




























TMS320x28xx,28xxx High-Resolution Pulse Width Modulator(HRPWM)Reference GuideLiterature Number:SPRU924BApril2005–Revised September20072SPRU924B–April2005–Revised September2007Submit Documentation FeedbackPreface (5)1Introduction (9)2Operational Description of HRPWM (10)2.1Controlling the HRPWM Capabilities (10)2.2Configuring the HRPWM (12)2.3Principle of Operation (12)2.4Scale Factor Optimizing Software(SFO) (16)2.5HRPWM Examples Using Optimized Assembly Code (21)3HRPWM Register Descriptions (27)3.1Register Summary (27)3.2Registers and Field Descriptions (28)Appendix A Revision History (30)Appendix B SFO Library Software-SFO_TI_Build_V5.lib (31)B.1SFO Library Version Comparison (31)B.2Software Usage (34)SPRU924B–April2005–Revised September2007Table of Contents3 Submit Documentation FeedbackList of Figures1Resolution Calculations for Conventionally Generated PWM (9)2Operating Logic Using MEP (10)3HRPWM Extension Registers and Memory Configuration (11)4HRPWM System Interface (11)5Required PWM Waveform for a Requested Duty=40.5% (13)6Low%Duty Cycle Range Limitation Example When PWM Frequency=1MHz (15)7High%Duty Cycle Range Limitation Example when PWM Frequency=1MHz (16)8Simple Buck Controlled Converter Using a Single PWM (22)9PWM Waveform Generated for Simple Buck Controlled Converter (22)10Simple Reconstruction Filter for a PWM Based DAC (24)11PWM Waveform Generated for the PWM DAC Function (24)12HRPWM Configuration Register(HRCNFG) (28)13Counter Compare A High Resolution Register(CMPAHR) (28)14TB Phase High Resolution Register(TBPHSHR) (29)List of Tables1Resolution for PWM and HRPWM (9)2HRPWM Registers (10)3Relationship Between MEP Steps,PWM Frequency and Resolution (12)4CMPA vs Duty(left),and[CMPA:CMPAHR]vs Duty(right) (13)5Duty Cycle Range Limitation for3and6SYSCLK/TBCLK Cycles (16)6SFO Library Routines (17)7Factor Values (18)8Register Descriptions (27)9HRPWM Configuration Register(HRCNFG)Field Descriptions (28)10Counter Compare A High Resolution Register(CMPAHR)Field Descriptions (28)11TB Phase High Resolution Register(TBPHSHR)Field Descriptions (29)A-1Changes Made in Revision B (30)B-1SFO Library Version Comparison (31)B-2SFO V5Library Routines (32)B-3Software Functions (34)4List of Figures SPRU924B–April2005–Revised September2007Submit Documentation FeedbackPrefaceSPRU924B–April2005–Revised September2007About This ManualThis document describes the operation of the high-resolution extension to the pulse width modulator(HRPWM).Notational ConventionsThis document uses the following conventions.•Hexadecimal numbers are shown with the suffix h.For example,the following number is40 hexadecimal(decimal64):40h.•Registers in this document are shown in figures and described in tables.–Each register figure shows a rectangle divided into fields that represent the fields of the register.Each field is labeled with its bit name,its beginning and ending bit numbers above,and itsread/write properties below.A legend explains the notation used for the properties.–Reserved bits in a register figure designate a bit that is used for future device expansion.Related Documentation From Texas InstrumentsThe following documents describe the C2000™devices and related support tools.Copies of thesedocuments on the Internet at .Tip:Enter the literature number in the search box provided atThe current documentation that describes the C2000and other technicalcollateral,is available in the C2000DSP product folder at:Data Manuals—contains the pinout,signal descriptions,as well as electrical and timing specifications for the F280xdevices.SPRS357—contains the pinout,signal descriptions,as well as electrical and timing specifications for theF28044device.SPRS439—contains the pinout,signal descriptions,as well as electrical and timing specifications for theF2833x devices.CPU User's Guides—SPRU430—describes the central processing unit(CPU)and the assembly language instructions of theTMS320C28x fixed-point digital signal processors(DSPs).It also describes emulation featuresavailable on these DSPs.SPRUEO2—describes the floating-point unit and includes the instructions for the FPU.Peripheral Guides—SPRU566—SPRU924B–April2005–Revised September2007Preface5 Submit Documentation Feedback Related Documentation From Texas Instrumentsdescribes the peripheral reference guides of the28x digital signal processors(DSPs).SPRUFB0—TMS320x2833x System Control and Interrupts Reference Guidedescribes the various interrupts and system control features of the2833x digital signal controllers(DSCs).SPRU712—describes the various interrupts and system control features of the280x digital signal processors(DSPs).SPRU812—describes how to configure and use the on-chip ADC module,which is a12-bit pipelined ADC.SPRU716—describes how to configure and use the on-chip ADC module,which is a12-bit pipelined ADC.SPRU949—describes the XINTF,which is a nonmultiplexed asynchronous bus,as it is used on the2833xdevices.SPRU963—describes the purpose and features of the bootloader(factory-programmed boot-loading software)and provides examples of code.It also describes other contents of the device on-chip boot ROMand identifies where all of the information is located within that memory.SPRU722—describes the purpose and features of the bootloader(factory-programmed boot-loading software).It also describes other contents of the device on-chip boot ROM and identifies where all of theinformation is located within that memory.SPRUFB7—describes the McBSP available on the F2833x devices.The McBSPs allow direct interface betweena DSP and other devices in a system.SPRUFB8—describes the DMA on the2833x devices.SPRU791—describes the main areas of the enhanced pulse width modulator that include digital motor control,switch mode power supply control,UPS(uninterruptible power supplies),and other forms of powerconversion.SPRU924—describes the operation of the high-resolution extension to the pulse width modulator(HRPWM).SPRU807—describes the enhanced capture module.It includes the module description and registers.SPRU790—describes the eQEP module,which is used for interfacing with a linear or rotary incrementalencoder to get position,direction,and speed information from a rotating machine in highperformance motion and position control systems.It includes the module description and registers.SPRU074—describes the eCAN that uses established protocol to communicate serially with other controllers inelectrically noisy environments.SPRU051—6Read This First SPRU924B–April2005–Revised September2007Submit Documentation FeedbackRelated Documentation From Texas Instruments describes the SCI,which is a two-wire asynchronous serial port,commonly known as a UART.TheSCI modules support digital communications between the CPU and other asynchronous peripheralsthat use the standard non-return-to-zero(NRZ)format.SPRU059—describes the SPI-a high-speed synchronous serial input/output(I/O)port-that allows a serial bitstream of programmed length(one to sixteen bits)to be shifted into and out of the device at aprogrammed bit-transfer rate.SPRU721—describes the features and operation of the inter-integrated circuit(I2C)module that is available onthe TMS320x280x digital signal processor(DSP).Tools Guides—SPRU513—describes the assembly language tools(assembler and other tools used to develop assemblylanguage code),assembler directives,macros,common object file format,and symbolic debuggingdirectives for the TMS320C28x device.SPRU514—describes the TMS320C28x™C/C++compiler.This compiler accepts ANSI standard C/C++sourcecode and produces TMS320DSP assembly language source code for the TMS320C28x device.SPRU608—describes the simulator,available within the Code Composer Studio for TMS320C2000IDE,thatsimulates the instruction set of the C28x™core.SPRU625—describes development using DSP/BIOS.TrademarksC2000,TMS320C28x,C28x are trademarks of Texas Instruments.SPRU924B–April2005–Revised September2007Read This First7 Submit Documentation FeedbackReference GuideSPRU924B–April2005–Revised September2007This document is used in conjunction with the28xxx Enhanced Pulse Width Modulator (ePWM)Module Reference Guide(literature numberThe HRPWM module extends the time resolution capabilities of the conventionally derived digital pulse width modulator(PWM).HRPWM is typically used when PWM resolution falls below~9-10bits.This occurs at PWM frequencies greater than~200kHz when using a CPU/system clock of100MHz.The key features of HRPWM are:•Extended time resolution capability•Used in both duty cycle and phase-shift control methods•Finer time granularity control or edge positioning using extensions to the Compare A and Phase registers•Implemented using the A signal path of PWM,i.e.,on the EPWMxA output.EPWMxB output has conventional PWM capabilities•Self-check diagnostics software mode to check if the micro edge positioner(MEP)logic is running optimallyTopic Page8SPRU924B–April2005–Revised September2007 High-Resolution Pulse Width Modulator(HRPWM)Submit Documentation Feedback1IntroductionPWMt/F x 100%PWM SYSCLKOUT(F/F)2PWM SYSCLKOUTIntroductionThe ePWM peripheral is used to perform a function that is mathematically equivalent to a digital-to-analog converter(DAC).As shown in Figure1,where T SYSCLKOUT=10ns(i.e.100MHz clock),the effectiveresolution for conventionally PWM is a function of PWM frequency(or period)and system clock frequency.Figure1.Resolution Calculations for Conventionally Generated PWM If the required PWM operating frequency does not offer sufficient resolution in PWM mode,you may want to consider HRPWM.As an example of improved performance offered by HRPWM,Table1showsresolution in bits for various PWM frequencies.Table1values assume a MEP step size of180ps.See the device data sheet for typical and maximum performance specifications for the MEP.Table1.Resolution for PWM and HRPWMPWM Regular Resolution(PWM)High Resolution(HRPWM)Freq Bits%Bits%(kHz)2012. 