德伯家的苔丝Tess of the d’Urbervilles 英文读书报告 经典

《德伯家的苔丝》英语读后感《德伯家的苔丝》英语读后感篇一:英文简介Summary of the Tess of d’UrbervillesSummary:In the Victorian period, a rural clergyman in England tells Durbeyfield, a simple farmer, that he is descended from the illustrious d’Urberville family, now extinct; or maybe not. Durbeyfield sends his daughter Tess to check on a family named d’Urberville living in a manor house less than a day’s carriage ride away. Alec d’Urberville is delighted to meet his beautiful cousin, and he seduces her with strawberries and roses. But Alec is no relation to Tess; he has gotten his illustrious name and coat of arms by purchasing them. Alec falls in love with Tess, seduces/rapes her, and she leaves, pregnant; back at home, the baby dies. Some time later, Tess begins work as a milkmaid, and there she meets her true love Angel Clare. Angel believes her completely innocent. They fall in love, but Angel does not learn of her previous relationship with Alec until their wedding night, and rejects her. Deserted by her husband, Tess meets Alec again, and poverty forces her to resume their relationship. Angel returns from travelling abroad, remorseful at his treatment of T ess, but finds her with Alec.Tess murders Alec in order to run away with Angel. They spend one night of happiness together, before she is arrested.篇二:德伯家的苔丝片段读后感英文版BOOK REPORT OF TESSI have just finished so me parts of the book called ‘Tess of the d’Urberville’, so I just talk about the characters appearing in these chapters which I have read.In these chapters, I think that Tess, a kind and beautiful girl, didn’t want to rely on her “relative”, ’Urberville. However, because of her responsibility,she still stood for her family to ask d’Urberville for help. As for her parents, her father wasirresponsible and foolish about the vanity of family honor. What’s more, her motherwas like a child sometime and eager to claim relationship with herrelative who had a great fortune. And then, in my view, Alec never cared about others what they thought,otherwise,Tess`s chastitywould not lose away.I was impressed on a paragraph: in life, the right man to love hardly ever come s at the right time. Nature doesn’t often answer a call for love, until the caller is tired of calling. In this case, as in millions, it was just one of stories about encounters which were erroneous. A missing half wanderedsomewhere else, arriving much later. Thisparagraph talks about the reason of how thelove has and makes a mistake; however, I feel uncertain that how we can know the man is Mr. Right and the time we meet is right. If we have no ability to know or we can’t avoid such results, why not allo w this love at the mercy of the time we go through and the hardship we experience.From Tess`s tragic experience, we may want to ask such questions: why do the bad man ruin the good one frequently? Why is beauty damaged by ugliness? Nevertheless, thousands of year`s philosophy cannot give us the answer to these questions and now,these things have always happened. Maybe our government needs to take some more forceful measures to protect these innocent girls like Tess.篇三:德伯家的苔丝读后感读有感我喜欢读书,我喜欢读好书,我喜欢读我喜欢读书,我喜欢读好书,我喜欢读这本好书。

The Impression of Reading Tess of the d’Urbervilles In most works of Thomas Hardy’s ,he almost entirely concerns his native West Country—Wessex . For Hardy, nature was the primary fact in life. He felt that nature was good because it represented free life in its honest, basic form. Nature was also harsh and demanding, punishing those w ho did not live in tune with it. For most of his major character, life is a struggle to regain the simplicity and truth of natural living. Most of them are sensual women like “Tess” in Tess of the d’Urbervilles , they are the common villains in Hardy’s novels .The Wessex novels are similar in mant other ways. All of them rely heavily on sensational incidents and their plots are overloaded with exciting climaxes.Of all the Wessex novels, Tess of the d’Urbervilles is one of the most typical one. The other one is Jude the Obscure. Wessex raised a storm of controversy because of their “indecent” subject matter. Today, their subjects w ould be considered harmless, even dull, but the Victorians were outraged by his gloomy outlook and lack of sw eetness.The subtitle of the novel is “A Pure Maiden”. The novel portrays a pure maiden’s tragic experience. In Tess of the d’Urbervilles, a pure, just and industrious rural maiden Tess became degenerate under the press of society. She was filled with love and the trust in others. After being raped by Alec, she left Alec’s home, which embodies her pure heart and her yearning for well-being life. She didn’t want to live with a man she hated.Afterwards, she learnt of her pregnancy. In spite of the blame of her friends and family, she gave birth to the baby and brought him up, which embodies her dignity. At last, she could n’t tolerate the misery of her infidelity to her husband, so she killed Alec, who raged her, and finally she committed a suicide, which embodies her loyalty. However, all of these were repelled by the society at that time. Her behavior was regarded as harm to the society’s moral, and she was regarded as a sinful woman. On the surface, the gist of the novel is to describe the misery of a sufferer who was criticized by the society without any sympathy. But actually, what the author really wanted to convey w as the false moral standard and the ugly manners at that time, and Tess w as the victim of the corrupt society. Hardy wholly revealed abuse of the social manners through the description of Tess’s tragic experiences.Of course, Tess’s ending not only had the society elements, but also was connected with her own character. These factors were all closely associated with the capitalist society at that time, and were the reflection of the society. Consequently, Tess’s life doomed to a tragedy.。

