Expected Price(Yi) 15 14 15 17 11 19 13 14 10 13 141
(Xi-X)2 Xi-X Yi-Y (Xi-X)(Yi-Y) -1.805 0.9 3.258025 -1.6245 2.195 -0.1 4.818025 -0.2195 0.011025 -0.105 0.9 -0.0945 3.783025 1.945 2.9 5.6405 -3.805 -3.1 14.47803 11.7955 6.795 4.9 46.172025 33.2955 -2.205 -1.1 4.862025 2.4255 -0.105 -0.1 0.011025 0.0105 -3.805 -4.1 14.478025 15.6005 0.895 -0.9 0.801025 -0.8055 92.67225 66.024
y = 0.275 + 0.95x
Texas Instruments has a higher risk. 53. a.
Satisfaction Rating(%) 100 80 60 Satisfaction Rating(%) 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 80
b. The relationship is positive. c. =43.92307692 y=65.92307692
b1=∑(Xi-X)(Yi-Y)/ ∑(Xi-X)2 =-170/1150 =-0.148 b0=y-b1 =17+.148*35=22.18
b. SSR=25.1896 SSE=8.8696 MSR=SSR/Regression degrees of freedom=25.1896 MSE=SSE/n-2= 8.8696/4=2.2174 F=MSR/MSE=25.1896/2.2174=11.36 Fa=7.71<F
《统计学》第四版 第四章练习题答案4.1 (1)众数:M 0=10; 中位数:中位数位置=n+1/2=5.5,M e =10;平均数:6.91096===∑nxx i(2)Q L 位置=n/4=2.5, Q L =4+7/2=5.5;Q U 位置=3n/4=7.5,Q U =12 (3)2.494.1561)(2==-=∑-n i s x x (4)由于平均数小于中位数和众数,所以汽车销售量为左偏分布。
4.2 (1)从表中数据可以看出,年龄出现频数最多的是19和23,故有个众数,即M 0=19和M 0=23。
将原始数据排序后,计算中位数的位置为:中位数位置= n+1/2=13,第13个位置上的数值为23,所以中位数为M e =23(2)Q L 位置=n/4=6.25, Q L ==19;Q U 位置=3n/4=18.75,Q U =26.5(3)平均数==∑nx x i600/25=24,标准差65.612510621)(2=-=-=∑-n i s x x(4)偏态系数SK=1.08,峰态系数K=0.77(5)分析:从众数、中位数和平均数来看,网民年龄在23-24岁的人数占多数。
4.3 (1(2)==∑nx x i63/9=7,714.0808.41)(2==-=∑-n i s x x (3)由于两种排队方式的平均数不同,所以用离散系数进行比较。
第一种排队方式:v 1=1.97/7.2=0.274;v 2=0.714/7=0.102.由于v 1>v 2,表明第一种排队方式的离散程度大于第二种排队方式。
4.4 (1)==∑nx x i8223/30=274.1中位数位置=n+1/2=15.5,M e =272+273/2=272.5(2)Q L 位置=n/4=7.5, Q L ==(258+261)/2=259.5;Q U 位置=3n/4=22.5,Q U =(284+291)/2=287.5(3) 17.211307.130021)(2=-=-=∑-n i s x x4.5 (1)甲企业的平均成本=总成本/总产量=41.193406600301500203000152100150030002100==++++乙企业的平均成本=总成本/总产量=29.183426255301500201500153255150015003255==++++原因:尽管两个企业的单位成本相同,但单位成本较低的产品在乙企业的产量中所占比重较大,因此拉低了总平均成本。
4.49 4.33 (a)H = husband watching W= wife watching P(H\W) =商务统计习题解答4.41 (7)(3)(3)= 63〃! _ 7! _(7)(6)(5)X!(〃一 X )! 4!(3!)(3)(2)(1)P(WIH)・P(H) P(W I H)・P(H) + F(W 1H')・P(H')0.4 • 0.6 0.24 2 八 y0.4 • 0.6 + 0.3 • 0.4 - 036 ~ 3 - *(b) P(IV) = 0.24+0.12 =0.36 5.11 If p-0.25 and n = 5,(a) RX= 5) =0.0010(b) I\X> 4) = RX=4) + RX=5) = 0.0146+0.0010 =0.0156(c) 0) = 0.2373(d) F\X < 2) = RX=0) + RX= 1) + RX=2)=0.2373 + 0.3955 + 0.2637 = 0.89655.21(a) 0) = 0.0907 (b) RX= 1)=0.2177(c) I\X> 2)=0.6916 (d) RXv 3) = 0.56976.11 (a) P(X v 180) = P(Z v — 1.50) = 0.0668(b) P(180 v X v 300) = P(— 1.50 v Z v 1.50) = 0.9332 - 0.0668 = 0.8664(c) P( 110 v X v 180) = P(— 3.25 v Z v — 1.50) = 0.0668 - 0.00058 =0.06622(d) P(X v A) = 0.01 P(Z v - 2.33) = 0.01A = 240 - 2.33(40) = 146.80 seconds6.19(a) mean = 678.85, median = 675.5, range = 54,6(Sx ) =88.5734, interquartile range = 20, 1.33(S X ) = 19.6338 Since the mean is approximately equal to the median and the interquartile range isvery close to 1.33 times the standard deviation, the data appear to be approximatelynormally distributed.(b)710X±Z- 350±1.96- 100V64 325.5 < 辱 374.50The normal probability plot suggests that the data appear to be approximately normally distributed. 7.9 (a)P(叉 < 0.75) = P(Z < -1.3693) = 0.0855 (b)P(0.70 <X < 0.90) = P(—2.7386 <Z<2.7386) = 0.9938 (c) P(A< X < B) = P(- L2816 < Z < 1.2816) = 0.80A =0.8-1.2816 (0.0365) = 0.7532 B= 0.8 +1.2816 (0.0365) = 0.8468(d) P(X <A) = P(Z< 1.2816) = 0.90 A = 0.8 +1.2816 (0.0365) = 0.8468Note: The above answers are obtained using PHStat. They may be slightly different whenTable E.2 is used.7.19 (a) P(0.15 vp v0.25) = P(- 1.25 <Z< 1.25)=0.7887(b) P(A<p<B) = P(- 1.6449 <Z< 1.6449) = 0.90A = 0.2 - 1.6449(0.04) = 0.1342B = 0.2 + 1.6449(0.04) = 0.2658(c) P(A v p v B) = P(- 1.960<Z< 1.960) = 0.95A =0.2 - 1.960(0.04) = 0.12160.2+ 1.96(0.04) = 0.27848.8 (a)(b) No. The manufacturer cannot support a claim that the bulbs last an average 400 hours.Based on the data from the sample, a mean of 400 hours would represent a distanceof 4 standard deviations above the sample mean of 350 hours.(c) No. Since is known and n = 64, from the Central Limit Theorem, we may assumethat the sampling distribution of X is approximately normal.(d) The confidence interval is narrower based on a process standard deviation of 80hours rather than the original assumption of 100 hours.Normal Probability Plot690 680670660700650 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.51 Z Value 1.5 2a loo sMp(a)8.18 (a) X±F・S “,c 八4.6024 -7= = 23 ±2.0739•― 4nV23 $21.01 <//< $24.99一cr80~F= = 350 ± 1.96 • —f=X ± Z ・4tr V64(b) Based on the smaller standard deviation, a mean of 400 hours would represent adistance of 5 standard deviations above the sample mean of 350 hours. No,the manufacturer cannot support a claim that the bulbs have a mean life of400 hours.(b) You can be 95% confident that the mean bounced check fee for the population issomewhere between $21.01 and $24.99.又◊又 (\n 77 . 7〔P(l ? P n77 . j QA /0.77(0.23)8.28 (a) p= 0.77 p ± Z • ------------------------- =().77 ±1.96」 ------------------------------\ n V 10000.74 <7t< 0.80(b)p = 0.77 p ± Z •、格王=0.77 ± 1,645/wWV n v 10000.75 <7T< 0.79(c)The 95% confidence interval is wider. The loss in precision reflected as a widerconfidence interval is the price you have to pay to achieve a higher level ofconfidence.Z2<T2 1.962 - 40028.38 (a) n =——=-------------- -—— =245.86 Use n = 246& 50~, Z2cr2 1.962 -4002八”八TT八睥(b) n = ——-— = --------------- ---- =983.41 Use n = 984& 2529.30 (a) Ho: " =375 hours. The mean life of the manufacturers light bulbs isequal to 375 hours.H\: // #375 hours. The mean life of the manufacturer9s light bulbs differs from375 hours.Decision rule: Reject 仇if Z v - 1.96 or Z > + 1.96.Test statistic: Z =与人笔尹=-2.00Decision: Since Z c^ = 一2.00 is below the critical bound of - 1.96, reject There isenough evidence to conclude that the mean life of the manufacturer's light bulbsdiffers from 375 hours.(b) ^-value = 2(0.0228) = 0.0456.Interpretation: The probability of getting a sample of 64 light bulbs that will yielda mean life that is farther away from the hypothesized population mean than thissample is 0.0456-(c)Test statistic: t = s 商 315.33/应y!n<64 (d) The results are the same. The confidence interval formed does not include thehypothesized value of 375 hours.9.58 (a) H Q : // < 400 The mean life of the batteries is not more than 400 hours. H 、: 〃> 400 The mean life of the batteries is more than 400 hours.X 一以 473.46-400 t “ --------------- 7= = 7= = 1 .230 / s/y/n 210.77/J13 Decision: Since t < 1.7823, do not reject H 。
姓名:潘方 学号:1106026 班级:金融一班8.2 解:根据题目的分析,本题采用左单侧检验:已知:μ0=700,x =680,σ=60, n=36,α=0.05则z α=1.645 其过程为: H 0:μ≥700 H 1:μ<700 x z ==-2 因为|z|>|z α|,Z 值位于拒绝域,故拒绝原假设,说明这批产品不合格。
因为2=Z ,且为左单侧检验,则()05.0022750132.0977249868.01=<=-=αP8.4 解:由excel 计算得:x =99.9778 S =1.21221H 0:μ=100 H 1:μ≠100 x t =-0.055 这是一个双侧检验,当α=0.05,自由度n -1=9时,得()29t α=2.262。
因为t <|2t α|,t 值位于接受区域,故接受原假设,说明打包机工作正常。
因为|Z|=0.055,且为双侧检验,由excel 得: P=0.95734>(α=0.05)8.9解:该题样本为,大样本,方差2σ已知、且不等,因此采用z 统计量 已知, 05.0=α、即96.12/=αZ ,811=n , 642=n ,σA=63*63 2σB=57*57 0:211≠-μμH 0:210=-μμH , ()()96.15.0645781630102010702222<≈+--=+---=BB A AB A B A n n x x Z σσμμ 因为|z|<|z α|,Z 值位于接受区域,故接受原假设,两厂生产材料抗压强度相同。
因为5.0=Z ,则()=-⨯=691462461.012P 0.617075078()05.0=>α8.13 解:此题为两个总体比例之差的假设H 0:π1≥π2;H 1:π1<π 2 α=0.05,即z α=1.6451100021==n n ,00945.0110001041==p ,01718.0110001892==pp p d z --=0.009450.017180--=-5 因为|z|>|z α|,Z 值位于拒绝域,故拒绝原假设,说明用阿司匹林可以降低心脏病发生率。
某公司要检验新产品的广告效果 ,随机选取了100名顾客进行调 查。根据调查数据,公司可以得 出对广告效果的评价。
某制造商要检测其产品的质量, 随机选取了100个零件进行检测 。根据检测数据,制造商可以判 断产品质量是否符合标准。
某医院要评估某项治疗措施的效 果,随机选取了100名患者进行 治疗并对其疗效进行跟踪调查。 根据调查数据,医院可以得出对 该治疗措施的评价。
对收集到的数据进行预处理,包括缺失值处理、异常值处 理等。
根据相关系数的取值范围,判断两个变量之间的相关程度 。
是一种预测性的数据分析技术,通过研究变量之间的因 果关系,利用已知的自变量预测未知的因变量。
n次独立重复试验中成功次数k 的概率分布,常用于描述有放回 抽样和伯努利试验的情形。
单位时间内发生随机事件的次数 的概率分布,常用于描述稀有事 件的发生概率。
大数定律是指当样本数量足够大时,随机 事件的频率呈现出一定的稳定性,即频率 的集中趋势明显。
计算数据集中每个观测值的算术 平均数,是描述数据集中趋势最 常用的指标。
将数据按大小排序后,位于中间 位置的数值即为中位数,适用于 偏态分布的数据。
数据中出现次数最多的数值即为 众数,适用于具有明显偏态分布 的数据。
反映数据离散程度的指标,数值越大表示数据越 离散。
c) Both of the above.
