5.王勤、武占坤《现代汉语词汇》 (1959) 词,词汇,基本词汇,词汇的来源,构词 法,词义,词义关系,成语,词典 6.李行健、刘叔新《词语的知识和运用》 (1959) 词语的构成和发展,词和词义,同义词和 近义词,反义词,成语惯用语和其他等
14.葛本仪《现代汉语词汇学》(2001) 词汇,词,词素,造词,构词,构形, 词义,词义的类聚(单义词、多义词、同 义词、近义词、反义词、同位词、类属 词、亲属词),词义的演变,词汇的动态 形式探索
在11个项目中,涉及到6项的有6部书,占35.7%。 词汇与信息处理、词汇的动态探索两项分别只有一 部书提到,如果去掉这两部书,那么,涉及6项的 比例会达到75%之多。14部著作(包括不同时期 的同一个人所写)中,讨论词的占71%;以各种 方式讨论词汇的达100%;讨论词义的占93%; 论及词义关系的占79%;研究构词法(包括造词 法)的占79%;另外43%的著作探讨了熟语; 34%的论及词典;论述词素或语素的有29%,还 有21%的阐述了词的规范问题。
根据结构主义语言学的观点,语言跟物质一 样有某种层次结构。人们可以用实验手段和 统计方法,去分析物质和语言的结构。所以, 实验语言学则将语言结构划分出词句层次、 音节层次、音素层次和最小的区别成语言学(第三时期): 20世纪中叶,现代语言学走上了语音、语法、 语义、语用的综合研究的道路。 20世纪20-30年代产生的现代语义学,对现 代词汇研究产生了根本性的影响。第一个流 派——结构语义学,其代表人物德国的语言 学家G. Ipsen(伊普生)1924 年提出了语 义场理论,后L. Trier(特里尔)等1934年 进一步确立并发展了语义场理论模式。
2 weeks 1 week 1 weeks 2 weeks 1 weeks 1 weeks 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week
考Hale Waihona Puke 形式1. 平时成绩50%(出勤、作业)。 2. 提交论文50%(3000—8000字)。
1476年,Sir William Caxton发明印刷机。 早期现代英语(Early Modern English)逐渐形成。 文艺复兴(The Renaissance, 14-17世纪) 代表人物:达.芬奇,米开朗基罗等 英国剧作家莎士比亚(William Shakespeare,15641616)
Danish Icelandic Faroese Norwegian Swedish
German Dutch Flemish Frisian Afrikaans Yiddish
Old English(Anglo-Saxon):(AD400-1100) ---449 First landing of the Germanic warriors in Britain ---1066 Norman Conquest in Britain Middle English:(1100-1500) ---1476 Introduction of the Printing Press by Sir Willian Caxton ---1492 Discovery of the New World Early Modern English:(1500-1800) --- 1755 Dictionary of the English language by Samuel Johnson ---1776 American Revolution Modern English:(1800-present) ----20th C World wars, scientific breakthrough Contemporary English:(present and onwards)
《牛津英语词典》(Oxford English Dictionary)1928年第一版收词414,829个,1989年第二版收词超过500,000个。
与英语相比较,欧洲其他语言的词汇远不如英语丰富,例如德语只有185,000 个词,法语只有100,000个词。
同时,英语的词汇变化日新月异,1996年12月16日美国《时代周刊》(Times)刊登了一段用时髦用语组成的文字:Oh, pulleeze. Don't even think about telling me. I hate when that happens. Get over it. These phrases from hell are history, I'II be their worst nightmare, Yeah, right. As if. Hel-lo-on!试问,有几个中国的英语学者能说出这些用法的确切来源和实际含义呢?但是,这样的用词方式是今天的美国人司空见惯的。
英语词汇起源英语词汇学 2009-06-08 17:08 阅读27 评论0字号:大大中中小小1、Chemistry 化学古代的炼金术士们总想找到一种方法,将低贱的金属变为金子。
2、Geology 地质学“地质学”是研究形成地球的物质和地壳构造,以探讨地球的形成和发展的科学。
Geology 是从希腊语来的,ge即“earth”;-ology,“science”,即研究地球本身的科学。
3、Law 法律“法律”是立法机关制定的、国家政权保证执行的行为规则。
Law在古英语中写作lagu,意即“something laid down(规定下来的事情)”。
4、Electricity 电古希腊人常用琥珀制作爱情护符,确信戴着这种护符的人可以引来爱人。
5、Atom 原子古希腊人认为,特质是不可能无限止地分割下去的,越分越小,最后小到不可再分。
他们把“原子”叫做atomos:a即“not”;tomos ,“cut”意即“不能再分割”以后这个词在英语中演变为atom。
尽管后来发现“原子”并非“不可再分割”,然而约定俗成,“原子”的名字仍然以atom 流传下来。
6、Uranium 铀“铀”是一种放射性金属元素,化学符号为U,主要用来产生原子能。
英语词汇学读书报告 3200字
三一文库()〔英语词汇学读书报告 3200字〕英语词汇学读书报告一:书名《现代英语词汇学》二::陆国强三:出版社:上海外国语教育出版社五:页数:405六:内容大意《现代英语词汇学》共有12章第一章:词的概述1:词的定义语言学家对词下定义时说法不一措词不同,但是涉及的不外乎是音和义的问题。
4:词与词项词是构成词汇的基本要素,词项是词典的组成单位,词用ord 表示,而词项用lxical im来表示。
因此有的语言学家称之为粘附形位(boud morpm)2:词的构成方式词缀法(aixaio):词缀法是派生词的一种,它借助于语法形位,即词缀构成新词。
英语视频资料网址迪斯尼神奇英语全套/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=9初级美语-赖世雄(mp3)/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=12中级美语-赖世雄/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=13许国璋英语第一册(mp3)/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=14许国璋英语第二册(mp3)/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=15许国璋英语第三册(mp3)/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=16英语词汇记忆法视频讲座4讲/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=20抗遗忘单词快速记忆法视频下载/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=54从零开始学法语/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=55韩国语对话实习/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=68许国璋电视英语全套四川电大商务交际英语/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=82高级时事英语视频下载/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=84计算机专业英语在线教程/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=102标准日语视频下载/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=105《综合英语》(一)精讲音频下载/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=106李阳-疯狂英语口语和听力四本书mp3/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=107《标准日语》初级视频下载/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=228标准日本语中级视频/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=229新概念英语第一册(MP3版)/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=299新概念英语第二册(MP3版)/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=300新概念英语第三册(MP3版)新概念英语第四册MP3/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=302英语学习翻译/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=332完整版刘畅词汇flash下载/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=333洋话连篇MP3/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=334商务英语基础/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=349 