高教版中职英语(基础模块 第2册)Unit 1《We laughed into tears》ppt课件2

-What did you do?
-How was your vacation?
• _____ went to______(Where did he/she go?) • The weather there was _____(How was the weather there?) • He/ She _____ (What did he/she do?) • And he / she thought the vacation was ____ (How was the
played basketball visited the zoo
climbed mountains
played volleyball on the beach
picked apples
went swimming
went fishing
went sailing
went skating
went skiing went boating
What’s your favorite city in China?
Read aloud after the tape and underline.
Li Xiaonian: Hello, Tang Hua! How was your vacation? Tang Hua: Oh, it was wonderful.
同时,大家要开动脑筋,思考老师是怎样提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的,要边听边想。为讲明一个定理,推出一个公式,老师讲解顺序是怎样的, 为什么这么安排?两个例题之间又有什么相同点和不同之处?特别要从中学习理科思维的方法,如观察、比较、分析、综合、归纳、演绎等。 • 作为实验科学的物理、化学和生物,就要特别重视实验和观察,并在获得感性知识的基础上,进一步通过思考来掌握科学的概念和规律,等等。 • 二、听文科课要注重在理解中记忆 • 文科多以记忆为主,比如政治,要注意哪些是观点,哪些是事例,哪些是用观点解释社会现象。听历史课时,首先要弄清楚本节教材的主要观点,然 后,弄清教材为了说明这一观点引用了哪些史实,这些史料涉及的时间、地点、人物、事件。最后,也是关键的一环,看你是否真正弄懂观点与史料间 的关系。最好还能进一步思索:这些史料能不能充分说明观点?是否还可以补充新的史料?有无相反的史料证明原观点不正确。 • 三、听英语课要注重实践 • 英语课老师往往讲得不太多,在大部分的时间里,进行的师生之间、学生之间的大量语言实践练习。因此,要上好英语课,就应积极参加语言实践活 动,珍惜课堂上的每一个练习机会。

Guidance and Practice of Listening Skills
Provide feedback on listening performance: After students complete the listening tasks, provide feedback on their performance, pointing out areas for improvement and highlighting good practices
Learning objectives and requirements
Basic vocabulary and expressions related to vocal topics
Common language structures and functions used in verbal English
Practice listening skills
Design listening activities that allow students to practice their listening skills, such as gap filling exercises, multiple choice questions, or true/false statements
Unit theme and background
To develop basic English language proficiency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing

Skimming and Scanning
Teaching students how to skim for overall meaning and scan for specific information to efficiently extract information from a text.
Multiple-choice questions
Design questions based on a listening passage, requiring students to choose the correct answer from multiple choices.
Gapfilling exercises
Predicting skills
The ability to predict the content and structure of the speech based on the given context and background knowledge, to help focus on key information.
reading comprehension
Reading skills explanation
Predicting the main idea
Teaching students how to predict the main idea of a passage by analyzing the title, headings, and the first paragraph.
Debate and discussion
Organize debate or discussion activities to encourage students to express their ideas and opinions in English, and improve their language expression ability.
中职英语基础模块Review 1(2)

B: Because on that day, I can …
1.Choose and complete.
1 The children enjoy __dressing up__ in their mother’s old clothes.
2 If you want to get an e-mail address, you should _register online_.
2.However, he’s not happy. “Every day, I have to do so many kinds of things. I’m very tired. I really want to have a good rest.”he told the reporter.
3.He’s going to give up his business and live an ordinary life so that he’ll be able to get an ordinary job in an office.
It is clear that
(clear) you will have to take the weekend courses.
It is a pity that
(a pity) that I have no time to attend Professor Wang’s class.
It is well-known that
2.Every day Mr. Brown has so many things to do, so that he’s very tired.(√)
3.Mr. Brown thinks he can realize his dream easily.(╳)

Tick the activities you did before.
stomachache cough
toothache headache
fever back pain
Tick the activities you did before.
1. Bob: a terrible toothache, a week
Doctor not serious, brush teeth, eat less sweets, take the : medicine twice a day
2. Eva: cough, feel cold, one day
高教版职高英语基础模块课件 演示文稿
(优选)高教版职高英语基础 模块课件.
Find the right words for the pictures.
stomachache cough
toothache headache
Read and fill in the forms.
The last was Henry. He hurt his left foot during a football match. Dr. Smith asked
him to lie down and put an ice bag on his foot. Henry felt much better. Dr. Smith smiled, “OK, go home and use ice on your foot for 5 minutes each hour for the first 2 days. Stay in bed for a week.”