d) None of the above.
ANபைடு நூலகம்WER:
KEYWORDS: confidence interval, interpretation
4. If you were constructing a 99% confidence interval of the population mean based on a sample of
d) As the number of degrees of freedom increases, the t distribution approaches the normal
b) It is used to construct confidence intervals for the population mean when the population
standard deviation is known.
c) It is bell shaped and symmetrical.
a) narrower for 99% confidence than for 95% confidence.
b) wider for a sample size of 100 than for a sample size of 50.
c) narrower for 90% confidence than for 95% confidence.
第二章、练习题及解答2.为了确定灯泡的使用寿命(小时),在一批灯泡中随机抽取100只进行测试,所得结果如下:700 716 728 719 685 709 691 684 705 718 706 715 712 722 691 708 690 692 707 701 708 729 694 681 695 685 706 661 735 665 668 710 693 697 674 658 698 666 696 698 706 692 691 747 699 682 698 700 710 722 694 690 736 689 696 651 673 749 708 727 688 689 683 685 702 741 698 713 676 702 701 671 718 707 683 717 733 712 683 692 693 697 664 681 721 720 677 679 695 691 713 699 725 726 704 729 703 696 717 688要求:(2)以组距为10进行等距分组,生成频数分布表,并绘制直方图。
3.某公司下属40个销售点2012年的商品销售收入数据如下:单位:万元152 124 129 116 100 103 92 95 127 104 105 119 114 115 87 103 118 142 135 125 117 108 105 110 107 137 120 136 117 10897 88 123 115 119 138 112 146 113 126要求:(1)根据上面的数据进行适当分组,编制频数分布表,绘制直方图。
1.已知下表资料:25 20 10 500 2.5 30 50 25 1500 7.5 35 80 40 2800 14 40 36 18 1440 7.2 4514 7 630 3. 15 合 计200100687034. 35_y xf 6870根据频数计算工人平均日产量:〒=金^ =北* = 34.35 (件)£f 200结论:对同一资料,采用频数和频率资料计算的变量值的平均数是一致的。
统计学课后习题答案 第8章的习题答案
![统计学课后习题答案 第8章的习题答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e0398f147ed5360cba1aa8114431b90d6c8589af.png)
1. 解:根据题意建立原假设和备择假设:01:700;:700H H μμ≥<2x Z ===- 由于-2<-1.645,所以Z Z α<-,Z 值位于原假设0H 的拒绝域,所以拒绝0H ,即在显著性水平0.05下该批元件不合格。
2. 根据题意建立原假设和备择假设:01:250;:250H H μμ≤>20 3.336x t ====,0.05(24) 1.7109t =, 由于0.05(24),.t t t t α>>所以t 值位于原假设H 0,即在显著性水平0.05下该种化肥使得水稻明显增产。
3. 解:已知 0620.157,0.155,0.05, 1.96.400p p Z αα===== 根据题意建立原假设和备择假设:01:0.157;:0.157H P H P =≠0.10995P Z ===- -0.10995>-1.96,所以Z 值位于原假设H 0的接受域。
4. 解:已知 09,100,99.98, 1.2122n x s μ====。
根据题意建立原假设和备择假设:01:100;:100H H μμ=≠0.020.04950.4041x t -====- -0.0495>-2.306,所以t 位于原假设H 0的接受域,即在显著性水平0.05下,打包机打包正常。
5. 解:已知00.05200,20,208.5,30,(19) 1.7291n x S t μ=====。
根据题意建立原假设和备择假设:01:200;:200H H μμ≤>8.5 1.2676.7083x t ==== t t α<,所以t 值位于原假设H 0的接受域,即在显著性水平0.05下,接受原假设,即在特定时间内每小时经过该地的汽车数量小于200辆。
6. 解:已知015,40,14.5, 2.3,0.05, 1.645n x S Z αμα======。
者比平均分数高 出 1 个标准差,而在 B 项测试中只高出平均分数 0.5 个标准差,由于 A 项 测试的标准化值高于 B 项测试,所以 A 项测试比较理想。 3.10 通过标准化值来判断,各天的标准化值如下表 日期 周一 周二 周三 周四 周五 周六 周日 标准化值 Z 3 -0.6 -0.2 0.4 -1.8 -2.2 0 周一和周六两天失去了控制。
-15~-10 10 -10~-5 13 -5~0 12 0~5 4 5~10 7 合计 60 (3)直方图(略) 。 2.9 (1)直方图(略) 。 (2)自学考试人员年龄的分布为右偏。 2.10(1)茎叶图如下
A班 数据个数 树 叶 树茎 B班 树叶 数据个数பைடு நூலகம்
0 3 59 2 1 4 4 0448 4 2 97 5 122456677789 12 11 97665332110 6 011234688 9 23 98877766555554443332100 7 00113449 8 7 6655200 8 123345 6 6 632220 9 011456 6 0 10 000 3 (2)A 班考试成绩的分布比较集中,且平均分数较高;B 班考试成绩的分 布比 A 班分散, 且平均成绩较 A 班低。 2.11(略) 。 2.12(略) 。 2.13(略) 。 2.14(略) 。 2.15箱线图如下: (特征请读者自己分析)
2 4.1 (1)200。 (2)5。 (3)正态分布。 (4) (100 1) 。
4.2 (1)32。 (2)0.91。 4.3 0.79。 4.4 (1) x 25 ~ N (17,2 2 ) 。 (2) x100 ~ N (17,1) 。 4.5 (1)1.41。 (2)1.41,1.41,1.34。 4.6 (1)0.4。 (2)0.024 。 (3)正态分布。 4.7 (1)0.050,0.035,0.022,016。 (2)当样本量增大时,样本比例的标准 差越来越小。 4.8 (1) (2)E=4.2; (3) (115.8,124.2) 。 x 2.14 ; 4.9 (87819,121301) 。 4.10(1)81±1.97; (2)81±2.35; (3)81±3.10。 4.11(1) (24.11,25.89) ; (2) (113.17,126.03) ; (3) (3.136,3.702) 4.12(1) (8687,9113) ; (2) (8734 ,9066) ; (3) (8761,9039) ; (4) (8682, 9118) 。 4.13(2.88,3.76) ;(2.80,3.84);(2.63,4.01)。 4.14(7.1,12.9) 。 4.15(7.18,11.57) 。 4.16(1) (148.9,150.1) ; (2)中心极限定理。 4.17(1) (100.9,123.7) ; (2) (0.017,0.183) 。 4.18(15.63,16.55) 。 4.19(10.36,16.76) 。
贾平凹统计学第四版第⼋章课后答案8.01 已知某炼铁⼚的含碳量服从正态分布N(4.55, 0.108),现在测定了9炉铁⽔,其平均含碳量为4.484。
如果估计⽅差没有变化,可否认为现在⽣产的铁⽔平均含碳量为4.55 (a=0.05) 。
H0: = 4.55H1: 1 4.55= 0.05 n = 9临界值(s): -1.96,1.96 在-1.96~1.96之间接受;否则拒绝检验统计量: =(4.484-4.55)/(0.33/3 )= -0.6 -0.6∈(-1.96,1.96)决策:在 = 0.05的⽔平上接受H0结论: 有证据表明现在⽣产的铁⽔平均含碳量为4.558.02 ⼀种元件,要求其使⽤寿命不得低于700⼩时。
H0: <700H1: ≥700= 0.05 n = 36临界值(s):1.645 <1.645接受;否则拒绝检验统计量: =(680-700)/(60/6)=-2 -2<1.645决策:在 = 0.05的⽔平上接受H0结论: 有证据表明元件不合格8.03 某地区⼩麦的⼀般⽣产⽔平为亩产250公⽄,其标准差为30公⽄。
问这种化肥是否使⼩麦明显增产?(a=0.05) H0: ≤250H1: >250= 0.05 n = 25临界值(s):1.645 <1.645接受;否则拒绝检验统计量: =(270-250)/(30/5)=3.33 3.33>1.645决策:在 = 0.05的⽔平上拒绝H0结论: 有证据表明这种化肥使⼩麦明显增产8.04 糖⼚⽤⾃动打包机打包,每包标准重量是100公⽄。
某⽇开⼯后测得9包重量如下:99.3 98.7 100.5 101.2 98.3 99.7 99.5 102.1 100.5已知包重服从正态分布,试检验该⽇打包机⼯作是否正常?(a=0.05)H0: =100H1: ≠100= 0.05 n = 9 s=1.21 =99.98临界值(s): -2.31,2.31 在-2.31~2.231之间接受;否则拒绝检验统计量: =(99.98-100)/(1.21/3)=0.50 0.50∈(-2.31,2.31)决策:在 = 0.05的⽔平上接受H0结论: 有证据表明试检验该⽇打包机⼯作正常8.05 某种⼤量⽣产的袋装⾷品,按规定不得少于250克。
应用统计学(第四版)第8章 习题答案
![应用统计学(第四版)第8章 习题答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4d0547660b4e767f5acfcebc.png)
第8章 习题答案一、 思考题(略)二、选择题1.D ;2.BCD ;3.A ;4.A ;5.ABD ;6.C ;7.AE ;8.BC ;9.BC ;10. D 。
(4)估计标准差为3.27;y 的估计区间为127.4±2⨯3.27。
2、(1)回归方程为 x y896.046.395ˆ+=;参数的经济含义是:生产性固定资产价值增加1个单位.估计总产值将相应平均增加O .896个单位。
3、(1)多元回归模型21250.9375.5375.0ˆx x y++= (2)估计标准差1.8774、 由Excel 回归分析工具计算出的有关结果可知:(1)广告费与销售收入的回归方程为ˆ 5.7 3.86yx =+。
(3)广告费与销售收入的判定系数为20.96596157R =。
因为相关系数为0.98283344,且F 统计量的P 值为1.248485E-05,小于0.05。
5、(1)回归方程x y51.1338.44ˆ+= (2)实际值与估计值误差的平方和为284.85。
统计学(第四版)贾俊平 第八章 方差分析与实验设计 练习题答案
![统计学(第四版)贾俊平 第八章 方差分析与实验设计 练习题答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b09a52df360cba1aa811daf0.png)
统计学(第四版)贾俊平 第八章 方差分析与实验设计 练习题答案8.10123411234:0:,,,0=0.01SPSS H H ααααααααα====至少有一个不等于用进行方差分析,表8.1-1填装量主体间效应的检验(单因素方差分析表)因变量: 填装量 源 III 型平方和df均方F Sig.偏 Eta 方非中心 参数观测到的幂b校正模型 .007a3 .002 10.098 .001 .669 30.295 .919 截距 295.7791 295.7791266416.430.000 1.000 1266416.4301.000 机器 .007 3 .002误差 .004 15 .000总计 304.17119 校正的总计.01118a. R 方 = .669(调整 R 方 = .603)b. 使用 alpha 的计算结果 = .01由表8.1-1得:p=0.001<0.01,拒绝原假设,i 0α不全为,表明不同机器对装填量有显著影响。
8.201231123:0:,,0=0.05SPSS H H ααααααα===至少有一个不等于用进行方差分析,表8.2-1满意度评分主体间效应的检验(单因素方差分析表)因变量: 评分 源III 型平方和df 均方 F Sig.校正模型 29.610a2 14.805 11.756 .001 截距 975.156 1 975.156 774.324 .000 管理者 29.610 2 14.805 11.756.001误差 18.890 15 1.259总计 1061.000 18 校正的总计48.50017a. R 方 = .611(调整 R 方 = .559)由表8.2-1得:p=0.001<0.05,拒绝原假设,i 0α不全为,表明管理者水平不同会导致评分的显著差异。
8.301231123:0:,,0=0.05SPSS H H ααααααα===至少有一个不等于用进行方差分析,表8.3-1电池寿命主体间效应的检验(单因素方差分析表)因变量: 电池寿命 源III 型平方和df 均方 F Sig. 偏 Eta 方 非中心 参数 观测到的幂b校正模型 615.600a2 307.800 17.068 .000 .740 34.137 .997 截距 22815.000 1 22815.000 1265.157 .000 .991 1265.157 1.000 企业 615.600 2 307.800误差 216.400 12 18.033总计 23647.000 15 校正的总计832.00014a. R 方 = .740(调整 R 方 = .697)b. 使用 alpha 的计算结果 = .05由表8.2-1得:p=0.001<0.05,拒绝原假设,i 0α不全为,表明3个企业生产的电池平均寿命之间存在显著差异。
贾平凹统计学第四版 第八章课后答案
![贾平凹统计学第四版 第八章课后答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/bafaecd1240c844769eaeea7.png)
8.01 已知某炼铁厂的含碳量服从正态分布N(4.55, 0.108),现在测定了9炉铁水,其平均含碳量为4.484。
如果估计方差没有变化,可否认为现在生产的铁水平均含碳量为4.55 (a=0.05) 。
H0: = 4.55H1: ¹ 4.55= 0.05 n = 9临界值(s): -1.96,1.96 在-1.96~1.96之间接受;否则拒绝检验统计量: =(4.484-4.55)/(0.33/3 )= -0.6 -0.6∈(-1.96,1.96)决策:在 = 0.05的水平上接受H0结论: 有证据表明现在生产的铁水平均含碳量为4.558.02 一种元件,要求其使用寿命不得低于700小时。
H0: <700H1: ≥700= 0.05 n = 36临界值(s):1.645 <1.645接受;否则拒绝检验统计量: =(680-700)/(60/6)=-2 -2<1.645决策:在 = 0.05的水平上接受H0结论: 有证据表明元件不合格8.03 某地区小麦的一般生产水平为亩产250公斤,其标准差为30公斤。
问这种化肥是否使小麦明显增产?(a=0.05) H0: ≤250H1: >250= 0.05 n = 25临界值(s):1.645 <1.645接受;否则拒绝检验统计量: =(270-250)/(30/5)=3.33 3.33>1.645决策:在 = 0.05的水平上拒绝H0结论: 有证据表明这种化肥使小麦明显增产8.04 糖厂用自动打包机打包,每包标准重量是100公斤。
某日开工后测得9包重量如下:99.3 98.7 100.5 101.2 98.3 99.7 99.5 102.1 100.5已知包重服从正态分布,试检验该日打包机工作是否正常?(a=0.05)H0: =100H1: ≠100= 0.05 n = 9 s=1.21 =99.98临界值(s): -2.31,2.31 在-2.31~2.231之间接受;否则拒绝检验统计量: =(99.98-100)/(1.21/3)=0.50 0.50∈(-2.31,2.31)决策:在 = 0.05的水平上接受H0结论: 有证据表明试检验该日打包机工作正常8.05 某种大量生产的袋装食品,按规定不得少于250克。
