新起点大学基础英语教程-读写教程2:课后翻译1~8单元UNIT 11. His work has someth ing to do with animal s.2. In orderto arrive before dark, we starte d early.3. Judgin g by her accent, she must be from the North.4. If you want her to come, inform her in advanc e.5. I don't know why he change d his mind.6. Most people like to swim once they have learne d how (to swim).7. The more prepar ation s you make now, the more confid enceyou'll have in the exam.8. If you learnEnglis h wll, you will use it often. The freque nt use, in turn, will make you learnbetter.UNIT 21. I am taking care of a worker from a neigho ringfactor y.2. Aftergoingto bed last night, I turned the matter over and over in my mind and stillcould't finda soluti on.3. No matter how cold or hot it is, I keep practi cingeveryday.4. To achiev e what yo haopefor, you should startworkin g hard from today.5. Althou gh we have been apartfrom each otherfor threeyears, we stillkeep our friend shipgoing.6. It rained. As a result, none of us couldgo to the concer t.7. Like many colleg e studen ts, studen ts of our univer stity love to read the novels of this author.8. My health is to a largeextent due to the care by the doctor s and nurses.UNIT 31. An estima ted 200 people attend ed yester day's meetin g.2. I like thehou se with two largewindow s facing the sea, but just can't afford it.3. Accori ng to the new regula tion,postin g ads withou t permis sioncan be finedfor as much as 10,000 yuan.4. To a greatextent, we are respon sible for what we say and (what you) do.5. We should make the most of all kindsof resour ces on the Intern et.6. If you are conten t to make such a smallamount of moneyeverymonth, sellin g newspa persis a pretty good job for you.7. Observ ation and explor ation are common meansin scient ificresear ch that couldbringmajordiscov eries.8. You can't unders tandthe relati onshi ps untill you analyz e the situat ion in greatdepth.UNIT 41. Nowada ys we are increa singl y relyin g on inform ation and comput er techno logy.2. This meansthe new regula tionis of greatbenefi t to both the state-ownedand the privat e busine sses.3. He is slowly adapti ng to the life of a laid-off worker.4. The person nel manage r said, "First, you must focuson the follow ing proble ms."5. A dreamwill neverbecome a realit y unless one unders tands what it will take to achiev e the dream.6. As busine ss is bad, the compan y laid off twenty worker s.7. The produc ts manufa cture ed by this compan y are for specif ic purpos es.8. Peteris huntin g for a job now, as his moneywill only last him one month.UNIT 51. We have decide d to settle the matter once and for all.2. I feel happythat my younge r brothe r has passed the entran ce examin ation of that famous univer sity.3. The love affair betwee n the two beganwith that strang e quarre l.4. As we expect, they have made greatprogre ss in theirresear ch on the causes of SARS.5. He accomp anied his speech with a lot of gestur es.6. So far, therehas been a lot of discus sionon whethe r destro yingthe enviro nment is agains t law.7. Gaspin g for breath, he ran out of the office, and took a taxi to the city librar y.8. I don't thinkyou should worryaboutyour compan y's curren t troubl es.UNIT 61. I rememb er the wholethingclearl y as if it happen ed yester day.2. I regard that movieas one of the worstI've ever seen.3. The new Five-Year-Plan is beingcarrie d out in all fields.4. In spiteof all his effort s, he failed in the end.5. When the rightopport unity comesalong, he'll take it.6. The planet was namedafterits discov erer.7. It took them one year to buildthe house.8. I'm sure her knowle dge of Englis h is adequa te for the job.UNIT 71. She is very carefu l. She won't take a risk when drivin g.2. Thosewho have a passio n for footba ll can experi encegreatenjoym ent.3. In additi on to teenag ers, malesand female s of otherages also enjoymounta ineer ing.4. His studen ts looked upon him with respec t.5. It was Dr. Smiththat/ whom we invite d/ who was invite d to give us a lectur e.6. One of the advant agesof e-mail over regula r mail is that it is fast.7. Only with good health, can we studywell and work well.8. If you compar e Tom with his classm ates, you will find he workshard and knowshow to relax. UNIT 81. The mother went out to work, so the father took respon