Applicant’s name
Language skills
Social skills
Step 4 Discussion
Task 3Group work. Tick the qualities required by the job.
Tour guide:
2). Act out the dialogue.
You can use:
★Could you tell me something about yourself?
★Have you ever done a part-time job?
You are a student atBeijing No.1 Vocational School. Your major is tour guide. A big company is holding a job fair in your school. You want to find a job.
My English is good, too. I can talk freely with my American friends and I know a lot about the9 _____(文化差异) between China and Western countries.
If I get the job, I’m going to10 _____ _____(努力工作)for the company.
( ) friendly ( ) patient
( ) healthy ( ) good at math

visited the zoo
went swimming
picked apples
Tick the activities you did belimbed mountains
played volleyball on the beach
Last Sunday afternoon my mother was ill, my father volunteered to go to
the supermarket for her. She gave him a shopping list with five items: 1
orange 2 eggs 3 hams 4 eggplants 5 green peppers.
Bob’s mother is a career woman, so she doesn’t do any housework.
Bob’s mother had a small accident after her daily run.
The doctor asked Bob lots of questions.
Dear Family Life, My mother is a career woman, but she never forgets her household
duties. One snowy morning, she went out for her daily run. When she returned
Cindy’s father
Cindy’s mother
went sailing

membership? B: Where can I get the schedule?
dancing club chess club
health club
football club
Singing Club
Activity 8
Listen and complete. 再听录音,补全句子。
1) The membership of the Science Club is _4_0__y_u_a_n_a__te_r_m___ for experiments. 2) Zhang Wei can go to _t_h_e_c_lu__b_w_e_b_s_i_te__ to get the schedule of the Science
询和交流。 读 —— 学生能够读懂有关介绍俱乐部活动的宣传海报。 写 —— 学生能够读写加入俱乐部的相关信息并写出加入的理由。 学 习 策 略: 学生能够运用寻求建议、列表比较、综合分析等多种策略筹建俱乐部并招聘会员。 文 化 意 识: 学生掌握英语中参加社会活动时的程序、表达习惯和相关礼仪。 情 感 态 度: 学生能够在具体语境下对俱乐部相关事宜进行评价和取舍。 单 元 任 务: 学生能够运用所学语言筹建俱乐部并招募新成员。小组合作组建一个俱乐部,确定俱乐部的名
Club. 3) Wang Yang is a __m_e_m__b_e_r_______ of the English Club.
Activity 9
Read and underline. 阅读对话,用下画线标出询问俱乐部 信息的语句。
At the entrance to the English Club. Ben: Hi, Wang Yang! Welcome to the English Club!
高教版(2021新课标版)【中职英语基础模块2】Unit1 - 语法点课件 - 一般过去时

Read and complete. 用所给动词的适当形式补全短文。
Last Sunday, my class had a school trip. I 1)
felt (feel) very excited,
and even 2) couldn’t (can’t) fall asleep on Saturday night. I got up late
• Xu set off for the first time at 22 and took four major
trips in his lifetime.
• He avoided comfortable travel options and chose to go
almost everywhere on foot.
Read and underline. 阅读句子,找出不同动词的过去式。
1) Xu Xiake never gave up his dream of traveling. 2) Due to his devotion, this diary of over 500 000 words eventually became The Travel Notes of Xu Xiake. 3) Xu Xiake became interested in books about different places at an early age and wanted to travel. 4) Marco Polo spent 24 years traveling and he set out his first trip at 17. 5) How was your short visit to Australia, Mr Ma?
高教版基础模块第二册 Review 2 复习课件(含素材)