最近的一个集装箱装的是2 440加仑的油漆罐。
装满的油漆罐应为4.536 kg。
答:(1)总体:最近的一个集装箱内的全部油漆;(2)研究变量:装满的油漆罐的质量;(3)样本:最近的一个集装箱内的50罐油漆;(4)推断:50罐油漆的质量应为4.536×50=226.8 kg。
调查结果如下:B EC C AD C B A ED A C B C DE C E EA DBC C A ED C BB ACDE A B D D CC B C ED B C C B CD A C B C DE C E BB EC C AD C B A EB ACDE A B D D CA DBC C A ED C BC B C ED B C C B C(1) 指出上面的数据属于什么类型;(2)用Excel制作一张频数分布表;(3) 绘制一张条形图,反映评价等级的分布。
应用统计学(第四版) 第8章案例题目及答案
![应用统计学(第四版) 第8章案例题目及答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f1d8d63cec630b1c59eef8c75fbfc77da2699714.png)
8.2 一种元件,要求其使用寿命不得低于700小时。
解:H0:μ≥700;H1:μ<700已知:=680 =60由于n=36>30,大样本,因此检验统计量:==-2当α=0.05,查表得=1.645。
8.38.4 糖厂用自动打包机打包,每包标准重量是100千克。
某日开工后测得9包重量(单位:千克)如下:99.3 98.7 100.5 101.2 98.3 99.7 99.5 102.1 100.5已知包重服从正态分布,试检验该日打包机工作是否正常(a=0.05)?解:H0:μ=100;H1:μ≠100经计算得:=99.9778 S=1.21221检验统计量:==-0.055当α=0.05,自由度n-1=9时,查表得=2.262。
8.5 某种大量生产的袋装食品,按规定不得少于250克。
8.68.7 某种电子元件的寿命x(单位:小时)服从正态分布。
现测得16只元件的寿命如下:159 280 101 212 224 379 179 264222 362 168 250 149 260 485 170问是否有理由认为元件的平均寿命显著地大于225小时(a=0.05)?解:H0:μ≤225;H1:μ>225经计算知:=241.5 s=98.726检验统计量:==0.669当α=0.05,自由度n-1=15时,查表得=1.753。
CHAPTER 88.1 X ±Z ⋅σn= 85±1.96⋅864 83.04 ≤µ≤ 86.968.2 X ±Z ⋅σn= 125±2.58⋅2436114.68 ≤µ≤ 135.328.3 If all possible samples of the same size n are taken, 95% of them include the true population average monthly sales of the product within the interval developed. Thus you are 95 percent confident that this sample is one that does correctly estimate the true average amount. 8.4Since the results of only one sample are used to indicate whether something has gone wrong in the production process, the manufacturer can never know with 100% certainty that the specific interval obtained from the sample includes the true population mean. In order to have 100% confidence, the entire population (sample size N ) would have to be selected.8.5To the extent that the sampling distribution of sample means is approximately normal, it is true that approximately 95% of all possible sample means taken from samples of that same size will fall within 1.96 times the standard error away from the true population mean. But the population mean is not known with certainty. Since the manufacturer estimated the mean would fall between 10.99408 and 11.00192 inches based on a single sample, it is not necessarily true that 95% of all sample means will fall within those same bounds. 8.6 Approximately 5% of the intervals will not include the true population. Since the true population mean is not known, we do not know for certain whether it is contained in the interval (between 10.99408 and 11.00192 inches) that we have developed.8.7 (a) X ±Z ⋅σn=0.995±2.58⋅0.02500.9877≤µ≤1.0023(b) Since the value of 1.0 is included in the interval, there is no reason to believe that the mean is different from 1.0 gallon.(c) No. Since σ is known and n = 50, from the Central Limit Theorem, we may assume that the sampling distribution of X is approximately normal.(d) The reduced confidence level narrows the width of the confidence interval.X ±Z ⋅σn=0.995±1.96⋅0.02500.9895≤µ≤1.0005(b)Since the value of 1.0 is still included in the interval, there is no reason to believe that the mean is different from 1.0 gallon.8.8 (a)350 1.96X Z ±=± 325.5≤µ≤374.50(b) No. The manufacturer cannot support a claim that the bulbs last an average 400 hours. Based on the data from the sample, a mean of 400 hours would represent a distance of 4 standard deviations above the sample mean of 350 hours.(c)No. Since σ is known and n = 64, from the Central Limit Theorem, we may assume that the sampling distribution of X is approximately normal.(d) The confidence interval is narrower based on a process standard deviation of 80hours rather than the original assumption of 100 hours.(a)X ±Z ⋅σn=350±1.96⋅8064330.4≤µ≤369.6(b)Based on the smaller standard deviation, a mean of 400 hours wouldrepresent a distance of 5 standard deviations above the sample mean of 350 hours. No, the manufacturer cannot support a claim that the bulbs have a mean life of 400 hours.8.9 (a) X ±Z ⋅σn=1.99±1.96⋅0.051001.9802≤µ≤1.9998 (b) No. Since σ is known and n = 100, from the central limit theorem, we may assume thatthe sampling distribution of X is approximately normal.(c) An individual value of 2.02 is only 0.60 standard deviation above the sample mean of 1.99. The confidence interval represents bounds on the estimate of the average of a sample of 100, not an individual value.(d)A shift of 0.02 units in the sample average shifts the confidence interval by the same distance without affecting the width of the resulting interval.(a)X ±Z ⋅σn=1.97±1.96⋅0.051001.9602≤µ≤1.97988.10 (a) t 9 = 2.2622 (b) t 9 = 3.2498 (c) t 31 = 2.0395 (d) t 64 = 1.9977 (e) t 15 = 1.75318.11 75 2.0301X t ±=± 66.8796 ≤µ≤ 83.1204 8.12 50 2.9467X t ±=± 38.9499 ≤µ≤ 61.05018.13 Set 1: 4.5±2.3646⋅3.74178 1.3719 ≤µ≤ 7.6281 Set 2: 4.5±2.3646⋅2.449582.4522 ≤µ≤ 6.5478The data sets have different confidence interval widths because they have different values forthe standard deviation.8.14 Original data:5.8571±2.4469⋅6.46607 – 0.1229 ≤µ≤ 11.8371 Altered data: 4.00±2.4469⋅2.160272.0022 ≤µ≤ 5.9978The presence of an outlier in the original data increases the value of the sample mean and greatly inflates the sample standard deviation.8.15 (a) 1.67 2.0930X t ±=± $1.52 ≤µ≤ $1.82(b)The store owner can be 95% confident that the population mean retail value ofgreeting cards that the store has in its inventory is somewhere in between $1.52 and $1.82. The store owner could multiply the ends of the confidence interval by the number of cards to estimate the total value of her inventory.8.16 (a) 32 2.0096X t ±=± 29.44 ≤µ≤ 34.56 (b) The quality improvement team can be 95% confident that the population meanturnaround time is somewhere in between 29.44 hours and 34.56 hours.(c)The project was a success because the initial turnaround time of 68 hours does not fall inside the 95% confidence interval.8.17 (a) 195.3 2.1098X t ±=±≤µ≤ 205.9419 (b)No, a grade of 200 is in the interval.(c) It is not unusual. A tread-wear index of 210 for a particular tire is only 0.69 standard deviation above the sample mean of (a) 23 2.0739X t ±=±≤µ≤ $24.99 (b) You can be 95% confident that the mean bounced check fee for the population issomewhere between $21.01 and $ (a)7.1538 2.0595X t ±=±≤µ≤ $8.39 (b)You can be 95% confident that the population mean monthly service fee, if acustomer’s account falls below the minimum required balance, is somewhere between $5.92 and $ (a)43.04 2.0096X t ±=±≤µ≤ 54.96 (b) The population distribution needs to be normally distribution.(c)Normal Probability Plot-3-2-10123Z ValueDa y sBox-and-whisker Plot050100150Both the normal probability plot and the box-and-whisker plot suggest that the distribution is skewed to the right.(d)Even though the population distribution is not normally distributed, with a sample of 50, the t distribution can still be used due to the Central Limit Theorem.8.21 (a)43.8889 2.0555X t ±=± 33.89 ≤µ≤ 53.89 (b) The population distribution needs to be normally distributed.