
Visiable line at material joint area due to release of internal stress. Gloss different due to internal stress releasing after painting at gate area, weld line, etc.
Rg Code Name Defect Name 201 Color Different/色差 202 Gloss Different/光泽差 Matting/麻点 203 Orange peel/橘皮 204 205 Runs/挂流 206 Miss Painting/漏喷 207 Over Painting/过喷 208 Air Bubble/气泡 Impurity/杂质 209 210 Scratch/划伤 Shiny Mark/亮斑 211
Defect Description A moderate depression on the surface of a part. The part is bent, twisted. Excess material not supposed to be on the part. Injection of the part is not complete. Line of joining of material Colour tone differences by the injection point. Colour tone differences in the surface. Blackened and burnt areas Colour tone stripes or dots in the surface Abrasion, groove on the surface. deviations appearing as shiny areas from the defined roughness of the surface. Air bubble on the surface Color deviation from target color Deviation from defined surface texture. Visible particles in or on the surface such as black dot, white dot, dust, grease, etc. Bump on the surface due to ejecting the part. A recess on the surface Ink was washed on the printing Caused by label is bigger than cavity Caused by label is smaller than cavity Handling Issue Logo, artwork position deviation Damage due to handling, transportation or packaging. The transparency on lens is not good. Missing material step due to slide not at the same level.

常用英语词汇与缩写:Accuracy:精度Additive Process:加成工艺Adhesion:附着力Aerosol:气溶剂Angle of attack:迎角Anisotropic adhesive:各异向性胶Annular ring:环状圈Application specific integrated circuit :ASIC特殊应用集成电路Array:列阵Artwork:布线图Automated test equipment:ATE自动测试设备Bond lift-off:焊接升离Bonding agent:粘合剂CAD/CAM system:计算机辅助设计与制造系统Capillary action:毛细管作用Chip on board :COB板面芯片Circuit tester:电路测试机Cladding:覆盖层Cold cleaning:冷清洗Cold solder joint:冷焊锡点Conductive epoxy:导电性环氧树脂Conductive ink:导电墨水Conformal coating:共形涂层Copper foil:铜箔Copper mirror test:铜镜测试Cure:烘焙固化AOI(Automatic optical inspection):自动光学检查Assembly:组件ATE(Automated test equipment):自动测试设备Bare Chip:裸芯片BGA(Ball grid array)球栅列阵Blind via:盲孔Blowholes:吹孔Bridge:锡桥Bridging:搭锡bulk feeder:散装式供料器Buried via:埋孔Chamber System:炉膛系统Chip:片状元件Circuit tester:电路测试机cleaning after soldering:焊后清洗Cold solder joint:冷焊锡点Component Check:元件检查Component density:元件密度Component Pick-Up:元件拾取Component Transport:元件传送Component:元件convection reflow soldering:热对流再流焊Copper Clad Laminates:覆铜箔层压板Copper foil:铜箔Copper mirror test:铜镜测试CSP(Chip Scale Package):芯片规模的封装CTE(Coefficient of the thermal expansion):温度膨胀系数Cure:烘焙固化Cursting:发生皮层Cycle rate:循环速率Data recorder:数据记录器Defect:缺陷Delamination:分层Desoldering:卸焊Dewetting:去湿DFM:为制造着想的设计Dispersant:分散剂Documentation:文件编制Downtime:停机时间Durometer:硬度计Desoldering:卸焊Device:器件Dewetting:缩锡DIP:双列直插Downtime:停机时间Dpm(defects per million):百万缺陷率dual wave soldering:双波峰焊Dull Joint:焊点灰暗Environmental test:环境测试Eutectic solders:共晶焊锡Excessive Paste:膏量太多FCT(Functional test):功能测试feeder holder:供料器架feeders:供料器Fiducial:基准点Fillet:焊角Fine-pitch technology :FPT密脚距技术Fixture:夹具Flexibility:柔性flexible stencil:柔性金属漏版Flip chip:倒装芯片flux bubbles:焊剂气泡flying:飞片FPT(Fine-pitch technology):密脚距技术Full liquidus temperature:完全液化温度Golden boy:金样Fundamentals of Solders and Soldering焊料及焊接基础知识Soldering Theory焊接理论Microstructure and Soldering显微结构及焊接Effect of Elemental Constituents on Wetting焊料成分对润湿的影响Effect of Impurities on Soldering杂质对焊接的影响Solder Paste Technology焊膏工艺Solder Powder 锡粉Solder Paste Rheology锡膏流变学Solder Paste Composition & Manufacturing锡膏成分和制造SMT Problems Occurred Prior to Reflow回流前SMT问题Flux Separation助焊剂分离Paste Hardening焊膏硬化Poor Stencil Life网板寿命问题Poor Print Thickness印刷厚度不理想Poor Paste Release From Squeegee锡膏脱离刮刀问题Smear印锡模糊Insufficiency锡不足Needle Clogging针孔堵塞Slump塌落Low Tack低粘性Short Tack Time 粘性时间短SMT Problems Occurred During Reflow回流过程中的SMT问题Cold Joints冷焊Nonwetting不润湿Dewetting反润湿Leaching浸析Intermetallics金属互化物Tombstoning立碑Skewing歪斜Wicking焊料上吸Bridging桥连Voiding空洞Opening开路Solder Balling锡球Solder Beading锡珠Spattering飞溅SMT Problems Occurred at Post Reflow Stage回流后问题White Residue白色残留物Charred Residue炭化残留物Poor Probing Contact探针测接问题Surface Insulation Resistance or Electrochemical Migration Failure表面绝缘阻抗或电化迁移缺陷Delamination/Voiding/Non-curing Of Conformal Coating/Encapsulants分层/空洞/敷形涂覆或包封的固化问题Challenges at BGA and CSP Assembly and Rework Stage BGA、CSP组装和翻修的挑战Starved Solder Joint少锡焊点Poor Self-Alignment自对位问题Poor Wetting润湿不良Voiding空洞Bridging桥连Uneven Joint Height焊点高度不均Open开路Popcorn and Delamination爆米花和分层Solder Webbing锡网Solder Balling锡球Problems Occurred at Flip Chip Reflow Attachment倒装晶片回流期间发生的问题Misalignment位置不准Poor Wetting润湿不良Solder Voiding空洞Underfill Voiding底部填充空洞Bridging桥连Open开路Underfill Crack底部填充裂缝Delamination分层)Filler Segregation填充分离Insufficient Underfilling底部填充不充分Optimizing Reflow Profile via Defect Mechanisms Analysis回流曲线优化与缺陷机理分析Flux Reaction助焊剂反应Peak Temperature峰值温度Cooling Stage冷却阶段Heating Stage加热阶段Timing Considerations时间研究Optimization of Profile曲线优化Comparison with Conventional Profiles与传统曲线的比较Discussion讨论Implementing Linear Ramp Up Profile斜坡式曲线general placement equipment:中速贴装机Golden boy:金样Halides:卤化物Hard water:硬水Hardener:硬化剂high speed placement equipment:高速贴装机hot air reflow soldering:热风再流焊ICT(In-circuit test):在线测试In-circuit test:在线测试Insufficient Paste:膏量不足JIT(Just-in-time):刚好准时laser reflow soldering:激光再流焊LCCC(Leadless Ceramic Chip Carrier):无引脚陶瓷芯片载体Lead configuration:引脚外形Line certification:生产线确认located soldering:局部软钎焊low speed placement equipment:低速贴装机low temperature paste:低温焊膏Machine vision:机器视觉Mean time between failure :MTBF平均故障间隔时间Manhattan effect:曼哈顿现象melf:圆柱形元件metal stencil:金属漏版Misalignment:偏斜Modularity:模块化Movement:移位no-clean solder paste:免清洗焊膏Non-Dewetting:不沾锡Nonwetting:不熔湿的optic correction system :光学校准系统Organic activated :OA有机活性的Packaging density:装配密度Photoploter:相片绘图仪Placement equipment:贴装设备past mask:焊膏膜(漏板)paste shelf life:焊膏贮存寿命PCB(Printed circuit board):印刷电路板Pick-and-place:拾取-贴装设备placement accuracy:贴装精度placement direction:贴装方位Placement equipment:贴装设备placement pressure:贴装压力Placement Procedure:元件放置placement speed:贴装速度PLCC(Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier):塑型有引脚芯片载体Poor Tack Retention:粘着力不足precise placement equipment:精密贴装机PTH (Pin Through the Hole):通孔安装QFP(Quad Flat Package):多引脚方形扁平封装Reflow soldering:回流焊接Repair:修理Repeatability:可重复性Rheology:流变学repeatability:重复性resolution:分辨率Rework:返工rotating deviation:旋转偏差Schematic:原理图Semi-aqueous cleaning:不完全水清洗Shadowing:阴影Silver chromate test:铬酸银测试Slump:坍落Solder bump:焊锡球Solderability:可焊性Soldermask:阻焊Solids:固体。

PC膜 不良
少切 Under cut 过切 Over Cut 剥离 Delamination 波纹 Wrinkle 压伤 Breaking 原物料不良 Material NG
刮伤 Scratch 透光 Dead Color, Transparency 黑点 Black Dot 起苍 Silver Streak 剥离 Delamination 冲墨 Wash out IMD冲膜 Wash out 缩水 Shrinkage 变形 Transfingeration / Deform 缺料 Void 折痕 Silver Break 脏污 Dirty / Contamination 偏位 Offset 凹点 Dented / Concave
Dirty / Contamination Scratch Distressed / Breaking Dented / Concave Convex Offset Deform Void Silver Break Split Abrade,grind
透光 Dead Color, Transparency
刮伤 Scratch 手痕 Finger Print
毛屑 Fiber
印刷点 Printing Dot
透光 Dead Color, Transparency
偏位 Biased, Offset
锯齿 Saw, Zigzag
色差 Discoloration
气泡 Bubble
折痕 Silver Break
模 Sticking 过火 BOuvrenr Size / Dimension out of 尺寸不符 spec. 压伤 Breaking 刮伤 Scratch 透光 Dead Color,Transparency 偏位 Deform 脏污 Dirty/Contamination 残胶 Adhensive Out/Glue Residual 溢胶 Glue Smear/Over Glue

