




TCP/IP 是网络中使用的基本的通信协议。





TCP/IP 协议数据的传输基于TCP/IP协议的四层结构:应用层、传输层、网络层、接口层,数据在传输时每通过一层就要在数据上加个包头,其中的数据供接收端同一层协议使用,而在接收端,每经过一层要把用过的包头去掉,这样来保证传输数据的格式完全一致。



确切地说,TCP/IP协议是一组包括TCP协议和IP协议,UDP(User Datagram Protocol)协议、ICMP(Internet Control Message Protocol)协议和其他一些协议的协议组。





例如:你的手机同时连接WIFI信号和3G信号的时候,如果WIFI 关掉,使用WIFI进行的TCP连接就会断开,而不能有效利用3G网络继续收发数据。

Multipath TCP可以在一条TCP链接中包含多条路径,避免上述问题出现。



这些通道都会绑定于MPTCP session,发送端的数据可以选择其中一条通道进行传输。

MP TCP是IETF(因特网工程项目组)正在标准化的一个工作。

它作为传统TCP 的一个扩展,是由IETF在2013年1月发布的一个规范。

具体可以参考rfc 6824.MPTCP的设计遵守以下两个原则:1.应用程序的兼容性,应用程序只要可以运行在TCP环境下,就可以在没有任何修改的情况下,运行于MPTCP环境。




MPTCP 中关于MP_CAPABLE的定义如下Subtype的定义如下:MPTCP在进行三次握手之后,客户端和服务端会进行地址信息的交换,让对方知道彼此未用的地址信息。




I 转发; P 支持 IMP C 协议; 包括实验性扩展的 U P 包括阻 D ; 塞控制, T R T估算和快速恢复/ 快速转发的T P 可选择的类 C ; 似 B re y的 sceA I 支持 D C ; e l ke okt P; H P 支持 P P P ;以太 网的
上一层无所不在的 “ 电子皮肤” 。要想实现嵌入式系统 的
It n t n re 网络化 , e 就必须在嵌入式系统中实现 T PI C倚介
T PI C/ P协议层次结构如 图 1 所示 。
运输 层 网络 层
I M P、 I C P
这 已经成为嵌入式应 用领 域和 网络互联领域 的研究热点 。 要 实现嵌入式 T PI 协议栈,最 关键 的一 个问题就是 , C/ P
[ bt c]T e ae t d csh g t e h s c , sr e e t d r T P P t k Ig e p  ̄ sO h a c r o PI a A s a t h p rn o ue e i — i tt k Id c b sh a ad C  ̄ a +t i s m h i t t c r t s f C / s c r p ir t lh w g a te i t s n s c v e e h a e T Ptk
i mb dd ds se a dd sg to sA omp rs nb t e tn adTCP ̄Ps c n g tweg t ne e e y tm n ei nmeh . c d aio ewe nsa d r t ka dl h— ih a i TCP/Ps c slse I t k i td. a i
总结了轻量级 T P P 议栈 和标准 T P P C/ 协 I C f 协议栈 的区别。 i 关蝴 I :嵌入式系统 ;轻量级 ;T P P协议栈 C/ I









参考模型的优点如下:1. 将⽹络通信过程划分为更⼩、更简单的组件,使得组件的开发、设计和排错更为⽅便;2. 通过标准化⽹络组件,让不同的⼚商能够协作开发;3. 定义了模型每层执⾏的功能,从⽽⿎励了⾏业标准化;4. 让不同类型的⽹络硬件和软件能够彼此通信;5. 避免让对⼀层的修改影响其它层,从⽽避免妨碍开发⼯作。

协议计算机⽹络中的数据交换必须遵守事先约定好的规则,这些规则明确规定了所交换的数据的格式以及有关的同步问题,⽹络协议 (network protocol)是为进⾏⽹络中的数据交换⽽建⽴的规则、标准或约定。

⽹络协议有 3 个要素:1. 语法:数据与控制信息的结构或格式;2. 语义:需要发出何种控制信息,完成何种动作以及做出何种响应;3. 同步:事件实现顺序的详细说明。

OSI 模型OSI 模型旨在以协议的形式帮助⼚商⽣产兼容的⽹络设备和软件,让不同⼚商的⽹络能够协同⼯作。

同时对于⽤户⽽⾔,OSI 能帮助不同的主机之间传输数据。

OSI 并⾮是具体的模型,⽽是⼀组指导原则,开发者以此为依据开发⽹络应⽤。


OSI 模型包含 7 层,上三层指定了终端中应⽤程序如何彼此通信,以及如何与⽤户交互,下四层指定了如何进⾏端到端数据传输。



协议栈是什么协议栈(Protocol Stack)是指一组按照特定顺序排列的通信协议的集合,它们按照层次结构组织,每一层负责特定的功能,从而实现数据在网络中的传输和交换。





















