



I. Listening Comprehension (每题1分,共16分)

Part A Longer conversation

In part A, you will hear two longer conversations. Each conversation will be read twice. After the conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard.

Write no more than THREE WORDS for each blank.

Part B Passages

Directions: In part B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked four questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice but the questions will be spoken only once.

When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your paper and decide which would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 9-12 are based on Passage 1.

9. A. At 10:07p.m. B. At 10:20p.m. C.At ll:37p.m. D. At ll:57p.m.

10. A. Mechanic failure. B. Hot weather.

C. Regular Maintenance.

D. Bomb attack.

11. A. The snow. B. Machinery fault.

C. Order of the Palace.

D. A fire.

12. A. 1.5 ton. B. 13 ton. C. 90 ton. D. 315 ton.

Questions 13-16 are based on Passage 2.

13. A. Frozen meat B. Butter. C. Crisps D. Dairy products.

14. A. Interviews with different drinkers

B. Different drinkers' grocery receipts.

C. Different drinkers' medical reports.

D. Different drinkers' living habits.

15. A. They are more likely to buy healthy food.

B. They are thinner than beer drinkers.

C. There are more wine drinkers than beer drinkers.

D. They never drink beer.

16. A. Overweight B. Cancer.

C. Depression.

D. High blood pressure.

II. Grammar (15%)

Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.

17. The teacher saw so many students the grammar test and wondered whether he was teaching grammar wisely.

A. failed

B. fail

C. failing

D. to fail

18. halfway during his speech, the manager grew angry and stared at the reporter.

A. Interrupting

B. To interrupt

C. Interrupted

D. Be interrupted

19. fruits to yoghurt makes the flavor much better, which brings a better eating experience to the kids.

A. Added

B. Adding

C. Being added

D. Add

20. It's really sad that those have talent for art die young.

A. as

B. what

C. which

D. who

21. Heating other kids on the playground, Jack put down the book and hurried out of the classroom.

A. shout

B. shouting

C. to shout

D. shouted

22. that health is more important than success, he decided to change his work schedule

allowing more time for rest.

A. To realize

B. Realized

C. Realizing

D. Having been realized

23. to take the company's shuttle bus makes Jenny crazy who has to get up at 6 every day.

A. Forced

B. Being forced

C. Forcing

D. Having forced

24. The coach announced to resign to the recent public criticism about the football team's poor performance.

A. answered

B. to answer

C. being answered

D. having been answered

25. After graduation, he entered into the business almost everyone was waiting for good chances instead of working hard.

A. how

B. where

C. who

D. which

26. , e-finance has been thriving at a surprising speed.

A. It is known to all

B. As is known to all

C. People all know

D. What we all know

27. The method of encouraging people to share cars to work with cash reward during a

workshop greatly relieved the city's traffic pressure.

A. suggesting

B. suggested

C. to suggest

D. suggests

28. To keep fit, the lady didn't mean anything but the little cookies smelt so nice that she

couldn't resist one.

A. to eat, trying

B. eating, to try

C. eating, trying

D. to eat, to try

29. Many professional women rarely care their husbands make a lot of money and they put more

emphasis on love and loyalty.

A. when

B. how

C. whether

D. what

30. When the financial case was reported, people wondered the criminal succeeded in cheating so many victims.

A. what

B. that

C. how

D. which

31. The committee was campaigning for the project importance many people didn't realize at the time.

A. why

B. where

C. which

D. whose

III. Vocabulary (14%)

Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.

Choose the one that best completes the sentence.

32. For many old traditions, because modem people are so used to them- and mostly because we

them ---- they hold a lot of weight in our daily life.

A. identify with

B. have fun with

C. adapt from

D. watch for

33. Though the exact number was not released, it's that at least 30 people were killed in the earthquake.

A. handled

B. shocked

C. estimated

D. captured

34. There are cases in which someone repeatedly threatened suicide and no one would listen and the individual, in despair, succeeded in his suicide .

A. attempt

B. reference

C. management

D. survey

35. Some experts think that the current browsing and posting on the interact may worsen

interact violence and cheating.

