and maintain urban ecological balance.2. The impact of urban landscape design on the image of the city1. Enhance the character of the cityUrban landscape design can create a unique urban image and style through the combination of architecture, sculpture, lighting and other elements, and enhance the characteristics and personality of the city. For example, Beijing's Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square and the Great Wall have become representative attractions of Beijing's city image, attracting a large number of tourists and foreign investment.2. Improve the quality of the cityUrban landscape design can improve the quality of the city by beautifying the urban environment. For example, adding landscape elements such as gardens, fountains, and sculptures to urban planning can bring a better visual experience to the city and improve people's sense of happiness and satisfaction.3. Promote economic developmentUrban landscape design can promote the development of urban tourism by increasing urban attractions and tourist routes. At the same time, the beautiful urban environment and unique urban image can also attract more investment and talents, and promote the development of the urban economy.3. Integration of urban greening and landscape designUrban greening and landscape design complement each other, and the integration of the two can bring greater benefits to the city. For example, adding landscape elements to urban greening can make the green space no longer monotonous and improve people's comfort and experience. At the same time, adding greening elements to landscape design can make the landscape more natural and ecological and reduce damage to the environment.The integration of urban greening and landscape design can also bring more social benefits. For example, jobs in urban greening and landscaping can provide employment opportunities and boost the urban economy. At the same time, greening and landscape design can also promote the construction of urban culture, inherit and develop urban culture.4. Innovation of urban greening and landscape designThe innovation of urban greening and landscape design is an important guarantee for urban sustainable development. Through scientific and technological innovation, design innovation and other means, it can promote the development of urban greening and landscape design, and create a more beautiful, intelligent and ecological urban environment.For example, in recent years, some cities have begun to try to implement three-dimensional greening and green roofs on buildings, which not only increases the green area of the city, but also reduces the energy consumption of buildings and improves the sustainability of the city. At the same time, urban landscape design has also begun to focus on environmental protection and ecological restoration, creating a healthier, more comfortable and livable urban environment through natural and ecological landscape elements.In addition, digital technology has also brought more possibilities for the innovation of urban greening and landscape design. For example, through artificial intelligence and big data technology, urban greening and landscape design can be intelligently managed to improve management efficiency and effectiveness. At the same time, digital technology can also create a more futuristic and technological urban landscape design, improving the image and attractiveness of the city.In short, urban greening and landscape design are an indispensable part of urban construction. The integration and innovation of urban greening and landscape design can bring more social and economic benefits to the city, and it is also an important guarantee for the sustainable development of the city.随着城市化进程的不断推进,城市的建设已经成为人类社会发展的重要标志。

城市景观规划设计外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)Ecological planning in the urban landscape design Abstract: This article discusses the urban landscape from the relation of the following three concepts: the landscape, the city and the ecology. This paper mainly discusses how the landscape influences the city's living environment.The landscape is a stigma in the land, which is of the relationship between human and human, between man and nature. There exists some subtle relationship among landscape, city and humanized design.I. City and The Landscape(1) Overview of Landscape DesignLandscape design, first, is a people's thinking activity, performed as an art activity.Diversified thoughts formed complex diverse landscape art style. Contemporary landscape design apparently see is the diversity of the landscapeforms,in fact its essence is to keep the closing up to the natural order system, reflected the more respect for human beings, more in-depth perspective of the nature of human's reality and need, not to try to conquer the nature.it is not even imitating natural, but produce a sense of belonging. Landscape is not only a phenomenon but the human visual scene. So the earliest landscape implications is actually city scene. Landscape design and creation is actually to build the city.(2) The Relationship Between Landscape and UrbanCity is a product of human social, economic and cultural development, and the most complex type. It is vulnerable to the artificial and natural environmental conditions of interference. In recent decades, with worldwide the acceleration of urbanization, the urban population intensive, heavy traffic, resource shortage, environment pollution and ecology deterioration has become the focus of attention of the human society. In the current environment condition in our country, the problem is very serious. and in some urban areas, the pollution has quite serious, and greatly influenced and restricts the sustainable development of the city.Landscape is the relationship between man and man, man and nature. This is, in fact, a kind of human living process. Living process is actually with the powers of nature and the interaction process, in order to obtain harmonious process. The landscape is the result of human life in order to survive and to adapt the natural. At the same time, the living process is also a process of establishning harmonious coexistence. Therefore, as a colony landscape, it is a stigma of the relationship between man and nature.II the city landscape planning and design(1) city landscape elementsThe urban landscape elements include natural landscape and artificial landscape . Among them, the natural landscape is mainly refers to the natural scenery, such as size hills, ancient and famous trees, stone, rivers, lakes, oceans, etc. Artificial landscape are the main cultural relics, cultural site, the botanical garden afforestation, art sketch, trade fairs, build structure, square, etc. These landscape elements must offer a lot of examples for creating high quality of the urban space environment. But for a unique urban landscape, you must put all sorts of landscape elements in the system organization,and create an orderly space form.(2)the urban landscape in the planningThe city is an organic whole, which is composed with material, economy, culture, and society.To improve the urban environment is a common voice.The key of the urban landscape design is to strengthen urban design ideas, strengthen urban design work. and blend urban design thought into the stages of urban planning. The overall urban planning in the city landscape planning is not to abandon the traditional garden, green space planning, but the extension and development of it.Both are no conflict, but also cannot be equal.In landscape planningof city planning, we should first analysis the urban landscape resources structure, fully exploit landscape elements which can reflect the characteristics of urban.Consider carefully for the formation of the system of urban landscape.III ecological planning and urban landscape (1) the relationship of urban landscapeand ecological planning Landscape ecology is a newly emerged cross discipline, the main research space pattern and ecological processes of interaction, its theme is the fork the geography and ecology. It's with the whole landscape as the object, through the material flow, energy flow and information flowing the surface of the earth and value in transmission and exchange, through the biological and the biological and the interaction between human and transformation, the ecological system principle and system research methods of landscape structure and function.the dynamic change of landscape has interaction mechanism, the research of the landscape pattern, optimizing the structure, beautify the reasonable use and the protection, have very strong practicability. Urban ecological system is a natural, economic and social composite artificial ecosystem, it including life system, environment system, with a complex multi-level structure, can be in different approaches of human activity and the mutual relationship between the city and influence. Urban environment planning guidance and coordination as a macro department interests, optimizing the allocation of land resources city, reasonable urban space environment organization the important strategic deployment, must have ecological concept. Only to have the ecological view, to guide the construction of the city in the future to ecological city goal, to establish the harmonious living environment. In recent years, landscape planning in urban landscape features protection and urban environment design is wide used.(2) landscape in the living environment of ecological effectLandscape as a unit of land by different inlaid with obvious visual characteristics of the geographic entities, with the economic, ecological and aesthetic value, the multiple value judgment is landscape planning and management foundation. Landscape planning and design always is to create a pleasant landscape as the center. The appropriate human nature can understand the landscape for more suitable for human survival, reflect ecological civilization living environment, including landscape, building economy, prudent sex ecological stability, environmental cleanliness, space crowded index, landscape beautiful degree of content, the current many places for residential area of green, static, beauty, Ann's requirement is the popular expression. Landscape also paid special attention to the spatial relationship landscape elements, such as shape and size,density and capacity, links, and partition, location and of sequence, as their content of material and natural resources as important as quality. As the urban landscape planning should pay attention to arrange the city space pattern, the relative concentration of the open space, the construction space to density alternate with; In artificial environment appeared to nature; Increase the visual landscape diversity; Protect the environment MinGanOu and to promote green space system construction.(3) the urban landscape and ecological planning and design of the fusion of each other.The city landscape and ecological planning design reflects human a new dream, it is accompanied by industrialization and after the arrival of the era of industrial and increasingly clear. Natural and cultural, design of the environment and life environment, beautiful form and ecological functions of real comprehensive fusion, the landscape is no longer a single city of specific land, but let the ablation, tothousands; It will let nature participate in design; Let the natural process with every one according to daily life; Let people to perception, experience and care the natural process and natural design.(4) the city landscape ecological planning the humanized design1. "it is with the person this" design thought Contemporary landscape in meet purpose at the same time, more in-depth perspective on human of the nature of reality and needs. First performance for civilian design direction, application of natural organic materials and elastic curve form rich human life space. Next is the barrier-free design, namely no obstacle, not dangerous thing, no manipulation of the barrier design. Now there have been the elderly, the disabled, from the perspective of the social tendency, barrier-free design ideas began to gain popularity, at the same time for disadvantaged people to carry on the design also is human nature design to overall depth direction development trend. "It is with the person this" the service thoughts still behave in special attention to plant of bright color, smell good plant, pay attention to ZuoJu texture and the intensity of the light. The detail processing of considerate more expression of the concern, such as the only step to shop often caused visual ignored and cause staggered, in order to avoid this kind of circumstance happening, contemporary landscape sites do not be allowed under 3 steps; And as some residential area and square in the bush set mop pool, convenient the district's hygiene and wastewater recycling water. "It is with the person this" the service thoughts in many ways showed, the measure of the standard is human love.1. 1 human landscape design concept is human landscape design is to point to in landscape design activity, pay attention to human needs, in view of the user to the environment of the landscape of a need to spread design, which satisfied the user "physiological and psychological, physical and mental" multi-level needs, embodies the "people-oriented" design thought. Urban public space human landscape design, from the following four aspects to understand:1. 1.1 physical level of care. Human landscape design with functional and the rationality of design into premise condition, pay attention to the physical space reasonable layout and effective use of the function. Public space design should not only make people's psychology and physiology feel comfortable, still should configuration of facilities to meet people's complex activities demand1. The level of caring heart 1.2 Daniel. In construction material form of the space at the same time, the positive psychology advocate for users with the attention that emotion, and then make the person place to form the security, field feeling and belonging.1. 1.3 club will level of care. Emphasizes the concern of human survival environment, the design in the area under the background of urban ecological overall planning and design, to make the resources, energy rationally and effectively using, to achieve the natural, social and economic benefits of the unity of the three.1. 1.4 to a crowd of segmentation close care. Advocate barrier-free design, and try to meet the needs of different people use, and to ensure that the group of mutual influence between activities, let children, old people, disabled people can enjoy outdoor public the fun of life.1. 