新编大学英语 1 Unit 4 教案

Unit 4 Holidays and Special DaysI. Teaching aims: 1. to do some preparation activities such as discussion, group work (ask thestudents to talk about one of the western holidays that they think the mostinteresting), etc. to practice the students‟ spoken skill and communicativeskills;2. to grasp some new words and try to use these words which help them enrichtheir vocabulary;3. to discuss important holidays in western countries and the way peoplecelebrate;4. to do some post-reading exercises and some after-class reading to practicewhat they have got to know in class to improve their Englishcomprehensive skills.II. key points: 1. to learn the ways people celebrate Christmas;2. talk about the customs of western holidays.III. difficult points: 1. to paraphrase some difficult sentences and catch their meaning.2. to grasp some useful words and phrases to discuss western holidays.IV. teaching process:i. preparation:1. Ask the students to talk about one of the western holidays that they think the most interesting.All the countries have their own festivals. The most important festival in china is Spring Festival, the first day of a year in lunar calendar. However, in western countries and North America, people mostly regard Christmas as a high point of the year.Besides Christmas, there are also many other festivals in the United States, such as Labor Day, Valentine's Day, Good Friday and so on. Each of them is unusual.January 1 is New Year's Day, almost all the American will have a celebration in order to welcome the coming of a new year. New Year greetings can be heard everywhere. Some people may make plans and resolve to change their bad habits so that they can have a good beginning in the New Year.Because ancient American people came from many countries, especially the western countries, they usually have the same festivals. But Thanksgiving Day is different, it is the most truly American of the national holidays in the United States. In 1620,some people called the settlers sailed to America. They arrived after a long time and lots of difficulties. In the first winter, more than half of the people died because of hungry and diseases. Those who survived began sowing in the first spring. They were waiting for the harvest. Their lives depended on the coming harvest. After some time their dream became true. The fields produced enough crops. Therefore they decided to thank the god and celebrate the harvest. Then President of the United States proclaimed the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day.Now, American people have a get-together and prepare a nice and big dinner on Thanksgiving Day. Turkeys are often offered, it almost becomes the symbol of Thanksgiving. All kinds of sweets and nuts can be seen on the table, too It's still a day to express people's thanks for the year's bounty and the god today.April Fool's Day is another interesting festival. It began in France and was very popular at that time. It was celebrated in nearly all the western countries later. In the early 18th century, the tradition was taken to the United States by the Englishmen who moved to America early. On April 1,people will play jokes on others and they may decorate their houses as if it was Christmas or Near Year's Day. It's very interesting to join the parties on April Fool's Day. People may make some pretty but fake dishes, for example, the ice-cream may be covered with tomatoes. "Have a lovely day!" "You are an April fool!" "These words can be often heard on April Fool's Day. People won't be unhappy if others play jokes on them at that day.2. Holiday wordsHolidays and Special Days in U.S.AThe American calendar is filled with numerous holidays. The following table shows some of the more popular holidays. Important national holidays have been indicated in bold face.Most non-essential government offices will be closed on these days. (Fire, Ambulance and Police are always open.) Banks and post offices also tend to be closed on these days, and many businesses will give their employees the day off.It is also important to be aware of the holidays of people of other religious faiths. For example, important Jewish holidays include Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah, Sukkoth, Chanukah, and Passover. Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah, and Sukkoth occur in the fall. Chanukah occurs in December, near Christmas. Passover occurs in March or April, near Easter.3. Reading a Rhyme1) Who do you think wrote the rhyme?It might be a child who is between 7 and 12 years old. He or she lost his/ her milk teeth. His/her two front teeth have not grown out and his/her classmates might make fun of him/ her. So he/ she asked Santa Claus to give him/ her two front teeth.Student A: This rhyme is written by a child (6-7 years old) who has no front teeth.Student B: This rhyme is written by an old man/woman who has lost his/her front teeth. (He/She ca n‟t pronounce the sound “s” without his/her front teeth.)Student C: This rhyme is written by a young man who has lost his front teeth in a fight and is often teased by others.Student D: This rhyme is written by an advertiser trying to promote the sales of a certain product containing calcium which is good for children‟s teeth.Student E: This rhyme is written by the parent of a baby whose front teeth haven‟t grown yet and who wants to wish its parents Merry Christmas.(The baby is too young to write such a rhyme.)2) Which Christmas custom is reflected in it?Making a wishStudent A: People exchange gifts with each other.Student B:People wish each other “Merry C hristmas".Student C: People make wishes on Christmas and their wishes will come true.Student D: Children get a lot of presents on Christmas3) If you‟re to make a wish, what will it be?Wishes might be: pass TEM 4, find a part time job, buy a computer, buy a car, learn how to drive, own a large house, publish a bookStudent A: Wish everyone has the most advanced computer.Student B:Wish I can receive many presents and can do whatever I want to do.Student C: Wish our country develops more quickly in the next fifty years and that ourcountry will be the most powerful in the world on thecentennial anniversary of our country.Student D: Wish my best friend good luck.Student E: Wish my family members and all my friends and relatives happy, healthy, and prosperous.Student F: Wish I could stay in a cabin in the countryside with a peasant family, sit around the fire and tell stories to each other.Student G: Wish all my dreams will come true.4. What is this special day?April Fool‟s DayPeople play tricks on each other; Neighbor kids will play friendly tricks on you; your best friend will tease you; and even the media will makes jokes to fool the public. When someone is tricked, people say: “April Fool.”ii. listening-centered activities1. Listen to a passage and complete the following clues about “The Origin of Santa Claus”1. The custom of giving presents during Christmas goes back to the ancient Romans.2. In the Bible, the wise men brought gifts to Jesus on the 12th day after his birth.3. In some countries of Europe, the gifts are supposed to be brought in by Saint Nicholas, a bishop who was regarded as a special friend of the children.4. When the Dutch came to New York, they brought the traditions of Saint Nicholas with them.5. In America the date of Santa Claus‟s arrival was moved to Christmas eve.The reason for this is that the gifts are supposed to be brought in by Saint Nicholas on the eve of his feast day, December the 6th. Saint Nicholas was a bishop of the 4th century who came to be regarded as a special friend of the children. So in various countries around the world Saint Nicholas returns every year with gifts for good children. When the Dutch came to New York, they brought the traditions of Saint Nicholas with them. They called him “San Nicholas.” And this soon was changed to “Sankt Klaus”, and then Santa Claus. But in America the date of Santa Claus‟s arrival was moved to Christmas eve. And gradually his red costume, the reindeer, and his home at the north pole became part of the tradition.2. Spot Dictation:and because it meant they would have a period of rest from work afterwards. They would make merry and have a great holiday. Even though it was November, they considered it the beginning of the new year! When the Romans conquered Europe, they changed this time of celebration to the first of January. From then the coming of the new year was a symbol of a new life with new hope for the future. This custom and this meaning has lasted to this day. We celebrate the new year hoping it will bring us a good life!3. Background knowledge about Valentine’s Day:Several different stories are told about the origin of Saint Valentine's Day. One legend dates as far back as the days of the Roman Empire. According to the story, Claudius, the Emperor of Rome, wanted to increase the size of his army. He knew that it would be easier to get young men who were not married to join. Therefore he made a rule that no young man could marry until he had served a certain number of years in the army.A priest named Valentine broke the rule and secretly married a great many young people. Finally, Claudius found out about Valentine and put the priest in prison, where he remained until his death on February 14.After his death, Valentine was made a saint, and the day of his death was named Saint Valentine's Day. It became the custom for lovers to send each other messages on this day. Now Saint Valentine's Day is a time for people to give roses or chocolates and to send greetings.4. role playWork with your partners to make a conversation in the following situations:1) You ring your friend Lisa on Christmas Eve.Tom: Hi! Lisa. Is that you? It‟s Tom.Lisa: Merry Christmas! Tom.Tom: You too. What are you going to do during the holidays?Lisa: I‟m going to visit my parents and my brothers back home.Tom: Have a safe trip! Then. You know what? I‟m going to China for my holidays. I hope that will be exciting.Lisa: I‟m sure it will.2) You and your girlfriend/boyfriend celebrate Valentine‟s Day.Jack: Happy Valentine‟s Day, dear!May: Oh! I can‟t believe you remembered!Jack: How can I forget? There are reminders all over town. Everywhere I go I see signs that tell me to buy flowers and chocolates for the woman I love. So, here, please accept these flowers and chocolates.May: Thank you so much. I cooked a special dinner for you tonight. Happy Valentine‟s Day to you!3) You are discussing with your friend about the New Year‟s resolution.Peter: Have you made a New Year‟s resolution yet, Mark?Mark: No, I never make New Year‟s resolu tions. I did for a few years, but I never kept them. Now I don‟t even bother to make them. What about you?Peter: I‟ve made a resolution to lose weight.Mark: I don‟t think you need to lose weight. You look just fine.Peter: Thank you! I appreciate that comment.5. video clip1) What do you know about Thanksgiving Day?2) If you have an opportunity to give thanks to somebody, whom will you give thanks to first? And how?iii. reading-centered activities1. What is Christmas?The word Christmas comes from the words Cristes maesse, or "Christ's Mass." Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus for members of the Christian religion. Most historians peg the first celebration of Christmas to Rome in 336 A.D.Christmas is both a holiday and a holy day. In America it is one of the biggest event of the year (especially for kids), and for members of the Christian religions it is an important day on the religious calendar.Christmas Day, the 25th of December, is the biggest festival(节日)celebrated in the Christian countries of the world. Although everyone enjoys Christmas Day,it is particularly enjoyed by children, who get very excited because of the presents they know they are going to receive. Small children believe that their presents are brought by Father Christmas(圣诞老人).Father Christmas is a kind of old man who, the children are told, lives at the North Pole. He travels through the sky on a sleigh(雪撬) which is pulled by reindeers(驯鹿) and loaded with(装满) presents. Stopping on the roof of houses, he enters by climbing the chimney(烟囱).When small children go to bed on Christmas Eve, they hang a stocking at the end of their beds. Their parents warn them not to try to look at Father Christmas, or he will not leave them anything. When they wake, they find theirstockings filled with presents. Children are very excited on Christmas morning and always wake up early.Christmas is also a family celebration. As any members of the family as possiblegather to eat, play party games and watch the special Christmas programmes on TV.The federal government, all state governments, all schools/colleges/universities and the vast majority of businesses in America give employees one or two days off at Christmas, making it an important holiday (other federal holidays are: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Day, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving). In the Roman Catholic calendar, Christmas is one of six holy feast days celebrated in America, the others being: Circumcision (New Year's Day), Ascension, Assumption (Mary's assumption into heaven, August 15), All Saints (November 1), and the Immaculate Conception (December 8).Historians are unsure exactly when Christians first began celebrating the Nativity of Christ. However, most scholars believe that Christmas originated in the 4th century as a Christian substitute for pagan celebrations of the winter solstice. Before the introduction of Christmas, each year beginning on December 17 Romans honored Saturn, the ancient god of agriculture, in a festival called Saturnalia. This festival lasted for seven days and included the winter solstice, which usually occurred around December 25 on the ancient Julian calendar. During Saturnalia the Romans feasted, postponed all business and warfare, exchanged gifts, and temporarily freed their slaves. Many Romans also celebrated the lengthening of daylight following the winter solstice by participating in rituals to glorify Mithra, the ancient Persian god of light (see Mithraism). These and other winter festivities continued through January 1, the festival of Kalends, when Romans marked the day of the new moon and the first day of the month and year.Most scholars believe that Christmas originated in the 4th century as a Christian substitute for pagan celebrations of the winter solstice.Although the Gospels describe Jesus‟ birth in detail, they never mention the date, so historians do not know on what date he was born. The Roman Catholic Church chose December 25 as the day for the Feast of the Nativity in order to give Christian meaning to existing pagan rituals.2. introductionTo many people Christmas is no longer than a most important religious celebration. It means drinking and eating with abandon, and people are apt to participate in the conspicuous consumption. They hardly think of the less fortunate, one should remember all the good things and express his love to others.Work in pairs to explain the meanings of the following two sentences.Christmas isn‟t Christmas without a turkey.Turkey makes a really traditional Christmas.As we all know, turkey is the main food for Christmas in North America. Without turkey, Christmas won‟t be Christmas. Turkey always goes together with cranberry sauce. The turkey is stuffed with sausage and a mixture of bread, milk, eggs, onions and various herbs including summer savory.Turkey is like a very large chicken that usually weighs around 15 lbs. It takes around 7 hours to roast it in the oven. Some people use an electric knife to carve it into pieces.3. words and phrasesabsolutely: definitely and completely; unquestionably 完全地,确实地adj.: absolute relativeabsolutely relativelyalcoholic: containing or preserved in alcohol 含酒精的an alcoholic drinkn. alcoholapproach: to come near or nearer, as in space or time: 接近:靠近或靠得更近,如在空间或时间上; to come close to, as in appearance, quality, or condition; approximate: 近乎Spring approaches.The performance approaches perfection.n. a way or means of reaching something; an access:途径; the method used in dealingwith or accomplishing:步骤:an approach to the bridgea logical approach to the problemThe approach of winter brings cold weather.In some cases, different approaches ____the same scientific problem lead to conflicting theories.A)to B)in C)of D)for答案:A) the approach to...,为固定搭配,意为“…方法(途径)”。
大学英语综合教程1 Unit4