A. temporary

B. artificial

C. guilty

D. anonymous

36. Some people keep offending others just to see to what extent others can their misconducts.

A. regret

B. ban

C. tolerate

D. suffer

37. Compared with people's lives, the level of property damage is just of concern.

A. original

B. serious

C. secondary

D. separate

38. Many singers are calling on the law-makers to prevent copying of art works, which will destroy music industry.

A. illegal

B. commercial

C. complex

D. secret

39. As the figure in the field, Prof. Johnson expressed his opinion and ended the long debate on the issue.

A. authority

B. monster

C. literature

D. award

40. Every bus in the city was equipped with a hammer for passengers to use to windows in case any emergency occurs.

A. purchase

B. attack

C. smash

D. control

41. At the heart of every difference between the past and future --- science, finance family --- is the facl that the society is evolving from to law.

A. shelter

B. interest

C. magic

D. disorder

42. Doctors suggest the change of lifestyle for certain men 45 to 79 years old with habits like drinking and smoking.

A. harmful

B. elastic

C. similar

D. absent

43. In that country, even the high-income citizens would occasionally thehigh living cost,

claiming that they could hardly save any money every month.

A. lead to

B. grumble about

C. cover up

D. begin with

44. He is a workaholic and his family members never dare to him when he is at work.

A. disturb

B. contact

C. follow

D. bully

45. Light pollution is made worse with air pollution, as the small particles(微粒) that in the air serve to reflect the light.

A. transport

B. travel

C. float

D. serve

IV. Cloze (10%)

Directions: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

Do you know who the first robot in the world was? Recently, a clockwork robot built 240 years ago was considered the first robot in the world to 46 the act of writing.

47 to look like a small boy, the robot, named the Writer, was created by Swiss watchmaker Pierre Jaquet-Droz in the 1770s. Jaquet-Droz was helped by his son to complete this masterpiece.

It takes the 48 of a small barefoot boy sitting at a wooden desk holding a quill(羽毛笔). When wound up, the boy moves his arm to dip his quill in the ink pot and then writes a sentence of up to 10 49 .

The Writer comprises approximately 6,000 parts and contains 40 replaceable cams(凸轮) that

50 the writing of words. The parts can be removed, or reordered to 51 the boy to write any sentence required.

Throughout his life, Jaquet-Droz lived in Paris, London and Geneva where he built 52

machines to help his firm sell watches and mechanical 53 . His other famous works include the Musician, which has 2500 pieces and the Draughtsman, with 2000 pieces. His three key pieces are now kept at the art and history museum in Switzerland.

The Writer is thought to be 54 to the modem-day computer or robot and is one of the oldest surviving examples of a robot and early cam 55 . The piece has been described as the world's most astonishing surviving robot.

46. A. engineer B. develop C. guarantee D. copy

47. A. Purchased B. Designed C. Translated D. Maintained

48. A. order B. lead C. shape D. picture

49. A. meanings B. lines C. characters D. styles

50. A. command B. remind C. evaluate D. record

51. A. forbid B. advise C. allow D. follow

52. A. expensive B. lifelike C. strange D. historic

53. A. copyrights B. preferences C. factories D. appliances

54. A. home B. ancestor C. enemy D. ignorance

55. A. method B. error C. technology D. dispute

V. Reading Comprehension (20%)

Directions: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have read.


During the 1990s, I had spent five months in a bleak African country, Niger. There were many things I found difficult about that place the beggars were my biggest most constant gripes. They would continually thrust their hands into my face, shouting," Cadeau! Cadeau!"(gift in French)

After I had finished my nursing stint there, a friend and I headed for neighbouring Burkina Faso to work in a health clinic with much enthusiasm. "It's much greener in Burkina. Even the Coke tastes better," the locals assured


Arriving by taxi in our destination in Burkina, we began to unload. With my daypack wedged between my legs, I reached for my larger piece of luggage. Out of the darkness, a motorcycle with two men approached slowly. Without warning, one of the men grabbed my daypack as the motorcycle swept close by and disappeared into the night. The bag had my passport, money traveller's checks, camera in it. I was in deep trouble and the nearest Australian consulate(领事馆) was in Ethiopia. How was I ever going to get a new passport anytime soon?

In the weeks that followed, I guarded the rest of my valuables and regarded the locals with

suspicion. All I wanted was to leave that terrible place.