1. 物理层:物理层是协议栈的最低层级,它负责将比特流转化为信号,并通过传输介质在网络中传输。

2. 数据链路层:数据链路层在物理层之上,它的主要作用是将物理层

3. 网络层:网络层负责在多个数据链路层之间进行路由选择,并实现

4. 传输层:传输层是协议栈的核心层级,主要负责点到点的进程与进

5. 应用层:应用层是协议栈最高层级,它运行着应用程序,向用户提

6. TCP/IP协议栈:TCP/IP协议栈是因特网协议栈中最常用的协议栈,它包括四个层级:网络接口层、网络层、传输层和应用层。

7. OSI模型:OSI模型是国际标准化组织在1984年发布的一个网络通信体系结构标准。

































一、TCPIP协议栈简介TCPIP(Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)即传输控制协议/互联网协议,是互联网的核心协议。







它主要包括IP(Internet Protocol)协议,用于在互联网上定位和传输数据包。



最常用的传输层协议是TCP(Transmission Control Protocol)和UDP(User Datagram Protocol)。



常见的应用层协议有HTTP(Hypertext Transfer Protocol)用于网页浏览、FTP(File Transfer Protocol)用于文件传输、SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)用于电子邮件传输等。





下面是店铺收集整理的详解TCP/IP协议栈面临的五大网络安全问题,希望对大家有帮助~~ 详解TCP/IP协议栈面临的五大网络安全问题1. IP欺骗IP Spoof即IP 电子欺骗,可以理解为一台主机设备冒充另外一台主机的IP地址与其他设备通信,从而达到某种目的技术。

早在1985年,贝尔实验室的一名工程师Robbert Morris在他的一篇文章“A weakness in the 4.2bsd UNIX TCP/IP software”中提出了IP Spoof 的概念,有兴趣的读者可参见原文:/~emv/tubed/archives/Morris_weakness_in _ TCPIP.txt 。

但要注意:单纯凭借IP Spoof技术不可能很好地完成一次完整的攻击,因为现有IP Spoof技术是属于一种“盲人”式的入侵手段。





























1. 通讯协议栈的基本概念通讯协议栈由多个协议层次组成,每个层次负责处理特定的通信任务。



1.1 物理层物理层是通讯协议栈中最底层的层次,负责将比特流转换为电信号进行传输。


1.2 数据链路层数据链路层负责将物理层传输的比特流划分为数据帧,并提供可靠的数据传输服务。


1.3 网络层网络层负责在不同的网络之间进行数据包的路由选择和转发。


1.4 传输层传输层负责端到端的数据传输,提供可靠的数据传输服务。


1.5 应用层应用层是协议栈中最高层的层次,负责处理特定的应用程序要求。


2. 通讯协议栈的设计原则设计通讯协议栈时,需要遵循一些基本的设计原则,以确保协议栈的可靠性和可扩展性。

2.1 模块化设计通讯协议栈应该采用模块化的设计,每个协议层次应该独立设计,通过接口进行交互。


2.2 分层抽象通讯协议栈应该采用分层抽象的设计,每个协议层次应该只关注特定的通信任务,不关心上层协议的具体实现细节。


2.3 兼容性考虑通讯协议栈应该考虑不同协议之间的兼容性,以便于与其他设备和系统进行通信。




如有雷同,敬请谅解;⾸先普及⼀些基本概念:IP地址:IPv4 32位的地址,现在常⽤的是B类或者C类地址DNS:域名系统。






















接下来是介绍详细的头部格式:1. IP报⽂格式IP协议往往被封装在以太⽹帧中传送。





TCPIP协议栈详解TCP/IP协议栈详解TCP/IP协议栈是互联网通信中使用的一种协议体系,由TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)和IP(Internet Protocol)两个部分组成。





1. 物理层物理层是TCP/IP协议栈的最底层,负责传输原始比特流。


2. 数据链路层数据链路层负责将数据包从一个节点传输到另一个节点。



3. 网络层网络层是TCP/IP协议栈中的核心层,负责实现不同网络之间的通信。



4. 传输层传输层提供端到端的可靠数据传输服务。

它通过TCP协议和UDP 协议实现数据传输,其中TCP协议提供可靠的、面向连接的传输,而UDP协议提供无连接的传输。

5. 应用层应用层是TCP/IP协议栈中的最高层,为用户提供各种网络应用服务。







To ov t s t pr ems. i p s le he e wo obl t s ape pr s t a h r e ens de i a i pl sgn nd m emena i o M ODBUS r t ol a t sa b i— tt on f p ooc m ser tck y n
用程 序 的 读 写 等 待 时 间 , 高 了数 据 通 信 的 稳 定 性 。 提
关键词 : D U /C , 议栈 , 冲区, M0 B S T P 协 缓 网络 管 理 , 站 主
Ab tac sr t
Spe d ima ch e m s t bewe m a t r ea wre nd l e es n e t en s e r d/ i a sav r po s ge r l l d o lt c t ofm a t a t ne al ea t aen y i y me ser ppl at n n i i i c o
能 够 很 容 易 地 实 现互 连 和 数 据 交 换 。 M0DB S T P设 备 之 间 U /C
发送失败或接收不到响应时 , 有重发机制 。 没 由于 接 收 函数 是 阻
塞 的 , 致 主 站 在 发 送 完 一 条 读 写 命 令 后 , 有 收 到从 站 响 应 或 导 没 超 时 之 前 , 能 再 发 送 下 一 条 命 令 。 因 此 , 塞 方 式 的 协议 栈存 不 阻 在 的 问题 是 :程序 中不 采用 多 线 程 结 构 ,会 导 致 后 续 程 序 的 阻 塞 ; 时 间 内发 送 多 条 命 令 时 , 须 考 虑 命 令 暂 存 。 短 必 非 阻 塞 式 协 议 栈 在 初 始 化 时 , 创 建 完 的 s c e 设 置 为 非 把 o kt 阻塞 。 主站 向从 站 发 送 读 写 命 令 之后 , 调 用 接 收 函 数 就 返 回 。 不 当从 站 发 回 响应 信 息 时 , 会触 发 主 站 的 响应 函数 接 收数 据 。 方 该 式 实 现 命 令 ; 也 但 是 它 不 会 造 成 程 序 的 阻 塞 , 而 提 高 了程 序 执 行 的效 率 。 从



