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植物生态学报 2010, 34 (6): 741–752 doi: 10.3773/j.issn.1005-264x.2010.06.013

Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology


收稿日期Received: 2008-10-08 接受日期Accepted: 2009-04-23 * E-mail: heh@


贺红士1,2* 常 禹1 胡远满1 刘志华1,3


中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所, 沈阳 110016; 2School of Natural Resources, University of Missouri, Columbia MO 65211 USA; 3中国科学院研究生院,

北京 100049

摘 要 森林可燃物是森林生态系统的基本组成部分, 是影响林火发生及火烧强度的重要因素之一, 因此, 受到国内外学者的广泛关注。该文从以下4个方面综述了国内外可燃物研究的最新进展: 森林可燃物特性, 森林可燃物类型与火行为, 森林可燃物类型、载量的调查与制图, 森林可燃物管理。同时提出了我国森林可燃物今后的研究方向: 开展多尺度可燃物研究; 可燃物类型与火行为的研究; 把以试验观测为基础的静态研究与以空间技术和生态模型为基础的动态预测相结合, 研究可燃物处理效果; 全球气候变化背景下可燃物处理与碳收支。 关键词 林火, 森林可燃物, 可燃物管理

Contemporary studies and future perspectives of forest fuel and fuel management

HE Hong-Shi 1,2*, CHANG Yu 1, HU Yuan-Man 1, and LIU Zhi-Hua 1,3


Shenyang Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, China; 2School of Natural Resources, University of Missouri, Colum-bia MO 65211 USA; and 3Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China


Fuel is the basic component of forest ecosystems. It is one of the most important factors that influence forest fire ignition and fire severity. Hence, it has drawn much attention from researchers worldwide. We reviewed the cur-rent status of forest fuel studies from four aspects: 1) forest fuel properties, including physical and chemical prop-erties, and flammability of forest fuels, 2) fuel models and fire behaviors, 3) methodologies for inventory and mapping of fuel types and fuel loads, and 4) forest fuel management. We also discuss the future direction in forest fuel studies, including 1) forest fuel studies at site, regional, and country-wide scales, 2) fuel models and fire be-haviors, 3) combining observational and experimental studies with computer simulation and spatial analysis tech-nologies for long-term predictions of fuel treatment effects over large landscapes, and 4) fuel treatment and carbon budget under global climate change. There are significant implications for forest fire management and forest fuel research in China.

Key words forest fire, forest fuel, forest fuel management

自然火是森林生态系统的重要组成部分, 它以从地表火(surface fire)到树冠火(crown fire)的多种形态调整森林生态系统的树种组成、年龄结构和空间(景观)格局(Pringle & Marstall, 1995; 徐化成, 1998; 舒立福等, 1999a; Johnson & Miyanishi, 2001)。地表火清除林下堆积物, 调整林分结构, 为存活树木创造成材的环境。树冠火烧掉整片林木, 为早期演替树种创造生长条件, 使空间上存在着不同年龄镶嵌的异质森林景观结构(Johnson, 1996; Turner et al ., 2003a; Romme et al ., 2005)。林火作用下产生的林分与景观结构既能有效地抵抗森林病

虫害的传播(Sullivan et al ., 2003; Whitney & Irwin, 2005), 又为野生动物提供了宝贵的生境(王瑞君, 2005; Parker et al ., 2006; Greenberg et al ., 2007; Hood et al ., 2007)。要科学地理解林火对森林生态系统的综合作用, 就必须对林火发生规律及行为进行充分研究。

森林可燃物是林火发生和燃烧的物质基础, 森林可燃物的研究是上述研究的重要基础。森林可燃物管理是从根本上解决林火安全问题、改善森林结构、提高森林健康水平的途径。国内外学者早就认识到森林可燃物在林火管理中的重要性, 在森林可