6.6 6.1 1.511.90.0272000 5.6 Although each application may differ,typical low frequency PWM operation(below250kHz)may notrequire HRPWM.HRPWM capability is most useful for high frequency PWM requirements of powerconversion topologies such as:•Single-phase buck,boost,and flyback•Multi-phase buck,boost,and flyback•Phase-shifted full bridge•Direct modulation of D-Class power amplifiersSPRU924B–April2005–Revised September2007High-Resolution Pulse Width Modulator(HRPWM)9 Submit Documentation Feedback2Operational Description of HRPWM PWM duty(0 to 1.0 in Q15 format)PWM period (N CPU cycles)MEP scale factor Number of MEP steps in one coarse step16−bit CMPA register value16−bit CMPAHR register value= number of coarse steps = (number of MEP steps) << 8 + 0x180 (rounding)†Number of coarse steps Number of MEP steps = integer(PWMduty * PWMperiod)= fraction(PWMduty * PWMperiod) * (MEPScaleFactor)†For MEP range and rounding adjustment.2.1Controlling the HRPWM CapabilitiesOperational Description of HRPWMThe HRPWM is based on micro edge positioner (MEP)technology.MEP logic is capable of positioning an edge very finely by sub-dividing one coarse system clock of a conventional PWM generator.The time step accuracy is on the order of 150ps.The HRPWM also has a self-check software diagnostics mode tocheck if the MEP logic isrunning optimally,under all operating conditions.Details on software diagnostics and functions are in Section 2.4.Figure 2shows the relationship between one coarse system clock and edge position in terms of MEPsteps,which are controlled via an 8-bit field in the Compare A extension register (CMPAHR).Figure 2.Operating Logic Using MEPTo generate an HRPWM waveform,configure the TBM,CCM,and AQM registers as you would togenerate a conventional PWM of a given frequency and polarity.The HRPWM works together with theTBM,CCM,and AQM registers to extend edge resolution,and should be configured accordingly.Although many programming combinations are possible,only a few are needed and practical.These methods are described in Section 2.5.Registers discussed but not found in this document can be seen in 28xxx Enhanced Pulse Width Modulator (ePWM)Module Reference Guide (literature number The HRPWM operation is controlled and monitored using the following registers:Table 2.HRPWM RegistersmnemonicAddress Offset Shadowed Description TBPHSHR0x0002No Extension Register for HRPWM Phase (8bits)CMPAHR0x0008Yes Extension Register for HRPWM Duty (8bits)HRCNFG (1)0x0020No HRPWM Configuration Register (1)This register is EALLOW protected.The MEP of the HRPWM is controlled by two extension registers,each 8-bits wide.These two HRPWM registers are concatenated with the 16-bit TBPHS and CMPA registers used to control PWM operation.•TBPHSHR -Time Base Phase High Resolution Register•CMPAHR -Counter Compare A High Resolution Register10High-Resolution Pulse Width Modulator (HRPWM)SPRU924B–April 2005–Revised September 2007Submit Documentation FeedbackTBPHSHR (8)Reserved (8)TBPHS (16)0x00020x0003Reserved (8)TBPHSHR (8)TBPHS (16)31161587Single 32 bit writeReserved (8)CMPA (16)CMPAHR (8)0x00080x0009Single 32 bit writeCMPA (16)31CMPAHR (8)Reserved (8)161587EPWMxSYNCIEPWMxSYNCOEPWMxAEPWMxB EPWMxTZINT TZ1 to TZ6EPWMxINT EPWMxSOCA EPWMxSOCB Operational Description of HRPWMFigure 3.HRPWM Extension Registers and Memory ConfigurationHRPWM capabilities are controlled using the Channel A PWM signal path.Figure 4shows how the HRPWM interfaces with the 8-bit extension registers.Figure 4.HRPWM System InterfaceSPRU924B–April 2005–Revised September 2007High-Resolution Pulse Width Modulator (HRPWM)11Submit Documentation Feedback2.2Configuring the HRPWM2.3Principle of Operation2.3.1Edge PositioningOperational Description of HRPWMOnce the ePWM has been configured to provide conventional PWM of a given frequency and polarity,the HRPWM is configured by programming the HRCNFG register located at offset address 20h.This register provides configuration options for the following key operating modes:Edge Mode —The MEP can be programmed to provide precise position control on the rising edge (RE),falling edge (FE)or both edges (BE)at the same time.FE and RE are used for power topologies requiring duty cycle control,while BE is used for topologies requiring phase shifting,e.g.,phase shifted full bridge.Control Mode —The MEP is programmed to be controlled either from the CMPAHR register (duty cyclecontrol)or the TBPHSHR register (phase control).RE or FE control mode should be used with CMPAHR register.BE control mode should be used with TBPHSHR register.Shadow Mode —This mode provides the same shadowing (double buffering)option as in regular PWMmode.This option is valid only when operating from the CMPAHR register and should be chosen to be the same as the regular load option for the CMPA register.If TBPHSHR is used,then this option has no effect.The MEP logic is capable of placing an edge in one of 255(8bits)discrete time steps,each of which has a time resolution on the order of 150ps.The MEP works with the TBM and CCM registers to be certain that time steps are optimally applied and that edge placement accuracy is maintainedover a wide range of PWM frequencies,system clock frequencies and other operating conditions.Table 3shows the typical range of operating frequencies supported by the HRPWM.Table 3.Relationship Between MEP Steps,PWM Frequency and ResolutionSystem MEP Steps Per PWM MIN PWM MAX Res.@MAX (MHz)SYSCLKOUT (1)(2)(3)(Hz)(4)(MHz)(Bits)(5)50.0111763 2.5011.160.093916 3.0010.970.0791068 3.5010.680.0691221 4.0010.490.0621373 4.5010.3100.05615265.0010.1(1)System frequency =SYSCLKOUT,i.e.CPU clock.TBCLK =SYSCLKOUT.(2)Table data based on a MEP time resolution of 180ps (this is an the TMS320F2808,TMS320F2806,TMS320F2801Digital Signal Processors Data Manual [literature number (3)MEP steps applied =T SYSCLKOUT /180ps in this example.(4)PWM minimum frequency is based on a maximum period value,i.e.TBPRD =65535.PWM mode is asymmetrical up-count.(5)Resolution in bits is given for the maximum PWM frequency stated.In a typical power control loop (e.g.,switch modes,digital motor control [DMC],uninterruptible power supply [UPS]),a digital controller (PID,2pole/2zero,lag/lead,etc.)issues a duty command,usuallyexpressed in a per unit or percentage terms.Assume that for a particular operating point,the demanded duty cycle is 0.405or 40.5%on time and the required converter PWM frequency is 1.25MHz.Inconventional PWM generation with a system clock of 100MHz,the duty cycle choices are in the vicinity of 40.5%.In Figure 5,a compare value of 32counts (i.e.duty =40%)is the closest to 40.5%that you can an edge position of 320ns instead of the desired 324ns.This data is shown in Table 4.By utilizing the MEP,you can achieve an edge position much closer to the desired point of 324ns.Table 4shows that in addition to the CMPA value,22steps of the MEP (CMPAHR register)will position at 323.96ns,resulting in almost zero error.In this example,it is assumed that the MEP has a step resolution of 180ns.12High-Resolution Pulse Width Modulator (HRPWM)SPRU924B–April 2005–Revised September 2007Submit Documentation FeedbackDemanded duty (40.5%)EPWM1A2.3.2Scaling ConsiderationsOperational Description of HRPWMFigure 5.Required PWM Waveform for a Requested Duty =40.5%Table 4.CMPA vs Duty (left),and [CMPA:CMPAHR]vs Duty (right)CMPA (count)(1)(2)(3)DUTY High CMPA CMPAHR Duty High %Time (count)(count)(%)Time (ns)(ns)2835.028*******.405323.242936.3290321940.428323.423037.5300322040.450323.603138.8310322140.473323.783240.0320322240.495323.963341.3330322340.518324.143442.5340322440.540324.32322540.563324.50Required 322640.585324.6832.4040.5324322740.608324.86(1)System clock,SYSCLKOUT and TBCLK =100MHz,10ns(2)For a PWM Period register value of 80counts,PWM Period =80x 10ns =800ns,PWM frequency =1/800ns =1.25MHz (3)Assumed MEP step size for the above example =180psTMS320F2806,TMS320F2801/UCD9501Digital Signal Processors Data Manual (literature number for typical and maximum MEP values.The mechanics of how to position an edge precisely in time has been demonstrated using the resources of the standard (CMPA)and MEP (CMPAHR)registers.In a practical application,however,it is necessary to seamlessly provide the CPU a mapping function from a per-unit (fractional)duty cycle to a final integer (non-fractional)representation that is written to the [CMPA:CMPAHR]register combination.To do this,first examine the scaling or mapping steps involved.It is common in control software to express duty cycle in a per-unit or percentage basis.This has the advantage of performing all needed math calculations without concern for the final absolute duty cycle,expressed in clock counts or high time in ns.Furthermore,it makes the code more transportable across multiple converter types running different PWM frequencies.To implement the mapping scheme,a two-step scaling procedure is required.SPRU924B–April 2005–Revised September 2007High-Resolution Pulse Width Modulator (HRPWM)13Submit Documentation Feedback Operational Description of HRPWMAssumptions for this example:System clock,SYSCLKOUT=10ns(100MHz)PWM frequency= 1.25MHz(1/800ns)Required PWM duty cycle,PWMDuty=0.405(40.5%)PWM period in terms of coarse steps,=80PWMperiod(800ns/10ns)Number of MEP steps per coarse step at=55180ps(10ns/180ps),MEP_SFValue to keep CMPAHR within the rangeof1-255and fractional rounding constant(default value)=0180hStep1:Percentage Integer Duty value conversion for CMPA registerCMPA register value=int(PWMDuty*PWMperiod);int means integer part=int(0.405*80)=int(32.4)CMPA register value=32(20h)Step2:Fractional value conversion for CMPAHR registerCMPAHR register value=(frac(PWMDuty*PWMperiod)*MEP_SF)<<8)+0180h;frac means fractional part=(frac(32.4)*55<<8)+0180h;Shift is to move the valueas CMPAHR high byte=((0.4*55)<<8)+0180h=(22<<8)+0180h=22*256+0180h;Shifting left by8is the samemultiplying by256.