



《实用商务英语》讲义(总22页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--1 第一部分:基本礼貌用语1May I...,please?May I have your name,please?May I have your phone number,please?May I have your cell/mobile phone number,please? May I have your contact number,please?Cell phone number is preferable/better.May I have your business card,please?May I help you?May I have your product catalog,please?May I have a detailed introduction of X1,please?Excuse me, may I have a word with you?May I have your attention,please?May I have your a opinion,please?电话 GreetingGood morning,ABC Company,Susan speaking.May I help you?You could contact me at...be interested in sth.Ok,,I'm sending it to you.Conversation:A: Morning , ABC company. Susan speaking.May I help you?B: Hi,this is the buyer of XYZ Company.[Are you available to talk now]A: We are very interested in your X seriesMay I have your product catelog,please?B:Sure, definitely.A: May I have your name and contact number,please? Cell phone number is preferable/better.B: Sure,my name is Join Smith.You could contact me at 138 123 1234, or2 第一部分:基本礼貌2:让某人做某事。



















架起涉外沟通的桥梁: 实用商务英语写作Contents 目录Part 1概述 (An Overview)常用商务文件类型 ( Categories of Commonly Used Business Documents)Part 2 写作要点解析1.公司概况(节选) (Corporate Overview)2. 简历 (Resume/CV)3. 会议纪要 (Minutes of Meeting/MOM)4. 授权书 (LOA/POA)5. 实习证明 (Certificate of Internship)6. 招标邀请书(IFB)与投标函(Bid Cover Letter)7. 感谢信 (Letter of Acknowledgement)8. 电子邮件(E-mails)附:银行保函 (Bank Guarantee)Part 3 练习题Part 1 概述 (An Overview)常用商务文件类型 (Commonly Used Business Documents)●报告/说明类---Corporate Overview (公司概况)---Prospectus (招股说明书)---Resume/CV (简历)---ITB (投标须知)---Reports (报告,如,周报,月报,年报)---Notice (通知)---Request (请示)●契约类---Contract (合同)---Agreement (协议)---Letter of Intent (意向书)---M inutes of Meeting (会议纪要)---Framework Agreement (框架协议)---Memorandum of Understanding (MOU )备忘录●证明类---Power of Attorney (授权书)---Letter of Authorization (授权书)---Notarization (公证书)---Certificate of internship (实习证明)●商务信函类 (business letters )➢日常生活方面---offer letter (录用函)---letter of invitation (邀请函)---letter of recommendation (推荐信)➢市场营销方面---letter of promotion 促销函---follow-up letter 跟踪函➢国际贸易方面---enquiry (询价函)---offer 报盘---counteroffer 还盘---performance security (履约保函)➢国际项目方面---IFB (招标函/投标邀请书)---bid cover Letter (投标函)---bid bond 投标保函---letter of award/LOA (中标通知书)---letter of acknowledgement (感谢信)---bank guarantee (银行保函)---parent company guarantee (母公司保函)●电子邮件 (E-mails)Part 2 写作要点解析1.公司概况(节选) (Corporate Overview)简要说明(Instructions)a.about usb.总分 (总) 结构c.复合句的使用⏹定语从句⏹非谓语动词--现在分词--过去分词--动名词--动词不定式⏹介词短语 (with 等)⏹同位语(或同位语从句)Sample 1哈里伯顿公司简介(Corporate Profile)Founded in1919, Halliburton is one of the world's largest providers of products and services to the energy industry. With more than75,000 employees, representing140 nationalities in over 80 countries, the company serves the upstream oil and gas industry throughout the lifecycle of the reservoir --- from locating hydrocarbons and managing geological data, to drilling and formation evaluation, well construction and completion, and optimizing production through the life of the field…….汉语式思维下的翻译:Halliburton was founded in1919. It is one of the world's largest providers of products and services to the energyindustry.It has (With more than)75,000 employees. They represent (representing)140 nationalities in over 80 countries. The company serves the upstream oil and gas industry throughout the lifecycle of the reservoir……Sample 2“香港故事”于2001年开幕, 从筹划至开幕需时共六年, 耗资一亿九千万港元。

商务英语入门 (修订版) Chapter 2

商务英语入门 (修订版) Chapter 2

make a profit
part time
Business Start-up
What Does It Take to Be an Entrepreneur?
See Opportunity Where Others Do Not — See opportunity and build your dream into reality, then realize Chinese Dream.
take some risks.
Business Start-up
What Does It Take to Be an Entrepreneur?
Personal Traits
Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955 in a family having rich business, political and community service background. His greatgrandfather was a state legislator and a mayor, his grandfather was vice president of national bank and his father was a lawyer.
Self-Motivated — Keep your focus; — Have your own motivation to go on and get
the work done; — Have the determination to get through the
tough times.
Bill strongly believes in hard work. He believes that if you are intelligent and know how to apply your intelligence, you can achieve anything.

