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力 的劳动
job Bob wants to find a good ____.
work to do today. I have much _____
work at six o’clock. She goes to _____
2. That’s a funny time for breakfast! time常常和介词“for”搭配,表示 “做……的时间”。如: We don’t have too much time for sports. 我们没有太多的时间开展体育活动。 Time for dinner, children. Go and wash your hands, please. 孩子们,饭好了。去洗手吧。
at about ten twenty
go to work at eleven radio show from twelve o’clock at night to six o’clock in the morning
1. job与work 辨析 job是可数名词, 主要指有报酬的工作
work是不可数名词, 主要指要付出努
It's nine o’clock.
What time is it?
It's twelve o’clo来自百度文库k.
What time is it?
It's two o’clock.
What time is it?
It's four five. It’s five past four.
What time is it?
get dressed
A:What time do they usually ______? B:They usually__________at eight
get dressed
get dressed
What time does Wang Hai usually …?
At At At 7:00 7:10 At 8:00 12:00 he he he has goes begins he his has to breakfast. his school. lunch. classes. He He goes usually home gets for up dinner at 6:30. about 5:30. He usually goes to bed atat 9:00.
2a Listen to the conversation and complete the sentences.
Interviewer:You have a big family, don’t you, Jim? two sisters. Jim: Yes, I have two ____brothers and ______ Interviewer:Wow! How many showers do you have? one Jim: We only have ______shower. Interviewer:Is that difficult? Jim: No, because we have a shower schedule. My five ______. thirty brother Bob takes a shower first at____
It's six thirty.
It's half past six.
What time is it?
It's six ten.
It's ten past six
What time is it?
It’s six forty It’s twenty to seven
get up A: What time do you usually get up? B: I usually get up at six thirty.
2b Listen again. Complete the shower schedule for Jim’s family.
Name Bob Mary Jack Jim Time 5:30 5:50 6:15 6:30
an interesting job
radio station
go to school A: What time do you usually go to school?
B: I usually go to school at
seven thirty.
A: What time do you usually…?
B: I usually ….at…
brush teeth
3. exercise 的用法小结 作动词,意为“锻炼”。如: 他爷爷每天早晨锻炼。 exercises in the morning. His grandpa _________ 作不可数名词,意为“锻炼;运动”, 如: 每天他都做大约十五分钟的运动。 exercise He does about fifteen minutes’ ________ every day.
go home 回家
do homework 做作业
go to school 去学校 go to bed 去睡觉
do/play sports 做运动
1a Match the activities with the picture.
1. get up ____ c 2. go to school ___ d 3. get dressed __ b 4. brush teeth __ f 5. eat breakfast __ e 6. take a shower ___ a
8. always 意为“总是,一直” usually 意为“通常地,一直地” 频率词 never 意为“从未,绝不” I usually _______ (通常) get dressed at six forty. Jack is always _______ (总是) late. His grandpa _______ never (从未) goes to school.
go home
go home A:What time does he usually ______? goes home at 5 o’clock. B:He usually __________
do homework
do homework
A: What time does he usually ______?
go to school
get up
do homework
get dressed eat breakfast take a shower play sports
Fill in the chart and match the times with the actions
Daily activies get up brush one’s teeth/take a shower eat breakfast get dressed go to school
Interviewer:Wow! That’s early! Jim: Yeah. Then my sister Mary takes a shower at ____ five ____. fifty Next my brother six fifteen Jack takes a shower at _______ _________. I take a six thirty shower at____ _____ , my sister Anna at six forty-five ____ _______.
B: I usually get dressed at six fifty.
brush teeth
A: What time do you usually brush teeth? B: I usually brush teeth at seven o’clock.
have breakfast A: What time do you usually have breakfast? B: I usually have breakfast at seven fifteen.
radio show
go to work
Read the conversation in 2d. Fill in the blanks. Activities get up eat breakfast exercise time at eight thirty at night at nine
6:40 7:00 7:20
Talk about your our time schedule Activities get up take a shower get dressed brush teeth eat breakfast go to school Time
does homework
B: He usually ____________ at 5:30.
go to bed
A:What time does she usually __________?
go to bed
B:She usually __________at nine
goes to bed
Let’s talk about some our daily activities.
daily activities 日常活动
get up 起床
have/eat breakfast 吃早餐
get dressed 穿衣服 brush teeth 刷牙
take/have a shower 淋浴
作可数名词,意为“体操;(技能)练 习”。 我们每天做早操。 exercises every day. We do morning ________
4. station 意为“电(视)台;车站” 如: TV station 电视台 bus station 公交车站
5. o’clock 意为 “… …点钟”,跟在整点后 如:七点钟 seven o’clock 6. funny意为“奇怪的;滑稽好笑的”。 詹妮是一位滑稽的女孩。 funny girl. Jenny is a ______ 7. be late for 意为“做„„迟到” 汤姆经常上学迟到。 late ____ for school. Tom is always ____
It has no feet (脚), but it can walk with its hands.It has no mouth(嘴巴), but it can speak to you. It calls Tick(滴答),Tick, and Tick every day.
What time is it?
take a shower A: What time do you usually take a shower?
B: I usually take a shower at six forty.
get dressed A: What time do you usually get dressed?