



Pin AssignmentsDB-25 and DB-9 Pin AssignmentsRJ-45 Pin Assignments for 10-Pin and 8-Pin RJ-45 ConnectorsRefer to the Digi CD for more detailed cabling information or visit for more information.Digi, the Digi Connectware logo, AccelePort, and Digi Neo are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Digi International in the United States and other countries. All other brandand product names are trademarks of their respective holders.© Digi International Inc., 2001, 2002, 2003 All Rights Reserved; Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent acommitment on the part of Digi International.Digi provides this document “as is,” without warranty of any kind, either expressed orimplied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of fitness or merchantabilityfor a particular purpose. Digi may make improvements and/or changes in this manual or inthe product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this manual at any time.This product could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are peri-odically made to the information herein; these changes may be incorporated in new editionsof the publication.Digi NeoPCI Host AdaptersEIA-232Hardware InstallationGuideIntroductionA Digi Neo™ adapter easily expands the number of EIA-232 portsavailable on your computer, allowing you to cable additional peripheraldevices, such as modems, terminals or serial printers, directly to yourcomputer.The Digi Neo 2 port adapter has two connectors (DB-9 or RJ-45) on theadapter to provide peripheral port connections.Digi Neo 4 and 8 port adapters are equipped with an HD-68 connector towhich a special Digi connector assembly is attached to provide theperipheral port connections. There are seven different connector assem-bly options available to use with Digi Neo 4 and Neo 8 adapters:•RJ-45 Connector Box•DB-25 Connector Box (male connectors)•DB-9 Connector Box (male connectors)•DB-25 Fan-out Cable (male or female connectors)•DB-9 Fan-out Cable (male or female connectors)This installation guide describes how to plan your setup and install a DigiNeo adapter.Signal Description DB-25 Pin DB-9 Pin GND Chassis Ground Shell Shell TxD Transmitted Data23 RxD Received Data32 RTS Request To Send47CTS Clear To Send58DSR Data Set Ready66SG Signal Ground75DCD Data Carrier Detect81DTR Data Terminal Ready204RI Ring Indicator229Signal Description Pin # (of 10)Pin # (of 8)RI Ring Indicator1N/ADSR Data Set Ready2†1†RTS Request To Send32GND Chassis Ground43TxD Transmitted Data54RxD Received Data65SG Signal Ground76CTS Clear To Send87DTR Data Terminal Ready98DCD Data Carrier Detect10N/A† DSR (Pin 2 on a 10 pin connector, Pin 1 on an 8 pin connector)can be swapped with DCD by using the ALTPIN configurationoption. ALTPIN reverses the position of these two signals in 10pin connectors and allows DCD to be used instead of DSR on an8 pin connector.Consult the driver documentation for how to do this in yourspecific operating system.91001071_BStep One: Plan Your SetupA Digi Neo adapter can be set up in a variety of ways. Before you start your installation, consider the following:Number of Components. You can connect two peripheral devices to a Digi Neo 2, up to four peripheral devices to a Digi Neo 4, and eight periph-eral devices to a Digi Neo 8 adapter. Up to four Digi Neo adapters may be installed in a computer.Construction of Cables. To achieve the greatest reliability over distance, cables should be:•Shielded, low capacitance, and preferably designed specifically for serial data transmission.•Grounded at both ends of the cable.•Routed away from noise sources such as generators, motors and fluorescent lights.Cable Connections. Before beginning the installation, verify that you have the appropriate Digi connector assemblies (fan-out cables or connec-tor box assemblies). Fan-out cable and connector box options aredescribed in detail in a separate Cable Usage Guide.You will also need a cable for each peripheral that you will be attach-ing to the connector assembly. The connector type that you need at either end of the peripheral cable depends on the type of Digi connec-tor assembly that you use and the connector on the peripheral.Digi connector assemblies are available with RJ-45, DB-25 or DB-9 connectors. You will need to be sure that you have cables of the cor-rect length and with the right connectors to properly attach thedevices you want to use.Additional information about the Digi Neo adapter, such as specifications and cabling details, is provided on the Digi CD which is packaged with the adapter.Step Two: Install the Neo AdapterCAUTION! To guard against damage to the adapter due to electrostaticdischarge (ESD), do not remove the adapter from its protective packag-ing until you have grounded yourself to the computer chassis (see step 4,below).1.Shut down your computer in the manner recommended for your oper-ating system.2.Unplug power from the computer.3.Remove the computer’s cover.4.Touch the computer chassis to equalize any static potential betweenyourself and the computer. This will help prevent damage to theadapter due to electrostatic discharge.5.Locate an available PCI slot in your computer and remove the slotplate.6.Remove the adapter from its protective packaging.7.Write down the serial number of the adapter in the space providedbelow.8.Insert the adapter into the slot and screw the endplate to the computerchassis. The endplate must be screwed into the computer chassis toremain in compliance with Part 15 of FCC rules.9.Replace the computer’s cover.10.Attach the peripheral interconnect cable(s) to the adapter.CAUTION: Many SCSI adapters use the same HD-68 connector type asthe Neo adapter. Do not plug SCSI devices into the Digi connector, anddo not plug Digi peripheral cables into SCSI adapters.Serial Number: ________________________Step Three: Install Peripheral CablingYou can connect modems, terminals, serial printers, or any other standardEIA-232 device to a Digi Neo adapter using a cable between the periph-eral and the Digi connector assembly.On the peripheral end of the cable, the connector you must have dependson the requirements of the peripheral. The Digi end of the cable must beequipped with the connector type that mates with the connectors on theDigi connector assemblyIn the case of the 2 port product, the cables are connected directly to theadapter’s end-plate.。


















TPCO套管现场安全使用服务手册(第二版)天津钢管集团股份有限公司TIANJINPIPE(GROUP)CORPORATION目录第一部分 TPCO特殊螺纹油套管推荐的基本做法1.TPCO套管钢级、色环、套管标识、扣型的识别1.1 TPCO套管钢级、色环、1.2 TPCO套管标识、扣型的识别1.3 TPCO特殊螺纹油套管扣型1.3.1 TP-CQ特殊扣设计结构1.3.2 TP-NF特殊扣设计结构1.3.3 TP-FJ特殊扣设计结构1.3.4 TP-G2特殊扣设计结构1.3.5 TP-EX油管特殊螺纹设计结构1.4 附件2. 下套管前应准备的工具2.1 螺纹脂的选择2.2 吊卡、卡瓦、气动卡盘2.3 通径规2.4 动力液压大钳和下套管人员2.5 螺纹联接监视系统2.6 套管使用性能、上扣扭矩值和扭矩图2.7 上扣速度2.8 对扣器2.9 鼠洞3. 液压动力钳的安装和扭矩修正3.1 液压动力钳的安装3.2 扭矩修正4. 现场套管的摆放、检查、清洗、测量和通径4.1 摆放4.2 外观检查4.3 卸护丝帽4.4 清洗4.5 螺纹的检查4.6 密封面检查4.7 通径4.8 管子的测长5. 下套管5.1 吊运前5.2 通径5.3 吊运5.4 套管螺纹和密封部位的检查5.5 丝扣油的涂抹5.6 液压动力大钳操的夹持位置5.7 扭矩值确定和液压动力大钳扭矩控制值5.8 对扣5.9 引扣6. 上扣和完成上扣及验收6.1 上扣6.1.1 上到位置判断及扭矩曲线的变化6.1.2 上紧位置判断及扭矩曲线的变化6.1.3 验收检查7. 异常情况处理第二部分 TPCO系列园螺纹、偏梯螺纹油套管推荐的基本做法1. 上紧位置1.1. 圆螺纹上紧位置1.2 偏梯螺纹上紧位2. 上紧扭矩2.1 圆螺纹上紧扭矩2.2 偏梯螺纹上紧扭矩3. 异常情况处理附录附录 1. TPCO 套管上扣损失长度表附录 2.TPCO 特殊接头油套管使用性能及扭矩表附录 3.本手册常用单位换算表再版前言2006年10月天津钢管集团股份有限公司(英文简称TPCO)为了更好的服务于油田,编写并出版了《TPCO套管现场安全使用服务手册》(简称手册)。



函数 ....................................................................................................27
数组 ....................................................................................................28
位数据类型 ........................................................................................25
内嵌式汇编语言 ................................................................................26
指针与数组 ................................................................................................17
指针 ....................................................................................................17
数组 ....................................................................................................17
结构体与共用体(Structures and Unions) ..................................................18



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T.C.Magic以服务器/客户端模式运行于服务器端,为客户端提供无盘引导服务以及完善的管理,通过该软件,可以建立一个稳定、易用、低维护、管理方便的无盘网络系统,相比传统的计算机网络,该系统具有以下特点:1、节省硬件设备开支该系统客户端不需要硬盘、软驱、光驱等设备,不仅节省了采购费用,更降低了因为硬件故障带来的大量开支和浪费;2、降低运行维护成本该系统降低了系统的硬件故障率,用完善的权限机制最大限度的保证了客户端系统的稳定性,客户端软件维护只需进行一次操作即可对所有客户端生效,大大的降低了软件运行维护成本;3、运行效率高该系统客户端的处理全部应用本机资源,只有文件存储时采用服务器的磁盘服务,因此充分的利用了每个客户端资源,运行效率高;4、用户容量大,扩展性强该系统支持百台以上客户端,并且可以根据需要增加客户端而不需要进行其他改动;5、适应操作习惯该系统客户端操作与普通有盘PC基本无差异,且系统具有自动保护功能,客户端的任何操作对系统均不构成影响,而经过授权的用户则可直接从客户端安装软件,安装过程与本机安装相同;6、简单快捷的备份、恢复系统运行正常时,将客户端操作系统备份到安全的地方,一旦系统故障,只需要将备份的数据还原,整个客户端系统完全恢复,不受任何影响;二、系统硬件环境2三、系统软件环境1、服务器端操作系統:Microsoft Windows 2000 Advance Server/Server Service Pack 2 以上或Microsoft Windows NT4 Server Service Pack 6 以上TCP/IP和IPX网络协议硬盘上至少有一个NTFS格式的分区且能满足客户端系统数据容量需求。



