



四川省委党校在职研究生英语复习题(1)一・Structure and Vocabulary 句型和词汇1Bl . Last week the writer went to the theatre・ He was the theatre・(a) to (b) at (c) into (d) onD2・ The young man and young woman were sitting behind him. He was sitting them(a) before (b) above (c) ahead of (d) in front ofC3・___________ did the writer feel? Angry.(a) Where (b) Why (c) H3w (d) WhenA4・ He looked at the man and the woman angri1y. He looked at angrily.(a) them (b) they (c) their (d) usD5・ The young man and the young woman paid ______________ atte nt ion to the writer・(d) noB6. He had a good seat. He was sitting in a good(a) chair (b) place (c) armchair (d) classA7. He was a young in&n. He wasn? t very _________________(a) old (b) big (c) tai 1 (d) largeC8. The writer looked at the man and the woman angri ly. He wasvery ____________(a) sad (b) imhappy (c) cross (d) pl easedC9・ The writer could not bear it. He could not _________________ it.(a) carry (b) suffer (c) stand (d) liftCIO. The young man spoke rudely. He wasn't very ____________________(a) clever (b) rude (c) polite (d) kindCll. He sometimes in bed until lunchtime.(a) stay (b) is staying (c) stays(d) stayinglate last night. (a) in (b) into (c) to(d) atA13. He doesn't get up early on Sundays ・ He gets up ________________ (a) late (b) lately (c) slowly(d) hardly B14. did Aunt Lucy come? By train.C18・ She was his aunt, so he was her _________________(a) When (d) WhereB15・ The writer can breakfast ・ (a) sti 11 (d) alwaysA16. He _______________ raining ・(a) looked (d) watchedD17. Just then, the(a) at once(b) Howt see Aunt Lucy(b) nowout of the window(b) sawtelephone rang ・ It (b) immediately(c) Why_______ ・ He's having(c) oftenand saw that it was(c) remarkedrang ___________ (c) again(d)(d) nieceD19. Breakfast is the first_________________ of the day<(a) food (b) dinner(c) lunch(d) mealB20. Aunt Lucy said, 'Dear me,' because she was ____________________(a) an gry (b) surprised(c) tired(d) pleased3C21. Last summer he went to Italy. He was ________________ Italy last summer.(d) in a friendly way a few lines, but he didn't(a) at(b) to(c) inA22.him a few words of Italian? The waiter<(a) Who taught(b) Who did teach (c) What did he teach (d) Whom did he teachD23. He was a friendly waiter. He spoketo the wri ter (a) friend(b) as friends(c) like friendsB24- The writerunderstand a word.(d) readingC25・ He spent the whole day in his room・ He was in hi s room day.(a)the hole (b) the all (c) all (d) al 1 ofC26・ A waiter usually works in a _________________(a) publi c garden (b) shop (c) restaurant (d) private houseB27. The waiter lent him a book. He _______________ a book from the wai ter.(a) lent(d) stoleday of his holiday.(d) bottomone (b) borrowed (c) tookA28- On the last day he made a big decision. It was the(a) final (b) end (c) latestB29. He made a big decision. He(a) thought about it (b) made up his mind(c) changed his mind (cl) made a wishB30- He didn t write a single card. So hecards except onemonths ago. (a) to (b) in (c) at(d) intoB32・ Tim is in Australia, How long _________________ there? (a) is he (b) has he been (c) has he(d) was hehasn‘ t seen himJan uary. (a) for (d) byA34. He has just bought an Austral ian car. He bought one (a) a short time ago (b) a long time ago (c) last year(d) six months agoC35 ・ He has just goneto Alice Springs ・ He has neverthere before ・(c) wrote just one(d) wrote all theA31 • Tim is in AustralHe wentAustralia sixB33.Tim has been in Australia for six months,Hi s brother(b) since(c) from(d) wasB36・ Tim is working for a big firm・ He is working for a big(a) society (b) company (c) factory (d) storeC37・ He has vi si ted a great number of different places. He hasn J t stayed in __________ place・(a) the only (b) a similar (c) the same (d) alikeA38. Alice Springs is a small town. A town is usually _______________(a) bigger than a vi 1 lage but smal I er than a city (b) bigger than a city(c) the same size as a city (d) the same size as a villageC39. He will soon visit Darwin. He will visit Darwin ________________(a) quickly (b) for a short tiine (c) shortly (d) in a hurryC40. He wi11 f1y to Perth・ He wi11 go there ___________________(a) with air (b) in air (c) by air (d) through airD41. Mr. Scott has a garage・ The garage is(d) hishe has just bought twelve pigeons.(a)That's so (b) That's why (c) Because (d) ForC43 • He has just bought twelve pigeons. When did he them?(a) bought (b) buys (c) buy (d) buyingD44 . What,s the distance from Pinhurst to Silbury? Howi s Pinhurst Si l bury?(a) long ago ・・・ until (b) l ong ..・ away(c) away・・・ till (d) f ar . . . fromA45 •The pigeon f1ew from one garage to the other three minutes・(a) in (b) into (c)withB46. Mr. Scott has a garage in S订bury. His _________________ g arage is in Pinhurst・(d) differentB42 •Mr. Scott cannot get a telephone for his garage.C47. Mr. Scott can't get a telephone. Telephones are hard to(a) take (b) receive (c) obtain (d) findB48 . He has sent requests for spare parts. He has spare parts.(a) asked (b) asked for (c) begged (d) pl easedA49- Urgent messages are important, so they must be sent _(a) quickly (b)slowly (c)by hand (d)largelyD50. Mr. Scott's telephone service, is private. It is(a) general (b) spare (c) secret (d) his ownC51 • The writer has just moved to a new house. She was yesterday.(a) at house (b) to the house (c) at home (d) in the homeD52. She gavewas a beggar・(a) told (b) said me(d) saidA54. Everybody knows him. ________________ know \(a) They all (b) Each(d) Al 1 theyD55・___________ does he call? Once a month.(a) How seldom (b) How long(d) How oftenA56・ A beggar is a person who ________________(a) asks for money but doesn't work food(c) works hardworkB57・ You can have a meal _______________(a)only in the morning (b) at any(c) only at midday (d) onlyA58. She gave him a piece of cheese. He put cheese in his pocket・(a) bit(d) packet (c) told to meim.(c) Every(c)How soon(b) asks for(d)is out oftimen the evening(c) block (b) bareveryone.(a) shouts at (d) visits(d) routeC61. _________ were detectives waiting? At the airport.(a) Why (b) When(c) Where(d) WhatD62 ・ ___________ were they expecting? A valuable parcel of diamonds ・ (a) Why (b) When(c) Where(d) WhatA63・ Someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds. This happened __________________ the plane arrived ・ (a) before (b) after(c) when(d) as soon asC64. The detectives went into the building and waited(b) calls (c) cries out atA60- Al 1 the houses in ourare the same age and si ze<(a) street (b) way(c) road(d) forD65・ Two men took the parcel, off the plane・ They ________________(a) took off it (b) it took off (c) took off (d) took it offA66 ・ The detectives were _________________ a valuable parcel of diamonds・(a) expecting (b) waiting (c) expecting for (cl) expecting toC67. The parcel was valuable. Tt was _________________(a) worth (b)worthy (c) precious (d) valueB68- The thieves wanted to ________________ t he diamonds.(a) rob (b) steal (c) take from (d) take toA69. The detectives waited inside the main building・ This was the bui1 di ng.(a) most important (b) smallest (c) first (d) greatestB70・ Someone had filled the parcel with stones and sand・ It was_______________ s tones and sand.(a) ful 1 wi th (b) ful 1 of (c) full by(d) full inB71. Bill Frith,s garden is larger than Joe,s. It is(a) 1arger garden (b) a large garden (c) large garden(d) largest gardenA72. B订1 is a hard worker. He works than Joe.(a) harder (b) more hard (c) more hardl y (d) hardierC73. Joe,s garden is more interesting Bill's.(a) by (b) for (c) than (d) fromC74. The writer is fond of gardens. _________________(a) They like him (b) They like to him (c) He likes them (d) He 1 ikesB75 ・ Joe,s garden is the best in the town. It's the best them all.(a) in (b) of (c) for (d) byB76. Joe wins every time. He always _________________ Bil 1 Frith. (d) earnsA77・ Joe grows more flowers・ More flowers __________________ in hisgarde n.(a) grow (b) grow tai 1 (c) grow up (d) grow bigD78・ Joe's garden is interesting. Joe is _____________ in gardening・(a) interesting (b) interest (c) interestingly(d) interestedB79・ The writer doesn,t 1 ike hard work・ Tt's _____________ t o look after a garden.(a) a hard work (b) a hard job (c) hard job (d) hardly a jobB80. Every year the writer enters for the garden competition(a) very (b) also (c) and (d) eitherD81 ・ They went to the Town Hal 1 on Wednesday evening. They went(a) the evening (b) on the evening (c) evening (d) in the eveningA82. The people ______________ under the Town Hall clock. (a) were (b) was (c) is(d) beA83・ __________ will it strike? In twenty minutes 5time ・ (a) When (b) How 1ong (c) How long ago(d) How muchB84. What time did it stop?(d) a thingD86. How many times did the clock(d) pastedB88 • A clock usually has two hands, a minute hand and hand.(d). a bigfive to twelve<(a) On(b) At(c) In(d) DuringB85. Didhappen? No, nothing happened.(a) nothing(b) anything(c) any(a) hit (b) beat (c) knock(d) strikeB87. It was fifteen minuteseleven.(a) pass(b) past(c) passed(a) a second(b) an hour (c) a timeD89. Most people wear or carry ________________(a)an alarm clock (b) an al arm (c) a clock (d) a watchC90. It refused to welcome the New Year・ It _________________(a) denied it (b) wanted to(c)didrf t want to (d) wished to10D91. Our clavichord is kept in the living roonie That's where we it.(a) kept (b) have kept (c) are keeping(d) keepC92・ It has belonged to our family for years・ It's the _____________(a) families (b) families J(c) family5 s (d)fami lys,B93. The family have had the clavichord ________________ many years.(a) since (b) for (c) from (d) byC94. Who it? Grandfather did.(a) buy (b) was bought (c) bought (d) did buy(d) don't have toC96・ What s it _____________ ? A clavichord. (a) told(b) said(c) called(d) spoken A97・ Tt's kept in the living room ・ That's where we it. (a) have (b) hoid (c) lift(d) carryC98. The visitor damaged it. She ________________ it.11B101. Tony Steele _____________ in to the restaurant when the writer was having dinner.(d) di d goA102. Tony is working at a bank (a) at the moment (b) a year ago(c) since lastyear(d) for a year(a ) hurt ( b (d ) destroyedC99・ Recently it was damaged ・(a) late (b) (d) finallyA100. A friend of my father's(a ) mending( b (d ) buiIding )pained ( c ) brokeShe damaged i t ___________lastly(c) latelyis __________ the clavichord ・ )making( c ) doingB103. he has never borrowed any money from the writer.(a) Last week (b) Up till now (c) Since (d) A week agoC104. did he ask for? &20.(a) How many (b) How (c) How much (d) How fewC105 ・ T have never borrowed any money from you. I lend me some money.(a)want to (b) want (c) want you to (d) you want toA106・ He gets a good salary・ His salary is very _________________(a) good (b) wel 1 (c) fine (d) beautiful C107・ Tony usually gets his salary at the end of the(a) day (b) year (c) month C108・ Tony must pay the money back. He must(d) pay, it once moreB109・ There aren J t enough chairs here for us all. Please bring one.(a) other (b) another (c) extra (d)a differentDll0. He gave him the money immediately. He gave him the money(a) soon (b) in a hurry (c) once more (d) at once12Alli. Our neighbour,_____________ name is Charles Alison, wi 11 sai 1 tomorrow・(a) whose (b) whose his (c) his (d) of whomD112. He will sail from Portsmouth. He is ______________ Portsmouth now.(a) to (b) from (c) on (d) atD113・ His boat,____________ is Topsail, is famous・ name (d) the name of whichAll4. We' 11 have plenty of time・ There will be ______________ time to see him.(a) enough (b) almost enough (c) less than enough (d) hardly enoughD115. We' 11 ____________(a) say him goodbye (b) tell him goodbye (c) tell goodbye to him (d) say goodbye to himA116- He's our neighbour so he lives us.(a) near (b) a long way from (c) in adifferent town from (d) next doorC117. It has sailed across the Atlantic many times. It hassai1ed across the Atlantic ________ ・(a) sometimes (b) always (c) often (d) usuallyDI 18・ He wi11 set out at eight o,clock・ That's when _____________(a) the trip ends (b) the journey ends (c) the voyagestops (d) the journey beginsA119・ He will take part in a race・ He will ___________ init.(a) be (b) take place (c) actA120. The Atlantic is(a) as usually (d) from usual B125・ The police soon.a lake13B121. Most of the young peopl e wil 1 be there, theyoung people will be there. (a) A lot (b) Nearly al 1 (c) Some (d)ManyC122・ How staying? For five days ・ (a) long they will be (b) they wi 11 be (c) long willthey be (d) long they beA123. During this time, they wi 11 give five performances^ That ,s what they 511 dothis time. (a) in (d) while(b) on(c) forB124. The police will have a difficult time(b) as usual(c) than usual…expecting the singers to arriveC126・ They are pop singers・ So(a) they are folk singers (b) they are public singers(c)everyone likes them (d) no one1 ikes themA127・ At present they are visiting all parts of the country. They are doing this(a) now (b) for a short time (c) in future(d)all the timeA128・ They are visiting al 1 parts of the country. So they wi 11 go(a)to cities, towns and villages (c) only to villages(b)only to towns (d) only to citiesA129・ The Greenwood Boys will give five performances・ They will give five(a) recitals (b) executions (c) plays (d) songsD130. Tt's always the same on these occasions・ Tt? s always the same at like this・(d) times14A131. What kind of car did he _________________(a) drive (b) drove (c) driven (d) drivingC132・ As soon as he had got into the car, T said good morning.I said good morning he had g ot into the car.(a) before (b) a long time after (c) just after (d) a moment beforeD133. 'Good morning,' I(a) spoke (b) talked (c) told(d) saidB134・I : speak a few words of French. I don't know French・(a) many (b) much (c) plenty of (d) a littleC135・ Neither of us spoke・ We _______________(a) neither spoke (b) either spoke(c)both didn't speak (d) neither didn,t speakB136・ On the way, a young man waved to me. This happened_(a) before the writer5 s journey (b) duringthe writer's journey(c) after the writer,s journey (d) a 1ong time agoC137・ The young man waved to the writer・ He _________________ film.(a) saluted (b) greeted (c) signaled to (d)noddedB138・ He asked for a 1i ft・ He was a_______________(a) tramp (b) hitch hiker (c) passenger (d) foreignerB139・ He replied in French. He_______________the writer in French.(a) responded (b) answered (c) returned (d) remarkedB140. The writer had reached the town when the young man spoke・(a) often (b) almost (c) sometiines (d) just as15C141. “Mr・ Harmsworth ______________ see you, ” the secretary said.(d) couldB142.(a) did he feel? Very nervous.What (b) How (c) How much (d) WhichC143. The firm couldn't pay large salari es.(a) so (b) such a (c) such (d) a suchD144. turn is it? It's y our turn.(a) Which (b) To w hom (c) Whom (d) WhoseA145. "Mr. Harmsworth, ”I said a weak voice・(a) in (b) wi th (c) on (d) underD146 . Mr. Harmsworth wanted to see me. He wanted to me.(a) watch (b) look at (c) look for (d) speak toC147- I felt nervous because I felt(d) ill(a) angry (b) cross (c) anxious C148. It,s your turn. ____________(a) Tt" s your 1 ine (b)Tt,s your row(c)You' re next(d) It's your chaneeC149・ Don't interrupt! Don't_____________________________________________(a) speak (b) talk (c) talk while I'm talking (d) cut offB150. The writer would receive an extra 1,000 a year・ He would get_____________ 1, 000 a year(a) less (b) more (c) over (d)up16D151 ・ Tf you park your car in the right place you receive a ticket ・(a) will (b) wouldn,t (c) did n't (d) won' tA152. Traffic police never let you _______________ without a ticket・(a) go (b) to go (c) going (d) have goneB153. We welcome you to our city. You _________________ to our city・(a) welcome (b) are welcome (c) have welcomed (d) are welcomingA154. 'No Parking' means ________________parking(c) don,t stop (d) there's no room to park hereD155・ This note is only a reminder・ Tt's ________________(a)nothing (b) no one (C) nothing extra (d) nothing moreA156・ This is a ' No Parking' area・ Cars aren,t allowed in this(a) district (b) country (c) surrounding (d) kingdomD157・ You will enjoy your stay. It will _________________ you.(a) amuse (b) enjoy (c) laugh at (d) pleaseD158 . You will enjoy your stay. How long will you here?(a) rest (b) prevent (c) sit (d) remainD159・ This note is only a reminder・ It will help __________________(a) you remind (b) your souvenit (c) your remembrance (d) you to rememberA160. You cannot fail to obey it. You can't ___________________ t o do thi s.wi thdraw17B161. She must be at least thirty-five years old・ In my opinionshe(a) has (b) is (c) can (d) mustD162. is she? At 1 east thirty-five years old・(a) How (b) How big (c) How much(d) How oldC163・ She must appear in a bright red dress・ She will be dressed reel.(a) wi th (b) on (c) in(d) byC164. She must appear in a bright red dress. That5 s what she(a) has done (b) have to do (c) has to do (d) had cloneB165. She had to wear short socks. Tt was for her to wear them.(d) impossibleA166・ She often appears as a young gir 1. She __________ stage as a young gir1.(a) is presented (b) points(d) seemsA167・ We went to the theatre to see a __________________(a) pl ay (b) game(d) matchC168. Jennifer will take part in the play. She_(a) wi 11 write (b) won,t be in (c) (d) will produce A169・ Men usually wear(a) socks instead of stockings stockings instead of socks(c) either socks or stockings neither socks nor stockingsD170. She is grown up. She is _________________ ・(a) very old (b) an adolescent (c) (d) an adultB171. After T had lunch o After T had____ on the(c) shows(c) toy_______ it. will be in(b)(d)a teenager(d) boughtD172・ She couldn't find her bag・ It wasn't _________________(a) their (b) theirs (c) they' re (d) thereB173・ I was looking for it, the landlord came in.(a) Because (b) While (c) But (d) Even ifC174. I haven,t got a bag・I don,t one・(a) get (b) buy (c) own(d) oweDI75. My dog had taken it into the garden. Tt was ______________ the garden.(a) to (b) into (c) at (d) inC176・ I looked for my bag・ I _____________ it.(a) tried to look after (c) tried to find(b) tried to look at (d) tried to seeA177 ・I had left it on the chair. That's where I it.(a) put let(c) al 1 owed (d) permi ttedC178. The chair was beside the door. It was __________________ it.(a) near (b) far from (c) next to (d) besidesC179. The landlord returned with my bag. He _______________ quickly.(a) turned (b) turned back(c) came back (d) turned roundB180. He gave i t back to me. He __________ to me.(a) turned it (b)returned it(c)turned it back (cl) turned it round20B18k is your favourite sport? Fishing.(a.) Who (b) Which (c) Whom (d) WhoseB182. He cloesn? t catch anything. He never catches(a) nothing (b) anything (c) something (d) everythingC183< T am even 1 ess lucky. T am lucky.(a) more (b) as (c) not so (d) soB184< His bag is empty. He has(a) a empty bag (b) an empty bag (c) empty bag (d)one empty bag(d) the best(a)holds (b)takes hold of (c)catches D189< He always goes _______ with an empty bag< (a) to home (b) to house (c) to the house A190e You must give up fishing. You must (a)stop (b)begin (c)surrender (d)end22D19l.Jane never dreamed _________ a 1etter ・(a.) to receive (b) to receiving (c)of receive (d) that she would receiveD192・ She recei ved a 1 etter from a girl of her own age ・ The girl is she is.interested in. (a) only (b)the one (c)cal 1 (d)the onlyA186. Fishing is my favourite sport. It is (a< the one1 ike best (b) prefer(c)my bestC187.A fisherman usually ______ fish. (a)buys (b) sells (c)tries to catch(d)keepsC188.He neverany fish.(d)takes (d)homeage asB193.Did she _____ the bottle into the sea?(a.) threw (b) throw (c) thrown (d) throwingD194.She never thought it again.(a)for (b)to (c)at (d) aboutA195.The girls write _______ regularly now.(a) to one another (b) the one to the other (c) each to other (d)to otherC196. We were traveling across the Channe1. We went on a across the Channe1・(a)sail (b)travel (c)trip (d)runD197.Jane wrote her name and address on a __________ of paper・(a.) lump (b) bar (c) tube (d) sheetA198.Both girls often write to each other now・ They write ・(a)frequently (b) occasional 1y (c)sometimes (d)nowand againB199.You can buy _______ at the post office・(a.) sweets (b) stamps (c) apples (d) sugarB200.They will travel faster・ They will travel .(a)sooner (b)more quickly (c)hurriedly (d)shorterTranslate the following Chinese to English(见教材第一学期课后练习)三• Translate the following English into Chinese(见教材第一学期课后练习)四・.Reading Comprehension 阅读理解(1)A battery-driven bus, which is not only quiet and pol1ution-free but competitive with the conventional bus on cost and performance, has been developed by a group of British compani es.The prototype (雏形),a fifty-passenger single-deck vehicle, is to go into operation in Manchester shortly, and hopeful 1y, another twenty wi 11 go into regular passenger service within two years in this city and in other cities・Uni ike the smal1 government-support battery bus now undergoing trials in provincial cities, whose low speed and range effectively limits it to city-center operation, the new Silent Rider, with a range of 40 miles between charges and a speed of 40 mph, will take its place with diesel (柴油)busesfor normal urban and suburban servi ces.Its capital cost is higher (about $120, 000 compared with $90, 000 ) but 1 ower maintenance and fuel costs bring it down to a fully competitive cost with the diesel bus over a thirtee门-year life, without taking into account the environmental benefits・ The Chloride battery group, which is developing it in partnership with SELNES (South-East Lancashire and North-East Cheshire Passenger Transport Authority), is confident of a marketed potential of 400 vehicles in about one year・The prototype weighs 16 tons, has a singl e set of batteries, which take three and a half hours to recharge・A 1 arger, Mark TT type, is being designed with two sets of batteries which can be charged in under a minute・ That wi 11 allow low-cost night charging and greater operational fl exibi 1 i ty.1.What could be one of the main reasons preventing the developmentof battery buses?A)Their limited range・B)Their high cost・C)Their heavy weight・D)Their loud noise.2.What is the disadvantage of the battery bus supported by the government?A)It is too small to be used in crowded cities・B)Its service is restricted in cities・C)Tt can only run at a speed of 40 mi 1es per hour・D)Its cost is much higher than that of the diesel bus・3.What does "Chloride battery group" most probably mean?A)The name of a big corporation.B) A type of bus・C)Group of battery factori es・D)The association of bus manufacture・4.The battery buses wi 11 cost less than conventional buses in the long run becauseA)they spend low capital cost over a long periodB)they are stronger and 1ast longerC)they can use cheaper fuel and costless to maintainD)they can be charged at night when elec tri city costs lesspared with the first model, the second model of two being developed isA)lower in capital costB)higher in speedC)more suitable for night operationD)more adaptable to driving condition(2)Around the world two thirds of the people are farmers・ Most of them engage in subsistence farming. This means that they raise plants and animals to furnish their families with food and other supplies・They consume their varied output and have little to sei 1 or to trade for other goods・ Subsi stenee farms were common in the United States at one time, but there are few such farms today.Two thirds of American farmers practice cominercial farming. Commercial farms produce about 97 per cent of the country's agri cul tural goods・ These farms are operated much like other industries・The members of the farm family produce the commodities (商i品)that will be sent to the market・ They sell their products and buy the things they need. Some commercial farms are big factories in the fiel d・ They may be owned by a company or by an indi vidual as an investment・ Most American farms, however, are still operated by families・ A farmer may own or rent his 1 and.In a country as large as the United States, farms vary widely in climate, land surface, soil, water supply, convenience to market, and other characteristics・ Different regions may have different kinds of specialized farms・ Specialized farmers concentrate on the kind of farming best suited to the land and climate, to their technical skills, and to the money they invest in the farm・However, no region is limited to a single type of farm・ Indeed few farms are limited to one crop or commodity・ Where output is varied and no one kind of crop or commodity produces more than half of a farm J s income, it is classified as a general farm. The general farmer grows varied crops to use the different kinds of soils or surfaces on his land and to employ his time and machinery most efficiently.1.Subsistence farmersA)grow crops for their families' own useB)sell a lot of their products for moneyC)trade their varied output for other goodsD)use their agricultural products as commodities2.Subsistenee farmsA)are very popular in the United States nowB)are still common in many parts of the worldC)consist of two thirds of the total number of the farms inthe world todayD)used to be the major form of farming in the world3.Ameri can commerci al farmsA)furnish the country with two thirds of the food its people need。
