商务英语导论商务英语教程英文版 期末考试术语整理

商务英语导论商务英语教程英文版 期末考试术语整理

一、International Business(一)New words and expressionsLicensing 发放执照Franchising 特许经营Ensemble 整体,集合体Geological 地质的Precipitation 降雨量humus 腐殖质interplay 相互作用ferment 发酵meander 曲径moderate 减轻,缓冲staggering 惊人的merger 兼并acquisition 收购manifold 多方面的retaliatory 报复的,复仇的procurement 采购embargo 禁运devaluation 贬值real estate房地产ad valorem 从价税specific duties 从量税alternative duties 选择税compound duties复合税import surtax 进口附加税countervailing duty反补贴税anti - dumping duty 反倾销税(二)Notes1.Without a clear knowledge of an enterprise’s location relative to its suppliers , toits market , and to its competitors , an executive operates like the captain of a fog -bound vessel that has lost all navigational instruments and is heading for dangerous shoals ,如果一名高官不能了解其供应商、市场和竞争对手的位置,其处境就像一位困在雾中轮船的船长,轮船导航已失灵,船正驶向危险的浅滩。

在本句中,“ knowledge ”是“认识”的意思。

2.The wines fermented from these grapes are shipped around the world toconsumers , who differentiate among various wines based not only on the grapes but also on the places where they were grown and the conditions during which they matured .用这些葡萄酿制的葡萄酒被运往世界各地,消费者不仅可以根据葡萄,还可根据它的产地和成熟条件来区分这些葡萄酒。



2. The right to information
- detailed information about ingredients - instructions for use
Basic areas of consumerism
3. The right to choose
- customers having access to a variety of products/services at competitive prices - competition free to flourish
A Basic Business Reader
Chapter 1 Business and Society
After studying this chapter you will be able to:
Define the term “social responsibility”.
It is only right for businesses to serve society’s goals.
Why act in a socially responsible way?
2. Businesses are a component of society. As overall social conditions improve, all the components of society – including businesses – will benefit.
4. The right to be heard
- consumers’ interests receiving full consideration - consumers able to appeal beyond a company


பைடு நூலகம்商务英语基础知识
一、各类货运提单名词解释 1)提单 BILL OF LADING(简写B/L)是指一种用以证明海上运输合同和货物由承运人接管或装船,以及承运人据以保证在目的港交付的单证。 2)货运提单 HOUSE B/L 是指由货运代理人签发的提单。货运提单往往是货物从内陆运出并运至内陆时签发的。国际货代通常都使用此种提单。一般货代为满足客户的倒签或其他船东无法满足的要求时也使用这种提单。 3)船东提单MASTER B/L 是指由船东签发的提单。 4)已装船提单 SHIPPED OR BOARD B/L 指承运人向托运人签发的货物已经装船的提单。 5)收货待运提单或待运提单 RECEIVED FOR SHIPPING B/L 指承运人虽已收到货物但尚未装船时签发的提单。 6)直达提单 DIRECT B/L 指货物自装货港装船后,中途不经换船直接驶到卸货港卸货而签发的提单。 8)联运提单或称转船提单 THROUGH B/L 指承运人在装货港签发的中途得以转船运输而至目的港的提单。 9)多式联运提单 MT B/L 指货物由海上、内河、铁路、公路、航空等两种或多种运输方式进行联合运输而签的适用于全程运输的提单。 10)班轮提单 LINER B/L 班轮是在一定的航线上按照公布的时间表,在规定的港口间连续从事货运的船舶。班轮可分定线定期和定线不定期两种。 11)租船合同提单 CHARTER PARTY B/L 一般指用租船承运租船人的全部货物,船东签给租船人的提单,或者并非全部装运租船人的货物,而由船东或租船人所签发的提单。 12)记名提单 STRAIGHT B/L 是指只有提单上指名的收货人可以提货的提单,一般不具备流通性。
二.汇票条款 汇票属于金融单据(Financial Documents),是一种可转让的有价证券。目前绝大多数跟单信用证都有凭汇票支付款项的规定。汇票的各项内容必须严格符合有关条款的规定 ,不得随意涂改。下面是一些国外来证中所常见的汇票条款,供参考。 例1 All drafts must be marked“Drawn under the Royal Bank Of Canada, Montreal L/C No.XXX dated XXX and Banco de Chile, Santiago Credit No.XXX dated XXX.”上述出票条款(Drawn Clause)中有两家银行、两个信用证号码,两个开证日期。前者是转开证行也是指定的付款行或保兑行,后者是原始开证行。由于原始开证行与通知行无代理关系,因此通过另一家银行转开信用证,这样就出现两家银行、两个证号、和两个开证日期的条款,出口人在开立汇票时须按该条款的要求缮制。 注;在一般正常的情况下,出票条款中只打:一家开证行 、一个证号及一个开证日期。 例2 Draft must be drawn for HK$ equivalent of invoice value (RMB)converted at negotiating bank’s buying rate of exchange on day of negotiation. 上述条款摘自香港来证,信用证及买卖合同的币制均为外汇人民币,因汇票须在香港银行以港币支付,所以来证加列上述条款:,我可按议付日中国银行的港币买入价将外汇人民币折成港币开立汇票。例3 Draft to be enfaced with the following clause: "Payable with interest at bank’s current rate of interest pertaining to the currency of this bill from date hereof to the date of payment. 上述条款要求在汇票上注明开证行自汇票开发的日期(即议付日期)起至其转向进口人收回垫款之日止这段时间的利息 ,开证人应按条款规定偿付给开证行。事实上这是开证行与进口人之间的利息结算,与出口人无关。但出口人须按此条款缮制汇票,以符合信用证要求(一般由银行代加)。 例4 Draft at 90 days sight. We are authorized to pay interest at the rate of 9 % p.a. for full invoice value at maturity. Invoice and draft must show the amount of interest . 上述条款是90天远期汇票,见票后起算。开证行被授权按年息9厘计息到期付款。 发票与汇票上必须显示利息金额 。此条款表明货款金额连同利息都可于见票90天后在信用证项下支付,这就是真远期加利息。在发票上应打出Plus 90 days interest XXXX 然后再把货款加利息的总金额打在下面,汇票上应打出:“The amount of 90 days interest at 9% p.a. being XXXX is included”例5 Drafts for 50% invoice value payable at sight and for remaining 50%payable at 30 days after sight free of interest.(L/C amount USD20,000)Documents to be released after full pay meritof invoice Value. 上述条款系即期与远期信用证结合,应开两张汇票,半数即期付款,半数见票30天后付款,不计利息。开证行于收到全部货款后放单。 例6 Drafts at 180 days after sight drawn on Snitama Bank Ltd., Tokyo Office. Usance drafts drawn Under this L/C are to be negotiated at sight basis. Discount charges and acceptance commission are for account of accountee. 上述条款由日本银行开来,汇票开立远期见票180天付款, 但可即期议付,其承兑费和贴现费均由开证人负担。对受益人来说是即期信用证,通常称为假远期信用证。 例7 Documentary Credit available with yourselves by payment against presentation of the documents detailed herein..... 上述条款意为:该信用证可由通知行凭受益人提供证内所规定的单据付款,不需要提供汇票。 例8 Available by draft accompanied by the documents specified herein.上述条款需凭汇票支款,但未明确汇票的付款人。此种情况,我汇票应以开证行为付款人。 例9 90% of the total L/C amount is payable at sight and 10% will be payable when the buyers issue a no objection certificate for payment of this amount. 这是利比亚来证条款:90%即期付款赎单,其余10%货款 须待开证人签发“无异议证明书”后,开证行才予付款。 什么时候签发“无异议证明书”,条款未作明确规定,这就给出口人带来了事后一连串的催理工作。 例10 We hereby establish this Irrevocable Credit which is available against beneficiary’s drafts drawn induplicate on applicant at 30 days sight free of interest for 100% of invoice value. "Document against acceptance". 上述条款见于新加坡来证中,是真远期,见票30天付款, 不计利息,承兑交单(D/A)。这承兑交单是开证行与开证 人之间的事,与受益人无关。汇票到达开证行后经开证人承兑,银行即交付单据。至于信用证项下货款,开证行保证在30天到期时偿付与议付行。



