
下面就是我给大家带来的托福考试听力真题,希望能关怀到大家!听力part B原题31.(A) There aren’t enough cabinets.(B) There is too much noise.(C) Office supplies are taking up space.(D) Some teaching assistants don’t have desks.32.(A) To chat with Jack socially.(B) To get help in the course.(C) To hand in their assignments.(D) To practice giving interviews.33.(A) Give Jack a different office.(B) Complain to the department head.(C) Move the supplies to the storage room.(D) Try to get a room to use for meetings. 34.(A) They’d have to get permission.(B) Jack wouldn’t like it.(C) She thinks it might work.(D) The other assistants should be consulted.35.(A) Mating habits of squid and octopus.(B) The evolution of certain forms of sea life.(C) The study of marine shells.(D) Survival skills of sea creatures.36.(A) He didn’t understand the lecture.(B) He wants to borrow her notes next week.(C) He needs help with a makeup exam.(D) He was sick and unable to attend.37.(A) Some sea creatures developed vertebrae.(B) The first giant squid was captured.(C) Some sea creatures shed their shells.(D) Sea life become more intelligent.38.(A) She has always believed they exist.(B) She heard about them in New Zealand.(C) Stories about them may be based on giant squid.(D) The instructor mentioned them in the lecture.参考答案:B B DC BD C C听力原文:Questions 31-34A: Stan, do you have a minute?B: Oh, hi, Cathy, sure. What’s up?A: Well, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about the situation in the office.B: I’m not in there very often. It’s so noisy that I can’t work.A: That’s exactly what I’m getting at. We’re supposed to be able to do our preparationand marking in that office. But have you notice? Jack constantly has students comingin to get help with his course. A lot of people are going in and out.B: Has anybody spoken to him about it?A: No, not yet. But someone’s going to have to.B: We can’t really ask him to stop having students come in for help, can we?A: No, of course not. But I’m not able to do my work and neither are you. I imagine it’s the same for the others in the office.B: Hum… could we ask for a kind of meeting room? When TAs have to talk with thestudents, they could go to the meeting room and not use the office. You know, there’s a room down the hall, a rather small room that we could ask to use. It’s only for storing supplies.A: You mean that little storage room? Oh, that would be too small.B: Are you sure? With the cabinets taken out, it might be bigger than it looks.A: Come to think of it, you maybe on to something. I’d like to have a look at that room.B: Can we go there now?A: Sure, let’s go.31. What problem at the office are Cathy and Stan discussing?32. Why do Jack’s students come to see him?33. What does Stan suggest they do?34. What does Cathy say about Stan’s suggestion?Questions 35-38A: I really appreciate you’re filling me in on yesterday’s lecture.B: No problem. I thought you might want to go over it together. And anyway, it helpsme review. Hope you’re feeling better now.A: I am, thanks. So you said she talked about squid? Sounds a little strange.B: Well, actually, it was about the evolution of sea life, a continuation from last week.A: The octopus and the squid descended from earlier creatures with shells. They survivedby shattering(打碎)their shells, somewhere between 200 and 500 million years ago.B: That’s a pretty long span of time.A: I know. That’s what she said though. To be precise, exactly when theyemerged isuncertain and why is still unexplained.中石油托福考试听力partB真题B: Some squid are really huge. Can you imagine something that big if it still hadashell?A: Actually, it’s because they lost their shells that they could evolve to a biggersize.B: Make sense. But some are really huge. I’ve read about fishermen that caughtsquid that weight over a ton. Did she talk about how that happens?A: Not really, but she did mention some unusual cases. In 1933 in New Zealand,theycaught a squid… let’s see here… it was 22 yards long. Its eyes were 18 inchesacross.B: Can you imagine?A: Reminds me about all those stories of sea monsters.B: Doctor Simpson thinks there are probably even larger ones that haven’t beenfound,because squid are intelligent and fast—so they can easily get away fromhumans.A: Maybe some of those monster stories are true.35. What topic are the man and woman discussing?36. Why does the man need to talk to the woman about the class?37. According to the woman, what happened 200 to 500 million years ago?38. What does the woman imply about sea monsters?。

1. 基础知识和学术能力:该部分测试考察考生在相关学科领域
2. 语言表达和沟通能力:该部分测试考察考生的语言表达能力,包括阅读理解、写作和口语交流。
3. 逻辑思维和问题解决能力:该部分测试考察考生的逻辑推理
4. 综合能力和团队合作意识:该部分测试考察考生的综合能力

中石油天然气集团工程技术系列量化评价指导标准序号评价因素权重评价标准基本分值生产技术科研设计基本指标一学历10101、博士研究生102、硕士研究生8-93、大学本科6-74、大专4-55、中专2-36、学历破格副高4中级2二资历1010年限副高级中级助理级1、取得本专业或相近专业任职资格10年及以上1010102、取得本专业或相近专业任职资格9年9993、取得本专业或相近专业任职资格8年8884、取得本专业或相近专业任职资格7年7775、取得本专业或相近专业任职资格6年6666、取得本专业或相近专业任职资格5年5(博士研究生毕业的为5年及以内)557、取得本专业或相近专业任职资格4年/4(硕士研究生及以上毕业的为4年及以内)4(大专及以上毕业的为4年及以内)8、资历破格1-4/三专业工作经历881、从事本专业技术工作15年及以上或野外一线(海外)工作12年及以上102、从事本专业技术工作13-14年或野外一线(海外)工作10-11年93、从事本专业技术工作11-12年或野外一线(海外)工作8-9年84、从事本专业技术工作9-10年或野外一线(海外)工作6-7年75、从事本专业技术工作7-8年或野外一线(海外)工作4-5年66、从事本专业技术工作5-6年或野外一线(海外)工作2-3年57、从事本专业技术工作3-4年或野外一线(海外)工作1年48、从事本专业技术工作1-2年3四外语88符合规定档次的外语成绩除以10(保留一位小数)作为评分分值0-10五计算机44计算机成绩除以10(保留一位小数)作为评分分值0-10评价指标一获奖成果1418奖项等级一类二类三类四类1、国家级三等奖及以上;省部级一等奖及以上109852、省部级二等奖98743、省部级三等奖;市局级特等奖87634、市局级一等奖76525、市局级二等奖;集团级特等奖65416、市局级三等奖;集团级一等奖;厂(分公司)级特等奖5430.57、集团级二等奖;厂(分公司)级一等奖;集团所属处级单位一等奖432/8、集团级三等奖;厂(分公司)级二等奖;集团所属处级单位二等奖321/9、厂(分公司)级三等奖;集团所属处级单位三等奖21//二论文610类别独立完成合作完成第一作者第二作者1、在国际学术会议上交流过本人的专业论文;在国际著名检索学术刊物、本专业核心刊物上发表过本专业论文9-107-85-6 2、在省部级学术会议上交流过本人的专业论文,或在一般刊物上发表过本专业论文7-85-63-43、在局级学术会议上宣读过本人专业论文5-63-41-24、在处级技术交流会议上宣读过本人专业论文,或撰写过3篇及以上本专业技术报告3-41-2/三工作业绩30221主持或作为主要技术骨干参加并完成过省(部)级科研项目或重大工程设计项目7-10解决过本专业重大技术难题,经济效益显著局级单位专业领域或厂(公司)级单位的生产技术组织者2主持或作为主要技术骨干参加并完成过市(局)级科研项目或较大工程设计项目5-7解决过本专业重要技术难题,经济效益较好厂(公司)级单位专业领域或矿(大队)生产技术组织者3主持或作为主要技术骨干参加并完成过厂(公司)级单位科研项目或中型工程设计项目3-5解决过本专业一般技术问题,有一定的经济效益基层队生产技术组织者4作为一般技术人员参加完成过科研(设计)项目,发挥过一定的作用0-3解决过本专业常见技术问题或在生产技术管理中发挥过一定作用四述职答辩1010述职答辩情况完全正确正确基本正确不完全正确1、表达能力强(逻辑性强、语言简练)109852、表达能力较强(逻辑性较强、语言比较简练)98743、表达能力尚可(有一定逻辑性、语言表述比较清楚)76534、表达能力一般(逻辑性不强、语言不够简练)5432工程技术系列量化评价指导标准说明根据参评专业的岗位实际,将量化评价指导标准分为生产技术类专业标准和科研设计类专业标准两类。