(c)Box-and-whisker Plot1030507090Normal Probability Plot0102030405060708090100-2-1.5-1-0.50.511.52Z ValueT i m eBoth the normal probability plot and the box-and-whisker show that the population distribution is not normally distributed and is skewed to the right.8.22 (a)182.4 2.0930X t ±=± $161.68 ≤µ≤ $203.12(b) 45 2.0930X t ±=± $40.31 ≤µ≤ $49.69(c)The population distribution needs to be normally distributed.8.22 (d) cont.Normal Probability Plot050100150200250300-2-1.5-1-0.50.511.52Z ValueH o t e lBox-and-whisker Plot110160210260310Both the normal probability plot and the box-and-whisker show that the population distribution for hotel cost is not normally distributed and is skewed to the right.8.22 (d) cont.Normal Probability Plot010********607080-2-1.5-1-0.500.511.52Z ValueC a r sBox-and-whisker Plot3040506070Both the normal probability plot and the box-and-whisker show that the population distribution for rental car cost is not normally distributed and is skewed to the right.8.23 (a)0.00023 1.9842X t ±=−± –0.000566 ≤µ≤ 0.000106(b)The population distribution needs to be normally distributed. However, with a sampleof 100, the t distribution can still be used as a result of the Central Limit Theorem even if the population distribution is not normal.(c)Both the normal probability plot and the box-and-whisker plot suggest that the distribution is skewed to the right.(d)We are 95% confident that the mean difference between the actual length of the steel part and the specified length of the steel part is between -0.000566 and 0.000106 inches, which is narrower than the plus or minus 0.005 inches requirement. The steel mill is doing a good job at meeting the requirement. This is consistent with the finding in Problem 2.23.Normal Probability Plot-0.004-0.003-0.002-0.00100.0010.0020.0030.0040.0050.006Z ValueE r r orBox-and-whisker Plot-0.006-0.004-0.00200.0020.0040.0068.2450200X p n === 0.25 0.25p Z ±=±0.19 π≤≤ 0.318.2525400X p n === 0.0625 0.0625p Z ±=± 0.0313 0.09378.26 (a)135500X p n === 0.27 0.27p Z ±=±0.22π≤≤ 0.32(b)The manager in charge of promotional programs concerning residential customers can infer that the proportion of households that would purchase an additionaltelephone line if it were made available at a substantially reduced installation cost is between 0.22 and 0.32 with a 99% level of confidence.8.27 (a) 330500X p n === 0.66 0.66p Z ±=± 0.62 π≤≤ 0.70(b) You can be 95% confident that the population proportion of highly educated womenwho left careers for family reasons that want to return to work is between 0.62 and (a) p = 0.77 0.77p Z ±=±0.74 π≤≤ 0.80(b) p = 0.77 0.77p Z ±=± 0.75 π≤≤ 0.79(c) The 95% confidence interval is wider. The loss in precision reflected as a widerconfidence interval is the price you have to pay to achieve a higher level of confidence.8.29 (a) p = 0.27 0.27p Z ±=±0.25 π≤≤ 0.29 (b)You can be 95% confident that the population proportion of older consumers that don’t think they have enough time to be good money managers is somewhere between 0.25 and (a)0.46Xp n== 0.46p Z ±=±0.41630.5037π<<(b) 0.10Xp n== 0.10p Z ±=±0.07370.1263π<<8.31 (a) p = 0.2697 0.2697p Z ±=±0.24 π≤≤ 0.30(b) p = 0.2697 0.2697p Z ±=±0.23π≤≤ 0.31 (c)The 99% confidence interval is wider. The loss in precision reflected as a widerconfidence interval is the price one has to pay to achieve a higher level of confidence.8.32 (a) 4500.451000X p n ===0.45p Z ±=±0.41920.4808π<<(b) You are 95% confidence that the proportion of all working women in North America who believe that companies should hold positions for those on maternity leave for more than six months is between 0.4192 and 0.4808.298 Chapter 8: Confidence Interval Estimation8.33 (a)1260.21600X p n === 0.21p Z ±=±0.18π≤≤ 0.24(b)1260.21600X p n === 0.21p Z ±=±0.17π≤≤ 0.25 (c) You are 95% confidence that the population proportion of employers who have amandatory mail order program in place or are adopting one by the end of 2004 is between 0.18 and 0.24.You are 99% confidence that the population proportion of employers who have amandatory mail order program in place or are adopting one by the end of 2004 is between 0.17 and 0.25.(d)When the level of confidence is increased, the confidence interval becomes wider. The loss in precision reflected as a wider confidence interval is the price youhave to pay to achieve a higher level of confidence.8.34 n =Z 2σ2e 2=1.962⋅15252= 34.57 Use n = 358.35 n =Z 2σ2e 2=2.582⋅1002202= 166.41 Use n = 1678.36 2222(1–) 2.58(0.5)(0.5)(0.04)Z n e ππ== = 1,040.06Use n = 1,0418.37 2222(1–) 1.96(0.4)(0.6)(0.02)Z n e ππ== = 2,304.96Use n = 2,3058.38 (a) n =Z 2σ2e 2=1.962⋅4002502= 245.86 Use n = 246 (b) 2222221.9640025Z n eσ⋅== = 983.41 Use n = 9848.39 n =Z 2σ2e 2=1.962⋅(0.02)2(0.004)2= 96.04 Use n = 978.40 n =Z 2σ2e 2=1.962⋅(100)2(20)2= 96.04 Use n = 978.41 n =Z 2σ2e 2=1.962⋅(0.05)2(0.01)2= 96.04 Use n = 97Solutions to End-of-Section and Chapter Review Problems 2998.42 (a) n =Z 2σ2e 2=2.582⋅25252= 166.41 Use n = 167 (b) n =Z 2σ2e 2=1.962⋅25252= 96.04 Use n = 978.43 (a) n =Z 2σ2e 2=1.6452⋅45252= 219.19 Use n = 220 (b) n =Z 2σ2e 2=2.582⋅45252= 539.17 Use n = 5408.44 n =Z 2σ2e 2=1.962⋅20252= 61.47 Use n = 628.45 (a) 2222(1–) 1.96(0.1577)(10.1577)(0.06)Z n e ππ−== = 141.74 Use n = 142 (b) 2222(1–) 1.96(0.1577)(10.1577)(0.04)Z n e ππ−== = 318.91 Use n = 319 (c) 2222(1–) 1.96(0.1577)(10.1577)(0.02)Z n eππ−== = 1275.66 Use n = 12768.46 (a) 2222(1) 1.96(0.45)(0.55)(0.02)Z n e ππ−== = 2376.8956 Use n = 2377 (b) 2222(1) 1.96(0.29)(0.71)(0.02)Z n eππ−== = 1977.3851 Use n = 1978(c) The sample sizes differ because the estimated population proportions are different.(d)Since purchasing groceries at wholesale clubs and purchasing groceries at convenience stores are not necessary mutually exclusive events, it is appropriate to use one sample and ask the respondents both questions. However, drawing two separate samples is also appropriate for the setup.8.47 (a) 2222(1) 1.96(0.35)(10.35)546.2068(0.04)Z n eππ−−=== Use n = 547 (b) ()22222.5758(0.35)(10.35)(1)943.4009(0.04)Z n e ππ−−=== Use n = 944(c)2222(1) 1.96(0.35)(10.35)2184.8270(0.02)Z n e ππ−−=== Use n = 2185 (d) ()22222.5758(0.35)(10.35)(1)3773.6034(0.02)Z n e ππ−−=== Use n = 3774(e)Holding everything else constant, the higher the confidence level desired or the lowerthe acceptable sampling error, the larger the sample size needed.300 Chapter 8: Confidence Interval Estimation8.48 (a) 3030.9294326X p n ===0.9294 1.96p Z ±=±0.90170.9572π≤≤(b)You are 95% confident that the population proportion of business men and women whohave their presentations disturbed by cell phones is between 0.9017 and 0.9572.(c) 2222(1) 1.96(0.9294)(10.9294)157.5372(0.04)Z n e ππ−−=== Use n = 158(d)2222(1) 2.5758(0.9294)(10.9294)272.0960(0.04)Z n e ππ−−=== Use n = 2738.49 (a) 0.52 1.96p Z ±=±0.50530.5347π≤≤(b)You are 95% confident that the proportion of families that held stocks in 2001 isbetween 0.5053 and 0.5347.(c) 2222(1) 1.96(0.52)(10.52)9588.2695(0.01)Z n e ππ−−=== Use n = 95898.50The only way to have 100% confidence is to obtain the parameter of interest, rather than a sample statistic. From another perspective, the range of the normal and t distribution is infinite, so a Z or t value that contains 100% of the area cannot be obtained.8.51 The t distribution is used for obtaining a confidence interval for the mean when σ isunknown. 8.52 If the confidence level is increased, a greater area under the normal or t distribution needs to be included. This leads to an increased value of Z or t , and thus a wider interval.8.53When estimating the rate of noncompliance, it is commonplace to use a one-sided confidence interval instead of a two-sided confidence interval since only the upper bound on the rate of noncompliance is of interest.8.54 In some applications such as auditing, interest is primarily on the total amount of a variable rather than the mean amount.8.55 Difference estimation involves determining the difference between two amounts, rather than a single amount.Solutions to End-of-Section and Chapter Review Problems 3018.56 (a) The population from which this sample was drawn was the collection of all the people who visited the magazine's web site.