PU表面略刮伤 Slight scratch on PU surfacePU下面的泡棉不平 Foam is uneven包装漏放五金包 Missing Hardware Kit爆钉穿破PVC特别刮手 Explored staple piercing PVC and it is easy to scratch hand背侧PVC拉太紧起皱 PVC of side of back cushion is too tight背垫PVC刮伤 Scratches on PVC of back cushion背垫PVC略刮伤 Slight scratch on PVC of back cushion背垫PVC破损 PVC of back cushion torn背垫背封车缝未车牢 Broken stitching on back cover背垫背封浮钉 Float staple on back cover背垫背封破损 Back cover torn背垫背钢板孔距与底盘孔距不吻合,螺丝无法组立 Assembly can't be done due to the distance of holes on back bar and seat plate is different背垫边条管处露底线 The inner thread which is located welting strip of back cushion coming out 背垫边条管略刮伤 Slight scratch on welting strip of back cushion背垫边条管外翻 Welting strip of back cushion protruding outward背垫边条管压伤 Indentation on welting strip of back cushion背垫表面有一死皱 Wrinkle on back cushion occurred by defective stitching背垫表面皱大 Much wrinkles on back cushion背垫表面皱大,腰靠太平 Wrinkles on back cushion and lumber is too flat背垫布料刮伤 Fabric of back cushion is scratched背垫布料破 Fabric of back cushion torn背垫侧包压皱 Indentation on side of back cushion背垫侧边管条弯曲 Welting strip of back cushion is crooked背垫侧边皱折 Wrinkles on back cushion背垫车缝开线 Broken stitching on back cushion背垫车缝松线 Loose stitching on back cushion背垫车缝跳针 Skip stitching on back cushion背垫吊卡有折痕 Folds on the hangtag of back cushion背垫缝套二层皮有皮疤 Scar on leather of back cover背垫扶手孔位漏烙孔 Hole on back cushion for assembling arm is missing背垫扶手孔无丝牙 Hole for assembling arm on back cushion has no thread背垫管条刮伤 Scratch on welting strip of back cushion背垫管条弯曲 Welting strip of back cushion is crooked背垫肩部凹陷 Indentation on shoulder of back cushion背垫肩部厚度不够 Thickness of shoulder of back cushion is not enough背垫肩部内缩 Shoulder of back cushion shrinking to the inner背垫肩侧空,皱 Side of back cushion is empty and wrinkled背垫胶袋用错(本应为三国语言,错用为七国语言的胶袋)Plastic bag of back cushion is wrong, it should be three kind of language on bag, but there is seven kind of language on bag 背垫拉点太浅 Pulling strength isn't enough背垫拉扣太松,易拔出 Button on back cushion is too loose and easy to pull out背垫拉链开裂 Zipper on back cushion broken背垫漏烙孔 Missing hole on back cushion背垫露棉 Foam inside of back cushion exposed背垫略刮伤 Slight scratch on back cushion背垫略歪斜 Back cushion is slight crooked背垫略有针孔露白 Pinholes on back cushion revealing white背垫略有皱折 Slight wrinkle on back cushion背垫螺丝孔被套子堵住 Screw hole on back cushion is jammed背垫面料上粉笔印未清洁干净 Chalk marking on fabric of back cushion背垫内外板线条对不上 Two stitching lines of back cushion aren't aligned背垫皮吊卡烫金字体模糊 The golden letters of hangtag on seat cushion are not clear背垫皮料腐皮 Leather of back cushion is decayed背垫皮料刮伤 Scratches on leather of back cushion背垫枪钉外露 Staple on back cushion exposed背垫清洁不良 Poor cleanness on back cushion背垫清洁不良(灰尘) Poor cleanness on back cushion (Dust)背垫清洁不良(水银笔印) Poor cleanness on back cushion (Silver pen mark)背垫上粘有贴纸 Tape sticking on back cushion背垫松线 Loose stitching on back cushion背垫头部凹凸不平 Headrest of seat cushion is uneven背垫头部空 Headrest of back cushion is flat背垫头枕略有皱折 Slight wrinkle on headrest of back cushion背垫头枕内外板缝隙处PVC外露 PVC which is located the headrest of back cushion exposed 背垫歪斜 Back cushion is crooked背垫歪斜较严重 Back cushion is crooked seriously背垫线头 Untrimmed thread on back cushion背垫严重碰破 Back cushion broken背垫针孔过大 Obvious pinholes on back cushion背垫皱折 Wrinkles on back cushion背封PVC刮伤 Scratches on PVC of back cover背封PVC破 PVC of back cover torn背封边条管弯曲 Welting strip of back cover is crooked背封处断钉 Broken staple on back cover背封封钉未封不牢 Staple for fastening back cover is not fast背封浮钉刮手 Float staple on back cover背封刮破 Back cover broken背封刮伤 Back cover is scratched背封漏封钉 Missing staple on back cover背封露棉 Foam inside of back cover exposed背封清洁不良 Poor cleanness on back cover背封压伤 Indentation on back cover背封有压痕 Indentation on back cover背封皱折 Wrinkles on back cover背钢板处PVC压皱 Indentation on PVC beside the back bar背钢板掉漆生锈 Back bar is rusty背钢板套子PVC破损 PVC of cover for back bar torn背钢板套子皱折 Wrinkles on cover of back bar背弯管略掉漆 Metal frame is scratched背下露PVC PVC which is located underside of back cushion exposed背下露木板露 Plywood of back cushion exposed本应用CP143N五爪;混用:CP144-26五爪 Base is misapplied, it should be CP-143N, but CP-144N-26 is used标签位置不对 Label is adhered improperly标签字体模糊 Letter of label is not clear布料表面有线结 Thread kink on fabric布料上有杂色线 Mottle on fabric车缝线外露 Stitching thread exposed车缝压线宽窄不一致 Width of two stitching lines is different成品箱内漏放左手铁架 Missing left metal arm frame from box冲孔皮皮层纤维外露 Fiber inside of punching leather exposed底盘把柄布套车缝松线 Loose stitching on fabric cover of handle of seat plate底盘把柄顶到扶手铁无法升降 The handle of seat plate touching the bracket resulted in the lift and drop can't be done底盘把柄皮套粘贴不牢 Leather cover for handle of seat plate is not fast底盘把手上有胶水 Glue on handle of seat plate底盘表面磨伤 Scratches on seat plate底盘胶袋上有水 Glue on plastic bag for packing seat plate底盘上有油渍 Stain on the seat plate垫子无防布烫破 Fabric on cushion burned out二节杯上毛边 Burrs on the 2 tier cup防尘套破 Telescoping cover broken仿皮皮文较浅,且发亮 Grain on PVC is too flat and light扶手边管条未打紧 Welting strip of arm pad is not fast扶手边条管刮伤 Welting strip of arm is scratched扶手边条管内缩 Welting strip of arm shrinking to the inner扶手边条压线不对称 Two stitching lines of arm pad aren't aligned扶手车缝线错位 Two stitching lines of arm pad aren't aligned扶手底布未打好 Fabric which is loacted bottom of arm pad is not fast扶手底布有粉笔痕迹 Chalk marking on fabric of arm扶手垫边条管略刮伤 Slight scratch on the welting strip扶手垫边条管略外露 Welting strip of arm pad exposed扶手垫边条管内缩 Welting strip of arm pad shrinking to the inner扶手垫车缝松线 Loose stitching on arm pad扶手垫车缝线接口不牢(易拔出) Stitching joint on arm pad is not fast扶手垫底部有粉笔痕迹 Chalk marking on bottom of arm pad扶手垫刮伤 Arm pad is scratched扶手垫略有针孔露白 Pinholes on arm pad revealing white扶手垫略有皱折 Slight wrinkle on arm pad扶手垫面料有暗疤 Scar on fabric of arm pad扶手垫明线不顺畅且打的凹凸不平 Stitching line on arm pad is not smooth 扶手垫前端略皱折 Slight wrinkle on the front of arm pad扶手垫轻微皱折 Slight wrinkle on arm pad扶手垫清洁不良 Poor cleanness on arm pad扶手垫清洁不良(灰尘) Poor cleanness on arm pad (Dust)扶手垫清洁不良(水银笔印) Poor cleanness on arm pad (Silver pen mark)扶手垫跳线 Skip stitching on arm pad扶手垫头部皱折 Wrinkles on front of arm pad扶手垫下不织布外露 Non-woven fabric on arm pad exposed扶手垫线头 Untrimmed thread on arm pad扶手垫压线跳线 Skip stitching on arm pad扶手垫皱折 Wrinkles on arm pad扶手刮伤 Arm is scratched扶手管条接头处缝隙大 Space on welting strip of arm pad扶手厚薄不一致 Thickness of arm pad is inconsistent扶手架表面刮伤 Arm is scratched扶手架表面较粗糙 Surface of arm is not smooth扶手架表面气泡袋印 Bubble bag marking on the surface of arm扶手架表面汽泡 Bubble on the arm (Coating for arm is defective)扶手架车缝松线 Loose stitching on arm support扶手架掉漆 Arm is scratched扶手架刮伤 Arm is scratched扶手架灰尘 Dust on the arm扶手架烤漆不良 Coating for arm support is defective扶手架略有掉漆 Slight scratch on arm support扶手架毛边(略刮手) Burrs on arm (Scratch hand)扶手架毛边(未打磨平) Burrs on the arm due to the arm didn't be polished扶手架磨伤 Arm is scratched扶手架清洁不良 Poor cleanness on arm扶手架清洁不良(EVA粘在扶手架上) Poor cleanness on arm (EVA sticking on arm)扶手架清洁不良(灰尘) Poor cleanness on arm support (Dust)扶手架上向前标贴的不规范 Location of FRONT label on arm is not correct扶手架上有污渍未清洁干净 Smut on arm pad扶手架脱漆 Arm is scratched扶手架与背垫间隙太大 Distance between arm and back cushion is too big扶手螺丝头毛刺严重刺手 Strictly burrs on screw of arm扶手轻微刮伤 Slight scratch on arm扶手铁片灰尘 Dust on the metal bracket of arm扶手同边 Two arms are the same side扶手线头 Untrimmed thread on arm扶手压变形 Arm pad distorted扶手左右标贴错 L or R label on arm is wrong胶垫易破 Plastic washer is easy to break角铁孔烙太大 Hole on bracket is too big角铁孔上棉屑 Foam on the hole of arm bracket漏贴西班牙文向前标 Missing Spanish FRONT label轮子有白色斑点 White stain on caster面料上有折痕 Folds on fabric能摸到扶手组装螺丝 Screw for assembling the arm pad can be felt能摸到铁条 Metal line in the back cushion can be felt能直接摸到木板棱角 Plywood corner can be touched汽压棒外管生锈 Canister of gas lift is rusty枪钉堵孔 Hole is jammed with staples三节杯上有灰尘 Dust on 3-tier-cap手工太差 Poor handcraft手工太差,有海棉棱角 Poor handcraft, foam corner铁架刮伤 Metal frame scratched铁架横杆变形(不能组立) Assembly can't be done due to the crossing pole distorted铁架胶垫晃动(螺丝未上紧) Plastic washer of metal frame is wobbly as the screw is not fast铁架胶塞未塞到位 Plastic cap of metal frame filled improperly铁架孔位与座底孔位不对无法组装 Assembly can't be done due to the holes on metal frame and seat cushion are not matched铁架略刮伤 Metal frame is scratched铁五爪插销孔内有焊渣,轮子差不进去 Hole of meat base is jammed with solder resulted in caster can't insert五爪掉漆 Base is scratched五爪盖脱落 Cap of base falling off五爪刮伤 Base is scratched五爪胶盖上有灰尘 Dust on plastic caps of base五爪脚盖破 Caps of base broken五爪清洁不良 Poor cleanness on base五爪清洁不良(有灰尘) Poor cleanness on base (Dust)五爪生锈 Rusty base线头 Untrimmed thread纸箱SKU#错误 SKU# on carton is wrong纸箱唛头错误 Shipping mark on carton is wrong坐垫皮料破 Leather of seat cushion torn座背垫侧边缝隙 Gap between side of seat and back cushion座背垫间隙 Gap between seat and back cushion座背垫线条不对称 Two stitching lines of seat and back cushion aren't aligned座背垫组立后略有缝隙 Space between seat and back cushion座底标签破损 Label on bottom of seat cushion torn座底不织布破损 Non-woven fabric on seat cushion torn座底钉距太稀 The distance of staples is too big座底扶手螺丝孔位漏烙 Missing hole on bottom of seat cushion for assembling arm 座垫PVC刮伤 Scratches on PVC of seat cushion座垫PVC略刮伤 Slight scratch on PVC of seat cushion座垫PVC破损 PVC of seat cushion torn座垫边条管角易拨出 End of welting strip of seat cushion is easy to pull out座垫边条管略刮伤 Slight scratch on welting strip of seat cushion座垫边条管弯曲 Welting strip of seat cushion is crooked座垫布料破碎 Fabric of seat cushion torn座垫侧边凹凸不平 Side of seat cushion is uneven座垫侧边空 Side of seat cushion is flat座垫侧边皱折 Wrinkles on side of seat cushion座垫车缝松线 Loose stitching on seat cushion座垫车缝跳针 Skip stitching on seat cushion座垫底盘组立困难 It is difficult to assemble seat plate and seat cushion座垫浮钉 Float staple on seat cushion座垫浮钉刮手 Float staple on seat cushion and it is easy to scratch hand座垫华司灰尘过多 Much dust on plastic washer of seat cushion座垫拉点太浅 Pulling strength for seat cushion isn't enough座垫漏放电话卡 Missing toll-card座垫漏烙底盘孔 Missing hole on seat cushion for assembling seat plate座垫略刮伤 Slight scratch on seat cushion座垫略有浮钉 Float staple on seat cushion座垫略有皱折 Slight wrinkle on seat cushion座垫螺丝孔处拉线未清理干净 Pulling wire which is loacted the hole on seat cushion is remnant 座垫内缩 Seat cushion shrinking to the inner座垫皮料磨伤 Leather of seat cushion is scratched座垫皮料破 Leather on seat cushion torn座垫清洁不良 Poor cleanness on seat cushion座垫清洁不良(木屑) Poor cleanness on seat cushion (Wood scraps)座垫清洁不良(水银笔印) Poor cleanness on seat cushion (Silver pen mark)座垫松线 Loose stitching on seat cushion座垫头部压皱 Wrinkles on the front of seat cushion座垫头枕边条管弯曲 Welting strip of seat cushion is crooked座垫线头 Untrimmed thread on seat cushion座垫压皱 Indentation on seat cushion座垫有轻微针孔露白现象 Pinholes on seat cushion revealing white座垫皱折 Wrinkles on seat cushion座前凹凸不平 Front of seat cushion is uneven座中两侧手工不对称 Two sides of seat cushion aren't aligned手工太差,有海棉棱角Poor handcraft, foam corner标签位置不对 Label is adhered improperly能摸到扶手组装螺丝Screw for assembling the arm pad can be felt底盘上有油渍Stain on the seat plate皮面疤痕Scar on leather on back cushion五爪胶盖没有装好Cap of base is apart皮/布下面的泡棉不平 uneven foam under the leather /fabric二节杯上毛边 burrs on the 2 tier cup扶手厚薄不一致 Thickness of arm pad is different背垫上粘有贴纸 Tape sticks on back cushion座底标贴不规范 label on seat cushion doesn't adhere properly座底不织布外露 non woven exposed under the seat cushion铁管架脚垫脏污 poor clean on plastic pads of metal frame扶手角铁螺母没有露在外面 nut on arm bracket of back cushion doesnot outside exposed铁架管塞没塞好 plastic cap on the top of metal frame doesn't stopper三节杯杯口太大,自由坠落 center hole of telescoping cover is too big,cover can't be done to the gas lift角铁孔上棉屑 foam on the hole of arm bracket能摸到铁条 metal line in the back cushion can be felt枪钉堵孔 staple plug up the hole of nut座底钉距太稀 Staple on seat cushion is very sparse座垫树脂棉外露 Colophony foam inside of seat cushion exposed椅脚颜色错误 Color of base is not correct扶手架损坏 Defective hole on arm背钢板套没有装好 Cover border of back bar exposed背封边条接头没接好 Joint on welting strip of back cover is not acceptable背后"serta"LOGO 没有放正 "serta" logo on back cushion is reverse底盘把柄没有装好 Handle of seat plate is loose底盘把柄装反 Handle of seat plate is reverse座底不织布烙坏 Non-woven fabric on bottom of seat cushion torn by welding背钢板表面粗糙 Bac bar is rough背封内枪钉未打平 Staple inside of back cover can be felt扶手垫上凹槽 Dent on arm pad车缝子口宽窄不一致 Defective stitching on back cushion底盘锥孔太大,组装后椅子自动升降 Hole on seat plate is too big resulting the chair fall down automatically车缝线接头没有叠在一起 Defective stitching on cushion背侧内缩 Side of back cushion shrinking to the inner目的地错误,与订单不符 Destination on carton is not correct座底不织布下泡棉未修饰 Foam exposed扶手装饰条没装好 Welting strip of arm pad is not acceptable扶手垫下边条枪钉没打牢 Staples for fastening the arm pad are loose皮面纹路不一致 Embossing of leather is not matched铁架横杆生锈 Crossing pole is rust座底枪钉盖住标签字体 Staples covering the letter on label缺少一个拉链头 Zipper has not handle漏组螺丝 Missing screw螺丝没有锁紧 Screw is not locked tight扶手装饰条没装好 Welting strip of arm pad is not acceptable座底不织布太薄 Non-woven fabric is too thin扶手边条管接头处没包好 Joint of welting line of arm pad is not packed well多放保证卡 This item no need guarantee card, but guarantee card is put in the carton 背垫内外板开裂 The inner and outer plywood of back cushion is apart扶手前端组装略有缝隙 Space between arm pad and support扶手垫装反 Arm pad is assembled in reverse布料断纱 Broken yarn纸箱压变形 Carton distorted车缝线没有重合在一起 Defective stitching on cushions背角铁上锁针生锈 locking pin of arm bracket is rust扶手架前端边缘外露 Arm pad can't cover totally the arm support冲孔皮面绒毛 Floss on the punching leather公英制螺丝五金包混用 Screws with Metric system and British & U.S. system mixed 背钢板套发霉 Moldy on back cover扶手孔变形堵塞无法组装 Hole on arm is distorted扶手孔铁片颜色不一致 The color of metal slips on arm is different三节杯杯口形状不一致 The tape of 3-tier-caps is different扶手架表面水印 Watermark on arm support扶手表面处理颜色不一致 Coating for arm is defective说明书错用为旧版 Assembly instruction is not correct座垫露丝棉 Silk foam exposed扶手孔边缘未修饰 Burrs on hole of arm扶手装饰条装好后有缝隙 Space between the inserts and arm support能摸到铁条 Metal rod can be felt扶手上小孔大小不一致 Hole on arm is defective 座垫露丝棉 Silk foam exposed拉点深浅不一致 Pulling strength is different。