中石油内部的托福考试评分及分级办法+应试方案中石油内部的托福考试CNPC 英语模拟托福考试评分及分级办法一、目的:判断参试人员的英语水平,以便对其进行培训或授与相应的工作。
二、考试方式: 参试人员应参加笔试和口试。
三、笔试: 1、笔试内容:笔试分为三部份。
听力部分 50 个小题,文法部分 40 个小题,阅读部分 50 个小题。
A B C D 3、笔试分级标准: 级 530 以上; 级 480 以上; 级 450 以上; 级 450分以下四、口试: 1、口试小组的组成:口试小组由三名教师组成对参试人员进行口试。
2、口试成绩评分:口试成绩分为四级,即 A、B、C、D。
3、口试成绩评定标准: A 级:对教师提出的所有问题理解迅速、准确,不需教师做任何帮助或提示,回答准确,能表达自己完整的意念,发音基本正确。
B 级:对教师提出的所有问题理解迅速、准确,不需教师做任何帮助或提示,回答较正常语速慢,有时表达完整的意念略有困难或不够清楚准确,需教师提问确认,语言不够简洁,但不影响交流。
C 级:能回答教师提出的一般问题,语速较慢,需要较多的提示才能维持对话,表达完整的意念有困难需要教师帮助,语音、语法、表达方面存在很多问题,教师理解经常有困难但无严重的发音障碍。
D 级:能回答最简单的问题,但经常用母语向教师询问或寻求帮助不能表达完整的意念。
五、综合评定成绩: 将笔试与口试成绩进行综合评定即为该生的综合评定成绩。
综合评定成绩分为四级,即 A、B、C、D 四级。

2000年1月托福听力原文Part A1. M: I’m really having trouble with this calculus(微积分) course. If I can’t startdoing better soon, I’m going to have to drop it.W: Why don’t you get some help from the graduate assistance. That’s what it is there for.Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?2. W: Hey, don’t forget to drop that book off at the library on your way home.M: Oh, thanks for reminding me. I am on my way.Q: What will the man probably do next?3. W: I sure wish I had a metric(米制的) ruler with me. I need the measurementsin millimeters, not in inches,I’m tired of converting.M: Would it make things go faster if you borrowed mine?Q: What does the man imply?4. M: Good news. I’m not gonna need surgery after all. The doctor says I can startworking out again soon. And maybe play soccer again in a few weeks.W: That’s terrific. It would be great if you could get back in shape in time for the state tournament.Q: What does the woman mean?5. M: I already know what I want to take next semester. So why do I have to makean appointment to see my advisor? All I need is her signature on my course sheet.W: I’m afraid it doesn’t work that way. She has to talk with you to make sure everything is on the right track.Q: What does the woman mean?6. W: Prof. Smith sure was acting strangely today.M: I noticed that too. She was talking so quietly and then not giving us any homework. Can you believe that?Q: What can be inferred about Prof. Smith?7. M: It’s been pouring for three days now. I begin to wonder if it will ever stop.W: A nd tomorrow is going to be my day at the beach. But if it doesn’t clear up by then, I’ll just have to forget about that.Q: What does the woman imply?8.M: What a boring speaker! I could hardly keep from falling asleep.W: Oh, I don’t know about that. In fact, it’s been a long time since I have heard anyone as good.Q: What does the woman mean?9. W: Gee, Tom, I hear that you are working as a house painter this summer. It’sgot to be awfully hot working up there on a ladder in the blazing sun all day.M: Well, its hard work, but I get to be outdoors and the pay is decent.Q: What does the man imply?10. W: I’ve been working on this report all day. And I’ve still got 12 pages towrite. At this rate, I’ll never get it done by tomorrow.M: Oh, that’s right. You weren’t in class today, so you probably haven’t heardthat the deadline has been extend a week.Q: What does the man imply?11. M: Can you believe the way Larry was talking to his roommate? No wonder theydon’t get along.M: Well, maybe Larry was just reacting to something his roommate said. There are two sides to every story you know.Q: What does the woman mean?12. M: I just called the travel agent. It’s all set. On June first, I’m headingfor mountains for an entire week.W: Have you checked the academic calendar? Because my classes aren’t over till the seventh.Q: What does the woman imply?13. M: What sort of grade did you get on your research paper? I know how hard youworked on it.W: Yeah, Well, I was hoping for something really good. But the professor said that I made too many broad claims that weren’t supported enough.Q:14. W: The state ballet is coming to town next weekend, and I can’t find a ticketanywhere.M: You know, my sister just happens to have one and she can’t go. She’s got some sort of conflict in her schedule.Q: What does the man imply the woman should do?15. M: Have you found out yet what hotel you will be staying in? I’m at the Gordenright across the street from the conference center.W: Huh, lucky you. I’m at th e Apple Gates six miles away.Q: What does the woman mean?16. W: Joe, I thought your article on the school newspaper was right on target. Youcertainly convinced me anyway.M: Thanks Mary. Unfortunately, based on the general response, you and I are definitely in the minority.Q: What does the man mean?17. W: Why didn’t you go to the hockey finals last weekend? You missed a great game.M: Oh, come on. You know how sensitive I am to loud noise.Q: What can be inferred about the man?18. W: I know I promised to drive you to the airport next Tuesday. But I am afraidsomething has come up. And they’ve called a special meeting at work.M: No big deal. Karen said she was available as a backup.Q: What does the man mean?19. M: My telephone doesn’t seem to be wor king. And I have lots of calls that Ihave to return this afternoon.W: Fell free to use mine if you want. I’ll be in a meeting till five.Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?20. M: I don’t think we have nearly enough information for our financial p lan. Butit’s due tomorrow. So I guess there isn’t lot we can do about it.W: Guess not. At this point, we will just have to make do with what we have got.Q: What will the speakers probably do?21. W: Ever since your girlfriend moved to Bridgeport, you are always driving there.How many trips a week do you make anyway?M: I have lost count(搞不清楚). But I can do it with my eyes closed.Q: What does the man mean?22. M: I’ve noticed that you spend a lot of time tending to your garden. Do youthink you might like to join the university gardening club? We meet every other Tuesday.W: Oh, thanks for the invitation. But this is how I relax. I’d rather not make it something formal and structured.Q: What does the woman imply?23. M: Does this music bother your studying, Pam?W: Actually I’m not studying anymore, but I’m trying to sleep.Q: What does Pam imply?24. W: I think we should hold our first committee meeting in one of the meeting roomsof the library. So far, there are 8 of us who plan to come.M: Wow, if it there weren’t more than four, I’d say that we have it over at my place. But with 8 of us, I guess I’d have to get along with your suggestion.Q: What does the man imply?25. M: I just don’t know if you should call everyone to collect the data or justsend out a questionnaire. But you’d better make a decision soon.W: I know, there is only one month till the election.Q: What does the woman mean?26. W: What’s with you? You sure don’t look like yourself.M: Stay away form me. I don’t know what I’ve got. But whatever it is, you don’t want to catch it.Q: What can be inferred about the man?27. W: You waited at the Tera’s Caf e yesterday, didn’t you? Was there much of await to be seated?M: Was there? Wish I’d brought a book or something to occupy my time.Q: What does the man imply about the Tera’s Cafe?28. W: I thought there was still time for me to apply for student loan. But someonejust told me that the closing date was last Wednesday.M: Are you sure? I thought we still had another month. Wait, I’ve got a brochure right here. Yeah, Wednesday was the opening date.Q: What does the man imply?29. M: This casserole(砂锅菜) really tastes good. I guess that’s because thevegetables in it are fresh instead of canned.M: I know. Kind of a rare treat in this cafeteria.Q: What does the woman mean?30. W: I don’t think I want to live in the dormitory next year. I need more privacy.M: I know what you mean. But check out the cost of renting an apartment first,I wouldn’t be surprised if you changed your mind.Q: What does the man think the woman will do?Part BQ31~34M: Hi, Sue, Where have you been?W: Oh, Hi, Dan, I was just at the library. I have to hand in my biology paper tomorrow.M: Tomorrow? Oh, no, I thought it wasn’t due till Monday.W: Oh. Don’t worry. It is due Monday. But I’m going away for the weekend and won’t be back till Monday night.M: OH, where are you going?W: California. We’re having a family reunion. It’s my grandmother’s ninetieth birthday. So all the cousins and aunts and uncles are going. She planned the whole thing herself.M: Mow. That’s great. How many people will be there?W: Around sixty. My family is big and spread up, but we’re pretty close. So have you started working on your biology paper?M: Yeah. I’m doing it on bees and how they’re able to recognize whether another bee is related to them.W: How can they tell?M: They use their sense of smell. The sweat bees guard their nests this way.If another bee approaches the nest, the guard determines if the new bee is familiar. If it is, it’s allowed to enter.W: Interesting. Can other insects do this?M: Well, the paper wasps(胡蜂)can. Each wasp nest has a special combination of plant fibers and so the wasps that live there have a unique smell. Those two are the only kinds I’ve read about so far.M: Well, you’ve still got time. It sounds like that the bees are picky about who comes to their family reunion.31. What is the relationship between the speakers?31. Why was the man worried at first?33. According to the man, how do some bees use their sense of smell?34. What will the man probably do over the weekend?Q35~38W: Hi, Jim. What are you doing?M: Oh, Hi, Linda. I’m working on a report on energy resources for my environmental science class. But I’m having trouble finding enough information.W: You know, we were talking about sources of fuel my class today.M: Yeah?W: Prof. Collins. He is an authority on energy source. He was telling us abouta new way of getting fuel oil from coal.M: I didn’t know that was possible.W: He said something about coal being set on fire and blasted with a mixture of steam and oxygen. This process produces a gas made up of hydrogen and carbon, the … hum, the basic elements of oil.M: And then they do something to change that gas to oil?W: Right. First, since coal contains fewer hydrogen atoms than oil, they have to add some extra hydrogen to the gas. Then impurities are washed out with methanol(甲醇), I think, before this gas is sent on to reactors where it’s changed into oil.M: Since coal is so plentiful I guess it won’t be long will this new type of oil will be available all over the place, ah?W: I doubt it. Prof. Collins said something about the process not be economically enough to use in this country. At any rate(无论如何), you really ought to talk to him. He’ll be able to help you more than I can and he’s got office hours all afternoon today.M: Thanks. He’s over in Anderson Hall, right?W: Right.35. What are the students mainly discussing?36. How did the woman learn about the process she describes?37. In the process described by the woman, why is the coal burned?38. What does the woman mention as a disadvantage of the process she describes?Part CQ39-42It may seem strange that we’re discussing music form a Broadway production in this class, “The Lion King” especially, since it’s based on a popular Hollywood movie. I mean music performed for