

Fundamentals of Kalman Filtering a Practical Approach

Fundamentals of Kalman Filtering a Practical Approach
Fundamentals of Kalman Filtering: A Practical Approach
Numerical Basics
Fundamentals of Kalman Filtering: A Practical Approach
Numerical Basics Overview
Fundamentals of Kalman Filtering: A Practical Approach
1 - 10
Vector Operations - 2
Vector subtraction
x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x -y = . - . = . . . . xn yn x1 - y1 x2 - y2 x3 - y3 . . . xn - yn
Fundamentals of Kalman Filtering: A Practical Approach
Paul Zarchan
Fundamentals of Kalman Filtering: A Practical Approach
Seminar Outline - 1
• Numerical Techniques - Required background - Introduction to source code • Method of Least Squares - How to build batch process least squares filter - Performance and software comparison of different order filters • Recursive Least Squares Filtering - How to make batch process filter recursive - Formulas and properties of various order filters



6.运行neighbour.exe程序,设置M值为1000(random seed number为4N+1)



l tc inl ae f iulnt m n adw vlt e— o ig[ ] hns gi l rl c ai t n 2 1 ,( ) 9 9 e r a s a bsdo r a is u et n ae ni n J .C ieeA r ut a Mehnz i , 0 0 5 : 4~ 7 c il g vt r ed s c u ao
电波 口 。 早 先 的 研 究 集 中在 不 同 刺 激 条 件 下 所 产
生 的 电 信 号特 征 , 年 来 王 兰 州 等 通 过 对 微 弱 电信 近
号 的研 究 , 出 了 植 物 自身 的原 有 电 波 处 于 V级 提

屏蔽 网 :

量 级 j 。其 应 用研 究 主 要 是 环 境 变 化 与 信 号 特 征
了生长在营养袋中的健康橡胶苗 , 时域和频域两方 从 面对 信号进 行分 析 。
2 测 量 系统 的 设 计
2 1 总体 设计 .
通过引 导 电极 的植 物 电位 信号 , 过前 置放 大器 经 提高 增益倍 数 、 行工 频 陷波 和 lO z的低 通 滤 波等 进 OH 处理后 , 进入 数据采 集卡进 行模 数转 换 ; 过模 数 转换 经 后 的植 物 电位 信号 , 计算 机 的 Lb IW 环境 下进 行 在 aVE
实验 材料选 取 栽 培 的 、 树龄 为 3个 月 的大 戟 科 三
基 金 项 目: 南 省 自然科 学 基 金 项 目( 00 8 海 8 72 ) 陈 薇 , ,9 4年 生 , 女 18 陕西 宝 鸡 人 , 海南 大 学 机 电 工程 学 院硕 士 研 究生 ; 究 方 向 为 热带 农 业 生 产 过 程 中 的检 测 和 控 制 。 研



系统发育树构建教程(PHYLIP)PHYLIP网址:/phylip.html(一)序列的前期准备1.用ENTREZ或SRS搜索同源DNA/蛋白质序列(same sequence in different organisms) 2.用CLUSTALX进行多条序列比对,在output format option选定PHY格式,构建进化树需要这个phy文件。

Figure 4.1 用clustalx进行多条序列比对3.解压缩phylip-3.68.exe,得到三个文件夹,doc文件夹里是关于所有PHYLIP子程序的使用说明,exe文件夹里是直接可以使用的各个子程序,src文件夹里是所有程序的源文件。


5.所有PHYLIP程序默认的输入文件名为infile, 输出文件名为outfile。

如果在exe文件夹里找不到默认的输入文件,会提示can’t find input file “infile”。

Figure 4.2 seqboot程序起始界面6.进入程序参数选择页面(Figure 4.3)。




此时程序询问“random numbe r seed? <must be odd>”,这是询问生成随机数的种子是多少,输入一个4N+1的数,点击回车程序开始运行,输出结果到文件outfile,保存在当前文件夹里。

.Figure 4.3 seqboot程序参数选择页面主要参数解释:D: 数据类型,有Molecular sequence、discrete morphology、restriction sites和gene frequencies4个选项。


西安理工 大学学报 Ju a o ia n esyo T cnlg (0 )V 1 7N . or l f ’lU i ri f ehooy 2 1 n X l v t 1 o. o4 2 文章编 号 : 0 64 1 I0 1 0 - 1 - 10 -7 0 2 1 )40 10 4 6
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研究 表 明植 物 内部存 在着 一种 涉及 电信 号及 其
信息 , 被接收细胞会 以特有的方式进行转换 , 进
而调 节植 物 的生理 变化 以适应 环 境的改 变 。该 方 面
转换的通讯途径 。环境刺激会使植物产生不同 的电位波动 。 推测 电位波动 的频率 、 4, 振幅 、 电信
号 的通讯
的研究有可能在植物生命科 学 中催生一 门新 的领
域— —植 物神 经生 物 学 。但 是 , 目前 只 知道 植 物
收稿 日期 : 0 10 -3 2 1 -60
基金项 目: 国家 自然科学基金资 助项 目(0709 ; 5977 )陕西省教育厅专项科研计划基金资助项 目(9K6 ) 0J67 。 作者简 介 : 张晓辉 (9 1)男 , 南郑 州人 , 18-, 河 博士生 , 研究 方 向为 大规模集 成 电路设 计及 相关信号 处理 。Em i x ou .a : ahi li . z@13cm h 6.o 。余宁梅 (93)女 , 苏南 京人 , 16一 , 江 教授 , 导 , 究方 向为 大规模 集成 电路设 计及相 关信 号处 博 研








