altium designer 封装类型
![altium designer 封装类型](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8c51d8c182d049649b6648d7c1c708a1284a0ad5.png)
Altium Designer 是一款电子设计自动化软件,其中的封装(Footprint)类型指的是PCB 设计中元器件的物理布局和引脚连接的定义。
以下是一些常见的Altium Designer 封装类型:SMD(表面贴装器件):表面贴装器件封装类型,适用于直接安装在PCB 表面的元器件。
THT(通孔组件):通孔组件封装类型,用于通过PCB 板上的通孔插件的元器件。
BGA 封装通常用于集成电路,其引脚以球形焊点连接到PCB 表面。
LED(发光二极管):用于描述LED 元器件的封装类型,包括各种封装形式,如贴片LED、LED 指示灯等。
在Altium Designer 中,设计者可以选择适合其设计需求的封装类型,并使用封装编辑器进行必要的定制和调整,以确保PCB 上的元器件布局和引脚连接符合设计要求。
1-1: SD Card 系列:
1.SD Card系列分类:
• SD • MiniSD/MiniSD Adapter • MicroSD/MicroSD Adapter • SDIO (Import Output)
2.SD CARD系列常见国际品牌
Sandisk--美国 Panasonic/松下--日本 TOSHIBA/东芝--日本 Kingston/金士頓--美国 Transcend/创见--台湾 KingMax--台湾 Lexar/雷克沙—美国
15*12*0.8 12.3*8.8*0.7
1-8:PCMCIA Card系列內容
PCMCIA Card(Personal Computer Memory Card International Association )是一个成立于1989年的国际性组织,是一个有300多个 成员公司的国际标准组织和贸易联合会,其成员有Intel、AMD、IBM、 Compaq和TI等国际知名公司。这个国际性组织主要是建立一个省电、小 体积的整合性电子卡片的标准,提高移动计算机的互换性 。
各类型卡都需要与其相对应卡座衔接接入软件系统才能发挥其作用,常 见的卡座类结构可简单分为两种:PUSH 结构与NO PUSH结构,下面对取 两款产品分别对这两种结构做简单结构分解介绍: MICRO SD PUSH PUSH卡座分解图示:
1-9:Express Card系列內容
ExpressCard 技术是由PCMCIA协会于2003年春季公布的一种新的技术标 准。该标准由众多PCMCIA会员公司联合开发而成,包括软件巨商微软, PC制造商戴尔、惠普以及IBM;芯片制造商英特尔、SMSC、高通和TI; 模块制造商日立、Lexar Madia以及SCM等;硬件制造商Delphi、FCI、 Foxconn、ITT、JAE以及Tyco等公司,其根据外形尺寸可分为两种:
端子是FPC/FFC连接器的接触部件,为了达到连接器高密度的排列和更稳定的接触性 能,FPC/FFC连接器端子采用窄片式的接触方式,材质选用导电性能和机械强度较好 的磷青铜。
通常,端子结构的设计会有两种方式,一种是冲压平面下料端子(简称:下料端子), 另一种是冲压后折弯成形端子(简称:成形端子)。由于窄片型的母端子需要有足够 的弹性和相对复杂的形状,如果采用冲压成形的方式,会给冲压加工造成困难,且成 形尺寸和精度不易控制。所以通常母端子都采用成形方式。
FPC连接器基础知识简介 工程部: Cai jiang
当前,随着SMT技术的普及,表面贴装连接器的应用也越来越广泛,各种类型的PCB 都随之有相应的表面贴装连接器出现。从穿孔式(T/H)焊接工艺到表面贴片(SMT) 焊接工艺,使得连接器的端子排列间距(Pitch)逐渐减小到0.8mm和0.5mm,而且 应用SMT工艺允许在PCB的双面都焊接电子元器件,大大增加了PCB上的元器件密度。ຫໍສະໝຸດ 端子功能:电子信号之导体传输.
制程:冲压+电镀(镀金或锡,提升产品的焊接能力) 材质:磷青铜C5191
制程:冲压+电镀(镀金或锡,提升产品的焊接能力) 材质:青铜C2680
塑胶体内部是等间距的片状隔栏结构,使端子装配后保持小间距的排列和提供一定的 保持力。根据产品的使用要求,塑胶体要有足够的强度和韧性,且在SMT焊接前后都 不能有翘曲变形。
以很好的保护产品不受损伤,而且在SMT制程中可 以和其他电子元器件一样进行自动贴片焊接制程,
而无须多余的工序和设备,提高了PCB组装的生产 效率。
1.依产品的pin距(端子与端子的间距)分类 0.5pitch,1.0pitch,1.25pitch,0.3pitch,0.4pitch 2.依产品的高度分类 1.3H ,1.5H,2.0H,2.3H,2.45H 3.依产品的接地片结构分类 半包,全包 4.以产品在客户端的使用方式分类 DIP型(插板焊接),SMT型(表面贴装焊接) 5.以产品接触点与FFC组合的关系分类 上接,下接,单接,双面触点
PCB印刷线路板接线端子说明接线端子分类接线端子可以分为:欧式接线端子系列、 插拔式接线端子系列、栅栏式接线端子系列、弹簧式接线端子系列、轨道式接线端子系列、穿墙式接线端子系列、日式组合型接线端子,欧式框压型组合接线端子、弹簧型端子及线路板PCB端子.线路板接插件等各种类型.生产大电流重载插座.数控机床电子手轮等等1:大电流接线端子属于接线端子的一种;只是能承受的电流比一般的接线端子要强,接入导线截面积大。
大电流接线端子主要分为:弹簧式接线端子、栅栏式接线端子、插拔式接线端子、轨道式接线端子、穿墙式接线端子等等2:穿墙式接线端子:采用螺钉连接线技术,绝缘材料为PA66(阻燃等级:连接器 采用优质的高导电金属材料。
浅谈PCB连接的方法PCB(Printed Circuit Board)连接是指电子元器件通过线路连接在一起,形成一个电路板的过程。
THT类型元件什么是THT类型元件THT(Through-Hole Technology)类型元件是一种电子元件安装技术,其特点是通过将元件引脚插入印刷电路板(PCB)上的孔中,并通过焊接来固定元件。
6.音频插孔(Audio Jacks):音频插孔用于连接音频设备,例如耳机或扬声器。
排针/排母 牛角/欧式插座 D-SUB/SCSI IC/PLCC 塑壳/针座 电话座/水晶头 端子台 USB/IEEE1394 SIM/CF卡座 PCMCIA卡座 FFC/FPC 0.5 B TO B 其他类
连接器品种 ----排针/排母
排针=Pin Header 1、间距:0.8mm 1.0mm 1.27mm 2.0mm 2.54mm 2、位数:2-40P
连接器品种 ---- D-SUB
(一)DB型: 9P 15P 25P 37P 50P 焊线式
连接器品种 ---- D-SUB
连接器品种 ---- D-SUB
(二)DR型: 9P 15P 25P 37P 50P 焊板式 1、直焊式 a 后铆螺丝 b 蓝色胶芯
连接器品种 ---- D-SUB
(四)I.D.C.型: 9P 15P 25P 37P 50P 压排式:压接灰排线 也叫刺破式 (用类似渔叉形状, 刺破线缆表皮, 达到电接触的目的)
连接器品种 ---- D-SUB
(五)打印机头:36P 50P 1、型式比较固定,分为A B C D 四种 2、采用凹凸面紧密表面接触,并非插入式 的环形接触。 3、比较多的用于打印机产品上。 下面详细比较四种图像
连接器品种 ---- D-SUB
打印机头:36P 50P D型 a 焊板式 b 公/M
连接器品种 ---- D-SUB
螺丝:M1.5,钢,镀锌 弹片:磷青铜:镀镍 焊针:黄铜,镀锡 外壳:PA66,UL94V-0
温度范围:-40º C〜+105º C 瞬时温度:+250º C,5秒。 扭矩:0.15Nm(1.3 lb.in) 剥线长度:3.7~4.7毫米
额定电压:300V 额定电流:6A 接触电阻:20mΩ 绝缘电阻:5000MΩ/1000V 耐电压:AC2000V/1Min 线范围:26-18AWG 1.0毫米²
铁,镀镍 铁,镀镍 铁,镀镍
磷青铜:镀镍 磷青铜:镀镍 磷铜(镀锡
黄铜:镀锡 黄铜:镀锡
黄铜:镀锡 黄铜:镀锡 黄铜:镀锡
了解的要素:类型、规格、特性、材料 重要尺寸:1、2、3、4、5
针长 备注:有些端子有凸台和耳朵的要确定尺寸.