德伯家的苔丝英文读后感Tess of the D’UrbervillesBrief IntroductionDuring this term I read two books, one of which is named Tess of the d'Urbervilles. The great famous author is Thomas Hardy. He wrote the story based on his hometown, a little town in England. The book I chose was published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research and pressed in 2005. The whole book contains 294 pages. The story was very wonderful and shocking. I am introducing it to my friends.Main ContentsThe story is about a girl named Tess. It consists of Tess’s experiences. The story began withTess’s father knowing about his real identity. He was the lineal representative of the ancient and knightly family of the d’Urbervilles, who deserve their descent from Sir Pagan d’Urberville,thatrenowned knight who came from Normandy with William the Conqueror. He was a gloat in his eyes, so at that night he drank heavily. Next day, Tess took the place of her father to send the honeycomb to the fair for money. But when they was on the way to the fair, because of her carelessness the old horse was knocked down to death. Tess felt ashamed, so she went to thed’Urbervilles to ask for help, following her mother's will. The playboy, Alec d’Urbervilles lost hisheart to Tess's beautiful face and seduced her.Tess found her never fall in love with Alec, then she left Trantridge for her home. Soon a son was born, but dead. She couldn't bear people's taunts so she decided to leave home. She went to Talbot hays dairy. Angel Clare, a parson's son learned to make milk in the dairy . He fell in love with Tess and proposed marriage to her. Tess hesitated about the marriage. Although she loved him very much, she couldn't accept his love because of her immortalization. Because she loved him very much ,at last she accepted his love. Her heart ordered herself to tell Clare the reality in spite of her mother's advice. If he could forgive her, she would marry him. Before the wedding, Tess laid the letter under the Clare's door, seeing Clare's attitude. When she felt that Clare was still kind to her, she believed that she got forgiven. But when the wedding was being held ; she found Clare hadn't seen the letter. She had no choice but to marry him. At the wedding night, Tess forgave his wrong things. When she told him her wrong tings, he couldn't forgive her and left her coldly.Tess met with Alec again. Alec forced her to live with him. Tess's father died. They had to leave their house, because th e cottage was in Tess's father’s name. Alec helped them and made her believe that Clare never forgave her. At last, Tess got stuck in Alec's trap.Clare left Tess for Brazil and was going to buy a farm. But soon he was ill. In the end he came back in about a year. During the time, he reflected on his deeds. He realized he was cruel to her. He regretted doing the things. When he found Tess, Tess told it was too late because she had lived with Alec. Because Tess loved Clare very much, she murdered Alec to ran after Clare. They both escaped. They had five happy days in an empty house. Then Tess was arrested.Clare and Tess's little sister saw that a tall post was fixed to the prison tower, which saw that Tess was dead. The story ended.Excellent Episodes1. Now take up the basket and tell them in the village to send a horse and carriage to me immediately. Here is a shilling for you.2. The village of Marlott lies in the beautiful vale of Blackmon. Although this valley is only four hours away from London, It has not yet been discovered by tourists and artists. The best view of the vale is from the hills surrounding looks like a map spread out. it is a quiet, sheltered part of the countryside , where the fields are always green and the rivers never dry up. To south lies the great dividing line of hills. From here to coast the hills are open, the sun pours down on the huge dry fields, and the atmosphere is colorless. But here in the vale lies a completely different countryside, smaller and more delicate.3. The fields are tiny, the air makes you sleepy, and the sky is of the deepest blue. Everywhere you can see a rich greenery of grass and trees; covering smaller hills and valleys. This is the vale of Blackmoor.4. Six helpless creatures who had not asked to be born at all, much less to be part of irresponsible.5. “Did you say the stars were the worlds, Tess?” “All like ours. They seem like our apples—mostof them good, a few bad. Which do we live on?” “A good one or a bad one?" “ A bad one. ” WhenAby realized what had happened, his face looked like an old man,s.6. But Tess didn't cry. Her face was dry and pale. She felt she had murdered a friend. Tess lookedthe old horse as a good friend , which implied Tess,s loneliness.7. “I do not like my children asking for help.” said he proudly, I am the head of the oldest branch of the family and a noble family like ours should not have to ask for help .8. The vale of Blackmoor was her only world, and she had never been for outside the valley. She did not know she smiled innocently at the flower that behind the cigarette smoke was the cause of future sorrow in her life.9 In life, the right man to love hardly ever comes at the right time for loving. Nature does not often answer a call for loving, until the caller is tired of callingReflectionAfter reading th e story, I want to cry for Tess's sadness. I was merely shocked by Tess’smiserable and tragic fate. She did nothing wrong but she had to bear all these adversities that she didn’t deserve. I want to murder Alec. I hated Clare because he was s o narrow-minded. When Tess forgave him, he couldn't forgive Tess. It was unfair to Tess. If he forgave her ,she will not be tempted by Alec. She couldn't murder Alec and she couldn't die. They could live happily. And all the things were opposite. If he had danced with her at that night, all the bad things couldn't appear. Tess also was still innocent. Then history can not be changed. All the things that had happened in the past had happened really. We must accept them, like Tess. And I feel that I am lucky for having good parents.The story was a sad book. Tess's life was ruined gradually by the persons who said they loved her. Tess was a happy girl. Her life should be happy. But a suitable person hesitated; a wrong one expressed his love for h er. When the suitable one realized Tess's innocence, it’s too late. We feelsad for him.Sometimes I wonder why a nice woman couldn’t end up with a nice man. Is it just like the saying that beautiful women suffer unhappy fates? Tess always missed her Mr. right and her Mr. wrong always disturbed her life and wouldn’t let her go. All the three persons didn't know what’s true love. Alec thought love to be deprival and occupation;Angel thought love to be purity andideal; Tess thought love to be toleration and waiting. They stuck in their illusion of love of which they never managed to get out. Alec and Tess was dead.Who is to blame for this tragedy,Ale, Tess or Angel? Or ridiculous fate? I believe it wasTessherself. Certainly, that bad age and those hypocritical men were executioners that pushed Tess into the abyss of destruction. How stupid she is to wait for a man who did not understand her. When there is no help from men, women should fight on their own instead of waiting for help from men since there is nothing needed to be forgiven.In our real life, there are many similar stories. We have nothing to do. The world functions following its rule. But I still hope that people who love each other can have a happy marriage. Women’s tragedy will never come to an end until they treat themselves as totally independent,which means they can lead a normal life with or without men. I also hope women learn to how to live on their own.。
《德伯家的苔丝》读后感 英文500字

《德伯家的苔丝》读后感英文500字I recently finished reading Thomas Hardy’s Tess of thed'Urbervilles, and my overall impression is that it was an incredibly powerful and moving story. The story follows Tess, a young woman living in poverty who is forced to leave her home after her family’s circumstances change. She moves to thed'Urbervilles estate, where she falls in love and is ultimately taken advantage of by Alec d'Urberville. Despite attempts at a new life for Tess, she continues to be plagued by the events of her past.Throughout the novel, Hardy paints an incredibly vivid picture of the countryside and its inhabitants, as well as their ways of life. The language used to communicate the emotions and struggles of the characters is also very effective in conveying the themes of the novel, such as the suffering of innocent girls like Tess, as well as the often unjust reality of Victorian society.The tragedy of Tess’ story is particularly heartbreaking, as Hardy uses his writing to humanize her character and make her a sympathetic figure. By making her experience something that the reader can relate to, Hardy provides the reader with a window into the pain, betrayal and injustice that Tess endured. Such moments of powerful emotion made it impossible for me to put the book down.In co nclusion, Hardy’s Tess of the d'Urbervilles is an incredibly captivating and emotionally intense story. It provides an insight into Victorian society, as well as the tragedy that poor women were subjected to in those times. I would highly recommend this book toanyone looking for an incredible story that will leave them feeling moved and affected.。

