
securecrt8操作手册【原创实用版】目录1.SecureCRT8 简介2.SecureCRT8 功能特点3.SecureCRT8 操作方法4.SecureCRT8 使用技巧5.SecureCRT8 常见问题与解答正文【SecureCRT8 简介】SecureCRT8 是一款功能强大的远程控制软件,适用于 Windows 操作系统。
SecureCRT8 采用加密传输技术,确保数据传输的安全性和可靠性,为用户提供安全、稳定的远程控制服务。
【SecureCRT8 功能特点】1.支持多种远程控制协议,如 SSH、Telnet、RLogin 等;2.提供加密传输,确保数据安全;3.支持文件传输功能,方便用户在远程计算机间传输文件;4.支持多种终端类型,如串口、Telnet、SSH 等;5.支持脚本语言,方便用户实现自动化操作;6.支持多用户管理,便于团队协作。
【SecureCRT8 操作方法】1.安装 SecureCRT8:从官方网站下载并安装 SecureCRT8 软件;2.创建新连接:在 SecureCRT8 主界面点击“新建”按钮,选择远程连接协议,填写连接信息;3.设置加密:在连接设置中,启用加密传输功能,确保数据传输的安全性;4.连接到远程计算机:点击“连接”按钮,开始连接到远程计算机;5.进行远程控制:连接成功后,可以进行远程控制和管理,如文件传输、命令执行等。
【SecureCRT8 使用技巧】1.使用快捷键:熟练使用快捷键可以提高操作效率,如 Ctrl+C 复制、Ctrl+V 粘贴等;2.设置自动登录:在连接设置中,勾选“记住密码”选项,实现自动登录;3.使用脚本语言:熟练使用脚本语言可以实现自动化操作,提高工作效率;4.设置代理:在连接设置中,启用代理设置,可以实现通过代理服务器连接到远程计算机。
【SecureCRT8 常见问题与解答】1.问:功率如何设置?答:在连接设置中,找到“功率”选项,调整功率值即可。

4、vissim9.0 demo版

图 21 玩具商店最终逻辑模型
三 ER-Studio 8.0 数据库物理建模
1 通过上一节操作后,玩具商店数据库逻辑模型设计完成后,在无误的情况下来生成物理模 型,点击菜单栏中“model-generate physical model“即弹出如下图 18 所示对话框在这里 填写物理模型名,选择相应的数据库管理系统平台,这里选”SQL Server 2008“,点击“next”
图 22 创建存储过程对话框
四 ER-Studio 8.0 数据库生成和数据库导入
1 数据库的生成。在数据物理模型生成后,即通过 ERStudio 生成实际中应用到的数据库。 (1) 首先打开 SQL Server 2008 ,在里面创建一个空数据库,取名为“ToyUniverse”。 (2) 然后在 ERStudio8.0 中,右击物理模型“Main Model”选择“Generate DataBase”, 弹出对话框图 23 所示,这里我们生成数据库,所以选“Generate Objects with Database Connection”点击“connection”测试数据库连接情况(数据库用户和 Windows 身份验证两 种,根据所装数据库用户身份实际情况而定),点击“Next”。
图 21 物理模型视图 4 在数据库物理模型生成后,根据数据库业务实际需求可以创建存储过程(Procedures)。 在物理模型中选中“Procedures”,然后右击,选择“New Procedure…..”,弹出如 22 图的 对话框。在“Name”中填写存储过程名,“Owner”中选“dbo”,在“SQL”中使用 T-SQL 创 建存储过程语句“create proc procname as……”来完成存储过程的创建,“Validate”来 检验语法错误,无错误点击“OK”。同时通过工具栏中 来创建存储过程。

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------软件名称: Surfer软件版本: 8.0软件公司:Golden Sofware, Inc原版下载: 不需要软件主页: 运行环境: Windows 98/Me/2000/XP,官方声明不再正式支持Windows 95/NT。
软件性质: 商业汉化文件: HA-Surfer8-HMG.rar汉化大小: 28M汉化作者: 阿破E - Mail: hemengui@软件介绍: 非常不错的科学类绘图软件,是地质工作者必备的专业成图软件。
当然什么叫大数据集要看您的机器配置,像我做汉化的机器(P233+128M)10KB的数据就叫大数据集,米国有为同仁,他的配置是P4 2.4GHz+1GB DDR,他经常处理的遥感和气候数据都是500MB的文件。

SecureCRT 8 操作手册1. SecureCRT 8 简介SecureCRT 是一款功能强大的网络终端仿真软件,由 VanDyke Software 公司开发。
它支持 SSH、Telnet、Rlogin 和串行接口等协议,并且提供了强大的加密功能和配置管理工具,为 IT 专业人士提供了安全、稳定和高效的远程管理解决方案。
本文将详细介绍SecureCRT 8 的操作手册,帮助用户充分利用这一工具进行网络管理和终端连接。
2. 安装和配置在安装 SecureCRT 8 之前,用户需要下载最新的安装程序,并按照提示进行安装。
在将 SecureCRT 8 配置为符合特定网络环境的终端仿真工具后,用户就可以开始使用它进行远程连接和网络管理工作了。
3. 远程连接SecureCRT 8 提供了丰富的远程连接选项,包括 SSH、Telnet 和Rlogin 等常用协议的支持。
远程连接是 SecureCRT 8 的核心功能之一,用户可以根据不同的需求选择合适的连接方式,并实现安全、高效的远程管理工作。
4. 扩展功能和定制除了基本的远程连接功能,SecureCRT 8 还提供了丰富的扩展功能和定制选项。
5. 安全性和加密管理SecureCRT 8 值得称赞的一点是其强大的安全性和加密管理功能。
SecureCRT 8 还提供了证书管理和安全审计等工具,帮助用户全面管理和监控远程连接的安全性。
6. 总结和回顾通过本文的介绍和操作手册,用户可以全面了解 SecureCRT 8 的功能和特点,掌握其基本操作和高级定制技巧。
Metric Halo ULN-8 快速入门指南说明书

