英语 语言学 名词解释

arbitrariness: one design feature of human language, which refers to the face that the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship to their meaning. duality: one design feature of human language, which refers to the property of having two levels of are composed of elements of the secondary level and each of the two levels has its own principles of organization.Creativity (productivity, open-endedness): language-uses can manipulate their linguistic resources to produce new expressions and new sentences. Productive refers to the ability to construct and understand an indefinitely large of number of sentences in one’s native language, including, those that he has never heard before, but that are appropriate the speaking situation. Displacement: one design feature of human language, which means human language enable their users to symbolize objects, events and concepts which are not present in time and space, at the moment of communication.Cultural transmission: the details of language system are not genetically transmitted, but instead have to be taught and learned. 文化传递性,语言不是靠遗传,而是靠教与学来传递的。

↖(^ω^)↗↖(^ω^)↗↖(^ω^)↗↖(^ω^)↗↖(^ω^)↗↖(^ω^)↗1Duality(二元性): each human language is organized into two basic seystems: a system of sounds and a system of meaning. This is called the duality of language.2.connotative meaning(内涵意义): the additional meanings that a word or a phrase has beyond its central meaning.3. minimal pair(最小对立体): When two different forms are identical in every way except for one sound segment that occurs in the same place in the strings, the two words are called minimal pairs.4. Affix(词缀): the collective term for the type of formative that can be used only when added to another morpheme (the root or stem).(词缀是一个构词成分的集合,它们只能附加于另一个语素词根或词干上.)5. Sociolinguistics(社会语言学)studies the interaction between language and the structure and functioning of society.6. lingua franca(通用语)the general term for a language that serves as a means of communication between different groups of speakers.7. Psycholinguistics(心理语言学)studies how humans learn language and the relationship of linguistic behavoir and the psychological processes in producing and understanding language.8. diachronic linguistics(历时语言学): The description of the historical development of a language is a diachronic study.9. immidiate constituent analysis(直接成分分析)is the technique of breaking up sentences into word groups by making successive binary cuttings until the level of single words is reached.(when constituents(i.e. Structural units) are considered as part of the successive unraveling of a sentence, they are known as its immidiate constituents.)10. Euphemism(委婉语):a word or phrase that replaces a taboo word or is used to avoid reference to certain acts or subjects,e.g. powder room for toilet.11. Taboo(禁忌语):words that are offensive or embarrassing, considered inappropriate for “polite society”, thus to be avoided in conversation.12. structural linguistics(结构语言学)it is based on the assumption that grammatical categories, should be definede not in terms of meaning, but in terms of distribution and that the structure of each language should be focused on description.13. Semantic triangle(语义三角)One best known example to illustrate this view is the Semantic Triangle .Thought or Reference( concept)Symbol Referent(Linguistic elements) ( object in the world)14. Morphology(形态学)refers to the study of the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed.15. Presupposition(预设)refers to the conditions that must be met in order for the intended meaning of a sentence to be regarded as acceptable.16. Overgeneralization(过分概括)the process of extending the application of a rule to items that are excluded from it in the language norm.17. Fossilization(僵化现象)It is a process occurring from time to time in which incorrect linguistic features become a permanent part of the way a person speaks or writes a language.18. Register(语域)It is a technical term used to describe a language variety that is associated with a particular topic, the interpersonal relationship between the speaker and the hearer, and the speech channel.(It refers to the functional variety of language that is defined according to its use in context.)19. utterance meaning (话语意义)----refers to a sentence as what people actually utter in the course of communication. It becomes an utterance and it should be considered in the situation in which it is actually uttered or used.话语意义是指在句子意义的基础上,是句子意义在特定语境中的具体化,它体现了说话人的意图和目的,它是动态的。

一、名词解释1.Diachronic历时的It refers to say of the study of developing of language and languages over time.研究语言随时间发展变化的方法。
2.Arbitrariness任意性Saussure first refers to the fact that the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship to their meaning.任意性是指语言符号的形式与所表达的意义之间没有天然或逻辑的联系。
It is refers to absence of any physical correspondence between linguistic signals and the entities to which they refer.任意性是指语言符号和这些符号所指的实体间不存在任何物质的联系。
3.Parole言语It refers to the concrete utterances of a speaker.指语言在实际使用中的实现。
4.Creativity创造性By creativity we mean language is resourceful because of its duality and its recursiveness, which enables human beings to produce and understand an infinitely large number of sentences including the sentences that were never heard before.创造性是指语言具有能产型,因为语言有双重性和递归性,也就是说话者能够结合各个语言单位形成无尽的句子,其中很多句子是以前没有的或者没有听说过的。

Define the following terms:1。
Linguistics: Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language.2。
Phonology: The study of how sounds are put together and used in communication is called phonology.3. Syntax: The study of how morphemes and words are combined to form sentences is called syntax. .4. Pragmatics: The study of meaning in context of use is called pragmatics。
5. Psycholinguistics: The study of language with reference to the workings of mind is called psycholinguistics.6。
Language: Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.7。
Phonetics: The study of sounds which are used in linguistic communication is called phonetics。
8. Morphology: The study of the way in which morphemes are arranged to form words is called morphology。
9. Semantics: The study of meaning in language is called semantics.10。

