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Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic.

Some people maintain that doctors should tell white lies to their patients when asked about their diseases.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

With more attention attached to humanism, doctors are required of humanistic care as well as eminent medical skills. In this case, some people assert that white lies are inevitable for doctors when patients consult them for diseases. In my opinion, however, honesty is the basic moral bottom line for doctors and communication skills rather than white lies manifest humanism and love.

S ome people think white lies attend to patients’ anxiety, depression and sensitivity about their diseases, but this argument does not hold water. No one goes to hospital if he or she feels vigorous and happy. That is to say, patients possess their own thoughts and mental participation before, so usually they turn to doctors just for confirmed diagnoses. Thus, people may underestimate their diseases if given white lies. Prescription they do not follow; medicine they do not take. Ultimately, they blame doctors for their white lies. What’s more, it is essential that medical staff guarantee transparent disclosure to patients, or they may feel offended after busting

white lies.

Skilled communication outweighs white lies. Fatigued, anxious and perplexed about their diseases, patients see their doctors with awe while doctors quickly get impatient. It occurs to me that Lewis Thomas feels regretful in his biography that doctors themselves do not suffer from severe diseases. That is not a curse, but requirement that doctors bridge the gap between staff and patients with sincerity, sympathy and patience. To achieve this, cordial and soft-voiced words make sense. It’s of significance that doctors encourage patients to conquer their phobia and to receive treatments actively instead of concealing condition from them.

In conclusion, plausibility though white lies have, doctors should resort to sincere communication rather than white lies to placate patients.