1. You must _______ to the fact that failure will mean awake disgrace. _______ 2. My mother aroused me from sleep. woke 3. He ______ up with a start when the door slammed. wakened 4. We were ________ by a loud bang. 5. Is he _______ or asleep? awake 6. It’s time you _______ up to the fact that you’re not woke popular.
Meagan and her mother managed to produce a close copy of the doll to GG as a Christmas present.
Detailed reading
• Paragraph 1 • 1. Why did the writer’s grandmother move in with the writer’s mother? • 2. What does sentence “it was often hard to arouse her interest” tell us about old people like the writer’s grandmother?
move in: take possession of a new home You must come and see our new house when we’ve moved in. We moved out on Monday and the new tenants moved in on Tuesday. Collocation: move in move out 搬进 搬出

The more you study, the more you will find yourself ignorant.
— Rene Descartes
To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting. — Edmund Burke
She has learned to make the grade, not to change it on the card.
3. Who do you think called the speaker’s mother?
Her teacher.
Listening Script
MMyympoatrheenrtsawnsewreeraelwd aity,sltiestlelinnegdm, aentdo trhaeisne lmooykgerdadaetsm, e but they would never tell me how. After getting one bad wreitphorbtlcoaordd ainftehrearneoythese.r,SIhkenetowldI hmaed tthoadtothsoermeewtheinreg some tdhrinasgtsicm. Wuchewn omrsyeDtheacnemfabielirncga, radnadrtrhivaetdchweiathtinthgrweeasCos,ntewoof tDhesm, a.nIdtarinedF,tIowaargsuaef.raIidsatiodsshhoewwitastothmeyomneothwehr.oThhaadt'stold mweheton Ichcaamngeeump ywigthratdhees.brTilhliaatnmt iaddeea ohferchraenaglliynganthgeryF, taond an A. It was really quite simple just to give the F another leg. sWhehseanidI sthhaotwIekdntehwe cthaardt’stonomtywmhaotthsehre, shhaed wmaesavnet.ryTheexncistehde gtaovseeemtheeaonwehgiopopdingraadned. Stohoekgaavweamyemayhuagllaonwdaanckeissfoarnda, mmoonstthi.mSpionrcteantthoefnalIl,haabviegglearranlelodwtaoncmea. kEevetrhyeongerawdea,s not chhaapnpgye iint omnythheoucsaerdu.ntil two nights later when the phone rang.

浙江大学《新编大学英语综合教程(1)》(第3版)学习指南Unit4一、词汇短语In-Class ReadingFresh Startcampus[]n.(大学)校园;大学教育【例句】The news soon went round the campus.消息很快传遍校园。
【助记】camp(营地)+us→我们在大学校园里露营学生军训的营地(camp),设在我们(us)校园里drive off驾车离去;驶去;赶走;击退【例句】He was just about to drive off when the secretary came running out.他正打算驾车离开,这时秘书跑了出来。
parking lot停车场nothing more than仅仅,只不过【例句】They expected nothing more than a new-type machine.他们期望的只不过是一台新型的机器而已。
safely[]adv.安全地;确实地【例句】The first part of the plan has been safely accomplished.计划的第一部分已顺利完成。
freshman[]n.新生,大学一年级学生march[]n.行军,进军;进行曲;示威游行vi.进军;走过vt.迫使…前进【例句】①The band struck up the wedding march.乐队开始演奏婚礼进行曲。
②His mother marched him right off home with her.他母亲让他马上跟她回家。
【词组】march in进入;(运动员)进场march on行进,向前进;向…推进;进入检阅场地march against朝…进军;向…推进await[]vt.等候,期待;(事情等)降临于【例句】Death awaits us all.死神在等着我们所有的人。
hesitation[]n.犹豫,踌躇【例句】She answered without a moment’s hesitation.她毫不迟疑立即回答。

Unit 4 Fresh StartIn-Class Reading Fresh Start新的开端1当我父母开车离去,留下我可怜巴巴地站在停车场上时,我开始寻思我在校园里该做什么。
3“欢迎你们来听生物101 课,”教授开始上课。

%The forth CCP Congress point out it is a must to advocate the chinization,up-dating and popularity o f Marxism,which is burdened with great significance in terms of reality and history.In the process of the development of CCP,despite of the tendency,it is intricate to realize thoroughly this subject.In an eagle's view,the explore of chinization,up-dating and popularity of Marxism benefits how to summarize a certain period of history and further theory innovation.【总页数】4页(P1-4)【作者】孙忠良;陈德祥【作者单位】吉首大学,湖南吉首416000;吉首大学,湖南吉首416000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】B27【相关文献】1.中国共产党对马克思主义中国化时代化大众化关系的认识发展 [J], 陈德祥2.马克思主义中国化时代化大众化的历史探索 [J], 孙忠良;陈德祥3.建国后毛泽东对于马克思主义中国化时代化大众化的历史探索 [J], 孙忠良;董钰涵;4.论党对马克思主义中国化时代化大众化的历史探索 [J], 孙忠良;陈德祥5.党对推进马克思主义中国化时代化大众化规律的有益探索 [J], 杨子萍;因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
外研社,新编大学英语综合教程4,Unit4 Creativity,Quiz答案

外研社,新编大学英语综合教程4Unit4 CreativityQuiz答案1. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.1. The servant was dismissed for being lazy and dishonest.A. neglectedB. ignoredC. firedD. sent2. He tried his best to mask his enmity (敌意) under an appearance of friendliness.A. faceB. concealC. revealD. present3. It rained practically all night.A. almostB. mostlyC. reallyD. actually4. Regular exercise is vital for your health.A. fatalB. energeticC. importantD. relevant5. Let's move to the next item on the agenda.A. paperB. planC. projectD. work6. She has been appointed to solve the problem.A. chosenB. appliedC. askedD. demanded7. Mere words won't help.A. ManyB. TrueC. RealD. Only8. She withdrew her eyes from the terrible sight.A. took overB. took upC. took awayD. took down9. It's often difficult to discern the truth of an event from the newspaper stories.A. understandB. distinguishC. findD. get10. The flavor of most foods can be enhanced by good cooking.A. improvedB. raisedC. changedD. forced11. In order to avoid students' utter reliance on teachers, students should be taught how to learninstead of what to learn.A. independenceB. dispensationC. dependenceD. confidence12. Young children need stimulation.A. praiseB. challengesC. understandingD. help2. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate forms of the words in brackets.13. manual menu mental metalA. Is it made of wood orB. We are sure a lot of thisC. Those who suffer an illness of the mind should be sent toD. The man ordered the most expensive items on theYour answer Correct answer(1) metal metal(2) manual manual(3) mental mental(4) menu menu14. adapt adoptB. This novel has beenYour answer Correct answer(1) adapted adapted(2) adapted adapted(3) adopted adopted(4) adopted adopted15. award rewardB. He announced a(n)Your answer Correct answer(1) award award(2) reward reward16. incident accident business issue eventA. I raised a newD. She told us about some of the amusingYour answer Correct answer(1) issue issue(2) accident accident(3) business business(4) incidents incidents(5) events events3. Translate the following sentences into English, using the expressions in brackets.17. 我再也没有见到过他,也没有收到过他的信。

Unit 1 PersonalityV ocabulary1. 1) self-conscious 2) self-confidence 3) self-esteem 4) self-destructive 5) self-worth6) self-concept 7) Self-awareness 8) self-assurance/self-confidence2. 1)B 2)I 3)L 4)A 5)H 6)D 7)E 8)N 9)J 10)M 11)C 12)F 13)G 14)K3. 1) profound 2) jealousy 3) numerous 4) overweight 5) overcome 6) eventually7) slim 8) compliments 9) diminish 10) reassurance 11) detrimental12) isolated 13) self-esteem 14) accented4. 1) reflected 2) concerned/worried 3) profound effect/influence 4) viewed/regarded5)sensitive 6) respond/react 7)eliminated 8)overcome my fear9) concentrate on 10) made no commentTranslation1) You should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising.2) In general children are healthier and better educated than ever before.3) When the right opportunity comes along, he’ll take it.4) Every day he sets aside some time to be with his family and enjoy life.5) I remember those dark streets and walking hand in hand with my father.6) He finally failed to live up to his parents’expectations.7) In contrast, our use of oil has increased enormously.8) He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal weakness.Part Four Writing and Translation2. Translation Practice1) It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure.2) Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful.3) When you fail in something, profit from the failure as a learning experience.4) Think about your strengths and build up self-confidence in front of problems or difficulties.5) Don’t let negative thoughts hold you back.6) Everyone has experienced failures and disappointments, so don’t blame yourself too much.Unit 2 Myths and LegendsV ocabulary1. 1) A. invitation B. invited C. inviting 2) A. prepare B. prepared C. preparation D. preparatory/preparation3) A. discoveries B. discoverers C. discovered4) A. approval B. approve C. approved D. approving E. disapprove5) A. eloquent B. eloquence C. eloquently6) A. faithful B. unfaithful/faithless C. faith d. faithfully7) A. occasional B. occasionally C. occasion8) A. delivery B. delivering C. delivered9) A. troublesome B. troubled C. troubled D. troubling 10) A. assurance B. assured C. assure2. 1) got/ran into trouble 2) no trouble 3) asking for trouble 4) have …trouble 5) troublewith6) in serious/deep/big trouble 7) get/getting …into trouble 8) took the trouble3. 1) with a pattern of roses 2) prepared a wonderful/goof meal for us3) promised faithfully 4) deliver this letter5) a selection of milk and plain chocolate 6) keep out of mischief/behave themselves7) the sound of distant thunder 8) received approval from the government9) in spite of the fact that he drank too much 10) agree whether the drug is safe or notPart Three Further Development5. Complete the following Ancient Chinese story by translating the Chinese into English1) the true reason why there was no such animal in Guizhou2) they were of no use at all in this place3) when he saw the donkey all of a sudden, he thought it was a monster4) he hid himself in the trees while looking at the donkey5) what kind of animal is this and why does it look different from other animals that I’ve seen?6) But one day the donkey stretched its thin neck and cried7) the tiger discovered that the donkey didn’t have any other skills besides crying8) But he dared not rush to it and eat it just as he did to other animals9) This did irritate the donkey (made the donkey angry), who raised its hind leg and kicked the tiger10) This time he rushed to it without hesitation and bit its rhroatPart Four Writing and Translation2. Translation Practice万物之初天地还是一体充满混沌。