1)Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific or systematic study of (human) language.word language preceded by zero article in English implies that linguistics studies not any particular language, . English , Chinese , French and Japanese, but languages in general.word study does not mean “learn” but “investigate”.word scientific refers to the way in whichlanguage is studied.It is a science in the sense that it scientifically studies the rules,systems and principles of human languages. It deals with a wide range of linguistic phenomena,analyzes them,and makes general statements about them.2)Linguistics is always guided by the 3 canons of science:(e c e)exhaustiveness: it strives for thorough-goingness in the examination of relevant materials;consistency: there should be no contradiction between different parts of the total statementeconomy: other things being equal, a shorter statement or analysis is to be preferred to one that is longer or more complex. (e c e)3) The subject matter of linguistics is all natural language, living or dead.4) Linguistics has 2 main purposes:it studies the nature of language and tries to establish a theory of language, and describes languages in the light of the theory established.It examines all the forms of language in general and seeks a scientific understanding of the ways in which it is organized to fulfill the needs it serves and the functions it performs in human lifelinguistics differs from traditional grammar at least in 3 basic ways: Linguistics describes languages and does not lay down rules of correctness. Linguists are interested in what is said. So they are often said to be descriptive. Linguists regard the spoken language as primary. It is believed that speech came into being first for any human language and the writing system came along much later. Traditional grammar is based on Latin and it tries to impose the Latin categories and structures on other languages, while linguistics describes each language on its own merits.For a student of language, some knowledge of linguistics is of both interest and importance.For a teacher of foreign languages, he will definitely a great deal from the knowledge of linguistics.For a researcher, there is even more scope for displaying his abilities.Why study linguistics1. Linguistics takes an analytical approach to the study of language, andfocus on developing skills in data analysis, problem solving, and logical thinking that can be applied to many fields.2.It is an interdisciplinary subject.3.Linguistics is a science that is still in its infancy but undergoing rapiddevelopment, and it is “a pilot science”.What and how linguists study language1. nature of language (focus on language itself)2. nature of acquisition (focus on learners)3. nature of teaching (focus on teachers)The process of linguistic study can be summarized as follows:.First, certain linguistic facts are observed, and generalizations are made about them;.Next, based on these generalizations, hypotheses are tested by further observations;.And finally a linguistic theory is constructed about what language is and how it works.General linguistics: The study of language as a whole. It deals with the basic concepts, theories, descriptions, models and methods applicable in any linguistic study.Microlinguistics(微观语言学)includes 6 branches, namely, phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics. It studies language itself. Macrolinguistics (宏观语言学)studies language in use--- practical usage. macrolinguistics includes:Sociolinguistics studies the relations between language and society: how social factors influence the structure and use of language. Another name for sociolinguistics is the sociology of language.Psycholinguistics is the study of language and mind: the mental structures and processes which are involved in the acquisition, comprehension and production of language.Neurolinguistics or neurological linguistics is the study of language processing and language representation in the brain.Stylistics is the study of how literary effects can be related to linguistic features. It usually refers to the study of written language, including literary texts, but it also investigates spoken language sometimes.Discourse analysis, or text linguistics is the study of the relationship between language and the contexts in which language is used.Computational linguistics is an approach to linguistics which employs mathematical techniques, often with the help of a computer.Cognitive linguistics is an approach to the analysis of natural language that focuses on language as an instrument for organizing, processing, and conveying information.Apart from the different branches of linguistics, there are some distinctions of linguistics, such as: functional linguistics vs formal linguistics; theoretical linguistics vs applied linguistics.Applied linguistics is primarily concerned with the application of linguistic theories, methods and findings to the elucidation of language problems which havearisen in other areas of experience.Phonetics(语音学):Phonetics is the scientific study of speech sounds.It studies how speech sounds are articulated, transmitted, and received. It is a pure science and examines speech sounds in general.Phonetics: The general study of the characteristics of speech sounds.Phonology(音系学/音位学): The description of the systems and patterns of speech sounds in a language.Phonology is the study of how speech sounds function in a language. It studies the ways speech sounds are organized. It can be seen as the functional phonetics of a particular language.Morphology(形态学,词法学):The study of the way in which morphemes are arranged to form words.Morphology is the study of the formation of words. It is a branch of linguistics which breaks words into morphemes.Syntax(句法学):The study of those rules that govern the combination of words to form permissible sentences.Syntax deals with the combination of words into phrases, clauses and sentences. It is the grammar of sentence construction.Semantics(语义学) is a branch of linguistics which is concerned with the study of meaning in abstraction.Pragmatics can be defined as the study of language in use. It deals with how speakers use language in ways which cannot be predicted from linguistic knowledge alone, and how hearers arrive at the intended meaning of speakers. In a broad sense, pragmatics studies the principles observed by human beings when they communicate with one another.Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.This definition is widely accepted because it includes some of the important characteristics of human language.Language as system ---The key word in the definition is "system". Language is systematic. Otherwise we would not be able to learn or use it consistently. Each language system contains two subsystems: a system of sound and a system of meaning. Language is a system—elements in it are not arranged and combined randomly, but according to some rules and principles.Language as arbitrary ---There is no natural relationship between the sound and what it means in a certain language.The relation between sound and meaning is almost always arbitrary or conventional. The relation between sound and meaning is almost always arbitrary.A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.Romeo and JulietThe relation between sound and meaning is almost always conventional《荀子·正名》:“名无固宜,约之以命,约定俗成谓之宜,异于约则谓之不宜。

1. Phonetics(音韵学):研究语音、发音和声音的学科。
2. Phonology(音系学):研究语音在语言中的系统性组织和规律性变化的学科。
3. Morphology(形态学):研究词形变化和词构成的学科。
4. Syntax(句法学):研究句子结构和语法规则的学科。
5. Semantics(语义学):研究语言意义的学科,包括词义和句子意义。
6. Pragmatics(语用学):研究语言在实际使用中的含义和功能的学科。
7. Discourse analysis(语篇分析):研究语言在实际使用中的连贯性和语篇结构的学科。
8. Historical linguistics(历史语言学):研究语言的演变和变化的学科。
9. Sociolinguistics(社会语言学):研究语言和社会、文化、地理和历史等因素之间的关系的学科。
10. Psycholinguistics(心理语言学):研究语言和心理过程之间的关系的学科,包括语言习得、记忆和理解等。