高教版基础模块第二册Review 2 复习课件(含素材)(共52张PPT)( )( )( )1. Listen and tick.2. Listen and decide.Lily had a terrible headache.3Lily went to the doctor in the morning.1Lily coughed all the time.2Lily had felt this way for two days.45Lily had to take the pills three times a day.【】【】【】【】FTTFT13. Talk and act.a terrible stomachache, 2 hours don’t eat too much, don’t play basketball after lunch, have a rest Tom:Doctor:2a headache, feel tired, eyes hurt, a pain in the backdon’t stay up late, take a pill three times a day, have a good rest Emma:Doctor:( )( )4. Listen and tick.5. Listen and answer.What color does the girl likeBlue.Why doesn’t the girl like the first dress Because she doesn’t like cotton.Where is the dress madeIt was made in China.( )( )( )6. Listen and tick.7. Talk and practice.Example:A: I’ve bought a new handbag.B: Let me see. Oh, it’s pretty. Where is it made A: It’s made in Hong Kong.B: What is it made ofA: It’s made of leather.1. a pair of shoes, America, leather2. a scarf, Australia, wool3. a coat, China, cotton8. Listen and answer.1. When will Betty go to Holland2. Why did Steven know Holland so wellShe will go to Holland next month.He had been there last year.9. Listen and complete.build wooden shoes candles produce Holland is famous for windmills. Some of them were ____ in the 18th century. They are used to _________ wind power. Holland is also famous for cheese, __________________ and __________. The __________ are made by hand.builtproducewooden shoescandlescandles10. Look and talk.AttentionWhat is it called...When was it started /built / completed/opened...Why was it built10. Look and talk.Hyde Park was started in 1536 first as a private hunting ground.Hyde Park, started in 1536, first as a private hunting ground10. Look and talk.Madame Tussaud’s, built in1835, to present famous peopleMadame Tussaud’s was built in 1835 to present famous people.10. Look and talk.Big Ben, built in 1858, tokeep timeBig Ben was built in 1859 to keep time.10. Look and talk.London Eye was opened in1999 to welcome the new millennium.London Eye, opened in1999, to welcome the new millennium11. Look and match.search for information chat with friends play computer games watch films onlineplay computer gamessearch for information chat with friends play computer games watch films online chat with friends11. Look and match.search for information chat with friends play computer games watch films online watch films online11. Look and match.search for information chat with friends play computer games watch films online search for information11. Look and match.Dear Editor,I’m a high school student. I’m a computer addict. I feel terrible. Can you help meI always play computer games, and chat with my friends on at night. I sometimes watch movies on the Internet, too. I spend almost all my free time on the Internet. I don’t even want to go to school. I failed all my exams.12. Read and answer.My parents are mad at me. My teachers are disappointed with me. I’mactually very tired now. I want to stop at once or at least reduce the time I spend on playing computer games. However, when I do, I just lose control, and have a feeling of depression and anxiety. Now, I hate myself and I hate the Internet. But I just cannot stop.What should I do I hope to receive your reply as soon as possible. Yours faithfully,Troubled12. Read and answer.12. Read and answer.Who wrote the letter“Troubled”.To whom did he write the letterEditor of a newspaper.Why did he write the letterBecause he feels terrible to be a computer addict, and he needs some help.13. Read and decide.When he stops playing computer games, he loses control.3He never gets tired of playing computer games.1He doesn’t want to stop at once.2When he plays computer games, he has a feeling of depression and anxiety.4【】【】【】【】FFTF14. Read and complete.Questions AnswersWhat does he doWhat does he do on the InternetHow much time does he spend on the InternetHow is his studyHow do his parents feel about himHow do his teachers feel about himHow does he feel about himself and the InternetHe is a high school student.Play computer games, chat withfriends and watch movies.Always all his free time.He failed all his exams.They are mad at him.They are disappointed with him.He hates himself and the Internet.15. Discuss and practice.do more sports (basketball, football)talk with someone (parents, teachers, friends)stop playing computer games at oncelimit the amount of time on the computerI think he should ...He shouldn’t ... or I don’t think he should ...16. Read and complete.Dear Troubled,Thank you for your letter. I can understand your problem. You are not the only one facing this problem. Many teenagers are just like you. Let me give you some advice.First of all, I think ______________________________ ________________________________________________ _________. Secondly, ____________________________________________________________________________________.you should limit the amount of time on the computer, and don’t stop playing computer games at once.you should talk with your parents, your teacher or your best friend about it.16. Read and complete.Also, ________________________________________ ________________________________.Finally, _________________________________Don’t hate yourself! And don’t hate the Internet. If you use it wisely, I’m sure it can help you in many ways.We wish you good luck.Yours,Editoryou should spend more time on sports, such as basketball or football. you can use computers to learn English.Dear Troubled,________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ __I read your letter in the newspaper and