=5632+0180h=1600h+0180hCMPAHR value=1780h;CMPAHR value=1700h,lower8bits will beignored by hardware.14SPRU924B–April2005–Revised September2007 High-Resolution Pulse Width Modulator(HRPWM)Submit Documentation Feedback2.3.3Duty Cycle Range Limitation=Operational Description of HRPWMNote:The MEP scale factor (MEP_SF)varies with the system clock and DSP operatingconditions.TI provides an MEP scale factor optimizing (SFO)software C function,which uses the built in diagnostics in each HRPWM and returns the best scale factor for a given operating point.The scale factor varies slowly over a limited range so the optimizing C function can be run very slowly in a background loop.The CMPA and CMPAHR registers are configured in memory so that the 32-bit data capability of the 280x CPU can write this as a single concatenated value,i.e.[CMPA:CMPAHR].The mapping scheme has been implemented in both C and assembly,as shown inSection 2.5.The actual implementation takes advantage of the 32-bit CPU architecture of the 28xx,and is somewhat different from the steps shown in Section 2.3.1.For time critical control loops where every cycle counts,the assembly version isrecommended.This is a cycle optimized function (11SYSCLKOUT cycles )that takes a Q15duty value as input and writes a single [CMPA:CMPAHR]value.In high resolution mode,the MEP is not active for 100%of the PWM period.It becomes operational:•3SYSCLK cycles after the period starts when diagnostics are disabled •6SYSCLK cycles after the period starts when SFO diagnostics are runningDuty cycle range limitations are illustrated in Figure 6.This limitation imposes a lower duty cycle limit on the MEP.For example,precision edge all the way down to 0%duty cycle.Although for the first 3or 6cycles,the HRPWM capabilities are not available,regular PWM duty control is still fully operational down to 0%duty.In most applications this should not be an issue as the controller regulation point is usually not designed to be close to 0%duty cycle.To better understand the useable duty cycle range,see Table 5.Figure 6.Low %Duty Cycle Range Limitation Example When PWM Frequency =1MHzSPRU924B–April 2005–Revised September 2007High-Resolution Pulse Width Modulator (HRPWM)15Submit Documentation Feedback30 ns2.4Scale Factor Optimizing Software (SFO)Operational Description of HRPWMTable 5.Duty Cycle Range Limitation for 3and 6SYSCLK/TBCLK CyclesPWM Frequency (1)3Cycles 6Cycles (kHz)Minimum DutyMinimum Duty2000.6% 1.4%400 1.2% 2.8%600 1.8% 4.2%800 2.4% 5.6%1000 3.0%7.0%1200 3.6%8.4%1400 4.2%9.8%1600 4.8%11.2%1800 5.4%12.6%20006.0%14.0%(1)System clock -T SYSCLKOUT =10ns System clock =TBCLK =100MHzIf the application demands HRPWM operation in the low percent duty cycle region,then the HRPWM can be configured to operate in count-down mode with the rising edge position (REP)controlled by the MEP.This is illustrated in Figure 7.In this case low percent duty limitation is no longer an issue.However,there will be a maximum duty limitation with same percent numbers as given in Table 5.Figure 7.High %Duty Cycle Range Limitation Example when PWM Frequency =1MHzThe micro edge positioner (MEP)logic is capable of placing an edge in one of 255discrete time steps.As previously mentioned,the size of these steps is on the order of 150ps.The MEP step size varies based on worst-case process parameters,operating temperature,and voltage.MEP step size increases with decreasing voltage and increasing temperature and decreases with increasing voltage and decreasing temperature.Applications that use the HRPWM feature should use the TI-supplied MEP scale factor optimizer (SFO)software functions.SFO functions help to dynamically determine the number of MEP steps per SYSCLKOUT period while the HRPWM is in operation.To utilize the MEP capabilities effectively during the Q15duty to [CMPA:CMPAHR]mapping function (see Section 2.3.2),the correct value for the MEP scaling factor (MEP_SF)needs to be known by the software.this,each HRPWM module has built in self-check and diagnostics capabilities that can be used to determine the optimum MEP_SF value for any operating condition.TI provides a C-callable library containing two SFO functions that utilize this hardware and determine the optimum MEP_SF.As such,MEP Control and Diagnostics registers are reserved for TI use.16High-Resolution Pulse Width Modulator (HRPWM)SPRU924B–April 2005–Revised September 2007Submit Documentation FeedbackOperational Description of HRPWM Currently,there are two released versions of the SFO library-SFO_TI_Build.lib and SFO_TI_Build_V5.lib.Versions2,3,and4were TI Internal only.A detailed description of the SFO_TI_Build.lib softwarefunctions follows rmation on the SFO_TI_Build_V5.lib software functions,which support up to 16HRPWM channels,can be found in Appendix B,along with a high-level comparison table between the two library versions.Note:For the F2833x floating point devices,when compiling application code for floating point(fpu32mode),libraries utilized by the application code must also be compiled for floatingpoint.The SFO_TI_Build_fpu.lib and SFO_TI_Build_V5_fpu.lib are available as thefloating point compiled equivalents to the fixed point SFO_TI_Build.lib andSFO_TI_Build_V5.lib libraries.The SFO functions in the fpu-version libraries areC-code-compatible to their fixed-point equivalents.Table6provides functional descriptions of the two SFO library routines in SFO_TI_Build.lib.Table6.SFO Library RoutinesFunction DescriptionSFO_MepDis(n)Scale Factor Optimizer with MEP DisabledThis routine runs faster,as the calibration logic works when HRPWM capabilities are disabled;therefore,HRPWM capabilities cannot be run concurrently when the ePWMn is being used.If SYSCLKOUT=TBCLK=100MHz and assuming MEP steps size is150psTypical value at100MHz=66MEP steps per unit TBCLK(10ns)The function returns a value in the variable array:MEP_ScaleFactor[n]=Number of MEP steps/SYSCLKOUTIf TBCLK is not equal to SYSCLKOUT,then the returned value must be adjusted to reflect the correct TBCLK:MEP steps per TBCLK=MEP_ScaleFactor[n]*(SYSCLKOUT/TBCLK)(1)Example:If TBCLK=SYSCLKOUT/2,MEP steps per TBCLK=MEP_ScaleFactor[n]*(100/50)=66*2=132(1)Constraints when using this function:SFO_MepDis(n)can be used with SYSCLKOUT from50MHz to100MHz(or maximum SYSCLK frequency).MEP diagnostics logic uses SYSCLKOUT not TBCLK and hence SYSCLKOUT restriction is an importantconstraint.SFO_MepDis(n)function does not require a starting Scale Factor value.When to useIf one of the ePWM modules is not used in HRPWM mode,then it can be dedicated to run the SFO diagnosticsfor the modules that are running HRPWM mode.Here the single MEP_SF value obtained can be applied toother ePWM modules.This assumes that all HRPWM module’s MEP steps are similar but may not be identical.The ePWM module that is not active in HRPWM mode is still fully operational in conventional PWM mode andcan be used to drive PWM pins.The SFO function only makes use of the MEP diagnostics logic.The other ePWM modules operating in HRPWM mode incur only a3-cycle minimum duty limitation.SFO_MepEn(n)Scale Factor Optimizer with MEP EnabledThis routine runs slower as the calibration logic is used concurrently while HRPWM capabilities are being usedby the ePWM module.If SYSCLKOUT=TBCLK=100MHz and assuming MEP steps size is150psTypical value at100MHz=66MEP steps per unit TBCLK(10ns)The function returns a value in the variable array:MEP_ScaleFactor[n](1)=Number of MEP steps/SYSCLKOUT=Number of MEP steps/TBCLKConstraints when using this function:SFO_MepEn(n)function is restricted to be used with SYSCLKOUT of60MHz-100MHz(or maximum SYSCLKfrequency).MEP diagnostics logic uses SYSCLKOUT not TBCLK and hence SYSCLKOUT restriction is animportant constraint.SFO_MepEn(n)function does require a starting Scale Factor value.MEP_ScaleFactor[0]needs to be initialized to a typical MEP step size valueWhen to use(1)n is the ePWM module number on which the SFO function operates.e.g.,n=1,2,3,or4for the F2808.Check your device data manual for device configurations.SPRU924B–April2005–Revised September2007High-Resolution Pulse Width Modulator(HRPWM)17 Submit Documentation Feedback。