Then walking through the Burkina's streets one day, an old woman approached me and thrust her hand in my face. "Dear lady Cadeau! Cadeau!" she cried. I had enough. I told her firmly in French," I have no 'cadeau'. I have no money. A thief stole all my money and now I can't get out of your country. I can't give you anything." The beggar woman listened attentively and pondered my words. Then her face crumpled into a toothless grin as she reached into the folds of her dress. "Then I will give you a cadeau," she announced. Kindly, she placed an old dark brown coin in my palm. I looked at it in shock. It was a minuscule amount of money but for this woman the coin represented a meal. At that moment, I felt the shame of affluence and the humility of charity. She had given me a gift disproportionate to anything that I had ever donated.

In the midst of her poverty, she was able to give me something priceless. I saw then, the

unexpected beauty of the people and appreciated profoundly the quiet dignity of the poor.

56. The underlined word minuscule in the passage is closest in meaning to .

A. unbelievable

B. tiny

C. unclear

D. ordinary

57. Which of the following Statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. The writer complained most about beggars in Niger.

B. The writer was an Australian citizen.

C. Two motorists grabbed the writer's valuables out of a sudden.

D The writer still treated the locals fairly after the loss of the bag.

58. The writer had a different thought about charity because

A. she became too poor herself to help others

B. a local poor lady offered her money out of her scarce own

C. the writer got her bag back with the help of the local lady

D. a local lady gave the writer much more money than she had donated

59. All the events and activities are available at the carnival except .

A. Musicals

B. Gardening

C. Parenting Talk

D. Balloon Sculpturing Workshop

60. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. We get to barbecue the food that we buy in the RGS General Office.

B. You can choose to dunk any teacher in the school at the 'Slam Dunk' stall.

C. You will have two chances at the lucky dip if you purchase $40 worth of coupons.

D. You can win attractive prizes if you try your hand at the game machines in the Arcade Comer.

61. The main aim of the RGS Carnival is to

A. select the best RGS activity

B. showcase the pupils' musical talent

C. test hearts of participants with haunted houses

D. raise funds for the school's CIPF


The amazon is the largest and most diverse rain forest in the world-about 10 percent of all known species on earth dwell there. But it wasn't until recently that researchers were about to see the 'big picture' of the vast rain forest.

The new findings? Almost 400 billion trees belonging to 16,000 different types grow in the

Amazon. More than 100 experts analyzed data from 1,170 surveys to come up with the figures.

The vast size and difficult terrain (地形) of the Amazon basin has historically restricted studies of tree communities to a local or regional level, making it difficult to see the big picture. This lack of

information has hindered science and conservation efforts, according to experts.

The new findings, published in the journal Science, provide the first estimates of the abundance, frequency and distribution of many thousands of Amazonian trees. Extrapolations based on the data, collected over 10 years, suggest that greater Amazonia is home to around 390 billion individual trees. The area covered includes the amazon Basin and the Guiana Shield, spanning an area roughly the size of the 48 adjoining U.S. States.

While around 16,000 types of trees are believed to exist in the Amazon, half the total number of

the types are thought to belong to just 227 species, including Brazil nut, chocolate and rubber. "This is

very valuable information for further research and policy making," said research co-author Dr. Hans ter Steege, from the Netherlands.

The study also offers insights into the rarest tree species in the Amazon. According to a

mathematical model used in the study, roughly 6,000 Amazonnian tree types have populations of fewer than one thousand. This would automatically qualify them for inclusion in the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species(CNRLTS)-if they could be found and identified.

U.S. ecologist and co-author of the study, Professor Miles Silman said," Species too rare to find account for much of the planet's biodiversity. It's a real problem for conservation that the species at the greatest risk of extinction may disappear before we ever find them. It's a concem for the whole human race."

62. The underlined word hinder is closest in meaning to

A. generated

B. blocked

C. sponsored

D. improved

63. According to the passage, what made the collection of species information so difficult?

A. The lack of experienced professionals in the field.

B. The dangers of certain types of species.

C. The big area and complicated geographic situation.

D. The unfavourable government law in the field.

64. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. The amazon rain forest covers 10 percent of the world's dry land.