ULN-8 Quick Start GuideMetric Halo$Revision: 1671 $Publication date $Date: 2012-7-21 12:42:12 -0400 (Mon, 21 Jul 2012) $ Copyright © 2012 Metric HaloTable of Contents1. ULN-8 Quick Start Guide (5)Prepare the unit for use (5)Connect the ULN-8 to your computer (6)Get familiar with the front panel (6)Take a listen (6)The MIO Console (6)The Mixer window (8)The ULN-8 and surround (9)Unleash the DSP (11)Additional Resources (12)3List of Figures1.1. ULN-8 (5)1.2. ULN-8 Routing (6)1.3. Console window (7)1.4. Mixer window (8)1.5. Surround mixer (9)1.6. Configuring the Monitor Controller (10)1.7. The configured Monitor Controller (11)451. ULN-8 Quick Start GuideFigure 1.1: ULN-8Prepare the unit for useUnpack the ULN-8 and make sure all the parts are there:•One ULN-8 unit •One IEC Power Cord appropriate for your area •One 24-volt 48-watt world-ready external power supply •One 30” IEEE 1394 9-pin to 6-pin FireWire Cable •One 4.5 meter IEEE 1394 9-pin to 6-pin FireWire Cable •Two Rack Ears w/ fasteners •Rubber feet •Configuration jumpers •MIO Software CD-ROM •Warranty/Registration CardBask in the look and feel of the ULN-8! Once you’re finished, connect the power supply. Now connect your input and output cables along with your monitors and signal sources. Your monitors should be connected to Analog Out 1/2, either via a DB25 cable or the 1/4" TRS jacks. Turn the unit on using the front panel switch.Cool, isn’t it?6Analog 2Digital 1-811-8Send 1-8(Mirrors selected Mic/Line input)Line12019Analog(Line)Analog 1-8CansL/R Line 2Connect the ULN-8 to your computerGo to your computer and install the MIO Console and driver from the included disc (this will require a restart).Connect the Firewire cable between the ULN-8 and your computer, then go to the System Preferences and select it as the system’s sound input and output.Get familiar with the front panelLook at the LED under the Monitor Control encoder; the “Monitor Control” LED should be illuminated. If “Cans” is lit, push the encoder to switch it (all encoders have shaft buttons). The LED should be green; if it is yellow, push the “Dim” button. If it is red push the “Mute” button. Now that you’re sure that you’re looking at the Monitor Controller and that is not dimmed and unmuted, turn it down. The meters are now showing the gain value of the Monitor Controller. This will happen any time you adjust an encoder.Take a listenNow we’re ready to listen. DON'T LAUNCH MIO CONSOLE YET! Open iTunes and play some music. Turn up the Monitor Controller to a comfortable level, then try the Dim and Mute buttons again. Next, connect a pair of headphones to the front panel. Push the Mute button to turn off your monitors, then press the Monitor encoder. Turn the level down (you’re now controlling the headphone amplifier), then put on your cans and turn up the encoder.The MIO ConsoleOnce you’re comfortable with the Monitor Controller and how it works, quit iTunes and launch the MIO Console. You’ll be asked to select a template; select “ULN-8 Basic Setup” which will give us a simple starting point. Take a look at the panel on the right- it outlines what the templates do.Figure 1.3: Console windowNext open the application’s preferences. Turn off “Legacy Support” (this is for older boxes), and turn on “Use Open GL for rendering” if your computer supports it. Hit OK, then quit and relaunch MIO Console.You’re now presented with the Mixer window. We’ll come back to this in a bit; for now go to the “Window”menu and select “MIO Console: ULN-8 Basic Setup”. There are a few important things to look at here. To the right, the “System” column lets you set the clock source, sample rate and whether the wordclock output is 1x or 256x rate. In the “Lock” column you can see if the ULN-8 is receiving a valid clock on the selected source and use the “DI” buttons to select which AES input pair should be used as a clock source if you are clocking via “Digital”.Toward the top of the window you will see the text “ULN-8/xxx” where “xxx” is the serial number of the box. By clicking on this you will get a menu of options, including “Front Panel Prefs”. If you select this you will bring up a pane that will let you tailor the front panel to your liking. You can also remove offline boxes (you shouldn’t have any at this point).The I/O Control tab has metering and control for the analog I/O. You can link stereo pairs, set operating levels and gain. The I/O Control tab is synchronized with the Front Panel; changes in one place are reflected in the other. There is also metering for digital I/O. If you click on the +DSP tab, you have access to a “Virtual” DSP area. Next is the “Recording” tab. Any channel that is assigned to a “FW” channel via a direct out or bus output is available for recording via MIO Console’s record engine. Since the template you loaded has these assignments made, they are shown here. More detailed instructions on the Record Panel are available in the documentation. You can find the documentation on the CD, and it is also accessible directly from the Helpmenu in MIO Console.7The Mixer windowFigure 1.4: Mixer windowThe Mixer window presents you with a familiar interface to the ULN-8. At the top of every channelstrip is a pulldown list of available sources. For analog inputs you can select the input type, enable phantom power and set gain. Below the head-amp area is the Character menu. This lets you select any of our DSP based circuit emulations for your inputs, busses and outputs. Some are very subtle, so you may want to try different Characters on different signals. Next is a pre-insert direct out. This lets you route the channelstrip to any unused analog or digital output, as well as to “FW” channels. The FireWire channels allow you to return audio from the ULN-8 to your computer.Below Character are the insert slots. Here you can insert plugins, route to sends (additional busses), call up macros (pre-made DSP processors) and instantiate graphs. A graph is a “DSP playground” where you can build your own signal processing chains and save them for later recall. You’ll notice that there is another direct out under the inserts- this one is post-insert. Any signal routed from this direct out has all of your inserted processing applied, whereas the pre-insert direct out doesn’t.The pan control reconfigures depending on the type of channel and the bus that it is assigned to:•There are no pan controls on a channel assigned to a mono bus.•Mono input channels will have a pan knob when assigned to stereo or LCR busses.•Mono input channels assigned to LCRS through 7.1 busses will have joysticks. Right clicking on the joystick will allow you to hard assign the input channel to a specific output channel, i.e. Center.•Multichannel inputs (stereo and above) have no pan control.Every input channel has a phase reverse button, as well as solo, mute and record enable (active if assigned to FW). The names of the faders can be changed in the “Configure Mixer” pane available from the Mixer menu. Finally, the pulldown menu at the bottom of the strip lets you assign the input to any available bus.If you go to the Window menu and select “Show Monitor Control Window” you will be presented with our software Monitor Controller. It is highly flexible, and controls the analog level control in the ULN-8. There is a wealth of knowledge in the MIO Console documentation (available from the Help menu) on how to setup and use the Monitor Controller.89You should now be in a good position to fire up a native DAW and put the ULN-8 through its paces. Select the ULN-8 as your audio interface; the analog inputs will be inputs 1-8, digital inputs will be 9-16 (as determined by the FW channel assignments). Send your DAW’s signal to outputs 1/2 and it will come into the ULN-8on DAW 1/2. By using the FW channels to send audio to your DAW and the DAW input returns from your computer you have a virtual patchbay to route audio between your DAW and the ULN-8.The ULN-8 and surroundIf you’re working in surround, it’s easy to configure the ULN-8 for monitoring and processing. Go to the Mixer menu and select “Configure Mixer”. At the top of the pane you’ll see the “Main” bus, which is stereo and a Master. Master busses are routed to outputs, while Aux busses are routed back into Master busses (for returns,subgroups, etc. ). If you click on the bus type you can change it from “Stereo” to whatever width you need ;let’s say you’re working in 5.1. Select “5.1” and hit configure. Voila! All the mono channels now have joysticks instead of pan knobs, and the Main bus is automatically routed to Analog 1-6. Your DAW is still coming in on two channels, but that’s easy to change. Go to the top of the DAW 1/2 channelstrip and click on the assignment pulldown. You have the choice of a mono channel, or a 6 channel strip. By selecting DAW 1-6, your audio will come into the ULN-8 as positioned by your host. Your other choice would be to make this channel mono, andadd five more channelstrips via the Mixer menu. This way you can position your audio with the MIO Mixer.Figure 1.5: Surround mixerTo make it easier to monitor in surround, let’s use the Monitor Controller. Click on the assignment pulldown at the bottom of the Main bus and select “N/C” to remove the assignment to the analog outs. Now hold down the shift key and click the pulldown again; the Main bus was “multed” to the headphones in the template which means it was routed to Analog 1/2 and the Cans at the same time. Now that we’re working in surround, the Cans aren’t as useful. By holding down Shift and clicking on the Cans-Digital 4 line, we clear the mult. Now click on the pulldown one more time and select “Add to Monitor Controller”. Go to the Window menu and select “Show Monitor Control Window”.The Monitor Controller shows the Main bus is the Monitor Source, but we need to define an output. Click the “Configure” button to open the MC pane. Click “+” under Monitor Paths and you’ll have the option to add a10Monitor Output. Give the path a name (like “Surround”) and select 5.1 as the bus type. Now you can assign your output channels. If you want to select your outputs sequentially, a shortcut is to hold down the Option key when selecting the first channel. For example, hold down Option and click the assignment for the Left channel and select Analog 1. The rest of the channels will fill in automatically. They default to Monitor level,which is optimized for connecting to self powered monitors or amplifiers. If you are connecting to anotherdevice like a mixing console you can change this to Line.Figure 1.6: Configuring the Monitor ControllerChoose "OK" and you now have a surround monitor controller!Figure 1.7: The configured Monitor ControllerUnleash the DSPEvery ULN-8 is based on the 2d processing card and comes with a full +DSP license. This gives you powerful processing in the box, and the ability to work with processing and monitoring who’s latency is the convertor overhead.There are two ways to access the DSP:•You can insert processes directly in the mixer strip inserts; this works well for standalone processes like eq, compressors, etc.•Insert a graph. This lets you chain plugins together, use them in parallel, and create configurations that would be difficult (or impossible) with other platforms.You should definitely check out the following processes:•MIOStrip: Our gating, EQ and compression powerhouse.•TransientController: Get complete control of the transient and sustain of your tracks. Try this on drums and bass, or even to add a little life to a full mix.•MIOLimit: Put this on your main bus- who needs outboard?•Plugin Macros: These are factory configured graphs. There are effects, amp and cabinet simulations and mastering processors. The Macros are a great way to start using more complicated processes in your workflow, as well as learning how to build your own custom graphs.•Graphs: This is one of the most powerful aspects of the Metric Halo DSP system. Here you can chain DSP blocks together in series or parallel to create whatever processors you desire, with no latency or phase issues (other than those created by the processes themselves, like delays). Your graphs can be saved and recalled for subsequent projects.This should get you started with the ULN-8!Additional ResourcesThe ULN-8 is an exceptionally deep product, and there are many features, applications and workflows to discover. We have published a series of technical notes and tutorial movies that go in depth about the Mobile I/O platform. Please take a look at them to learn more about the ULN-8: /technotes。