TMS320x280x, 2801x, 2804x High Resolution Pulse Width Modulator (HRPWM) 用户手册HRPWM手册部分翻译(软件翻译),辅助阅读原资料。

前言---51 介绍72 HPWM的操作描述92.1控制HRPWM性能102.2配置HRPWM 112.3HRPWM原理122.4比例因子优化软件(sfo)182.5HRPWM示例使用优化的汇编代码233. HRPWM寄存器说明293.1寄存器概要293.2寄存器和字段描述30附录A SFO Library Software - SFO_TI_Build_V5.lib 33A.1 SFO库版本比较33A.2 软件用法36附录B 修订历史41前言:关于本手册本文档描述了操作的高分辨率扩展脉宽调制器(HRPWM)。

HRPWM模块的描述是一种参考指南HRPWM 0。

看到TMS320x28xx,28 xxx DSP外围参考指南(SPRU566)列表中的所有设备和一个HRPWM模块相同的类型,来确定类型,以及之间的差异为一个列表特定于设备的差异在一个类型。



HRPWM通常用在当PWM分辨率低于~ 9 - 10位。

这发生在PWM频率大于~ 200千赫当使用一个CPU /系统时钟的100 MHz。



如图1所示,TSYSCLKOUT = 10纳秒(即100 MHz时钟),有效分辨率为常规生成PWM是一个函数的PWM频率(或时间)和系统时钟频率。



9.5 整机报废……………………………………………………………...34
10 故障诊断………………………………………………………………….35
HRM02X/04X/07X 离子交换装置操作维护手册
HRM02X/04X/07X 离子交换装置 操作维护手册
10.1 概
述……………………………………… ………………………….35
7.3 与流体系统连接……………………………………………………...21
7.3.1 常规连接………………………………………………………..21
7.3.2 进口管路设计…….……………………………………………..21
7.3.3 出口管线………………………………………………………...21
7.3.4 油箱内部结构…………………………………………………...21
5.6 材料…………………………………………………………...………13
5.7 可选配件……………………………………………………………...14
6 分系统说明及安全系统………………………………………………….15
6.1 进油系统……………………………………………………………...15
6.2 驱动系统……………………………………………………………...16
8.2.4 调整排空时间………………………………………………….28
8.3 关机…………………………………………………………………...28
8.3.1 紧急关机………………………………………………………...29
8.4 设备复位……………………………………………….……………..29
9 维护保养………………………………………………………………….30

visual modflow用户手册[整理版]

visual modflow用户手册[整理版]

visual modflow用户手册[整理版] VisualMODFLOW专业地下水流动和污染物运移模拟的集成三维图形模拟环境Waterloo Hydrogeologic许可证Waterloo Hydrogeologic公司(WHI)保留这个软件复制品的所有权。




Waterloo Hydrogeologic公司授权你可以复制软件的文档副本。

说该软件“象一本书”, Waterloo Hydrogeologic公司的意思是,比如,任何人可以使用该软件,并且它可以自由地从一台计算机移到另一台计算机上,只要它不是同时在两台计算机上使用。


特别是,你不能出售、出租、分发下一级许可、或租借本软件或其文档;在没有得到Waterloo Hydrogeologic公司书面同意以前不能对该软件或文献做篡改、修订、或摘用,包括,但不仅限于翻译、反编译、反汇编、或制造下游产品。