UNIT1:In-class reading:1.anatomy 构造;结构;解剖学2.bureaucrat 官僚主义者3.cartoonist 漫画家4.clarification 澄清;解释5.clown 小丑edian 滑稽演员;喜剧演员7.cross-talk 相声8.double entendre 双关语9.entertaining 有趣的;令人愉快的10.familiarity 熟悉;精通11.gathering 聚会12.humorist 有幽默感的人13.humorless 缺乏幽默感的人14.idiot 笨蛋;蠢材15.irritated 恼火的;不耐烦的ughable可笑的;荒唐的ughter 笑;笑声18.misuse 误用;滥用19.mutual 相互的;共同的20.prance 神气活现地走/移动21.principal校长;最重要的22.pun双关语23.refined有礼貌的;有教养的24.riddle谜语;奥秘25.riddler出谜语的人26.selectively有选择地27.setting(戏剧;小说)背景28.setup机制;结构29.slapstick滑稽表演;打闹剧30.sparkling闪亮的;闪光的31.string一连串;一系列32.suggestive产生邪念的;挑逗的33.tease戏弄;取笑34.tempt怂恿;引诱某人做35.universal普遍的;全体的36.vulgar粗俗的;庸俗的37.beyond the reach of sb.在某人深受其害够不着的地方38.flash a smile对某人一笑39.make an attempt to do sth.努力做某事;试图做某事40.make fun of 嘲弄;拿…开玩笑UNIT1: After-class reading1.aristocracy 贵族2.assemble集合;聚集;收集3.clockwork发条装置4.convict宣判…有罪5.cosy温暖舒适的6.dated老式的;过时的7.detection发觉;察觉8.drama戏剧;电视剧9.fiction小说10.fictional小说的;虚构的11.gardener园丁;园艺工人12.hierarchy等级制度13.loose ends未完成的部分14.miscarriage审判不公;误判15.morally道德上;道义上16.obsession着魔;困扰人的想法17.penalty刑罚;处罚18.predictable可预言的;可预料的19.psychologically心理地20.shortage短缺;缺乏21.unsettle使不安;扰乱22.whereabouts行踪;去向23.whodunit侦探小说(电影)24.wrongly不正确地;错误地25.end with以…结束26.in short简而言之;总之27.take on呈现;以…面貌出现28.under arrest被捕;在押29.without doubt确实(强调某观点)30.like clockwork顺利地;极有规律性和准确性地UNIT2: In-class reading1.aloof冷淡的;超然离群的2.characterize描绘;描述…的特征3.column(报纸;书页)栏plimentary赞美的;赞赏的5.cordial诚挚而友好的6.deserve值得;应得;应受7.drawback不利条件;缺点8.enterprise企业;公司;事业9.freshness新意;勃勃生机10.insincere不真诚的11.inspiring激励人心的12.intrigue激起…好奇心;迷住13.investment投资;投资额14.long-distance远距离的;长途的15.mayor市长;镇长16.memo备忘录17.mentor导师;指导者estone重大事件;里程碑19.overdue早该完成/发生的;延误20.pad便笺本;拍纸簿21.poetic富有诗意的22.practitioner从事者;实践者;从业者23.precise精确的;准确的24.rag-eared折角的;破旧的;翻旧的25.recipient接受者;接收者26.savor品味;体验;品尝27.scribble潦草地书写;乱涂乱画28.sentimental多愁善感的;多情的29.spirit-lifting鼓舞人心的30.stationary文具;信纸31.thrive兴旺;繁荣;茁壮成长32.typewriter打字机33.unresponsive无反应的;冷淡的34.upbeat乐观的;快乐的35.vague含糊的;不明确的36.virtually差不多;实际上37.well-wishing良好祝愿38.a pat on the back 鼓励;表扬39.at hand在近处/手边40.attach importance to重视41.be on to有头绪;认识到…重要意义42.follow sth. up 采取后续行动43.lift up鼓舞;激励44.make a habit of养成…的习惯45.pass along使某人非常高兴46.shy away from(因害怕)回避/躲避47.turn around 向好的方向发展48.walk of life行业;职业;阶层UNIT2: After-class reading1.billfold皮夹子2.blurt脱口而出3.coffin棺材4.delightful漂亮的;令人愉快的5.edgy易怒的;不安的6.farmhouse农舍7.incessantly不停地8.mischievousness淘气;调皮9.novice新手的;生手的10.permission允许11.proceed(朝某方向)移动12.ragged破旧的13.remainder剩下的人/东西/时间14.serviceman军人15.shrug耸肩(表怀疑、冷漠)16.sideways向一边地;横着地17.wink眨眼;眨眼示意18.act on/upon根据…行事19.do sth. once too often反复做(危险、愚蠢或令人恼火的事)20.get out of hand 无法控制21.if only但愿;要是…就好了22.make sth. of理解;解释23.move on更换工作/班级/活动24.tear off撕掉;扯下25.to this day至今1.aspiration强烈愿望;志向2.assign分配;指定;分派3.bias偏见;成见4.biased有偏见的5.constitute设立;被视为6.culturally文化上;人文地7.feminine女性的;妇女的8.gender性别9.genetic基因的;遗传学的10.indirectly间接地11.innumerable无数的;数不清的12.masculine男子气概的13.neatness整洁14.non-sexist非性别歧视的15.northeastern在/来自东北部的16.noticeably显著地;明显地17.nursery托儿所18.participation参与;参加19.postgraduate博士后的20.preschooler学龄前儿童21.stereotyped老一套/模式化的22.subordination处于次要地位23.tremendous巨大的;强有力的24.unintentional无心的;不故意的25.unknowingly没意识到的26.vital极其重要的27.as a matter of fact 事实上;实际上28.call on要求(某人做某事)29.carry over继续存在;保持30.fall behind落后31.in accordance with按照;依照32.put away放好;收好33.turn out生产;制造34.up to直到1.allocate分配;配给2.contempt轻视;轻蔑3.discrimination歧视4.disregard忽视;不顾5.disrupt扰乱;使…混乱6.dramatically显著地7.essay论说文;散文8.hopeful给人以希望的9.lecturer讲师;讲课者10.pervade弥漫;遍布11.rightful公正的;合法的12.sloppy马虎的;凌乱的13.unladylike缺乏淑女风度的14.at a disadvantage处于不利地位15.be in a/the minority 占少数16.for ages 很长时间17.go too far做得太过分cator教育家2.manufacture制造;生产3.motivation动力;积极性4.multiplication乘法运算5.practically几乎;简直6.scorn轻蔑;鄙视7.workable切合实际的8.be up to取决于;是…的职责9.involve sb. in使某人加入10.sacrifice for牺牲1.agenda意图;计划;历程2.awkwardly笨拙地3.dexterity灵巧4.expectantly期望地;期待地5.exploratory探索的;考察的6.incomplete不完整的7.intervene干涉;干预8.intervention干涉;干预9.intrusive干涉的;不受欢迎的10.manual用手的;手工的11.mere仅仅,只不过12.passerby过路人13.rectangular长方形的14.reorient重定…的方位15.shirttail衬衣下摆16.slot窄缝;一段时间17.stroller婴儿车18.vicinity邻近地区19.vigorously强有力地20.for the sake of为了…的缘故21.not in the least一点也不22.on occasion有时;间或23.time and again屡次;一再UNIT5: In-class reading1.athlete 运动员2.cereal谷类早餐3.championship冠军地位4.confining局限的;限制的5.dunk扣篮;灌篮6.endorsement赞许;支持7.half-time中场休息8.honesty诚实9.life-sized与实物大小一样的10.outweigh重要性/价值超过11.pastureland牧场;牧地12.pedestal(雕像;柱子)底座13.publicity关注14.scary可怕的;恐怖的15.sneaker胶底运动鞋16.tightrope绷索;钢丝17.worship崇拜;崇敬18.give of sth.献出19.give sth. a try试一下20.have/throw a fit大发脾气;大吃一惊21.look up to sb.尊敬某人22.measure up to符合;达到23.take sth. too far将某事做得太过分24.you name it 你说的出25.it’s not the end of the world未到世界末日26.put/place sb. on a pedestal把某人当作偶像崇拜27.worship the ground sb. walks on拜倒在某人脚下(看不到其缺点)UNIT5: After-class reading1.arena领域;活动舞台2.artificially人为地;人工地3.athletics体育运动4.attorney律师5.champion冠军;捍卫者6.conceited自负的7.courageous有勇气的;勇敢的8.deform使变形;使成畸形9.disadvantaged弱势的;地位低下的10.discard丢弃;抛弃11.eligibility有资格12.fame 名望;声誉13.flatter谄媚;奉承14.fundamentally基本地,根本上15.gloriously光荣地;壮丽地16.heavyweight重量级人物;巨头17.indomitable不屈服的18.inevitably不可避免地19.invariably总是;始终如一地20.legitimate公正合理/合法的21.legitimately合理地;正当地22.medieval中世纪的23.misguided(想法)错误的24.needless不需要的25.overprotect过分保护26.paradox自相矛盾(的情况)27.perpetually无休止地;频繁地28.pipe fitter管道工29.privilege特权;优惠;荣幸30.privileged有特权的31.rape强奸32.reasoning推理;推论33.rightfully合法地;正当地34.selflessness无私35.sexual性的;与性有关的36.shield保护;防护物37.statewide影响全州的38.talented有天资的39.thankfully幸运地;万幸地40.thrilling引人入胜的41.unheard-of前所未闻的42.unremarkable不引人注意的43.and the like诸如此类的44.look to指望;依靠45.needless to say不用说;当然46.on top of除…以外;以及47.rise above克服;摆脱48.be blessed with sth.有幸享有;具有49.measure sb./sth against sb./sth将…与…比较UNIT6: In-class reading1.accordingly相应的;因此2.armored装甲车3.definitive确定的;决定性的4.denominator 分母5.exposure暴露;显露6.fraction分数;小数;少量7.hypochondria疑病症8.hypochondriac疑病症患者9.inconvenience不便;麻烦10.inflate(使)膨胀;吹捧11.miner矿工12.neurotic神经症患者13.numerator分子14.partial部分的;偏瘫的15.physician(内科)医生16.probability可能性;概率17.ratio比率;比例18.riskiness风险性19.risky冒险的;非常危险的20.roughly大概;大约21.symptom症状22.versus与…相对;与…相比23.all manner of各种各样的24.end up最终处于…25.feed on由…助长;以…为食26.in question讨论的;谈论中的27.reduce to使…陷入更坏状况28.on the strength of基于…;由于…的影响UNIT6: After-class reading1.catastrophic灾难性的2.costly过于昂贵/代价高的3.deficit差额;逆差4.discount不重视;降价5.disproportionately不成比例地6.enormously极大程度上地7.funding专款;拨款8.hence因此;从此时起9.immediacy紧迫性;即时性10.incidence发生率;发病率11.incubation(疾病)潜伏期12.indifferent冷漠的;一般的13.insignificant不重要的14.killer杀手;杀人者15.lesser较小的;次要的16.loom赫然出现17.nonetheless尽管如此18.notable值得注意的19.opinion poll民意测验20.payable应支付的;可支付的21.permanent永久的;永恒的22.piper吹笛人;风笛吹奏者23.preoccupied全神贯注24.principally主要地25.proportion比例;部分26.radiation辐射27.reassessment重新评估28.repeatedly一再;反复29.seriousness严重性30.short-sighted目光短浅/无远见的31.specifically明确地;具体地32.stroke中风;脑卒中33.terror恐惧34.time lag时间差;时间间隔35.understandable可以理解的36.bear in mind记住;考虑到37.by virtue of由于;凭借38.make sense有道理;合乎情理39.other/all things being equal如果一切如愿的话;如果其他条件不变40.strike terror/fear into sb.’s heart使某人感到恐惧/害怕41.bring sth. under control控制;抑制1.adequate适当的;足够的mencement毕业典礼3.crucial重要的;决定性的4.erase擦掉;抹去5.faculty全体教员;系;学院6.fantasy想象;幻想7.forgiving宽容的8.formulate确切地表达9.garrulous喋喋不休的10.mediocre中等的;平庸的11.midterm期中考试12.painless容易的;省事的13.parlous恶劣的;危险的14.preparatory准备阶段的15.presentation陈述;说明;提供16.pretense假装;伪装17.quitter轻易放弃的人18.slipshod不认真的;马虎的19.supposedly据认为20.tolerant宽容的;容忍的21.triple三部分的;三重的22.unchallenging毫无挑战的23.unimaginative毫无想象力的24.unlearn抛掉;设法忘记25.act out表现;将…表现出来26.by no means绝不;一点也不27.get away with sth.逃脱(惩罚)28.get down to开始做某事29.look back on回顾30.the easy way out省事的做法31.preparatory school私立学校;预备学校32.pop into one’s mind/head突然冒出(想到)33.take a close look(at sth.)仔细考虑;仔细看1.administrator管理者2.arcane神秘的;晦涩难懂的arre古怪的4.chilling使人害怕/担心的5.contented满足的;满意的6.curse咒骂;臭骂7.demented奇怪的;愚蠢的8.desperation绝望9.downhill下坡的10.executive主管;经理11.exhilarating令人兴奋的12.frigid寒冷的;严寒的13.glaze(眼睛)变呆滞14.glide滑行;滑动15.kneel跪16.leisurely悠闲的;从容的17.moan抱怨;牢骚;呜咽18.mutter咕哝;低声说19.obscure晦涩的,鲜为人知的20.pathetic令人同情的;无用的21.precursor前身;初期形式22.realization意识到;实现23.regurgitate(不加思考地)重复24.rotten极讨厌的;腐烂的25.scrunch挤压;皱紧26.sidewalk人行道27.soothe安慰;减轻28.stagger蹒跚;错开;使吃惊29.stomp跺脚;重踩30.weep哭泣/(伤口)出液体31.be all downhill一切都很容易32.cough up勉强给予(钱;信息)33.ease sb. mind宽慰某人34.in session在上课;在开会35.lock up把某人监禁起来36.sit around闲坐;无所事事37.sure enough果然;果真38.think straight清楚地思考39.against all (the) odds尽管有极大困难40.do sth. from memory凭记忆做41.shoot question at sb.对…提出一串问题1.addict对…着迷的人2.antique古老的;古董的3.biochemical生物化学的4.brink边缘;关头5.chronobiology时间生物学6.cult邪教;时尚观念态度7.desynchronise使不同步8.external外在的;外用的9.Hispanic来自西班牙/葡萄牙语的国家的10.humidity湿度;湿热11.inborn与生俱来的12.internal内部的;内政的13.mob暴民;乌合之众14.outgoing外向的;外出的15.perceptual感知的;感觉的16.reshape重塑;给…以新形式17.resynchronise重新同步18.stove炉子19.synchronisation同步20.synchronise使同步21.synchroniser同步器/装置22.thereby因此;借此;从此23.timepiece钟;表24.tyranny控制;支配;暴政25.unclock使不受时钟约束26.unison一致或协调的行动27.wristwatch手表28.adjust to使适合;使适应29.frown upon不赞成;反对30.summon up鼓起(勇气等)31.live/be work in harmony融洽地在一起生活/工作1.absurd荒谬的;荒唐的2.agriculturist农学家3.attache使馆专员4.consciously有意识地5.context环境;背景;上下文6.counterpart职务/功能相当的人/物7.distortion歪曲;变形8.embassy大使馆官员;大使馆9.explicit明确的;清晰的10.heel(脚;鞋;袜)后跟11.interval间隔;中场休息12.relay传达;转播;接力赛13.reluctantly勉强地;不情愿地14.stir激发;搅动15.unreasonable不合理的;荒谬的16.urgency紧急;迫切17.utmost极度的;最大可能18.be subject to易遭受;易受影响e through(信息)传来20.cool one’s heels被迫久等;空等21.in effect事实上;实际上22.loud and clear明白易懂的23.sick and tired of厌烦的24.to the effect that大意是;大致是25.a matter of life/or death生死攸关的事情UNIT9: In-class reading1.adaptable适应性强的2.assimilate吸收;理解3.atomic原子能的;原子的4.batch一批;一群5.blacksmith铁匠6.bloom开花;绽放7.contradict同…矛盾/抵触;反驳8.convert使转化/改变信仰9.disastrous灾难性的10.emotionally情感上地11.ethic道德标准12.evolution演变;进化13.experimentation实验;试验14.geometrically按几何数地15.icebox电冰箱16.innovation新观念/发明;创新17.objectivity客观性18.obsolete被淘汰的;过时的19.prosperity繁荣;成功20.revolutionize使彻底变革21.scholar学者;奖学金获得者22.segment部分;片;断23.to be exact确切地说24.catch one’s breath喘一口气;稍作休息25.out of the ordinary不寻常的26.have sb./sth. in mind心中想着(某人或某事)UNIT9: After-class reading1.activate启动;使活动2.alphabetical按字母表顺序的3.centimeter厘米4.correlation相互关系;关联5.delicately谨慎地6.evaluator评估员;评价者7.experimental实验性的8.holograph全息照片9.intimate隐私/个人的;暗示10.manipulation操纵;控制11.measurement衡量;某物大小12.molecular分子的13.programmer计算机程序员14.psychiatric精神病学的15.requirement要求;条件;必需品16.resonance共鸣17.resonate使产生感情共鸣18.tab小纸条;小标签19.temperamental气质/性格/易发怒的;20.valve阀;活门;瓣膜21.a touch of sth.少许;一点22.let sth. go不再担心;不用考虑23.on the grounds of根据…;以…为理由24.pick out 挑出;选出;分辨出25.keep(close) tab on密切注意;密切监视26.keep sth.to oneself秘而不宣;保守秘密27.none of sb.’s business别管闲事UNIT10: In-class reading1.bald秃头的2.bard诗人3.breathlessly呼吸急促地;气喘吁吁地4.brogue(爱尔兰/苏格兰)土腔5.bug突出;张大;窃听;虫子6.clout布mentary评论;注释;实况报道8.flunk使不及格9.fumble摸索;笨手笨脚地摸10.gravely严肃认真地11.hardware五金器具;硬件装备12.humiliation耻辱;丢脸13.idiom习语;成语14.illustrious杰出的;卓越的15.indignantly愤怒地16.instructor大学讲师;教员17.memento小纪念品18.mercy哎呀;仁慈宽容19.mumble含糊地说;咕哝20.mustache八字须21.overhear偶然听到22.pasteboard硬纸板23.physicist物理学家24.posterity后代25.primly一本正经地;古板地26.queer古怪的;难以解释的27.script笔记;手写体28.sidle悄悄地走近29.simpleton傻瓜;呆子30.straggly凌乱的;蔓延的31.surmise推测;猜测32.telescope望远镜33.temporal短暂的;受时间限制的34.transference转移;传输;调动35.untouched没被碰过的;未改变的36.vest马甲;背心;授予37.wholesale批发;批发的38.wring绞出;拧干;强行取得39.yell大叫大嚷40.bone up on钻研;温习41.help out分担工作;帮助解决问题42.polish up完善;改进;擦亮43.on account of因为;由于44.toss of一饮而尽;轻而易举完成UNIT10: After-class reading1.absence缺席;不在2.accusation指控;控告3.affidavit书面证词;宣誓书4.agony创痛;苦难5.ale麦芽酒;高酒精度啤酒6.anguish极度痛苦;剧痛7.apprehensively忧虑的;担心的8.asylum精神病院;庇护所9.baseless无根据的10.behold见到;看11.bitterly痛苦地;愤怒地12.blackmail敲诈;勒索13.bribery行贿14.brutal残忍的;不讲情面的15.cabin小木屋;船舱;机舱16.candidacy候补资格;候选人17.clamor要求;吵闹声18.climax高潮;使达到高潮19.corruptionist营私舞弊者20.deceased死者;已故之人21.democratic民主的22.disgraceful丢脸的;可耻的23.disheartening令人沮丧的;令人灰心的24.drunken醉的25.dub给…起绰号;配音26.falsehood谎言;说谎;虚伪性27.filthy猥亵的;肮脏的;淫秽的28.gazette报纸29.gubernatorial州长职位的30.heartless无情冷酷的31.incite激起;煽动32.infamous声名狼藉的33.inmate囚犯;精神病人34.intent急切的;渴望的;专心的35.liar说谎者36.liquor烈性酒37.listlessly倦怠地;无精打采地38.lunatic精神病患者;疯子39.nominate提名;推荐;指定40.obstruct挡住;阻塞41.outraged狂怒的42.perjurer伪证者43.perjury伪证罪;假誓罪44.persecution迫害;虐待45.plantation大蕉(植物)46.rattlesnake响尾蛇47.republican共和国/共和政体的48.robbery盗窃;抢劫49.shameful丢脸的;可耻的50.shameless无耻的;不知羞耻的51.slander诽谤52.snatcher绑架者;抢夺者53.suspiciously怀疑地;猜疑地54.undercurrent潜伏的情绪55.vengeance报复;复仇56.vile卑鄙可耻的57.vote选票;投票58.withdrawal收回;撤销59.clear up澄清;解释60.knock down击倒;撞倒;摧毁61.send in递送;呈交62.set about开始;着手63.slip away不知不觉地过去;错过64.take vengeance upon/on报复65.delirium tremens震颤性谵妄66.blame sth. on sb./sth.把…归咎于。
新编大学英语综合教程UNIt 4课文翻译