7.1.2 Characteristics of Services
Characteristics Of Services
Perishability Variability
7.1.2 Characteristics of Services
7.2.1 Technology and Services Management
IT: Information Technology
Reasons Why IT is Used in Services
Preserving market share Avoiding risks or costs
Creating flexibility Improving the internal
Optical checkout scanners, wireless orders from waiters to the kitchen
Electronic publishing, interactive TV, voice mail, cellular phones
Hotels Wholesale/retail trade Transportation Health care Airlines
7.1.3 Service Encounters
❖A service encounter can be defined as any episode in which the customer comes into contact with any aspect of the organization and gets an impression of the quality of the service.


Role Biblioteka laying第三节:介绍公司
宏观介绍 介绍美的微波炉制造有限公司 Midea Microwave Oven Manufacturing Co., Ltd (Midea Microwave Oven) is a professional microwave oven manufacturer, which is one of the key subsidiaries of MD Holding Co. Ltd, a leading manufacturer of home appliances in China. 地点和规模: Located in the Third Industrial Area of Midea Industrial City, Shunde District, Foshan City, it occupies an area of 100 thousand square meters , has more than 2000 employees and 10 automatic assemblies, with annual output reaching 10 million sets.
That’s interesting. (7)—What are you doing at the moment?
—Right now I’m planning( the training program for the next year. )
示范练习 Interviewer:Tell me something about your work, Frank. / Could you tell me something about your work, Frank? / What do you do, Frank? Frank:I work in the purchasing department. I am responsible for buying everything the company needs—from ball-point pens to the raw materials and components we need to make our products. Interviewer:And what are you doing at the moment? Frank:Well, people in Accounts have asked for some new chairs, so I’m looking for a supplier of office furniture.



• 综观国内外翻译家们的观点,可以得出结 论:中外翻译标准其实质上有一致性,即: 信息对等。 • 说到底,不管什么样的翻译标准,都离不 开一个“真”字,换言之,译文应该是原 文信息的真实反映,译者最大限度地将原 文作者所赋予原文语言文字的“任务”转 译到译文里。

1. 专业术语丰富 作为专门用途英语,商务英语与商务活动密切相关,承 载着对外贸易和国际商务等方面的信息交流,其突出特点 就体现在专业术语的大量运用。例如: The distributor agrees to accept, on presentation, and to pay with exchange, sight draft against bill of lading attached。 译文:经销商同意在提示时予以承兑,凭所附提单以即 期汇票的方式支付。 上面短短的一句话中,包含了大量的专业术语,如: distributor经销商、accept承兑、on presentation提示、 sight draft 即期汇票、bill of lading提单等。

• 翻译是理解和表达的结合。 • 翻译的第一步是理解,要真正理解原文, 译者必须有扎实的语言功底和相关专业背 景知识,并熟知英汉两种文化知识,否则 译者不能真正理解,从而产生误差。 • 例1:Cannot Beat the Real Thing.(美国可 口可乐广告) 不能打败真正的商品。 挡不住的诱惑!