I am sorry to know that you are so unhappy. I am also a high school student, but I’ve found the Internet very helpful.17. Think and write.I usually go online to send and receive emails, read news, learn English or search for information. Sometimes I also use the Internet to watch movies. But I limit the time online. I seldom play computer games online and I___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________never visit the chartrooms. The Internet has made my life comfortable and fun.I think that you should also limit your time online. Do some sports or listen to music when you are free. Read some nice books. Talk more with your friends in the real world.Using the Internet is one thing, but using it wisely is another story. I hope that you can get some useful tips from my letter and can soon walk out of the dark.Yours sincerely,Mike17. Think and write.Grammar focusplete and act.while I was searching the Internetwhen you come back from the interviewsince I started looking for jobswhile I am awayA: Hi, Mike, You are looking for a job, rightB: Yes. What’s upA: I saw some news about a job fair ___________________________ yesterday. I think you may be interested in it. It’s a job fair for graduates. B: Great. I’ve been looking forward to this _______________________. A: I hope you have good luck. Remember to tell me the news ___________________________________.B: Sure. But can you look after this for me __________________A: No problem.while I was searching the Internetsince I started looking for jobswhen you come back from the interviewwhile I am away19. Read and write.1You can buy the dictionary. You take enough money with you. (if)_____________________________________________2Henry can pass the exam. He works harder. (as long as)________________________________________________________ You can buy the dictionary if you take enough money with you. Example:It rains tomorrow. We’ll stay at home (if)We’ll stay at home if it rains tomorrow.Henry can pass the exam as long as he works harder.19. Read and write.3You’ll be late. You leave right away. (unless)_____________________________________________4You’re too tired. Let’s go out for a walk. (unless)________________________________________________________ You’ll be late unless you leave right away.Example:There is no air. None of us can live. (if)None of us can live if there is no air.Let’s go out for a walk unless you’re too tired.19. Read and write.5You play with these paints. You’ll make the desk dirty.(if)_____________________________________________6We miss the bus. We’ll take a taxi. (if)________________________________________________________ If you play with these paints, you’ll make the desk dirty. Example:There is no air. None of us can live. (if)None of us can live if there is no air.If we miss the bus, we’ll take a taxi.Vincent Van Gogh / paint / the Sunflower20. Look and describe.The Sunflower was painted by Vincent Van Gogh.J.K. Rowling / write / Harry Potter20. Look and describe.The Harry Potter was written by J.K. Rowling.Spielberg / direct / E.T.20. Look and describe.E. T. was directed by Spielberg.Thomas Edison / invent / the bulb20. Look and describe.The bulb was invented by Thomas Edison. Alexander Graham Bell / invent / telephone20. Look and describe.The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell. Columbus / discover / America20. Look and describe.America was discovered by Columbus.21. Think and complete.__________ nice girl she is!1__________ careful the boy is!32__________ beautiful flowers they are!43__________ delicious the food tastes!4__________ interesting film we saw!5__________ good news it is!36__________ time flies!47What aHowWhatHowWhat anWhatHowVocabulary practice22. Choose and complete.suggest welcome visit wish1. They __________ America last year.2. Marline ____________________ that we should write an email to our boss.3. I must pay our new neighbors a __________.4. I __________ you a good trip.5. Beijing __________ thousands of travelers every year.visitedsuggested / suggestsvisitwishwelcomes22. Choose and complete.6. I __________ I didn’t have to do my homework.7. Linda ________________ to do well in the exam.8. All the students in the classroom stand up to __________ the headmaster.9. — Thank you for helping me so much.— You are __________.10. — What shall we have for dinner today— I’ve no idea. What do you __________wishwished / wisheswelcomewelcomesuggestsuggest welcome visit wish23. Think and complete.Symptoms of a cold: Things to bring for traveling:23. Think and complete.Activities one can do online: Different materials of products:24. Think and discuss.Example:A: I like going to the beach. It’s relaxing.B: I don’t like going shopping. It’s boringclimb a mountain;go to the beach;go window shopping;call a taxi;stay in a tent;visit museums;take photos;stay in a hotel;go shopping;enjoy a show ...A: What do you often do __________B: Well, I often play computer games and _________ with my friends on . What about youA: I often __________ for information. I’ve found some very good __________.B: Well, what are they aboutplete and act.robot websites online technologiesvisit chat searchonlinechatsearchwebsitesComplete and act.robot websites online technologiesvisit chat searchA: Let me show you. This website is about modern ____________, for example, cars that don’t need drivers.B: Wow, that’s great!A: Yes. And look at this! This is a __________. I really want one. It can do all the housework for me.B: Wow, I want one too. It’ll help me to do my school work! technologiesrobot。
高教版中职英语(基础模块 第2册)Unit 1《We laughed into tears》ppt课件4