2 and human landscape design related environmental behavior knowledge the environment behavior is human landscape design, the main research field, pay attention to the environment and people's explicit behavior and the relationship between the interaction, tried to use the psychology of the some basic theory, methods researchers in the city and architecture in activities and to the environment of the response, and the feedback the information can be used to guide the environment construction and renovation. Western psychologist dirk DE Joan to put forward the boundary effect theory. He points out that the edge of space is people like to stay area, also is the space of the growth of the activity area [3]. Like the urban space, the margin of the wood, down the street, and the rain at the awning, awnings, corridor construction sunken place, is people like the place to stay. At the edge of space, and other people or organizations to distance themselves are is better able to observe the space of the eyes and not to be disturbed. "Man seeth" is the person's nature. A large public space are existing "the man seeth" phenomenon: the viewer consciously or unconsciously observation, in the space in front of the all activities. At the same time, some of the people with strong performance desire, in public space in various activities to attract the attention of others, so as to achieve self-fulfillment cheerful. The seemingly simple "man seeth" phenomenon, but can promote space more activities production. For example, for a walk of pedestrians may be busy street performance and to join the ranks of the show attracts, with the strange because the audience is the sight of the activities of the wonderful and short conversation, art lovers of the infection by environmental atmosphere began to sketch activities. Environmental design, according to environmental behavior related knowledge, actively create boundary space provide people stay, rest, the place of talking to facilitate more spaceActivities of generation, the rich visitors sensory experiences2. The design of the sustainable developmentSustainable development principle, it is the ecology point of view, to the city system analysis, and with the minimum the minimal resource consumption to satisfy the requirements of the human, and maintain the harmony of human and the natural environment, guarantee the city several composition system-to protect natural evolution process of open space system and the urban development system balance. People are to landscape 'understanding of the contemporary landscape design and the function to reflect, have been completely out of the traditional gardening activities, the concept of landscape art value unconsciously and ecological value, the function value, cultural value happened relationship, landscape art category than before more pointed to the human is closely linked with the various aspects, become more profound and science. Contemporary landscape also actively use new technology to improve the ecological value. Such as the use of solar energy for square garden, lighting and sound box equipment supply electricity; The surface water "cycle" design concept, collecting rainwater for irrigation and waterscape provides the main resources; Using the principle of the construction of the footway, buoys that environmental protection level a kiss and interesting. And by using water scene drought, landscape water do ecology (ecological wetland), ecological XiGou "halfnatural change" landscape humanized waterscape design, avoid the manual water scene is the difficulty of the later-period management, but in the water since the net, purifying environment and promote biodiversity play a huge role. Therefore, to experience the landscape will surely is contained to nature and the tradition, to human compatibility.The urban landscape the principles of sustainable development and implementation details:2.1 the efficiency of land use principle for land to the survival of humans is one of the most effective resources, especially in China's large population, land resources are extremely deficient, urbanization rapidly increase background, the reasonable efficient use of land, is that we should consider an important issue. For the city landscape is concerned, how to productive use of the land? Three-dimensional is efficient land use is the most effective means. The urban landscape "three-dimensional to take" ideas contains the following six aspects of meaning. (1) in the limited on land, as much as possible to provide activity places, form the three-dimensional multi-layer activities platform landscape environment. (2) improve afforestation land use efficiency, in the same land, adopt appropriate to niche by, shrubs and trees of co-existence and co-prosperity between three-dimensional planting layout. (3) to solve the good man, for the contradiction in green, the green space and human activity space layout of the interchanges. (4) the up and down or so, all sides three-dimensional view observation, increased the landscape environment the visual image of the visual rate. (5) from the static landscape to dynamic landscape. 6 not only from the traditional technology of modern technology to introduce more (such as crossing bridge, light rail, electric rail, etc), show a colorful three-dimensional space.2.2 energy efficiency principle along with the rapid development of urbanization, China's energy demand is more and more big, the energy gap also more and more big. In recent years, China's major cities have put forward the "light" project, the public area lighting consumption in the great power. For energy efficiency in the understanding, first from the consideration on the energy saving should be not only, and should stand in the higher of the environmental protection high to know, meaning that more extensive, and more far-reaching. (for more than 70% of generating capacity in China at present still by coal, exist for SO2, CO2 and nitric oxide and other harmful gas emissions and coal dust emissions and a series of environmental problems)2.3 plant with an ecological principle city system, the green space system is perfect or not of the city's environmental quality plays a vital role. Perfect green space system, to improve the city microclimate plays an important role, it can rise to improve small regional temperature, air humidity, windbreak and sand-fixation, purify air, provide oxygen and so on a series of ecological change the role of environmental factors. Urban green space system as a city human important activities of the external space, planning and design should not only from the plant itself on system, should the broader perspective, considering a person to nature to be close to, rely on the requirements, on the one hand, satisfying the people's physical needs, such as the righttemperature, humidity, clean air and so on need, on the other hand to meet people of the nature of the attachment psychological need. One the one hand, to meet the city function requirements, on the other hand, will play natural systems potential extremely. At present, the city of plants with existing in the implant the following problems: put too much emphasis on green technology and engineering technology of gardening, loving fast for Jane, formed only simple so-called "Joe, flooding, grass" structure, ecological process is ignored, fierce competition among plants, normal growth form was suppressed, the diversity of the community and stability suffocate suffocate, plant diseases and insect pests rampant, maintenance cost is high, the waste of human, material and financial resources. So in the urban design of plants with plant should achieve what kind of effect? It should be a satisfying the people's psychological and physiological activities, meet the natural plant of the self-improvement circulation system, and meet the microbe, plants, birds, and all kinds of close to human beings, animals of the ecological system, and meet the soil and water protection, air purification, water purification up maximum adjustment function of the system. To provide more of a harmonious and orderly biological and stable habitats and more living space, establishment compound level and beautiful season of color in plant community, city landscape has offered only low-grade manual administration, the landscape resources sustainable maintain and develop, that is the goal of our pursuit. Under the guidance of the principle, city with plant should consider the following plants detailed rules. (1) each city green plants with plant to and urban green space system match, and city and the surrounding landscape plant form the whole dynamic stability of the green ecological system. (2) the zonal simulation of the community structure characteristics, abide by "niche" principle and to establish a suitable after layer community structure, use different species differentiation of niche, the corrosion resistance of individual size, the shadow of leaf type, root depth, nutrient requirement and content of hou aspects of the difference in the plant, avoid the kind of direct competition between, form mutualist to trees skeletons Joe, flooding, grass composite community structure and function of the unification of benign ecological system. (3) the introduction of new varieties in the process, must choose and local climate, soil adaptation of the species, for stability of the system is provided. In plants and localization of reciprocity and raw, under the premise of forming a biological diversity. (4) from plants on the system itself not only should also be considered, the animals can be close to human survival and reproduction, such as birds. (5) with plants in the plant, to meet other elements such as human nature to the needs of the sunshine, the air,etc. 6 plants in meet its "niche" principle, and on the basis of the landscape, the plant should aesthetic feeling, meaning, rhythm, etc to the ecological science, to consider the height of aesthetics, harmonious, and urban landscape and form, combines aesthetics.2.4 to the protection of the natural communities and use principle in the urban landscape design process often encountered in one of the most important question, and that is planning on land have very good natural communities or heaven the tree. These natural communities and heaven the tree, and after a time of baptism and longgrowth process, thus forming the beautiful landscape effect. Landscape design should be in the protection and utilization of the guiding ideology, not to destroy these time to human gift, wasted natural elegance. Therefore, in the urban landscape design, the natural communities to meet or heaven trees, our guiding ideology is: in the protection and utilization of the basis, from a series of function, aesthetic Angle, design can reflect the influence of time, history beautiful landscape. 2.5 effective utilization of water resources and ecological environment protection principle is a big system, including land, air, water and sunlight, plant and the related unintended consequences. Water resources as the important component of the system, as the origin of human beings and the survival of important resources, if not effective utilization and protection will seriously restricted the economic and social development, and endanger the future of the human being. Our country as a large population, a water extremely poor countries, in the effective utilization of water resources is wanton waste, pollution and destructive to development of water resources, increased tension in the water, and cause the ground subsidence, the water flow backward and so on a series of secondary disasters. Our country at present the city landscape of water, the main or traditional artificial ground water. Garden workers, open water car, with fire water cannons, of landscape plants to carry out extremely rough water, and planning and design, to groundwater, surface water storage were not the design of the system and the water surface water quickly from loss, serious waste water to the. In the square of other appreciation water, often in tap water from municipal direct access to, not very good for water level division and use. With the green coverage rate increase in the maintenance of water resources in the process of LiYongLiang is more and more big, with people all over the world to water resources utilization and protection attention, and after a long time study and analysis, generates a lot of effective method. We in the urban design should good to use. At home and abroad and theuse of urban water resources on the main methods and protection for:(1) the use of water. (2) of rain to the planning and design of the collection system. (3) the use of water-saving irrigation system. Basically has the following kinds: a. sprinkler irrigation technology;B. microspray irrigation technology;C. root irrigation technology. (4) the interaction of the surface water and ground water use. Through the above all kinds of water saving method summary, design the system method, believe to be able to play well water-saving effect.epilogueThe urban landscape design and the ecological planning tightly linked is mutual influence, mutual penetration. From a small landmark of the city to the whole city planning and design, the need for the connect the relevant knowledge, and from ecology, humanities, local, psychology, sociology, philosophy, aesthetics, and other disciplines continuously research and exploration. Science, reasonable construction of urban landscape design.Landscape design service object, it is the society. People in the design experience and feeling in the same performance on things, be reasonable planning must be from understanding the person's psychology, respect the person's behavior to, this is thefoundation of landscape design, also be the important details of city planning.The landscape design of another service object is natural, must the climate, water, terrain, plants and animals, and buildings, roads, such factors to consider in man and nature of the interaction of the premise. Symonds says: "the ecological design only is effectively respond to natural process and and the unity of." This is for our landscape design how to treat correctly natural is pointed out.At present about the sustainable development of the city, from resources, environment, economy and social point of view, using the method of system, analysis and research in the development of the urban sustainable development. The urban landscape design to the ecological analysis, is in the general principle of urban development. This article through to in the field of urban landscape analysis and research, make with the principle of sustainable development and people-oriented principle as the basic ecological planning in the urban landscape design in specific, technology, be operable. Only in this way can we truly achieve the sustainable development of urban landscape and people-oriented purpose, to establish ecological city provide the guarantee. reference[1] (English) Robert holden, the environmental space "[M] belden group anhui science and technology press China architecture &building press 1999[2] PengYiGang "Chinese classical garden analysis" [M] China architecture &building press 1986[3] Charles Moore, waiting. Reese translation of the landscape poetry strands of gardening-" [M] guangming daily press 2000[4] Kevin lynch, wait and HuangFu compartments, etc in the translation of "overall didn't plan" [M] China architecture &building press 1999[5] Roger, put the crewe. LiuXianJiao "architectural aesthetics of translation [M] China architecture &building press 1992[6] the time case. RuiJingWei translation of the design with nature[M] China architecture &building press 1992城市与景观摘要:本文从景观、城市、生态三个概念之间的相互联系来论诉城市景观。

