
不言而喻,from China to Peru的意思即相当于中文里的“远隔重洋”,也可以理解为“到处,遍天下”的意思。
例如:1)That English is widely used is the fact acknowledged from China to Peru. 英语被广泛使用是举世公认的事实。
2)We have friends from China to Peru. 我们的朋友遍天下。
3)Happiness was from China to Peru when the cheering news came. 这个令人振奋的消息传来后,到处弥漫着快乐的气氛。
秘鲁位于南美洲西部,西濒太平洋,主要景点有:利马大广场(Lima Grand Square)、黄金博物馆(Gold Museum)、库斯科城(The City of Cuzco)、马丘比丘遗址(Machu Picchu Ruins)等。
原话为:When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 直译为“在罗马,就按罗马人的方式办。

during the warring states period(475-221b.c.),prince mengchang of the state of qi was fond of having various kinds of people as his hangers-on,the number of whom was said to have amounted to three thousand.never refusing anyone who came to hime,he let the talented people do what they could and also offered food and lodging to the mediocre.once,followed by his hangers-on,prince mengchang was sent on a diplomatic mission to the state of qin.attermpting to make him prime minister of the state of qin,king zhao of the state of qin kept hime from leaving. not daring to offend the king,prince mengchang stay here.he is a person of royal lineage,and has feud and family back in the state of qi,how could he serve the state of qin heart and soul?the king thought it plausible,and changed his mind.he put prince mengchang and his hangers-on under house arrest,waiting to find an excuse to kill them.the king had an imperial concubine on whom he doted most,and he never refused her anything,prince mengchang sent a man to her for help.the concubine promised to help if she could have the unique white fox fur coat of the state of qi as her reward.prince mengchang was troubled,for he had already given it to the king of the state of oin as a gift when he arrived here.just then,one of the hangers-on said,i can manage to get it .h he left immediately.it turned out that this man was a skilled burglar who used to enter horses through the hole for dogs in the wall.he made an investigation first,and learned that the king was too fond of the fox fur coat to wear it and that the coat was kept in the choice storeroom in the palace.eluding the patrol,he found his way easily in the moonlight into the storeroom and got the fur coat out.seeing the coat,the concubine was extremely pleased,she tried every means to talk the king into giving up the idea of killing prince mengchang.the king also planned to give a farewell dinner to prince mengchang two days later before sending him back to the state of qi..but prince mengchang did not dare to wait two more days.mounting the horses,he and his men sped stealthily eastward that very night.it was just midnight when they arrived at the hangu pass(in today's lingbao county in henan province,which was the east gate of the state of qin).according to the laws of the state of qin,the gate of the pass should not be opened until cocks crew in the morning.but how could they crow at midnight?they were very much worried when they heard a cock crowing.immediately all the cocks inside and outside the pass followed the cock in crowing.it turned out that one other hanger-on could imitate the cock's crow very well,and the first crow was actually his imitation.the guards of the pass felt it very strange to have heard the cocks' crow before they could hardly have had enough sleep.nevertheless,they had to open the gate of the pass and let them go.at dawn,the king of the state of qin learned that prince mengchang and his men had escaped.he immediately sent his troops to chase them.when the troops arrived.he immediately sent his troops to chase them.when the troops arrived at the hangu pass ,they had gone for a long time.with the help of those people who knew small tricks such as crowing like a cock and snatching like a dog,prince mengchang finally got back to the state of qi.this story appears inthe life of prince mengchang in the historical records written by sima ter,the set phrasecrowing like a cock and snatching like a dog is used to refer to small tricks or people who know small tricks.战国时候,齐国的孟尝君喜欢招纳各种人做门客,号称宾客三千。

中国成语故事邯郸学步双语版中国成语故事邯郸学步双语版Handan was the capital of the State of Zhao during the Warring States Period.邯郸,是战国时期赵国的首都。
A young man in the State of Yan heard that the State of Zhao was more powerful than the State of Yan, so he was much interested in the State of Zhao. Consequently, he crossed over mountain after mountain by himself and got to Handan.燕国有个青年听说赵国比燕国强大,对赵国很感兴趣。
Upon arrival at Handan, he felt that the State of Zhao was indeed more stable than the State of Yan. Even the way of walking of the people of the State of Zhao looked better than that of the people of the State of Yan. He made up his mind to learn how the people of the State of Zhao walked in Handan, so that in the future the people of the State of Yan could walk as gracefully as them.到了邯郸,他觉得赵国确实比燕国安定,连赵国人走路的姿势都比燕国人好看。