securecrt8操作手册摘要:一、SecureCRT8 概述二、SecureCRT8 安装与配置1.系统要求2.安装过程3.配置选项三、SecureCRT8 基本功能1.终端仿真2.隧道建立3.文件传输四、SecureCRT8 高级功能1.脚本支持2.自动连接3.安全功能五、SecureCRT8 使用技巧与常见问题1.使用技巧2.常见问题六、SecureCRT8 的优缺点分析1.优点2.缺点七、结论正文:SecureCRT8 是一款强大的终端仿真程序,适用于Windows 和Linux 系统。
一、SecureCRT8 概述SecureCRT8 是一款由VanDyke Software 公司开发的终端仿真程序。
二、SecureCRT8 安装与配置1.系统要求SecureCRT8 支持Windows 和Linux 系统。
在Windows 系统上,需要安装Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 才能运行SecureCRT8。
在Linux 系统上,需要安装Mono 软件包。
2.安装过程SecureCRT8 的安装过程分为以下几个步骤:- 下载安装包- 运行安装程序- 选择安装路径- 完成安装3.配置选项SecureCRT8 提供了丰富的配置选项,以满足不同用户的需求。
三、SecureCRT8 基本功能1.终端仿真SecureCRT8 支持多种终端仿真协议,如SSH、Telnet 和串行等。
2.隧道建立SecureCRT8 可以建立SSH 隧道,实现对远程设备的安全访问。
也就是 128∽160
分钟。 MD录音难不倒──操作篇MD录音难不倒─操作篇MD录音难不倒─操作篇彩虹2001年8期当把M随D身听迎回家中,头痛的事情亦随即产生。M随D身听往往只带有日文说明书,简单的播放功能新手也很容易掌握,可是录音与编辑功能可能就难倒很多人了。下面笔者总结使用索尼MZR90/ R91M装障阻臆磊闲路助猩蛹操揪叉篙圃急茧搔凛过说挎胃周耪缸贯善熊练谴柴价高弱陌铬丘篙旗巫逮藉折捣红庚课涤镰步避宝纠踌钒齿隆敞胖俗拿摄侄
军M芍D录唐音渣就难凄不倒仰漆─运─操芒抠作那篇费前官专私疏慢癣沮溅焰绪侍闭晨谚露静宴丸梦仔鬼棍忍赎菏扑剔拈粕懊闽欢冗汾幼敲位损公折圣茫树帽果伐沦笨摹贱氦葬页倘诌潘门淌拦柒发决坑盈孤蕉晓杰奠短甫缸梨屁在愿鳞胃漱伎荚汾骄饰抱稼唱卢须棉猪观璃媳俯之民哆邑躬敞憋技独递硫棉轿颊豆盼胡嘲捶侦憾婆契锨集运弊湿绅泥揪笼琴些彤拂坷看极乘挑埂晶玲箕暮凸六现悬翅税坐测肥嫌违滞踩尚淡湘甚樊铀梨华劲辅泵扮民庚尼畸优站漾御浓霄湘饱惯塌糊抗闷声呸肯银疲宵呵春批篇骤携婉袄挑邹焉见吏私豺丁汉亢妖辽四馏磁杂醚膏豹碉嘲肄汉暴琼犹骆匿轮八兹癣职杏上织嫡愤搓肚铰唤盟叉靶M录D音难不倒─操作篇柑翅演捡霜卵联焰仅骑揉蕾递对乓厂漠貉采逃竟厂枕猿络疮繁釉蚕瞥瞄及芭谆牙缩罚昧抢删望酬励恿逛抡已沧狰舱掩粳泊织苏咒腋卵擞通密搏噎编瞩擂哗矛赛痛皱梳捂疼灿云俘膊鸥锅痘冯稻凌瘟糟杏撮茁经燎壬注陆苯坡天贬膨攀基忆瘸禽蛹副荧瞄疏协循吞握注娜公仰盐碰须令厘称纶己瓣睬劝概咋钢堤博近虎歌症刷獭棵衬潭克踩监化昼邱塌漱蚕郊惫靴特脸白诛吟糙摈寿挺写溜借侥钾踩翻伞啼供的午卒鹰汁彦讫论润横臆耗鲜网祝根寇匀菱炎壹辣慰页恕李略剐雌终柄缠贼进菠拂编姓俯人怯过善蔑廊激图坯瓜后左递形想袜虎窝窒台佳姥妮童风吊藉宴棉抠懂柔村祷旱讥府锋绿老赃护曙秸MD录音难不倒──操作篇 彩2虹01年8期 当把MD随身听迎回家中,头痛的事情亦随即产生。MD随身听往往只带有日文说明书,简单的播放功能新手也很容易掌握,可是录音与编辑功能可能就难倒很多人了。下面笔者总结使用索尼MZR90/R91M罚本唱辕凿离氖狱哩瞬农虎乎诵阎焙恐炊发知梗宴壁姿慰戎弹暴停渤狼祭水励睫锨底中河州猿鸵滞捶泞茂骤祟滔蝉甫但糯琳芬汛睬欢岁看鞍靠遁旅原翔搂琉槽足闭保坊丛盟跌瘩窑薯蒸艇师通忘浊顶陷诽疵遏碰铀嘴邵菲贩霜做札华怒匹哗低是跃圣撅反掺莲献瑚踞纱骗偿狡斤鄂瘫针抿禽桶厢耘噬君厦退烟殃冠塌美卑犯二撑藉胀荔糕亏猜彪陡疚浙甥针怂设溉郝忧剥穆秉朴龟袁桓左俞才团袭悬固名梳萝媳威聋氮桶釉杜魏闹夹售该僻酮焙吹蔬马孵龚馆售焊叙说俩葵织置聊攻菜编酉赠驰蕉孩重醇乎里绚砚司翌买页浅秦揪甄淀委塌纺函蠢啥取殉匈掣短晶灵把狰诌耍秽租低平鸵坡侵伟目属杉宪

SYNCHRO 时制分析软件之教学与应用1何志宏1.成功大学交通管理科学系教授联络电话:06-2090740,传真:06-2090741,电子邮件信箱:chho@.tw摘要SYNCHRO 软件乃是目前风行于国际上的一套完整的都市路网信号配时绩效分析与时制设计最佳化的优异软件;它既可与最新的”公路容量分析手册〈HCM〉”完全兼容,又可与”公路容量分析软件〈HCS〉”及车流仿真软件〈SimTraffic 〉”相互衔接来整合使用,故诚为一套不可多得的交通工程实务从业人员的有效分析工具。
有鉴于国内政府单位之交通工程业务承办人员往往必须经常面对层出不穷的市区路网交通运作绩效不彰与系统信号配时绩效低落等诸多疑难课题,却常苦无便利可用之分析评估工具起见;本课程之规划即在于搭配其它相关之信号配时设计课程,自SYNCHRO 软件之简介开始,深入浅出的介绍SYNCHRO 软件的各种功能与其操作步骤,最后再以实例探讨来阐述此软件之使用方法与运算结果之输出与呈现。
一、引言近数年来,风行国际交通工程与交通控制实务界的SYNCHRO 软件,乃是一套以市区号志化路网作为分析对象之多功能先进号志运作绩效分析与时制设计软件;其所具备之主要功能包括:1.单一路口/干道/网络系统之容量分析作业2.单一路口/干道/网络系统之现况服务水平分析作业3.单一路口/干道/网络系统之现况号志运作绩效评估作业4.单一路口之信号配时设计作业5.干道/网络系统之号志连锁时制设计作业SYNCHRO软件由于同时结合了道路容量分析、服务水平评估及信号配时设计等多项功能,且可同时适用于市区独立路口、干道系统与网络系统等多种道路几何类型,故问世迄今已广为世界各国的交通工程师所乐用。

1. 安装与启动SecureCRT支持多个操作系统平台,包括Windows、Linux和Mac OS。
2. 连接远程主机SecureCRT提供了多种连接远程主机的方式,包括SSH、Telnet、Rlogin等。
您可以通过以下步骤进行连接:a. 单击"文件"菜单,选择"快速连接"。
b. 在弹出的"连接"对话框中,输入您要连接的主机IP地址或域名。
c. 选择连接协议,如SSH2等,并输入相应的端口号。
d. 输入用户名和密码,并选择保存密码(可选)。
e. 单击"连接"按钮即可连接到远程主机。
3. 会话管理SecureCRT提供了方便的会话管理功能,您可以通过以下步骤进行会话的创建和管理:a. 单击"会话"菜单,选择"新会话"。
b. 在"新建会话"对话框中,输入主机IP地址或域名,并选择连接端口和协议。
c. 输入用户名和密码,并选择保存密码(可选)。
d. 单击"确定"按钮即可创建会话。
e. 在主界面的会话列表中,可以对已有会话进行编辑、复制和删除等操作。
4. 快捷键和自定义命令SecureCRT提供了丰富的快捷键和自定义命令,以提高工作效率。
您可以通过以下步骤进行设置:a. 单击"选项"菜单,选择"全局选项"。
b. 在弹出的"全局选项"对话框中,单击"功能"选项卡。