Broadway theater in the heart of New York city surely would seem to be in the western tradition of popular music and not have much in common with the music we have been studying in this course, such as garnelan music of Indonesia or Zulu chants of South Africa, music that developed outside the western tradition of Europe and America. But in fact, musicians have a long-standing(长期存在的) tradition of borrowing from one another cultures. And this production’s director intentionally included both western and non-western music. That way, some of the rhythms, instruments, harmonies typical of non-western music contrast with and complement popular music more familiar to audiences in North America and Europe, music like rock, jazz or Broadway style show tunes. So I wanted to spend the rest of this class and most of the next one on the music from the show“The Lion King”as a w ay of summarizing some of the technical distinctions between typical western music and the non-western music that we’ve been studying. Now the African influence on the music is clear. The story takes place in Africa. So the director got a South African composer to write songs with a distinctly African sound. And the songs even include word s from African languages. But we’ll get back to the African influence later. First let’s turn to the music that was written forthe shadow puppet scenes in “The Lion King”, music based o n the Indonesian music used in the shadow puppet theater of that region.39. What is the talk mainly about?40. What can be inferred about most of the music the students have studied in the course?41. Why were African works included in some songs for the Broadway version of “The Lion King”?42. What will the professor probably talk about next?Q43~46In ancient times, many people believed the earth was a flat disc. Well over 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosophers were able to put forward two good arguments proving that it was not. Direct observations of heavenly bodies was the basis of both these arguments. First, the Greeks knew that during eclipses of the moon, the earth was between the sun and the moon, and they saw that during these eclipses, the earth’s shadow on the moon was always round. They realized this could be true only if the earth was spherical(球形的). If the earth were a flat disc, then its shadow during eclipses would not be a perfect circle, it would be stretched out into a long ellipse. The second argument was based on what the Greeks saw during their travels. They noticed that the North Star, or Polaris(北极星), appeared lower in the sky when they traveled south, in more northerly regions, the North Star appeared to them to be much higher in the sky. By the way, it was also from this difference in the apparent position of the North Star that the Greeks first calculated the approximate distance around the circumference of the earth, a figure recorded in ancient documents says 400000 stadia(视距), that's the plural of the word stadium. Today, it’s not known exactly what length one stadium represents, but let’s say it was about 200 meters, the length of many athletic stadiums. This would make the Greek’s estimate about twice the figure accepted today, a very good estimate for those writing so long before even the first telescope was invented.43. What is the talk mainly about?44. According to the professor, what were the beliefs of the Greek philosophers based upon?45. What does the professor say about ancient Greeks who traveled south?46. What does the professor say the term stadium refers to?Q47~50Good morning, class. Before we begin today, I would like to address an issue that one of you reminded me of after the last lecture. As you may recall, last time I mentioned that Robert E. Pearly was the first person to reach the North Pole. What I neglected to mention was the controversy around Pear’s pioneering accomplishment. In 1910, a committee of the national geographical societyexamined Commodore Pear’s claim to have reached the North Pole on April 6th1909 and found no reason to doubt him. This judgment was actually confirmed by a committee of the US congress in 1991. Nevertheless, Pear’s claim was surrounded by controversy. This was largely due to the competing claim of Doctor Frederic Cook who told the world he had reached the Pole a four-year earlier. Over the decades Perry was given the benefit of the doubt, but critics persisted in raising questions about his navigation and the distances he claimed to have covered. So the Navigation Foundation spent an additional 12 months of exhaustive examination of documents relating to Pear’s polar expedition. The documents supported Pear’s claims about the distances he covered. After also conducting an extensive computer analysis of photos taken by Pearly at the pole, they concluded that Pierre and his companions did in fact reach the near vicinity of the North Pole on April 6th, 1909. OK, today we’re going to talk about exploration of the opposite end of the world. I assume you all read chapter 3 in our text and are now familiar with the names: Emerson and Scott.47. Why did the professor mention the controversy surrounding Pearly?48. What did Doctor Cook maintain?49. How did the experts determine the Pearly reached the North Pole?50. Which topic will most probably be included in the continuation of today’s lecture?。