大学英语综合教程(中职英语)Unit 4Passage ABefore you Read (读前思考)What kind of sports are you fond of? What is the sport you usually take part in?(你喜欢什么运动?你通常参加什么运动?)A Winning PersonalityPersonality 性格;魅力;气质——成功的人格Li Na started her sporting life with a badminton racket in her hand at age six. When she was eight, her coach discovered that she was using the racket more like a tennis player, and so a big decision was made.badminton racket 羽毛球拍coach 教练;长途汽车;训练。
racket 喧哗;诈骗;球拍。
more like 更接近于decision 决定,抉择;作决定;决策李娜六岁时就开始了她的运动生涯,手里拿着一个羽毛球球拍。
Back home, Li told her mother: "I'm going to play tennis. " Surprised, her mother couldn't help asking:”What's tennis?”回到家里,李娜告诉妈妈:“我要去打网球。
”妈妈很惊讶,忍不住问:“网球是什么?”Twenty years later, Li stands out as the greatest woman tennis player in China. In 2011 Li won the French Open singles title, making her Asia's first and only Grand Slam singles champion, and rising to a career high ranking of world No. 4. This is really something to be proud of. Already the Chinese TV stations and newspapers have greeted her as a sporting heroine. Asian Tennis Federation has taken this opportunity to show that Li's success is living proof of Asia's ability to host a grand slam tournament. Currently the World No. 5 and Chinese No. 1, Li has become the best of what the Chinese call the "Golden Flowers,” a generation of women tennis players including Zheng Jie and Yan Zi, who have won two grand slam doubles titles, and Peng Shuai, who, as of June 17. 2013, is the 2nd ranked Chinese woman player.singles 单程票;单人房间; single的第三人称单数和复数Grand Slam 大满贯; 大赛; 大奖赛champion 冠军; 优胜者;声援者;捍卫;声援ranking 地位,排位; 最高级的; 排列; rank的现在分词be proud of 以…自豪greeted 和打招呼; 欢迎; 迎接; 对…作出反应; 映入…的眼帘; 传入…的耳中; greet的过去分词和过去式heroine 女英雄; 女豪杰,女主角Asian Tennis Federation 【体】亚洲网球联合会proof 证据; 证明。
新编大学英语综合教程1 U4 Activate

No , I am not interested in social life in university.
I have several reasons:
1. I have only four years which is limited for the
parents send you to your university. Now it is
the time that they would leave you. So finish
the last “Good bye” part with your parents.
Scenario Two
Role play
Watch the video clip again and create conversations of communication based on the following two scenarios.
Scenario One
Today is the day you join the university, your
Step 2
In university, there are lots of things that you probably have to finish like your courses while there are also lots of things which fascinate you. This is the time for you to persuade yourself. “Do it or not, never say I will try”, do you have any such kind of experience in your life. Share with us.