• 翻译过程是一个语言转化的过程,涉及跨语言, 跨文化的内容。 • 外语水平能力 • 母语水平能力 • 知识水平能力 商务英语专业行话 术语 • 应用水平能力 • 只有通过练习实践,才能真正提高译者的翻译水 平



商务英语导论试题及答案一、选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. What does the term 'B2B' stand for in business?A. Business to BusinessB. Business to ConsumerC. Business to GovernmentD. Business to Investor答案:A2. The process of negotiating a contract is an example of which of the following in business?A. MarketingB. SalesC. ProcurementD. Human Resources答案:B3. Which of the following is not a function of a multinational corporation?A. ProductionB. DistributionC. FinancingD. Local Government答案:D4. What is the primary purpose of a SWOT analysis in business?A. To identify strengths and weaknessesB. To analyze market trendsC. To forecast financial performanceD. To evaluate employee performance答案:A5. In the context of business, what does 'ROI' stand for?A. Return on InvestmentB. Risk of InvestmentC. Rate of InterestD. Revenue of Investment答案:A6. Which of the following is a common method of international business communication?A. Face-to-face meetingsB. EmailC. TelephoneD. All of the above答案:D7. What is the acronym for 'Corporate Social Responsibility'?A. CSRB. CSDC. CRDD. CSE答案:A8. Which of the following is not a type of business structure?A. Sole ProprietorshipB. PartnershipC. CorporationD. Non-profit答案:D9. What is the term used to describe the process of a company buying back its own shares from the market?A. Share IssuanceB. Share RepurchaseC. Share SplitD. Share Consolidation答案:B10. In business, what does 'IPO' stand for?A. Initial Public OfferingB. International Product OfferingC. Internal Product OrderD. Individual Product Option答案:A二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)11. The term '_____' is used to describe the process of a company going public and offering its shares for sale to the public for the first time.答案:IPO12. A '_____' is a document that outlines the terms and conditions of a business agreement.答案:Contract13. '_____' is the process of identifying, analyzing, and responding to the opportunities and threats in the business environment.答案:Strategic Planning14. The '_____' is the most common form of business in many countries, characterized by limited liability for its shareholders.答案:Corporation15. '_____' refers to the practice of a company considering the social, environmental, and economic effects of its decisions, products, and actions on the community and the environment.答案:CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)16. A '_____' is a type of business where the owner is personally responsible for all debts and obligations.答案:Sole Proprietorship17. '_____' is the process of evaluating the financial performance of a business over a specific period of time.答案:Financial Analysis18. '_____' is a form of business where two or more peopleown and operate the business together.答案:Partnership19. '_____' is the process of determining the value of a company's shares before they are offered to the public.答案:Valuation20. '_____' is the study of managing a business with the aim of maximizing its value while satisfying the interests of stakeholders.答案:Finance三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)21. What are the key components of a business plan?答案:A business plan typically includes an executive summary, company description, market analysis, organization and management structure, product or service line, marketing and sales strategy, funding request, and financial projections.22. Explain the concept of 'branding' in business.答案:Branding in business refers to the process of creating a unique name, symbol, or design that identifies and differentiates a company's products or services from those of other competitors. It aims to establish a presence in the market and create a lasting impression on the minds of consumers.23. What is the purpose of a SWOT analysis and how does it benefit a business?答案:The purpose of a SWOT analysis is to identify andanalyze the internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as the external opportunities and threats that a business may face. It benefits。