(b) The sample is not a random sample from this population. The sample consisted of only those who visited the magazine's web site and chose to fill out the survey. (c)This is not a statistically valid study. There was selection bias since only those who visited the magazine's web site and chose to answer the survey were represented. There was possibly nonresponse bias as well. Visitors to the web site who chose to fill out the survey might not answer all questions and there was no way for the magazine to get back to them to follow-up on the nonresponses if this was an anonymous survey.(d)To avoid the above potential pitfalls, the magazine could have drawn a random sample from t he list of all subscribers to the magazine and offer them the option of filling out the survey over the Internet or on the survey form that is mailed to the subscribers. The magazine should also keep track of the subscribers who are invited to fill out the survey and follow up on the nonresponses after a specified period of time with mail or telephone to encourage them to participate in the survey.The sample size needed is 2222(1) 1.96(0.6195)(10.6195)2264(0.02)Z n e ππ⋅⋅−⋅⋅−===8.57 (a) 0.44 1.96p Z ±=± 0.39650.4835π<<(b)Since the range that covers 0.5 and above is not contained in the 95% confidenceinterval, we can conclude that less than half of all applications contain inaccuracies with past employers.(c)0.44 1.96p Z ±=± 0.37120.5088π<<(d) Since the 95% confidence interval contains 0.5, it is incorrect to conclude that lessthan half of all applications contain inaccuracies with past employers.(e)The smaller sample size in (c) results in a wider confidence interval and, hence, results in a loss of precision in the interval estimate.8.58 (a) 0.58 1.96p Z ±=±0.51160.6484π<<(b) 0.50 1.96p Z ±=±0.43070.5693π<<(c) 0.22 1.96p Z ±=±0.16260.2774π<<(d)0.19 1.96p Z ±=±0.13560.2444π<<(e) 2222(1) 1.96(0.5)(0.5)2400.92401(0.02)Z n eππ⋅⋅−⋅⋅===≅302 Chapter 8: Confidence Interval Estimation8.59 Cheat at golf:0.8204 1.96p Z ±=± 0.78290.8580π<<Hate others who cheat at golf:0.8204 1.96p Z ±=± 0.78290.8580π<<Believe business and golf behavior parallel:0.7207 1.96p Z ±=± 0.67680.7646π<<Would let a client win to get business:0.1995 1.96p Z ±=± 0.16040.2386π<<Would call in sick to play golf:0.0998 1.96p Z ±=±0.07040.1291π<<From these confidence intervals, we can conclude with 95% level of confidence that more thanhalf of the CEOs will cheat at golf, hate others who cheat at golf and believe business and golf behavior parallel and less than half of the CEOs will let a client win to get business or call in sick to play golf.8.60 (a) 15.3 2.0227X t ±=± 14.085 ≤µ≤ 16.515(b)0.675 1.96p Z ±=± 0.530 π≤≤ 0.820 (c) n =Z 2⋅σ2e 2=1.962⋅5222= 24.01 Use n = 25(d) 2222(1–) 1.96(0.5)(0.5)(0.035)Z n eππ⋅⋅⋅⋅== = 784 Use n = 784(e)If a single sample were to be selected for both purposes, the larger of the two samplesizes (n = 784) should be used.8.61 (a) 1759 2.6490X t ±=± 1,638.69 ≤µ≤ 1,879.31(b)0.60 1.96p Z ±=±π≤≤ 0.715Solutions to End-of-Section and Chapter Review Problems 3038.62 (a) 9.7 2.0639X t ±=± 8.049 ≤µ≤ 11.351(b)0.48 1.96p Z ±=±π≤≤ 0.676 (c) n =Z ⋅e 2=1.962⋅4.521.52= 34.57 Use n = 35 (d) 2222(1–) 1.645(0.5)(0.5)(0.075)Z n e ππ⋅⋅⋅⋅== = 120.268 Use n = 121 (e)If a single sample were to be selected for both purposes, the larger of the two samplesizes (n = 121) should be used.8.63 (a) n =Z 2⋅σ2e 2=2.582⋅18252= 86.27Use n = 87Note : If the Z -value used is carried out to 2.5758, the value of n is 85.986 and only 86 women would need to be sampled.(b)2222(1–) 1.645(0.5)(0.5)(0.045)Z n e ππ⋅⋅⋅⋅== = 334.07 Use n = 335(c)If a single sample were to be selected for both purposes, the larger of the two samplesizes (n = 335) should be used.8.64 (a) $28.52 1.9949X t ±=± $25.80 ≤µ≤ $31.24(b)0.40 1.645p Z ±=±π≤≤ 0.4963 (c) n =Z ⋅σe 2=1.962⋅10222= 96.04 Use n = 97 (d) 2222(1–) 1.645(0.5)(0.5)(0.04)Z n e ππ⋅⋅⋅⋅== = 422.82 Use n = 423 (e) If a single sample were to be selected for both purposes, the larger of the two samplesizes (n = 423) should be used.8.65 (a) $21.34 1.9949X t ±=± $19.14 ≤µ≤ $23.54(b) 0.3714 1.645p Z ±=±0.2764 π≤≤ 0.4664(c)n =Z 2⋅σ2e 2=1.962⋅1021.52= 170.74 Use n = 171 (d)2222(1–) 1.645(0.5)(0.5)(0.045)Z n e ππ⋅⋅⋅⋅== = 334.08 Use n = 335304 Chapter 8: Confidence Interval Estimation8.65 (e) If a single sample were to be selected for both purposes, the larger of the two sample cont. sizes (n = 335) should be used.8.66 (a)$38.54 2.0010X t ±=±≤µ≤ $40.42(b) 0.30 1.645p Z ±=±π≤≤ 0.3973 (c) n =Z 2⋅σ2e 2=1.962⋅821.52= 109.27 Use n = 110 (d) 2222(1–) 1.645(0.5)(0.5)(0.04)Z n e ππ⋅⋅⋅⋅== = 422.82 Use n = 423 (e)If a single sample were to be selected for both purposes, the larger of the two samplesizes (n = 423) should be used.8.67 (a) 2222(1) 1.96(0.5)(0.5)(0.05)Z n eππ⋅⋅−⋅⋅== = 384.16 Use n = 385If we assume that the population proportion is only 0.50, then a sample of 385 wouldbe required. If the population proportion is 0.90, the sample size required is cut to 103.(b) 0.84 1.96p Z ±=± 0.7384≤ π ≤ 0.9416 (c) The representative can be 95% confidence that the actual proportion of bags that will dothe job is between 74.5% and 93.5%. He/she can accordingly perform a cost-benefit analysis to decide if he/she wants to sell the Ice Melt product.8.68 (a) 8.4209 2.0106X t ±=± 8.418.43µ≤≤(b) With 95% confidence, the population mean width of troughs is somewhere between 8.41and 8.43 inches. Hence, the company's requirement of troughs being between 8.31 and 8.61 is being met with a 95% level of confidence.8.69 (a) 5.5014 2.6800X t ±=± 5.46 5.54µ≤≤(b) Since 5.5 grams is within the 99% confidence interval, the company can claim that themean weight of tea in a bag is 5.5 grams with a 99% level of confidence.Solutions to End-of-Section and Chapter Review Problems 3058.70 (a)0.2641 1.9741X t ±=±0.24250.2856µ≤≤(b)0.218 1.9772X t ±=±0.19750.2385µ≤≤(c)Normal Probability Plot00. ValueV e r m o n tNormal Probability Plot00. ValueB o s t o nThe amount of granule loss for both brands are skewed to the right.(d)Since the two confidence intervals do not overlap, we can conclude that the mean granule loss of Boston shingles is higher than that of Vermont Shingles.306 Chapter 8: Confidence Interval Estimation8.71 (a)3124.2147 1.9665X t ±=±3120.663127.77µ≤≤(b)3704.0424 1.9672X t ±=± 3698.98<3709.10µ<(c)Normal Probability Plot3000305031003150320032503300-4-3-2-11234Z ValueB o s t o nNormal Probability Plot35503600365037003750380038503900-4-3-2-11234Z ValueV e r m o n tThe weight for Boston shingles is slightly skewed to the right while the weight for Vermont shingles appears to be slightly skewed to the left.(d)Since the two confidence intervals do not overlap, the mean weight of Vermont shingles is greater than the mean weight of Boston shingles.Solutions to End-of-Section and Chapter Review Problems 3078.72(a)NY, Food: 20.1 2.0096X t ±=± 19.5120.69µ≤≤ LI, 20.54 2.0096X t ±=± 19.7321.35µ≤≤ NY, 17.12 2.0096X t ±=± 16.3517.89µ≤≤ LI, 17.64 2.0096X t ±=± 16.6518.63µ≤≤ NY, 18.4 2.0096X t ±=± 17.7419.06µ≤≤ LI, 19.04 2.0096X t ±=±18.3719.71µ≤≤NY, 39.74 2.0096X t ±=± 37.0042.48µ≤≤ LI, 33.7400 2.0096X t ±=± 31.5535.93µ≤≤(b)With 95% confidence you can conclude the mean price per person in New York City isgreater than the mean in Long Island. With 95% confidence you can conclude that there are no differences in the ratings for food, décor and service between the two cities.。
第五章 概率与概率分布
统计学(第四版)贾俊平 第八章 方差分析与实验设计 练习题答案
![统计学(第四版)贾俊平 第八章 方差分析与实验设计 练习题答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b09a52df360cba1aa811daf0.png)
