To Be Master of Your Emotions 控制你的情绪
今天我学会控制情绪的范例Today I will be master of my emotions.今天我学会控制情绪。
The tides advance; the tides recede. Winter goes and summer comes. summer wanes and the cold increases. The sun rises; the sun sets. The moon is full; the moon is black. The birds arrive; the birds depart. Flowers bloom; flowers fade. Seeds are sown; harvests are reaped. all nature is a circle of moods and I am a part of nature and so, like the tides, my moods will rise; my moods will fall.潮起潮落,冬去春来,夏末秋至,日出日落,月圆月缺,雁来雁往,花飞花谢,草长瓜熟,自然界万物都在循环往复的变化中,我也不例外,情绪会时好时坏。
Today I will be master of my emotions.今天我学会控制情绪。
It is one of nature s tricks, little understood, that each day I awaken with moods that have changed from yesterday. Yesterday s joy wilI become today s sadness; yet today ssadness will grow into tomorrow s joy. Inside me is a wheel, constantly turning from sadness to joy, from exultation to depression, from happiness to melancholy. Like the flowers, today s full bloom of joy will fade and wither into despondency, yet I will remember that as today s dead flower carries the seed of tomorrow s bloom so, too, does today s sadness carry the seed of tomorrow s joy.这是大自然的玩笑,很少有人窥破天机。
做情绪的小主人的英语作文Being the master of your emotions is easier said than done. It's a continuous challenge to keep your emotions in check and not let them get the better of you.做情绪的主人比说起来要容易得多。
There are times when you feel like you’re at the mercy of your emotions, unable to control the anger, sadness, or frustration that wells up inside you. However, it’s important to remember that you have the power to regulate your emotions and not let them control you.有时候你会感到自己受情绪支配,无法控制内心涌起的愤怒、悲伤或沮丧。
One way to become the master of your emotions is to practice mindfulness. By being present in the moment and acknowledging your emotions without judgment, you can gain a better understanding of them and learn to respond to them in a more constructive way.成为情绪的主人的一种方法是实践正念。
2019年高中生英语作文范文-Control Your Emotion
控制你的情绪 Control Your Emotion_英语作文_1
控制你的情绪Control Your EmotionYou must control and direct your emotions not abolish them. Besides, abolition would be antimissile task. Emotions are like a river. Their power can be dammed up and released under control and direction, but is cannot be held forever in check. Sooner or later the dam will burst, unleashing catastrophic destruction.你必须控制并导引你的情绪而非摧毁它,况且摧毁情绪是一件不可能的事情。
Your negative emotions can also be controlled and directed. PMA and self-discipline can remove their harmful effects and make them serve constructive purposes. Sometimes fear and anger will inspire intense action. But you must always submit your negative emotions--and you positive ones--to the examination of your reason before releasing them. Emotion without reason is a dreadful enemy.你的消极心态同样也可被控制和导引,积极心态和自律可去除其中有害的部分,而使这些消极心态能为目标贡献力量。
某一天,你很认真地 做了一个飞机模型,准 备带回学校交给老师。
突然发现路边有一张 50元钱,于是,你把模型 放在长椅上。
正当你弯腰把50元捡起 的时候,发现有人坐在长 椅上,正好把你的飞机模 型压坏。
然后你仔细一看, 发现这个人原来是个 盲人, 你又会有什 么情绪反应?
但有积极和消极 C2 内容 之分,每个人都
刘奶奶有两个儿子,大儿 子是卖雨伞的,每到晴天, 刘奶奶就很担忧。
小儿子是开洗衣店的,每 到雨天,刘奶奶也很担忧
请观看故事《赶考》 并说出你的看法
写出近日令你生气、伤心、 受挫或自卑的事情(A)和 当时的想法(B)、情绪或 所导致的行为结果(C) 。
请几位同学抽取纸条,并 利用情绪ABC理论给以解 决 ,与大家分享
月有阴晴圆缺,人有喜怒哀乐,但这并 不意味着我们是情绪的奴隶,任它支配自己 的行为。情绪是可以管理和调节的,我们要 学会以恰当的方式来表达自己的情绪,学会 运用正确的方法合理地调节自己情绪,做情 绪的主人。
终于有一天,刘奶奶由于 过于忧虑而病倒了。
议一议:请讨论并分析案例 中的A(事件)、B(信念)和 C(情绪)。
控 制 好 自 己 ·管 理 好 情 绪
做情绪的主人英语作文英文回答:Becoming the Master of Your Emotions.Emotions are a powerful force that can shape our thoughts, behaviors, and experiences. While it is important to acknowledge and honor our emotions, it is also essential to learn how to regulate them. When we are in control of our emotions, we are better able to navigate the challenges of life, make rational decisions, and maintain healthy relationships.One of the first steps to becoming the master of your emotions is to understand your emotional triggers. What situations or events tend to make you feel angry, sad, or anxious? Once you know your triggers, you can start to develop strategies for dealing with them in a healthy way.Another important step is to practice mindfulness.Mindfulness is the ability to pay attention to your thoughts and feelings without judgment. By practicing mindfulness, you can become more aware of your emotions and how they affect you. This awareness can help you to make better choices about how to respond to your emotions.Finally, it is important to learn how to self-soothe. When you are feeling overwhelmed by your emotions, it is helpful to have some coping mechanisms that you can use to calm yourself down. This could involve things like taking a few deep breaths, listening to calming music, or spending time in nature.Becoming the master of your emotions is not an easy task, but it is a worthwhile one. When you are in control of your emotions, you are better able to live a happy and fulfilling life.中文回答:成为情绪的主人。
英语短文阅读:控制你的情绪 Managing Your Emotions
英语短文阅读:控制你的情绪 Managing Your Emotions We all have emotions, and it's important to understand them. Emotions can be helpful, but they can also be harmful. It's important to learn how to manage your emotions.First, it's important to recognize your emotions. Pay attention to how you feel and why you feel that way. Identifying your emotions can help you better understand them.Second, it's important to express your emotions in a healthy way. Find positive outlets for your emotions, such as talking to a friend or writing in a journal. Avoid expressing your emotions in a negative way, such as lashing out at someone or engaging in self-destructive behavior.Third, it's important to practice self-care. Take time for yourself and do things that make you feel good. This can help you stay emotionally balanced and better manage your emotions. Finally, it's important to seek help if needed. If you find that you're struggling to manage your emotions, consider speaking to a therapist or counselor. They can help you find ways to better manage your emotions.By understanding and managing your emotions, you can lead a happier and healthier life.。
如何成为情绪的主人英语作文英文回答:To become the master of our emotions, we need to develop self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and effective coping strategies. Firstly, self-awareness is crucial in understanding and managing our emotions. We should take the time to reflect on our feelings andidentify the triggers that lead to certain emotions. For example, if we notice that we often feel anxious before a big presentation, we can explore why this happens and find ways to calm ourselves down, such as deep breathing exercises or positive self-talk.Secondly, emotional intelligence plays a significant role in becoming the master of our emotions. This involves being able to recognize and understand our own emotions, as well as empathize with others. By being aware of our emotions, we can better regulate them and respond in a more constructive manner. For instance, if someone sayssomething hurtful to us, instead of reacting impulsively with anger, we can pause, take a deep breath, and choose a more thoughtful response.Lastly, developing effective coping strategies is essential in managing our emotions. This can include engaging in activities that help us relax and unwind, such as exercising, practicing mindfulness, or pursuing hobbies we enjoy. Additionally, seeking support from friends, family, or a therapist can provide us with valuableinsights and guidance on how to navigate challenging emotional situations.In conclusion, to become the master of our emotions, we need to cultivate self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and effective coping strategies. By understanding our emotions, regulating them, and seeking support when needed, we can take control of our emotional well-being and lead a more fulfilling life.中文回答:要成为情绪的主人,我们需要培养自我意识、情商和有效的应对策略。