meet ones Waterloo 倒霉遭受惨败的地方。遭遇滑铁卢,对一个人来说,后果不堪设想。无怪据说二战期间,在准备诺曼底反攻时,温斯顿丘吉尔和随员冒雨去某地开会,其随员因路滑而摔了一跤,脱口说一句To meet Waterloo!丘吉尔竟联想到拿破仑兵败滑铁卢的典故,恼怒地斥责他 胡说!我要去凯旋门呢! 请看例句 No wonder they met their Waterloo in this match. They hadnt been trained for months! 难怪他们这场比赛输得一塌糊涂,他们已经好几个月没训练了!be Greek to someone不知道。英国人一般都不懂希腊语。这句话的直译是 对于某人来说,这是希腊语。引申为不明白。请看例句 He is a very famous artist, but physics is Greek to him. 他是一位著名的艺术家,但是对物理一窍不通。Greek kalends calends幽默、诙谐的表达永远不。Kalends 是罗马日历的第一天。古希腊不用罗马日历,所以永远不会有这一天。请看例句 A: When will you finish your work and leave the computer alone? 你什么时候才能结束工作不再用电脑? B: At the Greek kalends. 永远没有那一天。在英语中,很多表达都与地点有关。这些表达琅琅上口,生动活泼,并且大多有着自己的故事。下面就为您介绍几个这样的表达,快来看看你和他们是否相识吧!castle in Spain 西班牙城堡,比喻幻想,梦想,相当于汉语中的空中楼阁。在中世纪某一时期,西班牙是一个颇富浪漫色彩的国家,过于浪漫就成了梦幻啦。请看例句 Dont trust him any more. He is always living in a castle in Spain as a daydreamer. 别再相信他了。他是个一直住在空中阁楼里的空想家。set the Thames on fire 做出惊人之举 取得非凡成就。火烧泰晤士河,这是何等伟大的壮举!但是这句成语经常是用来表示反义的,指那些人对某事只是夸下海口,而不是真正想去做。请看例句 Jack won the champion of the Spelling Bee? Youre kidding! A person who hardly reads books can not set the Thames on fire! Jack赢了拼写比赛的冠军?你开什么玩笑!一个不怎么看书的人不会有这么大的成功!from China to Peru 到处。它的意义非常明白,指从世界的这一边到世界的那一边,当然就是遍布各地,到处啦。请看例句 Happiness was from China to Peru when the cheering news came..这个令人振奋的消息传来后,快乐弥漫在各处。Between Scylla and Charybdis 锡拉和卡津布迪斯之间,即在两个同样危险的事物之间,或是腹背受敌,进退两难的意思。锡拉是传说中生活在意大利岩石上的怪兽,卡津布迪斯是住在海峡中一端经常产生旋涡的怪兽。水手为了躲避其中一个的危害,而常又落入另一个灾难。意大利这一方的海角叫凯尼斯Caenys,西西里岛那一方的海角叫皮罗鲁姆Pelorum。请看例句 He was between Scylla and Charybdis, for his company had betrayed him.他的同伴背叛了他,至使他腹背受敌。When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 在罗马,就按罗马人的方式办。和我们入乡随俗的意思一样。请看例句 Take it easy and have a try! You know, when in Rome, do as the Romans do. 放轻松点,试一试吧!你知道,要入乡随俗。carry coals to Newcastle 做徒劳多余的事。纽卡斯尔盛产煤,送煤到那里,岂不是多此一举?请看例句 You are carrying coals to Newcastle if you water those flowers right now.The rain is just around the corner. 你现在浇花就是多此一举了。马上就要下雨了。
英语 成语故事 南辕北辙

The idiom "南辕北辙" can be translated into English as "heading south but instead going north" or "going in the opposite direction"."Southbound on a Northbound Train" is a Chinese idiom that tells the story of a man who wants to go south but gets on a northbound train, resulting in him going farther away from his destination. Here's a translation of the story into English:Once upon a time, there was a man named Mr. Li who lived in the southern part of China. He needed to travel to the northern part of the country for a business meeting. Instead of taking a boat or a horse, he decided to take a train.Mr. Li went to the train station and bought a ticket for the northbound train. He boarded the train and found his seat. As the train started to move, he realized that he had made a mistake: he had gotten on the wrong train, which was heading in the opposite direction of his destination.Instead of getting off at the next station and waiting for a train going south, Mr. Li decided to stay on the northbound train hoping that it would eventually turn around and head south. However, the train only continued to move farther and farther northward.When Mr. Li finally realized his mistake, he felt regret and frustration. He had wasted time and money on a ticket for a train that took him away from his goal. He got off the train at the next station and waited for a southbound train, but by then, he was far behind schedule and missed his business meeting.The story of "Southbound on a Northbound Train" is often used to illustrate the foolishness of doing the opposite of what one intends to do, and the importance of thinking before taking action.很久很久以前,有一位国王统治着一个繁荣富庶的国家。