德伯家的苔丝Tessofthed’Urbervilles英文读书报告经典第一篇:德伯家的苔丝Tess of the d’Urbervilles 英文读书报告经典Tess of the d’UrbervillesIn Tess of the d’Urbervilles, Thomas Hardy has directly satirized nature.This novel revealed the tragedy of lower classes’ destiny and flayed hypocritical gentlemen and morals.In this novel, Hardy demonstrated his deep sense of moral sympathy for England’s lower classes, particularly for women.The novel, which indicated the tendency of anti-religious sentiments, against feudal morality and the laws of capitalists, was warmly received by the reading public though British upper class was bitter against it.In the novel, Thomas Hardy succeeded in portraying an artistic image-Tess.There were sensitivity and beauty to her that have nothing to do with looks.Her beauty is not kind of stunning beauty, but the more you approach to her, you will be more likely to indulge in her beauty.Although she is not an orthodox believer, she has her own pure pursuits of life and living criteria.Her integrated image of kindness and tenderness, tough-minded and plainness should own her a happy life.But it seems that God leaves her out.Alec in the novel is the son of a Manor owner, being dissolute and flirtatious in conduct;however, generally, he is not essentially a bad man.His strong desire to T ess is out of a sort of inherently desire and desire for possession.It’s very normal for such a young man.But he adopts a wrong way-he abducts Tess.He would like to take a part of responsibility of his behavior but Tess turn down his suggestion without hesitation.Tess’s self-respect can’t allow herself bend down to harm.Such a pure girl, should be so strong-mind to bear neighbor’s discrimination and secular p ressure and to take the consequences by herself.She has never asked Alec for help even when she is driven to the last ditch.Finally, Tess chooses to leave for another village where her past is not known and secures a job as a milkmaid at T albothays Dairy.She escapes from the old environment, meanwhile, prepares to make a new start.She fears a romantic love, at the same time, strongly looks forward to it.Anyway, she is only 21years old, she has the right to enjoy the pleasure that love can bring to her.There, she re-encounters Angel Clare who is eager for nature and full of dreams, is Tess’s Prince Charming, one of unfinished dreams in her girlhood.As for Angel Clare, Tess is part of his persistent vision.What he wants is a pure girl to be his wife.Such a match made in heaven will certainly wipe out spark of love.However, the process of their love is filled with difficulties and hardship.Tess, who is pure in mind, is tightly tided by worldly views so that she thinks she can’t marry to Clare for her unclean bod y.All the time she is hesitating about, bearing a keen pressure of sentiment and intellect, weather should her tell Angel about her past without reserve.The pain that Angel suffers in the pursuit of T ess is far away from Tess’s inner struggle.She could not confessto her lover for being terrified of losing him.And she could not give up the happiness within her grasp to refuse Clare against her will.At their wedding night, Angel confesses that he once had a brief affair with an older woman.When she hears this story, Tess feels sure that Angel will forgive her own indiscretion, and finally tells about her relationship with Alec.But things go contrary to her wishes.Angel, however, is appalled by Tess’s confession.His love to Tess is based on the sky garden of pure tower.Once the base is deprived, his love will collapse.His love is too fragile andvulnerable.Finally, he leaves for Brazil, leaving T ess alone, no messages, no letters and never back again.Tess has waiting for him eight years but can’t win back his he arts.When he realizes his heart, everything is too late.Tess has married to Alec after a long hopeless waiting.Afterwards, when Angel back, on the one hand, Tess felt happy, for her long waiting has come to an end.But on the other hand, she was more distressful and could not control her abhor to Alec.Thus, she killed the man who had destroyed her life.Though, Tess and Angel have spent the five happy days, her life is ended in revenge for love.But she is quiet when she faces the people coming to arrest her.S he says,”I was ready.”I know that Tess is happy at the last moment of her life.Because it’s her hope to be with the man who she loves sincerely and there is no need for her to worry about Angel’s despise.Tess, such a pretty and virtuous girl, should have led a happy and peaceful life, but God, “the president of the moral” plays a joke on her.The real tragedy is to display the process of ruining the perfection.Tess’s fate is a good representation.第二篇:《德伯家的苔丝》读书报告《德伯家的苔丝》读书报告班级汉语言081班姓名赵彤学号200850515133 书名:《德伯家的苔丝》出版社:外语教学与研究出版社、牛津大学出版社作者:托马斯·哈代(1840—1928)是英国最伟大的小说家和诗人之一。
Tess of the D 《苔丝》英文读书报告

钟彩清201209300127Tess of the D’UrbervillesThe writer of the book -- Thomas Hardy(1840-1928),a poet and novelist.He wrote this novel on a background fulling of turmoil,when England was suffering great changes.The miserable fate of Tess is a typical example of the result of economic poverty,unfair law,hypocritical religions and moral of bourgeoisie that time.Thomas uses his charming words describing a beautiful,laborious woman ,and being destroyed at last---Tess,the heroine, was sent to a rich family,after her father was told that they were the descendant of nobles of D’Urbervilles,and then her tragic fate began.She then be seduced by Alec d'Urbervill ,the son of that family,shamed of hers experience,went away and arrive at a farm,to be a milkmaid, met her lover---Angel Clare,and they got married.B ut when he knew the past of this woman ,he couldn’t accept it and left her,which gave the Alec d'Urbervill a chance to involve into her life again.And at last,T ess found Alec cheated her that Angel would not come back again and love her ,so she killed he and spent her last five days with her Angel ,and being arrested and hanging...After finishing this novel,the plot impresses me most is the last five days Tess spent together with Angle.When she killed Alec d'Urbervill,she running to Angle passionately,and said,”i love you”.holding him tightly.And at that time,they both understood what a great mistake they had made and how wonderful days they hadmissed.They relied on each other where there were no people and being together ,enjoyed the sweet and lovely days .All that give me the feeling that within is affection and forgiveness and outside is coldness,the place where will not forgive Tess’s behavior. I am moved by the woman’s courage.She has the courage to kill Alec;She has the courage to stick to her heart and her lover until the last of her life;She has the courage to do and to assume.And i also appreciate the description of environment,especially the use of light and color,which make a link between character and surrounding and indicate the fate of them .When the protagonist is happy,the writer will choose the bright light and color to show his feeling,vice verse.After finishing the novel ,it leave me a question that Who is to blame for this tragedy? Alec, Tess or Angel? Or ridiculous fate?I believe they all have no fault.Tess’s tragedy,w omen’s tragedy will never come to an end until they treat themselves as totally independent, which means they can lead a normal life with or without men.。