译文题目:Ecological planning in the urban landscapedesignAbstract: This article discusses the urban landscape from the relation of the following three concepts: the landscape, the city and the ecology. This paper mainly discusses how the landscape influences the city's living environment.The landscape is a stigma in the land, which is of the relationship between human and human, between man and nature. There exists some subtle relationship among landscape, city and humanized design.摘要:本文从景观、城市、生态三个概念之间的相互联系来论诉城市景观。
I. City and The Landscape(1) Overview of Landscape DesignLandscape design, first, is a people's thinking activity, performed as an art activity.Diversified thoughts formed complex diverse landscape art style. Contemporary landscape design apparently see is the diversity of the landscape forms,in fact its essence is to keep the closing up to the natural order system, reflected the more respect for human beings, more in-depth perspective of the nature of human's reality and need, not to try to conquer the nature.it is not even imitating natural, but produce a sense of belonging. Landscape is not only a phenomenon but the human visual scene. So the earliest landscape implications is actually city scene. Landscape design and creation is actually to build the city.(2) The Relationship Between Landscape and UrbanCity is a product of human social, economic and cultural development, and the most complex type. It is vulnerable to the artificial and natural environmental conditions of interference. In recent decades, with worldwide the acceleration of urbanization, the urban population intensive, heavy traffic, resource shortage, environment pollution and ecology deterioration has become the focus of attention of the human society. In the current environment condition in our country, the problem is very serious. and in some urban areas, the pollution has quite serious, and greatly influenced and restricts the sustainable development of the city.Landscape is the relationship between man and man, man and nature. This is, in fact, a kind of human living process. Living process is actually with the powers of nature and the interaction process, in order to obtain harmonious process. The landscape is the result of human life in order to survive and to adapt the natural. At the same time, the living process is also a process of establishning harmonious coexistence. Therefore, as a colony landscape, it is a stigma of the relationship between man and nature.II the city landscape planning and design(1) city landscape elementsThe urban landscape elements include natural landscape and artificial landscape . Among them, the natural landscape is mainly refers to the natural scenery, such as size hills, ancient and famous trees, stone, rivers, lakes, oceans, etc. Artificial landscape are the main cultural relics, cultural site, the botanical garden afforestation, art sketch, trade fairs, build structure, square, etc. These landscape elements must offer a lot of examples for creating high quality of the urban space environment. But for a unique urban landscape, you must put all sorts of landscape elements in the system organization,and create an orderly space form.(2)the urban landscape in the planningThe city is an organic whole, which is composed with material, economy, culture, and society.To improve the urban environment is a common voice.The key of the urban landscape design is to strengthen urban design ideas, strengthen urban design work. and blend urban design thought into the stages of urban planning. The overall urban planning in the city landscape planning is not to abandon the traditional garden, green space planning, but the extension and development of it.Both are no conflict, but also cannot be equal.In landscape planningof city planning, we should first analysis the urban landscape resources structure, fully exploit landscape elements which can reflect the characteristics of urban.Consider carefully for the formation of the system of urban landscape.III ecological planning and urban landscape (1) the relationship of urban landscape and ecological planning Landscape ecology is a newly emerged cross discipline, the main research space pattern and ecological processes of interaction, its theme is the fork the geography and ecology. It's with the whole landscape as the object, through the material flow, energy flow and information flowing the surface of the earth and value in transmission and exchange, through the biological and the biological and the interaction between human and transformation, the ecological system principle and system research methods of landscape structure and function.the dynamic change of landscape has interaction mechanism, the research of the landscape pattern, optimizing the structure, beautify the reasonable use and the protection, have very strong practicability. Urban ecological system is a natural, economic and social composite artificial ecosystem, it including life system, environment system, with a complex multi-level structure, can be in different approaches of human activity and the mutual relationship between the city and influence. Urban environment planning guidance and coordination as a macro department interests, optimizing the allocation of land resources city, reasonable urban space environment organization the important strategic deployment, must have ecological concept. Only to have the ecological view, to guide the construction of the city in the future to ecological city goal, to establish the harmonious living environment. In recent years, landscape planning in urban landscape features protection and urban environment design is wide used.(2) landscape in the living environment of ecological effectLandscape as a unit of land by different inlaid with obvious visual characteristics ofthe geographic entities, with the economic, ecological and aesthetic value, the multiple value judgment is landscape planning and management foundation. Landscape planning and design always is to create a pleasant landscape as the center. The appropriate human nature can understand the landscape for more suitable for human survival, reflect ecological civilization living environment, including landscape, building economy, prudent sex ecological stability, environmental cleanliness, space crowded index, landscape beautiful degree of content, the current many places for residential area of green, static, beauty, Ann's requirement is the popular expression. Landscape also paid special attention to the spatial relationship landscape elements, such as shape and size,density and capacity, links, and partition, location and of sequence, as their content of material and natural resources as important as quality. As the urban landscape planning should pay attention to arrange the city space pattern, the relative concentration of the open space, the construction space to density alternate with; In artificial environment appeared to nature; Increase the visual landscape diversity; Protect the environment MinGanOu and to promote green space system construction.(3) the urban landscape and ecological planning and design of the fusion of each other.The city landscape and ecological planning design reflects human a new dream, it is accompanied by industrialization and after the arrival of the era of industrial and increasingly clear. Natural and cultural, design of the environment and life environment, beautiful form and ecological functions of real comprehensive fusion, the landscape is no longer a single city of specific land, but let the ablation, to thousands; It will let nature participate in design; Let the natural process with every one according to daily life; Let people to perception, experience and care the natural process and natural design.(4) the city landscape ecological planning the humanized design1. "it is with the person this" design thought Contemporary landscape in meet purpose at the same time, more in-depth perspective on human of the nature of reality and needs. First performance for civilian design direction, application of natural organic materials and elastic curve form rich human life space. Next is the barrier-free design, namely no obstacle, not dangerous thing, no manipulation of the barrier design. Now there have been the elderly, the disabled, from the perspective of the social tendency, barrier-free design ideas began to gain popularity, at the same time for disadvantaged people to carry on the design also is human nature design to overall depth direction development trend. "It is with the person this" the service thoughts still behave in special attention to plant of bright color, smell good plant, pay attention to ZuoJu texture and the intensity of the light. The detail processing of considerate more expression of the concern, such as the only step to shop often caused visual ignored and cause staggered, in order to avoid this kind of circumstance happening, contemporary landscape sites do not be allowed under 3 steps; And as some residential area and square in the bush set mop pool, convenient the district's hygiene and wastewater recycling water. "It is with the person this" the service thoughts in many ways showed, the measure of the standard is human love.1. 1 human landscape design concept is human landscape design is to point to inlandscape design activity, pay attention to human needs, in view of the user to the environment of the landscape of a need to spread design, which satisfied the user "physiological and psychological, physical and mental" multi-level needs, embodies the "people-oriented" design thought. Urban public space human landscape design, from the following four aspects to understand:1. 1.1 physical level of care. Human landscape design with functional and the rationality of design into premise condition, pay attention to the physical space reasonable layout and effective use of the function. Public space design should not only make people's psychology and physiology feel comfortable, still should configuration of facilities to meet people's complex activities demand1. The level of caring heart 1.2 Daniel. In construction material form of the space at the same time, the positive psychology advocate for users with the attention that emotion, and then make the person place to form the security, field feeling and belonging.1. 1.3 club will level of care. Emphasizes the concern of human survival environment, the design in the area under the background of urban ecological overall planning and design, to make the resources, energy rationally and effectively using, to achieve the natural, social and economic benefits of the unity of the three.1. 1.4 to a crowd of segmentation close care. Advocate barrier-free design, and try to meet the needs of different people use, and to ensure that the group of mutual influence between activities, let children, old people, disabled people can enjoy outdoor public the fun of life.1. 2 and human landscape design related environmental behavior knowledge the environment behavior is human landscape design, the main research field, pay attention to the environment and people's explicit behavior and the relationship between the interaction, tried to use the psychology of the some basic theory, methods researchers in the city and architecture in activities and to the environment of the response, and the feedback the information can be used to guide the environment construction and renovation. Western psychologist dirk DE Joan to put forward the boundary effect theory. He points out that the edge of space is people like to stay area, also is the space of the growth of the activity area [3]. Like the urban space, the margin of the wood, down the street, and the rain at the awning, awnings, corridor construction sunken place, is people like the place to stay. At the edge of space, and other people or organizations to distance themselves are is better able to observe the space of the eyes and not to be disturbed. "Man seeth" is the person's nature. A large public space are existing "the man seeth" phenomenon: the viewer consciously or unconsciously observation, in the space in front of the all activities. At the same time, some of the people with strong performance desire, in public space in various activities to attract the attention of others, so as to achieve self-fulfillment cheerful. The seemingly simple "man seeth" phenomenon, but can promote space more activities production. For example, for a walk of pedestrians may be busy street performance and to join the ranks of the show attracts, with the strange because the audience is the sight of the activities of the wonderful and short conversation, art lovers of the infection by environmental atmosphere began to sketch activities.Environmental design, according to environmental behavior related knowledge, actively create boundary space provide people stay, rest, the place of talking to facilitate more spaceActivities of generation, the rich visitors sensory experiences2. The design of the sustainable developmentSustainable development principle, it is the ecology point of view, to the city system analysis, and with the minimum the minimal resource consumption to satisfy the requirements of the human, and maintain the harmony of human and the natural environment, guarantee the city several composition system-to protect natural evolution process of open space system and the urban development system balance. People are to landscape 'understanding of the contemporary landscape design and the function to reflect, have been completely out of the traditional gardening activities, the concept of landscape art value unconsciously and ecological value, the function value, cultural value happened relationship, landscape art category than before more pointed to the human is closely linked with the various aspects, become more profound and science. Contemporary landscape also actively use new technology to improve the ecological value. Such as the use of solar energy for square garden, lighting and sound box equipment supply electricity; The surface water "cycle" design concept, collecting rainwater for irrigation and waterscape provides the main resources; Using the principle of the construction of the footway, buoys that environmental protection level a kiss and interesting. And by using water scene drought, landscape water do ecology (ecological wetland), ecological XiGou "half natural change" landscape humanized waterscape design, avoid the manual water scene is the difficulty of the later-period management, but in the water since the net, purifying environment and promote biodiversity play a huge role. Therefore, to experience the landscape will surely is contained to nature and the tradition, to human compatibility.The urban landscape the principles of sustainable development and implementation details:2.1 the efficiency of land use principle for land to the survival of humans is one of the most effective resources, especially in China's large population, land resources are extremely deficient, urbanization rapidly increase background, the reasonable efficient use of land, is that we should consider an important issue. For the city landscape is concerned, how to productive use of the land? Three-dimensional is efficient land use is the most effective means. The urban landscape "three-dimensional to take" ideas contains the following six aspects of meaning. (1) in the limited on land, as much as possible to provide activity places, form the three-dimensional multi-layer activities platform landscape environment. (2) improve afforestation land use efficiency, in the same land, adopt appropriate to niche by, shrubs and trees of co-existence and co-prosperity between three-dimensional planting layout. (3) to solve the good man, for the contradiction in green, the green space and human activity space layout of the interchanges. (4) the up and down or so, all sides three-dimensional view observation, increased the landscape environment the visual image of the visual rate. (5) from the static landscape to dynamic landscape. 