晚又在火炬光下把它拆掉。就这样织了又 拆,拆了又织,没完没了,拖延时间,等 待丈夫归来。后来,奥德修斯终于回转家 园,夫妻儿子合力把那些在他家里宴饮作 乐,胡作非为的求婚者一个个杀死,终于 夫妻团圆了。 由于这个故事,英语中的Penelope一词成 了a chaste woman(贞妇)的同义词,并 产生了with a penelope faith(坚贞不渝) 这个短语。而A Penelope's Web这个成语 比喻the tactics of delaying sth on purposel;the task that can never be
• attic salt
优雅的俏皮话;妙语attic salt的字面意思是“阿提卡的盐”。阿提卡洲(attica) 是希腊东南部的一个州,其首府是雅典。阿提卡州是 个半岛,工商业发达,特别盛产海盐,相传,阿提卡 州的盐比希腊其他地方出产的盐精细有味,深受欢迎。 阿提卡人机智风趣,善于说俏皮话,以幽雅的诙谐著 称于世。这个成语出自古罗马著名的作家和演说家西 塞罗 (Marcus Tullius Cicero,公元前106-前43)。 他的论文和演讲词,都是文体和标准拉丁语的典范, 在其作品中论述了古希腊人精心研究的雄辩术理论,
• The Salt of the Earth
社会中坚;民族精华;优秀份子;字面意思“世上的盐” 盐是饮食中不可缺少的调味品,人体若缺盐,健康就会受 到影响,出现种种疾病。盐还有杀菌、解毒、消炎、除污 等多种功用,它既是“百药之王”,又是工业之母,确是 值得珍视的东西。一词出自《圣经》,在这里,salt用于 转义,表示flavor;of the earth即of the world。这是耶稣登 山垂训论"福",所讲福音结尾的话,他把门徒比做“世上 的盐”,这是极高的称赞。这句话在后世不断引用变成了 一个典故性成语,转义为the most valuable members of sociey;the finest type of humanity。 eg:You all are the salt of the earth.Our hope is placed on you. 你们都是社会的精英,我们的希望都放在你们身上。

格 兰 情 侣 可在 苏格 兰 这
小镇 成 婚
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说 奉 承 话 花 言巧 语
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相传爱 尔共
B la r
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城 堡 电有 块 石 头 吻 厂 此 石 后 就 会变 得 口 齿伶 俐
a r e
善 f 奉 承 拍 马 花 言巧 语
此 语 始 于英国 国 王 查理 捕 的保 王党 人
匹和 国 会之 间 的 内 战
当时 被
: o 曾被 监 禁 在 位 J 英 格 兰 中 部 的 〔 v t n a
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t ()
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a y 英 国 的破 产 法 庭 坐 落 在 C r c
上这 条 街 上 的 破 产 法 庭就 意 味 着
破产 大 难 临头 仍歌 舞 升 平 传 说 占 罗 马暴 君 尼 禄 在 罗 马 被 焚 毁 时 仍 耽 于 享 乐
6 B, 7 .

英语培训源于地名的英语词汇源于重大历史事件发生地1.Dunkirk n./vi.敦克尔克式撤退、大撤退,仓促撤退,狼狈地撤退;需要作出决定性行动的严重危机,困难局面敦克尔克(法语:Dunkerque)为法国东北部港口城市,敦刻尔克以二战中1940年发生在这里的敦刻尔克战役和英法军队大撤退而闻名。
Dunkirk spirit 敦克尔克精神1940年德军将英法士兵围困在敦刻尔克。
The immediate effect could plainly be a Dunkirk for US foreign policy. 对美国外交政策来说,这一直接影响显然将是一个决定性的严重危机。
2.shanghai v.[俚](用酒或麻醉剂)使失去知觉后劫到船上当水手;拐骗,胁迫源自l9世纪,当时有人使用强迫手段要挟水手远航东方,尤其是中国上海。
be shanghaied into going somewhere 被拐骗至某地shanghaier n.拐骗者,胁迫者3.Watergate n.水闸,闸口;水门事件;政治丑闻水门事件,指1972年6月美国共和党内为理查德·尼克松等筹划竞选连任的一伙人潜入民主党总部偷拍文件、安置窃听器等,而事发后白宫官员又极力掩盖真相的丑闻;事件导致尼克松遭弹劾并被迫辞去总统职务;因事件发生于民主党总部所在地水门大厦,故名“水门事件”。
No soap opera fan can complain that the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings that usurped the network tales of power could not deliver their daily emotional fix. It was an astounding day for television viewers, right up there with Watergate. 喜欢看肥皂剧的人不会抱怨参议院司法委员会听证会不能提供每天的感情刺激。
最新-有关地名的英语成语典故 精品