省委党校英语试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. 听下面对话,选择正确答案。

(每题2分,共10分)A. 听第一段对话,回答以下问题:- 问题1:What is the man going to do?- 问题2:What time does the meeting start?B. 听第二段对话,回答以下问题:- 问题3:Where does the woman plan to go for her vacation? - 问题4:What is the weather like today?C. 听第三段对话,回答以下问题:- 问题5:What is the woman's opinion about the new policy?2. 听下面短文,选择正确答案。

(每题2分,共10分)A. 听第一段短文,回答以下问题:- 问题6:What is the main topic of the passage?- 问题7:What does the speaker think about the new technology?B. 听第二段短文,回答以下问题:- 问题8:What is the relationship between the two speakers? - 问题9:Why does the man apologize?C. 听第三段短文,回答以下问题:- 问题10:What is the woman's suggestion for the man?二、阅读理解(共30分)1. 阅读以下短文,回答后面的问题。

(每题3分,共15分)A. 文章一:- 问题11:What is the main idea of the passage?- 问题12:According to the passage, what are the benefitsof the new policy?- 问题13:What does the author suggest for the future development?B. 文章二:- 问题14:Who is the author of the article?- 问题15:What is the purpose of the article?2. 阅读以下段落,完成信息填空。



四川省委党校研究生入学考试复习资料英语试题第三、六套阅读题翻译(注:大家好才是真的好啊)第三套阅读理解题翻译PASSAGE ONE (P176)答案:B A C A D报纸必须向读者提供事实,即不搀杂的、无偏见的、客观选取的事实。






















复习大纲第一部分考试题型I.Vocabulary and Structure(20分)Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this Part. For each sentence, there are four choices marked A,B,C,D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.第一单元I.Vocabulary and StructureDirections: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this Part. For each sentence, there are four choices marked A,B,C,D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.1.Billie Holliday’s reputation as a great jazz-blues singer rests on her abilityemotional depth to her songs.A.be givingB. are givenC. being givenD. to give2.Jack said that he had run in order .A.that he catch the busB. that he can catch the busC.to catch the busD. to the bus he could catch3.“Didthe judges ask you many questions?” “Yes, and .”A. they had difficulty being answeredB. they were difficult to answerC. to answer them is difficultyD. answering them being difficulty4. Sometimes to place physics and chemistry into separate categories.A. difficultB. is difficultC. it is difficultD. that is difficult5. Mark admitted that it’s always difficult .A. for him being on timeB. being on time for himC. for him to be on timeD. on time for him6. , a Form 57 must be completed.A. T o apply for this jobB. In order to get this jobC. Making application for this job.D. If you want to apply for this job7. “My baby has an infection.” “Did the doctor find it difficult ?”A. in treatingB. treatingC. for treatingD. to treat8. “I’ll help you whenever you need me.” “Good, I’d like me tonight.”A. you helpingB. that you will helpC. you to helpD. that you help9. “Joe wants me to ask you .” “Yes, I’ll go with you.”A. go with meB. going withC. to go with meD.to going with me10. T o the of a stranger, the economy seems stable enough.A. lookB. sightC. eyeD. view附答案:Vocabulary and Structure1. D2. C3. B4.C5. C6. D7. D8. C9. C 10.C第二单元I.Vocabulary and StructureDirections: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this Part. For each sentence, there are four choices marked A,B,C,D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.1.Theteacher, as well as a number of students, to attend the party.A.askB. were askedC. was askedD. to ask2.I asked two people to help me start my car, but of them knew what to do.A.noneB. bothC. neitherD. no3.I never saw John again, did I hear from him.A.norB. soC. orD. either4.You will get used to it .A.sometimesB. in timeC. on timeD. at times5.I am with the same old unlawful activity.A.boredB. boringC. interestedD. interesting6.Either your teacher or you mistaken.A.areB. isC. beD. been7.I wish you would be more to your father.A.respectfulB. respectedC. respectiveD. respectable8.You should bear in mind that he is not so strong as he .A.was used to beB. used toC. used to beD. used9. The girl walked quietly into the room awake her roommates.A. so as toB. in order not toC. so as to notD. so as10. The medicine is on sale everywhere. You can get it at chemist’s.A. someB. certainC. anyD. any a附答案:Vocabulary and Structure1. C2. C3. A4. B5. A6.B7.A8. C9. B 10.A第三单元I.Vocabulary and StructureDirections: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this Part. For each sentence, there are four choices marked A,B,C,D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.1.They said good-bye, little knowing that they again.A.Were never metB. will never meetC. never metD. were never to meet2. ---Did you write to Mary last month?---No, but I’ll her over Christmas Day.A.Be seenB. be seeingC. have seenD. have been seeing3.He does remember out the window a couple of times within the first few hours.A. to lookB. lookC. being lookedD. looking4. They became so interested in the story that they decided the truth of that matter.A. to findB. to discover outC.to find outD. to find for5. Please leave the key under the mat you go out.A. in caseB. in the caseC. in case ofD. in the case of6. Listening helps speaking, and speaking helps listening.A. likewiseB. in turnC. likelyD. the same7. In spite of their efforts, their came to an end.A. relationshipB. relationC. relativeD. relativity8. Nearly half of the audience had to stay outside because the auditorium was too small and they couldn’t there.A. accommodateB. fit onC. fit outD. fit in9. She was, fame and fortune, basically an unhappy woman.A. despiteB. in spite ofC. thoughD. although10. It was expensive a desk for a child’s room, so the young parents decid ed to look for a cheaper one.A. tooB. farC. suchD. much附答案:Vocabulary and Structure1. D2. B3. D4. D5. A6. B7. B8. D9. B 10.A第四单元I.Vocabulary and StructureDirections: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this Part. For each sentence, there are four choices marked A,B,C,D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.1. In 1958 Marian Anderson her country as a United Nations delegate.A.servedB. was servedC. to serveD. serving2.Daniel Cruise has not .A.lived lonelynessly in time previousB.never before lived soleC.ever lived alone beforeD.before lived without the company of his friends3.to New York, her mother has not heard from her.A. Because she wentB. After she wentC. When she wentD. Since she went4. He has always before.A. been trustingB. proved that he was trustedC. to be trustedD. proved trustworthy5.Her husband and her oldest son has been killed .A. many years beforeB. many years sinceC. many years agoD. many years from now6. “My father will be here tomorrow.” “Oh, I thought that he today.”A. was comingB. is comingC. will comeD. comes7. “Will you pay me now?” “I’ll pay for the grapes on the day you them.”A. will deliverB. would deliverC. deliveredD. deliver8.If it next Saturday, I shall stay at home.A. rainsB. will rainC. would rainD. rained9.Nevada has a limited water supply light rainfall.A.Because itsB. is it becauseC.is because itsD. because of its10.“They were the only men who received votes me.” ”Oh, I see.”A.nextB. besidesC. unlessD. except1.A2.C3.D4.B5.A6.A7.D8.A9.D 10.BII. Comprehension(30分)Directions: In this part, there is THREE short passage with 5 questions or incomplete statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Read the passage carefully and decide on the best choice.第六单元II.Reading ComprehensionDirections: In this part, there is a short passage with 5 questions or incomplete statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D.Read the passage carefully and decide on the best choice.Life insurance isn’t fun to buy. It for ces you to think about your death, a subject many prefernot to confront. But there’s a single, overriding reason to buy life insurance: to provide an income for your dependents should you die.D on’t depend solely on an agent to figure your li fe-insurance needs. Rule-of-thumb estimates such as five or eight times your income are guesses; they may produce too little or too much insurance. Carry too little insurance and you may not provide a reasonable standard of living for your family after your death; carry too much and you may not enjoy a reasonable standard of living while you are alive.M ost people who have life insurance don’t have enough. The median amount of coverage for all adults with life insurance was only ©†15,000 in 1984. That’s obvi ously not enough to sustain a family with young children for very long. Nationwide Insurance found that married men in its 1984 survey carried an average of about ©†101,880 in life insurance; they need about ©†100,706 more. Married women carried about ©†43,516 worth insurance but needed some ©†98,507 more.H ow do you determine the amount of life insurance you would need to maintain yourfamily’s current life-style if the breadwinner died? First, what your family expenses would be if you died tomorrow. Then analyze your assets and the sources of income that you can use to cover the expenses. Finally, subtract the assets from the needs. The result is the amount of additional insurance that you’ll need to buy.1.The passage intends to tell you.A.life insurance isn’t fun to buyB.life insurance is most important in maintaining your family’s current life-styleC.l ife insurance is the result of amount of additional insurance you’ll need to buyD.how to determine the amount of life insurance you would need2.Why is life insurance not fun to buy?A.Because many people prefer not to talk about the subject.B.Because life insurance can be very expensive.C.Because it reminds you that you may die one day.D.Because it forces you to think.3.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?A.Estimates such as five or eight times your income are not reliable.B.Those agents can produce too much insurance.C.You must not rely on agents only to tell you how much life insurance youneed.D.You should believe in neither your agent nor those empirical estimates.4.If you carry too little or too much insurance .A.either you or your family will sufferB.you may not provide a reasonable standard of living for your family afteryour deathC.y ou may not enjoy a reasonable standard of living while you’re aliveD.you will know in the end that they are just wild guesses5.How do you determine the amount of life insurance you would need?A.Analyze your assets and sources of income.B.E stimates your family’s expenses.C.Take away the assets from the expensesD.All of the above参考答案1.D2. C3. B4. A5. D第七单元II.Reading ComprehensionDirections: In this part, there is a short passage with 5 questions or incomplete statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Read the passage carefully and decide on the best choice.So me people think they have an answer to the troubles of automobile crowding and dirty air in large cities. Their answer is the bicycle , or “bike”.In a great many cities, hundreds of people ride bicycles to work every day. In new York City, some bike riders have even formed a group called Bike for a Better City. They claim that if more people rode bicycles to work there would be fewer automobiles in the downtown section of the city and therefore less dirty air from car engines.For several years this group has been trying to get the city government to help bike riders. For example, they want the city to draw bicycle lanes on some of the main streets, because when bike riders must use the same lanes as cars, there are accidents. Bike for a Better City feels that if there were special lanes more people would use bikes.B ut no bicycle lanes have been drawn. Not everyone thinks it is a good idea—they say it will slow traffic. Some storeowners on the main streets say that if there is less traffic, they will have less business. And most people live too far from downtown to travel by bike.The city government has not yet decided what to do to keep everyone happy. Only on weekends, Central Park us closed to cars, and the roads may be used bybicycles only. But Bike for a Better City says that this is not enough and keeps fighting to get bicycle lanes downtown.1.According to the passage, bicycles .A.are more convenient than carsB.are sager traffic tools than carsC.are ridden by most people in U.S.D.are the solution to some city problems2.The idea of special bicycle lanes is most favored by .A.the city governmentB.some bike ridersC.people living far from downtownD.some storeowners3.“Bicycle lanes” probably means .A.narrow passages between buildings for bicycesB.roads full of bicyclesC.special parts of the road for bicycle riders onlyD.roads for bicycles only4.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?A.Bike for a Better City members ride bicycles to work.B.Sometimes accidents may occur when cars and bikes are on the same lanes.C.The Central Park is situated in the downtown section of New York.D.In some cities many people use bikes as they have special lanes.5.The best title for this passage is .A.Traffic Crowding in New York CityB.Air Pollution in New York City by carsC.Serial Lanes for PassengersD. A Solution to Traffic Problems in New York参考答案1. D2. B3. D4. D5.C第八单元II.Reading ComprehensionDirections: In this part, there is a short passage with 5 questions or incomplete statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Read the passage carefully and decide on the best choice.A deep depression already affecting much of Ireland is likely to reach western coasts of Wales and Cornwall early by this afternoon and to spread over these areas generally by evening. It will bring gales increasing locally to storm together with short outbreaks of rain, though with bright intervals.The showers that have been affecting much of Southern England have now moved eastwards leaving clear skies in all areas, but temperatures are likely to drop to around five degrees centigrade. Winds will be light at first but increasing from the west later this evening.The Midlands will have broken cloud cover but will remain dry at first. There arelikely to be some showers later, but in areas near the East Coast there could be some fogs after dark. T emperatures should remain unchanging.Northern England should remain dry though cloud will thicken from the west this afternoon. In western districts winds are likely to increase rapidly this afternoon, with a possibility of snow showers. Temperatures will probably remain above freezing.Scotland will remain bright and sunny with light winds at first, increasing to moderate or even strong as the day goes on. Temperatures will continue to fall, however, reaching minus five degrees centigrade this evening and there is a strong possibility of further snow after midnight.1.This evening can expect high winds.A.Northern EnglandB. the MidlandsC.eastern areasD. western districts2. This afternoon would be likely to arrive in Southern England.A. sunshineB. thunderstormsC. increasingly strong windsD. light rain3. This evening the Midlands .A. will remain dryB. will have widespread fogC. can expect occasional rainD. can become increasingly cold4. This afternoon Northern England will have .A. increasing cloudB. a temperature dropC. continuous rainD. strong winds everywhere5. Which of the following is mentioned in the passage?A. There seems to be some showers in areas near the east coast.B. In the early afternoon Scotland can expect clear skies.C. The whole Southern England will be affected by the deep depression from Ireland.参考答案1. D2.A3.C4.A5. B第九单元II.Reading ComprehensionDirections: In this part, there is a short passage with 5 questions or incomplete statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Read the passage carefully and decide on the best choice.Tokyo is one of those places that you can love and hate at the same time.In Tokyo there are always too many people in the places where I want to be. Of course there are too many cares. The Japanese drive very fast when they can, but in Tokyo they often spend a long time in traffic jams. Tokyo is not different from London, Paris and New York in that it is different when one wants to walk.At certain times of the day there are a lot of people on foot in London’s Oxford Street. But the streets near the Ginza in Tokyo always have a lot of peop le on foot, and sometimes it is really difficult to walk. People are very polite; there are just too many of them.The worst time to be in the street is at 11:30 at night. That is when thenight-clubs are closing and everyone wants to go home. There are 35,000 night-clubs in Tokyo, and you do not often see one that is empty.During the day, most people travel to and from work by train. Tokyo people buy six million train tickets every day. At most station, trains arrive every two or three minutes, but at the certain hours there do not seem to be enough trains. Although they are usually crowded, Japanese trains are very good. They always leave and arrive on time. On a London train you would see everybody reading a newspaper. In Tokyo trains everybody in a seat seems to be asleep, whether his journey is long or short.In Tokyo, I stood outside the station for five minutes. Three fire-engines raced past on the way to one of the many fires that Tokyo has every day. Tokyo has so many surprises that none of them can really surprise me now.1.Tokyo is different from London is that .A.it has a larger populationB.it is a cosmopolitan cityC.it is more difficult to go somewhere on footD.its people are friendlier and more polite2.What time does the writer think is the worst time to go into the street?A.When the night-clubs are closingB.8 o’clock in the morningC.When the train is crowdedD.11:30 a.m.3.What does the writer say about Japanese trains?A.They are very nice and comfortable.B.There are not enough trains.C.They often fall behind scheduleD.They leave and arrive on schedule4.In T okyo trains, every Japanese sitting in the seat .A.reads a newspaperB.falls asleepC.browse through a magazineD.looks out of the window5.From the writer’s observation, we can see the fires break out .A.quite frequentlyB.very rarelyC.occasionallyD.only several times a day参考答案1. C2. A3. D4. B5. A第十单元II.Reading ComprehensionDirections: In this part, there is a short passage with 5 questions or incomplete statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D.Read the passage carefully and decide on the best choice.Captain Spens and Mrs. Spens were flying home from Africa. They were sitting side by side in the aeroplane, for in spite of all his doubts and fears he had found it very easy to persuade her to come back with him; it had been quite unnecessary to say anything about the sack that he had brought in case she was obstinate. The truth of it was that Mrs. Spens had been thinking so much about hats that she had almost forgotten how very fond of her husband she really was; but when she saw him again, it all came back to her. She realized, too, that he must be very fond of her, or he would not have gone to so much trouble and expense to bring her home; and that pleased her so much that she almost agreed at once to return to Popinsay. But neither of them was enjoying the journey, because flying made Mrs.They arrived in London, and spent a day there. Mrs. Spens went shopping, and the Captain, whose cold was rather worse, began to feel seriously ill; for everything in the shops were very expensive indeed. On the following day they went aboard another aeroplane to fly to the north of Scotland, and landed on an airfield between a little town and an angry sea a small steamer that crossed every day to Popinsay. The steamer looked even smaller than usual, for the sea was extremely rough and still running high.1.The reason Captain Spens brought a sack with him was .A.he and his wife had much luggage to carryB.he was uncertain and worried if she could be persuadedC.Mrs. Spens thought it necessary for travelD.Mrs. Spens felt sick when she was flying2.When Mrs. Spens saw her husband again, she .A.had almost forgotten about himB.realized that she really loved himC.understood his intention of persuading her to returnD.was always so obstinate that he feared her3.What made her agree readily to fly back was .A.her concern about hatsB.her heart felt regret for obstinacyC.her husband’s efforts and moneyD.shopping they would have to do in London4.Popinsay is probably a place .A.where the couple went and fell illB.between a town and a seaC.where the couple returned by airD.off the coast of Scotland5.We can assume that the following voyage would be .A.tiringB. dangerousC. smoothD. long 参考答案1. B2.B3.C4.D5. BIII. Cloze(20分)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each bland, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D after the passage. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.ClozeDirections: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each bland, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D after the passage. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.Learning is natural. It begins the 1 we are born. Our 2 teachers are our families. At home we learn to talk and to dress and feed ourselves. We learn these and other skills by 3 .Then we go to school. A teacher tells us what to learn and how to learn. Many teachers teach us, and we pass many exams. Then people say we are 4 .A re we really educated? Let’s think about the real meaning of 5 .Knowing facts does not 6 being able to solve problems. Solving problems 7 creativity, not just a good 8 . Some people who don’t know many 9 are good at solving problems.Henry Ford is a good 10 . He left school at the age of 15. Later when his company could not build cars 11 enough, he solved the problem. He 12 of the assembly line. Today the answer seems 13 . Yet think of the many university graduates who never solved that problem.What does a good teacher do? Does he give students facts to 14 ? Well, yes, we must sometimes remember facts. But a good teacher 15 how to findanswers. He brings us to the 16 of knowledge, so we can drink for ourselves. When we are 17 , we know where to go.True learning combines intake with output. We take information 18 our brains. Then we use it. Think of a 19 : it stores a lot of information, but it can’t think. It only 20 commands. A person who only remembers facts hasn’t really learned. Learning takes place only when a person can use what he knows.1. A. baby B. minute C. hour D. day2. A. first B. good C. normal D. helpful3. A. asking B. listening C. following D. drilling4. A. controlled B. educated C. suffered D. passed5. A. taking B. growing C. answering D. learning6. A. suggest B. say C. mean D. show7. A. requires B. is C. brings D. gets8. A. word B. thing C. memory D. condition9. A. people B. facts C. techniques D. ways10.A. learn B. teacher C. example D. driver11.A. well B. fast C. beautiful D. cheap12.A. managed B. heard C. talked D. thought13.A. ordinary B. good C. simple D. special14.A. grasp B. understand C. master D. remember15.A. knows B. shows C. gives D. encourages16.A. plenty B. pile C. stream D. much17.A. thirsty B. hungry C. cold D. sleepy18.A. of B. for C. about D. into19.A. radio B. computer C. record D. machine20.A. obey B. changes C. sends D. writes参考答案Cloze1.B2.A3.C4.B5.D6.C7.A8.C9.B 10.C11.B 12.D 13.C 14.B 15.D 16.C 17.A 18.D 19.B 20.AClozeDirections: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each bland, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D after the passage. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.How would you like an easy way to earn $2,500? All you have to do is to 1 around and 2 your meals. However, you should stay in a chicken cage with a stranger for3 .There are no books or television or 4 for amusement. You can’t 5 until the week is up. And a 6 will be recording your every movement. Two people actually 7 the job. The idea came from Rob Thompson, a video artist. He wanted to 8 a documentary about the way animals are 9 . His ai m is to raise people’s awareness o f the living conditions of the animals that are raised for food. He decided to 10 $5,000 out of his own savings to two people who are willing to 11 like chickens for a week.To Rob’s surprise, 12 a few people 13 his advertisement. He held interviews and 14 Eric, a restaurant worker, and Pam, a woman doctor. Theplan was for them to spend seven days together in a chicken a cage. Pam and Eric were 15 when they met, and they 16 that they wouldn’t get along. But they were willing to try. They put on long white clothes and 17 the cage. The week was 18 . They slept on a hard wooden floor. They couldn’t 19 .They ate vegetarian mash and drank water from a garden hose. Visitors who came here were 20 :”Do not feed the humans.”1. A. lie B. walk C. sit D. go2. A. ask for B. cook C. wait for D. eat3. A year B. six-days C. nothing D. a week4. A. radio B. light C. computer D. pop stars5. A. sleep B. sing C. move D. leave6. A. tape-recorder B. camera C. TV se D. computer7. A. received B. took C. asked D. refused8. A. record B. make C. put on D. write9. A. raised B. living C. treated D. killed10.A. pay B. give C. take D. send11.A. be raised B. live C. be fed D. walk12.A. quite B. only C. just D. nearly13.A. read B. watched C.remembered D. answered14.A. asked for B. paid for C. selected D. recorded15.A. unhappy B. familiar C. friends D. strangers16.A. worried B. knew C. had known D. found out17.A. walked around B. closed C. sat in D. left18.A. easy B. important C. long but easy D. long and difficult19.A. talk B. stand up C. laugh D. see around20.A. warned B. asked C. reading D. speaking参考答案Cloze1. C2. C3.D4. A5. D6. B7. B8. B9. C 10. A11.B 12. A 13. D 14. C 15. D 16. A 17. C 18. D 19. B 20. AClozeDirections: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each bland, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D after the passage. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.It 1 around nine o’clock when I drove 2 home from work because it was already dark. As I approached the gates I turned off the headlamps of the car so as to prevent the beam from swinging in through the window and waking Jack, who shared the house with me. But I 3 . I noticed that his light was still on, so he was awake anyway-----unless he’d 4 as leep while reading. I put the car away and went up the steps. Then I opened the door quietly and went to Jack’s room. He was in bed awake but he didn’t 5 turn towards me.“What’s up, Jack?” I said.“For God’s sake, don’t make a noise,” he said.The way he spoke reminded me 7 someone 8 who is afraid to talk in case he 9 himself a serious injury.“Take your shoes off, Neville” Jack said.I thought that he must be ill and that 10 humor him to be happy. “There’s a snake here,” he explained. “It’s asleep 11 the sheets. I was 12 on my back reading when I saw it. I knew that moving was out of 13 I couldn’t have moved even if I’d wanted to.” I realized that he was 14 . “I was relying 15 you to call a doctor as soon as you came home,”Jack went on, “It hasn’t bitten me yet but I d are not 16 to upset it.I 17 . I ‘m sick 18 this,” he said, “I 19 that you’d be home an hour ago.”There was no time to argue or apologize 20 late. I looked at him as encouragingly as I could and went cut to telephone the doctor.1. A. had to be B. was to be C. must have been D. should have been2. A. at B. back C. in D. to3. A. needn’t bother B. didn’t need botherC. needn’t have botheredD.mustn’t have bothered4. A. become B. fallen C. gone D. grown5. A. even B. just C. only D. rather6. A. behalf B. love C. reason D. sick7. A. from B. to C. of D. with8. A. with pain B. in pain C. having pain D. having ache9. A. would do B. does C. would make D. makes10. A. I had rather B. I would rather C. I had better D. I would better11. A. between B. beside C. below D. behind12. A. lied B. laid C. laying D. lying13. A. the bargain B. the question C. the chance D. the risk。