6not only from the traditional technology of modern technology to introduce more (such as crossing bridge, light rail, electric rail, etc), show a colorful three-dimensional space.2.2 energy efficiency principle along with the rapid development of urbanization, China's energy demand is more and more big, the energy gap also more and more big. In recent years, China's major cities have put forward the "light" project, the public area lighting consumption in the great power. For energy efficiency in the understanding, first from the consideration on the energy saving should be not only, and should stand in the higher of the environmental protection high to know, meaning that more extensive, and more far-reaching. (for more than 70% of generating capacity in China at present still by coal, exist for SO2, CO2 and nitric oxide and other harmful gas emissions and coal dust emissions and a series of environmental problems)2.3 plant with an ecological principle city system, the green space system is perfect or not of the city's environmental quality plays a vital role. Perfect green space system, to improve the city microclimate plays an important role, it can rise to improve small regional temperature, air humidity, windbreak and sand-fixation, purify air, provide oxygen and so on a series of ecological change the role of environmental factors. Urban green space system as a city human important activities of the external space, planning and design should not only from the plant itself on system, should the broader perspective, considering a person to nature to be close to, rely on the requirements, on the one hand, satisfying the people's physical needs, such as the right temperature, humidity, clean air and so on need, on the other hand to meet people of the nature of the attachment psychological need. One the one hand, to meet the city function requirements, on the other hand, will play natural systems potential extremely. At present, the city of plants with existing in the implant the following problems: put too much emphasis on green technology and engineering technology of gardening, loving fast for Jane, formed only simple so-called "Joe, flooding, grass" structure, ecological process is ignored, fierce competition among plants, normal growth form was suppressed, the diversity of the community and stability suffocate suffocate, plant diseases and insect pests rampant, maintenance cost is high, the waste of human, material and financial resources. So in the urban design of plants with plant should achieve what kind of effect? It should be a satisfying the people's psychological and physiological activities, meet the natural plant of the self-improvement circulation system, and meet the microbe, plants, birds, and all kinds of close to human beings, animals of the ecological system, and meet the soil and water protection, air purification, water purification up maximum adjustment function of the system. To provide more of a harmonious and orderly biological and stable habitats and more living space, establishment compound level and beautiful season of color in plant community, city landscape has offered only low-grade manual administration, the landscape resources sustainable maintain and develop, that is the goal of our pursuit. Under the guidance of the principle, city with plant should consider the following plants detailed rules. (1) each city green plants with plant to and urban green space system match, and city and the surrounding landscape plantform the whole dynamic stability of the green ecological system. (2) the zonal simulation of the community structure characteristics, abide by "niche" principle and to establish a suitable after layer community structure, use different species differentiation of niche, the corrosion resistance of individual size, the shadow of leaf type, root depth, nutrient requirement and content of hou aspects of the difference in the plant, avoid the kind of direct competition between, form mutualist to trees skeletons Joe, flooding, grass composite community structure and function of the unification of benign ecological system. (3) the introduction of new varieties in the process, must choose and local climate, soil adaptation of the species, for stability of the system is provided. In plants and localization of reciprocity and raw, under the premise of forming a biological diversity. (4) from plants on the system itself not only should also be considered, the animals can be close to human survival and reproduction, such as birds. (5) with plants in the plant, to meet other elements such as human nature to the needs of the sunshine, the air,etc. 6 plants in meet its "niche" principle, and on the basis of the landscape, the plant should aesthetic feeling, meaning, rhythm, etc to the ecological science, to consider the height of aesthetics, harmonious, and urban landscape and form, combines aesthetics.2.4 to the protection of the natural communities and use principle in the urban landscape design process often encountered in one of the most important question, and that is planning on land have very good natural communities or heaven the tree. These natural communities and heaven the tree, and after a time of baptism and long growth process, thus forming the beautiful landscape effect. Landscape design should be in the protection and utilization of the guiding ideology, not to destroy these time to human gift, wasted natural elegance. Therefore, in the urban landscape design, the natural communities to meet or heaven trees, our guiding ideology is: in the protection and utilization of the basis, from a series of function, aesthetic Angle, design can reflect the influence of time, history beautiful landscape. 2.5 effective utilization of water resources and ecological environment protection principle is a big system, including land, air, water and sunlight, plant and the related unintended consequences. Water resources as the important component of the system, as the origin of human beings and the survival of important resources, if not effective utilization and protection will seriously restricted the economic and social development, and endanger the future of the human being. Our country as a large population, a water extremely poor countries, in the effective utilization of water resources is wanton waste, pollution and destructive to development of water resources, increased tension in the water, and cause the ground subsidence, the water flow backward and so on a series of secondary disasters. Our country at present the city landscape of water, the main or traditional artificial ground water. Garden workers, open water car, with fire water cannons, of landscape plants to carry out extremely rough water, and planning and design, to groundwater, surface water storage were not the design of the system and the water surface water quickly from loss, serious waste water to the. In the square of other appreciation water, often in tap water from municipal direct access to, not very good for water level division and use. With the green coverage rate increasein the maintenance of water resources in the process of LiYongLiang is more and more big, with people all over the world to water resources utilization and protection attention, and after a long time study and analysis, generates a lot of effective method. We in the urban design should good to use. At home and abroad and theuse of urban water resources on the main methods and protection for:(1) the use of water. (2) of rain to the planning and design of the collection system. (3) the use of water-saving irrigation system. Basically has the following kinds: a. sprinkler irrigation technology;B. microspray irrigation technology;C. root irrigation technology. (4) the interaction of the surface water and ground water use. Through the above all kinds of water saving method summary, design the system method, believe to be able to play well water-saving effect.epilogueThe urban landscape design and the ecological planning tightly linked is mutual influence, mutual penetration. From a small landmark of the city to the whole city planning and design, the need for the connect the relevant knowledge, and from ecology, humanities, local, psychology, sociology, philosophy, aesthetics, and other disciplines continuously research and exploration. Science, reasonable construction of urban landscape design.Landscape design service object, it is the society. People in the design experience and feeling in the same performance on things, be reasonable planning must be from understanding the person's psychology, respect the person's behavior to, this is the foundation of landscape design, also be the important details of city planning.The landscape design of another service object is natural, must the climate, water, terrain, plants and animals, and buildings, roads, such factors to consider in man and nature of the interaction of the premise. Symonds says: "the ecological design only is effectively respond to natural process and and the unity of." This is for our landscape design how to treat correctly natural is pointed out.At present about the sustainable development of the city, from resources, environment, economy and social point of view, using the method of system, analysis and research in the development of the urban sustainable development. The urban landscape design to the ecological analysis, is in the general principle of urban development. This article through to in the field of urban landscape analysis and research, make with the principle of sustainable development and people-oriented principle as the basic ecological planning in the urban landscape design in specific, technology, be operable. Only in this way can we truly achieve the sustainable development of urban landscape and people-oriented purpose, to establish ecological city provide the guarantee. reference[1] (English) Robert holden, the environmental space "[M] belden group anhui science and technology press China architecture &building press 1999[2] PengYiGang "Chinese classical garden analysis" [M] China architecture &building press 1986[3] Charles Moore, waiting. Reese translation of the landscape poetry strands of gardening-" [M] guangming daily press 2000[4] Kevin lynch, wait and HuangFu compartments, etc in the translation of "overall didn't plan" [M] China architecture &building press 1999[5] Roger, put the crewe. LiuXianJiao "architectural aesthetics of translation [M] China architecture &building press 1992[6] the time case. RuiJingWei translation of the design with nature[M] China architecture &building press 19921 城市与景观1.1 景观设计概述景观设计首先是一种人的思想活动,表现为艺术活动。

Environmental art is also known as environmental design.在中国,所谓的“环境艺术设计”就是指室内装饰、室内外设计、装修设计、景观园林、景观小品(场景雕塑、绿化、道路)建筑装饰和装饰装潢等等,此外,还包括城市规划。
In China, the so-called "environmental art design" means design, interior decoration, indoor and outdoor decoration design, landscape gardening, landscape sketch (scenario) sculpture, landscaping, road building decoration, decoration and so on, in addition, also including the urban planning.尽管叫法很多,但其内涵相同,都是指围绕建筑所进行的设计和装饰活动。
Though called a lot of, but its connotation is the same, is refers to the activities of around a building design and decoration. Want to say anything, that is the difference between indoor and outdoor decoration decorate, subjects are divided into interior design and landscape design.在环境艺术设计中最鲜为人知的就是室内设计这个专业,室内设计是指为满足一定的建造目的The most obscure in environmental art design is the professional interior design, interior design is to point to to satisfy a certain purpose环境艺术设计是一门高尚的艺术,我们要努力学好知识,做好设计。

绿色基础设施景观规划:整合人类与自然系统Green Infrastructure for Landscape Planning:Integrating human and natural systemsChapter TwelveStockholm: green infrastructure case studyContextThe city and county of Stockholm demonstrate the planning and implementation of green infrastructure advocated in this book. The city is located approximately at latitude 59° N in southeast Sweden (Figure 12.1) within an astoundingly complex configuration of islands, coastline, freshwater lakes and saltwater estuaries on the Baltic Sea (Figure 12.2).About half of the County of Stockholm is composed of primarily fertile coniferous forest, but deciduous forests also occur here. Forested land and the amount of protected forest is increasing in the county at the expense of agriculture, but the rate of increase is insufficient to protect biological diversity.1 Within the city there are eight natural areas, including nature and cultural reserves and an urban national park, with a total area of 5,680 acres (2,299 ha). Of this 828 acres (335 ha) is water and 4,855 acres (1,965 ha) is land.332The built environmentLike many European cities, Stockholm was initially located to be geographically defensible. Constrained by the area of a small island in LakeMälaren, the city was compactly developed with multistory buildings, narrow streets and little natural open space. As the city expanded, especially after World War II, growth followed the road alignments.Today, 872,000 people live in the Stockholm city area of 73 square miles(188 km2). Development within the city is compact since nearly 90 percent of residents live in multi-family buildings (Figure 12.3). The resulting population density is 11,944 inhabitants per square mile (4,638 per km2). The region is increasingly polycentric and growing with the addition of 20,000 people per year.2 The population of the metropolitan area is now 2,050,000.3 The sections below consider the municipal and regional scale, before focusing on a recently developed urban infill district near the city center.In a competitive process, Stockholm was designated the first Green Capital of Europe in 2010. The Green Capital competition assesses many factors of sustainability, which is broader than the consideration of green infrastructure, but many factors overlap, of course. Of particular interest here is the regional, municipal and neighborhood green infrastructure that supports multiple uses.333Figure 12.1 Stockholm location map.Figure 12.2 Physiography of the Stockholm region. Photo 59°19'44. 