Unit 1V ocabulary1.1) urged 2) bother 3)embarrassed 4) adjusted 5) complain 6) kid 7) subject 8) sawto it that9) coordinate 10) participate in2. 1) bitter 2)fortunate 3)patience 4)memorable 5)reluctant 6) entrance 7) complaints8) envious9) knowledgeable 10) frustrationTranslation1. More than 3,000 cars were recalled yesterday because of a brake problem.2. He came to the meeting despite his serious illness.3. See to it that the same mistake didn’t happen again.4. Now that they’ve got to know each other a little better, they get along just fine. / Now that they’ve got to know more about each other, they get along better.5. Then I found myself surrounded/besieged by half a dozen boys.6.I send you my best wishes on this happy occasion.Unit 2V ocabulary1.1) mess 2) positively 3) mislead 4) intended 5) tend 6)exaggerates 7) frustrating 8)misinterpreted 9) acceptance 10) quit3.1) conveyed 2) assistance 4) encounter 4) conflict 5) emphasis 6) reacted 7) means 8) asssumed 9)emerged 10) ignored4. 1) out 2) on 3)with 4) of 5)In 6) in 7)to 8) on 9) at 10)of Translation1)I went to the dentist yesterday to have a bad/decayed tooth pulled out.2) Salary varies greatly/significantly, depending on the employees’educational backgrounds and work experience.3) The use of information technology could lead to major/great progress for developing countries.4) You are not dealing with/coping with the problem in the correct/right manner.5) Scientists believe that humans are on the verge of finding an effective way to cure cancer.6) Divorce cannot be taken lightly.Unit 3V ocabulary2.1) expectations 2) limitations 3 )capability 4) achievement 5) response6) awareness 7) behavior 8) disappointment 9) cruelty 10) dependence3 1) entered into 2) channeled… into 3 )holds / held back 4) unaware of5) separates… from 6) referred to… as 7) lived up to 8) calls for9) contributes to 10 )see asTranslation1 A lot of things contributed to the end of my relationship with that company.2 She showed great courage in the face of serious illness.3 We came to the conclusion that she was telling the truth.4 His secretary failed to tell him about the meeting.5 Learning a language isn’t just a matter of memorizing words.6 Once she has made her decision, no one can hold her back.7 They said they would study hard and live up to their parents’ expectations.8 The scientist referred to the discovery as the most exciting new discovery in this field.Unit 43. 1) prescribed / prescribes 2) opening up 3) reaction 4 )reassure5) bled 6) in a way 7 )heal 8) harmlessTranslation1 All I can say is that we are extremely sorry to wake you up so early.2 He is highly likely to succeed because of his intelligence and diligence.3 The way she talked to me was odd / strange, as if I were the president of the country.4 It is reported that three people were injured in the traffic accident yesterday.5 The patient is much the same this morning as he was yesterday.6 He’d like to stay at home rather than go to a movie with us.Unit 5Vocabulary11 explanation2 enthusiasts3 frustrating4 popularity5 unconscious6 electric / electrical7 movements8 recognizable9 interpretation 10 countless21 asleep2 sleepless3 sleep4 sleepy5 asleep6 slept7 sleeping, sleep8 sleeper9 sleep 10 overslept31 submerged: go below the surface of the sea, river or lake(使)浸没,淹没2 subculture: the behavior, practices, etc. associated with a group within a society 亚文化3 submarine: a special type of ship which can travel under water 潜水艇4 subway: the passage under ground along which pedestrians can pass 地下通道5 subzero: (of temperatures) below zero 零度以下的6 Subtropical: belonging to or relating to parts of the world that have warm and humid weather副热带的,亚热带的7 subspecies: a subdivision of a species(物种的)亚种8 subnormal: below an average or expected standard, especially of intelligence 低于正常标准的9 subdivided: divide the parts of sth. that has already been divided 再分,重分10 subtitles: words shown at the bottom of a film or television picture to explain whatis being said 4mislead nonstop unprepared misunderstanding non-verbal non-existent nonprofit uncommon unfamiliarity uncover1 uncovered2 misunderstanding3 nonprofit4 unprepared5 uncommon6 non-verbal7 nonstop8 misled9 non-existent 10 unfamiliarity51 progressed2 puzzled3 process4 reflected5 predict6 advances7 symbol8 conscious / aware9 inner 10 modeTranslation1 You will see that what I am saying now will come true.2 When young people remain single, they are open to pressure from other people.3 The problem of unemployment is tied up with the development of new technology.4 His appearance has changed so much that you may well not recognize him.5 The tour guide said that some castles date back to the 13th century.6 She has never done anything for them, whereas they have done everything they can for her.Unit 6Vocabulary11 common2 appropriate3 forbidden4 supplies5 related6 evidence7 requires8 raise9 spread 10 sufficiently21 disgusting2 habit3 insects4 reasonable5 relatively6 animals7 harvested8 grow9 nearly 10 other11 altogether 12 consumed 13 avoided 14 popular 15 offers16 served 17 would 18 enjoyed 19 considered 20 reject31 G2 F3 B4 C5 H6 E7 I8 D9 A 10 JTranslation1 We regard him as the best player in the game.2 The scientist picked up those little pieces of rock and carefully put them into a box.3 The population of China is almost five times as large as that of the United States.4 The reason why grass is green was once a mystery to the little boy.5 She was standing by the window, apparently quite calm and relaxed.6 Profits have declined as a result of the recent drop in sales.7 She put on dark glasses as a protection against the strong light.8 People no longer trusted him after that incident.Unit 7V ocabulary31) with 2) arranged 3) majority 4) proportion / rate 5) similar6) reaches 7) including 8) background 9) parents 10) whether11) who 12) both 13) meetings 14) families 15) dating16) before 17) decision 18) advice 19) marriage 20) rateTranslation1 If you sing the song several times, the children will pick up the words.2 We tried to assure the nervous old man that flying / air travel was safe.3 An inadequate supply of vitamin A may lead to night blindness.4 I can use a computer, but when it comes to computer repairing, I know nothing about it.5 Many a mother tries to have her dreams realized by her daughter.6 The bad weather discouraged people from attending the parade.7 I gave him some pills to ease his pain.8 The job involves working abroad three months each year.Unit 8Vocabulary1. 1) at the top 2) cut back on 3) free from 4) all but 5) in light of6) do us/her any good 7) keep…up 8) rather than 9) adds… to10) pointed out 11) plowed back into 12) has much to do with2. 1) stockA. a supply of something for use or sale 存货,库存物B. money lent to a government at a fixed rate of interest 公债,证卷2) orderA. (a person in authority) tell someone to do something 命令B. ask for (something) to be made, supplied or delivered, especially in a restaurantor shop 订制;订购;点菜等3) consumeA. fill the thoughts or feelings continuously, especially in a damaging way 为某种思想/感情不断受折磨B. use (something) up 用完4) breedA. keep (animals or plants) for the purpose of producing young animals or plants繁殖, 培植B. a particular type of animal or plant 品种5) rawA. inexperienced 不熟练的,无经验的B. in the natural state, not yet treated for use 未经加工的6) stressA. extra force used in speaking a particular word or syllable 重读,重音B. great worry caused by a difficult situation 痛苦,压力7) philosophyA. the study of the nature and meaning of existence, truth, good and evil, etc. 哲学B. set of beliefs or an outlook on life that is a guiding principle for behavior 生活的信念或原则8) recallA. bring (something/somebody) back into the mind 回忆B. order somebody to return (from a place) 召回9) netA. remaining when nothing more is to be taken away 净的B. something that is made of threads woven across each other with regular spacesbetween them 网10) putA. write 写B. convey one’s ideas 传递思想11) confirmA. check that a possible arrangement is now definite 确认B. show that something is definitely true 证实12) spinA. (make something) turn round and round extremely quickly (使……)旋转B. make cotton, wool etc. into thread by twisting it 纺纱,纺线Translation1. I feel I should point out how dangerous it is.2. His theory explains how the body works and how it is affected by drugs(medicines).3. When it comes to modern art, few people know more than Tom does.4. When asked, she confirmed that she was going to retire.5. The cough medicine tastes nice(OK), but it doesn’t do me much good.6. If we can’t sell more goods, we’ll have to cut back on the production.7. Britain’s coal industry has all but disaspperaed.8. I assure you that it is true, lest anyone (should) think my story strange.Unit 9V ocabulary1.1) survey 2)consideration 3)perceive 4)tend 5)campaign 6) relatively 7)primary8)criteria 9)indicates 10)distributed2.1)bands /brand 2) economy/economics 3) adolescents/ Adults4)campaign/movement 5) contemporary /modern 6) ripe/matureTransaltion1.All the arrangements shall be completed prior to your departure.2.Such behavior may result in the executive being fired.3.Our products compete with those of other factories in terms ofquality,reliability and above all, variety.4.The term's performance was greatly affected by the heavy rain.5.I can appreciate the reasons why you opposed the suggestion.I appreciate your reasons for objecting the proposal.6. To some extent, she should be responsible for the accident.7. I’m deeply troubled by the thought that life is just too comfortable.8.Research reveals that women tend to live longer than men.Unit 10V ocabulary3. 1) fit 2) technology 3)efficient 4) chance 5)aspect 6)anxious 7)decreasing 8)dependTranslation1. We can go to the seven o'clock performance or the eight---whichever suits youbest.2.Men are generally supposed to be strong, but most women know that the reverseis often true.3. He was released from prison after serving two years of a five-year sentence.4. You look eaqually nicein both dresses---I don't know which one to advise youto buy.5.This candidate has an impressively diverse range of interests and experiences.6.The child suddenly let go of her hand and ran across the street.7.The result of the competition will depend largely on the opinions of the judges.8.I'm tired of you(your) letting me do this or that all the time.。
新编大学英语1综合教程练习unit 4