B. The conservation of amazon has been done well.

C. About 8000 types of trees belong to over 220 species.

D. About 6000 Amazonnian tree types have died out.

65. The species conservation was made difficult by

A. the negative climate of the amazon land

B. the possibility of dying of rare species

C. the lack of conservation fund

D. the human beings' lack of concern


Directions:Translate the following sentences into English,using the word or phrase given in the







VII。Guided Writing(15%)



1. 10:15

2. Parking lot

3.4 dollars

4. 7709356621

5. May 12th.

6. Modem nursing

7. Flowers

8. Understanding and respect.

9.A 10. B 11. B 12. B 13. D 14. B 15.A 16. B

17-21 BCBDB 22-26 CBBBB 27-31 BACCD

32-36ACADC 37-41CAACD 42-45ABAC

46-50ABCCA 51-55 CBDBC

56-58 BDB 59-61 BCD 62-65 BCCB

1. It's hard to believe that he survived in such a tough environment.

2. The school took action to increase students' daily sports time.

3. Someone kidnapped their daughter, which made the couple very anxious.

4. I believe that eating eggs every day is good for health.

5. Jack received invitations from many universities to make speech on healthy diet.






I. Listening Comprehension

Section A

Directions:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

Section B

Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

Section C

Directions: In Section C, you will hear one longer conversation. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.

II. Grammar and Vocabulary

Section A15%

Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.

25. Your shoes are different from mine ______size and shape.

A. on

B. about

C. from

D. in

26. I had great difficulty _______the suitable food on the menu in our school canteen.

A. find

B. found

C. finding

D. to find

27. It is Western health-care systems that ______spending huge sums of money on the surgical treatment of the

heart disease.

A. is

B. are

C. was

D. were

28. ________to climb a high mountain and enjoy the scenery at the top.

A. What fun it is

B. What fun is it

C. What a fun it is

D. What a fun is it

29. Shanghai has gone through such great changes in recent few years and it is no loner ____it was when the

Chinese-American came five years ago.

A. that

B. what

C. when

D. until

30. It is a fact that no one can deny that one is gaining experience ____he is aging.

A. as

B. when

C. with

D. as if

31. _______at the school gate on schedule, or we will leave without you.

A. To arrive

B. Did arrive

C. Does arrive

D. Do arrive

32. We are trying to find out the secret of _____repaired the broken chairs and desks last weekend.

A. whoever

B. whomever

C. who

D. whom

33. Great changes _______in the mountain village in the last few years. For example, electric lamps have taken the

place of oil ones.

A. took place

B. were taken place

C. have taken place

D. have been taken place

34. ________the aircraft will arrive on time is still unknown.

A. If

B. That

C. Whenever

D. Whether

35. The reason ____he was punished by the teacher was that he copied his deskmate’s homework.

A. how

B. why

C. what

D. which

36. Today we have chat rooms, text messaging, e-mailing…but we seem _____the art of communicating face to


A. losing

B. to be losing

C. to be lost

D. having lost

37. We are terribly sorry to hear the news ______a school bus with 35 children on it was washed away by the


A. that

B. which

C. what

D. /

38. ______electricity plays an important part in our daily life?

A. Why was it that

B. Why is it that

C. Why is it

D. Why it is

39. Most parents believe that the hard work for their school kids ______ later in their lives.

A. has repaid

B. has been repaid

C. will repay

D. will be repaid

40. Microblog is a platform ______ people can express their thoughts, show their daily life and communicate with

each other by sending post.

A. what

B. which

C. where

D. when

Section B

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

Going on a date (约会) can be a fearful experience for most of us. But now a pair

of “social X-Ray” glasses 41 to tell you exactly what the other person is

thinking—and when you should stop talking.

The glasses have a camera the size of a grain of rice which is put into the glasses’

frame and connected with a wire to a small computer which can be attached to the

user’s body. The camera __42 the other person’s facial expressions and 43

them up with 24 known features which convey 44 . How long and how often 24 “feature points” appear on the subject’s face are then analyzed by software developed by a team of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). This data is then compared with a bank of expressions and the computer tells the wearer through an earpiece(耳机) and lights on the glasses what their date(约会对象)is thinking. In a traffic light-style system, a red light means 45 , yellow means they are a little 46 and green means your date is happy.