15" N, 18°3'53.68" E,12 September 2007 (accessed 15 April 2013) by Google Earth.334Figure 12.3 Stockholm urban core. Photo 59o19'21.92" N 18o04'26.36" E, 12 September2007 (accessed 15 April 2013) by Google Earth.335Regional systemGreen wedgesThe concept of a regional green infrastructure was articulated in the 1930s. Alternating fingers of natural landscape and human habitation with transportation infrastructure was adopted as a general planning principle (Figure 12.4). Traditionally, Swedish farmsteads and villages were constructed on high ground or benches above a river or stream. The floodplain and agricultural fields lay between the watercourse and the settlement. It is often this floodplain and old agricultural fields or pastures that form the spines of the green wedges flanked by the settlements and the roads that connect them.4 Voluntary comprehensive planning of green wedges and then legally binding detailed development plans for cities and towns were in place by 1998. Stockholm adopted an urban infill plan in 1999 and in 2001 the County of Stockholm adopted a spatial, green wedge regional development plan, which was updated in 2010.2These decisions resulted in a radial regional plan with wedges of continuous green infrastructure that had significant biodiversity value while being close to residential districts. The plan features ten long corridors of agriculture, forest and habitat at least 1,640 feet (500 m) wide (Figure 12.4). These corridors connect huge natural preserves outside the city and are essential to the high biodiversity near the city center. Ecologists in Stockholm found that habitat areas of 740 acres supported the needs of most native species, particularly when the area was more compact, rather than linear in shape. The widths of ecological corridors are variable according to the target species, but a 0.3 mile (0.5 km) width is defined by the regional development plan as the minimum to accommodate both wildlife and recreation uses. There are many existing areas within the green wedges that are less wide than the recommendation, particularly near the city center. These are identified and labeled as one of three categories of weak points where more careful planning is to take place to avoid further erosion and where mitigation measures are to be undertaken. In fact, a detailed study identified all of the corridor breaks and barriers as a first step toward mitigation. Planning documents also stress the almost insurmountable obstacles to dispersal of some species that busy highways present.5 336Figure 12.4 The green wedges are shown as core habitat (dark green), secondary habitat(light green) and large recreation and natural areas (orange) within the urban (white) andaquatic (blue) matrix.2Human use of the green wedges (Figure 12.5) is as important as the biodiversity benefits. For example, the National Urban Park in Stockholm receives 15 million visitors each year.6 To foster public use of this and other green areas, 43 public transit stations have been designated as green stations. These are transit stops where citizens can walk 984–1640 feet (300–500 m) to reach a green wedge. Major green transit stations feature information about the adjacent natural resource.5337Figure 12.5 Social areas and recreation use are major components of the green infrastructure and this area of the National Urban Park.The green wedges are being increasingly codified. In 2003 the county made the commitment to add 71 new nature reserves and 28 study areas. By 2012 36 of these were realized. This official protection, rather than planning guidelines, assures that urban growth will follow the existing roads and rail lines rather than sprawling into the landscape infrastructure.The National Urban ParkStockholm established the world’s first urban national park in 1995 (Figure 12.6). The park is part of one of the regional green wedges and the largest park within the city limits. It also extends into two other municipalities. In the European tradition, the 6,670-acre park is a mixture of cultural facilities, such as museums, recreation areas and protected wildlife habitat.Initially the Parliament defined the area as one of natural interest. The core of the park was inherited from royal hunting grounds of the previous centuries. The municipalities were given planning authority to foster democratic participation but secret negotiations between private construction companies and municipalities regarding development of public land before the initiation of public processes resulted in the development of hundreds of acres within the national interest area boundary. The controversy generated by this practice led 338to citizen planning efforts and petitions organized by non-governmental organizations and supported by the media. With the prospect of a large road infrastructure project that would have damaged the area, the National Parliament voted unanimously in late 1994 to establish the National Urban Park. The act took effect in 1995 and specified more clear boundaries (Figure 12.6), purposes and protections.7Figure 12.6 Plan view of the Stockholm National Urban Park. Photo59°23'34.56" N,18°01'28.84" E, 3 April 2012 (accessed 15 April 2013) by Google Earth. Development of new buildings and roads was not prohibited by the act, but development is not permitted if it negatively impacts any of the three purposes of the park — cultural, recreational and environmental. Existing buildings can be expanded if they do not impact the park. In contrast, facilitates in support of park purposes were to be developed and protected within the park boundaries. Figure 12.6 shows that the park boundary encloses two core areas and a corridor through the urban development.7Public agencies are focused on strengthening the ecological connections diminished before the park was created8 and on the development plans for the industrial and port area to the east of the park.Ecology and the green wedges339In the initial stages of planning the green wedges, ecologists studied native forest species in need of conservation attention to determine whether the green wedges had the capacity to sustain them. Some species are difficult to sustain in growing urban districts due to large territory requirements, large core arearequirements, specialized habitat needs, small or scattered populations or low dispersal rates. Species with one or more of these characteristics are especially vulnerable to the habitat fragmentation and degradation that accompanies urbanization. Two of the bird species in the study (nutcracker and the honey buzzard) have specialized habitat requirements associated with certain species of shrubs and trees, and both had low and scattered populations. In the study area, forest clearing, removal of mature trees and conversion of deciduous forest to coniferous forest were the most serious threats to the study species.9 The six bird species included in the study were honey buzzard (Pernis apivorus), goshawk (Accipiter gentilis), stock dove (Columba oenas), black woodpecker (Dryocopus martius), lesser spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos minor) and nutcracker (Nucifraga caryocatactes). The study found that the size of the available habitat, and the type and degree of connectivity, determined the presence of breeding pairs of these birds. The study mapped the green wedges and identified 67 sites within and outside the green wedges. Surveys were conducted in 28 of these sites. These defined a gradient from the city center to the rural landscape. Near the city center habitat patches were smaller and more isolated. The forest coverage for the study area was 39 percent. For the area within 6.2 miles (10 km) of the city center, the forest coverage was 25 percent, while the area within 6.2 miles of the city center but outside the green wedges had only 15 percent forested area.The study discovered a wide range of habitat requirements for the target species. The black woodpecker required territory with mature, mostly coniferous, forest as large as 1,235 acres (500 ha). However, this could be comprised of several habitat patches within an agricultural matrix with only 26 percent forest cover. In contrast, the lesser-spotted woodpecker preferred strips of moist deciduous forest along lake shorelines and required only 49–123 acres (20–50 ha) of good habitat. However, this habitat type is not as extensive as coniferous forest.The goshawk prefers large forest areas but has adapted to breed in fragmented patches within the urbanizing region. The nutcracker and the honey buzzard required the largest territories, but benefited from good connectivity between habitat patches.The study outlined above determined that the needs of the bird species in the 340Stockholm region can be met in the green wedges if large and diverse forest habitats are preserved. It also determined that smaller habitat fragments are valuable if proximity is good.9 Continuous corridors linking habitat fragments will be more important for terrestrial animals than for the bird species in thisstudy.Large habitat areas still exist in Stockholm County, but nearer the city center habitat is fragmented into smaller parcels with a few exceptions. However, in this situation groups of fragments may serve as territory for some native species. For birds and mobile terrestrial species, the fragments can simply be close together, but for many species an ecological corridor must connect the habitat fragments. This was demonstrated in a study of a bird, the coal tit (Parus ater), in the Stockholm region. This bird was known to be a habitat specialist requiring coniferous forest habitat of 25 to 74 acres (10–30 ha). However, the bird was found in habitat fragments within a network. Patch networks with a total area of 12–25 acres (5–10 ha) but where the fragments were separated by no more that 164 feet (50 m) served as breeding territory. The bird was found in habitat fragments greater than 2.5 acres (1 ha).10 This finding is important for physical planning in urban and suburban areas where extensive damage to habitat has occurred. As noted earlier, for terrestrial animals it is more likely that the habitat fragments will need to be connected with ecological corridors for the network to serve as breeding habitat.Figure 12.7 This wetland and forest is in the northern core of the National Urban Park, butadjacent to high-density urban development.Wetlands amount to, at most, 4 percent of Stockholm County. About 1.2 341square miles (3 km2) of wetlands have been lost and 4.6 square miles (12 km2) remain (Figure 12.7). Wetlands have been lost to roads and other development and 90 percent of the remaining wetlands are impacted by human activity. There are 850 lakes in the county and about 100 of these are impacted by acidification (30 are treated with lime regularly to mitigate the acidity). This is primarily the result of air pollution originating on the European continent. The Stockholm archipelago is impacted by excess nitrogen and phosphorus from sewage plant effluent and stormwater runoff and by heavy metals from urban runoff.1 The cityand county have an ambitious, continuous and cooperative environmental monitoring program. It correctly focuses on habitat and species monitoring to assure sustained biodiversity. However, annual tracking of the populations of target species, such as greater cormorants and other species, is undertaken to monitor endangered species or sudden changes in species numbers.1 342Urban parks and open spaceThe green wedges extend from the county into the city. Within the city there are21,000 acres (8,500 ha) of parkland representing 40 percent of the total land area and resulting in 27 acres (11 ha) of parkland per 1,000 residents.11 This compares to Los Angeles, with 10 percent of its area dedicated to parkland, and Portland with 15.8 percent.11 The parkland in Stockholm includes 12 parks that are over 200 acres (81 ha) in size. The dozen parks contain about one-third of the city land area.The goal of green space near every resident is taken seriously in Stockholm since surveys demonstrate the public demand. Seventy percent of inner-city residents wish to visit green spaces more often and spend more time there. This desire is independent of gender, age and socio-economic status. Distance from a green space and lack of time are the two reasons for less use of green spaces than desired.5 New planning goals established distance and park size standards. Residents are to be no more than 600 feet (200 m) from a pocket or neighborhood park 2.5–12.5 acres (1–5 ha) in size and no more than 1,500 feet (457 m) from a district park of 12.5–125 acres (5–51 ha). In addition, residents are to be no more than 0.6 miles (1 km) from a nature preserve larger than 125 acres (50 ha) in size.11As demonstrated earlier, the parkland amenity is also an economic value as expressed by rent and property values. When comparing condominiums, those near 27 acres (11 ha) of park land commanded $783 more for each 11 ft2 of floor area (600 €/m2) compared to similar units with parks with 17 acres (7 ha) of park environment.4343Ecosystem value of the National Urban ParkDeciduous forests dominated by red oak trees are prized in Stockholm. In the National Urban Park one-quarter of all trees are oaks (see Figure 12.9). Oak trees had royal protection beginning in the 1300s and could not be legally cut by private parties until the late 1800s, due in part to their value in shipbuilding. However, much illegal harvesting took place and other oaks were lost when forest was converted to farmland. In 1809 the royal hunting park in Stockholm was formalized and protected the oak forest.7Figure 12.8 The Eurasian jay is critical for the maintenance of the oak woodland andprovides valuable ecosystem services.Hundreds of species are associated with old-growth stands of oaks. For example, the oaks are dependent on the Eurasian jays (Garrulus glandiarius) to spread their seeds (Figure 12.8). Jays bury a store of acorns in the fall and live on them in the winter. The nearly 100 jays living in the National Urban Park hide about half a million acorns per year. About 30 percent of these are notrecovered from the soil and can grow into new oaks. An estimated 85 percent of the park’s oaks are the result of the jay’s natural seed dispersal. In order to estimate the economic value of birds’ work, the cost of humans planting oaks can be calculated. Depending on the planting method (seeds or seedlings) each pair of jays does a job that corresponds to $880–3,920 per acre. Jays are limited to oak forests and unwilling to cross open areas. Therefore, it is important that large areas of oak forest or corridors connecting smaller patches are preserved to maintain the population of both birds and oaks.4 344Figure 12.9 The National Urban Park provides heterogeneous ecosystems. In this image awetland and heron rookery are framed by oak and coniferous woodlands.The National Urban Park contains a great diversity of habitats including deciduous and coniferous forests, meadows and pastures, wetlands, lakes and rivers, a long coastline and numerous islands. There are 880 species of flowering plants, 40 fish