德伯家的苔丝读后感英语以下是小编为大家用心搜集整理的德伯家的苔丝读后感英语范文,我们一起来学习学习吧!When I read the novel Tess of the D’Urbervilles ten years ago for the first time, I was merely shocked by Tess’s miserable and tragic fate. What a lovely and kind girl! She did nothing wrong but she had to bear all these adversities that she didn’t deserve. At that time I was just a naive little girl in junior high school.Now reviewing this famous novel again, I realize that there is still much to be found and thought about in it. Great as Hardy is, he definitely wanted to tell readers more than a tragic story purely.Tess was the eldest daughter of her family and she had no choice but to bear the responsibility of rallying her family and repaying the debts. She was beautiful, innocent and pure without big ambition or desire for things that didn’t belong to her. Nobody ever doubtedthat she deserved happiness and peace.But things seldom go on as we expected. Tess was deprived of virginity and she was no longer ‘pure’as she used to be. What’s worse, she got pregnant as a result. Tess gave birth to the baby and decided to raise the baby all by herself. At that time, she showed her admirable qualitiesbeing tough and decisive. We all hope that she can start a brand new life and cut off all contact with the past after her baby’s death. However, for the second and third time, God cheated and mocked her.Sometimes I wonder why a nice woman couldn’t end up with a nice man. Is it just like the saying that beautiful women suffer unhappy fates? Tess always missed her Mr. right and her always disturbed her life and wouldn’t let her go. All the three person misunderstand what’s love. Alec thought love to be deprival and occupation; Angel thought love to be purity and ideal; Tess thought love to be toleration and waiting. They stuck in their illusion of love of which they never managed to get out. Alec and Tess wasdead. As for Angel, he might as well be dead.Who is to blame for this tragedy? Alec, Tess or Angel? Or ridiculous fate?I believe it was Tess herself. Certainly, that bad age and those hypocritical men were executioners that push Tess into the abyss of destruction. But Tess should have led a better life if she don’t treat herself as a satellite of men. How stupid is she to spend her life waiting for a man who betrayed her and escaped away when she was dying for help! When there is no help offered by men, women should fight on their own instead of waiting for men’s mercy and forgiveness since there is nothing needed to be forgiven.Women’s tragedy will never come to an end until they treat themselves as totally independent, which means they can lead a normal life with or without men.She was seduced by a so-called gentlemanAlec, and from then on her life totally changed from this loss of innocence. People looked down on her and respected her no more. Actually she did nothing wrong because before she was seduced she knew nothing of men. She wasjust a girl when she first met that terrible man.She was forced by the gossips and the church to blame herself for this accident, so she thought she deserved nothing good. In order to get rid of the past she decided to go to a distant dairy farm but was still saying to herself that she was wrong. Maybe God didn’t aGREe with that, because the Lord gave her someone she loved with her whole heart and lifeAngel Chare. Angel popped the question to her but she refused him without saying why. She said she loved him deeply and perhaps no one in the world could love him more than she did but she could not marry him for some unspoken reason. Angel wasn’t satisfied with this vague answer and did his best to win Tess. Somehow she agreed and they soon fixed the wedding day. Soon after their wedding Angel confessed the crime he committed to a woman long time ago and asked for Tess’s forgiveness. Tess was not at all angry and forgave Angel at once; in fact she was rather happy and excited for she also had things to confess.She sat and told everything to Angel, hoping hewould forgive her as he was forgiven but she was wrong. She was not forgiven, not as she thought she was. The woman pays.Without Angel’s love, nothing meant anything to her. The result wasn’t important now. Tess was arrested for her murder of that so-called gentleman. Why? She still loved Angel and when he finally went back to her and asked for HER forgiveness, after he reGREtted what he had done unfair to Tess, she was desperate. That was too lateAlec had always told Tess that Angel would never come back so he won Tess’s trust. Unluckily Angel did come back and found Tess.! Everything was too late!Tess was deceived and she lost Angel for the second time! The strengh of her love was so strong that she had forgotten the difference between right and wrong. Before that she had done nothing wrong but when she killed Alec, everything really changed! She became a criminal! How could it be? She was as pure and innocent as the good wife in the Bible. Her whole character was honest and faithful. Angel figured out at last that a person should be judged not only on what he has donebut also on what he wanted to do!Tess didn’t want to be seduced by man and she had no power to defend herself so she lost her innocence and that’s all! Angel also did the wrong thing and it was even more serious than Tess’s crime but HE was not blamed for it. Why it is always the woman who pays? Why they are always hurt? Why was Tess’s girlish purity lost? Why does the wrong man take the wrong woman? Why do the bad often ruin the good? Why is beauty damaged by ugliness? Women are too weak! Thousands of years of history have shown us that women have always been treated unfairly!In old China there was a culture, which didn’t think of women as human beings. If you asked one if he was the oldest in his family, he would probably answer “the oldest one” even if he had some elder sisters. If you asked why then he would say, “Ha, they are not included!”People gave birth to many girls in order to have only one boy to keep the family name going. They thought girls had no use for the family. They would be married and go to live with their husbands’ home and be theirwives some day sooner or later. So they were extremely hard on girls.Girls should be hard working, faithful, loyal, intelligent, and virtuous and the most important thing was she must be a maiden! If her husband was the first man who touched her then she was a good girl, a good wife no matter how she thought. If she wasn’t, then she would gain a very bad reputation and nobody would dare to go near her. What about men? People did not care whether he was an experienced man or not, nor did they care about his character. They thought man equals power and power equals rights…Now let’s not be so bitter. Nowadays women’s situations have become much better. Some are because of the change of society and some are because of civilization. Just let those poor painful women like TESS be just a memory.The book, Tess of the d' Urbervilles, is a tragic of a pure and poor girl. When I put down this book, I was in tears. I just wanted to ask, Angel, why did you treat her like this?I could imagine such a terrible night when Tess lost her way in a dark and silent wood. The What she faced was a strong man and she hadn' t known how dangerous the man could be. She was so weak that she was unable to resist him. No one could come up in time to help her. Eventually, beauty was damaged by ugliness. Why did the wrong man take the wrong woman? Angel, it was the time you saved her but where were you at that time? The Maybe as the old saying said" It was to be". The Then it was the start of Tess’s tragic.The social rule made her feel guilty and want to die. Unfortunately, her father just thought that she brought shame upon his noble name. No one could comfort her broken heart except herself. She kept all the people out her house and stayed alone and wanted to do heavy things to forget her past. The I was very happy to see that she knew such a thing shouldn’t prevent her from living an useful life. It was previous for her to have the courage to continue her life.When Tess fell in love with Angel, the she tried to hide her love because she thought she hadn' t hadthe right to get true love. But Angel, the man who loved her deeply, conquered her. However, when Tess told him her dismal past with great care, he couldn’t understand her and at last, he left her. So poor was Tess that when she wanted to be understood and forgave , she was pushed to abysm by the person she loved deeply .It was like adding more salt to the hurts of a broken heart. She was pious to everything about Angel. she could remember every sentence he said, and she learned to sing the songs he was fond of. Even when she was hurt by him, she didn’t hate him. When Angel was walking in sleep, she could choose to fall into the river to die with him but she didn’t do that because she knew she had no right to take his life. You can image how kind a girl she was.Her love was great, unselfish and pure .The real purity came from her mind, not her appearance .Even if she was a ordinary and plain girl ,I thought Angel would love her as well. When Angel was reminded that “Tess would have laid down her life for you”,he suddenly realized his prejudice and narrowness .But it was too late. Tess was already in deep desperation and became Alec’s wife. When she realized she was cheated by Alecagain, she was full of anger. She came to the end of her endurance so she killed Alec d’Urberville, the person who damaged her happiness for life.They spent the last five day together .It was the most previous period during their life because Tess was going to be sentenced to death several days later. If Angel were brave enough to accept Tess’s past, they would live a happy life now. But he didn’t cherish Tess’s true love until he lost it forever. It was already useless for him to regret. Late, too late!If you love a person deeply,then to accept his or her past, or you ’ll lose your true love for life. That’s the experience I learnt from the book.。

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ããThis is a book of grievous mood. A beautiful young girlâs life was destroyed gradually and really---not by her energy, but by the people who said love to her. What kind of this love is? What make the love destroy its lover? Tess could be a happy girl though her family was very poor. But ânoble, status, and moneyâwere strongly in her fatherâs mind, just because of the discovery that a parson said to him. Without their horseâs carrying load, life became rather difficult. Tess blamed herself completely, and she wondered what she could help her parents. Then Tess obeyed her motherâs idea, to work at the dâUrbervilleâs home, and met her cousin, Alec dâUrbervilles. This then was the beginning. Tess had to meet the wrong man, and one who was so strongly attracted to her. Yet to the right man, she was only a half-forgotten impression from an eveningâs dancing party in a country field. This mistake was to have tragic results. Alec used his clever brain to help Tessâs parents, and this made Tess feel grateful to him. Because of her slackening vigilance, Alecâs intention cametrue ---Tess would be maiden no more. As the people of her village said,âIt was to be.âAnd from now on, Tessâs life was to be completely different. Tess left Alecâs home, returned her village. But all had changed, Tess wouldnât be happy, people in village wouldnât see her as before. After her babyâs death, she had to leave her home, went to a far place. Perhaps at that time we should thank Alec, thank babyâs death, or Tess wouldnât leave her home and met Angel Clare, her right man in the dairy. Tess was a so lovely girl that Angel was soon crazy for her. At last, they conquered many difficulties and got married. But Tessâs experience was still her mortal wound, Angel couldnât accept the truth and left her. The story came to its turning point again. When Angel realized his mistake and went back to look for Tess, all was too late, the poor girl again dropped into Alecâs trap. With the intertwine of love and hatred, Tess had to end herself with a tragic results. God played with Tess so much. When her right man appeared, God yet didnât give her happiness. Tessâs parents loved her, but it was just an instinctive love; Alec said love to her, but it was a evil love; Angel said love to her as well, but it was a immature and selfish love. He wanted Tess to forgive him, but he couldnât forgive Tess. Tess didnât make any mistakes, but at last, she born all punishments and sufferings. At first, God had let the two persons miss each other. A tragedy was doomed. But perhaps no love, no hatred, no dignity, death was the best way for Tess to extricate herself. We have nothing to do but watching world changing, destroying Tess, then continuing changing. The tragedy recurs every day in fact. I canât help asking, have we missed our happiness?