When I was preparing the postgraduate entrance examination of NNU(Nanjing Normal University),some of these following concepts had been tested,but there's no specific or clear explanation in the textbook required by the in preparing the second-round examination I read them in other relevant books, I wrote down here for your they are useful to some of you.1. Acculturation(同化过程) is a process in which members of one cultural group adopt the beliefs and behaviors of another group.2. Adjacency pair(相邻语对);a sequence of two utterances by different speakers in conversation. The second is a response to the first, such as question/answer sequences and greeting/greeting exchange.3. affix: a bound morpheme that is attached to a stem and modifies its meaning in some way.4. agreement (concord)(一致): a grammatical phenomenon in which the form of one word in a sentence is determined by the form of another word which is grammatically linked to it. . in the sentence The boy goes to school every is an agreement in number between boy and goes.(发音器官): the tongue,lips,and velum, which change the shape of the vocal tract to produce different speech sounds.(体): the grammatical category representing distinction in the temporal structure of an event. English has two aspect construction---the perfect and the progressive.(完成体和进行体)(吐气); the puff of air that sometimes follows the pronounciation of a stop consonant. . /p/ in the word pit.(辅音); a speech sound produced by partial or complete closure of part of the vocal tract, thus obstructing the airflow and creating audible friction. Consonants are described in terms of voicing, place of articulation, and manner of articulation.9. converstional implicature(会话含义):meanings that are explicable in the light of converational maxims.competence(交际能力); the ability to use language appropriately in social situations.11. constituent(成分): a syntactic unit that functions as part of a large unit within a sentence; typical constituent types are verb phrase, noun phrase, prepositional phrase and clause.(格):the grammatical category in inflectional languages by which the form of a noun or noun phrase varies for grammatical or semantic reasons. English has only one case distinction in nouns—the genitive case(所有格), but English pronouns have three forms that correspond to three of the six cases in Latin.(小句): a grammatical unit that contains a subject and a predicate. It may be a sentence or part of a sentence.class(封闭词类):a group of words whose membership is small and does not readily accept new members.(创新词): the construction and addition of new words.(分布): the set of positions in which a given linguistic element or form can appear in a language.(双重结构): a type of double-layer structure in which a small number of meaningless units are combined to produce a large number of meaningful units.(包含);the relationship between two sentences where the truth of one(the second) is inferred from the truth of the other.(委婉语): a word or phrase that replaces a taboo word or is used to avoid reference to certain acts or subjects,. powder room for toilet.path sentence(花园小径句): a sentence in which the comprehender assumes a particular meaning of a word or a phrase but later discovers that the assumption was incorrect, forcing the comprehender to backtrack and reinterpret the sentence variation;(自由变异) a relation between two speech sounds such that either one can occur in a certain position and the substitution of one for the other never makes any difference in the meaning of the word. For instance, the unexploded(失去爆破) stop /d/ in the phrase Good morning is in free varitation with the exploded(爆破)counterpart.(屈折变化):the morphological process by which affixes combine with words or stems to indicate such grammatical categories as tense or plurity.(支配): the grammatical phonomenon in which the presence of a particular word in a sentence requires a second word which is grammatical linked with it to appear in a particular form. . a preposition or a verb requires that the pronoun following it be in the objective form,as in with me,to him.universal (语言共性): any property that is shared by most,if not all, human lanugages.franca: ( 通用语) A language variety used for communication among groups of people wo do not otherwise share a common language. For example, English is the lingua franca of the international scientific community.; The study of the effect of language on society.: The study of the effect of any and all aspects of society,including cultural norms, expetations and contexts,on the way language is used. It is often simply called sociolinguistics.relation: (纵组合关系) The substitutional relation between a set of linguistic items,that is,linguistic forms(letters,words and phrases)can be substituted for each other in the same position in a word or sentence. , b,p,s,f are in paradigmatic relation in the words bit,pit,sit,fit, so are Nature,Beauty, Love, Honesty in the sentences:Nature purifies the mind.Beauty purifies the mind.Love purifies the mind.Honesty purifies the mind.relation: (横组合关系) The relation between any linguistic elements which are simultaneously present in a structure. . in the word bit, b, i,t are in syntagmatic relation, so are nature, purifies, the, mind, in the sentence Nature purifies the mind.(预设): implicit assumptions about the world acquired to make an utterance meaningful or appropriate,e,g, “ some tea has already been taken”is apresuppostion of “Take some more tea”.(典型): What members of a particular community think of as the best example of a lexical category, some English speakers “cabbage”(rather than,say,carrot)might be the prototypical vegetable.(词根): the morpheme that remains when all affixes are stripped from a complex word. . system from un- + system + atic + ally.(词干): the base to which one or more affixes are attached to create a more complex form that may be another stem or a word.(禁忌语):words that are offensive or embarrassing, considered inappropriate for “polite society”, thus to be avoided in conversation.restriction(选择限制): a restriction on the combining of words in a sentence resulting from their meaning.universal:(语言共性)The linguistic universals are principles that enable children to acquire a particular language unconsciously, without instruction in the early years of life. As a whole they are referred to as Universal Grammar.distribution(对比分布):If the speech sounds occur in the same phonetic context and the substitution results a contrast in meaning, we say they are in contrastive distribution.constituent analysis(直接成分分析法)is the technique of breaking up sentences into word groups by making successive binary cuttings until the level of single words is reached.construction: (向心结构或内心结构)One construction whose distribution is functionally equivalent, or approaching equivalence, to one of its constituents. The typical English endocentric constructions are noun phrases and adjective phrases.construction(离心结构或外心结构)the opposite of endocentric construction,refers to a group of syntactically related words where none of the words is functionally equivalent to the whole group. Most constructions are exocentric.can be defined as the means employed to show awareness of another person’s public self-image.(politeness principle)tact maxim;generosity principle;approbation maxim;modesty maxim;agreement maxim;sympathy maxim.(反语)is the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning of the utterance.: (语码转换)means the alternation between two or more languages,language varieties or registers in communication.filter(情感过滤):A screen of emotion that can block language acquisition or learning if it keeps the learners being too self-conscious or too embarrassed to take risks during communicative exchanges.(转类构词)is a change in the grammatical function of a word without adding or removing any part of it. A word belonging to one part of speech is extended to another part of speech. It is also called functional shift or zero derivation.meaning VS grammatical meaning(词汇意义与语法意义)The meaning of a sentence is carried by the words proper as well as by the patternsof word order that is part of the grammatical system of a language. The part of the sentence meaning contributed by words is called the lexical meaning and the part of sentence meaning that depends upon the way the words are put together is called grammatical meaning, in which the function words and the word order play a very important role.meaning VS non-linguistic meaning (副语言意义与非语言意义)In human communication, apart from the linguistic meaning conveyed by language itself,there are numerous paralinguistic meanings and non-linguistic meanings that are perceived simultaneously by the hearer. Paralinguistic meanings are those attached to the verbal expressions by quality of voice,tempo of speech,posture,facial expression and gestures. Non-linguistic meanings are those indicated by non-verbal noises such as cough, sigh, tongue-clicking, various kinds of body languages and different contexts of situation.VS connotation (外延与内涵)Denotation is a straightforward, literal meaning of the word every member of the language speaking community will agree on. Connotation is not the basic meaing of the word but some emotive or evaluative meaings associated with the word by individual language users in their mind.relativity VS linguistic determinism (语言相对论与语言决定论)The Sapir-Wholf Hypothesis states that there is a systematic relationship between the grammatical categories of the language a person speaks and how that person both understands the world and behaves in it. It boils down to two principles: linguistic relativity and linguistic determinism.Linguistic relativity states that disctinctions encoded in one language are unique to that langage alone, and that there is no limit to the structural diversity of languages.Linguistic determinism refers to the idea that the language we use determines, to some extent, the way in which we view and think about the world around us. This concept has two versions; strongdeterminism and weak determinism. The strong version, which has few followers today, holds that language actually determines thought, whereas that weak version, which is widely accepted today, merely holds that language affects thought.。