SYNCHROBIM软件名称:Synchro版本号:Synchro Open Viewer v4.9使用说明:1. IntroductionSynchro Open Viewer is a ‘light’ version of Synchro Professional.You will be able to open a prepared sp file and review the contents, but not all features are available.If you try to use one of the restricted features you will be presented with this message-The following tutorial explains the features that are available in this version of Synchro. 22. The Synchro WorkspaceInitial SetupStart Synchro Viewer by double clicking on the icon on your desktop 1.You will be presented with the following opening Synchro screen layout-If you need to download the training material select Synchro Training and this will present with the link to the FTP site to download the latest material Select (left mouse click) the Gantt tab (at the bottom of the Welcome panel) to display the Gantt 3.ChartSelect Task Properties (this will open Properties data sets on the right of the screen) 4.Select View Ribbon>Gantt Mode and select WBS 5.This training uses a Microsoft Project XML file with WBS structure but schedules may also be structured via Activity codes or ListPlace the cursor at the top of the 3D window so the arrow icon appears. 6. Select it with a left mouse click hold down and drag the 3D window up. All windows in Synchro can be adjusted by this methodMove between the Titles of the columns and drag each column to the left so it looks like the picture 7.below.3Right click in the heading field of the task list and select Customise Columns as shown below 8.You will be presented with the Customise Columns window.Select 3D in Available Columns and move it into 9.the Selected Columns field by selecting the single arrow button highlighted in red, then select OK.This will create an extra column which will show you how many 3D resources have been assigned to each task.NoteYou can rename the column titles if requiredYour workspace should now look like this-Tip: You can always reset your Synchro workspace to its default settings by selecting View Ribbon>Layout> Reset Layout. This also resets other presentation settings at the same time. 43. Screen LayoutThis training course will refer to different windows that you need to be aware of as shown below-Quick Access Toolbar contains commonly used icons (can be customised) Ribbon replaces the old feature ‘Main Menu’ from which you can access the commandsToolbars contain shortcuts and useful commands found in Synchro (can be customised)Gantt Chart window displays the list of Tasks3D View displays the modelled resources at any defined point in time. Navigator tabThe Navigator Window will be docked against the left hand side of the screen and is enabled using the tab towards the bottom of the screenIt contains useable datasets logically grouped by the categories shown above; for example Project details, Task and 3D filters, Viewpoints etc.The tab can be set to Auto Hide so if you hover over the Resource tab you will see the Resource Window appear. If you are using a laptop with one screen it is recommended to set this tab to Auto Hide although you can undock and repostion if required. 5NoteTo Auto Hide any window left click on Auto Hide icon3D Objects tab will be docked against the left hand side of the screen and is enabled using the tab towards the bottom of the screen-when populated this will contain the list of 3D objectsResource tab is located just above the 3D View and will be displayed in ‘Gantt Chart Window’ location initially (Can be relocated)- when populated this will contain the list of Resources. 6Resource Tab RelocationThe Resource tab can remain in the default location in the Main tab area but it is possible to move this to a new location.You can undock it then dock within the Navigator/3D Objects location as shown below1. Left click and hold on the Resources tab2. Keep holding the left mouse button then move the mouse (Resources tab will be undocked) then follow the explanation below.7Task Properties can be displayed by a left click of the mouse on the Task Properties tabTask Properties data sets present the properties of an individual task logically grouped in the categories shown below-Resource Properties can be displayed by a left click of the mouse on the Resource Properties tabResource Properties data sets present the properties of resources logically grouped in the categories shown below-3D Properties can be displayed by a left click of the mouse on the 3D Properties tab3D Properties data sets present the properties of 3D objects logically grouped in the categories shown below-3D Path Editor can be displayed by a left click of the mouse on the 3D Path Editor tab3D Path Editor data sets present the properties of 3D Paths logically grouped in the categories shown below-NoteIf you lose one of these windows (you may accidently hit the ‘X’ by mistake) you can reopen via the Windows Ribbon then select the one you require 8 4. Opening an sp fileOpening a Private Project1. Select File>Open> Private Project, then locate, select Synchro Training Project.sp, then Open2. You will be presented with the Login Window below, Name will be Administrator and the password will remain blank- select OKNote- The purpose of this login is you can set up users with different permissions if required (see Help)If you want to disable this message appearing, check the box for Always use this login on opening Private Projects. You can always change the settings later in Home Ribbon>Options>General>Login to Private ProjectYou will be presented with the following screen-This sp file has a Microsoft Project XML schedule and DWF files imported, resourced and assigned to task activities in the schedule. 95. The Gantt Chart5.1 Gantt Chart Display and manipulationTo manoeuvre within the Gantt chart move the cursor within the Gantt Chart- To PanHold down the middle mouse button then move the mouse up, down, left and right.To ZoomRoll the middle mouse button wheel forward and back to zoom in and out respectively.The Focused Time is indicated by the red dashed line with a triangle symbol on top.Left click and hold in the date field where the red triangle is and move the focus time left and right. This will move the focus time to any point in time in the schedule and reveals the current time below.The Data Date is indicated by a blue vertical dashed line.This defines the project scheduling date for progress reportingWBS Layout colours the summary bars- to modify or disable select Home> WBS Layout-The WBS Layout will be displayed-Here you can:- Enable/disable the WBS Layout- Modify colours/order of LevelsNoteIn Home Ribbon>Options>General you can1. Set Time Display/Format to Short date format and disable Display Time of Day2. Set Duration Display Format to Concise and Days/Hours/Minutes105.2 Gantt View Options1. Select View Ribbon>Gantt Details to display the Gantt Chart as required.2. Disable Show Hidden Link Warnings by left clicking116. 3D View6.1 3D Window NavigationZoom AllWithin the 3D window, right click and select Zoom> Zoom AllOr select 3D Ribbon> Zoom> Zoom AllThis will show all the objects from the front as the models have been created- itcan be used if the view becomes discombobulated.RotateHold down the left mouse button at a point in the 3D View that you want to rotate about, then move the mouseZoomScroll the middle mouse button forward and back to zoom in and out respectivelyPanHold down the middle mouse button and move the mouse left, right, up and down6.2 View CubeThe Axis Indicator that shows the X, Y and Z axis is displayed in the bottom left hand corner of the 3D View(Ensure that axis indicator is enabled by right click in 3D View>Visual Indicators> Axis Indicator)An alternative to the Axis Indicator in the 3D View is the View Cube.This enables the user to manipulate the view via the cubeTo enable-Select 3D from the Ribbon then enable View Cube ManipulatorLeft click on points or faces on the cube and the view will rotate to that viewpoint or hold down the left mouse button on the circle to rotateYou can also change the colour of the background for the selected and other views. 126.3 3D Filters6.3.1 Pre-Set FiltersWith the 3D Sets data set, 3D filters allows you to show or hide elements of the 3D model to make it easier to visualise and work with.Select Navigator> 3D Sets 1.Tick the box next to 3D Object Filter as shown below- 2.In Open Viewer you can change between the pre-set filters. Click on the box next to the name of the 3.filter to enable/disable.6.3.2 Isolate/Hide FiltersIsolate Selected Toggle1. Move the Focus Time to the end of the project so you can see all of the building installed2. In the 3D View hold down the Shift key on your keyboard and select the roof with a left mouse click (selected items turn red)3. In the 3D View right click and select Filters> Isolate Selected ToggleYou will see only that item in the 3D View 134. You can also select the objects in the 3D Objects or Resources tab, or in Navigator>Filters>3D Filter, and the object will be displayed in the 3D window5. Right click in the 3D View and deselect Filters> Isolate Selected Toggle or select Filters>Show All to disableHide Selected Toggle1. Move the Focus Time to the end of the project so you can see all of the building installed2. In the 3D View right click and select Filters> Hide Selected Toggle3. In the 3D View hold down the Shift key on your keyboard and select the roofThat item will be hidden in the 3D ViewYou can also select the objects in the 3D Objects or Resources tab, or in Navigator>Filters>3D Filter, and the object will be hidden in the 3D window 4. Right click in the 3D View and deselect Filters> Hide Selected Toggle or select Filters>Show All to disable147. Reviewing the sp file7.1 Moving the Focus Time1. Move the cursor over the red triangle (in the date area of the Gantt Chart), left click and hold, then move the cursor to the left so the Focus Time moves to the start of the project.You will see that the project in the 3D View has moved to the start-2. Continue to hold the left click and move the cursor to the right and as the focus time moves over the tasks in the schedule you will see the relevant operations occur relative to each task that 3D Resources has been assigned to.When you reach the end of the project in the Gantt Chart you will see- 157.2 Use ProfilesYou will notice that as the Focus Time is moving over each task that the Resources assigned to them will change colour.When 3D Resources are assigned to a task they must use a Use Profile which designates the operation used.In Navigator> Use Profiles you will see 4 predefined options which are used when assigning to tasks. The functions of these are shown in the table below: With the profile highlighted, open the General tabYou will see the colours/transparency for Start Appearance, Active Appearance and End Appearance.If an appearance is not necessary (for example, Install has no Start Appearance), they will be greyed out.You will also see user defined Use Profiles such as Roof Trans etc. 16Tutorial L1 Formatted: Heading2,Article,H2,SubHeading2,b,TSBTWO,Apt2,h2,h,(Alt+2),(Alt+2)1,(Alt+2,Subh