简单分析:协议栈是什么协议栈协议栈是什么?协议栈是指网络中各层协议的总和,其形象的反映了一个网络中文件传输的过程:由上层协议到底层协议,再由底层协议到上层协议.使用最广泛的是英特网协议栈,由上到下的协议分别是:应用(HTTP,TELNET,DNS,EMAIL 等),运输层(TCP,UDP),网络层(IP),链路层(WI-FI,以太网,令牌环,FDDI 等)令牌环: 令牌环网(Token Ring)是一种 LAN 协议,定义在 IEEE 802.5 中,其中所有的工作站都连接到一个环上,每个工作站只能同直接相邻的工作站传输数据。


FDDI: 光纤分布式数据接口它是于80年代中期发展起来一项局域网技术,它提供的高速数据通信能力要高于当时的以太网(10Mbps)和令牌网(4或16Mbps)的能力。

tcp/ip协议栈TCP/IP协议,或称为TCP/IP协议栈,或互联网协议系列.TCP/IP协议栈(按TCP/IP参考模型划分)应用层 FTP SMTP HTTP ...传输层 TCP UDP网络层 IP ICMP ARP链路层以太网令牌环 FDDI ...包含了一系列构成互联网基础的网络协议.这些协议最早发源于美国国防部的DARPA互联网项目.TCP/IP字面上代表了两个协议:TCP传输控制协议和IP互联网协议.时间回放到1983年1月1日,在这天,互联网的前身Arpanet中,TCP/IP协议取代了旧的网络核心协议NCP(Network Core Protocol),从而成为今天的互联网的基石.最早的的TCP/IP由Vinton Cerf和Robert Kahn两位开发,慢慢地通过竞争战胜了其它一些网络协议的方案,比如国际标准化组织ISO的OSI模型.TCP/IP的蓬勃发展发生在上世纪的90年代中期.当时一些重要而可靠的工具的出世,例如页面描述语言HTML和浏览器Mosaic,导致了互联网应用的飞束发展.随着互联网的发展,目前流行的IPv4协议(IP Version 4,IP版本四)已经接近它的功能上限.IPv4最致命的两个缺陷在于:地址只有32位,IP地址空间有限;不支持服务等级(Quality of Service, Qos)的想法,无法管理带宽和优先级,故而不能很好的支持现今越来越多的实时的语音和视频应用.因此IPv6 (IP Version 6, IP版本六) 浮出海面,用以取代IPv4.TCP/IP成功的另一个因素在与对为数众多的低层协议的支持.这些低层协议对应与OSI模型中的第一层(物理层)和第二层(数据链路层).每层的所有协议几乎都有一半数量的支持TCP/IP,例如: 以太网(Ethernet),令牌环(Token Ring),光纤数据分布接口(FDDI),端对端协议( PPP),X.25,帧中继(Frame. Relay),ATM,Sonet, SDH等.TCP/IP协议栈组成我了解了协议栈是什么,现在就来看看它的组成。


























TCP/IP 协议栈由四层构成,分别是网络接口层、网络层、传输层和应用层。





















计算机网络OSI七层模型与TCPIP协议栈的关系计算机网络OSI七层模型与TCP/IP协议栈的关系计算机网络是当今信息交流的重要基础,而OSI七层模型和TCP/IP 协议栈则是网络通信的两个重要概念。



一、OSI七层模型简介OSI(Open Systems Interconnection)七层模型是国际标准化组织(ISO)提出的网络通信标准模型,简称为OSI模型。




二、TCP/IP协议栈简介TCP/IP(Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)协议栈是由美国国防部高级研究计划局(ARPA)研发的网络通信协议体系,是互联网通信的基础。