研究生英语一参考答案一、听力部分1. A) 根据对话内容,女士询问男士是否需要帮助,男士回答不需要,因为他已经熟悉这个地方了。


2. B) 男士提到他正在寻找一家书店,女士告诉他书店在街对面。


3. C) 对话中女士提到她正在为即将到来的考试复习,因此正确答案是C。

4. D) 男士询问女士是否愿意和他一起去看电影,女士回答说如果时间允许的话她会去。


5. A) 女士询问男士是否已经完成了他的论文,男士回答说还没有,但很快就会完成。


6-10. 根据对话内容,可以分别得出以下答案:6. B)7. C)8. A)9. D) 10. B)二、阅读部分1. 根据文章第一段,作者提到了全球化对教育的影响,因此正确答案是A。

2. 文章第二段提到了不同国家教育体系的差异,正确答案是B。

3. 作者在第三段中讨论了教育的个性化需求,正确答案是C。

4. 第四段中提到了教育技术的发展,正确答案是D。

5. 文章最后一段强调了终身学习的重要性,正确答案是E。

三、完形填空1. 根据上下文,这里需要一个表示“尽管”的词,因此正确答案是Despite。

2. 这里需要一个表示“适应”的词,正确答案是Adapt。

3. 根据语境,这里需要一个表示“挑战”的词,正确答案是Challenges。

4. 这里需要一个表示“观点”的词,正确答案是Perspective。

5. 根据语境,这里需要一个表示“重要性”的词,正确答案是Importance。

6-20. 根据文章内容,可以分别得出以下答案:6. C)7. A)8. B)9. D) 10. E) 11. F) 12. G) 13. H) 14. I) 15. J) 16. K) 17. L) 18. M) 19. N) 20. O)四、翻译部分1. 原文:随着社会的发展,人们越来越重视环境保护。

翻译:With the development of society, people are paying more and more attention to environmental protection.2. 原文:教育不仅仅是学习知识,更重要的是培养个人的综合素质。



四川省委党校在职研究生英语复习题一、Structure and Vocabulary句型和词汇1.Last week the writer went to the theatre. He was the theatre.A.to B.at C.into D.on2.The young man and young woman were sitting behind him. He was sitting______themA.before B.above C.ahead of D.in front of3.did the writer feel? Angry.A.Where B.Why C.How D.When4.He looked at the man and the woman angrily. He looked at angrily.A.them B.they C.their D.us5.The young man and the young woman paid attention to the writer.A.none B.any C.not any D.no6.He had a good seat. He was sitting in a goodA.chair B.place C.armchair D.class7.He was a young man. He wasn't veryA.old B.big C.tall D.large8.The writer looked at the man and the woman angrily. He was very A.sad B.unhappy C.cross D.pleased9.The writer could not bear it. He could not it.A.carry B.suffer C.stand D.lift10.The young man spoke rudely. He wasn't veryA.clever B.rude C.polite D.kind11.He sometimes in bed until lunchtime.A.stay B.is staying C.stays D.staying12.He stayed in bed until lunchtime. He went bed late last night.A.in B.into C.to D.at13.He doesn't get up early on Sundays. He gets upA.late B.lately C.slowly D.hardly14. did Aunt Lucy come? By train.A.When B.How C.Why D.Where 15.The writer can't see Aunt Lucy . He's having breakfast.A.still B.now C.often D.always16.He out of the window and saw that it was raining.A.looked B.saw C.remarked D.watched17.Just then, the telephone rang. It rangA.at once B.immediately C.again D.at that moment18.She was his aunt, so he was herA.son B.grandson C.nephew D.niece19.Breakfast is the first of the day.A.food B.dinner C.lunch D.meal20.Aunt Lucy said, ‘Dear me,' because she wasA.angry B.surprised C.tired D.pleased 21.Last summer he went to Italy. He was Italy last summer.A.at B.to C.in D.on22. him a few words of Italian? The waiter.A.Who taught B.Who did teach C.What did he teach D.Whom didhe teach23.He was a friendly waiter. He spoke to the writerA.friend B.as friends C.like friends D.in a friendly way 24.The writer a few lines, but he didn't understand a word.A.reads B.read C.red D.reading 25.He spent the whole day in his room. He was in his room day.A.the hole B.the all C.all D.all of26.A waiter usually works in aA.public garden B.shop C.restaurant D.private house 27.The waiter lent him a book. He a book from the waiter.A.lent B.borrowed C.took D.stole28.On the last day he made a big decision. It was the day of his holiday.A.final B.end C.latest D.bottom29.He made a big decision. HeA.thought about it B.made up his mind C.changed his mind D.madea wish30.He didn't write a single card. So heA.wrote only one B.didn't write even oneC.wrote just one D.wrote all the cards except one 31.Tim is in Australia. He went Australia six months ago.A.to B.in C.at D.into32.Tim is in Australia, How long there?A.is he B.has he been C.has he D.was he 33.Tim has been in Australia for six months, His brother hasn't seen him_________ January.A.for B.since C.from D.by34.He has just bought an Australian car. He bought oneA.a short time ago B.a long time ago C.last year D.six months ago 35.He has just gone to Alice Springs. He has never there before.A.went B.being C.been D.was 36.Tim is working for a big firm. He is wor king for a bigA.society B.company C.factory D.store 37.He has visited a great number of different places. He hasn't stayedin__________ place.A.the only B.a similar C.the same D.alike38.Alice Springs is a small town. A town is usuallyA.bigger than a village but smaller than a city B.bigger than a city C.the same size as a city D.the same size as a village 39.He will soon visit Darwin. He will visit DarwinA.quickly B.for a short time C.shortly D.in a hurry 40.He will fly to Perth. He will go thereA.with air B.in air C.by air D.through air41.Mr. Scott has a garage. The garage isA.to him B.of him C.of his D.his42.Mr. Scott cannot get a telephone for his garage. he has just boughttwelve pigeons.A.That's so B.That's why C.Because D.For43.He has just bought twelve pigeons. When d id he them?A.bought B.buys C.buy D.buying 44.What's the distance from Pinhurst to Silbury? How isPinhurst Silbury?A.long ago ... until B.long ... away C.away ... till D.far ... from 45.The pigeon flew from one garage to the other three minutes.A.in B.into C.with D.on46.Mr. Scott has a garage in Silbury. His garage is in Pinhurst.A.another B.other C.else D.different 47.Mr. Scott can't get a telephone. Telephones are hard toA.take B.receive C.obtain D.find 48.He has sent requests for spare parts. He has spare parts.A.asked B.asked for C.begged D.pleased49.Urgent messages are important, so they must be sentA.quickly B.slowly C.by hand D.largely50.Mr. Scott's ‘telephone service' is private. It isA.general B.spare C.secret D.his own 51.The writer has just moved to a new house. She was yesterday.A.at house B.to the house C.at home D.in the home52.She gaveA.to him a meal B.a meal for him C.him to a meal D.a meal tohim53.A neighbor told me about him. He Percy Buttons was a beggar.A.told B.said me C.told to me D.said54.Everybody knows him. know him.A.They all B.Each C.Every D.All they55.does he call? Once a month.A.How seldom B.How long C.How soon D.How often56.A beggar is a person whoA.asks for money but doesn't work B.asks for foodC.works hard D.is out of work57.You can have a mealA.only in the morning B.at any timeC.only at midday D.only in the evening58.She gave him a piece of cheese. He put the of cheese in his pocket.A.bit B.bar C.block D.packet59.He calls at every house in the street. He everyone.A.shouts at B.calls C.cries out at D.visits 60.All the houses in our are the same age and size.A.street B.way C.road D.route61.were detectives waiting? At the airport.A.Why B.When C.Where D.What 62.were they expecting? A valuable parcel of diamonds.A.Why B.When C.Where D.What 63.Someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds. Thishappened the plane arrived.A.before B.after C.when D.as soon as64.The detectives went into the building and waitedA.in B.into C.inside D.for65.Two men took the parcel, off the plane. TheyA.took off it B.it took off C.took off D.took it off 66.The detectives were a valuable parcel of diamonds.A.expecting B.waiting C.expecting for D.expecting to 67.The parcel was valuable. It wasA.worth B.worthy C.precious D.value68.The thieves wanted to the diamonds.A.rob B.steal C.take from D.take to69.The detectives waited inside the main building. This was the building.A.most important B.smallest C.first D.greatest 70.Someone had filled the parcel with stones and sand. It was stones andsand.A.full with B.full of C.full by D.full in71.Bill Frith's garden is larger than Joe's. It isA.larger garden B.a large gardenC.large garden D.largest garden72.Bill is a hard worker. He works than Joe.A.harder B.more hard C.more hardly D.hardier73.Joe's garden is more interesting Bill's.A.by B.for C.than D.from74.The writer is fond of gardens.A.They like him B.They like to him C.He likes them D.He likes 75.Joe's garden is the best in the town. It's the best them all.A.in B.of C.for D.by76.Joe wins every time. He always Bill Frith.A.wins B.beats C.gains D.earns77.Joe grows more flowers. More flowers in his garden.A.grow B.grow tall C.grow up D.grow big 78.Joe's garden is interesting. Joe is in gardening.A.interesting B.interest C.interestingly D.interested 79.The writer doesn't like hard work. It's to look after a garden.A.a hard work B.a hard job C.hard job D.hardly a job 80.Every year the writer enters for the garden competitionA.very B.also C.and D.either 81.They went to the Town Hall on Wednesday evening. They wentA.the evening B.on the evening C.evening D.in the evening82.The people under the Town Hall clock.A.were B.was C.is D.be83. will it strike? In twenty minutes' time.A.When B.How long C.How long ago D.How much 84.What time did it stop? five to twelve.A.On B.At C.In D.During85.Did happen? No, nothing happened.A.nothing B.anything C.any D.a thing86.How many times did the clockA.hit B.beat C.knock D.strike87.It was fifteen minutes eleven.A.pass B.past C.passed D.pasted 88.A clock usually has two hands, a minute hand and hand.A.a second B.an hour C.a time D.a big89.Most people wear or carryA.an alarm clock B.an alarm C.a clock D.a watch 90.It refused to welcome the New Year. ItA.denied it B.wanted to C.didn't want to D.wished to 91.Our clavichord is kept in the living room. That's where we it.A.kept B.have kept C.are keeping D.keep 92.It has belonged to our family for years. It's theA.families B.families' C.family's D.familys' 93.The family have had the clavichord many years.A.since B.for C.from D.by94.Who it? Grandfather did.A.buy B.was bought C.bought D.did buy 95.We are not allowed to touch it. We touch it.A.mustn't B.mustn't to C.haven't to D.don't have to96.What's it ? A clavichord.A.told B.said C.called D.spoken97.It's kept in the living room. That's where we it.A.have B.hold C.lift D.carry98.The visitor damaged it. She it.A.hurt B.pained C.broke D.destroyed99.Recently it was damaged. She damaged itA.late B.lastly C.lately D.finally100.A friend of my father's is the clavichord.A.mending B.making C.doing D.building 101.Tony Steele into the restaurant when the writer was having dinner.A.was going B.went C.has gone D.did go102.Tony is working at a bankA.at the moment B.a year ago C.since last year D.for a year 103.he has never borrowed any money from the writer.A.Last week B.Up till now C.Since D.A week ago104.did he ask for? &20.A.How many B.How C.How much D.How few 105.I have never borrowed any money from you. I lend me some money.A.want to B.want C.want you to D.you want to 106.He gets a good salary. His salary is veryA.good B.well C.fine D.beautiful107.Tony usually gets his salary at the end of theA.day B.year C.month D.week108.Tony must pay the money back. He mustA.pay it again B.pay it C.repay it D.pay, it once more 109.There aren't enough chairs here for us all. Please bring one.A.other B.another C.extra D.a different 110.He gave him the money immediately. He gave him the money A.soon B.in a hurry C.once more D.at once111.Our neighbour, name is Charles Alison, will sail tomorrow.A.whose B.whose his C.his D.of whom112.He will sail from Portsmouth. He is Portsmouth now.A.to B.from C.on D.at113.His boat, is Topsail, is famous.A.whose the name B.the whose nameC.of whom the name D.the name of which 114.We'll have plenty of time. There will be time to see him.A.enough B.almost enough C.less than enough D.hardlyenough115.We'llA.say him goodbye B.tell him goodbyeC.tell goodbye to him D.say goodbye to him116.He's our neighbour so he lives us.A.near B.a long way from C.in a different town from D.next door 117.It has sailed across the Atlantic many times. It has sailed across the Atlantic____.A.sometimes B.always C.often D.usually 118.He will set out at eight o'clock. That's whenA.the trip ends B.the journey ends C.the voyage stops D.the journeybegins119.He will take part in a race. He will in it.A.be B.take place C.act D.do120.The Atlantic isA.an ocean B.a sea C.a river D.a lake 121.Most of the young people will be there, the young people will be there.A.A lot B.Nearly all C.Some D.Many122.How staying? For five days.A.long they will be B.they will be C.long will they be D.long theybe123.During this time, they will give five performances. That's what they'lldo this time.A.in B.on C.for D.while124.The police will have a difficult timeA.as usually B.as usual C.than usual D.from usual 125.The police expecting the singers to arrive soon.A.is B.are C.will D.was126.They are pop singers. So .A.they are folk singers B.they are public singersC.everyone likes them D.no one likes them127.At present they are visiting all parts of the country. They are doing this A.now B.for a short time C.in future D.all the time 128.They are visiting all parts of the country. So they will goA.to cities, towns and villages B.only to townsC.only to villages D.only to cities 129.The Greenwood Boys will give five performances. They will give five A.recitals B.executions C.plays D.songs130.It's always the same on these occasions. It's always the same at likethis.A.situations B.conditions C.places D.times131.What kind of car did heA.drive B.drove C.driven D.driving132.As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning. I said good morning__ he had got into the car.A.before B.a long time after C.just after D.a moment before133.‘Good morning,' IA.spoke B.talked C.told D.said 134.I speak a few words of French. I don't know French.A.many B.much C.plenty of D.a little135.Neither of us spoke. WeA.neither spoke B.either spoke C.both didn't speak D.neither didn'tspeak136.On the way, a young man waved to me. This happenedA.before the writer's journey B.during the writer's journey C.after the writer's journey D.a long time ago137.The young man waved to the writer. He film.A.saluted B.greeted C.signaled to D.nodded138.He asked for a lift. He was aA.tramp B.hitch hiker C.passenger D.foreigner 139.He replied in French. He the writer in French.A.responded B.answered C.returned D.remarked 140.The writer had reached the town when the young man spoke.A.often B.almost C.sometimes D.just as141.“Mr. Harmsworth see you,” the secretary said.A.would B.shall C.will D.could142.did he feel? Very nervous.A.What B.How C.How much D.Which143.The firm couldn't pay large salaries.A.so B.such a C.such D.a such144.turn is it? It's your turn.A.Which B.To whom C.Whom D.Whose145.“Mr. Harmsworth,” I said a weak voice.A.in B.with C.on D.under146.Mr. Harmsworth wanted to see me. He want ed to me.A.watch B.look at C.look for D.speak to147.I felt nervous because I feltA.angry B.cross C.anxious D.ill148.It's your turn.A.It's your line B.It's your row C.You're next D.It's your chance149.Don't interrupt! Don'tA.speak B.talk C.talk while I'm talking D.cut off150.The writer would receive an extra 1,000 a year. He would get1,000a yearA.less B.more C.over D.up 151.If you park your car in the right place you receive a ticket.A.will B.wouldn't C.didn't D.won't152.Traffic police never let you without a ticket.A.go B.to go C.going D.have gone153.We welcome you to our city. You to our city.A.welcome B.are welcome C.have welcomed D.arewelcoming154.‘No Parking' meansA.don't leave your car here B.without parking C.don't stop D.there's no room to park here155.This note is only a reminder. It'sA.nothing B.no one C.nothing extra D.nothing more 156.This is a 'No Parking' area. Cars aren't allow ed in this A.district B.country C.surrounding D.kingdom 157.You will enjoy your stay. It will you.A.amuse B, ., enjoy C.laugh at D.please158.You will enjoy your stay. How long will you here?A.rest B.prevent C.sit D.remain159.This note is only a reminder. It will helpA.you remind B.your souvenir C.your remembrance D.you toremember160.You cannot fail to obey it. You can't to do this.A.refuse B.deny C.resist D.withdraw 161.She must be at least thirty-five years old. In my opinion she A.has B.is C.can D.must162.is she? At least thirty-five years old.A.How B.How big C.How much D.How old163.She must appear in a bright red dress. She will be dressed red.A.with B.on C.in D.by164.She must appear in a bright red dress. That's what she A.has done B.have to do C.has to do D.had done 165.She had to wear short socks. It was for her to wear them.A.certain B.necessary C.important D.impossible 166.She often appears as a young girl. She on the stage as a young girl.A.is presented B.points C.shows D.seems167.We went to the theatre to see aA.play B.game C.toy D.match168.Jennifer will take part in the play. She it.A.will write B.won't be in C.will be in D.will produce169.Men usually wearA.socks instead of stockings B.stockings instead of socksC.either socks or stockings D.neither socks nor stockings170.She is grown up. She is .A.very old B.an adolescent C.a teenager D.an adult 171.After I had lunch。




答:I promised to stay and help him (to) review his lesson.2、让我带你去看看要用作语音实验室的那个房间吧答:Let me show you the room to be used as the language lab.3、为了给家里多挣钱,他业余时间卖报纸答:To earn more money for his family, he sold newspapers in his spare time.4、我有一本好书给你看答:I have a good book for you to read.5、汤姆是一个可信赖的人答:Tom is a man to depend on.6、他打开收音机让她女儿听英语答:He turned on the radio for his daughter to listen to English.7、他母亲听到这个消息,感到惊奇答:His mother was surprised to hear the news.8、玛丽父亲决定不送她去日本学习答:Mary’s father decided not to send her to study in Japan.9、你能告诉我哪里能买到这本书吗?答:Can you tell me where to buy the book?10、他们似乎在谈论重要的新闻答:They seemed to be talking about some important news.11、下个月要动工建的那座桥是这座城市最宽最长的桥答:The bridge to be built next month is the widest and longest one in this city.12、那本小说据说已被译成多种语言了。