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练习口语好资料/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=488考研英语(2006)--阅读[FLASH]/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=645新东方演讲-江博/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=646新东方演讲-俞敏洪/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=647 [西南师大][词汇学][14讲]/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=648英语听力[音频]/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=649英语专业翻译课程/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=650交际英语(国家级)/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=651新东方演讲-王强医学英语/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=673英语3册(北京交通大学)/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=717英语4册(北京交通大学)/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=718高级时事英语(毛东辉)宁波电大/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=720大学法语一(宋颖薇)宁波电大/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=721大学法语二(宋颖薇)宁波电大/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=722 [二外日语]五十音图语音教学[Flash版]/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=892 [上海外国语大学] 高级英语/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=893综合英语视频教学资料/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=894生活美语-语音下载/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=895洋话连篇Ⅲ(视频RM)50集韩国系列下载(1-30)swf/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=897《中日交流标准日本语-初级》Video CD/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1054 [日文小说(二)][空中大学][wmv][36讲]/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1055日语五十音图教学视频/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1056李阳疯狂英语学习光盘/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1137疯狂英语900句2005精华版/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1138计算机专业英语/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1139李阳疯狂英语/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1166从零开始学日语/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1167高考英语语法/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1198高考英语听力高考英语阅读/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1200高考英语写作/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1201新东方《4+1口语语汇》/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1214新东方词汇112课FLASH讲解/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1215新概念英语全四册课本PDF版/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1216新概念英语视频第一册/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1217新概念英语视频第二册/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1218新概念英语视频第三册/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1219新概念英语视频第四册/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1220四川电大大学英语4(在线播放)/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1228四川电大翻译理论与实践(在线播放)四川电大外贸英语(在线播放)/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1230四川电大外贸英语函电(在线播放)/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1237四川电大商务英语(在线播放)/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1238四川电大综合英语(在线播放)/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1240四川电大商务交际英语(在线播放)/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1241 2005.8.新东方英语讲座视频/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1244 <生活美语>英语音频下载/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1256韩国语培训学习/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1257哈哈美语全集flash/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1258儿童快乐英语辽宁教育电视台录像/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1259初中英语复习赖世雄教你轻松说英语[365讲]音频/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1295北师大-大学英语精读(一)/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1296北京邮电大学-英语精读(一)/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1297新东方《考研英语词汇词根+联想记忆法》俞敏洪配套录音[mp3] /document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1298新概念英语第二册(视频)1-10/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1316新概念英语第二册(视频)21-30/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1317新概念英语第二册(视频)11-20/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1318新视野英语(三)(公共课)/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1348新视野英语(二)(公共课)/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1349统考辅导/大学英语/写作(吉林大学)/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1375统考辅导/大学英语/听力(吉林大学)统考辅导/大学英语/模拟题(吉林大学)/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1377统考辅导/大学英语/语法/(吉林大学)/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1382统考辅导/大学英语/阅读理解(吉林大学)/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1404新概念英语全套电子书四册(有声版)/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1457我爱韩国语(KBS)视频教程/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1497法语reflect教程课文精解/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1498韩国语学习-刚到韩国30天/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1499韩语入门mp3/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1500德语学习视频/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1505 [展望未来][70集][RM]/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1518新东方FLASH高考语法详解---高中生的福音美国历史上著名的100个演讲MP3及原文/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1573 BBC时间机器/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1574美国文化系列讲座/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1575李阳疯狂英语口语速成/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1576新东方西安交大演讲(强烈推荐)/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1577自学英语国际音标/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1578德语视听资料下载[HALLO AUS BERLIN]/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1582 [大学不详][《法语》所有四册课文][26.3m][rar][50k] /document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1583法语语音电视教学-曹德明教授主讲学习/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1584法语新视听(MP3)/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1585公共法语(MP3)大学法语简明教程录音(MP3)/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1587葡萄牙语学习课程/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1588 [emotion_story....12个纯韩文的小故事][swf]/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1589英语高级口译教程/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1626 Walking With Beasts/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1627韩国语入门视频教程/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1628《挑战单词)-英语单词记忆超速记/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1629俞敏洪GRE词汇串讲/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1630〈英语单词闪电记忆〉按字母记单词/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=1631。
王蔷《英语教学法教程(第二版)》讲义Unit1Language and Language LearningUnit2Communicative Principles and Task-based Language Teaching Unit3The National English CurriculumUnit4Lesson PlanningUnit5Classroom ManagementUnit6Teaching PronunciationUnit7Teaching GrammarUnit8Teaching VocabularyUnit9Teaching ListeningUnit10Teaching SpeakingUnit11Teaching ReadingUnit12Teaching WritingUnit13Integrated SkillsUnit14Moral LearningUnit15Assessment in Language TeachingUnit16Learner Differences and Learner TrainingUnit17Using and Creating ResourcesUnit18Evaluating and Adapting Textbooks语言和语言学习【考情分析】本章主要讨论语言观和语言学习观、优秀教师的基本素养以及如何成为一名优秀的英语教师。
【知识框架】Unit1 Language and Language Learning Views on languageViews in generalA good language teacherFunctional viewBehaviourist theoryCognitive theoryConstructivist theorySocio-constructivist theoryInteractional viewHow can one becomea good language teacher?An overview of the bookethic devotionprofessional qualitiespersonal stylesStage1Language trainingStage2Learning,practiceand reflectionGoal语言和语言学习1.1How do we learn languages?We learn language at different agesPeople have different experiencesPeople learn languages for different reasonsPeople learn languages in different waysPeople have different understandingsPeople have different capabilities in language learningLearning can be affected by the way how language is taughtLearning is affected by the degree of success one is expect to achieve.Thus the challenge confronting language teaching is how teaching methodology can ensure successful learning by all the learners who have more differences than the commonality.1.2Views on languageIn the past century,language teaching and learning practice has been influenced by three different views of language,namely,the structural view,the functional view and the interactional view.(1)The structural view of language结构主义语言观The structural view of language sees language as a linguistic system made up of various subsystem(Larsen-Freeman&Long,1991):the sound system(phonology音系学);the discrete units of meanings produced by sound combinations(morphology形态学/词汇学),and the system of combining units of meaning for communication (syntax句法学).Each language has a finite number of such structural items.结构主义语言观:结构主义语言观将语言看作由许多子系统组成的语言学系统(Larsen-Freeman&Long,1991):语音系统(音系学);产生于语音集合的意义的离散单位(形态学),以及交际意义的集合单元系统(句法学)。
英语词汇学授课课件 PPT
B: rapid growth of present-day English Vocabulary and Its causes
❖ Neologisms(新词) after World War II ❖ Reasons: ❖ 1. progress of science and technology科技
❖ This definition emphasizes syntax(句法), but does not touch upon meaning.