具体如下:1. 对应关系OSI七层模型的第一层物理层和第二层数据链路层合起来,对应于TCP/IP协议栈的网络接口层。






OSI七层模型的上三层(会话层、表示层和应用层)对应于TCP/IP 协议栈的应用层。

















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mTCP:A Highly Scalable User-level TCP Stack for Multicore SystemsEunYoung Jeong,Shinae Woo,Muhammad Jamshed,Haewon JeongSunghwan Ihm*,Dongsu Han,and KyoungSoo ParkKAIST*Princeton UniversityAbstractScaling the performance of short TCP connections on multicore systems is fundamentally challenging.Although many proposals have attempted to address various short-comings,inefficiency of the kernel implementation still persists.For example,even state-of-the-art designs spend 70%to80%of CPU cycles in handling TCP connections in the kernel,leaving only small room for innovation in the user-level program.This work presents mTCP,a high-performance user-level TCP stack for multicore systems.mTCP addresses the inefficiencies from the ground up—from packet I/O and TCP connection management to the application inter-face.In addition to adopting well-known techniques,our design(1)translates multiple expensive system calls into a single shared memory reference,(2)allows efficientflow-level event aggregation,and(3)performs batched packet I/O for high I/O efficiency.Our evaluations on an8-core machine showed that mTCP improves the performance of small message transactions by a factor of25compared to the latest Linux TCP stack and a factor of3compared to the best-performing research system known so far.It also improves the performance of various popular applications by33%to320%compared to those on the Linux stack. 1IntroductionShort TCP connections are becoming widespread.While large content transfers(e.g.,high-resolution videos)con-sume the most bandwidth,short“transactions”1dominate the number of TCPflows.In a large cellular network,for example,over90%of TCPflows are smaller than32KB and more than half are less than4KB[45].Scaling the processing speed of these short connec-tions is important not only for popular user-facing on-line services[1,2,18]that process small messages.It is 1We refer to a request-response pair as a transaction.These transac-tions are typically small in size.also critical for backend systems(e.g.,memcached clus-ters[36])and middleboxes(e.g.,SSL proxies[32]and redundancy elimination[31])that must process TCP con-nections at high speed.Despite recent advances in soft-ware packet processing[4,7,21,27,39],supporting high TCP transaction rates remains very challenging.For exam-ple,Linux TCP transaction rates peak at about0.3million transactions per second(shown in Section5),whereas packet I/O can scale up to tens of millions packets per second[4,27,39].Prior studies attribute the inefficiency to either the high system call overhead of the operating system[28,40,43] or inefficient implementations that cause resource con-tention on multicore systems[37].The former approach drastically changes the I/O abstraction(e.g.,socket API) to amortize the cost of system calls.The practical lim-itation of such an approach,however,is that it requires significant modifications within the kernel and forces ex-isting applications to be re-written.The latter one typically makes incremental changes in existing implementations and,thus,falls short in fully addressing the inefficiencies. In this paper,we explore an alternative approach that de-livers high performance without requiring drastic changes to the existing code base.In particular,we take a clean-slate approach to assess the performance of an untethered design that divorces the limitation of the kernel implemen-tation.To this end,we build a user-level TCP stack from the ground up by leveraging high-performance packet I/O libraries that allow applications to directly access the packets.Our user-level stack,mTCP,is designed for three explicit goals:1.Multicore scalability of the TCP stack.2.Ease of use(i.e.,application portability to mTCP).3.Ease of deployment(i.e.,no kernel modifications). Implementing TCP in the user level provides many opportunities.In particular,it can eliminate the expen-sive system call overhead by translating syscalls into inter-process communication(IPC).However,it also in-Accept queueConn.Locality Socket API Event Handling Packet I/OApplication Mod-ification KernelModification PSIO [12],No TCP stack BatchedDPDK [4],No interface for NoPF RING [7],transport layer (NIC driver)netmap [21]Linux-2.6Shared None BSD socket Syscalls Per packet Transparent No Linux-3.9Per-core None BSD socket Syscalls Per packet Add optionNo SO REUSEPORTAffinity-Accept [37]Per-core Yes BSD socket Syscalls Per packet Transparent Yes MegaPipe [28]Per-core Yes lwsocket Batched syscalls Per packet Event model to Yes completion I/O FlexSC [40],Shared None BSD socket Batched syscalls Per packet Change to use Yes VOS [43]new APImTCPPer-coreYesUser-level socketBatched function callsBatchedSocket API to mTCP APINo(NIC driver)Table 1:Comparison of the benefits of previous work and mTCP.troduces fundamental challenges that must be addressed—processing IPC messages,including shared memory mes-sages,involve context-switches that are typically much more expensive than the system calls themselves [3,29].Our key approach is to amortize the context-switch overhead over a batch of packet-level and socket-level events.While packet-level batching [27]and system-call batching [28,40,43](including socket-level events)have been explored individually,integrating the two requires a careful design of the networking stack that translates packet-level events to socket-level events and vice-versa.This paper makes two key contributions:First,we demonstrate that significant performance gain can be obtained by integrating packet-and socket-level batching.In addition,we incorporate all known optimizations,such as per-core listen sockets and load balancing of concurrent flows on multicore CPUs with receive-side scaling (RSS).The resulting TCP stack out-performs Linux and MegaPipe [28]by up to 25x (w/o SO_REUSEPORT )and 3x,respectively,in handling TCP transactions.This directly translates to application per-formance;mTCP increases existing applications’perfor-mance by 33%(SSLShader)to 320%(lighttpd).Second,unlike other designs [23,30],we show that such