党校研究生英语复习资料完形填空Tourism has become a very big business. For Spain, Italy and Greece it is the largest resource of foreign exchange, and even for Britain, it is t he fourth. Faced with this huge new income, no government can afford to look down on the business. Questions of hotel bath rooms, beach umbrell as and ice-cream sales are now discussed by ministers of tourism with sol emn expertise. Before the Second World War the tourist industry was wid ely regarded as being unmanly and stupid. But tourism has become a ne w industry, as trade business used to do. In Spain, Italy, Greece and much of Eastern Europe, new road systems of Eastern Europe, new road syste ms have opened up in the country, first to tourists, and then to industry an d locals.All of tourism is a nationalized industry, a minor part of national pla nning. In a place west of Marseilles ,the French government is killing mosquitoes and built six big vacationg placesto pull nearly a million tourists.In Eastern Europe, a whole new seaside civilization has sprung u p over the last few years. The governments have greatly benefited when t ourism from the West multiplied from half a million four years ago to ne arly two million last year.Thousands of years ago in Egypt, kings built the pyramids. They used to build them as their tombs. The kings thought the pyramids would help them find life after death. They also wanted the world to remember them as important people. Some pyramids were for queens.But they are less interesting because they are not as big. The oldest pyramid that we know today is the pyramid near Sahara in Egypt. It is about 5,000 years old. Thereare many pyramids along the Nile River. The largest is the pyramid of Khufu. It is made of two million three hundred thousand huge stones, most of them higher than a person. It is about 144 meters high. Inside the pyramid are the burial rooms for the king and queen and long passage ways to these rooms. The rest of the pyramid is solid stone. We know there were wonderful treasures in the pyramids. Robbers broke into the pyramids and took many of these treasures. Today some of the treasures are in museums ever. How did the people of ancient days build the pyramids? How did they carry and lift the huge stones? Each stone lifts so well and they didn't have our modern machines. Scientists have studied the pyramids but nobody can say just how they did it. Someday if you can, you ought to go to see the pyramids. I assure you that they would be amazing.Broadly speaking, the Englishman is a quiet, shy, reserved person who is fully relaxed only among people he knows well.In the presence of strangers or foreigners he often seams inhibited,otherwise embarrassed. You have only to take a commuter train any morning or evening to see the truth of this. Serious looking businessmen and women sit reading their newspapers or dozing in a corner; no one speaks. In fact, to do so would seem most unusual.Practically, there is here an unwritten but clearly understood code of behavior. Which, if broken, makes the person immediately the object of attention.It is a well-known fact that the English have a passion for the discussion of their weather and that, given half a chance, they will talk about it at length. Some people argue that it is because English weather violates forecast and hence is a source of interest to everyone. This may be so.Fundamentally Englishmen cannot have much faith in the weathermen, who, after promising fine,sunny weather fo r the following day, are of- ten proved wrong when a cloud o ver the Atlantic brings rainy weather to all districts! The man in the street seems to be as accurate —or as inaccurate — as the weathermen in his predictions. The overseas visitors may be excused for showing surprise at the number of references to weather that the English make to each other in the course of a single day. Very often conversational greetings are conducted by comments on the weather. "Nice day, isn't it?" "Beautiful!" may well be heard insteadof "Good morning, how are you?" Although the foreigner may consider this exaggerated and comic, it is worthwhile pointing out that it could be used to his advantage.If he wants to start a conversation with an Englishman but is at a loss to know where to begin, he could do well to mention the state of the weather. It is a safe subject which will stimulate an answer from even the most reserved of Englishmen.It had been a tiring day and I was looking forward to a quiet evening. My husband wouldn’t come back until late and I had decided to sit down in a comfortable armchair in the living room and read a good book. I put the children to bed early and fixed a cold supper and some coffee. Soon I was settled comfortably with my book in front of me and a sandwich and cup of coffee on a tray beside me.I was just beginning to eat when the telephone rang. I dropped my book and hurried to answer it. By the time I got back to the living room, my coffee was cold. I ate the sandwich and began sipping cold coffee with my book still open to the first page. Suddenly there was a loud knock at the front door. It startled me so muchthat I spilled some coffee on my skirt. The man at the door was looking for a certain address and wantedme to give him directions. It took me a long time to get rid of him. After that, I sat down again and managed to read a whole pagewithout further interruption—until the baby woke up. He started screaming at the top of his lungs, so I rushed upstairs. He was still awake at 11 o′clock when my hu sband came home, I could have thrown something at him when he asked me if I had spent a pleasant evening.完型句子The oldest stone buildings in the world are the pyramids. They have stood for nearly 5,000 years, and it seems likely that they will continue to stand for thousands of years yet.There are over eighty of them scattered along the banks of the Nile, some of which are different in shape from the true pyramids. The most famous of these are the "Step" pyramid and the "Bent" pyramid.Some of the pyramids still look much the same as they must have done when they were built thousands of years ago. Most of the damage suffered by the others has been at the hands of men who were looking for treasure or, more often, for stone to use in modern buildings. The dry climate of Egypt has helped to preserve the pyramids, and their very shape has made them less likely to fall into ruin. These are good reasons why they can still be seen today, but perhaps the most important is that they were planned to last for ever.It is practically certain that plans were made for the building of thepyramids because the plans of other large works have fortunately been preserved. However, there are no writings or pictures to show us how the Egyptians planned or built the pyramids themselves. Consequently, we are only able to guess atthe methods used. Nevertheless, by examining the actual pyramids and various tools which have been found, archaeologists have formed a fairly clear picture of them.One thing is certain: there must have been months of careful planning before they could begin to build. The first thing they had to do was to choose a suitable place. You may think this would have been easy with miles and miles of empty desert around, but a pyramid could not be built just anywhere. Certain rules had to be followed, and certain problems had to b overcome.The step pyramid had to be on the west side of the Nile,the side on which the sun sets.This was for religious reasons.It also had to stand well above the level of the river to protect it against the regular floods.It could not be too far from the Nile,however,as the stones to build it needed to be carried in boats down the river to the nearest point.Water transport was,of course,much easier than land transport.The builders also had to find a rock base which was not likely to crack under the great weight of the pyramid.Finally,it had to be near the capital,or better still,near the king’s palace so that he could visit it easily and personally check the progress being made on the final resting place for his body.From good reading we can derive pleasure, companionship, exp erience, and instruction. A good book may absorb our attention so completely that for the time being we forget our surroundings and even our identity. Reading good books is one of the greatest pleasu res in life. It increases our contentment when we are cheerful, and lessens our troubles when we are sad. Whatever may be our main purpose in reading, our contact with good books should never fail t o give us enjoyment and satisfaction.With a good book in our hands we need never be lonely. Whe ther the characters portrayed are taken from real life or are purely imaginary, they may become our companions and friends. In the pa ges of books we can walk with the wise and the good of all lands and all times. The people we meet in books may delight us either because they resemble human friends whom we hold dear or beca use they present unfamiliar types whom we are glad to welcome as new acquaintances. Our human friends sometimes may bore us, bu t the friends we make in books need never weary us with their com pany. By turning the page we can dismiss them without any fear o f hurting their feelings. When human friends desert us, good books are always ready to give us friendship, sympathy, and encouragem ent.One of the most valuable gifts bestowed by books is experienc e. Few of us can travel far from home or have a wide range of e xperiences, but all of us can lead varied lives through the pages of books. Whether we wish to escape from the seemingly dull realiti es of everyday life or whether we long to visit some far-off place, a book will help us when nothing else can. To travel by book we need no bank account to pay our way; no airship or ocean liner o r stream-lined train to transport us; no passport to enter the land of our heart's desire. Through books we may get the thrill of hazardo us adventure without danger. We can climb lofty mountains, brave t he perils of an Antarctic winter, or cross the scorching sands of th e desert, all without hardship. In books we may visit the studios of Hollywood; we may mingle with the gay throngs of the Paris bou levards; we may join the picturesque peasants in an Alpine village or the kindly natives on a South Sea island. Indeed, through book s the whole world is ours for the asking. The possibilities of our lit erary experiencesare almost unlimited. The beauties of nature, the enjoyment of music, the treasures of art, the triumphs of architectur e, the marvels of engineering, are all open to the wonder and enjo yment of those who read.阅读理解Demands for stronger protection for wildlife in Britain sometimes hide the fact that similar needs are felt in the rest of Europe. Studies by the Council of Europe, of which 21 counties are members, have shown that 45 per cent of reptile species and 24 per cent of butterflies are in danger of dying out.European concern for wildlife was outlined by Dr Peter Baum, an expert in the environment and natural resources division of the council, when he spoke at a conference arranged by the administrators of a British national park. The park is one of the few areas in Europe to hold the council's diploma for nature reserves of the highest quality, and Dr Peter Baum had come to present it to the park once again. He was afraid that public opinion was turning against national parks, and that those set up in the 1960s and 1970s could not be set up today. But Dr Baum clearly remained a strong supporter of the view that natural environments needed to be allowed to survive in peace in their own right."No area could be expected to survive both as a true nature reserve and as a tourist attraction," he went on. The short-sighted view that reserves had to serve immediate human demands for outdoor recreation should be replaced by full acceptance of their importance as places to preserve nature for the future."We forget that they are the guarantee of life systems, on which anybuilt-up area ultimately depends," Dr Baum went on. "Wecould manage without most industrial products, but we could not manage without nature. However, our natural environment areas, which are the original parts of our countryside, have shrunk to become mere islands in a spoiled and highly polluted land mass."1. Recent studies by the council of Europe show thatA) it is only in Britain that wildlife needs more protectionB) certain species of reptiles an butterflies in Europe need protectingC) there are fewer species of reptiles and butterflies in Europe than else whereD) all species of wildlife in Europe are in danger of dying out2. Dr Baum,a representative of the Council,visited one particular British national park becauseA) he was presenting the park with a diploma for its achievementsB) he was concerned about its managementC) it was the only national park of its kind in Europe.D) it was the only park which had ever received a diploma from the Council.3. Although it is difficult nowadays to convince the public of the importance of nature reserves,Dr.Baum felt that _____________A) People would support moves to create mere environment areasB) People would carry on supporting those national parks in existenceC) existing national parks would need to be more independent to surviveD) certain areas of our countryside should be left undisturbed by man4. In Dr Baum's opinion, a true nature reserveA) could never survive in a modern ageB) should provide buildings for human activitiesC) should be regarded as a place where nature is protectedD) could provide special areas for tourists to enjoy5. Although we all depend on the resources of nature for our survival,A) industrial products are replacing all our natural resourcesB) We have allowed areas of countryside to be spoilt by industrial developmentC) we have forgotten what our original countryside looked likeD) it is only on islands that nature survivesThe word "conservation" has a thrifty (节俭)meaning.To conserve is to save and protect, to leave what we ourselves enjoy in such good condition so that others may also share the enjoyment.Our forefathers had no idea that human population would increase faster than the supplies of raw materials;most of them, even until very recently, had this foolish ideathat the treasures were "limitless" and"inexhaustible". Most of the citizens or earlier generations knew little or nothing about the complicatedand delicate system that runs all through nature, and which means that, as in a living body, an unhealthycondition of one part will sooner or later be harmful to all the others.Fifty years ago nature study was not part of the school work; scientific forestry (林地) was a newidea: timber (木材) was still cheap because it could be brought in any quantity from distant woodlands;soil destruction and river floods were not national problems; nobody had yet studied longterm climatic cycles in relation to proper land use; even the word "conservation" hadnothing of the meaning that it has for us today.For the sake of ourselves and those who will come after us, we must now set about repairing the mistakes of our forefathers.Conservation should, therefore, be made a part of everyone's daily life.Toknow about the water table (地下水位) in the ground is just as important to us as a knowledge of the basic mathematic formulas.We need to know why all watersheds need the protection of plant life and why the running current of streams and river must be made to yield their full benefit to the soil before they finally escape to the sea.We need to be taught the duty of planting trees as well as of cutting them.We need to know the importance of big, mature trees, because living space for most of man's fellow creatures on this planet is figured not only in square measure of surfacebut also in cubic volume above the earth.In brief, it should be our goal to restore as much of the original beauty of nature as we can.1. The author's attitude towards the present situation in the use of natural resources is ________.A. criticalB. neutralC. positiveD. suspicious2. According to the author, the greatest mistake of our forefathers was that ________.A. they did not know the importance of nature studyB. they had no idea about scientific forestryC. they had little or no sense of environmental protectionD. they had no idea of how to make good use of raw materials3. It can be inferred from the third paragraph that earlier generationgs didn’t realizeA. the importance of proper use of landB. the value of the beauty of natureC. the harmfulness of soil destruction and river floodsD. the interdependence of water,soil,and living things4. To avoid the mistakes of our forefathers, the author suggests that ________A. we plant more treesB. we return to natureC. natural science be taught to everybodyD. environmental education be directed toward everyone5. What does the author imply by saying "living space...above the earth" in the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3?A. We need to take some measures to protect spaceB. Our living space should measured in cubic volumeC. Our living space on the earth is getting smaller and smallerD. We must create better living conditions for both birds and animalsThe long years of food shortage in this country have suddenly given way to apparentabundance. Stores and shops are choked with food. Ratio ning (定量供应) is virtually suspended, and overseas suppliers have been asked to hold back deliverie s. Yet, instead ofjoy, there is widespread uneasiness and confusion. Why d o food prices keep on rising, whenthere seems to be so much more food a bout? Is the abundance only temporary, or has itcome to stay? Does it me an that we need to think less now about producing more food athome? No one knows what to expect.The recent growth of export surpluses on the world foodmarket has certai nly beenunexpectedly great, partly because a strange sequence of two suc cessful grain harvests.North America is now being followed by a third. M ost of Britain’s overseas suppliers of meat,too, are offering more this year and home production has also risen.But the effect of all this on the food situation in this country has been ma de worse by asimultaneous rise in food prices, due chiefly to the gradual c utting down of governmentsupport for food. The shops are overstocked w ith food not only because there is more foodavailable, but also because pe ople, frightened by high prices, are buying less of it.Moreover, the rise in domestic prices has come at a time when world pric es have begun to fall,with the result that imported food, with the exceptio n of grain, is often cheaper than thehome-produced variety. And now grai n prices, too, are falling. Consumers are beginning to askwhy they should not be enabled to benefit from this trend.The significance of these developments is not lost on farmers. The older g eneration have seen itall happen before. Despite the present price and mar ket guarantees, farmers fear they areabout to be squeezed between cheap f ood imports and a shrinking home market. Presentproduction is running a t 51 per cent above pre-war levels, and the government has called for ane xpansion to 60 per cent by 1956; but repeated Ministerial advice is carryi ng little weight andthe expansion programme is not working very well.1. Why is there “wide-spread uneasiness and confusion about the food situation in Britain?”A) The abundant food supply is not expected to last.B) Britain is importing less food.C) Despite the abundance, food prices keep rising.D) Britain will cut back on its production of food.2. The main reason for the rise in food prices is that ________.A) people are buying less foodB) the government is providing less support for agriculture productsC) domestic food production has decreasedD) imported food is driving prices higher3. Why didn’t the government’s expansion programme work very wel l?A) Because the farmers were uncertain about the financial support the go vernmentguaranteedB) Because the farmers were uncertain about the benefits of expanding pr oductionC) Because the farmers were uncertain about whether foreign markets co uld be found for theirproduceD) Because the older generation of farmers were strongly against the prog rammer4. The decrease in world food price was a result of ________.A) a sharp fall in the purchasing power of the consumersB) a sharp fall in the cost of food productionC) the overproduction of food in the food-importing countriesD) the overproduction on the part of the main food-exporting countries5. What did the fut ure look like for Britain’s food production at the ti me this articlewas written?A) The fall in world food prices would benefit British food producers.B) An expansion of food production was at hand.C) British food producers would receive more government financial supp ort.D) It looks depressing despite government guarantees.Let us ask what were the preparation and training Abraham Lincoln had for oratory, whether political or forensic.Born in rude and abject poverty, he never had any education, except what he gave himself, till he was approaching manhood. Not even books wherewith to inform and train his mind were within his reach. No school, no university, no legal faculty had any part in training his powers. When h e became a lawyer and a politician, the years most favorable to continuou s study had already passed, and the opportunities he found for reading we re very scanty. He knew but few authors in general literature, though he k new those few thoroughly. He taught himself a little mathematics, but he could read no language save his own, and can have had only the faintest a cquaintance with European history or with any branch of philosophy.The want of regular education was not made up for by the persons a mong whom his lot was cast. Till he was a grown man, he never moved in any society from which he could learn those things with which the mind of an orator to be stored. Even after he had gained some legal practice, th ere was for many years no one for him to mix with except the petty practi tioners of a petty town, men nearly all of whom knew little more than he did himself.Schools gave him nothing, and society gave him nothing. But he had a powerful intellect and a resolute will. Isolation fostered not only self-re liance but the habit of reflection, and indeed, of prolonged and intense ref lection. He made all that he knew apart of himself. His convictions were his own——clear and coherent. He was not positive or opinionated and h e did not deny that at certain moments he pondered and hesitated long bef ore he decided on his course. But though he could keep a policy in suspen se, waiting for events to guide him, he did not waver. He paused and reco nsidered, but it was never his way to go back on a decision once more or t o waste time in vain regrets that all he had expected had not been attained . He took advice readily and left many things to his ministers; but he did n ot lean on his advisers. Without vanity or ostentation, he was always inde pendent, self-contained, prepared to take full responsibility for his acts.1. It is implied in the second paragraph that Abraham LincolnA) was illiterateB) was never educatedC) was never provided with any regular educationD) behaved rudely when he was young2. We are also told that Abraham LincolnA) never cared much for readingB) did much reading when he was youngC) never had much chance to readD) became an enthusiastic reader when he was grown up3. It is said in the third paragraph that Abraham LincolnA) was anti-socialB) learned little from his friendsC) had few friendsD) knew very few doctors4. The habit of reflection helped LincolnA) to develop independenceB) to become more opinionatedC) to attain clear convictionsD) to become a hesitant person。

