
商品营销策略英语案例Case Study: Product Marketing StrategyIntroduction:In today's highly competitive market, effective product marketing strategies play a crucial role in attracting and retaining customers. This case study explores a successful product marketing strategy implemented by Company X, highlighting key elements that contributed to its success.Background:Company X is a well-established technology company that specializes in the development of smartphones and tablets. With dozens of competitors in the market, Company X wanted to strengthen its brand image and increase market share with its latest smartphone model, the XYZPhone.Product Positioning:To differentiate the XYZPhone from its competitors, Company X focused on highlighting its unique features and functionalities. They conducted thorough market research to understand their target audience's preferences and expectations. Based on this research, the company positioned the XYZPhone as a high-end smartphone, suitable for tech-savvy users who value innovative design, advanced technology, and a seamless user experience. Market Segmentation:Knowing that different market segments have varying needs and preferences, Company X segmented its target market into three main segments: professionals, millennials, and tech enthusiasts. Bytailoring their marketing messages to each segment, the company could effectively communicate the value proposition of the XYZPhone to their target audience.Marketing Communication:Company X developed a comprehensive marketing communication plan to raise awareness and generate interest in the XYZPhone. They utilized various channels, including social media, television advertisements, and influencer collaborations, to reach their target market. This multichannel approach allowed the company to create a buzz around the new product and engage with potential customers directly.Social Media Campaign:Recognizing the power of social media in reaching a wide audience, Company X launched a carefully crafted social media campaign. They created visually appealing content that showcased the key features of the XYZPhone, along with testimonials from satisfied customers. The company also encouraged user-generated content by running contests and giveaways related to the product. This not only generated excitement but also created a sense of community around the brand.Partnerships:To expand their reach and credibility, Company X formed strategic partnerships with renowned technology retailers and collaborated with popular tech bloggers and influencers. These partnerships helped increase the visibility of the XYZPhone and provided opportunities for potential customers to experience the product firsthand through in-store demos and product reviews.Sales Promotions:To incentivize potential buyers and stimulate sales, Company X introduced limited-time offers and discounts. They also developed exclusive bundles that included accessories and services with the purchase of the XYZPhone. These sales promotions not only attracted price-conscious customers but also added value to the overall product offering.Results:By implementing this comprehensive product marketing strategy, Company X successfully increased brand recognition and market share for the XYZPhone. Their targeted approach, engaging marketing communication, and strategic partnerships resulted in a significant increase in sales and a positive brand image. Conclusion:This case study demonstrates the importance of a well-designed product marketing strategy in achieving business objectives. Through effective product positioning, market segmentation, targeted marketing communications, and strategic partnerships, Company X was able to successfully differentiate their product in a competitive market and achieve their desired results.。

芭比初上市是以每只售价仅10美元95美分的价格征战市场的,这个价格 在美国的玩具市场只能算是低端产品价位,因此也常常被父母当做满足孩子 的小礼物。但买了芭比的父母们很快会发现,这个会换衣服的芭比就是一种 “会吃美金”的儿童玩具。 由于攀比心理作祟,孩子们会不断地要求父母花费数十美元去添置新款 的芭比套装、芭比的用品、甚至芭比的朋友。在满足一次又一次孩子们不算 太过分的虚荣心后,父母们发现钱包里少的很可能已经是最初购置款的数十 甚至数百倍了。
出品于2010年11月,她是美泰推 出的一个全新概念的芭比娃娃系列, 每款娃娃全部由手工打造,为全球独 一无二款。娃娃由上至下都闪烁着奢 侈华丽的光芒。一头白金色的及肩Bob 头,前额是整齐的刘海,娃娃的妆面 精致,纯手工精心绘制,宛若红毯女 星,睫毛是仿真睫毛贴在眼上,樱桃 色的口红闪烁着魅惑的光泽。 首饰设 计上,耳坠和手镯都由仿钻石的莱茵 石打造,而整条鱼尾款大礼服则是由 粉红色和白色的施华洛世奇水晶一颗 一颗拼贴上去的,闪亮的白色背景上, 芭比的粉红色logo点缀其中。后系带 设计,使芭比的姣好身材展现无遗。 另有一条宽大的粉色毛绒披肩,也点 缀了粉红色的施家水晶,整款设计极 尽耀眼华丽之能事,美好得让人窒息。
这种诱“敌”深入的策略,比起一开始就掏出不算小数目 的钱,这种不显山露水的方式更容易让购买者打消顾虑将欲取 之,必先予之,这是商品经济环境造就的一种特殊营销规律。 凡是向市场推出的一种新产品,切忌一步到位,即基型产品不 宜功能太齐全,性能太完善,因为这有利设计构思和降低成本, 商品化后的产品也容易成为老百姓买得起的东西。等到大家接 受了这种产品的功能或服务后,再推出功能更全、性能更好的 换代型产品,尝过甜头的消费者一定会产生新的购买欲望。假 如一开始就向市场推出多功能、高性能、高售价的第一代新产 品,除少数有条件消费的人外,大多数人只能是“敬而远之”。 形成不了大批量销售市场,新产品是无利可图的。因此,欲擒 故纵的营销策略对芭比的市场营销具有指导意义。