integration can be done purely at the user level in a way that ensures ease of porting without requiring significant modifications to the kernel.mTCP provides BSD-like socket and epoll-like event-driven interfaces.Migrating existing event-driven applications is easy since one simply needs to replace the socket calls to their counterparts in mTCP (e.g.,accept()becomes mtcp_accept())and use the per-core listen socket.2Background and MotivationWe first review the major inefficiencies in existing TCP implementations and proposed solutions.We then discuss our motivation towards a user-level TCP stack.2.1Limitations of the Kernel’s TCP StackRecent studies proposed various solutions to address four major inefficiencies in the Linux TCP stack:lack of con-nection locality,shared file descriptor space,inefficient packet processing,and heavy system call overhead [28].Lack of connection locality:Many applications are multi-threaded to scale their performance on multicore systems.However,they typically share a listen socket that accepts incoming connections on a well-known port.As a result,multiple threads contend for a lock to access the socket’s accept queue,resulting in a significant perfor-mance degradation.Also,the core that executes the kernel code for handling a TCP connection may be different from the one that runs the application code that actually sends and receives data.Such lack of connection locality intro-duces additional overhead due to increased CPU cache misses and cache-line sharing [37].Affinity-Accept [37]and MegaPipe [28]address this issue by providing a local accept queue in each CPU core and ensuring flow-level core affinity across the kernel and application thread.Recent Linux kernel (3.9.4)also partly addresses this by introducing the SO_REUSEPORT [14]op-tion,which allows multiple threads/processes to bind to the same port number.Shared file descriptor space:In POSIX-compliant op-erating systems,the file descriptor (fd)space is shared within a process.For example,Linux searches for the min-imum available fd number when allocating a new socket.In a busy server that handles a large number of concurrent connections,this incurs significant overhead due to lock contention between multiple threads [20].The use of file descriptors for sockets,in turn,creates extra overhead of going through the Linux Virtual File System (VFS),a pseudo-filesystem layer for supporting common file op-erations.MegaPipe eliminates this layer for sockets by explicitly partitioning the fd space for sockets and regular files [28].libraries[4,7,27,39]address these problems,these li-braries do not provide a full-fledged TCP stack,and not all optimizations are incorporated into the kernel. System call overhead:The BSD socket API requires frequent user/kernel mode switching when there are many short-lived concurrent connections.As shown in FlexSC[40]and VOS[43],frequent system calls can result in processor state(e.g.,top-level caches,branch prediction table,etc.)pollution that causes performance penalties.Previous solutions propose system call batch-ing[28,43]or efficient system call scheduling[40]to amortize the cost.However,it is difficult to readily apply either approach to existing applications since they often require user and/or kernel code modification due to the changes to the system call interface and/or its semantics. Table1summarizes the benefits provided by previous work compared to a vanilla Linux kernel.Note that there is not a single system that provides all of the benefits. 2.2Why User-level TCP?While many previous designs have tried to scale the per-formance of TCP in multicore systems,few of them truly overcame the aforementioned inefficiencies of the kernel. This is evidenced by the fact that even the best-performing system,MegaPipe,spends a dominant portion of CPU cycles(∼80%)inside the kernel.Even more alarming is the fact that these CPU cycles are not utilized efficiently; according to our own measurements,Linux spends more than4x the cycles(in the kernel and the TCP stack com-bined)than mTCP does while handling the same number of TCP transactions.To reveal the significance of this problem,we profile the server’s CPU usage when it is handling a large number of concurrent TCP transactions(8K to48K concurrent TCP connections).For this experiment,we use a simple web server(lighttpd v1.4.32[8])running on an8-core Intelcycle in the kernel(including TCP/IP and I/O)across four lighttpd versions.Xeon CPU(2.90GHz,E5-2690)with32GB of memory and a10Gbps NIC(Intel82599chipsets).Our clients use ab v2.3[15]to repeatedly download a64Bfile per connection.Multiple clients are used in our experiment to saturate the CPU utilization of the server.Figure1shows the breakdown of CPU usage comparing four versions of the lighttpd server:a multithreaded version that harnesses all8CPU cores on Linux2.6.32and3.10.122(Linux),a version ported to MegaPipe3(MegaPipe),and a version using mTCP,our user-level TCP stack,on Linux2.6.32 (mTCP).Note that MegaPipe adopts all recent optimiza-tions such as per-core accept queues andfile descriptor space,as well as user-level system call batching,but reuses the existing kernel for packet I/O and TCP/IP processing. Our results indicate that Linux and MegaPipe spend 80%to83%of CPU cycles in the kernel which leaves only a small portion of the CPU to user-level applications. Upon further investigation,wefind that lock contention for shared in-kernel data structures,buffer management, and frequent mode switch are the main culprits.This implies that the kernel,including its stack,is the major bottleneck.Furthermore,the results in Figure2show that the CPU cycles are not spent efficiently in Linux and MegaPipe.The bars indicate the relative number of transactions processed per each CPU cycle inside the kernel and the TCP stack(e.g.,outside the application), normalized by the performance of Linux2.6.32.Wefind that mTCP uses the CPU cycles4.3times more effectively than Linux.As a result,mTCP achieves3.1x and1.8x the performance of Linux2.6and MegaPipe,respectively, while using fewer CPU cycles in the kernel and the TCP stack.Now,the motivation of our work is clear.Can we de-sign a user-level TCP stack that incorporates all existing