不良现象中英文对照表1.缺件(missing parts)2.错件(wrong parts)3.多件(excessive parts)4.短路(short)5.断路(open)6.线短(wire short)7.线长(wire long)8.拐线(wire poor ddress)9.冷焊(cold solder)10.包焊(excess solder)11.空焊(missing solder)12.锡尖(solder icicle)13.锡渣(solder splash)14.锡裂(soder crack)15.锡洞(pin hole)16.锡球(solder ball)17.锡桥(solder bridge)18.滑牙(screw loose)19.氧化(rust)20.异物(foreigner material)21.溢胶(excessive glue)22.锡短路(solder bridge)23.锡不足(solder insufficient)24.极性反(wrong polarity)25.脚未入(pin unseated)26.脚未出(pin unvisible)27.脚未剪(pin no cut)28.脚未弯(pin not bent)29.缺盖章(missing stamp)30.缺标签(missing label)31.缺序号(missing s/n)32.序号错(wrong s/n)33.标签错(wrong label)34.标示错(wrong mark)35.脚太短(pin short)36.j1不洁(j1 dirty)37.锡凹陷(solder scooped)38.线序错(w/l of wire)39.未测试(no test) 40.vr变形(vr deformed)43.零件沾胶(glue on parts)41.pcb翘皮(pcb peeling)42.pcb弯曲(pcb twist)44.零件脚长(parts pin long)45.浮件(parts lift)46.零件歪斜(parts tilt)47.零件相触(parts touch)48.零件变形(parts deformed)49.零件损坏(parts damaged)50.零件脚脏(pin dirty)51.零件多装(parts excess)52.零件沾锡(solder on parts)53.零件偏移(parts shift)54.包装错误(wrong packing)55.印章错误(wrong stamps)56.尺寸错误(dimension wrong)57.二极管坏(diode ng)58.晶体管坏(transistor ng)59.振荡器坏(x’tl ng)60.管装错误(tubes wrong)61.阻值错误(impedance wrong)62.版本错误(rev wrong)63.电测不良(test failure)64.版本未标(non rev lebel)65.包装损坏(packing damaged)66.印章模糊(stamps defective)67.标签歪斜(label tilt)68.外箱损坏(carton damaged)69.点胶不良(poor glue)70.ic座氧化(socket rust)71.缺ul标签(missing ul label)72.线材不良(wire failure)73.零件脚损坏(pin damaged)74.金手指沾锡(solder on golden fingers)75.包装文件错(racking doc wrong)76.包装数量错(packing q’ty wrong)77.零件未定位(parts unseated)78.金手指沾胶(glue on golden fingers)79.垫片安装不良(washer unseated)80.线材安装不良(wire unseated)81.立碑(tombstone)。

1>Abrasion: A surface imperfection that removes ordisplaces material characterized by itslarge width and length relative to itsdepth.中译: 擦破/磨损一个表面的瑕疵。
2>Bleeding: This defect is the discoloration created bythe diffusion of coloring material throughan applied coating from the substrate to thesurface of the coating.中译: 渗出染料扩散,自底层到表层,造成表面上的瑕疵。
3>Blemish: The change in the surface appearance due toa flaw or cosmetic defect.中译: 污损/污点因为一个瑕疵或外观不良而改变表面外部4>Blister: The raised bumps in the surface, caused byair or solvent vapors forming within orunder the coating.中译: 水泡由於来自烤漆内部或表面的空气或溶剂气体造成表面隆起突出。
5>Blush: Discoloration or change in gloss, generallyappearing at the gates, abrupt thickness changes or other structures along flow pat.中译: 异色通常发生在射出进料口、肉厚突然缩减、或流道交错之处6>Bubble: A gas pocket in a plastic molded part. Fora coating, it is the same as blister.中译: 气泡一个气体包覆(中空)在塑胶件上,对烤漆来说,与blister意义相同7>Burn Mark: A condition where supper-heated trapped airin the cavity heats or burns the surface ofthe plastic part.中译: 焦痕8>Burr:This defect appears as a rough or sharp edgeon metal after it has been cast, cut,drilled, stamped, and so forth. Burrs willusually snag or tear a cleaning cloth.中译: 毛边(头) 在材料经过铸造、切割、钻孔、冲压等等外观形成一个粗糙或锐利边缘,毛边总是会刺穿或扯裂整齐的衣物。

1>Abrasion: A surface imperfection that removes ordisplaces material characterized by itslarge width and length relative to itsdepth.中译: 擦破/磨损一个表面的瑕疵。
2>Bleeding: This defect is the discoloration createdby the diffusion of coloring materialthrough an applied coating from thesubstrate to the surface of the coating.中译: 渗出染料扩散,自底层到表层,造成表面上的瑕疵。
3>Blemish: The change in the surface appearancedue to a flaw or cosmetic defect.中译: 污损/污点因为一个瑕疵或外观不良而改变表面外部4>Blister: The raised bumps in the surface, causedby air or solvent vapors forming withinor under the coating.中译: 水泡由于来自烤漆内部或表面的空气或溶剂气体造成表面隆起突出。
5>Blush: Discoloration or change in gloss, generallyappearing at the gates, abrupt thicknesschanges or other structures along flow pat.中译: 异色通常发生在射出进料口、肉厚突然缩减、或流道交错之处6>Bubble: A gas pocket in a plastic molded part.For a coating, it is the same as blister.中译: 气泡一个气体包覆(中空)在塑料件上,对烤漆来说,与blister意义相同7>Burn Mark: A condition where supper-heatedtrapped air in the cavity heats or burnsthe surface of the plastic part.中译: 焦痕8>Burr:This defect appears as a rough or sharpedge on metal after it has been cast, cut,drilled, stamped, and so forth. Burrs willusually snag or tear a cleaning cloth.中译: 毛边(头) 在材料经过铸造、切割、钻孔、冲压等等外观形成一个粗糙或锐利边缘,毛边总是会刺穿或扯裂整齐的衣物。

1>Abrasion: A surface imperfection that removes ordisplaces material characterized by its largewidth and length relative to its depth.中译: 擦破/磨损一个表面的瑕疵。
2>Bleeding: This defect is the discoloration created by thediffusion of coloring material through anapplied coating from the substrate to thesurface of the coating.中译: 渗出染料扩散,自底层到表层,造成表面上的瑕疵。
3>Blemish: The change in the surface appearance due to aflaw or cosmetic defect.中译: 污损/污点因为一个瑕疵或外观不良而改变表面外部4>Blister: The raised bumps in the surface, caused by airor solvent vapors forming within or under thecoating.中译: 水泡由於来自烤漆内部或表面的空气或溶剂气体造成表面隆起突出。
5>Blush: Discoloration or change in gloss, generally appearing at the gates, abrupt thicknesschanges or other structures along flow pat.中译: 异色通常发生在射出进料口、肉厚突然缩减、或流道交错之处6>Bubble: A gas pocket in a plastic molded part. For acoating, it is the same as blister.中译: 气泡一个气体包覆(中空)在塑胶件上,对烤漆来说,与blister意义相同7>Burn Mark: A condition where supper-heated trapped air inthe cavity heats or burns the surface of theplastic part.中译: 焦痕8>Burr:This defect appears as a rough or sharp edge onmetal after it has been cast, cut, drilled,stamped, and so forth. Burrs will usually snagor tear a cleaning cloth.中译: 毛边(头) 在材料经过铸造、切割、钻孔、冲压等等外观形成一个粗糙或锐利边缘,毛边总是会刺穿或扯裂整齐的衣物。