党校研究生 英语考试

党校研究生 英语考试

单词All over again重斯Get away f rom摆脱离开Building block=any of the pieces out of which sth.is built砌婕,积木;成分,构成要素Put together=make (sth) by joinjng all its parts组合,装配Depend on=rely on,be decided by依鞍于:取决于Break down into= separate sth. into parts把…分解成In terms of从…角度.就采说Over and over again一再再三Bit by bit= iqadua1ly. little by little渐渐地,一点一点地Build up= (cause to) develop,increase,or became gradually larger(使)发展;加强:扩大become strongly involved with or deeply interested in (sth)授八,从事:对…Get into感兴趣A goog deal=to a very great degree(程度、缸量争)相当大地Back and f orth=to and f ro采来往往地:前后:采田地Hold on to=no let go of ,not give up the ownership of抓住,不放手;不放弃(拥有的东西)Be supposed to=be expected or required to鞋期望或要求;应谊I bet=I'm certain我敢打赌:我璃信Head f or=move in the direction indicated朝某方向前进Turn out=prove to be; be in the end证明为;蛄采是Share company=being together with another or others在一起,陪伴,伴随Take over=take control of接管Bad language=rude words: swearing粗野的话语Care about=f eel interest“n,f eel anxiety or sorrow about时…感到关切、棒一心或忧虑Come up with=produce; f ind(a solution,an answer)提出来;生现(解央办法、蕃寨)Pick up speed=gain speed加速Point out=show: call or direct attention佃指出;使注毒Get by=manage to live勉强度日Out of the question=impossible; no way不可能的Wind up with =end up with以…为结果Close down= (a company or an institution) end business关门;倒闭Get in the way=prevent one's progress阻碍;妨碍Mop up=clean with a mop用拖把打扫Talk over=discuss detail详细讨论Get through=f inish,complete完成;到达Edge out =beat in a competition 胜过;超过Switch off=turn off切断;关掉Take the hint=realize and do suggested接受暗示For instance=f or example例如Be on the lookout f or=be watchf ul注意;守望Speed up=increase加快速度Base on=use...as a basis f or. Build or place on以....为根据;基于.... 之上Equip with=supply with 供给所需的东西For f rom= nat at all远非:完备不Be give to=like; be f ond of喜攻;癣好Be f ired with=f eel very excited about and interested in(sch)对...充满激情Nothing but=only; merely只有,不过,简直Waver between=hesitate between犹豫年头Care f or=like: have a taste f or喜欢,想要;爱好Turn down=ref use (an offer.a request,etc) 拒鲍Mix up=conf use完全弄乱Feel like=want to have sth.or do sth 惠欲:想要Better off=more successf ul; happier; richer卫成功;要幸福;更富有Get over=return如one’s usual state of heal(h,happiness,etc. af ter an illness,a shock etc (病后、受惊后等)Set (sth.)up=establish or create(sth)建立或开创(莱事轴)Send f or (sth./sb.)ask or order that sb. should come.or that Sth. be brought or delivered要求或指示某人来到Bring up=raise.rear or educate sb 抚养,养育或教育某人Something of(a/an sth)=to some degree the thing specif ied可以说是一个--,相当突出的一个.....Get hold of=f ind or contact sb,take sb./sth. in the hands找到某人;与某人联系;抓住拿到Blow up=destroy sth by an explosion炸毁某物Face up to=accept and deal with sth bravely勇敢地面甘Pick up the threads=continue alter an interruption再继续下去Turn over=think caref ully仔细考虑Make sure=f ind out whether sth.is def initely so棱实,查明For sb.'s sake=f or the good/benef it of sb 为某人着想,为T某人的利益In recognition of=showing gratitude or appreciation of (sb's ability,service.etc)by giving lum an honor ora reward袁彰:赏识Dress up=put on special to impress or look better盛暮打扮Bring out=take sth. out of a place取出;拿出Make a f ool of onesel f=do sth .stupid that one f eel embarrassed about af t erwards and that makes one seem silly做蠢事;出洋相Pass by=go past person place. vehicle. etc 经过,路过Wish away=hope sth .were not there希望一不存在Dream of=think about sth that one would ver7 much like to happen or have梦想Curl up=make the edges of sth. f lat become curved and point upwards卷起Cut sb.short=interrupt sb.打断某人的话At sb.'s disposal=used as sh.wishes供.....任意使用Hold in=not allow your f eelings to show控制住(自己的感情),Make a/any/much/a great deal of difference(大)不一样;关系重太not make any diff erence /make no diff erence 没有什幺不同.(对某人)无所谓Fix up=mak arrangements(for sth) ;put sth .in order安排;预备:整理Turn (sth.)inside down=(cause to) be upside down or be in disorder; searchthoroughly(使)倒置;(使)混乱;彻底搜查Turn (sth.)inside out=(cause to)be inside out; search thoroughly将…翻过采:彻底搜查Set eyes on=see看:看见V ocabulary Activities完型1.To lose weight. Katie substituted some low-fat f oods ": f or high-f at f oods in her diet,f or example. having fat-f ree milk instead of regul ar milk.2.Our science teacher drew a(n) analogy between the way water moves and the way light travels in waves.3) In a dictionary. the word “noun” is of ten represented by the letter"n".4) it is interesting that diff erent styles of dress can be associat ed with diff erent types of music.5) AIDS (艾滋~) is the biggest health challenge we have had to f ace this century.6) Coal can easily be converted to gas.7) Although people of ten say this is beautif ul or that is beautif ul. it is not easy to def ine the concept of beauty.8)The f amous TV producer (制片A) successf ully reduced the history of space travel to a 2-hour show.9) I have a(n) image in my mind of how I want my room to be.10) Jack carried bundles of old clothes and magazines to the garage sale.11) These are all beautif ul photos. lt's really hard f or me to choose the best one.12) When asked where his mother was. the little boy pointed to the kitchen.13) John didn't marry Mary m the end. He married Julie instead.14) The best thing about traveling is that you can meet diff erent people and leam about various customs.二l) Home should be a place where people can be saf e f rom fear and danger.Home should be a place where people can get......away f rom fear and danger.15) Professor V alentine make a reading list and asked her students to read all the articles on the list.Professor V alentine put together........... a reading list and asked her students to read all the articles on the list.Jennifer is becoming very interested in fashion designJennifer is getting in.........to.. f ashion designA diff i cult task is f ar easier to f inish if it is separated into smaller. easier piecesA diff i cult task is f ar easier to f inish if it is broken down.......... into smaller. easier piecesAf ter taking the medicine, the patient f elt much betterAf ter taking the medicine, the patient f elt a good deal......... betterFor many times I told Steve to give up smoking, but he never listened to me.Over and over again................ I told Steve to give up smoking, but he never listened to me.Whether he can be hired or not will be decided by the job interviewWhether he can be hired or not will depend/depends on................the job interviewP2221)Every since my brother took that job off er,he has been traveling back and f orth and we rarely these days.22)The rain was so heavy and the road so muddy(泥泞) that it took us all day to reach our destination .23)Computer terminals are seen everywhere in off ices now.24)Students should pay attention to the distinction between f ormal and inf ormal words when they are learning a f oreign language.25)Sice the f inal exam is drawing near. you are not supposed play f ootball af ter school.26) Let's make a(n) bet on who will be the f irst one to f inish reading the book.27)He offered co take me f or a ride in his car but l ref used because he is such a(n) rotten drive!28)We don't see any racial prejudice here: people of all skin colors seem to get on well with each other.29)As the train cam e near. people waiting on the platf orm picked up their bags and got ready to board 30)Even i f you can't aff ord to stayin a 5-star hotel, you can still f ind clean and inexpensive accommodation in the center of town.31)What a delight to walk along the river on a sunny af ternoon!32)because of traff i c problems above ground, many people in Shanghai ride the subway (地铁) to work.33)He pretended_to read a newspaper, but in f act he was observing the young girl who bad just entered the teahouse.34)The ever increasing housing price f orces young couples to buy apartments away f rom the city center.35)We welcome your valuable suggestions f or improving our service.36)Is that the best excuse you can come up with37)That guy we met last night turned out to be Tina's cousin.38) I thing I will hold on to the records, but you can have the tapes.39)Will you take over the driving when we reach Los Angel es?40)The passengers cheered when the yacht picked up speed.41)I'm hungry.It's time f or us to head f or the rest aurant.P3542)The f ather did not want his own son to become a(n) mechani c,a man whose job it is to repair machines.43) She was conf used by so many diff erent ideas f rom different people.44) All her students agreed that she was a(n) quali f ied and caring teacher.45) During the interview , the principal asked her some questions to see if she could re-ally type.46) They had to f ind jobs in other cities because job opportunities in Washington, D.C. Were already scarce47) Af ter ten years of hard practice. he became a(n) outstanding pianist.48) All the kids cheered when they were told that their severe transferred to another school.49)The policeman asked the drunken driver to show bis driver's license.50) It seems that the little boy could never f orget the terrible experience in his elementary school.51)Thanks to his excellent perf ormance at work, Mr. Smith was transf erred to the head-quarters of the company in Beijing.52) He wrote a poem in praise of those who had lost their lives def ending the country.53) The train is supposed to arrive at 1 0:30 p.m.54) It is settled between Mr. and Mrs. Pin that he will do the shopping and she will cook and clean.55) The road is off icially open to traff i c next weet ,but people have already started using it.56) As children. we loved to roll down that hill.57) The old store had no choice but to close down ,since it couldn't compete with the big supermarkets nearby.58) The children were asked to mop up the f loor of the classroom once a day.59) The middle-aged man could barely get by on a small income; surely he couldn't aff ord an overseas tour.60)Since she hasn't achieved her goal set by the company yet she hew that a holiday this year is out of the question.61)Bob asked prof .Smith to spare him some time to talk his project over .62)We had planned to have a picnic this Sunday ,but the weather seems likely to get in the way according to the f orecast.63) The Chinese New Y ear seems to have lost its attraction as an important event of the year.64) I'm tired of this routine job of answering phones and ordering takeout f ood. I need some excitement!65) She hurried away as soon as she received a(n) message f rom her husband.66)Some neighbors who had detected the smell of gas f rom the apartment called 911.67) The saleswoman spoke in such a rude manner that I decided not to buy anything f rom her.68) During the SARS outbreak.devices f or taking people's temperature without actually touching the human body sold very well.69)The ability to encourage others is essential to a leader.70) Human beings very of ten take actions without thinking about the impact on the environment(坏境) .71)The Internet enables us to get inf ormation f ast er than ever.72)Regular exercises and a healthy diet enable people to live longer.73)Prof Hogworth's major research interest is the common charact eristics shared by twins .74) Quite a f ew prof essors will leave this college in f all.For instance . Prof. Smith will go to teach at Oxf ord.75)The soldiers are equipped with the latest weapons.76) Kids. will you please switch off the TV?It's time to go to bed.77) The captain of the ship asked two of his men to be on the lookout f or icebergs.78)James kept looking at his watch. At last his guest took the hint and lef t.79) Speed up !The f loodwater is just behind us!80)Is your novel based on a real-li f e story or did you make it up?P21181) Mary loves reading women's fashion magazine and window-shopping in her spare time.82) The young man feels quite conf ident about his future as he has just graduated f rom a f amous university with honors.83)Johnson is a(n) plump healthy-looking child.84)Today all kinds of marvelous technologies are being used in f actories to improve eff iciency.85)All the people were impressed by the speaker's eloquent speech.86) The new company plans to expand its production. Apparently it is making a lot of money.87) The salesgirl tells us that their store is well stocked and all sizes of clothes in various colors are88) The little girl was really scared when she saw the huge tree crash to the ground.89) The housewif e put on a(n) cheerful smile when the guests arrived.90) Make sure that everyone is properly dressed f or the meeting with the President.91)Jane Eyre was a(n) plain but intelligent woman who insisted that marriage be built upon equality between man and wif e.92)At present the Microsof t Windows system is the most widely used PC operating system in the world.93) Many f oreign companies invest heavily in China because it is a(n) huge Market.94) The temperature dropped to zero and the tree leaves were now yellow and beginning to curl up.95) The school hoys dressed up as cowboys appeared on the stage began.96) Y ou know, you can never wish your problems away !to f ace up to them.97) Finally she realized that she made a f ool of hersel f by pretending to be knowledgeable.98)I never dreamed of meeting you have.What a small word!99)Will you be passing by the supermarket on your way home ?If so,please remember to buy a bar of chocolate f or me .100 )Y ou need to bring your identity card to opt:n a bank account101)How come you know so much about the latest technology?I read the technology section of every newspaper i set my eyes on.102) I'm planning io live near the local library so that I can make use of its f acilities.103)Every man has his dignity I'm willing to f orget mine, but not when someone else tells me to.103)Don't waste time and talk nonsense.104) No one knows f or sure what had happened aboard that plane bef ore it crashed .105) The servant listened as the order was given and bowed his head respect f ully.106) The f ishing-boat suddenly tilted and the boatmen f ell overboard and drowned107)Our lord taught us that we should love one another.108)God Bless America,America's unoff i cial national anthem , was written.109) Words f ailed to describe my f eelings when I lost the prize to a researcher from Y ale University.110) Katie was bursting to tell us the news that Tom had proposed to her.111) Y ou can write the paper in either English or Chinese. It doesn't make any dif ference.112) Doctors are f ighting the disease with every weapon at their disposal.113)Anne held in her temper even though his words had made her angry.114) Wow! it seems that you've got the apartment f ixed up very com f ortable115) I hope I will never again set eyes on a dishonest man like you!116) The security guards have nearly turned my bags inside out at the airport.117) I don't have much time. so tell me brief ly what have you seen in the f actory.118)Under no circumstances should you lend him any money. because he would never pay you back.119) Students clashed violently with the police and some of them were badly injured.120)The club recruits new members on a regular basis.121)The police are making enquiries and to to get the truth of the whole thing.122)What sort of qualif ications do I need f or the job?123) Today there are still many magnif icent palaces kept intact in this country.124)He reacted to che insult (俦辱) by turning his back on Jimmy.125) The government put down the rebellion with brutal f orce.126) Y ou need to see a doctor immediately. Otherwise the cough may develop into something more serous.127)The entire nation celebrated upon leaming the news of the successf ul return of their f irst astronaut打(ml outer space 128)Farmers in this village supply the city with f resh vegetables.129) Many policemen were seriously injured when the police station was blown up by tenorists yesterday.130)She's f inding it dif f icult to face up to the possibility of an early death.131)He was disappointed at not getting the job, but he will get over it.132)The TV is broken. but I've sent f or somebody to repair it.133) I think the door is locked, but I'd better go and make sure it is.134) The government gave him an award in recognition of the great achievem ent he made in chemistry.135) I did not see the other car at the time because it was outside my f ield of vision.136) Do you think a beautif ul face is a(n)advant age or not f or a woman?137)Fever is a(n)symptom of many illnesses.138)The basketball player had barely sat down bef ore the reporters started f iring questions at him. 139) Their old house had been large and spacious; by contrast the new f lat seemed small and dark.140) Every type of plant, with no exception. contains some kind of salt.141)Parents should pay more attention to their children during their f ormative years .142)Joey came close to despair af t er six months of unemployment.143) I'm tired of being treated like a slave.I'ii quit immediately.143) Many of these problems had their origin in the upper levels of administration.144) Jonathan's great grandfather lef t Ireland f or the United States. which was believed to be a promise land of.145) It's interesting that some f amous modem Chinese writers used to be students of medicine.146)Maggie is no quit woman.She has supported over a hundred children through school by working two jobs at the same time.147)They are to herd Mr. Simpson's sheep in the mountains the whole summer.148) Jimmy has turned down job off ers from several different law f irms.149 ) Af t er the long vacation, he didn't f eel like going back to work.I know my son is f ar from the best singer. but certainly he's nor the worst.151) Af ter reading Hemingway. John was f ired with ambition to become a writer.152) My wif e doesn't really care f or tea; she likes coffee better.153)Don't mix up those papers , or we'll never f ind the ones we need.Word FormationWhen I reboarded the plane,I f ound my sea had already been taken.Many years af ter my graduation,I gradually come to realize that what Mr.Lee taught me in college days was invaluable.The Great Wall is inarguably one of the wonders in the history ofNowadays interraci al marriage is everywhere and becomes more and More acceptable.It's unlikely that he would be willing to pay 500 yuan f or a ticket to the U2.The business will lose money if it doesn't modernize.This city has started to popularize inf ormation technology education in schools.She used to f antasize that her real parents were f rom outer space.Lately. some politicians have started to worry that Singapore may have become too care f or .Schools need to publicize exam results.Usage1.Traveling around the globe by ai乘飞机环球旅行Is not aff ordable f or most people.2..Eating more apples and vegetable多吃点苹果和蔬菜is good f or your health.3.Going to work on f oot步行去上班Hes helped him keep f it.4.Saving energy节约能源Has been accepted by more and more Chinese citizens.5.Learning to ride the bicycle学会骑自行车Is not as easy as it looks.P646 . A little knowledge seems to be a dangerous thing.A little knowledge does seem to be a dangerous thing.7. He came home at 1 1:30 p.m yesterday.He did came home at 11:30 p.m yesterday8. Please take a seat.Please do take a seat.9.That's exactly what said.That's exactly what he did said.10.Stop that noise!Do stop that noise!11.I remember going (go)to the Ocean Park in Kong as kid.12.Don't f orget to turn of f the gas bef ore you leave home.13.She can't remember destroying the letter,even af t er her husband had named the date she did it.14.I'll never f orget f inding a snake in our garden.15.Did you remember to hello to Charles at the party yesterday?.Is there anything else you went to tell me ? I don't think so.Are you all right? Y es,I think so.Is it the stolen painting that was f ound in a garbage can? I believe so.Y ou think you could lose? I'm af raid so.20.We need to leave 15%tip,right? I suppose so.Structure1.Air and water are necessary f or life to go on.Life can't go on without air and water. 2.When you were about f ive years old you loved this toy so much that you took it with you wherever you go.When you were about f ive years old you loved this toy so much that you never went anywhere without your help.3.I could do it all because of your help.I could never have done it without your help.you must put on a coat bef ore going out in such weather.Never go out without putting on a coat in such weather.5.people complain only when they have a good cause.No me complains without a good cause.There is only half a bottle of milk in the refrigerator. There is nothing but half a bottle of milk in the ref rigerator.The only thing he did was complain .he did nothing but complain .For a f ew months I thought and talked only of the coming trip to the Amazon. For a f ew months I thought and talked of nothing but the coming trip to the Amazon.He had only coffee f or breakfast.He had nothing but coffee f or breakfast.15.The pet dog has brought us trouble and nothing else. The pet dog has brought us nothing but trouble .16.The police are still trying to f ind out what caused the f ire.17.I don't know what size of shoes my f ather wears.18. The baby pointed to what looked like a ball.19.We should always be gratef ul f or what our family and f ri ends do f or us.20.Stella was eager to show her boyf riend what she had bought f or his birthday.P17221. She is a real beauty sing us a Christmas song.22 We f ound it a great change when we moved to London. Will live a happy lif e.He is a very good poet. Die a peacef ul death.Y ou have a very good memory dreamed a bad dream.They had a very f ierce argument about the problem. Helps you sleep a good night' s sleep.26.She took care of the blind men as if /though he were her old father.27.They are talking as if/though they had been f ri ends f or years.28.Jerry acts as if /though he were an expert.29.It seems as if /though it were winter already.30.The postman spoke to in a very loud voice as if /though I were deaf.Translation这个小男孩最喜欢做的事就是搭积木。



英语完型填空:1、born with 1C 2B3A4D5C6B7D8A9B10B11A12A13B14B15D16C17A18C19D20A6、disadvantages of 1C2A3D4C5B6A7C8A9D10B11D12A13D14B15C16A17D18B19C20B8、as civilization proceeds in1A2C3C4A5A6C7B8D9A10C11D12C13B14B15C16A17D18C19B20A阅读理解:2、埃及金字塔1B2D3A4A5D;4、最后的晚餐1A2C3B4A5A;7、表演魔术师1C2A3B4C5D;10、美国郊区1B2C3D4D5C;13、Aging 变老1B2A3B4D5C;18、心脏疾病1D2A3C4B5D; 汉译英:2、他承诺帮助我们买下那栋房子,但有点勉强。

He promised to help us to buy that house, but a little reluctantly。


She urged me to accept the new post,although the job is not very well paid。


We'll try our best to meet the needs of our clients.12、既然你计划移居加拿大,那你必须努力适应寒冷的气候。

As you've planed to move to Canada, you have to try your best to adjust the cold weather there.15、在21世纪,人们将在家里通过因特网购物,并要求送货到家。

In the 21st century, people will start buying things through internet at home, and will be delivered directly to their house.18、做家庭作业时,每10名学生中有8个会去利用诸如博物馆和科学设施之类的资源。