美国市场营销案例:Silly Bandz 橡皮筋也疯狂来源: Paypal外贸一站通社区 ()大奖征集"Silly Bandz"营销案例(最佳案例揭晓)https:///bbs/thread-33120-1-2.html活动主持人:Richard Zhang Paypal外贸一站通社区版主主持人空间:https:///bbs/space-uid-4683.html主持人网站:Silly Bandz 就是有造型的橡皮筋,没有任何科技含量,发明它的就是个小企业主,它起步也没有大笔的广告费用,就靠Twitter,Facebook和Youtube进行网络病毒营销 ……我们很多出口企业的物质条件要比Silly Bandz的发明企业好很多,应该从Silly Bandz 的创意,营销,供应链,产品升级过程中学到美国市场创新经营之道,因此,我们设立大奖征集Silly Bandz的营销案例,评选出以下优秀案例:1. Keeping Up: Kardashian Silly Bandz by icefable2010 (8楼)2. 橡皮筋狂潮背后的人 (10,11楼) 商业周刊中文转载,非参选作品,但对silly bandz创始人及其商业策略有精彩描述,绝对值得深读。
3. The Latest Kids' Craze: Rubber Bands (13楼) 奥美公关的市场部主任Rohit Bhargava 分析Silly Bandz产品成功的四个原因4. Silly Bandz: 橡皮筋造就的亿万富翁 (17楼) 这篇案例总结的比较全面,涵盖了BCP创造Silly Bandz的始末,包含不少关键资料,作者为此查阅了很多英文资料,心血之作呀,值得大家深入阅读******************************参与讨论— Silly Bandz的案例讨论:为什么橡皮筋也疯狂?https:///bbs/thread-32879-1-2.html>> 马上登陆Paypal 外贸社区参与Silly Bandz案例讨论https:///bbs/thread-32879-1-2.htmlCase 1:Silly Bandz 橡皮筋造就的亿万富翁*最佳原创案例*作者:张朋作者空间:https:///bbs/space-uid-9459.html作者网站:罗伯特是Silly Bandz的老板在Silly Bandz风靡美国之前,罗伯特(Robert Croak)经营着一家叫做BCP Imports的小型外贸公司,主要销售个性T恤衫,狗牌,杯子和硅胶手环。


“中国制造”(“Made in China”)意味着在全球化过程中中国产品在世界市场的胜者姿态,同时,它也是廉价商品的代称,甚至,它也会与“血汗工厂”联系在一起。

国际市场营销期末案例(英文)McDonald’s –repositioning for a global futureAsked to suggest an example of a truly global company, most people would suggest Coca-Cola or McDonald’s.McDonald’s is a good example as it claims to serve 46 million customers every day in 118 countries, but being global does not guarantee success. In the last quarter of 2002McDonald’s made a loss for the first time in its 48-year history.Where might it be going wrong? Chairman and Chief Executiv e Jim Cantalupo came out of retirement to shake up the oper ation. His first response was they should do fewer things but do them better, and concentrate on getting the existing busine ss right.The store-opening programwas cut from 1000 in 2002 to fewe r than 400 in 2003.Early days and dash for growthMcDonald’s was started in 1955 on the simple principles of Q uality, Speed and Cleanliness and its early competitive edge was speed –the burger was freshly cooked but waiting for yo u when you ordered. McDonald’s became synonymous with th e burger in the US. During the 1980s and based on the highl y successful formula,McDonald’s increased the program of new store openings in t he US and increased its rate of expansion into overseas mark ets. But the first rumblings of discontent were beginning. For many years older franchisees had a very lucrative business, b ut the new stores had to be located closer and closer to olde r stores and led to cannibalization and a loss of profitability a mongst some older franchisees.Moreover, McDonald’s began to ‘inflict’ promotions on the fran chisees rather than through discussion with franchisees. Some, for example the Campaign 55 to celebrate the company’s fou nding, were a disaster.CompetitionWith its focus on expansion McDonald’s failed to notice that o ther burger chains that had developed alongside McDonald’s were beginning to offer customers alternatives, and in some c ases had overtaken McDonald’s in customer appeal, quality, s peed and cleanliness. An American Customer Satisfaction Ind ex survey in 2001 pla ced McDonald’s almost at the bottom an d just above the Inland Revenue Service.McDonald’s retaliated by reducing the price of its burger to 99 cents in the US and 99 pence in the UK, but was it a good idea simply to focus on cheapness? Consumers increasingly want variety and are becoming much more health conscious. Firms such as Pizza Hut, KFC, Subway and many more offe r alternative fast food menus. In some country markets local c ompanies, such as Jollibee in the Philippines, which had a si milar business model toMcDonald’s, offered adaptations, such as spicy sauces that ap pealed to the local markets, and so McDonald’s was forced to adapt their offering in different countries to compete, for exa mple the Teriyaki McBurger in Japan and the Maharaja Mac i n India.Litigation and healthFor a number of years McDonald’s has been the focus of the wrath of campaigners and McSpotlight is a Web site which hi ghlights anti-McDonald’s issues around the world. McDonald’s i tself uses its corporate power to vigorously pursue anyone, no matter how small, it believes has wronged it.McDonald’s won a court action in the UK in 1997 but was he avily criticized by the judge. McDonald’s more recently has be en taken to court over the allegation that the food it serves c an lead to obesity in children. More recent research seems to suggest that the speed of eating coupled with high sugar an d fat foods can lead to addiction, which in turn can lead to o besity.This, too, could present a problem.The brandClearly, McD onald’s recognizes the need to reposition, building on its competitive advantage that comes from its competencie s, store location and convenience for customers. It must revit alize the brand, so that adults do not just associate it with bu rgers and their youth. A radical change may not be desirable as it may alienate loyal customers.Although many of their customers are becoming more affluent and health conscious they will not always want to eat ‘healthil y’. The brand, however, must still be relevant fo r the next gen eration of consumers.。