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DTGS dtg_faqs

DTGS dtg_faqs

BBSRC DOCTORAL TRAINING GRANTSFREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS1 General1.1 What is a Doctoral Training Grant?A Doctoral Training Grant (DTG) is a grant used for providing funding for postgraduate research training. DTGs are awarded through a number of competitions:•Quota Competition•Targeted Priority Studentship Competition•Industrial CASE competition•Industrial CASE Partnership CompetitionThe DTG awarded in each case will sometimes be referred to in connection with the competition it was awarded through: for example a “Quota DTG”, or a “Targeted Priority DTG”.BBSRC began using the training grant mechanism on a pilot basis from 2002 in its Quota competition, and a similar mechanism is currently used by EPSRC and MRC – in connection with an algorithmic allocation of funding. The key feature in each case it that as opposed to funding individual studentships, where the research council itself makes stipend payments to the student and fees and a research support grant to the institution, in a DTG a single grant covering all these elements is awarded to the department.1.2 What are the advantages to a department?The principal benefit to a department is the flexibility which a DTG provides in how postgraduate training is provided. The DTG is awarded on the basis of the value of a number of 4-year studentship packages, and subject to the terms and conditions of the scheme, the department has the flexibility, for example:•to offer 4 year studentships or ‘fast track’ 3 year studentships with an enhanced stipend;•start students at any point in the academic year;•draw in funding from other sources by part-funding the student from the DTG and part from another source (see below).1.3 What is the difference between a DTG and an MTG?A Masters Training Grant (MTG) is a Training Grant awarded for the purposes of supporting students on Masters courses; a DTG is awarded for the purpose of supporting students on a programme leading to a doctorate. BBSRC is awarding its Masters funding in the form of MTGs from 2007. The Terms and Conditions for MTGs and DTGs are very similar in order to simplify the administration of the grants as much as possible for research organisations. The Terms and Conditions for MTGs are written in a generic way – with the intention, in duecourse, of moving to a single set of “Training Grant” Terms and Conditions to cover both MTGs and DTGs.2 Allocation of DTG funds2.1 How are DTG funds allocated?DTG funding is allocated through the BBSRC’s studentship competitions. From 2006, all Quota studentship allocations were awarded in the form of a DTG. DTGs were also awarded through the 2006 Targeted Priority Studentship competition, and BBSRC has decided to award all new studentships in the form of Training Grants. In each case, funding will be provided in the form of a single grant to the department (paid centrally to the Institution), profiled over the duration of the DTG.2.2 I have a BBSRC DTG awarded from a previous quota competition; does this nowcome under the new terms and conditions?No. A DTG is governed by the terms and conditions under which it was issued.3 Grant Arrangements3.1 What will be the grant start date?The date is 1 October of the first academic year covered by the DTG award.3.2 What is the duration of the grant?This will be specified in the award letter. The DTG awarded through the Quota competition provides for 3 years of intakes on 4-year studentships, and so the total length of the grant is six academic years. Note that this covers seven financial years in terms of the research councils (April – March financial year). Where a DTG covers only a single intake, the duration of the DTG will accordingly be shorter.3.3 What will happen if we are awarded further studentships in future competitions?The intention is for the department to hold separate, but overlapping, DTGs, and draw on their funding simultaneously, although the department or institution will be expected to account for funds drawn from each DTG.3.4 What happens if the student’s period of support goes beyond the end of thegrant?The balance of the funding should be made from a subsequent Quota DTG award, or from another source. The DTG is cash-limited and will not be supplemented or extended for this reason.3.5 Can we fund a student who wants to start in September or earlier?In relation to the start date for a DTG, a student can be started earlier in the year, but BBSRC will not start the grant earlier. Funds will not be released early. The Quota DTG awards extend over three annual intakes, however, and so once the grant has started the department has the flexibility to begin funding a student at any time within the period covered by the DTG.3.6 What happens if we take on a veterinary student who qualifies for the higher stipend - we will be short of funds?The BBSRC will meet any shortfall that cannot be met from within the cash limit of the DTG providing it is as a result of paying a higher stipend to a veterinary graduate than would have been paid for an ordinary studentship award. This will be paid at final reconciliation of the grant.3.7 What provision is made for additional costs incurred as a result of maternity leave?A student receiving a stipend from a Research Council Training Grant is entitled to receive stipend support during periods of maternity leave in line with statutory maternity provision, and to have their studentships extended by a commensurate period.The additional costs incurred should normally be met from within the cash-limit of the Training Account (comprising all Doctoral and Masters Training Grants). For the majority of Research Organisations (ROs), which have significant concurrent Training Grants and the expectation of regular funding in the future, this should cause no difficulties and Councils would not expect or accept any additional claims. For those ROs without such flexibility (eg a very small Training Grant and no expectation of future funding), then Councils will consider requests for additional funding above the cash-limit when this can be shown to be unavoidable. The RO will need to demonstrate that it lacks flexibility within its Training Grant to meet the costs of maternity support and that it has no or other contingency funding or concurrent Training Grants on which it could draw.4 Use of the funding4.1 Can I use the funding in any way I choose?No. As with any Research Council grant, the funding is awarded subject to terms and conditions governing the use of the funding. The terms and conditions governing DTGs have now been agreed cross-Council between the three Research Councils currently using the DTG approach (BBSRC, EPSRC and MRC). These terms and conditions specify the formal ‘minimum’ conditions for the correct use of the funding, and indicate the formal limits to the flexibility which the DTG offers to a department or institution.You also need to bear in mind the purpose of the award as determined by the competition in which it was awarded. So for example, the Targeted Priority Studentship DTGs (i.e. DTGs awarded through the Targeted Priority Studentship competition) are awarded to support research training in specified priority areas, whereas the Quota DTGs give the department autonomy in determining the areas of the individual student projects within BBSRC remit.In addition, however, BBSRC expects departments and institutions to use the flexibility of DTG funding for maximum strategic effect, and to think strategically about how best to maximise the impact of BBSRC’s investment in the department. This might include using the flexibility of part-funding to gear in funding from other sources, or offering enhanced stipends to attract the strongest candidates in areas of science in which the department may have been experiencing recruitment difficulties. Several of the following FAQs provide information regarding BBSRC’s views as to good practice in this area. Subsequent BBSRC DTG competitions will seek information about the policies and strategies used by a department or institution for using its DTG funding, and ask applicants to demonstrate how strategic decisions with regard to use of funding are reached.4.2 Do I have to create only 3-year or 4-year studentships? Can I not create 3 ½ yearstudentships, for example?BBSRC considers it good practice for a department to design research studentship projects that can be reasonably be expected to be completed in either 3 years or 4 years, and that a significant proportion need to be 4 year in view of the increasingly interdisciplinary nature of bioscience research, and the need to provide students with challenging projects. Departments should seek to ensure that students finish their research within the time period agreed for the project.4.3 Why do we need to decide upfront about whether we are offering a 3 or 4 year studentship?It is important that students are given a clear statement at the beginning of their studentship of the length of funding they can expect. An institution’s offer to a candidate should contain a clear statement of the details of the studentship support being offered. And, of course, with a DTG, it is the department which decides whether to fund a 3-year or 4-year studentship, not the BBSRC. (You should also refer to Precept 9 of the QAA’s Code of Practice on Postgraduate Research Programmes regarding the offer letter, and its role in constituting a contract between the student and the institution.)Any such statement should make clear, for example, that continued receipt of the studentship is subject to satisfactory progress, as monitored through a department’s progress monitoring procedures. With 4-year studentships, some departments state clear progression requirements toward submission in the final year for continued receipt of funding. If a student completes in less than 4 years, then the department retains the funding in its DTG, of course.4.4 If we offer a 3-year studentship, can we extend the funding period later on?A: If a 3-year studentship is offered, this does not prevent a department having clear procedures for exceptionally extending a studentship later on, on a competitive basis, if the science is showing signs of dramatic new results (as mentioned in the answer to Q 4.1). If this process is used, then for fairness we would expect to see all 3-year studentships in a department eligible for extension, irrespective of funder (though BBSRC DTG funding could be used where the studentship is BBSRC funded).Normally, however, a student should be supervised, and their progress monitored, towards submission within 3 years where a 3-year studentship has been offered. The drift towards the majority of students requiring a fourth year has lead to an unfortunate practice of the ‘writing-up year’, where, in the worst cases, a student is left with no stipend in order to complete their project. The introduction of 4-year studentships is intended to end this practice; and so 3-year studentships should mean a research project which is managed to completion (i.e. submission of the thesis) in 3 years.The completion of a project within a specified time-frame is itself, of course, an essential transferable skill (see section C of the Joint Skills Statement). Departments should seek to ensure that students finish their research within the time period agreed for the projects, and we do not expect to see departments extending the period of a studentship late in the day, unless exceptionally it can demonstrate that it is seeking to reward excellence and support exciting new research developments in a student’s project, as above.4.5 If I have a Quota DTG funding an annual intake of three 4-year studentships, can I use the DTG funding to create four 3-year studentships?While BBSRC does not wish to be overly prescriptive in the use of DTG funding, the intention in providing four years of funding per studentship package is not to allow for the creation of a larger number of three-year studentships. There is now a common perception that three-year studentships are not adequate to allow students to undertake challenging projects in view of the increasingly interdisciplinary nature of bioscience research. In recognition of this, the Government’s 2004 Spending Review made increased funding available to research councils to enable them to extend the duration of their studentships.4.6 Can I part-fund a student, i.e. part from the DTG and part from another source? Yes – but there are limits to the part-funding arrangements; see the next question for details.4.7 Is there a minimum limit to the contribution which must be made from the DTG, when a student is being part-funded from a non-Research Council source?Yes. The DTG allows for studentships to be part-funded from the DTG, and part-from another source, but in all cases of part-funding at least 50% of the total cost (where a stipend is awarded) over the lifetime of the studentship should be funded from the DTG. Where a student is being funded who is eligible for a fees-only award, 100% of the fees should be met from the DTG over the lifetime of the studentship. It is not permissible, therefore, to provide small sums of funding from the DTG to support, for example, a student funded primarily from another source. In other words, every student who is funded from the DTG must be funded according to these minimum levels, and they will count on this basis as ‘recognised’ BBSRC students. Being a recognised BBSRC student is important for the student – for example, it makes them eligible for funding to attend a UKGrad course. Numbers of recognised students will also be used, for example, in the allocation of Roberts skills training funding.4.8 Can I part-fund a studentship from the DTG of another Research Council?Yes – 50:50 funding from the DTGs of different Research Councils is permitted, and the cross-council Terms and Conditions provide further details of this. The DTG mechanism is particularly useful to facilitate studentships in interdisciplinary / cross-council areas. However, where a studentship is part-funded from the DTG of another research council, the department holding the BBSRC DTG must satisfy itself that sufficient research within the project is within BBSRC remit in order to justify the collaborative arrangement.4.9 Can I part-fund a studentship from two different DTGs, e.g. from a Quota DTG and a Targeted Priority Studentship DTG?Yes. The department may well find it useful to maximise the impact of its studentship funding by part-funding a studentship from more than one BBSRC DTG. The department will need to ensure, however, that it has suitable mechanisms in place to accurately record the funding drawn from each grant.4.10 Are there any restrictions on the areas of science in which studentships can be supported?This will depend on the competition in which the DTG was awarded. The Targeted Priority competition awards DTGs to support research training in priority areas as specified in the competition; the Industrial CASE competition makes awards on the basis of specific collaborative projects.The Quota DTG awards give considerable autonomy to the department to decide the area of science, but clear it should only be used to support postgraduate training within the BBSRC’s remit. Within this remit departments have flexibility to create studentships in the areas that they wish to support. However, departments are asked to give particular consideration to BBSRC research skill priority areas. In subsequent Quota DTG competitions, departments will be asked to provide details of the extent to which they were able to create studentships which support BBSRC’s strategic objectives.As with previous quota studentship allocations, the Quota DTG allocation may include a specified number of annual CASE awards. The department must use the funding to create CASE studentships rather than standard studentships.4.11 Is there a restriction on whether a student can take on a 4-year studentship if they have already completed more than three years of degree or postgraduate level training?No. BBSRC wishes departments to recruit the best eligible students to its studentships, having consideration of the student’s expertise and qualifications and their suitability for the particular project.4.12 Can I use funding from the DTG to give a fourth year of funding to an existing studentship?Yes, but only for BBSRC funded studentships, and provided that this is a decision taken in order to allow the student’s research to follow promising new developments. A clear assessment should be made of the likely value to the student of being able to extend their work. You should also refer to the question below on whether funding from the DTG can be used to fund a writing-up period. DTG funding cannot be used to support the fourth year of a student who has been funded for three years from a different source, as this would mean that less than 50% of the studentship is funded by BBSRC (see above).4.13 Can I use funding from the DTG to fund a writing-up period?No. If a studentship project is designed to be three years, this should be managed so as to allow for the writing up of the research within the scope of the project, similarly for a 4-year studentship. In other words, a department should not fund a student for 3 / 4 years of laboratory work and then expect the student to have to write up in their own time. The project should be designed and managed to allow for the writing up of the research within the scope of the project itself.4.14 Can we continue to fund a student from our DTG after they have submitted their thesis?Yes – but only in certain circumstances. Normally the submission of the thesis is taken to mark the end of PhD studies. However, a stipend is by definition funding provided to enable someone to undertake a period of education or training, and therefore in some circumstances it may still be possible to pay a stipend from the DTG where the student is undertaking additional relevant doctoral level education or training after the submission of their thesis. In this case, it would be important for the department to have clearly documented requirements for the further period of research training, and ensure that there is a clear end-point to the funding. BBSRC will expect to see clear added-value to funding such a period compared, for example, to using the funding to support a new student.4.15 Can I use funding from the DTG to fund Masters level training?The DTG should only be used to support Masters level training where this is an integral part of a doctoral research degree programme. The DTG allows the department flexibility to tailor a training package to a particular student, and if, as part of that training, the department wishes the student to take a course of Masters level modules, then that is allowable. However, a clear offer of a four-year doctoral programme should be made to the student.It may be particularly appropriate, for example, to include Masters level taught modules as part of the first year of a doctoral research degree programme in interdisciplinary areas. Some degree programmes, such as the ‘Integrated PhD’ or ‘New Route PhD’ may also involve taught components at Masters level. DTG funding should not be used, however, to provide stand-alone Masters studentships. Departments should also bear in mind that a fouryear submission period is expected for all students, irrespective of whether their programmes involve components at Masters level.4.16 Can I use DTG funding to provide student stipends above the research council minimum?Yes – and the DTG awards made through the Quota competition include an additional element to help with the provision of enhanced stipends in science areas in which the department or institution experiences recruitment difficulties. The Roberts Report, SET for Success (2002), recommended that stipend enhancements of £2k p.a. be awarded by institutions to assist in research priority areas experiencing recruitment difficulties. The DTG approach gives the department flexibility to provide enhanced stipends within the financial scope of the grant, in order to support its recruitment of the best students.4.17 Can I use the DTG to fund higher research support costs than under a standard research council studentship, and fund fewer studentships?Yes, it is for departments to decide the distribution of funds, taking into account the needs of the students and projects funded through the DTG, and its broader management of its postgraduate training. Funds may also be used towards the cost of travel associated with conference attendance and fieldwork both within the UK and abroad. The distribution of the funds should be tensioned against these various calls on it, and subsequent Quota DTG competitions will seek information on a department’s policy in this area.4.18 How can a department with a small account value use the funds effectively?The DTGs are awarded to departments and are intended to be flexible. Among the options are:•Collaborate with another department or university for a joint studentship;•Seek partial support from industrial or charitable sources;•Where appropriate award a higher stipend in order to attract the best student fora project.•Combine funding from the BBSRC DTG with the DTGs from other research councils to fund interdisciplinary projects.4.19 What happens when a student moves to another department or university?BBSRC expects the universities to come to an agreement about transferring resources; the DTG to either department will not be amended. Essentially, the ‘exporting’ university should make an appropriate financial transfer to the new university to cover the balance of cost of the studentship award. BBSRC expects for both institutions to place paramount importance on the interests of the student in reaching decisions about the transfer of resources.5 Selection of Students5.1 What eligibility requirements apply to students funded through DTGs?Any studentships created from the DTG are subject to the same studentship terms and conditions as the previous directly funded BBSRC studentships, and this covers also issues of student eligibility for DTG funded studentships. Existing criteria on residence and qualifications, based on the Education (Fees and Awards) Regulations 1997 and subsequent amendments, continue to apply therefore.Regarding qualifications, departments are referred to the BBSRC Studentships guide: /funding/studentships/index.html5.2 Are EU students eligible for DTG funding?The rules relating to EU nationals are complex, and it is important to remember that for all EU nationals (whether UK or non-UK), eligibility rests on residence, not nationality. You need to look at cases on an individual basis –referring to the detailed eligibility guidelines, as since 2005 the period of UK residence required for eligibility can now include periods of residence in the UK for the purpose of full-time education. Where a student is eligible for a fees only award, all the fees must be paid from the DTG.5.3 Are non-EU students eligible for DTG funding?Again, nationality or country of origin is not a criterion for eligibility. Meeting the residence requirement as set out in the Education (Fees and Awards) Regulations 1997 and subsequent amendments is the test of eligibility.5.4 How will the students know that they are funded by the BBSRC?Since students are no longer directly paid by BBSRC, there is a risk that they may not realise that they are BBSRC-funded students. It is important, therefore, that the department makes this clear to the students funded from the DTG, and one way to do this would be to use the BBSRC logo on relevant award letters or documentation. The BBSRC logo can be downloaded from:/site/download_logo.htmlWith the introduction in 2007 of a Je-S based system for the department to return student details to the BBSRC and maintain up-to-date contact details, we would hope to separately contact BBSRC-funded students with details of training and events relevant to them.6 Management of Awards6.1 What terms and conditions apply to students funded through DTGs?BBSRC will continue to issue an annual guide to studentships, BBSRC Postgraduate Studentships, containing the terms and conditions for BBSRC studentships funded from the DTG. See: /funding/studentships/index.html6.2 Can I convert a studentship to CASE?Yes. BBSRC wishes to encourage industrial collaboration, but this need not require formal “conversion” of a studentship to CASE. Departments should feel free to seek collaboration on DTG funded projects with industrial partners. Where relevant, this may also include financial contributions and time spent in industry by students.CASE (Collaborative Awards in Science and Engineering) are a type of doctoral studentship designed to incorporate an element of industrially related training to broaden experience. To use this term, the research project undertaken by the student should be agreed between the academic department and the cooperating body, and the student supervised by staff from both the academic and industrial partners. CASE awards also attract additional payments from the cooperating body to both the student and the department. To be counted as a CASE award, the studentship should meet the terms and conditions for such awards as given in the BBSRC’s studentship guide, BBSRC Postgraduate Studentships.6.3 Can part-time students be supported?Yes. Part-time arrangements may be particularly suitable for those returning from a career break or who have domestic responsibilities that preclude full-time training.Departments and students should be realistic, however, about such arrangements. It is expected that the period of study will reflect the percentage of time spent pursuing doctoral studies, and a minimum of half-time study may be appropriate (requiring an expected period of study of up to six – eight years). Supervisors will wish to ensure that the project will be able to keep up with the new research developments that are likely to occur over such an extended period of study.6.4 Can we replace students who leave early?Yes, if you have sufficient funds, and, if necessary, you can guarantee any funding required beyond the period of the current DTG from another source (if the period of support extends beyond the current DTG, you cannot be certain that your department will win a subsequent DTG award). Students who leave within the first year will not be counted against the department’s four year submission rates, but no replacement funding will be provided. If a student leaves after 12 months, BBSRC will include that student in post-award surveys on thesis submissions.7 Financial Arrangements7.1 What are the national minimum stipend rates?The minimum stipend for 2008/09 is £12,940 p.a. (outside London) and stipends for further years will be announced well in advance of the start date to allow for advertisement. Students eligible for a stipend must be in receipt of at least the research council minimum for the academic year in question, including where appropriate the current London supplement.7.2 Are increases to the stipend levels included in the grant?Yes. Increases in line with inflation are included in the grant.7.3 Can funds not committed in the first year be carried forward to a later year?Yes. They can be used at any time during the grant. Any unspent funds remaining at the end of the DTG will not be paid when the Final Expenditure Statement is reconciled. They cannot be transferred.8 Monitoring and Information8.1 What information will the BBSRC be seeking on students funded from the DTG?The terms and conditions of the DTG confirm the requirement for student and project information. It is very important for BBSRC to have information on the students (and their research) which are being supported with BBSRC funding. All Research Councils are now moving to use Je-S based electronic systems for the return of student information. BBSRC will require the return of information on the students funded from a DTG through the Je-S Student / Researcher Data portal. An outline of the information that will be required includes:•student and project details as provided on the standard nomination form•duration of studentships awarded (3 or 4 years)•start date of awards•stipends awarded•details of CASE partners and levels of contributions•breakdown of funds within the account into• stipends• fees•research training support grants8.2 When will the BBSRC be seeking student/account information from universities?Details of the students funded from a DTG should be returned to BBSRC within one month of the student starting. Annual surveys of PhD submission and completion rates (currently carried out in January) will continue. BBSRC receives first-destination data on the employment of students once they have been awarded their degrees from the HESA survey of Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE). BBSRC would ask that departments make students aware of the importance of completing the HESA questionnaire which they will receive in due course. This information is vital for BBSRC to be able to report on the impact of its funding.。