德伯家的苔丝读后感英文200字The story of Tess of the d'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy is a poignant and thought-provoking exploration of the human condition. The novel follows the life of Tess Durbeyfield, a young woman from a poor rural family, as she navigates the complexities of class, gender, and societal expectations in Victorian England.At the heart of the narrative is Tess's tragic journey, which is marked by a series of unfortunate events that ultimately lead to her downfall. From the moment she is sent to work for the wealthy d'Urberville family in the hopes of claiming a distant familial connection, Tess's life becomes a struggle against the unfair demands and expectations placed upon her by a society that prizes social status and purity over individual autonomy and personal fulfillment.The author's portrayal of Tess is both empathetic and unflinching. She is a complex and multifaceted character, possessing a strong moral compass and a deep sense of personal integrity, yet also vulnerable to the whims of fate and the cruelty of those around her. Her encounter with the charming but manipulative Alec d'Urberville,and her subsequent seduction and victimization, are harrowing to read, as Hardy masterfully depicts the power dynamics and societal double standards that contribute to Tess's tragic downfall.One of the novel's most poignant themes is the conflict between individual desires and societal expectations. Tess's desire for a simple life of love and contentment is constantly at odds with the rigid social norms and class divisions that dictate her choices and ultimately determine her fate. The author's exploration of this theme is both nuanced and devastating, as Tess's attempts to forge her own path are repeatedly thwarted by the unyielding demands of a society that refuses to see her as a fully autonomous human being.The narrative is further enriched by Hardy's vivid and evocative descriptions of the natural world. The countryside of Wessex, where much of the story takes place, is portrayed as a serene and beautiful backdrop, yet one that is also intimately connected to the characters' emotional and spiritual journeys. Tess's deep connection to the land and her innate understanding of the rhythms of the natural world stand in stark contrast to the artificial and constraining structures of Victorian society, further highlighting the tensions that drive the central conflict.In addition to its thematic depth, the novel is also a masterful work of literature, showcasing Hardy's exceptional storytelling abilities andhis command of language. The prose is both lyrical and accessible, effortlessly transporting the reader into the world of the characters and their struggles. The author's use of symbolism, foreshadowing, and literary devices is particularly noteworthy, adding layers of meaning and emotional resonance to the narrative.One of the most striking aspects of the novel is its ability to elicit a range of emotions from the reader. Tess's journey is both heart-wrenching and uplifting, as she grapples with the weight of societal expectations and the consequences of her own actions. The reader is left to ponder the nature of justice, morality, and the enduring power of the human spirit in the face of overwhelming adversity.Ultimately, Tess of the d'Urbervilles is a powerful and enduring work of literature that continues to captivate and challenge readers worldwide. Through its masterful storytelling and its profound exploration of the human condition, the novel stands as a testament to the timeless and universal themes that lie at the heart of the human experience.。
(完整word版)德伯家的苔丝 英文读后感

Character Analysis of TessTess of D' Ubervilles is the most famous novel of Thomas Hardy, the tragic end of Tess is painful and affecting. The paper supposes the tragic experience of Tess result from her character。
Her character of responsibility is the flashpoint of her tragic fortune。
Her responsibility convinced herself that she is to blame for killing the horse, and her responsibility urges her ask her fake relatives for help after the horse died, as a result she is acquainted with Alec D' Uberville and seduced by him eventually. Her responsibility impels her confessing her mistake to her husband Clare before their wedding, because she believes it’s unfair to Clare if she doesn’t, as a result her husband leaves her into suffering. She refuses Alec’s pr oposal when they meet again, but after her father died, her family live a hard life, her responsibility to her family forces her live together with Alec。