sibil ity for lookin g afterthe childr en at home.2. Resear ch showsthat smokin g is direct ly relate d to lung cancer.3. Parent s should be concer ned abouttheirchildr en's perfor mance at school.4. Your too much worryover your health may really make you sick.5. The head of the villag e pointe d out that the tree had become a source of income, as touris ts had been coming from all partsof the countr y to see it.6. Mother said, "Chocol ate is okay, but only if you have one bar a day."7. Whethe r people are satisf ied with this policy outwei ghs all otherconsid erati ons.8. We should take less greasy food such as butter and eat as much fruitand vegeta blesas possib le to keep a balanc e diet.。
(四)总学时(五)学分(六)开课学期第一学期二.教学内容和学时分配(一)教学内容Unit1:How to study English(1)Unit1:How to study English(2)Unit2:From Trash to TreasureUnit3: The Best Teacher I Ever HadUnit4: Audrey HepburnUnit5:Sports Around the WorldUnit6:A Nice Cup of TeaUnit7:Bring Your PC to CollegeUnit8:Icehotel Attracts TouristsUnit9:How to Cope with StressUnit10:Banking Services三.教材与参考书目(一)教材:<<新起点大学基础英语教程>>总主编:杨治中主编:王海啸外语教学与研究出版社(参考书目):教育部制定的《新起点大学英语课程教学大纲》。
UNIT 31.大约200人出席了昨天的会议。
An estimated 200 people attended yesterday's meeting.2. 我很喜欢那所面对大海并有两扇大窗户的房子,可是我买不起。
I like thehouse with two large windows facing the sea, but just can't afford it.3.根据新的规则,乱贴光广告最高可以罚款一万元。
Accoring to the new regulation, posting ads without permission can be fined for as much as 10,000 yuan.4.在很大程度上,我们对自己的言行负有责任。
To a great extent, we are responsible for what we say and (what you) do.5.我们应该充分利用因特网上的各种资源。
We should make the most of all kinds of resources on the Internet.6.如果你满足于每个月只挣2这么一点点钱的话,卖报倒是个蛮好的工作。
If you are content to make such a small amount of money every month, selling newspapers is a pretty good job for you.7.观察与探索是在科学研究中作出新的重要发现的常用方法。
Observation and exploration are common means in scientific research that could bring major discoveries.8.只有当初你彻底分析了情况以后才能搞清这些关系。
You can't understand the relationships untill you analyze the situation in great depth.。
新起点大学基础英语教程读写教程2课后翻译题答案新起点大学基础英语教程-读写教程2 :课后翻译1~8单元UNIT 11. His work has something to do with animals.2. In order to arrive before dark, we started early.3. Judging by her accent, she must be from the North.4. If you want her to come, inform her in advance.5. I don't know why he changed his mind.6. Most people like to swim once they have learned how (to swim).7. The more preparations you make now, the more confidence you'll have in the exam.8. If you learn English wll, you will use it often. The frequent use, in turn, will make you learn better.UNIT 21. I am taking care of a worker from a neighoring factory.2. After going to bed last night, I turned the matter over and over in my mind and still could't finda solution.3. No matter how cold or hot it is, I keep practicing every day.4. To achieve what yo haope for, you should start working hard from today.5. Although we have been apart from each other for three years, we still keep our friendship going.6. It rained. As a result, none of us could go to the concert.7. Like many college students, students of our universtity love to read the novels of this author.8. My health is to a large extent due to the care by the doctors and nurses.UNIT 31. An estimated 200 people attended yesterday's meeting.2. I like thehouse with two large windows facing the sea, but just can't afford it.3. Accoring to the new regulation, posting ads without permission can be fined for as much as 10,000 yuan.4. To a great extent, we are responsible for what we say and (what you) do.5. We should make the most of all kinds of resources on the Internet.6. If you are content to make such a small amount of money every month, selling newspapers is a pretty good job for you.7. Observation and exploration are common means in scientific research that could bring major discoveries.8. You can't understand the relationships untill you analyze the situation in great depth.UNIT 41. Nowadays we are increasingly relying on information and computer technology.2. This means the new regulation is of great benefit to both the state-owned and the private businesses.3. He is slowly adapting to the life of a laid-off worker.4. The personnel manager said, "First, you must focus on the following problems."5. A dream will never