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精技网管产品使用手册目录第一章简介 (6)1.1 企业网络化的弊端 (7)1.2 精技管理解决手段 (8)1.3 产品功能 (8)1.4 多功能和高性能的结合 (9)第二章网络部署架构 (10)2.1 精技网管部署模式 (10)2.1.1网关模式 (10)2.1.2网桥模式 (11)2.1.3旁路模式 (13)2.1.4模式对比 (14)2.2 网络结构典型实例 (14)2.2.1典型二层网络 (14)2.2.2典型三层网络 (16)2.2.3双线路接入网络 (17)第三章设备安装 (18)3.1 检查连通情况 (18)3.2 初始登陆账号 (19)3.3 系统登录界面 (20)3.4 系统界面说明 (21)3.5 故障恢复 (21)第四章设备管理 (23)4.1 设备状态 (23)4.2 设备控制 (24)4.3 网络配置 (25)4.3.1网络接口配置 (25)4.3.2 DHCP服务 (27)4.3.3 DDNS服务 (27)4.3.4接口速率 (28)4.3.5设备维护 (28)4.4 双线路说明 (28)4.4.1负载均衡 (29)4.4.2分流策略 (29)4.4.3策略路由 (29)第五章防火墙 (31)5.1 安全策略 (31)5.1.1 IP/MAC地址绑定 (31)5.1.2静态路由 (32)5.1.3源地址转换 (32)5.1.4端口映射 (33)5.1.5通用防火墙 (34)5.1.6高级配置 (35)5.2 对象配置 (36)5.2.1时间对象 (36)5.2.2地址对象 (37)5.2.3服务对象 (38)5.3 防火墙日志 (39)5.3.1连接跟踪表 (40)5.4 快速配置 (40)第六章 VPN (41)6.1 功能配置说明 (41)6.2 隧道监视 (43)6.3 设备认证 (44)6.4 智能模式 (44)6.5 分支节点 (44)6.6 隧道配置 (45)6.7 日志管理 (46)6.8 移动客户端 (46)6.8.1接入监控 (47)6.8.2接入配置 (47)6.8.3发布授权 (47)6.9 VPN配置实例 (47)第七章用户管理 (50)7.1 用户类型 (50)7.1.1用户认证方式 (50)7.2 修改企业信息 (52)7.3 添加企业部门 (53)7.4 手工添加员工 (54)7.4.1自定义格式导入 (54)7.4.2域用户手工同步 (56)7.5 修改用户姓名 (57)7.6 新认证用户 (57)7.7 免监控IP (58)7.8 认证定制 (58)第八章上网行为管理 (59)8.1 文件过滤 (60)8.1.1文件后缀对象 (60)8.2 网页过滤 (60)8.2.1网址审计对象 (61)8.3 应用层过滤 (61)8.3.1应用层策略对象 (61)8.4 审计策略模版和配置 (62)8.4.1下载文件限制 (62)8.4.2网络应用层过滤 (63)8.4.3 URL过滤 (63)8.4.4论坛言论过滤 (64)8.4.5日志审计 (64)8.5 带宽控制 (64)8.5.1带宽配置 (65)8.5.2员工策略 (65)8.5.3高级策略 (66)8.6 流量监视 (67)8.6.1终端实时流量 (67)8.6.2终端最近流量 (68)8.6.3网关实时流量 (69)8.7 配置实例 (69)8.7.1基于IP带宽流量限制 (69)8.7.2基于WEB流量带宽保证 (70)8.7.3上网审计快速配置 (71)第九章桌面行为管理 (75)9.1 桌面行为 (76)9.1.1界面说明 (76)9.1.2基本信息 (77)9.1.3工作状态 (77)9.1.4发送通知 (78)9.2 资源审计 (79)9.2.1本地硬件资源审计 (79)9.3 模块审计 (80)9.3.1功能模块说明 (80)9.3.2屏幕监视 (81)9.4 日志审计 (82)9.4.1业绩分析 (83)9.4.2资产告警 (83)9.4.3工作流水 (84)9.4.4屏幕日志 (84)9.4.5聊天日志 (85)9.5 进程审计 (86)9.5.1进程对象配置 (86)9.6 单机维护 (87)9.6.1桌面审计策略 (87)9.6.2远程命令执行 (88)9.6.3共享目录管理 (89)9.6.4网络连接跟踪 (89)9.7 拓扑编辑 (89)9.8 配置实例 (91)9.8.1员工策略配置 (91)第十章数据管理 (95)10.1 界面说明 (95)10.2 功能说明 (96)10.2.1日志自动删除 (96)10.2.2历史数据删除 (96)10.3 报表中心 (97)10.3.1企业报表 (97)10.3.2个人报表 (98)第十一章文档安全 (99)11.1 基本原理 (99)11.1.1优势和特点 (100)11.2 基本部署步骤 (101)11.2.1准备工作 (101)11.2.2配置信息 (103)11.3 文档管理 (107)11.3.1全盘加解密工具 (107)11.3.2使用密码加密 (108)11.3.3文件解密 (108)11.4 文档加密常见问题 (112)第十二章视频监控 (113)12.1 功能及适用范围 (113)12.1.1产品基本概念 (114)12.1.2产品性能参数 (115)12.2 视频监控的部署 (115)12.2.1有线局域网部署 (115)12.2.2无线局域网布署 (116)12.3 基本配置 (118)12.3.1配置视频监控 (118)12.3.2配置视频录像 (120)12.3.3如何配置音频录像 (121)第十三章网络磁盘 (123)13.1 工作模式 (123)13.2 基本功能 (123)13.3 基本配置 (123)13.3.1磁盘管理 (123)第一章简介现代企业越来越离不开电脑和网络,但是电脑和网络的管理成为一大问题,员工经常用电脑来聊天,做私事、打游戏、下载、访问网站,这样不仅影响工作,而且对公司文化建设产生不好的影响。



目录第一章光机电气一体化控制实训系统产品简介 (2)一、产品图片 (2)二、产品概述 (2)三、产品特点 (3)四、技术性能 (3)五、实训内容 (3)六、装置基本配置 (5)第二章光机电气一体化控制实训系统组成、运行过程及各机构功能 (7)一、系统组成 (7)二、控制要求 (7)三、上料单元 (8)四、皮带输送检测单元 (9)五、气动机械手搬运单元 (10)六、物料传送仓储单元 (11)七、物料返回单元 (11)第三章光机电气一体化控制实训系统电气、气动控制及运行操作 (13)一、电气控制电路组成 (13)二、气动原理及气动回路原理图 (13)三、光机电气一体化控制实训系统使用说明——西门子 (16)四、光机电气一体化控制实训系统使用说明——三菱 (34)五、光机电气一体化控制实训系统使用说明------欧姆龙 (51)THJDQG-2型光机电气一体化控制实训系统使用说明书 (69)一、产品概述 (69)二、技术性能 (69)三、使用说明 (69)四、使用注意事项 (71)第一章光机电气一体化控制实训系统产品简介一、产品图片二、产品概述本实训系统是一种最为典型的光机电气一体化产品,是为职业院校、职业教育培训机构而研制的,适合机电一体化、电气自动化等相关专业的教学和培训。


本实训系统由导轨式型材实训台、光机电气一体化设备部件、电源模块、按钮模块、PLC 主机模块、变频器模块、交流电机模块、步进电机及驱动器模块、伺服电机及伺服驱动器模块、模拟生产设备实训单元(包含上料单元、皮带输送检测单元、气动机械手搬运单元、物料传送仓储单元、物料返回单元等)和各种传感器等组成。



YAV 8AD PRO 24位高精度RJ45网口多功能采集卡技术手册RJ8452

YAV 8AD PRO 24位高精度RJ45网口多功能采集卡技术手册RJ8452

YAV8AD PRO RJ4524位高精度采集卡技术手册V1801武汉亚为电子科技有限公司RJ8452关于本手册为亚为推出的YAV8AD PRO24位高精度无线采集卡的用户手册,主要内容包括功能概述、8路模拟量输入功能、8路IO功能、应用实例、性能测试、注意事项及故障排除等。

说明序号版本号编写人编写日期支持对象应用时间特别说明1 1.0郑先科2014.05YA V8AD PRO采集卡2 2.0郑先科2016.01YA V8AD PRO采集卡3 3.0郑先科2017.01YA V8AD PRO采集卡2017.01适用于RS232\485\WiFi\GPRS ZIGBEE\蓝牙\433M无线4 4.0李雪2017.08YA V8AD PRO采集卡2017.08目录1.快速上手 (1)产品包装内容 (1)应用软件 (1)接口定义 (1)通信 (2)2.产品概述 (2)技术指标 (2)⏹模拟信号输入 (3)⏹数字信号输入 (4)⏹数字信号输出 (4)⏹通信总线 (4)⏹温度参数 (4)硬件特点 (5)原理框图 (5)机械规格 (6)3.采集卡信号接线 (7)AI模拟量接线 (7)DI数字量接线 (8)DO数字量接线 (9)4.模拟量输入功能 (9)模拟量输入 (9)输入采样原理 (10)输入接线 (10)采样值计算 (11)⏹无符号整型 (11)⏹模拟量值 (11)⏹24位精度采集值的计算方法 (12)5.数字量输入功能 (12)数字量输入原理 (12)DI高低电平/无源触点输入 (13)计数功能输入 (13)测频功能输入 (14)PWM功能输入 (14)6.数字量输出功能 (15)输出原理 (15)DO高低电平输出 (15)PWM测试输出 (15)AO输出 (15)输出接线方式 (15)7.通信协议 (16)WSN无线通信 (16)数据采集(被动接收) (19)启动发送(默认启动) (20)停止发送 (20)配置通道 (20)清空计数 (20)8.应用实例 (21)采集卡连接 (21)软件功能 (23)⏹YA V-WDS WIFI信号采集软件 (23)9.注意事项及故障排除 (24)注意事项 (24)⏹存储说明 (24)⏹出货清单 (24)⏹质保及售后 (24)⏹特别说明 (24)故障排除 (25)⏹无法正常采集数据 (25)⏹不显示波形 (26)⏹DI测频计数没反应 (26)⏹采集速度不够 (26)⏹软件错误 (26)10.性能测试 (26)安全规范 (26)耐电压范围测试 (27)环境适应性测试 (27)11.文档权利及免责声明 (28)12.联系方式..................................................................................................................错误!未定义书签。