• started to count
• start to count
• laughed into tears
• Laugh into tears
动词的一般过去时态表示过去发生的 动作、情况或存在的状态。
行为动词(即实义动词)的过去式没有人称 和数的变化。
1. look
2. live
3. stop 4. go
5. hope
6. trip 7. call 8. eat 9. want 10. are
looked lived stopped went hoped
tripped called ate wanted
11. do 12. have 13. do 14.get 15. come 16. say 17.see 18. put 19. read 20.take
他们今天在中国。 They ____ in Chinaaretoday.
他们昨天在日本。 They ____ in Japwaenreyesterday.
am/ is are
was were
每天,早餐我吃鸡蛋和牛奶。 I _h__a_veeggs and milk for breakfast every morning.
did has did got came said
saw put
read took
21.buy 22.sing 23.hear 24.make 25. find 26.break 27.think 28.fall 29.write 30.be
bought sang heard made found broke thought

高教版中职英语基础模块第2册Un...So much to do before we travel! 说课稿Ladies and gentlemen,It's really my pleasure to share my teaching idea with you. T o make my presentation much clearer, I'd like to divide it into 4 parts: about the lesson, about the students, about me and about my plan.Part I. About the lessonFirst, let me tell you something about the lesson briefly. It is the listening and speaking part of unit 7, book2. The whole class will last for 45 minutes. This lesson is mainly about travel plans. The topic is closely related with our daily life. Therefore, one function of this lesson is to combine English learning with the daily affair travelling. The other function is to improve Ss' listening and speaking skills.Part II. About the studentsThere is no doubt that we make the teaching design according to the specific conditions of the students. So next, I will introduce something about the ss. The lesson is designed for the students majoring in travelling from Grade One . They lack vocabulary, show low interest in English learing. Therefore they feel shy to speak in English. Furthermore, they feel anxious during the classroom activities. But because of their major, the Ss are curious about the topic and want to know more, hard-working and want to learn more. Easy learning tasks are welcome as well as happy classroom atmosphere. Of course, more encouragement and guidance should be offered.Part III. About meAnyway, it's time to say something about me. There are totally3 aspects. My aims, difficulties and methods together with aids.Aspect1. My aimsI will start from my aims in this lesson. I set the following teaching aims. First. Knowledge aims, during the class, I will help the Ss learn more words, phrases, and sentence patterns. Second, Ability aims, the Ss will be able to understand the listening materials and carry out conversations on the topic. As to the affection aims, I will try to make the Ss realize the importance of a travel plan. And through various activities, I also try to arouse their consciousness of cooperation and competition.Aspect2. My difficultiesHowever, it's always a challenge to fulfill the above aims. Here comes my difficulties. I often ask myself: How to enable the Ss to finish the basic learning task ? How to irritate them to join in the classroom activities? And how to lead them to use what they have learned?Aspect3. My methods& aidsIn order to reach the aims and solve the difficulties, task-based teaching method, situational teaching method , and pleasure teaching method will be used in my class. That is to say, I will give the Ss learning tasks as well as the vivid situations and exciting atmosphere. Multi-media technology will help a lot to achieve it. As you know, teaching today is not " a chalk, or a blackboard" any more. The multi-media teaching brings various elements into the classroom, such as pictures, sounds, videos, flash and so on. In my class, I will take full advantage of it to make my class more interesting and colorful.Part IV. About my planThe last and also the main part of my presentation is my teaching plan. I will show it for you right now. It includes 3 aspects: teaching procedures, blackboard design and teaching reflection. Aspect1. Teaching proceduresPlease allow me to focus on the teaching procedures first. It is made up of 4steps: warm-up& lead-in, listening, speaking and homework.Step1 warm-up& lead-inBefore the class, I will divide the Ss into 8 groups and declare that there will be a competition through the whole class. The Ss will be encouraged to cooperate with members and earn points for their own groups. To create an active atmosphere, I set a flash game called lucky flower for the Ss to warm up. The multi-media technology makes it possible to change the traditional class into the one which is full of images and sounds. The flash is helpful to give the students a real and vivid situation and involves the Ss easily and quickly. When the game finished, a short discussion will be carried out. The Ss will be asked to choose 3 most important things they need to do for the trip. It's a good chance to lead in to the lesson-----so much to do before we travel! We'd better make a travel plan! A series of questions will be listed: where do we often go for a travel? What to take with us? And what activities do we do?Step2 listeningTo understand the listening materials better, necessary words and phrases should be prepared. So I design two activities in the pre-listening part. The first activity is called" Best Memory". A competition will be held among groups. A short video will be showed. To be more closed to the topic, the video is made bymyself on purpose. With the video, I don't have to carry so many items to the classroom and it is more interesting to see a student act than the others. The students will be interested in this competition. They will try their best to write down the items which Bob has packed. Each word will earn one point. Then the answers will be checked to help the Ss to know more words. So far, the Ss has realized that before the travel we should pack some useful items, but that is not enough. A short brainstorm will be designed here. Pictures of different places for travel will be showed as well as a list of new words such as cash, bathing suit. The Ss will be asked to choose certain things according to different places and tell why. Therefore, the Ss will get to know there are 3 important points in a travel plan: the place to go, the things to take, and the activities to do.。