optimizations into a single system and achieve all benefits that individual systems have provided in the past?How much of a performance improvement can we get if we build such a system?Can we bring the performance of existing packet I/O libraries to the TCP stack?2This is the latest Linux kernel version as of this writing.3We use Linux3.1.3for MegaPipe due to its patch availability.the user er-level TCP is attractive for many rea-sons.First,it allows us to easily depart from the kernel’s complexity.In particular,due to shared data structures and various semantics that the kernel has to support(e.g., POSIX and VFS),it is often difficult to separate the TCP stack from the rest of the kernel.Furthermore,it allows us to directly take advantage of the existing optimiza-tions in the high-performance packet I/O library,such as netmap[39]and Intel DPDK[4].Second,it allows us to apply batch processing as thefirst principle,harnessing the ideas in FlexSC[40]and VOS[43]without extensive kernel modifications.In addition to performing batched packet I/O,the user-level TCP naturally collects multiple flow-level events to and from the user application(e.g., connect()/accept()and read()/write()for differ-ent connections)without the overhead of frequent mode switching in system calls.Finally,it allows us to easily preserve the existing application programming interface. Our TCP stack is backward-compatible in that we provide a BSD-like socket interface.3DesignThe goal of mTCP is to achieve high scalability on mul-ticore systems while maintaining backward compatibil-ity to existing multi-threaded,event-driven applications. Figure3presents an overview of our system.At the high-est level,applications link to the mTCP library,which provides a socket API and an event-driven programming interface for backward compatibility.The two underlying components,user-level TCP stack and packet I/O library, are responsible for achieving high scalability.Our user-level TCP implementation runs as a thread on each CPU core within the same application process.The mTCP thread directly transmits and receives packets to and from the NIC using our custom packet I/O library.Existing user-level packet libraries only allow one application to access an NIC port.Thus,mTCP can only support one application per NIC port.However,we believe this can be addressed in the future using virtualized network inter-faces(more details in Section3.3).Applications can stillthe existing TCP stack,provided thatare not used by mTCP.first present the design of mTCP’scomponents in Sections3.1the API and semantics thatapplications in Section3.3.Packet I/O Libraryallow high-speed packet I/Ofrom a user-level application[4,7,are not suitable for implementing atheir interface is mainly based onsignificantly waste precious CPU cy-cles that can potentially benefit the applications.Further-more,our system requires efficient multiplexing between TX and RX queues from multiple NICs.For example,we do not want to block a TX queue while sending a data packet when a control packet is waiting to be received. This is because if we block the TX queue,important con-trol packets,such as SYN or ACK,may be dropped,re-sulting in a significant performance degradation due to retransmissions.To address these challenges,mTCP extends the Pack-etShader I/O engine(PSIO)[27]to support an efficient event-driven packet I/O interface.PSIO offers high-speed packet I/O by utilizing RSS that distributes incoming pack-ets from multiple RX queues by theirflows,and provides flow-level core affinity to minimize the contention among the CPU cores.On top of PSIO’s high-speed packet I/O, the new event-driven interface allows an mTCP thread to efficiently wait for events from RX and TX queues from multiple NIC ports at a time.The new event-driven interface,ps_select(),works similarly to select()except that it operates on TX/RX queues of interested NIC ports for packet I/O.For exam-ple,mTCP specifies the interested NIC interfaces for RX and/or TX events with a timeout in microseconds,and ps_select()returns immediately if any event of interest is available.If such an event is not detected,it enables the interrupts for the RX and/or TX queues and yields the thread context.Eventually,the interrupt handler in the driver wakes up the thread if an I/O event becomes available or the timeout expires.ps_select()is also similar to the select()/poll()interface supported by netmap[39].However,unlike netmap,we do not integrate this with the general-purpose event system in Linux to avoid its overhead.The use of PSIO brings the opportunity to amortize the overhead of system calls and context switches throughout the entire system,in addition to eliminating the per-packet memory allocation and DMA overhead.In PSIO,packets are received and transmitted in batches[27],amortizing the cost of expensive PCIe operations,such as DMA ad-dress mapping and IOMMU lookups.thread.This“zero-thread TCP”could potentially provide the best performance since this translates costly system calls into light-weight user-level function calls.However, the fundamental limitation of this approach is that the correctness of internal TCP processing depends on the timely invocation of TCP functions from the application. In mTCP,we choose to create a separate TCP thread to avoid such an issue and to minimize the porting effort for existing applications.Figure4shows how mTCP interacts with the application thread.The application uses mTCP library functions that communicate with the mTCP thread via shared buffers.The access to the shared buffers is granted only through the library functions,which allows safe sharing of the internal TCP data.When a library function needs to modify the shared data,it simply places a request(e.g.,write()request)to a job queue.This way, multiple requests from differentflows can be piled to the job queue at each loop,which are processed in batch when the mTCP thread regains the CPU.Flow events from the mTCP thread(e.g.,new the CPU core.Flow events from the mTCP thread(e.g.,new connections,new data arrival, etc.)are delivered in a similar wayThis,however,requires additional overhead of manag-ing concurrent data structures and context switch between the application and