Antoine Meillet
❖ “A word is defined by the association of a given sense with a given group of sounds capable of a given grammatical use.” (p.2, para.2 )
Bloomfield布洛姆菲尔德(美国语言学家教育 家) and ❖ a French linguist, Antoine Meillet(梅耶,法 国语言学家)
❖ “some linguistic forms(语言形态), which we call bound forms(限定/非自由形态) are never used as sentences.
invaded by Angles盎格鲁, Saxons撒克逊, Jutes朱特人
❖ Vocabulary: 5000-6000 words,chiefly Anglo-Saxon/ some Old Norse古斯堪的那维 亚语
❖ Old Norse words (are, they, their, them, till, call, die, give, take, skin, window, ill, weak)
英语词汇学 Unit_01 Introduction to lexicology
nonbasic vocabulary : terminology(专业术语), jargon 行 话 ), slang,( 俚 语 )argot( 黑 话 ), dialectal(方言) terminology: photoscanning(扫描), penicillin (盘尼西林), algebra(代数 ) jargon : bottom line ( 必 然 结 果 ) , bargaining chip谈判各方的优势 slang : grass and pot(毒品大麻), smoky, bear (police),X- rays (radar ) argot : can-opener (all-purpose key), dip (pick-pocket ) dialectal : auld (Scot=old), coo (Scot= cow)
What is lexicology?
What is a word?
What does it mean to know a word?
How many words are there in English?
How many of these words do I know?
e.g. dog, desk, chair
e.g. meet, meat, mete Knight, night
A word is a symbol that stands out for sth else in the world.
no logical relationship, different languages ,same concept , the same phonological form may convey different meaning :
《英语词汇学课程》教学大纲一、课程基本情况总学时:32 讲课学时:24 实践学时:8 总学分:2课程类别:专业选修考核方式:考查适用对象英语专业先修课程:英语语法,基础英语,英语阅读参考教材:陆国强现代英语词汇学(新版)上海外语教育出版社二、课程设置目标英语词汇学是英语专业学生学习的必要课程。
三、教学内容、教学方法和手段、学时分配知识单元一:英语概述(2学时)知识点1:英语的来源和背景:重点:1.1世界十大语系1.2 印欧语系十二语族学生要了解英语相关历史及背景知识。
主要内容:古英语(450-1150);中古英语(1150-1450/1500)现代英语(1450/1500-至今,包括早期现代英语(1450/1500-1700)和晚期现代英语(1700至今)教学方法和手段:讲授、实例分析:如;词的形态变化 doth—does; caru--care知识单元二:词的概述(4学时)知识点1:词的定义、词的语音与意义、词的词汇意义与语法意义重点:词的词汇意义与语法意义学生了解和掌握什么是词、词汇;词与音的关系以及词汇意义和语法意义。
《英语词汇学》课程教学大纲课程编号:4510311 课程名称:英语词汇学课程基本情况:1.学分:2 学时:322.课程性质:专业选修课3.适用专业:英语专业4.先修课程:基础英语、高级英语5.首选教材:《英语词汇学》汪榕培、王之江,上海外语教育出版社,2013 备选教材:《英语词汇学》,张维友编著,华中师范大学出版社,20046.考核形式:闭卷笔试7.教学环境:多媒体教室一、教学目的与要求《英语词汇学》是高等学校英语专业高年级的选修课。
【教学重点】掌握基本构词方法【教学难点】复合词的语义辨析【教学方法】教师讲授和课堂练习【教学内容】第一节词缀法一、词缀的特点1. 词缀来源的多样性2. 词缀的多义性3. 词缀的同义性4. 词缀对词性和词义的影响5. 词缀构词能力的差异性6. 词缀变化的时代性二、派生词的结构第二节复合法一、复合词的特点1. 复合词的语法特点2. 复合词的语义特点3. 复合词的语音特点4. 复合词的书写特点二、复合词的构成1.复合名词的构成2.复合形容词的构成3.复合动词的构成第三节转化法一、转化法的特点二、转化词的构成1. 名词转化成动词2. 形容词转化成名词3. 动词转化为名词4. 形容词转化为名词5. 名词及其他此类转化为形容词第3单元其他构词方法【教学目的】熟悉英语其它构词法及各自的特点,并能将其应用于实际的英语学习中,指导自己的词汇学习。
英语单词的基本构词方法英语词的来源有许多种途径, 但从当今语言学的发展看, 最主要的来源有三种, 即合成法(compounding), 派生法(derivation)和转换法(conversion),。
派生法(derivation) 又名词缀法(affixation) 它借助词缀构成新词,即通过在词( root) 添加词缀(affix) 构成新词,同时词根的意义结合词缀的意义,产生新词的词义。
eg.: happy —unhappy ,happiness 派生法在英语整个历史发展过程中起着积极的作用,它不仅扩充了词汇,而且丰富了语言表现力。
英语的词缀分为前缀(prefix) 和后缀( suffix) 两种。
加于词根( root )前的叫前缀,加于词根后的叫后缀。
Ⅰ1 表示数量的前缀( Number Pref ixes)Prefix Meaning Example1. mono - ,uni - one uniform ,monologue2. du - ,bi - two bicycle ,dual3. tri - three triangule4. quad - four quadrangle5. penta - ,quint - five pentagon ,quintet6. deca - ten decade7. cent - hundred century8. poly - ,multi - many polytechnic ,multilingualⅡ1 否定前缀( Negative Prefixes)下列各词缀均含有“不”或表示“相反”的意思Prefix( Example)1. un - (unhappy ;undress)2. dis - (disagree ;disconnect)3. in - (incorrect )4. im - ( impossible , immoral)5. 1il - (illegal)6. ir - (irregular)7. anti -(antiwar)8. mis - (misspell)9. de - (decentralize)10. counter - (counteract)Ⅲ1 表示相互关系的前缀( Relationship Prefixes)Prefix Meaning Example1. pre - ,fore - before pre - school ,foretell2. post - after post - graduate3. inter - between intermarry4. sur - over surface5. sub - under subway6. peri - around perimeter7. sym - ,syn - together syndicate8. co - ,com - together cooperate9. pro - in favor of pro - French10. over - too much over eat11. under - not sufficient under sleep12. ex - former ex - president13. in - inner inboard14. ex - outer extendⅣ1 名词后缀( Noun Suff ixes)suffixes( Example)1. - ism(socialism)2. - ness (illness)3. - (a) tion(dictation)4. - ment (movement)5. - ion (expension)6. - ship (leadership)7. - ence (dependence)8. - ance (acceptance) 9. - th ( truth) 10. - y(modesty) 11. - ity(activity)12. - ty (cruelty)13. - hood(childhood) 14. - age (shortage)Ⅴ1 形容词后缀( Adjective Suff ixes)suffixes( Example)1. - ic ( realistic)2. - ish (childish)3. - ive (active)4. - y ( rainy)5. - ous (courgeous)6. - al(critical)7. - ful (cheerful)8. - able (agreeable)9. - ible ( responsible) 10. - ly (friendly) 11.some (troublesome) 12. - like (manlike) 13. - en(golden) 14. - ate (fortunate) 15. - an( European)Ⅵ1“…的人”后缀(“Person”Suff ixes)suffixes( Example)1. - er (thinker)2. - or (actor)3. - ist (florist)4. - ee (employee)5. - ian (musician)6.