如何成为情绪的主人英语作文Title: Mastering Your Emotions: A Path to Inner HarmonyIntroduction:Emotions play a significant role in shaping our experiences, decisions, and relationships. Becoming the master of our emotions is a profound journey that requires self-awareness, understanding, and the ability to navigate the complexities of our inner world. In this essay, we will explorepractical strategies and insights on how one can develop emotional mastery, leading to a more fulfilled and balanced life.Body:1. Embrace Self-Awareness:To become the master of our emotions, we must firstcultivate self-awareness. This involves acknowledging and accepting our emotions without judgment. By taking time to reflect on what triggers different emotional responseswithin us, we gain valuable insights into our patterns ofthinking and behavior.2. Recognize Emotional Triggers:Understanding the factors that trigger specific emotions allows us to respond rather than react impulsively or unconsciously. By identifying these triggers, we can take conscious steps to either avoid or manage situations that may lead to negative emotional states.3. Practice Mindfulness:Through regular mindfulness practices such as meditation or deep breathing exercises, we can develop an increased sense of present moment awareness. Mindfulness helps us observe our emotions as they arise without getting completely caught up in them. With practice, this non-judgmental awareness enables us to respond thoughtfully rather than being controlled by intense emotions.4. Cultivate Empathy:Empathy is a powerful tool for emotional mastery as it enables us to understand the perspectives and feelings of others. Practicing empathy allows us to effectively manageinterpersonal conflicts by fostering compassion, patience, and open-mindedness.5. Enhance Emotional Intelligence:Emotional intelligence involves recognizing and regulating not only our own emotions but also those of others around us. Developing this skill allows us to adjust our communication style accordingly and build healthier relationships with ourselves and others.6. Build Resilience:Life is full of challenges and setbacks, and building emotional resilience is crucial in overcoming these hurdles. Resilience involves bouncing back from adversity, embracing failure as a learning opportunity, and developing apositive mindset that enables us to persevere even when faced with difficult emotions.7. Seek Support:Becoming the master of our emotions does not mean going through the process alone. Seeking support from trusted friends, family members, or even professional counselorscan provide guidance and tools to navigate the emotional landscape more effectively.Conclusion:Mastering our emotions is a lifelong journey that requires self-reflection, mindfulness, empathy, emotional intelligence, resilience, and support. By actively engaging in these practices, we can gradually gain control over our emotions rather than being controlled by them. Ultimately, this path toward emotional mastery allows us to lead more fulfilling lives characterized by better decision-making, healthier relationships, and inner harmony.。
如何做情绪的主人英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1How to Be the Master of Your EmotionsIt's no secret that being a teenager can be an emotional rollercoaster ride. One minute you're happy and carefree, the next you're angry, sad or overwhelmed by intense feelings that seem to come out of nowhere. We've all been there - crying over a bad grade, snapping at our parents for no real reason, or feeling incredibly anxious about an upcoming event. Our emotions can sometimes feel like a runaway train that we're just along for the ride on.But what if I told you that it doesn't have to be that way? What if you could actually take control and be the master of your emotions instead of letting them master you? It's totally possible with the right mindset and tools.Over the past year, I've been working hard to get a grip on my emotional ups and downs. I've read books, watched videos, talked to counselors, and practiced techniques to keep my emotions in check. It's been a game-changer for me. I'm calmer,happier and better able to navigate life's inevitable storms. I'm sharing what I've learned in hopes it can help others too.The first step is understanding that your emotions are sculpted by your thoughts. It's not necessarily the situation itself that causes an emotional reaction, but the way you think about the situation. For example, if you totally bomb a math test, you could think "I'm an idiot and I'll never be good at this." That negative self-talk will lead to intense feelings of shame, frustration and hopelessness. Or you could think "That was really hard but I prepared as best I could. One bad grade isn't the end of the world." The second thought pattern leads to disappointment for sure, but not overpowering negativity.Once you realize that your thoughts shape your emotions, you can start to challenge unhelpful thought patterns and reframe situations in a more positive light. This takes practice, but it's so powerful. Anytime you feel intense emotion bubbling up, stop and listen to your inner voice. Is it being overly critical, assuming the worst, or just being plain irrational? If so, make the conscious choice to talk back to that voice. Be kind to yourself, look at the bigger picture, and move your mind in a more constructive direction.In addition to monitoring thoughts, I've found that getting grounded in my body works wonders when I'm flooded with emotion. When we're overcome by feelings, we're stuck in our heads in a thought loop that amplifies the emotion more and more. Taking a few minutes to physically reconnect with your body calms the emotional storm.You could take some deep breaths, really feeling the air moving in and out of your lungs. You could also try tensing and relaxing each muscle group one by one, releasing pent up physical tension. Going for a short walk, run, or doing some jumping jacks gets you out of your head too. Basically, any physical activity that brings your focus to the sensations of your body rather than the whirlwind happening in your mind. Just a few minutes of this brings a sense of groundedness when emotions feel unmanageable.Another game-changing tactic is a taking a step back to simply observe your emotions without judging them. When we fight our feelings and think "I shouldn't be sad/anxious/angry right now," we actually intensify the emotion. But if we say to ourselves "Ok, here is sadness. I'm going to feel it fully and let it pass in its own time," we're paradoxically giving it less power over us.Emotions are temporary, naturally arising and falling away if we stop clinging to them. Taking an objective, non-judgmental stance towards emotions as they come and go puts us in the driver's seat rather than them driving us. We're noticing the feeling, fully experiencing it while understanding that it will soon pass. Seems counterintuitive, but leaning into emotions is what allows them to move through us.Of course, opening ourselves up to emotional experiences means we'll sometimes feel negative emotions intensely. I'd be lying if I said it was easy or comfortable. There will be times when sadness washes over you like a tidal wave of pain. Anger will spark up as a raging fire threatening to burn everything down. Crippling anxiety will leave you frozen and breathless. This is part of the human experience that we can't avoid.What we can do is build our resilience muscle so we have the strength to move through these experiences with grace. Don't resist them. Don't get overwhelmed. See them as passing storms that you can endure by getting low, holding on tight and waiting for calmer waters.Another tool that has made a big difference