Activity 1
Activity 7
Activity 8 Activity 9 Activity 10 Activity 11
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity 5
Activity 6
Activity 1
Listen to Dialogue A and tick where the receptionist is showing to Sara. 听对话A,勾出前台接待员为Sara指引的地点。
教学目标 Listening and speaking Reading and writing Language in use
读、写等方面的训练进一步巩固前五个单元 所学语法、词汇知识和综合运用能力。
Listening and speaking
Sara and her classmates are having a reunion party at the hotel. They are very happy to see each other again, so they talk a lot ...
Activity 8
Listen to Dialogue C and tick the things Li Xiaonian does online. 听对话C勾出李晓年在网上做的事情。
1) ting
2) studying English
3) publishing articles
4) downloading news
Dialogue C Sara: Hi, everybody, it’s nice to see you again. Li Xiaonian: Hi, Sara, how are you doing? Sara: I am fine. How about you? Still playing computer games? Li Xiaonian: I’m very sad about this, but I’m terribly addicted to it. I just can’t stop. Sara: Well, maybe you can be a game designer in the future. The teacher often says, we can change our hobbies into our future jobs. Remember? Li Xiaonian: I really hope I can do that. But, first of all, I have to pass all the exams.

Unit 6~Unit 10-单元6~单元10-Listening and speaking-Review
Unit 6~Unit 10-单元6~单元10-Listening and speaking-Review Listen to Dialogue C and answer the following questio s.-1.When will Betty go to Holland?-She will go to Ho land next month.-2.Why did Steven know Holland so wel ?-He had been there last year.
Unit 6~Unit 10-单元6心单元10-Listening and speaking-Review Role play a patient's meeting with the doctor.-Tom:a errible stomachache,2 hours-Doctor:don't eat too much don't play-basketball after lunch,have a rest-Emma:a eadache,feel tired,eyes-hurt,a pain in the back-Docto :don't stay up late,take a pill-three times a day,hav a good rest

Write an exclamatory sentence for each picture.
3. The football fans are very crazy. crazy football fans they are What _________________________! crazy the football fans are ! How _________________________
Write an exclamatory sentence for each picture.
4. It’s a huge watermelon. a huge watermelon it is What _________________________!
huge the watermelon is How _________________________ !
Activity 2. Match the questions with their answers将左栏问 . 题与右栏回答相匹配,完成顾客与售货员之间的对话。
What can I do for you?
Do you have a smaller size ? What color do you prefer? Is it made in Japan? What is it made of?
What color do you prefer?
I want a large/medium/small size. 我想要一个大/中/小号. What is it made of ? Where is it made? 它是什么材质的? 它是哪里生产的?
Fill in the blanks with “be made of, be made from be made in, be made to or be made for” to . complete the sentences in the correct forms.