3)整合面临困难FTN Midwest证券分析师Eric Bosshard认为,虽然海尔对美泰有意,但可能在尽职调查过程中发现,整合美泰的工作过于艰难,所以只好中途放弃。

Long hair barbie
The twelve signs a barbie doll
Barbie doll 50 anniversary of the launch of the new China doll
Barbie doll poster
Barbie doll television advertising
! • "We girl can do anything
The world's first a barbie doll
1 to 5 horsetail barbie, produced in 1959-1961, all dressed in black and white a swimsuit, black Lou toe sandals, big earrings, after brain comb a ponytail. Send lubricious from # 1 to # 4 have blond hair and black hair two paragraphs, blond for white color of skin, black hair skin color is deep.
From may start to appear orange hair, skin color yellow. The body for all of plastic material, 4 before they are solid material, from 5 began to hollow plastic colloid, greatly to reduce weight a barbie
Fashion empress barbie

市场营销案例分析英文Title: Market Analysis of a Successful Marketing CampaignIntroduction:In this report, we will analyze a successful market marketing campaign to understand the strategies employed and the factors contributing to its success. The campaign chosen for analysis is the "XYZ Company's Product Launch Campaign" that targeted the global consumer electronics market.1. Background:Provide an overview of the XYZ Company, its industry, and the product being launched. Discuss the market conditions and competition faced by the company during the campaign.2. Objectives:Outline the specific objectives of the marketing campaign, such as increasing brand awareness, expanding market share, or boosting sales. Explain how these objectives aligned with the overall business goals of the XYZ Company.3. Target Market Analysis:Describe the target market segment(s) identified for the campaign. Provide demographic, psychographic, and behavioral characteristics of the target audience. Include data on market size, growth potential, and consumer preferences.4. Marketing Strategy:Explain the marketing strategies employed by XYZ Company to reach its target audience. Discuss the 4Ps of marketing (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) and how they were adapted to meet the campaign objectives. Provide examples of specific marketing tactics used.5. Competitive Analysis:Analyze the competitive landscape during the campaign period. Identify major competitors and their marketing strategies. Compare XYZ Company's positioning, product differentiation, and pricing strategies with competitors. Highlight any unique selling propositions that gave XYZ Company a competitive advantage.6. Campaign Execution:Detail the execution of the marketing campaign, including the timeline, budget allocation, and channels utilized. Discuss the integration of traditional and digital marketing channels and the rationale behind the selection of each channel. Provide examples of campaign materials used, such as advertisements, social media posts, and website content.7. Results and Evaluation:Present the results achieved by the marketing campaign. Include data on key performance indicators (KPIs) such as brand awareness, customer acquisition, sales growth, and return on investment (ROI). Compare the actual results with the campaign objectives and discuss any deviations.8. Lessons Learned:Highlight the key lessons learned from the campaign. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the marketing strategies employed. Identify any challenges faced and how they were overcome. Provide recommendations for future marketing campaigns based on the insights gained.Conclusion:Summarize the key findings from the analysis of the successful marketing campaign. Emphasize the importance of strategic planning, target audience understanding, and effective execution in achieving marketing objectives. Highlight the significance of continuous evaluation and improvement in future marketing initiatives.Note: The above content is a fictional example and does not represent any real marketing campaign or company.。

3)整合面临困难FTN Midwest证券分析师Eric Bosshard认为,虽然海尔对美泰有意,但可能在尽职调查过程中发现,整合美泰的工作过于艰难,所以只好中途放弃。