端子台总体来说分为欧规(弱电),美规(强电),轨道式,光电耦合式 ,今 天我们重点谈欧规端子台,即,PCB板端接线端子台。 从工作原理和结构设计上看,欧规大致上可以分位一下四种:
1、弹片式:(螺钉式) . 2、升降式:(螺钉式) 3、公母对插式:(公座+母座) 4、压板式:(免锁螺丝式) 间距2.54/3.5/3.81/3.96/5.0/5.08/7.5/9.5/10.0
直锁弹片式间距:2.54mm,3.50mm,5.00mm,7.50mm,7.62mm等;极数: 2~24P.
螺 丝 弹片 本 体 端子
二、 升降式间距:3.5/3.81/5.0/5.08/6.35/7.62/9.52/10.0 mm等;极数: 2~24P.
PCB中常见的元器件封装大全一、常用元器件:1.元件封装电阻 AXIAL2.无极性电容 RAD3.电解电容 RB-4.电位器 VR5.二极管 DIODE6.三极管 TO7.电源稳压块78和79系列 TO-126H和TO-126V8.场效应管和三极管一样9.整流桥 D-44 D-37 D-4610.单排多针插座 CON SIP11.双列直插元件 DIP12.晶振 XTAL1电阻:RES1,RES2,RES3,RES4;封装属性为axial系列无极性电容:cap;封装属性为RAD-0.1到rad-0.4电解电容:electroi;封装属性为rb.2/.4到rb.5/1.0电位器:pot1,pot2;封装属性为vr-1到vr-5二极管:封装属性为diode-0.4(小功率)diode-0.7(大功率)三极管:常见的封装属性为to-18(普通三极管)to-22(大功率三极管)to-3(大功率达林顿管)电源稳压块有78和79系列;78系列如7805,7812,7820等;79系列有7905,7912,7920等.常见的封装属性有to126h和to126v整流桥:BRIDGE1,BRIDGE2: 封装属性为D系列(D-44,D-37,D-46)电阻:AXIAL0.3-AXIAL0.7 其中0.4-0.7指电阻的长度,一般用AXIAL0.4瓷片电容:RAD0.1-RAD0.3。
其中0.1-0.3指电容大小,一般用RAD0.1电解电容:RB.1/.2-RB.4/.8 其中.1/.2-.4/.8指电容大小。
一般<100uF用RB.1/.2,100uF-470uF用RB.2/.4,>470uF用RB.3/.6二极管:DIODE0.4-DIODE0.7 其中0.4-0.7指二极管长短,一般用DIODE0.4发光二极管:RB.1/.2集成块:DIP8-DIP40, 其中8-40指有多少脚,8脚的就是DIP8贴片电阻0603表示的是封装尺寸与具体阻值没有关系但封装尺寸与功率有关通常来说0201 1/20W0402 1/16W0603 1/10W0805 1/8W1206 1/4W电容电阻外形尺寸与封装的对应关系是:0402=1.0x0.50603=1.6x0.80805=2.0x1.21206=3.2x1.61210=3.2x2.51812=4.5x3.22225=5.6x6.5零件封装是指实际零件焊接到电路板时所指示的外观和焊点的位置。
包括连接器,电缆组件,各种耗材,从局端到用户,从基础设备到机顶盒,从50Ω到75Ω,都要用到小型射频同轴连接器;如BNC 系列、TNC系列、到超小型的如MCX、SMA、SMB、SMC以及它们的小型化版本SSMA、SSMB、SSMC。
数字配线架DDF(Digital Distribution Frames):随着通信技术的发展,高容量的SDH、ATM等设备大量应用,这要求其基础元件的射频同轴连接器要有相应的发展,它要体积更小,频带更宽,性能更好,连接更可靠,吉品凭借自己独立开发的射频/微波连接器过渡补偿CAD系统,重新优化了国内普遍应用的L9(西门子)系列、C3(AT &T)系列、C5(NEC)系列、C6(富士通)系列、ERI(爱立信)系列等系列连接器。
通过管脚号,可以判断是哪种slot,其中:PCIeX1(A18B18)---1条lane;PCIeX4(A32B32)---4条lane; PCIeX8(A49B49)---8条lane;PCIeX16(A82B82)---16条lane;PCIE速率:PCIE信号属于高速数字信号,版本越高,速率越高,目前的服务器和主板上比较常见的是PCIE3.0。
PCIE速率见下表;PCI ExpressIntroduced Line Transfer Throughput[i]version code rate[i] ×1 ×2 ×4 ×8 ×161 2003 8b/10b 2.5 GT/s 250 MB/s 0.50 GB/s 1.0 GB/s 2.0 GB/s 4.0 GB/s2 2007 8b/10b 5.0 GT/s 500 MB/s 1.0 GB/s 2.0 GB/s 4.0 GB/s 8.0 GB/s3 2010 128b/130b 8.0 GT/s 984.6 MB/s 1.97 GB/s 3.94 GB/s 7.88 GB/s 15.8 GB/s4 2017 128b/130b 16.0 GT/s 1969 MB/s 3.94 GB/s 7.88 GB/s 15.75 GB/s 31.5 GB/s5 expected inQ22019[33]128b/130b 32.0 GT/s[ii] 3938 MB/s 7.88 GB/s 15.75 GB/s 31.51 GB/s 63.0 GB/s在设计PCIE时,要满足SI要求,接下来以slot的设计为例,对PCB布局、布线进行说明。
1XG4Flat Cable ConnectorsThe Mainstream of Circuit BoardConnectors conforming MIL Standards with Improved Design.■Our new production system improves reliability.■Space-saving Box-type Plugs (XG4C) available.■IDC Plugs (XG4E) can be used for relaying.■An endless number of combinations can be madeusing the XG-5 IDC Connectors for discrete wires,XG8 Original Plugs, and the XG2 IDC Connectors for PCBs.■The Original Plugs (XG8) and the Box-type Plugs (XG4C) can be locked using Lock Levers.■Conform to MIL standards (MIL-C-83503).■UL standards (file No. E103202) (All XG4 models except those with XG4U and XG4H)■Terminologyz MIL standardAbbreviation for Military Standard. To unify the compatibil-ity and quality assurance condition of each company, MIL-C-83503 (applicable to connectors) was established in 1977.z Open-end coverAn open-end cover has a structure where a flat cable can be pulled out from both sides of the cover when a cable is attached to a connector. (The cover having a structure where a flat cable can be pulled out from only one side of the cover is called a "Closed-end cover.")z StandoffPart provided for lifting the housing from the board (This part improves airflow at the through-hole for better assem-bly.)■Ordering InformationRoHS CompliantItemMIL Sockets: XG4M Relay Plug: XG4EMIL Plugs: XG4A Box-type Plugs: XG4CPCB-to-PCB Connectors: XG4HRated current 1 A 3 A (See note 1.)Rated voltage250 VAC 300 VAC Contact resistance 20 m Ω max. (at 20 mV, 100 mA max.)Insulation resistance 1,000 M Ω min. (at 500 VDC)Dielectric strength 500 VAC for 1 min (leakage current: 1 mA max.)Note:1.The rated current will depend on theSocket you are using. It is 1 A using the XG4M for example.Total insertion force 1.96 N max. per contactRemoval force 0.39 N min. (with test gauge, t= 0.64 mm)Insertion durability 50 timesAmbient operating temperatureOperating: −55 to 105°C (with no icing )of Terminal2Flat Cable Connectors XG4■Materials and Finish■Applicable WiresFor pressing1.27-mm pitch flat cable incorporating AWG28 wires•UL2651(standard cable)•UL20012 (folding cable)•UL20028 (color-coded cable)■Mating Combinations for XG4 and XG5ItemMIL Plugs: XG4A Box-type Plugs: XG4C Relay Plugs: XG4E (Strain Relief: XG4S)MIL Sockets: XG4M (Strain Relief: XG4T)Board-to-boardConnector: XG4H Housings Fiber-glass reinforced PBT resin (UL94V-0)/black Covers ---Polyamide resin (UL94V-0)/black Fiber-glass reinforced PBTresin (UL94V-0)/black---Contacts Mating end Brass/nickel base, 0.15-µm gold platingPhosphor bronze/nickel base, 0.15-µm gold platingTerminal Press fit Brass/nickel base, 2.0-µm tin platingPhosphor bronze/nickel base, 2.0-µm tin platingStrain Reliefs ---Polyamide resin (UL94V-0)/black Fiber-glass reinforced PBTresin (UL94V-0)/black---XG4M-U MIL Connectors with Socket Locks■Dimensions(Unit: mm)■Ordering InformationNote:1.With open-end cover.2.Strain Relief