现代语言学一绪论1 Linguisitics : Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language2 Phonetics : The study of sounds which are used in linguistics communication is called phonetics.For example,vowels and consonants3 Phonology” : The study of how sounds are put together and used in communication is called phonology.For example,phone,phoneme,and allophone.4 Morphology :The study of the way in which morphemes are arranged to form words is called morphology.For example,boy and “ish”---boyish,teach---teacher.5 Syntax : The study of how morphemes and words are combined to form sentences is called syntax.For esample,”John like linguistics.”6 Semantics: The study of meaning in language is called semantics. For example,:The seal could not be f ound.The zoo keeper became worried.” The seal could not be found,The king became worried.” Here the word seal means different things.7 Pragmatics: The study of meaning in context of use is called pragmatics.For example, “I do” The word do means different context.8 Sociolinguistics: The study of language with reference to society is called sociolinguistics.For example,regional dialects,social variation in language.9Psycholinguistics: The study of language with reference to workings of mind is called psycholinguistics.二音系学1 Phonetics: The study of sounds that are used in linguistic communication is called phonetics.2 Phonology: The study of how sounds are put together and used in communication is called phonology.3 Phone: Phone can be simply defined as the speech sounds we use when speaking a language. A phone is a phonetic unit or segement. It does not necessarily distinguish meaning; some do,some don’t.4 Phoneme: Phonology is concerned with the speech sounds which distinguish meaning. The basic unit in phonology is called phoneme;it is a unit that is of distinctive value.5 allophone: The different phones which can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environment are called the allophones of that phoneme.6 Complementary distribution: These two allophones of the same phoneme are said to be in complementary distribution.7 Minimal pair: When two different forms are identical in every way except for one sound segement which occurs in the same place in the stings, the two words are said to form a minimal pair.8 Stress: When a certain syllable of a word is stressed, it means that the syllable is prounced with great force than the other or others.9 tones: Tones are pitch variation, which are caused by the different rates of vibration of the vocal cords. Pitch variations can distinguish meaning just like phoneme;therefore, the tone is a suprasegemental feature.10 intonation: When pitch, stress and sound length are tied to the sentence rather than the word in isolation, they are collectively known as intonation. Intonation plays an important role in conveying meaning in almost every language,especially in a language like English{$isbest}三形态学1 morphology: Morphology is a branch of grammer which studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed.2 inflectional morphology: Inflectional morphology studies the inflections of word-formation.3 derivational morphology: Derivational morphology is the study of word-formation.4 morpheme: Morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit of language.5 free morpheme: Free morpheme are the morphemes which are independent units of meaning and can be used freely all by themselces or in combination with other morphemes.6 bound morpheme: Bound morphemes are the morphemes which cannot be used independently but have to be combined with other morphemes, either free or bound, to form a word.7 root: A root is often seen as part of a word; it can never stand by itself although it bears clear,definite meaning; it must be combined with another root or an affix to forma word.8 affix: Affixes are of two types: inflectional and derivational.9 prefix: Prefix occur at the beginning of a word.10 suffix: Suffixes are added to the end of the stems; they modify the meaning of the original word and in many cases change its part of speech.11 derivation: Derivation affixes are added to an existing form to creat a word.Derivation can be viewed as the adding of affixes to stem to form nes words.12 compounding: Like derivation, compounding is another popular and important way of forming new words in English. Compounding can be viewed as the combination of two or sometimes more than two words to creat new words. {$isbest}四句法学1 linguistic competence: Comsky defines competence as the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language,and performance the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication.2 sentence : A sentence is a structurally independent unit that usually comprises a number of words to form a complete statement question or command.3 transformation rules: Syntactic movement is governed by transformational rules. The operation of the transformational rules may change the syntactic representation of a sentence.4 D-structure : A sentence may have two levels of syntactic representation. One exists before movement take place, the other occurs after movement take place. In formal linguistic exploration, these two syntactic representation are commonly termed as D-structure.5 Move а : Just as there is a general rule for all phrase structure rules,i,e. the X-bar schema, there is a general movement rule accounting for the syntactic behavior of any constituent movement. This movement rule is cal led Move а{$isbest}五语义学1 semantics: Semantics can be simply defined as the study of meaning in language.2 sense : Sense is concerned with the inherent meaning of the linguistic form. It is the collection of all the features of the linguistic form; it is abstract and decontextualized.3 reference : Reference means what a linguistic form refers to in the real, physical world; it deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience.4 synonymy : Synonymy refers to the sameness or close similarity of meaning. Words that are close in meaning are called synonymy.5 polysemy : Polysemy refers to the fact that the same one word may have more than one meaning.A word having more than one meaning is called a polysemic word.6 antonymy : Antonymy refers to the oppositeness of meaning. Words that are opposite in meaning are called antonyms.7 homonymy :Homonymy refers to the phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form,i.e. different words are identical in sound or spelling, or8 hyponymy : Hyponymy refers to the sense relation between a more general, more inclusive word and a more specific word.9 componential analysis : Componential analysis is a way to analyze wprd meaning. It was proposed by structural semanticists.10 grammatical meaning : The grammatical meaning of a sentence refers to its grammaticality,i.e. its grammatical well-formedness. The grammaticality of asentence is governed by the grammatical rules of the language.11 semantic meaning : The semantic meaning of a sentence is governed by rules called selectional restrictions.12 predication : In semantic analysis of a sentence, the basic unit is called predication. The predication is the abstraction of the meaning of a sentence.{$isbest}六语用学1 pragmatics: Pragmatics can be defined as the study of how speakers of a language use sentences to effect successful communication.2 context: The notion of context is essential to the pragmatic study of language. Generally speaking, it consists of the knowledge that is shared by the speaker and the hearer.3 utterance meaning: Utterance is based on sentence meaning; it is realization of the abstract meaning of a sentence in a real situation of communication, or simply in a4 locutionary act: A locutionary act is the act of utterance words,phrases,clauses. It is the act of conveying literal meaning by means of syntax, lexion and phonology.5 illocutionary act: An illocutionary act is the act expressing t he speaker’s intention; It is the act performed in saying something.6 perlocutionary act:A illocutionary act is the act performed by or resulting from saying something: it is the consequence of, or the change brought about by the utterance; it is the act performed by saying something.{$isbest}七历史语言学1 historical linguistics: Historical linguistics is the subfield of linguistics that studies language change.2 apocope: Another well-documented sound loss is the deletion of a word-final vowel segement, a phenomenon called apocope.3 epenthesis: A change that involves the insertion of a consonant or vowel sound to the middle of a word is known as epenthesis.4 metathesis: Sound change as a result of sound movement is known as metathesis.5 compounding: Compounding is a process of combining two or more words into one lexical unit.6 derivation: Derivation refers to the process by which new words are formed by the addition of affixes to the roots.7 blending: Blending is a process of forming a new word by combining parts of other words.8 back-formation: Back-formation is a process by which new words are formed by taking away the suffix of an existing word.9 semantic broadening: Semantic broadening refers to the process in which the meaning of a word becomes general or inclusive than its historically earlier denotation..10 semantic narrowing: Semantic narrowing is a process in which the meaning ofa word becomes less general or inclusive than its historically earlier meaning.11 semantic shift: Semantic shift is a process of semantic change in which a word loses its former meaning and acquire a new, sometimes related, meaning.12 protolanguage: It refers to a family of a language.A protolanguage is the original form of a language family that has ceased to exist.The proto form can be reconstructed by identifying and comparing similar linguistic forms with similar meanings across related languages.13 sound shift: It refers to the systematic modification of a series of phonemes. {$isbest}八社会语言学1 sociolinguistics: Sociolinguistics is the study of language in social context.2 speech community: A speech community is thus defined as a group of people who form a community and share the same language or a particular variety of language.3 speech variety: Speech variety, also known as language variety, refers to any distinguishable form of speech used by a speaker or group of speakers.4 language planning: One way out of the communication dilemma is language standardization known as language planning. This means that certain authorities, such as the government or government agency of a country, choose a particular speech variety and spread the use of it, including its pronunciation and spelling system, across regional boundaries.5 idiolect: Such a personal dialect is refered to as idiolect.6 standard language: The standard language is a superposed, socially prestigious dialect of language. It is the language employed by the government and the judiciary system,used by the mass media.7 nonstandard language: Language varieties other than the standard are called nonstandard, or vernacular, languages.8 lingua franca: A lingua franca is a variety of language that serves as a medium of communication among groups of people for diverse linguistic backgrounds.9 pidgin: A pidgin is a variety of language that is generally used by native speakers of other languages as a medium of communication.10 Creole: A Creole language is originally a pidgin that has become established asa native language in some speech communication.11 diglossia: Diglossia usually describes a situation in which two very different varieties of language co-exist in a speech communication, each with a distinct range of purely social function and appropriate for certain situations.12 bilingualism: Bilingualism refers to a linguistic situation in which two standard languages are used either by an individual or by a group of speakers, such as the inhabitants of a particular region or a nation.13 ethic dialect: An ethnic language variety is a social dialect of a language ,often cutting across regional differences.14 sociolect: Social dialect, or sociolects, are varieties of language used by people belonging to particular social classes.15 register: Registers are language varieties which are appropriate for use in particular speech situations, in contrast to language varieties that are associated with the social or regional grouping of their customary users. For that reason, registers are also known as situational dialects.16 slang: Slang is a causal use of language that consists of expressive but nonstandard vocabulary, typically of arbitrary, flashy and often ephemeral coinage and figure of speech characterized by spontaneity and sometimes by raciness.17 tabo A linguistic taboo refers to a word or expression that is prohibited by the “polite” society from general use.18 euphemism: Euphemism comes from the Greek word euphemismos, meaning “to speak with good words”. A euphemism, then ,is mild, indirect or less offensive word or expression substitute when the speaker or writer fears more direct wording might be harsh, unpleasantly direct, or offensive.{$isbest}九心理语言学1 psycholinguistics:Psycholinguistics is the study of language in relation to the mind. As the suggests, psycholinguistics is viewed as the intersection of psychology and linguistics, drawing equally upon the language we acquire, produce and comprehend.2 cerebral cortex: The most important part of the brain is the outside surface of the brain, called the cerebral cortex.3 brain lateralization: The localization of cognitive of cognitive and percpetual functions in a particular hemisphere of the brain is called lateralization.4 linguistic lateralization: In their research of brain lateralization, psycholinguistics are particulary interested in linguistic lateralization, which is the brain’s neurological specialization for language.5 dichotic listening: Evidence in support of lateralization for language in the left hemisphere comes from researches in dichotic listening tasks6 right ear advantage: Stimuli heard in the left ear are reported less accurately than those heard in the right car. This phenomenon is knowas the right ear advantage.7 critical period hypothesis: The critical period hypothesis refers to a period in one’s life extending from about age two to puberty during which the humanbrain is most ready to acquire a particular language and language learning can proceed easily, swiftly and without explicit instruction.8 linguistic determinism: Whorf proposed first that all higher levels of thinking are dependent on language. That is, language determines thought, hence the strong notion of linguistic determinism.9 linguistic relativism: Whorf also believed that speakers of different language perceive and experience the world differently, that is, relative to their linguistic background, hence the notion10 subvocal speech: When language and thought are identical or closely parallel to each other, we may regard thought as “subvocal speech”.of linguistic relativism.{$isbest}十语言习得1 language acquisition: Language acquisition is concerned with language development in humans. In general, language acquisition refers to children’s development of their first language, that is, the native language of the community in which a child has been brought up.2 telegraphic speech: The early multiword utterance of children have a special characteristic. They typically lack inflectional morphemes and most minor lexical categories. Because of their resemblance to the styly of language found in telegrams, utterance at this acquisition stage are often called telegraphic speech.3 holophrastic sentence: Children’s one-word utterance are also calledholophrastic sentences.4 acquisition: According to Krashen,acquisition refers to the gradual and subconscious development of ability in the first language by using it naturally in daily communicative situations.5 learning: Learning, however, is defined as a conscious process of accumulating knowledge of a second language usually obtained in school settings.6 language transfer: Learners will subconsciously use their L1 knowledge in learning a second language. This is known as language transfer.7 positive transfer: Presumably, positive transfer occurs when an L1 pattern is identical with, or similar to, a target-language pattern.8 negative transfer: Conversely, negative transfer occurs when an L1 pattern is different from the counterpart pattern of the target language.9 contrastive analysis: The Contrastive Analysis approach was founded on the belief that, by establishing the linguistic differences between the native and target language system, it was possible to predict what problems learners of a particular second language would face and the types of errors they would make.10 interlanguage: SLA is viewed as a process of creative construction, in which a learner constructs a series of internal representations that comprises the learner’s interim knowledge of the target language, known as interlanguage.11 formal instruction: Formal instruction occurs in classrooms when attempts are made to raise learner’s consciousnes s about the nature of target language rules in order to aid learning.12 instrumental motivation: Thus, instrumental motivation occurs when the learner’s goal is functional.13 integrative motivation: Integrative motivation occurs when the learner’s goal is social.14 acculturation: A related issue with integrative motivation has been the extent to which learners differ in the process of adapting to the new culture of the 12community. This adaptation process is called acculturation.。