1.sole proprietorship 商个人,个体户a business owned and controlled by one person2.partnership 商合伙,合伙公司an association of two or more persons to carry on as co-owners of a business for profit3.corporation (股份有限)公司a legal person, which means it’s treated like a private person under the law4.liability 责任obligation to pay one’s debt5.shareholder 股东an owner of shares in a company or business6.unlimited liability 无限责任when all the property of the enterprise is insufficient to pay off the debts due, the investor shall use all his personal property to pay of7.partner 合伙人partners refer to the organizations and individuals who invest to form the partnership and participate in the partnership. they are the main body of the partnership.8.general partners 普通合伙人a general partnership is "an association of two or more persons to carry on as co-owners of a business for profit."9.limited partners 有限合伙人owner of limited partnership ("lp") who stays away from the management and take limited liability.10.incorporator =stockholder 股东the people who hold shares and represent ownership of the company11.dividend 股息,分红that part of the earnings of a corporation that is distributed to its shareholders12.franchising 特许经营a licensing agreement, under which the franchiser grants the franchisee the right to sell or use the former’s product, service or method in return for a royalty from the latter.13.franchiser 授予特许者the people who grants the franchisee the use of their own intellectual property rights in franchise activities14.franchisee 获得特许者the person who gets the concession15.market segmentation市场细分dividing a market into segments according to accustomers' needs, wants and other factors is called market segmentation.16.geographic variables地区区域因素what people buy is often affected by where they live and work.17.demographic variables人口统计因素factors like age, gender, ethnic background, race, religion,education and income make people different from each other.18.psychographic variables心理因素people can also be grouped according to attitudes, motivates, activities and opinions.19.product-use variables产品用途因素people buying the same product can be further divided according to the use of the product.20.market research市场调研collecting and analyzing data to identify a market or a market segment for particular goods or services .21.consumer products 消费商品goods and services for use by consumers are called consumer producrs, which can be further classified into the following subcategories.22.equilibrium price 均衡点价格price is set where supply meets demand, and this price is referred to as the equilibrium price.23.break-even analysis盈亏平衡点分析in marking decisions whether or not to launch a new product, an important tool is the break-even analysis.24.convenience products 方便商品these are products that consumers like to buy quickly an conveniently.25.shopping products 货比三家后再购买的商品shopping products are those that consumers would spend time comparing against competing commodities in terms of price, quality, suitability, style, etc.26.specialty products 特色商品,特种商品this type of products has unique characteristics or brand identification. customers of such products are willing to make a special effort to buy them.27.industrial products 工业产品industrial products are goods and services purchased by business to produce consumer or other industrial products.28.penetration strategy穿透战略a new product can also be priced low to attract customers.29.skimming strategy: 撇脂战略when a product is at the introduction stage of its life cycle and there is little or no competition. it can be priced high to make maximum profit and skim the " cream" of the market.30.wholesaler批发商wholesalers are middlemen who buy goods from producers and distribute them to lower-level middlemen31.retailer零售商sell directly to the end consumer32.drop shipper订货批发商drop shippers solicit orders from retailers and other wholesalers and have the merchandise shipped directly from a producer to a buyer.33.multilevel marketing (mlm)(多层)直销multilevel marketing has been popular around the world in selling a wide variety of products.34.agent 代理商agents work as their principals' sales (or in certain cases, purchase) representatives on a relatively permanent basis.35.broker 经纪人brokers work as go-betweens for sellers and buyers on a deal-by-deal basis.mission 佣金commission is usually a certain percentage of the sales realized due to their service.37.time utility 时间上的方便consumers like to get what they need when they want it. the retailers add time utility to their goods by being open most of the day time or, in some cases, around the clock.38.place utility地点上的方便intermediaries creat place utility by making sure that the consumers get what theyneed where they want it.39.distributionmeans the movement of merchandise from producers to end-users,40.surety bond 履行义务险a bond given to protect the recipient against loss in case the terms of a contract are not filled;41.premium 保险费people pay a sum called premium to an insurer,in return,the insurance company issues an insurance policy42.insurance policy 保险合同a formal agreement to pay the policyholder a specified amount in the event of losses.43.insurable interest 可保利益a people may not insure against any risk unless he will suffer a loss ifthe risk occurs.44.indemnity 受损补偿the next ptinciple of insurance is indemnity,which means that in case of a loss, the insured is compensated for the lose and the insured can't get more compensation than the amount of loss.45.subrogation 权益转让if it is desirable,the insurance company has the right to replace the insuredperson.46.proximate cause 近因a cause that directly contributes to an outcome.47.liability insurance 责任险insurance that pays damages where a person or organization is found responsible for injury or harm caused.48.key person insurance 关键人物险key person insurance is a standard life or trauma policy used for business succession or business protection purposes.49.credit life insurance信用寿险credit life insurance is the life insurance with debtors as underwriters and creditors as beneficiaries.50.fidelity bond 忠实险means to cover losses suffered by an employer as a result of dishonest acts by its employees.mon law普通法laws made by judges are called common law. often referred to as theunwritten laws, common law has evolved through custom and previous court decisions.52.statutory law制定法laws established by legislative bodies are called statutory law, or written law. 53.regulatory law行政法规regulatory law is a relatively new aspect of the legal system. regulatory law refers to laws created by decree of government agencies and therefore is also called administrative law.wful purpose合法目的the purpose of.the contract must be lawful. it must comply with laws and regulations at all levels.petency of parties合同各方具备能力parties to a contract must be legally competent and can be held fully liable for their conduct. those who are under a certain age or deemed legally incompetent at the time of contracting have limited contractual liability.56.voluntary agreement自愿缔约to be legally enforceable, a contract must also be based on voluntary agreement. parties entering into the contract must have a "meeting of the minds" and the terms of contract must be clearly understood by every party. if any one of the parties signed the contract under threat, coercion, fraudulent manipulation, or by mistake, minds the contract can be canceled.57.meetings of the minds 合意agreeableness is when two or more people reach an agreement on many things. 58.proper form 有效形式valid means that the contract is in good order, there is no arrears. during the period of insurance liability, the insurance company is not liable if the accident occurs in the event of failure. temporary failure can be applied for re-effect, permanent failure can only do surrender processing.59.breach of contract 违约breach of contract means failure to perform one's obligations in accordance with the contract signed by both parties.60.tort law 侵权法in legal terminology, tort means a civil or private wrongful act by one party that results in injury to another party's body, property or reputation.61.intellectual property 知识产权intellectual property rights, is "based on the creation of achievements and industrial and commercial marks of the rights generated by law."62.title to property 财产所有权property ownership means that the owner has the right to possess, use, profit and dispose of his property according to law, including the right of occupation, the right to use, the right to profit and the right to dispose of his property.63.negotiable instruments票据a negotiable instrument is any form of business paper used in place of cash to facilitate business transactions.64.certificate of deposit 存款单a certificate of deposit is a credit certificate in which a depositor deposits a certain amount of money into a bank or other credit institution for safekeeping.65.blank endorsement 普通背书to cash a blank endorsement,all that is needed is the signature of the payee on the reverse side of the instrument.66.restrictive endorsement 限制性背书to avoid the above problem,restrictive endorsements are frequently used to limit further negotiation.67.special endorsement特种背书another way to restrict further negotiation is to endorse an instrument for a specific individual.68.