缺料 折痕 拉裂 擦伤 透光 少切 过切 剥离 波纹 压伤
残胶 溢胶
PC膜 不良
原物料不良 Material NG
刮伤 透光 黑点 起苍 剥离 冲墨 缩水 变形 缺料 折痕 脏污 偏位 凹点 流痕 雾面 凸点
Scratch Dead Color, Transparency Black Dot Silver Streak Delamination Wash out Shrinkage Transfingeration / Deform Void Silver Break Dirty / Contamination Offset Dented / Concave Flow Mark Cloudy / Haze Convex Flash / Fiber Parting Line Flash / Flash Finger Print Others
刮伤 手痕 毛屑 印刷点 透光 偏位 锯齿 色差 气泡 折痕 收缩 溢墨 缺印 断线 鬼影 不全 污秽 字体 边缘裂 银点 缺墨 脏污 阴影 虚线 针孔 视窗偏位 视窗变形 凸点
Scratch Finger Print Fiber Printing Dot Dead Color, Transparency Biased, Offset Saw, Zigzag Discoloration Bubble Silver Break Shrinkage Wash out Lose Print Dot Line Double print Void Stain Word Problem Edge Crack Sliver Dot Lose Printing / Void Contamination Doule Print / Shadow Mark Dot Line Acicular Hole Window offset Window deform Convex

Wrong printing
Mixing color
Moisture/Silver mark
Wrong Location
Hole blocked
Uncompleted printing
Double printing/excess painting
Dent mark
Mixed material
Weld line
Over cut
Shining mark
Ejector mark
Flow mark
Warpage/ Deformation
Uneven painting
Rough Surrt molding
uneven printing
Gas mark
不良清单Annex: Defect Code List
SMT 不良描述中英文对照

常用英语词汇与缩写:Accuracy:精度Additive Process:加成工艺Adhesion:附着力Aerosol:气溶剂Angle of attack:迎角Anisotropic adhesive:各异向性胶Annular ring:环状圈Application specific integrated circuit :ASIC特殊应用集成电路Array:列阵Artwork:布线图Automated test equipment:ATE自动测试设备Bond lift-off:焊接升离Bonding agent:粘合剂CAD/CAM system:计算机辅助设计与制造系统Capillary action:毛细管作用Chip on board :COB板面芯片Circuit tester:电路测试机Cladding:覆盖层Cold cleaning:冷清洗Cold solder joint:冷焊锡点Conductive epoxy:导电性环氧树脂Conductive ink:导电墨水Conformal coating:共形涂层Copper foil:铜箔Copper mirror test:铜镜测试Cure:烘焙固化AOI(Automatic optical inspection):自动光学检查Assembly:组件ATE(Automated test equipment):自动测试设备Bare Chip:裸芯片BGA(Ball grid array)球栅列阵Blind via:盲孔Blowholes:吹孔Bridge:锡桥Bridging:搭锡bulk feeder:散装式供料器Buried via:埋孔Chamber System:炉膛系统Chip:片状元件Circuit tester:电路测试机cleaning after soldering:焊后清洗Cold solder joint:冷焊锡点Component Check:元件检查Component density:元件密度Component Pick-Up:元件拾取Component Transport:元件传送Component:元件convection reflow soldering:热对流再流焊Copper Clad Laminates:覆铜箔层压板Copper foil:铜箔Copper mirror test:铜镜测试CSP(Chip Scale Package):芯片规模的封装CTE(Coefficient of the thermal expansion):温度膨胀系数Cure:烘焙固化Cursting:发生皮层Cycle rate:循环速率Data recorder:数据记录器Defect:缺陷Delamination:分层Desoldering:卸焊Dewetting:去湿DFM:为制造着想的设计Dispersant:分散剂Documentation:文件编制Downtime:停机时间Durometer:硬度计Desoldering:卸焊Device:器件Dewetting:缩锡DIP:双列直插Downtime:停机时间Dpm(defects per million):百万缺陷率dual wave soldering:双波峰焊Dull Joint:焊点灰暗Environmental test:环境测试Eutectic solders:共晶焊锡Excessive Paste:膏量太多FCT(Functional test):功能测试feeder holder:供料器架feeders:供料器Fiducial:基准点Fillet:焊角Fine-pitch technology :FPT密脚距技术Fixture:夹具Flexibility:柔性flexible stencil:柔性金属漏版Flip chip:倒装芯片flux bubbles:焊剂气泡flying:飞片FPT(Fine-pitch technology):密脚距技术Full liquidus temperature:完全液化温度Golden boy:金样Fundamentals of Solders and Soldering焊料及焊接基础知识Soldering Theory焊接理论Microstructure and Soldering显微结构及焊接Effect of Elemental Constituents on Wetting焊料成分对润湿的影响Effect of Impurities on Soldering杂质对焊接的影响Solder Paste Technology焊膏工艺Solder Powder 锡粉Solder Paste Rheology锡膏流变学Solder Paste Composition & Manufacturing锡膏成分和制造SMT Problems Occurred Prior to Reflow回流前SMT问题Flux Separation助焊剂分离Paste Hardening焊膏硬化Poor Stencil Life网板寿命问题Poor Print Thickness印刷厚度不理想Poor Paste Release From Squeegee锡膏脱离刮刀问题Smear印锡模糊Insufficiency锡不足Needle Clogging针孔堵塞Slump塌落Low Tack低粘性Short Tack Time 粘性时间短SMT Problems Occurred During Reflow回流过程中的SMT问题Cold Joints冷焊Nonwetting不润湿Dewetting反润湿Leaching浸析Intermetallics金属互化物Tombstoning立碑Skewing歪斜Wicking焊料上吸Bridging桥连Voiding空洞Opening开路Solder Balling锡球Solder Beading锡珠Spattering飞溅SMT Problems Occurred at Post Reflow Stage回流后问题White Residue白色残留物Charred Residue炭化残留物Poor Probing Contact探针测接问题Surface Insulation Resistance or Electrochemical Migration Failure表面绝缘阻抗或电化迁移缺陷Delamination/Voiding/Non-curing Of Conformal Coating/Encapsulants分层/空洞/敷形涂覆或包封的固化问题Challenges at BGA and CSP Assembly and Rework Stage BGA、CSP组装和翻修的挑战Starved Solder Joint少锡焊点Poor Self-Alignment自对位问题Poor Wetting润湿不良Voiding空洞Bridging桥连Uneven Joint Height焊点高度不均Open开路Popcorn and Delamination爆米花和分层Solder Webbing锡网Solder Balling锡球Problems Occurred at Flip Chip Reflow Attachment倒装晶片回流期间发生的问题Misalignment位置不准Poor Wetting润湿不良Solder Voiding空洞Underfill Voiding底部填充空洞Bridging桥连Open开路Underfill Crack底部填充裂缝Delamination分层)Filler Segregation填充分离Insufficient Underfilling底部填充不充分Optimizing Reflow Profile via Defect Mechanisms Analysis回流曲线优化与缺陷机理分析Flux Reaction助焊剂反应Peak Temperature峰值温度Cooling Stage冷却阶段Heating Stage加热阶段Timing Considerations时间研究Optimization of Profile曲线优化Comparison with Conventional Profiles与传统曲线的比较Discussion讨论Implementing Linear Ramp Up Profile斜坡式曲线general placement equipment:中速贴装机Golden boy:金样Halides:卤化物Hard water:硬水Hardener:硬化剂high speed placement equipment:高速贴装机hot air reflow soldering:热风再流焊ICT(In-circuit test):在线测试In-circuit test:在线测试Insufficient Paste:膏量不足JIT(Just-in-time):刚好准时laser reflow soldering:激光再流焊LCCC(Leadless Ceramic Chip Carrier):无引脚陶瓷芯片载体Lead configuration:引脚外形Line certification:生产线确认located soldering:局部软钎焊low speed placement equipment:低速贴装机low temperature paste:低温焊膏Machine vision:机器视觉Mean time between failure :MTBF平均故障间隔时间Manhattan effect:曼哈顿现象melf:圆柱形元件metal stencil:金属漏版Misalignment:偏斜Modularity:模块化Movement:移位no-clean solder paste:免清洗焊膏Non-Dewetting:不沾锡Nonwetting:不熔湿的optic correction system :光学校准系统Organic activated :OA有机活性的Packaging density:装配密度Photoploter:相片绘图仪Placement equipment:贴装设备past mask:焊膏膜(漏板)paste shelf life:焊膏贮存寿命PCB(Printed circuit board):印刷电路板Pick-and-place:拾取-贴装设备placement accuracy:贴装精度placement direction:贴装方位Placement equipment:贴装设备placement pressure:贴装压力Placement Procedure:元件放置placement speed:贴装速度PLCC(Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier):塑型有引脚芯片载体Poor Tack Retention:粘着力不足precise placement equipment:精密贴装机PTH (Pin Through the Hole):通孔安装QFP(Quad Flat Package):多引脚方形扁平封装Reflow soldering:回流焊接Repair:修理Repeatability:可重复性Rheology:流变学repeatability:重复性resolution:分辨率Rework:返工rotating deviation:旋转偏差Schematic:原理图Semi-aqueous cleaning:不完全水清洗Shadowing:阴影Silver chromate test:铬酸银测试Slump:坍落Solder bump:焊锡球Solderability:可焊性Soldermask:阻焊Solids:固体。

間歇功能 貼紙 大聲 其中一功能不良 漏或不足顯示 漏配件 混色 混點 無功能 氧化 剝落 顏料 電鍍 電鍍脫落 毛絨布 角/點 正負极 裝配不良 電鉻不良 電鍍不良 搪膠植毛不良 功能不良 熱燙不良 手腳能動公仔 補油 后面 抵抗 轉動 粗糙 摩擦 走了 生銹 刮花 網/螢幕 螺絲鬆 粘合 線口 車縫 鐵輪 形狀 銳邊/利邊 利角 短電路 縮水 絲 劃形狀 皮 薄的 裂片 細小 弄髒 布類玩具 沾污 焊錫 溶劑 穩定 編法 皮帶鬆 壓力 粘住不能動 塞滿 膨脹 織物結構 穿孔 緊