统计学(第四版)贾俊平 第八章 方差分析与实验设计 练习题答案8.10123411234:0:,,,0=0.01SPSS H H ααααααααα====至少有一个不等于用进行方差分析,表8.1-1填装量主体间效应的检验(单因素方差分析表)因变量: 填装量 源 III 型平方和df均方F Sig.偏 Eta 方非中心 参数观测到的幂b校正模型 .007a3 .002 10.098 .001 .669 30.295 .919 截距 295.7791 295.7791266416.430.000 1.000 1266416.4301.000 机器 .007 3 .002误差 .004 15 .000总计 304.17119 校正的总计.01118a. R 方 = .669(调整 R 方 = .603)b. 使用 alpha 的计算结果 = .01由表8.1-1得:p=0.001<0.01,拒绝原假设,i 0α不全为,表明不同机器对装填量有显著影响。
8.201231123:0:,,0=0.05SPSS H H ααααααα===至少有一个不等于用进行方差分析,表8.2-1满意度评分主体间效应的检验(单因素方差分析表)因变量: 评分 源III 型平方和df 均方 F Sig.校正模型 29.610a2 14.805 11.756 .001 截距 975.156 1 975.156 774.324 .000 管理者 29.610 2 14.805 11.756.001误差 18.890 15 1.259总计 1061.000 18 校正的总计48.50017a. R 方 = .611(调整 R 方 = .559)由表8.2-1得:p=0.001<0.05,拒绝原假设,i 0α不全为,表明管理者水平不同会导致评分的显著差异。
8.301231123:0:,,0=0.05SPSS H H ααααααα===至少有一个不等于用进行方差分析,表8.3-1电池寿命主体间效应的检验(单因素方差分析表)因变量: 电池寿命 源III 型平方和df 均方 F Sig. 偏 Eta 方 非中心 参数 观测到的幂b校正模型 615.600a2 307.800 17.068 .000 .740 34.137 .997 截距 22815.000 1 22815.000 1265.157 .000 .991 1265.157 1.000 企业 615.600 2 307.800误差 216.400 12 18.033总计 23647.000 15 校正的总计832.00014a. R 方 = .740(调整 R 方 = .697)b. 使用 alpha 的计算结果 = .05由表8.2-1得:p=0.001<0.05,拒绝原假设,i 0α不全为,表明3个企业生产的电池平均寿命之间存在显著差异。
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CHAPTER 88.1 X ±Z ⋅σn= 85±1.96⋅864 83.04 ≤µ≤ 86.968.2 X ±Z ⋅σn= 125±2.58⋅2436114.68 ≤µ≤ 135.328.3 If all possible samples of the same size n are taken, 95% of them include the true population average monthly sales of the product within the interval developed. Thus you are 95 percent confident that this sample is one that does correctly estimate the true average amount. 8.4Since the results of only one sample are used to indicate whether something has gone wrong in the production process, the manufacturer can never know with 100% certainty that the specific interval obtained from the sample includes the true population mean. In order to have 100% confidence, the entire population (sample size N ) would have to be selected.8.5To the extent that the sampling distribution of sample means is approximately normal, it is true that approximately 95% of all possible sample means taken from samples of that same size will fall within 1.96 times the standard error away from the true population mean. But the population mean is not known with certainty. Since the manufacturer estimated the mean would fall between 10.99408 and 11.00192 inches based on a single sample, it is not necessarily true that 95% of all sample means will fall within those same bounds. 8.6 Approximately 5% of the intervals will not include the true population. Since the true population mean is not known, we do not know for certain whether it is contained in the interval (between 10.99408 and 11.00192 inches) that we have developed.8.7 (a) X ±Z ⋅σn=0.995±2.58⋅0.02500.9877≤µ≤1.0023(b) Since the value of 1.0 is included in the interval, there is no reason to believe that the mean is different from 1.0 gallon.(c) No. Since σ is known and n = 50, from the Central Limit Theorem, we may assume that the sampling distribution of X is approximately normal.(d) The reduced confidence level narrows the width of the confidence interval.X ±Z ⋅σn=0.995±1.96⋅0.02500.9895≤µ≤1.0005(b)Since the value of 1.0 is still included in the interval, there is no reason to believe that the mean is different from 1.0 gallon.8.8 (a)350 1.96X Z ±=± 325.5≤µ≤374.50(b) No. The manufacturer cannot support a claim that the bulbs last an average 400 hours. Based on the data from the sample, a mean of 400 hours would represent a distance of 4 standard deviations above the sample mean of 350 hours.(c)No. Since σ is known and n = 64, from the Central Limit Theorem, we may assume that the sampling distribution of X is approximately normal.(d) The confidence interval is narrower based on a process standard deviation of 80hours rather than the original assumption of 100 hours.(a)X ±Z ⋅σn=350±1.96⋅8064330.4≤µ≤369.6(b)Based on the smaller standard deviation, a mean of 400 hours wouldrepresent a distance of 5 standard deviations above the sample mean of 350 hours. No, the manufacturer cannot support a claim that the bulbs have a mean life of 400 hours.8.9 (a) X ±Z ⋅σn=1.99±1.96⋅0.051001.9802≤µ≤1.9998 (b) No. Since σ is known and n = 100, from the central limit theorem, we may assume thatthe sampling distribution of X is approximately normal.(c) An individual value of 2.02 is only 0.60 standard deviation above the sample mean of 1.99. The confidence interval represents bounds on the estimate of the average of a sample of 100, not an individual value.(d)A shift of 0.02 units in the sample average shifts the confidence interval by the same distance without affecting the width of the resulting interval.(a)X ±Z ⋅σn=1.97±1.96⋅0.051001.9602≤µ≤1.97988.10 (a) t 9 = 2.2622 (b) t 9 = 3.2498 (c) t 31 = 2.0395 (d) t 64 = 1.9977 (e) t 15 = 1.75318.11 75 2.0301X t ±=± 66.8796 ≤µ≤ 83.1204 8.12 50 2.9467X t ±=± 38.9499 ≤µ≤ 61.05018.13 Set 1: 4.5±2.3646⋅3.74178 1.3719 ≤µ≤ 7.6281 Set 2: 4.5±2.3646⋅2.449582.4522 ≤µ≤ 6.5478The data sets have different confidence interval widths because they have different values forthe standard deviation.8.14 Original data:5.8571±2.4469⋅6.46607 – 0.1229 ≤µ≤ 11.8371 Altered data: 4.00±2.4469⋅2.160272.0022 ≤µ≤ 5.9978The presence of an outlier in the original data increases the value of the sample mean and greatly inflates the sample standard deviation.8.15 (a) 1.67 2.0930X t ±=± $1.52 ≤µ≤ $1.82(b)The store owner can be 95% confident that the population mean retail value ofgreeting cards that the store has in its inventory is somewhere in between $1.52 and $1.82. The store owner could multiply the ends of the confidence interval by the number of cards to estimate the total value of her inventory.8.16 (a) 32 2.0096X t ±=± 29.44 ≤µ≤ 34.56 (b) The quality improvement team can be 95% confident that the population meanturnaround time is somewhere in between 29.44 hours and 34.56 hours.(c)The project was a success because the initial turnaround time of 68 hours does not fall inside the 95% confidence interval.8.17 (a) 195.3 2.1098X t ±=±≤µ≤ 205.9419 (b)No, a grade of 200 is in the interval.(c) It is not unusual. A tread-wear index of 210 for a particular tire is only 0.69 standard deviation above the sample mean of (a) 23 2.0739X t ±=±≤µ≤ $24.99 (b) You can be 95% confident that the mean bounced check fee for the population issomewhere between $21.01 and $ (a)7.1538 2.0595X t ±=±≤µ≤ $8.39 (b)You can be 95% confident that the population mean monthly service fee, if acustomer’s account falls below the minimum required balance, is somewhere between $5.92 and $ (a)43.04 2.0096X t ±=±≤µ≤ 54.96 (b) The population distribution needs to be normally distribution.(c)Normal Probability Plot-3-2-10123Z ValueDa y sBox-and-whisker Plot050100150Both the normal probability plot and the box-and-whisker plot suggest that the distribution is skewed to the right.(d)Even though the population distribution is not normally distributed, with a sample of 50, the t distribution can still be used due to the Central Limit Theorem.8.21 (a)43.8889 2.0555X t ±=± 33.89 ≤µ≤ 53.89 (b) The population distribution needs to be normally distributed.