【优质文档】快活之城和罪恶之城英语词汇典故-word范文 (2页)

【优质文档】快活之城和罪恶之城英语词汇典故-word范文本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==快活之城和罪恶之城英语词汇典故The Big Easy and Sin CityNow, the VOA Special English program Words and Their Stories.Many cities have interesting nicknames. Nicknames can help establish the identity of a city. They can also spread pride amongits citizens.New Orleans, Louisiana probably has more nicknames than any other American city. One web site lists more than twenty nicknames. The most famous is "The Big Easy." It describes the gentle, slow andeasy-going way of life in New Orleans.So how did the city get this nickname? In the early 1900s there was a dance hall in New Orleans called "The Big Easy." But the nickname did not become famous until the early 1970s. That was when a Louisiana newspaper writer began calling New Orleans by this name. She compared the easy-going way of life there to the hurried pace of life in New York City.In 1970, James Conaway wrote a crime novel called "The Big Easy." The story was set in New Orleans. In 1987, that book was made into a film which made the nickname even more popular.New Orleans has other nicknames. One of them is "The Crescent City." During the 19th century, new neighborhoods expanded out from what is now known as the French Quarter. These areas followed the great curve of the Mississippi River, giving New Orleans the shape of a crescent.Another nickname is "The Birthplace of Jazz," because that kind of music started in New Orleans. It is also called "Mardi Gras City" for the wild celebrations and parades that take place there every year. And, there is a nickname that uses the short way to write New。
高山流水 (gāo shān liú shuǐ)-英文版成语典故

高山流水(gāo shān liú shuǐ)Finding Source of Inspiration It may sound bizarre if someone likens a good friend or wonderful music to Gao Shan Liu Shui, or "highmountains and flowing rivers."However, this popular Chinese idiom comes from a touchingstory about Yu Boya, a legendary virtuoso of guqin(a seven-stringed plucked instrument similar to a zither).Yu lived during the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC) and when he was young, Yu loved playing guqin.He later became a student of Cheng Lian, the best guqin player of the time.Under Cheng's tutoring, Yu made remarkable progress and after three years of practice he had almostmastered the instrument.However, Yu felt that he still wasn't a real guqinvirtuoso and could not use it to express his feelings freely.One day, Cheng told his student: "I have taught you whatever I know, but I can see that you aren't quitesatisfied. So, I'll recommend you to another teacher who can bring your playing to perfection."Next morning, Cheng took Yu to the top of a mountain cliff overlooking the sea. "You wait here and your newinstructor will arrive in a few minutes." Then Cheng went away leaving Yu aloneon the top of the mountain.Yu waited and waited, but no one showed up. Then, gradually, he became enthralled by the sound of the seawaves crashing on the rocks below and the singing of the birds and whispering leaves in the nearby woods.When the sun began to set, it suddenly dawned upon Yu that the new instructor recommended by Cheng wasnone other than nature herself. Yu realized that only by learning from nature could he gain virtuosity of theinstrument. So, he found an inexhaustible source of inspiration and energy.Yu finally reached the level of perfection he had sought and became the best guqinplayer of his time. Butbecause of the profundity of his musical works, Yu found few people who could really understand them. Onlyhis bosom friend, Zhong Ziqi, could actually appreciate his talent and performances.When Yu was playing a new tune one day, Zhong became very excited. He said: "It's wonderful, I can see loftyMount Tai in front of me." Then Yu played another tune and Zhong clapped his hands, saying: "Bravo! It's justas melodious as the flowing rivers."Since then, people use "high mountains and flowing rivers" to describe a soul mate like Zhong Ziqi orwonderful music such as the works created by Yu Boya.。