校内推免成绩公示序号考生姓名报考专业专业成绩外语成绩1张思妍海洋油气工程92 91 2李舒展海洋油气工程96 93 3姜萌磊海洋油气工程94 95 4李磊海洋油气工程92 92 5吕延军力学90 90 6毛少文油气井工程89 88 7晏敏油气井工程90 80 8张儒鑫油气井工程88 85 9车阳油气井工程90 90 10徐建平油气井工程94 92 11王金锡油气井工程90 88 12文豪油气井工程89 85 13韦世明油气井工程91 85 14周博成油气井工程91 90 15李泽俊油气井工程90 90 16刘昱油气井工程91 92 17郑睿油气井工程91 90 18高热雨油气井工程86 80 19徐东明油气井工程90 90 20饶翔油气田开发工程90 90 21潘文油气田开发工程90 92 22曹猛油气田开发工程90 85 23杨琳琳油气田开发工程90 95 24李鼎一油气田开发工程90 80 25刘梦云油气田开发工程88 85 26王晗路油气田开发工程90 80 27夏赟油气田开发工程95 95 28于馥玮油气田开发工程92 80 29苏航油气田开发工程90 80 30罗维芸油气田开发工程91 88 31李钟原油气田开发工程91 90 32康莉霞油气田开发工程91 88 33田英英油气田开发工程90 80 34李欣伦油气田开发工程92 88 35张文卓油气田开发工程87 92 36栗孝政油气田开发工程84 88 37刘思平油气田开发工程86 92 38任广聪油气田开发工程88 95 39曹宸瑜油气田开发工程91 94 40张泽权油气田开发工程87 92 41张一凡油气田开发工程92 98 42李若楠油气田开发工程88 9344庞洁琼油气田开发工程90 98 45孙丽婷油气田开发工程90 90 46韦杰迈油气田开发工程87 90 47凌卿油气田开发工程87 90 48张兆鹏油气田开发工程92 98 49张弛油气田开发工程92 952016年度石油与天然气工程领域工程硕士拟录取名总成绩92 95 94 92 90 88 87 87 90 93 90888990 90 92 91 84 909091 89 92 87 87 87 95 88 879091 90 87 91 88 85 88 90 92 88 94 8993 90 88 88 94 9384是83是86是89是88是87是87是93是88是88是87是86是91是89是89是91是92是92是93是工程领域工程硕士拟录取名单公示然气工程工程硕士-石油与天176837962.5然气工程工程硕士-石油与天268838575.5然气工程工程硕士-石油与天256847872.5然气工程工程硕士-石油与天246848773.5然气工程工程硕士-石油与天256859075.75然气工程工程硕士-石油与天214868369然气工程工程硕士-石油与天204919171然气工程。

中石油模拟托福同义词汇_2Typify---characterize 具有。
特点Supplement---add to 补充,增加Contemporary---written at that time 当代的Representative---typical 典型的Prized---valued 被看作有价值的,贵重的、宝贵的Overtaken---surpassed赶上,超过Intervals---periods 间隔,周期Freeing---releasing释放Plunge---drop 投入、跳进,滴、落下Collective---group集体的,团体的Resolve---find a solution for 溶解Noticed---observed 察觉,观察、遵守Tangled---twisted together 纠结的、紊乱的Concealed---covered 隐蔽的Accordingly---for that reason 因此、于是Recorded---documented 记录的,备有证明问价的Drawing---attracting 吸引 instruct 指导,通知,命令,教授Crucial---important重要的,决定性的Avail themselves---make use 利用Ponderous---heavy 笨重的,沉重的Unique---particular独特的,独有的Attained---achieved 取得,得到Abundant---plentiful 丰富的、充裕的Peculiar---distinctive 特殊的,有特色的Meticulously---carefully细致的、一丝不苟的,小心的Durability---endurance耐久性、坚固,忍耐力、忍耐、持久Carved---incised 雕刻的Consumed---eaten 消耗,吃Innovative---new 革新的、创新的Extract---remove 取出,调动Whether---if是否Scorched---burned 烧焦的Obtain---acquire 获得、去得Consequence---result 结果Striking---noticeable 显著的,显而易见的Exceed---go beyond 超过Generated---caused生成、发生,引起、使发生Norm---standard 规范,标准Henceforth---from that time on 今后、从此以后Mandated---required 托管,需要Immutable---unchangeable 不变的Revered---respected 令人尊敬的Extolled---praised 赞美Consistent---constant 始终如一的,恒定的、不变的Intent---goal目的、意图、急切的,目标Administered---managed 管理、负责Periphery---outer edge 外围、边缘,外缘Inception---beginning 起初,开始Fabricating---constructing 制作,构造Resort to---using 依靠、求助于,利用、使用Ingenuity---resourcefulness 独出心裁的,心灵手巧的Characteristics---qualities 特性Functional---usable 功能的,可用的Significant---meaningful 重大意义的Attained---reached 取得,得到、到达Flamed---burned 火烧的Encompass---include 包含Came to the forefront---became importantHinged on---depended on 依。


首先,让我们来看一道典型的托福阅读题目:Passage 1: Fossils in Greenland。

托福(Test of English as a Foreign Language)是全球最具权威性的英语语言测试之一,被许多国家和地区的高等教育机构和企事业单位广泛接受。

图3.1 研究生院主页图3.2 系统链接图3.3 系统登陆界面登陆账号和初始密码非全日制研究生登陆用户名为学号,初始密码是身份证号后六位(遇到字母,请往前推进一位,即去掉字母的后六位身份证号)。



阅读1. What is the main reason that people developedmethods of refrigeration?○A They wanted to improve the flavor and nutritional value of food.○B They needed to slow the natural processes that cause food to spoil.○C They needed a use for the ice that formed on lakes and rivers.○D They wanted to expand the production of certain industries.2. The word perishable in paragraph 1 is closestin meaning to○A capable of spoiling○B uncooked○C of animal origin○D highly nutritious3. What can be inferred from paragraph 1 aboutcold storage before the invention of artificialrefrigeration?○A It kept food cold for only about a week.○B It was dependent on a source of ice or snow.○C It required a container made of metal or wood.○D It was not a safe method of preserving meat.4. Artificial refrigeration involves all of thefollowing processes EXCEPT○A the pumping of water vapor through a pipe○B the rapid expansion of certain gases○C the evaporation of a volatile liquid○D the transfer of heat from one place to another5. Which sentence below best expresses theessential information in the highlightedsentence in paragraph 2? Incorrect choiceschange the meaning in important ways or leaveout essential information.○A It takes a lot of energy to transform a liquid into a vapor, especially when thevapor loses heat.○B Some gases expand rapidly and give offenergy when they encounter a very coldTHE DEVELOPMENT OFREFRIGERATIONCold storage, or refrigeration, is keeping food at temperatures between 32 and 45 degrees F in order to delay the growth of microorganisms—bacteria, molds, and veast—that cause food to spoil. Refrigeration produces few changes in food, so meats, fish, eggs, milk, fruits, and vegetables keep their original flavor, color, and nutrition. Before artificial refrigeration was invented, people stored perishable food with ice or snow to lengthen its storage time. Preserving food by keeping it in an ice—filled pit is a 4,000-year-old art. Cold storage areas were built in basements, cellars, or caves, lined with wood or straw, and packed with ice. The ice was transported from mountains, or harvested from local lakes or rivers, and delivered in large blocks to homes and businesses.Artificial refrigeration is the process of removing heat from a substance, container, or enclosed area, to lower its temperature. The heat is moved from the inside of the container to the outside. A refrigerator uses the evaporation of a volatile liquid, or refrigerant, to absorb heat. In most types of refrigerators, the refrigerant is compressed, pumped through a pipe, and allowed to vaporize. As the liquid turns to vapor, it loses heat and gets colder because the molecules of vapor use energy to leave the liquid. The molecules left behind have less energy and so the liquid becomes colder. Thus, the air inside the refrigerator is chilled.Scientists and inventors from around the world developed artificial refrigeration during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. William Cullen demonstrated artificial refrigeration in Scotland in l748, when he let ethyl ether boil into a partial vacuum. In l805, American inventor Oliver Evans designed the first refrigeration machine that used vapor instead of liquid. In l842, physician John Gorrie used Evans’s design to create an air-cooling apparatus to treat yellow—fever patients in a Floridahospital. Gorrie later left his medical practice andliquid.