捷星广达 UTREK-310 实时软件接收机和中频数据采集系统用户使用手册说明书

捷星广达 UTREK-310 实时软件接收机和中频数据采集系统用户使用手册说明书

一 简介........................................................................................................... 7
包装列表............................................................................................ 8
使 用
手 册
注意................................................................................................................... 3 目录................................................................................................................... 6

UTREK-310 是一款针对 GPS 的 L1 频段 CA 码信号和 GLONASS 卫星导航系统 L1
端和 PC 机接口硬件系统和数据处理软件包。其射频前端对来自天线的 GPS 和

UTREK-310 主机



H O S E F I T T I N G SThis page is part of a complete catalog which contains technical and safety data that must be reviewed when selecting a product.68FITTING INDEXH O S E F I T T I N G SDescription Page Global Crimp Fittings ..............................74Global OTC (Over the Cover)................74Global Skive Nipples ..............................74Global Socket Data ................................72Global TTC (Thru the Cover)...............74Global TTC12..........................................74Global Spiral TTC ™.. (100)Description Page Hose to Fitting Reference Chart..............69How to Order ..........................................70Internal Skive Crimp Fittings ................123LifeSaver Fittings ..........146, 154, 156, 163O-Rings .......................................178PTFE Crimp Fittings..............................140Reusable Fittings . (145)Description Page Socket Data – Crimp ..............................72Reusable ............................................73Socketless ............................................168Spiral Single Skive Crimp Fittings ........108Split Flanges..........................................176Suction Hose Fittings ............................143Super Gem ®..........................................174Swage Fittings .. (135)SectionPagesHose 15-67Fittings 68-180Adapters and 181-228Tube FittingsSectionPagesSwivel Joints 229-244Flexmaster Joints 245-260FLOCS ®261-267SectionPagesQuick Disconnect 268-345CouplingsAccess., Equipment &346-393Assembly Instructions Technical Data394-433RETURN TO CONTENTS PAGEH O S E F I T T I N G SThis page is part of a complete catalog which contains technical and safety data that must be reviewed when selecting a product.70HOW TO ORDERHow to orderAccurate processing and prompt delivery of your order depend on easy identification of your requirements. Please order Aeroquip parts using correct part numbers as described in this catalog. Inquiries and orders should be directed to your Aeroquip Distributor or:Eaton Aeroquip Industrial Division3000 Strayer Road, P .O. Box 631Maumee, Ohio 43537-0631419/867-2600; Fax: 419/ Part numbers and dash sizesDash size designates the nominal size in 16ths of an inch. This number immediately follows the part number and is separated from it with a dash.Fittings with “FC” or “FJ” part numbers will have the size expressed in four numerals. The first two numerals indicate the size of the connecting end and the second two numerals indi-cate the size of the hose end. All other fittings are followed by a dash number which is the nominal size of the fitting expressed in 16ths of an inch. Where two dash numbers are given, the first one generally indicates the pipe or port size and the second indicates the tube or hose size. The hose dash number should always be the same as the last dash number on the fitting.Material designationMost fittings in this catalog have a material designation as part of the part number. An explanation is shown below.38Brass nipple, steel socket B Brass 44Bronze nipple and nut:C Stainless steelbrass socket D Aluminum alloy 63Brass nipple, steel nut S Steeland socket259316 Stainless steel 449Malleable ironDimensionsDimensions given in this catalog for Aeroquip products are approximate and should be used for reference only. Exact dimensional information for a given product is subject to change and varying tolerances; contact Eaton Aeroquip directly for full current information.Globally Standardized Pressure RatingsAeroquip has standardized hose burst and operating pressure ratings in cataloging, worldwide. This move toward standardiza-tion will slightly alter some of the pressures ratings listed for hoses in this catalog as pressures are rounded off. This is a paper conversion only. This action has no effect on the actual testing and certification of Aeroquip hoses to stringent product standards.WARNINGAeroquip manufactures the terminal ends of our hose fittings to the appropriate requirements established by the SAE. Therefore, the performance ratings of these hose fittings meet the SAE requirements. It is possible to order a hose assembly with a fitting terminal end that has a performance rating lower than the hose rating. When ordering hose assemblies, please keep the terminal end performance rating in mind since this may affect overall hose assembly performance.Many hose assembly components (hose and fittings)are easily assembled in the field. However, factory assembled swaged, crimped and reusable hose assem-blies are available. For complete information, contact Eaton Aeroquip.MIXING/MATCHINGAEROQUIP FITTING TOLERANCES ARE ENGINEERED TO MATCH AEROQUIP HOSE TOLERANCES. THE USE OF AEROQUIP FITTINGS ON HOSE SUPPLIED BY OTHER MANUFACTURERS AND/OR THE USE OF AERO-QUIP HOSE WITH FITTINGS SUPPLIED BY OTHER MAN-UFACTURERS MAY RESULT IN THE PRODUCTION OF UNRELIABLE AND UNSAFE HOSE ASSEMBLIES AND IS NEITHER RECOMMENDED NOR AUTHORIZED BY AEROQUIP .AEROQUIP SHALL NOT BE SUBJECT TO AND DIS-CLAIMS ANY OBLIGATIONS OR LIABILITIES (INCLUD-ING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL CONSEQUENTIAL, INCI-DENTAL AND CONTINGENT DAMAGES) ARISING OUT OF BREACH OF CONTACT OR OF WARRANTY OR ARIS-ING FROM TORT CLAIMS (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITA-TION NEGLIGENCE AND STRICT LIABILITY) OR OTHER THEORIES OF LAW WITH RESPECT TO ANY HOSE ASSEMBLIES NOT PRODUCED FROM GENUINE AERO-QUIP HOSE FITTINGS, HOSE AND AEROQUIP APPROVED EQUIPMENT, AND IN CONFORMANCE WITH AEROQUIP PROCESS AND PRODUCT INSTRUCTIONS FOR EACH SPECIFIC HOSE ASSEMBLY.FAILURE TO FOLLOW AEROQUIP PROCESS AND PROD-UCT INSTRUCTIONS AND LIMITATIONS COULD LEAD TO PREMATURE HOSE ASSEMBLY FAILURES RESULTING IN PROPERTY DAMAGE, SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH.* Specifications and dimensions on this catalogue are subject to change without notice.SAFETY PRECAUTIONS: Read the instruction manual carefully and thoroughly before using the product, and then use it correctly.Crimp socket Crimp nippleTTC12-TTC-20TTC-20Global Over the CoverIdentification (OTC Sockets)Over the cover Global fitting socketshave 1G(size) and a scribe markstamped on the socket.1GSCRIBE MARK:For TTC and TTC12 Fittings,the Scribe Mark identifies Crimp Length Indicatorfor assembly; See Bulletin JA55 for details.This page is part of a complete catalog which contains technical and safety data that must be reviewed when selecting a product.Reusable socketsMale Pipe Swivel (PS)SAE 37°Swivel 90°Elbow (FJB)SAE 37°Swivel 90°Long Drop Elbow (FJC)1GA4FJC4†—1GA5FJC4†———1GA6FJC6——1BA6FJC6——1GA8FJC8†—Part Number Part Number Part Number Female ORS Swivel 90°Short Drop Elbow (FRB), see page 178 for O-RingsFemale ORS Swivel 90°Long Drop Elbow (FRC), see page 178 for O-RingsPart Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Male ORS (MR), see page 178 for O-Rings1SA16MR16———Male St¯a plok®(SL), see page 178 for O-Rings and Staples1S32SL32Male SAE Inverted Flare Swivel (MF)1SA8MF81GA8MF81AA8MF8Male SAE Inverted Flare Swivel 45°Elbow (MFA)Part Number Part NumberMale SAE Inverted Flare Swivel 90°Elbow (MFB)1SA8MFB81GA8MFB81AA8MFB8—SAE Code 61 Split Flange (FL) For flanges, split flange halves, kits and O-rings, see page 176-179Part Number Part Number Part Number Part NumberElbow (FLB) For flanges, split flange halves, kits and O-rings, see page 176-179—1B40FLB32Elbow (FLD)For flanges, split flange halves, kits and O-Rings, see page 176-179Part Number Part NumberElbow (FLE) For flanges, split flange halves, kits and O-rings, see page 176-179——1B40FLF32SAE Code 62 Split Flange (FH)JIS/BSPP Female Swivel. 