(c)Box-and-whisker Plot1030507090Normal Probability Plot0102030405060708090100-2-1.5-1-0.50.511.52Z ValueT i m eBoth the normal probability plot and the box-and-whisker show that the population distribution is not normally distributed and is skewed to the right.8.22 (a)182.4 2.0930X t ±=± $161.68 ≤µ≤ $203.12(b) 45 2.0930X t ±=± $40.31 ≤µ≤ $49.69(c)The population distribution needs to be normally distributed.8.22 (d) cont.Normal Probability Plot050100150200250300-2-1.5-1-0.50.511.52Z ValueH o t e lBox-and-whisker Plot110160210260310Both the normal probability plot and the box-and-whisker show that the population distribution for hotel cost is not normally distributed and is skewed to the right.8.22 (d) cont.Normal Probability Plot010********607080-2-1.5-1-0.500.511.52Z ValueC a r sBox-and-whisker Plot3040506070Both the normal probability plot and the box-and-whisker show that the population distribution for rental car cost is not normally distributed and is skewed to the right.8.23 (a)0.00023 1.9842X t ±=−± –0.000566 ≤µ≤ 0.000106(b)The population distribution needs to be normally distributed. However, with a sampleof 100, the t distribution can still be used as a result of the Central Limit Theorem even if the population distribution is not normal.(c)Both the normal probability plot and the box-and-whisker plot suggest that the distribution is skewed to the right.(d)We are 95% confident that the mean difference between the actual length of the steel part and the specified length of the steel part is between -0.000566 and 0.000106 inches, which is narrower than the plus or minus 0.005 inches requirement. The steel mill is doing a good job at meeting the requirement. This is consistent with the finding in Problem 2.23.Normal Probability Plot-0.004-0.003-0.002-0.00100.0010.0020.0030.0040.0050.006Z ValueE r r orBox-and-whisker Plot-0.006-0.004-0.00200.0020.0040.0068.2450200X p n === 0.25 0.25p Z ±=±0.19 π≤≤ 0.318.2525400X p n === 0.0625 0.0625p Z ±=± 0.0313 0.09378.26 (a)135500X p n === 0.27 0.27p Z ±=±0.22π≤≤ 0.32(b)The manager in charge of promotional programs concerning residential customers can infer that the proportion of households that would purchase an additionaltelephone line if it were made available at a substantially reduced installation cost is between 0.22 and 0.32 with a 99% level of confidence.8.27 (a) 330500X p n === 0.66 0.66p Z ±=± 0.62 π≤≤ 0.70(b) You can be 95% confident that the population proportion of highly educated womenwho left careers for family reasons that want to return to work is between 0.62 and (a) p = 0.77 0.77p Z ±=±0.74 π≤≤ 0.80(b) p = 0.77 0.77p Z ±=± 0.75 π≤≤ 0.79(c) The 95% confidence interval is wider. The loss in precision reflected as a widerconfidence interval is the price you have to pay to achieve a higher level of confidence.8.29 (a) p = 0.27 0.27p Z ±=±0.25 π≤≤ 0.29 (b)You can be 95% confident that the population proportion of older consumers that don’t think they have enough time to be good money managers is somewhere between 0.25 and (a)0.46Xp n== 0.46p Z ±=±0.41630.5037π<<(b) 0.10Xp n== 0.10p Z ±=±0.07370.1263π<<8.31 (a) p = 0.2697 0.2697p Z ±=±0.24 π≤≤ 0.30(b) p = 0.2697 0.2697p Z ±=±0.23π≤≤ 0.31 (c)The 99% confidence interval is wider. The loss in precision reflected as a widerconfidence interval is the price one has to pay to achieve a higher level of confidence.8.32 (a) 4500.451000X p n ===0.45p Z ±=±0.41920.4808π<<(b) You are 95% confidence that the proportion of all working women in North America who believe that companies should hold positions for those on maternity leave for more than six months is between 0.4192 and 0.4808.298 Chapter 8: Confidence Interval Estimation8.33 (a)1260.21600X p n === 0.21p Z ±=±0.18π≤≤ 0.24(b)1260.21600X p n === 0.21p Z ±=±0.17π≤≤ 0.25 (c) You are 95% confidence that the population proportion of employers who have amandatory mail order program in place or are adopting one by the end of 2004 is between 0.18 and 0.24.You are 99% confidence that the population proportion of employers who have amandatory mail order program in place or are adopting one by the end of 2004 is between 0.17 and 0.25.(d)When the level of confidence is increased, the confidence interval becomes wider. The loss in precision reflected as a wider confidence interval is the price youhave to pay to achieve a higher level of confidence.8.34 n =Z 2σ2e 2=1.962⋅15252= 34.57 Use n = 358.35 n =Z 2σ2e 2=2.582⋅1002202= 166.41 Use n = 1678.36 2222(1–) 2.58(0.5)(0.5)(0.04)Z n e ππ== = 1,040.06Use n = 1,0418.37 2222(1–) 1.96(0.4)(0.6)(0.02)Z n e ππ== = 2,304.96Use n = 2,3058.38 (a) n =Z 2σ2e 2=1.962⋅4002502= 245.86 Use n = 246 (b) 2222221.9640025Z n eσ⋅== = 983.41 Use n = 9848.39 n =Z 2σ2e 2=1.962⋅(0.02)2(0.004)2= 96.04 Use n = 978.40 n =Z 2σ2e 2=1.962⋅(100)2(20)2= 96.04 Use n = 978.41 n =Z 2σ2e 2=1.962⋅(0.05)2(0.01)2= 96.04 Use n = 97Solutions to End-of-Section and Chapter Review Problems 2998.42 (a) n =Z 2σ2e 2=2.582⋅25252= 166.41 Use n = 167 (b) n =Z 2σ2e 2=1.962⋅25252= 96.04 Use n = 978.43 (a) n =Z 2σ2e 2=1.6452⋅45252= 219.19 Use n = 220 (b) n =Z 2σ2e 2=2.582⋅45252= 539.17 Use n = 5408.44 n =Z 2σ2e 2=1.962⋅20252= 61.47 Use n = 628.45 (a) 2222(1–) 1.96(0.1577)(10.1577)(0.06)Z n e ππ−== = 141.74 Use n = 142 (b) 2222(1–) 1.96(0.1577)(10.1577)(0.04)Z n e ππ−== = 318.91 Use n = 319 (c) 2222(1–) 1.96(0.1577)(10.1577)(0.02)Z n eππ−== = 1275.66 Use n = 12768.46 (a) 2222(1) 1.96(0.45)(0.55)(0.02)Z n e ππ−== = 2376.8956 Use n = 2377 (b) 2222(1) 1.96(0.29)(0.71)(0.02)Z n eππ−== = 1977.3851 Use n = 1978(c) The sample sizes differ because the estimated population proportions are different.(d)Since purchasing groceries at wholesale clubs and purchasing groceries at convenience stores are not necessary mutually exclusive events, it is appropriate to use one sample and ask the respondents both questions. However, drawing two separate samples is also appropriate for the setup.8.47 (a) 2222(1) 1.96(0.35)(10.35)546.2068(0.04)Z n eππ−−=== Use n = 547 (b) ()22222.5758(0.35)(10.35)(1)943.4009(0.04)Z n e ππ−−=== Use n = 944(c)2222(1) 1.96(0.35)(10.35)2184.8270(0.02)Z n e ππ−−=== Use n = 2185 (d) ()22222.5758(0.35)(10.35)(1)3773.6034(0.02)Z n e ππ−−=== Use n = 3774(e)Holding everything else constant, the higher the confidence level desired or the lowerthe acceptable sampling error, the larger the sample size needed.300 Chapter 8: Confidence Interval Estimation8.48 (a) 3030.9294326X p n ===0.9294 1.96p Z ±=±0.90170.9572π≤≤(b)You are 95% confident that the population proportion of business men and women whohave their presentations disturbed by cell phones is between 0.9017 and 0.9572.(c) 2222(1) 1.96(0.9294)(10.9294)157.5372(0.04)Z n e ππ−−=== Use n = 158(d)2222(1) 2.5758(0.9294)(10.9294)272.0960(0.04)Z n e ππ−−=== Use n = 2738.49 (a) 0.52 1.96p Z ±=±0.50530.5347π≤≤(b)You are 95% confident that the proportion of families that held stocks in 2001 isbetween 0.5053 and 0.5347.(c) 2222(1) 1.96(0.52)(10.52)9588.2695(0.01)Z n e ππ−−=== Use n = 95898.50The only way to have 100% confidence is to obtain the parameter of interest, rather than a sample statistic. From another perspective, the range of the normal and t distribution is infinite, so a Z or t value that contains 100% of the area cannot be obtained.8.51 The t distribution is used for obtaining a confidence interval for the mean when σ isunknown. 8.52 If the confidence level is increased, a greater area under the normal or t distribution needs to be included. This leads to an increased value of Z or t , and thus a wider interval.8.53When estimating the rate of noncompliance, it is commonplace to use a one-sided confidence interval instead of a two-sided confidence interval since only the upper bound on the rate of noncompliance is of interest.8.54 In some applications such as auditing, interest is primarily on the total amount of a variable rather than the mean amount.8.55 Difference estimation involves determining the difference between two amounts, rather than a single amount.Solutions to End-of-Section and Chapter Review Problems 3018.56 (a) The population from which this sample was drawn was the collection of all the people who visited the magazine's web site.