become a reality unless one understands what it will take to achieve the dream.6. As business is bad, the company laid off twenty workers.7. The products manufactureed by this company are for specific purposes.8. Peter is hunting for a job now, as his money will only lasthim one month.UNIT 51. We have decided to settle the matter once and for all.2. I feel happy that my younger brother has passed the entrance examination of that famous university.3. The love affair between the two began with that strange quarrel.4. As we expect, they have made great progress in their research on the causes of SARS.5. He accompanied his speech with a lot of gestures.6. So far, there has been a lot of discussion on whether destroying the environment is against law.7. Gasping for breath, he ran out of the office, and took a taxi to the city library.8. I don't think you should worry about your company's current troubles.UNIT 61. I remember the whole thing clearly as if it happened yesterday.2. I regard that movie as one of the worst I've ever seen.3. The new Five-Year-Plan is being carried out in all fields.4. In spite of all his efforts, he failed in the end.5. When the right opportunity comes along, he'll take it.6. The planet was named after its discoverer.7. It took them one year to build the house.8. I'm sure her knowledge of English is adequate for the job.UNIT 71. She is very careful. She won't take a risk when driving.2. Those who have a passion for football can experience great enjoyment.3. In addition to teenagers, males and females of other ages also enjoy mountaineering.4. His students looked upon him with respect.5. It was Dr. Smith that/ whom we invited/ who was invited to give us a lecture.6. One of the advantages of e-mail over regular mail is that it is fast.7. Only with good health, can we study well and work well.8. If you compare Tom with his classmates, you will find he works hard and knows how to relax. UNIT 81. The mother went out to work, so the father took responsibility for looking after the children at home.2. Research shows that smoking is directly related to lung cancer.3. Parents should be concerned about their children's performance at school.4. Your too much worry over your health may really make you sick.5. The head of the village pointed out that the tree had become a source of income, as tourists had been coming from all parts of the country to see it.6. Mother said, "Chocolate is okay, but only if you have one bar a day."7. Whether people are satisfied with this policy outweighs all other considerations.8. We should take less greasy food such as butter and eat as much fruit and vegetables as possible to keep a balance diet.。
2. layer of matter left 沉淀 e.g. A thick deposit of mud covered the fields after the flood went down. Exercise 汉译英:
1. 他今天上午往银行里存了1,000美元。 2. 现在留下定金我们就可以为您保留这个房间。 Key: 1. He deposited 1,000 dollars in the bank this morning. 2. We can keep the room for you if you leave the
received. vt. to consider as being 认为;看作 [扩展] account for 解释,说明
1. to put or store for safekeeping 存储,委托保管
e.g. He always deposits money in the bank. 【近】save 【反】withdraw
e.g. The rights of the individual are very important.
2. (colloq.) person 人
account BACK
n. 1. a reason given for a particular action 理由 e.g. He didn’t give any account for this matter. 2. a formal banking, brokerage, or business relationship established to provide for regular services, dealings, and other financial transactions 账户 e.g. checking account [美国] 活期存款账户 3. a precise list or enumeration of financial transactions 账,账目 e.g. The accounts show we have spent more than we
b.Your teacher can’t know unless you ask a question.
c.You are helping the teacher by asking questions.
d.While learning, try to concentrate on English sounds and sentence patterns instead of trying to translate English into Chinese sentence by sentence.
e. You`ll find yourself unable to understand if you only learn“Special English”.
3).Language points:
a. rather than: instead of (而不,胜于)
e.g.Whatever I suggest, he always disagrees
2).everything or anything that
e.g. Do whatever you like.
b.make yourself understood(让别人理解你)过去分词作宾补
c. overcome:to successfully deal with or control克服,通过坚
b.Is it good for Chinese students to translate English into Chinese sentence by sentence? Why?