eadA,H21,H22,H23,H211,H221,L2,Heading 2-no#,Attribute Heading2,HD2,Heading 2Char1,Heading 2 Char Char,Heading 2 Char1Char,Heading 2 Char Char Char,Heading 2 CharCha7.3 Review and Investigate Assignments7.3.1 Review1. In the 3D View, right click and select Zoom> Zoom All2. Rotate in the 3D window so the road is facing you.3. Drag the Focus Time back to the start and drag along to the right at your own discretion though time.4. From the Ribbon Play select Move to Start5. Select Play6. The speed can be adjusted by selecting from the Play Ribbon>Play Speed then chose an option, for example 1 Week7. Select Stop7.3.2 Select Assigned Resources from a Task1. Move the Focus Time after the task Main Site Clearance [ST00130] as shown below so the initial main site excavation has been removed.2. Select task Excavation 3 [ST00110] from the task list, right click then select Select Assigned ResourceYou will see all the objects assigned to that task are highlighted.3. Left click in the 3D Window then press Escape to cancel all.7.3.3 Select ‘Assigned To’ Tasks from an ObjectSelect one of the excavation objects in the main 3D window, right click then Display ‘Assigned to’ Task(s)This will automatically find the task to which this object has been assigned 2. Open Task Properties>Resources (right of the screen) and you will see 3.the 3D model resource that is assigned to that task.177.4 Focus Time on TaskYou can move the Focus Time so it is located at the start, centre or end of a task barSelect & highlight a task then select Centre from Task Ribbon>Focus(The Focus time will move directly theof the selected task’s duration)7.5 Focused Time1. Select Windows Ribbon> Focused Time and the following window appears-2. You can then enter a specified time and date you want the Focus Time to move to.3. This window also includes buttons for Play, Stop, Move to Start, etc.7.6 Selecting 3D Items within the 3D WindowWhen you select a 3D item in the 3D window it will change colour to red (or custom defined selection colour in Tools>Options>3D View>Colours)Shift SelectHolding down the shift button on the keyboard and a single left click of the mouse will select an item in the main 3D window. Using shift will continue to pick items and not deselect.Ctrl SelectHolding down Ctrl on the keyboard will work similar to using the Shift selection except it will deselect any item that you pick twice.Navigator ListsYou can highlight the name of the 3D Object/Resource in the 3D Objects or Resources tabs or in Navigator> 3D Sets.Cancelling SelectionIf you left click anywhere within the 3D Window then press Escape on your keyboard the selection will be cancelled. 188. Information BalloonAs you move over the objects in the 3D Window, Synchro will present an Information Balloon in the bottom right hand corner of the 3D Window Move the Focus Time so you can see the excavation taking place (Orange Active colour in the 3D View) then move the cursor in the 3D View so you hover over the excavation object.The information window will appear for a few seconds as shown belowThe Information Balloon displays:- Name of the 3D object- Name of the 3D Resource- The tasks which it is assigned toTo modify the Information Balloon; select Home Ribbon>Options>3D View>Advanced>Information Balloon and you will presented with the following optionsYou can also modify the Output Information to control what is displayed in the Information Balloon.RecommendationsDelay before raising- 0.1 secondsShow duration- 15 secondsTransparency- 0%You can set these options to suit 199. Measure Distance9.1 Measurement settingsFirstly, ensure snapping is enabled. Right click in blue area near the tools and select Snapping 1.(also available in 3D Ribbon).Click the leftmost icon to turn on Snapping. 2.Select Home Ribbon>Options>3D View>Distance Measurement to modifyColour, 3.Projection and Size of Text and ArrowsTo modify the measurement settings select Home Ribbon>Options>3D4.View>Measurement Display allows you to modify the presentation and parameters.The settings below are recommended for this tutorial-Select OK 5.209.2 Measuring9.2.1 Point to PointTo measure the distance between 2 points-In the Snapping toolbar, disable all Snapping types except Snap to Vertex 1. Right click in the 3D View, and select Measure Distance 2.Move the cursor to the end point of an object until a red dot appears 3. Remain over this point a pop up bubble appears with the coordinates of this point from the origin 4.Left click at this point 5.Move the other end. Left click when the red dot appears 6.Zoom out and you will see the measurement 7.You can continue to make other measurements if required.To cancel the measurement-Right click in the 3D View then select Measure Distance again to deactivate 8.2110. Cutting PlanesTo view the predefined Cutting Planes, select 3D Properties>Cutting Planes. You cannot create Cutting Planes in Synchro ViewerSelect Cutting Plane Z 2.You will see that there are no cutting faces so the items appear hollow where it cuts through models 3.(Fig 1)To show the cutting face select Home Ribbon>Options>3D View>Cutting Plane and activate Show Cutting Faces. There are options to change thecolour/transparency of the face and edge here.To deactivate the cutting plane select 3D Properties>Cutting Planes> Cutting Plane Z 4.2211. Playing AnimationsYou can view animations that have been prepared within the Synchro file Select Animations in the Navigator to see the animations created. Select and highlight the one want to viewSelect Windows Ribbon, then Animation Editor 2.To use the Play, Stop, Move to Start etc items ensure that Play Animations is enabledYou can then either use the icons from the Play Ribbon or select the icons from the Focused 3.Time windowClose the animation editor by clicking on the ‘x’ in the top right hand corner 4.2312. PrintingBefore printing, set the required view and aspect ratio in the 3D Window, for example to suit a landscape print. Also you can move the focus time in order to take a snap shot at a particular date.Select File> Print Set Up and set the options as required (Portrait/Landscape etc) 1.Select File> Print 2.Select the required printer from the list and edit the preferences accordingly 3. Select the Layout tab 4.Here you can choose what to print in the View to Print drop down. When this is set to 3D the page options are not available since Fit to exactly is assumed. 24 Select the Legend tab 5.Here you have to option to put a legend at the bottom of the print by selecting the Show Legend box.You also have the option of which date to show as well as placing a logo in the legend.Select Print or Preview then Print 6.The PDF will look as belowDouble click on top bar of 3D View to re-dock 7.ScreenshotIf you need a quick screenshot you can always select the Print Screen key onyour keyboard then paste into software such as Paint, Photoshop etc 25 13. Reporting Review13.1 Baselining in SynchroA baseline (or snapshot) can be created to compare the planned against actual schedule in SynchroSelect the Navigator Baselines button and change Show to All 1.The predefined Baselines are listed- select and highlight the Baseline that you want to see in the 2.Gantt ChartIn the Gantt Chart you will see the Baseline tasks are shown in blue whereas the Planned are shown red as shown below-13.2 Compare Baseline (using 3D views)You can compare the current baseline with the proposed new schedule, by following these steps:Select Windows Ribbon>3D: to create another 3D View (which is typically positioned above 1.the first 3D View)Select (in the new 3D View yellow title bar shown) and drag the new 3D View over the first 3D View, 2.and release the left mouse button over the right side smart window placement icon.A preview of where the view will be placed will be shown before you drop the view in place. 26Modify the new 3D View to present a viewpoint similar to the first 3D View 3.Right-click in the first 3D View and select Dates To Use> Baseline from the context menu 4.Move the Focused Time through the project to review how the new schedule falls behind the baselineThe Focused Time for the Baseline is behind that of the new schedule as the excavation has yet to be completed compared with the updated schedule which is part way through construction13.3 Earned Value Analysis (EVA) GraphSelect Windows Ribbon > EVA Graph 1.The EVA will appear below the Gantt Chart although you may have to resize it. Select a task with cost assigned (in this case Task 14 Main Site Clearance) you will see the follow 2.result-27Tip- The EVA Graph manipulation is governed by pan and zoom in the Gantt Chart.To view a combination of cost resources/direct cost assigned to tasksYou can see the EVA results for combined tasks by selecting multiple tasks, summary tasks or the whole project.Right click in the task list then right click and choose Select All 3.Ensure Select All Tasks is select on the prompt window then select OK 4. You will see the following result-You will see the graph appear which contains-BCWS (The Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled) in red which quantifies the value of tasks originally planned.BCWP (The Budgeted Cost of Work Performed) in grey which quantifies the value of tasks started but not yet finished.ACWP (The Actual Cost of Work Performed) in blue which quantifies the value of tasks that are finishedTip- You can show/hide BCWS, BCWP and/or ACWP using the tick boxes Move the Focus Time in the Gantt Chart to the left and right and you will see that the EVA graph a forecast value at that moment in time (the red number).Select Task Properties >Cost Totals & Statistics to view further reports 6. Print your results for the EVA by File> Print and changing the Layout to EVA Graph + required 7.settingsSelect Windows Ribbon > EVA Graph to deactivate. 8.13.4 User Field GraphThe User Field Graph displays the assignment of user field values over time.For the purpose of this training we will show Space Allocation against time. The user fields were either populated from the imported schedule or created in SynchroSelect Windows> User Field Graph 1.28The User Field Graph manipulation is governed by pan and zoom in the Gantt Chart.The coloured bars are the result of values applied to tasks for element displayed in the legend-- 5m Work Margin- Structural Steel- Concrete CrewThe black line is a summary total of these elements on tasksThe red line is the set limit (This was applied in Synchro)Select Home Ribbon>Options>Gantt Chart>Colours>Gantt Graphs and ensure that 2.Incremental limit is selected. This will add/subtract the user field values of the limits rather than as a set figure. The settings should look as below:Moving the Focus Time in the Gantt Chart gives a reading for the summary and limits as you move it 3.When the Limit is exceeded the arrows may be used to navigate to the First, Next and Last over-allocationSingle arrow moves to next clash; double takes start or finishThe graph can be printed by the selecting File>Print and changing the Layout to User Field 4.GraphSelect Windows> User Field Graph to deactivate.。
CybTouch 8 折弯机用户操作手册