Tess of the D’UrbervillesBrief IntroductionDuring this term I read two books, one of which is named Tess of the d'Urbervilles. The great famous author is Thomas Hardy. He wrote the story based on his hometown, a little town in England. The book I chose was published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research and pressed in 2005. The whole book contains 294 pages. The story was very wonderful and shocking. I am introducing it to my friends.Main ContentsThe story is about a girl named Tess. It consi sts of Tess’s experiences. The story began with Tess’s father knowing about his real identity. He was the lineal representative of the ancient and knightly family of the d’Urbervilles, who deserve their descent from Sir Pagan d’Urberville,that renowned knight who came from Normandy with William the Conqueror. He was a gloat in his eyes, so at that night he drank heavily. Next day, Tess took the place of her father to send the honeycomb to the fair for money. But when they was on the way to the fair, because of her carelessness the old horse was knocked down to death. Tess felt ashamed, so she went to the d’Urbervilles to ask for help, following her mother's will. The playboy, Alec d’Urbervilles lost his heart to Tess's beautiful face and seduced her.Tess found her never fall in love with Alec, then she left Trantridge for her home. Soon a son was born, but dead. She couldn't bear people's taunts so she decided to leave home. She went to Talbot hays dairy. Angel Clare, a parson's son learned to make milk in the dairy . He fell in love with Tess and proposed marriage to her. Tess hesitated about the marriage. Although she loved him very much, she couldn't accept his love because of her immortalization. Because she loved him very much ,at last she accepted his love. Her heart ordered herself to tell Clare the reality in spite of her mother's advice. If he could forgive her, she would marry him. Before the wedding, Tess laid the letter under the Clare's door, seeing Clare's attitude. When she felt that Clare was still kind to her, she believed that she got forgiven. But when the wedding was being held ; she found Clare hadn't seen the letter. She had no choice but to marry him. At the wedding night, Tess forgave his wrong things. When she told him her wrong tings, he couldn't forgive her and left her coldly.Tess met with Alec again. Alec forced her to live with him. Tess's father died. They had to leave their house, b ecause the cottage was in Tess's father’s name. Alec helped them and made her believe that Clare never forgave her. At last, Tess got stuck in Alec's trap.Clare left Tess for Brazil and was going to buy a farm. But soon he was ill. In the end he came back in about a year. During the time, he reflected on his deeds. He realized he was cruel to her. He regretted doing the things. When he found Tess, Tess told it was too late because she had lived with Alec. Because Tess loved Clare very much, she murdered Alec to ran after Clare. They both escaped. They had five happy days in an empty house. Then Tess was arrested.Clare and Tess's little sister saw that a tall post was fixed to the prison tower, which saw that Tess was dead. The story ended.Excellent Episodes1. Now take up the basket and tell them in the village to send a horse and carriage to me immediately. Here is a shilling for you.2. The village of Marlott lies in the beautiful vale of Blackmon. Although this valley is only four hours away from London, It has not yet been discovered by tourists and artists. The best view of the vale is from the hills surrounding looks like a map spread out. it is a quiet, sheltered part of the countryside , where the fields are always green and the rivers never dry up. To south lies the great dividing line of hills. From here to coast the hills are open, the sun pours down on the huge dry fields, and the atmosphere is colorless. But here in the vale lies a completely different countryside, smaller and more delicate.3. The fields are tiny, the air makes you sleepy, and the sky is of the deepest blue. Everywhere you can see a rich greenery of grass and trees; covering smaller hills and valleys. This is the vale of Blackmoor.4. Six helpless creatures who had not asked to be born at all, much less to be part of irresponsible.5. “Did you say the stars were the worlds, Tess?”“All like ours. They seem like our apples—most of them good, a few bad. Which do we live on?” “A good one or a bad one?" “ A bad one. ” When Aby realized what had happened, his face looked like an old man's.6. But Tess didn't cry. Her face was dry and pale. She felt she had murdered a friend. Tess lookedthe old horse as a good friend , which implied Tess's loneliness.7. “I do not like my children asking for help.” said he proudly, I am the head of the oldest branch of the family and a noble family like ours should not have to ask for help .8. The vale of Blackmoor was her only world, and she had never been for outside the valley. She did not know she smiled innocently at the flower that behind the cigarette smoke was the cause of future sorrow in her life.9 In life, the right man to love hardly ever comes at the right time for loving. Nature does not often answer a call for loving, until the caller is tired of callingReflectionAfter reading the story, I want to cry for Tess's sadness. I was merely shocked by Tess’s miserable and tragic fate. She did nothing wrong but she had to bear all these adversities that she didn’t deserve. I want to murder Alec. I hated Clare because he was so narrow-minded. When Tess forgave him, he couldn't forgive Tess. It was unfair to Tess. If he forgave her ,she will not be tempted by Alec. She couldn't murder Alec and she couldn't die. They could live happily. And all the things were opposite. If he had danced with her at that night, all the bad things couldn't appear. Tess also was still innocent. Then history can not be changed. All the things that had happened in the past had happened really. We must accept them, like Tess. And I feel that I am lucky for having good parents.The story was a sad book. Tess's life was ruined gradually by the persons who said they loved her. Tess was a happy girl. Her life should be happy. But a suitable person hesitated; a wrong one expressed his love for her. When the suitable one realized Tess's innocenc e, it’s too late. We feel sad for him.Sometimes I wonder why a nice woman couldn’t end up with a nice man. Is it just like the saying that beautiful women suffer unhappy fates? Tess always missed her Mr. right and her Mr. wrong always disturbed her life and wouldn’t let her go. All the three persons didn't know what’s true love. Alec thought love to be deprival and occupation;Angel thought love to be purity and ideal; Tess thought love to be toleration and waiting. They stuck in their illusion of love of which they never managed to get out. Alec and Tess was dead.Who is to blame for this tragedy?Ale, Tess or Angel? Or ridiculous fate? I believe it was Tessherself. Certainly, that bad age and those hypocritical men were executioners that pushed Tess into the abyss of destruction. How stupid she is to wait for a man who did not understand her. When there is no help from men, women should fight on their own instead of waiting for help from men since there is nothing needed to be forgiven.In our real life, there are many similar stories. We have nothing to do. The world functions following its rule. But I still hope that people who love each other can have a happy marriage. Women’s tragedy will never come to an end until they treat themselves as totally independent, which means they can lead a normal life with or without men. I also hope women learn to how to live on their own.。

读《德伯家的苔丝》的读书笔记英文,600字The story of "Tess of the d'Urbervilles" is an intense and tragic exploration of human nature. In this novel, author Thomas Hardy gives us a glimpse of a world where fate is unavoidable and there are no real villains but unfortunate circumstances.The story follows young Tess Durbeyfield and her family living in rural 19th century England. Her father, John Durbeyfield, learns that their family is descended from a noble line of d'Urbervilles, and sent Tess to the estate of their relatives hoping to secure an advantageous marriage. Things take a turn for the worst when Alec, the adopted son of the d'Urbervilles, takes advantage of Tess and she becomes pregnant. When Tess gives birth, she is kicked out of the estate by her own family and left with no support for her child.Tess is then forced to make a living for herself as a maidservant, but soon finds herself caught in a cycle of being taken advantage of by men. Despite suffering from mistreatment and abuse, Tess remains strong throughout her struggles. Ultimately, she learns to live with her fate, accepting the consequences of what happened regardless of how unjust the situation may be.Tess's journey serves as a commentary on gender roles, poverty, and justice. Throughout the novel, Hardy shows how class and gender expectations shape the lives of those in the lower classes heavily. There is a sense that whatever hardships these individuals must face, they will find a way to persevere. Furthermore, Tess's resilience and strength in the face of injustice speaks to Hardy's belief that it is possible to navigate even the most harsh conditions with enough resilience.Overall, "Tess of the d'Urbervilles" is a complex and emotionally charged story that speaks to many important themes. Despite the tragedy of the ending, there is a glimmer of hope in Tess's plight, that through hard work and determination, one can overcome even the most difficult of odds.。


ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Status of woman
Tess does not want to be seduced by Alec and she just has no power to defense herself.So she lost her purity.Angel also does wrong thing and it even serious than Tess's crime,but he has not been blamed for it.Why it is always ruin the good?Thousands of years of history have shown that women have always been treated unequally in every country.
Page 3
major characters
Alec D'Urberville 亚雷· 德伯
Tess D’Urbervilles 苔丝· 德伯
Angel Clare 安吉尔· 克莱
Page 4
Tess D’Urbervilles 苔丝· 德伯
The protagonist,eldest daughter in a poor rural working family;a fresh,well-developed country girl who looks markedly more mature than she is.
He persuades her to see the reality in her relationship with Angel and convinces her to become his mistress.

德伯家的苔丝读后感英文200字English:"Tess of the d'Urbervilles" is a poignant exploration of societal expectations, individual agency, and the harsh realities of fate. Through the character of Tess, Thomas Hardy delves into the complexities of morality and the struggle between personal desires and societal norms. Tess embodies the purity and innocence of rural life, yet she is constantly confronted with the oppressive forces of Victorian society. Her tragic journey is a reflection of the constraints placed upon women during that era, where one misstep can lead to a lifetime of suffering. Despite her resilience, Tess ultimately succumbs to the weight of societal judgment and patriarchal dominance, highlighting the injustices inherent in the rigid class structure of the time. Hardy's masterful storytelling evokes both sympathy and indignation, leaving readers to ponder the timeless themes of love, loss, and the pursuit of identity in a world fraught with inequality and injustice.中文翻译:《德伯家的苔丝》是对社会期望、个体选择以及残酷命运的深刻探索。