下面是一些常见的英语语言学术语和其解释:1. 语言:人类使用的一种符号系统,用于交流和表达意思。
2. 语音:语言中的声音单元,用于区分不同的词汇和语法形式。
3. 语法:语言中词汇和句法结构的规则系统,用于构建和理解句子。
4. 词汇:语言中的词汇单位,用于表示特定的意思。
5. 句法:句子的结构和组织方式,包括短语和句子之间的关系。
6. 语义:词汇和句子的意义和解释。
7. 语用学:语言使用的实际情境和交际目的的研究。
8. 语篇分析:研究句子和段落如何组成连贯的文本的过程。
9. 语音学:语音的科学研究,包括语音的产生、传播和感知。
10. 语音变体学:研究语音变化和发音差异的学科。
11. 语音库:包含语音录音和相关信息的数据库。
12. 语音识别:使用计算机技术将语音转换为文字的过程。
13. 语音合成:使用计算机技术将文字转换为语音的过程。
14. 语言变体:同一语言在不同地区或社会群体中的变化形式。
15. 方言:某个特定地区或社会群体使用的语言变体。
16. 标准语:在教育和媒体等公共场合使用的规范语言形式。
17. 语言接触:不同语言之间的互动和影响。
18. 二语习得:学习者将自己的母语转换为第二语言的过程。
19. 语言教学:帮助学习者学习和掌握一门语言的过程。
20. 语言规划:改变或发展一种语言的过程,包括制定规范和推广使用。

DefinitionLanguage is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.语言是一个用于人类交际的、具有任意性的语音符号系统。
Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language.语言学通常被定义为对语言进行科学性研究的学科。
Arbitrariness(任意性) There is no intrinsic(本质的) connection between the word and the thing it denotes(表示).Duality(双层性) Language is a system, which consists of two sets of structures, or two levels, and it enables its users to talk about anything within their knowledge.Creativity(创造性) It makes possible the construction(结构) and interpretation(翻译) of new signals by its users.Displacement(移位性) Language can be used to refer to things, which are not present, real or imagined matters in the past, present or future, or in far-away places.Phonetics(语音学) is defined as the study of the phonic medium of language; it is concerned with all the sounds that occur in the world's languages.语音学被定义为对语言的语音媒介的研究;它涉及所有出现在世界语言中的声音。

名词解释1. Design features of language1.) Arbitrariness 任意性2.) Duality 二元性3.) Productivity 创造性4.) Interchangeability 可交替性5.) Displacement 置换性6.) Specialization 特殊性7.) Cultural transmission 文化传播性2. Minimal pairsTwo words which are identical in every way except for one sound segment(节)that occurs in the same place in the stringa.Chunk junkb.Ban binc.Bet batd.Fan van3.Free variationWhen two or more sounds occur in the same position without any apparent change of meaning.Example: economic,either,neither4.Bound morphemesSome morphemes cannot normally stand alone, but function only as parts of words, e.g. –s, -er, -ed, -ing. Such morphemes are called bound morphemes. Bound morphemes are actually affixes.Classification of bound morphemes:1)Derivational morphemes: which are used to make new words in the language and are often used to make words of a different grammatical category from the stem.-ness kindness-ful -less careful careless-y cloudy-ish foolish-ment establishment2)Inflectional morphemes: which are not used to produce new words, but rather to show aspects of the grammatical function of a word. Inflectional morphemes are used to indicate whether a word is singular or plural. Whether it is in the past tense or present tense, and whether it is possessive or comparative form.English has only 8 inflectional morphemes.5.SyntaxIt is the study of the rules governing the ways words, word groups and phrases are combined to form sentences in a language, or the study of the interrelationship between elements in sentence structures.6. Immediate constituent analysislinguistic units can be parts of larger constructions and may themselves also beconstructions composed of smaller parts.Two way of IC analyze:1.Brackets2.Tree diagram7. Blending:a single new word can be formed by combining two separate forms.8. Entailment:concerned with the meaning of the sentence itself. It does not depend on the context in which a sentence is used.9. Definition of Register:in a restricted sense, refers to the variety of language related to one’s occupation. The type of language which is selected as appropriate to the type of situation is a register.10. Definition of standard language:The standard variety is a superimposed, socially prestigious dialect of a language. It is the language employed by the government and the judiciary (司法)system, used by the mass media, and taught in educational institutions, including school settings where the language is taught as a foreign or second language.填空Definition of linguistics: Linguistics can be defined as the scientific or systematic study of language.It is always guided by the three canons of science: exhaustiveness, consistency , economy. Definition of language: Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.•Consonants: the sounds in the production of which there is an obstruction of the air-stream at some point of the vocal tract•Vowels: the sounds in the production of which no articulators come very close together and the air-stream passes through the vocal tract without obstruction•V oiceless sound: [p], [t], [t], [k], and [s]•V oiced sound: [b], [d], [g], [z]•Oral sounds: [p], [b]•Nasal sounds: [m], [n]•Consonants: the sounds in the production of which there is an obstruction of the air-stream at some point of the vocal tract•Vowels: the sounds in the production of which no articulators come very close together and the air-stream passes through the vocal tract without obstructionSense and referenceDefinition: relationship which hold between the linguistic elements themselves, it is concerned with intralinguistic relationships.bachelor marriedBachelor=never marriedred=brown, orange, yellowReference: deal with the relationship between the linguistic elements and the non-linguistic world of experience. e.g. tree book。