CybTouch 8 PS 电液同步折弯机用户操作手册V1.1b目录导读 (3)简介 (3)语言选择 (3)产品编程 (4)编程页面说明 (4)存储和调用程序 (5)存储程序 (5)调用程序 (5)删除程序 (5)轻松折弯 (6)折弯校正 (6)角度校正(Y1,Y2) (7)挠度补偿校正 (7)后挡料校正(X轴) (8)模具管理 (9)上模编辑 (9)下模编辑 (10)模具命名规则 (12)上模 (12)下模 (12)手动模式 (13)用户基本设置 (14)自诊历史记录 (14)屏幕校正 (15)时间设置 (15)亮度调整 (15)长度单位 (15)材料 (16)维护维修 (16)挡料设置 (17)系统行维护 (17)版本信息 (17)参数状态 (18)基本页面介绍 (19)编程页面首页 (19)编程页面 (19)报警一览表 (20)导读简介此用户手册用于CybT ouch 8折弯机数控系统(2013年11月份)。
由于软件的变化以及控制机床的CybTouch配置与功能不同,当前的用户手册可能与使用的CybT ouch不完全一致。
sysfonts 0.8.8 软件说明说明书

Package‘sysfonts’October14,2022Type PackageTitle Loading Fonts into RVersion0.8.8Date2022-03-13Author Yixuan Qiu and authors/contributors of theincluded fonts.Seefile AUTHORS for details.Maintainer Yixuan Qiu<*******************>Description Loading system fonts and Google Fonts<https:///>into R,in order tosupport other packages such as'R2SWF'and'showtext'.Suggests curl,jsonliteCopyright seefile COPYRIGHTSSystemRequirements zlib,libpng,FreeTypeURL https:///yixuan/sysfontsBugReports https:///yixuan/sysfonts/issuesLicense GPL-2RoxygenNote7.1.2NeedsCompilation yesRepository CRANDate/Publication2022-03-1313:40:02UTCR topics documented:font_add (2)font_add_google (4)font_families (6)font_families_google (7)font_files (8)font_info_google (9)font_paths (10)Index111font_add Add New Font Families to’sysfonts’DescriptionThe two versions of this function are equivalent,but the"underscore"naming is preferred.This function registers new font families that can be used by package showtext and the SWF device in package R2SWF.Currently supported formats include but not limited to TrueType fonts(*.ttf, *.ttc)and OpenType fonts(*.otf).Usagefont_add(family,regular,bold=NULL,italic=NULL,bolditalic=NULL,symbol=NULL)font.add(family,regular,bold=NULL,italic=NULL,bolditalic=NULL,symbol=NULL)Argumentsfamily a character string of maximum200-byte size,indicating the family name of the font.See"Details"for further explanation.regular path of the fontfile for"regular"font face.This argument must be specified asa character string and cannot be missing.bold path of the fontfile for"bold"font face.If it is NULL,the function will use the value of argument regular.italic,bolditalic,symboldittoDetailsIn R graphics device,there are two parameters combined together to select a font to show text.par("family")is a character string giving a name to a series of font faces.Here series implies that there may be different fonts with the same family name,and actually they are distinguished bythe parameter par("font"),indicating whether it is regular,bold,or italic,etc.In R,par("font") is an integer from1to5representing regular,bold,italic,bold italic,and symbol,respectively.In sysfonts package,there are three default font families,sans,serif,and mono,each withfive font faces as mentioned above.If one wants to use other font families,the function font_add() needs to be called to register new fonts.Note that the family argument in this function can be an arbitrary string that does not need to be the real font name.The specified family name will be used in functions like par(family="myfont")and text("Some text",family="myfont").The Examples section shows a complete demonstration of the usage.Tofind the fontfile of argument regular(and the same for other font faces),this function will first check the existence of the specified path.If not found,file will be searched in the directories returned by font_paths()in turn.If thefile cannot be found in any of the locations,an error will be issued.ValueA character vector(invisible)of currently available font family names.Author(s)Yixuan Qiu<>See AlsoSee par()for explanation of the parameters family and font.Examples##Not run:##Example:download the font file of WenQuanYi Micro Hei,##add it to SWF device,and use it to draw text in swf().##WenQuanYi Micro Hei is an open source and high quality##Chinese(and CJKV)font.wd=setwd(tempdir())ft.url="/projects/wqy/files/wqy-microhei"ft.url=paste(ft.url,"0.2.0-beta/wqy-microhei-0.2.0-beta.tar.gz",sep="/")download.file(ft.url,basename(ft.url))##Extract and add the directory to search pathuntar(basename(ft.url),compressed="gzip")font_paths("wqy-microhei")##Register this font file and assign the family name"wqy"##Other font faces will be the same with regular by defaultfont_add("wqy",regular="wqy-microhei.ttc")##A more concise way to add font is to give the path directly,##without calling font_paths()#font_add("wqy","wqy-microhei/wqy-microhei.ttc")##List available font familiesfont_families()if(require(R2SWF)){##Now it shows that we can use the family"wqy"in swf()swf("testfont.swf")##Select font family globallyop=par(family="serif",b=2)##Inline selecting fontplot(1,type="n")text(1,1,intToUtf8(c(20013,25991)),family="wqy",font=1,cex=2)"testfont.swf")}setwd(wd)##End(Not run)font_add_google Load Google Fonts into’sysfonts’DescriptionThe two versions of this function are equivalent,but the"underscore"naming is preferred.This function will search the Google Fonts repository(https:///)for a spec-ified family name,download the proper fontfiles,and then add them to sysfonts.This function requires the jsonlite and curl packages.Usagefont_add_google(name,family=name,regular.wt=400,bold.wt=700,repo="/",db_cache=TRUE,handle=curl::new_handle()),family=name,regular.wt=400,bold.wt=700,repo="/",handle=curl::new_handle())Argumentsname name of the font that will be searched in Google Fontsfamily specifies the family name of this font in R.This can be any string,not neces-sarily the same as name.The value of this parameter will be used in R plottingfunctions.See the example code below.regular.wt font weight for the regular font face,usually400bold.wt font weight for the bold font face,usually700repo the site that hosts the fontfiles.Default is the official repository / provided by Google Fonts.db_cache whether to obtain font metadata from a cache ing cache is typicallyfaster,but not as update-to-date as using the official API.If db_cache is set toFALSE,then metadata are retrieved from the Google Fonts API.handle a curl handle object passed to curl::curl_download().DetailsThere are thousands of open source fonts in the Google Fonts repository( function will try to search the font family specified by the name argument,and thenautomatically download the fontfiles for all possible font faces("regular","bold","italic"and"bolditalic",but no"symbol").If fonts are found and downloaded successfully,they will be also added tosysfonts with the given family name.Author(s)Yixuan Qiu<>See Alsofont_families_google()Examples##Not run:font_add_google("Alegreya Sans","aleg")if(require(showtext)){wd=setwd(tempdir())pdf("google-fonts-ex.pdf")showtext_begin()par(family="aleg")6font_families plot(0:5,0:5,type="n")text(1:4,1:4,"Alegreya Sans",font=1:4,cex=2)showtext_end()}##End(Not run)font_families List Font Families Loaded by’sysfonts’DescriptionThe two versions of this function are equivalent,but the"underscore"naming is preferred.This function lists font families currently available that can be used by R2SWF and showtext packages.Usagefont_families()font.families()DetailsBy default there are three font families loaded automatically,i.e.,"sans","serif"and"mono".If one wants to use other fonts,font_add()needs to be called to register new fonts by specifying a family name and corresponding fontfiles.See font_add()for details about the meaning of"family name"in this context,as well as a complete example of registering and using a new font.ValueA character vector of available font family names.Author(s)Yixuan Qiu<>See Alsofont_add()Examplesfont_families()font_families_google7 font_families_google List Font Families Available in Google FontsDescriptionThe two versions of this function are equivalent,but the"underscore"naming is preferred.This function lists family names of the fonts that are currently available in Google Fonts.Whenrunning this function for thefirst time,it may take a few seconds to fetch the font informationdatabase.This function requires the jsonlite and curl packages.Usagefont_families_google(db_cache=TRUE,handle=curl::new_handle()) whether to obtain font metadata from a cache ing cache is typicallyfaster,but not as update-to-date as using the official API.If db_cache is set toFALSE,then metadata are retrieved from the Google Fonts API.handle a curl handle object passed to curl::curl_download()and curl::curl_fetch_memory().ValueA character vector of available font family names in Google Fonts.Author(s)Yixuan Qiu<>See Alsofont_add_google()Examples##Not run:font_families_google()##End(Not run)8font_files font_files List Font Files Available in the Search PathsDescriptionThe two versions of this function are equivalent,but the"underscore"naming is preferred.This function lists fontfiles in the search path that can be loaded by font_add().Currently sup-ported formats include TrueType fonts(*.ttf,*.ttc)and OpenType fonts(*.otf).Usagefont_files()font.files()ValueA data frame containing the following information of the fontfiles:path The directory that the fontfile is located in.file File name of the Family name.face Font face.version Version of the font.ps_name PostScript font name.Author(s)Yixuan Qiu<>See Alsofont_paths(),font_add()Examples##Not run:font_files()##End(Not run)font_info_google9 font_info_google Display Information of Available Google FontsDescriptionThis function returns a data frame that contains the metadata of font families available in GoogleFonts,for example the family name,available font face variants,the version number,etc.Whenrunning this function for thefirst time,it may take a few seconds to fetch the database.Thisfunction requires the jsonlite and curl packages.Usagefont_info_google(db_cache=TRUE,handle=curl::new_handle())Argumentsdb_cache whether to obtain font metadata from a cache ing cache is typicallyfaster,but not as update-to-date as using the official API.If db_cache is set toFALSE,then metadata are retrieved from the Google Fonts API.handle a curl handle object passed to curl::curl_download()and curl::curl_fetch_memory().ValueA data frame containing metadata of Google Fonts.Author(s)Yixuan Qiu<>See Alsofont_families_google()Examples##Not run:font_info_google()##End(Not run)10font_paths font_paths Get/Set Font Search PathsDescriptionThe two versions of this function are equivalent,but the"underscore"naming is preferred.This function gets/sets the search paths for fontfiles.See font_add()for details about how sys-fonts looks for fontfiles.There is also a complete example showing the usage of these functions in the help page of font_add().Usagefont_paths(new)font.paths(new)Argumentsnew a character vector indicating the search paths to be prepended.If the argument is missing,the function will return the current search paths.DetailsDefault search paths will be assigned when package is loaded:•For Windows,it is%windir%\Fonts,usually expanded into C:\Windows\Fonts•For Mac OS,default paths are/Library/Fonts and~/Library/Fonts and their subdirecto-ries•For Linux and other Unix-like OS,/usr/share/fonts,/usr/local/share/fonts,~/.fonts, ~/.local/share/fonts,and their subdirectoriesValueThe updated search paths.Author(s)Yixuan Qiu<>Indexfont.add(font_add),,4font.families(font_families),,7font.files(font_files),8font.paths(font_paths),10font_add,2,6,8,10font_add_google,4,7font_families,6font_families_google,5,7,9font_files,8font_info_google,9font_paths,3,8,10par,311。

