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Tick the activities you did last week.
surfed the Internet
played computer games
saw a movie
went to the gym
Tick the activities you did last week.
watched TV
watched a cartoon
listened to music
went to a club
Listen and number.
Listen and number the phrases in the order you hear them.
___[_2_]___ slept through the best part ___[_1_]___ went to see a movie ___[_4_]___ listened to some pop music ___[_3_]___ surfed the Internet ___[_5_]___ watched a cartoon
I liked jazz / rock / pop music.
What type of movie did you like in the past? 你过去喜欢什么类型的电影?
I preferred horror films / action films / comedy.
Read aloud after the tape and underline.
Li Xiaonian: What did you do last weekend? Bob: I went to see a movie called Titanic with my father.
Li Xiaonian: What do you think of the movie? Bob: Oh, it is great. The story is so moving. But my father slept through the best part. He thinks it is boring.
Tick the right picture according to the questions.
1. What did Tang Hua do last weekend?
Tick the right picture according to the questions.
2. What did Sara do last weekend?
Shrek , Ice Age , Transformers ...
What do you think of ...?
I think ...
It is wonderful. The story is Bob What do you think of Harry Porter?
very interesting.
A: What did you do last weekend? B: I ... A: How about you? Did you do
anything special? B: Yes. I ... / No, I ...
Please interview your classmTaitteasniwc,iPthirathteeSfhoilplo, wing chart.
Bob: That was nice. We both spent a relaxing weekend.
Act out the following dialogue in pairs.
saw a movie watched a football match played volleyball watched TV watched a cartoon listened to music read a book ...
Read aloud after the tape and underline.
Li Xiaonian: Sometimes parents have different ideas. Bob: How about you? Did you do anything speΒιβλιοθήκη Baiduial?
Li Xiaonian: Nothing special. I went to the gym and played volleyball with my friends.
Read the stories.
“At that time I spent my free time listening to music. I liked rock music. It was so exciting. And my favorite rock band — the Foxy Ladies — was one of the most famous rock bands in the world. But now I like some light music such as jazz and country music. Maybe that’s because I am getting old.” Mary, New York.
我曾喜欢恐怖电影/动作电影/喜 剧。
Talk about the questions in pairs.
How do you usually spend your weekends? What is your favorite weekend activity? Where do you usually go on weekends?
According to our survey, our school should show __________.
Did you do anything special last weekend? 你上周末做了什么特别的事吗?
Not really.
What type of music did you like in the past? 你以前喜欢什么类型的音乐?