销售分析案例范文(中英文版)英文文档内容:Title: Sales Analysis Case Study ExampleIntroduction:This case study focuses on a fictional company, XYZ Corp, which manufactures and sells consumer electronics.The objective is to analyze the sales data for the first quarter of 2022 and provide insights into the company"s performance, identify trends, and make recommendations for improvement.Data Collection:Data for this analysis was collected from the company"s sales database, which includes information on product sales, customer demographics, and pricing.The data covers the period from January to March 2022, inclusive.Data Analysis:1.Sales Performance:The analysis revealed that overall sales for the first quarter increased by 15% compared to the same period last year.The majority of the growth was driven by the smartphone division, which experienced a 20% increase in sales.2.Product Trends:A closer look at the sales data revealed that the company"s latest model of smartphones, the XYZ Pro, accounted for 40% of total sales.This indicates a strong consumer preference for the latest technology and features.3.Customer Segmentation:An analysis of customer demographics revealed that the company"s customer base is primarily composed of young adults (age 18-30), who accounted for 60% of total sales.Additionally, the data showed that customers with a higher income level (above $70,000) were more likely to purchase the premium versions of the products.4.Pricing Analysis:A comparison of pricing across different product categories revealed that the company"s premium products had a higher average selling price (ASP) compared to the budget-friendly options.The ASP for the XYZ Pro was $800, compared to $500 for the budget smartphones.Recommendations:1.Capitalize on the success of the XYZ Pro by increasing marketing efforts targeting young adults and high-income customers.2.Explore opportunities to upsell and cross-sell products to existing customers, given their preference for premium products.3.Consider increasing the ASP for budget smartphones to improve profitability, while maintaining affordability for price-sensitive customers.Conclusion:This sales analysis case study provided valuable insights into XYZ Corp"s performance and customer preferences.By implementing the recommendations, the company can further enhance its sales and profitability.中文文档内容:标题:销售分析案例范文引言:本案例研究聚焦于一家名为XYZ公司的虚构企业,该公司生产和销售消费电子产品。

Individual Assignment 1(30 points)Due: 5:00pm Feb 14, 2013Students will learn how to identify the research questions in the case study; analyze the market situations; and make suggestions or recommendations to solve the marketing problems. Creative suggestions or recommendations are especially encouraged!-Please read the case study and answer the 5 questions below.-Individual assignment 1 should be turned in on Blackboard with an attached word file (see the “assignments”)-Please note the deadline. If you miss the deadline, but turn in the assignment within 3 days (5:00pm Feb 17, 2013), 5 points will be deducted for the delay. After 3 days pas sed the deadline, no late work will be accepted. Please submit the late turn-in to Dr. R ebecca Tang by ISU email.Students are advised to conduct marketing research before answering the questions. (Background study does NOT need to be shown in the answer sheet students turn in). There are several potential approaches of marketing research:-Go to Mattel’s web site and search around its various links for material regarding the controversy. What news articles do they mention? What safeguards have they put into place after this recall?-How do they attempt to reassure consumers and the world that they have corrected or are correcting the problem?Real Choices at MattelIn 1945 Mattel’s founders, Ruth and Elliott Handler were manufacturing picture frames out of a garage workshop. The couple also ran a side business where they made dollhouse furniture from the frame scraps; this became so successful that they turned to making toys. In 1955, Mattel began advertising its toys through the Mickey Mouse Club TV show and thus revolutionized the way toys are sold. In 1959, Ruth Handler, noting her own daughter Barbara’s love for cut-out paper dolls, created the idea of a three-dimensional paper doll. Barbie was born and very quicklypropelled Mattel to the forefront of the toy industry. The 1960s saw Mattel grow with such new products a s Barbie’s boyfriend Ken, See-and-Say toys, and Hot Wheels toy cars. In the 1980s Mattel became a global company with the purchase of HongKong-based ARCO industries, Correlle, SA, a maker of collector-quality dolls based in France and a British company, C orgi Toys Ltd., and a joint venture with Japan’s largest toy company, Bandai.Mattel stresses social responsibility. Its Sustainability Mission states “…we regard the thoughtful management of the environment and the health and safety of our employees, customers, and neighbors as among our highest priorities and as key elements of our responsibility to be a sustainable company….” In 2006, Mattel’s Children’s Foundation donated approximately $4.8 million in cash grants and approximately $10 million in toys to organizations serving children around the world. Over 2,500 Mattel employees volunteered for charitable activities Special Olympics programs in 13 countries.In 2007 trouble arrived in Toyland. Like many other toy makers, in recent years Mattel commissioned Chinese companies to produce its products. In August, Mattel was forced to recall 1.5 million of its Fisher-Price toys, including such favorites as Elmo and Big Bird, because they were suspected of containing hazardous levels of lead paint. Later in August, Mattel recalled over 19 million more Chinese-made toys because they contained magnets that could be swallowed by children or because they were made with dangerous lead paint.Following the second recall the company purchased full-page ads in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal to assure parents that it understands how they feel. CEO Robert Eckert, a father of four, appeared on an on-line video to state, “I can’t change what has happened in the past, but I can change how we work in thef uture.” Mattel pledged to test the paint in every batch of paint delivered to all of its toy producers and to take other safety measures. Consumers, however, were not all convinced. Video clips appeared on YouTube mocking the company’s efforts. One video r eferred to the recall of “Tickle Me Lead-Mo.”The recall dramatically cut into Mattel’s revenues. Sales of Dora the Explorer toys fell 34 percent in the United States and 21 percent internationally. Barbie sales fell 19 percent in the United States, and Brazil banned imports of all Mattel products while it evaluated whether or not the company was complying with its safety regulations.Mattel must work hard to recover from this disaster. Are apologies and claims for new safety regulations enough, or should the company stop producing its toys in China? Perhaps they should move production to another country such as Viet Nam where production costs would be even lower. Or should Mattel return to its roots and produce the millions of Polly Pockets, “Sarge” toy cars, and Barbie playsets in the United States where costs are substantially higher but standards are tougher?You Make the Call1.What is the decision facing Mattel? (6 points)(Tip: please find it out from the casestudy above)How to take appropriate and effective measures to solve the problem, to obtain customer loyalty,for example, recall 1.5 million of its Fisher-Price toys; recall the company purchased full-page ads in the New York Times and the Wall StreetJournal to assure parents that it understands how they feel.; pledged to test thepaint in every batch of paint delivered to all of its toy producers and to take other safety measures。