Design features of language:(1)Arbitrariness (任意性):there is no logical or intrinsic connection between a particular sound and the meaning it is associated with。
(声音和意思无直接联系) eg: why English should use the sounds /dog/ to refer to the animal dog, the relationship between the sounds and their meaning is quite accidental。
(2)Duality(双重性):the way meaningless elements of language at one level(sounds and letters)combine to form meaningful units at another level. That is, sounds such as d, g, f, o, mean nothing separately。
They normally take on meaning only when they are combined in certain ways, as in dog,fog, and god.2.Descriptive grammars(描写性语法): attempt to tell what is in the language(语言第一,语法第二,语法是为语言服务)Prescriptive grammars(规定性语法): tell people what should be in the language.3.Phonetics(语音学): the study of linguistic speech sounds, how they ate produced, how they are perceived, and their physical properties。

Chapter 6 SemanticsSemantics: it is generally defined as the study of inherence or intrinsic meaning, the meaning in isolation from the context.The naming theory:命名论it is one of the oldest notions concerning meaning proposed by Plato, which holds the view that the relationship between linguistic forms and what they stand for is one of naming. Its defaults: firstly, the theory seems applicable to nouns only. Secondly, even within the category of nouns, there are nouns which denote things that do not exist in the real world at all or things that do not refer to physical objects, but abstract notions. Finally, some words may have different meanings in different contexts while the same reference may have different names such as “the morning star” and “the evening star”The conceptualist theory: 意念论C. K .Ogden Richard created the semantic triangle to show the indirect relationship between symbols and their supposed referents.Symbol: it refers to the linguistic elements such as word or sentence.Referent: it refers to the object in the world of experience.Context: it refers to what comes before and after a word, phrase, statement, etc. helping to fix the meaning; or refers to circumstances in which an event occurs. Contextualism :情境论、语境论John FirthSituational context: it refers to the particular spatiotemporal situation in which an utterance occurs, the main components of which include, apart from the place and time of the utterance, the speaker and the hearer, the actions they are performing at the time, the various objects and events exists in the situation.The linguistic context: sometimes known as context, it includes a word’s co-occurrence or collocation with another word, which forms part of the “meaning” of a word, and, also the part of text that precedes and follows a particular utterance. For example, the meaning of the word “paper” differs in the two collocations of “a piece of paper” and“a white paper”。

orderly.(08F)23.module: It refers to a unit of processing that is relatively autonomous from other processing units.24.Minimal attachment:we prefer attaching new items into the phrase marker being constructed using the fewest syntactic nodes consistent with the rules of the language. (e g. Mike kissed Lucy and her sister…)te closure:wherever possible, we prefer to attach new items to the current constituent to reduce the burden on working memory during parsing.(E.g.: Tom said that Bill had taken the cleaning out yesterday. )26.cohort model: in word comprehension,words are analysed by hearers from beginning to end.27.Selectional restrictions---a restriction on the combining of words in a sentence resulting from their meaning form part of the word-processing system28. Hierarchical Structure----Our representation od complex words is organized in terms of hierarchical morphological structure.29.Levelt’s model of speech production:Four stages of production: conceptualizing----- > formulating---- >articulating---- > self-monitoring.(1) Conceptualizing: we must conceptualize what we wish to communicate.(2)Formulating: we formulate this thought into linguistic plan in the Formulator. It contains grammatical and phonological process and draws upon the lexicon.(3) articulating:the information is passed to the Articulator from Formulator which actually produces the utterance.(4) self-monitoring.:We monitor our speech, to assess whether it is what we intended to say and how we intended to say it....................................................................1. Acculturation(同化过程) is a process in which members of one cultural group adopt the beliefs and behaviors of another group.2. Adjacency pair(相邻语对); a sequence of two utterances by different speake rs in conversation. The second is a response to the first, such as question/ans wer sequences and greeting/greeting exchange.3. affix: a bound morpheme that is attached to a stem and modifies its meaning in some way.4. agreement (concord)(一致): a grammatical phenomenon in which the form of o ne word in a sentence is determined by the form of another word which is gramma tically linked to it. E.g. in the sentence The boy goes to school every day. There is an agreement in number between boy and goes.5.articulators(发音器官): the tongue,lips,and velum, which change the shape of the vocal tract to produce different speech sounds.6.aspect(体): the grammatical category representing distinction in the tempora l structure of an event. English has two aspect construction---the perfect and the progressive.(完成体和进行体)7.aspiration(吐气); the puff of air that sometimes follows the pronounciation of a stop consonant. E.g. /p/ in the word pit.8.consonant(辅音); a speech sound produced by partial or complete closure of part of the vocal tract, thus obstructing the airflow and creating audible fric tion. Consonants are described in terms of voicing, place of articulation, and manner of articulation.9. converstional implicature(会话含义): meanings that are explicable in the l ight of converational maxims.municative competence(交际能力); the ability to use language appropriat ely in social situations.11. constituent(成分): a syntactic unit that functions as part of a large un it within a sentence; typical constituent types are verb phrase, noun phrase, p repositional phrase and clause.12.case(格):the grammatical category in inflectional languages by which the fo rm of a noun or noun phrase varies for grammatical or semantic reasons. English has only one case distinction in nouns—the genitive case(所有格), but English pronouns have three forms that correspond to three of the six cases in Latin.13.clause(小句): a grammatical unit that contains a subject and a predicate. It may be a sentence or part of a sentence.14.closed class(封闭词类): a group of words whose membership is small and doe s not readily accept new members.15.coinage(创新词): the construction and addition of new words.16.distribution(分布): the set of positions in which a given linguistic elemen t or form can appear in a language.17.duality(双重结构): a type of double-layer structure in which a small numbe r of meaningless units are combined to produce a large number of meaningful uni ts.18.entailment(包含); the relationship between two sentences where the truth of one(the second) is inferred from the truth of the other.19.euphemism(委婉语): a word or phrase that replaces a taboo word or is used to avoid reference to certain acts or subjects,e.g. powder room for toilet. 20.garden path sentence(花园小径句): a sentence in which the comprehender ass umes a particular meaning of a word or a phrase but later discovers that the as sumption was incorrect, forcing the comprehender to backtrack and reinterpret t he sentence.21.free variation;(自由变异) a relation between two speech sounds such that either one can occur in a certain position and the substitution of one for the other never makes any difference in the meaning of the word. For instance, the unexpl oded(失去爆破) stop /d/ in the phrase Good morning is in free varitation with t he exploded(爆破)counterpart.22.inflection(屈折变化): the morphological process by which affixes combine w ith words or stems to indicate such grammatical categories as tense or plurity.ernment(支配): the grammatical phonomenon in which the presence of a pa rticular word in a sentence requires a second word which is grammatical linked with it to appear in a particular form. E.g. a preposition or a verb requires t hat the pronoun following it be in the objective form,as in with me,to him. nguage universal (语言共性): any property that is shared by most,if not a ll, human lanugages.25.lingua franca: ( 通用语) A language variety used for communication among gr oups of people wo do not otherwise share a common language. For example, English is the lingua franca of the international scientific community.26.macrosociolinguistics; The study of the effect of language on society.27.microsociolinguistics: The study of the effect of any and all aspects of so ciety,including cultural norms, expetations and contexts,on the way language is used. It is often simply called sociolinguistics.28.paradigmatic relation: (纵组合关系) The substitutional relation between a s et of linguistic items,that is,linguistic forms(letters,words and phrases)can b e substituted for each other in the same position in a word or sentence. E.g, b,p,s,f are in paradigmatic relation in the words bit,pit,sit,fit, so are Natur e,Beauty, Love, Honesty in the sentences:Nature purifies the mind.Beauty purifies the mind.Love purifies the mind.Honesty purifies the mind.29.syntagmatic relation: (横组合关系) The relation between any linguistic elem ents which are simultaneously present in a structure. E.g. in the word bit, b, i,t are in syntagmatic relation, so are nature, purifies, the, mind, in the sen tence Nature purifies the mind.30.presupposition(预设): implicit assumptions about the world acquired to make an utterance meaningful or appropriate,e,g, “ some tea has already been take n”is a presuppostion of “Take some more tea”.31.prototype(典型): What members of a particular community think of as the bes t example of a lexical category,e.g.for some English speakers “cabbage”(rathe r than,say,carrot)might be the prototypical vegetable.32.root(词根): the morpheme that remains when all affixes are stripped from a complex word. E.g. system from un- + system + atic + ally.33.stem(词干): the base to which one or more affixes are attached to create a more complex form that may be another stem or a word.34.taboo(禁忌语):words that are offensive or embarrassing, considered inappro priate for “polite society”, thus to be avoided in conversation.35.selectional restriction(选择限制): a restriction on the combining of words in a sentence resulting from their meaning.36.linguistic universal:(语言共性) The linguistic universals are principles th at enable children to acquire a particular language unconsciously, without inst ruction in the early years of life. As a whole they are referred to as Universa l Grammar.(这是今年复试面试时教授的问题。