the mTCP thread.Such cost is un-fortunately not negligible,typically much larger than the system call overhead[29].One measurement on a recent Intel CPU shows that a thread context switch takes19 times the duration of a null system call[3].In this section,we describe how mTCP addresses these challenges and achieves high scalability with the user-level TCP stack.Wefirst start from how mTCP processes TCP packets in Section3.2.1,then present a set of key optimizations we employ to enhance its performance in Sections3.2.2,3.2.3,and3. TCP ProcessingWhen the mTCP thread reads a batch of packets from the NIC’s RX queue,mTCP passes them to the TCP packet flow hash table.As in Figure5,if a server side receives an ACK for its SYN/ACK packet(1),the tcb for the new connection will be enqueued to an accept queue(2),and a read event is generated for the listening socket(3).If a new data packet arrives,mTCP copies the payload to the socket’s read buffer and enqueues a read event to an internal event queue.mTCP also generates an ACK packet and keeps it in the ACK list of a TX manager until it is written to a local TX queue.After processing a batch of received packets,mTCP flushes the queued events to the application event queue (4)and wakes up the application by signaling it.When the application wakes up,it processes multiple events in a single event loop(5),and writes responses from multiple flows without a context switch.Each socket’s write() call writes data to its send buffer(6),and enqueues its tcb to the write queue(7).Later,mTCP collects the tcb s that have data to send,and puts them into a send list(8). Finally,a batch of outgoing packets from the list will be sent by a packet I/O system call,transmitting them to the NIC’s TX queue.3.2.2Lock-free,Per-core Data StructuresTo minimize inter-core contention between the mTCP threads,we localize all resources(e.g.,flow pool,socket buffers,etc.)in each core,in addition to using RSS for flow-level core affinity.Moreover,we completely elimi-nate locks by using lock-free data structures between the application and mTCP.On top of that,we also devise an efficient way of managing TCP timer operations. Thread mapping andflow-level core affinity:We pre-serveflow-level core affinity in two stages.First,the packet I/O layer ensures to evenly distribute TCP con-nection workloads across available CPU cores with RSS. This essentially reduces the TCP scalability problem to each core.Second,mTCP spawns one TCP thread for each application thread and co-locates them in the same physical CPU core.This preserves the core affinity ofpacket andflow processing,while allowing them tothe same CPU cache without cache-line sharing. Multi-core and cache-friendly data structures: keep most data structures,such as theflow hash socket id manager,and the pool of tcb and socket local to each TCP thread.This significantly reduces sharing across threads and CPU cores,and achieves parallelism.When a data structure must be shared threads(e.g.,between mTCP and the applicationwe keep all data structures local to each core and lock-free data structures by using a single-producer single-consumer queue.We maintain write,connect, close queues,whose requests go from the mTCP,and an accept queue where new connections delivered from mTCP to the application.In addition,we keep the size of frequentlydata structures small to maximize the benefit of the CPU cache,and make them aligned with the size of a CPU cache line to prevent any false sharing.For example,we divide tcb into two parts where thefirst-level structure holds64bytes of the most frequently-accessedfields and two pointers to next-level structures that have128and192 bytes of receive/send-related variables,respectively. Lastly,to minimize the overhead of frequent memory allocation/deallocation,we allocate a per-core memory pool for tcb s and socket buffers.We also utilize huge pages to reduce the TLB misses when accessing the tcb s. Because their access pattern is essentially random,it often causes a large number of TLB misses.Putting the memory pool of tcb s and a hash table that indexes them into huge pages reduces the number of TLB misses.Efficient TCP timer management:TCP requires timer operations for retransmission timeouts,connections in the TIME WAIT state,and connection keep-alive checks. mTCP provides two types of timers:one managed by a sorted list and another built with a hash table.For coarse-grained timers,such as managing connections in the TIME W AIT state and connection keep-alive check, we keep a list of tcb s sorted by their timeout values.Ev-ery second,we check the list and handle any tcb s whose timers have expired.Note that keeping the list sorted is trivial since a newly-added entry should have a strictly larger timeout than any of those that are already in the list.Forfine-grained retransmission timers,we use the remaining time(in milliseconds)as the hash table index, and process all tcb s in the same bucket when a timeout ex-pires for the bucket.Since retransmission timers are used by virtually all tcb s whenever a data(or SYN/FIN)packet is sent,keeping a sorted list would consume a significant amount of CPU cycles.Suchfine-grained event batch processing with millisecond granularity greatly reduces the overhead.ets in batch,mTCP processes them to generate a batch offlow-level events.These events are then passed up to the application,as illustrated in Figure6.The TX direc-tion works similarly,as the mTCP library transparently batches the write events into a write queue.While the idea of amortizing the system call overhead using batches is not new[28,43],we demonstrate that benefits similar to that of batched syscalls can be effectively achieved in user-level TCP.In our experiments with8RX/TX queues per10Gbps port,the average number of events that an mTCP thread generates in a single scheduling period is about2,170 for both TX and RX directions(see Section5.1).This ensures that the cost of a context switch is amortized over a large number of events.Note the fact that the use of multiple queues does not decrease the number of the events processed in a batch.3.2.4Optimizing for Short-lived ConnectionsWe employ two optimizations for supporting many short-lived