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After completing a commercial transaction, logistics will execute the transfer of goods from the supplier (seller) to the customer (buyer) in the most cost-effective manner. This is the definition of logistics. During the transfer process, hardware such as logistics facilities and equipment (logistics carriers) are needed, as well as information control and standardization. In addition, supports from the government and logistics association should be in place.
Three major functions of logistics
1. Creating time value: same goods can be valued differently at different times. Goods often stop
during the transfer process, which is professionally called the storage of logistics. It creates the time value for goods.
2. Creating location value: same goods can be valued differently at different locations. The value
added during the transfer process is the location value of logistics.
3. Distribution processing Value: sometime logistics create distribution processing value, which
changes the length, thickness and packages of the goods. Like popular saying, “ cutting into smaller parts “ is the most commo
seen distribution processing form. Most processing within logistics create added value for goods.
1. What is the meaning“cost-effective”? ( B )
A. Cost reduced
B. Economically
C. Cost evaluate
D. To add cost
2. (D ) creates time value
A. Transportation
B. Good flow
C. Different location
D. Storage
3. What is the same meaning of location value? ( B )
A. Different value
B. Different value of same goods at the different places
C. Different good
D. Different value of different goods at the same place
4. What is the distribution processing value? (D)
A. Distribution
B. Processing
C. Sales and processing
D. Changing the length, thickness and the package of the goods
5. The distribution process value is available in all logistics activities. Is it correct or not? ( C )
A. Both
B. Yes
C. Not
D. Not clear
An increasing number of companies are involving in international markets through exporting, licensing, joint ventures, and ownership. This trend should continue. With such expansion there is a need to develop worldwide logistics n etworks. In tegrated logistics man ageme nt and cost an alysis will be more complex and difficult to man age.
There are some future trends in intern ati on alizati on:
1. More logistics executives with international responsibilities.
2. Expa nsion of the nu mber and size of foreig n trade zon es.
3. Reducti on in the amount of intern ati onal paperwork and docume ntati on.
4. More foreig n warehous ing is owned and con trolled by the export ing firm.
5. In creas ing nu mber of smaller firms.
6. Foreign ownership of logistics service firms, e.g., public warehousing and tran sportati on
7. Increasing multiple distribution channels.
The intern ati on al tran sport and the intern ati on al logistics are same thi ngs in some way. So, when the international trading involved, the firm must establish intern ati onal logistics systems to provide the products and services dema nded. The most sig nifica nt developme nt in intern ati on al logistics will be the in creas ing sophistication information system adopted and independent departments to operate.
1. What is the subject of the paragraph? ( C )
A. The intern atio nal trade
B. The intern atio nal tran sport
C. The intern ati on al logistics
D. Intern ati onal economy
2. What is the same meaning of fnter nati on alizati on”?( B )
A. Nati on alizati on
B. Globalizati on
C. In tegrati on
D. Stan dardizati on
3. What is the meaning of trend? ( A )
A. Gen eral direct ion
B. Develop ing road
C. Way
D. Path
4. The intern atio nal tran sport and the intern ati on al logistics are same. Is it correct or
n ot? ( D )
A. Not men ti on in the paragraph
B. Not clear
C. Wrong
D. Right
5. The international trade needs the ( B ) to fulfill its transaction.
A. Trucks
B. Logistics
C. Ships