Unit 4 American DreamI Vocabulary and Structurecomprehend confidence abandonproperty instrument sponsorapproach principle wreckdiscard capacity integritygiant optimismassume determination turn away above allcall on clear up for saleon sale pass away send forturn down work outAdditional V ocabularyloan money on character/mortgage 人品贷款/抵押贷款not get a damn thing 什么也得不到down payment 首付款odds and ends 零星杂物on the bottom rung of the ladder 社会最底层the balance sheet 资产负债表move mountain 创造奇迹graduate third in one’s class 以全班第三名的成绩毕业receive a full scholarship to Y ale 获得耶鲁大学全额奖学金senior brain surgeon 高级脑外科医师work one’s tail off发奋努力a think tank 智囊团Ⅱ. V ocabulary and structure1.Mr Green is going on vacation next week. Miss Bennet will be in charge of the ____Department when he is away.A. PersonalB. PersonnelC. PersonD. Personal2.Mobile telecommunications ____is expected to double in shanghai this year as a result of a contract signed between the two companies.A. potentialB. possessionC. impactD. capacity3.We’ll leave it to the committee to ____the details of the plan.A. work onB. work offC. work outD. work up4. All the pictures in the exhibition are ____. Y ou may buy them.A. for rentB. for exampleC. for saleD. for instance5. The canoe got ____and turned over.A. in the balanceB. on balanceC. off balanceD. out of the balance6. We' ll come to see you again ____next week.A. sometimeB. some timeC. sometimesD. some times7. The cars were ____because it was impossible to go any further in the fog.A. sacrificedB. transportedC. removedD. abandoned8. The police were on the ____within a few minutes of the car accident.A. siteB. placeC. spotD. point9. I should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and ____in a quiet neighborhood.A. all in allB. above allC. after allD. over all10. Scientists ____that there is animal life on Mars.A. detectB. doubtC. informD. assume11. The tomato juice left a brown ____on the front of my jacket.A. trackB. traceC. spotD. point12.The tobacco company ____several television programs.A. stagesB. sponsorsC. rewardsD. advertises13.We took out another ____to expand our business.A. lendB. lentC. loanD. load14.While all the passengers made for the exit, he alone remained in his seat as if ____to leave the plane.A. difficultB. reluctantC. opposedD. unexpected15.It is a huge task to ____all the rooms in the building in such a short time.A. go ahead withB. keep onC. clean upD. work out16.Housewives who do not go to work often feel they are not working to their full ____A. capacityB. strengthC. lengthD. possibility17.The strong storm did a lot of damage to the coastal village: several fishing boats were ____and many house collapsed.A. wreckedB. spoiledC. tornD. injured18.The fundamental ____which govern all physical processes are also related to many everyday occurrences.A. rulesB. regulationsC. principalsD. principles19. He said he had every ____in his secretary, she would do the right thing.A. confidenceB. knowledgeC. beliefD. dependence20. We all left the meeting, ____ that the project was feasible.A. convincingB. convinceC. convincedD. to convince21. All _______ in this company are entitled to medical insurance.A. personB. personalC. personalityD. personnel22. The army is in a state of readiness in case it should be _____ to launch an offensive.A. called offB. called forC. called uponD. called up23. It _____ me that she’s got the energy for all those parties.A. amazedB. astoundedC. surprisedD. amused24. ___ food containers and bottles littered the streets.A. DisposedB. RefusedC. DiscardedD. Rejected25. I see it’s ____ lunchtime, so let’s take a break now.A. comingB. approachingC. goingD. advancing26. There’s no milk left, so I’m afraid you’ll just have to do ______.A. withoutB. withC. with itD. without it27. I won’t go with you, because it’s too far, too late, and ____, too dangerous.A. most of allB. first of allC. above allD. after all28. She’s trying to get a $50,000 _____ to start her own business.A. loanB. sumC. priceD. share29. I can’t believe he would have smashed the window ---- it seems so out of ____.A. senseB. habitC. characterD. nature30. The notice said “ Private ______. Keep Off.”A. PossessionB. ProsperityC. PropertyD. Propriety31. He’s _____ not to let his parents stop him from doing what he wants to do.A. dependedB. determinedC. depressedD. deprived32. He ____ his parents to attend the graduation ceremony at Harvard.A. sent awayB. sent offC. sent outD. sent for33. We were sinking fast, and the captain gave the order to _____ ship.A. disposeB. escapeC. abandonD. jump34. I’ve drawn up the main outlines, and we’ll ____ the details later.A. work outB. work downC. work forD. work up35. It’s important to have a balanced _____.A. dietB. foodC. dishD. meal36. They usually go to Rome ____ in the autumn.A. some timeB. sometimesC. sometimeD. at times37. Eva said she was doing a ten-mile walk for charity and asked if I’d ____ her for $1 a mile.A. supportB. aidC. helpD. sponsor38. She’s terribly upset because her mother _____ last week.A. passed downB. passed byC. passed awayD. passed out39. If you can’t _____ the job I’ll get someone else to do it.A. settleB. handleC. runD. deal40. The generators each have a ___ of 1,000 kilowatts.A. powerB. capabilityC. competencyD. capacity41. We’ll go out as soon as I’ve ____ the kitchen.A. cleaned upB. cleanedC. cleared awayD. cleared42. In the long run, however, this hurry to shed full-time staff may be _____ harmful to industry as it is to the workforce.A. moreB. lessC. sameD. as43. There are more than fifty proposals ______ at the conference.A. to be discussedB. discussedC. discussingD. having been discussed44. _____ the earth to be flat, many feared that Columbus would fall off the edge of the earth.A. Having believedB. BelievingC. BelievedD. Being believed45. ____, designers are attempting to personalize them with warmer, less severe interiors.A. With modern offices becoming more mechanizedB. The modern offices is becoming more mechanizedC. With modern offices become more mechanizedD. The modern offices become more mechanized46. Today, people ______ for one person to learn what needs to be known about all subjects.A. find it impossibleB. find impossibleC. find it’s impossibleD. find it being impossible47. Home work ____ on time will lead to better grades.A. to have been doneB. be doneC. having doneD. done48. In some countries, _____ is called “ equality” does not really mean equal rights for all people.A. whichB. whatC. thatD. one49. He entered the office still ___ by the way she spoke to him.A. annoyB. annoyingC. being annoyedD. annoyed50. Paul considered himself fortunate ______ to Harvard University.A. to have been admittedB. having been admittedC. being admittedD. having being admittedⅢ. CET 4 V ocabulary1. The Minister accused the farmers of taking ____ of the potato shortage in order to force prices up.A. stepsB. actionC. advantageD. measure2. It’s a good idea----I’ll bear it ______.A. by heartB. by my heartC. in my mindD. in mind3. I was so _______ in my book that I didn’t hear the doorbell ring.A. occupiedB. engagedC. absorbedD. concentrated4. The ____ action of the policeman saved the people in the house from being burnt.A. militaryB. sufficientC. significantD. immediate5. The situation was ____ complicated by John’s mistake.A. all togetherB. fartherC. furtherD. altogether6. Y ou may ask him about these foreign words. He is ___ in five languages.A. fluentB. flexibleC. convenientD. capable7. Few of them are persuaded ___ the benefits of the village shop.A. ofB. forC. inD. at8. From her conversation I _____ that she had a large family.A. estimatedB. includedC. predictedD. guessed9. As it _____, I have my library card with me, so I can borrow some books today.A. occursB. takes placeC. breaks outD. happens10. People must ____ their way of thinking according to the changed circumstances.A. restoreB. reformC. acquireD. adjust11. He _____ a position of great responsibility in the government.A. supportsB. keepsC. holdsD. possesses12. Mary spends a large ____ of time each day on the telephone.A. amountB. momentC. periodD. number13. “ What shall we do if it rains?”“Well, in that ___ we shall have to change our plans.”A. respectB. caseC. chanceD. point14. They are _____ to fall behind if they don’t improve their method of work.A. obviousB. necessaryC. possibleD. likely15. The man who won the Science Prize was quite _____. Everyone admired him.A. outstandingB. perfectC. reservedD. delightful16. By careful ____ of his capital, he obtained a good income.A. investigationB. investmentC. insuranceD. instruction17. The police have _____ the road where a bomb was found. So there is no traffic there at the moment.A. protectedB. stoppedC. occupiedD. blocked18. I wanted to hold the meeting today, but ____ the present situation it had better be postponed.A. in the light ofB. by means ofC. in the course ofD. in place of19. He asked Jane to marry him but she ____ his proposal.A. set outB. put offC. turned downD. put out20. I know this job of mine isn’t well paid, but ____, I don’t have to work long hours.A. of courseB. on the contraryC. by the wayD. on the other hand21. John said that he wasn’t quite ready and that his shoes ____.A. needed cleaningB. needed being cleanedC. needs to have been cleanedD. needs tohave cleaned22. Once they had fame, fortune, secure futures; _______is poverty.A. now that all is leftB. now all that is leftC. now all which is leftD. now all what is left23. Give me an undisturbed hour and I’ll finish the work Tom ____ unfinished.A. will leaveB. has been leftC. is leavingD. has left24. A series of attempts ___, he came to a successful solution to the problem.A. having madeB. having been madeC. were madeD. have been made25. We asked the hotel clerk ______ the restaurant would still be open at ten o’clock.A. thatB. whereC. whenD. whether26. Many people favor _____ more nuclear power plants.A. to buildB. buildC. builtD. building27. We can see a lot of people doing morning exercises in parks even ____ cold mornings.A. onB. inC. atD. during28. Although his parents warned him ____ what would happen, he continued to disobey them.A. againstB. onC. forD. of29. That tree looked as if it _____ for a long time.A. hadn’t been wateredB. hasn’t any waterC. hasn’t wateredD. wasn’t watered30. There was a knock at the door. It was the second time that someone ______ me that evening.A. had interruptedB. would have interruptedC. to have interruptedD. has interrupted31. So often ____ in recent years that it has almost become the rule.A. has this happenedB. this has happenedC. is this happeningD. for this to happen32. The last man ____ the sinking ship was the captain.A. leftB. to be leavingC. to leaveD. leaves33. Water dissolves a part of nearly everything _____ it becomes in contact.A. whereB. thatC. with whichD. as soon as34. Howard _____ to speak with them but they appeared to be in a hurry.A. would have stoppedB. would stopC. would be stoppedD. will stop35. Not only the students but also their teacher ______ asked to attend the class meeting.A. isB. areC. haveD. has36. They ____ for seven hours when they spotted a sign that said “ Guests.”A. were drivingB. had been drivingC. droveD. had to drive37. Today’s typewriter keyboard is _____ Shole’s 1867 keyboard.A. as same asB. the same thatC. the same asD. as same one as38. ____ did she start preparing dinner.A. Not until he arrivedB. Hardly had he arrivedC. No sooner had he arrivedD.Scarcely did he arrive39. This new suggestion is a distinct improvement on _____ I originally made.A. oneB. the oneC. thatD. such40. Look what you’ve done! Y ou ____ more careful.A. may beB. must beC. should have beenD. would have beenⅣ. Reading Comprehension( 1 )Bret Harte, a member of an educated but poor New Y ork family, travelled west to California as a young man in 1854. He settled in San Francisco in 1860 and a year later became editor of the Over- land Monthly, in which he published many of his famous stories of the Far West. Harte seems to have succeeded although, for a time., he used to consider the mining(采矿) life unsuitable subject matter for literature.In the 1860's, Eastern magazines featured mostly English authors, but their readers were eager for American fiction. Therefore, when Harte's story "The Luck of Roaring Camp" was reprinted in the "Atlantic Monthly", it created quite a sensation(轰动) in the East. After Harte' s initial success, Eastern editors printed his other tales about mining, and with the publication of a collection in book form in 1870, he became popular throughout the nation.Soon after the collection was published, Harte returned to the East and continued to write in New Y ork for seven years, but his stories were not of the same quality and his popularity decreased. In 1878 he went to Europe where he remained until his death in 1902. Although some editors continued to publish his stories, he never regained his popularity, for his tales were for the most part imitations of his earlier works.1. Of the following statements about Harte, which one is NOT TRUE?A. Harte became an editor in 1861B. Harte's stories are mostly about mining lifeC. Harte's family had a great fortuneD. Harte used to live in San Francisco2. What was the reason for Harte's success as an author?A. Readers wanted stories about life in AmericaB. Harte used to work for the "Overland Monthly"C. Harte was born of an educated familyD. Americans loved literature during the 1860's3. How many years did Harte spend in the Far West?A. 18 yearsB. 10 yearsC. 20 yearsD. 16 years4. According to the passage, Harte's later stories wereA. popular in EuropeB. welcomed by AmericansC. of the higher qualityD. for the most part imitations5. The story mainly tells aboutA.Harte's life as a writerB. Harte’s famous storiesC. Harte’s success as editorD. Harte’s life in Europe( 2 )Today is the anniversary(周年纪念日)of that afternoon in April a year ago that 1 first saw the strange and appealing(令人动心的)doll in the window of Abe Sheftel' s stationery and toy shop on Third A venue near Fifteenth Street, just around the corner from my office, where the plate on the door reads: Dr. Samuel Amoty. I remember just how it was that day: the first hint(迹象) of spring floated across the East River, mixing with the soft-coal smoke from the factories and the street smells of the poor neighbourhood. As I turned the corner on my way to work and came to Sheftel's' I was made once more aware of the poor collection of toys in the dusty window, and I remembered the coming birthday of a small niece of mine in Cleveland, to whom I was in the habit of sending modest gifts. Therefore, I stopped and examined the window to see if there might be anything appropriate, and looked at the confusing collection of ordinary objects a red toy fire engine, some lead soldiers, cheap baseballs, bottles of ink, pens, yellowed, stationery, and garish(俗丽的) cardboard(纸板) advertisements for soft-drinks. And thus my eyes eventually came to rest upon the doll tucked(塞在) away in one corner, a doll with the strangest, most charming expression on her face. I could not wholly make her out, due to the shadows and the glass through which I was looking, but I was aware that a tremendous impression had been made upon me as though I had run into a person, as one does sometimes with a stranger, with whose personality one is deeply impressed.1. What made an impression on the author?A. The doll's unusual faceB. The collection of toysC. A stranger he met at the storeD. The resemblance (相似) of the doll to his niece2. Why does the author mention his niece?A. She likes dollsB. The doll looks like herC. She lives near Sheftel'sD. He was looking for a gift for her3. Why did the author go past Sheftel' s?A. He was on his way to workB. He was looking for a present for his nieceC. He wanted to buy some stationery.D. He liked to look in the window4. Most of the things in the store window wereA. expensiveB. appealingC. neatly arrangedD. unattractive5.The story took place in theA. early summerB. midsummerC. early springD. late spring( 3 )When my brother, sister, and I were little, we were a big responsibility for my parents. We were very active children, so my parents had to be alert(警惕)at all times. We were not always well-behaved and frequently did things my mother disapproved(不满)of. We got dirty when playing outside and made a lot of noise when playing inside. I still remember putting dirty water on a neighbor' s hair because we were arguing about something. I got into a lot of trouble for that.Although our patents disapproved of many things that we did, they usually did not get veryangry. They always tried to discuss the situation with us the first time and rarely screamed at us. I remember having long conversations about why we ought to behave in a certain way.My brother, sister, and I always laughed and joked with each other. I can still remember how we joked with our elder brother when he first was able to grow a beard(胡须). He was very proud of his "beard", but we all laughed because it was nothing more than three or four hairs on his face. My mother always looked at us disapprovingly when we laughed so loudly, but my brother never got angry. He thought it was funny.My sister, however, did get very angry on several occasions. We always let each other use our belongings, but we had to ask permission before taking them. Once I borrowed my sister's white dress without asking and got ink spots on it. When she found out, she screamed at me angrily, telling me that I was childish and unreliable. I felt very sad, and my mother was unhappy because I broke our family’s rude about borrowing belongings.1. What is NOT TRUE of their childhood behavior?A. They always did what their parents asked them to doB. They were active but not always behaving wellC. They liked to laugh at their elder brotherD. They were noisy when playing outdoors2. From the passage, it's known that the writer once got into great difficultyA. for the argument with her relativesB. due to her clothes getting dirtyC. because of the lack of intelligenceD. because she behaved in a bad manner to her neighbour3. When they did something wrong, their parents would try to discuss the situation first insteadofA. beating themB. being helpfulC. getting angryD. getting disturbed4. The reason why the writer's sister got angry is thatA. the writer did not express thanks to her sisterB. the writer broke the family's ruleC. the writer looked at her sister disappointedlyD. the writer behaved impatiently5. When the sister blamed the writer for being "unreliable" she meant the writerA. was madB. was rudeC. was not to be depended onD. was like a thief( 4 )Krakatau volcano(火山) is in small island in Indonesia. It had been peaceful for about 200 years before it erupted(爆发) in 1883.The first signs of activity of the volcano appeared in May 1883, when fire and smoke could be seen at the top of the mountain. Great noises could be heard even in Jakarta a hundred miles away. Later the activity grew much greater. The peak(山顶) was covered with smoke and fire: the smoke at one time was seventeen miles high in the air. The lava--soft and hot rock--shot up into the air and rolled down the sides of the mountain.The mouth of the volcano was not at the peak of the mountain but on its side, close to the sea. As it grew bigger and bigger with the eruption, the sea- water got into it. When the sea- waterreached the lava inside the volcano, it made the upper part of the lava colder and harder. And this sealed off(封住) the rest of the lava below. As the inside lava could not break through the seal, the pressure built up until the mountain blew up.The eruption of the volcano was followed by several earthquakes, which brought about bad results. About 36,000 people were killed and many towns and villages near the sea were completely destroyed by the great waves, which the earthquakes caused.1.Krakatau volcano _______A. erupted two hundred years agoB. had not been active for two hundred years before 1883C. had not shown any signs before 1883D. made its first eruption in 18832. Shortly before the volcano erupted people saw _______A. nothing at the top of the mountainB. the peak was covered with soft and hot rodC. fire and smoke at the top of the mountainD. lava shooting up into the sky from the peak3. The mountain exploded because _______A. the activity grew much greaterB. there was too much lava shooting upC. the pressure under the seal grew greater and greaterD. the mouth of the volcano was at the top of the mountain4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? ______A. The earthquakes caused the eruptionB. The earthquakes were caused by the big sea wavesC. Many towns and villages were destroyed by the volcano lava.D. The disaster was directly caused by the waves, which were caused by the earthquakes following the eruption of the volcano5. Lava is ______A. big stones erupted from a volcanoB. hot rock in the form of liquidC. the colder and harder part of rockD. fire and smoke shooting into the skyⅤ. Translation1.今年我们的会议集中讨论儿童权益的问题。