species, 1,000 species of butterflies and about 100 species of birds that breed in the park. Nine of the 14 species of bats in Sweden are found in the park, including two threatened species (whiskered and Natterer’s bat). Of course, many exotic, invasive species exist here too. One is the American mink.The most important habitat type in the park is the deciduous forest, since most of the country is dominated by coniferous forest. In this forest, the oaks are associated with elm, ash, linden and maple. Man has managed all habitat types in the park, including the deciduous forest, for centuries through mowing, grazing and tree planting. Groves of 200–300-year-old trees create a unique ecological environment, which is increasingly rare in Sweden and Europe. As limbs or entire oak trees die, they remain standing and become a long-lasting resource for hole-nesting birds, mammals and a host of beetles and other insects. There are actually about 1,500 species of insects, wood fungi and lichens linked to oaks, especially the ancient ones. The 1,200 species of beetles, which are involved in the decomposition of the bark and decaying wood, make up the majority of the species linked to the oak trees. Ninety percent of the beetle species prefer standing trunks in sunlight. Many endangered 345invertebrates, such as the broad-banded beetle (Plagionotus detritus) are members of the old-growth oak groves. In addition, oak and beech acorns support birds and mammals.12The large size of the park supports core habitat areas, although the species most sensitive to human activity or needing the largest territories may becompromised. Keys to the dispersal of offspring are corridor connections between the north and south core areas of the park and more regionally to the deciduous forest stands south of Stockholm (Figure 12.4). The corridors between the core areas are vulnerable to development and habitat loss. The city is working carefully to develop the royal port, on the eastern edge of the city, to strengthen the corridor within the National Urban Park and reduce the hostility of the matrix. Extending an ecological corridor south of the park will be difficult and require local and regional coordination and public support. Since deciduous forest is not the dominant forest type and because the National Urban Park is more isolated by urban development than in the past, there is a concern that the deciduous woodland in the park is a relic landscape that will slowly decline. Reduction of the original oak ecosystem below 25 percent of its original size is a threshold that threatens the viability of the ecosystem. The long life span of the oaks creates some uncertainty about the long-term prospects of the forest.City centerThe green infrastructure of the city center primarily expresses human values. Vibrant streets, public squares, urban parks, historic districts and sustainable transportation serve the citizens in the cultural, government and financial old town. These spaces are also part of the green infrastructure of the city, even if they don’t focus on the non-human aspects of the environment. They are volumesthat make high-density, mixed-use districts vibrant and desirable places to live, work and shop. Stockholm offers a full range of urban spaces from the largely paved plazas that can host thousands of people for celebrations (Figure 12.10)to green oases that provide a respite from the bustle of the city. There are promenades (Figure 12.11) along the water and through the old town that connect a variety of spaces and use areas, such as transportation centers, government complexes and the urban waterfront.The combination of high population density and high percentage of open space is unusual. In San Francisco, the population density is higher than in Stockholm, but this is at the expense of parkland and especially biodiversity.346Only 14 percent of the land area in San Francisco is park and open space and the park acreage per person is very low (Table 12.1). In contrast, the city of Austin covers more than three times the area of Stockholm but has only onequarterof the density. The percentage of land dedicated to open space is muchlower in Austin than in Stockholm, although acres per 1,000 people are quite high. Austin manages two Texas state parks within the city limits. In summary,Austin is a sprawling low-density city with a great open-space system, while San Francisco is a very urban, high-density environment without the balance of habitat and open space amenities of Stockholm.14Figure 12.10 Outstanding architecture frames a series of urban plazas and parks largeenough to host civic celebrations, fairs and street performers.347Figure 12.11 Pedestrian streets, anchored by transportation hubs and the government center,teem with tourists and locals for shopping and entertainment.New Urbanism proponents in the US worry that green infrastructure is arecipe for the ruralization of American towns and cities. Stockholm demonstrates that cities can have it all — vibrant urban environments and rich biodiversity. Providing 25 percent or less open space in a city stresses the remaining ecosystems and is too low to accommodate both recreation and urban biodiversity without conflict. Population densities need to increase in most American cities in order to preserve land for recreation, scenery, stormwater treatment, habitat and other ecosystem functions and services.The high population density in Stockholm has substantial secondary benefits since it precludes the loss of natural landscape to suburban sprawl. This regional city is clearly the center of civic life and remains the focus of smaller cities connected to it by roads and rail lines.348背景斯德哥尔摩市、县展示的策划和实施在这本书中提倡的绿色基础设施。

环境设计英语作文英文回答:Environmental design, the art of shaping the physical environment to meet human needs and aspirations, has profound implications for our well-being and the sustainability of our planet. It encompasses a diverse array of disciplines, from architecture and urban planning to landscape design and industrial design, each contributing to the creation of functional, aesthetically pleasing, and sustainable environments.At its core, environmental design seeks to foster a harmonious relationship between people and their surroundings. By carefully considering human behavior, environmental factors, and cultural context, designers strive to create spaces that enhance physical, cognitive, and emotional well-being. From the design of energy-efficient buildings that minimize environmental impact to the creation of inclusive urban environments that promotesocial cohesion, environmental design has the power to shape our quality of life in myriad ways.Environmental design also plays a crucial role in promoting sustainability. By integrating principles of eco-friendliness into the design process, designers can contribute to a more sustainable future. This involves using sustainable materials, incorporating renewable energy sources, and prioritizing energy efficiency. By considering the environmental impact of their designs, they can create spaces that not only meet our present needs but also protect the planet for generations to come.中文回答:环境设计是塑造物理环境以满足人类需求和愿望的艺术,它对我们的福祉和星球的可持续性有着深远的影响。

城市化进程中的城市绿化与景观设计(英文中文双语版优质文档)With the continuous acceleration of the urbanization process, the impact of urbanization on the urban ecological environment is becoming more and more obvious. Urban greening and landscape design have become a vital part of urban ecological environment construction. This article will discuss urban greening and landscape design in the process of urbanization and make relevant recommendations.1. The meaning and function of urban greeningUrban greening refers to the construction and management of green land, vegetation, flower beds, green belts and other green landscapes in the city. Urban greening has the following meanings and functions:1. Regulating the urban climateUrban greening can absorb solar radiation, reduce the temperature of the city, improve the thermal environment of the city, and alleviate the "heat island effect" of the city.2. Purify city airUrban greening can absorb harmful substances in urban air, such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, etc., purify urban air, and improve urban air quality.3. Protect the urban ecological environmentUrban greening can protect the ecological environment of the city and increase the stability and biodiversity of the urban ecosystem.4. Improve the quality of the cityUrban greening can beautify the urban environment, improve the quality and image of the city, and provide residents with good visual enjoyment.2. Development status and problems of urban greeningIn recent years, urban greening construction has made some achievements, but there are still some problems.1. The proportion of green space is lowThe proportion of urban green space in my country is relatively low, especially in large cities. Some cities even have the problem of "lack of green space", which affects the ecological environment of the city and the quality of life of residents.2. The quality of green space is not highThere are problems such as low quality and untimely maintenance in the construction of urban green space, which affects the effect and quality of urban greening.3. Uneven distribution of green spaceThe distribution of urban green space is uneven. Some areas have less green space, while some areas have the problem of "green space waste".4. Imperfect greening planningThere are imperfect and unscientific problems in urban greening planning, which leads to the lack of integrity and systematization in the construction and management of green spaces.3. Suggestions for the development of urban greeningIn order to promote urban greening construction and improve the quality of urban ecological environment, the following are some suggestions:1. Increase the proportion of green spaceIncrease investment in urban green space construction, increase the proportion of urban green space, especially in the construction of large cities and urban new districts, we should pay more attention to green space construction, and avoid the phenomenon of "green space deficiency".2. Strengthen the construction and management of green spaceStrengthen the supervision of green space construction and management, improve the quality and maintenance level of green space, and make urban green space more beautiful, environmentally friendly and comfortable.3. Optimize the distribution of green spaceIn urban planning, the distribution balance of green space should be considered, the distribution of green space should be rationalized, and the phenomenon of "wasting green space" in some areas should be avoided.4. Scientifically formulate urban greening plansScientifically formulate urban greening plans, including the location, type, and quantity of greening areas, as well as the planning and construction of greening facilities, so as to make urban greening construction more holistic and systematic, and improve the quality of urban ecological environment.2. The meaning and function of landscape designLandscape design refers to the artistic creation in urban greening construction to beautify the urban environment and improve the quality of the city. Landscape design has the following meanings and functions:1. Beautify the urban environmentLandscape design can create a beautiful, comfortable and pleasant environment for the city, and improve the quality of the urban environment and the quality of life of residents.2. Enhance the cultural connotation of the cityLandscape design can show the cultural connotation of the city, enrich the cultural heritage of the city, and improve the cultural taste and value of the city.3. Promote urban economic developmentLandscape design can create a more distinctive and attractive urban image for the city, improve the city's popularity and attractiveness, and promote the development of the urban economy.4. Enhance urban competitivenessLandscape design can endow a city with a unique urban image and cultural connotation, enhance the competitiveness of the city, and improve the international influence of the city.3. Development status and problems of landscape designAt present, my country's urban landscape design has made some achievements, but there are still some problems.1. Lack of integrity and systemmy country's urban landscape design lacks integrity and systematization, and many urban landscape designs still remain in the design of a single scenic spot, lacking integrity and systematization, and it is difficult to form a landscape image with urban characteristics.2. Emphasis on surface effectsSome landscape designs focus on superficial effects, ignoring the coordination and consistency of landscape design, urban planning, and environmental protection. As a result, some landscape designs become "decorations" for the city, which is not conducive to the improvement of the city's image.3. Lack of innovation and cultural connotationPart of the landscape design lacks innovation and cultural connotation, pursues superficial gorgeous effects too much, ignores the uniqueness and characteristics of urban culture, and is difficult to meet people's pursuit and expectation of urban cultural connotation.4. Inadequate maintenance and managementSome urban landscape designs have problems in implementation and maintenance, and lack of effective management and maintenance mechanisms, resulting in damage and destruction of landscape facilities and reducing the quality of urban landscapes.To sum up, it is necessary to strengthen the integrity, system and innovation of urban landscape design, pay attention to the coordination of landscape design, urban planning, and environmental protection, improve the cultural connotation and value of landscape design, and establish an effective landscape maintenance and management mechanism , making urban landscape design truly an important part of urban construction and development.随着城市化进程的不断加快,城市化对城市生态环境的影响也越来越明显。

