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1。Hello。My name's Peter。What’s your name?


1。Where are you from Janet?

2. I'm from Seattle。Where are you from?

1. I’m from Madrid。

2。Are you American?

1. Yes,I am。Are you Spanish?

2。Yes I am。

Key Vocabulary

My name is。。。

What's (is)your name ...

Where are you from?

I'm from.。. Are you (Spanish, American, German,etc。) Hello and Goodbye — Three Short Conversations


1。Hello, Peter。How are you?

2。Fine,thanks。How are you?

1。I’m fine,thank you.


1. Goodbye,Janet。See you tomorrow!

2。Bye bye,Peter。Have a nice evening.

1. Thanks,you too!


Key Vocabulary

Hello.。. How are you?

I’m fine, - OK,— well,thank you

Goodbye, — bye bye

See you tomorrow

Have a nice evening, - day

沪江口语资料“绝密版” 免费赠送活动进行中

Telling the Time

What time is it? — I

1. Excuse me. Can you tell me the time,please? 2。Yes,of course. It's seven o'clock.

1。Thank you。

2. No problem.

What time is it? — II

1。What time is it?

2. It’s half past three。


2. You’re welcome。

Key Vocabulary

Excuse me。

Can you tell me the time,please?

What time is it?

It's half past.。。

It's quarter past...

It’s ten to。。。

It’s quarter to。.。


沪江口语资料“绝密版” 免费赠送活动进行中

Giving and Requesting Personal Information

1. What's your surname(family name)?

2. Smith

1. What's your first name?


1。Where are you from?

2。Atlanta, Georgia

1。What's your job?

2. I’m a teacher.

1。What’s your address?

2。34 White Street

1。What is your phone number?


1. How old are you?

2. 54

1。Are you married?

2。Yes, I am。

Key Vocabulary

surname,family name,first name

Where are you from?

What's your job?address? phone (telephone) number?How old are you?

Are you married?

married, single,divorced, separated

沪江口语资料“绝密版” 免费赠送活动进行中

In a Shop

Shopping for a Sweater

1. Can I help you?

2. Yes, I’m looking for a sweater。

1。What size are you?

2. I'm an extra large。

1。How about this one?

2. Yes, that’s nice. Can I try it on?

1。Certainly, there's the changing rooms over there. 2。Thank you。

1。How does it fit?

2。It's too large。Do you have a large?

1。Yes, here you are.

2. Thank you。I'll have it,please。

1. OK, how would you like to pay?

2。Do you take credit cards?

1。Yes,we do. Visa, Master Card and American Express。

2. OK,here’s my Visa.

1. Thank you。Have a nice day!

2。Thank you,goodbye。

Key Vocabulary

Can I help you?

Can I try it (them) on?

size — extra small, small, medium,large, extra large How does it fit?

changing rooms

How would you like to pay?

credit cards

沪江口语资料“绝密版" 免费赠送活动进行中

At the Airport

Checking In

1。Good morning. Can I have your ticket,please?

2。Here you are。

1. Thank you. Would you like smoking or non—smoking? 2。Non—smoking, please。

1. Would you like a window or an aisle seat?

2。An aisle seat,please。

1。Do you have any baggage?

2。Yes,this suitcase and this carry—on bag.

1。Here's your boarding pass. Have a nice flight。

2. Thank you.

Passport Control

1。Good morning. Can I see your passport?

2. Here you are.