The glasses are currently under development by researchers at MIT’s Media Lab. They say that wearing them during a conversation with another person is like having an “extra sense”.

The glasses were developed for people suffering from autism(自闭症) who have 47__ interacting with others, but now the team behind it has seen wider 48 .

So far the glasses are still a work in progress and have been 49 just 64 percent of the time, a figure which is expected to improve with further tests.

III. Reading Comprehension

Section A10%

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

Over weight has been a great concern for some people. In an attempt to keep normal weight, people have 50 tried various methods. Nevertheless, not all the ways are 51

when it comes to health. For weight loss, many people 52 the high-protein, low-carbohydrate (碳水化合物) diets. However, such diets might have 53 harmful long-term effects on the colon (结肠), a small study indicates.

In the study, UK researchers found that a protein-heavy, low-carbohydrate diet created certain 54 in the colon that could lead to colon cancer risk. The study itself does not show whether high-protein diets really raise the 55 of any colon diseases, but the findings raise that possibility.

Diets 56 high in protein and lower in carbohydrates have been shown to help heavy people lose weight. “People should not be 57 from losing weight,” Dr Flint said. 58 , he added, they should make sure that any weight loss plan includes adequate amounts of fiber (纤维) and a high protein over months to years might have ill effects on the colon.

The findings are based on seventeen overweight men who 59 three short-term diets: a one-week menu plan to keep their weight; a four-week high-protein diet with 60 amounts of carbohydrates; and a four-week high-protein diet low in carbohydrates.

On average, the study found when the men were on the high-protein diets, they had higher levels of substances known as N-nitrous compounds (亚硝基化合物) that have been 61 cancer. And when they were on the high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet, they had lowered amounts of fiber-originated compounds (源自纤维的混合物) thought to be protective against 62 .

Exactly what those changes might mean for a person’s health is 63 ; But Flint said that the findings suggest that people should be aware of consuming too much protein and too little fiber over a long period.

64 , experts recommend that adults get about 28 grams of fiber per day—though it’s not known whether that’s enough for someone on a high-protein weight-loss diet.

50. A. successfully B. painfully C. occasionally D. immediately

51. A. helpless B. cheap C. useless D. beneficial

52. A. make up B. come across C. turn to D. get on

53. A. potentially B. additionally C. frequently D. definitely

54. A. anxieties B. actions C. changes D. diets

55. A. treatment B. function C. process D. risk

56. A. directly B. relatively C. basically D. precisely

57. A. discouraged B. reminded C. protected D. persuaded

58. A. Moreover B. Therefore C. Meanwhile D. However

59. A. recommended B. offered C. followed D. discovered

60. A. reasonable B. unknown C. realistic D. similar

61. A. taken from B. linked to C. held up D. based on

62. A. health B. diet C. cancer D. protein

63. A. critical B. believable C. sensible D. unclear

64. A. For sure B. In general C. All in all D. In short

Section B

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


The custom of playing tricks on friends on April 1st is believed to have originated in France in the middle of the 16th century.

Before that time, one calendar was used throughout Europe. Under this calendar, each new year began on April 1st. On that day, people celebrated by exchanging gifts and visiting each other.

Then in 1564, King Charles IX of France adopted a new calendar and ordered that each new year was to begin on January 1st. However, while most people followed their king’s order, there were some who did not like the idea of the change and refused to accept the New Year’s Day.

These people soon became the butt of jokes and tricks by their friends and neighbours because they continued to observe April 1st as New Year’s Day. These friends and neighbours sent mock gifts, invited these people to fake parties, and played tricks on them because they were “April Fools”, people who insisted on their New Year’s Day.

65. ________________, each new year began on April 1st.

A. After 1564

B. Before 1564

C. After the 16th century

D. Before the 16th century

66. Some people were called “April Fools” because ________________.

A. they still wanted to keep the custom

B. they liked “April Fools”

C. they played tricks on others

D. they wanted to be “April Fools”

67. From the story we know _________________.

A. “April Fools” insisted on their New Year’s Day on January 1st

B. people were very happy on April Fool’s Day

C. “April Fools” hated their French king

D. April Fool’s Day is a custom of making fun of friends


Marlon Brando is widely considered the greatest movie actor of all time. He was born in

Omaha Nebraska in 1924. He was named after his father, a salesman. His mother, Dorothy,

was an actress in the local theater.