---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 新编大学英语第三版综合教程第四册课后答案Unit 1 PersonalityVocabulary1. 1) self-conscious 2) self-confidence 3) self-esteem 4) self-destructive 5) self-worth6) self-concept 7) Self-awareness 8) self-assurance/self-confidence2. 1)B 2)I 3)L 4)A 5)H 6)D 7)E 8)N 9)J 10)M 11)C 12)F 13)G 14)K3. 1) profound 2) jealousy 3) numerous 4) overweight 5) overcome 6) eventually7) slim8) compliments 9) diminish 10) reassurance 11) detrimental12) isolated 13) self-esteem 14) accented4. 1) reflected 2) concerned/worried 3) profound effect/influence 4) viewed/regarded5)sensitive 6) respond/react7)eliminated8)overcome my fear9) concentrate on10) made no commentTranslation1) You should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising.2) In general children are healthier and better educated than ever before.3) When the right opportunity comes along, he’ll take it.4) Every day he sets aside some time to be with his family and enjoy life.5) I remember those dark streets and walking hand in hand with my father. 6) He finally failed to live up to his parents’expectations.7) In contrast, our use of oil has increased enormously.8) He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal1/ 18weakness.Part Four Writing and Translation2. Translation Practice---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 1) It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure. 2) Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful. 3) When you fail in something, profit from the failure as a learning experience. 4) Think about your strengths and build up self-confidence in front of problems or difficulties. 5) Don’t let negative thoughts hold you back. 6) Everyone has experienced failures and disappointments, so don’t blame yourself too much.Unit 2 Myths and LegendsVocabulary1. 1) A. invitation B. invited C. inviting2) A. prepare B. prepared C. preparationD.preparatory/preparation3) A. discoveries B. discoverers C. discovered4) A. approval B. approve C. approved D. approvingE. disapprove5) A. eloquent B. eloquence C. eloquently6) A. faithful B. unfaithful/faithless C. faithd. faithfully7) A. occasional B. occasionallyC. occasion8) A. delivery B. delivering C. delivered9) A. troublesome B. troubled assured C. assureC. troubledD. troubling 10) A. assurance B.2. 1) got/ran into trouble trouble2) no trouble3) asking for trouble 4) h ave … trouble 5)with6) in serious/deep/big trouble 7) get/getting … into trouble 8) took the trouble3/ 183. 1) with a pattern of roses2) prepared a wonderful/goof meal for us3) promised faithfully4) deliver this letter5) a selection of milk and plain chocolate 6) keep out of mischief/behave themselves7) the sound of distant thunder8) received approval from the government9) in spite of the fact that he drank too much 10) agree whether the drug is safe or notPart Three Further Development5. Complete the following Ancient Chinese story by translating the Chinese into English1) the true reason why there was no such animal in Guizhou2) they were of no use at all in this place3) when he saw the donkey all of a sudden, he thought it was a monster4) he hid himself in the trees while looking at the donkey 5) what kind of animal is this and why does it look different from other animals that I’ve seen?6) But one day the donkey stretched its thin neck and cried 7) the tiger discovered that the donkey didn’t have any other skills besides crying8) But he dared not rush to it and eat it just as he did to other animals9) This did irritate the donkey (made the donkey angry), who raised its hind leg and kicked thetiger10) This time he rushed to it without hesitation and bit its rhroatPart Four Writing and Translation2. Translation Practice万八---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------一起。

Unit 1 Personal Relationships1-1 The gift of life【1】炸弹落在了这个小村庄里。
" 护士用法语说。
"你叫什么名字?"【8】"兴," 回答道。
【11】"兴,疼吗?" 医生问。

目 录Unit 1一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 2一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 3一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 4一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 5一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 6一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 7一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 8一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 9一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 10一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 1一、词汇短语In-Class ReadingThe Gift of Lifebomb [bCm] n.炸弹;原子弹;快速行驶vt.投弹于,轰炸vi.轰炸,投弹;失败【例句】Her new play bombed after only three nights. 她的新戏只演出三晚就演不下去。
【助记】炸弹的爆炸声而造出 bomb 炸弹be supposed to应该;被期望【例句】You were supposed to be here an hour ago. 你应该在一小时之前赶到这里。
orphanage [5C:fEnIdV] n.孤儿院;孤儿身份【例句】I founded an orphanage last year and feel obliged to take care of those children.去年我创办了一个孤儿院。
missionary [5miFEnEri] adj.传教(士)的,教会的n.传教士;倡导者,鼓吹者【例句】St. John Rivers asks Jane to be his wife and to go with him to India where he plans to become a missionary.圣约翰·里弗斯要求简做他的妻子,与他同去印度,他打算在那里当个传教士。
1-4全新版大学英语综合教程第一册 Unit4

全新版大学英语综合教程第一册Unit4Unit 4American DreamPart I Pre-reading TaskListen to the recording two or three times and then think over the following questions:1. According to Dr. Hertz, what did the American Dream mean to his grandparents?2. In Dr. Hertz's opinion, who wants people to believe in the American Dream? Why?3. Why does Dr. Hertz say the American Dream is in one's head and in one's pocket?4. What do you understand by the American Dream?The following words in the recording may be new to you:povertyn. 贫穷advertisingn. 广告宣传Part IIText AThe American Dream mean s different things to different people. But for many, particularly immigrant s, it means the opportunity to make a better life for themselves. For them the dream is that talent and hard work can take you from log cabin to WhiteHouse. Tony Trivisonno did not rise yet he manage d to make his own dream come true.TONY TRIVISONNO'S AMERICAN DREAMFrederick C. CrawfordHe came from a rocky farm in Italy, somewhere south of Rome. How or when he got to America, I don't know. But one evening I found him standing in the driveway, behind my garage. Hethin."I mow your lawn," he said. It was hard to comprehend his broken English.I asked him his name. "Tony Trivisonno," he replied. "I mow your lawn." I told Tony that I couldn't afford a gardener."I mow your lawn," he said again, then walked away. I went into my house unhappy. Yes, these Depression days were difficult,but how could I turn away a person whoWhen I got home from work the next evening, the lawn had been mowed, the garden weed ed, and the walk s swept. I asked my wife what had happened."A man got the lawn mower out of the garage and worked on the yard," she answered. "I assume d you had hire d him."I told her of my experience the night before. We thought it strange that he had not asked for pay.The next two days were busy, and Itrying to rebuild our business and bring some of our workers back to the plant s. But on Friday, returning home a little early, I saw Tony again, behind the garage. I compliment ed him on the work he had done."I mow your lawn," he said.I managed to work out some kind of small weekly pay, and each day Tony cleaned up the yard and took care of any little task s. My wife said he was very helpful whenever there were any heavy object s to lift or things to fix.pretty soon," Tony told me one evening. "When winter come, you give me job clearing snow at the factory."Well, what do you do with such determination and hope? Of course, Tony got his job at the factory.The months passed. I asked the personnel department for a report. They said Tony was a very good worker.One day I found Tony at our meeting place behind the garage. "I want to be 'prentice," he said.We had a pretty good apprentice school that train ed laborer s. But I doubt ed whether Tony had the capacity to read blueprint s and micrometer s or do precision work. Still, how could I turn him down?Tony took a cut in pay to become an apprentice. Months later, I got a report that he had graduate d as a skilled grinder. He hadlearned to read the millionth s of an inch on the micrometer and to shape the grinding wheel with an instrument set with adiamond. My wife and I were delightedA year or two passed, and again I found Tony in his usual waiting place. We talked about his work, and I asked him what"Mr. Craw," he said, "I like a buy a house." On the edge of town, he had found a house for sale, a complete wreck.I called on a banker friend. "Do you ever loan money oncharacter?" I asked. "No," he said. "We can't"Now, wait a minute," I replied. "Here is a hard-working man, a man of character, I can promise you that. He's got a good job.will stay there for years. At least he will pay your interest."Reluctantly, the banker wrote a mortgage for $2,000 and gave Tony the house with no down payment. Tony was delighted. From then on, it was interesting to see that any discard ed odds and ends around our place — a broken screen, a bit of hardware, board s from packing— Tony would gather and take home.He seemed to stand a little straight er. He was heavier. He had a look of confidence."Mr. Craw, I sell my house!" he said with pride. "I got $8,000."I was amaze d. "But, Tony, where are you going to live without a house?""Mr. Craw, I buy a farm."the tomato es and pepper s and all the other vegetable s important to his Italian diet. He had sent for his wife and son and daughter back in Italy. He had hunt ed around the edge of town until he found a small, abandon ed piece of property with a house and shed. Now he was moving his family to his farm.Sometime later. Tony arrived on a Sunday afternoon, neatly dressed. He had another Italian man with him. He told me that he had persuade d his childhood friend to move to America. Tony was sponsor ing him. With an amuse d look in his eye, he told me that when they approach ed the little farm he nowoperate d, his friend and said, "Tony, you are a millionaire!"Then, during the war, a message came from my company. Tony had passed away.I asked our people to check on his family and see thateverything was properly handle d.tractor and a good car in the yard. The children were educated and working, and Tony didn't owe a cent.After he passed away, I thought more and more about Tony'scareer. He in my mind. In the end, I think he stood as tall, and as proud, as the greatest American industrialist s.They had all reached their success by the same route and by the same value s and principle s: vision, determination, self-control, optimism, self-respect and, above all, integrity.Tony did not begin on the bottom rung of the ladder. He began in the basement.Tony's affair s were tiny; the greatest industrialist s' affairs were giant. But, after all, the balance sheet swere exactly the same. The only difference was where you put the decimal point.Tony Trivisonno came to America seek ing the American Dream. But he didn't find it — he created it for himself. All he had were 24 precious hours a day, and he waste d none of them.(1110 words)New Words and Expressionsdrivewayn. 宅旁私家车道mowv. 修剪(草坪),刈(草)comprehendvt. understand fullylawnn. 草地,草坪turn awayrefuse to help (sb.) or to allow (sb.) to enter a place 拒绝帮助;不让…进入weedv. 除去…的杂草;除草n. 杂草,野草assumevt. suppose假设;以为compliment▲vt. praise赞扬n. 赞美的言辞或行为work outplan; solve; calculate制定出;解决;算出weeklya. happening once a week or every week 每周的;一周一次的clean upmake clean and tidy打扫,清除helpfula. giving help; useful 有帮助的;有用的do with(used in questions with what) 对待,处理determinationn. 决心,决定personneln. 人事部门;全体人员,全体职员apprenticen. 学徒capacityn. the ability to understand or do sth. 能力,才能micrometern. 测微计,千分尺precisionn. the quality of being exact精密;精确(性)turn downrefuse拒绝graduatev. (使)毕业n. (尤指大学)毕业生skilleda. having skill; needing skill 熟练的,有技巧的;技术性的grindern. 磨工grind (ground)vt. 磨,磨碎,碾碎instrumentn. 工具,器械,仪器for saleintended to be sold待售wreckn. 残破物;(尤指失事船只、飞机等的)残骸call onvisit (sb.) for a short time 拜访bankern. 银行家;银行高级职员loanvt. lend (sth.) 借,贷n. 贷款;借,贷charactern. (人的)品德;品质;性格damna.,n. (infml) (usu. used in negative s) of even the smallest amount丝毫reluctantlyad. 勉强地reluctant a.mortgage▲n. 抵押借款,按揭discardvt. (fml)throw away抛弃odds and ends零星杂物,琐碎物品screenn. 纱门,纱窗;屏;荧屏hardwaren. 五金器具;(计算机的)硬件spotn. a particular place;a small dirty mark地点;斑点confidencen. 信心amazevt. surprise (sb.) very much 使惊愕,使诧异amazementn. 惊愕,诧异peppern. 辣椒;胡椒粉Italiana. 意大利的dietn. food and drink usually taken by a person or group日常饮食send for派人去叫,召唤;派人去取huntv. 寻找;打猎abandonvt. give up completely or forever 抛弃,放弃propertyn. land, buildings or both together; sth. which is own ed (房)地产;财产shedn. 小屋,棚vt. 使脱落;使流出,散发出sometimead. 某个时候sponsorvt. 为…做保证人;主办,发起n. 保证人;主办者,发起人amusevt. cause to laugh or smile; cause to spend time in a pleasant manner逗乐;给…提供娱乐approachv. come near(er) to接近millionaire▲n. 百万富翁pass away(euph) (esp. of a person) die去世handlevt. manage; control管理,处理;操纵livablea. fit or pleasant to live in 适于居住的homeya. (infml) pleasant; like home 舒适的;像家一样的tractorn. 拖拉机staturen. 身材,身高;境界industrialistn. 工业家,实业家routen. 路线,路程principlen. guiding rule for behavior; basic truth信条;原则;原理visionn. the ability to make great plans for the future; sight; the ability to see 远见;视觉,视力optimism▲n. 乐观主义self-respectn. proper respect for oneself 自尊;自重above allmost important of all 最重要的是integrity▲n. quality of being honest and responsible; state of being complete正直;完整rungn. (梯子的)横档,梯级basement▲n. 地下室gianta. of great size or force巨大的n. 巨人balancen. 平衡;余额balance sheet资产负债表decimal▲小数createvt. produce or make (esp. sth. new) 创造,创作Proper NamesTony Trivisonno托尼·特里韦索诺Frederick C. Crawford弗雷德里克·C·克罗弗德Italy意大利Rome罗马(意大利首都)。
外研社2024新编大学英语(第四版)综合教程B4U1教学课件B4U1 Reading 2