英文营销案例One of the most successful English marketing campaigns in recent years is the "Share a Coke" campaign by Coca-Cola. This campaign was launched in 2011 and has since been implemented globally, reaching over 70 countries.The idea behind the "Share a Coke" campaign was to personalize Coca-Cola bottles by replacing the traditional logo with popular names. Each bottle featured a different name, making it more personal and encouraging people to find and share their own name or the name of a loved one. The campaign also featured personalized advertisements and social media activations, allowing consumers to interact and share their own "Share a Coke" experiences.The "Share a Coke" campaign was highly successful for several reasons. Firstly, it tapped into the trend of personalization and customization, which was gaining popularity at the time. By offering personalized bottles, Coca-Cola was able to create a stronger emotional connection with consumers and make their product feel more special and exclusive.Secondly, the campaign leveraged the power of social media. By encouraging consumers to share their "Share a Coke" experiences on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, Coca-Cola was able to generate buzz and increase brand visibility. This helped to create a sense of community and engagement around the campaign, further driving its success.Lastly, the campaign was effective because it appealed to a widerange of demographics. By featuring popular names on the bottles, Coca-Cola was able to target different age groups and create a sense of inclusivity. Whether you were young or old, there was a good chance you could find your name on a Coca-Cola bottle.The impact of the "Share a Coke" campaign was significant. It not only increased sales and market share for Coca-Cola but also boosted brand perception and loyalty. The campaign successfully made Coca-Cola a part of people's personal moments and celebrations, further solidifying its position as a global brand.In conclusion, the "Share a Coke" campaign by Coca-Cola is a shining example of a successful English marketing campaign. By personalizing their bottles, leveraging social media, and appealing to a wide range of demographics, Coca-Cola was able to create a highly engaging and impactful campaign that resonated with consumers around the world.。
英文版营销案例疯狂原始人the croods 2

The Croods is a 2013 American 3D computer-animated adventure comedy film produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by 20th Century Fox. A family of caveman, following an overprotective patriarch as he led his family on their first trip out of the cave and gradually learned to loosen up. Writers-directors Kirk De Micco and Chris Sanders will be returning to head up the good ship Crood. Release date: July 2016
Internet( Weibo, Tieba, Video sites ) Bus and bus stop advertising Cooperate with McDonald's and Kids club. Sales person can dress as film character in cinema to attracte audiences.
The Promotion Mix & The Promotion Plan
Public Relations
Improve the film's reputation. Minimize the impact of some negative comment.

IntroductionIn today's highly competitive smartphone market, it is crucial for manufacturers to develop a robust marketing strategy to introduce their new products successfully. This case study focuses on the product marketing strategy for a new smartphone model, "SmartX Pro," launched by XYZ Corporation. The objective of the campaign was to create awareness, generate interest, and ultimately drive sales for the new model.Target Market AnalysisBefore crafting the marketing strategy, XYZ Corporation conducted a thorough analysis of its target market. The identified demographics included tech-savvy individuals aged 18-35, who were looking for a high-performance smartphone with innovative features. The target market also included tech enthusiasts and early adopters who were interested in the latest technology trends.Marketing Strategy1. Product Positioning- XYZ Corporation positioned SmartX Pro as a premium, high-performance smartphone that offers cutting-edge technology, exceptional camera quality, and a sleek design.- The unique selling proposition (USP) was the "SmartX Vision" technology, which allows users to experience augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) without the need for additional hardware.2. Digital Marketing- Social Media Campaigns: XYZ Corporation launched targeted ads on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, focusing on the target demographic. The ads highlighted the key features and benefits of SmartX Pro, including the "SmartX Vision" technology.- Influencer Partnerships: Collaborations with tech influencers and celebrities were established to showcase the smartphone's capabilities and encourage brand engagement.- Content Marketing: A blog and YouTube channel were created to provide informative content about the smartphone, including tutorials, reviews, and interviews with developers.3. Public Relations- Press releases and media kits were distributed to major tech news outlets, highlighting the innovative features of SmartX Pro.- Product demonstrations and press events were organized to provide hands-on experience to journalists and industry experts.4. Physical Retail- SmartX Pro was showcased in select high-end retail stores, where customers could experience the smartphone firsthand.- Store promotions and discounts were offered to encourage sales during the launch period.5. Customer Reviews and Testimonials- Positive reviews and testimonials from early adopters were shared on the company's website, social media platforms, and in promotional materials.ResultsThe product marketing strategy for SmartX Pro was highly successful, achieving the following results:- Increased Brand Awareness: The campaign significantly increased brand awareness, with a 40% increase in website traffic and a 30% rise in social media followers.- Strong Sales Performance: SmartX Pro exceeded sales targets by 25% during the launch period.- Positive Customer Feedback: Customers praised the smartphone's performance, camera quality, and innovative "SmartX Vision" technology.ConclusionThe success of the SmartX Pro product marketing campaign demonstrates the importance of a well-thought-out strategy that combines digital marketing, public relations, and physical retail efforts. By focusing on the target market's needs and preferences, XYZ Corporation was able to create a buzz around its new smartphone model and drive strong sales performance.。