2.LTE PHY概述2.13GPP长期演进技术(LTE)是移动技术的一个重大进步。



LTE PHY是在增强型基站(eNodeB)和多动用户设备之间承载数据和控制信息的一种高效的手段。

LTE PHY采用了一些对移动应用来说非常先进的技术。




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丝琳基尔实验室开发的OpenThread 产品说明书

丝琳基尔实验室开发的OpenThread 产品说明书

Silicon Labs OpenThread SDK GA Gecko SDK Suite 4.3June 7, 2023Thread is a secure, reliable, scalable, and upgradeable wireless IPv6 mesh networking Array protocol. It provides low-cost bridging to other IP networks while optimized for low-power /battery-backed operation. The Thread stack is designed specifically for Connected Homeapplications where IP-based networking is desired and a variety of application layers maybe required.OpenThread released by Google is an open-source implementation of Thread. Googlehas released OpenThread in order to accelerate the development of products for the con-nected home and commercial buildings. With a narrow platform abstraction layer and asmall memory footprint, OpenThread is highly portable. It supports system-on-chip (SoC),network co-processor (NCP), and radio co-processor (RCP) designs.Silicon Labs has developed an OpenThread-based SDK tailored to work with Silicon Labshardware. The Silicon Labs OpenThread SDK is a fully tested enhanced version of theGitHub source. It supports a broader range of hardware than does the GitHub version,and includes documentation and example applications not available on GitHub.These release notes cover SDK version(s): GA released on June 7, 2023Compatibility and Use NoticesFor information about security updates and notices, see the Security chapter of the Gecko Platform Release notes installed with this SDK or on the TECH DOCS tab on https:///developers/thread . Silicon Labs also strongly recommends that you subscribe to Security Advisories for up-to-date information. For instructions, or if you are new to the Silicon Labs OpenThread SDK, see Using This Release.Compatible Compilers:GCC (The GNU Compiler Collection) version 10.3-2021.10, provided with Simplicity Studio.Contents1New Items (1)1.1New Components (1)1.2New Features (1)1.3New Radio Board Support (1)2Improvements (2)3Fixed Issues (3)4Known Issues in the Current Release (4)5Deprecated Items (5)6Removed Items (6)7Multiprotocol Gateway and RCP (7)7.1New Items (7)7.2Improvements (7)7.3Fixed Issues (7)7.4Known Issues in the Current Release (8)7.5Deprecated Items (8)7.6Removed Items (8)8Using This Release (9)8.1Installation and Use (9)8.2OpenThread GitHub Repository (9)8.3OpenThread Border Router GitHub Repository (9)8.4Using the Border Router (9)8.5NCP/RCP Support (10)8.6Security Information (10)8.7Support (11)New Items 1 New Items1.1 New ComponentsNone1.2 New FeaturesAdded in release•The versions of OpenThread and the OpenThread Border Router have been updated. See sections 8.2 and 8.3.•Thread 1.3.1 (experimental)o IPv4/v6 public internet connectivity: NAT64 improvements, optimization of published routes and prefixes in network data o DNS enhancements for OTBRo Thread over Infrastructure (TREL)•Network Diagnostics Improvements (experimental)o Child supervision by parento Additional link quality information in child tableo Uptime for routers•Support for the ot-cli sample application with CPC on Android Hosto The ot-cli sample application can now be used with CPC on an Android host. To build, download the Android NDK toolchain, define the environment variable "NDK" to point to the toolchain, and run the script/cmake-build-android script instead of script/cmake-build.1.3 New Radio Board SupportAdded in release has been added for the following radio boards:•BRD4196B - EFR32xG21B•BRD2704A - Sparkfun Thing Plus MGM240PImprovements 2 ImprovementsChanged in release•Support for “diag cw” and “diag stream”o diag cw start - Start transmitting continuous carrier waveo diag cw stop - Stop transmitting continuous carrier waveo diag stream start - Start transmitting a stream of characters.o diag stream stop - Stop transmitting a stream of characters.•Bootloader support for sample applicationso The bootloader_interface component has been added to the Thread sample apps. The component introduces support for bootloaders and also results in the creation of GBL files when building.•Reduction to code size of Certified OpenThread Librarieso The pre-built certification libraries no longer include JOINER functionality.Fixed Issues 3 Fixed IssuesFixed in release Fixed an issue where detached MTDs on the Thread network hit an assert while re-attaching to the OTBR after the OTBR is rebooted.1079667 Fixed an issue where devices can no longer communicate after reporting transient out-of-buffers condition.1084368 Fixed failing HomeKit HCA test when using board 4186c and the DMP application.1095059 Added openthread 'diag stream' and 'diag cw' CLI commands. See Improvements section for additional details.1113046 Radio PAL now maintains max channel power table.1126570 Addressed a memory leak associated with PSA keys which occurs when otInstanceFinalise() is called without power cycling.1133240 Fixed a bug in setting link parameters in the meshcop forwarding layer.1139318 Request to Reduce Codesize of Certified OpenThread Library. See Improvements section for additional details. 1139449 Fixed an issue where devices stopped receiving during Tx storm.1142231 Radio SPINEL no longer asserts when no entries are available in source match table.Known Issues in the Current Release 4 Known Issues in the Current ReleaseIssues in bold were added since the previous release. If you have missed a release, recent release notes are available on https:///developers/thread in the Tech Docs tab.482915 495241 A known limitation with the UART driver can causecharacters to be lost on CLI input or output. This canhappen during particularly long critical sections thatmay disable interrupts, so it can be alleviated byrepeating the CLI or waiting long enough for statechanges.No known workaround754514 Double ping reply observed for OTBR ALOC address. No known workaround815275 Ability to modify the Radio CCA Modes at compile-time using a configuration option in Simplicity Studio is cur-rently not supported. Use the SL_OPENTHREAD_RADIO_CCA_MODE configuration option defined in openthread-core-efr32-config.h header file included with your project.1041112 OTBR / EFR32 RCP can miss forwarding packets froma CSL child if it configures an alternate channel for CSLcommunication.Due to this issue, OTBRs based on GSDK arenot expected to pass Thread 1.2 certification unless thecustomer use cases demand a waiver to exclude alltests that require changing the primary channel. Avoid configuring alternate CSL channels until this issue is addressed.1094232 Intermittently, ot-ctl terminates after a factoryresetwhen using a CPCd connection.No known workaround1064242 OpenThread prefix commands sometimes fail to addprefix for OTBR over CPC.No known workaround1117447 Outgoing key index can be set to 0 under unknowncircumstances.No known workaround1132004 RCP can become unresponsive when receiving excessive beacon requests. This issue was seen with 3 devices sending beacons requests every 30 ms. Workaround is to reduce the number of beacon requesters and/or increase time between the requests.1143008 The OTBR can sometimes fail to transmit a CSL packet with the error "Handle transmit done failed:Abort". This could happen ifOPENTHREAD_CONFIG_MAC_CSL_REQUEST_AHEAD_US is set to low. SetOPENTHREAD_CONFIG_MAC_CSL_REQUEST_AHEAD_US to 5000.For the OTBR, you can either:1. Modify the value ofOPENTHREAD_CONFIG_MAC_CSL_REQUEST_AHEAD_US in ot-br-posix/third_party/openthread/repo/src/core/config/mac.hor2. Pass the value during setup as follows:sudo OTBR_OPTIONS="-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS='-DOPENTHREAD_CONFIG_MAC_CSL_REQUEST_AHEAD_ US=5000'" ./script/setup1148720 Intermittently, SED current draw is too high. No known workaroundDeprecated Items 5 Deprecated ItemsNone.Removed Items 6 Removed ItemsRemoved in release•The ot-remote-cli component has been removed. There is no replacement for this component because the functionality provided by the component is no longer required.