Marlon Brando moved to New York City when he was 19 years old in 1943. He took acting classes at the New School for Social Research. One of his teachers was Stella Adler, who taught the "Method" style of realistic acting. The Method teaches actors how to use their own memories and emotions to identify with the characters they are playing.

Marlon Brando learned the Method style quickly and easily. Critics said he was probably the greatest Method actor ever. One famous actress commented on his natural ability for it. She said teaching Marlon Brando the Method was like sending a tiger to jungle school.

Marlon Brando appeared in several plays. He got his first major part in a Broadway play in 1947, at the age of 23. He received great praise for his powerful performance at Stanley Kowalski in Tennessee Williams' play, A Streetcar Named Desire. His fame grew when he acted the same part in the movie version, released in 1951.

Marlon Brando won the Best Actor Oscar for The God Father, but he rejected it. He sent a woman named Sasheen Littlefeather to speak for him at the Academy Awards ceremony. She said that Brando could not accept the award because of the way the American film industry treated Native Americans. The people at the Academy Awards ceremony did not like the speech. But some experts think the action helped change the way American Indians were shown in movies.

Marlon Brando acted in about forty movies. He was nominated for a total of eight Academy Awards. But he earned a "bad boy" reputation for his public outbursts and unusual behaviours. According to Los Angeles magazine, "Brando was rock and roll before anybody knew what rock and roll was". His later life was marked with family tragedies. His son Christian went to prison for killing his daughter Cheyene’s boyfriend. Cheyene later committed suicide. Brando became lonely. He worked occasionally for the money. But, in his prime, Marlon Brando was an actor other actors could only hope to become.

68. According to the passage, the "Method" ______.

A. requires actors to use their imagination in acting

B. made Marlon Brando a great and famous actor

C. wasn't very difficult for Marlon Brando

D. can be most effectively learned in a jungle

69. The speech at the Academy Awards ceremony ______ at the time.

A. made Sasheen Littlefeather well-known

B. was well-received by Native Americans

C. changed people's attitude to American Indians

D. received both positive and negative responses

70. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Marlon Brando’s later life was troubled and unhappy.

B. A Streetcar Named Desire was later adapted into a movie.

C. Marlon Brando was the first rock star in USA.

D. As a n actor, Brando’s talent was unparalleled.

71. The purpose of this passage is to ______.

A. inform us of Marlon Brando's attitude to civil rights movement

B. introduce Marlon Brando as one of the greatest actors

C. help us understand Marlon Brando's secret to success

D. instruct us how to become a great actor like Marlon Brando

positive experience. As one of the homestay hosts explains: "It's going to be a great experience, not only in

Interviewees touch on a variety of topics including British vs. American accents, multi-level classrooms, and

media with self-study. As Daniel

Emmerson talks to learners and teachers of English in Sao Paulo, Brazil, he discovers that many of them

have found for themselves the principle of learning by doing and have readily adapted it to the Internet era.

. From the passage we can conclude that “Learning English Video Project” is most probably ________.

A. an online language learning course

B. audio documents on language learning

C. a series of short video programs

D. a set of films on English-speaking countries

73. If someone is interested in the comparison between English and other languages, he might be interested to

watch __________.

A. Encounters in the UK

B. Stories from Morocco

C.Thoughts from Brazil

D. Insights from China

74. What can we know about English learning in Sao Paulo, Brazil?

A. Classroom teaching is more interactive and communicative.

B. Homestay arrangement provides positive experience for learners.

C. The Internet and games plays a major role in language learning.

D. The principle of learning by doing is widely accepted by learners.

Section D

Directions:Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.

At present, in many American cities especially, many teachers in the public schools say they are underpaid. They point to jobs such as secretary or truck driver, which often pay more to start than that of a teacher. In many other fields, such as law, medicine, computer science, a beginning worker may make more than a teacher who has taught for several years.

Teaching has never been a profession that attracted people interested in high salaries. It is by history a profession that has provided rewards in addition to money—the satisfaction of sharing knowledge, of influencing others, of guiding young people. But in the past several years, there are more difficulties in teaching, for many, than there are rewards.