for me is keeping perspective by zooming out. It's so easy to get emotionally hijacked and think the issue at hand is the biggestdeal in the universe. But if we take a step back, we remember that whatever we're going through is temporary and probably not as catastrophic as it feels in the heat of the moment.I was devastated when I got friend-zoned by my crush last year. In that moment, the pain and embarrassment feltall-consuming like it would last forever. But by zooming out and looking at my life as a whole, I realized this was just a blip that wouldn't matter so much in a few months or years. It's amazing how tiny our problems often seem from a wider lens.When emotions are running hot, I find it helpful to think about where I'll be in 1 week, 1 month, or 1 year from whatever is upsetting me. Most of the time, the issue will be long forgotten or at least significantly diminished on those timelines. By expanding our perspective to the big picture, we can keep our cool through difficulties that feel hugely significant in the present moment.Ultimately, we all want to feel empowered to steer our emotional ship rather than being tossed around on stormy seas. By understanding how our thoughts shape emotions, reconnecting to our bodies, allowing emotions to come and go without resistance, building resilience, and maintainingperspective, we position ourselves as captains navigating the waters of life's ups and downs.I'm still a work in progress on the emotional mastery journey for sure. I have plenty of moments when anxiety, anger, sadness or some other intense feeling takes over and I'm not able to apply the tools as skillfully as I'd like. But I'm getting better and better, and the stretches of inner calm, confidence and emotional freedom last longer and longer.My friends have noticed the difference too. They'll comment on how I'm able to move through hard times with more poise, or how I don't get riled up as easily these days. Some have even started using the same strategies in their own lives. It's been awesome to cultivate these life skills as a teen so I'll really have them solidified as an adult.So if you're reading this and intimately familiar with the rollercoaster of adolescent emotions, just know there's a better way. You don't have to be a passive passenger anymore. With pragmatic strategies to work WITH your emotions instead of struggling against them, you can be the master of your emotional experience. Just keep practicing and be patient with yourself. Self-mastery is an ongoing journey, but such arewarding one to be on! Here's to riding the waves of life with grace.篇2How to Be the Master of Your EmotionsWe've all been there - one minute you're feeling happy and content, and the next, you're a emotional mess over something that probably isn't even that big of a deal. Our emotions can take us on a crazy rollercoaster ride if we let them control us instead of being in the driver's seat ourselves. But what if I told you that it's possible to be the master of your emotions instead of letting them master you? It's true - with some self-awareness and emotional intelligence strategies, you can learn to manage even your most intense feelings.The first step is understanding what emotional intelligence (EQ) actually is. Put simply, it's the ability to recognize, understand, manage, and reason with emotions - both your own emotions and those of others around you. People with a high EQ don't let their feelings overwhelm their ability to remain in control and think rationally. They're self-aware, can delay gratification, remain hopeful even in tough circumstances, and empathize with how others are feeling.Developing emotional mastery has so many benefits - from improving your mental health and relationships to becoming more successful in school and your future career. Emotionally intelligent people make great leaders, entrepreneurs, teachers, parents, partners and friends because they don't let their emotions derail them from their goals. They also tend to be happier and more resilient overall.So how can you work on increasing your own emotional intelligence? Here are some tips:Get In Touch With Your FeelingsYou can't manage emotions you don't understand, soself-awareness is key. Make a habit of checking in with how you're feeling throughout the day. Give your emotions a name - happy, frustrated, anxious, excited, etc. Notice how feelings manifest as physical sensations in your body so you can learn your signals.Don't Suppress or AmplifyWhen a strong emotion hits, don't try to push it away or exaggerate it. Suppressing just causes feelings to intensify while amplifying creates drama. Just allow yourself to feel it, observe it, and remind yourself that it will pass. Breathe through it.Look for PatternsStart to notice what types of situations trigger certain emotional responses for you. Is it when you feel criticized? Left out? Overwhelmed with too much to do? Understanding your tendencies is powerful.Press PauseBefore reacting to an emotional stimulus, press the pause button. Stop, drop your perspective to a heelprint, and just breathe for a few seconds. This pause helps you regain control from your emotional brain so your rational brain can take over again before you say or do something you may regret.Reframe PerspectiveOur thoughts create our emotions, so we can change our feelings by shifting our perspective. For example, reframing a problem as an opportunity or challenge can turn frustration into determination. Asking yourself, "Will this matter in a year?" can dissolve anxiety over small things. Adjusting your lens is huge for mastering emotions.Use HumorLaughter really is the best medicine for intense feelings. Allowing yourself to laugh at yourself and not take things soseriously can quickly lighten your emotional load. When you feel anger or anxiety building, actively look for opportunities to inject a bit of humor and you'll gain a whole new vantage point.Express Through WritingGet thoughts and feelings out of your head and onto paper through journaling or stories. Putting words to your篇3How to Be the Master of Your EmotionsWe've all been there – one minute you're feeling on top of the world, and the next, you're a crumpled mess on the floor, crying over something that really wasn't that big of a deal. Our emotions can take us on a rollercoaster ride if we let them, which is why it's so important to learn how to control them instead of letting them control us.As students, we face a ton of stress – keeping up with classes, exams, extracurriculars, friends, family, you name it. It's easy to let our emotions get the better of us, but that's a surefire way to derail our productivity and inner peace. That's why I've made it my mission to become the master of my emotions, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer.The first step is understanding where our emotions come from. They're not just some nebulous cloud that appears out of nowhere – they're a physiological response, triggered by the release of certain chemicals in our brains. Once I realized that, it became a lot easier to detach from the intense emotions I was feeling and look at them from a more rational perspective.For example, when I'm feeling really anxious before a big test, I can recognize that it's just my brain releasing cortisol and adrenaline in preparation for a perceived threat. Instead of letting that anxiety consume me, I can take some deep breaths, remind myself that I'm prepared, and let the feeling pass.That's not to say it's easy – believe me, I've had my fair share of meltdowns. But with practice, I've gotten better at catching myself before I spiral too far down the rabbit hole of negative emotions.Another key is figuring out what your emotional triggers are. For me, it's feeling