•The Silicon Labs HomeKit extension is no longer included with this release.7 Multiprotocol Gateway and RCP7.1 New ItemsAdded in release a new application z3-light_ot-ftd_soc that demonstrates Zigbee and OpenThread Concurrent Multiprotocol functionality. It features a router on the Zigbee side and a Full Thread Device (FTD) on the OpenThread side. See the project description or app/framework/sce-narios/z3/z3-light_ot-ftd_soc/readme.html for details.First GA-quality release of CPC GPIO Expander module. The Co-Processor Communication (CPC) General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) Expander is a software component designed to enable a Host device to utilize a Secondary device's GPIOs as if they were its own. With the CPC GPIO Expander, the Host device can seamlessly integrate with the Secondary device and make use of its GPIO capabilities. See https:///SiliconLabs/cpc-gpio-expander/ for documentation.Added antenna diversity and coex EZSP command support to Zigbeed.Added better assert reporting to Zigbeed.Added bt_host_empty application (option: -B for the script) to the multiprotocol docker container.Zigbeed now includes an implementation of emberGetRestoredEui64() which loads the CREATOR_STACK_RESTORED_EUI64 token from the host_token.nvm file.The multiprotocol container now sets the size of syslog to 100 MB by default. Users are able to change the size by modifying the "/etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog" and "/etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf" files and restarting the rsyslog service inside the container.7.2 ImprovementsChanged in release CPC Tx and Rx queue sizes to fit the DMP NCP on the MG13 family.Configured options on the multiprotocol RCP projects to provide ~3.3k in RAM savings, particularly for the MG1 part. This was accom-plished by•Reducing•The number of user CPC endpoints to 0•Tx CPC queue size to 15 from 20•Rx buffer count to 15•Disabling OpenThread RTT logsFor further savings, customers can look into reducing the Tx and Rx queue sizes further. Note that the downside to this change would be a reduction in message throughput due to added retries. Also, customers can look into reducing the NVM cache size based on need. As a last resort, customers may also choose to disable CPC security on both the RCP and the host. We do not recommend the last option.Changed zigbee_ble_event_handler to print scan responses from legacy advertisements in the DMPLight(Sed) app.The rcp-xxx-802154 apps now by default support 192 µsec turnaround time for non-enhanced acks while still using 256 µsec turnaround time for enhanced acks required by CSL.7.3 Fixed IssuesFixed in release Resolved issue where Z3GatewayCPC asserts when there is a communication failure with the NCP during address table initialization. We will now try to reconnect to the NCP upon failure.1080517 Z3GatewayCPC now automatically handles a reset of the NCP (CPC secondary).1117789 Fixed an issue where modifying OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_PLATFORM_RADIO_SPINEL_RX_FRAME_BUFFER_SIZE caused a linker error when building Zigbeed.1118077 In the CMP RCP, Spinel messages were being dropped under heavy traffic load due to CPC not keeping up with the incoming packets. Fixed this by bundling all Spinel messages ready to be sent over CPC into one payload on the RCP and unbundling them on the host. This dramatically improves the efficiency of CPC so that it can keep up with the incoming radio traffic.1129821 Fixed null pointer dereference in Zigbeed in an out-of-buffer scenario while receiving packets.1139990 Fixed an assert in the OpenThread Spinel code that could be triggered when joining many Zigbee devices simultaneously.1144268 Fixed an issue where excessive radio traffic can cause the Zigbee-BLE NCP to get into a state where it continually executes the NCP and CPC initialization.1147517 Fixed an issue with Z3GatewayCPC on startup that could cause the reset handling of the secondary to not work correctly.7.4 Known Issues in the Current ReleaseIssues in bold were added since the previous release. If you have missed a release, recent release notes are available on https:///developers/gecko-software-development-kit.811732 Custom token support is not available when using Zigbeed. Support is planned in a future release.937562 Bluetoothctl ‘advertise on’ command fails with rcp-uart-802154-blehci app on Raspberry Pi OS 11.Use btmgmt app instead of bluetoothctl.1074205 The CMP RCP does not support two networks on the same PAN id. Use different PAN ids for each network. Support is planned in a future release.1122723 In a busy environment the CLI can become unresponsive in the z3-light_ot-ftd_soc app. This app is released as experimental quality and the issue will be fixed in a future release.1124140 z3-light_ot-ftd_soc sample app is not able to form theZigbee network if the OT network is up already.Start the Zigbee network first and the OT network after.1129032 Experimental concurrent listening feature on xG24 de-vices is disabled in this release.Support is planned in a future release.1143857 Antenna Diversity is not available on the CMP RCP forxG21 and xG24 parts, since the antenna diversityhardware is used for concurrent listening.Intended behavior.7.5 Deprecated Items None7.6 Removed Items None8 Using This ReleaseThis release contains the following•Silicon Labs OpenThread stack•Silicon Labs OpenThread sample applications•Silicon Labs OpenThread border routerFor more information about the OpenThread SDK see QSG170: Silicon Labs OpenThread QuickStart Guide. If you are new to Thread see UG103.11: Thread Fundamentals.8.1 Installation and UseThe OpenThread SDK is part of the Gecko SDK (GSDK), the suite of Silicon Labs SDKs. To quickly get started with OpenThread and the GSDK, start by installing Simplicity Studio 5, which will set up your development environment and walk you through GSDK installation. Simplicity Studio 5 includes everything needed for IoT product development with Silicon Labs devices, including a resource and project launcher, software configuration tools, full IDE with GNU toolchain, and analysis tools. Installation instructions are provided in the online Simplicity Studio 5 User’s Guide.Alternatively, Gecko SDK may be installed manually by downloading or cloning the latest from GitHub. See https:///Sili-conLabs/gecko_sdk for more information.The GSDK default installation location has changed beginning with Simplicity Studio 5.3.