不良项目中英文对照Die cracked芯片暗裂Incorrect gold ball position焊球焊偏Contiaminated lead frame protrude reflector cup 支架沾胶Revensed leadcut切脚反向Lampdead灯死..............更多如下:以下内容只有回复后才可以浏览1.Excessive Ag paste 银胶过多2.Paste smudge 芯片沾胶3.Lead frame short 支架短路4.Incorrect die type芯片固错5. Die cracked 芯片破损6. insufficient Ag paste银胶过少7. Ag paste short circuit银胶短路8.Hpside down die 翻芯片9.Incorrect direction错方向10.Bonding pad defect 铝垫刮伤11.Die lean 芯片倾斜12.Missing die bonding position芯片方向固错13.Die stacking固重芯片14.Missing die漏固15.Incorrect paste positioning银胶点偏16.Missing die掉芯片17.Deformed lead frame 支架变形18. Contaminated lead frame支架沾胶19.Alien matters 杂物20.Incorrect position 位置不当21.Excessive nonconductive paste绝缘胶过多22.Insufficient nonconductive paste绝缘胶过少24.Reverse polarity reversed极性反向25.Incoreect wire bonding position偏焊26.Defective wire bonding错焊27.No stitch bonding松焊28.Mis-bonding边焊29.Gold ball size焊球大小30.Reeling 拔铝垫31.Wire break断线32.Defective wire线受损33.Wire loop height 芯片弧高34.Wire bonding defect 焊线线尾35.LIFTED Die 芯片抬起36.Tool marking 铜咀印37.Stitch bonding size焊点大小38.Mixed materlac混料39.No wire bonding 未焊线Defective bondin假焊Collapsed wire塌线Non-conformed product夹线Die ceacked芯片破裂......更多...............以下内容只有回复后才可以浏览45.Surplus wire 线尾46.Rust De-colourization生锈变色47.Incorrect epoxy height胶体过高过低48.Incorrect P/N型号不符49.Air bubble气泡50.Scratch mark疤痕51. Scratch mark顶面刮伤52.Defective molding 模坏扎模53.Water marks水气花纹54.Deformed epoxy毛边、凹凸胶55.Incorrect colour颜色不对56.Uneven diffusant雾状深浅57.Epoxy colour shading沉淀不良58.Slant mount偏心59.Alien matters杂物60.Reflector cup air bwbble碗气泡61.Excessive epoxy 表面沾胶62.Incorrect mounting模粒反向63.Miyed materiac混料64.Defective epoxy 胶不良65.Cracked epoxy胶龟裂66.Excessue protruding 凸胶67.Insufficient epoxy 凹胶68.Deformed epoxy 胶体变形69.Incorrect epoxy colour shade 胶变色70.Incorrect lamp colour 发光色泽不符71.Upper tie bar protrude 上bar毛边72.Lower tie bar protrude下bar毛边74.Refcelter protrude 碗外露76.Uneven brightness 亮度不均77.Uneven wave length 波长不均。
塑胶产品常见不良描述的中英文对照 123

Blister 起泡blooming 起霜blow hole 破孔blushing 泛白body wrinkle 侧壁皱纹bubble 膜泡burn mark 糊斑burr 毛边camber 翘曲cell 气泡center buckle 表面中部波皱check 细裂痕checking 龟裂chipping 修整表面缺陷clamp-off 铸件凹痕collapse 塌陷color mottle 色斑corrosion 腐蚀crack 裂痕crazing 碎裂crazing 龟裂deformation 变形edge 切边碎片edge crack 裂边fading 退色filler speak 填充料斑fissure 裂纹flange wrinkle 凸缘起皱flaw 刮伤flow mark 流痕glazing 光滑gloss 光泽grease pits 污斑grinding defect 磨痕haircrack 发裂haze 雾度incrustation 水锈indentation 压痕internal porosity 内部气孔mismatch 偏模mottle 斑点necking 缩颈nick 割痕orange peel 橘皮状表面缺陷overflow 溢流peeling 剥离pit 坑pitting corrosion 点状腐蚀plate mark 模板印痕pock 麻点pock mark 痘斑resin streak 树脂流纹resin wear 树脂脱落riding 凹陷sagging 松垂saponification 皂化scar 疤痕scrap 废料scrap jam 废料阻塞scuffing 深冲表面划伤shock line 模口挤痕short shot 充填不足shrinkage pool 凹孔sink mark 凹痕skin inclusion 表皮折迭straightening 矫直streak 条状痕surface check 表面裂痕surface roughening 橘皮状表皮皱折surging 波动sweat out 冒汗torsion 扭曲warpage 翘曲waviness 波痕webbing 熔塌weld mark 焊痕whitening 白化wrinkle 皱纹missing part漏件wrong part错件excessive defects过多的缺陷critical defect极严重缺陷major defect主要缺陷minor defect次要缺陷not up to standard不合规格dimension/size is a little bigger尺寸偏大(小) cosmetic defect外观不良slipped screwhead/slippery screw head螺丝滑头slipped screwhead/shippery screw thread滑手speckle斑点mildewed=moldy= mouldy 发霉laser 激光rust n,铁锈v使生锈deformation n变形flash(塑件)毛边poor staking铆合不良excessive gap间隙过大grease/oil stains油污impurity 杂质painting peel off 脏污shrinking / shrinkage 缩水nmixed color 杂色scratch划伤,刮傷PPT =PowerPoint 幻燈片Withdrawal force =lessen force。

blister 起泡blooming 起霜blow hole 破孔blushing 泛白body wrinkle 侧壁皱纹breaking-in 冒口带肉bubble 膜泡burn mark 糊斑burr 毛边camber 翘曲cell 气泡center buckle 表面中部波皱check 细裂痕checking 龟裂chipping 修整表面缺陷clamp-off 铸件凹痕collapse 塌陷color mottle 色斑corrosion 腐蚀crack 裂痕crazing 碎裂crazing 龟裂deformation 变形edge 切边碎片edge crack 裂边fading 退色filler speak 填充料斑fissure 裂纹flange wrinkle 凸缘起皱flaw 刮伤flow mark 流痕galling 毛边glazing 光滑gloss 光泽grease pits 污斑grinding defect 磨痕haircrack 发裂haze 雾度incrustation 水锈indentation 压痕internal porosity 内部气孔mismatch 偏模mottle 斑点necking 缩颈nick 割痕orange peel 橘皮状表面缺陷overflow 溢流peeling 剥离pit 坑pitting corrosion 点状腐蚀plate mark 模板印痕pock 麻点pock mark 痘斑resin streak 树脂流纹resin wear 树脂脱落riding 凹陷sagging 松垂saponification 皂化scar 疤痕scrap 废料scrap jam 废料阻塞scratch 刮伤/划痕scuffing 深冲表面划伤seam 裂痕shock line 模口挤痕short shot 充填不足shrinkage pool 凹孔sink mark 凹痕skin inclusion 表皮折迭straightening 矫直streak 条状痕surface check 表面裂痕surface roughening 橘皮状表皮皱折surging 波动sweat out 冒汗torsion 扭曲warpage 翘曲waviness 波痕webbing 熔塌weld mark 焊痕whitening 白化wrinkle 皱纹missing part漏件wrong part错件excessive defects过多的缺陷critical defect极严重缺陷major defect主要缺陷minor defect次要缺陷not up to standard不合规格dimension/size is a little bigger尺寸偏大(小) cosmetic defect外观不良slipped screwhead/slippery screw head螺丝滑头slipped screwhead/shippery screw thread滑手speckle斑点mildewed=moldy=mouldy发霉rust生锈deformation变形burr(金属)flash(塑件)毛边poor staking铆合不良excesssive gap间隙过大grease/oil stains油污inclusion杂质painting peel off脏污shrinking/shrinkage缩水mixed color杂色scratch划伤。