90°1S4BFB41S6BFB61S8BFB61S8BFB81S10BFB101S12BFB121S16BFB161S20BFB20DKO Female Swivel, Light Duty, 45°1G6DLA41G8DLA61G10DLA61G12DLA81G16DLA101G20DLA121G25DLA16—DKO Female Swivel, Light Duty, 90°1S5DLB41S5DLB41S8DLB61S10DLB61S12DLB81S16DLB101S20DLB121S25DLB16—Male, Light Duty (DK)Female Swivel, Heavy Duty (DS)1G5DS41G6DS41G8DS61G10DS61G12DS81G16DS101G20DS121G25DS16—Elbow (DSA)—1B8DSA6—1B12DSA81B16DSA101B20DSA121B25DSA16Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Female Swivel, Heavy Duty, 90°Elbow (DSB)24°Male, Heavy Duty (EK)1S5EK41G5EK41A5EK4—1S6EK41G6EK41A6EK4—1S8EK61G8EK61A8EK61B8EK61S10EK61G10EK61A10EK61B10EK61S12EK81G12EK81A12EK81B12EK81S16EK101G16EK101A16EK101B16EK101S20EK121G20EK121A20EK121B20EK121S25EK161G25EK161A25EK161B25EK16H O S E F I T T I N G SThis page is part of a complete catalog which contains technical and safety data that must be reviewed when selecting a product.98GLOBAL CRIMPFITTINGSNipple OTC TTC Fitting TTC12 Fitting Hose Part Number Part Number Part Number Part NumberThreadSizeA D E φHJIS Female Swivel (JF)1S4JF41G4JF41A4JF4––G 1/4–0453.229.8 4.219191S6JF61G6JF61A6JF61B6JF6G 3/8–0659.233.9 6.722221S8JF81G8JF81A8JF81B8JF8G 1/2–0866.336.69.627271S12JF121G12JF121A12JF121B12JF12G 3/4–1273.343.115.532361S16JF161G16JF161A16JF161B16JF16G 1–1683.649.220.741411S20JF201G20JF201AP20JF20*1B20JF20G 11/4–20102.158.126.65046––––1AT20JF20**––G 11/4–20102.158.126.650461S24JF241G24JF241A24JF241B24JF24G 11/2–24109.763.432.055501S32JF321G32JF321A32JF321B32JF32G 2–32122.672.444.47065Komatsu Female Swivel (KF)1S4KF41G4KF41A4KF4––M14 x 1.5–0456.132.742.219191S6KF61G6KF61A6KF6––M18 x 1.5–0660.435.1 6.724221S8KF81G8KF81A8KF8––M22 x 1.5–0869.539.89.627271S10KF101G10KF101A10KF10––M24 x 1.5–1075.446.012.432301S10KF121G10KF121A10KF12––M24 x 1.5–1276.646.412.432301S12KF121G12KF121A12KF121B12KF12M30 x 1.5–1281.551.315.536361S16KF161G16KF161A16KF161B16KF16M33 x 1.5–1691.457.020.741411S20KF201G20KF201AP20KF20*1B20KF20M36 x 1.5–20113.469.426.64646––––1AT20KF20**––M36 x 1.5–20113.460.426.646461S24KF241G24KF241A24KF24––M42 x 1.5–24120.574.232.05550*Uses 1 wire braid hose socket. FT1320, FT1330, and FT1208 assembly machines require a one-piece fitting.**Uses 2 wire braid hose socket. FT1320, FT1330 and FT1208 assembly machines require a one-piece fitting.12All dimensions in millimeters.C R I M PGlobal Nipples for use with Hose:Clamp:2661 (–12 thru –20), FC318 (–12 thru –20), FC619 (–12 thru –20). Socket 1SA:2681, FC194, FC211, FC310, FC372-03,FC373-03, FC510, FC639 (–4 thru –8), GH194, GH663, GH681. Socket 1SB:1529,2766, 2781, FC195, FC212, FC372 (–4 thru –16), FC373 (–4 thru –16), FC466,FC498, FC579, FC639 (–10 thru –16), FC735 (–4 thru –20), GH120 (–4 thru –20),GH195, GH683 (-4,-6), GH781 (–04 thru –20), GH793.Global OTC Fittings for use with Hose:2583, 2661, FC318, FC466, FC498,FC619, FC699Global TTC Fittings for use with Hose:2661(–12 thru –32), FC211, FC212,FC310, FC318 (–12 thru –32), FC414, FC510, FC579, FC611, FC619, FC639(–4 thru –12),FC693, FC735, GH120, GH194, GH195, GH663, GH681–6,GH683, GH781, GH793.Global TTC12 Fittings for use with Hose:2661–12, FC136, FC318–12,FC616, FC636, FC659, FC736, GH493.H O S E F I T T I N G SThis page is part of a complete catalog which contains technical and safety data that must be reviewed when selecting a product.100GLOBAL SPIRAL TTC ™FITTINGSSpiral TTC ™Fittings for use with hose:FC254, FC273, FC606, GH466, GH5061E Fittings for use on 4 wire construction 1Z Fittings for use on 6 wire constructionFlange Insertion Fitting Head Length Part NumberDia. K Hose SizeADL H inch mminchmm inch mm inch mm inchmmStraight split flange – Code 62 (SAE J518)1E12FH12 1.6241.3-12 4.16105.8 2.3960.8 1.7745.01E16FH12 1.8847.6-12 4.33110.0 2.5665.0 1.7745.01E16FH16 1.8847.6-16 5.32135.2 2.7670.2 2.5665.01Z16FH16 1.8847.6-16 5.32135.2 2.7670.2 2.5665.01E20FH16 2.1254.0-16 5.22132.6 2.6667.6 2.5665.01E20FH20 2.1254.0-20 5.85148.6 2.9073.6 2.9575.01Z20FH16 2.1254.0-16 5.22132.6 2.6667.6 2.5665.01Z20FH20 2.1254.0-20 5.85148.6 2.9073.6 2.9575.01E24FH20 2.563.5-207.31185.6 4.35110.6 2.9575.01Z24FH20 2.563.5-207.31185.6 4.35110.6 2.9575.01E24FH24 2.563.5-247.46189.6 4.39111.6 3.0778.01Z24FH24 2.563.5-247.46189.6 4.39111.6 3.0778.01E32FH24 3.1379.4-247.90200.6 4.83122.6 3.0778.01Z32FH24 3.1379.4-247.90200.6 4.83122.6 3.0778.01E32FH32 3.1379.4-327.98202.7 4.91124.7 3.0778.01Z32FH32 3.1379.4-327.98202.7 4.91124.7 3.0778.045°split flange - Code 62 (SAE J518)1E12FHA12 1.6241.3-12 4.93125.3 3.1680.3 1.7745.0 1.0627.01E16FHA12 1.8847.6-12 5.37136.5 3.6091.5 1.7745.0 1.2632.01E16FHA16 1.8847.6-16 6.37161.7 3.8196.7 2.5665.0 1.2632.01Z16FHA16 1.8847.6-16 6.37161.7 3.8196.7 2.5665.0 1.2632.01E20FHA16 2.1254.0-16 6.99177.4 4.43112.4 2.5665.0 1.5439.01E20FHA20 2.1254.0-207.61193.4 4.66118.4 2.9575.0 1.5439.01Z20FHA16 2.1254.0-16 6.99177.4 4.43112.4 2.5665.0 1.5439.01Z20FHA20 2.1254.0-207.61193.4 4.66118.4 2.9575.0 1.5439.01E24FHA20 2.563.5-208.12206.3 5.17131.3 2.9575.0 1.7745.01Z24FHA20 2.563.5-208.12206.3 5.17131.3 2.9575.0 1.7745.01E24FHA24 2.563.5-248.28210.3 5.21132.3 3.0778.0 1.7745.01Z24FHA24 2.563.5-248.28210.3 5.21132.3 3.0778.0 1.7745.01E32FHA24 3.1379.4-249.73247.2 6.66169.2 3.0778.0 2.2657.51Z32FHA24 3.1379.4-249.73247.2 6.66169.2 3.0778.0 2.2657.51E32FHA32 3.1379.4-329.81249.3 6.74171.3 3.0778.0 2.2657.51Z32FHA32 3.1379.4-329.81249.3 6.74171.3 3.0778.0 2.2657.590°split flange - Code 62 (SAE J518)1E12FHB12 1.6241.3-12 4.72120.0 2.9575.0 1.7745.0 2.3259.01E16FHB12 1.8847.6-12 5.17131.4 3.4086.4 1.7745.0 2.8071.01E16FHB16 1.8847.6-16 6.17156.6 3.6191.6 2.5665.0 2.8071.01Z16FHB16 1.8847.6-16 6.17156.6 3.6191.6 2.5665.0 2.8071.01E20FHB16 2.1254.0-16 6.79172.4 4.23107.4 2.5665.0 3.5089.01E20FHB20 2.1254.0-207.41188.4 4.46113.4 2.9575.0 3.5089.01Z20FHB16 2.1254.0-16 6.79172.4 4.23107.4 2.5665.0 3.5089.01Z20FHB20 2.1254.0-207.41188.4 4.46113.4 2.9575.0 3.5089.01E24FHB20 2.563.5-207.92201.1 4.96126.1 2.9575.0 4.09104.01Z24FHB20 2.563.5-207.92201.1 4.96126.1 2.9575.0 4.09104.01E24FHB24 2.563.5-248.07205.1 5.00127.1 3.0778.0 4.09104.01Z24FHB24 2.563.5-248.07205.1 5.00127.1 3.0778.0 4.09104.01E32FHB24 3.1379.4-249.59243.6 6.52165.6 3.0778.0 5.43138.01Z32FHB24 3.1379.4-249.59243.6 6.52165.6 3.0778.0 5.43138.01E32FHB32 3.1379.4-329.67245.7 6.60167.7 3.0778.0 5.43138.01Z32FHB32 3.1379.4-329.67245.76.60167.73.0778.05.43138.0A DLKAD LHKAD LHKCode 62Code 62Code 62Straight Split Flange45°Elbow Split Flange 90°Elbow Split FlangeC R I M PNOTE: For flanges, split flange halves, kits and o-rings, see pages 176-179.H O S E F I T T I N G SThis page is part of a complete catalog which contains technical and safety data that must be reviewed when selecting a product.102GLOBAL SPIRAL TTC ™FITTINGSSpiral TTC™Fittings for use with hose:FC254, FC273, FC606, GH466, GH5061E Fittings for use on 4 wire construction 1Z Fittings for use on 6 wire construction Compatible only with D-rings found on page 178.Flange Insertion Fitting Head Length Part NumberDia. K Hose SizeADL H inch mm inchmm inch mm inch mm inchmmCaterpillar - Straight split flange 1E12CT12 1.6241.3-12 4.38111.3 2.6166.3 1.7745.01E16CT12 1.8847.6-12 4.51114.7 2.7469.7 1.7745.01E16CT16 1.8847.6-16 5.51139.9 2.9574.9 2.5665.01Z16CT16 1.8847.6-16 5.51139.9 2.9574.9 2.5665.01E20CT16 2.1254.0-16 5.37136.5 2.8171.5 2.5665.01E20CT20 2.1254.0-20 6.00152.5 3.0577.5 2.9575.01Z20CT16 2.1254.0-16 5.37136.5 2.8171.5 2.5665.01Z20CT20 2.1254.0-20 6.00152.5 3.0577.5 2.9575.01Z24CT20 2.563.5-207.37187.3 4.42112.3 2.9575.01Z24CT24 2.563.5-247.53191.3 4.46113.3 3.0778.01Z32CT24 3.1379.4-247.96202.3 4.89124.3 3.0778.01Z32CT323.1379.4-328.05204.44.98126.43.0778.0Caterpillar - 45°split flange 1E12CTA12 1.6241.3-12 5.08129.2 3.3184.2 1.7745.0 1.2230.91E16CTA12 1.8847.6-12 5.50139.8 3.7394.8 1.7745.0 1.3935.31E16CTA16 1.8847.6-16 6.50165.0 3.94100.0 2.5665.0 1.3935.31Z16CTA16 1.8847.6-16 6.50165.0 3.94100.0 2.5665.0 1.3935.31E20CTA16 2.1254.0-167.10180.2 4.54115.2 2.5665.0 1.6541.81E20CTA20 2.1254.0-207.72196.2 4.77121.2 2.9575.0 1.6541.81Z20CTA16 2.1254.0-167.10180.2 4.54115.2 2.5665.0 1.6541.81Z20CTA20 2.1254.0-207.72196.2 4.77121.2 2.9575.0 1.6541.81Z24CTA20 2.563.5-208.17207.5 5.22132.5 2.9575.0 1.8246.21Z24CTA24 2.563.5-248.33211.5 5.26133.5 3.0778.0 1.8246.21Z32CTA24 3.1379.4-249.78248.4 6.71170.4 3.0778.0 2.3158.71Z32CTA32 3.1379.4-329.86250.5 6.79172.5 3.0778.0 2.3158.7Caterpillar - 90°split flange 1E12CTB12 1.6241.3-12 4.72120.0 2.9575.0 1.7745.0 2.5464.51E16CTB12 1.8847.6-12 5.17131.4 3.4086.4 1.7745.0 2.9875.71E16CTB16 1.8847.6-16 6.17156.6 3.6191.6 2.5665.0 2.9875.71Z16CTB16 1.8847.6-16 6.17156.6 3.6191.6 2.5665.0 2.9875.71E20CTB16 2.1254.0-16 6.79172.4 4.23107.4 2.5665.0 3.6692.91E20CTB20 2.1254.0-207.41188.4 4.46113.4 2.9575.0 3.6692.91Z20CTB16 2.1254.0-16 6.79172.4 4.23107.4 2.5665.0 3.6692.91Z20CTB20 2.1254.0-207.41188.4 4.46113.4 2.9575.0 3.6692.91Z24CTB20 2.563.5-207.92201.1 4.96126.1 2.9575.0 4.16105.71Z24CTB24 2.563.5-248.07205.1 5.00127.1 3.0778.0 4.16105.71Z32CTB24 3.1379.4-249.59243.6 6.52165.6 3.0778.0 5.50139.61Z32CTB32 3.1379.4-329.67245.7 6.60167.7 3.0778.0 5.50139.6Cat Flange Cat Flange Cat Flange Straight45°Elbow90°ElbowDA LKADLHKAD LHKC R I M PH O S E F I T T I N G SThis page is part of a complete catalog which contains technical and safety data that must be reviewed when selecting a product.104GLOBAL SPIRAL TTC ™FITTINGSSpiral TTC ™Fittings for use with hose:FC254, FC273 (–12, –16), GH5061E Fittings for use on 4 wire constructionInsertion Fitting Length Part NumberThread Hose SizeADL H inchmm inch mm inch mm inchmmBSP/JIS Female Swivel (BF)1E12BF12G 3/4-12 3.2783.0 1.5038.0 1.7745.01E16BF12G 1-12 3.2281.7 1.4436.7 1.7745.01E16BF16G 1-16 4.21106.9 1.6541.9 2.5665.01E20BF16G 1 1/4-16 4.13104.9 1.5739.9 2.5665.01E20BF20G 1 1/4-20 4.76120.9 