•Windows: C:\Users\<NAME>\SimplicityStudio\SDKs\gecko_sdk•MacOS: /Users/<NAME>/SimplicityStudio/SDKs/gecko_sdkDocumentation specific to the SDK version is installed with the SDK. API references and other information about this release are available on https:///openthread/2.1/.8.2 OpenThread GitHub RepositoryThe Silicon Labs OpenThread SDK includes all changes from the OpenThread GitHub repo (https:///openthread/openthread) up to and including commit dae3ff2c5. An enhanced version of the OpenThread repo can be found in the following Simplicity Studio 5 GSDK location:<GSDK Installation Location>\util\third_party\openthread8.3 OpenThread Border Router GitHub RepositoryThe Silicon Labs OpenThread SDK includes all changes from the OpenThread border router GitHub repo (https:///openthread/ot-br-posix) up to and including commit de7cd7b20. An enhanced version of the OpenThread border router repo can be found in the following Simplicity Studio 5 GSDK location:<GSDK Installation Location>\util\third_party\ot-br-posix8.4 Using the Border RouterFor ease of use, Silicon Labs recommends the use of a Docker container for your OpenThread border router. Refer to AN1256: Using the Silicon Labs RCP with the OpenThread Border Router for details on how to set up the correct version of OpenThread border router Docker container. It is available at https:///r/siliconlabsinc/openthread-border-router.If you are manually installing a border router, using the copies provided with the Silicon Labs OpenThread SDK, refer to AN1256: Using the Silicon Labs RCP with the OpenThread Border Router for more details.Although updating the border router environment to a later GitHub version is supported on the OpenThread website, it may make the border router incompatible with the OpenThread RCP stack in the SDK.8.5 NCP/RCP SupportThe OpenThread NCP support is included with OpenThread SDK but any use of this support should be considered experimental. The OpenThread RCP is fully implemented and supported.8.6 Security InformationSecure Vault IntegrationWhen deployed to Secure Vault High devices, sensitive keys are protected using the Secure Vault Key Management functionality. The following table shows the protected keys and their storage protection characteristics.Thread Master Key Exportable Must be exportable to form the TLVsPSKc Exportable Must be exportable to form the TLVsKey Encryption Key Exportable Must be exportable to form the TLVsMLE Key Non-ExportableTemporary MLE Key Non-ExportableMAC Previous Key Non-ExportableMAC Current Key Non-ExportableMAC Next Key Non-ExportableWrapped keys that are marked as “Non-Exportable” can be used but cannot be viewed or shared at runtime.Wrapped keys that are marked as “Exportable” can be used or shared at runtime but remain encrypted while stored in flash.For more information on Secure Vault Key Management functionality, see AN1271: Secure Key Storage.Security AdvisoriesTo subscribe to Security Advisories, log in to the Silicon Labs customer portal, then select Account Home. Click HOME to go to the portal home page and then click the Manage Notifications tile. Make sure that ‘Software/Security Advisory Notices & Product Change Notices (PCNs)’ is checked, and that you are subscribed at minimum for your platform and protocol. Click Save to save any changes.8.7 SupportDevelopment Kit customers are eligible for training and technical support. Use the Silicon Laboratories Thread web page to obtain infor-mation about all Silicon Labs OpenThread products and services, and to sign up for product support.You can contact Silicon Laboratories support at /support.Silicon Laboratories Inc.400 West Cesar Chavez Austin, TX 78701USA IoT Portfolio /IoT SW/HW /simplicity Quality /quality Support & Community /communityDisclaimerSilicon Labs intends to provide customers with the latest, accurate, and in-depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for system and software imple-menters using or intending to use the Silicon Labs products. Characterization data, available modules and peripherals, memory sizes and memory addresses refer to each specific device, and “Typical” parameters provided can and do vary in different applications. Application examples described herein are for illustrative purposes only. Silicon Labs reserves the right to make changes without further notice to the product information, specifications, and descriptions herein, and does not give warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the included information. Without prior notification, Silicon Labs may update product firmware during the manufacturing process for security or reliability reasons. Such changes will not alter the specifications or the performance of the product. Silicon Labs shall have no liability for the consequences of use of the infor -mation supplied in this document. This document does not imply or expressly grant any license to design or fabricate any integrated circuits. The products are not designed or authorized to be used within any FDA Class III devices, applications for which FDA premarket approval is required or Life Support Systems without the specific written consent of Silicon Labs. A “Life Support System” is any product or system intended to support or sustain life and/or health, which, if it fails, can be reasonably expected to result in significant personal injury or death. Silicon Labs products are not designed or authorized for military applications. Silicon Labs products shall under no circumstances be used in weapons of mass destruction including (but not limited to) nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, or missiles capable of delivering such weapons. Silicon Labs disclaims all express and implied warranties and shall not be responsible or liable for any injuries or damages related to use of a Silicon Labs product in such unauthorized applications. Note: This content may contain offensive terminology that is now obsolete. Silicon Labs is replacing these terms with inclusive language wherever possible. For more information, visit /about-us/inclusive-lexicon-projectTrademark InformationSilicon Laboratories Inc.®, Silicon Laboratories ®, Silicon Labs ®, SiLabs ® and the Silicon Labs logo ®, Bluegiga ®, Bluegiga Logo ®, EFM ®, EFM32®, EFR, Ember ®, Energy Micro, Energy Micro logo and combinations thereof, “the world’s most energy friendly microcontrollers”, Redpine Signals ®, WiSeConnect , n-Link, ThreadArch ®, EZLink ®, EZRadio ®, EZRadioPRO ®, Gecko ®, Gecko OS, Gecko OS Studio, Precision32®, Simplicity Studio ®, Telegesis, the Telegesis Logo ®, USBXpress ® , Zentri, the Zentri logo and Zentri DMS, Z-Wave ®, and others are trademarks or registered trademarks of Silicon Labs. ARM, CORTEX, Cortex-M3 and THUMB are trademarks or registered trademarks of ARM Holdings. Keil is a registered trademark of ARM Limited. Wi-Fi is a registered trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. All other products or brand names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective holders.。