overwhelmed with too many things on my plate. As soon as I start to feel that way, I know it's time to take a step back, prioritize, and maybe even ask for an extension on something if I need it.It's also important to have healthy outlets for letting out your emotions in a constructive way. Exercise is a great one –there's nothing like a good sweat sesh to release some pent-up frustration or anxiety. Writing in a journal, talking to a friend, or even just taking a walk outside can also be really helpful.At the end of the day, though, the most important thing is being kind to yourself. We're all human, and we're all going to have moments where our emotions get the better of us. The key is not beating yourself up about it, but rather learning from it and moving forward with a renewed commitment to emotional mastery.It's also worth noting that there's a difference between feeling your emotions and letting them dictate your actions. It's totally okay – and healthy – to feel sad, angry, anxious, or any other emotion. The problem arises when we let those emotions drive our behavior in a way that's harmful to ourselves or others.For example, if I'm feeling really angry about something, it's okay to feel that anger. But it's not okay to lash out at the people around me or do something destructive. Instead, I need to find a constructive way to process and release that anger, whether it's through exercise, journaling, or even just venting to a friend.It's a constant work in progress, but the more I practice being the master of my emotions, the better I get at it. And let me tell you, the payoff is huge – I'm more productive, morefocused, and overall just happier when I'm not being tossed around by the waves of my emotions.Of course, there are times when our emotions are trying to tell us something important, and we shouldn't just ignore them. If I'm feeling really down for an extended period of time, for example, that could be a sign that I need to make some changes in my life or seek help from a professional.But for the most part, learning to manage our emotions is a game of recognizing them for what they are – temporary physiological responses – and not letting them dictate our actions or derail our lives.It's not always easy, but it's so worth it. Trust me, once you start to get a handle on your emotions, you'll wonder how you ever got through life without being the master of them.So, to all my fellow students out there – don't let your emotions run the show. Take control, be proactive about managing them, and watch how much happier and more successful you become. You've got this!。
一篇关于控制情绪的英语作文初二100字全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Dealing with Emotions as a Middle SchoolerBeing a middle schooler is tough! Our bodies are changing, our hormones are raging, and we're caught between being little kids and teens. On top of that, we have to deal with all sorts of emotions that can feel overwhelming at times. Trust me, I know all about mood swings, getting worked up over small things, and letting emotions get the better of me. It's not easy, but I've learned some tricks to help control those intense feelings.One of the biggest things is simply being aware of how you're feeling. It sounds obvious, but it's easy to get so caught up in anger, sadness, embarrassment or whatever else, that you don't even realize what emotion you're experiencing. Take a step back and put a name to that feeling. "I'm really frustrated right now because I can't get this math problem." "I feel hurt that my friend said that mean thing about me." Just identifying the emotion can help you get a handle on it.Deep breaths are another great tool. When you feel yourself starting to freak out, pause and take some slow, deep breaths. Inhale through your nose, let your belly rise, then exhale slowly out through your mouth. Focusing on your breathing gets you out of your heated thoughts for a minute and can instantly help calm you down a bit. Try taking 5-10 deep breaths and you'll likely feel more in control.It's also really important to find a way to burn off those big emotions in a positive way, instead of lashing out. If I'm really mad, I might go shoot some hoops, punch a pillow, or just run around outside to release the anger and energy. If I'm sad, I write in my journal, listen to music, or hang out with my dog篇2Dealing with Emotions: A Middle Schooler's GuideEmotions are like a rollercoaster ride – exciting, unpredictable, and sometimes a little scary. As a middle schooler, I've learned that navigating through the ups and downs of emotions can be a real challenge. One minute you're on top of the world, and the next, you're dealing with a wave of anger, sadness, or anxiety. But fear not, my fellow classmates! I've gotsome tips and tricks to help you ride the emotional rollercoaster with grace and control.First things first, let's talk about anger. We've all been there –someone cuts you off in line, your sibling borrows your favorite hoodie without asking, or you just can't seem to get that math problem right. The rage bubbles up inside, and you feel like you're about to explode. Take a deep breath and count to ten (or twenty, or whatever it takes). Removing yourself from the situation, even for a few minutes, can work wonders. Go for a walk, listen to some soothing music, or write down your thoughts in a journal. Once you've calmed down, try to look at the situation from a different perspective. Was it really worth getting so worked up over? Probably not.Next up, sadness. Whether it's a bad grade, a friendship gone sour, or just a case of the blues, sadness can feel like a heavy weight dragging you down. It's okay to feel sad sometimes, but don't let it consume you. Reach out to a trusted friend or family member and talk about what's bothering you. Keeping your feelings bottled up inside will only make them worse. And remember, this too shall pass. The sadness won't last forever, even though it may feel that way in the moment.Anxiety is another emotion that can be tough to deal with, especially during the tumultuous middle school years. When you're feeling anxious or overwhelmed, try some deep breathing exercises or meditation. Visualize yourself in a calm, peaceful place, and let your worries melt away, even if just for a little while. It's also important to get enough sleep and exercise, as both can help reduce anxiety levels.No matter what emotion you're dealing with, it's crucial to remember that you're not alone. Everyone experiences a range of emotions, and that's perfectly normal and healthy. Don't be afraid to seek help from a trusted adult, like a teacher, counselor, or parent, if you're really struggling to manage your emotions. They can provide valuable guidance and support.In the end, controlling your emotions is all about finding what works best for you. Some people find solace in writing, others in physical activity, and some in simply talking it out. Experiment with different techniques and discover what helps you ride the emotional waves with grace and composure.So, my fellow middle schoolers, embrace your emotions, but don't let them control you. With a little patience, self-awareness, and the right coping strategies, you can navigate therollercoaster of feelings and come out stronger on the other side.