所提供的软件和文档包含有商业秘密,持证者同意在没有得到Waterloo Hydrogeologic公司书面同意以前不会将这些商业秘密对非持证者公开。

2、保证Waterloo Hydrogeologic公司保证,在正常使用情况下,从购买之日起30天内磁盘材料和文件在材料和制造工艺上不会受到损坏,一旦材料和制造工艺上有缺损,Waterloo Hydrogeologic公司将给你替换缺损的磁盘和文件。





WinDump使用提示基本用法:windump [ -aBdDeflnNOpqRStvxX ] [ -c count ] [ -F file ] [ -i interface ] [ -m module ] [ -r file ] [ -s snaplen ] [ -T type ] [ -w file ] [ -E algo:secret ] [ expression ]主要参数有选项和表达式两类。

下面说明几个必要的选项和表达式:-i 指定要监听的网络接口,可以使用windump -D 列出当前系统中所有的网络设备接口,不指定的话是设备列表中找得的第一个。

例如:./WinDump.exe -D1."Device"NPF_GenericNdisWanAdapter (Generic NdisWan adapter)2."Device"NPF_{6AA36CF4-E4FD-49BF-93E5-DC29AB8A3AA5} (SiS NIC SISNIC (Microsoft' s Packet Scheduler) )则./WinDump.exe./WinDump.exe -i 1./WinDump.exe -i ""Device""NPF_GenericNdisWanAdapter都是监听第一个网络接口设备Generic NdisWan adapter。

./WinDump.exe -i 2./WinDump.exe -i ""Device""NPF_{6AA36CF4-E4FD-49BF-93E5-DC29AB8A3AA5}都是监听第二个网络接口设备SiS NIC SISNIC (Microsoft' s Packet Scheduler)。




WPM参数管理系统软件安装及登录1.登陆http:// ,下载Cllient.zip压缩包后解压缩并按照提示安装WPM2.安装完成后,运行“WPM”程序,在弹出的WPM登陆界面中输入用户名:Administrator(A大写),密码:11111111,服务器地址:,连接:直接连接WPM界面介绍登录WPM后,客户端界面如图1所示,WPM界面说明请参见表1。

图1 WPM客户端界面客户端界面中的菜单栏是系统的主菜单,按照系统的主要功能进行组织。













操作结果选择“查询 > 参数查询 > 参数显示在行”菜单查询时,查询结果显示为上下两部分:上半部分为显示参数在系统的取值,下半部分显示参数的修改记录。











例如:我们要做一条2007年完成的英武至柏果的公路项目设计,首先建立项目文件夹,打开D :公路\2007年完成,新建一个文件夹,将文件夹命名为:英武至柏果公路。




3编辑器里编辑如图1-4,1-5右行车道、右路肩,一般路幅数为4幅)格式为:起点桩号 左土路肩宽度 左行车道宽度 右行车道宽度 右土路肩宽度;终点桩号 左土路肩宽度 左行车道宽度 右行车道宽度 件输入格式为:起点桩号 左土路肩横披 左行车道横披 右行车道横披 右土路肩横披;终点桩号 左土路肩横披 左行车道横披 右行车道横披 右土路肩横披,横披单位为%,输完之后(图1-4)(图1-5)第二章平面2.1 交点线文件输入:交点线文件输入有2如图2-1号、来向边长、去向偏角、圆曲线半径等内容,1、角度(方位角、偏角)用度(D)、分(F)、秒(M)的拼音的第一个字母表示,如:30D45F56.78M,表示30度45分56.78秒。





1.1.2系统操作前提条件操作过程公司菜单路径:SAP菜单->组织管理->信息维护->组织/岗位更改事务代码:PPOME双击“组织/岗位更改”,进入下一页面;图1进入“组织和工作人员更改”界面,点击“结构搜索”,从搜索结果中选择需要创建的组织机构的上级机构,双击后显示在右侧界面;图2点击“”按钮,创建新的组织机构,选择下级单位,进入下一页面;图3维护新建组织机构的相关属性;图 4详细说明:维护顺序维护属性需维护数据项1 基本数据组织单元,有效期,描述2 地址街道,城市,邮政编码,国家,电话号码,传真3 单位属性批准单位层级,营业执照登,地址,法人代表,公司类型,经营范围4 部门属性部门层级,人员编制(单位:人),是否虚岗,备注表1维护完成后,点击“”按钮,屏幕左下方显示数据已保存。

图 5若要创建其它组织机构,重复上述操作;后续业务1.1.3特殊说明因为误操作,创建了不该创建的组织机构,可以采用以下操作进行组织机构的删除,此操作不同于组织机构撤销。