Sewing/Textile Product - 缝制品/纺织品bag flap袋盖handle手挽buckle扣clip夹子snap劈啪扣clothes布料drawn string拉绳embroidery刺绣fabric织料hem包边,摺皱key holder锁匙扣lining内衬trap stitches埋线magic sticher魔术贴metal rivet铆钉pocket门袋pocket flap门袋盖rim车边seam缝sew-in label缝内标牌sewing line止口处车线shoulder strap背带strap带zip tie拉链吊尾zipper拉链zipper end拉链尾端zipper head拉链头zipper teeth拉链齿eyelet金属圈/孔眼/透气孔sweat strap(cap)汗带(帽)tail belt(cap)尾带(帽)tail belt buckle(cap)尾带扣(帽)top button(cap)顶珠(帽)visor(cap)帽舌harsh handfeel from dyeing染色不良造成手工粗糙foreign fiber混毛burn out烧焦poor embroidery刺绣不良insufficient stitcher per inch alonghems缝线针脚不够每英寸沿着摺sewing label incrrect or missing布标固定不良或缺失holes or needle chew scar onsurface表面有碎针孔zipper no function or functionintermittent拉链无功能或功能间歇stitches not straight/wavystitching缝线不直zip sewed in reverse order拉链车反puckered起皱seam open爆口skip stitches跳针broken needle段针back stitches回针broken stitches断车线double/overlapped stitching重车loose stitching车线松missing stitches漏车线poor stitching车线不良stitches of different color thread缝线不同色insufficient stitches per inch along缝线不够密poor thread tension causingpucker缝线过紧引起起皱separation at seam where threadwas visible车缝开裂,缝线可见uneven borders边沿不平整poor trimming修正不良drawn yarn抽纱fabric broken布料烂holes on fabric布料有洞flaws on fabric布料有瑕疵tears on fabric布料破处fabric frayed布料磨损uneven/loose weaving of fabric布料编织不匀称tough to the touch due toexcessive dye染料过多,手感粗糙coarse yarn粗纱needle scar针痕poor hemming包边不良uneven hems包边不平thread color mismatched to fabric线与布料的颜色不搭配care label missing缺说明标签missing promotionaladvertisement paper (if缺广告宣传纸(如果可用)slide snap button no function orfunction intermittent滑动按扣无功能或功能间歇uneven or pulled loops (uncut terry)毛圈不均匀(针对不须切除的毛圈)missing label缺商标dye streaks within fabric布染色条痕slubs on frbric布上有粗结crocking of color磨擦褪色uncut loops (cut terry)毛圈未切除(对需要切的毛圈)General - 家具通用door门drawer抽屉floor地板mirror镜子peg木栓seat cushion座垫rack贮物/冒架shelf架子wood divide分隔木板wood slat木条solid wood实心木plywood / veneer board胶合板vanity带镜的梳妆台staples小钉子rivet铆钉arm rest扶手back rest后靠背castor脚轮gross beam横梁hinge铰链joint / tenon榫头mortise榫眼support stem支柱knot木结back panel后面板side panel侧面板steel seat plate铁座板toe kick脚后座gas lift气动升降装置height adjustable arm高度调节臂ladder梯/梯状物moisture content test湿度测试Wood Product - 木制品bug holes / rodent infestation蛀虫眼moisture content out of limit湿度含量超标bloating发涨poor or missing lacquering喷漆不良/木喷漆Wood Toilet Seat - 木厕座rust or excessive grease on metalcomponents and hardware金属部件生锈或有多余油脂hinges function not smooth铰链滑动不顺rust or poor plating on hinges, rivets or other materials 铰链,铆钉或其它金属部件生锈或电镀不良gap between lid seat after closed盖,座间有缝隙(盖下盖missing mounting hardware缺装备部件hinges, knobs, bolts, nuts missing or not fit properly 铰链,旋钮,门闩,螺帽缺,或不合适Ttools list - 工具列表large slotted screw driver大一字螺丝刀cross screw driver十字螺丝刀small slotted screw driver小一字螺丝刀razor剃刀medium knife中型刀small knife小型刀fish scaler刮鳞刀nail file指甲锉can opener开罐器pliers钳子ceramic stoneware - 陶瓷制品dirt / hair / trash embedded inglaze瓷层内有赃物/毛发/费品sharp points/edge锋利的尖端/锐边non-smooth welds焊接处不光滑excessive visible polishing lines过多的可见抛光纹weld marks a weld points焊接点有焊痕poor finishing at welds焊接表面处理不良rusty spots锈斑weld spark wire residue焊接火星残渣polishing compound residue especially under the rim and rivets 抛光混合物残渣(特别在镶边和铆钉处)unsecured rivets铆钉不牢misalign seam or joint接合处未对齐/对准improper alignment of handles手柄未对齐/对准improper fit of insert pieces to theset一套内置各件大小不合适leakage through the rivets铆钉处渗漏non-stick film thickness exceeded+/-5%不黏膜厚度不符 +/-5% irregullar or rough coating表面涂层粗糙不规则improper or unsecure bonding ofbase底座黏合不适/不牢unsecured fastening未系牢lids fit badly盖子大小不适overburn过烧overlapped重叠poor decal贴花不良poor glazing上釉不良crimping of curves not smooth褶线不平滑individual pieces of sets not matching in pattern and color 每套的单件产品之间图案/颜色不一致design not consistent in pattern ,size and color within and between the set(s)每套产品的样式,尺寸及颜色设计不一致brass components tarnished (ifapplicable)铜制部件(若有)失去光泽finish not even and with bubblesor flaws抛光不平整,有气泡或瑕疵decorative patterns not consistentincluding color, size and placement of design 修饰图案不一致,包括颜色,尺寸及图案位置decals breakage釉面破裂decals incorrect color花釉颜色错误decals-broken, fizzle, scratch, mis-print 花釉有破损,粘花微弱,刮伤,印错decals off position花釉移位/错位pin holes on the item产品上有针孔missinng items缺件missing glaze未上釉glaze not even and with bubblesor flaws釉面不平整,有气泡,瑕疵uneven painting喷涂不均匀damage no the ceramic瓷表面有破损handle not secured in place把手位置不适当unit bottom not polished产品底部未抛光pitted surface, depression onsurface表面有麻点,凹陷thickness of stoneware not eventhroughout the item瓷制产品厚度不均black spots黑斑decal贴花glazing上釉ignition button点火按钮lighter holder打火机固定器Ashtray - 烟灰缸cigarette slot deformed烟槽变形decal off center花釉偏离中心位置unglazed未上釉missing or incomplete decal缺花釉或花釉不全Cutlery - 刀具dinnerware - 餐具dinnerware list餐具列表ceramic dinnerware (pls.refer to ceramic product)瓷制餐具(请参考瓷制品缺陷)stainless steel dinnerware不锈钢餐具cookware - 炊具kettle水煲coffee maker咖啡机electrical cookware电炊具Masher/Garlic press - 捣碎器plastic parts do not match in texture or gloss or color 塑料部件的文理/光泽/颜色不一致welding lines焊接痕spot weld marks not properlycleaned or polished焊点不整洁/表面处理不良poor fitting of parts , especially on the handle and spout 部件装配不良,尤其在把手及出口处rusty or corrosive rivets铆钉生锈/已腐蚀handle attachment not in-line withspout手柄和出口不在一条线上rotating handle not rotatedsmoothly手柄旋转不顺畅rotating handle placed in itsupright position not remain手柄不能保持直立Dehumidifier - 干燥器/除湿器pre-filter damaged/deformed预滤器(粗滤器)损坏/变foreign material inside cabinet内有异物poor fitness of water tank水箱大小不合适poor fitness of water hose水龙带大小不合适abnormal noise during operation操作时不正常噪音motor/condenser no function电机/冷凝器无功能indicating lamp no function指示灯无功能Hi-pot test failed高压不过polarity reversed极性接反fuse no function保险丝无功能ground wire discontinuous接地线中断temperature sensing cutoff testfailed温度感应断电测试失败no dehumidifier function无除湿功能live and neutral wires shortage incircuit火线和中线短路tensile pull test for carryinghandle failed把手张力测试失败gap between two halves of theplastic housing塑料机架两半有缝隙brass wire in power cord exposed电源线铜丝外露water full sensing cutoff testfailed水箱满水断电测试失败water tank sensor no function水箱感应器无功能barbecue tools - 烧烤用具lifting pump提升管inlet入水管spout出水管lock nut螺母housing外壳handle手柄poor laser printing激光打印不良deformed of water spouting出水口变形loose thread螺纹松water leakage漏水failure of the thread test螺纹测试失败failure of the pressure test耐压测试失败handle assembled not in properposition手柄位置安装不当missing sensormatic tag缺防盗标split of water spouting出水偏3failure of the leakage test渗漏测试失败shower head/hand shower - 花office chair - 办公椅caster轮脚arm rest扶手back rest靠背gas lift气棒seat cushion坐垫back support后背支架adjustive handle调节手柄butterfly plate蝴蝶盘leg脚fabric布leather皮stationery - 办公文具caculator计算器ball pen圆珠笔pencil铅笔refill笔芯nib笔头pen holder笔杆pen rack笔架pen cap笔帽pen container笔筒barrel笔身loop hole插笔孔ruler尺stencil镂空尺scissors剪刀cutter裁纸刀tape胶纸tape holder胶纸座glue胶水rubber橡皮擦pencil sharper铅笔消eraser板擦punch打孔机stapler钉书机ridge holderinner sheet内页cover封面memo pad便笺本paper clip纸夹clip board书写板copy holderwhite board白板letter pad信纸本printed film印刷薄膜CE sticker CE标签button closure关闭钮helmet头盔2# HB yellow pencil - 2#HB 黄铅笔burr or scratch on rubber wing橡皮边翼有刮伤和毛刺color of pencil not pantone 123c铅笔颜色对不上色卡号123C poor assembly between twohalves of wood / gap found on head of pencil 木头两半装配不良/铅笔顶端有缝隙graphite center in the wood木头中有石墨missing silkscreen of logo缺丝印标识rubber head assembled in theother end橡皮头装错头paint removed掉漆pin hole on body笔身有针孔wrong logo / name plate mixed in shipment 同一船货的标识错误/名称图板相混eraser leaving marks like a red or pink crayon 橡皮擦过后留有粉(红)色粉笔似印记pencil lead loose铅笔芯松lead broken铅笔芯断missing core缺铅笔芯Ball Point Pen -圆珠笔obvious shrinkage or deformationon the surface of plastic or metal parts 塑料或金属部件表面有明显的萎缩或变形gap between two halves of theplastic housing塑料笔筒两半之间有缝隙difficult to assemble (ifapplicable)组装困难(若需组装)incorrect instruction / missinginstruction说明书错误/缺失metal and / or mechanical partsrusted金属及/或机械部件生锈pan cap unfit pen body笔帽不配笔身ink not fully filledinterpage corner rolled页卷角line not straight线不直insufficient page页数不够identification lines illegible标识线模糊不清inner sheet torn内页撕裂sheets edge not smooth页边缘不光滑/齐整handle loose out把手松incorrect material composition材料合成不对cannot fit standard size binders不配标准尺寸的活页封cannot open and close smoothly开关不顺/不灵活lock operation not smooth锁功能不顺inner sheet loosened out内页松垮/掉落inner sheet folded内页折叠impurities inside sheet纸内有赃物/杂物sheet surface not smooth页面不光滑Assorted 100 Count ClamshellBox - 哈壳式挖泥机盒blister edge broken吸塑边缘破裂holes on clamshell哈壳上有洞眼sharp edge on clamshell哈壳有锐边incorrect color assortment颜色组合不对excessive gap between cover andbase盖,座间间隙过大steel oxidized钢被氧化Imitation Jewellery - 仿真珠宝necklace项链bracelet手镯brooch胸针beads珠子flat sided beads平边珠子stone石头pearl珍珠pendant坠子snake chain蛇形链ear clip耳夹clasp扣子hook clasp钩扣knot结brooch pin胸针别针link环rubber stop橡皮塞set unevenly not flush to each other (珠子等)设置不均匀,不整齐resin from... in plating…树脂从...流到…solid bubble in plating电镀表面有固体泡泡porosity on areas of plating电镀区域多孔clasp not open or close properly钩扣开关不顺clasp shift钩扣僵硬不灵blackened surface caused bysolder process焊接过程中造成表面黑话beads not matching in color珠子颜色不匹配beads slided over the knots and hitthe next bead珠子滑过接头撞到下一个beads too loosely knotted珠子间间隔太松shading within the beads珠子表面有阴影pin not sharp enough别针不够锋利Clear/colored PlasticBeverageware - 透明/彩色饮料瓶caps/lids帽/盖bases座inner and outer shells内壳/外壳handles手柄thickwalls厚壁bubbles泡泡bubbles grouped in one area泡泡集中在一个区域bubble on lip area嘴唇区域有气泡burned mark烧痕blush脸红carbon spots碳斑carbon spots grouped in one area碳斑集中在一个区域carbob spots on light area碳斑在光亮区域carbon spots on lip area嘴唇区域有碳斑cloudy appearance云彩效果distorted歪曲color streaks/swirls彩色斑纹/旋斑cracking/chipped破裂/有缺口visible dragmark可见的拖痕flow lines on lip area流动线在嘴唇区域flash闪烁sprues注料口oily film油膜orange peel橙色皮orange peel on lip area橙色皮在嘴唇区域yellow tint黄色调warpage战争页Glassware - 玻璃器具glaze not even with bubble orflaws上釉不均,有气泡或瑕疵missing glaze未上釉item did not sitflush(wobbleing/rocking)产品站立不稳(摇晃)decal off position贴花釉位置不对glass shade玻璃灯罩Outdoor articles - 户外用品sleeping bag睡袋Paper Product - 纸制品cover page or inner sheets poorlyglued封面和内页粘贴不良page corner rolled页角卷边flash inside punched holescolor shading difference ondifferent sheets不同页上有不同的彩色阴影line not straight线不直insufficient pages页数不够identification line illegible标识线模糊不清inner sheet torn内页撕裂extra glue residue on sheet surface表面残留胶水太多inner sheets loosened out内页松垮/掉落wrinkled mark on sheet surface页表面有皱痕distance between lines notidentical行距不一致inner sheet folded内页有摺皱blurred ink mark模糊的墨水印impurities inside sheet纸内有杂斑UPC printed on cover pagescratched封面上的条码有刮伤sheet surface not smooth纸表面不光滑no watermark无水印sheets poorly heat-sealed热收缩密封不良sharp point or sharp edge (injury to the user)锋利的点或边(会伤害用户)paper chipped纸缺口wrinkled on paper/paper box有皱纹fold line on paper/paperbox/playing card有摺皱pattern on back not consistent (playing card)背面图案组成不对(扑克牌)missing ornaments ontree/poinsettia树/猩猩木上缺装饰物foreign particles inside the base底座内有异物brass wire in power cord exposed电源线铜丝外露motor cannot rotate马达不转abnormal noise in music box (ifapplicable)音乐盒(若有)有异常噪音light cannot extend to fiber opticend灯不能照及光纤末端conduction wires inside thehousing too loose or wire poorly机座内导线过松或整理不良melody/rhythm incorrect旋律/节奏不对bulb broken灯泡破transformer no output变压器无输出功能motor movement too loose马达机芯过松Headset/Earphone - 耳机/听筒excessive noise噪音过大microphone adjusting arm麦克风调节臂mute button静音钮switch/control开关/控制键bottom foot底角blister broken吸塑破Candle - 蜡烛wax蜡flame火焰peppermint薄荷油wick灯芯scent香味white snowflake like spots点状白色雪片frost mark on surface表面有霜状痕迹caved in on one side一边凹焰wick smoked excessively灯芯冒烟严重flame was small and died out火焰小,逐渐熄灭unscented无香味air bubbles on surface表面有气泡cracked inside内部裂flame burned a tunnel火焰中间烧出一条道wick drowned in melted wax灯芯浸入熔化蜡中wax left on the insides ofcontainer容器内粘有蜡Mini blinds - 百叶窗double slats双重窗叶light leakage漏光gap between slats too large窗叶间缝隙太大lock function intermittent锁不住basket ball/foot ball/volleyball/tennis ball - 篮球/足球/排球/网球too much air inside the ball (toohard)气过足ball does not inflate properly充气不良damage no the item/nap no tidy表面绒毛不整齐gift box did not stand in verticalmanner礼篮不能垂直站立not enough air inside the ball (toosoft)气不足bouncing height too low/too high球弹高度过底/过高hole in rubber橡皮上有洞poor stitching缝制不良。