应用PHYLIP构建进化树的完整详细过程一、获取序列一般自己通过测序得到一段序列(已知或未知的都可以),通过NCBI的BLAST 获取相似性较高的一组序列,下载保存为FASTA格式。


二、多序列比对目前一般应用CLASTAL X进行,注意输出格式选用PHY格式。



具体步骤如下:(1)打开seqboot.exe输入文件名:输入你用CLASTAL X生成的PHY文件(*.phy)。

R为bootstrap的次数,一般为1000 (设你输入的值为M,即下两步DNADIST.EXE、NEIGHBOR.EXE中的M值也为1000)odd number: (4N+1)(eg: 1、5、9…)改好了y得到outfile(在phylip文件夹内)改名为2(2)打开Dnadist.EXE输入2修改M值,再按D,然后输入1000(M值)Y得到outfile(在phylip文件夹内)改名为3(3)打开Neighboor.EXE输入3M=1000(M值)按Y得到outfile和outtree(在phylip文件夹内)改outtree为4,outfile改为402(4)打开consense.exe输入4Y得到outfile和outtree(在phylip文件夹内)Outfile可以改为*.txt文件,用记事本打开阅读。




1.2 Landslide 测试产品介绍
为了满足数据业务增长对带宽的 需求,移动运营商正在升级网络 ,从而 通过诸如电子邮件接入 /访问网站/多 媒体服务等业务赢得新的收入增长 . 以前只能处理每秒 100 个移动用户请求的网络设备再也不能应付今天无线数据 网的要求了,像 PDSN,SGSN, GGSN,MME,SGW/PGW 设备的制造商必须向运营商证 明他们设备的真实能力,如每秒能处理上千个用户请求 ,并发承载上百万的用户 访问等,同时还需要通过真实应用数据来验证设备的性能 .运营商也会担心端到 端的数据业务质量.新的业务会引入新的设备,如 WAP 网关,多媒体消息系统服务 器等.所有这些网元都会给整个网络的性能带来影响 ,需要作为网络的一部分加 以测试. 与传统的测试系统不一样的是,思博伦通信的 Landslide 性能测试系统可以 让运营商使用真实世界的控制和数据流量模型对所有网络单元进行端到端的测 试,让设备制造商通过模拟复杂的流程和用户环境来改善和验证产品性 能.Landslide 是唯一的可以支持所有关键的无线控制信令 ,并在同一平台上支 持广泛的数据面高层应用的性能测试工具. Landslide 包含以下针对不同应用的测试解决方案. Landslide LTE- 支持 MME,SGW,PGW,PCRF 性能测试或者各种设备仿真方案。 Landslide GPRS - 提供相应接口和节点仿真用来测试 GPRS 网络中的 GGSN 设备. Landslide UMTS - 提供相应接口和节点仿真用来测试 UMTS 网络中的 GGSN 和 SGSN 设备. Landslide eHRPD -支持 HSGW 性能测试方案 Landslide CDMA2000 – 提供相应接口和节点仿真用来测试 CDMA2000 无线 数据网中的核心网络单元. Landslide L2TP-支持测试 L2TP Security Gateway 性能测试。 Landslide Mobile IP – 用来测试移动 IPv4 或 v6 网络中的家乡代理或相 关节点. Landslide AAA – 支持 RADIUS/Diameter 接口用来测试在 CDMA2000 或 GPRS 网络中用到的 AAA 服务器性能 Landslide Wimax- 支持 Wimax AGN Gateway 和 CSN 性能测试方案。



phylip软件使用PHYLIP是一个综合的系统发生分析软件包,由华盛顿大学的Joseph Felsenstein 开发的。




下载地址:/phylip.html对于windows操作系统有三个下载文件(phylipw.exe, phylipwx.exe, phylipwy.exe),下载之后解压到一个文件夹中,里面包含了所有的程序,手册也在其中。

画图程序(drawgram, drawtree)需要安装X windows开发环境,否则会报错。


数据从一个文本文件中读入程序,这个文本文件不能是有特殊格式的文字处理器(office word)。






Getting started注意保持记录。





文件的后缀名是.phy 的。






1.1安装概述要使用Probe的各种功能,必须正确的安装Probe软件、GENEX Shared组件。


1.3拷贝软件拷贝如图1安装文件:图11.4安装GENEX Shared组件主程序安装过程会自动调用组件包安装程序。

卸载Probe主程序并不会同时卸载GENEX Shared组件,这是为了保证GENEX系列其他产品可以正常运行。

对于安装过Probe的机器,再次安装Probe时可以跳过GENEX Shared组件的安装,如果安装的是Probe升级版本时,建议同时再次安装GENEX Shared组件,因为GENEX Shared组件可能也需要升级。

安装GENEX Shared组件的步骤如下:步骤1打开图1中的Probe文件夹中的GENEX Shared安装文件,如图2所示,双击“setup.exe”文件,启动安装界面。

图2步骤2 单击“Next”。

步骤3 在协议确认对话框中,单击“Yes”。

步骤4 安装完成后,单击“Finish”。

GENEX Shared安装程序自动安装了以下组件:MapX组件:提供对Map处理的支持。





步骤1 打开如图3所示的probe文件中的硬狗版软件安装文件,双击“setup.exe”,启动安装界面。

图3步骤2 单击“Next”。

步骤3 在协议确认对话框中,选择“I accept the terms of the license agreement”。



LTE峰值速率计算LTE的下行峰值速率(peak data rate)可定义为满足以下条件时的最大throughput:∙整个带宽均分配给一个UE∙使用最高阶的MCS∙使用可支持的最大天线数在实际中,需要考虑典型的无线信道开销,如控制信道、参考信号、保护间隔等。

对于FDD而言,峰值速率的计算方法如下:1 slot = 0.5ms(一个系统帧system frame为10ms,每个子帧subframe为1ms,每个子帧包含2个slot);1 slot = 7 modulation symbols(使用正常长度的循环前缀CP);1 modulation symbol = 6 bits(使用64QAM调制)单个子载波下的峰值速率 = 每个slot的symbol数 * 每个symbol的bit数 / 每个slot所占的时间 = 7 * 6 / 0.5ms = 84kbps。

(1s = 1000ms)对于20M带宽而言,100个RB用于数据传输,每个RB包含12个子载波,共有1200个子载波,则单天线下峰值速率为1200 * 84kbps = 100.8Mbps。

如果是4*4 MIMO,则峰值速率为单天线时的4倍,即403.2Mbps。




如果把码率从3/4降到1/3,则速率进一步降低到44.8 Mbps。


假设这些开销总共为25%,非空分复用情况下,真正可用于传输用户数据的最大速率为100.8Mbps * 75% = 75.6Mbps。


LTE下行链路MAC_PHY API的一种实现方案

LTE下行链路MAC_PHY API的一种实现方案

LTE下行链路MAC_PHY API的一种实现方案0 引言3GPP 在2004 年底制定了无线长期演进计划即无线长期演进标准LTE 和系统架构演进标准SAE。

3GPP 启动LTE 项目的表面原因是应对WiMAX 标准的市场竞争,实际上是为了满足更高的市场要求.LTE 系统设计目标是为了降低时延、提高用户传输速率、提高系统容量和覆盖范围、降低运营成本等,然而,LTE 的数据传输速率也给基站处理提出了更高的要求[1][2]。