腾源 365人力资源管理软件 说明书

腾源 365人力资源管理软件 说明书

目录1 产品简介 (7)2 特性与优点 (7)3系统配置 (8)3.1数据库/应用服务器硬件配置 (8)3.2软件支持环境 (8)4文档说明 (8)4.1通用图标说明 (8)4.2 专用符号说明 (9)4.3产品功能概述 (9)5 【首页】 (11)5.1 快捷菜单 (11)5.2 模块视图 (11)5.3 公司新闻及最新提示 (11)5.3.1合同、试用、生日提醒的设置 (11)5.3.2 自定义日期字段提醒的设置 (11)6 【员工】 (12)6.1新员工入职 (12)6.1.1新增员工基本资料 (12)6.1.2员工附加资料的设置 (12)6.1.3员工人事档案的设置 (13)6.2员工管理 (14)6.2.1员工查询 (14)6.2.2员工信息导出 (14)6.2.3员工信息导入 (14)6.2.4员工离职 (15)6.2.5员工变动 (15)6.2.6员工删除 (15)6.3合同管理 (16)6.3.1员工合同的查询 (16)6.3.2员工合同的创建 (16)6.3.3员工合同的续签 (17)6.3.4员工合同的修改、删除、解除 (17)6.3.5员工合同的数据导出 (17)6.4离职员工管理 (18)6.4.1离职员工的查询 (18)6.4.2离职员工的删除 (18)6.4.3离职员工的数据导出 (19)6.4.4批量复职 (19)6.5我的资料 (19)6.5.1 查看基本资料、附加资料、人事档案 (19)6.5.2 查看员工资料卡 (19)6.6档案管理 (20)6.6.1员工人事合同的查询 (20)6.6.2员工变动记录的查询 (20)6.6.3员工考评记录的查询 (21)6.6.4员工奖惩记录的查询 (21)6.6.5员工离职记录的查询 (22)6.7员工通讯录 (22)6.7.1员工通讯录的查询 (22)6.8员工报表 (23)6.8.1在职员工分析报表 (23)6.8.2在职员工详细分析报表 (23)6.8.3员工离职率分析报表 (23)6.9组织结构管理 (23)6.9.1组织结构设置 (24)6.9.2 岗位设置 (24)6.9.3 用工形式及地区设置 (25)6.10组织结构负责人 (25)6.10.1 公司负责人的设置 (25)7【薪资】 (26)7.1薪资设置 (26)7.1.1 薪资级别设置 (26)7.1.2 社保种类设置 (26)7.1.3 薪资帐套项目的设置 (27)7.2薪资设置 (27)7.2.1 新增薪资帐套 (27)7.2.2 修改薪资帐套 (28)7.2.3 复制薪资帐套 (28)7.2.4 删除薪资帐套 (28)7.2.5 查询薪资帐套 (29)7.3 员工薪资配置 (29)7.3.1 添加员工薪资配置 (29)7.3.2 修改员工薪资配置 (30)7.3.3 删除员工薪资配置 (30)7.3.4 批量修改员工薪资配置 (30)7.3.5 导出员工薪资配置 (31)7.3.6 导入员工薪资配置 (31)7.3.7查看员工薪资配置 (31)7.4 每月薪资发放 (31)7.4.1 初始化本月薪资发放数据 (32)7.4.2 重新初始化薪资发放数据 (32)7.4.3 查看薪资发放数据 (33)7.4.4 查看员工薪资配置信息 (33)7.4.5 修改每月薪资发放数据 (33)7.4.6 批量修改每月薪资发放数据 (33)7.4.7 导入每月薪资发放数据 (33)7.4.8封帐 (34)7.4.9 查看员工薪资发放数据 (34)7.4.10 导出员工薪资发放数据 (34)7.5 员工调薪计划 (35)7.5.1 添加员工调薪计划 (35)7.5.2 修改员工调薪计划 (35)7.5.3 删除员工调薪计划 (36)7.6调薪历史查询 (36)7.6.1 导出员工调薪历史 (36)7.7 我的薪资配置 (36)7.7.1 查看员工薪资发放列表 (36)7.8我的薪资发放 (36)7.8.1 查看员工薪资发放列表 (37)7.8.2 导出员工薪资发放数据 (37)7.8.3 平均工资计算 (37)7.9 薪资综合报表 (37)7.9.1 薪资配置分析报表 (37)7.9.2 薪资历史分析报表 (38)7.9.3人工成本分析报表 (38)8【考勤】 (39)8.1 考勤设置 (39)8.1.1 员工休假管理 (39)8.1.2 假期日历设置 (39)8.1.3 审批限额设置 (40)8.1.4 考勤班次设置 (41)8.2 考勤申请 (42)8.2.1提交请假申请 (42)8.2.2提交加班申请 (42)8.3 经理审批 (42)8.3.1审批请假申请 (43)8.3.2审批加班申请 (43)8.4 HR备案 (43)8.4.1 备案请假申请 (44)8.4.2备案加班申请 (44)8.5 我的请假加班 (44)8.5.1 我的请假列表 (45)8.5.2 我的加班列表 (45)8.6 请假加班列表 (45)8.6.1 经理查询下属员工的请假记录 (46)8.6.2 经理查询下属员工的加班记录 (46)8.6.3 HR查询所有员工的请假列表 (46)8.6.4 H R查询所有员工的加班列表 (47)8.7 每日考勤记录 (47)8.7.1 查看每日考勤记录 (47)8.7.2 导出每日考勤记录 (48)8.8 每月考勤汇总 (48)8.8.1 查看每月考勤数据 (48)8.8.2 重新初始化每月考勤数据 (48)8.8.3 每月考勤数据封帐申请 (49)8.8.4 每月考勤数据封帐 (49)8.8.5 每月考勤数据解封 (49)8.9 考勤报表 (49)8.9.1报表的查看 (49)9【报表】 (51)9.1 员工报表 (51)9.1.1在职员工分析报表 (51)9.1.2在职员工详细分析报表 (51)9.1.3员工离职率分析报表 (51)9.2 薪资报表 (51)9.2.1 薪资配置分析 (52)9.2.2 薪资历史分析 (52)9.2.3 人工成本分析 (52)9.3 考勤报表 (52)9.4 自定义报表 (52)9.4.1 自定义报表查询 (53)9.4.2 新建自定义报表 (53)9.4.3 修改自定义报表 (54)9.4.4 运行自定义报表 (54)9.4.5 删除自定义报表 (54)10 【信息中心】 (55)10.1 公司信息种类 (55)10.1.1 查询公司信息 (55)10.1.2公司信息种类的增、删、改、排序管理 (55)10.2 新增公司信息 (55)10.3 公司信息 (56)10.3.1查询公司信息 (56)10.3.2快速修改公司信息 (56)10.3.3完全修改公司信息 (56)10.3.4删除公司信息 (57)10.4 邮件通知 (57)10.5 修改密码 (57)11 【系统】 (55)11.1 用户管理 (58)11.1.1用户查询 (58)11.1.2创建用户 (58)11.1.3用户密码修改 (59)11.1.4 用户角色修改 (59)11.1.5 用户删除、登录限制、用户状态修改 (59)11.2.1 角色创建 (60)11.2.2 角色修改 (60)11.2.3 角色删除 (60)11.2.4 权限查看 (60)11.2.5 角色详细信息查看 (60)11.3 备份与还原 (60)11.3.1数据库备份 (61)11.3.2 数据库还原 (61)11.3.3 数据库删除 (61)11.4 日志管理 (61)11.4.1 查看日志 (61)11.4.2 清除日志 (61)11.5 数据清理 (61)11.5.1查询垃圾数据 (62)11.5.2删除垃圾数据 (62)11.6 系统邮件管理 (62)11.6.1查询系统邮件 (62)11.6.2重发单个系统邮件 (62)11.6.3批量重发系统邮件 (62)11.6.4删除单个系统邮件 (63)11.6.5批量删除系统邮件 (63)11.6.6预览系统邮件内容 (63)11.6.7设置电子邮件模板 (63)11.7 基础表格设置 (64)11.7.1 设置合同种类 (64)11.7.2 设置加薪类型 (64)11.7.3 设置休假种类 (64)11.7.4 设置加班类型 (64)11.7.5 设置员工自定义 (65)11.7.6 设置考勤自定义 (66)11.8 系统参数设置 (66)11.8.1 设置员工模块参数 (66)11.8.2 设置薪资模块参数 (67)11.8.3 设置考勤基础参数 (67)11.8.4设置考勤高级参数 (67)11.8.5设置邮箱参数 (67)11.8.6设置系统模块参数 (68)11.9 数据接口配置 (68)11.9.1 修改接口(查看接口信息) (68)11.10【公司注册信息】 (68)11.10.1测试服务器连接 (69)11.10.2注册365HRM (69)11.10.3激活365HRM (69)12.2 365HRM配置 (76)12.3 相关应用软件安装 (82)12.3.1 Windows下的JDK1.5的安装 (82)12.3.2 Linux下的JDK1.5的安装 (83)12.3.3 Windows下的mysql安装 (84)12.3.4 Linux下的mysql安装 (86)12.3.5 Windows下的tomcat安装 (87)12.3.6 Linux下的tomcat的安装 (88)12.3.7 安装365HRM及配置WEB运行环境 (89)12.3.8 WEB运行环境常见问题 (89)12.3.9卸载365HRM系统 (91)12.4安装365hrm遇到防火墙拦截处理方法 (92)附件一薪资帐套公式说明 (98)附件二班次、排班说明 (103)意见反馈及客户服务联系方式 (108)1 产品简介365人力资源管理软件(以下简称365HRM)是上海腾源软件有限公司在积累大量用户需求的基础上,结合多年HR软件的研发经验,最新推出的网络版eHR产品。