委任书power of attorneythe most formal appoin may spell ou the powers and dutie of the agen as well the responsibilities of the principal in a written contact called power of attorney . 69.授权范围terms of referencegrant to certain persons or individuals the authority to examine, approve and execute .70.破产法bankruptcy lawbankruptcy law is a general term for the legal norms of creditor's and creditor's relations based on bankruptcy events.71.破产申请petition for bankrupcy"petition for bankruptcy" means a lawsuit filed by a party or an interested person to the court to declare the debtor bankrupt in order to pay off debts.72.延展协议extension agreementan extension agreement is an agreement to change the term agreed in the main contract compared to the main contract.73.contract law 合同法contract law is a body of law that governs, enforces, and interprets agreements related to an exchange of goods, services, properties, or money. according to contract law, an agreement made between two or more people or business entities, in which there is a promise to do something in return for a gain or advantage, is legally binding.74.property law 物权法property law is the area of law that governs what people own. it’s the area of law that says who can own land and personal items, how they can use them and with what conditions. property law applies to both real property and personal property. ownership and use of property is an area of law that impacts everyone in society. property law is also an important part of estate law, family law and municipal law. 75.agency law 代理法the definition of agency law deals with agent-principal relationships; that is a relationship where one party has the legal authority to act in place of another. relationships that are commonly associated with agency law include employer-employee, administrator-decedent or executor, and guardian-ward.76.involuntary bankruptcy 非自愿申请破产involuntary bankruptcy is a legal proceeding through which creditors request that a person or business go into bankruptcy. creditors can request involuntary bankruptcy if they think that they will not be paid if bankruptcy proceedings don't take place. they must seek a legal requirement to force a debtor to pay their debts.77.civil wrongs侵权行为civil wrongs occur when a person wrongly suffers a loss caused by another person, a business, or government. wrongful losses can be damage to property or reputation, unmet contractual obligations, physical or psychological injury, etc. sometimes these wrongs fall into both criminal and civil legal categories.78.free on board离岸价格fob (the acronym of free on board), also known as "fob", is one of the trade terms commonly used in international trade, that is, delivery on board, which is customarily referred to as delivery on board at the port of shipment.79.absolute advantage 绝对优势an absolute advantage exists when a country can make something better or more cheaply than anyone else.parative advantage 相对优势if a country can make something better or more efficiently than it can other things, it has a comparative advantage.81.joint venture 合资企业it is a business enterprise with both foreign and local investment.82.wholly foreign - owned enterprise 外资独资企业it is independent in decision-making and can take all the profits the enterprise makes.83.foreign exchange 外汇currencies of foreign countries.84.tariff关税a tariff is a tax charged on imported products.85.trade barriers贸易壁垒despite the important role that international trade plays in their economies, most countries have set up one type of trade barrier or another to put the trade under control.86.import surtax进口附加税it is an additional tax for specific purposes87.countervailing duty反补贴税it is collectted against any subsidy or grant given by government or trade association to imported products during their production, transport and export.88.anti-dumping duty反倾销税it is imposed when the imported goods are believed to be sold under cost, or at a price below that in domestic or world market.89.quotas配额a quota is а quantitative restriction imposed by one country on imports of а certain type from another country.90.job specialization工作专门化it is a process in job design whereby a firm's overall job is broken down into smaller parts.91.departmentalization部门化after the specialization is completed , the jobs must be grouped into logical units,a process often referred to as departmentalization.92.unity of command 统一指挥the principle of unity of command states that a subordinate should have one and only one superior in order to avoid conflicting commands or priorities from several bosses .93.span of management 管理跨度,管理幅度it means the number of subordinates a manager supervises.94.standing committee 常设委员会a committee established on a permanent basis is known as a standing committee.95.ad hoc committee 特别委员会a committee is set up to solve a specific task and then dissolved called an ad hoe committee.96.grapevine 非正式沟通的途径,小道消息转播的途径it can not be drawn neatly and seen clearly in a chart form communication in a company, for example, flows not only along formal lines, but also through an informal network usually referred to as grapevines.97.job description岗位说明:a written statement of what the job holder does, how it is done, and why it isdone.98.job specification岗位要求:a written statement of the minimum qualifications for performing a given job successfully.99.orientation入职教育:transitioning a new employee into the organization.100.rating scale等级表:it grades the employees on their performance or characteristics.101.employee comparisons雇员比较:it ranks the employees according to their performance and contribution to the firm.102.stock option股票期权:the option to buy company stock at a predetermined and favorable price.103.salary薪水:it is money compensation for longer periods of work time and mostly paid to middle and upper level managers.104.time wage计时工资:the amount of wage is set according to the number of hours worked.105.piece rate wage计件工资:the amount of wage is set according to the number of products made.106.gain-sharing(利润、结余等)收益分享:the gain resulting from the reduction of the firm’s overhead costs will be sharedas bonus by all employees.107.profit-sharing利润分成:it gives all employees a bonus if the firm’s profits exceed the target.108.fringe benefits福利待遇:unlike wages, salaries and incentive programs which are directly linked with the jobs done, fringe benefits are not directly related with work performed, but given as a result of employment.109.cafeteria benefits自选福利:it is a flexible arrangement in which each employee is allocated a certain sum to cover benefits of his or her own choice.110.closed promotion system封闭型晋升制度:employees are kept out and the hiring decisions are made solely by the managers. 111.open promotion system公开型晋升制度:job vacancies and their specifications are openly posted.112.hawthorne effect 霍索恩效应:workers tended to work harder and produce more if they felt that they were given special attention from the management . this effect was later termed the hawthorne effect.113.management by objectives ( mbo )目标管理:it is a program mainly used to assist managers in setting and carrying out their plans .114.participative management 参与式管理:workers often participated in the management because they were regarded as the masters of the company. it was said, resulted in higher worker morale and better management .115.flextime 弹性工作时间:this method allows employees to choose their working hours so long as the hours add up to the traditional 40-hour work week.116.boss-centered 以上司为中心:the manager makes all the decisions alone and tells subordinates aoubt them. 117.subordinate center 以下属为中心:the manager sets the limits and lets subordinates decide.118.contingency approach 权变方式:make the leadership style contingent upon the characteristics of the problem and the traits of the subordinates.。