中英文不良对照表中英文不良对照表画面异常Picture deformed收敛不良Misconvergence色纯不良Purity NG亮度VR无作用Brightness VR no function对比VR无作用Contrast VR no function水平VR无作用H-size VR no function水平位置H-pos VR no function左右画差Picture close to one side零件翘脚Pin Bent缺件Missing Parts错件Wrong Parts短路Pin short错位Wrong Position of Parts断件Parts broken破损BreakdownLED闪LED Flash余光打点Spot when cut off不能Recall No Recall Function场VR无作用V-size VR no function场位置VR无作用V-Pos VR no function小姐腰VR无作用Pincushion VR no function亮度VR无作用Brightness VR bad function对比VR作用不良Contrast VR bad function接触不良Connections NG倾斜Screen tilt按键无功能No function key NG水平大小无法调No H-size function拖影Pix Drag/smearing垂直不同步V-Unsync死机No Power/Power off锡洞Solder hole虚焊Cold Solder未过板Component Leg Dislodged/Pin Bent亮度超规Brightness uniformity out of specW/U超规White uniformity out of specLED(v-size control rang)亮度不均LED (v-size control rang) having a reduced brightness 倾斜Tilt /swivel base hook was curve画抖Picture jump后壳右倾刮伤Back cover was scratched on right side孔塞Hole Bung无画No picture/No videoLED异常LED Abnormal模糊Blooming关机彩斑Strag Emissio异音Unusual Sound/Nolse from unlt画面一横线One Horz Line水平不同步H-Unsync聚集不良Poor focus画面一横线One hor line画面一竖线One ver line抖动Jitter按键不良Touch Key Failure行不同步Faulty H-sync场不同步Faulty V-sync缺红色Lack red color仅有红色Only red color异音Nolse from unlt外观不良CosmetlcsCRT刮伤CRT ScratchCRT污点CRT color blemlshCRT剥落CRT Missing pixel作用小Small Range几何失真Geometric Distortion缺色Missing colorDDC失败DDC Failure倾斜Tilt/Rotation画偏H-Phase Deviation亮度高低Brightness out or SPECSize大小Size out of SPEC鱼尾纹Moire白平衡White Balance外壳刮伤Case Scratch黑影Black Shadow底盘松Base loose640*480/85Hz异音干扰Noise on 640*480/85Hz and interference.敲击时画面红线开扰Red line showing on screen when tapping test 按键不顺Touch key failureLED断LED indicator no function按键响声Noise when pressed the function key画闪Image lightningDDC序号错DDC S/N was wrong on DDC test底亮Raster干扰Interference缺散热片Missing Heat Sink锡裂Solder Pad Fractured未贴板Parts Not Touch PCB画面倾斜Bad Raster Rotaion平形四边形失真Bad Parallelogram梯形失真Bad Trapezoid色纯不良Purity out of specCRT错料Wrong CRTCRT刮伤CRT scratchCRT污点CRT blemishesCRT亮点/CRT 水晶球CRT embedded stonesCRT抛光CRT polishedCRT气泡CRT blistersCRT色斑CRT Color saturationCRT暗斑CRT shadow spotsCRT污染CRT stains开机彩斑Switch off color spot大标签错Wrong big label角缘失真Cornet distortion管型错(DY)Wrong tube or DYSE Stray Emission管面沾胶Faceplate glued位移Shift玻璃胶贯穿Glass glue thorough管面涂布不良Poor CRT =S daubing黑纵线Ringing out of samples管颈断Neck broken紫光Purple light耳歪Ear contour面罩变形Mask distortion缺色Missing color色弱Dim video冷开机收敛异常Poor convergence when switch onMenu键无作用The key of menu no function720*400 37K/84Hz画面异音Noise on 720*400 37K/84Hz mode底色亮度超规Preset raster brightness out of specCRT与前框间隙GAP between CRT and bezel out of spec开机画面模糊Blooming when switch onAll mode拖绿边Shadow on all modeCOWJ画面模糊Picture fuzzy (focus very poor) when tapping test COWJ归线The retrace line show on white pattern when tapping test COWJ红线Red line showing on screen when tapping testCOWJ无画After tapping test video brightness/no video when the tapping test低频画抖Jitter found on low frequency(31KHZ)mode底盘脚弯Tilt / swivel base hood was curve拖毛边Tailing foundCRT面脏CRT surface dirty机内开关帽Switch cap on function静电大The CRT surface electrostatic is strong, paper can bestuck on CRT surface CRT刮伤CRT surface scratched底色亮度超规Average background brightness out of spec/ Background brightness max out of spec"Pin Balance"键无作用"Pin Balance" no function画抖在720*400 31KHz/70Hz Swimming in the 720*400 31KHZ/70HZID刮伤Scratched on ID后壳刮伤Back cover scratch/Scratched on back cover 后壳缺料(接口处)Plastic material isn't enough along水平线性超规=14% H-linearity in the 50KHZ ,100HZ out of spec白画面敲击彩条(在白画面敲击有不稳定的线条)Picture unstable and color line showing on white pattern when tapping test指示灯LED"V-size/梯形"暗LED (v-size control rang) having a reduced brightness 底部弯曲Swivel base hook was curve画抖Picture jump后壳碰伤(擦伤)Back cover was scratched on right sideT34异音且横线干扰Noise on 640*480/85HZ and interference机内异物(磁环)Foreign material (FB) inside monitor机内异物(锡珠)Foreign material (solder ball) inside monitor前框杂质/碰伤Front bezel scratched on lower right corner前框刮伤(下部)Front bezel scratch on lower right corner功率测试LED灭LED dose not light onT39切边Picture was close to raster (tangency) on 1024*768/75Hz mode后壳翘角(刮伤)Back cover scratch at lower right corner 转"Rotation"键作用小Parallelogram one side no function底盘松(转盘)Swivel base too loose画闪且底色变Picture flash and raster color was change automatically缺底盘T/S base missing全白亮度偏低Max 100%brightness white field out of spec色纯不良(Red)Impurity out of spec at red pattern画面伸缩Picture is auto flexing拖影Focus is very poor转消磁键画异Picture abnormal (very large)after press degaussing Key 9300K底亮与窗口值小Brightness is reduced after press 9300 function key Logo 翘角Logo sticking floatingCRT面脏CRT surface dirty所有画面垂直线弯曲Vertical line was bend at crosshatch pattern画闪(画面间歇性闪)Picture flash intermittent /Image lightningCRT 水晶面CRT lens全部画面鱼尾纹Morie on all modes敲打不良Tapping test failed"△"键无作用Function key "+"scratchedSIEMENS 厂牌印刷不良SIEMENS logo on carting NGAll mode 拖绿边Shadow on all modes开机画面模糊Blooming when switch on"+"键无作用"+"key no functionCRT 与前框间隙Gap between CRT and bezel out of specT09 异音Noise on 720*400/37K/84HZ mode死机No power/Unit diedMUTE键无作用The key of mute no function冷开机收敛异常Poor convergence when switch onDDC序号错DDC S/N was wrong on DDC test按键不顺Noise when pressed the function keyLED断Touch key failure水平大小无法调No H-size function垂直不同步V-synchronization锡洞Solder hole翘皮Solder pad lifted加温冒烟且缺绿色Condition warm smoke and missing green color.画面模糊Focus was became very poor and retrace line found during warm Up process.COWJ 死机Unit dead (no power) during the tapping test.COWJ变蓝色且归线Color became from white to blue and retrace line found when tapping test.COWJ 细线干扰Thin line interference found during tapping testAll mode画异且关机彩斑No recall function after power switch on/off five times, and color spot show on the screen after power switch off.按键杂质Function key dirty画面中心聚焦不良Poor focus at center of screen.梯形失真(7.5mm)Geometric distortion (trapezoid) out of spec (7.5mm) on all modes。

常用英语词汇与缩写:Accuracy:精度Additive Process:加成工艺Adhesion:附着力Aerosol:气溶剂Angle of attack:迎角Anisotropic adhesive:各异向性胶Annular ring:环状圈Application specific integrated circuit :ASIC特殊应用集成电路Array:列阵Artwork:布线图Automated test equipment:ATE自动测试设备Bond lift-off:焊接升离Bonding agent:粘合剂CAD/CAM system:计算机辅助设计与制造系统Capillary action:毛细管作用Chip on board :COB板面芯片Circuit tester:电路测试机Cladding:覆盖层Cold cleaning:冷清洗Cold solder joint:冷焊锡点Conductive epoxy:导电性环氧树脂Conductive ink:导电墨水Conformal coating:共形涂层Copper foil:铜箔Copper mirror test:铜镜测试Cure:烘焙固化AOI(Automatic optical inspection):自动光学检查Assembly:组件ATE(Automated test equipment):自动测试设备Bare Chip:裸芯片BGA(Ball grid array)球栅列阵Blind via:盲孔Blowholes:吹孔Bridge:锡桥Bridging:搭锡bulk feeder:散装式供料器Buried via:埋孔Chamber System:炉膛系统Chip:片状元件Circuit tester:电路测试机cleaning after soldering:焊后清洗Cold solder joint:冷焊锡点Component Check:元件检查Component density:元件密度Component Pick-Up:元件拾取Component Transport:元件传送Component:元件convection reflow soldering:热对流再流焊Copper Clad Laminates:覆铜箔层压板Copper foil:铜箔Copper mirror test:铜镜测试CSP(Chip Scale Package):芯片规模的封装CTE(Coefficient of the thermal expansion):温度膨胀系数Cure:烘焙固化Cursting:发生皮层Cycle rate:循环速率Data recorder:数据记录器Defect:缺陷Delamination:分层Desoldering:卸焊Dewetting:去湿DFM:为制造着想的设计Dispersant:分散剂Documentation:文件编制Downtime:停机时间Durometer:硬度计Desoldering:卸焊Device:器件Dewetting:缩锡DIP:双列直插Downtime:停机时间Dpm(defects per million):百万缺陷率dual wave soldering:双波峰焊Dull Joint:焊点灰暗Environmental test:环境测试Eutectic solders:共晶焊锡Excessive Paste:膏量太多FCT(Functional test):功能测试feeder holder:供料器架feeders:供料器Fiducial:基准点Fillet:焊角Fine-pitch technology :FPT密脚距技术Fixture:夹具Flexibility:柔性flexible stencil:柔性金属漏版Flip chip:倒装芯片flux bubbles:焊剂气泡flying:飞片FPT(Fine-pitch technology):密脚距技术Full liquidus temperature:完全液化温度Golden boy:金样Fundamentals of Solders and Soldering焊料及焊接基础知识Soldering Theory焊接理论Microstructure and Soldering显微结构及焊接Effect of Elemental Constituents on Wetting焊料成分对润湿的影响Effect of Impurities on Soldering杂质对焊接的影响Solder Paste Technology焊膏工艺Solder Powder 锡粉Solder Paste Rheology锡膏流变学Solder Paste Composition & Manufacturing锡膏成分和制造SMT Problems Occurred Prior to Reflow回流前SMT问题Flux Separation助焊剂分离Paste Hardening焊膏硬化Poor Stencil Life网板寿命问题Poor Print Thickness印刷厚度不理想Poor Paste Release From Squeegee锡膏脱离刮刀问题Smear印锡模糊Insufficiency锡不足Needle Clogging针孔堵塞Slump塌落Low Tack低粘性Short Tack Time 粘性时间短SMT Problems Occurred During Reflow回流过程中的SMT问题Cold Joints冷焊Nonwetting不润湿Dewetting反润湿Leaching浸析Intermetallics金属互化物Tombstoning立碑Skewing歪斜Wicking焊料上吸Bridging桥连Voiding空洞Opening开路Solder Balling锡球Solder Beading锡珠Spattering飞溅SMT Problems Occurred at Post Reflow Stage回流后问题White Residue白色残留物Charred Residue炭化残留物Poor Probing Contact探针测接问题Surface Insulation Resistance or Electrochemical Migration Failure表面绝缘阻抗或电化迁移缺陷Delamination/Voiding/Non-curing Of Conformal Coating/Encapsulants分层/空洞/敷形涂覆或包封的固化问题Challenges at BGA and CSP Assembly and Rework Stage BGA、CSP组装和翻修的挑战Starved Solder Joint少锡焊点Poor Self-Alignment自对位问题Poor Wetting润湿不良Voiding空洞Bridging桥连Uneven Joint Height焊点高度不均Open开路Popcorn and Delamination爆米花和分层Solder Webbing锡网Solder Balling锡球Problems Occurred at Flip Chip Reflow Attachment倒装晶片回流期间发生的问题Misalignment位置不准Poor Wetting润湿不良Solder Voiding空洞Underfill Voiding底部填充空洞Bridging桥连Open开路Underfill Crack底部填充裂缝Delamination分层)Filler Segregation填充分离Insufficient Underfilling底部填充不充分Optimizing Reflow Profile via Defect Mechanisms Analysis回流曲线优化与缺陷机理分析Flux Reaction助焊剂反应Peak Temperature峰值温度Cooling Stage冷却阶段Heating Stage加热阶段Timing Considerations时间研究Optimization of Profile曲线优化Comparison with Conventional Profiles与传统曲线的比较Discussion讨论Implementing Linear Ramp Up Profile斜坡式曲线general placement equipment:中速贴装机Golden boy:金样Halides:卤化物Hard water:硬水Hardener:硬化剂high speed placement equipment:高速贴装机hot air reflow soldering:热风再流焊ICT(In-circuit test):在线测试In-circuit test:在线测试Insufficient Paste:膏量不足JIT(Just-in-time):刚好准时laser reflow soldering:激光再流焊LCCC(Leadless Ceramic Chip Carrier):无引脚陶瓷芯片载体Lead configuration:引脚外形Line certification:生产线确认located soldering:局部软钎焊low speed placement equipment:低速贴装机low temperature paste:低温焊膏Machine vision:机器视觉Mean time between failure :MTBF平均故障间隔时间Manhattan effect:曼哈顿现象melf:圆柱形元件metal stencil:金属漏版Misalignment:偏斜Modularity:模块化Movement:移位no-clean solder paste:免清洗焊膏Non-Dewetting:不沾锡Nonwetting:不熔湿的optic correction system :光学校准系统Organic activated :OA有机活性的Packaging density:装配密度Photoploter:相片绘图仪Placement equipment:贴装设备past mask:焊膏膜(漏板)paste shelf life:焊膏贮存寿命PCB(Printed circuit board):印刷电路板Pick-and-place:拾取-贴装设备placement accuracy:贴装精度placement direction:贴装方位Placement equipment:贴装设备placement pressure:贴装压力Placement Procedure:元件放置placement speed:贴装速度PLCC(Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier):塑型有引脚芯片载体Poor Tack Retention:粘着力不足precise placement equipment:精密贴装机PTH (Pin Through the Hole):通孔安装QFP(Quad Flat Package):多引脚方形扁平封装Reflow soldering:回流焊接Repair:修理Repeatability:可重复性Rheology:流变学repeatability:重复性resolution:分辨率Rework:返工rotating deviation:旋转偏差Schematic:原理图Semi-aqueous cleaning:不完全水清洗Shadowing:阴影Silver chromate test:铬酸银测试Slump:坍落Solder bump:焊锡球Solderability:可焊性Soldermask:阻焊Solids:固体。