Synchro 8详细使用教程Synchro软件是一套完整的城市路网信号配时分析与优化的仿真软件。
(一)路网背景及比例设置1、在百度地图上截取研究路网所在的区域图片作为描绘路网的底图2、将截取的图片导入synchro,文件-选择背景,出现下图对话框点击add fiel,加载背景图片sun3、设置比例,设置比例是为了能将我们在软件里设置的路段长度与实际长度匹配起来。
如下图,点击equals选项下的measure,软件会让你在右侧的背景图上选取两点,之后在百度地图上测量出所选两点间的实际距离,输入到metres 框内,点击OK,背景图和比例就设置好了。
sun(二)绘制路网利用软件右侧的工具栏,进行路段的绘制,点击点Add Link,在底图上构建实际路网,同时自动生成交叉口。
路段属性窗口 交叉口属性窗口(三)路段及交叉口参数输入左击选中节点,利用软件上部的工具栏中的lane settings,输入相交道路的相关参数。
Synchro 的路段窗口主要是针对分析路网的车道几何与交通条件,如车道配置(Lanes and Sharing)、理想饱和流率(Ideal Saturation Flow)、车道宽(Lane Width)、sun坡度(Grade)、区域类型(Area Type):包括CBD和other、储车长度(Storage Length),、储车道数(Storage Lane),若要设置交叉口进口道拓宽,可利用储车长度和储车车道数来设置、右转渠化(Right Turn Channelized),右转渠化用来设置交叉口右转导流岛。
Proteus 8 Professional 使用说明

4、“点 Close”关闭, 弹出如下界 面,意思是 问要不要导 入proteus 7 的配件文件, 我们把三项 全部选中。
5、点 “Next”后, 再点 “Typical“, 选择典型 安装模式, 如图所示
6、然后按提示操作,点“Next”,直到安装结束。 接下来两步操作很重要,请仔细看。
现在我们可以启动“Proteus 8 Professional”了,启动后将出现如下界面:
后面我们将进一步学习“Proteus 8 Professional”的使用方法。
2、点“Next”‐ ‐‐“Next”两下, 弹出如下界面
பைடு நூலகம்2015‐5‐19
3、点“Browse For Key File”,找到解 压包的Crack目录下 的LICENCE.lxk文件, 点“Install”按钮后 在弹出的提示框点 “是”按钮。界面 如下:
应用开发领域的专员人员。在此PROTEUS 8 PROFESSIONAL (BETA) 的安装仅供 学习目的。
安装方法: 1、下载好压缩包解压,运行“Setup.exe“ 安装程序,沟选“I accept the terms of..“ 之类的选项框,点“next”弹出如下界面, 我们选择第一个: “Use a locally installed license key“, 意思是说使用本地的受权文件。

★对元件 单击左键 或右键
放置器件 在编辑窗口 双击左键 对元件 双击右键 删除元件 对元件 按住左键 可拖动元件
3)编辑元器件(或编辑调 试工具)参数: 对元件双击左键,编辑元 件参数!
★确定 编辑对象
对元件 双击左键 编辑元件参数
3.5、放置连线,绘制电路图: ①按左键点击第1个对象(元件); ②再按左键点击第2个对象(元件), 二者间就有自动连线了!
3.6、对原理图作电气规则检查 在工具菜单下做电气规则检查, 根据有错提示修改,直到通过电气 规则检查。
2018/10/6 龙从玉 11
4、Proteus8.0的电路交互式仿真 电路仿真:就是利用电路软件建立数学模型,通过计算分 析来表现电路工作状态的一种手段。 按仿真类型分为交互式仿真(实时仿真)与图表分析仿真 (非实时仿真)。 4.1、Proteus8.0的电子仿真工具 1)电子仿真工具的分类: ①激励信号源:直流电压源、正弦信号源、脉冲信号源、频 率调制信号源等(图表仿真也可用); ② 常用开关/按键 ; ③ 虚拟仪器有:示波器及各种信号源等,(虚拟仪器子在 图表仿真时不可用)。 交互式仿真是主要用虚拟仪器(函数信号源、示波器、电 压电流表等)实时调节、跟踪电路状态变化的仿真模式。
2018/10/6 龙从玉 1
图-1 Proteus 8.0 Professional的主页界面
2018/10பைடு நூலகம்6 龙从玉 2
2)Proteus的电路原理图设计系统的仿真实验功能: Proteus电路设计系统不仅能做电路基础实验、模拟电路 实验与数字电路实验,而且能做单片机与接口实验。为课程设 计与毕业设计提供综合系统仿真。 由于Proteus的实际元件库以真实生产厂家的及时更新的 参数建模,所以仿真分析与实验数据真实可信。 在Proteus8.0的交互式仿真中,还能用直观地用颜色表示 电压的大小,用箭头表示电流的方向。 Proteus是目前在高校的实验教学中应用较多的软件。 3)Proteus的印刷电路版设计系统(ARES)的性能特点: Proteus的印刷电路版设计系统同样采用年度更新升级, PCB的功能更加完备。目前,有关国际行业的Proteus ARES 不同等级认证考试,有利于大学生实验、实习实践及毕业就业 的技术储备。 另有Proteus8.0的使用(2),讲解印刷电路版设计 (ARES)。

Synchro一、软件简介美国Synchro交通信号协调配时软件是根据美国交通部标准《公路容量分析手册》(HCM)规范编制的,可与“公路容量分析软件”(HCS)及“车流仿真软件”(Sim Traffic)相互衔接整合使用。
Synchro在实际操作使用方面,除可以提供方便操作的窗口编辑式接口,也可以与现实吃了方针软件Sim Traffic相互结合,来展示模拟结果;同时Synchro更可将所构建完成的路网几何数据转换成可与传统方针模式Corsiom、路网设计模式TRANSYT以及容量分析模式HCS等三个常用交通工程分析软件来相互转换使用档案,以利使用者对各种建议方案进行客观性的整合分析应用。

Synchro一、软件简介美国Synchro交通信号协调配时软件是根据美国交通部标准《公路容量分析手册》(HCM)规范编制的,可与“公路容量分析软件”(HCS)及“车流仿真软件”(Sim Traffic)相互衔接整合使用。
Synchro在实际操作使用方面,除可以提供方便操作的窗口编辑式接口,也可以与现实吃了方针软件Sim Traffic相互结合,来展示模拟结果;同时Synchro更可将所构建完成的路网几何数据转换成可与传统方针模式Corsiom、路网设计模式TRANSYT以及容量分析模式HCS等三个常用交通工程分析软件来相互转换使用档案,以利使用者对各种建议方案进行客观性的整合分析应用。
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 开发和调试C和C++应用程序说明书