《德伯家的苔丝》英文读后感"Tess of the d'Urbervilles" is a classic novel written by the English author, Thomas Hardy. The novel is set in rural England during the late 1800s and portrays the life of Tess, a young woman from a poor family who struggles against both societal and personal hardships. Tess is a character who embodies the struggles and hardships of the lower class and her story resonates with readers even today.Throughout the novel, Tess grapples with the consequences of societal expectations, particularly those concerning gender roles and class hierarchies. Her family's poverty and her gender limit her opportunities, leaving her with little choice but to work as a farm labourer. However, when she is sexually assaulted by her employer, the wealthy Alec d'Urberville, Tess is forced to confront the double standards of the society she lives in. Although she bears a child as a result of the assault, Tess's reputation is ruined while Alec is able to move on with his life. The novel highlights the societal expectation that women and lower class individuals should be held to a different standard than their wealthier male counterparts. Hardy's novel explores themes of morality, fate, and the individual's relationship with society. Tess's tragic story is emblematic of Hardy's ideas about a world in which individuals are often powerless against the forces of fate and societal expectations. Tess's life is greatly influenced by the expectations of society and the actions of those around her. Her descent into poverty, victimisation, and eventual downfall demonstrate the role that systemic inequality plays in shaping the lives of individuals.One of the most striking aspects of "Tess of the d'Urbervilles" is Hardy's attention to detail in his descriptions of rural life. He provides vivid descriptions of the countryside, the farms, and the people who live there. These details bring the story to life, immersing the reader in Tess's world and giving them a sense of the social and economic realities of rural life at the time. Hardy's descriptions of nature, in particular, are often metaphorical and serve to both reveal and foreshadow the emotional state of his characters.Throughout the novel, Tess's identity is closely tied to her experiences and state of mind. As she moves from innocence to experience, her identity is shaped by her struggles against societal expectations, her relationships with others, and her own sense of self-awareness. Tess's journey is a powerful reminder of the importance of self-awareness and personal growth, but also of the many obstacles that can stand in the way of these things.In conclusion, "Tess of the d'Urbervilles" is a timeless novel that explores complex themes, ranging from social inequality and gender roles to fate and individualism. The characters and setting are realistically portrayed, giving readers a glimpse into a world that is both familiar and foreign. Tess's story is a powerful reflection of the struggles and hardships that people experience in life, and her journey is an inspiring reminder of the resilience and strength of the human spirit. This is a novel that has stood the test of time and continues to resonate with readers today.。

《德伯家的苔丝》英文读后感【精选】|《德伯家的苔丝》英文读后感The social rule made her feel guilty and want to die. Unfortunately, her father just thought that she brought shame upon his noble name. No one could comfort her broken heart except herself. She kept all the people out her house and stayed alone and wanted to do heavy things to forget her past. The I was very happy to see that she knew such a thing shouldn t prevent her from living an useful life. It was previous for her to have the courage to continue her life.When Tess fell in love with Angel, the she tried to hide her love because she thought she hadn' t had the right to get true love. But Angel, the man who loved her deeply, conquered her. However, when Tess told him her dismal past with great care, he couldn t understand her and at last, he lefther. So poor was Tess that when she wanted to be understood and forgave , she was pushed to abysm by the person she loved deeply .It was like adding more salt to the hurts of a broken heart. She was pious to everything about Angel. she could remember every sentence he said, and she learned to sing the songs he was fond of. Even when she was hurt by him, she didn t hate him. When Angel was walking in sleep, she could choose to fall into the river to die with him but she didn t do that because she knew she had no right to take his life. You can image how kind a girl she was.Her love was great, unselfish and pure .The real purity came from her mind, not her appearance .Even if she was a ordinary and plain girl ,I thought Angel would love her as well. When Angel was reminded that Tess would have laid down her life for you ,he suddenly realized his prejudice and narrowness .But it was too late. T ess was already in deep desperation and became Alec s wife. When she realized she was cheated by Alec again, she was full of anger. She came to the end of her endurance so she killed Alec d Urberville, the person who damaged her happiness for life.They spent the last five day together .It was the most previous period during their life because Tess was going to be sentenced to death several days later. If Angel were brave enough to accept Tess s past, they would live a happy life now. But he didn t cherish Tess s true love until he lost it forever. It was already useless for him to regret. Late, too late!If you love a person deeply,then to accept his or her past, or you ll lose your true love for life. That s the experience I learnt from the book.《德伯家的苔丝》英文读后感【二】All about WomanWhen I read the novel Tess of the D Urbervilles ten years ago for the first time, I was merely shocked by Tess s miserableand tragic fate. What a lovely and kind girl! She did nothing wrong but she had to bear all these adversities that she didn t deserve. At that time I was just a naive little girl in junior high school.Now reviewing this famous novel again, I realize that there is still much to be found and thought about in it. Great as Hardy is, he definitely wanted to tell readers more than a tragic story purely.Tess was the eldest daughter of her family and she had no choice but to bear the responsibility of rallying her family and repaying the debts. She was beautiful, innocent and pure without big ambition or desire for things that didn t belong to her. Nobody ever doubted that she deserved happiness and peace.But things seldom go on as we expected. Tess was deprived of virginity and she was no longer pure as she usedto be. What s worse, she got pregnant as a result. Tess gave birth to the baby and decided to raise the baby all by herself. At that time, she showed her admirable qualities being tough and decisive. We all hope that she can start a brand new life and cut off all contact with the past after her baby s death. However, for the second and third time, God cheated and mocked her.Sometimes I wonder why a nice woman couldn t end up with a nice man. Is it just like the saying that beautiful women suffer unhappy fates? Tess always missed her Mr. right and her Mr.wrong always disturbed her life and wouldn t let her go. All the three person misunderstand what s love. Alec thought love to be deprival and occupation; Angel thought love to be purity and ideal; Tess thought love to be toleration and waiting. They stuck in their illusion of love of which they never managed to get out. Alec and Tess was dead. As for Angel, he might as well be dead.Who is to blame for this tragedy? Alec, Tess or Angel? Orridiculous fate?I believe it was T ess herself. Certainly, that bad age and those hypocritical men were executioners that push Tess into the abyss of destruction. But Tess should have led a better life if she don t treat herself as a satellite of men. How stupid is she to spend her life waiting for a man who betrayed her and escaped away when she was dying for help! When there is no help offered by men, women should fight on their own instead of waiting for men s mercy and forgiveness since there is nothing needed to be forgiven.Women s tragedy will never come to an end until they treat themselves as totally independent, which means they can lead a normal life with or without men.。