1. 商务英语基础知识:学习商务英语的基础词汇、语法和句型,包括商务信函写作、电话沟通、会议交流等基本技能。

2. 商务文化和礼仪:了解不同国家和地区的商务文化差异,包括商务礼仪、商务谈判、跨文化沟通等方面的知识。

3. 商务合同与协议:学习商务合同和协议的基本结构和用语,掌握商务谈判和签订合同的技巧。

4. 国际贸易与跨境业务:了解国际贸易的基本原理和规则,包括贸易方式、国际支付、海关申报等内容。

5. 国际市场营销:学习国际市场营销的基本理论和实践技巧,包括市场调研、市场定位、市场推广等方面的知识。

6. 商务金融与投资:了解商务金融和投资的基本知识,包括国际金融市场、企业融资、风险管理等内容。

7. 商务英语实践技巧:提升商务英语口语和写作能力,通过模拟情境、案例分析等方式进行实践训练。


商务英语 Business English(入门篇)

商务英语 Business English(入门篇)

商务英语Business English入门篇Hi,欢迎你到“商务英语”的“入门篇”中来,很多人都觉得“商务英语”非常“高深”,似乎是“高不可攀”,可是当我们研究了BEC商务英语以及其他商务课程后,发现原来商务英语涉及到的内容并不都是专业得让人“望而却步”,商务英语的学习依然涉及到如何得体的introductions(介绍)、greetings(问候)等等基本的会话,在这些基础上,你才能进一步地学习有关marketing(市场),sales(销售)等商务方面的知识。


相信在“入门篇”里的学习使你可以应付外企环境中最基本的工作内容!现在我们就开始“入门”吧,说“入门”自然还要从学会得体的“自我介绍”开始,1. First Meetings 初次见面先预习一下本课中涉及的一些知识点吧:assistant 助理clerk 职员favorable impression 良好印象Personnel Manager 人事经理Managing Director(MD)总裁I'm new.我是新来的。

to be working together. 我们将一起工作。

to look forward to doing sth. 盼望做某事初次见面用语:Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。

告别时用语:It was very nice to have met you. 能见到你我真高兴Hope to see you again. 希望能再次见到你。

第一天到公司上班,You must be nervous.你的心情一定挺紧张。

怎么才能给上级和同事留下 a favorable impression(良好印象)呢?西装革履的你看起来很cool,但你还是没有十分的把握。



商务英语⼊门篇⼀、初次⾒⾯Hi,欢迎你到“商务英语”的“⼊门篇”中来,很多⼈都觉得“商务英语”⾮常“⾼深”,似乎是“⾼不可攀”,可是当我们研究了BEC商务英语以及其他商务课程后,发现原来商务英语涉及到的内容并不都是专业得让⼈“望⽽却步”,商务英语的学习依然涉及到如何得体的introductions(介绍)、greetings(问候)等等基本的会话,在这些基础上,你才能进⼀步地学习有关marketing(市场), sales(销售)等商务⽅⾯的知识。


相信在“⼊门篇”⾥的学习使你可以应付外企环境中最基本的⼯作内容!现在我们就开始“⼊门”吧,说“⼊门”⾃然还要从学会得体的“⾃我介绍”开始,先预习⼀下本课中涉及的⼀些知识点吧:wordsassistant 助理clerk 职员favorable impression 良好印象Personnel Manager ⼈事经理Managing Director(MD)总裁I'm new.我是新来的。

to be working together. 我们将⼀起⼯作。

to look forward to doing sth. 盼望做某事初次见⾯⽤语:Nice to meet you.很⾼兴见到你。

告别时⽤语:It was very nice to have met you. 能见到你我真⾼兴Hope to see you again. 希望能再次见到你。

First Meetings 初次见⾯第⼀天到公司上班,You must be nervous.你的⼼情⼀定挺紧张。

怎么才能给上级和同事留下a favorable impression(良好印象)呢?西装⾰履的你看起来很cool,但你还是没有⼗分的把握。



商务英语导论Week1Definition of a businessDifference between a business and a hobbyDefinition of entrepreneurFormula for profitRelevant terminology from this topic (e.g. revenue, profit, etc)1.What’s a business?Any activity that seeks to provide goods and services to others while operating at a profitAn activity that aims to produce goods or provide services to a third party (customers) A business is a legal entity that is set-up or designed to make goods, sell goods, or provide a service is a legal entity that is set-up or designed to make goods, sell goods, or provide a service2.Social EnterprisesA social enterprise is an organization that applies commercial strategies to maximize improvements in human & environmental well-beingCan be structured as a for-profit enterprise3.Revenue:the total amount of money a business takes in a given period by selling goods and servicesProfit = Revenue > Costs4.EntrepreneursA person who risks time and money to start and manage a business.Week2 business in a changing environmentDefinition of entrepreneurshipThe different elements of the business environmentThe impact of each element of the business environmentThe definition of risk and the relationship between risk and profits1.Nothing stays the sameIn business as in life, CHANGE is the only certaintyThe entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity. –Peter F. Drucker2.business environmentThe surrounding factors that either help or hinder the development of businessesThe place, rules and groups within which a business operates3.Risk & business environmentMuch of the risks that businesses face come from their operating environmentEntrepreneurs tend to see opportunity in riskA business environment with a reasonable level of risk encourages entrepreneurshipToo much risk may discourage business4.The business environment1)The economic and legal environment2)The technological environment3)The social environment4)The global business environmentRisks & opportunities arise from these5.Economic & legal environment●The economic surroundings of a businessIncludes banking sector, financial markets mechanisms & regulation机制与监管, fiscal policies, monetary policies Includes legal frameworks & judicial system, property laws,IP & copyright laws●Economic management & policies。