篇3Learning to Control My EmotionsHave you ever felt so angry that you wanted to scream or throw something? Or so sad that you felt like crying for hours? Dealing with strong emotions can be really tough sometimes, but it's an important skill to learn. I know because I've struggled with keeping my emotions under control plenty of times. Let me tell you about some of my experiences.In 5th grade, I had a big problem with getting angry really easily. Whenever something didn't go my way, like if I did poorly on a test or couldn't have a turn on the swings at recess, I would get furious. My face would get hot, my hands would ball up into fists, and mean thoughts would race through my mind. A few times, I even yelled at my friends or teachers when I was angry. It felt scary to be so out of control.My parents and teachers noticed how I would lash out and helped me find better ways to deal with anger. They taught me to take deep breaths to calm down, walk away from situations until I felt better, or write in a journal when I was upset. Usingthose strategies really helped me start managing my anger in a healthier way.I still get mad sometimes, but now I know how to stop those feelings from taking over. When I feel myself getting heated, I remind myself to stay calm and use the techniques I've learned. I breathe deeply, remove myself from the situation for a few minutes, or write about why I'm angry. After letting out that initial burst of emotion in a safe way, I can think more clearly and make better choices about how to respond.Sadness has been another tough emotion for me at times. My family went through a hard period when my grandpa passed away from cancer a couple years ago. I was devastated and missed him so much. Even little things would remind me of him and make me start crying. I felt like I was on an emotional rollercoaster, alternating between numbness and intense sadness.Writing in a journal really helped me process those heavy feelings of grief. Getting my swirling thoughts and memories about my grandpa down on paper made them feel more manageable. My parents also encouraged me to look at photos and videos of happy times with him, which motivated me tothink about the good memories rather than just the sadness of his death.Now when I experience sadness from things like being left out by friends, doing poorly on a big test, or even just feeling down for no obvious reason, I use similar strategies. I allow myself to cry if I need to let it out. I write about what's making me sad. And I remind myself that sadness is temporary and won't last forever.Fear and anxiety are other emotions I've had to learn to cope with. Like a lot of kids, I sometimes felt nervous about things like taking tests, performing in front of others, trying new activities, or even going to sleepovers or camp. Those anxious feelings can be really unpleasant - I'd get a queasy stomach, shaky hands, dizziness, and my mind would get filled with worried thoughts.Talking to my parents, teachers, and the school counselor about my anxieties has helped a lot. They've reassured me that it's normal and okay to feel anxious sometimes. They've reminded me to take deep breaths, use positive self-talk, and avoid negative thoughts that make the anxiety worse. Doing activities that help me relax, like reading, playing outside, or spending time with friends also eases those anxious feelings.Overall, I've learned that emotions like anger, sadness, fear and anxiety are unavoidable parts of life. The key is finding healthy ways to express and work through them, rather than bottling them up or letting them control my behavior. It's a skill I'll need to keep practicing, but I feel so much better when I can stay calm and in control of my emotions.Everyone feels strong emotions sometimes. The important thing is having strategies to manage them before they manage you. For me, taking deep breaths, walking away, writing in a journal, talking to others, and doing relaxing activities have been really helpful tools. I'd encourage anyone struggling with powerful emotions to find constructive outlets too. That way, we can all learn to navigate even the most intense feelings in a healthier, more positive way.篇4Learning to Control My EmotionsI'm just a kid, but I've already learned that emotions can be really powerful things. When I get really excited, angry, or even just silly, my emotions sometimes take over and I have a hard time controlling myself. But over the past couple of years, I'vestarted learning some tricks to help me stay calmer and in control, even when my feelings are really intense.One of the biggest things that helps me is just being aware of how I'm feeling. It's easy to get carried away by strong emotions without even realizing it's happening. But if I stop and think about how I'm feeling – whether I'm getting worked up, frustrated, or even just really hyper – that awareness makes it easier to catch myself before I spiral out of control.Taking deep breaths is another really helpful technique. When I start to feel myself getting riled up, I pause and take five or six really deep breaths, inhaling through my nose and exhaling out my mouth. It sounds so simple, but it's amazing how much that can help calm me down and clear my head. The deep breathing gives me a chance to hit the reset button before I do or say something I'll regret.Removing myself from the situation can be useful too, if I'm getting really worked up over something. Sometimes I just need to walk away for a few minutes to cool off, rather than stay in an environment that's pushing my buttons. I'll go to another room, or even just step outside for some fresh air, until I've had a chance to simmer down.Thinking positive thoughts is something else that helps manage my emotions. If I'm feeling angry or upset about something, it's easy to get stuck in that negative mindset, fixating on whatever is bugging me. But if I can shift my mind to happier thoughts – maybe remembering a fun time with friends or just thinking about my favorite TV show – it takes my mind off the thing that was bothering me and elevates my mood.I'm still just a kid, and learning to manage emotions is an ongoing process. But the more I practice techniques like deep breathing, positive thinking, and even just walking away when I need a break, the better I'm getting at keeping myself under control. I know there will always be times when my emotions flare up, but feeling in control of myself makes me happier and more confident – and that's a pretty great feeling.篇5Emotions: The Struggle to Stay in ControlYou know that feeling when your heart starts racing, your face gets hot, and you just want to explode? Yep, I'm talking about those intense emotions that sometimes take over our minds and bodies. As a middle schooler, I've had my fair share ofemotional rollercoasters, and let me tell you, it's not always easy to keep those feelings in check.One minute, you're cruising through life, feeling happy and carefree, and the next, something or someone sets you off, and boom! You're hit with a tidal wave of anger, frustration, or sadness. It's like a switch flips, and suddenly, you're no longer in control of your thoughts or actions.I remember this one time when my best friend betrayed my trust. I felt so hurt and angry that I couldn't think straight. All I wanted to do was lash out and say hurtful things, but deep down, I knew that wouldn't solve anything. It was a real battle to rein in those intense emotions and respond calmly.That's the tricky thing about emotions – they're powerful forces that can easily overwhelm us if we're not careful. But here's the thing: we can learn to manage them, and it's an essential skill to develop, especially as we navigate the ups and downs of growing up.One technique that has helped me is taking a step back and practicing mindfulness. When I feel those intense emotions bubbling up, I try to pause and take a few deep breaths. It might sound simple, but it can be surprisingly effective in creating a bitof distance between you and your feelings, allowing you to observe them without getting swept away.Another strategy is to identify and challenge the thoughts that are fueling your emotions. Often, our emotions are driven by irrational beliefs or