文 旭
一次佣然 的机会 么这个成语有 个城市
笔者读 到 了这样一 个成语 之意呢 ? 原来
0 9
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R “ 。 ( 离婚 )
, 。
( 离诺 ) 是 典国内华达 州 西部的一 只须在该市住满三 个月
, .
t o R
凡 欲离婚者
即 可离
o g
o 就 有 离婚 n
英语 中象这 样包 含一水地 名的成语虽然不多
但 要其正理 解其含义 非轻 而
肠举之事刀只 有对这些 成语的来 龙去脉有所 了解才行
t C l’ o O a N 挥c a s lt
, “
(或 “ 叼 ) 素 以产煤着
其中一种 说法是
据说 以前有个时 期
考文垂的市 民特别厌 恶 军 人
看作极不光彩的 事
尤其是 妇女
见 限军 人谈话
就 会立即受到 效止
由于 流传着这样一 种社会风气 因此 这个 成语有
r lo e
: o
人一且彼派往考文垂 去驻 扎

中华成语故事英语版世外桃源During the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there was an old fisherman in Wuling. One day, he took his boat out to go fishing. As the boat floated downstream, the fisherman lost his way. Suddenly, a beautiful forest of peach trees with flowers in full bloom caught his eyes. He carried on sailing to the end of the forest where he found a mountain with a small cave at its foot. After the fisherman walked through the cave, a new world opened up before him. The people seemed happy and gentle, and lived peaceful lives with no arguments or disputes. The old rested quietly while the young played happily. Unlike the world东晋年间,武陵有一个老渔夫。
outside the cave, there was no conflict or turbulence. When they saw the fisherman, the people asked him not to tell others what he had seen there.那里的人们过着幸福安宁的生活,大家和睦相处,没有纷争,老人们安静地休息,儿童愉快地玩耍,没有外界那样动荡不安。

比如:carry coal to Newcastle,Newcastle是英国的产煤之乡,把煤运到这里来乃是“多此一举”、“徒劳无益”。
和这个习语意思相同的另一个英语习语是“carry owls to Athens”(把猫头鹰带到雅典)。
也有一些习语来自与地名相关的重大历史事件,像meet one's Waterloo。
后来人们便用to meet one's Waterloo表示“遭到致命的打击”或“碰上了自己的厄运”。
你知道Alaska purchase的含义吗?1867年3月美国国务卿西沃德与俄国驻美公使签订条约,以两美分一英亩的价格购买了俄在北美的58万平方英里的土地(今美国阿拉斯加州),使Alaska purchase成为历史上有名的“大宗廉价交易”。
Fleet Marriage是“秘密结婚”的意思。
无独有偶,Gretna Green Marriage则是“私奔结婚”的意思,它是“Fleet Marriage”在1753年被废除后应运而生的。
Gretna Green是苏格兰毗连英格兰的一个村庄。
尽管到1940年7月,这种宣告式的婚礼不再合法,但仍然吸引着一对对的有情人前往该地,因为未成年的男女未经父母同意仍可在Gretna Green村结婚。

有关地名的英语成语典故To meet Waterloo(倒霉,受毁灭性打击,灭顶之灾)滑铁卢是一代天骄拿破仑遭受残败的地方。
无怪据说二战期间,在准备诺曼底反攻时,温斯顿·丘吉尔和随员冒雨去某地开会,其随员因路滑而摔了一跤,脱口说一句“To meet Waterloo!”丘吉尔竟联想到拿破仑兵败滑铁卢的典故,恼怒地斥责他:“胡说!我要去凯旋门呢!”It's Greek to me.(我不知道)英国人一般都不懂希腊语。
Greek Kalends(幽默,诙谐方式表达的永远不)Kalends是罗马日历的第一天。
Castle in Spain(西班牙城堡,幻想,梦想。
相当于汉语中的空中楼阁)中世纪某一时期,西班牙是一个颇富浪漫色彩的国家,这句成语是和Castle in air (空中城堡)相齐名的。
Set the Thames on fire(火烧泰晤士河,这是何等伟大的壮举)但是这句成语经常是反其义应用,指那些人对某事只是夸下海口,而不是真正想去做From China to Peru(从中国到秘鲁)它的意义非常明白,指从世界的这一边到世界的那一边,相当于汉语的远隔重洋。
Between Scylla and Charybdis(锡拉和卡津布迪斯之间———在两个同样危险的事物之间:一个人逃出一种危险,而又落入另一种危险)锡拉是传说中生活在意大利岩石的怪兽,卡津布迪斯是住在海峡中一端经常产生旋涡的另一个怪兽。
Spoil Egyptians(掠夺埃及———迫使敌人提供自己所需要的东西)源于圣经:上帝答应摩西,埃及人必须借给以色列他们所需要的东西。
金城汤池 (jīn chéng tāng chí)-英文版成语典故