UNIT 41.如今,我们越来越依赖信息与计算机技术。
Nowadays we are increasingly relying on information and computer technology.2.这意味这条新规定对国有企业喝死人企业都很有利。
This means the new regulation is of great benefit to both the state-owned and the private businesses.3.他正在慢慢的适应下岗人员的生活。
He is slowly adapting to the life of a laid-off worker.4.人事部经理说:”首先,你必须集中精力考虑以下问题”.The personnel manager said, "First, you must focus on the following problems."5.梦想有缘不会成为现实,除非人们明白实现这一梦想要做什么。
A dream will never become a reality unless one understands what it will take to achieve the dream.6.由于生意不景气,公司让20名工人下岗。
As business is bad, the company laid off twenty workers.7.这家公司生产的这些产品有专门用途。
The products manufactureed by this company are for specific purposes.8.披得正在找工作,因为他的钱仅够维持一个月。
Peter is hunting for a job now, as his money will only last him one month.。
杨治中新起点大学基础英语教程读写教程4答案1、She works in a hospital. She is a(n) _______. [单选题] *A. managerB. engineerC. doctor(正确答案)D. patient2、They will hold the party if they _____ the project on time. [单选题] *A. will completeB. complete(正确答案)C.completedD. had completed3、In fact, Beethoven did something brave than dying. [单选题] *A. 勇敢(正确答案)B. 冒险C. 可怕D. 奇妙4、I passed the test, I _____ it without your help. [单选题] *A.would not passB. wouldn't have passed(正确答案)C. didn't passD.had not passed5、I have seldom seen my father()pleased with my progress as he is now. [单选题] *A. so(正确答案)B. veryC. tooD. rather6、—Why is Mary asking Bob about the school trip? —Because she wants to know ______.()[单选题] *A. how does he think of the tripB. what does he think of the tripC. what he likes the tripD. how he likes the trip(正确答案)7、——Have you()your friend Bill recently? ———No, he doesnt often write to me. [单选题] *A. heard aboutB. heard ofC. heard from (正确答案)D. received from8、Many children have to _______ their parents. [单选题] *A. divide intoB. put onC. depend on(正确答案)D. take on9、He’s so careless that he always _______ his school things at home. [单选题] *A. forgetsB. leaves(正确答案)C. putsD. buys10、_______ is on September the tenth. [单选题] *A. Children’s DayB. Teachers’Day(正确答案)C. Women’s DayD. Mother’s Day11、He always did well at school _____ having to do part-time jobs every now and then. [单选题] *A despite ofB. in spite of(正确答案)C. regardless ofD in case of12、--_______ I borrow these magazines?--Sorry, only the magazines over there can be borrowed. [单选题] *A. MustB. WouldC. May(正确答案)D. Need13、16.Lily is a lovely girl. We all want to ________ friends with her. [单选题] *A.haveB.make(正确答案)C.doD.take14、Mary _______ a small gift yesterday, but she didn’t _______ it. [单选题] *A. accepted; receiveB. received; accept(正确答案)C. receives; acceptedD. accepts; received15、Tom will _______ me a gift from Japan. [单选题] *A. takeB. getC. carryD. bring(正确答案)16、Sitting at the back of the room()a very shy girl with two bright eyes. [单选题] *A. is(正确答案)B. areC. hasD. there was17、--It is Sunday tomorrow, I have no idea what to do.--What about _______? [单选题] *A. play computer gamesB. go fishingC. climbing the mountain(正确答案)D. see a film18、32.There are about __________ women doctors in this hospital. [单选题] * A.two hundred ofB.two hundreds ofC.two hundredsD.two hundred (正确答案)19、Words are windows()you can look into the past. [单选题] *A. through which(正确答案)B. through thatC. whichD. whose20、Jim, it’s dark now. Please _______ the light in the room. [单选题] *A. turn on(正确答案)B. turn upC. turn offD. turn down21、Jim wants to hang out with his friends at night, but his parents don’t allow him ______ so. ()[单选题] *A. doB. doneC. to do(正确答案)D. doing22、I’d like to go with you, ______ I’m too busy. [单选题] *A. orB. andC. soD. but(正确答案)23、Don’t talk _______. Your grandmother is sleeping now. [单选题] *A. happilyB. nearlyC. loudly(正确答案)D. hardly24、--Henry treats his secretary badly.--Yes. He seems to think that she is the _______ important person in the office. [单选题] *A. littleB. least(正确答案)C. lessD. most25、You should take the medicine after you read the _______. [单选题] *A. linesB. wordsC. instructions(正确答案)D. suggestions26、()of the twins was arrested because I saw them both at a party last night. [单选题] *A. NoneB. BothC. Neither(正确答案)D. All27、Her ideas sound right, but _____ I'm not completely sure. [单选题] *A. somehow(正确答案)B. somewhatC. somewhereD. sometime28、33.Body language is even___________ and ___________ than any other language. [单选题] *A.stronger, loudB.strong, louderC.strong, loudD.stronger, louder (正确答案)29、30.It is known that ipad is _________ for the old to use. [单选题] *A.enough easyB.easy enough (正确答案)C.enough easilyD.easily enough30、Mary's watch is more expensive than _____. [单选题] *A. Susan's(正确答案)B. that of Susan'sC. that of SusanD. Susan。
新起点大学基础英语教程 读写教程 第5单元 PPT课件
The latest in a long list of unacceptable
incidents involved a rock star’s concert last Friday.