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Unit 1 IntroductionBusiness EnglishGood morning! Welcome to our business English class. My name’s Sunny Lee. You may call me Mr. Lee, or call me Sunny. Business English is indeed very interesting, useful and practical. Here in this class you will have good chances to learn, practice and enhance your business skills as well as your language skills.What will you learn?Unit 2 Business cultureUnit 3 Commercial brandsUnit 4 Commercial advertisingUnit 5 Commercial marketingUnit 6 PaymentUnit 7 International tradeUnit 8 Business writingWhat Is Business EnglishBusiness English belongs to ESP, which is short for English for Specific Purposes orEnglish for Special Purposes.ESP, special English linked to specific professions, subjects or purposes, is applied in specific professional fields with specialpurposes and subject matters.What Is Business English 1. Vocabulary and topics used in:– Business– Trade– Finance– International relations2 . Language and skills needed for business communication:PresentationsNegotiationsMeetingsSmall talkSocializingCorrespondenceReport writingBusiness English is a course for business people and students of business , which can help youto further improve your English language skills; to learn or consolidate your business knowledge and skills;to know about business cultures around the world;to do business with people in the world;to enhance your competitiveness in the company;to improve your career prospects in business.Features of Business English☐词汇特点Features of Vocabulary☐ 1.专门术语及缩略词的大量使用☐FPA: Free from Particular Average☐WPA: With Particular Average☐AR: All Risks☐平安险、水渍险、一切险Features of Business English●价格术语(terms of price)●EXW: Ex Works 工厂交货价●FOB: Free on board 装运港船上交货价●CIF: Cost, Insurance and Freight●成本加保险费、运费价●DDP: Delivered Duty Paid 完税后交货价付款条件(terms of payment)1 Remittance 汇付– M/T(mail transfer信汇)– T/T(telegraphic transfer电汇)– D/D(demand draft票汇)2. Collection 托收– D/A(documents against acceptance承兑交单) – D/P(documents against payment付款交单) 3. Payment by L/C(letter of credit)信用证付款– Sight L/C Usance / Time L/C– Confirmed L/C Non-confirmed L/C2. 商务英语用词强调正式规范性☐terminate → end☐in view of → because of☐certify → prove☐for the purpose of → for☐concerning或regarding → about☐inform或advise → tell3. 普通词汇,独特行业词义●如“sales literature”和“negotiating bank”按一般英语应该分别翻译为“销售文学”和“谈判行”,而正确的商务翻译应为“促销资料”和“议付行”。

●offer cover advice handle●Look at the following examples:● 1 Our offer remains open for 21 days.● 2 Please cover the goods against All Risks.● 3 We will send you the shipping advice soon.● 4 We handle the import and export of toys.商务英语词语不正确的一般翻译正确的商务翻译Particular average特定平均数单独海损General average一般平均数共同海损Straight B/L直达提单记名提单Through B/L通过提单联运提单Clean L/C干净信用证光票信用证Documentary L/C单据信用证跟单信用证National treatment国家待遇国民待遇Confirming Bank确认行保兑行Dispatch money派遣费速遣费Open policy开放政策预约保险单4. 语言具体明确与普通英语相比,商务英语在语言表达方面很重要的不同之处在于,商务英语要表达准确,不能言过其实,内容必须实事求是,尤其要保证数据的精确和术语的严格准确,否则就会引起纠纷。


试比较:●Thank you for your fax dispatched yesterday.●Thank you for your fax of August 15,2015.●商务英语中不会使用第一句表达方式,而是要使用第二句表达方式。


●We have arranged for the goods to be shipped inseaworthy containers.5. 新词的增多–e-business电子商务–e-cash电子现金–bubble economy泡沫经济–shopping online网上购物–holiday economy假日经济Features of Business English句式结构特点Features of sentence Patterns1. 简洁明快–多用简单句、简短并列句和简短复合句–This corporation specializes in the import and export of electronic products and wishesto enter into business relations with you.2. 句式逻辑严密,结构复杂3. 表达礼貌委婉We should appreciate it if you could send us the shipping instructions immediately.4. 大量使用社交性套语● Please accept my sincere appreciation for...●Please quote us the lowest price for…●Thank you for your letter of …5. 使用倒装句●Enclosed please find our quotation sheet.●Should you require the insurance to be coveredas per Institute Cargo Clauses, we would beglad to comply.☐How to learn Business English?☐ 1 Full understanding of Business English ☐Special features☐Purposes☐Functions2 . Foundation of English skills– Listening– Speaking– Reading– Writing– Translation3. Knowledge of business– Trade– Corporate operation– Commerce– Finance– Communication4 . Business English skills– Vocabulary– Structures– Patterns5. Translation & Interpretation skills– Theories– Methodology– Practice6 . Practice and Activity● Real business● Mock business● Trade fair● Commercial exhibition。