HUAWEI E583X-S WIRELESS MODEM Abstract The aim of the report is to have a SWOT analysis of Huawei E5 in the market of Beijing. In the report, I will show the backgouund and development of Huawei. Moreover, I will show the economic environment of Beijing. Then I will introduce the new product-E5. And give an intimate analysis from strength, weakness, opportunity and threat. From the analysis, I will study whether Beijing is a good place for Huawei E5. Finally I will give an recommendation about it. Text: Company: Huawei has been a leading end-to-end IP network and service solution provider with complete self-proprietary intellectual property rights. Huawei is also providing many kinds of products for enterprises and industries. Huawei offers the most complete telecom product portfolio, covering mobile, broadband, core network, transmission network, data communication, value-added services, terminals and services. Featuring "high quality, excellent service, low operating costs and high customer priority", it have established comprehensive strengths and continuously provide competitive products andservices for customers. Product: Huawei E583X-S wireless modem is a new product. People usually call it E5 for short. It was on display in GSMA congress for the first time. After that,more than 30 companies sign a contract to Huawei on E5 and more than 70 companies were interested in it. It started to be sold in China on December 2009. The price is 1500RMB now in China.HUAWEI E583X-S Wireless Modem (hereinafter referred to as the E5) is a high-speed packet access (HSPA) universal serial bus (USB) modem. It is a multi-mode wireless terminal for SOHO (Small Office and Home Office) and business professionals.You can connect the E583X-S with the USB interface of a computer, or connect the E583X-S with the WiFi. In the service area of the HSPA/UMTS/EDGE/GPRS/GSM network, you can surf the Internet and send/receive messages/emails cordlessly. The E583X-S is fast, reliable, and easy to operate. Thus, mobile users can experience many new features and services with the E583X-S. These features and services will enable a large number ofusers to use the E583X-S and the average revenue per user (ARPU) of operators will increase substantially. Environmental analysis: Macro environment: Beijing is the capital city of China and the political and cultural center of China. It is in the north of China. Beijing has a population of more than 16 million. About half people who live in Beijing use network. Beijing held Olympic Games in the year of 2008. However, there are also some problems in Beijing. The rich-poor gap is exist in Beijing. Beijing grow so fast so it attract the rich people to come here but there still have the poor people here. That cause the hign price of the house in Beijing. So many people live in Beijing and it is too crowded in the center of the city. Another problem is air pollution. There are some indusral factories here some years ago. Now the air in Beijing is better than that in the 1990’s.Micro environment: These years, the government put forward the concept of “caputal economy”. That means Beijing is the city that connect China and the world. It shows China tothe whole world. The scale of the third industry in Beijing rank the first among the cities in China. At the year of 2008, the GDP of Beijing is 1.0488 trillion, increased by 9%. At the year of 2009, the GDP of Beijing is 1.1866 trillion, increased by 10.1%. The GDP of per person is 10298.3 dollars. It rank the second in China. The first one is Shanghai. The Engel coefficient of Beijing is 31.8% at the year of 1005. That mean Beijing became the rich society in 2005. SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths: Technological: Wirelss: E5 is the first wireless modem in the world. It is a real wireless connectivity. So it is easy to take. It size just like a credit card. It can be put into the pocket. It has so many functions. The three mianly functions are USB Modem, Wireless router and short messaging service. Functions: USB Modem The E583X-S supports the PS domain data service based on HSPA/UMTS /EDGE/GPRS. After you connect the E583X-S to a PC with a USB interface, the E583X-S driver is installed on the PC automatically and the shortcut of the WEB page is displayed on thePC desktops. You can configure APN on the E583X-S WEB page (or directly use the default settings) and set up a network connection. Then you cansend or receive E-mail, access the network through wireless connection, and download files through wireless data channels. Wireless Router The E583X-S can be used as a wireless router when the WiFi is enabled. You can access the Internet service through setting up the wireless network connection with the E583X-S. A maximum of five wireless users can access the E583X-S at the same time. You can set up the WLAN with the access point (AP) function. SMS The E583X-S supports message writing/sending/receiving and group sending (up to 10 contacts at a time). You can manage messages through the WEB page, such as inbox, outbox, draft. You can also sort the messages by telephone number or time. It can help 21 products connect net such as TV, DPF,NAS,MP3 player,Media player,Portable Game Console,IP cell phone,MID,Netbook,Notebook,PND,DVD plater,DVDrecorder,BD set-tops,Set-top Box,DVR,DMA,Game Console,Audio System,Desktop PCs. E5 can serve 5 products to connect net at the same time. Cost: Huawei headquarter in Shenzhen and the factory is in Dongguan. The two cities are not far away. So the human resource cost can turn lower. Besides, Chineses labour is much cheaper than many western countries, so the labour cost can be lower. For example, Huawei paid Chinese staff only one third to one fourth compare with the staff who can do the same thing in Europe. But the staff have to do 50% more work than Europen staff. With the same money, Huawei can can get about 10 times effort in research than the Europe companies or American companies. That is a big advantage for Huawei company.Manufactural: Huawei is one of the best telcom company in the world. It rank the third in the world. The first is Ericsson and the second is Nokia. It has a lot of products and get into many countries in different continents. About25% of the bussiness are in China while 75% of the bussiness are overseas. So it has advantage of scale effect. Huawei use morethan 10% profit each year into researching new product. It set up the research departments in India, America, Swedon and Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing in China. They have 80thousand staff. About 43% of them in research department. Huawei have more than 30000 patent till now, the most patent among Chinese companies. Marking: Huawei is a Chinese company so it has advantage in selling product. Lower tax should be paid compared with foreign companies. Chinese is the biggest market on Internet. And some Chinese white collars and young people woukd like to use new product. Weaknesses Price The price of E5 is about 1500RMB. It is a little more expensive for a home user. When a man at home, he use a separate modem and a srparate rounter to connect the net. In this way, people can save money. Usualy Chinese people get on the net only by computer so they do not need a product which can make five cletronic product connect net at the same time. Not many people want to replace the product they use now. So it is not a good choice for a home user. Supply ChainSupply chain is a big problem of Huawei. The efficiency is only about 20%.That’s a problem of many Chinese companies. And there are also conme problem about the cost. That cause the problem of supply chain. For example, Ericsson can accomplish the purchase order in 10 days while Huawei have to use 25 days in accomplishing it. Financial ability: Huawei is not a listed company. So it can not finance in the market. Huawei built in 1988. It do not have a long history. It do not have so many capitals. It is not such a famous company like Ericssion. In China, many people do not know Huawei exactly. Opportunities: Potential consumers: More and more people would like to use wireless modem. Here shows the forcasting of wireless modem in global market.(see table1) Table 1 : the graph of wireless modem global market forecasting Wireless Modem Global Market Forecasting NetbookNotebook1000)Desktop PCs900tinU800Digital CameraM(700Portable MP3 Player:600tnuPortable Mediao500Playerma400Portable Games seConsolel300asIP Cell Phone la200unMobile Internetn100Device (MID)A0Portable NavDevice2005200620072008200920102011201220132014(PND)(this table <table1> was the restricted information ofHuawei) The telecom industry growing fast these years and it will grow fast in thefollowing years. From the graph, we can see that the wireless modem in global market will double up from 2010 to 2014. That is a big market of wireless modem. rd The 3 generation rd The 3 generation is coming. Some young people would like to choice the 3G nd mobile phones. It is a new net that take place the 2 generation. In the future, 3G will be used by everybody. So it is a good chance for Huawei E5. The world will become a net world. The net is growing so fast. In the past, most people would like to get on the net at home, at net bar or at the office. Now, some young people like to get on the net by mobile phones. In the future, people would get on the net more convinent. The 3G will help people to have a better feeling when get on the net. People will do more things through the net, such as shopping, ordering food, doing job and so on. Huawei E5 can help people connect the electric devices with the net instead of the wire. Not only the computer but also other electric devices can connect with the line sothat the life would be better. Wifi:Wi-Fi is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance that manufacturers may use to brand certified products that belong to a class of wireless local area network (WLAN) devices based on the IEEE 802.11 standards. Because of the close relationship with its underlying standard, the term Wi-Fi is often used as a synonym for IEEE 802.11 technology。