Unit 1 We laughed into tears!Parti 教材分析(Analysis of the teaching material)本课时系教材?英语2?(根底模块高教版)第一单元的第一局部,学生听一段关于和家人度假描述的对话.练习学生在一定的语境下用适宜的方式和语句组织关于描述假期活动的对话. Part2 教学目标(Teaching aims)Ss can understandexpressionof vacation description and make a dialogue discussing vacationLead-inAsk the students where did they go and what they did in the summer vacation and winter vacation. (Group discussion and then answer my questions)Step1Lead students read the phrases and ask Ss to tick the activitietshey had taken part in. then check the answer. Step2Teacher show the pictures for the Ss , explain the requests and then play the radio for theSs. Next, teacher asks some students to answer these questions.Listening & SpeakingParti 教材分析(Analysis of the teaching material)本课时系教材?英语2»(根底模块高教版)第一单元的听力及口语第一局部,学生听一段关于Cindy和家人度假描述的对话.练习学生在一定的语境下用适宜的方式和语句组织关于描述假期活动的对话.Part2教学目标(Teaching aims)Ss can understandexpressionof vacation description and make a dialogue discussingvacationVocabularySki Mountain sail parent beach skate vacation wonderfulPhrasesVisit the zoo go swimming pick apples go skiing climb mountain playvolleyball Go sailing go skating go fishingSentencesHow was your vacation?Where did you go?What was the weather like there?What did you do there?Did you enjoy yourselves?Part3教学重点(Teaching important pointsAsk and answer of the vacation descriptionPart4教学难点(Teaching difficult points)Different questions of vacation descriptionStep 1T shows the video about Hainan and then asks Ss what is the weather like in that place .Next, play the video for Ss.Step 2Ss listen and tick the city which Cindy and her family took a vacationSs listen again and answer the questions and match the persons with their activitiesStep 3Listen to the activity 6 and write the key sentences on the blackboard.How was your vacation?Where did you go?What was the weather like there?What did you do there?Did you enjoy yourselves?Ask the Ss to answer these questions and then T play the videos about skiing and skating. Especially explain the phrase ski resort:"Step 4T plays the videos about Kunming and Hainan, aiming to let the Ss to know these places.Ss make dialogues in pairs with given words and questions and talk about vacation Homework Review the expression of vacation descriptionPractice the dialogue of vacation descriptionFeedback学生关于旅游地点的表达有点出乎我的意料,上面这三个句子他们能够很熟练的完成,让我觉得一定要寓教于乐,在学习中欣赏生活.Reading &Writing (Unit Task)Parti 教材分析(Analysis of the teaching material)本课时系教材?英语2?(根底模块高教版)第一单元的阅读及写作局部,阅读关于两位读者Ben和Bob写给?家庭生活?的信.完成Bob' s mother和Ben's father的阅读题.帮助玛利向?家庭生活?投稿.Part2教学目标(Teaching aims)Ss can understand the pattern of lettersSs can find out the differences of two lettersVocabularyhousehold career daily return slip hesitation typical housewife chore volunteer hamPhraseshousehold duty daily run return to without hesitation typical housewife do housework volunteer to do start to count green peper SentencesShe went out for her daily run. When she returned to the house, she slipped and hit her head on the Driveway. My father volunteered to go to the supermarket for her. She gave him a shopping list with five items.Part3教学重点(Teaching important pointsThe pattern of letters and different description of family lifePart4教学难点(Teaching difficult points)Description of family lifeStep iT asks Ss if they received letters from their parents or friends. Then let' s read the following two letters from Bob and Ben sending to family life together.Step2Ss read the two letters written by two different writers. Ss may meet difficulties and they can raise their hands soT can help them. Given them 5minutes and finish activity 9 and activity 10T asks Ss to answer these questionsStep 3Ss translate the whole text and read together.Homework抄写单词每个三遍,明天默写;并将练习册上面的reading and writing写完FeedbackLanguage in useParti 教材分析(Analysis of the teaching material)TB本课时系教材?英语2?