API 是LTE MAC 层和PHY 物理层的处理接口,主要负责处理MAC 层的MTP 消息以及对控制物理链路的处理。

本文第二部分重点介绍API 的硬件设计,第三部分介绍了API处理MTP 消息的流程并提出了MTP 消息的异常处理方法。

1 MAC/PHY API 的结构设计1.1 开发工具的介绍PC203 是由picoChip 公司生产的多核DSP 处理器。

PC203 专门为宽带无线基站应用设计的,是高度集成和有效的基带处理器。

PC203 的结构如。

PC203 包含了灵活的软件定义的调制解调器,加密设备,最优化的协处理器和外围设备,能够支持通用的无线通信协议,PC203 集成了所有的物理层、MAC 层底层和加密特性。

picoArray 是一种软件定义的信号处理器,用来执行PHY 和MAC 底层的操作。

picoArray是一个多核处理器,包含了一系列的长指令处理器(称为AE),能够在一个cycle 内完成6条操作指令。



picoArray 有三种不同的AE 类型,分别是STAN AE,MEM AE 和CTRL AE,不同的AE类型分别应用于不同的情况。

1.2 MAC/PHY API 的结构设计API 是MAC 层与物理层的接口,主要负责处理MTP 消息和控制物理层的信道流程,API 的设计结构如。



基于开源OpenAirInterface的LTE仿真环境构建方法刘泽忠;韩隆隆;李明【摘要】With the rapid deployment of 4G mobile communication network of LTE system in the world, the research demand related to LTE becomes even more widespread, involving network security, network-related value-added service, network deployment and other technical fields. In order to carry out technical research of the related fields, it is necessary to build up an experimental environment with cost advantages and high-fidelity simulation ability. For this reason, the method for building up LTE simulation environment based on OpenAirInterface open source project is proposed, which could achieve high-fidelity simulation from LTE packet core network to LTE wireless system, meet international standards and be flexibly docked with commercial systems. It is a low-cost and excellent LTE simulation scheme, and has strong support to the research of LTE network-related technology.%随着LTE体制的第四代移动通信网络在全球范围内快速部署,与LTE相关的研究需求越来越广泛,其中涉及网络安全、网络相关的增值业务、网络部署等技术领域.为了开展相关领域的技术研究,构建一种具有成本优势、兼具高逼真度仿真能力的实验环境非常必要.因此,提出一种基于OpenAirInterface开源项目的LTE仿真环境构建方法,能够实现从LTE分组核心网到LTE无线系统的高逼真度仿真,且符合国际标准,可与商用系统灵活对接,是一种成本低廉、性能优异的LTE仿真方案,对于LTE网络相关技术研究具有很强的支撑作用.【期刊名称】《通信技术》【年(卷),期】2017(050)008【总页数】5页(P1855-1859)【关键词】OpenAirInterface;LTE仿真;LTE实验环境;LTE开源项目【作者】刘泽忠;韩隆隆;李明【作者单位】中国电子科技集团公司第三十研究所,四川成都 610041;中国电子科技集团公司第三十研究所,四川成都 610041;中国电子科技集团公司经济运行部,北京 100846【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN929.5OpenAirInterface(简称OAI)项目,是由OSA(The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance)维护开发的开源项目,起创始人是EURECOM。




controlregion主要用于传输L1/L2controlsignaling,包括PCFICH/PHICH/PDCCH;dataregion 主要用于传输数据,包括PSS/SSS、PBCH、PDSCH和PMCH。









b图5.3.4-1 CFI编码控制格式指示按照表5.3.4-1进行信道编码。

表5.3.4-1: CFI 码字2bit的CFI经过码率为1/16的信道编码,得到一个32-bit的codeword。

2.2 加扰-31位加扰码使用小区和子帧特定的扰码对32-bit的codeword进行加扰,以随机化小区间干扰(inter-cellinterference)。


诺西 LTE_MR功能开启说明
MR功能开启配置说明 用BTቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ Site Manager软件进入基站配置管理界面(软件版本应该对应,否则进入会有出错提示)
以下对象要自己创建:LNBTS右键点击- CTRLTS…. NetAct IP address 为 osscore2 IP **LTE网管的Core2 地址为:
网管上Trace view 功能开启1.需要新建trace : File New
2.参数配置 a. Trace start time/stop time 需要设置,不能trace太久,可能存在问题(比如多站点同时trace ,OMC服务器负荷可能偏大) b. IP of CE: MR服务器的IP地址, vendor interface TA选项要勾选
基站上MTRACE 这个对象不要创建,网管上通过Trace Viewer激活后,会在基站上自动配置,检查基站上配置结果如下: None None None 这个是 MR服务器的IP地址