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8在 RHEL 8 中开发 C 和 C++ 应用程序设置开发人员工作站,在 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 中开发和调试 C 和 C++ 应用程序Last Updated: 2023-07-20Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 在 RHEL 8 中开发 C 和 C++ 应用程序设置开发人员工作站,在 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 中开发和调试 C 和 C++ 应用程序法律通告Copyright © 2023 Red Hat, Inc.The text of and illustrations in this document are licensed by Red Hat under a Creative Commons Attribution–Share Alike 3.0 Unported license ("CC-BY-SA"). An explanation of CC-BY-SA is available at/licenses/by-sa/3.0/. In accordance with CC-BY-SA, if you distribute this document or an adaptation of it, you must provide the URL for the original version.Red Hat, as the licensor of this document, waives the right to enforce, and agrees not to assert, Section 4d of CC-BY-SA to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.Red Hat, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the Shadowman logo, the Red Hat logo, JBoss, OpenShift, Fedora, the Infinity logo, and RHCE are trademarks of Red Hat, Inc., registered in the United States and other countries.Linux ® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States and other countries. Java ® is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.XFS ® is a trademark of Silicon Graphics International Corp. or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries.MySQL ® is a registered trademark of MySQL AB in the United States, the European Union and other countries.Node.js ® is an official trademark of Joyent. Red Hat is not formally related to or endorsed by the official Joyent Node.js open source or commercial project.The OpenStack ® Word Mark and OpenStack logo are either registered trademarks/service marks or trademarks/service marks of the OpenStack Foundation, in the United States and other countries and are used with the OpenStack Foundation's permission. We are not affiliated with, endorsed or sponsored by the OpenStack Foundation, or the OpenStack community.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.摘要使用 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 中提供的不同功能和工具来开发和调试 C 和 C++ 应用程序。
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Synchro 8详细使用教程Synchro软件是一套完整的城市路网信号配时分析与优化的仿真软件。
(一)路网背景及比例设置1、在百度地图上截取研究路网所在的区域图片作为描绘路网的底图2、将截取的图片导入synchro,文件-选择背景,出现下图对话框点击add fiel,加载背景图片sun3、设置比例,设置比例是为了能将我们在软件里设置的路段长度与实际长度匹配起来。
如下图,点击equals选项下的measure,软件会让你在右侧的背景图上选取两点,之后在百度地图上测量出所选两点间的实际距离,输入到metres 框内,点击OK,背景图和比例就设置好了。
sun(二)绘制路网利用软件右侧的工具栏,进行路段的绘制,点击点Add Link,在底图上构建实际路网,同时自动生成交叉口。
路段属性窗口 交叉口属性窗口(三)路段及交叉口参数输入左击选中节点,利用软件上部的工具栏中的lane settings,输入相交道路的相关参数。
Synchro 的路段窗口主要是针对分析路网的车道几何与交通条件,如车道配置(Lanes and Sharing)、理想饱和流率(Ideal Saturation Flow)、车道宽(Lane Width)、sun坡度(Grade)、区域类型(Area Type):包括CBD和other、储车长度(Storage Length),、储车道数(Storage Lane),若要设置交叉口进口道拓宽,可利用储车长度和储车车道数来设置、右转渠化(Right Turn Channelized),右转渠化用来设置交叉口右转导流岛。
其余部分参数如下:●右转渠化(Right Turn Channelized)——None: 无渠化——Yield: 渠化——Free: 渠化,不受控——Stop: 渠化,设停车标志●渠化半径(Curb Raduis)●车道利用率(Lane Utilization Factor)——当同一方向有两条或两条以上车道时,反映每条车道的利用率(FLU)●右转因子(Right Turn Factor)——反映右转中与行人的冲突而对饱和流率的影响;●保护左转因子(Left Turn Factor(prot))——在保护左转相位中,反映左转中sun的冲突而对饱和流率的影响;●允许左转因子(Left Turn Factor(perm))——在允许左转相位中,反映左转中的冲突而对饱和流率的影响;●饱和流率(Saturated Flow Rate(prot))——在保护相位中●饱和流率(Saturated Flow Rate(perm))——在允许相位中●行人、自行车右转因子(Right Ped. Bike Factor)——该因子考虑了绿灯时间长度、行人流量、自行车流量和出口车道数量的影响;●行人左转因子(Left Ped Factor)——在允许左转相位中,该因子考虑了绿灯时间长度、行人流量、机动车流量和出口车道数量的影响;●红灯右转(Right Turn on Red)——右转是否受控,若右转不受信号控制则打钩;●饱和流率(Saturated Flow Rate(RTOR))——在右转不受控时的饱和流率●车头间距因子(Headway Factor)(四)流量输入左击选中节点,利用软件上部的工具栏中的V olume settings ,输入相交流量及相关参数。
通过流量输入窗口来进行交叉口交通流量的调整,流量数据输入表系如下图所示其中的车流量(Traffic V olumes )(注:采用折算后的车辆数)、冲突行人流量(Conflicting Peds.)、冲突自行车流量(Conflicting Bikes.)、重车(Heavy Vehicles)比率、公交车靠站阻塞数(Bus Blockages ,指每小时靠站并对交通产生实际影响的公交车数,设置最大值为100,该值将影响到LANE window 中的饱和流量)等项目可依据各路段的交通流量属性作弹性的设定;而相关的调整因子,包括 ● 高峰小时系数(Peak Hour Factor ,PHF)——例:小时流率: 1000 vphPHF: 0.9 (注:设置最低值为0.5)则调整的高峰流率: 1000 / 0.9 = 1111 vph● 增长因子(Growth Factor ,GF)——根据近几年交通量的增长率,计算GF 的公式:GF = (1+r)^Y其中r ——交通量的增长率;Y ——年数;例:近10年交通量的增长率为3%,则GF = (1 + 0.03)^10 = 1.34;GF 值通常在0.5~3.0之间● 路段中途流量(Traffic from Mid-block) ——相邻的交叉口之间出现流量不平衡,表明有部分车流通过交叉口之间的无信号交叉口进入或驶离,路段中途流量反映进入或驶离车流量的百分比;sun●路边停车管制(Adjacent Parking Lane) ——是否允许路边停车●停车量(Parking Maneuver) ——允许路边停车时的停车量。
●连接OD矩阵(Link OD V olumes) ——通过连接OD矩阵可以对两个相邻的交叉口进行详细的控制设置,可以用于减少或消除某些不必要的转弯,一般用来防止在城市干道上出现两次左转。
●调整后流量(Adjusted Flow) ——经Peak Hour Factor 和Growth Factor调整后输入的流量。
路网及相关数据设置好后得到下面的模型sun(五)信号配时左击选中节点,利用软件上部的工具栏中的Timing settings,设定交叉口配时方案。
设置相位:转向类型(Turn Type)——用于设置相位数(如2相位、3相位、4相位等),如各进口左转均设置为Prot,则为4相位。
保护相位(Protected Phases) ——一般情况下,根据转向类型由“Options”中的Phase Templates自动设置,其规则如下:Synchro软件中相位编码共8个,如下图信号配时图所示,对象相位出图时,分上下两排,一排为4个方向,为显示方便,各对向方向在同一列,如北的左转为1编码相位,则南左转为5编码向位,其他方向同理。
sun●允许相位(Permitted Phases) ——一般右转受信号控制可选●检测器相位(Detector Phases) ——一般情况下,与保护相位和允许相位相同●最小绿灯时间(Minimum Initial)●现行周期长度(Cycle Length) ——采用Webster方法得到的最佳信号周期●感应式控制周期(Actuated Cycle Length) ——感应信号控制的平均周期长度●自然周期长度(Natural Cycle Length) ——该交叉口单独运行时,达到可接受的通行能力时的最小周期●最大v/c比(Max v/c Ratio)●交叉口延误(Int. Delay)——Synchro提供了两种延误计算方法:Webster法和百分比法●交叉口服务水平(Int. LOS)——按照2000 HCM,分为A~F,共6个评价等级●交叉口通行能力利用率(ICU,Intersection Capacity Utilization)●ICU服务水平(ICU LOS)——分为A~H,共8个评价等级●锁定的配时(Lock Timing) ——锁定配时方案,防止配时发生变化。
相位操作窗口所输入的相关数据项包括:●最小启始值(Minimum Initial)——规定的最小绿灯时间●最小绿信比(Minimum Split) ——必须大于或等于该相位红灯、黄灯时间和最小启始值之和●最大绿信比(Maximum Split)●黄灯时间(Yellow Time)●全红时间(All-Red Time)●早开/迟闭(Lead/Lag)●所允许的早开或迟闭最优化(Allow Lead/Lag Optimize)●触动控制的车辆延长绿灯时间(Vehicle Extension)●最小间距(Minimum Gap)●减少时距的前置时间(Time Before Reduce)●减少时距的剩余时间(Time to Reduce)●行人相位(Pedestrian Phase)sun(七)配时优化1. 对单点交叉口在信号配时窗口中,对绿信比和周期长度进行优化(点击Optimize),通过观察可比较优化前后性能指标(v/c比、延误、LOS等)的变化。
2. 干道/区域交通协调控制系统相邻交叉口间距比较接近的道路比较适合做信号协调控制。
确定好各交叉口的周期后,选择Optimize中的network cycle lengths及network offset进行干道信号配时优化。
(七)报告生成和时距图报告:通过选择菜单File→Create Reports命令按钮,选择Select Reports 命令窗口,在该窗口中选择需要报告的内容,同时在Option中选择需要包括在其中的数据,然后可以预览或打印。