城市生态修复与景观设计(英文中文双语版优质文档)I. IntroductionWith the continuous development of urbanization, the urban environment is getting more and more attention. The quality of the urban environment has a significant impact on human health and socio-economic development. Urban ecological restoration and landscape design are one of the effective ways to solve urban environmental problems. This article will discuss the concepts, importance and methods of urban ecological restoration and landscape design.2. Urban Ecological RestorationUrban ecological restoration refers to the process of improving the urban environment, restoring the ecosystem, and enhancing the ecological functions of the city through a series of measures and means. Urban ecological restoration is one of the important ways to solve urban environmental problems.The importance of urban ecological restoration is that it can improve the urban environment, restore natural ecosystems, and enhance urban ecological functions. Urban ecological restoration can promote sustainable urban development, protect natural ecosystems, enhance the stability and resilience of urban ecosystems, reduce the impact of urban environmental pollution and climate change, and enhance the attractiveness and competitiveness of cities.Methods of urban ecological restoration include: restoring natural wetlands, planting vegetation, restoring river ecosystems, improving urban water environment quality, reducing land development, and improving air quality, etc. These methods can restore urban natural ecosystems, enhance the stability and resilience of urban ecosystems, reduce urban environmental pollution and the impact of climate change, and improve the livability and attractiveness of cities.3. Landscape DesignLandscape design refers to the process of creating beautiful, practical and reasonable urban landscape space through design means. Landscape design is an important part of urban environment construction, which can improve the ecological quality and living environment of the city.The importance of landscape design is that it can improve the ecological quality and living environment of the city, and at the same time, it can also enhance the cultural and artistic atmosphere of the city, and enhance the attractiveness and competitiveness of the city. Landscape design can create a beautiful urban landscape space, so that people can better enjoy the good life in the city.The methods of landscape design include: creating good urban visual effects, creating eco-friendly urban landscape space, improving the cultural atmosphere of the city, improving the quality of public space in the city, etc. These methods can improve the living environment and ecological quality of the city, make people more willing to live and work in the city, and enhance the attractiveness and competitiveness of the city.4. The relationship between urban ecological restoration and landscape designUrban ecological restoration and landscape design are inseparable. Urban ecological restoration can provide an ecosystem basis for landscape design and create a more eco-friendly urban landscape space. Landscape design can provide a beautiful form of expression for urban ecological restoration and make the urban environment more pleasant.The integration of urban ecological restoration and landscape design can make the urban environment more beautiful and pleasant, and at the same time improve the ecological quality and living environment of the city. The integration of urban ecological restoration and landscape design needs to pay attention to various factors such as ecology, culture, and art, and create a more beautiful, ecologically friendly, and culturally diverse urban landscape space.V. ConclusionUrban ecological restoration and landscape design are one of the important ways to solve urban environmental problems. Urban ecological restoration can provide an ecosystem basis for landscape design and create a more eco-friendly urban landscape space. Landscape design can provide a beautiful form of expression for urban ecological restoration and make the urban environment more pleasant. The integration of urban ecological restoration and landscape design needs to pay attention to ecological, cultural, artistic and other factors to create a more beautiful, ecologically friendly and culturally diverse urban landscape space, making positive contributions to urban environmental construction and sustainable development.一、引言随着城市化的不断发展,城市环境也越来越受到关注。

1.Harmony with the Living Earth
• 自然博物学家告诉我们,如果狐狸或兔子被捕以后关在笼子里,他们清 澈的眼睛很快会变得灰暗,皮毛会失去光泽,精神也会萎靡不振。人类 远离大自然也会如此,因为人类首先是一种动物。我们是草地、森林、 海洋还有平原的动物。我们在出生之时,肺里就充满了爱的新鲜空气, 脚下踏着干燥的小路,阳光普照于我们的肌肤之上。我们天性有爱,那 是一种感受大地的富饶温暖的爱,那是一种品味清澈水源的爱,那是一 种对头顶的枝叶带来的丝丝凉爽的爱,那是一种对广阔的蓝色苍穹的爱。 我们内心深处的这这些渴望,有时是明显的,有时又是含蓄的,但是它 总是一直在那里。 snared: v. 用罗网捕捉,诱陷,陷害( snare的过去式和过去分词 ) luster: ['lʌstə] n. 光泽; 光辉; 光彩; 荣耀 ;vt. 使有光泽,使有光彩 flag: n. 旗 旗帜;信号旗;菖蒲;vt. 标示 ;vi. 疲乏,变弱,热情衰减 meadow: n. 草地; 牧场 ;草甸;草地上 penetrating: adj. 敏锐的; 有洞察力的; 聪明的; 响亮的 sparkle: vi. 闪耀,闪烁; 活跃,焕发活力和才智;n. 光亮; 活力 foliage: [ˈfəʊliɪdʒ] n. 植物的叶子(总称),叶子及梗和枝; 树叶 spacious:adj. 宽敞的; 广阔的; (知识)广博的 dome: n. 圆屋顶; 像圆屋顶一样的东西; 圆顶体育场 compelling: adj. 引人入胜的; 扣人心弦的; 非常强烈的; 不可抗拒的 quiescent: [kwiˈesnt] adj. 不活动的,静态的; 休眠的
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I. City and The Landscape(1) Overview of Landscape DesignLandscape design, first, is a people's thinking activity, performed as an art activity.Diversified thoughts formed complex diverse landscape art style. Contemporary landscape design apparently see is the diversity of the landscape forms,in fact its essence is to keep the closing up to the natural order system, reflected the more respect for human beings, more in-depth perspective of the nature of human's reality and need, not to try to conquer the nature.it is not even imitating natural, but produce a sense of belonging. Landscape is not only a phenomenon but the human visual scene. So the earliest landscape implications is actually city scene. Landscape design and creation is actually to build the city.(2) The Relationship Between Landscape and UrbanCity is a product of human social, economic and cultural development, and the most complex type. It is vulnerable to the artificial and natural environmental conditions of interference. In recent decades, with worldwide the acceleration of urbanization, the urban population intensive, heavy traffic, resource shortage,environment pollution and ecology deterioration has become the focus of attention of the human society. In the current environment condition in our country, the problem is very serious. and in some urban areas, the pollution has quite serious, and greatly influenced and restricts the sustainable development of the city.Landscape is the relationship between man and man, man and nature. This is, in fact, a kind of human living process. Living process is actually with the powers of nature and the interaction process, in order to obtain harmonious process. The landscape is the result of human life in order to survive and to adapt the natural. At the same time, the living process is also a process of establishning harmonious coexistence. Therefore, as a colony landscape, it is a stigma of the relationship between man and nature.II the city landscape planning and design(1) city landscape elementsThe urban landscape elements include natural landscape and artificial landscape . Among them, the natural landscape is mainly refers to the natural scenery, such as size hills, ancient and famoustrees, stone, rivers, lakes, oceans, etc. Artificial landscape are the main cultural relics, cultural site, the botanical garden afforestation, art sketch, trade fairs, build structure, square, etc. These landscape elements must offer a lot of examples for creating high quality of the urban space environment. But for a unique urban landscape, you must put all sorts of landscape elements in the system organization,and create an orderly space form.(2)the urban landscape in the planningThe city is an organic whole, which is composed with material, economy, culture, and society.To improve the urban environment is a common voice.The key of the urban landscape design is to strengthen urban design ideas, strengthen urban design work. and blend urban design thought into the stages of urban planning. The overall urban planning in the city landscape planning is not to abandon the traditional garden, green space planning, but the extension and development of it.Both are no conflict, but also cannot be equal.In landscape planningof city planning, we should first analysis the urban landscape resources structure, fully exploit landscape elements which can reflect the characteristics ofurban.Consider carefully for the formation of the system of urban landscape.III ecological planning and urban landscape\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\(1)the relationship of urban landscape and ecological planning Landscape ecology is a newly emerged cross discipline, the main research space pattern and ecological processes of interaction, its theme is the fork the geography and ecology. It's with the whole landscape as the object, through the material flow, energy flow and information flowing the surface of the earth and value in transmission and exchange, through the biological and the biological and the interaction between human and transformation, the ecological system principle and system research methods of landscape structure and function.the dynamic change of landscape has interaction mechanism, the research of the landscape pattern, optimizing the structure, beautify the reasonable use and the protection, have very strong practicability. Urban ecological system is a natural, economic and social composite artificial ecosystem, it including life system, environment system, with a complex multi-level structure, can be in different approaches of human activity and the mutual relationship between the city andinfluence. Urban environment planning guidance and coordination as a macro department interests, optimizing the allocation of land resources city, reasonable urban space environment organization the important strategic deployment, must have ecological concept. Only to have the ecological view, to guide the construction of the city in the future to ecological city goal, to establish the harmonious living environment. In recent years, landscape planning in urban landscape features protection and urban environment design is wide used. (2) landscape in the living environment of ecological effectLandscape as a unit of land by different inlaid with obvious visual characteristics of the geographic entities, with the economic, ecological and aesthetic value, the multiple value judgment is landscape planning and management foundation. Landscape planning and design always is to create a pleasant landscape as the center. The appropriate human nature can understand the landscape for more suitable for human survival, reflect ecological civilization living environment, including landscape, building economy, prudent sex ecological stability, environmental cleanliness, space crowded index, landscape beautiful degree of content, the current many places for residential area of green, static, beauty, Ann's requirement is the popular expression. Landscape also paid special attention to thespatial relationship landscape elements, such as shape and size, density and capacity, links, and partition, location and of sequence, as their content of material and natural resources as important as quality. As the urban landscape planning should pay attention to arrange the city space pattern, the relative concentration of the open space, the construction space to density alternate with; In artificial environment appeared to nature; Increase the visual landscape diversity; Protect the environment MinGanOu and to promote green space system construction.(3) the urban landscape and ecological planning and design of the fusion of each otherThe city landscape and ecological planning design reflects human a new dream, it is accompanied by industrialization and after the arrival of the era of industrial and increasingly clear. Natural and cultural, design of the environment and life environment, beautiful form and ecological functions of real comprehensive fusion, the landscape is no longer a single city of specific land, but let the ablation, to thousands; It will let nature participate in design; Let the natural process with every one according to daily life; Let people to perception, experience and care the natural process and naturaldesign.(4) the city landscape ecological planning the humanized design1. "it is with the person this" design thoughtContemporary landscape in meet purpose at the same time, more in-depth perspective on human of the nature of reality and needs. First performance for civilian design direction, application of natural organic materials and elastic curve form rich human life space. Next is the barrier-free design, namely no obstacle, not dangerous thing, no manipulation of the barrier design. Now there have been the elderly, the disabled, from the perspective of the social tendency, barrier-free design ideas began to gain popularity, at the same time for disadvantaged people to carry on the design also is human nature design to overall depth direction development trend. "It is with the person this" the service thoughts still behave in special attention to plant of bright color, smell good plant, pay attention to ZuoJu texture and the intensity of the light. The detail processing of considerate more expression of the concern, such as the only step to shop often caused visual ignored and cause staggered, in order to avoid this kind of circumstance happening, contemporary landscape sites donot be allowed under 3 steps; And as some residential area and square in the bush set mop pool, convenient the district's hygiene and wastewater recycling water. "It is with the person this" the service thoughts in many ways showed, the measure of the standard is human love.1. 1 human landscape design concept is human landscape design is to point to in landscape design activity, pay attention to human needs, in view of the user to the environment of the landscape of a need to spread design, which satisfied the user "physiological and psychological, physical and mental" multi-level needs, embodies the "people-oriented" design thought. Urban public space human landscape design, from the following four aspects to understand:1. 1.1 physical level of care. Human landscape design with functional and the rationality of design into premise condition, pay attention to the physical space reasonable layout and effective use of the function. Public space design should not only make people's psychology and physiology feel comfortable, still should configuration of facilities to meet people's complex activities demand1. The level of caring heart 1.2 Daniel. In construction material form of the space at the same time, the positive psychology advocate for users with the attention that emotion, and then make the person place to form the security, field feeling and belonging.1. 1.3 club will level of care. Emphasizes the concern of human survival environment, the design in the area under the background of urban ecological overall planning and design, to make the resources, energy rationally and effectively using, to achieve the natural, social and economic benefits of the unity of the three.1. 1.4 to a crowd of segmentation close care. Advocate barrier-free design, and try to meet the needs of different people use, and to ensure that the group of mutual influence between activities, let children, old people, disabled people can enjoy outdoor public the fun of life.1. 