concurrent connections.Priority-based packet queueing:For short TCP con-nections,the control packets(e.g.,SYN and FIN)have a critical impact on the performance.Since the control pack-ets are mostly small-sized,they can often be delayed for a while when they contend for an output port with a large number of data packets.We prioritize control packets by keeping them in a separate list.We maintain three kinds of lists for TX as shown in Figure5.First,a control list contains the packets that are directly related to the state of a connection such as SYN,SYN/ACK,and ACK,or FIN and FIN/ACK.We then manage ACKs for incoming data packets in an ACK list.Finally,we keep a data list to send data in the socket buffers of TCPflows.When we put actual packets in a TX queue,wefirstfill the packets from a control list and an ACK list,and later queue the data packets.By doing this,we prioritize important packetsto prevent short connections from being delayed by other long connections.4Lightweight connection setup:In addition,wefind that a large portion of connection setup cost is from allo-cating memory space for TCP control blocks and socket buffers.When many threads concurrently call malloc() or free(),the memory manager in the kernel can be eas-ily contended.To avoid this problem,we pre-allocate large memory pools and manage them at user level to sat-isfy memory(de)allocation requests locally in the same thread.3.3Application Programming Interface One of our primary design goals is to minimize the port-ing effort of existing applications so that they can easily benefit from our user-level TCP stack.Therefore,our programming interface must preserve the most commonly used semantics and application interfaces as much as pos-sible.To this end,mTCP provides a socket API and an event-driven programming interface.User-level socket API:We provide a BSD-like socket interface;for each BSD socket function,we have a corresponding function call(e.g.,accept()becomes mtcp_accept()).In addition,we provide functionali-ties that are frequently used with sockets,e.g.,fcntl and ioctl,for setting the socket as nonblocking or getting/set-ting the socket buffer size.To support various applications that require inter-process communication using pipe(), we also provide mtcp_pipe().The socket descriptor space in mTCP(including the fds of pipe()and epoll())is local to each mTCP thread; each mTCP socket is associated with a thread context. This allows parallel socket creation from multiple threads by removing lock contention on the socket descriptor space.We also relax the semantics of socket()such that it returns any available socket descriptor instead of the minimum available fd.This reduces the overhead of finding the minimum available fd.User-level event system:We provide an epoll()-like event system.While our event system aggre-gates the events from multipleflows for batching ef-fects,we do not require any modification in the event handling logic.Applications can fetch the events through mtcp_epoll_wait()and register events through mtcp_epoll_ctl(),which correspond to epoll_wait() and epoll_ctl()in Linux.Our current mtcp_epoll() implementation supports events from mTCP sockets(in-cluding listening sockets)and pipes.We plan to integrate other types of events(e.g.,timers)in the future.4This optimization can potentially make the system more vulnerable to attacks,such as SYNflooding.However,existing solutions,such as SYN cookies,can be used to mitigate the problem.Applications:mTCP integrates all techniques known at the time of this writing without requiring substantial kernel modification while preserving the application inter-face.Thus,it allows applications to easily scale their performance without modifying their logic.We have ported many applications,including lighttpd,ab,and SSLShader to use mTCP.For most applications we ported, the number of lines changed were less than100(more de-tails in Section4).We also demonstrate in Section5that a variety of applications can directly enjoy the performance benefit by using mTCP.However,this comes with a few trade-offs that appli-cations must consider.First,the use of shared memory space offers limited protection between the TCP stack and the application.While the application cannot directly ac-cess the shared buffers,bugs in the application can corrupt the TCP stack,which may result in an incorrect behavior. Although this may make debugging more difficult,we believe this form of fate-sharing is acceptable since users face a similar issue in using other shared libraries such as dynamic memory allocation/deallocation.Second,appli-cations that rely on the existing socket fd semantics must change their logic.However,most applications rarely de-pend on the minimum available fd at socket(),and even if so,porting them will not require significant code change. Third,moving the TCP stack will also bypass all existing kernel services,such as thefirewall and packet schedul-ing.However,these services can also be moved into the user-level and provided as application modules.Finally, our prototype currently only supports a single application due to the limitation of the user-level packet I/O system. We believe,however,that this is not a fundamental limita-tion of our approach;hardware-based isolation techniques such as VMDq[5]and SR-IOV[13]support multiple virtual guest stacks inside the same host using multiple RX/TX queues and hardware-based packet classification. We believe such techniques can be leveraged to support multiple applications that share a NIC port.4ImplementationWe implement11,473lines of C code(LoC),including packet I/O,TCPflow management,user-level socket API and event system,and552lines of code to patch the PSIO library.5For threading and thread synchronization,we use pthread,the standard POSIX thread library[11].Our TCP implementation follows RFC793[17].It sup-ports basic TCP features such as connection management, reliable data transfer,flow control,and congestion control. For reliable transfer,it implements cumulative acknowl-edgment,retransmission timeout,and fast retransmission. mTCP also implements popular options such as timestamp, Maximum Segment Size(MSS),and window scaling.For 5The number is counted by SLOCCount2.26.。