The problems began with the preparation for the
show, which took place throughout the day on
While-reading Tasks
New Words and Expressions Text A
While-reading Questions Main Ideas
Detailed Study of the Text
New Words and Expressions
fortunate def the Text
1. I am a resident of a flat on Broadwood Road, Happy Valley.
--- I live in a flat on Broadwood Road, Happy Valley.
2. My flat directly faces the stadium and for the past year or so, I have had to put up with noise pollution of the worst kind.
4. The problem began with the preparation for the show, which took place throughout the day on Friday.
--- The preparation for the show, which took place throughout the day on Friday.
新起点大学基础英语教程 读写教程 第5单元 PPT课件
5 And finally, as if we had not yet had enough, we had one more problem to deal with. A large crowd of fans stayed outside the stadium after the show, waiting to have a closer look at the rock star. And, as one might expect with a crowd of young people, they made a lot of noise in doing so.
教师学科教案[ 20 – 20 学年度第__学期]任教学科:_____________任教年级:_____________任教老师:_____________xx市实验学校Unit 2Teaching Material1. 新起点大学基础英语教程(读写教程):Book 1, (Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press)2.新起点大学基础英语教程(自主综合训练):Book 1 (Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press)2. The tapes of Unit 2.Teaching Schedule8 periodsI.Teaching Aims and Objectives.1.To memorize all the new vocabularies and expressions and grasp their usage.2. To teach students how to analyze some long and difficult sentences.3. To help students to grasp the use of nouns.4. To encourage students to read some materials similar to the unit and encourage them to make a public speech by themselves.II.Difficulties in Learning.Some long and complicated sentences used in the text.Teaching Focus1.To lead them to analyze the long or complicated sentences2.To explain some key and practical words and expressions.3. To encourage them to make sentences and public speech.4. To help students to grasp the use of nouns.Class ActivitiesStudents’ oral performanceTeacher’s instructionStudents’ practice timeStudents’ group performanceIII.Teaching Procedures.The 1st—2nd period(Text A)1.Warm-ActivityDiscuss the following questions in class:1)What do you usually do with unwanted things at home?2)Do you keep collections of antiques? How do you get them then?2.New words2.1Read the new words and expressions after the teacher2.2Analyze some useful and practical words and its usages.3. Skimming and Scanning3.1Ask students to read the text as quickly as possible, and then to finish Exercise A on page 24 3.2. Ask the students to answer the following questions:Qs: 1) Westerners love to buy used things for different reasons. Can you name one or two of them?2) What can remind people of their childhood?3) What will benefit antique collectors in their hunt for used things?4) How can people make use of old items bought at the yard-sale?5) What is your understanding of “TRASH” in the passage?4.Text Study4.1: language points1) Early on a Saturday morning, much of the world remains in bed, enjoying an extra hour or two of sleep.(para.1)--Early on a Saturday morning, much of the world is still sleeping and wants to enjoy an extra hour or two of sleep.remain—(v.)①to continue in the same state or condition:仍然是,依旧是,保持不变eg. remain silent /standing/seated/motionless/…保持沉默/一直站着/一直坐着/一动不动The situation remains unchanged.Despite the danger, she remained calm.In spite of their quarrel, they remain good friends.He will remain manager of the department until the end of the contract.He remained a prisoner for the rest of his life.These matters remain in doubt.She remained in complete control.②to be left after the removal, loss, passage, or destruction of others.剩下,余留, 留下eg. She remained at home to look after the children when her husband went out.Only a few trees remain.Only about half of the original workforce remains.只剩下原来一半的劳力Very little of the house remained after the fire.Little original architecture remains.There are only 10 minutes remaining.The only remaining question is whether or not we can raise the money.③to be left to as still to be dealt with :留待,尚待eg. Several things remain to be done.Much remains to be done.还有许多事要做A cure remains to be found.还没找到治愈的方法。
新起点大学基础英语教程读写教程第3册课后练习题含答案 (2)