金城汤池(jīn chéng tāng chí)Fortress TacticsStrategists around the world have been wracking their brains for centuries to create an impregnable defensesystem. The American missile defense systems are probably a good example in today's world. However, the USplans could be deemed a mere update of an old Chinese idea of building a truly impregnable city.An ancient version of such a defense system is described in the Chinese saying, Jin Cheng Tang Chi, meaning"a city surrounded by metal ramparts and a moat of boiling water." This imaginary fortress was first mentionedby a politician about 20 centuries ago.During the late years of the Qin Dynasty (221-206 BC), Wu Chen, a rebel army general, planned to conquerdozens of towns in northern China.Despite some initial success, General Wu found himself facing a number of strongly fortified towns whereimperial armies put up tough resistance against advancing rebel troops.When the rebels put Fanyang County under siege, Kuai Tong,an eloquent politician, went to see themagistrate and convinced him that surrendering was the best way to get out of the predicament. Themagistrate agreed to give up only if the rebels would guarantee the safety of his family and himself.Kuai then called on the rebel General Wu. Kuai asked the general: "Do you intend to seize all the towns inHebei area?""Yes, I do," answered the general."At the moment, you could only take one town after another through fierce fighting. But I can tell you a way to grab all of them with just one strike."Kuai then told the general that his friend, the magistrate of Fanyang, was inclined to surrender to the rebels,but he was afraid that he would be killed like other Qin officers in fallen towns. Kuai suggested that the rebelgeneral spare the Fanyang magistrate's life and offer him good treatment after he surrendered. He said thiswould set a good example and encourage other Qin officials to follow suit."Otherwise," the persuader said, "the Qin troops will turn all the towns in the Hebei area into fortressesfortified with metal ramparts and moats of boiling water."Since then, the expression, Jin Cheng Tang Chi, has become a popular synonym for a city believed to beimpregnable.The rebel general followed the politician's advice and later seized more than 30 towns in northern Chinawithout another bloody battle.The teaching behind the imaginary impregnable city story, however, is that an invulnerable defense systemnever exists. It's only the people's will and their desire to survive that will turn a mound of earth into aninsurmountable mountain.。
老马识途 (lǎo mǎ shí tú)-英文版成语典故

老马识途(lǎo mǎ shí tú)Trust an Old HorseHorses have been very helpful friends to man for aeons. They have not only provided valuable services, butpassion and delight as well. In addition, they are responsible for many widely-quoted expressions and phrasesin many languages.The popular Chinese saying, Lao Ma Shi Tu or "an old horse knows the way" seems only to be describingsomething of the natural character of the animal.But the story behind this expression tells how an old horse actually saved the lives of thousands of soldiers.In 633 BC, Duke Huan of the State of Qi led a large army to invade the Guzhu Kingdom.The invasion was successful, but it took a long time because of the great distances involved and the complexlocal geography. So when the Qi troops finally were able to return in triumph, it was already winter.The biting cold of the winter had deprived the fields and hills of their vegetation and, thus, the surroundingscenery had quite changed. Very soon, the entire Qi army found itself lost in a deep valley.Half a dozen teams of scouts were sent out to find ways home, but all failed their mission.After a few days, the duke became impatient and worried they might never find their way back. So, hesummoned his advisers to find a solution. The heated discussion led nowhere.Finally, Guan Zhong, a sharp-minded and resourceful military advisor, stood up and said: "Someone told meonce that old horses always know their way home."Why not find an old horse that had been serving the army since the very beginning of this expedition and letit play the role of our guide?"They found just one such horse which, miraculously, led the distressed and exhausted troops out of the deepvalley througha winding, bumpy path.The story was the genesis of the Chinese idiom, Lao Ma Shi Tu, which today is often cited to describe peoplewho are very experienced or those who know the ropes and have the knowledge of a veteran.。