sold separately.3.Polarity guide pitch is 22.86 mm.XG4UXG4M-XG4M-■Mating Diagrams for XG4MFlat Cable Connectors XG434Flat Cable Connectors XG4XG4M MIL Sockets■Dimensions(Unit: mm)XG4M-@@30-T (XG4M-@@30 + XG4T-@@04)XG4M-@@31-T (XG4M-@@31 + XG4T-@@04)MIL Socket and Strain Relief Sets■Ordering InformationNote:1.With open-end cover.2.Strain Relief sold separately.3.Polarity guide pitch is 22.86 mmStrain reliefOpen-end coverTriangular markPolarizing Key slot (2) (Not on models with less than 14 contacts.)Polarity guide Polarizing Key slot (1)XG4M-@@30 (one polarizing guide)XG4M-@@31 (all others)XG4T-@@04Strain ReliefDimensionsNo. of contactsDimensions (mm)A B 1017.310.161422.315.241624.917.782030.022.862637.630.483042.735.563447.740.644055.448.265068.160.966080.873.666485.878.74No. of contactsNo. of polarity guidesSocket and Strain Relief Set (See note 1.)Socket with Open-end Cover (See note 2.)Strain Relief for the XG4M100XG4M-1031-T XG4M-1031XG4T -10041XG4M-1030-T XG4M-1030141XG4M-1430-T XG4M-1430XG4T -1404161XG4M-1630-T XG4M-1630XG4T -1604201XG4M-2030-T XG4M-2030XG4T -2004261XG4M-2630-T XG4M-2630XG4T -2604301XG4M-3030-T XG4M-3030XG4T -3004341XG4M-3430-T XG4M-3430XG4T -3404401XG4M-4030-T XG4M-4030XG4T -4004501XG4M-5030-T XG4M-5030XG4T -50042 (See note 3.)XG4M-5031-T XG4M-5031601XG4M-6030-T XG4M-6030XG4T -60042 (See note 3.)XG4M-6031-T XG4M-6031641XG4M-6430-TXG4M-6430XG4T -64042 (See note 3.)XG4M-6431-TXG4M-6431Flat Cable Connectors XG45XG4A MIL Plugs with Long Locks (MIL Standards)■Dimensions(Unit: mm)Straight DIP terminals Right-angle DIP terminals0.635 × 0.6350.635 × 0.635Straight DIP terminals Right-angle DIP terminalsTwo, 2.6 dia.(M3 tapping screw hole)Two, 2.65 dia.Triangular markPolarizing Key slot (not on models with less than 14 contacts)Polarity slotPolarizing Key slotMounting view (bottom view)Right-angle terminals 0.8 dia. (DIP terminals)0Two, 2.8 dia. (M2.6)Two, 3.2 dia. (M3 tapping screw hole)Straight terminals0.8 dia. (DIP terminals)0Two, 3.2 dia.(M3 tapping screw hole)XG4A-@@31/-@@71 (With straight DIP terminals)XG4A-@@34/-@@74 (With right-angle DIP terminals)DimensionsNote:See page 16 for details on the availability (10-contact Connectors)and pitch (with 50, 60, or 64-contact Connectors) of polarity slot s.No. of contacts Dimensions (mm)A B C D E F 1032.017.510.1621.827.946.41437.122.615.2426.933.051.51639.625.217.7829.535.654.12044.730.222.8634.540.659.12652.337.930.4842.248.366.83057.442.935.5647.253.371.83462.548.040.6452.358.476.94070.155.648.2659.966.084.55082.868.360.9672.678.797.26095.581.073.6685.391.4109.964100.686.178.7490.496.5115.06Flat Cable Connectors XG4■Ordering InformationUse in Combination with Strain-relief Sockets.Note:Polarizing slot pitch is 22.86 mm.No. ofcontactsNo. of polarizing slotsPlugs with straight DIP terminalsPlugs with right-angle DIP terminals100XG4A-1071XG4A-10741XG4A-1031XG4A-1034141XG4A-1431XG4A-1434161XG4A-1631XG4A-1634201XG4A-2031XG4A-2034261XG4A-2631XG4A-2634301XG4A-3031XG4A-3034341XG4A-3431XG4A-3434401XG4A-4031XG4A-4034501XG4A-5031XG4A-50342 (See note.)XG4A-5071XG4A-5074601XG4A-6031XG4A-60342 (See note.)XG4A-6071XG4A-6074641XG4A-6431XG4A-64342 (See note.)XG4A-6471XG4A-6474Flat Cable Connectors XG47XG4A MIL Plugs with Short Locks■Dimensions(Unit: mm)Straight DIP terminals Right-angle DIP terminals0.635 × 0.6350.635 × 0.635Straight DIP terminals Right-angle DIP terminalsMounting holes (bottom view)Right-angle terminalsStraight terminalsTwo, 2.6 dia.(M3 tapping screw hole)Two, 2.65 dia.Polarizing Key slot (not on models with less than 14 contacts)Triangular markPolarity slotPolarizing Key slot0.8 dia. (DIP terminals)00.8 dia. (DIP terminals)Two, 2.8 dia. (M2.6)Two, 3.2 dia. (M3 tapping screw hole)Two, 3.2 dia. (M3 tapping screw hole)XG4A-@@32/-@@72 (With straight DIP terminals)XG4A-@@35/-@@75 (With right-angle DIP terminals)DimensionsNote:See page 16 for details on the availability (10-contact Connectors)and pitch (with 50, 60, or 64-contact Connectors) of polarity slot s.No. ofcontacts Dimensions (mm)A B C D E F 1032.017.510.1621.827.940.41437.122.615.2426.933.045.51639.625.217.7829.535.648.02044.730.222.8634.540.653.12652.337.930.4842.248.360.73057.442.935.5647.253.365.83462.548.040.6452.358.470.94070.155.648.2659.966.078.55082.868.360.9672.678.791.26095.581.073.6685.391.4103.964100.686.178.7490.496.5109.08Flat Cable Connectors XG4■Ordering InformationUse in combination with sockets without strain-relief.Note:Polarizing slot pitch is 22.86 mm.No. ofcontactsNo. of polarizing slotsPlugs with straight DIP terminalsPlugs with right-angle DIP terminals100XG4A-1072XG4A-10751XG4A-1032XG4A-1035141XG4A-1432XG4A-1435161XG4A-1632XG4A-1635201XG4A-2032XG4A-2035261XG4A-2632XG4A-2635301XG4A-3032XG4A-3035341XG4A-3432XG4A-3435401XG4A-4032XG4A-4035501XG4A-5032XG4A-50352 (See note.)XG4A-5072XG4A-5075601XG4A-6032XG4A-60352 (See note.)XG4A-6072XG4A-6075641XG4A-6432XG4A-64352 (See note.)XG4A-6472XG4A-6475Flat Cable Connectors XG49XG4A MIL Plugs without Lock Levers (Lock Leversmounted later)■Dimensions(Unit: mm)Straight DIP terminals Right-angle DIP terminals0.635 × 0.6350.635 × 0.635Straight DIP terminals Right-angle DIP terminalsT wo, 2.6 dia.