1.(7-8)Language: language is a system of arbitrary任意的vocal symbols used for human communication. ( Language is a system; language is arbitrary; language is vocal; language is human –specific.)2.(15)phonetics语音学: a branch of linguistics语言学which is studies the characteristic of speech sounds语音and provides methods for their description ,classification and transcription.3.(62)semantics语义学: it can be defined as the study of meaning which is central to the study of communication.4.(77)pragmatics语用学: the study of how speakers of a language use sentences to effect产生,引起successful communication.(It’s also the study of language in use or language communication, the study of the use of context to make inference about meaning.)5.(42)syntax: is a branch of linguistics that studies how words are combined to form sentences and the rules that govern the formation结构,组成of sentences.6.(31)morphology形态学: it refers to the study of the internal内部的structure of words and the rules by which words are formed.7.(66)synonymy同义词: refers to the sameness or close similarity of meaning. Words that are close in meaning are called synonyms.8.(66)reference指称: means what a linguistic form refers to in the real,真实physical world物质; it deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world(非语言世界,即real,physical world)of experience.9.(66)sense词义: is concerned with the inherent固有的,内在的meaning of a linguistic form, the collection集合of all its features(语言形式所有特征的集合); it’s abstract and de-contextualized去情景化. I t’s the aspect of meaning dictionary compilers编辑者are interested in.10.(9)duality: language is a system, which consists of two sets of structures, or two levels. A large number of units of meaning such as morphemes and words are found at the higher level of the system. The duality of structure of language enables its users to talk about anything within their knowledge.?11.(112-113)dialect: dialects vary. A regional dialect is a linguistic variety used by people living in the same geographical region. Social dialect has to do with separation brought about by different social conditions.?12.(114)accent: it’s an important marker of sociolect. Regional accents and RP took on social implications, becoming in effect social accents.?13.(87)conversational maxim会话准则: It has 4 maxims: the maxim of quantity(make your contribution as informative as required;don’t make your contribution more informative than is required),the maxim of quality(don’t say what you believe to be false;don’t say that for which you lack adequate evidence),the maxim of relation(be relevant) and the maxim of manner(avoid obscurity of expression;abvoid ambiguity;be brief;be orderly).?14.(78-79)context: it is generally considered as constituted by the knowledge shared by the speaker and the hearer. (Context determines the speaker’s use of language and also the hearer’s interpretation of what is said to him.)15.(5)competence: it’s the ideal(best) user’s knowledge of the rules of his language.16.(5)performance: it’s the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication.17.(117)register 语域:refers to a variety of language defined according to its use in social situations, such a register of medical English, legal English.18.(81)locutionary act 言外行为:is the act of uttering words,phrases,and clauses. It is the act of conveying literal字面meaning by means of syntax, 句法lexicon词汇and phonology.音韵学19.(69)hyponymy: 下义关系,上下义refers to the sense relation between a more general, more inclusive宽泛word and a more specific word. The word which is more general in meaning is called the superordinate上义词,and the more specific words are called its hyponyms.下义词20.(22)phonology: 音位学it relates to the study of sound and aims to discover how speech sounds in a language form pattern and how these sounds are used to convey meaning in linguistic communication.21.(照片)speech community :the social group that is singled out for any special sociolinguistic study is called the speech community.22.(17-18)transcription:it includes the transcription with letter-symbols only and the transcription with letter-symbols together with the diacritics. The former is called broad transcripton which is normally used in dictionaries and teaching textbooks for general purposes. The latter is called narrow transcription which is needed and used by the phoneticians in their study of speech sounds.23.(33)bound morpheme黏着词素: a morpheme which can be a word by itself is called a free morpheme, whereas a morpheme that must be attached to another one isa bound morpheme.24.(24-25)minimal pair:when two different forms are identical完全一致in every way except for one sound segment一个音段which occurs in the same position in the strings,the two sound combinations are said to form a minimal pair.25.(27)stress: the syllable consists of three parts: onset起音, peak, coda收尾.?26.(38)compounding: it’s a new way to form new words,or compou nd words, and is by string words together.27.(百度)affixation词缀: it’s the process whereby new words are formed from existing words or bases.28.(23-24)allophone音位变体:the phones can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environments。
语言学重点 名词解释