○C When kinetic energy is changed to heat energy, liquid molecules turn into vapormolecules.○D During evaporation, the vapor molecules use energy, and the liquidbecomes colder.6. According to the passage, who was the firstperson to use artificial refrigeration for apractical purpose?○A William Cullen○B Oliver Evans○C John Gorrie○D Adolphus Busch7. The word it in paragraph 3 refers to○A printer○B refrigerator○C type○D ether8. Why does the author discuss the brewingindustry in paragraph 4?○A To compare cave storage with mechanical refrigeration○B To describe the unique problems that brewers faced○C To praise the accomplishments of a prominent brewer○D To show how refrigeration changed a whole industry9. The word constrained in paragraph 4 is closestin meaning to○A restricted○B spoiled○C improved○D alternated10. According to the passage, the first refrigeratedrailcar used what material as a cooling agent?○A Ether○B Ice○C Ammonia○D CFCs11. The word toxic in paragraph 5 is closest inmeaning to experimented with ice making, and in l85l he was granted the first U.S. patent for mechanical refrigeration. In the same year, an Australian printer, James Harrison, built an ether refrigerator after noticing that when he cleaned his type with ether it became very cold as the ether evaporated. Five years later, Harrison introduced vapor-compression refrigeration to the brewing and meatpacking industries.Brewing was the first industry in the United States to use mechanical refrigeration extensively, and in the 1 870s, commercial refrigeration was primarily directed at breweries. German-born Adolphus Busch was the first to use artificial refrigeration at his brewery in St. Louis. Before refrigeration, brewers stored their beer in caves, and production was constrained by the amount of available cave space. Brewing was strictly a local business, since beer was highly perishable and shipping it any distance would result in spoilage. Busch solved the storage problem with the commercial vapor-compression refrigerator. He solved he shipping problem with the newly invented refrigerated railcar, which was insulated with ice bunkers in each end. Air came in on the top, passed through the bunkers, and circulated through the car by gravity. In solving Busch’s spoilage and storage problems, refrigeration also revolutionized an entire industry. By 1891, nearly every brewery was equipped with mechanical refrigerating machines.The refrigerators of today rely on the same basic principle of cooling caused by the rapid evaporation and expansion of gases. Until l929, refrigerators used toxic gases—ammonia, methyl chloride, and sulfur dioxide—as refrigerants. After those gases accidentally killed several people, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) became the standard refrigerant. However, they were found to be harmful to the earth’s ozone layer, so refrigerators now use a refrigerant called HF134a, which is less harmful to the ozone.○A dense○B poisonous○C rare○D expensivepassage. Where would the sentence best fit?Gorrie’s basic principle of compressing a gas, and then sending it through radiating coils to cool it, is the one most often used in refrigerators today.Scientists and inventors from around the world developed artificial refrigeration during the eighteenth andethyl ether boil into a partial vacuum. In 1805, American inventor Oliver Evans designed the first refrigeration’s design to create anair-cooling apparatus to treat yellow-fever patients in a Florida hospital.Gorrie later left his medicalpractice and experimented with ice making, and in 1851 he was granted the first U.S. patent for mechanicalIn the same year, an Australian printer, James Harrison, built an ether refrigerator after noticing that when he cleaned his type with ether it became very cold as the ether evaporated. Five years later, Harrison introduced vapor—compression refrigeration to the brewing and meatpacking industries.13—14. An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.Answer Choiees○A A refrigerator has an evaporator that makes the inside of the refrigerator cold.○B People used to preserve food by packing it with ice or snow in cold storage areas.○C Artificial refrigeration Was made possible by the compression and evaporation of avolatile substance.○D William Cullen developed a method ofartificial refrigeration in 1748.○E Practical uses of vapor-compression refrigeration were introduced in thenineteenth century.○F CFCs have not been used as refrigerants since they were found to damage the earth’sozone layer.15. According to the passage, how did CanadianEnglish become a distinct variety of NorthAmerican English? ○A Linguists noticed that Canadians spoke a unique dialect.○B A large group of Loyalists settled in oneregion at the same time.○C Growth of the middle class led to a standard school curriculum.○D Canadians declared their language to be different from U.S. English.16. The word norms in paragraph 1 is closest inmeaning to○A patterns○B history○C words○D ideas17. The phrase a great deal in common with inparagraph 2 is closest in meaning to○A different words for○B the same problems as○C many similarities to○D easier pronunciation than18. In paragraph 2, what point does the author makeabout Canadian English?○A Canadian English is more similar to American than to British English.○B American and British visitors define Canadian English by their own norms.