2 and human landscape design related environmental behavior knowledge the environment behavior is human landscape design, the main research field, pay attention to the environment and people's explicit behavior and the relationship between the interaction, triedto use the psychology of the some basic theory, methods researchers in the city and architecture in activities and to the environment of the response, and the feedback the information can be used to guide the environment construction and renovation. Western psychologist dirk DE Joan to put forward the boundary effect theory. He points out that the edge of space is people like to stay area, also is the space of the growth of the activity area [3]. Like the urban space, the margin of the wood, down the street, and the rain at the awning, awnings, corridor construction sunken place, is people like the place to stay. At the edge of space, and other people or organizations to distance themselves are is better able to observe the space of the eyes and not to be disturbed. "Man seeth" is the person's nature. A large public space are existing "the man seeth" phenomenon: the viewer consciously or unconsciously observation, in the space in front of the all activities. At the same time, some of the people with strong performance desire, in public space in various activities to attract the attention of others, so as to achieve self-fulfillment cheerful. The seemingly simple "man seeth" phenomenon, but can promote space more activities production. For example, for a walk of pedestrians may be busy street performance and to join the ranks of the show attracts, with the strange because the audience is the sight of the activities of the wonderful and short conversation, art lovers of theinfection by environmental atmosphere began to sketch activities. Environmental design, according to environmental behavior related knowledge, actively create boundary space provide people stay, rest, the place of talking to facilitate more spaceActivities of generation, the rich visitors sensory experiences2. The design of the sustainable developmentSustainable development principle, it is the ecology point of view, to the city system analysis, and with the minimum the minimal resource consumption to satisfy the requirements of the human, and maintain the harmony of human and the natural environment, guarantee the city several composition system-to protect natural evolution process of open space system and the urban development system balance. People are to landscape 'understanding of the contemporary landscape design and the function to reflect, have been completely out of the traditional gardening activities, the concept of landscape art value unconsciously and ecological value, the function value, cultural value happened relationship, landscape art category than before more pointed to the human is closely linked with the various aspects, become more profound and science.Contemporary landscape also actively use new technology to improve the ecological value. Such as the use of solar energy for square garden, lighting and sound box equipment supply electricity; The surface water "cycle" design concept, collecting rainwater for irrigation and waterscape provides the main resources; Using the principle of the construction of the footway, buoys that environmental protection level a kiss and interesting. And by using water scene drought, landscape water do ecology (ecological wetland), ecological XiGou "half natural change" landscape humanized waterscape design, avoid the manual water scene is the difficulty of the later-period management, but in the water since the net, purifying environment and promote biodiversity play a huge role. Therefore, to experience the landscape will surely is contained to nature and the tradition, to human compatibility.The urban landscape the principles of sustainable development and implementation details:2.1 the efficiency of land use principle for land to the survival of humans is one of the most effective resources, especially in China's large population, land resources are extremely deficient, urbanization rapidly increase background, the reasonable efficientuse of land, is that we should consider an important issue. For the city landscape is concerned, how to productive use of the land? Three-dimensional is efficient land use is the most effective means. The urban landscape "three-dimensional to take" ideas contains the following six aspects of meaning. (1) in the limited on land, as much as possible to provide activity places, form the three-dimensional multi-layer activities platform landscape environment. (2) improve afforestation land use efficiency, in the same land, adopt appropriate to niche by, shrubs and trees of co-existence and co-prosperity between three-dimensional planting layout. (3) to solve the good man, for the contradiction in green, the green space and human activity space layout of the interchanges. (4) the up and down or so, all sides three-dimensional view observation, increased the landscape environment the visual image of the visual rate. (5) from the static landscape to dynamic landscape. 6 not only from the traditional technology of modern technology to introduce more (such as crossing bridge, light rail, electric rail, etc), show a colorful three-dimensional space.2.2 energy efficiency principle along with the rapid development of urbanization, China's energy demand is more and more big, the energy gap also more and more big. In recent years, China's majorcities have put forward the "light" project, the public area lighting consumption in the great power. For energy efficiency in the understanding, first from the consideration on the energy saving should be not only, and should stand in the higher of the environmental protection high to know, meaning that more extensive, and more far-reaching. (for more than 70% of generating capacity in China at present still by coal, exist for SO2, CO2 and nitric oxide and other harmful gas emissions and coal dust emissions and a series of environmental problems)2.3 plant with an ecological principle city system, the green space system is perfect or not of the city's environmental quality plays a vital role. Perfect green space system, to improve the city microclimate plays an important role, it can rise to improve small regional temperature, air humidity, windbreak and sand-fixation, purify air, provide oxygen and so on a series of ecological change the role of environmental factors. Urban green space system as a city human important activities of the external space, planning and design should not only from the plant itself on system, should the broader perspective, considering a person to nature to be close to, rely on the requirements, on the one hand, satisfying the people'sphysical needs, such as the right temperature, humidity, clean air and so on need, on the other hand to meet people of the nature of the attachment psychological need. One the one hand, to meet the city function requirements, on the other hand, will play natural systems potential extremely. At present, the city of plants with existing in the implant the following problems: put too much emphasis on green technology and engineering technology of gardening, loving fast for Jane, formed only simple so-called "Joe, flooding, grass" structure, ecological process is ignored, fierce competition among plants, normal growth form was suppressed, the diversity of the community and stability suffocate suffocate, plant diseases and insect pests rampant, maintenance cost is high, the waste of human, material and financial resources. So in the urban design of plants with plant should achieve what kind of effect? It should be a satisfying the people's psychological and physiological activities, meet the natural plant of the self-improvement circulation system, and meet the microbe, plants, birds, and all kinds of close to human beings, animals of the ecological system, and meet the soil and water protection, air purification, water purification up maximum adjustment function of the system. To provide more of a harmonious and orderly biological and stable habitats and more living space, establishment compound level and beautiful season of color in plantcommunity, city landscape has offered only low-grade manual administration, the landscape resources sustainable maintain and develop, that is the goal of our pursuit. Under the guidance of the principle, city with plant should consider the following plants detailed rules. (1) each city green plants with plant to and urban green space system match, and city and the surrounding landscape plant form the whole dynamic stability of the green ecological system. (2) the zonal simulation of the community structure characteristics, abide by "niche" principle and to establish a suitable after layer community structure, use different species differentiation of niche, the corrosion resistance of individual size, the shadow of leaf type, root depth, nutrient requirement and content of hou aspects of the difference in the plant, avoid the kind of direct competition between, form mutualist to trees skeletons Joe, flooding, grass composite community structure and function of the unification of benign ecological system. (3) the introduction of new varieties in the process, must choose and local climate, soil adaptation of the species, for stability of the system is provided. In plants and localization of reciprocity and raw, under the premise of forming a biological diversity. (4) from plants on the system itself not only should also be considered, the animals can be close to human survival and reproduction, such as birds. (5) with plants in the plant, to meet otherelements such as human nature to the needs of the sunshine, the air, etc. 6 plants in meet its "niche" principle, and on the basis of the landscape, the plant should aesthetic feeling, meaning, rhythm, etc to the ecological science, to consider the height of aesthetics, harmonious, and urban landscape and form, combines aesthetics.2.4 to the protection of the natural communities and use principle in the urban landscape design process often encountered in one of the most important question, and that is planning on land have very good natural communities or heaven the tree. These natural communities and heaven the tree, and after a time of baptism and long growth process, thus forming the beautiful landscape effect. Landscape design should be in the protection and utilization of the guiding ideology, not to destroy these time to human gift, wasted natural elegance. Therefore, in the urban landscape design, the natural communities to meet or heaven trees, our guiding ideology is: in the protection and utilization of the basis, from a series of function, aesthetic Angle, design can reflect the influence of time, history beautiful landscape. 2.5 effective utilization of water resources and ecological environment protection principle is a big system, including land, air, water and sunlight, plant and the relatedunintended consequences. Water resources as the important component of the system, as the origin of human beings and the survival of important resources, if not effective utilization and protection will seriously restricted the economic and social development, and endanger the future of the human being. Our country as a large population, a water extremely poor countries, in the effective utilization of water resources is wanton waste, pollution and destructive to development of water resources, increased tension in the water, and cause the ground subsidence, the water flow backward and so on a series of secondary disasters. Our country at present the city landscape of water, the main or traditional artificial ground water. Garden workers, open water car, with fire water cannons, of landscape plants to carry out extremely rough water, and planning and design, to groundwater, surface water storage were not the design of the system and the water surface water quickly from loss, serious waste water to the. In the square of other appreciation water, often in tap water from municipal direct access to, not very good for water level division and use. With the green coverage rate increase in the maintenance of water resources in the process of LiYongLiang is more and more big, with people all over the world to water resources utilization and protection attention, and after a long time study and analysis, generates a lot of effective method. We inthe urban design should good to use. At home and abroad and the use of urban water resources on the main methods and protection for: (1) the use of water. (2) of rain to the planning and design of the collection system. (3) the use of water-saving irrigation system. Basically has the following kinds: a. sprinkler irrigation technology;B. microspray irrigation technology;C. root irrigation technology. (4) the interaction of the surface water and ground water use. Through the above all kinds of water saving method summary, design the system method, believe to be able to play well water-saving effect.epilogueThe urban landscape design and the ecological planning tightly linked is mutual influence, mutual penetration. From a small landmark of the city to the whole city planning and design, the need for the connect the relevant knowledge, and from ecology, humanities, local, psychology, sociology, philosophy, aesthetics, and other disciplines continuously research and exploration. Science, reasonable construction of urban landscape design.Landscape design service object, it is the society. People in the design experience and feeling in the same performance on things, bereasonable planning must be from understanding the person's psychology, respect the person's behavior to, this is the foundation of landscape design, also be the important details of city planning.The landscape design of another service object is natural, must the climate, water, terrain, plants and animals, and buildings, roads, such factors to consider in man and nature of the interaction of the premise. Symonds says: "the ecological design only is effectively respond to natural process and and the unity of." This is for our landscape design how to treat correctly natural is pointed out.At present about the sustainable development of the city, from resources, environment, economy and social point of view, using the method of system, analysis and research in the development of the urban sustainable development. The urban landscape design to the ecological analysis, is in the general principle of urban development. This article through to in the field of urban landscape analysis and research, make with the principle of sustainable development and people-oriented principle as the basic ecological planning in the urban landscape design in specific, technology, be operable. Only in this way can we truly achieve the sustainable development of urban landscape and people-oriented purpose, to establish ecological cityprovide the guarantee.reference[1] (English) Robert holden, the environmental space "[M] belden group anhui science and technology press China architecture &building press 1999[2] PengYiGang "Chinese classical garden analysis" [M] China architecture &building press 1986[3] Charles Moore, waiting. Reese translation of the landscape poetry strands of gardening-" [M] guangming daily press 2000[4] Kevin lynch, wait and HuangFu compartments, etc in the translation of "overall didn't plan" [M] China architecture &building press 1999[5] Roger, put the crewe. LiuXianJiao "architectural aesthetics of translation [M] China architecture &building press 1992[6] the time case. RuiJingWei translation of the design with nature [M] China architecture &building press 19921 城市与景观1.1 景观设计概述景观设计首先是一种人的思想活动,表现为艺术活动。