(M3 tapping screw hole)Two, 2.65 dia.Polarizing Key slot (not on models with less than 14 contacts)Polarity slotPolarizing Key slotTriangular markMounting holes (bottom view)Right-angle terminalsStraight terminals0.8 dia. (DIP terminals)00.8 dia. (DIP terminals)0T wo, 2.8 dia. (M2.6)T wo, 3.2 dia. (M3 tapping screw hole)T wo, 3.2 dia.(M3 tapping screw hole)C ±0.12D ±0.15XG4A-@@33/-@@73 (With straight DIP terminals)XG4A-@@36/-@@76 (With right-angle DIP terminals)DimensionsNote:See page 16 for details on the availability (10-contact Connectors)and pitch (with 50, 60, or 64-contact Connectors) of polarizing slot s.No. of contacts Dimensions (mm)A B C D E 1032.017.510.1621.827.91437.122.615.2426.933.01639.625.217.7829.535.62044.730.222.8634.540.62652.337.930.4842.248.33057.442.935.5647.253.33462.548.040.6452.358.44070.155.648.2659.966.05082.868.360.9672.678.76095.581.073.6685.391.464100.686.178.7490.496.510Flat Cable Connectors XG4■Ordering InformationNote:Polarity slot pitch is 22.86 mm.Lock Levers•This series of Connectors allows you to attach Lock Levers on Right-angle Terminal Plugs after automated soldering is completed.•Lock Levers can be easily mounted simply by manually pushing them in.Note:The left and right Lock Levers are identical. One pair is neededfor each Plug.Attachment after Soldering•Long Levers interfere with automated mounting.•Long Levers are in the way when boards are packed.↓•These problems are resolved using Connectors with Long Levers that can be attached after soldering is completed.No. ofcontactsNo. of polarizing slotsPlugs with straight DIP terminalsPlugs right-angle DIP terminals100XG4A-1073XG4A-10761XG4A-1033XG4A-1036141XG4A-1433XG4A-1436161XG4A-1633XG4A-1636201XG4A-2033XG4A-2036261XG4A-2633XG4A-2636301XG4A-3033XG4A-3036341XG4A-3433XG4A-3436401XG4A-4033XG4A-4036501XG4A-5033XG4A-50362 (See note.)XG4A-5073XG4A-5076601XG4A-6033XG4A-60362 (See note.)XG4A-6073XG4A-6076641XG4A-6433XG4A-64362 (See note.)XG4A-6473XG4A-6476TypeModelLong Lock Levers XG4Z-0010Short Lock LeversXG4Z-0011XG4Z-0010 Long Lock Lever XG4Z-0011 Short Lock LeverFlat Cable Connectors XG411XG4A 2-tier Plugs with Long Lock■Dimensions(Unit: mm)■Ordering InformationNote:1.Set containing a stopper, mounting screw (assembled withwasher) and nut.Screw size: M2.6 x 20 mm2.Polarizing slot pitch is 22.86 mm.No. of contactsNo. of polarizing slotsModelNo. of contactsNo. of polarity slotsModel10 × 20XG4A-1079-A 40 × 21XG4A-4039-A 1XG4A-1039-A 14 × 21XG4A-1439-A 50 × 21XG4A-5039-A 16 × 21XG4A-1639-A 2 (See note 2.)XG4A-5079-A 20 × 21XG4A-2039-A 60 × 21XG4A-6039-A 26 × 21XG4A-2639-A 2 (See note 2.)XG4A-6079-A 30 × 21XG4A-3039-A 64 × 21XG4A-6439-A 34 × 21XG4A-3439-A2 (See note 2.)XG4A-6479-AMounting holes (bottom view)0.635 × 0.635Two, 2.65 dia.Stopper (For connecting top and bottom connectors)T wo, 2.65 dia.Triangular markPolarizing Key slot (not on models with less than 14 contacts)Polarity slotPolarizing Key slot (not on the XG4A- 1039-A)0.8 dia.0Two, 2.8 dia.±0.12D ±0.152.54±0.05C ±0.12 2.54±0.052.54±0.052.54±0.05XG4A-@@39-A/-@@79-A (With long locks and right-angle DIP terminals)DimensionsNote:Polarizing slot pitch is 22.86 mm for 50-, 60-,and 64-contact Connectors.No. of contacts Dimensions (mm)A B CDE 10 × 232.017.510.1621.846.414 × 237.122.615.2426.951.516 × 239.625.217.7829.554.120 × 244.730.222.8634.559.126 × 252.337.930.4842.266.830 × 257.442.935.5647.271.834 × 262.548.040.6452.376.940 × 270.155.648.2659.984.950 × 282.868.360.9672.697.260 × 295.581.073.6685.3109.964 × 2100.686.178.7490.4115.012Flat Cable Connectors XG4■Mounting Example ■2-tier Plug Features•Recommended for high-density mounting.•MIL-compliant cable ensures faster delivery times and lower cost than half-pitch board cable. The 2.54-mm pitch simplifies pattern-ing.■PrecautionsCorrect UseMounting•Be sure to anchor the board with screws before mounting.•Note that a Polarizing Key cannot be mounted on the lower Plug.Connecting the Socket•Before connecting the XG4M with Strain Relief, remove as much slack from the cable as possible. Insert as shown below.•Attach the Semi-cover before connecting the XG5M-N. It is not pos-sible to use the Hood Cover.Soldering•Automated Soldering Conditions (Jet Flow)1.Soldering temperature: 250 ±5°C 2.Continuous soldering time: Within 5 sXG4MT riangular markCable markCable numberSocket (mating side)Right-angle terminals (terminal side)XG4AT riangular mark (back)Lower connector Upper connector■Applicable SocketsNote:e with the supplied Strain Relief.e with the supplied Semi-cover. Hood Cover cannot be used.3.Polarity slot pitch is 22.86 mm.No. of contacts No. of polarity slots ModelXG4M for flat cable(See note 1.)XG5M-N for discrete wire (See note 2.)10 × 20XG4A-1079-A XG4M-1031XG5M-103@-N 1XG4A-1039-A XG4M-1030XG5M-103@-N 14 × 21XG4A-1439-A XG4M-1430XG5M-143@-N 16 × 21XG4A-1639-A XG4M-1630XG5M-163@-N 20 × 21XG4A-2039-A XG4M-2030XG5M-203@-N 26 × 21XG4A-2639-A XG4M-2630XG5M-263@-N 30 × 21XG4A-3039-A XG4M-3030XG5M-303@-N 34 × 21XG4A-3439-A XG4M-3430XG5M-343@-N 40 × 21XG4A-4039-A XG4M-4030XG5M-403@-N 50 × 21XG4A-5039-A XG4M-5030XG5M-503@-N2 (See note 3.)XG4A-5079-A XG4M-503160 × 21XG4A-6039-A XG4M-6030XG5M-603@-N 2 (See note 3.)XG4A-6079-A XG4M-603164 × 21XG4A-6439-A XG4M-6430XG5M-643@-N2 (See note 3.)XG4A-6479-A XG4M-6431■Cable Number and Contact PositionCable and Corresponding Contact Number The contact numbers are not marked on the Con-nector. Use the triangular mark as a guide when wiring and designing circuit boards.For the cable number, count starting from the cable mark side as shown below.Flat Cable Connectors XG413XG4E Relay Plugs■Dimensions(Unit: mm)(Long locks)(Short locks)0.635 × 0.635Open-end cover0.635 × 0.635Strain ReliefTwo, 2.6 dia.