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肇源县初四毕业班摸底考试 英 语 试 题 考生注意: 1. 考生须将自己的姓名、准考证号填写到试卷和答题卡规定的位置。 2. 选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用


3. 非选择题用黑色墨水签字笔在答题卡上书写作答,在试题卷上作答无效。

4. 考试时间120分钟。

笔 试(共计120分)

第一节 选择题(共70分)

I . Multiple choice (共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)

( )1. ---Have you seen wolf warriors II (《战狼II 》)?

---Yes . This is _____educational film and it has become one of most popular

films in the world .

A. a, / B .a, the C .an, the D ./, the

( )2. Life is _______ the unexpected _____ we do ,try your best . A .filled with, how B .proud of ,what

C .instead of ,however

D .full of , whatever ( )3. Because of the novel coronavirus , we can only study at home . So "Dingding " is now so

popular______us students and teachers .

A .in

B .among

C .to

D .between

( )4. ______the students _____ their English teacher like watching basketball games .They often play

basketball together after school , too .

A .Both, and

B .Neither, nor

C .Either, or

D .Not only, but also

( )5. The food tastes ________and sells ________.

A .well, well

B .good, good

C .good, well

D .well, good

------------------------------------ 装--------------------------------------- 订




( )6. The survey shows that ______ of the students ______ reading English novels.

A.two-three, is B.two-three, are C.two-thirds, is D.two-thirds, are

( )7. We ________our work.We can go hiking with you now.

A.have finished B.are finishing C.will finish D.were finishing

( )8. People can take high﹣speed trains from Shanghai to Hong Kong now.We have a new _____ for holidays.

A.invention B.practice C.Choice D.research

( )9. If Jet _______ the exam this summer,my parents _______him an Iphone X.

A.passes, send B.will pass, send C.passes, will send D.passed, sent

( )10. People are_____today,and they live____than they did in the past.

A.wealthier, long B.wealthy, long

C.wealthier, longer D.wealthy, longest

( )11. Little Sam was ______ nervous _____ speak before the whole class.

A.too, that B.too,to C.so,that D.so,to

( )12. --- Hi, Bob, do you know Tokyo Olympic Games will ________?

--- That’s true. It will be held in 2021.

A.put off

B. be put off

C. be put away

D. be taken off

( )13.﹣I'd like to buy a new jacket,but I don't know____.

﹣How about this one?

A.how can I get it B.where can l get it

C.which should I choose D.which I should choose

( )14. The handsome man______at the next door is very strange.

A.which stands B.that stand C.who is standing D.who stand

( )15. —Hello, Lucy, please give me some ____ on how to improve my English!

—You'd better keep ___ more English books.

A. advices; read

B. advice; read

C. advice; reading

D. advices; reading

( )16. —Where's your sister?

—Oh,she ________ the Laoshe Teahouse and ________.