《德伯家的苔丝》英语读后感1Yesterday, I read the novel called "Tess of the D'urbevilles". written by a famous Englishwriter Thomas Hardy.The novel tells a story about a pretty and good girl called Tess, who lived in a village in Marlott. To her sadness, when she was seventeen, she was no longer a pure and untouched girl. She gave birth to a baby, which didn't live long. So Tess changed from a pure gir l to a grown —up.Because she was the eldest of the 7 children in the family, she found a job to support the whole family in a dairy.There she knew Angel and married him. But unluckily. when Angel knew her sad story, he left her and went to Brazil.T ess led a hard an d lonely life after that. Later when she knew Angel had retumed home and found out that she was living with the man who had given the damage to her before,Tess couldn't accept the fact and killed the man who was living with her.Then she escaped and spent together with Angel three days and nights. The police found them on the morning of the fourth day. A few days later, Tess was executed.Having read this novel, I like the heroine very much because of her purity, warmness, nobility and the spirit of devotion, She dared to fight against the evil, bravely seek and sturggle for the rights of love.Thomas Hardy was famous for the poetical novels. "Tess of the D'urbevilles"is one of this kind. The novel is so fresh that it isnearly like a poem. For nearly a century, it has been popular with the people all over the world.《德伯家的苔丝》英语读后感2She was seduced by a so-called gentleman—Alec, and from then on her life totally changed from this loss of innocence. People looked down on her and respected her no more. Actually she did nothing wrong because before she was seduced she knew nothing of men. She was just a girl when she first met that terrible man.She was forced by the gossips and the church to blame herself for this accident, so she thought she deserved nothing good. In order to get rid of the past she decided to go to a distant dairy farm but was still saying to herself that she was wrong. Maybe God didn’t aGREe with that, because the Lord gave her someone she loved with her whole heart and life—Angel Chare. Angel popped the question to her but she refused him without saying why. She said she loved him deeply and perhaps no one in the world could love him more than she did but she could not marry him for some unspok en reason. Angel wasn’t satisfied with this vague answer and did his best to win Tess. Somehow she agreed and they soon fixed the wedding day. Soon after their wedding Angel confessed the crime he committed to a woman long time ago and asked for Tess’s for giveness. Tess was not at all angry and forgave Angel at once; in fact she was rather happy and excited for she also had things to confess.She sat and told everything to Angel, hoping he would forgive her as he was forgiven but she was wrong. She was not forgiven, not as she thought she was. The woman pays.Without Angel’s love, nothing meant anything to her. The result wasn’t important now. Tess was arrested for her murderof that so-called gentleman. Why? She still loved Angel and when he finally went back to her and asked for HER forgiveness, after he reGREtted what he had done unfair to Tess, she was desperate. That was too late—Alec had always told Tess that Angel would never come back so he won T ess’s trust. Unluckily Angel did come back and found Tess.! Everything was too late!Tess was deceived and she lost Angel for the second time! The strengh of her love was so strong that she had forgotten the difference between right and wrong. Before that she had done nothing wrong but when she killed Alec, everything really changed! She became a criminal! How could it be? She was as pure and innocent as the good wife in the Bible. Her whole character was honest and faithful. Angel figured out at last that a person should be judged not only on what he has done but also on what he wanted to do!Tess didn’t want to be seduced by man and she had no power to defend herself so she lost her innocence and that’s all! Angel also did the wrong thing and it was even more serious than Tess’s crime but HE was not blamed for it. Why it is always the woman who pays? Why they are always hurt? Why was Tess’s girlish purity lost? Why does the wrong man take the wrong woman? Why do the bad often ruin the good? Why is beauty damaged by ugliness? Women are too weak! Thousands of years of history have shown us that women have always been treated unfairly!In old China there was a culture, which didn’t think of women as human beings. If you asked one if he was the oldest in his family, he would probably answer “the oldest one” even if he had some elder sisters. If you asked why then he would say, “Ha, they are not included!”People gave birth to many girls in order to have only one boy to keep the family name going. They thought girls had no use for the family. They would be married and go to live with their husbands’ home and be their wives some day sooner or later. So they were extremely hard on girls.Girls should be hard working, faithful, loyal, intelligent, and virtuous and the most important thing was she must be a maiden! If her husband was the first man who touched her then she was a good girl, a good wife no matter how she thought. If she wasn’t, then she would gain a very bad reputation and nobody would dare to go near her. What about men? People did not care whether he was an experienced man or not, nor did they care about his character. They thought man equals power and power equals rights…Now let’s not be so bitter. Nowadays women’s situations have become much better. Some are because of the change of society and some are because of civilization. Just let those poor painful women like TESS be just a memory.。
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Tess of the d’UrbervillesIn Tess of the d’Urbervilles, Thomas Hardy has directly satirized nature. This novel revealed the tragedy of lower classes’ destiny and flayed hypocritical gentlemen and morals. In this novel, Hardy demonstrated his deep sense of moral sympathy for England’s lower classes, particularly for women. The novel, which indicated the tendency of anti-religious sentiments, against feudal morality and the laws of capitalists, was warmly received by the reading public though British upper class was bitter against it.In the novel, Thomas Hardy succeeded in portraying an artistic image- Tess. There were sensitivity and beauty to her that have nothing to do with looks. Her beauty is not kind of stunning beauty, but the more you approach to her, you will be more likely to indulge in her beauty. Although she is not an orthodox believer, she has her own pure pursuits of life and living criteria. Her integrated image of kindness and tenderness, tough-minded and plainness should own her a happy life. But it seems that God leaves her out.Alec in the novel is the son of a Manor owner, being dissolute and flirtatious in conduct; however, generally, he is not essentially a bad man. His strong desire to Tess is out of a sort of inherently desire and desire for possession.It’s very normal for such a young man.But he adopts a wrong way-he abducts Tess. He would like to take a part of responsibility of his behavior but Tess turn down his suggestion without hesitation. Tess’s self-respect can’t allow herself bend down to harm. Such a pure girl, should be so strong-mind to bear neighbor’s discrimination and secular pressure and to take the consequences by herself. She has never asked Alec for help even when she is driven to the last ditch.Finally, Tess chooses to leave for another village where her past is not known and secures a job as a milkmaid at Talbothays Dairy. She escapes from the old environment, meanwhile, prepares to make a new start. She fears a romantic love, at the same time, strongly looks forward to it. Anyway, she is only 21years old, she has the right to enjoy the pleasure that love can bring to her.There, she re-encounters Angel Clare who is eager for nature and full of dreams, is Tess’s Prince Charming, one of unfinished dreams in her girlhood. As for Angel Clare, Tess is part of his persistent vision. What he wants is a pure girlto be his wife. Such a match made in heaven will certainly wipe out spark of love.However, the process of their love is filled with difficulties and hardship. Tess, who is pure in mind, is tightly tided by worldly views so that she thinks she can’t marry to Clare for her unclean body. All the time she is hesitating about, bearing a keen pressure of sentiment and intellect, weather should her tell Angel about her past without reserve.The pain that Angel suffers in the pursuit of Tess is far away from Tess’s inner struggle. She could not confessto her lover for being terrified of losing him. And she could not give up the happiness within her grasp to refuse Clare against her will.At their wedding night, Angel confesses that he once had a brief affair with an older woman. When she hears this story, Tess feels sure that Angel will forgive her own indiscretion, and finally tells about her relationship with Alec. But things go contrary to her wishes. Angel, however, is appalled by Tess’s confession. His love to Tess is based on the sky garden of pure tower. Once the base is deprived, his love will collapse. His love is too fragile and vulnerable.Finally, he leaves for Brazil, leaving Tess alone, no messages, no letters and never back again. Tess has waiting for him eight years but can’t win back his hearts. When he realizes his heart, everything is too late. Tess has married to Alec after a long hopeless waiting. Afterwards, when Angel back, on the one hand, Tess felt happy, for her long waiting has come to an end. But on the other hand, she was more distressful and could not control her abhor to Alec. Thus, she killed the man who had destroyed her life.Though, Tess and Angel have spent the five happy days, her life is ended in revenge for love. But she is quiet when she faces the people coming to arrest her. She says,”I was ready.”I know that Tess is happy at the last moment of her life. Because it’s her hope to be with the man who she loves sincerely and there is no need for her to worry about Angel’s despise.Tess, such a pretty and virtuous girl, should have led a happy and peaceful life, but God, “the president of the moral” plays a joke on her. The real tragedy is to display the process of ruining the perfection. Tess’s fate is a good representation.。