- ese(Chinese)7. - ant (contestant)8. - eer (engineer)对于一个英语初学者来说, 第一次碰到blackbird(乌鸦)black bird和(黑鸟), 或许会感到困惑, 而从现代语言学的理论则可得出这样的结论:blackbird是个合成词,black bird 则是复杂词, 而二者则均为多语素词(polymorphrmic word)。
1. Word List A1. advocate /ˈædvəkeɪt/ v. to speak in favor of; to supportvt.提倡;拥护;主张;鼓吹;为…辩护:n.提倡者,倡导者;拥护者;鼓吹者(of);辩护者,辩护士;(辩护)律师,专门律师devil's advocate故意持相反意见的人;故意唱反调的人The group does not advocate the use of violence.Many experts advocate rewarding your child for good behavior.许多专家提倡奖励孩子的良好行为。
The report advocated that all buildings be fitted with smoke detectors.该报告主张,所有建筑物必须配有烟雾探测器。
Advocate can also be a noun, which means a person who pleads another‟s cause.She is a staunch advocate of free speech.她是言论自由的坚定拥护者。
2. arrogant /ˈæ rəɡənt/ adj. full of pride and self-importance, especiallyin a way that shows no respect for other peopleadj. 傲慢的;骄傲自大的,妄自尊大的I found him arrogant and rude.The noun form of arrogant is arrogance.He has a self-confidence that is sometimes seen as arrogance.3. contempt /kənˈtempt/ adj. a lack of respect; the act of despisingn.轻蔑,鄙视;耻辱,不名誉,不光彩;【法律】藐视法庭(或国会等)短语:0. bring contempt upon oneself 自取其辱,自讨没趣1. bring into contempt 使…受辱,使丢脸2. hold (或have) someone in contempt 鄙视某人,看不起某人3. in contempt of 蔑视,看不起She looked at him with contempt.They had shown a contempt for the values she thought important.The adjective form of contempt is contemptuous.He was contemptuous of everything I did.4. skeptical /ˈskeptɪkl/ adj. having doubts; distrustful∙adj. 怀疑的;怀疑论的,不可知论的I am skeptical about his chances of winning.Many experts remain skeptical of his claims.A skeptic is a person who habitually doubts, questions, or disagrees.To be skeptical about something is to have skepticism疑问about something.Such claims should be regarded with a certain amount of skepticism.5. innovate /ˈɪnəveɪt/ v. to introduce new things, ideas, or ways ofdoing something∙ v i.o革新,改革,创新(常与in,on连用):to innovate on the old ways革新旧方法∙vt.1. 创立,创始:to innovate a new technique创立新技术短语:o innovate or die 不创新即灭亡We must constantly adapt and innovate to ensure success in a growing market.我们必须不断调整和创新,以确保在不断增长的市场上取得成功。
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/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=484youandme阶梯儿童英语第十二单元/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=485youandme阶梯儿童英语第十三单元/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=486youandme阶梯儿童英语第十四单元/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=487 英语随口说[MP3] 练习口语好资料/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=488 考研英语(2006)--阅读[FLASH]/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=645 新东方演讲-江博/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=646 新东方演讲-俞敏洪/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=647[西南师大][词汇学][14讲]/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=648 英语听力[音频]/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=649 英语专业翻译课程/document/xuexidetail.asp?id=650篇三:许国璋英语第一册课文、语法、对话文本许国璋英语第一册课文、语法、对话文本第二课a pen pensa map mapsa pet petsa spade spadesa letter letters一支钢笔钢笔(复数)一张地图地图(复数)一只宠物宠物(复数)一把锹锹(复数)一封信信(复数)第三课This is a pen.Is this a pen?That is a pencil.Is that a pencil?This is a desk.Is this a desk?That is a table.Is that a table?This is a disc.Is this a disc?That is a tape.Is that a tape?这是一支钢笔。