HR ERP 门户供应商用户手册说明书

HR ERP 门户供应商用户手册说明书

HR ERPPortalHR ENTERPRISE RESOURCEPLANNINGVendor ManualPoweredBy:Figure-1Step 4: Once, Vendor login option selected, enter user name and password, then click on “Sign in” button as shown in figure.On successful login the Vendor Dashboard page will appear as shown in Figure-2.Figure-2Figure-31.1 LanguageChangeOn successful login you can change application to preferred language Kannada to English or English to Kannada. As shown in figure-4Figure-4Figure-5Navigation Drawer (menus): The left side Navigation Drawer contains the following options (Menus).1. D ashboard2.Candidates3.ServiceorderFigure-6Vendor need to enter the required details of the candidates then need to click on submit as shown in below figures, figure-7 and figure-8.Figure-7Figure-8Vendor need to click on Candidates list to view the list of candidates and they can click on Edit to update the candidate details as shown in below figure-9.After editing the candidate details need to click on submit.Figure-9Figure-10The Deployment module to deploy the candidates who are eligible for the post according to the service order received for the manpower supply service from KEONICS. This has the SO number, SO Date and Department Name, SO start date, end date and total requested candidates and deployed candidates and status as shown in figure-11.Figure-11Figure-12Step 1: Clic k on “Select Candidates” Button.Step 2:Select the candidates from the list, according to the post suitability. As shown in figure-13.Figure-13Figure-14Once deployment letter is digitally signed by the assistant manager you can download it byclicking on download in action.Figure-15Figure-151) Search button present allows searching a Service order id, Departmentname.2) “SO number” and “SO date” link shows the service order that receivedform the KEONICS3) Department links opens the Deployment status along with the deployedcandidate names.Figure-16Step 1:Click on “Submit” button to fill the attendance of the candidate.By clicking on the “Submit” button, attendance sheet will be open to fill the attendance and upload the soft copy of the attendance sheet. As shown in figure-17.Figure-17Step 2: Fill the present days out of total working dayStep 3: according to the candidate working days Month gross salary, Billing CTC, ESI, PF shown in the Billing Amount (CTC). As shown in figure-17.Step 4: Click on submit if the provided details are correct.Figure-211) Search button present allows searching a Department name, Service Ordernumber. As shown in figure-21.2) “SO number” , “SO date” and “Department Name” link shows theservice order that received form the KEONICS3) When click on the “Create Invoice” button.The “Create Invoice” button opens a page with list of invoices need to be submitted to KEONICS as shown in figure-22PortalFigure-22Step 1: Select the month for which invoice need to be submitted.Step 2: Put the invoice number that you have prepared for submission.Step 3: Invoice date that you have prepared to submit it to KEONICS.Step 4: Upload the soft copy of the invoice that is prepared.Step 5: Finally confirm the invoice value for the final confirmation.Step 6:And click on “Submit Invoice” button.Figure-231) “Search” button present allows to Department name, Service Order number.2) “Submitted” link opens the new page containing the summary details of thesubmitted invoice as shown in figure-24Figure-24Figure-25Click on the “Salary Months” vendor is providing the monthly salary details, ESI, EPF and PT that are paid to candidates.Once the Salary is processed for the first month need to pay the candidate ESI, PF and PT. Upon successful payment need to fill each candidate ESI, PF and PT of each month as shown in figure -26Figure-26Figure-27Step 2: upload the Paid challens and ECR copies to verificationStep 3:Click on “Submit” once ESI, PF and PT transaction details and amount is filled.Step 4: Once vendor transfers salary to candidates Vendor need to enter the salary details likeFigure-28Note: If the ESI,EPF & PT not verified you cannot create the Invoice of the next month TicketsThis feature helps to the department which they have queries regarding the against the statutory payments or deployment letter, if they have raised tickets the vendor can view the tickets as shown in figure-29Figure-29。







软件的卸载如果您不需要再使用此软件,并希望从计算机中删除掉,则可执行以下操作:退出《海君人力资源管理系统》,进入开始——-控制面板—-—添加/删除程序卸载数据库:选择《Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine(HJ_hr)》项目,点击删除.卸载考勤软件:选择《海君人力资源管理系统》,点击删除,就可以卸载软件了。





1. 新建工程打开海迈清单计价软件,单击工具栏中的新建工程快捷按钮弹出工程台帐管理窗口如图2-1所示:选择计价模式及费用定额,然后选择工程模板,单击【新建】即可完成。


2. 输入工程概况主要用于录入工程基本信息,设置工程相关属性、参数。

(1)概况:选择工程实体左边工程树的项目层次,然后单击右边的【工程概况】页签,再单击【概况】子页签切换到概况界面,如图2-3所示:这里介绍几个比较重要的设置:1) 选择报告期文件:单击隐藏的三点式按钮件窗口,如图2-4所示:弹出选择报告期文海迈清单计价软件支持使用多报告期。


2) 选择费用表:根据工程所在地选择相应的费用表。













人力资源管理系统用户手册目录1.1编写目的 (3)1.2项目背景 (3)1。

3定义 (3)1。

4参考资料 (3)2软件概述 (3)2。

1功能 (3)2.2性能 (4)2.2.1 数据精确度 (4)2.2。

2 时间特性 (4)2。


3 适应性 (4)2.2。

4 安全保密 (4)3运行环境 (5)3.1硬件环境 (5)3。

2软件环境 (5)4安装及初始化 (5)4.1安装准备 (5)4.2安装步骤 (6)4.3初始化设置 (6)前言1.1编写目的阐明编写本文档的目的,指出读者对象。



HRM:Human Resource Management 人力资源管理系统.1.4参考资料列出有关资料的作者、标题、编号、发表日期、出版单位或资料来源,可包括:a.本项目经核准的工作任务陈述、合同或上级机关的批文;b。






安世亚太Oracle HRMS工程用户操作手册薪酬作者: <Author>创建日期: 01-1月-0001最后更新: 24-Feb-2022操纵编码:版本:审批:<汉得工程经理><安世亚太工程经理>Copy Number _____文档操纵变更历史审阅分发人员Note to Holder:If you receive an electronic copy of this document and print it out, please writeyour name on the equivalent of the cover page, for document control purposes.If you receive a hard copy of this document, please write your name on the frontcover, for document control purposes.目录文档操纵 (3)编写说明 (5)目的 (5)利用对象 (5)一、全然概念及通用操作 (6)系统界面 (6)二、薪酬体系成立 (9)概念公司付款方式 (9)概念工资单 (9)概念要素 (9)概念要素链接 (9)概念余额 (10)概念公式 (10)概念公式结果 (15)概念社保比例/基数 (16)概念全局值 (17)概念薪金基准 (17)概念表构造 (17)概念表值 (19)概念社保公积金比例 (20)概念社保公积金基数方式 (20)三、工资计算流程 (21)员工分派工资单 (21)员工职位工资起薪 (21)员工职位工资调薪 (21)录入人员薪酬数据 (21)工资单运行 (22)查询工资单结果 (22)回退工资单运行 (22)快速支付〔计算单人工资〕 (22)预付款 (23)直接存款 (23)工资单存档 (23)回退 (23)已解决/未解决问题 (24)未解决问题 (24)已解决问题 (24)编写说明目的本文档为最终用户的操作手册,操作的描述结合了安世亚太的所利用的OracleHRMS系统、方案和实际治理制度。