○C Canadian English has many words that are not in other varieties of English.○D Canadians speak English with an accent that Americans cannot understand.19. The phrase the two varieties in paragraph 3refers to○A People who live outside North American○B Canadian English and American English○C General Canadian and North American○D British English and Canadian English 20. The word spot in paragraph 3 is closest inmeaning to○A describe○B ignore○C preferCANADIAN ENGLISHCanadian English is a regional variety of North American English that spans almost the entire continent. Canadian English became a separate variety of North American English after the American Revolution, when thousands of Loyalists, people who had supported the British, left the United States and fled north to Canada. Many Loyalists settled in southern Ontario in the l780s, and their speech became the basis for what is called General Canadian, a definition based on the norms of urban middle-class speech.Modern Canadian English is usually defined by the ways in which it resembles and differs from American or British English. Canadian English has a great deal in common with the English spoken in the United States, yet many Americans identify a Canadian accent as British. Many American visitors to Canada think the Canadian vocabulary sounds British—for example, they notice the British “tap”and “braces”instead of the American “faucet”and “suspenders.” On the other hand, many British people identify a Canadian accent as American, and British visitors think the Canadians have become Americanized, saying “gas”and “truck”for “petrol”and “lorry.”People who live outside North America often find it difficult to hear the differences between Canadian and American English. There are many similarities between the two varieties, yet they are far from identical. Canadian English is instantly recognizable to other Canadians, and one Canadian in a crowded room will easily spot the other Canadian among the North Americans.There is no distinctive Canadian grammar. The differences are mainly in pronunciation, vocabulary, and idioms. Canadian pronunciation reflects the experience of a people struggling for national identity against two strong influcaces. About 75 percent of Canadians use the British “zed”rather than the American “zee” for the name of the last letter of the alphabet. On the other hand, 75 percent of Canadians use the American pronunciation of “schedule,”○D find21. Which sentence below best expresses theessential information in the highlighted sentencein paragraph 4? Incorrect choices change themeaning in important ways or leave outessential information.○A Canadian English has been strongly influenced by both British and AmericanEnglish.○B Canada is the only nation where people can deliberately choose whichpronunciation they prefer.○C Canadians have tried to distinguish themselves as a nation, and this effort isshown in their pronunciation.○D Many newcomers to Canada must work hard to master the national style ofpronouncing English.22. All of the following words originated in NorthAmerican Indian languages EXCEPT○A kerosene○B parka○C Canada○D kayak23. Which of the following can be inferred fromparagraph 5 about vocabulary?○A Vocabulary is the most distinctive feature of Canadian English.○B World Standard English has a very large vocabulary.○C Canadians use more Noth American Indian words than Americans do.○D Much of the vocabulary for ice hockey originated in Canada.24. The author discusses the expression “eh”inparagraph 6 as an example of○A an idiom that uniquely characterizes Canadian speech○B an expression that few people outside Canada have heard○C a style of Canadian drama and literature○D a word that cannot be translated into other languages“tomato,”and “missile.”The most obvious and distinctive feature of Canadian speech is probably its vowel sound, the diphthong“ou.” In Canada, “out” is pronounced like “oat”in nearby U.S. accents. There are other identifying features of Canadian vowels;for example, “cot”is pronounced the same as “caught”and “collar”, the same as “caller.”An important characteristic of the vocabulary of Canadian English is the use of many words and phrases originating in Canada itself, such as “kerosene” and “chesterfield” (“sofa”). Several words are borrowed from North American Indian languages, for example, “kayak,”“caribou,”“parka,”and “skookum” (“strong”). The name of the country itself has an Indian origin;the Iroquois word “kanata”originally meant “village.” A number of terms for ice hockey—“face-off,”“blue-line,”and “puck”—have become part of World Standard English.Some features of Canadian English seem to be unique and are often deliberately identified with Canadian speakers in such contexts as dramatic and literary characterizations. Among the original Canadian idioms, perhaps the most famous is the almost universal use of “eh?” as a tag question, as in “That’s a good movie, eh?”“Eh”is also used as a filler during a narrative, as in “I’m walking home from work, eh, and I’m thinking about dinner. I finally get home, eh, and the refrigerator is empty.”The traditional view holds that there are no dialects in Canadian English and that Canadians cannot tell where other Canadians are from just by listening to them. The linguists of today disagree with this view. While there is a greater degree of homogeneity in Canadian English compared with American English, several dialect areas do exist across Canada. Linguists have identified distinct dialects for the Maritime Provinces, Newfoundland, the Ottawa Valley,southern Ontario, the Prairie Provinces, the Arctic North, and the West. Glossary:diphthong:a speech sound that begins with one vowel and changes to another vowel25. The word homogeneity in paragraph 7 is closestin meaning to○A accent○B change○C creativity○D sameness。