英语一、单项选择1. Is there anything I ____ C ____ do for you?A. mayB. mustC. canD. ought2. This kind of tree has green _____B___ throughout the year.A. leafsB. leavesC. leafD. leaves’3. I will tell him the news as soon as I ____A___ him.A. seeB. seesC. sees’D. saw4. They never knew that pollution ____B____ a big problem.A. becomeB. would becomeC. is going toD. does become5. You ___D___ where you leave your things.A. always forgetsB. forgetC. will always forgetD. are always forgetting6. He doesn’t live in the city, ___D_____ ?.A. isn’t heB. doesn’t heC. is heD. does he7. Now she is leaving London. She has stayed here ____D____.A. after 1980B. in 1980C. for 1980D. since 19808. These questions ___C___ at tomorrow’s meeting.A. have been discussedB. had been discussedC. will be discussedD. shall be discussed9. Nothing is ___A___ than one’s personal freedom.A. more importantB. much importantC. importanterD. much importanter10. A good father is one ____D___ we can love as well as respect.A. whichB. whoC.whose D. whom11. The instructor asked me to write a ___A__ composition every week.A. two-thousand-wordB. two-thousand-wordsC. two-thousand-wordsD. two-thousands-words12. They __C____ be waiting for us, let’s hurry up.A. can’tB. mustn’tC. mustD. may not13. You __B____ clearly see the top of the tower from here.A. mightB. canC. mustD. mustn’t14. __A___ weeks later she came to my office with a smile on her face.A. TwoB. SecondC. After twoD. After second15. He said that was a good suggestion, ___A___ he would look into (研究).A. whichB. whoC. whatD. that16. The role of _B__ has changed a lot in the past 30 years.A. womansB. womenC. womanD. women’s17. __A meeting will be put off till next Monday.A. Tom orrow’sB. Tomorrows’C. TomorrowD. Tomorrows18. If he __B___ to go, I'll ask someone else to go with me.A. don’t wantB. doesn’t wantC. not wantD. not wants19. This is my cell phone. ___C_____ is on the desk.A. TheirB. OurC. YoursD. Her20. The house __C__ is very nice, but the compound (院子) is too small.A. himselfB. herselfC. itselfD. oneself21. I told him not to go, but he __B__ not listen.A. willB. wouldC. shallD. should22. This time last year, Tom __B____ with his friends in London.A. stayedB. was stayingC. is stayingD. stays23. Let’s ___B___ and get something to eat.A. to goB. goC. goingD. goes24. Bill has been out of work _D____ three years.A. byB. sinceC. inD. for25. When they arrived, the game __D___.A. already startB. already startedC. have already startedD. had already started26. Those books ___B_ to the library next Monday.A. can returnB. can be returnedC. can returnedD. can return to27. I’m sorry, but smoking __B____ here.A. is allowedB. is not allowedC. will be allowedD. will not allow28. They got to the airport __B___ than you did.A. more lateB. laterC. more laterD. late29. He talked of the people and books __C____ interested him.A. whoB. whoseC. thatD. whom30. I live in __D___. I’d like to let you know that I’m checking out early tomorrow morning.A. Room 216thB. 216 RoomC. 216th RoomD. Room 21631. Mrs. Clinton has a __C____ daughter.A. three years oldB. three year oldC. three-year-oldD. three-years-old32. __C__ a long time since I saw my father last time.A. There isB. There areC. It isD. For33. There is a fine sunset, it ____A____ to be a fine day tomorrow.A. oughtB. mustC. shouldD. can34. I don’t know whether it will rain or not, but if it ___D___ I shall stay at home.A. shallB. doC. didD. does35. ____B______ people attended the meeting last night.A. HundredB. Hundreds ofC. HundredsD. A hundred of36. Though small, the room is comfortable ___A__________.A. to live inB. to liveC. to have lived inD. live in37. If you want something ___B____, you can go to the library.A. readB. to readC. be readD. to be reading38. Would you please tell me ___C_____ the plane will take off?A. thatB. whereC. whenD. which39. It is necessary that you __C____ your reservation before the weekend.A. will confirmB. must confirmC. confirmD. confirmed40. The doctor ______A____ is treating for your heart trouble is a relative of mine.A. whoB. whomC. whichD. whose41. John plays football _____D______, if not better than, David.A. as wellB. so wellC. so well asD. as well as42. The girl apologized, ___B____ that she was sorry to be late.A. having saidB. sayingC. was sayingD. said43.I often have a glass of milk and ____A__ for breakfast.A. two pieces of breadB. two piece of breadC. two pieces of breadsD. two piece of breads44. ___B____ a radio, I would have heard the news this morning.A. Had IB. Had I hadC. Should I haveD. Have I had45. ____C___ another chance, how could she let it slip away.A. GivingB. Having givenC. Having been givenD. Give二、阅读理解(1)A man lived in a tall building in the city of Moscow. He liked living there. It was usually very quiet, and he could see the park from his window. There was only one problem: the man upstairs.Every night, the man upstairs came back late. He always took off his shoes and threw them on the floor. At this time, the man downstairs was trying to sleep. But every night he heard the noise upstairs. Bang! One shoe. Bang! The other shoe. It was too bad. He found it very difficult to get to sleep and he was rather angry with the man upstairs.One day, the man downstairs went to talk to the man. He went upstairs and knocked at the door. The man opened it. With a smile the man from downstairs said: “I am sorry to trouble you, comrade.”“What is it?” asked the man.“Well, every time you get back at night, you drop your shoes on the floor.It happens every night. The noise wakes me up! Would you please not do this?”“I’m very sorry, comrade,” said the man. “I won’t do it again.”The next evening the man upstairs came home from work late as usual. He was feeling very tired. He took off the first shoe and threw it on the floor.Then he remembered his comrade downstairs. So he took off the second shoe and put it under his bed very quietly. He had his supper, listened to the radio, read a newspaper and then went tobed. He was just falling asleep when there was a loud knock at the door. He opened it and saw the man from downstairs.“Please!” said the man from downstairs. “Please drop the other shoe! I was waiting for the sound of the ot her shoe! I can’t get to sleep!”B1. Why did the man downstairs like living in a tall building in the city of Moscow?A. Because he liked the city very much.B. Because he liked the environment of the tall building.C. Because there were many parks in the city.D. Because he had a good friend there.C2. What was the problem the man downstairs had?A. Every night the man upstairs came back late.B. The man upstairs always took off his shoes.C. The man upstairs took off his shoes and threw them on the floor, which made himdifficult to get to sleep.D. He did not get along well with his neighbors.A3. How did the man downstairs try to solve his problem?A. He went to talk to the man upstairs and asked him not to throw his shoes on the flooragain.B. He had a quarrel(吵架)with the man upstairs.C. He moved out of the tall building.D. He did not go to bed before the man upstairs came back any more.B4. What did the man upstairs do the next evening after he came home from work?A. He took off his shoes and threw them on the floor as usual.B. He took off his first shoe and threw it on the floor, but put his second shoe under hisbed quietly.C. He put both his shoes under his bed quietly.D. He was very tired and went to bed without taking off his shoes.C5. Why couldn’t the man downstairs fall asleep the next night?A. Because the man upstairs made a great noise by having his supper, listening to the radioand reading the newspaper.B. Because the man upstairs threw his shoes on the floor with a big noise and woke him up.C. Because he had been waiting for the sound of the other shoe.D. Both B and C.(2)You may not realize it, but you are doing much more than just studying, when you are at school. School is also the place where you learn to get along well with people. But this is not always easy. What can you do if you just don’t like one of your classmates?If you discover that you have problems getting along with your classmates or friends, the most important thing to learn is tolerance. Tolerance is the ability to realize and respect the differences in others. We can not change the way that other people do, so it is important to learn to live happily with them.Tolerance will make everyone get on better with each other. Getting to know someone may help you understand why they do things differently.Something different does not exactly mean that it is bad. Tolerance teaches us to keep an even temper and open mind.You need to remember an old saying, “treat others how you want to be treated”. You would like to be treated kindly by your classmates, so it is important to treat them kindly too. If you tolerate something, it does not mean that you have to like it. No one is asking you to change who you are or what you believe in. Tolerance just means that you should respect the differences in others and not try to make them change.It is important to practice tolerance, because it will make everyone’s lives easier. Learn to accept people for their different abilities and interests. The world is very different, and practicing tolerance in your own school and city can help make a difference.B 6. According to the author, what is tolerance?A. Tolerance is the ability that we have to change the way that other people do.B. Tolerance is the ability to realize and respect the differences in others.C. Tolerance is a weapon to fight against the enemy.D. Tolerance is the way to discover whether you have problems getting along with yourclassmates or friends.B7. What does tolerance function (起作用) in getting along with your friends?A. It makes you change who you are and what you believe.B. It can help us understand why people do things differently.C. It warns us to keep an even tempter and open mind.D. It is important for us to learn tolerance.D8. Why is tolerance important?A. Because it will make everyone’s lives easier.B. Because it will make everyone get on better with each other.C. Because it teaches us to respect the differences in others and not try to make them change.D. All of the above.A9. “Treat others how you want to be treated”, what does the sentence mean?A. If you want to be treated kindly, you should treat others kindly too.B. If someone treats you badly, you will treat them kindly.C. You should change yourself to tolerate others.D. Others should change themselves to tolerate you.B10. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. If you tolerate something, you must change yourself.B. Tolerance can make you get on better with your classmates or friends, for it teachesyou to keep an even temper and open mind.C. We can live happily with other people by changing the way they do.D. Practicing tolerance can not make any change in your life for the world is different.(3)Scientists are trying to make the deserts into good land again. They want to bring water to the deserts, so that people can live and grow food. They are learning a lot about the deserts. Even so, more and more of the earth is becoming deserts all the time. Scientists may not be able to change the deserts in time.Why is more and more land becoming deserts? Scientists think that people make deserts. People are doing bad things to the earth.Some places on the earth do not get very much rain. Yet, they still do not become deserts. This is because there are some green plants growing there. Small green plants and grass are very important to dry places. Plants help keep water in the earth. Plants do not let the wind blow the dirt away. When a little bit of rain falls, the plants hold water. Without plants, the land can becomea desert much more easily.A man decides to make a farm in a very dry place. He cuts down the trees. He digs in the earth and takes away the grass and plants that are already growing on the dry land. He makes a farm. He puts plants in rows. The sun is very hot. It makes the land even drier. When the rain comes, it runs between the rows of plants. It washes the good dirt away. When the wind comes, it blows between the rows of plants. It blows the good dirt away.Soon the land is not good enough for a farm any more. The man lets his animals eat all the plants on it. Now the land does not have any plants on it. The sun and wind dry the land and blow all the good dirt away. Now the land is a desert.Now it is time for man to protect his environment!D 11. ________ are doing their best to change the deserts into good land again.A. MenB. WomenC. PeopleD. ScientistsC12. According to the scientists, it is ________ who make deserts.A. bad weatherB. the lack of rainC. peopleD. plantsD13. What’s the main id ea of the third paragraph?A. Some places have little rain.B. Some places have many plants.C. Plants do not let the wind blow the dirt away.D. Plants help protect the land.B14. What’s the fourth paragraph mainly about?A. A man wants to make a farm in a dry place.B. The influence of men’s activities on the environment.C. He succeeds in making a farm.D. He puts plants in rows.C15. The main idea of the whole passage is that ________.A. people work very hardB. scientists are studying the problem of desertsC. people are doing much harm to the environmentD. many good lands are becoming deserts(4)A man came home from work late again, tired and irritated, to find his 5-year-old son waiting for him at the door.“Daddy, may I ask you a question?”“Yeah, sure, what is it?” replied the man.“Daddy, how much money do you make an hour?”“That’s none of your business! What makes you ask such a thing?” the man said angrily.“I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an hour?” pleaded the littl e boy.“If you must know, I make $20.00 an hour.”“Oh,” the little boy replied, head bowed. Looking up, he said, “Daddy, may I borrow $10.00 please?”The father was furious. “If the only reason you wanted to know how much money I make is just so you can borrow some to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed.Think about why you’re being so selfish. I work long, hard hours every day and don’t have time for such childish games.”The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door. The man sat down and started to get even madder about the little boy’s questioning. How dare he ask such questions only to get some money. After an hour or so, the man had calmed down, and started to think he may have been a little hard on his son. Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that $10.00, and he really didn’t ask for money very often.The man went to the door of the little boy’s room and opened the door. “Are you asleep, son?” he asked.“No daddy, I’m awake,” replied the boy.“I’ve been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier,” said the man. “It’s been a long day and I took my aggravation out on you. Here’s that $10.00 you asked for.” The little boy sat straight up, beaming.“Oh, thank you daddy!” he yelled. Then, reaching under his pillow, he pulled outsome more crumpled up bills.The man, seeing that the boy already had money, started to get angry again. The little boy slowly counted out his money, then looked up at the man. “Why did yo u want more money if you already had some?” the father grumbled.“Because I didn’t have enough, but now I do,” the little boy replied. “Daddy, I have $20.00 now. Can I buy an hour of your time?”B16. What do you know about the man?A. He made a lot of money.B. He often came home from work late.C. He often went to work late.D. He spent lots of time taking care of his son.C17. Why was the boy waiting for his father at the door?A. Because he missed his father very much.B. Because he was hungry.C. Because he wanted to borrow some money from his father.D. Because he had good news to tell his father.A18. The man went to talk to his son because ________.A. he thought he might have been a little hard on his son.B. he wanted to ask his son some questions.C. he wanted to find out whether his son was asleep or not.D. his son was crying in his bedroom.D19. The boy wanted to borrow some money from his father because ________.A. he wanted to buy a toy with the moneyB. he wanted to buy a birthday present for himselfC. he didn’t have any moneyD. he didn’t have enough money to buy an hour of his father’s timeB 20. What is the main idea of the passage?A. Parents should give their children some pocket money.B. Parents should not neglect (忽视) their children no matter how busy they are.C. Parents should not be hard on their children.D. Children can buy time from their parents.(5)Have you ever seen people dance? Some dance s are fast and others are slow. People’s feet move when they dance. They keep on moving until the music stops.People have enjoyed dancing for a very long time. This story is of a different kind of dance. It is a dance without people or music. Yet this dance is one of the oldest in the world. It is the dance of bees.If you have ever watched bees, you know that they are very clever. They also work hard looking for food and bringing it back to their home.The home of bees is called a bee-hive. Here hundreds —even thousands —of bees live. They work day and night building small walls of wax. Here they make their honey. This is the same honey that we eat.Where does the honey come from? Bees live on food from flowers. Have you ever seen bees flying around a flower garden? When a bee rests on a flower, it tries to go to the center of it. There it takes in as much food as its body can hold. Then it carries the food back to the hive.At the hive, bees change this flower food into honey. Then they fly away for more food.How do bees know where to find the best food in the sweetest flowers?One bee acts as a guide. When it discovers good flowers, it flies back to the hive to tell the others. It does this by dancing for them.The bee dances on one side. This tells the other bees which way to go to find the flowers, but that is not all. The bee dances for some time, and the length of its dance tells the other bees how far they must fly to reach the flowers.When the other bees see the dance, they know where the flowers are. They fly away and return with more food for the hive.Sometimes we hear the music of bees as they fly around, but few people have ever seen them dance. Yet without that dance we might never have sweet honey to eat.A 21.According to the passage, peop le don’t stop dancing until ________.A. the music stopsB. they are very tiredC. they want to go to bedD. it is very lateB 22. In the text, “an unknown dance” is a dance ________.A. without a lightB. without people or musicC. without light and musicD. without any drinksD 23. Bees carry the flower food back to the hive ________.A. to eatB. to storeC. to be a present to other beesD. to change them into honeyA24. What does a guide bee do if it finds the best food in the sweetest flowers?A. It will fly back to the hive to tell the others.B. It will take in as much food as it can.C. It will bring it back to the hive.D. It will change it into honey.B25. What does the length of the dance mean?A. It tells the other bees which way to go to find the flowers.B. It tells the other bees how far they must fly to reach the flowers.C. It means that bees enjoy dancing.D. It means nothing.(6)This story took place a long time ago. But it has been repeated time and again. Everyone is moved by the true story.An old man was knocked down by a car and was taken to hospital.He was badly hurt, and during his few returns to consciousness, he repeatedly called for his son.No one knew where his son was. A dirty letter was found in his pocket. The nurse learned that his son was a soldier in North Carolina.The hospital called the Red Cross office to find the young man. The young soldier was rushed to the airport in time to catch the plane.It was evening when the young soldier walked into the hospital. A nurse took him to the bedside of the old man.“Your son is here,” she said to the old man. She had to repeat the words several times before the old man’s eyes opened. He dimly saw the young man and got great comfort. He reached out his hand. The young soldier held the old man’s hand and offered words of hope.All through the night the young soldier sat beside the bed. The nurse offered to watch instead of him for a while. He refused.At dawn the old man died. The nurse started to comfort him, but the so ldier asked her, “Who was that man?”“He was your father,” she answered.“No, he wasn’t, I never saw him before.”“Why didn’t you say something when I took you to him?”“I knew right off there was a mistake, but I also knew he needed his son, and his son j ust wasn’t here. I realized I was needed. So I stayed.”B26. What happened to the old man?A. He drove a car and was hurt in a car accident.B. He was knocked down by a car and seriously hurt.C. He had looking for his son for a long time and finally found him.D. He was sick and was sent to the hospital.A27. How did the hospital know the name and address of the old man’s son?A. They found a letter in the old man’s pocket and learned that his son was a solider.B. The old man told them.C. A nurse kn ew where the old man’s son was.D. The Red Cross knew the old man’s son and helped the hospital to find him.D28. Who watched the old man all through the night?A. The nurse.B. The old man’s son.C. The Red Cross.D. The young soldier.D29. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. The old man died because nobody took care of him.B. The old man did see his son and got better in the hospital.C. A nurse in the hospital wrote the story.D. The young soldier was not the old man’s son.B30. Why did the young solider stay and look after the old man?A. Because he was the old man’s son.B. Because he realized he was needed.C. Because there was no plane to take at that time.D. Because he was the old man’s friend.(7)We use both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions and to communicate with other people. We can learn a lot about what a person is thinking by watching his or her body language. Words are important, but the way a person stands, folds his or her arms, or moves his or her hands can also give us information about his or her feelings.Just like spoken language, body language varies from culture to culture. Making eye contact –looking directly into someone’s eyes –is in some counties a way to show interest. In other countries, however, eye contact is rude or disrespectful. The gesture of OK, making a circle with one’s thumb and index finger, has different meanings in different cultures. In Japan, someone who sees another person making the gesture will think it means money. In France, a person seeing the same gesture will think it means zero. In Brazil and Germany, however, the gesture is rude. The thumbs-up gesture, meaning “great” or “good job” in the US, is rude in Nigeria, but in Germany and Japan it means the number one. The “crazy” gesture, moving the index finger in a circle in front of the ear, means “you have a phone call” in Brazil.While there are many different interpretations of our body language, some gestures seem to be universal. A good way of saying “I am full” is moving the hand in circles over the stomach after a meal. If a person pats his or her stomach before a meal, it usually means “I am hungry”.Perhaps the best example of universally understood body language is the smile. A smile can help us get through difficult situations and find friends in a world of strangers. A smile can open doors and tear down walls. It can be used to express almost any emotion. We can use a smile to apologize, to greet someone, to ask for help or to start a conversation. We can smile at ourselves inthe mirror to make ourselves feel happier and stronger. And if we are feeling down or lonely, there is nothing better than to see the smiling face of a good friend.D31. We can get information about a person’s feelings from ________.A. his wordsB. the way he standsC. the way he folds his arms or move his handsD. both his words and his body languageD32. Eye contact ________.A. is a way to show interestB. is rude or disrespectfulC. has the same meaning in all the countriesD. has different meanings in different culturesA33. A good way of saying “I’m full.” is ________.A. moving the hand in circles over the stomach after a mealB. resting one’s head on the back of one’s handC. patting the stomach before a mealD. Both A and CC34. The “crazy” gesture means ________ in Brazil.A. greatB. the number oneC. you have a phone callD. none of aboveD35. The gesture for OK, making a circle with one’s thumb and index finger, ________.A. has different meanings in different culturesB. means money in JapanC. means zero in FranceD. all of the above(8)A patient came to see me about the stress in her life. She described all the things she had to do – one was to make her bed – from the moment she woke up till she flew out the door for work.I suggested she experiment by not making her bed for two weeks.Two weeks later she breezed into my office beaming. She had left her bed unmade for the first time in 42 years –and nothing bad had happened. “And you know what,”she said, “I don’t dry my dishes any more, either.”This woman had made two major breakthroughs. One was discovering that she had choices in her life that she had never seen before. The other was giving herself permission to be less than perfect. It was a watershed experience.This story illustrates an important principle about managing time: No one can do it all. Each of us has to make choices and accept trade-offs. The problem is that many people choose in ways that put themselves and their health last. They take better care of their houses and cars than they do of themselves.They put everyone else’s needs ahead of their own. That’s fine if it’s occasional. It would even be okay if there was a balance. But most people living that way are wearing themselves out, feeling out of control. They stop exercising or start skipping meals; next they steal time from their sleep. Soon they get too busy to see friends; they stop reading or playing balls, and six months go by without a long walk. That’s not a great way to live. Fortunately, life doesn’t have to be like that.So what is the solution? In a word, prioritize. Decide what you want in your life, and put that first. On a daily basis, that should include regular meals, adequate sleep and time with your family. Exercise, leisure, friendships and hobbies should also be regular aspects of life. The point is to do something for yourself every day. The choice is yours: Whatever makes you feel good about yourself and your life. Take a nap. Take a walk. Take time to play the piano. Stop bringing your briefcase home from the office. Stop keeping your house as clean as your mother kept hers. In short, fill more of your time with want-to-dos instead of have-to-dos.Add your name to the list of people you’re trying to make happy. Not “me first” or “me only” but “me, too.” Balance is the goal. Permission is the key. And the time to start is now.A36. What was the woman’s problem?A. She felt stress in her life.B. She had difficulty falling asleep.。



一、完形填空As the plane circled…….1-5 ABDCC 6-10 DBABC 11-15 DADBB 16-20 CADACImagine fishermen walking down to……1-5 DCACB 6-10 DCBAB 11-15 ADABC 16-20 DCABDTelevision is the most effective brainwashing…1-5 ABDBC 6-10 CBABB 11-15 AAABC 16-20 DADAB二、阅读理解(一)、China’s Ministry of Finance从2008年降低房产交易税(CDABB)1、M easures 2、A ll of the above 3、To r educe housing4、S econd-home buyers5、Active(二)、For the first time美国总统的历史(CCCAD)1、Outline2、Gerald R. accomplish the task3、Has not4、Must have5、A History(三)、The accuracy of 科学家研究的准确性(CBDAC)1、Timekeeping2、May affect3、the accuracy4、Atomic5、The Use of(四)、Here are six 贴近生活的6个问题(DACBD)1、Have more2、Has been3、Easygoing4、The confilict5、How personality(五)、One of the strongest提高毕业年龄有利于达到机会平等(BCABB)1、the Same 2、Intelligent 3、Many of4、They have5、Has not yet(六)、Through a series 科学家获得对蚂蚁社会结构的知识(ABCBB)1、they…Food2、domestic3、efficiency4、systematic5、dividing三、汉译英1.看到学生人数不断减少,校长心里很难受It pained the headmaster to find the number of students shrinking2.该公司声称,这条河流的污染不是它造成的The company claims that it is not responsible for the pollution in the river 3.在那个国家一般用现金付账,但支票变得普遍起来了,不久会代替现金作为人们结账的一种方式Cash is commonly used in paying bills in that country,but checks are becoming more popular and will,in a short while,replace cash as a way for people to settle their accounts4.我们接到通知,财政部长将于次日接见我们We were informed that the Minister of Finance was to recevive us the next day5.你理应懂得不该积下这么多的债务You should have known better than to accumulate such large amounts of debt6.这个地区有大量肉类供应,但新鲜果蔬奇缺There are abundant supplies of meat in this region ,but fresh fruit and vegetables are scarce7.地方政府不得不动用储备粮并采取其他紧急措施,以渡过粮食危机The local government had to draw on its grain reserves and take other emergency measures so as to pull through the food crisis8.他花了许多时间准备数学考试,因此当他获知自己只得了个B时感到有点失望He spent a lot of time preparing for his math exam,Hence he was somewhat disappointed to leam that he got only a B9.那辆小汽车从我买来以后尽给我添麻烦That car has given me nothing but trouble ever since I bought it10.证明或驳斥某个论点的最好办法之一是从亲身经历中举出例子One of the best ways to prove or refute a point is to cite examples from your own experience11.我确信这项所谓明智的决定,与期望相反,会带来极其严重的后果。



四川省委党校研究⽣级第⼀学期英语复习题研究⽣英语复习题(许国璋第⼀册)⼀、选择填空:1. Everybody ______ he will win.A. believedB. believesC. believeD. have believed2. I’m sure ______ will be fine next week.A. thereB. there’sC. itD. it’s3. John is a writer ______ books are seldom read.A. whoB. whatC. thatD. whose4. When the sun came out, she ______ washing(洗涤的⾐物)on the line.A. hungB. hangC. hangedD. takes5. ______ attended the meeting yesterday evening.A. A hundred of peopleB. Hundreds of peopleC. Hundred peopleD. Hundreds people6. I ______ in bed till 10 o’clock last Sunday morning.A. liedB. layC. laidD. lieB. to speakC. speakD. speaks8. ______ have you lived in Beijing?A. WhenB. What dayC. What timeD. How long9. There were only a ______ number of students in the assembly hall.A. fewB. smallC. littleD. not much10. It’s quite late now and Mrs. Green ______ hasn’t left her office.A. stillB. sinceC. alreadyD. ever11. “Is Mary coming to the concert?”“I think ______.”A. yesB. itC. soD. too12. Robert ______ in England a few weeks ago.A. arrivesB. is arrivingC. has arrivedD. arrived13. Did you ______ that book from the University library?A. lendB. borrowC. askD. begB. InC. AtD. From15. We had plenty of paper but ______ ink.A. fewB. not manyC. a fewD. not much16. I ______ my homework now.A. finishedB. have finishedC. finishD. had finished17. There isn’t any difference between the two. I really don’t know _____.A. where to chooseB. which to chooseC. to choose whatD. to choose which18. The boat is passing ______ the bridge.A. underB. acrossC. throughD. along19. What do you usually do ______A. on the eveningB. at the eveningC. in the eveningD. in an evening20. When I got to the top of the mountain, the sun ______.A. shoneB. shinesC. has shoneD. was shiningB. preparingC. to prepareD. prepared22. I don’t think Wang Ping works hard ______ English.A. atB. onC. inD. to23. You’d better ______ the exercise again.A. should doB. to doC. doD. will do24. I’ll tell him about your life as soon as he ______.A. arrivedB. is arrivingC. will arriveD. arrives25. My aunt ______ to see us. She’ll be here soon.A. comesB. in comingC. had comeD. come26. The sun ______ in the east.A. raisesB. risesC. rosesD. arises27. My sister works in ______, but I’m not certain which one.A. a factoryB. the factoryC. one factoryD. factoryB. tookC. bringsD. brought29. He ran to the station ______ catch the train.A. in order thatB. so thatC. toD. for30. He ran so ______ that no one could keep up with him.A. fastB. fastlyC. quickD. slowly31. I can’t ______ you do that.A. leaveB. letC. allowD. ask32. There ______ no water in the glass.A. areB. haveC. hasD. is33. He is very old, ______ he still works very hard.A. ifB. butC. whenD. although34. There is going to be a football match ______ our Institute team and the Beijing University team.A. amongB. inC. withA. have knownB. knowC. knewD. would know36. I am sorry I have no money ______ the dictionary.A. buyB. come buyC. to buyD. bought37. Have you ______ questions to ask?A. littleB. aC. muchD. any38. She can finish the work in time, ______?A. isn’t sheB. doesn’t sheC. can’t sheD. hasn’t she39. The chair is made ______ wood.A. fromB. byC. ofD. with40. Can you see that girl sitting ______ Mary?A. besidesB. exceptC. nextD. beside41. ______ here early?A. Will MaryB. Was MaryC. Did MaryA. wouldB. is going toC. willD. helps43. “How does your father go to work?” “______.”A. In carB. On bicycleC. By footD. By bus44. ______ your homework last night?A. Did youB. You didn’tC. Did you doD. Do you did45. She ______ for Shanghai next Tuesday.A. may will leaveB. will leaveC. will leavesD. wills leave46. ______ newspaper is over there.A. ThisB. TheseC. TheD. Those47. He doesn’t want ______ paper.A. anyB. noC. aD. some48. May I ______ you a question?A. to askB. askingC. will askA. as soon asB. becauseC. butD. after50. He ______ the floor now.A. sweepB. is sweepingC. sweepsD. sweeping51. She kept ______ all day yesterday.A. to readB. readsC. readD. reading52. “Is there anything important in his talk?”“Yes, there is ______ very important.”A. nothingB. anythingC. somethingD. any53. If ______, we’ll stay at home.A. it rainsB. it is to rainC. it will rainD. it will rains54. “How many English books have you?”“Oh, ______ them.”A. a hundred ofB. hundredsC. hundredD. hundreds of55. Please make notes ______ you read.A. whyD. what56. ______ we don’t review our lessons on Saturdays.A. NeverB. SometimesC. SeldomD. Always57. “Will there be a new film this evening?”“I think ______.”A. yesB. soC. thatD. it58. When he ______ tomorrow, tell him to wait for me.A. comeB. will comeC. comesD. came59. The child ______.A. watch his sister danceB. watched his sister dancedC. watched his sister to danceD. watched his sister dance60. This film is ______ than that one.A. much longerB. longC. much longD. more longer⼆、英汉对译:1、这座公园建成以来并不⼀直是这样美丽。