易管家HRM帮助手册厦门中软百科信息技术有限公司目录1 系统功能 (5)1.1 单机模式 (5)1.2 网络模式 (5)1.3 共享文件方式 (5)1.4 局域网模式的参数 (6)1.5 互联网模式的参数 (6)1.6 删除演示数据 (7)1.7 多帐套 (7)1.8 数据的导出 (7)1.9 业务功能 (7)1.10 准备工作 (7)2 人事资料 (8)2.1 员工资料 (8)2.1.1 定义公司和部门信息 (8)2.1.2 新增员工 (9)2.1.3 修改员工资料 (9)2.1.4 删除员工资料 (9)2.2 调岗调职 (10)2.2.1 限制查询 (10)2.3 调岗调职 (10)2.3.1 调动岗位职位 (10)2.4 人事合同 (11)3 工资管理 (11)3.1 基本概念 (11)3.2 使用过程 (12)3.3 工资单引用其他数据 (12)3.3.1 考勤数据 (12)3.3.2 历史月数据 (13)3.3.3 工资标准 (13)3.3.4 保险数据 (13)3.3.5 绩效累积分考核 (13)3.3.6 其他数据接口 (13)3.3.7 直接导入 (13)3.4 工资科目 (13)3.5 套餐设置 (14)3.6 工资录入 (15)3.7 工资单列表 (15)3.8 工资单邮件发送接口 (16)3.9 工资单短信发送接口 (16)4 人力资源管理 (17)4.1 数据字典 (17)4.2 技能定义 (17)4.3 招聘计划 (17)4.4 应聘人员 (18)4.5 录入应聘人员 (18)4.6 转换人才库 (18)4.7 黑名单 (18)4.8 日常费用管理 (19)5 考勤管理 (19)5.1 基本说明 (19)5.2 基本参数 (19)5.2.1 迟到最小分钟数 (19)5.2.2 早退最小分钟数 (19)5.2.3 加班最小分钟数 (20)5.2.4 正常上班折合小时 (20)5.2.5 下次打卡最小间隔 (20)5.2.6 考勤加班取整方式 (20)5.3 考勤机自定义 (20)5.4 计算规则 (21)5.5 发卡补卡管理 (22)5.6 班次定义 (22)5.6.1 提前是否计入 (22)5.6.2 延后是否计入 (22)5.6.3 刷卡方式 (23)5.6.4 是否加班 (23)5.6.5 折算系数 (23)5.6.6 时间跨度限制 (23)5.7 一些处理规则 (23)5.8 日帐和月帐 (23)5.9 使用过程 (24)5.9.1 配置数据 (24)5.9.2 日常操作 (24)5.10 如何配置考勤机 (24)5.11 配置文本接口 (24)5.12 考勤机驱动知识 (24)5.12.1 中控指纹考勤机 (24)5.13 为什么我考勤台帐里面没有记录? (25)5.14 为什么采集了也处理了但台帐里没有设置上时间? (25)6 绩效考核 (25)6.1 考核指标 (25)6.2 考核方案 (26)6.3 批次管理 (26)6.5 累计分管理 (27)7 秘书功能 (28)7.1文档管理 (28)7.2知识树 (28)7.3消息管理 (29)7.4任务管理 (30)7.5办公事务 (30)8 配置管理 (30)8.1 服务器配置(局域网/互联网配置) (30)8.2 角色配置 (31)8.3 操作员设置 (31)8.4 备份管理 (31)8.4.1 备份 (31)8.4.2 恢复 (32)8.5 数据安全 (32)8.6 压缩数据库 (33)8.7 打印模板 (33)8.7.1 生成打印模板 (33)8.7.2 设为默认模板 (33)8.7.3 图片对象 (33)8.7.4 异常情况 (33)8.7.5 一单多联的支持 (34)8.7.6 初始化导入 (34)8.8 批量修改导入 (34)8.8.1 插入模式 (35)8.8.2 先行删除 (35)8.8.3 更新模式 (35)8.9 显示定制 (35)8.10 浏览器访问 (35)9 脚本语言 (35)9.1 语法介绍 (35)9.1.1 类型 (35)9.1.2 运算 (36)9.1.3 控制 (36)9.1.4 内置函数 (37)9.1.5 自定义函数 (37)9.1.6 注释 (37)9.2 内置函数 (37)10 系统问题 (41)10.1 无法用excel导出导入 (41)10.2 用户名和密码都正确,却无法登录 (41)1系统功能系统支持单机模式运行和网络模式运行,功能上没有任何区别1.1 单机模式运行oclient.exe只需要选择对应的数据库文件,注意一定不要打开网络共享文件,很容易产生安全问题。






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TMS320x280x, 2801x, 2804x High Resolution Pulse Width Modulator (HRPWM) 用户手册HRPWM手册部分翻译(软件翻译),辅助阅读原资料。

前言---51 介绍72 HPWM的操作描述92.1控制HRPWM性能102.2配置HRPWM 112.3HRPWM原理122.4比例因子优化软件(sfo)182.5HRPWM示例使用优化的汇编代码233. HRPWM寄存器说明293.1寄存器概要293.2寄存器和字段描述30附录A SFO Library Software - SFO_TI_Build_V5.lib 33A.1 SFO库版本比较33A.2 软件用法36附录B 修订历史41前言:关于本手册本文档描述了操作的高分辨率扩展脉宽调制器(HRPWM)。

HRPWM模块的描述是一种参考指南HRPWM 0。

看到TMS320x28xx,28 xxx DSP外围参考指南(SPRU566)列表中的所有设备和一个HRPWM模块相同的类型,来确定类型,以及之间的差异为一个列表特定于设备的差异在一个类型。



HRPWM通常用在当PWM分辨率低于~ 9 - 10位。

这发生在PWM频率大于~ 200千赫当使用一个CPU /系统时钟的100 MHz。



如图1所示,TSYSCLKOUT = 10纳秒(即100 MHz时钟),有效分辨率为常规生成PWM是一个函数的PWM频率(或时间)和系统时钟频率。

设SYSCLKOUT=100MHZ TPWM=100KHZ 100K/100M*100%=0.1%如果所需的PWM操作频率不提供足够的决议在PWM方式,您可能想要考虑HRPWM。


这些值假设一个100 MHz SYSCLK频率和一个MEP步骤大小为180 ps。





时间步精度在订购150 ps。












•TBPHSHR -时间基础阶段高分辨率的寄存器•CMPAHR -计数器比较一个高分辨率的寄存器配置HRPWM一旦ePWM配置为提供传统的PWM给定的频率和极性,HRPWM配置通过编程使HRCNFG寄存器位于偏移地址20小时。


FE 和RE用于电力拓扑要求占空比控制,而BE用于拓扑要求移相,如移相全桥(PSFB)。








MEP 工程与TBM和CCM寄存器来确定时间步骤优化应用,边缘位置精度保持在一个广泛的PWM频率、系统时钟频率和其他操作条件。


(1)系统频率= SYSCLKOUT,即CPU时钟。


(2)表数据基于MEP时间分辨率为180 ps(这是一个示例值,请参见特定于设备的数据表为MEP限制。

(3)MEP步骤应用= TSYSCLKOUT / 180 ps在这个例子中。

(4)PWM最低频率是基于最大时间值,即TBPRD = 65535。



2.3.1边缘定位在一个典型的功率控制回路(例如,开关模式,数字电动机控制(DMC)、不间断电源供应(UPS)、一个数字控制器(PID,2极/ 2 零,滞后/超前等)问题,通常一种责任命令表示在每单位或百分比。

假设为一个特定的操作点,要求工作周期是0.405或40.5%在时间和所需的变频器PWM频率是1.25 MHz。

在传统的PWM生成系统时钟的100 MHz,工作周期的选择是附近40.5%。

在图5中,一个比较值的32项(即,责任= 40%)是最接近40.5%,你可以实现。

这相当于一个320ns的边缘位置,而不是所需的324 ns。



表4显示了,除了衍生价值,22个步骤的MEP(CMPAHR寄存器)将位置在323.96 ns边缘,导致几乎零错误。

在这个例子中,假定MEP有一个步骤分辨率为180 p。

(1)系统时钟,SYSCLKOUT和TBCLK = 100 MHz,10 ns(2)对于一个寄存器值80 PWM时期计数、PWM期= 80 x 10纳秒= 800 ns、PWM频率= 1/800 = 1.25 MHz ns(3)假设MEP步长对上述例子= 180 p看到特定于设备的数据手册典型和最大MEP值。








System clock , SYSCLKOUT = 10 ns (100 MHz)PWM frequency = 1.25 MHz (1/800 ns)Required PWM duty cycle, PWMDuty = 0.405 (40.5%)PWM period in terms of coarse steps, = 80PWMperiod (800 ns/10 ns)Number of MEP steps per coarse step at = 55180 ps (10 ns /180 ps ), MEP_ScaleFactorValue to keep CMPAHR within the range of1-255 and fractional rounding constant(default value) = 1.5 (0180h in Q8 format)步骤1:Percentage Integer Duty value conversion for CMPA registerCMPA register value = int(PWMDuty*PWMperiod); int means integer part(取整数部分)= int(0.405*80 )= int(32.4 )CMPA register value = 32 (20h)步骤2: Fractional value conversion for CMPAHR registerCMPAHR register value = (frac(PWMDuty*PWMperiod)*MEP_ScaleFactor+1.5) << 8); frac means fractional part= (frac(32.4) *55 + 1.5) <<8 Shift is to move the value as CMPAHR high byte= (0.4 * 55 + 1.5) <<8= (22 + 1.5) <<8= 23.5 * 256; Shifting left by 8 is the same as multiplying by 256.= 6016 CMPAHR value = 1780h CMPAHR value = 1700h , lower 8 bits will be ignored by hardware.(低8位被硬件忽略)注意:MEP比例因子(MEP_ScaleFactor)随系统时钟和DSP操作条件。