下面就是我给大家带来的中石油托福真题,盼望能关心到大家!中石油托福听力真题听力part A:20道听力单句听力part B:15道短对话,男女3句对话方式听力part C:3长对话+1篇lecture 共15道题听力part C真题:lecture 1:The state of Kansas is called the “Basket of America” because it ranks first in wheat growing and flour milling. In addition, there are hundreds of cattle ranches(大牧场)in western Kansas, some of which cover 50,000 acres. The state is larger than most states, but rather sparsely populated.In pioneer days, many settlers passed through Kansas seeking rich land and gold farther west. Looking upon Kansas as “useless waste of land,”they refused to settle there. However, when Kansas joined the Union in 1861 as a free state opposed to slave labor, the population began to increase. Finally, the railroads helped to attract settlers by selling them inexpensive land.1. The state of Kansas is known chiefly for its___.A. rich land and goldB. railroads and highwaysC. cheap slave laborD. wheat and flour milling2. How can Kansas best be described?A. The population is small, but the state islargeB. It is a large state with a large population.C. The state is small and it has few people.D. Its sparse population inhabits 50,000 acres.3. What did early pioneers think about Kansas?A. They thought there was gold in western Kansas.B. They found slave labor too expensive.C. They considered the land unproductive.D. They like the rich soil.4. How did the railroads attract settlers?A. By giving away gold.B. By constructing flour mills.C. By opposing slave laborD. By offering cheap land.5. The chief occupation of most people in Kansas is ____________.A. running railroadsB. miningC. farmingD. manufacturing选自《高校英语2复习资料》lecture 2:One of the main complaints of the city residentsin the United States is the number of homeless cats and dogs. It has been estimated by Friends of Animals Incorporation that more than 30 million cats and dogs are wandering through the streets of the cities. Each year, about a fifth of these animals are destroyed. A survey of 41 cities reports that as much as 15 million dollars is spent to capture and kill those animals every year. One city alone, Chicago, spends$1,000,000 a year to control its animal population. On the other hand, though you can find quite a lot of cats and dogs wandering in New York, the city government doesnt spend any money on animal control.1. What is Friends of Animals, Inc?A A tax-funded organizationB A society which roams the streets.C A control center for destroying straysD An agency interested in animals.2. Which of the following shows a lack ofinterest in animal control?A ChicagoB New York CityC Friends of Animals, IncD The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.选自《高校英语听力第四册lesson20》lecture 3:The Great LakesThe five bodies of water known as the Great Lakes are on or near the border between the United Statesand Canada. Lake Superior9 holds the most water. Lake Erie holds the least. Lake Michigan is the only one located totally within the United States. The other two are Lake Huron and Lake Ontario. The five Great Lakes are the largest group of fresh water lakes on Earth. Together, they contain about twenty percent of the fresh water in the world. There are about thirty-five thousand islands in the Great Lakes.The Great Lakes control much of the weather on the land that surrounds them. In the winter, moisture10 picked up by winds produces large amounts of snow, especially in the states of Michigan, Ohio and New York.The lakes also cool the air in the summer, thenslowly move the heat over the area in the fall. This makes the area good for producing grapes for wine. The lakes supply drinking water to millions of people living in both the United States and Canada. In the past, industry used the Great Lakes to move products such as iron, coal, stone, grain and salt. But the amount of shipping11 on the lakes has decreased. Newer, larger ships are too wide for the lakes. But small boats take visitors to many of the islands for vacations.The United States and Canada work together to improve conditions in the Great Lakes area. Officials are now working to change a treaty12 about ways to slow or stop the effects of climate change. They say that less ice formation13 over thelakes in recent years has caused lower water levels.The areas around the lakes report environmental conditions at a conference every two years. Thelast one took place in November of last year. The conference report said some conditions are improving while others are worsening. For example, it reported progress in reducing air pollution, but said some poisons in the air are still a concern.It also said some native plants are decreasing while more than three hundred kinds of non-native fish continue to invade14 the lakes.选自《VOA慢速英语202207130045》lecture 4:讲的是同学找教授谈关于上个论文得了F的事情,教授说他的论文和某某特别像,怀疑是抄袭,同学解释说虽然他俩关系很好,但是他的确没有抄袭,最终老师说给他一次presentation 的机会作为弥补,同学欣然接受。
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10中石油内部的托福经验中石油托福成绩査询10中石油内部的托福经验中石油托福成绩查询话题:中石油托福成绩查询无老师总结经验托福中石油内部的托福经验【无老师力荐】May 3rd, 2010这篇文章内容稍老,但是无老师认为体现的学习方法很值得借鉴。
在考试之前已经对了中石油内部托福有了&多的了解,这些了解多来自于网上特别是地平线bbs, —些前辈的经验。
相对与听力而言,语法和阅读就轻易了很多, 只要英语基础好,语法儿乎可以全对的。
回去一番历年真题,发现了两篇一模一样的阅读,一篇是98 年,一篇是03年的•中石油入职考试一模拟老托福(PBT)的考后留言【无老师力荐】December 30th, 2009感谢从网上和线下获得了很多关于准备这个考试的信息与帮助,我把自己的心得也留下来与后来者分孕,祝福大家找工作的过程中好运连连〜其实托福对我并不陌生,早在2001年10月就参加了ETS的托福考试,也取得了不错的成绩,但当时因为暑假中接受了以沙云龙为首的4大新东方名师的指导, 所以考试准备显得轻松很多,更无找工作的压力了。
这一次为了中石油模拟托福, 我差不多投入了3个月时间来复习准备,一是对我近3、4年来放弃英语学习的惩罚,二是托福考试如果依靠自己单打独斗,不仅入门很慢,各方面信息和资料不完整都是致命的,尤其对于考试中心的出题方式来说。
最后谈谈考试,其实中石油考试中心的老师们都很好, 一是很认真负责,做事很规范严谨,也很热情的对待考生,二是考试结果反馈速度很快,一般一两天就出来结果。
小对话题的核心的核心是什么呢,是找到一个替代词,去替换刚才的说话,即听到的一定不选, 比如对话说。
startO C ,选项有begin类似的,十有八九就是。
语法要去看11-15. 25-30、35-40题,不要觉得对了,要学会否定自己的态度去看,当然无论如何,语法就一个词“合法”,你觉得哪里不合法,就向它开炮吧。