distorted perceptions. By questioning those thoughts and looking at things from a more balanced perspective, we can sometimes defuse the intensity of our feelings.It's also important to remember that emotions are natural and valid. We shouldn't try to suppress or ignore them altogether. Instead, we need to find a way to experience them without letting them control our behavior or negatively impact our relationships and well-being.As I've gotten older, I've realized that emotional intelligence is just as important as academic intelligence. Being able to understand and manage our emotions is a skill that will serve us well in all areas of life, from our personal relationships to our future careers.So, the next time you feel those intense emotions bubbling up, remember that you have the power to take control. It might not be easy, but with practice and the right strategies, you canlearn to navigate those emotional storms with grace and resilience.After all, emotions are a part of what makes us human. They add richness and depth to our experiences, and learning to embrace and manage them is a lifelong journey. So, let's embrace the challenge and become masters of our emotions, one deep breath at a time.篇6Controlling My Emotions: A Rollercoaster RideEmotions are like a rollercoaster ride – they can take you up, down, and all around, leaving you feeling exhilarated, terrified, or even nauseous. Just like a rollercoaster, our emotions can sometimes seem out of our control, but the truth is, we have the power to manage them if we learn the right techniques.As a middle schooler, I've had my fair share of emotional ups and downs. From the excitement of making a new friend to the frustration of a failed test, my emotions have been all over the place. At times, it felt like my emotions were controlling me instead of the other way around. That's when I realized I needed to take charge and learn how to manage my emotions effectively.The first step in controlling my emotions was recognizing them. It sounds simple, but it's often harder than it seems. When we're in the midst of a strong emotion, it can be challenging to step back and identify what we're feeling. Am I angry, sad, or just overwhelmed? Once I started paying attention to the physical signs – a racing heart, clenched fists, or a knot in my stomach – it became easier to label my emotions.After recognizing my emotions, the next step was understanding where they came from. Sometimes, it was obvious – a bad grade or a disagreement with a friend. Other times, the source was less clear, and I had to dig deeper. I learned that our emotions can be influenced by our thoughts, beliefs, and even our physical state, like being tired or hungry.Once I understood the source of my emotions, I could start working on managing them. One of the most effective techniques I learned was taking deep breaths. When I felt my emotions starting to spiral out of control, I would stop and take a few slow, deep breaths. This simple act helped calm my mind and body, making it easier to think clearly and rationally.Another powerful tool in my emotional management toolkit was reframing my thoughts. Our thoughts play a significant role in shaping our emotions, and I learned that by changing myperspective, I could change how I felt. For example, instead of thinking "I failed that test, I'm so stupid," I could reframe it as "That test was challenging, but it's an opportunity to learn and do better next time."Learning to control my emotions has been a journey, and one that I'm still on. But the skills I've gained along the way have been invaluable. Not only have they helped me navigate the emotional rollercoaster of middle school, but they've also prepared me for the challenges that lie ahead.As I look towards the future, I know that life will continue to throw curveballs my way – disappointing setbacks, challenging situations, and overwhelming emotions. But armed with the tools I've learned, I feel confident in my ability to manage those emotions and emerge stronger on the other side.Controlling our emotions isn't about suppressing them or pretending they don't exist. It's about acknowledging them, understanding them, and learning how to respond in a healthy and productive way. It's a lifelong journey, but one that is well worth the effort.So, the next time you find yourself on an emotional rollercoaster, remember – you have the power to take control. Breathe deeply, reframe your thoughts, and seek support whenyou need it. With practice and perseverance, you too can become the master of your emotions and navigate life's ups and downs with grace and resilience.。
做情绪的主人英语作文Being the Master of Your Emotions。
Emotions are a powerful force in our lives. They can motivate us, bring us joy, and help us connect with others. However, they can also be overwhelming and difficult to manage. Learning to be the master of your emotions is an important skill that can help you navigate life's ups and downs with grace and resilience.One of the first steps to becoming the master of your emotions is to develop self-awareness. This means taking the time to understand your emotions and how they impact your thoughts and behaviors. When you are able to recognize and label your emotions, you are better equipped to manage them effectively. For example, if you are feeling angry, you can take a step back and ask yourself why you are feeling that way. This can help you gain perspective and respond in a more constructive manner.Another key aspect of mastering your emotions is developing emotional intelligence. This involves being able to empathize with others, regulate your own emotions, and communicate effectively. When you are emotionally intelligent, you are better able to navigate social situations, build strong relationships, and make sound decisions. You are also more resilient in the face of adversity, as you are able to bounce back from setbacks and maintain a positive outlook.In addition to self-awareness and emotional intelligence, it is important to cultivate healthy coping strategies. This may involve practicing mindfulness, engaging in regular exercise, or seeking support from friends and family. By finding healthy outlets for your emotions, you can prevent them from becoming overwhelming and consuming your thoughts.It is also important to remember that it is okay to experience a wide range of emotions. Emotions are a natural and essential part of the human experience, and it is healthy to acknowledge and express them. However, it isimportant to do so in a way that is constructive and respectful to yourself and others. This may involve seeking professional help if you are struggling to manage your emotions on your own.Ultimately, being the master of your emotions is an ongoing process that requires patience, self-reflection, and practice. By developing self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and healthy coping strategies, you can learn to navigate life's challenges with resilience and grace. When you are able to manage your emotions effectively, you are better equipped to lead a fulfilling and meaningful life.。