名词解释Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.语言是任意的有声符号系统,人们可以借助它来达到交流的目的。
Arbitrariness(任意性): the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship to their meaning 语言符号的形式与意义之间没有必然联系bear(具有)Phoneme(音位): It is a phonological concept, an abstract unit. It refer to the smallest unit of sound which is used to distinguish between words. 是一个音韵学概念,是一个抽象单位,它是用来区分单词的声音的最小单位。
Back-formation(逆构词法)refers to an abnormal type of word-formation where a shorter word is derived by deleting an imagined affix from a longer form already in the language.是构词法中一种不规则的类型,即把一个语言中已经存在的较长单词删去想象中的词缀,由此造出一个较短的单词Coordination (并列关系)is a common syntactic(语法的)pattern in English and other languages formed by grouping together two or more categories of the same type with the help of a conjunction(结合)such as and, but and or .并列是英语以及其他语言中一种常见的句法关系,由同类型的两个或两个以上的范畴,借助连词and,but或者or组合而成。
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名词解释nguage: language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.2.Design features of language(语言的区别性特征) :i.Arbitrariness:the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship to theirmeaning=language is arbitrary in the sense that there is no intrinsic connection between a word(e.g.pen) and the object it refers to .ii.Duality:the property of having two levels of structures, such that units of the primary level are composed of elements of the secondary level. By duality we mean that language system has two sets of structures, one of sounds and the other of meanings.指拥有两层结构的这种特性,底层结构是上层结构的组成成分。
举例:Sounds > syllables > words > phrases > clauses > sentences> texts/discoursesiii.Productivity: Language can be used to create new meanings because of its duality .语言可以理解并创造无限数量的新句子,是由双层结构造成的结果(Understand and create unlimited number with sentences)iv.Displacement:Human languages enable their users to symbolize something which are not present at the moment of communication.v.Cultural transmission: language is passed on from generation to generation through teaching and learning rather than instinct.3.Linguistics is the scientific study of language. It is a scientific study because it is based on thesystematic investigation of linguistic data, conducted with reference to some general theory of language structure.4.Psycholinguistics: It is the study of how language is acquired, understood and produced.ngue:F. de Saussure. Langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all themembers of a speech community.语言指语言系统的整体,这个整体相对是比较稳定的。
(abstract)6.Parole: the realization of langue in actual use. 言语则指代某个个体在实际语言使用环境中说出的具体话语。
(concrete)petence: Chomsky. Competence is the ideal user's knowledge of the rules of his language.8.Performance: Performance is the actual realization of this knowledge in linguisticcommunication.9.Phoneme(音位):A phoneme is a phonological unit; it is the smallest unit of sound in alanguage, of distinctive value, abstract. It is not any particular sound, but rather it is represented or realized by a certain phone in a certain context.10.Allophones(音位变体):The non-distinctive sounds are members of the same phoneme. Forexample, in English, when the phoneme/p/ occurs at the beginning of words like put and pair, it is aspirated; but when /p/ occurs in words like span and spare, it is unaspirated。
The aspirated and unaspirated /p/ are allophones of the same phoneme.11.Minimal pairs(最小对立体):Word forms which differ from each other only by one sound.For example, in English, pill and bill are a minimal pairplementary distribution(互补分布):Not all the speech sounds occur in the sameenvironment. When two sounds never occur in the same environment, for example, the unaspirated/p/ always occurs after /s/ while the aspirated one always occurs in other places. 13.Suprasegmental phonology(超音段音位):stress(重音)(word stress & sentence stress), tone(音调)and intonation(语调).14.Morphology:It’s the branch of linguistics that studies that internal structure of words, and therules by which words are formed.15.Morpheme(词素): The minimal unit of meaning, the smallest unit in terms of relationshipbetween expression and content. PS:Types: roots(词根)affix(词缀)and stem(词干).16.Inflectional affix(屈折词缀):Inflectional affixes are mostly suffixes(后缀),which are alwaysword final(e.g. drums, walks, Mary's)①limited in number ②not change the part of speech ③indicating grammatical meaning④conditioned by the phrase or sentence they attach to17.derivational affix(派生词缀): Derivational affixes can be prefixes(e.g. depart, online) orsuffixes(e.g. teacher, workable).①change the lexical meaning ②might or might not change the part of speech(词性)③based on simple meaning distinctions ④more productive ⑤can be prefixes or suffixes18.Word-formation(构词): the processes of word variations signaling lexical relationships. Theyare c ompound(合成)and derivation(派生).19.Syntax:It is a branch of linguistics that studies how words are combined to form sentences andthe rules that govern the formation of sentences.20.Category(范畴): It refers to the defining properties of words. E.g. the categories of the nounand the pronoun are usually said to the categories of number(数), gender(性), case(格).21.Syntactical category(句法范畴): A group of linguistic items which fulfill the same or similarfunctions in sentence-formation. (在句子构成中起相同作用的一类语言单位)Word--lexical category, Phrase--phrasal category, Clause---clausal category, Sentence22.Simple sentence: It contains a subject and a verb, and it expresses a complete thought.Coordinate sentence: It contains two independent clauses joined by a coordinator(并列连词) .Complex sentence: It has an independent clause joined with one or more dependent clauses by one or more subordinators(从属连词) such as if, when, because, although.23.Reference: how language refers to the real physical world (语言指代外部物质世界)Sense:Inherent meaning of the linguistic form. It is abstract and the meaning dictionary compilers are interested in. (语言形式的内在意义)24.Homonymy: words having different meanings have the same form, different words are identicalin sound or spelling, or in both.homophones同音词(knight and night, piece and peace )homograph同形词(tear (v) and tear (n), lead (v) and lead (n) )complete homonyms同音同形词(fast (adj) and fast (n) )25.言语行为理论Speech Act Theory: J. Austin, 20世纪50年代末,认为语言不仅可以用来表述,更可以用来“做事doing things”,即“to do things with words” .●言内行为Locutionary Act:指the utterance of a sentence itself,即“说话”行为本身,话语表示字面意思literal Meaning●言外行为Illocutionary Act:指说话时,因为言语本身的一些习惯力量而随之产生了其他的一些行为,如警告、允诺等;通常表述的是说话者的交流目的或意图●言后行为Perlocutionary Act26.合作原则The Cooperative Principles: (P.Grice)Quantity Maxim: Make it as informative as required, not too muchQuality Maxim:不要说不真实false或者缺乏证据lack adequate evidence的话Relation Maxim:relevantManner Maxim:Avoid obscurity and ambiguity;be brief and orderly27.会话含义Conversational Implicature:When any of the maxims is blatantly violated that thehearer knows that it is being violated, then Conversational Implicatures arise.28.Speech community(言语社区): The social group that is singled out for any special study iscalled the speech community.29.Speech variety/ language variety: it refers to any distinguishable form of speech used by aspeaker or a group of speakers.30.Bilingualism: bilingualism is a situation that two languages are used side by side with eachhaving a different role to play and language switching occurs when the situation changes.31.Context: the notion of context is essential to the pragmatic study of language. It is generallyconsidered as constituted by the knowledge shared by the speaker and the hearer. Context determines the speaker's use of language and also the hearer's interpretation of what is said to him.32.Regional dialect:A regional dialect is a linguistic variety used by people living in the samegeographical region.33.Sociolect: it refers to the linguistic variety characteristic of a particular social class.34.Idiolect:it is a personal dialect of an individual speaker that combines elements regardingregional, social, gender, and age variations.35.Register(语域):According to Halliday, language varies as its function varies; it differs indifferent situations. The type of language which is selected as appropriate to the type of situation is a register. There are three social variables that determine the register: field of discourse, tenor of discourse, and mode of discourse.36.Culture: In a board sense, means the total way of life of a people, including the patterns ofbelief, customs, objects, institutions, techniques, and language that characterizes the life of the human community. As culture is so inclusive, it permeates virtually every aspects of life and influences predominantly people' behavior, including linguistic behavior. In a narrow sense, culture may refer to a local or specific practice, beliefs or customs, which can be mostly found in folk culture, enterprises culture or food culture etc.37.Intercultural communication (跨文化交际):it is communication between people, whosecultural perceptions and symbols systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.It frequently refers to communication between people from different cultures, which implied a comparison between cultures.nguage acquisition: language acquisition refers to the child's acquisition of his mothertongue, i.e how the child comes to understand and speak the language of his community.39.A behaviorist view of language acquisition: Traditional behaviorists view language asbehavior and believe that language learning is simply a matter of imitation and habit formation.40.An innatist view of language acquisition: Noam Chomsky claims that human beings arebiologically programmed for language and that the language develops in the child just as other biological functions such as walking. Originally, he referred to this innate ability as Language Acquisition Device. Later he prefers this innate endowment as Universal Grammar.41.Universal Grammar: The different languages have a similar level of complexity and detail, andreflect general abstract properties of the common linguistic system,it is called UniversalGrammar.42.An interactionist view of language acquisition: Language develops as a result of the complexinterplay between the human characteristics of the child and the environment in which the child develops. Integrated with the itnnatist view, the interactionist further claims that the modified language which is suitable for the child’s capability is crucial in his language acquisition.43.Motherese/ caretaker talk: adults speak differently when talking to little children.44.Second language acquisition: the systematic study of how one person acquires a secondlanguage subsequent to his native language.45.Interlanguage:learners' independent system of the second language which is of neither thenative language nor the second language, but a continuum or approximation from his native language to the target language.46.Contrastive Analysis 对比分析: It refers to a comparative procedure used to establish linguisticdifferences between two languages so as to predict learning difficulties caused by interference from the learner’s first language and prepare the type of teaching materials that will reduce the effects of interference.47.Error Analysis错误分析: An approach to the study and analysis of the errors made by thesecond language learners which suggests that many learner errors are not due to the learner’ s mother tongue interference but reflect universal learning strategies such as over-generalization and simplification of rules. 它指出语言学习者所犯的许多错误不是母语干扰所致而是体现了一些普遍的学习策略.如概括过度和规则简化。