(M3 tapping screw hole)Two, 2.65 dia.TriangularmarkPolarizing Key slot(Not on models with less than 14 contacts.)Polarity slot Polarizing Key slot DimensionsNote:See the following page for details on the availability (10-contact Connectors) and pitch(with 50, 60, or 64-contact Connectors) of polarity slot s.No. of contactsDimensions (mm)ABCDEF GLong LockShort Lock 1032.017.510.1621.827.946.440.416.91437.122.615.2426.933.051.545.522.01639.625.217.7829.535.654.148.024.62044.730.222.8634.540.659.153.129.62652.337.930.4842.248.366.860.738.03057.442.935.5647.253.371.865.842.33462.548.040.6452.358.476.970.947.44070.155.648.2659.966.084.578.555.05082.868.360.9672.678.797.291.267.76095.581.073.6685.391.4109.9103.980.464100.686.178.7490.496.5115.0109.085.514Flat Cable Connectors XG4■Ordering InformationRelay PlugsUse Long-lock Plugs together with Strain-relief Sockets, and use Short-lock Plugs together with Non-strain-relief Sockets.Note:1.Strain Relief sold separately.2.Polarity slot pitch is 22.86 mm.■Cable Number and Contact PositionNo. of contactsNo. of polarizing slotsLong-lock Plugs with Open-end Covers (See note 1.)Short-lock Plugs with Open-end Covers (See note 1.)Strain Reliefs for XG4E100XG4E-1071XG4E-1072XG4S-10041XG4E-1031XG4E-1032141XG4E-1431XG4E-1432XG4S-1404161XG4E-1631XG4E-1632XG4S-1604201XG4E-2031XG4E-2032XG4S-2004261XG4E-2631XG4E-2632XG4S-2604301XG4E-3031XG4E-3032XG4S-3004341XG4E-3431XG4E-3432XG4S-3404401XG4E-4031XG4E-4032XG4S-4004501XG4E-5031XG4E-5032XG4S-50042 (See note 2.)XG4E-5071XG4E-5072601XG4E-6031XG4E-6032XG4S-60042 (See note 2.)XG4E-6071XG4E-6072641XG4E-6431XG4E-6432XG4S-64042 (See note 2.)XG4E-6471XG4E-6472Socket (mated side)Right-angle T erminal Plug (terminal side)Plug (XG4E)Straight T erminal Plug (terminal side)T riangular markCable mark Cable No.XG4A XG4CT riangular mark (back)T riangular markT riangular markCable mark Cable No.Cable and Corresponding Contact NumberThe contact numbers are not marked on the Connector. Use the triangular mark as a guide when wiring and designing circuit boards.For the cable number, count starting from the cable mark side as shown on the right.Flat Cable Connectors XG415XG4C Box-type Plugs■Dimensions(Unit: mm)■Ordering InformationNote:1.Polarizing slot pitch is 22.86 mm.2.The Box-type Plug can be locked using Lock Lever II (sold separately). (See XG4Z-0002 on page 19.)No. of contactsNo. of polarizing slotsPlugs with straight DIP terminalsPlugs with right-angle DIP terminals100XG4C-1071XG4C-10741XG4C-1031XG4C-1034141XG4C-1431XG4C-1434161XG4C-1631XG4C-1634201XG4C-2031XG4C-2034261XG4C-2631XG4C-2634301XG4C-3031XG4C-3034341XG4C-3431XG4C-3434401XG4C-4031XG4C-4034501XG4C-5031XG4C-50342 (See note 1.)XG4C-5071XG4C-5074601XG4C-6031XG4C-60342 (See note 1.)XG4C-6071XG4C-6074641XG4C-6431XG4C-64342 (See note 1.)XG4C-6471XG4C-6474Triangular markPolarizing Key slot (Not on models with less than 14 contacts.)Polarity slot Polarizing Key slotRight-angle DIP terminalsStraight DIP terminals(Right-angle DIP terminals)(Straight DIP terminals)Mounting holes (bottom view)0.8 dia.0Straight DIP terminalsRight-angle DIP terminals 0.8 dia.0C ±0.12XG4C-@@31/-@@71(With straight DIP terminals)XG4C-@@34/-@@74(With right-angle DIP terminals)DimensionsNote:See the following page for details onthe availability (10-contact Connec-tors) and pitch (with 50, 60, or 64-con-tact Connectors) of polarity slot s.No. of contacts Dimensions (mm)A B C 1020.017.510.161425.122.615.241627.625.217.782032.730.222.862640.337.930.483045.442.935.563450.548.040.644058.155.648.265070.868.360.966083.581.073.666488.686.178.74■Mating Diagrams for XG4M■Polarity Slot and Polarizing Key Slot Number and PositionClassification No. of contacts10 contacts14 contacts16 to 40 contacts50 to 64 contactsXG4MMIL SocketXG4M-1031XG4M-1030XG4M-1430XG4M-1630 to XG4M-6430---XG4M-5031, XG4M-6031, XG4M-6431XG4AMIL PlugXG4EIDC PlugXG4A-107@XG4E-107@XG4A-103@XG4E-103@XG4A-143@XG4E-143@XG4A-163@ to XG4A-643@XG4E-163@ to XG4E-643@---XG4A-507@, XG4A-607@, XG4A-647@XG4E-507@, XG4E-607@, XG4E-647@XG4CBox-type PlugXG4C-107@XG4C-103@XG4C-143@XG4C-163@ to XG4C-643@---XG4C-507@, XG4C-607@, XG4C-647@No. of polarizingguides (PolarizingSlots)011112 (H = 22.86 mm)No. of PolarizingKey slot (PolarizingKey Slots)10122XG4U + XG4M + XG4C XG4T + XG4M + XG4A XG4T + XG4M + XG4C + Lock LeverPolarizing Key slotPolarizing guidePolarizingKey slotPolarizing slotPolarizing slotPolarizing slot16Flat Cable Connectors XG4Flat Cable Connectors XG417XG4H Board-to-Board Sockets■Dimensions(Unit: mm)■Ordering InformationNote:Polarizing guide pitch is 22.86 mm.XG4H-@@31/-@@71(With straight DIP terminals)XG4H-3431-1 XG4H-4031-1(With straight DIP terminals)*Sockets with model numbers end-ing in -1 are available only with 34or 40 contacts (provide kinked ter-No. of contactsNo. of polarizing slotsSockets with straight DIP