1. an apple of discordany subject of disagreement and contention, the root of the trouble, dispute不和之因;祸根eg: he throwing us an apple of discord, we soon quarreled again.The dispute about inheriting estate formed an apple of discord between themThis problem seem to be an apple of discord between the Soviet Union and the USA.2. The heel of Achilles/the Achilles‘heela week point in sth that is otherwise without fault; the weakest spoteg:The shortage of fortitude is his heel of Achilles.His Achilles‘heel was his pride—he would get very angry if anyone criticized his work.English might be his Achilles‘heel.3.Helen of Troy:a beauty who ruins her country. A terrible disaster brought by somebody or sth you like best.eg: It is unfair that historians always attribute the fall of kingdoms to Helen of Troy.She didn‘t think of the beautiful umbrella bought the day before should become a Helen of Troy in her family. Because of this she and her husband quarreled for a long time.4.The Trojan horse:the hidden danger; the covert wreckers; to engage in underhand activitiesThe superpowers are always sending the Trojan Horses to many countries in the world.They are defeated only because of the Trojan horse to many countries in the world.They are defeated only because of the Trojan horse in their country. 5.Greek Gifts:a gift with some sinister purpose of the enemy. A gift sent in order to murder somebody. = when the fox preaches, take care of your geese.1.he is always buying you expensive clothes, I‘m afraid they are Greek gifts for you.rades, be on guard against the Greek gifts.6.A Penelope‘s web, the web of Penelope:a chaste woman, a Penelope‘s web, the tactics of delaying sth on purpose; the task that can never be finished.1. Mr. Jones made a long speech at the meeting. Everyone else though it a Penelope‘s web.7.Swan Song: black swan. A last or fare well appearance; the last work before death.1. all the tickets have been sold for the singer‘s performance in London this week——the public clearly believes that this will be her swan song.2. The Tempest was Shakespeare‘s swan song in 1612.3. before turning over the gavel, he delivered the swan song as chairman of the board.4. this building turned out to be the swan song of Victorian architecture.8.Win/gain laurels:to win reputation; to acquire honor.9.To look to one‘s laurels:to beware of losing one‘s reputation; to keep one’s record from being beaten by others.卫冕。