英语词汇学英语词汇学习题3及答案资料讲解试题三第一部分选择题I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket.(30%)1.According to the degree of similarity, homonyms can be classified into ( )A. perfect homonymsB. homonymsC. homophonesD. all the above2.Transfer as a mode of semantic change can be illustrated by the example ( )A. ad for “advertisement”B. dish for “food"C. fond for “affectionate”D. an editorial for “an editorial article"3.It is a general belief that the meaning does not exist in the word itself, but it rather spreads over ( )A. the reader’s interpretationB. the neighbouring wordsC. the writer's intentionD. the etymology of the word4.Which of the following is a prefix of time and order?A. extra-B. pro-C. re-D. semi-5.Which of the following dictionaries is not a specialized dictionary?A. The Oxford Dictionary of English EtymologyB. Chamber's Encyclopedic English DictionaryC. Longmont Dictionary of Phrasal VerbsD. Webster's New Dictionary of Synonyms6.Which of the following statements is Not true?A. Reference is the relationship between language and the world.B. The relationship between a word and its referent is arbitrary.C. Concept is universal to all men alike.D. Sense denotes the relationships outside the language.7.The words which occur before or after a word and may affect its meaning form ( )A. physical contextB. grammatical contextC. lexical contextD. linguistic context8."Smith is an architect. He designed World Trade Center. "The clue provided in the context is ( )A. definitionB. explanationC. exampleD. hyponym9.The term "vocabulary" is used in different ways because of all the following reasons EXCEPT that ( )A. it can refer to the common core of a languageB. it can refer to the total number of the words in a languageC. it can represent all the words used in a certain historicalperiodD. it can stand for words in given dialect or field10.The idiom "a dark horse" is a ( )A. simileB. metaphorC. metonymyD. personification11.An idiom differs from a free phrase in that the former is ( ) and the latter is not.A. structurally changeableB. semantically analyzableC. structurally fixedD. easily understood12.We can work out the meaning of heliocentric and geocentric according to ( )A. morphological structureB. relevant detailsC. grammatical structureD. physical context13.What causes the a mbiguity of the sentence ”I like Mary better than Janet"? ( )A. VocabularyB. SituationC. StructureD. None of the above14.Early Modern English refers to the language spoken ( )A. from 1066 to 1500B. from 1150 to 1500C. from 1500 to 1700D. from 1600 to 180015.Affixes added to the end of words to indicate grammatical relationships are known as ( )A. bound rootsB. free morphemesC. inflectional morphemesD. derivational affixes第二部分非选择题Ⅱ.Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book. (10%)16._________________ meaning refers to the part of speech, tenses of verbs, etc.17.The word __________ has the old meaning "servant" and the elevated meaning "head of a ministry".18.The relationship between sound and meaning is arbitrary or ______________.19.When a word with more than one meaning is used in unclear context, it creates _______________.20.Almost all affixes are __________morphemes because few can be used as independent words.Ⅲ.Match the words in Column A with those in Column B according to 1)rhetorical features of the idioms; 2)sense relations;3)assimilation degree; 4)characteristics of the basic word stock and 5)motivation.(10%)A B21.reiteration ( ) A. high and low22.repetition ( ) B. pick and choose23.juxtaposition ( ) C. face to face24.perfect homonym ( ) D. Failure is the mother of success.25.personification ( ) E. hiss26.portus ( ) F. bear; bear/doc/e81933771.html,e ( ) G. twitter28.heart ( ) H. cat29.birds ( ) I. port30.snakes ( ) J. heart and soulⅣ.Study the following words and expressions and identify 1) types of context clues; 2) typesof word formation; 3) types of word-meaning changes and 4) rhetorical features of idioms.(10%)31.making a restatement of a new word or concept in familiar words ( )32.sitcom ( )33.the usual amenities such as a pub, a post office and a school ( )34.form cradle to grave ( )35.might and main ( )36.fax ( )37.disobey,impolite, ( )38.hussy:"housewife"→"a woman of low morals"( )39.disease:"discomfort"→"illness"( )40.fond:"foolish"→"affectionat e"( )Ⅴ.Define the following terms.