terminals101XG4H-1031141XG4H-1431161XG4H-1631201XG4H-2031261XG4H-2631301XG4H-3031341XG4H-3431-1401XG4H-4031-1501XG4H-50312 (See note.)XG4H-5071601XG4H-60312 (See note.)XG4H-6071641XG4H-64312 (See note.)XG4H-6471■Mating Diagrams for XG4H18Flat Cable Connectors XG4Flat Cable Connectors XG419■Tools and Accessories (Sold Separately)XG4Z-0004 Polarizing KeyPolarity guides and slots can be used by themselves to help prevent reverse inser-tion. Use the Polarizing Key as well for best results.Note:Each XG4Z-0004 has 4 PolarizingKeys.XG4Z-0005 Coding Pin(T o prevent erroneous insertion)The Coding Pin is used to prevent confu-sion when many Connectors with the same number of contacts are lined up. It can also be used to prevent reverse insertion when using Connectors without a shroud like the XG8 Unshrouded Plug. The Coding Pin can also be used with XC5, and XC6 DIN Connectors as well as with XG5 Discrete-wire IDC Connectors.Note:1. A contact with a Coding Pin in-serted cannot be used.2.Each XG4Z-0005 has 4 Polarizing Keys.XY2E-0002 Contact Cutting DriverThe Contact Cutting Driver is used to cut (twist off) a contact on the mating Plug when using an XG4Z-0005 Coding Pin.■PrecautionsCorrect Use•Automated Soldering Conditions (Jet Flow)1.Soldering temperature: 250 ±5°C2.Continuous soldering time: Within 5 s•SolderingSolder-mount the XG4A with the lock levers fully closed or fully open.Solder-mounting the XG4A with the lock lever half-open may cause play in lock lever due to thermal deformation of the housing.•StorageIf the lock levers of the XG4A or XG4E con-nector are left at an intermediate position for a long time, they may get to feel loose in operation due to deterioration of the plastic part. When the lock levers are not used,store the plug with the lock levers fullyclosed or fully open.Material: PBT resin(UL94V-0)/whiteHow to useInsertT wistPolarizing KeyPolarizing Key slotMaterial: PBT resin (UL94V-0)/whiteHow to useT wistInsertT wistModelXG4Z-0004XG4Z-0005XY2E-0002How to useTwistInsert the plug contact into the groove on the Driver, and twist off the contact from the base.Material: Polyamide resin (UL94V-2)/natural Lock Lever TabXG4MPolarity guide holeXG8BMaterial: Polyamide resin (UL94V-2)/naturalXG4MXG4CInsert the tab on the Lock Lever into the guide hole.Lock Lever for XG8B and XG8W Plugs (With Right-angle Terminals)XG5Z-0002Use to lock Unshrouded Plugs (for XG8B and XG8W Plugs with right-angle terminals).Lock Lever II for XG4C PlugsXG4Z-0002Use to lock XG4C Box-type Plugs.ModelXG5Z-0002XG4Z-0002。
>>技术支持 - 连接器分类多年来连接器的分类混乱,各个厂家自有其分类方法和标准。
1989年在美国国家电子分销商协会(NEDA, 即National Electronic Distributors Association缩写,它是一个工业教育组织)的支持下,生产连接器的几大厂家会聚在一起,制订了一部连接器分类标准和术语。
Molex公司曾参加了制订过程.NEDA主持制订的这个标准,称为连接器部件分类等级(Levels of Packaging)。
现摘要叙述于下表:等级描述0 IC 芯片或芯片到封装的连接器请注意第1个等级是"0" 级,不是"1" 级。
Molex公司不生产IC 芯片。
1 IC组件或组件到(电路)板的连接器当IC芯片安装在电路板的插座中时,就是1级连接。
2 (印制)电路板(PCB)到(印制)电路板的连接器2级连接器用于印制电路板之间的连接。
.3 导线到电路板或分组合到分组合的连接器3级连接器连接印制电路板和分组合、或是连接两个分组合。
依Molex公司的习惯, 3级也包括某些导线到导线连接器。
4 机箱到机箱或输入/输出连接器,4级连接器提供功率或信号连接。
PCB D-Sub 连接器 - 双行,37个通道,2.74mm中线,无地线说明书
![PCB D-Sub 连接器 - 双行,37个通道,2.74mm中线,无地线说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0ef2cd572379168884868762caaedd3383c4b52b.png)
5747839-4PCB D-Sub Connectors, Receptacle, Board-to-Board, 37 Position, 2.74mm [.108in]Centerline, 2 Row, Row-to-Row Spacing 2.84 mm [.112 in]08/27/2020 01:27AM | Page 1 For support call+1 800 522 6752Connectors>D-Shaped Connectors>D-Sub Connectors>PCB D-Sub ConnectorsNumber of Rows:2Centerline (Pitch): 2.74 mm [ .108 in ]Number of Positions:37Connector System:Board-to-BoardConnector & Housing Type:ReceptacleFeaturesProduct Type FeaturesGrounding Indents WithoutGrounded NoGrounding Straps WithFootprint14.99 mm[.59 in]Shell Type Front Metal ShellConnector & Housing Type ReceptacleConnector System Board-to-BoardD-Sub Shell Size4Sealable NoConnector & Contact Terminates To Printed Circuit BoardShielded NoProduct Type ConnectorConfiguration FeaturesNumber of Positions37Number of Rows2PCB Mount Orientation Right AnglePreloaded YesBody FeaturesEyelet Material Brass5747839-4 ACTIVEAMPLIMITETE Internal #:5747839-4PCB D-Sub Connectors, Receptacle, Board-to-Board, 37 Position,2.74mm [.108in] Centerline, 2 Row, Row-to-Row Spacing 2.84 mm [.112 in]View on >Eyelet Material BrassEyelet Plating Material TinPlastic NoInsert Material ZincConnector Profile StandardShell Plating Material TinShell Material Carbon SteelPost Size.66 mm[.026 in]Contact FeaturesContact Mating Area Plating Material GoldContact Underplating Material NickelPCB Contact Termination Area Plating Material TinContact Base Material Phosphor BronzeContact Shape & Form RoundContact Current Rating (Max) 6 A30 µinTermination FeaturesGrounding Clips WithoutTermination Method to Printed Circuit Board Through Hole - SolderTermination Post Length 3.18 mm[.125 in]Mechanical AttachmentThreaded Insert Material ZincThreaded Insert Plating Material Clear ChromatePanel Mount Feature WithoutPCB Mount Retention WithPCB Mount Retention Type BoardlockMating Retention WithMating Retention Type Threaded Inserts, 4-40 UNCConnector Mounting Type Board MountBoardlock Plating Material TinBoardlock Material Copper AlloyMounting Hole Diameter 3.18 mm[.125 in]Housing Features08/27/2020 01:27AM | Page 2 For support call+1 800 522 