惠而浦 17美元每股
海尔 16美元每股
里普伍德 14美元每股
• 虽然海尔没有赢得收购,但却赢来一片掌声。海尔作出退 出的决定,源于其经过理性的评估,结合当时的环境,自 动退出。海尔之所以推迟发出收购邀约,原因就是他们经 过尽职调查,发现调查的结果与海尔需求并不相符。海尔 认为自己的实力不足以整合收购后的美泰,这也成为海尔 退出的一个原因。从1998年海尔开始国际化之路,已经走 了很长时间,支出大量成本,无法为收购美泰再支出更高 价格。海尔退出此项收购,也是海尔经过国际化历练后成 熟的表现。当时海尔这一选择得到国内学者及同行的一致 认可。
1.海尔并购美泰的背景 2.并购的意义与目的 3.并购过程分析 4.并购结果分析
• 美国政府批准协议3天之后事情发生了戏剧性的变化,导 致海尔后来收购的流产。在前面里普伍德一直阻击海尔的 收购,但是海尔的报价赢得了美泰的青睐,有胜出的把握。 2005年7月18日,美国第二大家电巨头惠而浦提出以每股 17美元,总价格13亿美元收购美泰。此时海尔一直做评估 工作,并没有正式向美泰发出收购邀约。
美泰公司是一家有着100多年历史、身 价高达47亿美元的美国老牌家电企业, 以生产吸尘器、洗衣机、电冰箱为主营 业务,是美国家电市场的第三大企业, 位居惠尔浦(Whirlpool)和力诺国际 (Lennox)之后。由于美泰公司生产成 本过高,近年来业绩每况愈下,2005年 美泰欲寻求收购公司。海尔关注这一收 购对象与其较早进入美国有关,美泰在 美国当地市场的营销网络是最有价值的 优势之一。