新起点大学基础英语教程读写教程第3册课后练习题含答案1. Unit 1 ExerciseVocabularyA. Choose the best word to complete each sentence:1.She’s always wanted to become a ___________.(journalist, audience)2.The ___________ is scheduled for 11 o’clock.(broadcast, speech)3.Many people who live in the countryside don’t haveaccess to ___________. (internet, technology)4.The company has ___________ for the new product.(patented, launched)5.The ___________ of the tournament was fierce butfriendly. (competition, cooperation)B. Match the words with their definitions:1.journalist - a person who writes or reports for anewspaper or magazine2.broadcast - a program that is transmitted over therwaves by radio or television3.internet - a global network of computers andserversunch - to start a new product or servicepetition - a contest between individuals orgroupsReading ComprehensionA. Choose the correct answer based on the passage:1.The mn idea of the passage is ___________.a.the history of the internetb.the benefits of the internetc.the dangers of the internetd.the future of the internet2.The internet is a ___________ network.a.nationalb.regionalc.globald.local3.What is the World Wide Web?a.A type of computerb.A type of softwarec.A type of search engined.A system of interconnected webpages4.Which of the following is NOT a benefit of theinternet?a.Online shoppingb.Online bankingc.Social mediad.Offline communication5.What is the author’s mn intention in the passage?a.To convince readers of the benefits ofthe internetb.To warn readers of the dangers of theinternetc.To expln the history of the internetd.To predict the future of the internetB. Answer the following questions based on the passage:1.What is the internet?2.How does the internet work?3.What is the World Wide Web?4.What are some benefits of the internet?5.What are some dangers of the internet?WritingWrite a short paragraph (100-150 words) describing the benefits and dangers of the internet. Use some vocabulary words from the unit in your paragraph.Answer:The internet is a global network of computers and servers that connects millions of users around the world. One of the mn benefits of the internet is that it provides us with easy access to information and resources. Through the internet, we can connect with people from all over the world, which helps us build relationships and learn about other cultures. Online shopping and banking are convenient ways to save time and money. However, there are also some dangers of the internet. Cyberbullying and online harassment can cause serious emotional harm to individuals. The internet is also home to many scams and phishing attacks that can steal our personal information. In conclusion, while the internet provides many benefits, we must also be aware of the dangers that come with it and take steps to protect ourselves.。
课后练习题Unit 1选择填空1.B2.C3.A4.A5.B6.C7.B8.A阅读理解1.The woman’s daughter is 6 months old.2.The woman and her baby usually stay at home.3.The woman has to wear a hat because her baby gets coldeasily.4.The woman is happy because her baby is healthy.Unit 2选择填空1.C2.A3.C4.B5.A6.B7.C8.A阅读理解1.She wants to learn to cook Chinese food.2.She has three children.3.She likes to learn new things.4.She thinks the course is interesting and useful. Unit 3选择填空1.B2.A3.C4.A5.C6.A7.B阅读理解1.She feels nervous and excited.2.She will take a trn to the rport.3.She will fly to London.4.She wants to study English and make new friends.Unit 4选择填空1.C2.A3.B4.C5.B6.A7.B8.C阅读理解1.You can buy furniture, food, and clothes at the market.2.The market is open on Thursdays and Saturdays.3.The market is in the center of town.4.You can take a bus to the market.Unit 5选择填空1.C3.A4.A5.B6.C7.A8.B阅读理解1.The trn will arrive at 3:15 pm.2.He will meet the woman at the station.3.He will take the woman to the hotel.4.The hotel is near the park.结语以上是新起点大学基础英语教程读写教程第3册课后练习题及答案,希望能对广大学生提高英语阅读和书写水平起到帮助作用。
e.g. She is a history major. adj. greater or more important 主要的,较重要的
[扩展] personality n. 个性,人格 personally adv. 亲身,亲自 [比较]personnel n. 人事
n. 1. the application of science, especially to industrial or
commercial objectives 技术: e.g. Many people call the age we live in the age of
technology. 2. 工艺学
e.g. the new technology of microprocessor 微型处理器的新工艺
1. the main subject or course of student at college or university 专业
e.g. Her major is history.
1. a systematic plan for the expenditure of a usually
fixed resource, such as money or time, during a given period 预算 e.g. A new car will not be part of our budget this year.