1.8145.9 2.9575.01E24BF24G 1 1/2-24 6.04153.5 2.9775.5 3.0778.01E32BF32G 2-32 6.28159.53.2181.53.0778.0BSP/JIS Female Swivel, 45°elbow (BFA)1E12BFA12G 3/4-124.76121.0 2.9976.0 1.7745.0 1.0226.01E16BFA12G 1-12 5.13130.4 3.3685.4 1.7745.0 1.1830.01E16BFA16G 1-16 6.13155.6 3.5790.6 2.5665.0 1.1830.01E20BFA16G 1 1/4-16 6.57166.9 4.01101.9 2.5665.0 1.3434.01E20BFA20G 1 1/4-207.19182.6 4.25107.9 2.9575.0 1.3434.01E24BFA24G 1 1/2-248.20208.2 5.13130.2 3.0778.0 1.6943.01E32BFA32G 2-329.56242.8 6.49164.8 3.0778.0 2.0151.0BSP/JIS Female Swivel, 90°elbow (BFB)1E12BFB12G 3/4-12 4.51114.5 2.7469.5 1.7745.0 2.2457.01E16BFB12G 1-12 4.94125.6 3.1780.6 1.7745.0 2.6868.01E16BFB16G 1-16 5.94150.8 3.3885.8 2.5665.0 2.6868.01E20BFB16G 1 1/4-16 6.44163.7 3.8998.7 2.5665.0 3.1179.01E20BFB20G 1 1/4-207.07179.7 4.12104.7 2.9575.0 3.1179.01E24BFB24G 1 1/2-248.07205.1 5.00127.1 3.0778.0 4.09104.01E32BFB32G 2-329.67245.7 6.60167.7 3.0778.0 5.24133.0BSPP Swivel BSPP Swivel BSPP Swivel Straight 45°Elbow90°ElbowNOTE: The JIS parallel thread and BSPP connection are interchangeable.C R I M PH O S E F I T T I N G SThis page is part of a complete catalog which contains technical and safety data that must be reviewed when selecting a product.106GLOBAL SPIRAL TTC ™FITTINGSSpiral TTC ™Fittings for use with hose:FC254, FC273, FC606, GH466, GH5061E Fittings for use on 4 wire construction 1Z Fittings for use on 6 wire constructionInsertion Fitting Length Part NumberThread Hose SizeADL H inchmm inch mm inch mm inchmmFemale ORS Swivel, Straight 1EA12FR12 1 3/16-12-12 3.7795.9 2.0050.9 1.7745.01EA16FR12 1 7/16-12-12 3.3384.6 1.5639.6 1.7745.01EA16FR16 1 7/16-12-16 4.71119.5 2.1554.5 2.5665.01ZA16FR16 1 7/16-12-16 4.71119.5 2.1554.5 2.5665.01EA20FR16 1 11/16-12-16 4.19106.4 1.6341.4 2.5665.01EA20FR20 1 11/16-12-20 5.38136.7 2.4361.7 2.9575.01EA24FR242-12-24 5.00126.9 1.9348.9 3.0778.01ZA20FR16 1 11/16-12-16 4.19106.4 1.6341.4 2.5665.01ZA20FR20 1 11/16-12-20 5.38136.7 2.4361.7 2.9575.01ZA24FR242-12-24 5.00126.91.9348.93.0778.0Female ORS Swivel, 45°elbow 1EA12FRA12 1 3/16-12-124.68118.9 2.9173.9 1.7745.00.9424.01EA16FRA12 1 7/16-12-12 5.05128.4 3.2883.4 1.7745.0 1.1028.01EA16FRA16 1 7/16-12-166.04153.4 3.4888.4 2.5665.0 1.1028.01ZA16FRA16 1 7/16-12-16 6.04153.4 3.4888.4 2.5665.0 1.1028.01EA20FRA16 1 11/16-12-16 6.45163.9 3.8998.9 2.5665.0 1.2231.01EA20FRA20 1 11/16-12-207.08179.8 4.13104.8 2.9575.0 1.2231.01ZA20FRA16 1 11/16-12-16 6.45163.9 3.8998.9 2.5665.0 1.2231.01ZA20FRA20 1 11/16-12-207.08179.8 4.13104.8 2.9575.0 1.2231.0Female ORS Swivel, 90°elbow 1EA12FRB12 1 3/16-12-12 4.51114.5 2.7469.5 1.7745.0 2.2858.01EA16FRB12 1 7/16-12-12 4.94125.6 3.1780.6 1.7745.0 2.8071.01EA16FRB16 1 7/16-12-16 5.93150.6 3.3785.6 2.5665.0 2.8071.01ZA16FRB16 1 7/16-12-16 5.93150.6 3.3785.6 2.5665.0 2.8071.01EA20FRB16 1 11/16-12-16 6.45163.7 3.8998.7 2.5665.0 3.0778.01EA20FRB20 1 11/16-12-207.07179.6 4.12104.6 2.9575.0 3.0778.01ZA20FRB16 1 11/16-12-16 6.45163.7 3.8998.7 2.5665.0 3.0778.01ZA20FRB20 1 11/16-12-207.07179.6 4.12104.6 2.9575.0 3.0784.0ORS ®Swivel ORS ®Swivel ORS ®Swivel Straight 45°Elbow 90°ElbowADLHDLAHDLAC R I M PH O S E F I T T I N G SThis page is part of a complete catalog which contains technical and safety data that must be reviewed when selecting a product.108for use with HoseFC736 (–06 thru –20), FC136 (–06 thru –32), FC254 (–20, –24),FC323 (–12, –16, –20, –24), FC324 (–12, –16),GH493 (–06 thru –32)Complete Component Part Numbers Fitting Hose Part Number Nipple Assy.Socket Thread Size A D E φHMale pipeFC9516–0406S 186101–4–6S FC3471–06S 1/4-18–06 2.44–0606S 186101–6–6S FC3471–06S 3/8-18–06 2.44–0806S 186101–8–6S FC3471–06S 1/2-14–06 2.44–0408S 186101–4–8S FC3471–08S 1/4-18–08 2.60–0608S 186101–6–8S FC3471–08S 3/8-18–08 2.60–0808S 186101–8–8S FC3471–08S 1/2-14–08 2.84–1208S 186101–12–8S FC3471–08S 3/4-14–08 2.60 1.25.38 1.06FC9516–0810S 186101–8–10S FC3471–10S 1/2-14–10 3.00 1.53.50 1.00FJ9759–1212S FC1411–1212S FC1410–12S 3/4-14–12 3.38 1.66.61 1.12FJ9759–1616S FC1411–1616S FC1410–16S 1-111/2–16 3.76 1.86.78 1.38FJ9759–2020S **11/4-111/2–20 4.78 2.13 1.05 1.81FJ9759–2424S **11/2-111/2–24 5.17 2.24 1.26 2.00FJ9568–3232S **2-111/2–32 5.71 2.35 1.69 2.62SAE 37°(JIC) swivel FC9515–0606S 186100H6–6S FC3471–06S 9/16-18–06 2.64–0806S 186100H8–6S FC3471–06S 3/4-16–06 2.74–0808S 186100H8–8S FC3471–08S 3/4-16–08 2.90–1008S 186100H10–8S FC3471–08S 7/8-14–08 3.01 1.66.38 1.00.81FC9515–1208S 186100H12–8S FC3471–08S 11/16-12–08 2.85 1.50.38 1.25 1.00FC9515–1010S 186100H10–10S FC3471–10S 7/8-14–10 3.22 1.76.50 1.00 1.00FC9515–1210S 186100H12–10S FC3471–10S 11/16-12–10 3.25 1.78.50 1.25 1.00FJ9760–1212S FJ8760–1212S FC1410–12S 11/16-12–12 3.53 1.80.61 1.25 1.06FJ9760–1612S FJ8760–1612S FC1410–12S 15/16-12–12 3.76 2.04.61 1.50 1.25FJ9760–1616S FJ8760–1616S FC1410–16S 15/16-12–16 3.81 1.92.78 1.50 1.25FJ9760–2020S **15/8-12–20 4.48 1.83 1.05 2.00FJ9760–2424S **17/8-12–24 4.92 2.00 1.26 2.25FJ9567–3232S **21/2-12–32 5.68 2.33 1.69 2.88SAE 37°(JIC) male flare FC9631–0606S 186103–6–6S FC3471–06S 9/16-18–06 2.43–0806S 186103–8–6S FC3471–06S 3/4-16–06 2.53–0808S 186103–8–8S FC3471–08S 3/4-16–08 2.69–1008S 186103–10–8S FC3471–08S 7/8-14–08 2.85–1208S 186103–12–8S FC3471–08S 11/16-12–08 2.78 1.43.38 1.12FC9631–1010S 186103–10–10S FC3471–10S 7/8-14–10 3.00 1.54.48 1.00FC9631–1210S 186103–12–10S FC3471–10S 11/16-12–10 2.93 1.46.50 1.12FJ9915–1212S FC1474–1212S FC1410–12S 11/16-12–12 3.49 1.77.61 1.12FJ9915–1612S FC1474–1612S FC1410–12S 15/16-12–12 3.30 1.58.61 1.38FJ9915–1616S FC1474–1616S FC1410–16S 15/16-12–16 3.78 1.88.78 1.38SAE O-Ring male, see page 178 for O-Rings FC9712–0606S 186121–6–6S FC3471–06S 9/16-18–06 2.27–0806S 186121–8–6S FC3471–06S 3/4-16–06–0808S 186121–8–8S FC3471–08S 3/4-16–08 2.53–1008S 186121–10–8S FC3471–08S 7/8-14–08 2.35 1.00.38 1.00FC9712–1010S 186121–10–10S FC3471–10S 7/8-14–10 2.74 1.28.50 1.00FC9712–1210S 186121–12–10S FC3471–10S 11/16-12–10 2.66 1.19.50 1.25FJ9916–1212S FC1475–1212S FC1410–12S 11/16-12–12 3.22 1.50.61 1.25FJ9916–1616S FC1475–1616S FC1410–16S15/16-12–163.461.57.781.50*Complete fittings are one-piece assemblies.21Male pipe SAE 37°(JIC) swivel SAE 37°(JIC)SAE straight threadFC9516/FJ9759FC9515/FJ9760male flare O-Ring male FJ9568FJ9567FC9631/FJ9915FC9712/FJ9916ADE2ADE 21DA E2A D30°2EAll dimensions in inches.C R I M PH O S E F I T T I N G SThis page is part of a complete catalog which contains technical and safety data that must be reviewed when selecting a product.110for use with HoseFC736 (–06 thru –20), FC136 (–06 thru –32), FC254 (–20, –24),FC323 (–12, –16, –20, –24), FC324 (–12, –16),GH493 (–06 thru –32)Straight split flange221/2°elbow split flangeFJ9569/FC9725/FJ9761 Code 61FJ9571/FC9929/FJ9763 Code 61FC9853/FJ9762 Code 62FC5957/FJ9764 Code 62Complete Component Part Numbers Flange Fitting Head Hose Part Number Nipple Assy.Socket Dia. K φSize A D E φHStraight split flange – Code 61 (SAE J518)FC9725–0808S FC8725–0808S FC3471–08S 1.19–08 3.56–1208S FC8725–1208S FC3471–08S 1.50–08 3.56–1210S FC8725–1210S FC3471–10S 1.50–10 3.99 2.52.50 1.00FJ9761–1212S FJ8761–1212S FC1410–12S 1.50–12 4.31 2.59.61FJ9761–1612S FJ8761–1612S FC1410–12S 1.75–12 4.31 2.59.61FJ9761–1616S FJ8761–1616S FC1410–16S 1.75–16 5.03 3.14.78FJ9761–2016S FJ8761–2016S FC1410–16S 2.00–16 5.03 3.14.78FJ9761–2020S ** 2.00–20 5.95 3.30 1.05FJ9761–2420S ** 2.38–20 5.95 3.30 1.05FJ9761–2424S ** 2.38–24 6.95 4.02 1.26FJ9761–3224S ** 2.81–24 6.95 4.02 1.26FJ9569–3232S ** 2.81–328.18 4.82 1.69Straight split flange – Code 62 (SAE J518)FC9853–1208S FC8853–1208S FC3471–08S 1.62–08 3.56–1212S FJ8762–1212S FC1410–12S 1.62–12 4.31 2.59.61FJ9762–1612S FJ8762–1612S FC1410–12S 1.88–12 4.31 2.59.61FJ9762–1616S FJ8762–1616S FC1410–16S 1.88–16 5.03 3.14.78FJ9762–2016S FJ8762–2016S FC1410–16S 2.12–16 5.03 3.14.78FJ9762–2020S ** 2.12–20 5.95 3.30 1.05FJ9762–2420S ** 2.50–20 5.95 3.30 1.05FJ9762–2424S ** 2.50–24 6.95 4.02 1.26FJ9762–3224S **3.12–24 6.714.02 1.26221/2°elbow split flange – Code 61 (SAE J518)FC9929–0808S FC8929–0808S FC3471–08S 1.19–08 3.32–1208S FC8929–1208S FC3471–08S 1.50–08 3.32–1212S FJ8763–1212S FC1410–12S 1.50–12 4.04–1612S FJ8763–1612S FC1410–12S 1.75–12 4.04–1616S FJ8763–1616S FC1410–16S 1.75–16 4.52–2016S FJ8763–2016S FC1410–16S 2.00–16 4.52–2020S ** 2.00–20 5.71 3.06 1.05.50FJ9763–2420S ** 2.38–20 5.71 3.06 1.05.50FJ9763–2424S ** 2.38–24 6.65 3.73 1.26.63FJ9763–3224S ** 2.81–24 6.65 3.73 1.26.63FJ9571–3232S ** 2.81–328.18 4.82 1.69.88221/2°elbow split flange – Code 62 (SAE J518)FC5957–1208S FC4957–1208S FC3471–08S 1.62–08 3.32–1212S FJ8764–1212S FC1410–12S 1.62–12 4.04–1612S FJ8764–1612S FC1410–12S 1.88–12 4.04–1616S FJ8764–1616S FC1410–16S 1.88–16 4.52–2016S FJ8764–2016S FC1410–16S 2.12–16 4.52–2020S ** 2.12–20 5.71 3.06 1.05.50FJ9764–2420S ** 2.50–20 5.71 3.06 1.05.50FJ9764–2424S ** 2.50–24 6.65 3.73 1.26.63FJ9764–3224S **3.12–246.653.731.26.63*Complete fittings are one-piece assemblies.NOTE: For flanges, split flange halves, kits and O-Rings, see pages 176-179.21A DK2EADE2KHAll dimensions in inches.C R I M P。