(根底模块高教版)第一单元的语法一般过去时,be动词、have和一般动词的肯定式、否认式和一般疑问式及肯定否认答复.Part2教学目标(Teaching aims)Ss can grasp the simple past tensePart3教学重点(Teaching important pointsSs grasp the affirmative form negative form and general question type with affirmative answer and negative answer of simple past tensePart4教学难点(Teaching difficult points)General question type with affirmative answer and negative answer of simple past tenseStep iExplain the affirmative form、negative form and general question type with affirmative answer and negative answer of simple past tense to SsStep 2Ss describe the pictures with given words and phrasesSs finish the dialogue with affirmative answer and negativeanswer to generalquestion type of simple past tenseHomeworkReview the simple past tenseFeedback语法是我们学生比拟薄弱的一项,课上的讲解重要,同时也需要学生课后的练习,学生对一般过去时的动词变形还是掌握的不够好.Vocabulary practiceParti 教材分析(Analysis of the teaching material)本课时系教材?英语2?(根底模块高教版)第一单元的词汇局部,通过语言在语境中的操练,稳固本单元重点词汇的使用.Part2教学目标(Teaching aims)Finish Vocabulary practicePhrasesa lot of fun a long holiday a terrible time puter games with my friendsPart3教学重点(Teaching important pointsGrasp using of the phrases in this unitPart4教学难点(Teaching difficult points)Usage of verbsStep 1Ss match the sentences which have logic relation Step 2Ss form verbal phrases with given words and phrases Step 3Consolidation & Check词组互译:去游泳 打排球去滑冰 去划船 自愿做有趣的故事career woman green pepper do houseworkstart to counta terrible time Homework抄写并背诵单词3遍Feedback电商143班学生英语根底稍好,单词默写也比拟理想,而两一个班级学生单词默 写反映不理想,还需要继续抓. 去滑雪 去航行去钓鱼 回到 购物清单household duty a trip to Shanghai without hesitation climbmountain。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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Work in pairs to ask and give directions to the newspaper reading room and self-study room in the library based on the map. 两人一组 按照下面的图书馆方位图为你的同伴指引通往报纸阅览室和自习室的路。
1) color
2) material
3) size
4) price
5) place of production
Activity 6
Listen to Dialogue B again and fill in the missing information. Then listen again to check your work. 听对话B并填空,再听一遍并检查你的答案。 Sales girl: 1)______________? Can I help you Sara: Yes. Could you show me the black 2)_______, please? dress Sales Girl: Here you are. 3)_______ it 4)_____ please. Try on Sara: Is it a medium 5)________? I’m buying it for a friend. size get Sales girl: Let me 6)_______ one for you. OK, this one is a 7)___________. medium Sara: Well, it has no sleeves. I guess she would feel a bit cold in it 8)_____ night. at jacket Sales girl: Look at this red 9)_________. It’s made of silk. This jacket goes 10)_______ very well with the dress. She can put 11)_______ this on during the night.
Activity 1
Activity 7
Activity 8 Activity 9 Activity 10 Activity 11
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity 5
Activity 6
Activity 1
Listen to Dialogue A and tick where the receptionist is showing to Sara. 听对话A,勾出前台接待员为Sara指引的地点。
Activity 4
Listen to Dialogue B and tick the items Sara and the salesgirl talk about in the dialogue. 听对话B,勾出售货员和Sara谈论的内容。
Activity 5
Listen to Dialogue B again and tick the elements Sara and the salesgirl talk about concerning clothes. 听对话B,勾出售货员和 Sara谈论了服装的哪些方面。
( F ) 5) Sara wants to buy some drinks.
( T ) 6) There is a gift shop on the first floor.
( F ) 7) At the gift shop, they sell shirts and ties only.
Activity 3
1) (
2) (
3) (
Activity 2
Listen to Dialogue A again and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F). 听对话A并判断正误。
( F ) 1) Susan and her classmates are at the Hilton Hotel. ( F ) 2) They are there to meet an American friend. ( T ) 3) The reunion party is at the coffee room. ( F ) 4) Sara clearly knows how to get to the coffee room.
教学目标 Listening and speaking Reading and writing Language in use
读、写等方面的训练进一步巩固前五个单元 所学语法、词汇知识和综合运用能力。
Listening and speaking
Sara and her classmates are having a reunion party at the hotel. They are very happy to see each other again, so they talk a lot ...