6752Housing FeaturesCenterline (Pitch) 2.74 mm[.108 in]Housing Material Nylon GF, Polyester GFHousing Color BlackDimensionsRow-to-Row Spacing 2.84 mm[.112 in]PCB Thickness (Recommended) 1.57 mm[.062 in]Usage ConditionsOperating Temperature Range-55 – 105 °C[-67 – 221 °F]Operation/ApplicationCircuit Application SignalIndustry StandardsUL Flammability Rating UL 94V-0Packaging FeaturesPackaging Method TubePackaging Quantity7OtherComment All receptacles are preloaded with size 20DF posted socket contactsProduct ComplianceFor compliance documentation, visit the product page on >EU RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU CompliantEU ELV Directive 2000/53/EC CompliantChina RoHS 2 Directive MIIT Order No 32, 2016No Restricted Materials Above ThresholdEU REACH Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006Current ECHA Candidate List: JUN 2020(209)Candidate List Declared Against: JUL 2019(201)Does not contain REACH SVHCHalogen Content Not Low Halogen - contains Br or Cl > 900ppm.Solder Process Capability Wave solder capable to 265°CProduct Compliance DisclaimerThis information is provided based on reasonable inquiry of our suppliers and represents our current actual knowledge08/27/2020 01:27AM | Page 3 For support call+1 800 522 675208/27/2020 01:27AM | Page 4For support call+1 800 522 6752This information is provided based on reasonable inquiry of our suppliers and represents our current actual knowledge based on the information they provided. This information is subject to change. The part numbers that TE has identified as EU RoHS compliant have a maximum concentration of 0.1% by weight in homogenous materials for lead, hexavalent chromium, mercury, PBB, PBDE, DBP, BBP, DEHP, DIBP, and 0.01% for cadmium, or qualify for an exemption to these limits as defined in the Annexes of Directive 2011/65/EU (RoHS2). Finished electrical and electronic equipment products will be CE marked as required by Directive 2011/65/EU. Components may not be CE marked. Additionally, the part numbers that TE has identified as EU ELV compliant have a maximum concentration of 0.1% by weight in homogenous materials for lead, hexavalent chromium, and mercury, and 0.01% for cadmium, or qualify for an exemption to these limits as defined in the Annexes of Directive 2000/53/EC (ELV). Regarding the REACH Regulation, the information TE provides on SVHC in articles for this part number is based on the latest European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) ‘Guidance on requirements for substances in articles’ posted at this URL: https://echa.europa.eu/guidance-documents/guidance-on-reachTE Model / Part #1624254-2SL1 R022 1% TAPEDTE Model / Part #536407-5048 EURO TYPE C PIN BL ASSYTE Model / Part #5205738-125 RCPT SP/MS STDTE Model / Part #1-117169-3CARD GUIDE ECON ITE Model / Part #1-747950-4KIT,PLUG,37P,HDE,SHLD ENCLSRETE Model / Part #206509-1SIZE 20 KEYING PLUGTE Model / Part #1-747950-5KIT,PLUG,37P,HDE,SHLD ENCLSRETE Model / Part #1-745498-537 HDE MS PLUG,22-26,LEAD FREETE Model / Part #1658613-137 POS HDF PLUG, MS, LEAD FREETE Model / Part #1658608-137 POS HDF PLUG, MS, LEAD FREETE Model / Part #1-745498-6PLUG ASSY,37P,HDE,MSCompatible PartsCustomers Also Bought08/27/2020 01:27AM | Page 5For support call+1 800 522 6752TE Model / Part #5-1617542-9JMGAC-12L=M39016/17-034LTE Model / Part #745072-215 PLUG SP/AP SCRLKTE Model / Part #1059765-1OSP PLUG TORQUE TOOL HD.ASBYTE Model / Part #1-103638-920 MTE HDR SRST LATCH .100CLTE Model / Part #861257-1RECEPTACLETE Model / Part #1-102972-010 MODII HDR SRST B/A .100CLDocumentsProduct Drawings37 MSFL RCPT RA 590 (IN,FM,BL)English CAD Files3D PDF3DCustomer View ModelENG_CVM_CVM_5747839-4_A.2d_dxf.zipEnglishCustomer View ModelENG_CVM_CVM_5747839-4_A.3d_igs.zipEnglishCustomer View ModelENG_CVM_CVM_5747839-4_A.3d_stp.zipEnglishBy downloading the CAD file I accept and agree to the of use.Terms and Conditions Datasheets & Catalog PagesAMPLIMITE Subminiature D Connectors - Right-Angle Posted ConnectorsEnglishProduct SpecificationsApplication SpecificationEnglishInstruction SheetsInstruction Sheet (U.S.)EnglishEnglishAgency ApprovalsUL ReportEnglish08/27/2020 01:27AM | Page 6 For support call+1 800 522 6752。
各种常见PCB直插连接器名称讲解1、 KF2510-4P接线端⼦2.54mm间距型号:KF2510间距:2.54mm线数:2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12----20P 2、CH3.96-2P接插件3.96MM间距接线端⼦型号:CH3.96间距:3.96mm线数:2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12----163、 VH3.96-2P接插件3.96MM间距型号:VH3.96间距:3.96mm线数:2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12----16 4、XH2.54-2P接线端⼦2.54mm间距规格参数:规格参数:7、KF141R-2.54弹簧式型号:KF141R-2.54产品:免螺丝式弹簧式接线端⼦连接器8、KF141V-2.54弹簧式PCB接线端⼦型号:KF141V-2.54产品:免螺丝式弹簧式接线端⼦连接器接线⼝在上⾯9、KF142R-5.08弹簧式PCB接线端⼦10、KF142V-5.08弹簧式产品:免螺丝式弹簧式接线端⼦连接器11、 KF-301 KF301-2P型号:KF301-5.0-2P规格:5.00mm间距电压电流:300V 12A线径:22-14AWG 2.5mm212、 KF-7.62 KF7620-2P 7.62MM间距2P塑件:PA66 UL94V-0端⼦:黄铜,0.8厚镀锡螺丝:钢,M4镀镍性能额定电压/电流:300V/20A使⽤温度:-40oC~+105oC耐电压:AC2000V/Min绝缘电阻:500M?/DC500V使⽤线径:22~12AWG最⼤锁紧扭⼒:10kg/cmKF128-2P 5.00MM-2P螺丝:M2.5,钢,镀锌焊针:黄铜,镀锡塑件:PA66, UL94V-0电⽓性能额定电压:300V额定电流:16A接触电阻:20mΩ绝缘电阻:5000MΩ/1000V耐电压:AC1500V/1Min使⽤线径:24-12AWG 2.5mm2机械性能温度范围:-40oC~+105oC瞬时温度:+250oC 5秒扭距:0.4Nm (3.6lb.in)剥线长度:6-7mm13、螺钉式端⼦接线端⼦KF120-2P 间距2.54MM接线端⼦KF120-2P间距2.54MM ⼀体端⼦14、SM2.54-2P 间距2.54mm线束空中对接连接线型号:SM-2P线束间距:2.5mm15、 EL 6P 条形连接器)汽车连接器16、接插件5556-2P 对插接插件,连接器L6.2-4P对接连接器L6.2技术参数:间距:6.2适⽤线规:AWG#24~#14额定电压:300V DC/AC(有效值)额定电流:10.0A 耐压值:1500V AC (有效值)⼯作温度:-25℃~+85℃绝缘电阻:≥1000MΩ接触电阻:≤0.02Ω材料:绝缘座:尼龙66 UL94V-0端⼦:磷青铜5566 5557 4P 接插件接线接头端⼦(可能有两种,⼀种接PCB ,⼀种为空中对插)连接器5566 2-24芯现货供应间距4.2mm1、接线端⼦接插件CF-3P 条形连接器间距6.35MM。