芭比娃娃国际市场营销案例分析芭比娃娃:从商业玩偶到价值符号的蜕变一、芭比简介芭比娃娃(Barbie)是20世纪最广为人知及最畅销的玩偶,由Ruth Handler 露丝•汉德勒)发明,于1959年3月9日举办的美国国际玩具展览会(American International Toy Fair)上首次曝光。
除了魔鬼的身材,还有阿玛尼、Vera Wang、Prada 等名设计师为她设计的上亿套高品位服装,她的衣橱是女人和孩子的梦想。
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Individual Assignment 1(30 points)Due: 5:00pm Feb 14, 2013Students will learn how to identify the research questions in the case study; analyze the market situations; and make suggestions or recommendations to solve the marketing problems. Creative suggestions or recommendations are especially encouraged!-Please read the case study and answer the 5 questions below.-Individual assignment 1 should be turned in on Blackboard with an attached word file (see the “assignments”)-Please note the deadline. If you miss the deadline, but turn in the assignment within 3 days (5:00pm Feb 17, 2013), 5 points will be deducted for the delay. After 3 days pas sed the deadline, no late work will be accepted. Please submit the late turn-in to Dr. R ebecca Tang by ISU email.Students are advised to conduct marketing research before answering the questions. (Background study does NOT need to be shown in the answer sheet students turn in). There are several potential approaches of marketing research:-Go to Mattel’s web site and search around its various links for material regarding the controversy. What news articles do they mention? What safeguards have they put into place after this recall?-How do they attempt to reassure consumers and the world that they have corrected or are correcting the problem?Real Choices at MattelIn 1945 Mattel’s founders, Ruth and Elliott Handler were manufacturing picture frames out of a garage workshop. The couple also ran a side business where they made dollhouse furniture from the frame scraps; this became so successful that they turned to making toys. In 1955, Mattel began advertising its toys through the Mickey Mouse Club TV show and thus revolutionized the way toys are sold. In 1959, Ruth Handler, noting her own daughter Barbara’s love for cut-out paper dolls, created the idea of a three-dimensional paper doll. Barbie was born and very quicklypropelled Mattel to the forefront of the toy industry. The 1960s saw Mattel grow with such new products a s Barbie’s boyfriend Ken, See-and-Say toys, and Hot Wheels toy cars. In the 1980s Mattel became a global company with the purchase of HongKong-based ARCO industries, Correlle, SA, a maker of collector-quality dolls based in France and a British company, C orgi Toys Ltd., and a joint venture with Japan’s largest toy company, Bandai.Mattel stresses social responsibility. Its Sustainability Mission states “…we regard the thoughtful management of the environment and the health and safety of our employees, customers, and neighbors as among our highest priorities and as key elements of our responsibility to be a sustainable company….” In 2006, Mattel’s Children’s Foundation donated approximately $4.8 million in cash grants and approximately $10 million in toys to organizations serving children around the world. Over 2,500 Mattel employees volunteered for charitable activities Special Olympics programs in 13 countries.In 2007 trouble arrived in Toyland. Like many other toy makers, in recent years Mattel commissioned Chinese companies to produce its products. In August, Mattel was forced to recall 1.5 million of its Fisher-Price toys, including such favorites as Elmo and Big Bird, because they were suspected of containing hazardous levels of lead paint. Later in August, Mattel recalled over 19 million more Chinese-made toys because they contained magnets that could be swallowed by children or because they were made with dangerous lead paint.Following the second recall the company purchased full-page ads in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal to assure parents that it understands how they feel. CEO Robert Eckert, a father of four, appeared on an on-line video to state, “I can’t change what has happened in the past, but I can change how we work in thef uture.” Mattel pledged to test the paint in every batch of paint delivered to all of its toy producers and to take other safety measures. Consumers, however, were not all convinced. Video clips appeared on YouTube mocking the company’s efforts. One video r eferred to the recall of “Tickle Me Lead-Mo.”The recall dramatically cut into Mattel’s revenues. Sales of Dora the Explorer toys fell 34 percent in the United States and 21 percent internationally. Barbie sales fell 19 percent in the United States, and Brazil banned imports of all Mattel products while it evaluated whether or not the company was complying with its safety regulations.Mattel must work hard to recover from this disaster. Are apologies and claims for new safety regulations enough, or should the company stop producing its toys in China? Perhaps they should move production to another country such as Viet Nam where production costs would be even lower. Or should Mattel return to its roots and produce the millions of Polly Pockets, “Sarge” toy cars, and Barbie playsets in the United States where costs are substantially higher but standards are tougher?You Make the Call1.What is the decision facing Mattel? (6 points)(Tip: please find it out from the casestudy above)How to take appropriate and effective measures to solve the problem, to obtain customer loyalty,for example, recall 1.5 million of its Fisher-Price toys; recall the company purchased full-page ads in the New York Times and the Wall StreetJournal to assure parents that it understands how they feel.; pledged to test thepaint in every batch of paint delivered to all of its toy producers and to take other safety measures。