复习资料英语一、阅读理解1、保险精算师:CCDBA2、兼容的:CADBA3、等候的长队:DABCA4、叫嚷:CADBC1、警觉的:CBDAB2、新拓居地:AABDC3、固有地:DABDC4、CEOS:BCCAC1、红外线:CDACB2、被告:CADBA3、咒语:ACDAD4、Health-care:BAAAD 1、Colleges graduates:BDACB 2、Go on a diet:CDBBC 3、LOGO:BDBBB 4、变得混乱:CDDBA 1、赞许:ACDAB 2、传播:BCABA3、衣柜:CCCAD4、Unhappy:BCCCA1、智能:ACDCA2、Visa:BCDBD3、简历:ACADB4、Inconstancy:BBBDC二、翻译1、How many people can put their hand on their heart and say it has not doubled its beat at the prospect of making a phone call?译:有多少人能够拍着胸口说他在准备打电话时心跳没有加速?2、Dick always begins with the basic tips which are essential for business call.译:迪克总是先从打任何工作电话的基本做法谈起。

3、The second rule is to introduce yourself ,greet the other person by name and say at least one thing to establish common before getting on to why you have called .译:第二条规则是自我介绍,直呼对方的名字并在转入为何打电话这一话题前至少讲一件事来建立共同基础。

4、An essential part of being ehhictive over the telephone is to be prepared for the call.译:想有效的使用电话最重要的部分是打电话前要有准备。



四川省委党校在职研究生英语复习题(1 一.Structure and V ocabulary句型和词汇1st week the writer went to the theatre. He was the theatre.(a to (b at (c into (d onD2. The young man and young woma n were sitti ng beh ind him. Hewas sitti ng _____ them(a before (b above (c ahead of (d in front ofC3. did the writer feel? Angry.(a Where (b Why (c H3w (d WhenA4. He looked at the man and the woman angrily. He looked at angrily. (a them (b they (c their (d usD5. The young man and the young woma n paid atte ntio nto the writer.(a none (b any (c not any (d noB6. He had a good seat. He was sitti ng in a good(a chair (b place (c armchair (d classA7. He was a young man. He was n't very (a old (b big (c tall (d largeC8. The writer looked at the man and the woman angrily. He was very (a sad (b un happy (c cross (d pleasedC9. The writer could not bear it. He could not it.(a carry (b suffer (c sta nd (d liftC10. The young man spoke rudely. He was n't very(a clever (b rude (c polite (d kind2C11.He sometimes in bed un til l un chtime.(a stay (b is stayi ng (c stays (d stayi ngC12. He stayed in bed un til l un chtime. He went bed late last ni ght.(a in (b into (c to (d atA13. He does n't get up early on Sun days. He gets up(a late (b lately (c slowly (d hardlyB14. did Aunt Lucy come? By train.(a When (b How (c Why (d WhereB15. The writer can't see Aunt Lucy . He's hav ing breakfast.(a still (b now (c ofte n (d alwaysA16. He out of the win dow and saw that it was rai ning.(a looked (b saw (c remarked (d watchedD17. Just the n, the teleph one ran g. It rang(a at once (b immediately (c aga in (dat that mome ntC18. She was his aunt, so he was her(a son (b grandson (c n ephewD19. Breakfast is the first of the day.(a food (b dinner (c lunch (d mealB20.A unt Lucy said, ,Dear me,' because she was(a angry (b surprised (c tired (d pleased3C21. Last summer he went to Italy. He was Italy last summer. (a at (b to (c in (d onA22. him a few words of Italia n? The waiter.(a Who taught (b Who did teach(c What did he teach (d Whom did he teachD23. He was a friendly waiter. He spoke to the writer(a frie nd (b as frie nds (c like friends (d in a frie ndly wayB24.The writer a few lin es, but he did n'tun dersta nd a word.(a reads (b read (c redC25.He spent the whole day in his room. He was in his room day.(a the hole (b the all (c all (d all ofC26. A waiter usually works in a(a public garde n (b shop (c restaura nt(d private houseB27.The waiter lent him a book. He a book from thewaiter.(a lent (b borrowed (c took (d stoleA28. On the last day he made a big decisi on .It was the day of his holiday.(a fin al (b end (c latest (d bottomB29. He made a big decisi on. He(a thought about it (b made up his mind (c cha nged his mind (d made a wishB30. He did n't write a sin gle card. So he(a wrote on ly one (b did n't write eve none(c wrote just one (d wrote all thecards except one4A31. Tim is in Australia. He went Australia sixmon ths ago.(a to (b in (c at (d intoB32. Tim is in Australia, How long there?(a is he (b has he bee n (c has he (d was heB33. Tim has bee n in Australia for six mon ths, His brotherhas n't see n him _______Janu ary.(a for (b since (c from (d byA34. He has just bought an Australia n car. He bought one(a a short time ago (b a long time ago(c last year (d six mon ths agoC35.He has just gone to Alice Springs. He has never there before.(a went (b being (c bee n(d wasB36. Tim is worki ng for a big firm. He is worki ng for a big (a society (b compa ny (c factory (d storeC37. He has visited a great nu mber of differe nt places. Hehas n't stayed in _________ place.(a the on ly (b a similar (c the same (d alikeA38. Alice Springs is a small tow n. A tow n is usually(a bigger tha n a village but smaller tha n a city (b biggertha n a city(c the same size as a city (d the samesize as a villageC39. He will soon visit Darwin. He will visit Darwin(a quickly (b for a short time (c shortly (d in a hurryC40. He will fly to Perth. He will go there(a with air (b in air (c by air (d through air5D41. Mr. Scott has a garage. The garage is(a to him (b of him (c of his (d hisB42.Mr. Scott cannot get a telepho ne for his garage. he has just bought twelve pigeons.(a That's so (b That's why (c Because (d ForC43.He has just bought twelve pige ons. Whe n did he them?(a bought (b buys (c buy (d buyingD44.What's the dista nee from Pi nhurst to Silbury? Howis Pin hurst Silbury?(a long ago ... un til (b long ... away(c away ... till (d far ... fromA45.The pige on flew from one garage to the other three minu tes.(a in (b into (c with (d onB46. Mr. Scott has a garage in Silbury. His garageis in Pi nhurst.(a ano ther (b other (c else (d differe ntC47. Mr. Scott can't get a telepho ne. Telepho nes are hard to (a take (b receive (c obtain (d findB48.He has sent requests for spare parts. He has spare parts.(a asked (b asked for (c begged (d pleasedA49. Urge nt messages are importa nt, so they must be sent(a quickly (b slowly (c by hand (d largelyD50.Mr. Scott's ,telephone service' is pri vate. It is(a gen eral (b spare (c secret (d his own6C51.The writer has just moved to a new house. She was yesterday.(a at house (b to the house (c at home (d in the homeD52. She gave(a to him a meal (b a meal for him(c him to a meal (d a meal to himD53. A n eighbor told me about him. He Percy Butt onswas a beggar.(a told (b said me (c told to me (d saidA54. Everybody knows him. know him.(a They all (b Each (c Every (d All theyD55. does he call? Once a mon th.(a How seldom (b How long (c How soon (d How ofte nA56. A beggar is a pers on who(a asks for money but does n't work (b asks forfood(c works hard (d is out ofworkB57. You can have a meal(aonly in the morning (b at any time(c only at midday (d only in the eve ningA58. She gave him a piece of cheese. He put the of cheese in his pocket.(a bit (b bar (c block (d packetD59.He calls at every house in the street. He every one.(a shouts at (b calls (c cries out at (d visitsA60. All the houses in our are the same age and size.(a street (b way (c road (d route7C61. were detectives wait ing? At the airport.(a Why (b When (c Where (d WhatD62. were they expect ing? A valuable parcel ofdiam on ds.(a Why (b When (c Where (d WhatA63. Some one had told the police that thieves would try to stealthe diam on ds. This happe ned the pla ne arrived.(a before (b after (c whe n (d as soon asC64. The detectives went into the building and waited(a in (b into (c in side (d forD65.Two men took the parcel, off the pla ne. They(a took off it (b it took off (c took off (d took it offA66. The detectives were a valuable parcel ofdiam on ds.(a expect ing (b wait ing (c expect ingfor (d expect ing toC67. The parcel was valuable. It was(a worth (b worthy (c precious (d valueB68. The thieves wan ted to the diam on ds.(a rob (b steal (c take from (d take toA69. The detectives waited in side the main build ing. This was the build ing.(a most importa nt (b smallest (c first (d greatestB70. Some one had filled the parcel with stones and san d. Itwas stones and sand.(a full with (b full of (c full by(d full in8B71.Bill Frith's garde n is larger tha n Joe's. It is(a larger garde n (b a large garde n (c large garde n(d largest garde nA72. Bill is a hard worker. He works than Joe.(a harder (b more hard (c more hardly (d hardierC73. Joe's garden is more interesting Bill's.(a by (b for (c tha n (d fromC74. The writer is fond of garde ns.(a They like him (b They like to him (c He likes them(d He likesB75. Joe's garden is the best in the town. It's the best them all.(a in (b of (c for (d byB76. Joe wins every time. He always Bill Frith.(a wins (b beats (c gains (d earnsA77. Joe grows more flowers. More flowers in hisgarde n.(a grow (b grow tall (c grow up (d grow bigD78. Joe's garde n is in teresti ng. Joe is in garde ning.(a interesting (b interest (c interestingly(d in terestedB79. The writer does n't like hard work. It's to lookafter a garde n.(a a hard work (b a hard job (c hard job(d hardly a jobB80. Every year the writer enters for the garden competition (a very (b also (c and (d either9D81. They went to the Town Hall on Wedn esday eve ning. They went (a the eve ning (b on the eve ning (c eve ning(d in the eve ningA82. The people un der the Town Hall clock.(a were (b was (c is (d beA83. will it strike? In twenty minutes' time.(a Whe n (b How long (c How long ago(d How muchB84. What time did it stop? five to twelve.(a On (b At (c In (d Duri ngB85. Did happe n? No, nothing happe ned.(a nothing (b any thi ng (c any (d a thingD86. How many times did the clock(a hit (b beat (c knock (d strikeB87. It was fifteen minutes eleven.(a pass (b past (c passed (d pastedB88. A clock usually has two han ds, a minute hand and hand.(a a sec ond (b an hour (c a time (d.a bigD89. Most people wear or carry(a an alarm clock (b an alarm (c a clock (d a watchC90. It refused to welcome the New Year. It(a denied it (b wan ted to(c did n't want to (d wished to10D91.Our clavichord is kept in the living room. That's wherewe it.(a kept (b have kept (c are keep ing (d keepC92. It has bel on ged to our family for years. It's the(a families (b families' (c family's(d familys'B93. The family have had the clavichord many years.(a since (b for (c from (d byC94. Who it? Gran dfather did.(a buy (b was bought (c bought (d did buyA95. We are not allowed to touch it. We touch it.(a must n't (b must n't to (c have n't to(d don't have toC96. What's it ? A clavichord.(a told (b said (c called (d spoken A97. It's kept in the living room. That's where we it.(a have (b hold (c lift (d carryC98. The visitor damaged it. She it.(a hurt ( b pained ( c broke(d destroyedC99. Rece ntly it was damaged. She damaged it(a late (b lastly (c lately (d fin allyA100. A friend of my father's is the clavichord.(a mending ( b making ( c doing ( d buildi ng11B101. Tony Steele into the restaura nt whe n the writerwas hav ing dinner.(a was going (b went (c has gone (d did goA102. Tony is work ing at a bank(a at the mome nt (b a year ago (c since lastyear (d for a yearB103. he has n ever borrowed any money from the writer.(a Last week (b Up till now (c Since (d A week agoC104. did he ask for? &20.(a How many (b How (c How much (d How fewC105 .I have n ever borrowed any money from you. I lend me some mon ey.(a want to (b want (c want you to (d you want toA106. He gets a good salary. His salary is very(a good (b well (c fine (d beautiful C107. Tony usually gets his salary at the end of the (a day (b year (c month (d weekC108. Tony must pay the money back. He must(a pay it again (b pay it (c repay it(d pay, it once moreB109. There aren't eno ugh chairs here for us all. Please bring one.(a other (b ano ther (c extra (da differe ntD110. He gave him the money immediately. He gave him the money (a soon (b in ahurry (c once more (d at once12A111. Our n eighbour, n ame is Charles Alis on, will sail tomorrow.(a whose (b whose his (c his (d of whomD112. He will sail from Portsmouth. He is Portsmouthnow.(a to (b from (c on (d atD113. His boat, is Topsail, is famous.(a whose the n ame (b the whose n ame (c of whom then ame (d the n ame of whichA114. We'll have plenty of time. There will be timeto see him.(a eno ugh (b almost eno ugh (c less tha neno ugh (d hardly eno ughD115. We'll(a say him goodbye (b tell him goodbye (c tell goodbyeto him (d say goodbye to himA116. He's our n eighbour so he lives us.(a n ear (b a long way from (c in adiffere nt tow n from (d n ext doorC117. It has sailed across the Atlantic many times. It hassailed across the Atla ntic ___ .(a sometimes (b always (c ofte n (dusuallyD118. He will set out at eight o'clock. That's whe n(a the trip ends (b the journey ends (c the voyagestops (d the journey beg insA119. He will take part in a race. He will init.(a be (b take place (c act (d doA120. The Atla ntic is(a an ocea n (b a sea (c a river (da lake13B121. Most of the you ng people will be there, the young people will be there.(a A lot (b Nearly all (c Some (dMa nyC122.How stayi ng? For five days.(a long they will be (b they will be (c long willthey be (d long they beA123. During this time, they will give five performances. That's what they'll do this time.(a in (b on (c for (d whileB124.The police will have a difficult time(a as usually (b as usual (c tha n usual(d from usualB125. The police ..expect ing the sin gers to arrive soon.(a is (b are (c will (d wasC126. They are pop sin gers. So(a they are folk sin gers (b they arepublic sin gers(c every one likes them (d no onelikes themA127. At prese nt they are visit ing all parts of the coun try. They are doing this(a now (b for a short time (c in future (d all the timeA128. They are visiting all parts of the country. So they willgo(a to cities, tow ns and villages (c only tovillages(b on ly to tow ns (d on ly tocitiesA129. The Gree nwood Boys will give five performa nces. They will give five(a recitals (b executions (c plays (d songsD130. It's always the same on these occasions. It's always the same at like this.(a situati ons (b con diti ons (c places(d times14A131. What kind of car did he(a drive (b drove (c drive n (d driv ingC132. As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning.I said good morning __ he had got into the car.(a before (b a long time after (c just after(d a mome nt beforeD133. 'Good morning,' I(a spoke (b talked (c told (d saidB13 4」speak a few words of Fren ch. I don't know Fren ch. (a many (b much (c ple nty of (d a littleC135. Neither of us spoke. We(a n either spoke (b either spoke(c both did n't speak (d n either did n't speakB136. On the way, a young man waved to me. This happe ned (a before the writer's journey (b duringthe writer's journey(c after the writer's journey (d a longtime agoC137. The young man waved to the writer. He film.(a saluted (b greeted (c sig naled to (d no ddedB138. He asked for a lift. He was a(a tramp (b hitch hiker (c passe nger (d foreig nerB139. He replied in Fren ch. He the writer in Fren ch.(a resp on ded (b an swered (c retur ned(d remarkedB140. The writer had reached the town when the young man spoke.(a often (b almost (c sometimes (d just as15C141. “ Mr. Harmsworth see you, ” the secretary said.(a would (b shall (c will(d couldB142. did he feel? Very nervous.(a What (b How (c How much (d WhichC143. The firm could n't pay large salaries.(a so (b such a (c such (d a suchD144. turn is it? It's your turn.(a Which (b To whom (c Whom (d WhoseA145. “ Mr. Harmsworth, ” I said a weak voice.(a in (b with (c on (d un derD146.Mr. Harmsworth wan ted to see me. He wan ted to me.(a watch (b look at (c look for (d speak toC147. I felt nervous because I felt(a angry (b cross (c an xious (d illC148. It's your turn.(a It's your line (b It's your row(c You're n ext (d It's your cha neeC149. Don't interrupt! Don't(a speak (b talk (c talk while rmtalk ing (d cut offB150. The writer would receive an extra 1,000 a year. He would get 1,000 a year(a less (b more (c over (d up16D151 .If you park your car in the right place you receive a ticket.(a will (b would n't (c did n't (d won'tA152. Traffic police never let you without a ticket.(a go (b to go (c going (d havegoneB153.We welcome you to our city. You to our city.(a welcome (b are welcome (c have welcomed(d are welco mingA154. 'No Parking' means(a don't leave your car here (b withoutpark ing(c don't stop (d there's noroom to park hereD155.This note is only a rem in der. It's(a nothing (b no one (C no thi ng extra(d nothing moreA156. This is a 'No Park ing' area. Cars aren't allowed in this (a district (b country (c surro unding (d kin gdomD157.You will enjoy your stay. It will you.(a amuse (b enjoy (c laugh at (d pleaseD158.You will enjoy your stay. How long will you here?(a rest (b preve nt (c sit (d rema inD159. This n ote is only a rem in der. It will help(a you rem ind (b your souve nir (c your remembra nee (d you to rememberA160. You cannot fail to obey it. You can't to dothis.(a refuse (b deny (c resist (dwithdraw17B161.She must be at least thirty-five years old. In my opin io nshe(a has (b is (c can (d mustD162. is she? At least thirty-five years old.(a How (b How big (c How much (d How oldC163. She must appear in a bright red dress. She will be dressed red.(a with (b on (c in (d byC164. She must appear in a bright red dress. That's what she (a has done (b have to do (c has to do (d had doneB165. She had to wear short socks. It was for herto wear them.(a certa in (b n ecessary (c importa nt(d impossibleA166. She ofte n appears as a young girl. She on thestage as a young girl.(a is prese nted (b points (c shows (d seemsA167. We went to the theatre to see a(a play (b game (c toy (d matchC168. Jennifer will take part in the play. She it.(a will write (b won't be in (c will be in (d will produce A169. Men usually wear(a socks in stead of stock ings (bstock ings in stead of socks(c either socks or stock ings (dn either socks nor stock ingsD170. She is grown up. She is .(a very old (b an adolesce nt (c a tee nager(d an adult18B171. After I had lunch。