Let’s start with two examples.2.对于大部分学生而言,英语是大学里最重要的课程之一。
To most students ,English is one of the most important courses in college.3.你需要的只是勇气。
Courage is all you need.4.这项法律不适用于本案。
The law does not apply to this case.5.令我惊讶的是,我找到了书里所描述的地方。
Astonishingly, I found the place described in the book.6.作最好的打算,作最坏的准备。
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.7.她的姨妈去年去世后,给他留下了300万美元。
Her aunt died last year and left her with three million dollars.8.我无法忍受这个不断加重的课程负担。
I can’t stand this increasingly heavy coursework.Unit21.有好几次我看见简和他们在一起。
I’ve seen Jane with them on several occasions.2.有人向我诶供了一份在日本的工作。
I have been offered a job in Japan.3.他喜欢球类运动,尤其喜欢打乒乓球。
He likes ball games , (and he likes) table tennis in particular.4.小孩子们都喜欢在户外游戏。
Young children enjoy playing outdoors.5.他对政治问题感兴趣。
He is interested in political issues.6.我无法弄懂她,她对我来说简直是个谜。
Unit 1food and drink新起点大学英语读写教程
• English proverbs
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Eat to live, but do not live to eat. 活着是为了吃饭,但是吃饭不是为了活着。 The proof of the pudding is in the eating. 这布丁好不好吃, 只有吃了以后才知道。 One's meat is another one's poison. 萝卜青菜,各有所爱! Good wine need no push. 酒香不怕巷子深。 There is no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收,后悔无益。
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2. preference n. 1) a greater liking for one thing over another or others 偏爱, 喜好 She has a preference for cookies. 她特别喜欢饼干。 They have a strong preference for classical architecture. 他们 对古典建筑有强烈的偏爱。 2) favor shown to one person, group, etc. rather than another 优待;优惠 (后接to/towards sb) We give preference to applicants with some experience. 我 们优先录用有经验的申请人。 She tried not to show preference in her treatment of the children in her care. 她对待她所照顾的孩子尽可能不厚此薄彼。 3. suit v. be acceptable for a particular person or in a particular situation 适合 Different countries have different ice cream flavors to suit their own food culture. 不同的国家都会改变冰激凌的口味,使之与本国的饮食文化相适应 。
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New Words and Expressions HOME
PC struggle clothing budget nervous freshman campus personal technology major would-be artist manager
1. anxious about something or afraid of something 担扰的;
e.g. The speaker gave a nervous cough.
I felt very nervous when I went into his office.
e.g. They struggled for peace.
She struggled to keep back the tears.
3. progress with difficulty (along, up ) 艰难地进行
e.g. She struggled up the stairs with her heavy bags.
engineer increasingly online plug/plug into network enroll review dormitory speech professor electronic database e-mail
in search of forever download endure laptop arrange arrangement lab(oratory) adapt adapt to regular alarm alarm clock
衣服(总称); 衣饰 e.g. protective (warm) clothing
We can’t afford the high cost of food, clothing and shelter(食、衣、住). 比较: clothes (pl.) n. articles of dress; wearing apparel; garments
Pre-Reading Tasks
Discuss the following questions in class.
1. Do you think it necessary to have your own computer?
2. In what way does a computer help you with your studies?
衣服、衣物;衣饰;外套 e.g. She spent a lot of money on clothes. cloth n. 布, 织物, 衣料 e.g. The mother bought some cloth to make a new dress
for her daughter.
e.g. to budget our income/预算我们的收入 to budget my time wisely. 明智地安排我的时间
2. to enter or account for in a budget 把…写入预算: e.g. I forgot to budget the car payments.
1. a systematic plan for the expenditure of a usually
fixed resource, such as money or time, during a given period 预算 e.g. A new car will not be part of our budget this year.
1. 奋斗,斗争
e.g. The struggle for independence was long and hard.
2. 努力, 挣扎
e.g. He was in his death struggle. /他在地垂死挣扎
n. clothes considered as a group; wearing apparel.
2. the total sum of money allocated for a particular purpose or period of time 专款 e.g. a project with an annual budget of five million
v. 1. to plan in advance the expenditure of 事先编列预算
fragmented (支离破碎的), interrupted (中断的.)
1. contend; fight (againsed with Jack on the grass.
2. try hard under difficulties ( for, to do) 努力,奋斗
PC = Personal Computer
n. a personal computer; a small computer that is used by one person at a time, in business or at home 个人计算机; 个人电脑
[扩展] personal adj. of or relating to a particular person; private 个人的;私人的: e.g. Like their personal lives, women’s history is
Text A
Bring Your PC to College?
Pre-reading Tasks New Words Text Main Ideas
Detailed Understanding Text-Related Exercises (I) Text-Related Exercises (II)