Defining rules for : – Interference detection, both external and internal
Service Level KPI
• Describing the most important counters belonging to Cell Resource Table: – The triggering mechanisms and rules – The reliability Describe the KPI’s belonging to Service Level Table: – RRC setup, accces and active phase – RAB setup, accces and active phase – CSSR – CCSR – RRC and RAB Setup Time – RAB and DCH Holding Time – ….. Measurements from Real Network
(Lrt=<UnloadedRT) AND (Lnrt=<UnloadedNRT)
(PrxTarget -PrxOffset >= PrxTotal ) AND ((Lrt>UnloadedRT) OR (Lnrt>UnloadedNRT)) (PrxTarget > PrxTotal > PrxTarget -PrxOffset) AND ((Lrt>=UnloadedRT) OR (Lnrt>= UnloadedNRT)) (PrxTarget + PrxOffset > PrxTotal >=PrxTarget) AND ((Lrt>UnloadedRT) OR(Lnrt> UnloadedNRT)) (PrxTotal >= PrxTarget + PrxOffset) AND ((Lrt>UnloadedRT) OR (Lnrt>UnloadedNRT))
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LTE PHY FundamentalsRoger Piqueras JoverDL Physical Channels-DL-SCH: The DownLink Shared CHannel is a channel used to transport down-link user data or Radio Resource Control (RRC) messages, as well as system information which are nottransported via the Broadcast CHannel (BCH).-PBCH: The Physical Broadcast CHannel carries the Master Information Block (MIB). It consists ofa limited number of the most frequently transmitted parameters essential for initial access tothe cell. The PBCH is designed for early detection by the UE, and cell-wide coverage.-PDSCH: The Physical Downlink Shared CHannel is the main downlink data-bearing channel in LTE, used for all user data, as well as for broadcast system information which is not carried onthe Physical Broadcast CHannel (PBCH). It is also used for paging messages.-PDCCH: The Physical Downlink Control CHannel is a downlink control channel used to support efficient data transmission in LTE. A PDCCH carries a message known as Downlink ControlInformation (DCI), which includes transmission resource assignments and other controlinformation for a UE or group of UEs. Many PDCCHs can be transmitted in a subframe.-PCFICH: The Physical Control Format Indicator CHannel is a downlink physical channel that carries a Control Format Indicator (CFI) which indicates the number of OFDM symbols (i.e.normally 1, 2 or 3) used for transmission of downlink control channel information in eachsubframe.-PHICH: The Physical Hybrid ARQ Indicator CHannel is a downlink physical channel that carries the Hybrid ARQ (HARQ) ACK/NACK information indicating whether the eNodeB has correctlyreceived a transmission on the Physical Uplink Shared CHannel (PUSCH). Multiple PHICHs (fordifferent UEs) are mapped to the same set of downlink resource elements. These constitute aPHICH group, where different PHICHs within the same PHICH group are separated throughdifferent complex orthogonal Walsh sequences.Design constraintsThe two basic principal physical parameters are the cyclic prefix length (Tg) and the sub-carrier spacing (Δf). There are several design constraints to select these two parameters, and the standard tries to find a trade-off with the optimal values holding the constraints.First of all, Tu should be as larger than Tg as possible so the system has low overhead (Tu >> Tg). It is important to keep in mind that Tu has to be sufficiently small to ensure that the channel does not vary within one OFDM symbol.Tg has to be large enough to avoid Inter Symbol Interference (ISI). This is, Tg should be larger than the delay spread (Td) of the channel. LTE has different configurations depending on the type of channel through which the system is transmitting (Tg > Td).Finally, considering a mobile UE, there is going to be a deviation in frequency from the expected carrier frequency. This is due to the Doppler Effect. This deviation in frequency will have a maximum value off dmax=v/λ0, being λ0 the wavelength associated to the systems carrier frequency. Note that the Doppler Effect will be more noticeable at the further subcarriers from the DC component of the OFDM base-band system.In order to attenuate the effects of Inter Carrier Interference (ICI), it is required that f dmax/Δf << 1. This implies that Δf has to be large enough to overcome ICI (Δf >> f dmax).Recall that Tu=1/Δf, so one has to find a trade-off between Tu/Tg and Δf.Delay spread-Urban environment (maximum delay spread of 15μs): Among the 3 possible configurations listed in the LTE standard, in this kind of environment the chosen parameters would be Δf=15KHz and CP=17μs (Extended CP mode). This value of Δf is the most common one and is determined inorder to be able to serve users moving at a velocity of up to 500km/h. The chosen length of the cyclic prefix is enough to avoid ISI.-Indoor environment (maximum delay spread of 1μs): In this case, the chosen parameters would be Δf=15KHz and CP=5μs(Normal parametrization). Again, the chosen value of Δf would beenough to cover speeds of up to 500km/h and a shorter CP s enough to avoid ISI with a delayspread of 1μs.Mapping of reference signalsThe cell-specific reference signals are pilot signals inserted into the downlink signal that are used by the UE to perform downlink channel estimation in order to perform coherent demodulation of the information-bearing parts of the downlink signal. These signals are modulated using QPSK to make them resilient to noise and errors and they carry one of the 504 different cell identities. They are also transmitted in a power boosted way (6dB more than surrounding data symbols) so they are easily detected, received and demodulated.It can be shown that in an OFDM-based system an equidistant arrangement of reference symbols in the lattice structure achieves the minimum mean squared error estimate of the channel. Moreover, in the case of a uniform reference symbol grid, a ‘diamond shape’ in the time-frequency plane can be shown to be optimal.The placing of these reference signals in the time-frequency lattice is constrained both in time and frequency.Time domain requirements:The required spacing in the time domain between reference signals is forced by the Doppler Effect. The maximum Doppler frequency determines how fast the channel changes in time (coherence timeτc~1/f dmax). The LTE standard considers speeds of up to 500km/h. At a carrier frequency of 2GHz, this speed represents a maximum Doppler shift of f dmax~ 950Hz. Given Nyquist’s sampling theorem, the minimum sampling period required to reconstruct a channel with a Doppler shift of 950Hz isT min=1/(2f dmax)≈0.5ms under the above assumptions. This implies that two reference symbols per slot are needed in the time domain in order to estimate the channel correctly.Frequency domain requirementsThe required spacing in the frequency domain between reference signals s forced by the Coherence Bandwidth of the channel. This bandwidth can be defined in different ways depending on the degree of decorrelation in percentage. For example, a 50% coherence bandwidth is defined as the separation in frequency such that the cross correlation between two frequency samples of the channel is 0.5.The coherence bandwidth of the wireless channel si directly related to the Delay Spread (δτ) of the channel. The coherence bandwith (50% and 90%) can be approximated as B c,90%=1/(50 δτ) andB c,50%=1/(5δτ). The maximum r.m.s channel delay spread considered in the standard is 991 ns, corresponding to B c,90%≈20KHz and B c,50%≈200KHz.In