TJD XGEN STS4 tracks 安装手册说明书

TJD XGEN STS4 tracks 安装手册说明书

Les Fabrications TJD.© All rights reserved Les Fabrications TJD,Rivière-du-Loup, G5R 5X9. No copy or reproduction of this manual, in whole or in part is permitted without the explicit consent of Les Fabrications TJD.TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction (2)Advice to Buyer (3)Safety Precautions (4)Installation (6)Use (7)Maintenance, Disassembly (8)Stabilisation Bar Installation Procedure (9)Hub Adaptor Installation Procedure (10)Part List and Exploded view (11)Stabilisation Rod Installation Procedure (15)ANNEX – Typical installation according to model of ATV……………………………………...TECHNICAL SUPPORTIn case of problem covered by your warranty that your local dealer cannot resolve, please contact our customer services at (418) 863-5885.INTRODUCTIONLes Fabrications TJD thank you for choosing TJD XGEN STS4tracks, carefully designed to give you complete satisfaction.Designed exclusively for 4-wheel-drive (4X4) ATVs, they are easily installed in about 45 minutes with no modifications to your ATV.The TJD XGEN STS4tracks are the most advanced tracks in the world. With its unique suspension and its unparalleled maneuverability you get a smooth ride, as well as on tire. You will be able to push back your limit at unequalled levels safely. ATVs equipped with TJD XGEN STS4tracks can operate over a wider range of terrain and for a longer period of the year. TJD XGEN STS4tracks are designed to operate on all types of snowy and swampy terrain, sand, slush, mud and hard surfaces.ADVICE TO BUYERThis owner’s manual was carefully prepared to allow you to easily mount TJD XGEN STS4 tracks on your ATV and to manipulate them properly and safely, during their installation and while in use.Read this entire owner’s manual. It will allow you to familiarize yourself with the safety recommendations and the procedures for mounting and correct use of the tracks; you are also advised to provide this information in its totality to all users of your ATV.Read the safety and operation recommendations in your ATV owner’s manual. This safety information also applies to your ATV when equipped with tracks. Consult your local, provincial and national authorities about highway safety code regulations on the use of tracks. Also check with ATV clubs on the use of tracks on local trails.NOTE: Verify whether your ATV manufacturer authorizes the installation of products other than their own on their ATVs.When tracks are transferred (sold), give this manual to the new owner.NOTE: All illustrations in this manual are provided for reference purposes and are based on the latest available information at the time of publication.NOTE: The illustrations, specifications, and information contained in this manual are subject to change without notice.In this owner’s manual this symbol indicates important safety information. When you see this symbol, carefully read all that follows to avoid the possibility of serious or fatal injury.In this owner’s manual, this symbol indicates that improper use can cause damage to the vehicle.In this manual, the right and left sides of the tracks refer to their position in relation to the driver sitting at the handlebar of the ATV.SAFETY PRECAUTIONSThe following safety precautions are important to help you avoid accidents. Most accidents can be avoided by taking basic precautions. To prevent accidents, carefully read the safety instructions before installing and using your tracks. Tracks must only be used by individuals who have read this owner’s manual as well as the safety instructions.The most effective safety and preventative measures are based on common sense. Remain calm, alert and on the lookout for potential hazards.Do not remove warning stickers and replace them if they become illegible.The safety information in your ATV owner’s manual and highway safety code regulations also apply to the use of tracks (check the regulations for your province or country).Even when equipped with tracks, only the operator is permitted on the ATV (see ATV owner’s manual and highway safety code regulations).Never allow children to operate an ATV (see ATV owner’s manual and highway safety code regulations for your province or country), and do not allow an adult to operate an ATV without proper instruction.Provide all the information on safety, use of the tracks and use of the ATV to all individuals who will be using them.Make sure that there are no people or domestic animals in the areas you are operating the ATV.Do not use an ATV while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other medication. This impairs your faculties, reduces your reaction time and above all increases the risk of potentially serious frostbite in winter.Users must wear an approved helmet and visor as well as clothing appropriate for the season at all times. Wear them even for very short rides so you will be prepared for the unexpected at all times.Never place your hands or feet near the tracks when they are in motion in order to avoid serious injury.Make sure that shirtsleeves, coats, scarves, laces and other articles of clothing or objects cannot get caught in the moving parts of the tracks.Always carry an emergency first aid kit, a cell phone, a hatchet, a tool kit, safety matches and dry paper, as well as a cable to be prepared under any circumstances.Preventive MaintenanceIf, for any reason, you must suddenly get off your ATV, disengage the clutch, apply the hand brake, turn off the engine and remove the key from the ignition.Be careful when crossing public and private roads. Do not cross private roads without permission. It is illegal to cross railroad tracks.On unfamiliar terrain, be extra careful and reduce your speed.When operating your ATV off well-used trails and on isolated terrain watch out for obstacles hidden by the snow: tree stumps, large rocks, fallen trees, fences, ditches and other hazards.Before leaving on a long ride, familiarize yourself with the operation of the tracks near your home on a level surface. Operating an ATV with tracks is different than with tires.If your ATV becomes unstable while in use, stop, turn off the engine and determine the cause.Do not adjust the tracks unless the ATV engine is off and the hand brake applied.Do not follow the ATV too closely to avoid being hit by debris kicked up by the tracks.Regularly check all bolts and tighten them if necessary to avoid costly repairs. Make sure that your equipment is in safe operating condition.To remove ice and snow from the track components, you must first turn off the ATV engine, apply the hand brake and remove the key from the ignition. For safety reasons, do not use your hands or feet to remove snow and ice. Use a piece of wood or any other rigid non-metallic object to dislodge ice or snow.THIS SYMBOL INDICATESDANGER TO YOURSELFOR TO OTHERSLES FABRICATIONS TJD is not responsible for any changes in the operation of the ATV that could be due to tracks traction.Respect the towing capacity specified by the ATV manufacturer, even when equipped with tracks.Do not drive over stumps, branches, or rocky terrain as this could damage the tracks or their components. When you venture off well-used trails or into isolated areas, respect the environment, do not damage vegetation or disturb wildlife.INSTALLATIONTurn off the engine and remove the key from the ignition before installing tracks on your ATV to avoid asphyxiation from exhaust fumes. These fumes are odourless, colourless and can be fatal.Wear appropriate work clothes while you are installing tracks: safety glasses, steel-toed boots, and gloves.Make sure that shirtsleeves, coats, scarves, laces and other articles of clothing or objects cannot get caught in the moving parts.During installation, do not turn the tracks with engine power until they are positioned on the ground and you are in the driver’s seat.Do not make any adjustments to the tracks unless the engine is off and the hand brake is applied.Always adjust the ATV’s suspension to its maximum stiffness.Apply threadlocker (Loctite) to all nuts and bolts.Correctly adjust the tension so the tracks stay in their proper position on the rollers.When installing tracks on an ATV, choose a clean level surface with good lighting and good ventilation. Put the ATV in neutral (N), turn off the motor, remove the key from the ignition, apply the hand brake and position chocks in front and in back of the wheels that are in contact with the ground, to immobilize the vehicle.You do not need to modify your ATV to install tracks. First identify the front and back tracks, as well as the left and right tracks. If the edges of the fenders are in contact with the tracks, the fenders must be cut back slightly. THE ATV’S SUSPENSION MUST ALWAYS BE AT MAXIMUM STIFNESS WHEN USING THE TRACKS.USETracks are designed for use on all types of snow as well as on swampy terrain, sand, slush, mud and hard surfaces. Before each outing, remove snow and ice from the tracks components with a piece of wood or other rigid, non-metallic object, but never hit the components directly.For your security the maximum speed recommended is 25 km/h. Consult your ATV owner’s manual for load weight.Carefully read the owner’s manual to familiarize yourself with all the safety information in order to get the best service from your equipment.You are advised to drive at a reduced speed for better traction and control of the ATV.To remove ice and snow from the track components, the ATV engine must be turned off, the hand brake must be applied and the key must be removed from the ignition. It is not safe to use your hands or feet to remove ice and snow. Use a piece of wood or a rigid, non-metallic object to dislodge ice and snow.Do not drive over stumps, branches, or rocky terrain as this could cause damage to the cat tracks or their components.When you venture off well-used trails or into isolated areas, respect the environment, do not damage vegetation or disturb wildlife.MAINTENANCEBefore doing any maintenance on the tracks or on the ATV (see ATV manual), turn off the ATV engine and remove the key from the ignition. This also applies before making any inspection.Automatic Track tensionThe adjustment of the track is automatic but should be checked regularly for best operation of the components.Checking the condition of the hardwareTo maintain your equipment in optimal working condition, replace damaged bolts as well as nylon nuts and any other part subject to normal wear and tear such as the bearings and the tube covers on the frame. Replace them with original manufacturer parts; see your authorized dealer for further information.Regularly check all bolts and tighten them if necessary to avoid costly repairs. Make sure that your equipment is in safe operating condition.The lock nuts are designed for one-time use only and must never be reused once they have been removed. CleaningTo ensure long life, clean the rubber tracks with soapy water only.REMOVALBefore removing the track system from the ATV, turn off the engine and remove the key from the ignition When removing the tracks system, take the same safety precautions you employed when assembling it (see installation). To remove the track system, follow the steps in the INSTALLATION section in roughly reverse order. They are easy to remove and only the track system itself has to be removed. Once removed, release the tension on the four tracks.Store the track system under cover until you are ready to reinstall it for the next season; this is the time to inspect and check the condition of the hardware. Have your local dealer to check and grease the hub bearings to stay out of problems every season.HUB ADAPTOR INSTALLATION PROCEDURE1. Remove the wheel of ATV hub.*2. Put the hub spacer on the ATV hub.*If Applicable*3. Put the hub spacer on the ATV hub.4. Put the hub adaptor on the ATV hub .5.Tighten de 4 wheel nuts provided with the adaptor.(60lbsxfoot).6.Position the sprocket of the XGEN assembly toallow the sprocket to fully engage into the hub adaptor.7.Once the XGEN assembly is fully engaged, positionthe sprocket to match the holes on the front side ofthe suspension arm.8.Bolt the XGEN assembly by the front side to the hubadaptor with the bolts provided with the hubadaptor. Apply threadlocker (Loctite) on the bolts.TABLE 1MAKETORQUE INPOUND-FOOTARCTIC CAT 30BOMBARDIER 45HONDA 47KAWASAKI 58POLARIS 30SUZUKI 60YAMAHA 40PART LIST: FRONT XGEN ASSEMBLYRÉF#PART Description (A)QTY 1FHCS-1I2x2Flat Head Cap Screw 1/2-13 NC x 2"1 204CA-007Internal Cover1 3HLN-5I16-18NC Nylon Insert Locknut 5/16-18 NC8 4HN-7I16-14NC Hex Nut 7/16-14 NC2 5HB-5I16-18NCx2-3I4Hex Bolt 5/16-18 NC x 2-3/4"5 604HE-004Modified Bolt2 704CA-006External Cover1 8FHCS-5I16x3I4Nylon Insert Locknut 5/16-18 NC x 3/4"3 9HB-5I16-18NCx3Hex Bolt 5/16-18 NC x 3"3 1002SO-002Front Track Shoe1 1104AR-035Simple Axle4 1202RO-006Wheel 6"4 13FW-7I16-USS Flat Washer 7/16" USS Zinc Plated9 14HB-7I16-14NCx3I4Hex Bolt 7/16-14 NC x 3/4"8 1502RO-005Wheel 9"2 1602RO-004Wheel 11"2 1704AR-038Support Bushing For Spring 28mm1 1804RC-001Spring1 1904TF-014Threaded Rod1 20HN-5I8-11NC Hex Nut 5/8-11 NC2 21FW-5I8Flat Washer 5/8" Zinc Plated2 2202RU-001Rubber 1" Duro 601 2302RU-002Rubber 1/4" Duro 701 24HLN-5I8-11NC Nylon Insert Locknut 5/8-11 NC1 2504TU-081Stabilisation Rod Tube1 2604DO-014Taper Bushing2 2704AR-039Suppport Bushing For Spring 30mm1 2804RC-002Spring1 2904DO-011Bushing1 30BB6007-RSR Bearing3 3102JE-002Seal1 3202JE-001Gasket1 33HB-1I2-13NCx1-1I4Hex Bolt 1/2-13 NC x 1-1/4"1 3404MO-210Hub1 3502BA-001Sprocket1 3604RS-001Special Washer1 3704TU-006Bushing Spacer1 3802CH-002Track1 3903TF-001Tensioner Rod1 4002RT-001Rod End 1/2" with 5/8-11 NC Thread1 41FHWS10x1Flat Head Wood Screw 10 x 1po2 4203RT-001Tensioner Cover Assembly1 4303RT-002Tensioner Cover Assembly1 4404PL-023D Stabilisation Rod Support1 4503TE-005Tensioner Tube Assembly1 4603TE-006Tensioner Tube Assembly1 4703TF-002Tensioner Rod1 48FHCS-5I16x1_1I2_v7.00Flat Head Cap Screw 5/16-18 NC x 1-1/2"4 4904LI-003Slide1 5003BC-002Structural Arm Vulcanised Assembly1PART LIST: REAR XGEN ASSEMBLYRÉF# PART Description (A)QTY. 1FW-3I8-USS Flat Washer 3/8" USS2 2FW-7I16-USS Flat Washer 7/16" USS Zinc Plated9 302RO-005Wheel 9"2 4HB-7I16-14NCx3I4Hex Bolt 7/16-14 NC x 3/4"9 502RO-006Wheel 6"5 602RO-004Wheel 11"2 7HN-7I16-14NC Hex Nut 7/16-14 NC1 8FHCS-5I16x3I4Nylon Insert Locknut 5/16-18 NC x 3/4"3 9HLN-7I16-14NC Nylon Insert Locknut 7/16-14 NC2 1004CA-006External Cover1 1104DO-011Bushing1 12BB6007-RSR Bearing3 1302JE-002Seal1 1402JE-001Gasket1 15HB-1I2-13NCx1-1I4Hex Bolt 1/2-13 NC x 1-1/4"1 1604MO-210Hub1 1702BA-001Sprocket1 1804RS-001Special Washer1 1904TU-006Bushing Spacer1 2004DO-013Cable Bushing2 21FW-1-SAE Flat Washer 1" SAE Zinc Plated1 22HB-7I16-14NCx1Hex Bolt 7/16-14 NC x 1"1 23FHCS-1I2x3_1I2Flat Head Cap Screw 1/2-13 NC x 3-1/2"1 2404DO-012Stabilisation Bar Bushing1 2504HE-004Modified Bolt1 26HLN-5I16-18NC Nylon Insert Locknut 5/16-18 NC4 27HB-5I16-18NCx2-3I4Hex Bolt 5/16-18 NC x 2-3/4"4 2802CH-002Track1 2903CR-001Cable Assembly1 3003RT-003Tensioner Cover Assembly1 3103TF-002Tensioner Rod1 3203TE-005Tensioner Tube Assembly1 33HB-7I16-14NCx3-1I2Hexagonal bolt1 3402SO-001Rear Track Shoe1 3504AR-035Simple Axle3 3604AR-036Axle1 3703BC-002Structural Arm Vulcanised Assembly1 3803AR-001D Welded Axle1 3904CA-008Cover1 4004AR-038Support Bushing For Spring 28mm1 4104RC-001Spring1 42HB-7I16-14NCx1-1I4Hex Bolt 7/16-14NC x 1-1/4"1 43FHCS-5I16x1_1I2_v7.00Flat Head Cap Screw 5/16-18 NC x 1-1/2"4 4404LI-003Slide1 45FHWS10x1Flat Head Wood Screw 10 x 1po2STABILISATION ROD INSTALLATION PROCEDURE 1- The ATV must be park on a flat, level surface. Put a level over the two inside wheel (see figure) .2- Screw or unscrew the nuts (2) and (3) until the XGEN assembly is level. Mesure the "X" dimension.3- Subtract 1/8" (3mm) of the "X" dimension by screwing the nut (2) and unscrewing the nut (3). Then, tighten the nut (2) while maintaining。