一篇关于控制情绪的英语作文八年级Feeling All the Feels: How to be the Boss of Your EmotionsBeing a teenager is no joke - our bodies are changing, our minds are racing, and our emotions are all over the place. One minute you're laughing with your friends, the next you're crying because someone looked at you the wrong way. It's like a roller coaster that never ends!I used to be a total slave to my emotions. If I was happy, I was bouncing off the walls. If I was sad, I shut everyone out. If I was angry, watch out world! But then I realized something - my emotions were controlling me instead of the other way around. That's when I decided to become the boss of my feels.It wasn't easy at first. Emotions are powerful things, especially for someone my age with raging hormones. But I started practicing some tricks that have really helped me stay in control. Here are my top tips for being the master of your emotional domain:Name that EmotionThe first step is to identify exactly what you're feeling. Are you really angry, or just hangry? Sad or disappointed? Nervous or excited? Getting specific helps you understand and managethe emotion better. I like to imagine my emotions as different colored monsters - anger is a red, fire-breathing beast while sadness is a blue, crying creature. Silly, but it works!Breath WorkWhen a strong emotion hits, the urge is to let it take over. But taking some deep breaths can calm both your mind and body. Inhale through your nose, let your belly expand, then slowly exhale through pursed lips. Picturing something peaceful like floating on clouds or lying in a meadow can also help relax you.Use Your WordsEmotions get really intense when you bottle them up inside. That's why it's so important to express how you feel, whether by talking to a friend, writing in a journal, or just venting out loud (when you're alone, of course). Getting all those feels out in the open makes them feel less overwhelming.Move Your BodyYou've got all this energy pulsing through you from your emotions - might as well put it to good use! Going for a run, hitting a punching bag, or even just dancing around your room can be an awesome release. The key is to move in a way thatexpresses the emotion you're feeling. You'll feel so much better after.Find the Bright SideI know, I know - so much easier said than done. But negative emotions tend to spiral out of control if you let them. That's why it's crucial to look for positives in any situation. If you failed a test, think about what you learned and how you'll prepare better next time. If your best friend is mad at you, remember all the good times you've had and how you'll work it out. Staying optimistic won't make the negative emotion go away completely, but it can soften the blow.Be PatientHere's the hard truth: emotions are impossible to control 100% of the time. You're going to have days when your feelings get the best of you, no matter what you do. And that's okay - you're only human! The key is to not beat yourself up about it. Just stick to your calming strategies and know that this too shall pass.Mastering your emotions takes constant practice, but the payoff is huge. When you're the boss of your feels, you get to choose how to respond to situations instead of acting onimpulse. You'll have healthier relationships, less anxiety and stress, and way more happiness overall. It's a total game-changer for navigating those crazy teen years!So don't be a slave to your emotions, friends. Put on your boss hat, practice those skills, and get in the driver's seat of your feelings. You've totally got this!。
请控制好你的情绪作文英语Please Control Your Emotions。
Emotions are an integral part of human nature. They help us express our feelings and communicate with others. However, when emotions are not kept in check, they can become a liability and cause problems in our personal and professional lives. Therefore, it is essential to learn how to control our emotions and maintain a healthy emotional balance.The first step in controlling emotions is to recognize them. We need to be aware of our emotional state and identify the triggers that cause us to feel angry, sad, anxious, or stressed. Once we know what is causing our emotions, we can take steps to address them and prevent them from spiraling out of control.One effective way to control emotions is to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of being presentin the moment and observing our thoughts and feelings without judgment. By practicing mindfulness, we can become more aware of our emotions and learn to regulate them more effectively.Another way to control emotions is to engage in physical activity. Exercise is a great way to release pent-up emotions and reduce stress. It also helps us maintain a healthy body and mind.In addition to these techniques, it is important to develop healthy coping mechanisms for dealing withdifficult emotions. This might include talking to a trusted friend or family member, seeking professional help, or engaging in a hobby or activity that brings us joy.In conclusion, emotions are a natural part of being human, but it is important to learn how to control them. By recognizing our emotions, practicing mindfulness, engaging in physical activity, and developing healthy coping mechanisms, we can maintain a healthy emotional balance andlead more fulfilling lives. So, please control your emotions and live a happy life.。
Becoming the Master of Our EmotionsEmotions play a crucial role in our lives, shaping our reactions, decisions, and interactions with others. Managing and regulating our emotions is essential for leading a happy and fulfilling life. Learning to be the master of our emotions means taking control of our thoughts and actions, rather than being controlled by them.To become the master of our emotions, it's important to cultivate a positive mindset. When faced with challenges or stressors, we can choose to view them as opportunities for growth and learning. For example, instead of dwelling on negative thoughts, we can practice gratitude, appreciation, and optimism. This shift in perspective can help us maintain inner peace and calmness, even in the midst of difficulties.Effective communication is also crucial in managing our emotions. It's essential to express our needs and feelings honestly and clearly, while also respecting the feelings of others. By communicating effectively, we can resolve conflicts, strengthen relationships, and create a positive social atmosphere.Furthermore, developing healthy habits and routines can promote positive emotions. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep are all vital for maintaining good mental health. Additionally, engaging in activities that we enjoy, such ashobbies or social gatherings, can boost our mood and sense of well-being.Family also plays a significant role in emotional development. Parents and caregivers should provide emotional support and guidance to children, helping them to understand and manage their emotions. Spending quality time with family, engaging in meaningful conversations, and offering encouragement can help children to develop healthy emotional coping skills.In conclusion, becoming the master of our emotions is a valuable life skill that can help us lead happier, more fulfilling lives. By cultivating a positive mindset, effective communication, healthy habits, and strong family relationships, we can take control of our emotions and use them to create positive change in our world. Let's embrace this actively practice it in our daily lives.。