第一章:连接器的基本知识一:连接器的基本概念什么是连接器?用最简单的话来说, 连接器就是一种为电线的端头提供快速接通和断开的装置。
除开关外,连接器主要起电路的连通和信号连接传递的作用, 而不是仅仅具有开关的作用。
1. 接触件(contacts)是连接器完成电连接功能的核心零件。
一般由阳性接触件和阴性接触件组成接触对, 通过阴、阳接触件的插合完成电连接。
对单件式印制电路连接器而言, 其阳性接触件是印制板边缘的线路接触片。
阳性接触件一般由黄铜、磷青铜制成,其加工工艺为车制(圆插针, 新工艺也采用铜片冲制卷曲而成)或冲制(方插针、插片)。
阴性接触件即插孔, 是接触对的关键零件, 它依靠弹性结构在与插针插合时发生弹性变形而产生弹性力与阳性接触件形成紧密接触,完成连接。
插孔的结构种类很多,有圆筒塑(劈槽、缩口)、音叉型、悬臂梁型(纵向开槽)、折迭型(纵向开槽,9 字形)、盒形(方插孔)以及双曲面线簧插孔等。
插孔是弹性零件, 要求具有良好的弹性性能和抗疲劳、抗蠕变特性。
一般用磷青铜或铍青铜制成, 冲压是主要的加工工艺。
圆柱形插针和圆筒形插孔常用于圆形连接器、同轴连接器和矩形连接器中, 印制电路连接器和矩形连接器常采用悬臂梁型、折迭型及片状接触件, 方针、方孔接触对常用于印制电路连接器中。
PCB中常见的元器件封装大全一、常用元器件:1.元件封装电阻 AXIAL2.无极性电容 RAD3.电解电容 RB—4.电位器 VR5.二极管 DIODE6.三极管 TO7.电源稳压块78和79系列 TO-126H和TO-126V8.场效应管和三极管一样9.整流桥 D-44 D-37 D-4610.单排多针插座 CON SIP11.双列直插元件 DIP12.晶振 XTAL1电阻:RES1,RES2,RES3,RES4;封装属性为axial系列无极性电容:cap;封装属性为RAD—0。
常见的封装属性有to126h和to126v整流桥:BRIDGE1,BRIDGE2: 封装属性为D系列(D-44,D—37,D—46)电阻:AXIAL0.3-AXIAL0。
7 其中0。
1/.2—RB.4/.8 其中。
一般<100uF 用RB.1/.2,100uF-470uF用RB.2/。
7 其中0。
2集成块: DIP8—DIP40, 其中8-40指有多少脚,8脚的就是DIP8贴片电阻0603表示的是封装尺寸与具体阻值没有关系但封装尺寸与功率有关通常来说0201 1/20W0402 1/16W0603 1/10W0805 1/8W1206 1/4W电容电阻外形尺寸与封装的对应关系是:0402=1。
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插拔式接线端子间距极数定额线径2.52-24P125V/4A28-20AWG 0.5mm22.52-24P125V/4Amm22.52-24P125V/4Amm22.52*(2-24)P125V/4Amm2间距极数定额线径3.812-24P300V/8A28-16AWG 1.5mm23.5/3.812-24P300V/8A28-16AWG 1.5mm23.5/3.812-24P300V/8A28-16AWG 1.5mm23.5/3.812-24P300V/8A28-16AWG 1.5mm2间距极数定额线径3.5/3.812-24P300V/8A28-16AWG 1.5mm23.812-24P300V/8A28-16AWG 1.5mm23.812-24P300V/8A28-16AWG 1.5mm23.5/3.812-24P300V/8A28-16AWG 1.5mm2插拔式接线端子总共170个产品间距极数定额线径3.5/3.812-24P300V/8A28-16AWG 1.5mm23.5/3.812-24P300V/8A28-16AWG 1.5mm23.5/3.812-24P300V/8A28-16AWG 1.5mm23.5/3.812-24P300V/8A28-16AWG 1.5mm2间距极数定额线径3.5/3.812-24P300V/8Amm23.5/3.812-24P300V/8Amm23.5/3.812-24P300V/8Amm23.5/3.812-24P300V/8Amm2间距极数定额线径3.5/3.812-24P300V/8Amm23.5/3.812-24P300V/8Amm23.5/3.812*(2-12)P300V/8Amm23.5/3.812*(2-12)P300V/8Amm2间距极数定额线径3.5/3.812*(2-12)P300V/8Amm23.5/3.812*(2-12)P300V/8Amm23.5/3.812*(2-24)P300V/8Amm23.5/3.812*(2-24)P300V/8Amm2插拔式接线端子 总共 170 个产品间 距 极 数 定 额 线 径3.5/3.81 2*(2-24)P 300V/8A mm 23.5/3.81 2*(2-24)P 300V/8A mm 23.5/3.81 2-24P 300V/8A mm 23.5/3.81 2-24P 300V/8A mm 2间 距 极 数 定 额 线 径3.81 2-24P 300V/8A mm 23.81 2-24P 300V/8A 28-16AWG 1.5mm 25.08 2-24P 300V/8A28-16AWG 1.5mm 25.08 2-24P 300V/8A28-16AWG 1.5mm 2间 距 极 数 定 额 线 径5.08 2-24P 300V/8A 28-16AWG 1.5mm 25.08 2-24P 300V/8A28-16AWG 1.5mm 25.08 2-24P 300V/8Amm 25.08 2-24P 300V/8A mm 2间 距 极 数 定 额 线 径5.08 2-24P300V/8A5.08 2-24P300V/8A5.0/5.08/7.5/7.62 2-24P300V/15A5.0/5.08/7.5/7.62 2-24P 300V/15Amm2mm228-12AWG 2.5mm228-12AWG 2.5mm2插拔式接线端子总共170个产品间距极数定额线径5.082-24P300V/15A28-12AWG 2.5mm25.0/5.082-24P300V/15A28-12AWG 2.5mm25.02-24P300V/15A28-12AWG 2.5mm25.0/5.082-24P300V/15A28-12AWG 2.5mm2间距极数定额线径5.0/5.082-24P300V/15A28-12AWG 2.5mm25.0/5.08/7.622-24P300V/15A28-12AWG 2.5mm25.0/5.08/7.622-24P300V/15A28-12AWG 2.5mm25.0/5.082-24P300V/15A28-12AWG 2.5mm2间距极数定额线径5.0/5.082-24P300V/15A28-12AWG 2.5mm25.0/5.08/7.5/7.622-24P300V/15A28-12AWG 2.5mm25.0/5.08/7.5/7.622-24P300V/15A28-12AWG 2.5mm25.0/5.08/7.5/7.622-24P300V/15A28-12AWG 2.5mm2间 距 极 数 定 额 线 径5.0/5.08/7.5/7.62 2-24P 300V/15A 26-12AWG 2.5mm 25.08 2-24P 300V/15A28-12AWG 2.5mm 25.08 2-24P 300V/15A28-12AWG 2.5mm 25.08/7.62 2-24P 300V/15A28-12AWG 2.5mm 2插拔式接线端子 总共 170 个产品间 距 极 数 定 额 线 径5.08/7.62 2-24P 300V/15A 28-12AWG 2.5mm 25.08/7.62 2-24P 300V/15A28-12AWG 2.5mm 25.0/5.08/7.5/7.62 2-24P 300V/10A26-12AWG 2.5mm 25.0/5.08/7.5/7.62 2-24P 300V/10A26-12AWG 2.5mm 2间 距 极 数 定 额 线 径5.08 2-24P 300V/10A 26-12AWG 2.5mm 25.0/5.08 2-24P 300V/10A26-12AWG 2.5mm 25.0/5.08 2-24P 300V/10A26-12AWG 2.5mm 25.0/5.08 2-24P 300V/10A26-12AWG 2.5mm 2间 距 极 数 定 额 线 径5.0/5.08 2-24P300V/10A5.0/5.08 2-24P300V/10A5.0/5.08 2-24P300V/10A5.0/5.08 2-24P 300V/10A26-12AWG 2.5mm226-12AWG 2.5mm226-16AWG 2.5mm226-12AWG 2.5mm2间距极数定额线径5.0/5.082-24P300V/10A26-12AWG 2.5mm25.082-24P300V/10A26-12AWG 2.5mm25.0/5.08/7.5/7.622-24P300V/15Amm25.0/5.08/7.5/7.622-24P300V/15Amm2插拔式接线端子总共170个产品间距极数定额线径5.0/5.08/7.5/7.622-24P300V/15Amm25.082-24P300V/15Amm25.0/5.08/7.5/7.622-24P300V/15Amm25.0/5.08/7.5/7.622-24P300V/15Amm2间距极数定额线径5.0/5.08/7.5/7.622-24P300V/15Amm25.082-24P300V/15Amm25.082-24P300V/15Amm25.0/5.082-24P300V/15Amm2间距极数定额线径5.0/5.082-24P300V/15Amm25.0/5.082-24P300V/15Amm25.02-4P300V/15Amm25.02-4P300V/15Amm2间距极数定额线径5.0/5.082*(2-24)P300V/15Amm25.0/5.082*(2-24)P300V/15Amm25.0/5.082*(2-24)P300V/15Amm25.0/5.082*(2-24)P300V/15Amm2插拔式接线端子总共170个产品间距极数定额线径5.0/5.082*(2-24)P300V/15Amm25.0/5.082*(2-24)P300V/15Amm25.0/5.082*(2-24)P300V/15Amm25.0/5.082*(2-24)P300V/15Amm2间 距 极 数 定 额 线 径5.0/5.08/7.62 2-24P 300V/15A mm 25.0/5.08/7.62 2-24P 300V/15A mm 25.0/5.08/7.62 2-24P 300V/15A mm 25.0/5.08/7.62 2-24P 300V/15A mm 2间 距 极 数 定 额 线 径5.08 2-24P mm 25.0/5.08 2-24P 300V/15Amm 25.0/5.08 2-24P 300V/15A mm 25.08 2-24P 300V/15A mm 2间 距 极 数 定 额 线 径5.08 2-24P 300V/15A mm 25.08 2-24P 300V/15A mm 25.08 2-24P 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