(10%)41.dictionary42.pejoration43.idioms nominal in nature44.Germanic45.allomorphⅥ.Answer the following questions. Y our answers should be clear and short. Write your answers in the space given below.(12%)46.What are the stylistic features of idioms?47.How would you explain the difference between back formation and suffixation? Give examples to illustrate your point.48. How do you distinguish inflectional affixes and derivational affixes?Ⅶ.Analyze and comment on the following. Write your answers in the space given below.(18%)/doc/e81933771.html,ment on the following pairs of sentences in terms of superordinate and subordinates.a. The man said he would come to our school next week.b. The visiting scholar said he would visit our university next Monday.50.Analyes the morphological structures of the following words and point out the types of the morphemes.unbearable, international, ex-prisoner试题参考答案Ⅰ.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket.(30%)1.D2.B3.B4.C5.B6.D7.C8.C9.A 10.B11.C 12.A 13.C 14.C 15.CⅡ.Complete the following statements with proper words orexpressions according to the course book.(10%)16. Grammatical 17. minister 18. conventional 19. ambiguity 20. boundⅢ.Match the words in Column A with those in Column B. (10%)21.B 22.C 23.A 24.F 25.D26.I 27.H 28.J 29.G 30.EⅣ.Study the following words and expressions and identify 1)types of context clues; 2)types of word formation; 3)types of word-meaning changes and 4)rhetorical features of idioms.(10%)31.explanation32.head+head blending33.hyponymy/hyponym34.figure of speech; metonymy35.phonetic manipulation/alliteration36.back clipping37.affixation, prefixation or negative prefixes38.degradation39.narrowing40.elevationⅤ.Define the following terms.(10%)41. Dictionary is a book which presents in alphabetical order the words of a language, with information as to their spelling, pronunciation, meaning usage, etc.42. Degradation or pejoration of meaning is the opposite of semantic elevation. It is a process whereby words of good origin fall into ill reputation or non-affective words come to be used in derogatory sense.43.(1)Each idiom has a noun as the key word.(2)Each functions as a noun/also knows asnoun idioms.44.a term used to refer to a branch of the Indo-European language family, which consists of English, German, Dutch, etc.45.one of the variants that realize a morphemeⅥ.Answer the following questions.(12%)46.(1)Many idioms were created in different professions, so they were trade-or profession-related, colloquial and informal.(2)Now most become a part of the common core, neither formal nor informal.(3)There are still many colloquialisms, slang expressions, literary expressions comparatively small in number.47.A)Suffixation is the formation of new words by adding suffixes to bases.B)Back-formation is considered to be the opposite process of suffixation; it's the method of creating words by removing the supposed suffixes.48.Inflectional affixes are affixes (1) attached to the end of words; (2) to indicate grammatical relationships, while derivational affixes are affixes; (3) added to other morphemes; (4) to create new words.Ⅶ.Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and short Write your answers in the space given below.(18%)49.要点:Superordinate Subordinate1) man scholar2) come visit3) school university4) week Monday50.1)Each of the three words consists of three morphemesunbearable(un+bear+able), international (inter+nation+al), ex-prisoner(er+prison+er).2)Of the nine morphemes, only bear, nation and prison are free morphemes as they can exist by themselves.3)All the rest un-,-able,inter-,-al, ex-and-er are bound as none of them can stand alone as words.。
Origin of English Idioms
Literary works The Bible Mythology Fables Historical events Animal metaphor Daily life
Idioms from literary works
• Secondly, the word order cannot be inverted or changed. For example, by twos and threes and tit for tat are not to be turned into by threes and twos and tat for tit. Similarly, the lion’s share is not to be replaced by the share of the lion though it is a common practice in free phrases.