控制情绪经历英语作文英文回答:Controlling emotions is an essential skill that can greatly impact our daily lives. When we are able to effectively manage our emotions, we can make better decisions, maintain healthy relationships, and improve our overall well-being. However, it is not always easy to control our emotions, as they can be powerful and overwhelming at times. In this essay, I will discuss some strategies that can help us control our emotions and provide examples to illustrate their effectiveness.One effective strategy for controlling emotions is to practice self-awareness. This involves recognizing and understanding our emotions in the moment. By being aware of our emotions, we can better understand why we are feeling a certain way and take steps to manage them. For example, if I find myself feeling angry, I can take a moment to reflect on the situation and identify any underlying causes for myanger. This self-reflection allows me to gain a better understanding of my emotions and helps me respond in a more controlled manner.Another strategy for controlling emotions is to engagein relaxation techniques. These techniques can help us calm down and reduce the intensity of our emotions. For instance, deep breathing exercises can help regulate our heart rate and bring a sense of calmness during moments of stress or anxiety. Taking a few deep breaths and focusing on the sensation of inhaling and exhaling can help us regaincontrol over our emotions. Additionally, engaging in activities such as meditation or yoga can also bebeneficial in managing emotions and promoting a sense of inner peace.Furthermore, seeking support from others is another effective way to control emotions. Talking to a trusted friend or family member about our feelings can provide us with a different perspective and offer emotional support. Sometimes, simply venting our emotions and having someone listen can help us feel validated and understood. Moreover,seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor can provide us with additional tools and strategies to manage our emotions effectively.In conclusion, controlling our emotions is crucial for our well-being and overall happiness. By practicing self-awareness, engaging in relaxation techniques, and seeking support from others, we can effectively manage our emotions and make better decisions in our daily lives. It is important to remember that controlling emotions is a skill that takes time and practice to develop, but with perseverance and determination, we can become more emotionally resilient.中文回答:控制情绪是一项重要的技能,它可以极大地影响我们的日常生活。
Control your emotions(控制你的情绪)
Control your emotionsAs the article said,anybody can feel good when they have their health,their bills paid and they have happy relationships.But one day,when you feel bad,what will you do ? Beliving yourself and be serious to do everything or let the bad emotions control you?If you are the first one,you are right,but if you are the last one,you need to act now.Please remember that it is control your emotions that can make you have enough energy and power to catch your dreams.First is getting rid of your lazy!For example,everybody do not want to get up early,but the man who can control his emotions can do it,because he know comparing with dreams ,sleep is not important.what is more,he know he is standing for his faith.Get away from your fear!Fear can kill your hope.Fear can let you lose the interest to what you love.Fear can hold you back from doing something that you can do it easily.If you are fearing,tell yourself,you can.You can achieve your aim by committing the things you are doing more seriously.And you should engaged in your works to reaped the confidence from it.It is not easy to control our emotions.We are emotional,But we need to discipline our emotion. If we can not do it,it will hold back our success.(此文档部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请告知删除,文档可自行编辑修改内容,供参考,感谢您的配合和支持)。
控制你的情绪:Control Your Emotion控制你的情绪:Control Your EmotionYou must control and direct your emotions not abolish them. Besides, abolition would be antimissile task. Emotions are like a river. Their power can be dammed up and released under control and direction, but is cannot be held forever in check. Sooner or later the dam will burst, unleashing catastrophic destruction.你必须控制并导引你的情绪而非摧毁它,况且摧毁情绪是一件不可能的事情。
Your negative emotions can also be controlled and directed. PMA and self-discipline can remove their harmful effects and make them serve constructive purposes. Sometimes fear and anger will inspire intense action. But you must always submit your negative emotions--and you positive ones--to the examination of your reason before releasing them. Emotion without reason is a dreadful enemy.你的消极心态同样也可被控制和导引,积极心态和自律可去除其中有害的部分,而使这些消极心态能为目标贡献力量。
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To Be Master of Your Emotions 控制你的情绪The tides advance; the tides recede. Winter goes and summer comes, summer wanes and the cold increases. The sun rises; the sun sets. The moon is full; the moon is black. The birds arrive; the birds Depart. Flowers bloom; flowers fade. Seeds are sown; harvests are reaped. All nature is a circle of moods and I am apart of nature and so, like the tides, my moods will rise; my moods will fall.潮涨潮落,寒来暑往,日出日落,月圆月缺,雁来雁往,花开花谢,播种收获,自然万物都处于情绪的循环变化中。
It is one of nature’s tricks, little understood, that each day I awaken with moods that have changed from yesterday. Yesterday’s joy will become today’s sadness; yettoday’s sadness will grow into tomorrow’s Joy. Inside me is a wheel, constantly turning from sadness to joy, from exultation to depression, from happiness to melancholy. Like the flowers, today’s full bloom of joy will fade and wither into despondency, yet I will remember that as today’s dead flower carries the seed of tomorrow’s bloom so, to o, does today’s sadness carry the seed of tomorrow’s joy.这是大自然的玩笑,很少有人窥破天机。
And how will I master my emotions so that every day is a happy day, and a productive one? I will learn this secret of the ages: Weak is he who permits his thoughts to control his actions; strong is he who forces his actions to control his thoughts. Each day, when I awaken, I will follow this plan of battle before I am captured by the forces of sadness, self-pity and failure: If I feel depressed I will sing. If I feel sad I will laugh. If I feel ill I will double my labor. If I feel fear I will plunge ahead. If I feel inferior I will wear new garments. If I feel uncertain I will raise my voice. If I feel poverty I will think of wealth to come. If I feel incompetent I will remember past success. If I feel insignificant I will remember my goals.我怎样才能控制情绪,让每天充满幸福和成就感呢?我要学会这个时代的秘诀:弱者任思想控制行为,强者让行为控制思想。
Henceforth, I will know that only those with inferior ability can always be at their best, and I am not inferior. There will be days when I must in the world constantly struggle against forces which would tear me down. Those such as despair and sadness aresimple to recognize but there are others which approach with a smile and the hand of friendship and they can alsoDestroy me. Against them, too, I must never relinquish control.从此以后,我明白了,只有能力差的人才会老觉得自己处于最好的状态,我并非低能者,我必须不断对抗那些企图摧垮我的力量。
If I become overconfident I will recall my failures. If I overindulge I will think of past hungers. If I feel complacency I will remember my competition. If I enjoy moments of greatness I will remember moments of shame. If I feel all-powerful I will try to stop the wind. If I attain great wealth I will remember one unfed mouth. If I become overly proud I will remember a moment of weakness. If I feel my skill is unmatched I will look at the stars.当我变得自负,我就要唤回失败的记忆;当我变得放纵,我就会忆起挨饿的时光;如果我自鸣得意,我要想想竞争的对手;当我沾沾自喜,不要忘了那耻辱的时刻;当我觉得无所不能,我就会试着阻挠风的前进;当我腰缠万贯,我就会想想那些食不果腹的人;当我变得骄傲自满,我就会记起自己怯懦的时候;当我感觉自己无可匹敌时,我便会看看满天的繁星。
And with this new knowledge I will also understand and recognize the moods of him on whom I call. I will make allowances for his anger and irritation of today for he knows not the secret of controlling his mind. I can withstand his arrows and insults for now I know that tomorrow he will change and be a joy to approach. No longer will I judge a man on one meeting; no longer will I fail to call again tomorrow on he who meets me with hate today. This day he will not buy gold chariots for a penny, yet tomorrow he would exchange his home for a tree. My knowledge of this secret will be my key to great wealth.有了这项新本领,我也更能理解和认识别人情绪的变化。
Henceforth I will recognize and identify the mystery of moods in all mankind, and in me.From this moment I am prepared to control whatever personality awakes in me each day. I will master my moods through positive action and when I master my moods I will control my destiny.从此以后,我将领悟到自己乃至全人类情绪变化的奥秘。