C. importanterD. much importanter5. You __ _D___ where you leave your things.A. always forgets C. will always forget 6. He doesn ' t live in the city,A. isn ' t he D. does he7. Now she is leaving London. She has stayed here ____D ______A. after 1980B. in 1980C. for 1980D. since 19808. These questions ___C___ at tomorrow ' s meeting.A. have been discussedB. had been discussedC. will be discussedD. shall be discussed9. Nothing is ___A___ than one ' s personal freedom.A. more importantB. much important英语一、单项选择 1. Is there anything I ____ A. may C. can 2. This kind of tree has green A. leafs C. leaf C _____ do for you? B. must D. ought ___B___ throughout the year B. leavesD. leaves '3. I will tell him the news as soon as IA. seeB. seesC. sees 'D. saw 4. They never knew that pollution ___ A. become _A___ him.B ____ a big problem.B. would becomeC. is going toD. does become B. forget D. are always forgetting D ______ ?. B. doesn ' t heC. is he10. A good father is one ____D___ we can love as well as respect.A. whichB. whoC . whoseD. whom11. The instructor asked me to write a ___A__ composition every week.A. two-thousand-wordB. two-thousand-wordsC. two-thousand-wordsD. two-thousands-words 12. They _ _C _______ be waiting for us, let' s hurry up.A. can ' tB. mustn 'tC. mustD. may not13. You _ _B ______ clearly see the top of the tower from here.B. can D. mustn 't14. _ _A___ weeks later she came to my office with a smile on her face.B. SecondB. who D. that_B__ has changed a lot in the past 30 years.B. womenD. women 's17. _ _A meeting will be put off till next Monday.A. Tom orrow 'sC. TomorrowD. Tomorrows18. If he __ B___ to go, I'll ask someone else to go with me.A. don 't wantB. doesn ' t wantC. not wantD. not wants19. This is my cell phone. ___C. After twoD. After second15. He said that was a good suggestion, ___ A___ he would look into (研究 ).A. might C. mustA. Two A. whichC. what16. The role ofA. womans C. womanB. TomorrowsC ______ is on the desk.A. TheirB. OurLet ' s __ _B___ and get something to eat.A. to go C. going D. goesBill has been out of work A. by C. inWhen they arrived, the game _A. already start C. have already startedThose books B. go_D _____ three years.B. since D. for _D___.B. already started D. had already startedB. can be returnedC. can returnedD. can return toI ' m sorry, but smoking __ B ____ here.B. is not allowedC.will be allowed D. will not allowThey got to the airport __ B___ than you did. A. more late B. laterC.more later D. lateHe talked of the people and books __C _____ interested him.20.21. 22.23. 24.25. YoursD. HerThe house A. himself C. itselfC__ is very nice, but the compound (B. herselfD. oneselfI told him not to go, but heA. will C. shall This time last year, Tom _ A. stayed C. is staying院子 ) is too small.B__ not listen. B. would D. shouldB ____ with his friends in London.B. was stayingD. staysB_ to the library next Monday.A. can return A. is allowedA. whoB. whoseC. thatD. whom30. I live in __D___.I ' d like to let you know that I ' m checking out early tomorrowmorning.A. Room 216 thB. 216 RoomC. 216 th RoomD. Room 21631. Mrs. Clinton has a _ _ C ____________ daughter.A. three years oldB. three year oldC. three-year-oldD. three-years-old32. __ C__ a long time since I saw my father last time. A. There is B. There areC. It isD. For33. There is a fine sunset, it ___ A_________________ to be a fine day tomorrow. A. ought B. must C. should D. can34. I don ' t know whether it will rain or not, but if it ___ D___ I shall stay athome. A. shallB. doC. didD. does35. __ __B _________ people attended the meeting last night. A. Hundred B. Hundreds of C. Hundreds D. A hundred of36. Though small, the room is comfortable ___ A ______________A. to live inB. to liveC. to have lived inD. live in40. The doctor _________ A _____ is treating for your heart trouble is a relative of mine. B. whom C. which D. whose41.John plays football ___ __D, if not better than, David.37. If you want something ___ B ____ , you can go to the library. A. read B. to readC. be readD. to be reading38. Would you please tell me ___C ______ the plane will take off? A. that B. where C. when D. which39. It is necessary that you C ____ your reservation before the weekend.A. will confirmB. must confirmC. confirmD. confirmedA. whoA.as wellB. so wellC. so well asD. as well as42.The girl apologized, __ _B ____ that she was sorry to be late.A. having saidB. sayingC. was sayingD. said43.I often have a glass of milk and ___ _A__ for breakfast.A. two pieces of breadB. two piece of breadC.two pieces of breadsD. two piece of breads44.___ B ______ a radio, I would have heard the news this morning.A. Had IB. Had I hadC. Should I haveD. Have I had45.___ _C___ another chance, how could she let it slip away.A. GivingB. Having givenC. Having been givenD. Give二、阅读理解(1)A man lived in a tall building in the city of Moscow. He liked living there.It was usually very quiet, and he could see the park from his window. There was only one problem: the man upstairs.Every night, the man upstairs came back late. He always took off his shoes and threw them on the floor. At this time, the man downstairs was trying to sleep. But every night he heard the noise upstairs. Bang! One shoe. Bang! The other shoe. It was too bad. He found it very difficult to get to sleep and he was rather angry with the man upstairs.One day, the man downstairs went to talk to the man. He went upstairs and knocked at the door. The man opened it. With a smile the man from downstairs said: “ I am sorry to trouble you, comrade. ”“ What is it? ” asked the man.“ Well, every time you get back at night, you drop your shoes on the floor. It happens every night. The noise wakes me up! Would you please not do this? ”“I 'm very sorry, comrade, ” said the man. “I won ' t do it again. ”The next evening the man upstairs came home from work late as usual. He was feeling very tired. He took off the first shoe and threw it on the floor.Then he remembered his comrade downstairs. So he took off the second shoe and put it underhis bed very quietly. He had his supper, listened to the radio, read a newspaper and then went to bed. He was just falling asleep when there was a loud knock at the door. He opened it and saw the man from downstairs.“Please! ” said the man from downstairs. “ Please drop the other shoe! I was waiting for the sound of the ot her shoe! I can ' t get to sleep! ”B1. Why did the man downstairs like living in a tall building in the city of Moscow?A.Because he liked the city very much.B.Because he liked the environment of the tall building.C.Because there were many parks in the city.D.Because he had a good friend there.C2. What was the problem the man downstairs had?A.Every night the man upstairs came back late.B.The man upstairs always took off his shoes.C.The man upstairs took off his shoes and threw them on the floor, which madehim difficult to get to sleep.D.He did not get along well with his neighbors.A3. How did the man downstairs try to solve his problem?A.He went to talk to the man upstairs and asked him not to throw his shoeson the floor again.B.He had a quarrel (吵架) with the man upstairs.C.He moved out of the tall building.D.He did not go to bed before the man upstairs came back any more.B4. What did the man upstairs do the next evening after he came home from work?A.He took off his shoes and threw them on the floor as usual.B.He took off his first shoe and threw it on the floor, but put his secondshoe under his bed quietly.C.He put both his shoes under his bed quietly.D.He was very tired and went to bed without taking off his shoes.C5. Why couldn 't the man downstairs fal l asleep the next night?A.Because the man upstairs made a great noise by having his supper, listeningto the radio and reading the newspaper.B.Because the man upstairs threw his shoes on the floor with a big noise and woke him up.C.Because he had been waiting for the sound of the other shoe.D.Both B and C.(2)You may not realize it, but you are doing much more than just studying, when you are at school. School is also the place where you learn to get along well with people. But this is not alwayseasy. What can you do if you just don ' t like oneof your classmates?If you discover that you have problems getting along with your classmates or friends, the most important thing to learn is tolerance. Tolerance is the ability to realize and respect the differences in others. We can not change the way that other people do, so it is important to learn to live happily with them.Tolerance will make everyone get on better with each other. Getting to knowsomeone may help you understand why they do things differently. Something different does not exactly mean that it is bad. Tolerance teaches us to keep an even temper and open mind.You need to remember an old saying, “ treat others how you want to be treated ”. You would like to be treated kindly by your classmates, so it is important to treat them kindly too. If you tolerate something, it does not mean that you have to like it. No one is asking you to change who you are or what you believe in. Tolerance just means that you should respect the differences in others and not try to make them change.It is important to practice tolerance, because it will make everyone ' s lives easier. Learn to accept people for their different abilities and interests. The world is very different, and practicing tolerance in your own school and city can help make a difference.B 6. According to the author, what is tolerance?A.Tolerance is the ability that we have to change the way that other peopledo.B.Tolerance is the ability to realize and respect the differences in others.C.Tolerance is a weapon to fight against the enemy.D.Tolerance is the way to discover whether you have problems getting alongwith your classmates or friends.B7. What does tolerance function (起作用) in getting along with your friends?A.It makes you change who you are and what you believe.B.It can help us understand why people do things differently.C.It warns us to keep an even tempter and open mind.D.It is important for us to learn tolerance.D8. Why is tolerance important?A.Because it will make ever yone' s lives easier.B.Because it will make everyone get on better with each other.C.Because it teaches us to respect the differences in others and not try tomake them change.D.All of the above.A9. “ Treat others how you want to be treated ” , what do es the sentence mean?A.If you want to be treated kindly, you should treat others kindly too.B.If someone treats you badly, you will treat them kindly.C.You should change yourself to tolerate others.D.Others should change themselves to tolerate you.B10. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. If you tolerate something, you must change yourself.B.Tolerance can make you get on better with your classmates or friends, forit teaches you to keep an even temper and open mind.C.We can live happily with other people by changing the way they do.D.Practicing tolerance can not make any change in your life for the world is different.(3)Scientists are trying to make the deserts into good land again. They want to bring water to the deserts, so that people can live and grow food. They are learning a lot about the deserts. Even so, more and more of the earth is becoming deserts all the time. Scientists may not be able to change the deserts in time.Why is more and more land becoming deserts? Scientists think that people make deserts. People are doing bad things to the earth.Somep laces on the earth do not get very much rain. Yet, they still do not become deserts. Thisis because there are some green plants growing there. Small green plants and grass are very important to dry places. Plants help keep water in the earth. Plants do not let the wind blow the dirt away. Whena little bit of rain falls, the plants hold water. Without plants, the land can become a desert much more easily.A man decides to make a farm in a very dry place. He cuts down the trees. He digs in the earth and takes away the grass and plants that are already growing on the dry land. He makes a farm. He puts plants in rows. The sun is very hot. It makes the land even drier. When the rain comes, it runs between the rows of plants. It washes the good dirt away. Whent he wind comes, it blows between the rows of plants. It blows the good dirt away.Soon the land is not good enough for a farm any more. The man lets his animals eat all the plants on it. Now the land does not have any plants on it. The sun and wind dry the land and blow all the good dirt away. Now the land is a desert.Now it is time for man to protect his environment!D 11. ___________ are doing their best to change the deserts into good land again.A.MenB.WomenC.PeopleD.ScientistsC12. According to the scientists, it is _________ who make deserts.A.bad weatherB.the lack of rainC.peopleD.plantsD13. What ' s the main id ea of the third paragraph?A.Some places have little rain.B.Some places have many plants.C.Plants do not let the wind blow the dirt away.D.Plants help protect the land.B14. What ' s the fourth paragraph mainly about?A. A man wants to make a farm in a dry place.B.The influence of m en' s activities on the environment.C.He succeeds in making a farm.D.He puts plants in rows.C15. The main idea of the whole passage is that _________ .A.people work very hardB.scientists are studying the problem of desertsC.people are doing much harm to the environmentD.many good lands are becoming deserts(4)A man came home from work late again, tired and irritated, to find son waiting for him at the door. “ Daddy, may I ask you a question?“ Yeah, sure, what is it? ” replied the ma n.“ Daddy, how much money do you make an hour? ”“That 's none of your business! What makes you ask such a thing? said angrily.“ I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an hour? the little boy.“ If you must know, I make $20.00 an hour. ”“ Oh,” the little boy replied, head bowed. Looking up, he said,I borrow $10.00 please? his 5-year-oldthe manpleaded Daddy, mayThe father was furious. “If the only reason you wanted to know how much moneyI make is just so you can borrow some to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense,then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed. Think about why you're being so selfish. I work long, hard hours every day and don 't have time for suchchildish games. ”The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door. The man sat downand started to get even madder about the l ittle boy's questioning. How dare he ask such questions only to get some money. After an hour or so, the man had calmed down, and started to think he may have been a little hard on his son. Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that $10.00 , and he really didn 't ask for money very often.The man went to the door of the little boy 's room and opened the door. “Areyou asleep, son? ” he asked.“No daddy, I 'm awake,” replied the boy.“I've been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier, ” said the man.“It 's been a long day and I took my aggravation out on you. Here 's that $10.00you asked for. ” The little boy sat straight up, beaming. “Oh, thank you daddy! ”he yelled. Then, reaching under his pillow, he pulled out some more crumpled up bills.The man, seeing that the boy already had money, started to get angry again.The little boy slowly counted out his money, then looked up at the man. “Why didyou want more money if you already ha d some?” the father grumbled.“Because I didn 't have enough, but now I do,” the little boy replied. “Daddy, I have $20.00 now. Can I buy an hour of your time? ”B16. What do you know about the man?A.He made a lot of money.B.He often came home from work late.C.He often went to work late.D.He spent lots of time taking care of his son.C17. Why was the boy waiting for his father at the door?A.Because he missed his father very much.B.Because he was hungry.C.Because he wanted to borrow some money from his father.D.Because he had good news to tell his father.A18. The man went to talk to his son because ________ .A.he thought he might have been a little hard on his son.B.he wanted to ask his son some questions.C.he wanted to find out whether his son was asleep or not.D.his son was crying in his bedroom.D19. The boy wanted to borrow some money from his father because ________ .A.he wanted to buy a toy with the moneyB.he wanted to buy a birthday present for himselfC.he didn ' t have any moneyD.he didn ' t have enough money to buy an hour of his father ' s timeB 20. What is the main idea of the passage?A.Parents should give their children some pocket money.B.Parents should not neglect ( 忽视 ) their children no matter how busy theyare.C.Parents should not be hard on their children.D.Children can buy time from their parents.(5)Have you ever seen people dance? Some dances are fast and others are slow. People ' s feet move when the y dance. They keep on moving until the music stops.People have enjoyed dancing for a very long time. This story is of a different kind of dance. It is a dance without people or music. Yet this dance is one of the oldest in the world. It is the dance of bees.If you have ever watched bees, you know that they are very clever. They also work hard looking for food and bringing it back to their home.The home of bees is called a bee-hive. Here hundreds — even thousands — ofbees live. They work day and night building small walls of wax. Here they make their honey. This is the same honey that we eat.Where does the honey come from? Bees live on food from flowers. Have you ever seen bees flying around a flower garden? When a bee rests on a flower, it tries to go to the center of it. There it takes in as much food as its body can hold. Then it carries the food back to the hive.At the hive, bees change this flower food into honey. Then they fly away for more food.How do bees know where to find the best food in the sweetest flowers? acts as a guide. When it discovers good flowers, it flies back to the hive to tell the others. It does this by dancing for them.The bee dances on one side. This tells the other bees which way to go to find the flowers, but that is not all. The bee dances for some time, and the length of its dance tells the other bees how far they must fly to reach the flowers.When the other bees see the dance, they know where the flowers are. They fly away and return with more food for the hive.Sometimes we hear the music of bees as they fly around, but few people seen them dance. Yet without that dance we might never have sweet honey to eat.A 21. According to the passage, peop le don ' t stop dancing until __________________A.the music stopsB.they are very tiredC.they want to go to bedD.it is very lateB 22. In the text, “an unknown dance ” is a dance _____________ .A.without a lightB.without people or musicC.without light and musicD.without any drinksD 23. Bees carry the flower food back to the hive _________ .A.to eatB.to storeC.to be a present to other beesD.to change them into honeyA24. What does a guide bee do if it finds the best food in the sweetest flowers?One bee have everA.It will fly back to the hive to tell the others.B.It will take in as much food as it can.C.It will bring it back to the hive.D.It will change it into honey.B25. What does the length of the dance mean?A.It tells the other bees which way to go to find the flowers.B.It tells the other bees how far they must fly to reach the flowers.C.It means that bees enjoy dancing.D.It means nothing.(6)This story took place a long time ago. But it has been repeated time and again. Everyone is moved by the true story.An old man was knocked down by a car and was taken to hospital. He was badly hurt, and during his few returns to consciousness, he repeatedly called for his son.No one knew where his son was. A dirty letter was found in his pocket. The nurse learned that his son was a soldier in North Carolina.The hospital called the Red Cross office to find the young man. The young soldier was rushed to the airport in time to catch the plane.It was evening when the young soldier walked into the hospital. A nurse tookhim to the bedside of the old man.“Your son is here, ” she said to the old man. She had to repeat the words several times before the old man 's eyes opened. He dimly saw the young man and got great comfort. He reached out his hand. The young soldier held the old man 's hand and offered words of hope.All through the night the young soldier sat beside the bed. The nurse offeredto watch instead of him for a while. He refused.At dawn the old man died. The nurse started to comfort him, but the soldier asked her, “Who was that man?“He was your father, ” she answered.“No, he wasn 't, I never saw him before. ”“Why didn't you say something when I took you to him? ”“I knew right off there was a mistake, but I also knew he needed his son, and his son j ust wasn 't here. I realized I was needed. So I stayed. ”B26. What happened to the old man?A.He drove a car and was hurt in a car accident.B.He was knocked down by a car and seriously hurt.C.He had looking for his son for a long time and finally found him.D.He was sick and was sent to the hospital.A27. Ho w did the hospital know the name and address of the old man 's son?A.They found a letter in the old man 's pocket and learned that his son was asolider.B.The old man told them.C. A nurse kn ew where the old man 's son was.D.The Red Cross knew the old man's son and helped the hospital to find him.D28. Who watched the old man all through the night?A.The nurse.B.The old man 's son.C.The Red Cross.D.The young soldier.D29. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A.The old man died because nobody took care of him.B.The old man did see his son and got better in the hospital.C. A nurse in the hospital wrote the story.D.The young soldier was not the old man 's son.B30. Why did the young solider stay and look after the old man?A.Because he was the old man 's son.B.Because he realized he was needed.C.Because there was no plane to take at that time.D.Because he was the old man 's friend.7)We use both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions and to communicate with other people. Wec an learn a lot about what a person is thinking by watching his or her body language. Words are important, but the way a person stands, folds his or her arms, or moves his or her hands can also give us information about his or her feelings.Just like spoken language, body language varies from culture to culture. Making eye contact –looking directly into someone 's eyes – is in some counties a wayto show interest. In other countries, however, eye contact is rude or disrespectful. The gesture of OK, making a circle with one's thumb and index finger, has different meanings in different cultures. In Japan, someone who sees another person making the gesture will think it means money. In France, a person seeing the same gesture will think it means zero. In Brazil and Germany, however, the gesture is rude. The thumbs- up gesture, meaning “great ” or “good job ” in the US, is rude in Nigeria, but in Germany and Japan it means the number one. The “crazy ” gesture, moving the i ndex finger in a circle in front of the ear, means “you have a phone call ” inBrazil.While there are many different interpretations of our body language, some gestures seem to be universal. A good way of saying “I am full ” is movin g the hand in circles over the stomach after a meal. If a person pats his or her stomach before a meal, it usually means “I am hungry ”.Perhaps the best example of universally understood body language is the smile. A smile can help us get through difficult situations and find friends in a world of strangers. A smile can open doors and tear down walls. It can be used to express almost any emotion. We can use a smile to apologize, to greet someone, to ask for help or to start a conversation. We can smile at ourselves in the mirror to make ourselves feel happier and stronger. And if we are feeling down or lonely, there is nothing better than to see the smiling face of a good friend.D31. We can get information about a person 's feelings from ________________ .A.his wordsB.the way he standsC.the way he folds his arms or move his handsD.both his words and his body languageD32. Eye contact ___________ .A.is a way to show interestB.is rude or disrespectfulC.has the same meaning in all the countriesD.has different meanings in different culturesA33. A good way of saying “ I ' m full. ” is __________________ .A.moving the hand in circles over the stomach after a mealB.resting one 's head on the back of one ' s handC.patting the stomach before a mealD.Both A and CC34. The “ crazy ” gesture means _________ _________ in Brazil.A.greatB.the number oneC.you have a phone callD.none of aboveD35. The gesture for OK, making a circle with one ' s thumb and index finger,A. has different meanings in different culturesB.means money in JapanC.means zero in FranceD.all of the above(8)A patient came to see me about the stress in her life. She described all thethings she had to do – one was to make her bed – from the moment she woke up tillshe flew out the door for work. I suggested she experiment by not making her bed for two weeks.Two weeks later she breezed into my office beaming. She had left her bed unmade for the first time in 42 years – and nothing bad had happened. “And you know what, ” she said, “I don 't dry my dishes any more, either. ”This woman had made two major breakthroughs. One was discovering that she hadchoices in her life that she had never seen before. The other was giving herself permission to be less than perfect. It was a watershed experience.This story illustrates an important principle about managing time: No one cando it all. Each of us has to make choices and accept trade-offs. The problem is that many people choose in ways that put themselves and their health last. They take better care of their houses and。

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研究生英语复习题(许国璋第一册)一、选择填空:1. Everybody ______ he will win.A. believedB. believesC. believeD. have believed2. I’m sure ______ will be fine next week.A. thereB. there’sC. itD. it’s3. John is a writer ______ books are seldom read.A. whoB. whatC. thatD. whose4. When the sun came out, she ______ washing(洗涤的衣物)on the line.A. hungB. hangC. hangedD. takes5. ______ attended the meeting yesterday evening.A. A hundred of peopleB. Hundreds of peopleC. Hundred peopleD. Hundreds people6. I ______ in bed till 10 o’clock last Sunday morning.A. liedB. layC. laidD. lie7. I’ve heard him ______ about Mr. White often.A. spokeB. to speakC. speakD. speaks8. ______ have you lived in Beijing?A. WhenB. What dayC. What timeD. How long9. There were only a ______ number of students in the assembly hall.A. fewB. smallC. littleD. not much10. It’s quite late now and Mrs. Green ______ hasn’t left her office.A. stillB. sinceC. alreadyD. ever11. “Is Mary coming to the concert?”“I think ______.”A. yesB. itC. soD. too12. Robert ______ in England a few weeks ago.A. arrivesB. is arrivingC. has arrivedD. arrived13. Did you ______ that book from the University library?A. lendB. borrowC. askD. beg14. ______ the morning of June 27 they visited the Great Wall(长城).A. OnB. InC. AtD. From15. We had plenty of paper but ______ ink.A. fewB. not manyC. a fewD. not much16. I ______ my homework now.A. finishedB. have finishedC. finishD. had finished17. There isn’t any difference between the two. I really don’t know _____.A. where to chooseB. which to chooseC. to choose whatD. to choose which18. The boat is passing ______ the bridge.A. underB. acrossC. throughD. along19. What do you usually do ______A. on the eveningB. at the eveningC. in the eveningD. in an evening20. When I got to the top of the mountain, the sun ______.A. shoneB. shinesC. has shoneD. was shining21. The students are busy ______ for the coming examination.A. prepareB. preparingC. to prepareD. prepared22. I don’t think Wang Ping works hard ______ English.A. atB. onC. inD. to23. You’d better ______ the exercise again.A. should doB. to doC. doD. will do24. I’ll tell him about your life as soon as he ______.A. arrivedB. is arrivingC. will arriveD. arrives25. My aunt ______ to see us. She’ll be here soon.A. comesB. in comingC. had comeD. come26. The sun ______ in the east.A. raisesB. risesC. rosesD. arises27. My sister works in ______, but I’m not certain which one.A. a factoryB. the factoryC. one factoryD. factory28. He ______ the book with him when he came to see me.A. takesB. tookC. bringsD. brought29. He ran to the station ______ catch the train.A. in order thatB. so thatC. toD. for30. He ran so ______ that no one could keep up with him.A. fastB. fastlyC. quickD. slowly31. I can’t ______ you do that.A. leaveB. letC. allowD. ask32. There ______ no water in the glass.A. areB. haveC. hasD. is33. He is very old, ______ he still works very hard.A. ifB. butC. whenD. although34. There is going to be a football match ______ our Institute team and the BeijingUniversity team.A. amongB. inC. withD. between35. I ______ Jean since she was a little girl.A. have knownB. knowC. knewD. would know36. I am sorry I have no money ______ the dictionary.A. buyB. come buyC. to buyD. bought37. Have you ______ questions to ask?A. littleB. aC. muchD. any38. She can finish the work in time, ______?A. isn’t sheB. doesn’t sheC. can’t sheD. hasn’t she39. The chair is made ______ wood.A. fromB. byC. ofD. with40. Can you see that girl sitting ______ Mary?A. besidesB. exceptC. nextD. beside41. ______ here early?A. Will MaryB. Was MaryC. Did MaryD. Were Mary42. Every time he came to me, he ______ teach me English.A. wouldB. is going toC. willD. helps43. “How does your father go to work?” “______.”A. In carB. On bicycleC. By footD. By bus44. ______ your homework last night?A. Did youB. You didn’tC. Did you doD. Do you did45. She ______ for Shanghai next Tuesday.A. may will leaveB. will leaveC. will leavesD. wills leave46. ______ newspaper is over there.A. ThisB. TheseC. TheD. Those47. He doesn’t want ______ paper.A. anyB. noC. aD. some48. May I ______ you a question?A. to askB. askingC. will askD. ask49. The family went to the park ______ Ma Fang stayed at home.A. as soon asB. becauseC. butD. after50. He ______ the floor now.A. sweepB. is sweepingC. sweepsD. sweeping51. She kept ______ all day yesterday.A. to readB. readsC. readD. reading52. “Is there anything important in his talk?”“Yes, there is ______ very important.”A. nothingB. anythingC. somethingD. any53. If ______, we’ll stay at home.A. it rainsB. it is to rainC. it will rainD. it will rains54. “How many English books have you?”“Oh, ______ them.”A. a hundred ofB. hundredsC. hundredD. hundreds of55. Please make notes ______ you read.A. whyB. howC. whileD. what56. ______ we don’t review our lessons on Saturdays.A. NeverB. SometimesC. SeldomD. Always57. “Will there be a new film this evening?”“I think ______.”A. yesB. soC. thatD. it58. When he ______ tomorrow, tell him to wait for me.A. comeB. will comeC. comesD. came59. The child ______.A. watch his sister danceB. watched his sister dancedC. watched his sister to danceD. watched his sister dance60. This film is ______ than that one.A. much longerB. longC. much longD. more longer二、英汉对译:1、这座公园建成以来并不一直是这样美丽。