Reading 2
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Memory, crucial to our lives, is fascinating and complex. How is it stored in the brain? And how do different types of memory function? Watch a video clip about memory and complete the outline.
6) _b_i_o_g_ra_p_h_i_c_a_l information.
Classification • It’s pretty 7) ___s_ta_b_l_e_a_n_d__a_c_c_u_ra_t_e_____ .
Muscle memory
long-term memory
• It’s similarly stable over time.
新编大学英语(第四版) 综合教程 Unit 1
Reading 2
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• Different from vision or language, memory is
located 1) _t_h_r_o_u_g_h_o_u_t _y_o_u_r_/_th_e__b_r_ai_n_ and it
Reading 2
Text exploration
Background information
“Pass it on” is a group game. To play the game, a group of people stand or sit in a circle or a line. One person starts the game by thinking of a short word or phrase and then whispering it into the ear of the person next to them. That person then passes it on to the third person and so on. At the end of the game, the last person will speak the word / phrase out to see how well the message has been delivered.
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Unit 4 Fresh StartIn-Class Reading Fresh Start新的开端1当我父母开车离去,留下我可怜巴巴地站在停车场上时,我开始寻思我在校园里该做什么。
3“欢迎你们来听生物101 课,”教授开始上课。
After-Class Reading College-a New Beginning大学——一个新的开端1“今天上午早些时候,我与一位同事通电话。
”2这是夏洛特·J. 帕特森在迎新致辞中的开场白。
祝大家好运!”课内阅读练习答案Part One Preparation1 Talking About High School ClassmatesSample• Among the 54 students in my high school class, I’m the only one enrolled in a national key university. There are 14 others who were accepted by provincial universities or colleges. Their majors vary greatly, covering most of the engineering fields. Of the 14 former classmates, 4 are now studying in Shanghai, 2 in Shandong, 3 in Beijing and the rest in other parts of the country. Though initially dissatisfied with their universities or colleges, they are quite happy with their majors.• I graduated from ________ High School, a key high school in ________ Province.Among the50 students in my class, 48 are enrolled in universities, mostly national keyuniversities. Three went to Peking University and two to Tsinghua University. The three who study at Peking University are majoring in law, philosophy and physics respectively and the two at Tsinghua are majoring in computer science and information science. In this university alone there are five of us, each with a different major.Another three of my former classmates are enrolled in normal universities, one in Beijing Normal University, one in South China Normal University and one in East China Normal University.2 A Freshman’s Scho ol LifeSTEP ONE1DE P A R T M E N TOR2P3C R4ED I T S5MA J O R XO T6F R7ES H M E N RE C A8SS OT 9TSCC S10N O E UH O O R R11S O R M M R O12F I N A L I13TI CA14CA M P U S C I 15H16GR A D E S I U E O S T L T 17BA C H E L O R18LI B R A R Y B I O RI19OP T I O N A L NESSTEP TWOSampleI’m a freshman at Zhejiang University with a major in economics. I have been on campus forabout two months. I’m living in a dorm and have th ree nice roommates. I enjoy reading to widen my horizons, so I spend a lot of time in the university library. So far I have been enjoying my new life except that sometimes I worry about the coming mid-term and final exams. Our professors stress in class th at students’ top priority here is to acquire as much knowledge as possible. We should attend classes regularly and take good notes. We should hand in our assignments on time; and the results of quizzes will account for part of our final grades. Usually we are very busy during the week. But on weekends we can spend some time on our hobbies. The spare time thing I like to do most is to surf the Internet. Some students make use of their spare time to do some part-time jobs, for example, serving as a tutor. They say they have to earn at least part of their tuition. I think I’d prefer to work hard to win a scholarship to support myself.A dditional activityA Freshman’s AlphabetF or this activity, the teacher can ask students to work in pairs to complete a Fr eshman’s Alphabet by filling in the blanks with suitable words.A is for the ASSIGNMENTS that the teachers give us.B is for the B that I enjoy reading.C is for the CAMPUS where _________________________.D is for the D that I share with my roommates.E is for the E that give me headaches.F is for the FRIENDS whom _________________________.G is for the G that I learn in the English class.H is for the H of mine, such as playing tennis.I is for the INFORMATION that _________________________.J is for the J that I want to get after I graduate from college.K is for the K that we are acquiring in school.L is for the L where we can borrow books.M is for the M of mine—business.N is for the N that I take in class.O is for the OK I say to my mother over the phone.P is for the P who give us lectures.Q is for the QUIZZES that _________________________.R is for the R that we write after we have done research.S is for the S that I hope to win.T is for the TUITION that _________________________.U is for the U that give us the chance for higher education. V is for the V that I’m looking forward to.W is for the W when I can relax myself.X is for the X’MAS CARDS that I will receive from my friends in December. Y is for YAHOO that we like to visit on the Internet.Z is for the ZEAL(热情,渴望) I have for knowledge.Key:A is for the ASSIGNMENTS that the teachers give us.B is for theBOOKS that I enjoy reading.C is for the CAMPUS where most students live.D is for the DORM that I share with my roommates.E is for theEXAMS that give me headaches.F is for the FRIENDS whom I’m glad to stay with.G is for the GRAMMAR that I learn in the English class. H is for theHOBBIES of mine, such as playing tennis.I is for the INFORMATION that I get from the Internet.J is for the JOB that I want to get after I graduate from college. K is for the KNOWLEDGE that we are acquiring in school.L is for the LIBRARY where we can borrow books. M is for theMAJOR of mine—business.N is for the NOTES that I take in class.O is for the OK that I say to my mother over the phone. P is for thePROFESSORS who give us lectures.Q is for the QUIZZES that teachers give us now and then.R is for the REPORTS that we write after we have done research. S is for thethat I hope to win.T is for the TUITION that my parents pay for my education.U is for the UNIVERSITIES that give us the chance for higher education. V is for the VACATIONS that I’m looking forward to.W is for the WEEKENDS when I can relax myself.X is for the X’MAS CARDS that I will receive from my friends in December.Y is for YAHOO that we like to visit on the Internet.Z is for the ZEAL(热情,渴望) I have for knowledge.3 Expectations of College LifeSample• For me, Items 1, 2, 4, 5 are very important because I want to take advantage of my college years to learn something really useful. When I was in high school, my goal was to enter a prestigious university, so most of the time I studied hard just for the sake of getting high marks. Now things are different, and I am more concerned about my future career. Thus, I plan to devote my time to whatever will prepare me for my future job and life. The only item that is not important to me is Item 10 because it’s too early for me to consider a recommendation letter. The rest of the items are somewhat important to me. I hope I can develop a good relationship with my teachers and classmates.• I think the most important goal I want to achieve in college is to develop my interpersonal skills. As we know, undergraduate studies should be focused on quality education. Gaining knowledge is something very natural to undergraduate students if we attend classes regularly and pay enough attention to lectures. In fact, learning is a life- long activity. I have a wide range of interests. I’m also a good problem solver. So Items 6 to 9 are very important to me while Items 1 to 5 are less important. As I’m planning to pursue further studies abroad after graduation, Item 10 is somewhat important to me.Part Two Reading-Centered ActivitiesIn-Class ReadingPost-ReadingReading ComprehensionReading Comprehension11dormitory / dorm room2watching3freshman4wrong5biology6 literature7cafeteria8stepped9dropped10ashamed / embarrassed11forgotten12fate13serious14matter 15experiment16forgiven2 1 No, that was just the way the writer felt, because she was self-conscious and shy.2She probably wanted to be out of the professor’s view.3Most biology majors are serious.4A Here “it” refers to “my entire life”.B It was a miserable day.5Here “it” refers to the miserable and embarrassing moment.6 Because she was afraid that other students might recognize her and make fun of her.7Dropping the food tray and falling to the ground.8Because he took it as nothing serious.9Whether you drop a tray, where you sit, or whether you show up in the wrong lecture, etc.3Sample• On the afternoon of the day I came to college, I saw my parents off and went back to the campus.I found my dorm and walked in. Settling into my bed as I was tired, I reached for the cup on thedesk when I sensed something strange. Two persons in the room were staring at me, puzzled. I can still remember I was a bit shocked at that moment. Who were they? I jumped out of bed, puzzled, too. Why were they staring at me like that? But in a few seconds I realized what had happened: I had come to the right room but the wrong building. I flushed and apologized in a clumsy way. The two guys seemed to be amused. They told me that they were also freshmen and that I was welcome to their dorm anytime I liked. I said thanks and then fled.• It happened about a week after I came to college. Just as I got out of the library building, I found that I had taken someone else’s bag. How foolish! I hurried back to the library, only to find that the guy was already in the librarians’ office with an angry look. The moment he saw his bag he smiled with relief. I apologized for my mistake and waited for his sharp words. To my surprise, he patted me on the back and said in a friendly way, “Don’t worry, I have made the same mistake, too.”• I made a serious mistake on my first English test. I forgot to put my name on my paper. My teacher didn’t blame me but told me to avoid repeating the same mistake. It was a good lessonfor me and I learned to be very careful when it came to details.Vocabulary1 1 rearing2 tips3 settled4 major5lot, lot6 rear7 settle8 major9 settled10tipping2 1 seriously 2 crashed3 schedule4 slip5clasps / clasped6 groped7 accidentally8 grinned9 opportunity10hesitation Translation1 The individuals who have contributed are far too many / numerous to mention.2 The noise woke us up in the middle of the night.3 He shouldn’t have been angry at what I said. It was nothing more than a joke.4 We invited all our friends to the picnic, but it rained and only five of them showed up.5 Marriage is viewed as a serious matter.6 To my disappointment, the movie didn’t live up to my expectations.Part Three Further Development1. Grammar ReviewSection A1. laughing / to laugh2. be / should be3. hadn’t helped4. go5. like6. as7. either8. can we2. V ocabulary Review1.living2. find out3, awaiting4. broke up5. clapped6. intends7. resource8. funds3 College vs High SchoolSampleD ifferences between college life and life in high school:•At college we live on campus instead of at home, that is, we have to take care of ourselves: We wash our clothes by ourselves, we eat at the dining hall, we get up and go to bed without our parents bustling around, and we learn to budget our money carefully.•College teachers are quite different from those in high school. Th ey won’t drive you to study. They give lectures, they answer questions, and they disappear, leaving you a mass of assignments to do. Very often you’ll be asked to cover half of a book in just one week. But generally they’re much more knowledgeable, humorou s and tolerant than high school teachers.•Students in college come from all over the country. You can even see some foreign students on campus. We share our knowledge about the places we are from: different dialects, different customs and different eating habits. We make friends with each other and spend a lot of time together; thus we can broaden our horizons and discover an even richer world.•High school work was easy, so we always knew the answers and got high scores. But in college the texts are more difficult to understand, the quantity of required reading is greater, and nobody can answer all the questions. It seems high school students are swimming in a pool while college students are adrift in a sea.•Good study skills are a must in college. We’re entitled to much more free time but we should learn to use it in a reasonable way. In college most classes meet only once or twice a week. We have to work hard to keep up with the course work. We have to learn to take notes from texts and lectures because college teachers, unlike high school teachers, seldom provide notes for us. And we should also take an active part in discussions in class.•We probably have fewer tests in college, usually with mid-term and final exams only.•The college often helps with our needs for assistance—student loans, scholarships, special student aid funds, etc. There are also work-study programs that are available to satisfy students’ different needs for financial aid.•College students can take some part-time jobs. In this way they can earn some money to support themselves. At the same time, they get some useful experience and learn to get along with different kinds of people.•We are free to organize extracurricular activities in college. For example, in our spare time we may hold a party, a sports meet, an English speech contest, or we may go to the movies on weekends or go for a picnic on a spring day. In short, college life is very exciting and in most cases you’re the decision-makers.4 Fighting Against Freshman LonelinessSampleW ays to fight against loneliness on campus:•make more friends;•keep yourself busy;•have a good sleep;•surf the Internet;•have a tour around the city where your university is located;•go to a movie;•play sports;•phone your family or friends;•write letters to friends or send them e-mails;•read a novel or listen to music;•talk to someone you know;•visit some relatives or acquaintances who are in the same city;•stroll around the supermarket or department store even if y ou aren’t going to buy anything;•be friendly with your classmates / roommates and spend some out-of-school time with them;•consult your counselor;•attend an association / club or be a member of the Student Union.Part Four Writing and Translation2. Translation Practice“我要告诉任何一个想回到学校的人,事情不像你想的那么难,”卡伦·乔纳特斯说。