Unruly (不守规矩的) students, especially in big cities, large classes and a lack of support from the public in terms of money and understanding have led many public school teachers to leave the profession.

As a result, many of the best students, who would have chosen teaching as their life career in the past, are going into other fields.

Another reason for this change in teacher candidates is the changing status of women in the United States. Until the late 1960s and 1970s, one of the most popular choices for women was teaching. But as other professions, such as law and medicine opened up to women, women stopped pouring into teacher training programs. Thus, excellent candidates for the teaching profession declined.

Bit by bit government officials and others realized that the status of the teacher had suffered. They talked about change. But the change in a vast society like the United States is not easy. People’s attitud es have formed over many years, and sometimes change takes many years.

(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)

75. Many teachers in the public schools of America are complaining ____________________.

76. What is the consequence(后果) of the public school teachers’ leaving the profession?


I. Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

77. 考试作弊无用。(use)

78. 更糟的是,他在教室里突然哭了起来。(burst)

79. 地址若有变动,请及时通知我们。(inform)


81. 虽然网上的信息应有尽有,但要辨别真伪也绝非易事。(available)


20’听力:1-10: CCADB CCDBA

11-13: CAA

14-16: ABD

17--. 20 18. Surgeon 19. open 20. Outdoor

16’选择:25-29 D C B A B 30-34 A D C C D 35-40 B B A B D C

9’词汇:41-49 G J A C I F E H B

15’完型: 50--64 B D C A C 55—59 D B A D C 60—64 A B C D B

20’阅读:65—67 B A D 68—71 C D C B 72—74 C B D

4’回答:75.they are under-paid /they are not well-paid/ their pay is low.

76.causing some best students not to choose teaching profession / some best students don’t choose

teaching profession/ some best students are going to other fields


77. It is no use cheating in the exam.

1 1

78. To make things worse, he burst into tears./burst out crying in the classroom.

1 1 1

79. Please inform us of any changes of address in time.

1 1 1

80. It was his carelessness that resulted in/caused his failure in the final English exam

It was because of his carelessness that he didn’t pass the final English exam.

2 1 1

It was because he was careless that he failed to pass the final English exam.

81.Although all kinds of information are available online, it is no easy job/task to tell/judge

1 1 1

which is true.





I.Listening comprehension: (20%)

Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. A. 6:40. B. 6:20. C. 6:10. D. 6:30.

2. A. Cash only. B. Cash or checks. C. Checks only. D. Credit cards.

3. A. He lacked money. B. He had some trouble with his lungs.

C. He didn’t plan the trip very well.

D. He was poor in health.

4. A. At a drugstore. B. At a hotel.

C. At a laundry.

D. At a clothes shop.

5. A. Poor. B. Excellent. C. Tired. D. Concerned.

6. A. There is a single room left. B. There are some rooms left.

C. There are some double rooms left.

D. All the rooms are taken.

7. A. He hurts his eye. B. The clock was unusual.

C. The lecture was not interesting.

D. The lecture lasted for an hour.

8. A. Mary came to the party. B. Mary hasn’t appeared yet.

C. Mary planned the party.

D. Mary hasn’t any imagination.

9. A. Tom has no artist talent. B. Tom has improved his art.

C. Tom is anxious to learn art..

D. Tom is a popular artist.

10. A. She is excited about going home.

B. She has been home for only a few days.

C. She’s spending time going over her accounts.

D. She’s counting the number s.

Section B Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear

a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

11. A. Many people are shy in social situations. B. Most people are shy by nature.

C. Y our shyness won’t hurt others.

D. Shyness is difficult to overcome.

12. A. By prediction. B. By recording.

C. By observation.

D. By examination.

13. A. To share ideas with others. B. To make friends.

C. To test people’s intelligence.

D. To measure shyness.

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

14. A. Art history class is taught in lecture hall.

B. Mentally disabled children are taught outside the classroom.

C. Professors teach through real world experiences.

D. Students appreciate classroom learning.

15. A. To support his point of view.

B. To praise the professor.

C. To advise us to study psychology.

D. To praise his friend.

16. A. Learning through experience is important.

B. Students learn a lot from textbooks

C. Students develop their creativity through textbooks.

D. Students get firsthand information by textbooks.

Section C Directions: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.