Idioms from animal metaphor
as wise as owls(聪明,西方人认为猫头鹰是聪明智慧的象
as quiet as mouse (安静如鼠,非常安静) as timid as rabbit (胆小如鼠) no spring chicken (已不再年轻的女人) swan’s song(告别演出,源于天鹅将死时凄婉的鸣叫声) bury one’s head in the sand(采取逃避措施、逃避现实,
Idioms from Mythology
Pandora’s box(潘多拉的盒子,引申为灾祸之源) Sphinx’s riddle(难解之谜,狮身人面怪兽提出 “什么动
2) denationalized denationalized = de + nation + al + ize + d Root: nation Stem: denationalize Base: national → nation nationalize → national denationalize → nationalize denationalized → denationalize
Apart from caring for her children, she has to take on such heavy _____ house work as carrying water and firewood. A. time-consumed B. timely-consumed C. time-consuming D. timely-consuming
Compounding / composition: a wordformation process consisting of joining two or more bases to form a new unit. e.g. flowerpot= flower + pot machine-independent = machine + independent back
Root/ 词根: is not further analyzable, either in terms of derivational or inflectional morphology Stem/ 词干: the part of the word-form which remains when all inflectional affixes have been removed. Base/ 词基: any form to which affixes of any kind can be added.
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Types of Dictionaries
These dictionaries may not be very large in size, yet each contains much more detailed information on the subject that you can find in a general unabridged one.
English Lexicology
Readings Task XI Check
• Chapter 13, 14 & 15 of A Survey of English Lexicology • Key points in the book will be discussed next week
Review of Lecture XI
Webster’s New World Dictionary Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary
Types of Dictionaries
Pocket Dictionaries
These dictionaries have 50,000 entries or fewer. Such a dictionary provides only the spelling and pronunciation of each word with a few most common meanings.
Types of Dictionaries
Bilingual Dictionaries
Bilingual dictionaries involve two languages. The main entries are generally defined or explained in the same language with translations as Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation, and Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English with Chinese Translation.
Types of Dictionaries
But such a dictionary is the most complete description of words available to us. It provides a great quantity of basic information about a word: its origin, meaning, pronunciation, cognates, usage, grammatical function, spelling, hyphenation, capitalization, derived forms, synonyms, and homonyms. The best-known unabridged dictionary is Webster's Third New International Dictionary.
4. History of Lexicography 5. Types of Lexemes
Lexicography & Lexicology
Lexicography is sometimes called a sub-branch of lexicology, but lexicography itself is an important branch of applied linguistics, the science of dictionary compiling. They both deal with the same problems, such as the form, meaning, usage and origin of vocabulary units.
Lecture XII English Lexicography
Lecture XII English Lexicography
1. Lexicography: definition 2. Lexicography & lexicology 3. Types of dictionionaries
A thesaurus is a book that lists words grouped together according to similarity of meaning (containing synonyms and sometimes antonyms), in contrast to a dictionary, which contains definitions and pronunciations. The largest thesaurus in the world is The Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary, which contains more than 920,000 words and meanings.
Types of Dictionaries
Specialized Dictionaries
Specialized dictionaries concentrate on a particular of language or knowledge, treating such diverse topics as etymology, synonyms, idioms, pronunciation, usages in language, and computer, engineering, literature and a variety of other subject.
Types of Dictionaries
Encyclopedic Dictionaries
Encyclopedic dictionaries have the characteristics of both linguistic dictionaries and encyclopedia. In such dictionaries one can find the general information as in a linguistic dictionary and limited encyclopedic information as well. One example is Chamber’s Encyclopedic English Dictionary published in 1994.
Monolingual dictionaries Bilingual dictionaries Thesaurus Encyclopedic dictionaries Unabridged dictionaries Desk dictionaries Pocket dictionaries Specialized dictionaries
British English variants and dialects American English variants and dialects Other variants
5. American English 6. Differences between British E. & American E.
Lexicography & Lexicology
The compiler’s approach to various lexicological problems always finds reflection in the selection and arrangements of the material.
Types of Dictionaries
An encyclopedia is not concerned with the language itself but provides encyclopedic information concerning each headword. There the reader cannot find pronunciation or meanings or usages but other information. The well-known ones are The Encyclopedia Britannica in 20 volumes and The Encyclopedia Americana in 30 volumes.
Types of Dictionaries
Monolingual Dictionaries
Monolingual dictionaries are written in one language. That is, the headwords or entries are defined and illustrated in the same language. The monolingual dictionary is rather a late development because the earliest dictionaries were all bilingual.
1. English idioms 2. Features of English idioms
Stability Idiomaticity Syntactic Inseparability National In Character
3. The global language 4. Regional varieties
Types of Dictionaries