不良描述中英文对照Goods Supplement补货1.Plastic parts 塑胶部件Abrasion/划痕、Bubbles/气泡、Burrs/毛刺、Bad Plating/电镀不良、Contamination/杂质、Crack/爆裂、Combine Lines/结合线、Deformation/变形、Flow Marks/流痕、GreasyDirt/油污、Haze/雾状、Jelly/泠胶、Mold Marks/模痕、Melange Color/混色、Oppilation Hole/盲孔、Pull White/拉白、Pour Hole uneven/浇口不平、Wrong Stamping/字麦不符、Short Shots/缺料、Shrinkage/缩水、Stripped Screw/螺丝滑牙、Top White/顶白、Weld Lines/夹水纹、Wrong Dimension/尺寸不符、Wrong Texture/纹理错误、Light/发亮,Gaps裂缝、Steps 披峰、表面有手指印Surface finger prints、丝印错误Wrong printing、丝印偏移Printing slanted、丝印重影Printing double image、丝印有污点,拖尾Printing smearing、丝印不平坦(多油或少油)Printing uneven ( thin / thick )、丝印对于中心偏位Printing off centre、压痕或凹痕Press mark 或dented mark、反光或毛刺Flashing 或 burr、镜片有针孔Pin hole on lens.光泽luster/白点white dot、黑点black dot、装配不合格assembled NG、缺口Nick裂split2.Metal Parts 五金部件Abrasion/划痕、Bad Weld/焊接不良、Burrs/毛刺、Bad Plating/电镀不良、Bend angle/折弯角度、Contamination/杂质、Crack/爆裂、Deformation/变形、Dents/凹痕、Greasy Dirt/油污、Mold Marks/模痕、Missing Stamp/漏冲压、Oppilation Hole/盲孔、Pressing Marks/压痕、Rust/生锈、Wrong Stamping/字麦错误、Short Shots/缺料、Stripped Screw/螺丝滑牙、Pits/疤痕、Specks/斑点、Wrong Texture/纹理错误、Wrong Dimension/尺寸不符3.Painting partsSilkScreen parts 喷油/丝印部件Inspection Points /检查要点 :Bleeding/渗色 ,Bad Painting/喷油不良 ,Contamination/杂质 ,deviate position/偏位 ,Flow Marks/流痕 ,Missing paint/漏喷,Over Paint/肥油 ,Pits/疤痕 ,Poor Adhesion/附着力差 ,Print Words Leans/印刷字体倾斜 ,Pooring Paint/薄油,Silkscreen Haze/丝印模糊 ,Silkscreen Stamping Inconsistency/丝印字样不一致 , Scratch/划伤 ,Speck/斑点 ,Uneven Surface Oil/表面油层不均匀 ,Words Break Off/字体断开 ,Wrong Color/错误颜色 ,Wrong Texture/纹理错误 ;4.PCB 印制线路板Open/开路;Short/短路;Weave Texture/板料席纹;Foreign Residue/外来杂物;Delamination/爆板,分层;Dent/凹陷;Dent on G/F/金手指凹陷;Scratch/擦花;Misregistration/对位不正;Board Damage/板子损坏;C/M Illegible/白字不清;C/M on pad/白字上垫;Copper expoure/露铜;Solder Mask on Pad/绿油上垫;Uneven Solder Mask/绿油不平均;Solder Mask peeling off/绿油脱落;Missing Hole/漏孔;Excess Hole/多孔;Wrong Hole Size/孔径错误;Hole Breakout/崩孔;Nick Trace/线路缺口;Void on Trace/线路铜穿;Diskdown/线路不良/狗牙;Solder Mask inside hole/绿油入孔; Discolouration under Solder Mask/绿油颜色不良; Foreign matter under Solder Mask/绿油下杂物; Solder Mask skipping/不过油;Solder on Gold Finger/金手指上锡;Poor Bevelling/斜边不良;Gold Finger burrs/金手指损坏;Ping Ring/粉红圈5.Electronic parts 电子元件No AVL/没AVL;not on AVL/不在AVL上;Mfg/Mfg P/N dis-match AVL/ 与AVL不符;D/C overdue/ D/C 过期;无D/C;wrong part/错料;no reel/无卷轴;bulk packing for chip/ 散装;No dry packing(HIC change color)/ 无真空包装(防潮卡变色); No ESD packing/无防静电包装;illegible marking/印字不清,wrong marking/印字错;deformation/变型 ;micro crack/裂料;damaged part/ 烂料 ;Lead bent(PTH/SMT)/脚弯;Solder balls damaged/锡球坏wrong lead form/脚型错;wrong pitch/脚距不符;coplanar problem/平整度不良;pad(lead) oxidization/锡垫(引脚)氧化;wrong direction in tape(tray)/带中(盘中)方向错;short pins/引脚短;failed in solderability/ 焊锡不良;size(dimensions) out of specification/ 尺寸超标;function fail/ 功能不良;no tolerance/无误差范围;contamination/杂质;wrong identification for pin1/ 第1脚标识错.Broker Buy/炒料;(巻装物料)巻带前无空余巻带No blank cover tape for feeder loading 巻带粘力不足Not enough adhesive for the cover tape. 料盘变形Reel Deforming/卷带变型.。
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Goods Supplement补货
1.Plastic parts 塑胶部件
Bad Plating/电镀不良、
Combine Lines/结合线、
Flow Marks/流痕、
Mold Marks/模痕、
Melange Color/混色、
Oppilation Hole/盲孔、
Pull White/拉白、
Pour Hole uneven/浇口不平、
Wrong Stamping/字麦不符、
Short Shots/缺料、
Stripped Screw/螺丝滑牙、
Top White/顶白、
Weld Lines/夹水纹、
Wrong Dimension/尺寸不符、
Wrong Texture/纹理错误、
Steps 披峰、
表面有手指印Surface finger prints、
丝印错误Wrong printing、
丝印偏移Printing slanted、
丝印重影Printing double image、
丝印有污点,拖尾Printing smearing、
丝印不平坦(多油或少油)Printing uneven ( thin / thick )、丝印对于中心偏位Printing off centre、
压痕或凹痕Press mark 或dented mark、
反光或毛刺Flashing 或 burr、
镜片有针孔Pin hole on lens.
光泽luster/白点white dot、
黑点black dot、
装配不合格assembled NG、
2.Metal Parts 五金部件
Bad Weld/焊接不良、
Bad Plating/电镀不良、
Bend angle/折弯角度、
Greasy Dirt/油污、
Mold Marks/模痕、
Missing Stamp/漏冲压、
Oppilation Hole/盲孔、
Pressing Marks/压痕、
Wrong Stamping/字麦错误、
Short Shots/缺料、
Stripped Screw/螺丝滑牙、
Wrong Texture/纹理错误、
Wrong Dimension/尺寸不符
3.Painting parts
SilkScreen parts 喷油/丝印部件
Inspection Points /检查要点 :
Bleeding/渗色 ,
Bad Painting/喷油不良 ,
Contamination/杂质 ,
deviate position/偏位 ,
Flow Marks/流痕 ,
Missing paint/漏喷,
Over Paint/肥油 ,
Pits/疤痕 ,
Poor Adhesion/附着力差 ,
Print Words Leans/印刷字体倾斜 ,
Pooring Paint/薄油,
Silkscreen Haze/丝印模糊 ,
Silkscreen Stamping Inconsistency/丝印字样不一致 , Scratch/划伤 ,
Speck/斑点 ,
Uneven Surface Oil/表面油层不均匀 ,
Words Break Off/字体断开 ,
Wrong Color/错误颜色 ,
Wrong Texture/纹理错误 ;
4.PCB 印制线路板
Weave Texture/板料席纹;
Foreign Residue/外来杂物;
Dent on G/F/金手指凹陷;
Board Damage/板子损坏;
C/M Illegible/白字不清;
C/M on pad/白字上垫;
Copper expoure/露铜;
Solder Mask on Pad/绿油上垫;
Uneven Solder Mask/绿油不平均;
Solder Mask peeling off/绿油脱落;
Missing Hole/漏孔;
Excess Hole/多孔;
Wrong Hole Size/孔径错误;
Hole Breakout/崩孔;
Nick Trace/线路缺口;
Void on Trace/线路铜穿;
Solder Mask inside hole/绿油入孔; Discolouration under Solder Mask/绿油颜色不良; Foreign matter under Solder Mask/绿油下杂物; Solder Mask skipping/不过油;
Solder on Gold Finger/金手指上锡;
Poor Bevelling/斜边不良;
Gold Finger burrs/金手指损坏;
Ping Ring/粉红圈
5.Electronic parts 电子元件
not on AVL/不在AVL上;
Mfg/Mfg P/N dis-match AVL/ 与AVL不符;
D/C overdue/ D/C 过期;无D/C;
wrong part/错料;
no reel/无卷轴;
bulk packing for chip/ 散装;
No dry packing(HIC change color)/ 无真空包装(防潮卡变色); No ESD packing/无防静电包装;
illegible marking/印字不清,
wrong marking/印字错;
deformation/变型 ;
micro crack/裂料;
damaged part/ 烂料 ;
Lead bent(PTH/SMT)/脚弯;
Solder balls damaged/锡球坏
wrong lead form/脚型错;
wrong pitch/脚距不符;
coplanar problem/平整度不良;
pad(lead) oxidization/锡垫(引脚)氧化;
wrong direction in tape(tray)/带中(盘中)方向错;
short pins/引脚短;
failed in solderability/ 焊锡不良;
size(dimensions) out of specification/ 尺寸超标;
function fail/ 功能不良;
no tolerance/无误差范围;
wrong identification for pin1/ 第1脚标识错.
Broker Buy/炒料;(巻装物料)巻带前无空余巻带
No blank cover tape for feeder loading 巻带粘力不足
Not enough adhesive for the cover tape. 料盘变形
Reel Deforming/卷带变型.。