(b) The sample is not a random sample from this population. The sample consisted of only those who visited the magazine's web site and chose to fill out the survey. (c)This is not a statistically valid study. There was selection bias since only those who visited the magazine's web site and chose to answer the survey were represented. There was possibly nonresponse bias as well. Visitors to the web site who chose to fill out the survey might not answer all questions and there was no way for the magazine to get back to them to follow-up on the nonresponses if this was an anonymous survey.(d)To avoid the above potential pitfalls, the magazine could have drawn a random sample from t he list of all subscribers to the magazine and offer them the option of filling out the survey over the Internet or on the survey form that is mailed to the subscribers. The magazine should also keep track of the subscribers who are invited to fill out the survey and follow up on the nonresponses after a specified period of time with mail or telephone to encourage them to participate in the survey.The sample size needed is 2222(1) 1.96(0.6195)(10.6195)2264(0.02)Z n e ππ⋅⋅−⋅⋅−===8.57 (a) 0.44 1.96p Z ±=± 0.39650.4835π<<(b)Since the range that covers 0.5 and above is not contained in the 95% confidenceinterval, we can conclude that less than half of all applications contain inaccuracies with past employers.(c)0.44 1.96p Z ±=± 0.37120.5088π<<(d) Since the 95% confidence interval contains 0.5, it is incorrect to conclude that lessthan half of all applications contain inaccuracies with past employers.(e)The smaller sample size in (c) results in a wider confidence interval and, hence, results in a loss of precision in the interval estimate.8.58 (a) 0.58 1.96p Z ±=±0.51160.6484π<<(b) 0.50 1.96p Z ±=±0.43070.5693π<<(c) 0.22 1.96p Z ±=±0.16260.2774π<<(d)0.19 1.96p Z ±=±0.13560.2444π<<(e) 2222(1) 1.96(0.5)(0.5)2400.92401(0.02)Z n eππ⋅⋅−⋅⋅===≅302 Chapter 8: Confidence Interval Estimation8.59 Cheat at golf:0.8204 1.96p Z ±=± 0.78290.8580π<<Hate others who cheat at golf:0.8204 1.96p Z ±=± 0.78290.8580π<<Believe business and golf behavior parallel:0.7207 1.96p Z ±=± 0.67680.7646π<<Would let a client win to get business:0.1995 1.96p Z ±=± 0.16040.2386π<<Would call in sick to play golf:0.0998 1.96p Z ±=±0.07040.1291π<<From these confidence intervals, we can conclude with 95% level of confidence that more thanhalf of the CEOs will cheat at golf, hate others who cheat at golf and believe business and golf behavior parallel and less than half of the CEOs will let a client win to get business or call in sick to play golf.8.60 (a) 15.3 2.0227X t ±=± 14.085 ≤µ≤ 16.515(b)0.675 1.96p Z ±=± 0.530 π≤≤ 0.820 (c) n =Z 2⋅σ2e 2=1.962⋅5222= 24.01 Use n = 25(d) 2222(1–) 1.96(0.5)(0.5)(0.035)Z n eππ⋅⋅⋅⋅== = 784 Use n = 784(e)If a single sample were to be selected for both purposes, the larger of the two samplesizes (n = 784) should be used.8.61 (a) 1759 2.6490X t ±=± 1,638.69 ≤µ≤ 1,879.31(b)0.60 1.96p Z ±=±π≤≤ 0.715Solutions to End-of-Section and Chapter Review Problems 3038.62 (a) 9.7 2.0639X t ±=± 8.049 ≤µ≤ 11.351(b)0.48 1.96p Z ±=±π≤≤ 0.676 (c) n =Z ⋅e 2=1.962⋅4.521.52= 34.57 Use n = 35 (d) 2222(1–) 1.645(0.5)(0.5)(0.075)Z n e ππ⋅⋅⋅⋅== = 120.268 Use n = 121 (e)If a single sample were to be selected for both purposes, the larger of the two samplesizes (n = 121) should be used.8.63 (a) n =Z 2⋅σ2e 2=2.582⋅18252= 86.27Use n = 87Note : If the Z -value used is carried out to 2.5758, the value of n is 85.986 and only 86 women would need to be sampled.(b)2222(1–) 1.645(0.5)(0.5)(0.045)Z n e ππ⋅⋅⋅⋅== = 334.07 Use n = 335(c)If a single sample were to be selected for both purposes, the larger of the two samplesizes (n = 335) should be used.8.64 (a) $28.52 1.9949X t ±=± $25.80 ≤µ≤ $31.24(b)0.40 1.645p Z ±=±π≤≤ 0.4963 (c) n =Z ⋅σe 2=1.962⋅10222= 96.04 Use n = 97 (d) 2222(1–) 1.645(0.5)(0.5)(0.04)Z n e ππ⋅⋅⋅⋅== = 422.82 Use n = 423 (e) If a single sample were to be selected for both purposes, the larger of the two samplesizes (n = 423) should be used.8.65 (a) $21.34 1.9949X t ±=± $19.14 ≤µ≤ $23.54(b) 0.3714 1.645p Z ±=±0.2764 π≤≤ 0.4664(c)n =Z 2⋅σ2e 2=1.962⋅1021.52= 170.74 Use n = 171 (d)2222(1–) 1.645(0.5)(0.5)(0.045)Z n e ππ⋅⋅⋅⋅== = 334.08 Use n = 335304 Chapter 8: Confidence Interval Estimation8.65 (e) If a single sample were to be selected for both purposes, the larger of the two sample cont. sizes (n = 335) should be used.8.66 (a)$38.54 2.0010X t ±=±≤µ≤ $40.42(b) 0.30 1.645p Z ±=±π≤≤ 0.3973 (c) n =Z 2⋅σ2e 2=1.962⋅821.52= 109.27 Use n = 110 (d) 2222(1–) 1.645(0.5)(0.5)(0.04)Z n e ππ⋅⋅⋅⋅== = 422.82 Use n = 423 (e)If a single sample were to be selected for both purposes, the larger of the two samplesizes (n = 423) should be used.8.67 (a) 2222(1) 1.96(0.5)(0.5)(0.05)Z n eππ⋅⋅−⋅⋅== = 384.16 Use n = 385If we assume that the population proportion is only 0.50, then a sample of 385 wouldbe required. If the population proportion is 0.90, the sample size required is cut to 103.(b) 0.84 1.96p Z ±=± 0.7384≤ π ≤ 0.9416 (c) The representative can be 95% confidence that the actual proportion of bags that will dothe job is between 74.5% and 93.5%. He/she can accordingly perform a cost-benefit analysis to decide if he/she wants to sell the Ice Melt product.8.68 (a) 8.4209 2.0106X t ±=± 8.418.43µ≤≤(b) With 95% confidence, the population mean width of troughs is somewhere between 8.41and 8.43 inches. Hence, the company's requirement of troughs being between 8.31 and 8.61 is being met with a 95% level of confidence.8.69 (a) 5.5014 2.6800X t ±=± 5.46 5.54µ≤≤(b) Since 5.5 grams is within the 99% confidence interval, the company can claim that themean weight of tea in a bag is 5.5 grams with a 99% level of confidence.Solutions to End-of-Section and Chapter Review Problems 3058.70 (a)0.2641 1.9741X t ±=±0.24250.2856µ≤≤(b)0.218 1.9772X t ±=±0.19750.2385µ≤≤(c)Normal Probability Plot00. ValueV e r m o n tNormal Probability Plot00. ValueB o s t o nThe amount of granule loss for both brands are skewed to the right.(d)Since the two confidence intervals do not overlap, we can conclude that the mean granule loss of Boston shingles is higher than that of Vermont Shingles.306 Chapter 8: Confidence Interval Estimation8.71 (a)3124.2147 1.9665X t ±=±3120.663127.77µ≤≤(b)3704.0424 1.9672X t ±=± 3698.98<3709.10µ<(c)Normal Probability Plot3000305031003150320032503300-4-3-2-11234Z ValueB o s t o nNormal Probability Plot35503600365037003750380038503900-4-3-2-11234Z ValueV e r m o n tThe weight for Boston shingles is slightly skewed to the right while the weight for Vermont shingles appears to be slightly skewed to the left.(d)Since the two confidence intervals do not overlap, the mean weight of Vermont shingles is greater than the mean weight of Boston shingles.Solutions to End-of-Section and Chapter Review Problems 3078.72(a)NY, Food: 20.1 2.0096X t ±=± 19.5120.69µ≤≤ LI, 20.54 2.0096X t ±=± 19.7321.35µ≤≤ NY, 17.12 2.0096X t ±=± 16.3517.89µ≤≤ LI, 17.64 2.0096X t ±=± 16.6518.63µ≤≤ NY, 18.4 2.0096X t ±=± 17.7419.06µ≤≤ LI, 19.04 2.0096X t ±=±18.3719.71µ≤≤NY, 39.74 2.0096X t ±=± 37.0042.48µ≤≤ LI, 33.7400 2.0096X t ±=± 31.5535.93µ≤≤(b)With 95% confidence you can conclude the mean price per person in New York City isgreater than the mean in Long Island. With 95% confidence you can conclude that there are no differences in the ratings for food, décor and service between the two cities.。