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I'd like to talk about sportsmanship.

Here is a quote I want to start with.

It's "Win or lose,be a good sport."

That means always play fair.

Always follow the rules.

Always be honest and polite.

We have petitions every day.

We face challenges every moment.

We pete with others all the time.

When we win,we should be humble.

We should put ourselves in the others' shoes. We should understand how they feel.

We can pliment our opponents.

We can give them an encouraging word.

We can say, "You did a great job,too." Remain silent and modest.

Never gloat or be too proud.

Enjoy the victory,but don't rub it in.

When we lose,we should be gracious.

We should put our disappointment aside.

We should congratulate the winner sincerely. No one likes to lose.

But it's a chance to learn more.

We should be thankful for the experience.

Life is like a game.

Sometimes we win;sometimes we lose.

A good attitude will make us winners for life.