LTE the spacing between two reference symbols in frequency, in one RB, is 45 kHz, thus allowing the expected frequency domain variations of the channel to be resolved. Therefore, in the frequency direction there is one reference symbol every six subcarriers on each OFDM symbols which includesreference symbol, but these are staggered so that within each Resource Block (RB) there is one reference symbol every 3 subcarriers.LTE FDD DL radio framea)Radio frame structure (1.4MHz BW, 1 antenna port, CFI=2)b)Overhead and peak rate throughput (64-QAM, 5.5547 bits per symbol)CFI=2Given the BW of 1.4MHz, there are only 6 RBs available. For CFI=2 the structure of the frame is the same as the one depicted in section (6.a). As can be seen above, there are 6x10=60 blocks of (1RB x 1 subframe), organized in 10 columns with 6 RB each one.8 of the columns will be of the type a (shown above), 1 column of type a and 1 column of type c. Let’s compute the number of resource elements used for data and the ones used for control information per each time of column:-Column (a):CFI + PBCH + reference + PSS/SSS= 2x12+6x12+4=100 control resource elements 12x14-100= 68 data resource elements-Column (b):CFI + reference + PSS/SSS= 2x12+2x12+6= 54 control resource elements12x14-54= 114 data resource elements-Column (c):CFI + reference= 2x12+6=30 control resource elements12x14-30= 138 data resource elementsThe overhead can be calculated as:Total control=(1 column a)x(6x100)+(1 column b)x(6x54)+(8 columns c)x(6x30)=2364 resource elements Total resource elements=(6x12)x(10x14)=10080Overhead (CFI=2)= 100 x (2364/10080)=23.45%One information symbol can be allocated in each data resource element. The transmission is done by means of 64-QAM with an average of 5.5547 bits per symbol. The peak rate thorughput is:Total data=(1 column a)x(6x68)+(1 column b)x(6x114)+(8 columns c)x(6x138)=7716 resource elements Peak rate= (7716 symbols x 5.5547 bits/symbol)/10ms= 4.28MbpsCFI=3With CFI=3, the number of data and control resource elements in each column changes as follows: -Column (a):CFI + PBCH + reference + PSS/SSS= 3x12+6x12+4=112 control resource elements 12x14-112= 56 data resource elements-Column (b):CFI + reference + PSS/SSS= 3x12+2x12+6= 66 control resource elements12x14-66= 102 data resource elements-Column (c):CFI + reference= 3x12+6=42 control resource elements12x14-42= 126 data resource elementsTotal control=1x(6x112)+1x(6x66)+8x(6x42)=3084 resource elementsTotal resource elements=(6x12)x(10x14)=10080Overhead (CFI=2)= 100 x (3084/10080)=30.59%Total data=(1 column a)x(6x56)+(1 column b)x(6x102)+(8 columns c)x(6x126)=6996 resource elements Peak rate= (6996 symbols x 5.5547 bits/symbol)/10ms= 3.89 MbpsCFI=4With CFI=4, the number of data and control resource elements in each column changes as follows: -Column (a):CFI + PBCH + reference + PSS/SSS= 4x12+6x12+4=124 control resource elements 12x14-124= 44 data resource elements-Column (b):CFI + reference + PSS/SSS= 4x12+2x12+6= 78 control resource elements12x14-78= 90 data resource elements-Column (c):CFI + reference= 4x12+6=54 control resource elements12x14-54= 114 data resource elementsTotal control=1x(6x124)+1x(6x78)+8x(6x54)=3804 resource elementsTotal resource elements=(6x12)x(10x14)=10080Overhead (CFI=2)= 100 x (3804/10080)=37.74%Total data=(1 column a)x(6x44)+(1 column b)x(6x90)+(8 columns c)x(6x114)=6276 resource elements Peak rate= (6276 symbols x 5.5547 bits/symbol)/10ms= 3.48 MbpsSo, the final results are as shown in the table:Scenario CFI Overhead [%] Peak rate [Mbps]1 2 23.45 4.282 3 30.59 3.893 4 37.74 3.48LTE FDD DL radio frame (BW=20MHz)a)Radio frame structure (20MHz BW, 4 antenna ports, CFI=2)b)Overhead and peak rate throughput (64-QAM, 5.5547 bits per symbol)Given 20MHz of available spectrum, there are 100 Resource Blocks available. Note that the 6 central ones contain PBCH, PSS/SSS, CFI and the reference signals (for a 4 antenna port configuration) while The remaining 94 RBs contain only CFI and the reference signals.CFI=1Let’s recalculate the amount of data and control block per each kind of subframe:-Column (a):CFI + PBCH + reference + PSS/SSS= 1x12+6x12+12=96 control resource elements 12x14-96= 72 data resource elements-Column (b):CFI + reference + PSS/SSS= 1x12+2x12+20= 56 control resource elements12x14-64= 112 data resource elements-Column (c):CFI + reference= 1x12+20=32 control resource elements12x14-40= 136 data resource elementsThe overhead can be calculated as:Total control=(1 column a)x(6x96)+(1 column b)x(6x56)+(8 columns c)x(6x32) ++ (94x10 columns c)x32=32528 resource elementsTotal resource elements=(100x12)x(10x14)=168000Overhead (CFI=2)= 100 x (32528/168000)=19.36%One information symbol can be allocated in each data resource element. The transmission is done by means of 64-QAM with an average of 5.5547 bits per symbol. The peak rate thorughput is:Total data=(1 column a)x(6x72)+(1 column b)x(6x112)+(8 columns c)x(6x136) ++ (94x10 columns c)x136=135472 resource elementsPeak rate= 4 x (135472 symbols x 5.5547 bits/symbol)/10ms= 301 MbpsCFI=2Let’s recalculate the amount of data and control block per each kind of subframe:-Column (a):CFI + PBCH + reference + PSS/SSS= 2x12+6x12+8=104 control resource elements 12x14-104= 64 data resource elements-Column (b):CFI + reference + PSS/SSS= 2x12+2x12+16= 64 control resource elements12x14-64= 104 data resource elements-Column (c):CFI + reference= 2x12+16=40 control resource elements12x14-40= 128 data resource elementsThe overhead can be calculated as:Total control=(1 column a)x(6x104)+(1 column b)x(6x64)+(8 columns c)x(6x40) ++ (94x10 columns c)x40=40528 resource elementsTotal resource elements=(100x12)x(10x14)=168000Overhead (CFI=2)= 100 x (40528/168000)=24.12%One information symbol can be allocated in each data resource element. The transmission is done by means of 64-QAM with an average of 5.5547 bits per symbol. The peak rate thorughput is:Total data=(1 column a)x(6x64)+(1 column b)x(6x104)+(8 columns c)x(6x128) ++ (94x10 columns c)x128=127472 resource elementsPeak rate= 4 x (127472 symbols x 5.5547 bits/symbol)/10ms= 283.23 MbpsCFI=3Let’s recalculate the amount of data and control block per each kind of subframe:-Column (a):CFI + PBCH + reference + PSS/SSS= 3x12+6x12+8=116 control resource elements 12x14-116= 52 data resource elements-Column (b):CFI + reference + PSS/SSS= 3x12+2x12+16= 76 control resource elements12x14-76= 92 data resource elements-Column (c):CFI + reference= 3x12+16=52 control resource elements12x14-52= 116 data resource elementsThe overhead can be calculated as:Total control=(1 column a)x(6x116)+(1 column b)x(6x76)+(8 columns c)x(6x52) ++ (94x10 columns c)x52=52528 resource elementsTotal resource elements=(100x12)x(10x14)=168000Overhead (CFI=2)= 100 x (52528/168000)=31.27%One information symbol can be allocated in each data resource element. The transmission is done by means of 64-QAM with an average of 5.5547 bits per symbol. The peak rate thorughput is:Total data=(1 column a)x(6x52)+(1 column b)x(6x92)+(8 columns c)x(6x116) ++ (94x10 columns c)x116=115472 resource elementsPeak rate= 4 x (115472 symbols x 5.5547 bits/symbol)/10ms= 256.56 MbpsSo, the final results are as shown in the table:Scenario CFI Overhead [%] Peak rate [Mbps]1 1 19.36 3012 2 24.12 283.233 3 31.27 256.56We observe that, as stated in the standard, the peak bit-rate of LTE is about 300 Mbps.。