DBCF平台(体检管理子系统)用户手册撰写、修改记录目录一.体检预约管理 (1)1.1 单位体检预约 (1)1.2 体检预约处理 (3)二.单位体检 (5)2.1导入人员信息 (5)2.2 单位体检登记 (7)2.3 划分体检组 (8)2.4 设置体检组人员 (9)2.5 设置自增项目 (9)2.6 设置复查项目 (10)三.个人体检 (11)3.1 划卡录入体检人员信息 (11)3.2 录入体检人员信息 (11)3.3 设置体检项目 (12)四.体检流程单 (12)4.1 打印体检流程单 (12)4.2 删除体检单 (13)4.3 打印条码 (13)五.体检医生站 (14)5.1 录入体检结果 (14)5.2 录入个人体检结果 (15)六.体检结果 (15)6.1 体检审核 (15)6.2 撤销审核 (16)6.3 导入LIS结果 (16)6.4 重新导入LIS结果 (17)6.5 修改单位体检结果 (17)6.6 修改个人体检结果 (17)6.7 生成总体结论 (18)6.8 打印健康证 (19)6.9 录入实收金额 (20)一.体检预约管理本系统提供体检单位或个人,在体检之前预约时间,并且体检科工作人员可以对预约信息进行查询、修改等管理功能。

1.1 单位体检预约体检预约登记分为单位体检预约和个人体检预约。








TPCO套管现场安全使用服务手册(第二版)天津钢管集团股份有限公司TIANJINPIPE(GROUP)CORPORATION目录第一部分 TPCO特殊螺纹油套管推荐的基本做法1.TPCO套管钢级、色环、套管标识、扣型的识别1.1 TPCO套管钢级、色环、1.2 TPCO套管标识、扣型的识别1.3 TPCO特殊螺纹油套管扣型1.3.1 TP-CQ特殊扣设计结构1.3.2 TP-NF特殊扣设计结构1.3.3 TP-FJ特殊扣设计结构1.3.4 TP-G2特殊扣设计结构1.3.5 TP-EX油管特殊螺纹设计结构1.4 附件2. 下套管前应准备的工具2.1 螺纹脂的选择2.2 吊卡、卡瓦、气动卡盘2.3 通径规2.4 动力液压大钳和下套管人员2.5 螺纹联接监视系统2.6 套管使用性能、上扣扭矩值和扭矩图2.7 上扣速度2.8 对扣器2.9 鼠洞3. 液压动力钳的安装和扭矩修正3.1 液压动力钳的安装3.2 扭矩修正4. 现场套管的摆放、检查、清洗、测量和通径4.1 摆放4.2 外观检查4.3 卸护丝帽4.4 清洗4.5 螺纹的检查4.6 密封面检查4.7 通径4.8 管子的测长5. 下套管5.1 吊运前5.2 通径5.3 吊运5.4 套管螺纹和密封部位的检查5.5 丝扣油的涂抹5.6 液压动力大钳操的夹持位置5.7 扭矩值确定和液压动力大钳扭矩控制值5.8 对扣5.9 引扣6. 上扣和完成上扣及验收6.1 上扣6.1.1 上到位置判断及扭矩曲线的变化6.1.2 上紧位置判断及扭矩曲线的变化6.1.3 验收检查7. 异常情况处理第二部分 TPCO系列园螺纹、偏梯螺纹油套管推荐的基本做法1. 上紧位置1.1. 圆螺纹上紧位置1.2 偏梯螺纹上紧位2. 上紧扭矩2.1 圆螺纹上紧扭矩2.2 偏梯螺纹上紧扭矩3. 异常情况处理附录附录 1. TPCO 套管上扣损失长度表附录 2.TPCO 特殊接头油套管使用性能及扭矩表附录 3.本手册常用单位换算表再版前言2006年10月天津钢管集团股份有限公司(英文简称TPCO)为了更好的服务于油田,编写并出版了《TPCO套管现场安全使用服务手册》(简称手册)。











∙非常小的内存占用:o RAM仅占用3KB,而不受图片大小的影响。

o ROM 占用3.5-8.5KB,主要用于存储代码和const常量。

∙输出格式:o输出图片比例: 1/1, 1/2, 1/4 ,1/8 可选o输出像素格式: RGB888/RGB565(可预设)三.应用程序接口:共有2个应用程序接口函数,用于分析和解码JPEG图片(译者注:移植TJpgDec时需要在主程序中调用这两个库函数)∙jd_prepare –为解码一个JPEG图片做准备∙jd_decomp –解码JPEG图片四.I/O接口函数:TJpgDec需要用户自定义2个I/O接口函数,用于输入JPEG数据和输出解码后得到的像素数据。

∙Input funciotn - 从输入的数据流中读取JPEG的数据∙Output function –把解码后得到的像素数据发送到输出设备五.备注说明:TJpgDec应用模块是一款可用于教育和研发的开源软件。

Champion 145 运行组件说明书

Champion 145 运行组件说明书
Falling equipment can injure, and damage equipment. Use lifting eye to lift unit and properly installed accessories only, NOT gas cylinders. Do not exceed maximum lifting eye weight rating. Lift and support unit only with proper equipment and correct procedures. Follow the guidelines in the Applications Manual for the Revised NIOSH Lifting Equation (Publication No. 94−110) when manually lifting heavy parts or equipment.
Item Part No.
Description (Qty)
1 252702 Handle, Running Gear W/Grip (2) 2 252700 Axle, Running Gear .625 Dia X 25.063 (1) 3 252701 Wheel, W/Tire&brg 8 In Tire W/0.625 In Brg (2) 4 252745 Screw, M 6−1.0x 60 Hex Hd−pln 8.8 Pln (4) 5 602241 Washer, Flat .281idx0.625odx.065t Stl Pld Ansi.250 (4) 6 602207 Washer, Lock .255idx0.489odx.062t Stl Pld Split.250 (4) 7 115413 Nut, M06−1.0 .39hex .20h Stl Pld (4) 8 252704 Washer, Flat .656idx1.100odx.093t Stl Pld (4) 9 252696 Pin, Cotter .125 X 1.250 (2)
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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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(dst, src, bws); /* 存储矩形像素块一行的数据 */
src += bws; dst += bwd; /* 准备存储矩形像素块下一行的数据*/
return 1; /* 返回值为 1,继续执行解码操作 */
函数头:JRESULT jd_prepare (
JDEC* jdec,
/* 指向空白的待解压的对象的指针 */
UINT(*infunc)(JDEC*,BYTE*,UINT), /* 指向输入函数的指针*/
void* work,
/* 指向本次解压工作区的指针 */
UINT sz_work,
/* 解压工作区的大小 */
UINT in_func (JDEC* jd, BYTE* buff, UINT nbyte)
IODEV *dev = (IODEV*)jd->device; /* jd_prepare 函数中使用的应用信息结构体 */
/* 可以在 PC 机上运行的 TjpgDec 模块快速评估测试例程*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "tjpgd.h"
//用户自定义的解码工作中使用的应用信息的结构体(在 MCU 的使用中不需要此结构体)
typedef struct {
FILE *fp;
/*指向输入文件的指针(JPEG 文件)*/
BYTE *fbuf; /*指向输出缓冲区的指针*/
1. 初始化输入的数据流(例如:打开一个图片文件)。
2. 分配 JPEG 解压缩对象和工作区。 3. 调用函数 jd_prepare() ,用于分析 JPEG 图片的信息,并为接下来的解码做好准备。 4. 根据 JPEG 图片信息分析得到的数据,对输出设备进行初始化 。 5. 调用函数 jd_decomp() ,对 JPEG 图片进行解码。
TjpgDec 技术手册 -------R0.01b 版
前言 相信大家对 FATFS 文件系统都不陌生了,2012 年 FATFS 的作者推出了 JPG/JPEG 图 片的解码函数库 TJpgDec 的 R0.01b 版,使用方法和 FATFS 文件系统的使用一样,仅仅 调用 2 个简单的库函数就能完成对 JPG/JPEG 图片的解码,而且输出的数据格式为 RGB888 或 RGB565。 本文档是根据 ChaN 的专用网页提供的英文版技术手册翻译而来,因个人水平有限 以及时间仓促,错误之处在所难免。本文档原始版权归 TJpgDec 的作者所有,本人只是 做了一下翻译的工作,把这篇文档献给所有嵌入式开发人员,希望能够帮到你们。
易于使用的主模式操作方式。 完全可重入的架构。 非常小的内存占用:
o RAM 仅占用 3KB,而不受图片大小的影响。 o ROM 占用 3.5-8.5KB,主要用于存储代码和 const
常量。 输出格式:
o 输出图片比例: 1/1, 1/2, 1/4 ,1/8 可选 o 输出像素格式: RGB888/RGB565(可预设)
/* 主函数
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
void *work;
/* 指向解码工作区的指针 */
JDEC jdec;
/* 解码的对象 */
/* TjpgDec 应用函数的返回值*/
Device: 指向本次解码使用的用户定义的对象信息的指针. 它被存储到解压对象的成员中。在一次
解码工作中可以参考 I/0 函数来定义它。如果 I/0 接口在一个项目中是固定的,或者这个
// bitmap:用于接收已解码好的 RGB 数据
// rect:像素块的大小(在 TjpgDec 中,图像的显示是以块的形式出现的,而不是一个一个像素点的形式)
// dev->fbuf:指向存储输出数据的缓冲区的指针
UINT out_func (JDEC* jd, void* bitmap, JRECT* rect)
devid.fbuf = malloc(3 * jdec.width * jdec.height); /* 为输出缓冲区分配空间 (使用 RGB888 格式) */ devid.wfbuf = jdec.width;
res = jd_decomp(&jdec, out_func, 0); /* 开始解码,图像输出比例为 1/1 */ if (res == JDR_OK)
bws = 3 * (rect->right - rect->left + 1); /* 矩形像素块的一行数据的宽度[byte] */
bwd = 3 * dev->wfbuf;
/* 输出数据缓冲区的一行的宽度 [byte] */
for (y = rect->top; y <= rect->bottom; y++)//从顶端开始取数据,一直取到最底端(bottom),每次取一行的数据
IODEV *dev = (IODEV*)jd->device;//从解码对象的信息中取出应用信息
BYTE *src, *dst;
UINT y, bws, bwd;
/* Put progress indicator */ if (rect->left == 0)
{ printf("\r%lu%%", (rect->top << jd->scale) * 100UL / jd->height);
UINT wfbuf; /*输出缓冲区的宽度[pix] */
三.应用程序接口: 共有 2 个应用程序接口函数,用于分析和解码 JPEG 图片(译者注:移植 TJpgDec 时需要在主程序中调 用这两个库函数)
jd_prepare –为解码一个 JPEG 图片做准备 jd_decomp –解码 JPEG 图片
四.I/O 接口函数:
TJpgDec 需要用户自定义 2 个 I/O 接口函数,用于输入 JPEG 数据和输出解码后得到的像素数据。
IODEV devid;
/* 用户自定义的应用信息结构体 ,包含待打开的文件以及输出缓冲区的指针等*/
/* 打开一个 JPEG 文件 */ if (argc < 2) return -1; devid.fp = fopen(argv[1], "rb");//打开待输入的文件 if (!devid.fp) return -1;
Input funciotn - 从输入的数据流中读取 JPEG 的数据 Output function – 把解码后得到的像素数据发送到输出设备
TJpgDec 应用模块是一款可用于教育和研发的开源软件。你完全可以根据自己的项目需要或者商 业产品的需要,自由更改本软件,而不用担负任何个人责任。
嵌入式奋勇前进 2013-10-20
一.前言: TJpgDec 是一款为小型嵌入式系统服务的高效且完善的 JPEG 图片解码模块。它占用内存极少,因
此可以移植入像 AVR,8051,PIC,Z80,Cortex-M0 等等小型单片机中。 二.特点:
库函数是按照 ANSI-C 规范编写的,所以应用平台不受 约束。
/* 为 TjpgDec 分配一个解码工作区 */ work = malloc(3100);
/* 做好准备解码的工作 */ res = jd_prepare(&jdec, in_func, work, 3100, &devid);
if (res == JDR_OK) {
/* 准备解码. 此处的图片信息是有效的. jdec.width:图片的宽度, jdec.height 图片的高度 */ printf("Image dimensions: %u by %u. %u bytes used.\n", jdec.width, jdec.height, 3100 - jdec.sz_pool);
/* 从数据输入流中删除数据*/
return fseek(dev->fp, nbyte, SEEK_CUR) ? 0 : nbyte;//对文件中的数据进行重新定位,相当于删除相应的数据
/* 把解码后得到的数据转存到输出缓冲区中 (使用 RGB888 格式) */
src = (BYTE*)bitmap;//指向已经解码好的 RGB 位图数据的指针