历史典故beat the band释义:了不起,又急又猛注解:爱尔兰浓河(Shannon)畔Banagher镇是19世纪中期一个臭名昭著的“口袋选区”(pocket borough),当地大多数居民受雇于某个家族,因而选举也完全受其控制。
当时在英国国会里一有人提及此类“口袋选区”,议员们就俏皮地说,“Well, that beats/bangs Banagher.”意思是“真了不起”,“令人惊异”。
人们认为约于1880年出现的beat the band一语由that beats Banagher演化而来不是没有理由的,两者都用了英语中惯用的头韵法,且beat the band念起来更顺口,它的原义是“压过乐队的声响”,转义为“了不起”、“令人惊异”;作状语用时则表示“又快又猛地”、“起劲地”。
场景对话:A: He beats the band.B: Yeah. Every time he makes the family feel proud of him.A: Not like us, the black sheep of the family.B: You admire him? Don’t let me look down upon at you.A: I never think we are inferior to others.译文:A:他可真了不起。
before you/one can/could say Jack Robinson释义:说时迟那时快,转眼之间注释:关于此语的来历,英国古文物收藏家Francis Grose (1731-1791)在1785年出版的《俗语词典》(Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue)里解释说:有个名叫Jack Robinson的怪人,常去看望熟人,但一到就走,主人都感到莫名其妙。
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有关地名的英语成语典故篇一:常用英语地名CountriesA阿富汗Afghanistan阿尔巴尼亚Albania阿尔及利亚Algeria安道尔Andorra安哥拉Angola安提瓜和巴布达AntiguaandBarbuda阿根廷Argentina亚美尼亚Armenia澳大利亚Australia奥地利Austria阿塞摆疆AzerbaijanB巴哈马Bahamas巴林Bahrain孟加拉Bangladesh巴巴多斯Barbados白俄罗斯Belarus比利时Belgium/Xtrapage伯利兹Belize贝宁Benin不丹Bhutan玻利维亚Bolivia波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那BosniaandHerzegovina 博茨瓦纳Botswana巴西Brazil文莱Brunei保加利亚Bulgaria布基纳法索BurkinaFaso布隆迪BurundiC柬埔寨Cambodia喀麦隆Cameroon加拿大Canada佛得角CapeVerde中非CentralAfricanRepublic乍得Chad智利Chile中国China哥伦比亚Colombia科摩罗Comoros刚果(金)Congo(Congo-Kinshasa)刚果Congo哥斯达黎加CostaRica科特迪瓦Coted'Ivoire克罗地亚Croatia古巴Cuba塞浦路斯Cyprus捷克Czech/前捷克斯洛伐克FormerCzechoslovakia D丹麦Denmark吉布提Djibouti多米尼克Dominica多米尼加DominicanRepublicE东帝汶EastTimor厄瓜多尔Ecuador埃及Egypt赤道几内亚EquatorialGuinea厄立特里亚Eritrea爱沙尼亚Estonia埃塞俄比亚Ethiopia欧洲联盟EuropeanUnion(EU)F斐济Fiji芬兰Finland法国FranceG加蓬Gabon冈比亚Gambia格鲁吉亚Georgia德国Germany/前东德FormerEastGermany 加纳Ghana希腊Greece格林纳达Grenada危地马拉Guatemala几内亚比绍Guinea-Bissau几内亚Guinea圭亚那GuyanaH海地Haiti洪都拉斯Honduras匈牙利HungaryI冰岛Iceland印度India印度尼西亚Indonesia伊朗Iran伊拉克Iraq爱尔兰Ireland以色列Israel意大利ItalyJ牙买加Jamaica日本Japan约旦JordanK哈萨克斯坦Kazakhstan 肯尼亚Kenya基里巴斯Kiribati朝鲜Korea(North)韩国Korea(South)科威特Kuwait吉尔吉斯斯坦Kyrgyzstan L老挝Laos拉脱维亚Latvia黎巴嫩Lebanon莱索托Lesotho利比里亚Liberia利比亚Libya列支敦士登Liechtenstein 立陶宛Lithuania卢森堡LuxembourgM马其顿Macedonia马达加斯加Madagascar马拉维Malawi马来西亚Malaysia马尔代夫Maldives马里Mali马尔他Malta马绍尔群岛MarshallIslands 毛里塔尼亚Mauritania毛里求斯Mauritius墨西哥Mexico麦克罗尼西亚Micronesia摩尔多瓦Moldova摩纳哥Monaco蒙古Mongolia摩洛哥Morocco莫桑比克Mozambique缅甸MyanmarN纳米比亚Namibia北大西洋公约组织NorthAtlanticTreatyOrganization(NATO)瑙鲁Nauru尼泊尔Nepal荷兰Netherlands新西兰NewZealand尼加拉瓜Nicaragua尼日尔Niger尼日利亚Nigeria挪威NorwayO阿曼OmanP巴基斯坦Pakistan帕劳Palau巴勒斯坦Palestine巴拿马Panama巴布亚新几内亚PapuaNewGuinea巴拉圭Paraguay秘鲁Peru菲律宾Philippines波兰Poland葡萄牙PortugalQ卡塔尔QatarR罗马尼亚Romania俄罗斯Russia/前苏联FormerUSSR卢旺达RwandaS圣基茨和尼维斯SaintKitts-Nevis圣卢西亚SaintLucia圣文森特和格林纳丁斯SaintVincentandtheGrenadines 萨尔瓦多ElSalvador萨摩亚Samoa圣马力诺SanMarino圣多美和普林西比SaoTomeandPrincipe沙特阿拉伯SaudiArabia塞内加尔Senegal塞舌尔Seychelles塞拉利昂SierraLeone新加坡Singapore斯洛伐克Slovakia斯洛文尼亚Slovenia所罗门群岛SolomonIslands索马里Somalia南非SouthAfrica西班牙Spain斯里兰卡SriLanka苏丹Sudan苏里南Suriname斯威士兰Swaziland瑞典Sweden瑞士Switzerland叙利亚SyriaT塔吉克斯坦Tajikistan坦桑尼亚Tanzania泰国Thailand多哥Togo汤加Tonga特立尼达和多巴哥TrinidadandTobago 突尼斯Tunisia土耳其Turkey土库曼斯坦Turkmenistan图瓦卢TuvaluU乌干达Uganda乌克兰Ukraine阿拉伯联合酋长国UnitedArabEmirates英国UnitedKingdom/北爱尔兰NorthernIreland联合国组织UnitedNationsOrganization(UNO)乌拉圭Uruguay美国UnitedStatesofAmerica(USA)/波多黎各PuertoRico乌兹别克斯坦UzbekistanV瓦努阿图Vanuatu梵蒂冈VaticanCity委内瑞拉Venezuela越南Vietnam(formerlyNorthVietnam)/前南越FormerSouthVietnamY也门Yemen/前北也门FormerNorthYemen/前南也门FormerSouthYemen南斯拉夫Yugoslavia/前南斯拉夫FormerYugoslavia篇二:有关地名成语上有关地名的成语(上)1.五湖四海:五湖指波阳湖、洞庭湖、洪择湖、太湖、巢湖五大湖泊;四海指东海、西海、南海、北海。